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Robot Structural Analysis Verification Manual




® Autodesk ™ Robot Structural Analysis Professional VERIFICATION MANUAL March 2014 according to: NAFEMS benchmarks:  Linear Static Benchmarks vol. 1. (Ref: LSB 1)  Selected Benchmarks for Forced Vibration (Ref: R0016)  Background to FE Analysis of Geometric Non-linearity Benchmarks (Ref: R0065) © 2014 Autodesk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Except as otherwise permitted by Autodesk, Inc., this publication, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose. Certain materials included in this publication are reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder. Disclaimer THIS PUBLICATION AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS MADE AVAILABLE BY AUTODESK, INC. “AS IS.” AUTODESK, INC. DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE REGARDING THESE MATERIALS. Trademarks The following are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., in the USA and/or other countries: Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional, Autodesk Concrete Building Structures, Spreadsheet Calculator, ATC, AutoCAD, Autodesk, Autodesk Inventor, Autodesk (logo), Buzzsaw, Design Web Format, DWF, ViewCube, SteeringWheels, and Autodesk Revit. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Third Party Software Program Credits ACIS Copyright© 1989-2001 Spatial Corp. Portions Copyright© 2002 Autodesk, Inc. Copyright© 1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. International CorrectSpell™ Spelling Correction System© 1995 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products, N.V. All rights reserved. InstallShield™ 3.0. Copyright© 1997 InstallShield Software Corporation. All rights reserved. PANTONE® and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc.© Pantone, Inc., 2002. Portions Copyright© 1991-1996 Arthur D. Applegate. 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Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Table of contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 1 SHELL LINEAR STATIC ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................ 2 TEST IC1 - tapered membrane end load ........................................................................................................ 3 TEST IC2 - tapered membrane gravity loading .............................................................................................. 4 TEST IC3 - tapered membrane edge shear.................................................................................................... 5 TEST IC4 - tapered cantilever gravity load ..................................................................................................... 6 TEST IC10 - tapered plate edge shear ........................................................................................................... 7 TEST IC11 - tapered plate gravity load ........................................................................................................... 8 TEST IC13 - skew plate normal pressure ....................................................................................................... 9 TEST IC29 - Z-section cantilever torsion bending .........................................................................................10 TEST IC30 - Z-section cantilever beam bending...........................................................................................11 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................................12 TESTS No 5 - Vibrations of a Deep Beam.....................................................................................................13 Results of Modal Analysis (5)..........................................................................................................................13 Results of Harmonic Forced Vibration (5H) ...................................................................................................14 Results of Periodic Forced Vibration (5P) ......................................................................................................14 Results of Impulse Forced Vibration (5T).......................................................................................................14 TESTS No 13 - Vibrations of Simply Supported Thin Plate ..........................................................................15 Results of Modal Analysis (13) .......................................................................................................................16 Results of Harmonic Forced Vibration (13H) .................................................................................................17 Results of Periodic Forced Vibration (13P) ....................................................................................................17 Results of Impulse Forced Vibration (13T) ....................................................................................................18 TESTS No 21 - Vibrations of Simply Supported Thick Plate ........................................................................19 Results of Modal Analysis (21) .......................................................................................................................20 Results of Harmonic Forced Vibration (21H) .................................................................................................21 Results of Periodic Forced Vibration (21P) ....................................................................................................21 Results of Impulse Forced Vibration (21T) ....................................................................................................22 LARGE ROTATIONS AND DISPLACEMENTS ...............................................................................................................23 TEST GNL-5 – Large rotations and displacements of a straight cantilever ................................................24 CONCLUSIONS ...........................................................................................................................................................26 March 2014 page i Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks INTRODUCTION This report contains a range of static and dynamic benchmark tests covering a few types of behaviour encountered in structural analysis. These examples have been taken from: "Linear Static Benchmarks vol.1" signed by NAFEMS as LSB1, “Selected Benchmarks for Forced Vibration” signed by NAFEMS as R0016; “Background to FE Analysis of Geometric Non-linearity Benchmarks” signed by NAFEMS as R0065. Benchmark results (signed as “NAFEMS”) were recalled, and originally compared with results of Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional version 2013 (signed further as “Robot”). The comparison of results is still valid for the next versions. Each problem contains the following parts: - the name of the benchmark as used in NAFEMS manual, - short problem description, - scheme of the model, - comparison between Robot results and reference values. March 2014 page 1 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks SHELL LINEAR STATIC ANALYSIS March 2014 page 2 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC1 - tapered membrane end load Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC1 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic membrane. Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary conditions: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Uniformly distributed horizontal load of 10 MN/m (pressure of 100 Mpa) along outer edge. Nodes on X=0.0 – blocked UX, UZ, RY, node (0.0, 2.0) - fully clamped. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3 Shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC01.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Mesh refinement 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 TARGET: March 2014 NAFEMS 61.9 60.9 61.3 ----- Direct stress sxx at point no. 8 (0.0, 2.0) Robot Difference 65.38 6.66% 61.79 0.80% 61.53 0.38% 61.39 0.15% 61.35 0.08% 61.3 MPa page 3 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC2 - tapered membrane gravity loading Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC2 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic membrane. Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary conditions: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Uniform acceleration 9.81 m/s2 in global X direction (gravity). Nodes on X=0.0 – blocked UX, UZ, RY, node (0.0, 2.0) - fully clamped. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3, p=7 MG/m3 Shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC02.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Mesh refinement 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 TARGET: March 2014 NAFEMS 0.258 0.247 0.247 ----- Direct stress sxx at point no. 8 (0.0, 2.0) Robot Difference 0.2697 9.19% 0.2487 0.69% 0.2477 0.28% 0.2471 0.04% 0.2469 0.04% 0.247 MPa page 4 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC3 - tapered membrane edge shear Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC3 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic membrane. Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Uniform surface shear traction of 100 Mpa in the vertical Y- direction. Edge X=0.0 – fully fixed. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3 Shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC03.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Mesh refinement 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 TARGET: March 2014 NAFEMS 28.7 27.9 27.3 ----- Direct stress sxy at point no. 8 (0.0, 2.0) Robot Difference 26.889 0.04% 27.166 0.99% 27.157 0.96% 26.945 0.17% 26.862 0.14% 26.9 MPa page 5 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC4 - tapered cantilever gravity load Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC4 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic plate Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Uniform acceleration 9.81 m/s2 in the vertical Y direction (gravity). Edge X=0.0 – fully fixed. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3, p=7 MG/m3 shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC04.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Mesh refinement 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 TARGET: March 2014 NAFEMS 0.198 0.200 0.200 ----- Direct stress sxy at point no. 8 (0.0, 2.0) Robot Difference 0.1831 8.45% 0.2000 0.00% 0.1992 0.40% 0.1990 0.50% 0.1991 0.45% 0.2000 MPa page 6 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC10 - tapered plate edge shear Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC10 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic plate Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Uniform vertical shear 10 kN/m in the Z direction along outer edge. Edge X=0.0 – fully fixed. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3 shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC10.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Mesh refinement 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 TARGET: March 2014 Value of Direct stress sxx on top surface at point no 8 (0.0, 2.0) NAFEMS Robot Difference 14.3 14.750 0.34% 14.5 14.684 0.11% 14.6 14.610 0.61% --14.626 0.50% --14.630 0.48% 14.7 MPa page 7 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC11 - tapered plate gravity load Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC11 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic plate Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Uniform acceleration 9.81 m/s2 in the vertical Z direction (gravity). Edge X=0.0 – fully fixed. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3 shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC11.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Mesh refinement 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 TARGET: March 2014 Value of Direct stress sxx on top surface at point no 8 (0.0, 2.0) NAFEMS Robot Difference 24.0 24.506 5.75% 25.5 25.675 1.25% 25.7 25.748 0.97% --25.830 0.65% --25.851 0.57% 26 MPa page 8 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC13 - skew plate normal pressure Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC13 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic plate Thickness = 0.01 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Normal pressure –0.7 kPa in the vertical Z direction. Simple supports ( no z-displacement) for all edges. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3 shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC13.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Mesh refinement 2x2 4x4 8x8 16x16 32x32 TARGET: March 2014 Maximum principal stress on the lower surface at the plate center NAFEMS Robot Difference 0.757 0.5253 34.50 % 0.795 0.7214 10.04 % --0.7163 10.68 % --0.7678 4.26 % --0.7998 0.27 % 0.802 MPa page 9 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC29 - Z-section cantilever torsion bending Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC29 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic shell Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Torque of 1.2 MNm at end x=10, by two uniformly distributes edge shears, S=0.6 MN at each flange. At edge x=0 all displacements are zero. Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3 Shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC29.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 March 2014 Direct stress sxx at mid surface at points in ¼ of the beam’s length Target NAFEMS Robot Difference -108.8 -110.1 -110.10 1.19% -36.26 -36.9 -36.88 1.71% 36.26 36.2 36.04 0.61% 36.26 37.3 37.72 4.03% 36.26 36.2 36.04 0.61% -36.26 -36.9 -36.88 1.71% -108.8 -110.1 -110.10 1.19% page 10 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST IC30 - Z-section cantilever beam bending Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: IC30 NAFEMS LSB1 Linear static analysis of an elastic shell Thickness = 0.1 m DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: Shear force S=0.6 MN as a uniformly distributed edge shear on the central web. At edge x=0 all x-displacements are zero. y-displacements are zero at the origin, z-displacements are zero at the corners of the two flanges at (0,-1,-1) and (0,1,1) Isotropic, E=210e3 MPa, ni=0.3 Shell 8-node quadrilaterals Nafems_IC30.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 March 2014 Direct stress sxx at mid surface at points in ¼ of the beam’s length Target NAFEMS Robot Difference 193.0 191.0 194.48 0.77% -96.5 -96.7 -97.25 0.78% -386.0 -383.0 -386.22 0.06% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00% 386.0 383.0 386.22 0.06% 96.5 96.7 97.25 0.78% -193.0 -191.0 -194.48 0.77% page 11 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks DYNAMIC ANALYSIS March 2014 page 12 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TESTS No 5 - Vibrations of a Deep Beam Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: DATA FILE: 5, 5H, 5P, 5T NAFEMS R0016 Dynamic analysis of an elastic beam Length: L = 10 m Section: a = b = 2 m Uniform load Fo=106 [N/m] (Fo=1000 [kN/m]) X=Y=Z=RX=0 (at the beginning of the beam) Y=Z=0 (at the end of the beam) E=200x109 N/m2 ; =0,3 ; =8000 kg/m3 10 beam elements, using attribute: „Consider shear forces in deformation calculation‟ (Timoshenko‟s Beam – deep beam). Nafems_05.rtd RESULTS COMPARISON: Results of Modal Analysis (5) OUTPUT: Frequencies [Hz] Modes 1&2 3 4 5&6 7 8&9 March 2014 NAFEMS 42.65 71.20 125.00 148.15 213.61 283.47 Robot 42.49 71.26 125.11 143.79 215.54 259.36 Difference 0.38% 0.08% 0.09% 3.15% 0.90% 8.51% page 13 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Results of Harmonic Forced Vibration (5H) Forcing function: F=Fosin(2ft) OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] Peak Stress [MPa] Note: Response at the middle node of the beam (node no 7) for the 1st mode frequency f=42.49[Hz] NAFEMS 13.45 Peak Displacement [mm] Difference Robot 13.43 0.15% NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference 241.9 242.4 0.21% Results of Periodic Forced Vibration (5P) Forcing function: F=Fo[sin(2ft)-sin(3(2ft))] OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] Peak Stress [MPa] Note: Response at the middle node of the beam (node no 7) for the frequency f=20[Hz] NAFEMS 0.951 Peak Displacement [mm] Difference Robot 0.954 0.32% NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference 17.10 17.36 1.52% Results of Impulse Forced Vibration (5T) Forcing function: F=Fo OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] and the corresponding Time [s] Peak Stress [MPa] Static Displacement [mm] Note: Response at the middle node of the beam (node no 7) NAFEMS Peak Displacement [mm] Difference Robot NAFEMS at the Time [s] Robot Difference 0.0117 0.0% 1.043 1.047 0.38% 0.0117 NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference NAFEMS 18.76 18.72 0.21% 0.538 March 2014 Static Displacement [mm] Difference Robot 0.537 0.19% page 14 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TESTS No 13 - Vibrations of Simply Supported Thin Plate Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: 13, 13H, 13P, 13T NAFEMS R0016 Dynamic analysis of an elastic plate Length: A = B = 10 m Thickness: t = 0,05 m Uniform planar load Fo=100 [N/m 2] (Fo=0,1 [kN/m2]) X=Y=RZ=0 (at all nodes - Plate) Z=0 (at all edges) RX=0 (along edges X=0 & X=10 m) RY=0 (along edges Y=0 & Y=10 m) E=200x109 N/m2 ; =0,3 ; =8000 kg/m3 4-node quadrilateral shell elements (three models of mesh considered: 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16 elements). RESULTS COMPARISON: March 2014 page 15 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Results of Modal Analysis (13) OUTPUT: Frequencies [Hz] Modes NAFEMS 1 2&3 4 5&6 7&8 2.377 5.942 9.507 11.884 15.449 Modes NAFEMS 1 2&3 4 5&6 7&8 2.377 5.942 9.507 11.884 15.449 Modes NAFEMS 1 2&3 4 5&6 7&8 2.377 5.942 9.507 11.884 15.449 March 2014 Robot (meshing 4x4) 2.512 7.071 11.738 16.559 21.311 Robot (meshing 8x8) 2.410 6.216 10.047 13.201 17.073 Robot (meshing 16x16) 2.385 6.009 9.638 12.201 15.840 Difference 5.68% 19.00% 23.47% 39.34% 37.94% Difference 1.39% 4.61% 5.68% 11.08% 10.51% Difference 0.34% 1.13% 1.38% 2.67% 2.53% page 16 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Results of Harmonic Forced Vibration (13H) Forcing function: F=Fosin(2ft) OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] Peak Stress [MPa] Note: Response at the centre of the plate (node no 1) for the 1st mode frequency f=2.512[Hz] (4x4); f=2.410[Hz] (8x8); f=2.385[Hz] (16x16) Meshing Peak Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference 4x4 45.42 44.66 1.67% 30.03 33.20 10.56% 8x8 45.42 45.11 0.68% 30.03 32.23 7.33% 16x16 45.42 45.11 0.68% 30.03 31.90 6.23% NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference Results of Periodic Forced Vibration (13P) Forcing function: F=Fo[sin(2ft)-sin(3(2ft))] OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] Peak Stress [MPa] Note: Response at the centre of the plate (node no 1) for frequency f=1.2[Hz] Meshing Peak Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference 4x4 2.863 3.070 7.23% 2.018 2.322 15.06% 8x8 2.863 2.915 1.82% 2.018 2.118 4.96% 16x16 2.863 2.884 0.73% 2.018 2.076 2.87% March 2014 page 17 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Results of Impulse Forced Vibration (13T) Forcing function: F=Fo OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] and the corresponding Time [s] Peak Stress [MPa] Static Displacement [mm] Note: Response at the centre of the plate (node no 1) Meshing Peak Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference NAFEMS at the Time [s] Robot Difference 4x4 3.523 3.447 2.16% 0.210 0.200 4.76% 8x8 3.523 3.479 1.25% 0.210 0.210 0.0% 16x16 3.523 3.448 2.13% 0.210 0.210 0.0% NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference 4x4 2.484 2.322 6.52% 1.817 1.767 2.75% 8x8 2.484 2.462 0.86% 1.817 1.774 2.37% 16x16 2.484 2.361 4.95% 1.817 1.775 2.31% Meshing March 2014 Static Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference page 18 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TESTS No 21 - Vibrations of Simply Supported Thick Plate Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Element type: 21, 21H, 21P, 21T NAFEMS R0016 Dynamic analysis of an elastic plate Length: A = B = 10 m Thickness: t = 1,0 m Uniform planar load Fo=106 [N/m2] (Fo=1000 [kN/m 2]) X=Y=RZ=0 (at all nodes - Plate) Z=0 (at all edges) RX=0 (along edges X=0 & X=10 m) RY=0 (along edges Y=0 & Y=10 m) E=200x109 N/m2 ; =0,3 ; =8000 kg/m3 4-node quadrilateral shell elements (three models of mesh considered: 4x4, 8x8, and 16x16 elements). RESULTS COMPARISON: March 2014 page 19 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Results of Modal Analysis (21) OUTPUT: Frequencies [Hz] Modes NAFEMS 1 2&3 4 5&6 7&8 45.897 109.44 167.89 204.51 256.50 Modes NAFEMS 1 2&3 4 5&6 7&8 45.897 109.44 167.89 204.51 256.50 Modes NAFEMS 1 2&3 4 5&6 7&8 45.897 109.44 167.89 204.51 256.50 March 2014 Robot (meshing 4x4) 48.589 129.99 207.34 280.29 350.94 Robot (meshing 8x8) 46.542 114.67 178.12 226.35 283.72 Robot (meshing 16x16) 46.065 110.94 170.89 210.56 264.31 Difference 5.87% 18.78% 23.50% 37.05% 36.82% Difference 1.41% 4.78% 6.09% 10.68% 10.61% Difference 0.37% 1.37% 1.79% 2.96% 3.04% page 20 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Results of Harmonic Forced Vibration (21H) Forcing function: F=Fosin(2ft) OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] Peak Stress [MPa] st Note: Response at the centre of the plate (node no 1) for the 1 mode frequency f=48.589[Hz] (4x4); f=46.542[Hz] (8x8); f=46.065[Hz] (16x16) Meshing Peak Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference 4x4 58.33 58.93 1.03% 800.8 866.9 8.25% 8x8 58.33 59.64 2.25% 800.8 825.6 3.10% 16x16 58.33 59.71 2.37% 800.8 807.6 0.85% NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference Results of Periodic Forced Vibration (21P) Forcing function: F=Fo[sin(2ft)-sin(3(2ft))] OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] Peak Stress [MPa] Note: Response at the centre of the plate (node no 1) for frequency f=20[Hz] Meshing Peak Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference 4x4 4.929 6.127 24.31% 67.67 91.19 34.76% 8x8 4.929 5.328 8.09% 67.67 75.23 11.17% 16x16 4.929 5.175 4.99% 67.67 71.40 5.51% March 2014 page 21 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Results of Impulse Forced Vibration (21T) Forcing function: F=Fo OUTPUT: Peak Displacement [mm] and the corresponding Time [s] Peak Stress [MPa] Static Displacement [mm] Note: Response at the centre of the plate (node no 1) Meshing Peak Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference NAFEMS at the Time [s] Robot Difference 4x4 4.524 4.563 0.86% 0.0108 0.0104 3.7% 8x8 4.524 4.528 0.09% 0.0108 0.0105 2.78% 16x16 4.524 4.578 1.19% 0.0108 0.0105 2.78% NAFEMS Peak Stress [MPa] Robot Difference 4x4 62.11 66.32 6.78% 2.333 2.317 0.69% 8x8 62.11 59.86 3.62% 2.333 2.323 0.43% 16x16 62.11 60.25 2.99% 2.333 2.322 0.47% Meshing March 2014 Static Displacement [mm] NAFEMS Robot Difference page 22 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks LARGE ROTATIONS AND DISPLACEMENTS March 2014 page 23 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks VERIFICATION EXAMPLE TEST GNL-5 – Large rotations and displacements of a straight cantilever Name of the test: Reference: Specification: GEOMETRY: DATA DEFINITION: Loading: Boundary condition: Material properties: Discretization: GNL-5 NAFEMS R0065 Geometric nonlinearity Length: Cross section: 3,2 m rectangular 0,1x0,1 m Concentrated moment at the end point M = 3 436,1 [kN*m] (applied in 36 equal increments) Built-in at the begin E=210x109 N/m2 ; =0,0 (density not considered) 8 beam elements, 40 load increments, analysis P-delta, nonlinear. RESULTS COMPARISON: “Dimensionless” value of tip displacements and rotations (UX=100*ux/L, UY=100*uy/L, RZ=100*rz/2*) are presented on the analytical plot, and summarized in the table, below. March 2014 page 24 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks Normalized horizontal displacement at tip versus normalized bending moment M/Mmax 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 analyt. 24,3 76,6 115,6 118,9 100,0 Robot 24,3 76,5 115,8 119,3 100,0 diff -0,3% -0,1% 0,1% 0,3% 0,0% Normalized vertical displacement at tip versus normalized bending moment M/Mmax 55,0 72,0 48,0 13,7 0,0 analyt. 55,0 72,0 48,0 13,7 0,0 Robot 55,0 72,3 48,4 14,0 0,0 diff 0,1% 0,4% 0,9% 1,6% 0,0% Normalized rotations at tip versus normalized bending moment M/Mmax 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 March 2014 analyt. 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0 Robot 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0 diff 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% page 25 / 26 Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional - Verification Manual NAFEMS benchmarks CONCLUSIONS The results and accuracy achieved in verification examples confirm the quality and reliability of Robot. This state-of-the-art structural analysis and design software gives sufficient accuracy limited only by the precision of modeling. March 2014 page 26 / 26