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Salesforce Platform Documentation




Salesforce Platform Documentation Package Version 6.31.10 Salesforce Platform Documentation TABLE OF CONTENTS Salesforce Platform Documentation ................................................................................ 0 Table of Contents ....................................................................................................... 1 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications ..................................................................... 11 Salesforce Requirements ............................................................................................. 12 Edition requirements ............................................................................................... 12 License Requirements .............................................................................................. 13 Security Requirements ............................................................................................. 13 End User System Requirements ................................................................................. 15 End User System Requirements.............................................................................. 15 Browser Requirements ............................................................................................ 15 Phone System Requirement........................................................................................ 17 Phone System Requirements .................................................................................. 17 Phone Number Formatting Requirements ............................................................ 18 Network Requirements................................................................................................ 19 Network configuration ............................................................................................. 19 Supported Locales ........................................................................................................ 20 Product Limitations ...................................................................................................... 21 Lightning UI Limitation ............................................................................................. 25 PowerDialer for Salesforce Configuration ..................................................................... 26 Inbound Call Configuration ............................................................................................. 26 Inbound Call Paths ....................................................................................................... 27 Call Path Overview .................................................................................................... 27 Creating Call Paths.................................................................................................... 27 Call Path Canvas ....................................................................................................... 27 1 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Connecting Objects ...................................................................................................... 29 Saving Call Paths ....................................................................................................... 29 Call Path Terminators .................................................................................................. 30 Call Path Terminators Overview.............................................................................. 30 Configure Call Paths ................................................................................................. 30 Deleting Call Paths .................................................................................................... 31 Call Logging - Inbound ................................................................................................. 32 Inbound Call Logging Overview............................................................................... 32 Configure Inbound Call Logging .............................................................................. 32 Inbound Call Logging Process ................................................................................. 32 Inbound Call Task Data ............................................................................................ 33 Optional Inbound Logging Fields ............................................................................ 36 Rep Queue – Inbound Option ..................................................................................... 40 Rep Queue Overview ................................................................................................ 40 Creating Rep queues ................................................................................................ 40 Configure Rep Queue ............................................................................................... 41 Play Message - Inbound Option .................................................................................. 47 Play Message Overview ............................................................................................ 47 Creating Play Messages ........................................................................................... 47 Configure Play Message ........................................................................................... 48 Start Recording - Inbound Option .............................................................................. 49 Start recording overview .......................................................................................... 49 Creating Start Recording .......................................................................................... 49 Configure Start Recording ....................................................................................... 50 Stop Recording - Inbound Option ............................................................................... 51 Stop recording overview .......................................................................................... 51 2 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Creating Stop Recording .......................................................................................... 51 Configure Start Recording ....................................................................................... 51 Path Bridge - Inbound Option ..................................................................................... 52 Path Bridge Overview ............................................................................................... 52 Creating Path Bridges............................................................................................... 52 Configure Path Bridge .............................................................................................. 53 Menu - Inbound Option ............................................................................................... 54 Menu Overview ......................................................................................................... 54 Creating Menus ......................................................................................................... 54 Configure Menu ........................................................................................................ 54 Call forward - Inbound Option .................................................................................... 56 Call Forward Overview ............................................................................................. 56 Creating call forward ................................................................................................ 56 Configure Call Forward ............................................................................................ 57 Route to last caller - Inbound Option ......................................................................... 58 Route to last caller (RTLC) overview ........................................................................ 58 Creating Route to Last Caller ................................................................................... 58 Configure Route to Last Caller (RTLC) ..................................................................... 58 Route to Record Owner - Inbound Option................................................................. 62 Route to Record Owner (RTRO) Overview .............................................................. 62 Creating Route to Record Owner ............................................................................ 62 Configure Route to Record Owner (RTRO) ............................................................. 62 Disconnect – Inbound Option ..................................................................................... 65 Disconnect Overview ................................................................................................ 65 Creating Disconnect ................................................................................................. 65 Configure Disconnect ............................................................................................... 66 3 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Schedule - Inbound Option ......................................................................................... 67 Schedule Overview ................................................................................................... 67 Creating Schedules ................................................................................................... 67 Configure Schedule .................................................................................................. 68 Call Recordings Configuration ........................................................................................ 69 Call Recording Setup .................................................................................................... 70 Call Recording Overview .......................................................................................... 70 Configuring Global Call Recordings ........................................................................ 70 Configuring Rep Specific Call Recording Settings .................................................. 72 Off-site Call Recording Storage ................................................................................... 75 Off-site Storage Overview ........................................................................................ 75 Configuring Off-site Storage .................................................................................... 75 Area Code Groups ........................................................................................................ 78 Area Code Group Overview ..................................................................................... 78 Create Area Code Groups ........................................................................................ 78 Assigning Area Code Groups to Reps ..................................................................... 79 Enforcing Area Code Groups on Inbound Calls ..................................................... 79 Field Exclusions............................................................................................................. 81 Field Exclusion Overview.......................................................................................... 81 Configure Field Exclusions ....................................................................................... 81 Click-to-Call Dialer Panel .............................................................................................. 83 Click-to-Call Dialer Panel Overview ......................................................................... 83 Creating Click-to-Call Dialer Panels ......................................................................... 83 Configure Click-to-Call Dialer Panel Buttons .......................................................... 84 Configure Click-to-Call Dialer Panel Call Log .......................................................... 87 PowerDialer User Management ..................................................................................... 90 4 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Managing Users ............................................................................................................ 91 Manage users overview ........................................................................................... 91 Adding Users ............................................................................................................. 91 Deactivating Users .................................................................................................... 92 Searching for Users .................................................................................................. 92 Editing Users ............................................................................................................. 93 Mass updating users ................................................................................................ 97 Updating Users from Salesforce ............................................................................. 98 Updating Layouts from Salesforce.......................................................................... 98 Permission groups ..................................................................................................... 100 Permission Group Overview .................................................................................. 100 Creating Permission Groups.................................................................................. 100 Configuring Permission Groups ............................................................................ 100 PowerDialer General Settings ....................................................................................... 108 Company Settings ...................................................................................................... 109 Company Settings Overview .................................................................................. 109 Configure Company Settings ................................................................................. 109 Manage Voice Messages ............................................................................................ 115 Manage Voice Message Overview ......................................................................... 115 Creating Voice Messages ....................................................................................... 115 Configuring Voice Messages .................................................................................. 117 Voice Message Folders ........................................................................................... 118 PowerDialer Dialing Lists ............................................................................................... 120 Seek Lists ..................................................................................................................... 121 Seek List Overview .................................................................................................. 121 Creating Seek Lists .................................................................................................. 121 5 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Configuring Main Seek List Settings...................................................................... 122 Creating Dialing Rules ............................................................................................ 126 Configuring Dialing Rules ....................................................................................... 127 Domino Lists ............................................................................................................... 138 Domino List Overview ............................................................................................ 138 Creating Domino List .............................................................................................. 138 Configuring Domino Lists ...................................................................................... 138 Account Management ................................................................................................... 146 Billing ........................................................................................................................... 147 Billing Overview ...................................................................................................... 147 Accessing Billing ...................................................................................................... 147 Purchasing Dialer Minutes ..................................................................................... 147 Automatic Dialer Minute Recharge ....................................................................... 148 Configuring Billing Preferences ............................................................................. 149 Purchasing additional licenses .............................................................................. 151 Downloading Sales Transactions .......................................................................... 151 Storage Limits ......................................................................................................... 152 Immediate Response Setup ...................................................................................... 153 Immediate Response Overview ............................................................................ 153 Types of Immediate Response .............................................................................. 153 Configuring Immediate Response ........................................................................ 154 1. Create Apex Class ............................................................................................... 154 2. Create Apex Trigger ............................................................................................ 155 3. Allow Remote Site ............................................................................................... 158 Power Standings Product Specifications ..................................................................... 159 CRM Requirements .................................................................................................... 160 6 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Salesforce Requirements ....................................................................................... 160 System Requirements ................................................................................................ 161 End User System Requirements............................................................................ 161 Leaderboard System Requirements ..................................................................... 161 Browser Requirements .......................................................................................... 162 Product Limits ............................................................................................................. 164 Supported Locales ...................................................................................................... 166 PowerStandings Configuration Guide.......................................................................... 167 Licenses and Settings ................................................................................................. 168 CLIENT FACING VERIFICATION ............................................................................... 168 PowerStandings Teams ............................................................................................. 169 PowerStandings Teams Overview......................................................................... 169 Create powerstandings teams .............................................................................. 169 CONFIGURING TEAMS ............................................................................................ 169 PowerStandings Sidebar............................................................................................ 174 PowerStandings sidebar overview ........................................................................ 174 Enabling powerstandings sidebar......................................................................... 174 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) ............................................................................. 175 Key performance indicator overview .................................................................... 175 Adjusting Key Performance Indicators ................................................................. 175 configuring key performance indicators .............................................................. 180 Creating Custom KPI Workflows ........................................................................... 181 KPI Totals Adjuster .................................................................................................. 183 Dashboards ................................................................................................................. 185 Leaderboards overview ......................................................................................... 185 Create Dashboards ................................................................................................. 185 7 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Leaderboards.............................................................................................................. 190 Leaderboards overview ......................................................................................... 190 Create Leaderboards.............................................................................................. 190 Challenges ................................................................................................................... 195 Challenges overview ............................................................................................... 195 Create Challenges ................................................................................................... 195 Throwdowns ............................................................................................................... 199 THROWDOWNS overview ...................................................................................... 199 Create THROWDOWNS .......................................................................................... 199 THROWDOWN NOTIFICATIONS............................................................................. 200 Personal Profile .......................................................................................................... 202 Personal Profile overview ...................................................................................... 202 Accessing Personal Profiles ................................................................................... 202 profile picture & custom sound ............................................................................ 203 NeuralView Product Specifications .............................................................................. 205 CRM Requirements .................................................................................................... 206 Salesforce Requirements ....................................................................................... 206 Objects and Fields .................................................................................................. 206 System Requirements ................................................................................................ 207 End User System Requirements............................................................................ 207 Browser Requirements .......................................................................................... 207 Product Limits ............................................................................................................. 209 Supported Locales ...................................................................................................... 210 NeuralView Configuration Guide .................................................................................. 211 NeuralView seek list (NeuralSort) ............................................................................. 212 Neuralview seek list overview ............................................................................... 212 8 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation creating a seek list for Neuralview ........................................................................ 212 configure Dialing Rules .......................................................................................... 213 NeuralSort ............................................................................................................... 214 Neuralview iframe ...................................................................................................... 215 NeuralView iframe .................................................................................................. 215 Enabling Neuralview iframe .................................................................................. 215 NeuralView fields ........................................................................................................ 216 Neuralview fields overview .................................................................................... 216 Vision Product Specifications ........................................................................................ 218 Vision Configurations ................................................................................................. 219 System Requirements ................................................................................................ 220 Server-side Routing System Requirements.......................................................... 220 Outlook Plugin System Requirements .................................................................. 220 Gmail Plugin System Requirements ..................................................................... 221 Product Limits ............................................................................................................. 222 Core Features ............................................................................................................. 223 Vision Configuration Guide ........................................................................................... 226 Vision Overview .......................................................................................................... 227 Vision WebApp ............................................................................................................ 228 Vision WebApp Overview ....................................................................................... 228 Access the WebApp ................................................................................................ 228 Filters Overview ...................................................................................................... 228 Folders Overview .................................................................................................... 229 Alerts ........................................................................................................................ 229 Account Settings ..................................................................................................... 229 Admin Tab ............................................................................................................... 232 9 © 2016 Salesforce Platform Documentation Templates Tab......................................................................................................... 241 Attachments Tab ..................................................................................................... 247 Activity Feed ............................................................................................................ 253 Reports Tab ............................................................................................................. 255 Outlook Plugin ............................................................................................................ 273 Outlook Plugin Overview ....................................................................................... 273 Vision Sidebar ......................................................................................................... 273 Vision Group............................................................................................................ 275 Desktop Notifications ............................................................................................. 276 Gmail Plugin ................................................................................................................ 277 Gmail Plugin Overview ........................................................................................... 277 Vision Address Bar Icon ......................................................................................... 277 Vision Group............................................................................................................ 279 Desktop Notifications ............................................................................................. 280 10 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications 11 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Salesforce Requirements EDITION REQUIREMENTS InsideSales supports Professional edition and higher of the Salesforce Sales Cloud. No other editions are supported by InsideSales. InsideSales recommends Enterprise or higher of Sales Cloud, because Professional Edition only has access to a limited set of InsideSales features. Edition Supported Performance ✔ Unlimited ✔ Enterprise ✔ Professional ✔ SalesforceIQ Starter X Contact Manager X Group X 12 © 2016 Notes Does not have support for SEEK lists or immediate response. May also require additional API calls be purchased from Salesforce. PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications LICENSE REQUIREMENTS Depending on the Salesforce edition in use, you may have access to a wide variety of license types. InsideSales only supports the Salesforce recommended license that is the Salesforce license. No other licenses are supported. Salesforce License Supported Salesforce ✔ Salesforce Platform X X Chatter / Community X Portal Licenses X Notes This is the only supported license. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS You may need to add InsideSales IP addresses to the list of trusted IP addresses within Salesforce. Some companies enable security settings within Salesforce that require a user accessing Salesforce from an unknown IP address to first authenticate to be able to gain access. InsideSales connects to the Salesforce instance using the individual marked as the Access User in InsideSales. Within Salesforce, the InsideSales IP addresses must be added to the trusted IP ranges for the access user to perform actions. 1. Go to Setup in Salesforce 2. Click Security Controls 3. Click Network Access 13 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications 4. Click the New button to create a new trusted IP range 5. Configure Trusted IP Address Range 6. Save changes NOTE – There are two different IP address ranges that InsideSales uses. You must add both ranges individually. Failing to add both ranges will cause the application to fail. CONFIGURE RANGE 1 Setting Description Start IP Address Specifies the starting IP address for the range. This value should be entered as: End IP Address Specifies the ending IP address for the range. This value should be entered as: Description This value should be entered as “InsideSales Range 1” for easy identification purposes. CONFIGURE RANGE 2 Setting Description Start IP Address Specifies the starting IP address for the range. This value should be entered as: End IP Address Specifies the ending IP address for the range. This value should be entered as: Description This value should be entered as “InsideSales Range 2” for easy identification purposes. 14 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications End User System Requirements END USER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS InsideSales supports the use of modern desktop and laptop computers. The product does not support mobile devices such as iPhones, tablets, or Chrome books. Requirement Supported Operating System Windows: 7,8,10 | OSX: 10.9,10.10,10.11 Computer Memory (RAM) 4GB of RAM Internet 1 mbps download | 512 kpbs Upload per user BROWSER REQUIREMENTS InsideSales supports most modern browsers, however we recommend the latest version of Google Chrome. All browsers must allow for JavaScript, web sockets, and popups from InsideSales. Browser Supported Notes Google Chrome ✔ Recommended browser. Only the latest production version supported. Mozilla Firefox ✔ Only the latest production version supported. Microsoft Internet Explorer ✔ Only IE 9 and 10 15 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Browser Supported Microsoft Edge X Apple Safari X 16 © 2016 Notes PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Phone System Requirement PHONE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The InsideSales product suite requires a DID (Direct Inward Dialing, also known as a Direct Inbound Number). DIDs connect directly to the sales rep instead of requiring an extension or phone menu. does not provide DIDs. Direct SIP integrations are not available. Configuration Supported On-premise PBX with DID ✔ On-premise PBX with no DID X Cell Phone* ✔ Soft Phone / Virtual PBX with dedicated network connection for SIP Calls* ✔ Soft Phone / Virtual PBX without dedicated network connection for SIP Calls* X Direct SIP Integrations X *Some phone providers experience call quality issues that cannot troubleshoot. Customers experiencing call quality problems are encouraged to use an on-premise PBX. NOTE – When reps place calls using InsideSales, the InsideSales system calls the rep first (called connecting the agent leg) and then when the rep answers the InsideSales system calls out to the prospect. This means that to a PBX system, all call traffic is considered inbound calls. It is essential that your inbound call concurrency level can support an open inbound call connection for all reps. 17 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications PHONE NUMBER FORMATTING REQUIREMENTS InsideSales’ telephony tools allow reps to place calls from virtually anywhere in the world. You must format your numbers correctly and consistently before placing calls, otherwise the InsideSales system will be unable to place calls. Strict adherence to the E.164 phone number format standard must be followed. NOTE – Salesforce does not enforce phone number format standards. Salesforce administrators are strongly encouraged to create validation rules that enforce E.164 standards. E.164 STANDARD All phone numbers saved in Salesforce for both the reps’ phone number and prospect phone numbers must adhere to the E.164 standard. This standard allows numbers to be formatted for all calling scenarios, including local and international calls placed to and from any country. There are two components to E.164 formatted numbers:   Plus Symbol: The E.164 standard simply replaces the country-specific Exit Code with the plus symbol (+). The InsideSales system will add the exit code (for example, the US exit code is 011) if it encounters an international entrance code. Country Code & Local Number: Add the rest of the number, including the Country Code. For example, if a record or rep is located in the United Kingdom, the phone number entered into the system would be: +44-481958104 TRUNK CODES Trunk codes should not be saved with any phone number. If a phone number has a trunk code in it, the phone call will not be successfully placed. NOTE – The PowerDialer application will not dial emergency numbers. If an agent attempts to dial an emergency number, the system returns an error stating that the number is not valid. 18 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Network Requirements NETWORK CONFIGURATION InsideSales services are delivered as a Software-as-a-service model, requiring an active internet connection. Due to the need for quick interactions, InsideSales utilizes web socket technology. You must allow InsideSales connections through network firewall systems. Item Notes Websocket traffic requires port 80 enabled. Websocket Ports Outbound TCP Traffic 19 NOTE – We do SSL on port 80. You must enable the SSL protocol for port 80 on any firewalls that perform deep packet inspections (for example, Cisco or Palo Alto firewalls). Requires ports 9900-9999 opened. © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Supported Locales The InsideSales Salesforce PowerDialer integration supports reps located within the United States and Europe. All calls will originate from either the U.S. or EU telephony centers depending on the sales rep location. The InsideSales product is only available in U.S. English, and it is not localized for any other languages or locations. 20 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Product Limitations The InsideSales product suite is extremely configurable; however configurations should be kept within approved product limits. The following table outlines the limitations of the PowerDialer product within the Salesforce ecosystem. Feature Item Limits Seek Lists Quantity of Seek Lists 10 Seek List minimum. 1 additional Seek List for every user beyond 10 users. 100 Seek Lists Maximum. Seek Lists Dialing Rules per Seek List 10 per Seek List Seek Lists Filters per Seek List 5 per Dialing Rule Seek Lists Records per Dialing Rule 7000 Seek Lists Maximum Inactivity Time 10 days Seek Lists Maximum Users Invited per List 50 users Seek Lists Supported Objects Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities. Seek Lists Filter Operators Seek Lists Filter Fields 21 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Feature Item Limits Domino Lists Quantity of Domino Lists 10 Domino List minimum. 1 additional Domino List for every user beyond 10 users. 100 Domino Lists Maximum. Domino Lists Filters per Domino List 5 Domino Lists Records per Domino List 7000 Domino Lists Maximum Users Invited per List 50 Domino Lists Supported Objects Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Tasks Domino Lists Filter Operators Domino Lists Filter Fields Dialing Tools Call Nows 100 per hour Dialing Tools ResponsePops 50 per hour Voicemail Templates Maximum Voicemail Length 20 seconds Voicemail Templates Maximum Number of Voicemails 10 per user 22 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Feature Item Limits Voicemail Templates Voicemail Template Upload .GSM Call Recordings Storage Amount 50mb per license, 1000mb minimum Call Monitoring Maximum of Users Administrators can only view 25 users at a time. Inbound Maximum Call Paths 1 call path for each user license. Inbound Max Branches per Call Path 4 branches Inbound Schedules per Call Path 1 schedule per path Inbound Call Path Menus 5 menus per call path Inbound Total Objects per Call Path 10 Inbound Circular Call Paths Branches should not be created that have endless loops. All Call paths must end in a terminator. Inbound Maximum Accept Time 40 seconds Inbound Call Forward Object Limited to 10 digit US DID numbers. 23 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Feature Item Limits Inbound Schedule Object Limited to a single company time. Inbound Menu Object 4 branches Inbound Reps invited to rep queue 25 Reps Inbound Maximum Failover Time 180 seconds Users Maximum Permission Groups 5 Users Maximum number of users 2000 Other Manage Area Code Restrictions Limited to US area codes. Other Max Area Code Groups 10 PowerDialer Package Version -2 Packages from current, but may require customer to update if there are issues. Other Emergency Numbers The PowerDialer application will not dial emergency numbers. Other Lightning UI The new Salesforce Lightning Experience currently does not Other 24 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Specifications Feature Item Limits support Open CTI (see below). LIGHTNING UI LIMITATION The initial release of the Lightning Experience does not support any telephony tools from any vendor. Implementing the optional Lightning Experience will make the InsideSales PowerDialer application unusable. Therefore, at this time we do not recommend implementing the Lightning Experience. In the meantime, we recommend continuing to use the current user experience. LIGHTNING TELEPHONY SUPPORT COMING SOON The InsideSales application uses Salesforce Open CTI telephony technology (the telephone technology we use to connect reps to customers). Salesforce plans on adding Open CTI support to the Lightning Experience in the Summer '16 release. TURNING OFF LIGHTNING If you have implemented the new Lightning Experience, you can easily disable it. Please see this comprehensive information on the Lightning Experience, including how to enable and disable it: Enabling Lightning Experience. 25 © 2016 PowerDialer for Salesforce Configuration PowerDialer for Salesforce Configuration Inbound Call Configuration 26 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Inbound Call Paths CALL PATH OVERVIEW Call Path technology manages inbound calls coming into the InsideSales system. Call Paths define how inbound calls are routed and handled, from playing messages to inbound callers, to routing the inbound calls to reps waiting to take inbound calls. System administrators can assign multiple inbound numbers and LocalPresence buckets to a Call Path. Anytime a prospect calls an inbound number assigned to a Call Path, the Call Path routes the call. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only CREATING CALL PATHS Call Paths are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Save the Call Path. CALL PATH CANVAS The Call Path editor uses a grid-canvas to generate the easy-to-use visual flow of how inbound calls are routed. Inbound Routing Objects are dragged from the available options bar and released on the Canvas. 1. Edit or Create a Call Path. 2. Drag an Inbound Routing Object to the canvas and release. 27 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration 3. Save the Call Path. NOTE – InsideSales only supports 10 Inbound Routing Objects per Call Path. 28 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Connecting Objects To connect one inbound routing object to another, place your mouse over an object on the canvas and look for the Connect box to appear. Once the Connect box appears, click and drag from the Connect box to another object on the canvas, then release. To remove the connection between two objects on the Call Path canvas, click on the blue connecting arrow and verify the action. NOTE – InsideSales does not support creating Call Paths that are circular – where an inbound call returns to earlier points in the Call Path. Each Call Path is limited to a total of 4 branches. SAVING CALL PATHS  When you are ready to save a Call Path, click the Save button and leave the editor.  Alternatively, pressing Quick Save saves the current changes but keeps you in the editor- allowing you to continue to make changes. 29  Use the Save As function to clone a Call Path.  To discard all unsaved changes, click the Cancel button. © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Call Path Terminators CALL PATH TERMINATORS OVERVIEW In the event that an inbound call is not answered by a rep, the call must go somewhere. The InsideSales system is not designed to allow a call to remain in a Call Path indefinitely. Each branch within a Call Path must end in a terminator. A terminator is a routing object that causes the inbound call to leave the InsideSales system. The following routing objects are considered terminators:  Disconnect  Forward  Path Bridge SEE ALSO Disconnect Forward Path Bridge NOTE – If a Call Path branch does not end in a terminator, the InsideSales system will automatically disconnect an inbound call when it reaches the end of the branch. As a best practice, we recommend always placing a terminator at the end of your branches. CONFIGURE CALL PATHS Call Paths are configured using a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to create and visualize how inbound calls are going to be handled. To create a Call Path, click Create Call Path and then simply drag routing objects onto the Call Path canvas. Connect each routing object together by clicking and dragging the arrow from one object to another. To assign inbound numbers to a Call Path, click on the Properties button while editing a Call Path. 30 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CALL PATH PROPERTIES: Setting Description Call Path Name Uniquely identifies the Call Path for reporting purposes. Inbound Number All selected inbound numbers or LocalPresence buckets are displayed in this field. To add a new inbound number, search for the number and select the number. Only numbers that are not assigned to other Call Paths or directly to reps are displayed in this field. DELETING CALL PATHS A Call Path can be deleted from the system by navigating to the Manage Call Paths page and clicking Delete next to the desired Call Path. 1. Navigate to the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Delete next to a Call Path. 4. Verify the delete action. NOTE – When you delete a Call Path, all inbound numbers become unassigned from Call Paths. This means that if a prospect calls one of these numbers, the call won’t be routed to reps. We strongly recommend you immediately assign unassigned numbers when a Call Path is deleted. 31 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Call Logging - Inbound INBOUND CALL LOGGING OVERVIEW The moment an inbound call reaches a Call Path, InsideSales starts recording information about that call. All call data that InsideSales captures is made available directly within Salesforce using the standard Salesforce Task Object. Using the call details provided by InsideSales, you can report on how many inbound calls are your team is taking, how many inbound calls are being missed, and more. All reports can be run using the native Salesforce reporting tool or brought into Salesforce Analytics Cloud. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths Terminators Inbound Reporting CONFIGURE INBOUND CALL LOGGING When an inbound call comes into the system, InsideSales automatically starts logging the call data. There are no configurations that you need to make to be able to log inbound calls. INBOUND CALL LOGGING PROCESS When an inbound call reaches a Call Path, InsideSales begins recording call data about the call. 15 to 30 minutes after an inbound call ends, InsideSales creates a task within Salesforce that contains information about the call. If an inbound call is answered by a rep, the task that is created is assigned to that individual rep. In the event that a call is not answered by a rep, the owner of the call SEE ALSO Call Paths Rep Queues 32 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration task is the individual set as the default owner on the Rep Queue within the Call Path. NOTE – If a call is answered or missed, InsideSales creates a call task within Salesforce. Any call that is sent to a terminator such as Call Forward, but is actually answered by a rep, will still be marked as a missed call. INBOUND CALL TASK DATA InsideSales provides a number of different data points around each inbound call that reaches the system. All fields outlined below are populated when inbound calls reach InsideSales. InsideSales utilizes managed custom fields included with the package along with standard Salesforce fields to record call data. 33 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration INBOUND CALL FIELDS: Field Name Type Details Call Answered: If a call is answered by a rep, the owner of the task is set to the rep who answered the call. Call Missed: Activity Owner Standard If an inbound call reaches a rep queue but no rep answers, the rep specified as the default owner on the rep queue is set to own the call task. Call Not Reached: If an inbound caller disconnects prior to reaching a rep queue, the owner of the task is set to the Access User. Call Date/Time 34 Managed © 2016 Records the date and time that the call entered the system. This date and time is in company time, not the time of the inbound caller or the rep who received the inbound call. Inbound Call Configuration Field Name Call Duration Call Hour Call Object Identifier Call Recording Call Result Type Details Standard The total length of the inbound call, including the time spent where an inbound call was waiting for someone to answer the call. Managed The hour in which the prospect called in. This is logged in company time, and is not the hour from the caller’s time nor the rep’s time. Standard This will always populate with PowerDialer, indicating that InsideSales is creating the call. Managed If the call was recorded, this field contains a link to the call recording. Standard Contains the call result selected by a rep when they received the inbound call. SEE ALSO Call Results Call Type 35 Standard © 2016 Always set to Inbound, indicating that the type of call was an inbound call. Inbound Call Configuration Field Name Comments Type Standard Details Contains the comments entered by a rep related to the phone call. SEE ALSO Call Results ImpressionID Related To Subject Managed The ImpressionID is the unique identifier used by InsideSales to represent the call. This field is only used by InsideSales. Standard The Related To data is filled out with the information of the inbound caller. If no matching record was found when a prospect calls in, this field will be blank. Standard Contains the subject entered by a rep related to the phone call. If a call is missed, meaning it was not answered in a rep queue, the call subject will contain Missed Call SEE ALSO Call Results OPTIONAL INBOUND LOGGING FIELDS In addition to the inbound call fields installed with the managed InsideSales PowerDialer package, there are a number of other fields that can be optionally added to your Salesforce task object that contain additional call data. 36 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration NOTE – Salesforce limits the number of custom fields that can be added to the Task object within Salesforce. InsideSales recommends only adding the fields that apply to your business. INBOUND CALL FIELDS Field Name Type Details ACD Name Optional Displays the name of the Rep Queue that an inbound call went through. If this value is blank, the inbound call did not reach a Rep Queue. Call Answered Optional Displays if an inbound call was answered while in a rep queue. Optional Indicates the day of the week in which an inbound call was received (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). Optional Indicates if an inbound call that reached a rep queue was not answered and went to the next object in a Call Path. Optional Shows the phone number of the individual who called into the Call Path. Optional Shows the phone number assigned to a Call Path that the inbound caller dialed. Day of Week Call Failover Inbound Caller-ID Inbound Number Dialed 37 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration The field will populate with one of three options for calls that enter a Call Path. Answered: A rep answered the call from within the Call Path. Inbound Outcome Optional Hang Up: The inbound caller hung up prior to the call being answered by a rep or being sent to a failover/forward. Exited: The inbound call was sent to an external phone number via forward. Inbound Wait Time Local Presence Used Route to Last Caller Optional Records the length of time that an inbound caller waited from the time in which the call entered a Rep Queue till it was answered. Optional Indicates if an inbound call was made to a LocalPresence number assigned to the Call Path. Optional Indicates if an inbound call was routed to the last caller using the Route to Last Caller feature. SEE ALSO Route to Last Caller Route to Record Owner 38 Optional © 2016 Indicates if an inbound call was routed to the Record Owner using the Route to Record Owner feature. Inbound Call Configuration SEE ALSO Route to Record Owner NOTE – When adding an optional inbound field, all past calls that have been logged prior to the field being added will not contain data in the new field. 39 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Rep Queue – Inbound Option REP QUEUE OVERVIEW The Rep Queue is the inbound routing option that is used to route inbound calls or ResponsePops to reps to be answered. A Rep Queue is analogous to the frequently used term Automated Call Distributor (ACD), in that it uses defined logic to find available reps and route calls to them in a specific order. Rep Queues are a routing option contained within a Call Path. All calls that enter a rep queue are logged into Salesforce as call tasks for reporting purposes. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths CREATING REP QUEUES Rep Queues are available as a routing option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Rep Queue routing option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Double click on the Rep Queue on the Call Path Canvas. 6. Configure your Rep Queue. 7. Click Save. 40 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CONFIGURE REP QUEUE Configure your rep queue based on your business needs around how inbound calls should be routed to reps. For example, you may want to route calls by fairness for Sales, but by speed for Sales Support. BASIC SETTINGS Setting Description Name The name for the Rep Queue. For example, Campaign A. This value is used for reporting within Salesforce. Route Type Determines how inbound calls or ResponsePops are routing to reps. SEE ALSO Route Types Failover Time (sec) Wait Message Sets the maximum amount of time a call can be unanswered in the rep queue before going to the next routing object in the Call Path. Set in seconds. Sets the message that inbound callers will hear while waiting for a call to be routed. If no Wait Message is selected, callers will hear the default InsideSales hold music. New Wait Messages can be created in the Voice Message Manager. SEE ALSO Voice Message Manager 41 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Setting Description Pop-Screen Type Determines which objects to search for a record match when an inbound call is received. For example, if Lead is selected, InsideSales will search the Lead object for inbound call recorded matches based on the primary phone field. Leads, Accounts, Contacts are available. The more objects added, the slower the call will route as InsideSales must first look up the record prior to routing. Answer Time (sec) Sets the maximum amount of time a rep will have to answer an inbound call that has been routed to them before being routed to a different rep in the rep queue. Set in seconds. Attendees Specifies which reps are eligible to take inbound calls or ResponsePops that are sent to this Rep Queue. Reps must be selected manually. Loop Wait Message Causes the selected Wait Message to play repeatedly until the inbound call is answered or the call ends. If no Wait Message is selected, the InsideSales default hold music will repeatedly play regardless of this setting being configured. 42 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Setting Description Default Values If no record match is found when an inbound call is received, the InsideSales system will create a new record. The Default Values allows InsideSales to create the new record on behalf of the rep receiving the inbound call. All Required Fields within Salesforce must be filled out for this to work properly, including field validation requirements. Default Record Owner Sets the default owner for any new records created through the Rep Queue. ADVANCED SETTINGS Setting Description A Whisper Message is a message played to a rep receiving an inbound call informing them where the inbound call is coming from. The inbound caller does not hear this message. New Whisper Messages can be created in the Voice Message Manager. Whisper Message SEE ALSO Voice Message Manager Employee Area Code Restrictions Restricts which inbound calls reps are eligible to take based on the area-code of the caller. SEE ALSO Area Code Groups 43 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Setting Description Immediate Failover If Immediate Failover is enabled and an inbound call reaches a Rep Queue where no reps are marked as available, the inbound call immediately leaves the rep queue and goes to the next routing object on the Call Path. Does not apply to ResponsePops. This setting only appears when Round Robin is selected as the Route Type. Determines how frequently the record counts for Round Robin is reset. Round Robin Reset Interval SEE ALSO Route Types ROUTE TYPES When an inbound call or ResponsePop reaches a Rep Queue, the selected Route Type determines how the call will be routed to reps. For example, the Route Type sets if an inbound call should ring every reps’ phone at once, or ring them one at a time. Setting Longest Available Group Ring Round Robin Most Ready Fairness ✔ X ✔ X Speed ✔ ✔ X ✔ Availability on Missed Calls Unavailable Available Unavailable Unavailable 44 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration LONGEST AVAILABLE Longest Available routing looks at the length of time reps have been marked as Available in the inbound system. The inbound call or ResponsePop then routes to the rep with the highest available time. If an inbound call is routed to a rep, and they take no action to accept or ignore the inbound call, the call is then routed to the rep with the next highest available time. The rep who did not take an action is then set to unavailable for inbound automatically. If a call is routed to a rep, and they manually click the Ignore button, the inbound call is routed to the next rep but the rep keeps their inbound status. Longest Available rewards reps who diligently maintain their available status and remain at their desks ready to take inbound calls. Longest Available is the most commonly used, and recommended routing option used by InsideSales clients. GROUP RING When an inbound call reaches a Rep Queue set to Group Ring, the call is routed to all reps currently marked as available who are invited to the rep queue. When the call is routed, each rep will see an option to Accept or Ignore the call. The first rep to click Accept is given the call, and all other reps are given a notification that someone else answered. When a call is routed to a rep part of a Group Ring Rep Queue, and the rep missed the call, they are not set to unavailable. If a rep takes an inbound call, then they will be set to Unavailable. Group Ring is focused on speed, and disregards all fairness with routing calls. Each rep has an equal chance at taking the inbound call, regardless of how many other inbound calls they have taken or the last time that they took a call. NOTE – Group Ring only answers reps who are currently available. If an inbound call is ringing all reps and a new rep becomes available, the call will not be presented to them. 45 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration MOST READY Most Ready routing is useful if outbound calls are substantially less important than inbound calls and routing fairness is not a major concern. When an inbound call reaches the rep queue, calls are routed in the following order: 1. The rep who has been available the longest AND has the agent leg connected gets priority so long as they are not on an active call. 2. Reps who are not connected to any phone calls 3. Reps who are connected on active phone calls. NOTE – If a rep misses an inbound call that was routed to them via Most Ready, they will be set to unavailable. ROUND ROBIN We recommend Round Robin when fairness is the primary concern, and speed to answer is not as important. When a call reaches a rep queue set to Round Robin, the system routes the inbound call to the rep marked as available who has not taken an inbound call from the Rep Queue for the longest amount of time. Admins can clear out the length of time a rep has not taken an inbound call, for example: a rep who goes on vacation for two weeks is not put at the top of the queue when they return from vacation. The Last Call Time is cleared out based on the Round Robin Reset Interval. On this interval, the Last Call Time is cleared out for all reps to establish a fair reset. SEE ALSO Routing Types Video 46 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Play Message - Inbound Option PLAY MESSAGE OVERVIEW The Play Message action within a Call Path is specifically used when a message needs to be played in its entirety to the caller prior to the call routing to any reps, without giving the caller any other interactivity options. Many companies choose to use the Play Message option in a Call Path to play a message that informs inbound callers that their call may be recorded or monitored, or give other specific information a caller needs to hear prior to proceeding in the Call Path. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Path CREATING PLAY MESSAGES Play Message is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Play Message option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Double click on the Play Message object on the Call Path Canvas. 6. Configure your Play Message. 7. Click Save. 47 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CONFIGURE PLAY MESSAGE To configure the Play Message object, choose the desired message from the Voice Message drop-down within the edit screen. SETTINGS Setting Description Voice Message All available voice messages that can be played are available in this drop-down. New messages can be created in the Voice Message Manager. SEE ALSO Manage Voice Messages 48 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Start Recording - Inbound Option START RECORDING OVERVIEW The Start Recording inbound object causes the inbound call to start being recorded. Anything that happens to an inbound call once it reaches the Start Recording object will be recorded and is accessible in the Call Recordings system. A recording that is started can be stopped using the Stop Recording object within the Call Path. All call recordings can be found in the Call Recordings page found at the InsideSales tab within Salesforce. Start Recording is frequently used when an entire call needs to be recorded, regardless of if a rep answers the phone call or not. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths Call Recordings CREATING START RECORDING Start Recording is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Start Recording option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Save Call Path. 49 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CONFIGURE START RECORDING There are no settings for the Start Recording Call Path object. Any call that reaches this object will start recording. 50 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Stop Recording - Inbound Option STOP RECORDING OVERVIEW The Stop Recording inbound object causes the inbound call to stop being recorded if they are currently being recorded. If a call is not currently being recorded, then this object will do nothing. An inbound call can be repeatedly started and stopped throughout a call moving through a Call Path. All parts of a call that has been started and stopped repeatedly will be saved as a single file in the Call Recordings page found at the InsideSales tab within Salesforce. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths Call Recordings CREATING STOP RECORDING Stop Recording is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Stop Recording option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Save Call Path. CONFIGURE START RECORDING There are no settings for the Stop Recording Call Path object. Any call that reaches this object will immediately stop recording. 51 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Path Bridge - Inbound Option PATH BRIDGE OVERVIEW The Path Bridge object sends an inbound caller to a different Call Path. This is frequently used when an inbound caller reaches a menu that presents the option to go to Sales or Support. If the caller presses 2, the call is sent to the Support Call Path. Rather than re-create the Support Call Path, simply use the Path Bridge to send the caller to the Support Call Path. Alternatively, if a call reaches the end of the Sales Call Path, you can put a Path Bridge at the end that bridges the call to support. That way when an inbound call is not answered by Sales, it can be answered by someone in Support. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths Terminators CREATING PATH BRIDGES Path Bridge is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Double click on the Path Bridge object on the Call Path Canvas. 5. Drag the Path Bridge option to the Call Path Canvas. 6. Save the Call Path. 52 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CONFIGURE PATH BRIDGE To configure the Path Bridge object, choose the desired message from the Call Path drop-down within the edit screen. SETTINGS Setting Description Call Path Select the Call Path to send the call to. 53 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Menu - Inbound Option MENU OVERVIEW The Menu Call Path object gives inbound callers the option to elect which branch within a Call Path to proceed down. When an inbound caller reaches the Menu, a message is played informing the caller to press 1 to do X, and press 2 to do Y. The menu is frequently used to present the inbound caller with an option to speak to support, or talk the sales – thus reducing the frequency that support calls are answered by sales reps. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths CREATING MENUS The Menu is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Menu option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Double click on the Menu object on the Call Path Canvas. 6. Save the Call Path. CONFIGURE MENU To configure the Menu object, place the Menu on the Call Path Canvas and then drag from the Menu to the desired routing option. Once a connection has been 54 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration made, click on the Configuration Box to assign a number to the branch. Anytime an inbound caller presses the number, the call will proceed down that branch. When an inbound call reaches a menu, and the inbound caller does not select a Menu option, the system will automatically send them down the Menu option marked as the Default option. SETTINGS Setting Menu Message Description Sets the message that inbound callers will hear, informing them what their Menu options are. New Menu Messages can be created in the Voice Message Manager. SEE ALSO Manage Voice Messages Play Message Sets how many times the Menu Message will repeat before the line goes silent. Time Between Plays (sec) Sets the number of times that passes before the Menu Message is repeated. The message will be repeated only as frequently specified in the Play Message setting. 55 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Call forward - Inbound Option CALL FORWARD OVERVIEW The Call Forward Call Path object causes an inbound call to be forwarded to an external 10-digit United States phone number, such as the main company phone number. This is most useful if no reps answer an inbound call, and need it to go to an answering service. Once a call reaches the Call Forward object, the inbound call leaves the InsideSales system and is sent to the specified number. All routing of the call at that point is handled outside of InsideSales. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths Terminators CREATING CALL FORWARD Call Forward is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Call Forward option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Double click on the Call Forward object on the Call Path Canvas. 6. Save the Call Path. 56 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CONFIGURE CALL FORWARD To configure the Call Forward object, place the Call Forward on the Call Path canvas and connect from a different object to the Call Forward object. Double click on the Call Forward object to specify how the object will route calls. SETTINGS Setting Description Forward Number Specifies the 10-digit phone number that inbound calls are forwarded to. Must be a U.S 10-digit number. Caller-ID Display Sets the caller-id that is displayed to the Forward Number receiving the inbound call. 57 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Route to last caller - Inbound Option ROUTE TO LAST CALLER (RTLC) OVERVIEW PACKAGES When an inbound caller reaches the Route to Last Caller object within the Call Path, the InsideSales system will match the inbound caller with the rep who most recently called them, based on a phone number match, and route that call to the rep. Route to Last Caller is frequently used in LocalPresence returned phone calls. When a prospect returns a phone call to a LocalPresence number, the call is dynamically routed to the appropriate rep. Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths CREATING ROUTE TO LAST CALLER Route to Last Caller is available as an option within a Call Path, and is typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path 4. Drag the Route to Last Caller option to the Call Path Canvas 5. Double click on the Route to Last Caller object on the Call Path Canvas 6. Save CONFIGURE ROUTE TO LAST CALLER (RTLC) To configure the Route to last Caller (RTLC) object, place the RTLC object on the Call Path Canvas and then connect an object to the RTLC object. Double-click on the 58 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration RTLC object and choose the appropriate settings. If an inbound caller’s caller-id does not match a record called by a rep, the inbound call skips over the RTLC object and goes to the next object in the Call Path. SETTINGS Setting Description Object Sets whether InsideSales searches the incoming caller-id on the Lead or Contact object. Only one object can be selected to be searched. Called Within (Days) If a match is found, the system checks to see if the last call to this inbound caller was within X days set in this field. If it is not, the inbound caller is treated as though they were not called previously and continue on in the call path. Agent Answer Timeout (sec) Sets the total amount of time that the system will wait for a rep to answer the call before the call is routed to the No Answer Failover option. Set in seconds. 59 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Setting Description If a rep does not answer within the specified Agent Answer Timeout, the inbound call will be routed according to the No Answer Failover. Rep’s Station Phone: Routes the inbound call to the rep’s station phone. When a call is sent to the station phone, the call leaves the InsideSales system. Continue in Call Path: No Answer Failover Causes the inbound call to continue in the Call Path, sending the call to the next object in the current Call Path. Call Path: Sends the inbound call to a different Call Path, as selected by the administrator. Call Forward: Sends the inbound call to a 10digit US phone number outside of the InsideSales system, such as a main company phone number. 60 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration If a match is found, the system will reference this number to see if the identified record should still be routed to the last caller. If the last call was not made within X days, the call path will move on to the next action. NOTE - If there are multiple records in Salesforce with the same phone number, and the call reaches the Route to Last Caller, the system will use the duplicate record that was created most recently. 61 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Route to Record Owner - Inbound Option ROUTE TO RECORD OWNER (RTRO) OVERVIEW When an inbound caller reaches the Route to Record Owner object within the Call Path, the InsideSales system will match the inbound caller with the owner of the matching Salesforce record. The inbound call will be delivered to the individual who owns the record. If no record is found, the call continues in the Call Path. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths CREATING ROUTE TO RECORD OWNER Route to Last Caller is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Route to Record Owner option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Double click on the Route to Record Owner object on the Call Path Canvas. 6. Save the Call Path. CONFIGURE ROUTE TO RECORD OWNER (RTRO) To configure the Route to Record Owner (RTRO) object, place the RTRO object on the Call Path Canvas and then connect an object to the RTRO object. Double-click on the RTRO object and choose the appropriate settings. If an inbound caller’s 62 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration caller-id does not match a record, the inbound call skips over the RTRO object and goes to the next object in the Call Path. SETTINGS Setting Description Object Sets whether InsideSales searches the incoming caller-id on the Lead, Account, or Contact object. Only one object can be selected to be searched. Agent Answer Timeout (sec) Sets the total amount of time that the system will wait for a rep to answer the call before the call is routed to the No Answer Failover option. Set in seconds. 63 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Setting Description If a rep does not answer within the specified Agent Answer Timeout, the inbound call will be routed according to the No Answer Failover. Rep’s Station Phone: Routes the inbound call to the rep’s station phone. When a call is sent to the station phone, the call leaves the InsideSales system. No Answer Failover Continue in Call Path: Causes the inbound call to continue in the Call Path, sending the call to the next object in the current Call Path. Call Path: Sends the inbound call to a different Call Path, as selected by the administrator. Call Forward: Sends the inbound call to a 10digit US phone number outside of the InsideSales system, such as a main company phone number. Record Owner Sets which Owner field InsideSales searches to determine what rep to route the inbound call to. Available options are Record Owner, Last Modified By, and Created By. NOTE - If there are multiple records in Salesforce with the same phone number, and the call reaches the Route to Record Owner, the system will use the duplicate record that was created most recently. 64 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Disconnect – Inbound Option DISCONNECT OVERVIEW The disconnect Call Path object disconnects the inbound call. When an inbound call is disconnected through the Disconnect object, any call recordings will also immediately end. If a branch within a Call Path does not have a terminator connected to it, the branch will default to the disconnect object – meaning that any incomplete branch will disconnect an inbound caller when the caller reaches the end of a branch PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths Terminators CREATING DISCONNECT Disconnect is available as an option within a Call Path, and are typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Disconnect option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Connect an object to the Disconnect object. 6. Save the Call Path. 65 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CONFIGURE DISCONNECT To end an inbound call, add the Disconnect object to the Call Path canvas. When an inbound call reaches this object, the call will immediately end. Because the Disconnect object ends the current call, no additional routing options can be connected to the disconnect object. If a Call Path is configured without an ending object, calls will automatically disconnect. 66 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration Schedule - Inbound Option SCHEDULE OVERVIEW The schedule object is used to route inbound calls differently based on time of day. For example, inbound calls can be routed differently during business hours than during hours where the business is closed. Alternatively, some clients choose to route inbound calls differently based on peak inbound call times. All times are based on company time set within Salesforce. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US Only SEE ALSO Call Paths CREATING SCHEDULES Schedule is available as an option within a Call Path, and is typically only available to managers or administrators of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Click Edit next to the desired Call Path or click Create New Call Path. 4. Drag the Schedule option to the Call Path Canvas. 5. Connect an object to the Schedule object. 6. Connect the Schedule object to other parts of the Call Path to create branches. 7. Click on the configuration square on a branch to specify a start/end time. 8. Save the schedule configuration. 67 © 2016 Inbound Call Configuration CONFIGURE SCHEDULE There are no configurations on the schedule object itself. To configure the schedule object, connect the schedule to different objects to create branches. When a new branch is created, click on the connection box to setup how each branch behaves. BRANCH SETTINGS Setting Description Branch Name Uniquely identifies the branch. Typically entered as Opened and Closed for business hour enforcement. Start Time The time in which a branch becomes active. The time is based on company time set within Salesforce. End Time The time that the branch is no longer active. The time is based on company time set within Salesforce. Default Option If there are no active branches when an inbound call reaches a Schedule object, the inbound call will immediately go down the branch marked as the Default Option. 68 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Call Recordings Configuration 69 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Call Recording Setup CALL RECORDING OVERVIEW The Call Recordings settings determine how and where the call recordings are stored. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CONFIGURING GLOBAL CALL RECORDINGS There are a number of settings that apply to call recordings on a global scale that should be configured. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Call Recording Settings. 3. Configure Call Recordings. 4. Save changes to settings. 70 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Setting Description Off: Causes calls to record both the agent leg and the client leg portions of the call. The frequency of recording is determined by the call recording ratio set on the individual rep. SEE ALSO Phone System Requirements Record Only Agent Leg (Outbound Only Setting) All Outbound Recorded Calls: Causes only the agent leg portion of the call to be recorded. Anything the prospect says will not be recorded. The frequency of recording is determined by the call recording ratio set on the individual rep. SEE ALSO Phone System Requirements Calls to Selected Area Codes: The Agent leg will only be recorded when calls are placed (outbound calls) to phone numbers within the area-codes enter on the page. All other calls will have both the agent leg and client leg recorded. The frequency of recording is determined by the call recording ratio set on the individual rep. SEE ALSO Phone System Requirements 71 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Setting Description Call recordings older than the number entered are automatically deleted from InsideSales servers, freeing up storage space. Does not apply to calls pushed to off-site storage. This setting is not available if you have off-site storage enabled. Delete Recordings Older Than SEE ALSO Off-Site Storage When this setting is enabled, all call recordings older than the number entered will be deleted at midnight Mountain time. Each night, all call recordings older than the set number will be deleted. When a call recording is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Apply Settings to Monitoring Applies the call recording settings to reps using the monitoring tool. For example, if a call cannot be recorded due to an area code restriction, the call also cannot be monitored. CONFIGURING REP SPECIFIC CALL RECORDING SETTINGS In addition to global recording settings, there are a number of rep specific settings that can be set. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Edit a specific user. 72 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration 4. Configure Call Recording settings. 5. Click Save. CONFIGURE REP-SPECIFIC CALL RECORDING SETTINGS Setting Description Recording Ratio Sets how many inbound and outbound calls are recorded. This is done by a ratio, for example: 1/1 records 100% of calls, 1/2 records 50% of calls. Minimum Record Time Sets the minimum amount of time a call must be for a call recording to be kept. The call recording starts immediately when the call is placed or received, but is discarded once the call ends if it does not reach the minimum record time. Set in seconds. CALL RECORDING STORAGE There is a specific amount of storage on InsideSales call recording servers allocated to your company for recording storage. If you exceed this storage amount, a fee will be assessed for every Gigabyte of storage where you exceed your limit. You have a base of 550MB of total call recording storage. Each additional PowerDialer for Salesforce license provides an additional 50MB of storage. Although each license provides additional storage, the storage limitation is pooled and not dedicated per rep. 73 © 2016 SEE ALSO Off-Site Storage Storage Limits Call Recordings Configuration CALL RECORDING STORAGE LIMITS Company Minimum Additional Storage per License 550MB 50MB 74 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Off-site Call Recording Storage OFF-SITE STORAGE OVERVIEW To make it easier to access call recordings, InsideSales provides the ability to transfer call recordings to an Amazon S3 storage account or an SFTP server. Each night at 12AM Mountain time, all call recordings currently on InsideSales servers are transferred to your off-site storage server. By utilizing Off-Site storage, you are able to keep your recordings in your desired long-term storage location while staying within InsideSales recording storage limitations. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate LIMITATIONS None SEE ALSO Call Recordings CONFIGURING OFF-SITE STORAGE There are a number of settings that apply to call recordings on a global scale that you should configure. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Off-Site Call Recording Storage. 3. Select the Transfer Type (Amazon S3 or SFTP). 4. Configure off-site storage. 5. Press the Test Connection button to verify credentials are correct. 6. Save changes to off-site storage. NOTE – Off-Site storage requires that you have an Amazon S3 account or an SFTP server. InsideSales does not host or manage off-site storage accounts. By default, this functionality is not enabled. Contact InsideSales to learn more about this feature. 75 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration AMAZON S3 SETTINGS Amazon S3 settings appear if you select Amazon S3 from the Transfer type field on the Off-Site Call Recording Storage page. Amazon S3 is the InsideSales recommended off-site storage solution. Setting Description Access Key The Access Key that is used to connect to the S3 Account. Secret Key The Secret Key that is used to connect to the S3 Account. Bucket Directory The bucket directory where InsideSales will save call recordings to. Default File Name Sets the naming convention that will be used when call recordings are saved on the SFTP server. SFTP SETTINGS SFTP settings appear if you select SFTP from the Transfer type field on the Off-Site Call Recording Storage page. Due to the complexity of SFTP, we only recommend using SFTP if you have a dedicated server management team. Setting Description Domain or IP Specifies the web location running the SFTP server. 76 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Setting Description User Name The user name of the account for the specific domain or IP address. This user will be used to connect to the server for transferring all call recordings. Alternatively the SSH private and public key can be used instead of a User Name and Password. Password The password for the user account. Alternatively the SSH private and public key can be used instead of a User Name and Password. SSH Private Key SSH private key for the server. This is the recommended authentication model. SSH Public Key SSH public key for the server. This is the recommended authentication model. File Directory Specifies the directory where the call recordings will be stored within the SFTP server. If no file is specified, all files will be dropped into the root directory in the SFTP server. Default File Name Sets the naming convention that the system will use when saving call recordings to the SFTP server. 77 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Area Code Groups AREA CODE GROUP OVERVIEW Area code groups are manually created groups of US phone number area codes. These area code groups can be assigned to reps, and are then applied to inbound calls. When enabled on a rep queue, reps can only take inbound calls from callers who have an area code assigned to a group the rep is a part of. Area code groups are frequently used when a company has a single nation-wide inbound number, but reps are only licensed to take inbound calls from callers located from specific states. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS US ONLY Applies to Rep Queues SEE ALSO Call Paths Rep Queues There are three steps to configuring area codes: 1. Create area code groups. 2. Assign area code groups to reps. 3. Enforce area code groups on inbound calls. CREATE AREA CODE GROUPS There is a number of settings that apply to call recordings on a global scale that should be configured. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Area Code Groups. 3. Click Create Area Code Group or Edit an existing Area Code Group. 78 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration 4. Configure Area Code Group. 5. Save changes. GLOBAL CALL RECORDING SETTINGS Setting Description Group Name This is the name of the group of area codes. Area Codes Contains all of the area codes assigned to a group. Area codes must be added manually to the area code group – InsideSales not does provide a list of area codes. A single area code can be assigned to multiple area code groups. ASSIGNING AREA CODE GROUPS TO REPS Once an area code group has been created, it needs to be assigned to reps. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Edit the desired User. 4. Under Inbound Call Restrictions move the area code groups to Selected. 5. Save changes. ENFORCING AREA CODE GROUPS ON INBOUND CALLS The rep queue must be configured to enforce area code restrictions to ensure reps only take inbound calls from allowed area codes. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 79 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration 2. Click Manage Call Paths. 3. Edit the desired Call Path. 4. Double click on a rep queue to edit the queue. 5. Click Advanced. 6. Check the Employee Area Code Restrictions checkbox. 7. Save changes. 80 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Field Exclusions FIELD EXCLUSION OVERVIEW To provide analytics and telephony services, InsideSales requires access to records within your Salesforce instance. Field exclusions allow you to specify specific fields or objects that InsideSales is not allowed to access. Field Exclusions are frequently used when a field is storing confidential financial data, or other sensitive data. If a field or object is added to the exclusion list, InsideSales cannot use this field in any product offering. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CONFIGURE FIELD EXCLUSIONS Field Exclusions provides the ability for an administrator to restrict which fields and objects InsideSales has access to. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Field Exclusions. 3. Uncheck objects InsideSales should not access. 4. Click Edit. 5. Set the fields InsideSales should not have access to. 6. Click OK. 7. Save Changes. NOTE – At a minimum, InsideSales needs access to all required fields and all phone fields. Removing access to a field also makes it not usable in Seek Lists 81 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration for filtering. We highly recommend that most fields remain accessible to InsideSales. If a field is removed from the list of allowable fields, all data from that field already recorded in InsideSales is retained by InsideSales and not deleted. 82 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Click-to-Call Dialer Panel CLICK-TO-CALL DIALER PANEL OVERVIEW The Click-to-Call dialer panel houses the primary dialing actions that reps will have access to – initiating calls, leave voicemails, logging calls, receiving inbound calls, etc. Administrators can adjust the dialer panel so that reps only have access to the features that administrators want to implement. For example, if a company chooses to not leave voice messages, an administrator can remove this button from the interface so that reps don’t see this functionality. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CREATING CLICK-TO-CALL DIALER PANELS The Dialer Panel editor provides an easy interface to adjust what features are available to reps and how reps access those features. A standard click-to-call panel comes installed with the solution called the Standard Click-to-Call Panel. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Dialer Panels. 3. Click Create Dialer Panel. 4. Assign the dialer panel to rep’s based on role. 5. Configure the Click-to-Call dialer panel. 6. Save Changes. NOTE – InsideSales recommends that any adjustments are made on the standard click-to-call panel. In most situations a single dialer panel is all that a 83 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration single company needs. To keep the user interface simple, we do not recommend creating multiple custom panels. CONFIGURE CLICK-TO-CALL DIALER PANEL BUTTONS While editing or creating a dialer panel, administrators can add or remove buttons from the panel, and make adjustments around the call log. REMOVING BUTTONS To remove a button from the dialer panel, click on the button on the dialer panel and then click the X to remove the button. The button will be removed from the panel and become an available button that can be added. ADDING BUTTONS To add a button to the dialer panel, drag the button from the available button section down to the dialer panel. When the button is in an acceptable location on the panel, a green check-mark appears. Multiple buttons can be placed next to each other by dragging a button next to an existing button. NOTE – Due to Salesforce security guidelines, it is not possible to create custom buttons on the dialer panel. The following buttons are available to be added to the dialer panel: Setting Description Conference Call Allows the rep to initiate a three-party conference call. Connect to Dialer Causes the agent leg to connect to the rep without placing an actual outbound call. 84 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Setting Description Create Event Launches the Create Event popup window within Salesforce. Create Task Launches the Create Task popup window within Salesforce. Dial Dials the phone number currently loaded in Click-to-Call. Dial Employee Allows the rep to look up an employee and then call that employee for internal phone calls. Disconnect Disconnects the current inbound or outbound call. Leave VM Allows the rep to choose a pre-recorded voicemail to leave upon reaching a voicemail box. SEE ALSO Manage Voice Messages Show Number Pad Displays the number pad, allowing a rep to enter digits on a call without having to use their desk phone. This is primarily used for navigating IVR systems. Next Record Loads the next record in the currently selected dialer list. 85 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Setting Description Play Recording Allows a rep to choose a recorded message to play on the call. This is frequently used when there is a compliance message a rep must read prior to continuing on a sales call. Record Call Causes the current call to be recorded. When Record Call is pressed, the button changes to Stop Recording. Send Email Allows a rep to choose from a Salesforce email template to send to a record. Set Callback Allows the rep to schedule out a future callback for a specific record. Transfer Allows the rep to transfer a call to a different rep or phone number. View Callbacks Allows the rep to view all current outstanding callbacks. The following buttons are legacy and are no longer supported: Setting Description Send Text Message Sends an SMS text message to the contact’s mobile phone number. Hold 86 Puts the current call on hold. This is no longer supported because most modern phones have © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Setting Description the ability to hold without the use of InsideSales. CONFIGURE CLICK-TO-CALL DIALER PANEL CALL LOG When a rep ends an inbound or outbound call, they are prompted to disposition their call. Administrators can adjust the call log to contain the fields that need to be logged. 1. Edit a Dialer Panel. 2. On the Preview Panel on the right, click on the Current Call Log. 3. Drag fields onto the Current Call Log. 4. Save Changes. CALL LOG FIELDS When InsideSales logs a call into Salesforce, it utilizes the standard task object. InsideSales makes all custom Text, Single-Select, and Multi-select fields accessible to the Call Log. The Call Result, frequently referred to as the Call Disposition, is the most important field that is on the Call Log. This field logs what took place on the call from a telephony standpoint. This field is required and has been normalized for Neuralytics analysis of call outcomes. Call Result / Disposition Purpose No Answer Used when no one answered the call and no message was left. 87 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration Call Result / Disposition Purpose Left Message Used when a rep leaves a pre-recorded voice message or a manual message with a live person or answering machine. Correct Contact Used when a rep spoke with the individual record they were calling. Contact Used when a rep spoke with someone other than the record they were calling. Wrong Number Used when a rep places a call but the person who answered was not who you intended to call and they were not a good alternative contact. Disconnected Number Used when the number you called has been disconnected. Busy Used when you get a busy signal on a call. NOTE – The Call Disposition field options cannot be altered. MAKING FIELDS REQUIRED Administrators can mark a field in the current call log as required, making it so to complete each phone call a rep must enter a value in the field prior to making any additional phone calls. 1. Edit a Dialer Panel. 2. On the Preview Panel on the right, click on the Current Call Log. 88 © 2016 Call Recordings Configuration 3. Select a field that is currently on the Current Call Log. 4. Click the Edit button. 5. Check the Required Field checkbox. 6. Save Changes. 89 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management PowerDialer User Management 90 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Managing Users MANAGE USERS OVERVIEW The Manage Users page allows administrators to configure individual reps, add additional reps, or perform other administrative actions around reps. The Manage users page is designed for administrators or managers, and is not intended for use by individual sales reps. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate SEE ALSO Licenses Permission Groups ADDING USERS Users can be quickly added to the InsideSales product. Only Salesforce users can be added to the InsideSales – all users must have a Salesforce license. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Click the Add New Users button. 4. Search for and check the desired users. 5. Click Add Users. Select the users you want to activate with Salesforce by checking the box next to the applicable user names and clicking the Add Users button at the bottom of the page. All reps that are added will be automatically assigned a PowerDialer license. If your Salesforce organization has thousands of users, it may be necessary to use the employee sorting and filtering to find the appropriate users. NOTE – The InsideSales system restricts the number of users that can be active at any time to the total number of licenses purchased. You are unable to add 91 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management more users than the quantity of licenses purchased. InsideSales only support Salesforce users with the Salesforce license. SEE ALSO License Requirements DEACTIVATING USERS When you need to remove a rep from accessing InsideSales, deactivate the user and unassign their license. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Click Deactivate next to a user. 4. Verify action and click OK. In addition to deactivating a user on a one-on-one basis, multiple users can be deactivated at once using the Mass Update functionality. NOTE – When a rep is deactivated in Salesforce, the rep will automatically be deactivated in InsideSales at midnight Mountain time. SEARCHING FOR USERS If a specific user needs to be found, they can be searched for using the search functionality on the Manage Users page. Searches can be performed for specific users, or all users within a role. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Click the Filter by Employee drop-down. 4. Select the desired filter option. 5. Enter in a search value, click GO!. 92 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management EDITING USERS There are a number of different settings that can be implemented on a per-user basis. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Click Edit next to the desired user. 4. Configure the user settings. 5. Click Save. Setting Description First Name Displays the first name of the rep, as entered in the User object in Salesforce. This value cannot be changed through InsideSales and is only provided for convenience. Last Name Displays the last name of the rep, as entered in the User object in Salesforce. This value cannot be changed through InsideSales and is only provided for convenience. Phone Displays the phone number of the rep, as entered in the User object in Salesforce. This value cannot be changed through InsideSales and is only provided for convenience. 93 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Setting Recording Ratio Description Sets how many inbound and outbound calls are recorded. This is done by a ratio, for example: 1/1 records 100% of calls, 1/2 records 50% of calls. SEE ALSO Call Recording 94 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Sets the default Caller-ID that will be used for all outbound calls that a rep places. NOTE – If the Can Change Caller-ID setting is enabled through permission groups, reps can change their Caller-ID themselves and override this setting. There are four different options: Click-to-Call Caller-ID Company Phone: Sets the Caller-ID to the company-wide phone number, found in the Company Settings page within Salesforce. Allows for international and Domestic US phone numbers. If this option is selected, but there is no company phone, the system will default to using the rep’s station phone. Custom Number: Sets the Caller-ID to a specific number entered by the administrator. When selected, a secondary field appears where a number can be added. Allows for international and Domestic US phone numbers. LocalPresence: Uses LocalPresence for all outbound calls. If no LocalPresence number is available when an outbound call is placed, the rep’s station phone will be displayed. LocalPresence is only available within the US. Station Phone: Sets the Caller-ID to the rep’s station phone. 95 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Setting Description Permission Group Sets which permission group an individual is assigned to. This controls which InsideSales links and features a rep has access to. SEE ALSO Permission Groups Sets which country a rep is located in. This is used by the InsideSales system to know which dialer server is used to process phone calls. Country Sales Role NOTE – Contact InsideSales Support to be begin using international dialer servers. By default, you are set to only use the US dialer server regardless of the country selected in this field. The Sales Role sets the type of user the rep is. This data is used in informing the Neuralytics platform on performance. SEE ALSO Neuralytics Target Market The Target Market sets the market that an individual rep focuses on. This information is used for informing the Neuralytics platform on performance. SEE ALSO Neuralytics 96 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Setting Description Sets the minimum amount of time a call must be for a call recording to be kept. The call recording starts immediately when the call is placed or received, but is discarded once the call ends if it does not reach the minimum record time. Set in seconds. Minimum Record Time SEE ALSO Call Recording SMTP Username This setting is no longer in use. SMTP Password This setting is no longer in use. International Dialing Allows an individual rep to place calls to phone numbers located outside of the United States. This setting must be enabled to place calls to or from international locations. Restricts inbound calls a rep can received based on the area-code of the inbound caller. Reps can only receive inbound calls from area codes contained within the selected area code groups. Inbound Call Restrictions SEE ALSO Area Code Groups MASS UPDATING USERS To apply a single user configuration to multiple users at once, you can utilize the Mass Update functionality. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 97 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Select the desired users. 4. Press the Mass Update Select Users button. 5. Select the setting to mass update. 6. Enter or select the appropriate value. 7. Click the Update button. UPDATING USERS FROM SALESFORCE Periodically if changes are made to users within Salesforce, you may need to resync users down to the InsideSales system. InsideSales automatically syncs users from Salesforce at midnight Mountain time. This button should only be pressed when instructed by InsideSales Support. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Click the Update Users from Salesforce button. 4. Once the update is completed, a success notification is displayed. NOTE – Depending on how many users there are in your Salesforce organization, this process can take a considerable amount of time and use significant API calls. UPDATING LAYOUTS FROM SALESFORCE When the Update Layouts button is pressed, InsideSales syncs down the layouts from Salesforce for all fields on the main objects. InsideSales automatically updates layouts from Salesforce each night at midnight Mountain time 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 98 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management 2. Click Manage Users. 3. Click the Update Layouts from Salesforce button. 4. Once the update is completed, a success notification is displayed. NOTE – Depending on how many fields in your Salesforce organization, this process can take a considerable amount of time and use significant API calls. 99 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Permission groups PERMISSION GROUP OVERVIEW Permission Groups control which management links and features individual reps have access to. For example, it may be necessary to grant access to the call monitoring feature to managers, but restrict access to billing functions. Permission groups allow administrators to restrict or grant access as needed. Once permission groups are configured, they can be assigned to individual users. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None SEE ALSO Manage Users CREATING PERMISSION GROUPS Administrators can create new permission groups or alter existing permission groups. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Permission Groups. 3. Click Create New Permission Group or Edit an existing permission group. 4. Configure permission groups. 5. Click Save. CONFIGURING PERMISSION GROUPS Because permissions are essential in securing certain sections of the product, it is essential that permission groups are properly configured. InsideSales provides three default permission groups for the various roles in an organization. InsideSales recommends that you utilize these standard permission groups. 100 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management NOTE – The standard Administrator permission group cannot be altered. The Administrator permission group has all permissions enabled. Permission Functionality General Links Billing Domino Lists Enables access to all billing functions. Adds the Manage License Quantities, Purchase Dialer Minutes, and Billing Summary links to the InsideSales tab. Enables access to the Domino List page. Adds the Domino Lists link to the InsideSales tab. The ability to create or edit Domino Lists is controlled by internal Salesforce security settings. SEE ALSO Domino Lists Inbound Login This permission is no longer used and will be removed in a future version of the application. Do not enable this permission. License Assignments Enables access to the License Assignments page. Adds the License Assignments link to the InsideSales tab. 101 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Manage Area Code Groups Enables access to the Area Code Group functions. Adds the Manage Area Code Groups link to the InsideSales tab. This feature is not available by default, contact your InsideSales representative to enable the feature. SEE ALSO Area Code Groups Manage Call Paths Enables access to the inbound Call Paths. Adds the Manage Call Paths link to the InsideSales tab. SEE ALSO Call Paths Manage Company Settings Enables access to global company settings. Adds the Manage Company Settings link to the InsideSales tab. SEE ALSO Company Settings Manage Emails Manage Users This permission is no longer used and will be removed in a future version of the application. Do not enable this permission. Enables access to manage and configure users. Adds the Manage Users link to the InsideSales tab. SEE ALSO Manage Users Manage Voice Messages Enables access to the voice message manager system. Adds the Manage Voice Messages link on the InsideSales tab. SEE ALSO Manage Voice Messages 102 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Permission Groups Seek Lists Enables access to the permission groups. Adds the Permission Groups link on the InsideSales tab. Enables access to the Seek List page. Adds the Seek Lists link to the InsideSales tab. The ability to create or edit Seek Lists is controlled by internal Salesforce security settings. SEE ALSO Seek Lists Submit Support Case Enables the ability to submit support cases. Adds the Submit Support Case link to the InsideSales tab. View Support Case Enables the ability to see pending and completed supported cases. Adds the View Support Cases link to the InsideSales tab. View Support Center Adds the View Support Center link to the InsideSales tab, making it easy to access the InsideSales support community. Call Monitoring Action: Barge 103 Allows a rep to barge in on active inbound and outbound calls through the call monitoring tool. © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Action: Disconnect Call Allows a rep to disconnect an active inbound or outbound calls through the call monitoring tool. We do not recommend giving this permission to anyone other than administrators for trouble-shooting. Action: Listen Allows a rep to listen to active inbound and outbound calls. This permission is required for all other interactions like Barge and Whisper. Action: Logout Allows a rep to log a rep out of the system. We do not recommend giving this permission to anyone other than administrators for troubleshooting. Action: Start/Stop Recording This column is no longer used and will be removed in a future release. Action: View Record Allows a rep to click and open the Salesforce record a rep is speaking with. Action: Whisper Allows a rep to whisper to a rep on the phone and coach them. Requires the Action: Listen permission Call Recordings Enables access to the call recording storage system. Adds the Call Recordings link to the InsideSales tab. SEE ALSO Call Recordings List Progress Report 104 Enables access to the list progress report. Adds List Progress Report link to the InsideSales tab. © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Off-Site Call Recording Storage Enables access to the Call Recording settings. Adds Off-Site Call Recording Storage link to the InsideSales tab. Monitor Calls Enables access to the call monitoring tool. Monitor Calls link to the InsideSales tab. PowerStandings Achievements Challenges Enables access to the PowerStandings achievements page. Adds a link for Achievements to the InsideSales tab. Enables access to the PowerStandings challenges page. Adds a link for Challenges to the InsideSales tab. SEE ALSO Challenges Create Dashboards Key Performance Indicators Enables the ability to create new dashboards within PowerStandings. Adds a button on the Dashboards page to create a new dashboard. Enables the ability to access and alter KPIs used within PowerStandings. Adds a link for Key Performance Indicators to the InsideSales tab. SEE ALSO Key Performance Indicators 105 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Enables access to the KPI totals adjuster. Adds a link for KPI Totals Adjuster to the InsideSales tab. KPI Totals Adjuster SEE ALSO Key Performance Indicators Enables access to manage Dashboards. Adds a link for Manage Dashboards to the InsideSales tab. Manage Dashboards Enables access to manage Leaderboards. Adds a link for Manage Leaderboards to the InsideSales tab. Manage Leaderboards SEE ALSO Leaderboards This setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future product release. Manage Points Enables access to manage PowerStandings teams. Adds a link for Manage Teams to the InsideSales tab. Manage Teams SEE ALSO Manage Teams General Permissions Can Change Caller-ID In Click-to-Call Allows a rep to change the Caller-ID that is used while placing calls from Click-to-Call. If this setting is enabled, reps are able to override the Caller-ID set on the Edit user screen. SEE ALSO Manage Users 106 © 2016 PowerDialer User Management Allows a rep to manually stop a call recording that was started either by the rep or by the InsideSales system through recording ratios. Can Stop Recordings SEE ALSO Call Recordings Display Caller-ID In Use Displays the Caller-ID that is used when an outbound call is placed from the Click-to-Call panel. This is useful when reps are placing calls using LocalPresence so they are aware of what Caller-ID to reference while on calls. Enable Direct Inbound Only Status Enables a new inbound availability option for going available for only calls to direct inbound numbers and stay unavailable for all rep queues. Limit Search Results to Record Owners Limits search results to only records owned by a rep. This setting only applies to the PowerDialer – it does not apply to Click-to-Call panel. 107 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings PowerDialer General Settings 108 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings Company Settings COMPANY SETTINGS OVERVIEW There are a number of global settings that impact your entire installation of the PowerDialer for Salesforce. These settings apply to how InsideSales syncs call tasks, how inbound calls behave, enabling LocalPresence features, and more. NOTE – Extreme care should be taken when adjusting the global company settings. Most settings take effect immediately and cannot be undone. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CONFIGURE COMPANY SETTINGS Administrators can use the company settings to adjust major functions of the InsideSales system. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Company Settings. 3. Configure Company Settings. 4. Save Changes. 109 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings COMPANY SETTINGS CONFIGURATION OPTIONS: Setting Description Dialer Settings The Call Now Delivery Order determines in which order Call Nows are delivered to reps who request the next record in a list. There are two options for the delivery order. SEE ALSO Immediate Response Setup Call Now Delivery Order First in First Out: Places Call Nows in an order to be delivered to your reps in the order in which they arrived. The Call Nows that came in first will be delivered to a rep before newer Call Nows. Essentially Call Nows that have been sitting the longest are first in line. Last in First Out: Places Call Nows in an order to be delivered to reps based on the newest Call Nows. The Call Nows that came in most recently are placed at the top, going in front of older Call Nows. 110 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings Setting Description Sets how long in minutes the system will wait before redistributing an overdue callback to a different rep to be handled. This is useful if it doesn’t matter who calls a prospect back at a scheduled time. Callback Grace Period NOTE – This setting is being phased out and should no longer be used. Reschedule Missed Callbacks Calls Over Tic Time If a callback is overdue by over an hour, this setting will cause the callback to automatically be rescheduled for 24 hours later. When a callback is rescheduled, InsideSales will update the callback task in Salesforce within 15 minutes to reflect the new callback date and time. A missed callback can only be rescheduled three times before the system will stop rescheduling it. Adds a TIC sheet item to the PowerDialer stand-alone interface that counts all calls that are equal to or exceed the value entered in this field. Field is in seconds. NOTE – This is a PowerDialer only feature and does not apply to Click-to-Call. 111 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings Setting Description Causes the InsideSales Click-to-Call panel section for Open Tasks to only display tasks to Open Tasks Only Viewable by Owner reps which the rep is the owner of. A rep will not see open tasks owned by someone else. SEE ALSO Click-to-Call Dialer Panel Call Task Record Type Causes all call tasks created by the InsideSales system to be created using a specific record type on that Salesforce task object. For the system to apply this type, all users must have access to the selected record type. NOTE – Because Professional edition of Salesforce does not have record type options, this setting is not available on Professional edition of Salesforce. Call Override PIN 112 Displays the PIN that can be entered to override the Do-Not-Call block InsideSales places when a rep attempts to call a lead or contact marked as Do-Not-Call. This PIN is a company-wide PIN that can be regenerated by pressing the Generate New button. © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings Inbound Settings Relate Unknown Caller Causes two new buttons to appear when a rep receives an inbound call. Allow Call Relationship Change When enabled, reps are presented with the ability to change which record an inbound call is related to. Manual Answer / Ignore on All Calls When this setting is enabled, all inbound calls will present reps with an Answer / Ignore dialogue. The rep will need to press the Answer button to be able to answer the call. By pressing Ignore, the call is routed to a different rep. NOTE – InsideSales highly recommends enabling this setting. Causes inbound call tasks to be created when an inbound call is missed. This should be enabled if you intend to track all missed calls. By enabling this however, your storage within Salesforce will increase as additional tasks are created. Created Missed Call Tasks Local Presence for Click-to-Call 113 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings Local Presence Block Specifies which collection (block) of LocalPresence numbers are used for all calls placed using LocalPresence from Click-to-Call. If a block is not selected, outbound calls placed using Click-to-Call will not use LocalPresence. Test Against Regular Numbers Causes the occasional outbound call to not use LocalPresence for the purpose of split testing effectiveness of LocalPresence. Enabling this setting will decrease outbound effectiveness for some calls. 114 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings Manage Voice Messages MANAGE VOICE MESSAGE OVERVIEW The Voice Message Manager allows reps and managers to record new messages or upload existing messages to be used within the InsideSales application. The Manage Voice Messages system contains all messages used by reps when they reach voicemail boxes. Other messages related to Call Paths, such as wait messages and play messages, are also uploaded and managed through the Manage Voice Message system. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None SEE ALSO Call Paths Rep Queues CREATING VOICE MESSAGES New voice message recordings can be recorded through the InsideSales telephony system. Alternatively, you can upload an existing recording from your computer. RECORDING A NEW MESSAGE Reps and managers can choose to create a completely new message using InsideSales telephony. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Voice Messages. 3. Click Create New Voice Message or Edit an existing voice message. 4. Configure permission groups. 5. Click Create Message. 115 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings 6. The InsideSales system will call you at your station phone to record the message. 7. Press 1 to record a new message. 8. When the recording is finished click pound (#) to save the message. 9. Hang up your phone. 10. Click Save in interface. NOTE – Before recording a message you must have a phone number in your personal information within Salesforce. InsideSales will call this number to record the new message. UPLOAD EXISTING RECORDING If there is an existing message, such as hold music, that needs to be added to the InsideSales system then uploading an existing recording can be used. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Voice Messages. 3. Click Create New Voice Message or Edit an existing voice message. 4. Configure permission group, including selecting a voice message to upload. 5. Click Save. All existing recordings must meet the following requirements. If a recording does not meet the requirements the message will not be successfully uploaded:  GSM file format  16-bit sample size  1 Channel (Mono) 116 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings  8 khz sample rate  PCM codec  Size of file can't be larger than 2 MB CONFIGURING VOICE MESSAGES Configuring voice messages allow reps and managers to record voice messages, and then organize and share them as needed. Setting Description Message Name Sets the unique name for the voice message. This should be descriptive so that reps know what message to select while placing calls. Folder Places the voice message in a folder for organization purposes. Placing voice messages in folders does not control access to voice messages. Owner Sets the individual who is the owner and can alter the voice message. Type Categorizes the voice message into the purpose of the message. This data is used for Neuralytics data processing SEE ALSO Neuralytics 117 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings Setting Description Allows an existing pre-recorded message to be uploaded to the InsideSales system. A message must be in .GSM format and conform to other message requirements. Upload Message SEE ALSO Uploading Existing Recording Defines what will be read when a new message is recorded. This is for convenience for recording the message so there is something to read while recording. When a pre-recorded voice message is left, the content of the message script is added to the call task saved in Salesforce. Message Script Share Message With Company If checked, the message is shared with everyone else in the company. Other reps can then alter the message or use the message while placing calls. NOTE – Reps marked as Administrators can see all voice messages regardless of this permission. VOICE MESSAGE FOLDERS Voice messages can be added to folders for the purpose of organization. Unlike Salesforce, folders do not control access to recordings and are purely for organization. 118 © 2016 PowerDialer General Settings EDIT EXISTING OR CREATING FOLDERS You can alter existing voice message folders at any time or create new folders. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Voice Messages. 3. Click Create New Folder or Edit on the current folder. 4. Name the folder and assign voice messages to the folder. 5. Click Save. NOTE – A voice message cannot be in two folders at once. Moving the message from one folder to another may cause reps to not be able to find a message when needed. 119 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists PowerDialer Dialing Lists 120 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Seek Lists SEEK LIST OVERVIEW Seek Lists are dynamic dialing lists that present reps records for dialing according to business rules set by administrators and managers. Seek Lists refresh each hour, pulling in the appropriate records and removing records that are no longer qualified to be in the list. Administrators and managers can create Seek Lists and invite reps to the lists. Reps are then able to login to the lists and have the records presented to them to be dialed. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate LIMITATIONS Not available for professional edition SEE ALSO Domino Lists CREATING SEEK LISTS Administrators or Managers are typically the users who create Seek Lists for their reps. Creating a Seek List is broken into two parts – The main Seek List settings and the individual dialing rules. Each Seek List contains multiple dialing rules. Each dialing rule contains the filters and criteria for which records are pulled into a dialing rule. Dialing rules are then prioritized within the Seek List so that reps are always working on eligible records from the most important dialing rules first. NOTE – There are several different versions of the Seek List setup. Documented here is the supported Seek List setup process. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Seek Lists. 3. Click New Seek List or edit an existing Seek List. 4. Configure Seek List main settings. 5. Click Save on Seek List. 121 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists CONFIGURING MAIN SEEK LIST SETTINGS There are two parts to each Seek List – the basic Seek List settings and the dialing rules. Setting Description Name The name of the Seek List. This should be a descriptive name as it will be seen by reps when they are choosing which dialer list to use and is also used in reports. 122 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Sets the default Caller-ID that will be used for all outbound calls that are placed through this Seek List. NOTE – This setting only applies to reps using the PowerDialer. The Caller-ID for Click-to-Call is set on the edit user page. There are four different options: Caller ID Company Phone: Sets the Caller-ID to the company-wide phone number, found in the Company Settings page within Salesforce. Allows for international and Domestic US phone numbers. If this option is selected, but there is no company phone, the system will default to using the rep’s station phone. Custom Number: Sets the Caller-ID to a specific number entered by the administrator. When selected, a secondary field appears where a number can be added. Allows for international and Domestic US phone numbers. LocalPresence: Uses LocalPresence for all outbound calls. If no LocalPresence number is available when an outbound call is placed, the rep’s station phone will be displayed. LocalPresence is only available within the US. If there are multiple LocalPresence buckets, a drop-down will appear prompting you to select the bucket that 123 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists will be used. Only available on Elevate and above. Station Phone: Sets the Caller-ID to the rep’s station phone. Limits calls to only take place to prospects in specific allowable calling times at the prospects time. The prospects time is based on the area code of the phone number recorded in Salesforce. Limit Calling Times Business Hours: Ensures that calls are not placed to prospect where the dialed phone number is outside of the hours of 8AM to 6PM. Consumer Hours: Ensures that calls are not placed to prospect where the dialed phone number is outside of the hours of 8AM to 8PM. None: Places no restriction around the time in which a prospect can be called. 124 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Time Between Calls blocks the same record from coming back into the dialer list repeatedly in a short period of time. For example, if a record does not change sufficiently from one hour to the next, the dialing rule may cause the record to be pulled in again because it still meets the dialing rule criteria. Time Between Calls This setting ensures that even if a record technically meets the filter criteria for a dialing rule that the record is not pulled back into the list until the time between calls expires. Use Salesforce Email Templates Assigns specific Salesforce email template folders to the specific Seek List. When a rep presses the Send Email button from within the PowerDialer, they will only be able to send emails from the templates selected in this field. NOTE – This setting only applies to reps using the PowerDialer. 125 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Sets the reps who that will have access to use the Seek List. Visible to only me: Sets the list to only be seen and accessible to the current rep. Visible to all users: Allows a list to be accessible to all reps who have access to the InsideSales product suite. Grant List Access Visible to certain groups of users: Allows a list to be accessible to specific reps, user roles, or subordinates. NOTE – Be very selective of who is invited to a Seek List. As more reps are selected, the slower the Seek Lists will refresh. Displays the name of the dialing rule that a record qualified for to the rep as they load records. This setting only applies to the PowerDialer, it does not apply to Click-to-Call. Show agents query names CREATING DIALING RULES The Dialing Rules are the filters and criteria that add or remove records from the list. Each Dialing Rule has a maximum of 7,000 records that can be pulled in at any given hour. Each dialing rule runs during the time specified on the Seek List page: 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Seek Lists. 126 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists 3. Click New Seek List or Edit an existing Seek List. 4. Click Add New Rule. 5. Configure Dialing Rule. 6. Click Save on Dialing Rule. NOTE – If a dialing rule is created that has greater than 7,000 eligible records, all records beyond 7,000 will be excluded. To determine which 7,000 records will be pulled in, adjust the sort criteria on the dialing rule. CONFIGURING DIALING RULES Each dialing rule is completely configurable by managers. Typically, end-user sales reps are not the individuals creating and editing dialing rules. Setting Description Query Name The name of the dialing rule. This name should be descriptive as it may be displayed to reps as they place calls and is used for reporting on dialing rule effectiveness. 127 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Defines the primary filter object. If a company desired to dial on Contacts, then Contact should be selected as the object to call. Lead: Will pull leads into the dialing rule. When a user requests the next record, a lead record will be loaded. Object To Call Contact: Will pull contacts into the dialing rule. When a user requests the next record, a contact record will be loaded. Account: Will pull accounts into the dialing rule. When a user requests the next record, an account record will be loaded. Opportunity: Will present a rep with a contact or an account related to the opportunity that meets the dialing rule criteria. When the opportunity object is selected, a secondary drop-down appears where contact or account can be selected. 128 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Calling Hours Limits calls to only take place to prospects in specific allowable calling times at the prospects time. The prospects time is based on the area code of the phone number recorded in Salesforce. All selected hours in Calling Hours must be within the selected Limit Calling Times field if being used. 129 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Determines when a rep loads the next record in the list if the rep is allowed or not allowed to see the next record. If a rep is unable to see a record, the record is skipped for that rep and the next record is loaded. Limit Calls To No Limit: Applies no limit to the Seek List – meaning that as reps move through the list they can see records that they are not the owner of. For example, Rep A can load records owned by Rep B. Record Owner: Limits records to only those who are marked as the actual owner of a record. This restricts the ability for one rep to see the records owned by another rep. Account Team: Limits records to only those who own accounts or are listed as a member of the account team. This option only appears if the selected object on the dialer list is Accounts. Dials are Between 130 Sets the minimum and maximum for the amount of times that an individual has been called to be eligible for the specific dialing rule. © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Filter Fields The filter fields allow a manager to set rules for when a record qualifies for a specific dialing rule. SEE ALSO Dialer List Filters Advanced Filtering Allows advanced logic with the filters – for example, a dialing rule can be created that requires a prospect meet rule 1 AND 2, or 1 AND 3 but not 2. The advanced filtering follows standard Salesforce custom list view logic. Record Sort Specifies how record that are pulled into the dialing rule are sorted. A maximum of two sorts are allowed. FILTER FIELDS InsideSales supports filtering on all commonly used Salesforce field types. The following table outlines the field types that InsideSales supports – both custom and standard fields. Filter Fields Supported Auto Number ✔ Formula ✔ Roll-Up Summary X 131 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Filter Fields Supported Lookup Relationship X External Lookup Relationship X Checkbox ✔ Currency ✔ Date ✔ Date/Time ✔ Email ✔ Geolocation X Number ✔ Percent ✔ Phone ✔ Picklist ✔ Picklist (Multi-Select) ✔ Text X 132 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Filter Fields Supported Text Area X Text Area (Long) X Text Area (Rich) X Text (Encrypted) X URL X Filter Operators As Seek Lists refresh each dialing rule each hour and pull in newly qualified records, it is essential that only filters that run quickly in Salesforce queries are supported. As such, the following filters are the only filters that InsideSales supports: Operators Supported Equals ✔ Not Equal To ✔ Less Than ✔ Greater Than ✔ Less or Equal ✔ 133 © 2016 Notes PowerDialer Dialing Lists Operators Greater or Equal Supported ✔ X Not supported due to Salesforce processing queries using this operator running slowly. X Not supported due to Salesforce processing queries using this operator running slowly. X Not supported due to Salesforce processing queries using this operator running slowly. X Not supported due to Salesforce processing queries using this operator running slowly. X Not supported due to Salesforce processing queries using this operator running slowly. X Not supported due to Salesforce processing queries using this operator running slowly. Includes Excludes Contains Does Not Contain Not Equal To Within 134 Notes © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists NOTE – Before you are able to create dialing rules on a new Seek List you must first save the Seek List. SEEK LIST REFRESH Each hour each dialing rule in a Seek List refreshes, pulling in all records that meet the criteria and removing all records that no longer meet the dialing rule criteria. REMOVAL OF RECORDS Although a record may match the filter criteria, there may be other reasons why the record does not appear in the Seek List. Reason Details Pending Callback If there is a pending callback set on a record the record will be ineligible to be pulled into a Seek List until the callback has been resolved. To determine if a record has a callback, view the open tasks related to the record and look for the term Callback in the subject field. Recently Called If a record was called too recently as per the Time Between Calls field, the record will be ineligible for the Seek List. Do-Not-Call Leads and Contacts flagged as do-not-call are automatically excluded from all Seek Lists. 135 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Reason Details Blank Phone Number Only records with phone numbers in the primary phone number field are included in Seek Lists. Records without phone numbers cannot be pulled into a Seek List to be dialed. If an invalid number is saved on the record, InsideSales will not be able to reliably present it to reps. Invalid Phone Number NOTE – If you are filtering by time zone, invalid numbers frequently don’t have a valid time zone. If there is no valid time zone, then the Seek List will not pull in the record. Already Dialed A single record can be pulled into multiple Seek Lists during the same hour timeframe, however it can only be dialed from one Seek List within a single hour. As such, if a record was dialed in one Seek List, it will be removed from the other Seek List to ensure it isn’t called twice. Invalid Time Seek Lists rely on time to determine when a record should and should not be pulled in. A record may meet all of the filter criteria, but be disqualified because it is not the appropriate time to call a record. 136 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists ADJUSTING DIALING RULE RUN TIME Dialing Rules only run during specified times, provided by the user creating the Seek List. 137 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Domino Lists DOMINO LIST OVERVIEW Domino Lists are static dialing lists that present records from a pre-defined list that does not change. Once a record has been presented to a rep, the record is removed from the list and will not be presented again. Domino Lists do not refresh – once a record is added it stays in the list regardless of if the record changes and is technically no longer eligible for the list. Domino Lists are primarily used when there is a specific number of records that need to be immediately dialed. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None SEE ALSO Seek Lists CREATING DOMINO LIST Administrators or Managers are typically the users who create Domino Lists for their reps. Each Domino List contains the filters and criteria for which records are pulled into the list. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Seek Lists. 3. Click New Seek List or Edit an existing Seek List. 4. Click Add New Rule. 5. Configure Dialing Rule. 6. Click Save on Dialing Rule. CONFIGURING DOMINO LISTS Each dialing rule is completely configurable by managers. Typically, end-user sales reps are not the individuals creating and editing dialing rules. 138 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Query Name The name of the Domino List. This should be a descriptive name as it will be seen by reps when they are choosing which dialer list to use and is also used in reports. Sets the default Caller-ID that will be used for all outbound calls that are placed through this Seek List. NOTE – This setting only applies to reps using the PowerDialer. The Caller-ID for Click-to-Call is set on the edit user page. There are four different options: Caller ID Company Phone: Sets the Caller-ID to the company-wide phone number, found in the Company Settings page within Salesforce. Allows for international and Domestic US phone numbers. If this option is selected, but there is no company phone, the system will default to using the rep’s station phone. Custom Number: Sets the Caller-ID to a specific number entered by the administrator. When selected, a secondary field appears where a number can be added. Allows for international and Domestic US phone numbers. LocalPresence: Uses LocalPresence for all outbound calls. If no 139 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description LocalPresence number is available when an outbound call is placed, the rep’s station phone will be displayed. LocalPresence is only available within the US. If there are multiple LocalPresence buckets, a drop-down will appear prompting you to select the bucket that will be used. Only available on Elevate and above. Station Phone: Sets the Caller-ID to the rep’s station phone. Determines where the records for the Domino List will be pulled from. Data Source Query: Allows for the use of creating custom filter criteria to determine which record are pulled into the Domino List. All records that meet the filter criteria will be pulled into the Domino List. Report: Utilizes an existing Salesforce report to pull records into the Domino List. All records in the report will be eligible for the Domino List. 140 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Only appears if the selected data source is Report. Report Folder Specifies the folder that a report is located in to be used as the data source. Only folders that are public are available. This field is only used for narrowing down the location of a report to use with the Domino List. Only appears if the selected data source is Report. Report Sets the report that will be used to pull records into the Domino List. Only reports that contain a column with a lead, account, contact, or opportunity ID are supported. The report must contain a column with a record ID to be eligible. Only appears if the selected data source is Report. Report Object to Use Frequently a Salesforce report will contain multiple object IDs. Use this field to identify which object the InsideSales system should pull into the Domino List. Must be a lead, account, contact, or opportunity. NOTE – If the opportunity object is selected, the report must also contain an ID column for the contact related to the opportunity. 141 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Object to Call Only appears if the selected data source is Query. Use Salesforce Email Templates Assigns specific Salesforce email template folders to the specific Seek List. When a rep presses the Send Email button from within the PowerDialer, they will only be able to send emails from the templates selected in this field. NOTE – This setting only applies to reps using the PowerDialer. The Caller-ID for Click-to-Call is set on the edit user page. 142 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Determines when a rep loads the next record in the list if the rep is allowed or not allowed to see the next record. If a rep is unable to see a record, the record is skipped for that rep and the next record is loaded. Limit Calls To No Limit: Applies no limit to the Seek List – meaning that as reps move through the list they can see records that they are not the owner of. For example Rep A can load records owned by Rep B. Record Owner: Limits records to only those who are marked as the actual owner of a record. This restricts the ability for one rep to see the records owned by another rep. Account Team: Limits records to only those who own accounts or are listed as a member of the account team. This option only appears if the selected object on the dialer list is Accounts. Dials are Between Sets the minimum and maximum for the amount of times that an individual has been called to be eligible for the specific dialing rule. Minutes Between Calls Sets the minimum and maximum for the amount of times that an individual has been called to be eligible for the specific dialing rule. 143 © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description Filter Fields The filter fields allow a manager to set rules for when a record qualifies for a specific dialing rule. SEE ALSO Dialer List Filters Record Sort Specifies how records that are pulled into the dialing rule are sorted. A maximum of two sorts are allowed. Sets the reps who that will have access to use the Domino List. Visible to only me: Sets the list to only be seen and accessible to the current rep. Grant List Access Visible to all users: Allows a list to be accessible to all reps who have access to the InsideSales product suite. Visible to certain groups of users: Allows a list to be accessible to specific reps, user roles, or subordinates. Receiving Callbacks 144 If enabled, blocks all callbacks that are due to not be presented to the rep. This is used if for a given list it is important to ensure reps are not distracted by other activities such as callbacks. © 2016 PowerDialer Dialing Lists Setting Description When a callback is overdue, this setting controls what happens to the callback. Only the owner of the callback: Sets the list to only be seen and accessible to the current rep. Who Can Call Back All Attendees of this list: Allows a list to be accessible to all reps who have access to the InsideSales product suite. All Users: Allows a list to be accessible to all reps who have access to the InsideSales product suite. 145 © 2016 Account Management Account Management 146 © 2016 Account Management Billing BILLING OVERVIEW The InsideSales billing system enables billing administrators to make changes to the billing account, including increasing licenses, buying new products, purchasing additional dialer minutes, download transactions and more. The billing system also allows administrators and managers to view future statements, downloading previously paid invoices, and view storage limitations. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None SEE ALSO Manage Users ACCESSING BILLING Access to the billing is typically restricted to only senior administrators and managers. Once on the billing summary page, there are a number of different actions that can be performed. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. PURCHASING DIALER MINUTES Pre-purchased dialer minutes are used each time a sales rep receives or places a call. When a dialer minute balance reaches zero, reps will be unable to place outbound calls or receive inbound calls. Dialer minutes can be quickly purchased to ensure that a positive balance is kept. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. 147 © 2016 Account Management 3. Click Purchase Minutes. 4. Enter Purchase Amount. 5. Verify with first name & last Name. 6. Read master terms and conditions. 7. Click I Accept. On the purchase screen, enter the U.S dollar amount of minutes that you intend to purchase. As a minimum, all dialer minute purchases must be equal to or greater than $100 USD. AUTOMATIC DIALER MINUTE RECHARGE Many organizations find manually purchasing dialer minutes to be inconvenient. Automatic purchase of dialer minutes can be enabled, eliminating the need to manually purchase dialer minutes. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. 3. Click Purchase Minutes. 4. Check the automatic recharge checkbox. 5. Select a funding source to use for all automatic recharges for dialer minutes. 6. Verify with first name and last name. 7. Read master terms and conditions. 8. Click I Accept. The minimum reserve amount and recharge amount are mathematically calculated based on the dialer minutes used over the last two weeks of using InsideSales. When the minimum reserve amount is reached, the InsideSales will immediately bill 148 © 2016 Account Management the selected funding source the amount of money that will replenish the minute balance for two weeks. NOTE – It is not recommended that automatic recharge is enabled if you have not used InsideSales for at least one month so that InsideSales can better calculate the average two-week usage of minutes. If automatic recharge is enabled without a month worth of analysis, multiple charges will be made in a short amount of time as InsideSales determines the average use of your reps. NOTE – Because ACH (bank transfers) take 3-5 business, we do not recommend using them for automatic recharge. You will not be credited the additional minutes until your transfer is completely processed. CONFIGURING BILLING PREFERENCES Billing settings can be configured by adding funding sources, setting the individual who can perform billing transactions, and more. FUNDING SOURCES InsideSales allows multiple funding sources to be added to the system to pay invoices and transactions. InsideSales accepts two methods of payments – credit card and ACH. Only Billing Administrators can add or remove funding sources. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. 3. Click Billing Preferences. 4. Click Add Funding Source. 149 © 2016 Account Management 5. Select Credit Card or ACH. 6. Fill out require fields for the payment source. 7. Click Agree and Submit. The funding source flagged as the primary funding source is used each time a purchase of new licenses is made or when billing is run depending on your contract. If a primary funding source is declined, backup payment sources will be used in the order they are in on the funding source page. The order of backup payment sources can be altered by using the priority arrows. CONFIGURING BILLING ADMINISTRATOR The user marked as the Billing Administrator is the only individual who is authorized to make changes to billing items such as funding sources, and purchasing additional licenses. The Billing Administrator can be configured through the Billing Summary. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. 3. Click Billing Preferences. 4. Under Billing Administrator, click Edit. 5. Enter the name of the Billing Administrator. 6. Click Save. There can only be one billing administrator. The Email CC field allows multiple email addresses to be added – all emails about account status will be sent to all email addresses entered in the Email CC field. NOTE – Only users who have an active InsideSales license can be the billing administrator. If while editing a billing administrator a certain user does not appear, check to ensure they have an InsideSales license. 150 © 2016 Account Management PURCHASING ADDITIONAL LICENSES Additional licenses can be purchased by the billing administrator. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. 3. Click Purchase Product Licenses. 4. Increase the desired licenses. 5. Read master terms and conditions. 6. Verify with first name and last name. 7. Click I Accept. Certain licenses require additional licenses be purchased at the same time. Depending on your contract, you may or may not be able to decrease the total number of licenses previously purchased for a product. Contact InsideSales support for assistance if there are questions regarding your contract. SEE ALSO License Assignments NOTE – All purchases that are made will be processed using the funding source marked as the primary funding source. If a primary funding source is declined, the InsideSales system will sequentially try all other funding sources saved on your account. SEE ALSO Funding Sources DOWNLOADING SALES TRANSACTIONS Past sales transactions can be viewed and downloaded for accounting purposes. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. 3. View Sales Transactions. 151 © 2016 Account Management 4. Click Export Sales Transactions. In addition to exporting sales transactions, transactions can be viewed from specific timeframes. By default, dialer minute transactions are not included – to include dialer minute transactions check the box that reads Display Dialer Minute Sales Transactions. STORAGE LIMITS Each time a call is recorded, it is saved on InsideSales servers. To ensure you are within your storage limitations, you can check to see how much storage is being used by your organization. 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Billing Summary. 3. Click View Storage. If your organization has chosen to use off-site storage, each night all recordings are sent to an off-site solution provided by your organization and then deleted from InsideSales servers automatically. SEE ALSO Off-Site Storage 152 © 2016 Account Management Immediate Response Setup IMMEDIATE RESPONSE OVERVIEW InsideSales provides the ability for administrators to create rules that cause high priority records to be sent to reps immediately to be dialed – frequently called immediate response. Immediate response is commonly used with web leads. When a new web prospect is created in Salesforce, utilizing immediate response reps can reach out to that prospect within seconds of the record being created. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None SEE ALSO Manage Users TYPES OF IMMEDIATE RESPONSE There are two different kinds of immediate response. NOTE – InsideSales recommends careful consideration while choosing which type of immediate response is appropriate for your business. CALL NOWS A Call Now sends a prospect record to the top of the dialer list, so that the next time a rep requests the next record in the list the record that is presented to the rep is the call now prospect. Call Nows are recommended if reps are in an environment where they are expected to do a high volume of outbound calls and managers want to encourage them to continue moving through a list. RESPONSEPOP A ResponsePop immediate response causes an inbound call to be placed to a Rep Queue. The inbound call is then routed to the next available rep based on the rep queue routing configurations. When a rep accepts the call, the InsideSales system 153 © 2016 Account Management then immediately dials out to the prospect connecting the rep and prospect together. ResponsePop is recommended when reps are not placing a high volume of outbound calls, since they are not frequently moving to the next record in the list. NOTE – Because ResponsePop mimics an inbound call, when a ResponsePop is routed to a rep the rep will be marked as Not Ready for Inbound. Once the call is completed, the rep will need to manually mark themselves as ready for inbound again to be eligible for additional ResponsePops or inbound calls. CONFIGURING IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Configuring immediate response requires a number of manual steps and creating custom code that exists within Salesforce. NOTE – Configuring immediate response requires high proficiency with Salesforce coding language. This should only be done by Salesforce administrators or trained Salesforce managers. The sections below are provided only as an example, provided for your information. 1. CREATE APEX CLASS The first thing that is required is creating a new Salesforce Apex class. The code required for this class is provided below. No adjustments to the class code needs to be made, simply add it to the apex class. 1. Go to User Name and click Setup. 2. Click Develop in the sidebar. 3. Click Manage Your Apex Classes. 4. Click New. 5. Copy and paste apex class code. 6. Click Save. 154 © 2016 Account Management Apex Class Code [START CODE] global class HTTPRequestSender{ @future (callout=true) Public static void sendHTTPRequest(String url, String body){ Http http = new Http(); HttpResponse res = new HttpResponse(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(url); req.setBody(body); req.setMethod('POST'); try { res = http.send(req); } catch(System.CalloutException e) { System.debug('CalloutException: '+ e); System.debug(res.toString()); } } } [END CODE] 2. CREATE APEX TRIGGER The Apex Trigger itself determines the method for immediate response – ResponsePop or Call Nows. The Trigger also determines when to cause immediate 155 © 2016 Account Management response to happen. For example, when a new lead enters Salesforce with the Lead Source of Web, the Apex Trigger can run and cause immediate response to occur. 1. Go to User Name and click Setup. 2. Click Customize in the sidebar. 3. Click Leads (Leads, Accounts, and Contacts are supported). 4. Click Triggers. 5. Click New. 6. Enter Apex code. 7. Click Save. Sample Apex Trigger code is provided below. The red and blue text will need to be specifically altered. Apex Trigger Code Sample [START CODE] trigger ImmediateResponse on Lead (after insert) { ID[] ids = new List(); String url = ''; String body; for (Lead l : { if (l.LeadSource == 'Web') { ids.add(l.Id); } } if (!ids.isEmpty()) { 156 © 2016 Account Management body = 'method=responsepop&inbound_initiative_id=1&ids='+EncodingUtil.urlEncode(JSON.serialize(ids), 'ISO-8859-1'); HTTPRequestSender.sendHTTPRequest(url, body); } } [END CODE] RED TEXT: To work properly, the red code shown in the example also needs to be updated. It is contained in this line:  body = 'method=responsepop&inbound_initiative_id=1 This section of code determines what kind of immediate response is given. Several options exist for you to put into the code. Potential Options: Option Code ResponsePop responsepop&inbound_initiative_id=1 Call Now (Specific List) call_now&dialer_initiative_id=1 Call Now (No List) call_now BLUE TEXT: The trigger code needs to have the unique InsideSales subdomain entered into it so InsideSales knows which company is requesting immediate response. The trigger code requires the subdomain to be entered. It is contained in this code line: String url = ''; 157 © 2016 Account Management 3. ALLOW REMOTE SITE This is not part of the Apex Trigger code, but in order to work, the trigger itself references an domain site. This is the same domain used to alter the blue section of the code. This site needs to be added to Salesforce as an allowed remote site for immediate response to function. 1. Go to User Name and click Setup. 2. Click Security Controls. 3. Click Remote Site Settings. 4. Click New Remote Site. 5. Enter blue section into the URL field. 6. Enter a remote site name – this can contain any value. 7. Click Save. NOTE – With immediate response, responding quickly is essential. It is possible to do immediate response using Workflow rules instead of an Apex Trigger. InsideSales does not recommend using Workflow rules as they frequently run slow. 158 © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications Power Standings Product Specifications 159 © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications CRM Requirements SALESFORCE REQUIREMENTS The InsideSales integration requires at least a Salesforce Professional Edition. Enterprise and above is required for manual (custom) KPIs. Salesforce Edition Group Professional Enterprise Unlimited Supported Notes X ✔ Requires API (Oauth) access. Only automatic (standard) KPIs supported. ✔ Requires API (Oauth) access, as well as access to Workflow rules and Outbound Messages. ✔ Requires API (Oauth) access, as well as access to Workflow rules and Outbound Messages. Manual (Custom) KPIs can leverage the following standard Salesforce user IDs:    160 LastModifiedById UserId CreatedById © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications System Requirements END USER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS InsideSales supports the use of modern desktop and laptop computers. The product does not support mobile devices such as Windows Phones, iPhones, or tablets. Requirement Minimum Supported User Operating System Windows 7, 8, 10 | OSX 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 User Computer Memory 4GB of RAM LEADERBOARD SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Requirement Minimum Supported Recommended CPU Intel Core i3 Intel Core i5 GPU Intel HD 4400 Intel HD 4600 (or greater) Computer Memory 4GB of RAM 8GB of RAM Hard Drive Capacity 250GB 500GB Monitor Resolution 1920 x 1080 1920 x 1080 161 © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications NOTE- OPEN PORT REQUIRED FOR AUTOMATIC UPDATES PowerStandings relies on websockets to continuously update sidebars, standings bars, and Leaderboards. Administrators must open port 80 to the InsideSales websocket servers, and ensure that all firewalls (individual and company-wide) allow traffic to the InsideSales websocket servers: wss:// wss:// Without these open ports, users and teams will need to manually refresh their browser windows to see updates. SECURE CONNECTION The InsideSales web socket servers use the WSS:// (Web Socket Secure) protocol. This is a secure, encrypted connection transmitted over a secure protocol. BROWSER REQUIREMENTS InsideSales supports most modern browsers, however we recommend Google Chrome. All browsers must allow for JavaScript and web sockets. Browser Supported Notes Google Chrome ✔* Only the latest production version. Mozilla Firefox ✔ Only the latest production version. Microsoft Internet Explorer ✔ Only IE 10 and 11. Microsoft Edge X There are no current plans to support Edge. 162 © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications Browser Apple Safari Supported X Notes There are no current plans to support Safari. *Leaderboards are only supported on Google Chrome (desktop version). 163 © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications Product Limits The InsideSales product suite is extremely configurable; however, configurations should be kept within approved product limits. The following table outlines the limitations of the product offering in Salesforce. Feature Teams Item Limits Quantity 200 teams. Teams Configuration Administrators may only configure teams based on user Roles or standard Manager fields. This is a company-wide setting for all teams. Leaderboards Quantity 1 per team. Leaderlists Quantity 10 per Leaderboard Manual KPIs Custom Name Administrators cannot customize KPI names or add additional KPIs to the list of KPIs, however, you can customize the KPI triggers. Challenges Quantity 1 active Challenge per team. Challenges Quantity of Participants Up to 5 teams, or 100 participants. Challenges Criteria 1 KPI per contest. Throwdowns Quantity Each rep can issue up to five Throwdowns per day. Throwdowns Quantity of Participants Up to 10 participants per Throwdown. Throwdowns Criteria 1 KPI per contest. Achievements Quantity 3 Achievements per KPI. 164 © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications Feature Item Sidebar/ Standings Quantity Displayed Bar 165 Limits The Sidebar/ Standings Bar only displays up to five team metrics at a time. © 2016 Power Standings Product Specifications Supported Locales The InsideSales Salesforce integration supports reps located within the United States and Europe. The InsideSales product is only available in U.S. English, and it is not localized for any other languages or locations. 166 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide PowerStandings Configuration Guide 167 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Licenses and Settings CLIENT FACING VERIFICATION Users can verify that the licenses have been assigned correctly to the account. To verify that licenses are assigned correctly: 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click User Management. 3. Click License Assignments. 4. Ensure the PowerStandings pro checkboxes are enabled. NOTE – PowerStandings Pro licenses are also required for Administrators and Managers to be able to access and configure PowerStandings features. 168 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide PowerStandings Teams POWERSTANDINGS TEAMS OVERVIEW PowerStandings Teams allow reps to be meaningfully grouped together for comparisons and competitions. Teams improve manager visibility, while also providing reps with a better insight into their performance – both on their own performance, and in comparison to other members of the team. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CREATE POWERSTANDINGS TEAMS 1. Click the InsideSales tab. 2. Click Manage Teams. 3. Click Create New Team or Edit an existing team. 4. Configure team. 5. Click Save. CONFIGURING TEAMS You must configure the following items before a team can be fully implemented: configuring the Standings Bar, configuring Team Settings, inviting Team Members, and designating Team Managers. STANDINGS BAR The standings bar is a convenient way for reps to see their performance against Key Performance Indicators. The Standings bar is displayed on the sidebar within Salesforce, typically below the InsideSales Click-to-Call Panel. SEE ALSO Standings Bar. 169 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Each widget shows the KPI being tracked, how many times the rep has performed the KPI (labeled You), how many times the rep just ahead of them on the team has performed the KPI (labeled Next), and the rep’s rank on the team for meeting that KPI. If a rep is in first place, it will show the rep just behind them instead. To add a new widget, click on a blank option. The order of widgets can be adjusted by dragging widgets to a new position. To Edit an existing widget, hover over the widget itself and then click on the wrench icon in the upper right hand corner once it appears. STANDINGS BAR WIDGET OPTIONS: Setting Description KPI Shows reps their current ranking for the identified KPI, within a specific time frame. The Rank and Next numbers update as reps work. Once you select KPI, two additional options will become available for you to select the KPI you want measured and the Date Range you want measured. Challenge When you select this option, the system will automatically display the current standings for ALL Challenges in which the rep is actively engaged. Although the standings only show one challenge at a time, reps can cycle through all of the active challenges by clicking on the widget in their display panel. TIP: If you regularly use Challenges, we recommend using a widget to display those Challenges as they do not show up in the PowerStandings side panel unless you navigate to the Challenges section. Adaptive 170 These widgets will soon be deprecated. © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide TEAM SETTINGS The Team Settings configure how the team will function. SETTINGS Setting Description Team Name Enter the desired name for your team. For many enterprise companies, the name will reflect the Role and/or assigned manager's name. BEST PRACTICE: Keep names short so they do not truncate. Target KPIs Points View These are aspects of Adaptive widgets which are being phased out so you can disregard this setting. As the field is required, it is recommend to leave the field in its default selection of Dials. Reps will view the results of the Points View Setting in their Sidebars / Standings Bars. For example, if a rep's team has a Points View Setting defined as This Month, that rep may only see 1 Point even though the rep has earned more points in previous months. In essence, the Points View Setting determines the cadence when points will "recycle" or "reset" themselves. This is useful so reps with shorter tenures can still compete on points in the Points View Settings' smaller time ranges. Also, the points total in the sidebar based on the Points View Setting will determine how 171 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide many points a rep has available to use on Throwdowns. TEAM MEMBERS The Team Members section defines which reps are members of the specific team. Team membership is essential, as it controls when a rep is eligible for a Challenge, Achievement, or appears on a Leaderboard. Reps can be added to teams by Salesforce Role or by Salesforce Manager. To configure team membership by Salesforce Manager contact InsideSales support. NOTE: Roles are recommended when creating teams. If you prefer to group PowerStandings teams by’s standard Manager field, contact support to enable the option. Reps can only be part of one team at a time. TEAM MANAGERS Team managers are designated Salesforce users who can manage team Challenges, widgets, and notification settings without having to be a Salesforce administrator. Once a team manager is selected, they will have access to the Manage Teams link on the InsideSales tab. Managers selected in this area will only see Challenges which are associated with his or her respective team(s). So, if Jim is selected as a Team Manager for a team, Jim will not see Challenges from Susie's team when he clicks on Challenges. NOTIFICATION SETTINGS By default, PowerStandings will display periodic notices across reps’screens throughout the day based on activity. For example, if a rep takes the lead in a Challenge or daily KPI metric, the notification system would display a congratulatory message. 172 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide SETTINGS Setting Description Notification Type This can be set to "Off," "Normal," or "Neural." "Normal" displays messages based on built in parameters for leaderboard changes. "Neural" notifications includes messaging tailored to a rep's sales personality profile. 173 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide PowerStandings Sidebar POWERSTANDINGS SIDEBAR OVERVIEW Keeping reps actively engaged and motivated is an essential component to PowerStandings. To help facilitate this, a sidebar component can be enabled within Salesforce that constantly informs rep of their performance compared to team members on nearly every Salesforce page. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None ENABLING POWERSTANDINGS SIDEBAR The PowerStandings Sidebar component is enabled directly within Salesforce. 1. Click on Setup within Salesforce 2. Search for Home Page Layouts 3. Edit the desired Home Page Layout 4. Check the PowerStandingsSidebar checkbox. 5. Click Next 6. Click Save NOTE: For the PowerStandings Sidebar to show data, a rep must be first assigned to an active PowerStandings team. SEE ALSO PowerStandings Teams. Do not check the PowerStandings checkbox – this is a legacy version of PowerStandings that will be removed in the future. 174 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Key Performance Indicators (KPI) KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR OVERVIEW Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the metrics that are tracked around rep behavior and utilized by the PowerStandings system. For example, a KPI may be Dials, Appointments Set, etc. KPIs are used to track Challenges, Achievements, Leaderboards, and Throwdowns. Before using PowerStandings it is essential that the KPIs are completely configured. There are two kinds of KPIs that InsideSales provides – automatically configured KPIs and manually configured KPIs. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None ADJUSTING KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Adjusting Key Performance Indicator Settings 1. Click on the InsideSales tab 2. Click on Key Performance Indicators 3. Click Edit next to a Key Performance Indicator 4. Configure the Key Performance Indicator 5. Click Save InsideSales provides over two dozen standardized KPIs that can be used with PowerStandings. InsideSales recommends that if there is a KPI you intend to use that you adjust the default settings on the KPI. 175 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide STANDARDIZED KPIS KPI Category Description Abbreviation Setup Type KPI Annual Contract Value Sales Recurring revenue expressed as an annual value. ACV Manual Annual Contract Value Appointment Held Lead Gen A previously-scheduled prospect or client appointment was held. Often tied to the completion of a task or event, or a specific record field value. Appts Held Manual Appointment Held Appointment Set Lead Gen Rep sets a scheduled appointment with a relevant lead / prospect / client. Appts Set Manual Appointment Set Completed Needs Analysis Sales A milestone indicating a rep completed a relevant needs analysis. Often tied to a deal / opportunity. Nds Anly Manual Completed Needs Analysis Completed Product Demonstration Sales A milestone indicating a rep performed a relevant product / service demonstration. Often tied to a deal / opportunity. Demos Manual Completed Product Demonstration Contact Lead Gen A rep made a live contact with a real person on a call. This is different from a "Correct Contact," which indicates the rep made live contact with a specific, identified target. A "Contact" often Contacts Auto Contact 176 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide KPI Category Description Abbreviation Setup Type KPI indicates a connection with a gatekeeper or other individual, but did not reach the identified target. Contracts Reviewed Sales A milestone indicating a formal contract has been reviewed. Often tied to a deal / opportunity. Ctrct Rev Manual Contracts Reviewed Correct Contact Lead Gen A rep made a live contact with a specific, identified target. See the "Contact" KPI description for more info. Cor Cntcts Auto Correct Contact Dial Effort A dial was placed to a database record. Dials Auto Dial Emails Effort Rep sent an email template through the system software. Emails Auto Emails Fax Effort Rep sent a fax through the system software. Faxes Auto Fax Inbound Available Time Effort Amount of time a rep spends marked as "Available" to receive inbound calls. This does not include "talk time," which is a separate KPI. Inbd Avl Auto Inbound Available Time Inbound Talk Time Effort Amount of time an rep spends actively working on inbound calls. Inbd Talk Auto Inbound Talk Time 177 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide KPI Category Description Abbreviation Setup Type KPI Monthly Recurring Revenue Sales A revenue amount meant to indicate a monthly recurring revenue value for a given opportunity. MRR Manual Monthly Recurring Revenue One-time Revenue Sales Revenue attached to an opportunity that occurs as a one-time sale / transaction. REV Manual One-time Revenue Opportunity Size Sales The estimated revenue amount tied to a particular opportunity. Opp Size Manual Opportunity Size Opportunity Won Sales Indicates a closed sale / deal / opportunity. Opp Won Manual Opportunity Won Outbound Talk Time Effort Time spent physically talking on the phone on outbound calls placed. Does not include ring time. Out Talk Auto Outbound Talk Time Proposals Sent Sales A milestone indicating a proposal was sent to a lead / prospect / client. Often tied to a deal / opportunity. Prop Snt Manual Proposals Sent Qualified Opportunity Lead Gen A milestone indicating an "early stage" lead / prospect has been determined to meet the minimum requirements for a potential opportunity. Qual Opp Manual Qualified Opportunity Set Callback Effort A rep sets up a specific callback time. Often tied Callbacks Auto Set Callback 178 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide KPI Category Description Abbreviation Setup Type KPI to a dialer system callback object, or a task / event. SMS Effort Rep sent a predefined text message template through the system software. SMS Auto SMS Social Message Effort Rep sent a social media message to someone in their network. Social Auto Social Message Total Contract Value Sales Total revenue for a contract. TCV Manual Total Contract Value Total Talk Time Effort An aggregate of total Inbound and Outbound talk time. Total Talk Auto Total Talk Time Voicemail Effort Rep sent a pre-recorded voice message through the dialer software. VMs Auto Voicemail Annual Contract Value Sales Recurring revenue expressed as an annual value. ACV Manual Annual Contract Value 179 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide CONFIGURING KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Each KPI can be adjusted to meet business needs. Custom KPIs are not available at this time. SETTINGS Setting Description KPI Name This field indicates the name of the KPI. You can rename this KPI label to align with your business terminology. Points are a way of creating a weighted value for different KPIs in calculating effectiveness. For example, in many organizations setting an appointment with a prospect would be seen as more valuable than simply making a lot of phone calls. In this case you might want to weight the value of a set appointment as 25 times more important than a single phone call. Point values for each KPI are set individually in the KPI settings. Points For Talk Time and Revenue KPIs, you may assign Points as a ratio of either Talk Time or Revenue. Those KPIs will have an additional field next to Points labeled Minutes or Dollars. The Dollars field is limited to U.S. dollars only. BEST PRACTICE: make Dials worth 1 point. With Dials as a 1 point baseline, consider other metrics relative to Dials. For example, if it takes approximately 25 Dials to set an Appointment, the Appointments Set KPI might be worth 25 points. Description 180 A brief description of what the KPI measures. This field cannot be edited. © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide This provides the post URL you will need to copy and use for Manual KPIs to properly set up the workflow rules. This process will be outlined below. Post URL NOTE - KPI's can be deactivated. If you choose not to use a KPI, deactivate the KPI by unchecking the Active box and by zeroing out the points. This will remove the options from setup menus for Leaderboards, Dashboards, Challenges, Throwdowns etc. CREATING CUSTOM KPI WORKFLOWS Manual KPIs such as Opportunities Won or Appointments Set must have a Workflow Rule setup to indicate to the system when they have been achieved. As such, custom Workflows within Salesforce must be created that inform InsideSales when one of these KPIs are achieved. 1. Click on Setup within Salesforce 2. Use Salesforce Settings Search to search for Workflow Rules 3. Click Workflow Rules 4. Click New Rule 5. Configure Workflow Rule 6. Save Workflow Rule NOTE: Only KPIs flagged as Manual KPIs require that workflows be configured. Automatic KPIs are handled by InsideSales and do not require Workflows to be created. 181 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide CONFIGURING WORKFLOW RULES The workflow rule defines when to trigger the automated workflow. Step Setting Description 1 Object Specifies which object the workflow rule applies to. Enter a name in the Rule Name Field. It is recommended that this name is the same name as the KPI you are configuring. 2 3 4 Rule Name Since Salesforce sorts Workflow Rules alphabetically, name the KPIs with a naming convention such as “KPI_Appointments” or “ISDC_Appt_Set” so that all KPI workflows are grouped together. Evaluation Criteria Select “Created, and any time it’s edited to subsequently meet criteria”. Salesforce provides additional information about this under the “How Do I Choose?” link. Rule Criteria Select “Criteria Are Met”. Enter the Rule Criteria – rules should match the desired behavior for triggering the KPI. At this point you may want to refer back to the KPI page within InsideSales for KPI descriptions. CONFIGURING OUTBOUND MESSAGE Once the workflow is added, you will need to create an outbound message. This is the action that informs InsideSales that a manual KPI has been achieved. Copy the POST URL from the InsideSales Key Performance Indicator Page. Click New Workflow action, select Outbound Message, and insert the POST URL into the EndPoint URL. Select an employee ID field to send over. 182 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide KPI TOTALS ADJUSTER Managers have the ability to edit KPI totals to ensure that leaderboards reflect accurate data. NOTE - Using the KPI Totals Adjuster will not affect any reporting. Access the tool under InsideSales > PowerStandings > Team Tools > KPI Totals Adjuster. KPM SETTINGS: Setting Description Date Range Select a date range that includes the points you wish to edit. KPM Select the KPI or metric you wish to edit. Agent You can leave this field blank, or type in the name of the agent you wish to edit. Team Select the team for the agent you wish to edit. After selecting the appropriate settings above, click Search to the bottom left of the settings. A list of agents on that team will appear and you can then click Edit next to the agent you wish to edit. You will edit the points using the following settings: EDIT OPTIONS Setting Description Action Select to either Increase or Decrease their current points total. 183 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Amount Designate the amount to increase or decrease. As of Designate the date for the edit. Reason Describe the reason for the edit. Once you have input the above information, click Save. 184 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Dashboards LEADERBOARDS OVERVIEW You can use Dashboards to display your agents' progress. You can display dashboards in a variety of ways. You might have them on the monitor of a manager as a monitoring tool, or displayed publicly on a large screen for your whole team to see. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CREATE DASHBOARDS Only system administrators can create or edit Dashboards. 1. Click on the InsideSales tab. 2. Click on Manage Dashboards. 3. Click Edit next to a Leaderboard or Create New Dashboard. 4. Configure the Dashboard (settings explained below). 5. Click Save. DASHBOARD SETTINGS: Setting Description Dashboard Name This field determines the name of the dashboard on the Manage Dashboards list. This name also displays at the top of the leaderboard at all times. Theme Theme determines the visual style of the dashboard's background. It is entirely cosmetic. 185 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide View Permission determines which users can see this dashboard. You can choose from the following options: View Permission 1. Only Me 2. All Users 3. Selected Users. Choosing this last option opens an interface allowing you to select particular users. Edit Permission Edit Permission determines which users can change this dashboard. As above, you can choose "Only Me," "All Users," or "Selected Users," with the last option opening an interface allowing you to select particular users. You can change these settings after the initial creation of the Dashboard by hovering your mouse in the upper-right corner of the Dashboard and clicking the Dashboard Settings link that will appear. Next you must decide what the Dashboard will display. The Dashboard displays up to 6 widgets that show the progress of your team with various KPIs. Click one of the plus symbols to open a dialog to determine exactly what that space on the board will represent. WIDGET SETTINGS: Setting Description Widget Name This determines the name that displays at the top of the widget. Choose from the following options: Type 186 1. KPI – displays the progress of a particular KPI. © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide 2. KPI Leaders – shows the top-ranked leaders at completing a particular KPI in relation to one another. 3. Points – displays the accumulation of points. 4. Points Leaders – displays the top-ranked leaders based on point totals. 5. Countdown – lets you set up a countdown to a particular time. This is useful if the dashboard is being used to show how agents are doing leading up to a particular deadline View Permission determines which users can see this dashboard. You can choose from the following options: View Permission 1. Only Me 2. All Users 3. Selected Users. Choosing this last option opens an interface allowing you to select particular users. Edit Permission Edit Permission determines which users can change this dashboard. As above, you can choose "Only Me," "All Users," or "Selected Users," with the last option opening an interface allowing you to select particular users. Depending on what you selected for Type above, the next options will be: IF YOU SELECTED KPI: Setting Description KPI Allows you to select the KPI to track. 187 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Allows you to choose additional display options for the widget. The options are: Display As 1. Sum 2. Average 3. Minimum 4. Maximum Date Range controls the date range relevant to the widget. You can choose to display: Date Range 1. Daily 2. Weekly 3. Monthly 4. Quarterly Available/Selected Teams The Team Selection dialogue at the bottom of the window is especially important. It lets you choose which teams are displayed on the widget. Be sure to highlight the teams whose progress you want to display and use the arrows to move them from Available Teams to Selected. IF YOU SELECTED KPI Leaders, all the Settings options are the same as if you had selected KPI. If you selected Points or Point Leaders, the Settings options are the same except the option to select a KPI is removed. 188 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide IF YOU SELECTED COUNTDOWN: Setting End Time Description Countdown lets you set up a countdown to a particular time. This is useful if the dashboard is being used to show how agents are doing leading up to a particular deadline. Clicking either field option will open a calendar for the current month and dropdown options at the bottom for Hour (00 through 23) and Minute (0 through 59). Select one of the available options: 1. Days 2. Days and hours Display As 3. Days, hours, and minutes 4. Hours 5. Hours and minutes 6. Hours, minutes, and seconds 189 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Leaderboards LEADERBOARDS OVERVIEW Recognition breeds motivation. Customize your own Leaderboards that highlight top performers, individual victories and team challenges in exciting and elegant displays optimized for large screens and desktops. Leaderboards add a key motivational component to PowerStandings, giving your reps a public, up-to-thesecond view of activity. As work gets done and KPIs tally, your leaderboards update in real-time to give insights in to performance. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CREATE LEADERBOARDS Only system administrators can create or edit Leaderboards. 6. Click on the InsideSales tab. 7. Click on Manage Leaderboards. 8. Click Edit next to a Leaderboard or Create New Leaderboard. 9. Configure the Leaderboard (settings explained below). 10. Click Save. Leaderboards have three basic areas: Area Description Top 3 Located on the far left of the Leaderboard, this displays the profile pictures for the top 3 performers in the Leaderlist currently being displayed. 190 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Leaderlist Located in the middle of the Leaderboard, it shows up to the top 10 reps in a given KPI metric. You can select up to 10 Leaderlists to display different KPI metrics on a rotating basis. Events Feed Located on the right side of the Leaderboard, it lists the 3 most recent PowerStandings events LEADERBOARD SETTINGS: Setting Description Leaderboard Name Typically a team name. Keep the name shorter than the text box so the name won't truncate on the Leaderboard. Transition Time Determines how long the current Leaderlist will remain displayed before transitioning to the next. Recommended setting is 30 seconds. Custom Sounds You can set this to Enabled or Disabled. If enabled, reps can also select, within their personal profiles, a custom sound or song to play during their Leaderboard events. For the custom sound to play, the Event must have the Fullscreen option selected (see Events below). Keep Alive Best setting is enabled. This setting allows the Leaderboard to keep its session alive with the ISDC backend services. Managers may choose to disable this feature if they do not want sessions to stay alive. When Keep Alive is disabled, your Leaderboard will time out based on your timeout settings. 191 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Keep Alive Interval Best setting is either 5 or 10 minutes depending on your timeout settings. LEADERLIST SETTINGS: Setting Description Active Make sure this box is checked for the Leaderlist to appear on your Leaderboard. Title This determines the title that will appear on the top of the Leaderboard. We recommend including the KPI and time range in the title, i.e. “Daily Dials”. Titles are limited to 45 characters. Content From this dropdown you select the active KPI you wish the Leaderlist to reflect. If a KPI is not active, it will not show in this dropdown. Do not select a non-KPI option as they will not display and will shortly be removed from this list. Date Range Select the range of time you wish reflected on the Leaderlist. We recommend monthly or less. For KPIs that occur more frequently, such as Dials, consider Daily or Weekly. Color This determines the color scheme and background color of your Leaderlist. If you are using multiple Leaderlists, consider using different background colors to help distinguish each list. Teams This determines the agents who are eligible to be displayed on your Leaderlist. You can select more than one team, though the Leaderlist 192 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide does not display individual agents’ team names. The last section of the Leaderboard Settings page is Events. Clicking on Edit will open the list of Events you can select from. Next to each Event are two checkboxes. EVENT SETTINGS: Setting Description Event Feed Checking this box determines whether the Leaderboard will display that particular event on the Events section. This box must be checked to enable the Fullscreen option to be selected. Fullscreen This allows the event to trigger a fullscreen event. To enable Fullscreen events you must also check Event Feed. Custom Sounds will only play for Events that are enabled for Fullscreen. BEST PRACTICES: o Do not configure more than 3-5 fullscreen events or the team will get annoyed with too many events. Keep in mind, the more teams / users assigned to a Leaderboard / Leaderlists, the more the events will be triggered. o Encourage reps to upload their theme songs via their Personal Profiles to get the most out of the Leaderboards events. Leaderboards are designed to run in a browser window, full screen. To access a leaderboard, click the Open link for the board you want in the list area. The board will launch in a new browser window (make sure you allow the window pop-up through your pop-up blocker). Leaderboards are designed to properly display on 193 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide monitors 1080 in height. If a 1600 x 900 monitor is used, the bottom of the Leaderboard may be cut off. For Firefox and Google Chrome on a PC, a page can be viewed full screen by clicking F11. 194 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Challenges CHALLENGES OVERVIEW Team challenges foster a competitive environment as team members work towards the challenge objective. Since the Standings Bar, Leaderboards, and Dashboards already track standings consistently for a team, use Challenges when you're looking for an extra boost of competition. With Challenges, managers can set special competitions for their team, and track how agents do in completing them. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CREATE CHALLENGES Only administrators and team mangers can create challenges. 1. Click on the InsideSales tab. 2. Click on Challenges. 3. Click Edit next to a challenge or Create New Challenge. 4. Configure the Challenge (settings explained below). 5. Click Save. BEST PRACTICES:  Consider mixing up the competition by using team-based challenges periodically with individual-based challenges.  Consider mixing up the length of Challenges. Smaller time ranges (e.g. “Power Hours”) are best for frequently occurring metrics such as Dials.Make sure your points rewards are generally consistent with how your reward points for Achievements, regular KPIs, etc. 195 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide CHALLENGE SETTINGS: Setting Description Challenge Name Enter a Challenge Name. Consider something fun and descriptive, such as Friday Dialing Frenzy. Type Choose the Type of Challenge you want to create, either Agent vs Agent or Team vs Team. Agent vs Agent puts all agents against each other. Team vs Team will put 2 or more teams against each other. Agent vs Agent is the most common. Teams Even when choosing Agent vs Agent you still will then need to choose what Team or Teams you want to pool the list of challengers from. Click on the Teams dropdown box and select from the team(s) shown. Define the Challenge Time Period. You have 4 options : 1. One Time makes this challenge a one-time occurrence. 2. Recurring Daily causes the challenge to be activated daily. Challenge Time Period 3. Recurring Weekly causes the challenge to be activated weekly. 4. Recurring Monthly causes the challenge to be activated monthly. To cancel recurring Challenge types, delete any Scheduled Challenges and no further Challenges will automatically be scheduled. 196 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Start & End Start Date and End Date allow you to determine the timeframe in which the Challenge should occur. Each of these has two fields - one for the date and one for the time. Click into a field to reveal the options and select a date or time. Description This field gives you a place to enter in some notes about how the challenge works. This description does not appear anywhere else in the system and is strictly for your reference. After defining the Challenge settings, you must define the following requirements. CHALLENGE REQUIREMENTS: Setting Description Type The only option available in this dropdown should be Timed Event. KPI There are 25 Key Performance Indicators to choose from. Only one may be used per challenge. This determines the action that you want agents to perform for the challenge. Value/Operator This field will initially appear as Value, however, once you select Timed Event for the Challenge Type, it will change to Operator. Lastly, you will need to determine the Points Rewards. 197 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide SET POINTS REWARDS SETTINGS: Setting Description Points Reward Enter a numeric value here. This will be the number of Points rewarded to the winner and other placed finishers (if any). For levels of Points Reward, you will need to enter the corresponding Rank. Rank Indicate the Rank to be awarded the value you entered in Points Reward. If 1st place is to be rewarded 25 points, enter 25 in Points Reward and then in this field enter 1 and then click Add Points Reward to the right. To award 20 points to 2nd place, enter 20 under Points Reward and then 2 in Rank and again click Add Points Reward. As you add additional ranks, they will display directly beneath these fields. 198 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Throwdowns THROWDOWNS OVERVIEW Let your agents bring out the competitive edge with Throwdowns. This feature allows agents to challenge other agents to a KPI duel. There's nothing you need to do from an administrative standpoint to enable or manage this feature other than assigning the PowerStandings Pro license. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None CREATE THROWDOWNS Any user (including reps) can issue Throwdowns. 1. Click on the flame icon in the PowerStandings sidebar. 2. Configure the Throwdown. 3. Click Ok. THROWDOWN SETTINGS: Setting Description Wager (Points) The agent creating the Throwdown can use this field to specify how many Points he wishes to bet. He and all agents who accept the Throwdown spend this number of points to enter the competition. Whoever wins takes the entire point pool. The agent creating the Throwdown can enter any number of points, excluding zero, and not more points than their profile currently displays in the sidebar panel. 199 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Setting Description If the agent selected Timed Event, they see some different options. Agent with Most field. They can use the Select KPI dropdown to choose a KPI. Whoever has performed KPI the most when the Throwdown period is over wins. The Length field determines how long this period will be. Agent With Most This dropdown lets the agent choose which other agents they want to invite to the Throwdown. They can use the checkboxes next to agent names of the Check all link to select as many or as few agents as they wish. Select Available Players BEST PRACTICE: Keep the Throwdown group between 1-5 participants. This determines when the Throwdown will begin. Clicking in the field will bring up a dropdown menu with times in half hour increments. Alternatively, the agent can manually enter a more specific time. Throwdowns must start at least 5 minutes in the future. Start Time THROWDOWN NOTIFICATIONS Once the creating agent has sent the Throwdown invitation, the other agents will receive a notification letting them know they have been invited to a Throwdown. This notice includes the following information: 1. The originator of the Throwdown 2. How to win the Throwdown 200 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide 3. The start time of the Throwdown 4. The wager required to participate They can click Accept or Reject in response. If they accept, his or her points are contributed to the pool and they are admitted to the contest. When an agent accepts the Throwdown, their points are contributed to the wager pool and the agent who originated the Throwdown receives a notice letting them know that their Throwdown has been accepted. When the Throwdown has begun, another notification is sent to all the agents who accepted. Agents may also track the status of their Throwdowns within their Personal Profile. When the Throwdown is completed, a final notice informs all the participants who was victorious. The winner is awarded all the points from the wager pool. 201 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Personal Profile PERSONAL PROFILE OVERVIEW Like a personal trophy display case, agent personal profiles allow members of your sales team to reference and display Personalized Avatars or Photos, Points, Rank, Challenge results and more. If you have chosen to use the PowerStandings home page component in your Salesforce app, your reps will see an "at-a-glance" view of the standings bar in their standard side panel view. PACKAGES Accelerate Elevate Communicate LIMITATIONS None Reps should have access to the Personal Profile from either the PowerDialer’s Standings Bar or the Sidebar Panel. ACCESSING PERSONAL PROFILES Any user (including reps) can access their personal profile. 1. Click on the profile icon in the PowerStandings sidebar. 2. Configure the profile settings. 3. Close the pop-up window. PERSONAL PROFILE SETTINGS: Setting Description Home This is the default view when the profile is opened. To return to this view when in other tabs, simply click the Home option. 202 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Achievements Shows a list of the user's achievements. It can be adjusted to show achievements in progress, or previously completed. From the dropdown, they can select to view In Progress (default view) or Completed Achievements. Challenges The default view will open to Active Challenges, but from the dropdown the agent can select to also view Scheduled (upcoming) or Expired (completed) challenges. Points This section displays a Points History for the agent. A list will display of the KPIs the agent met and the amount of points rewarded for the KPI. From the dropdown options, agents can look at an individual KPI by selecting it. They can also change the time range dropdown to pinpoint a certain time period and the points earned during that period. PROFILE PICTURE & CUSTOM SOUND Agents can customize the photo and sound on their profile. This is where they determine what photo will be displayed on Leaderboards and to other agents. This is where they also upload their custom sound or song that will play for their Events on the Leaderboard. Choose A Sound 1. Click on the profile icon in the PowerStandings sidebar. 2. Click the Sound option to upload a file. UPLOAD A PHOTO 1. Click on the profile icon in the PowerStandings sidebar. 2. Click the Pic option to upload a file. 203 © 2016 PowerStandings Configuration Guide Agents are given the option of using an existing Salesforce Chatter picture, but we recommend against this due to poor resolution. This photo will potentially be displayed on larger screens, including TVs, and in order to achieve the best resolution of your profile picture, it is recommended you have a 1:1 ratio (1000 x 1000 pixels) and a size of at least 1MB. Also, crop your photo ahead of time as the display shape is always square and uncropped images will be distorted to fit the default shape. 204 © 2016 NeuralView Product Specifications NeuralView Product Specifications 205 © 2016 NeuralView Product Specifications CRM Requirements SALESFORCE REQUIREMENTS The advanced NeuralView integration requires at least a Salesforce Enterprise Edition. Salesforce Edition Supported Notes Group X Professional X Enterprise ✔ Requires API (Oauth) access Unlimited ✔ Requires API (Oauth) access OBJECTS AND FIELDS A NeuralView integration will create custom objects and fields to analyze and sort records.   206 Custom Object: 1 Custom Fields for each standard object: o Lead Record: 5 o Contact Record: 5 o Account Record: 2 © 2016 NeuralView Product Specifications System Requirements END USER SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS InsideSales supports the use of modern desktop and laptop computers. The product does not support mobile devices such as Windows Phones, iPhone, tablets, or chrome books. Minimum Requirement Supported User Operating System Windows 7, 8, 10 | OSX 10.9, 10.10, 10.11 User Computer Memory 4gigs of RAM BROWSER REQUIREMENTS InsideSales supports all modern browsers, however we recommend that users of the application use Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10. All browsers must allow for JavaScript and web sockets. Browser Supported Notes Google Chrome ✔ Only the latest production version. Mozilla Firefox ✔ Only the latest production version. Microsoft Internet Explorer ✔ Only IE 10 and 11. Microsoft Edge X There are no current plans to support Edge. 207 © 2016 NeuralView Product Specifications Apple Safari 208 X There are no current plans to support Safari. © 2016 NeuralView Product Specifications Product Limits Feature Item Limits NeuralScore Score Updates NeuralScores are updated daily. Reps may be using scores that are up to 24 hours old. Contactability Score Hourly Score Users can only access hourly scores within a Seek List Predictive Models Number of Models NeuralScore is limited to one model per outcome (close or contact) for each object. Account Scoring Models No contact model for account objects. Immediate Scoring Modifying Records 209 There is no way to exclude users from editing a record while NeuralView updates the score. If admins implement immediate scoring, then users with a workflow rule (such as Response Pops) may attempt to save a version of the record while NeuralView scores the record. © 2016 NeuralView Product Specifications Supported Locales The platform integration supports reps located within the United States and Europe. The InsideSales product is only available in U.S. English, and it is not localized for any other languages or locations. 210 © 2016 NeuralView Configuration Guide NeuralView Configuration Guide 211 © 2016 NeuralView Configuration Guide NeuralView seek list (NeuralSort) NEURALVIEW SEEK LIST OVERVIEW NeuralView provides scores relating to contactability and close, but the seek list is where the scores become prescriptive action. Properly configuring a seek list with NeuralView in mind is what will determine the success of reps as well as ease the workload on sales management. NeuralView seek lists are much more inclusive of records than the typical Seek List. Therefore, a slightly different approach is necessary when setting them up. All scored records will be included in the list, with known criteria used to opt certain records out. NeuralSort will work within the dialing rules set up by the user in order to sort records in order of likelihood to contact. PACKAGES: Accelerate LIMITATIONS: None SEE ALSO: Seek List CREATING A SEEK LIST FOR NEURALVIEW Creating a seek list for use with NeuralView is fairly simple, but requires a bit of planning from the perspective of management to determine who should not be brought into the reps’ workflow. The steps are as follows: 1. Click the InsideSales tab 2. Click Seek Lists 3. Click New Seek List 4. Name the Seek List 5. Set Time Between Calls (720 minutes for 12 hours, 1,440 for 24 hours) 6. Select the Dialer Panel 7. Set NeuralSort to On 212 © 2016 NeuralView Configuration Guide 8. Grant List Access to those who will use it (usually visible to all users) 9. Save The Seek List 10. In the Dialing Rules section, name your first section “NeuralScore 90+”, and set the time range to the total time that reps are dialing records, and click Add New Rule 11. Configure Dialing Rules (see below section) 12. Clone a query for each score range (90+, 80-89, 70-79, 60-69, 50-59, 0-49) CONFIGURE DIALING RULES Configure your dialing rules to filter in records based on descending NeuralScore, as well as identifying other important criteria to filter out undesirable records. BASIC SETTINGS (Refer to PowerDialer documentation for complete field explanation): Setting Description Name The name for the Dialing Rule. For example, “NeuralScore 90+”. This value is used for reporting within Salesforce. Object to Call The Desired Object (with scores) to call using this seek list. The applicable options for NeuralSort are Leads and Contacts Within each Dialing Rule a score range must be defined. The first will be 90+. Set this by selecting Filter Fields Object: Same as Object to Call Field: NeuralView: Close Score Operator: Greater or Equal Value: 90 Additional Filter Fields 213 Possibly multiple customer-defined as fields that should be used to opt records out of the seek list. For example © 2016 NeuralView Configuration Guide Object: Lead Field: Industry Operator: is Value: Healthcare NEURALSORT NeuralSort is available only for Seek Lists build for the following objects: Object Supported Leads ✔ Contacts ✔ Accounts ✔ Opportunities X Cases X 214 © 2016 NeuralView Configuration Guide Neuralview iframe NEURALVIEW IFRAME PACKAGES: The purpose of the NeuralView is to inform the rep of the scores of a record in an easily readable way, as well as the score history of that particular record. In addition, when floating over the scores, the top 5 reasons for the score will be displayed. Accelerate LIMITATIONS: US Only This asset is designed for use with lower volume reps such as ISRs or low volume Generalists. SDRs or those working in high volume calling situations often get confused when using this asset, and should have all scores hidden from view. This will allow them to get prioritization from the machine learning. ENABLING NEURALVIEW IFRAME Add NeuralView iFrame with the following steps as an admin: 8. Click the Setup option in SalesForce 9. Under the Build section, expand the Customize and then Leads menus 10. Select “Page Layouts” 11. Select the Desired page Layout by clicking Edit 12. In the top menu, scroll down on the left side and select VisualForce Pages 13. Drag the NeuralView Scores – Lead asset onto the desired spot on the Lead Record 215 © 2016 NeuralView Configuration Guide NeuralView fields NEURALVIEW FIELDS OVERVIEW NeuralView installs a small number of fields on Salesforce Objects in order to provide the actual scores onto the records which can be used for building workflows as well as reporting. See field list and which objects have access to them below. PACKAGES: Accelerate LIMITATIONS: US Only NeuralView Fields: Field Description Objects: Lead, Account, Contact qbdialer__CloseScore__c This field is the NeuralView close score which records the likelihood of the record closing business with the agent. New records are scored within 10 minutes, and assessed for update overnight every night. Objects: Lead, Account, Contact qbdialer__CloseDate__c Reports the last time the score was updated on the record. Objects: Lead, Contact qbdialer__ContactScore__c This field is the NeuralView contactability score which records the daily likelihood of the record picking up the phone if the agent calls. New records are scored within 10 minutes, and assessed for update overnight every night. Objects: Lead, Contact qbdialer__ContactDate__c qbdialer__ContactScoreid__c 216 Reports the last time the score was updated on the record. Objects: Lead, Account, Contact This is an ID that relates to a custom object which holds hourly score updated as a group daily by NeuralView. © 2016 NeuralView Configuration Guide This is the score the NeuralSort uses when turned on in a seek list. 217 © 2016 Vision Product Specifications Vision Product Specifications 218 © 2016 Vision Product Specifications Vision Configurations The Vision platform supports multiple system configurations, and each configuration has its own feature implications and limitations. Here are the five basic implementations: Field Description Server-only Routing All emails are routed through Vision servers. Vision Servers apply email tracking to all emails. Users do not have access to features such as saved templates and saved attachments. Gmail Plugin + Server Routing Users access additional features (such as saved templates and attachments) within the plugin. Vision Servers apply email tracking to all emails (including emails sent from other devices). Outlook Plugin + Server Routing Users access additional features (such as saved templates and attachments) within the plugin. Vision Servers apply email tracking to all emails (including emails sent from other devices). Outlook Plugin Only Users access features (such as saved templates and attachments) within the plugin. The plugin applies tracking to emails sent from Outlook. Emails sent from other devices/methods are not tracked (for example, from a mobile phone). Gmail Plugin Only Users access features (such as saved templates and attachments) within the plugin. The plugin applies tracking to emails sent within the Chrome browser Gmail window. Emails sent from other devices/methods are not tracked (for example, from a mobile phone). 219 © 2016 Vision Product Specifications System Requirements SERVER-SIDE ROUTING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Administrators can set up server-side routing if they have access to the following configurations:    Routing Rules SPF Records DNS Records The following email services are fully compatible with Vision server-side routing:   Office 365 GoogleApps Pro OUTLOOK PLUGIN SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Additional application Add-ins may affect performance and functionality. Please check this page for more information on tested Add-ins: Requirement Description Supported Outlook Versions Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, and Outlook 2016 Supported Operating Systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2008R Supported Browsers IE 10 and above, Chrome, and Firefox Required RAM 4GB Minimum 220 © 2016 Vision Product Specifications GMAIL PLUGIN SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Additional Chrome extensions may affect performance and functionality. Please check this page for more information on tested extensions: Requirement Description Supported Chrome Versions Chrome for Windows and Chrome for Mac Supported Operating Systems Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2008R, Mac OS X 221 © 2016 Vision Product Specifications Product Limits Feature Configurations Limits Campaigns All Vision does not support campaigns Email Number Gmail Only, Gmail + Server 1000 emails/day (Gmail limit) Custom Schedule and NeuralSend Gmail Only, Gmail + Server Gmail will deliver emails within 10 minutes of scheduled time. Custom Schedule and NeuralSend Gmail Only, Gmail + Server Emails will appear in scheduled labels within 10 minutes after users click schedule. Salesforce Templates Outlook + Server, Outlook Only, Gmail + Server, Gmail Only The Vision plugins will sync Salesforce templates within 45 minutes of making changes. Outlook + Server, Outlook Only After the 45-minute wait period, users must click the Sync button to view new/altered Vision templates. Vision Templates Outlook + Server, Outlook Only Users must click the Sync button to view new/altered Vision templates. This is immediately available. Send Untracked Emails Server Only Users must add (p) to the end of the subject line. Salesforce Templates 222 © 2016 Vision Product Specifications Core Features InsideSales development is continually working to bring new features and functionality into the Vision platform. This table indicates which products and features are currently available. Feature Server Only Gmail + Server Outlook + Server Outlook Only Gmail Only Tracking ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Open ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Click ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Website ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Forwarding ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Attachment Download ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Multi-recipient Tracking ✔ ✔ ✔ X X Track from any Device ✔ ✔ ✔ X X Vision Templates X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Salesforce Templates X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 223 © 2016 Vision Product Specifications Feature Server Only Gmail + Server Outlook + Server Outlook Only Gmail Only Salesforce Email Relay ✔ ✔ ✔ X X Reporting ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Click to Call from Notifications ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Custom Schedule and NeuralSend X ✔ X X Absolute Automation (AA) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ X AA Plugin X X X ✔ X AA with Routing Rules ✔ ✔ ✔ X X Sync Vision Events with Salesforce ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Desktop Notifications X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Email Notifications ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Template Sharing X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 224 © 2016 ✔ Vision Product Specifications Feature Server Only Gmail + Server Outlook + Server Outlook Only Gmail Only Attachment Sharing X ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Silent (Enterprise) Installation X X ✔ ✔ X 225 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Vision Configuration Guide 226 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Vision Overview The Vision email engagement tracking application has three basic components. SEE ALSO Vision Configurations  Vision Servers: The Vision servers help track all interactions, send notifications, host the Vision WebApp, and (if users’ email is configured for server-side routing) the Vision email servers route and apply tracking to all Vision emails.  Vision WebApp: Used for managing and configuring Vision Settings.  Vision Plugins: Give users easy access to Vision templates and attachments and (in the absence of server-side routing) apply tracking to all Vision emails. 227 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Vision WebApp VISION WEBAPP OVERVIEW The Vision WebApp is a central location for configuring all Vision settings and managing personal, team, and company settings. Here you will also create, organize, and assign templates and attachments. You will also gain insights into the effectiveness of templates, attachments, links, and individual sales reps. PACKAGES: All LIMITATIONS: None ACCESS THE WEBAPP 1. Visit 2. Enter your username and password. 3. Click Login. The Activity Feed is the default page. First time admins should start with Admin tab. SEE ALSO Admin Tab FILTERS OVERVIEW You may filter the data on each page using Filters, including Search. 1. Open the Filter fly-in window by clicking the icon in the upper right corner. 2. Close the Filter window by clicking the icon again. NOTE – You must clear the search (delete the search criteria and press ENTER) to clear the search filters. 228 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide FOLDERS OVERVIEW The Vision WebApp uses folders to help organize teams, templates, and attachments. Users and teams are granted access to folders based on roles and team permissions. SEE ALSO Edit User Settings for a list of Roles and permissions. ALERTS You may receive the following alerts while in the WebApp. FIRST TIME SETUP When you first log in, the system may prompt you to complete some integrations such as connect to Salesforce or download a plugin. SEE ALSO Integration Settings IP ADDRESS If you access the Vision WebApp as an Amin or Manager from a new IP address, Vision will ask you if you are in the office and whether you would like to tag your current IP address as an office address. Vision will not send you notifications of any email interactions from an office address. SEE ALSO Vision Settings SALESFORCE AUTHENTICATION If Vision was connected to a Salesforce Account, but has lost the connection, Vision will send users an alert asking them if they want to Authenticate or indicate that they are Not a Salesforce User. SEE ALSO Integration Settings ACCOUNT SETTINGS ACCOUNT SETTINGS OVERVIEW Click Account Settings under your photo and name. The Account Settings page holds the personal profile and configurations for the current user (the user who is logged in). 229 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide USERS SECTION The Users Section shows a quick, graphical representation of the user (including the user’s photo and their past activity. CHANGE PASSWORD Use the Change Password link to set a new password. 1. Click Change Password. The WebApp opens a new tab that contains the user’s InsideSales account information. 2. Click the expansion arrow in the Change Password section. 3. Enter the current password, enter the new password, and confirm the new password. 4. Click Change Password. 5. Close the new tab. EDIT SECTION SETTINGS Setting Description First Name The user’s first name. Last Time The user’s last name. Email The user’s email address is also their username and it is not modifiable. If you enter in an email address incorrectly, you must delete the user and make another user profile. Picture Add a URL for the profile photo. You must host this photo on another site. 230 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Setting Description Team Add users to one or more teams. Users may only belong to one team and must belong to at least one team. If no team is selected they will be added to the default team. Select one of the three pre-defined roles:  Permissions   Teams Managed User: Manage and use your own content. Use team content. Manager: Manage and use your own content. Manage and use team content. Admin: Manage and use your own content. Manage and use all content. Assign users to manage one or more teams. Managing a team gives visibility to reports for that team as well as templates and attachments. Select either Email Notifications or Desktop Notifications, or both.  Notification Preferences  231 Email Notifications: Users receive an email notifying them of every interaction. Desktop Notifications: Users who install either the Gmail or Outlook plugin will receive desktop notifications. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide INTEGRATIONS SECTION SALESFORCE INTEGRATION 1. Click Connect to connect your Vision account to Salesforce and begin using your Salesforce email templates. NOTE – You must install Absolute Automation and grant API access in Salesforce in order to use merge fields in these templates. 2. Enter your Salesforce account information within the pop-up window. SEE ALSO Salesforce Templates OUTLOOK INTEGRATION 1. Click Download to download the Outlook Plugin installer. NOTE – Enterprise customers will download an .MSI file that you can silently install. If you have lighter user restrictions and allow reps to download plugins, they will be able to download the Outlook plugin from this screen as well. SEE ALSO Outlook Plugin GMAIL INTEGRATION 1. Access the WebApp using Google Chrome. 2. Click Install to install the Gmail Plugin. SEE ALSO Gmail Plugin ADMIN TAB The Admin tab contains all of the user, team, and company settings. Limitation: Only users with the Admin role will have access to this tab. 232 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide NOTE – When you click the Admin link, it opens the drop-down links below the Admin link. If your browser window is not tall enough, you must scroll down to see the drop-down links. Admins may think that nothing has happened if they do not see the links appear (if they appear below the current window view). COMPANY SETTINGS INTEGRATION SETTINGS Setting Description If you set this to On then Vision will send users a special ResponsePop notification. From the WebApp: Vision ResponsePop HOW DOES RESPONSEPOP WORK? ResponsePops from Vision are triggered by the options you select above and stop once one of the following call dispositions are made: Correct Contact, Disconnected, and Wrong Number. Only one Vision ResponsePop will occur per contact, per day. Responsepop Triggers Select one or more trigger for sending the Responsepops. If you select more than one, then you will receive Responsepops on every trigger until one of the dispositions described above are made. If you select more than one, then you will receive Responsepops on every trigger until one of the dispositions described above are made. Possible triggers (email interactions): Email Opened, Email Forwarded, Attachment Downloaded, Link Clicked, or Web Page Visited. Click to Call from Vision If you select On your users will see a phone icon on all of their notifications. If their 233 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Setting Description prospect exists in Salesforce then clicking this icon will take them to the prospect’s record. Tracking Script This link should be given to marketing and inserted into the footer of any page you would like tracked. CRM SETTINGS Setting Description Select Your CRM This setting allows you to indicate which CRM Vision will integrate with. Currently the only options are Salesforce and Other. This will affect which options your users are given in the first time user tour and their templates menus. VISION SETTINGS Setting Description Block These IP Addresses Vision will not send notifications after opens, clicks or downloads from these IP addresses. You can either list individual IP addresses (using just the Start IP field), or you can specify ranges of IP addresses (using both the Start and End IP fields). You may enter as many addresses and ranges as required. This is critical to prevent false positives from your users opening their own emails. 234 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Setting Description Domain Blocking Vision will not send notifications after opens, clicks or downloads from these web domains. You must add these one at a time. Corporate Time Zone This is the time zone that Vision will use for creating reports. USERS PAGE The Users page displays all Vision users in a table.     Vision displays twenty lines per page. Navigate to additional pages using the page navigation at the bottom-right corner of the user table. Sort by any of the columns (except Action and Permission Set) by clicking the column. o Change from ascending and descending by clicking the column again. Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the table of users. DATA TABLE COLUMNS Column Title Description The Action column has two actions: Actions   Delete: Click this link to delete the user. Blank (-): Users will only see this option if they cannot delete users. Limitation: You cannot sort using this column. First Name 235 Sort by the user’s first name. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Column Title Description Last Time Sort by the user’s last name. Email Sort by the user’s email address (user name). Permission Set Last Updated The role of each user. Limitation: You cannot sort using this column. The last time the user record was changed. FILTERS You cannot sort using the Permission Set (roles) column, but you can filter by role. 1. Click the Filter icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window. 2. Click Select Roles. 3. Select one or more role. You may also use the Search field to quickly find a specific user. MASS UPDATE SETTINGS Use the Mass Update button to change multiple users at once. Click Mass Update after configuring the settings: Setting Description Select Users Select all of the users you will change. Select multiple users without needing to hold down any additional keys. You may also perform multiple searches. Once you have selected all of the users, click somewhere on the Users 236 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Mass Update window to close the Select Users window. Select one of the three pre-defined roles:  Role   User: Manage and use your own content. Use team content. Manager: Manage and use your own content. Manage and use team content. Admin: Manage and use your own content. Manage and use all content. Assign users to a team. You may only select one team using Mass Update. Team Select either Email Notifications or Desktop Notifications, or both.  Notification Types  Email Notifications: Users receive an email notifying them of every interaction. Desktop Notifications: Users who install either the Gmail or Outlook plugin will receive desktop notifications. NEW USER 1. Click New User to add a user. 2. Configure each setting (described below) and click Save. Setting Description First Name The user’s first name. Last Time The user’s last name. 237 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Setting Description Email The user’s email address is also their username and it is not modifiable. If you enter in an email address incorrectly, you must delete the user and make another user profile. Picture Add a URL for the profile photo. You must host this photo on another site. Team Add users to one or more teams. Users may only belong to one team and must belong to at least one team. If no team is selected they will be added to the default team. Select one of the three pre-defined roles:  Permissions   Teams Managed User: Manage and use your own content. Use team content. Manager: Manage and use your own content. Manage and use team content. Admin: Manage and use your own content. Manage and use all content. Assign users to manage one or more teams. Managing a team gives visibility to reports for that team as well as templates and attachments. Select either Email Notifications or Desktop Notifications, or both. Notification Preferences 238  Email Notifications: Users receive an email notifying them of every interaction. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Setting Description  Desktop Notifications: Users who install either the Gmail or Outlook plugin will receive desktop notifications. TEAMS PAGE The Teams page displays all Vision teams in a table.  Vision displays twenty lines per page.  Navigate to additional pages using the page navigation at the bottom-right corner of the user table.  Sort by any of the columns (except Action) by clicking the column. o Change from ascending and descending by clicking the column again.  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the table of users. DATA TABLE COLUMNS Column Title Description The Action column has two actions: Actions   Delete: Click this link to delete the team. Blank (-): Users will only see this option if they cannot delete the team. Limitation: You cannot sort using this column. Name Sort by the team name. Team Member Count Sort by the number of users in the team. 239 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Column Title Description Last Updated The last time the team record was changed. ADD NEW 1. Click Add New to add a team. 2. Configure each setting (described below) and click Save. Setting Description Team Name The Team’s name (required, all other settings are optional). Managers Select none, one, or multiple managers and then click off of the Managers pop-up window to continue. Template Folders Select none, one, or multiple Template Folders and then click off of the Template Folders popup window to continue. All users will have a personal “Unfiled” template folder where templates will go if they decide to use the Save As Template feature. Attachment Folders Select none, one, or multiple Attachment Folders and then click off of the Attachment Folders pop-up window to continue. All users will have a personal “Unfiled” folder where all attachments sent outside of the Vision attachments menu will be stored. 240 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide TEMPLATES TAB The Templates tab gives you access to templates and template folders. Limitation: Users can only access templates using of the plugins. If you are on a pure server-side configuration these pages don’t apply to your users. SEE ALSO Vision Configurations, Outlook Plugin, Gmail Plugin NOTE – The Template tab link does not open a page, it reveals the two template page links. TEMPLATE FOLDERS PAGE NOTE – We recommend that you create one or more template folders before creating your templates. When creating a template you must select a template folder. If you haven’t created your folders you will be able to simply select your Unfiled Templates folder. TEMPLATES INSIGHTS This section gives you quick insights into template effectiveness. For more detailed information on specific templates, see Top Templates in the Reports section. FILTERS 1. Click the Filter icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window. 2. Use one or both filters:  Select Owners: Filter by one or more owners. Owners are the users that originally created the template. This allows you to zero in on the most effective template creators.  Select Open Percentage: Filter by the effectiveness of the templates by selecting one or more ranges of open percentage. You may also use the Search field to quickly find a specific template folder. 241 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide TEMPLATE FOLDERS The Templates section displays all templates in a table.  Vision displays twenty lines per page.  Navigate to additional pages using the page navigation at the bottom-right corner of the user table.  Sort by any of the columns (except Action) by clicking the column. o Change from ascending and descending by clicking the column again.  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the table of users. DATA TABLE COLUMNS Column Title Description The Action column has two actions:   Action Delete: Click this link to delete the user. Blank (-): Users will only see this option if they cannot delete the folder. NOTE – If users share a folder with their team they can no longer delete the folder, only managers can delete the shared folders. Limitation: You cannot sort using this column. Name 242 Sort by the folder name. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Column Title Description Sort by type of template: Type   Vision: Templates created within vision. Salesforce: Templates synced from a Salesforce account. Templates Sort by the number of templates within the folder. Users Sort by the number of users who have access to the folder. Owner First Name Sort by folder owner first name. Owner First Name Sort by folder owner last name. Sort by the sharing settings: Sharing   Personal: No sharing. Team: Shared with a team. Folders Sort by the folder name. Open Percentage Sort by the percentage of recipients who have opened the templates. NEW FOLDER 1. Click New Folder to add a folder. 2. Configure each setting (described below) and click Save. 243 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Setting Description Folder Name The template folder name (required). Sharing Select either Personal or Team (required). NOTE – The folder will not have any items until after you make it and add items. TEMPLATES PAGE TEMPLATES INSIGHTS This section gives you quick insights into template effectiveness. For more detailed information on specific templates, see Top Templates in the Reports section. FILTERS 1. Click the Filter icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window. 2. Use one or both filters:  Select Owners: Filter by one or more owners.  Select Open Percentage: Filter by the effectiveness of the templates by selecting one or more ranges of open percentage. You may also use the Search field to quickly find a specific template. TEMPLATES The Templates section displays all templates in a table.  Vision displays twenty lines per page.  Navigate to additional pages using the page navigation at the bottom-right corner of the user table.  Sort by any of the columns (except Action and User Set) by clicking the column. 244 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide o Change from ascending and descending by clicking the column again.  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the table of users. DATA TABLE COLUMNS Column Title Description The Action column has two actions: Action   Delete: Click this link to delete the user. Blank (-): Users will only see this option if they cannot delete the template. Limitation: You cannot sort using this column. Name Sort by the template name. Sort by type of template: Type   Vision: Templates created within vision. Salesforce: Templates synced from a Salesforce account. Owner First Name Sort by template owner first name. Owner First Name Sort by template owner last name. Users Sort by the number of users who have access to the template. Folders Sort by the folder name. Open Percentage Sort by the percentage that recipients have opened the templates. 245 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide NEW TEMPLATE (VISION) 1. Click New Template to add a template. 2. Configure each setting (described below) and click Save. Setting Description Template Name The template name (required). Select one folder (required). Folder Limitation: You can only select one folder. Subject Enter the email subject (required). Enter the email body content (optional). Add links, photos, and formatting. Photos must be added via link. Limitation: Font size and Font type configuration is not currently available though if the template is saved from your email client it will retain the font in which it was saved. Email Body (unlabeled) Limitation: Vision email templates do not support merge fields. Use Salesforce email templates (described below) for merge fields. SALESFORCE TEMPLATES Vision syncs with Salesforce to offer individual users access to their Salesforce templates within the Vision plugins. See Outlook Plugin or Gmail Plugin for more information on the plugins. To see Salesforce templates within Vision: 246 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide 1. Each user must individually connect their Vision account to their Salesforce account. 2. Click on Account Settings link. 3. Scroll to the bottom and click Connect under Salesforce Integration. 4. In the pop-up window add your Salesforce login credentials. SEE ALSO Integrations Section, Alerts ATTACHMENTS TAB The Attachments tab gives you access to attachments and attachment folders. Limitation: Only users with permission to access/edit attachment folders will see the access to the Attachment Folders page. Limitation: Users can only access Attachments using of the plugins, see Outlook Plugin or Gmail Plugin for more information. NOTE – The Attachment tab link does not open a page, it reveals the two template page links. ATTACHMENT FOLDERS PAGE NOTE – You should create one or more attachment folders before uploading any attachments. The Attachments Folder setting is required when uploading new attachments. ATTACHMENT INSIGHTS This section gives you quick insights into attachment effectiveness. For more detailed information on specific attachments, see Top Attachments in the Reports section. FILTERS 1. Click the Filter icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window. 247 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide 2. Use one or both filters:  Select Owners: Filter by one or more owners.  Select Download Percentage: Filter by the effectiveness of the attachments by selecting one or more ranges of download percentage. You may also use the Search field to quickly find a specific attachment folder. ATTACHMENT FOLDERS The Folders section displays all folders in a table.  Vision displays twenty lines per page.  Navigate to additional pages using the page navigation at the bottom-right corner of the user table.  Sort by any of the columns (except Action) by clicking the column. o Change from ascending and descending by clicking the column again.  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the table of users. 248 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide DATA TABLE COLUMNS Column Title Description The Action column has two actions:   Action Delete: Click this link to delete the folder. Blank (-): Users will only see this option if they cannot delete the folder. NOTE – If users share a folder with their team they will no longer have permission to delete the shared folder. Managers will need to delete the folder. Limitation: You cannot sort using this column. Name Sort by the folder name. Attachments Sort by the number of attachments within the folder. Users Sort by the number of users who have access to the folder Users Sort by the number of users who have access to the folder. Owner First Name Sort by folder owner first name. Owner First Name Sort by folder owner last name. 249 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Column Title Description Sort by the sharing settings: Sharing   Personal: No sharing. Team: Shared with a team. Sort by the percentage that recipients have downloaded the attachments. Download Percentage NEW FOLDER 1. Click New Folder to add a folder. 2. Configure each setting (described below) and click Save. Setting Description Folder Name The attachment folder name (required). Sharing Select either Personal or Team (required). NOTE – The folder will not have any items until after you make it and add items. ATTACHMENT PAGE ATTACHMENT INSIGHTS This section gives you quick insights into attachment effectiveness. For more detailed information on specific attachments, see Top Attachments in the Reports section. FILTERS 1. Click the Filter icon in the upper-right corner of the browser window. 2. Use one or both filters: 250 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide  Select Owners: Filter by one or more owners. NOTE – Filtering by owner is a good way to monitor messaging or respond to problems created by content sent by a specific user.  Select Download Percentage: Filter by the effectiveness of the attachments by selecting one or more ranges of download percentage. You may also use the Search field to quickly find a specific attachment. ATTACHMENTS The Attachments section displays all attachments in a table.  Vision displays twenty lines per page.  Navigate to additional pages using the page navigation at the bottom-right corner of the user table.  Sort by any of the columns (except Action) by clicking the column. o Change from ascending and descending by clicking the column again.  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the table of users. DATA TABLE COLUMNS Column Title Description The Action column has two actions: Action   Delete: Click this link to delete the user. Blank (-): Users will only see this option if they cannot delete the team. Limitation: You cannot sort using this column. 251 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Column Title Description Name Sort by the attachment name. Owner First Name Sort by template owner first name. Owner First Name Sort by template owner last name. Users Sort by the number of users who have access to the template. Folders Sort by the folder name. Last Updated Sort by the date the attachment was last updated. Open Percentage Sort by the percentage that recipients have opened the templates. CREATE ATTACHMENT 1. Click Create Attachment to add a template. 2. Configure each setting (described below) and click Save. Setting Attachment Folder Drop Files Here 252 Description The attachment folder (required). Limitation: You can only select one folder. Drag and drop one or more file(s) from your computer into this area (optional – use this or the Select Files method). © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide A window of your computer files pops open. Select the file(s) you wish to upload (optional – use this or the Drop Files Here method). Select Files ACTIVITY FEED The activity feed shows the past interactions for each specific user (the user who is logged in). Use the filters to show or hide interactions based on type or time frame. FILTERS TIME-BASED FILTER Choose one of the following time frames:  Today  Last 7 Days  Last 30 Days  Last 60 Days  All Time NOTIFICATION FILTER You can choose one or all of the following types of interaction notifications to show: Notification Description Email Sent – Not Opened Notifications appear whenever you send an email and is used to gain a quick view into whether some high priority prospects having interacted with your emails. 253 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Notifications appear when the recipient opens an email. Email Opened NOTE – Opens will not show if the recipients email client doesn’t download images. This depends completely on the email client – Gmail always downloads images, some versions of Outlook don’t by default. Notifications appear when the recipient forwards an email. Email Forwarded Limitation: Forwards are only tracked when Vision has identified a recipient before. For example, if you sent an email to a prospect and that prospect forwards the email to several people you’ve never emailed before Vision won’t show a forward notification – it will show an additional open from the original recipient. Attachment Downloaded Notifications appear whenever the attachment is downloaded. Link Clicked Notifications appear when recipients click a link. Notifications appear when a recipient visits your corporate web pages. Web Page Visited 254 Limitation: This requires users to receive and accept cookies. Users get cookies from clicking links, downloading attachments, and opening © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide emails within a web browser. Users must then visit the website using that same web browser. REPORTS TAB The Reports tab gives you access to great reports and insight into how your reps and assets are performing. It also shows the top contacts. NOTE – The Reports tab link does not open a page, it reveals the individual report page links. FILTERS Filters are an extremely important for modifying and viewing reports. Filters help users find and sort other information in other tabs, but filters are vital for all of the reports. Click the filters icon to expose the filters fly-in window and modify how Vision displays each report. REP EFFORT Rep Effort tracks one metric: Metric Description Total Emails Sent How many emails reps sent during the specified time period. The report shows a graph of the current data. 255 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide  The data table displays 20 records of the current data.  Navigate to additional pages (if needed) using the arrows and page numbers in the lower left corner.  Sort and filter the data using columns and filters. NOTE – If you are setup with the email plugin and no server level integration this will only track emails the rep has sent from their desktop where the plugin is installed – not from their mobile phone. If you have server level integration emails sent from any other device including mobile phones will be tracked as well. FILTER SETTINGS Filter Options/ Description Select a time frame: Time      Today Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Last 60 Days All Time Note: At least one time frame is required. Select one or more team. Users can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Teams If you select None then Vision will display all teams. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple teams. 256 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Filter Options/ Description Select one or more user. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Users If you select None then Vision will display all users. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple users. Search Quickly find a user. DATA TABLE COLUMNS  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the data table.  Sort by a column by clicking on that column. o Switch from ascending and descending order by clicking again on the column. Column Options/ Description First Name Sort by reps’ first names. Last Name Sort by reps’ last names. Total Emails Sent Sort by number of emails sent during the specified time period. 257 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide REP EFFECTIVENESS Rep Effectiveness tracks three metrics: Metric Description The percentage of emails sent that were opened by recipients. Email Open Percentage NOTE – These percentages may be above 100% if each one sent is clicked multiple times. Link Click Percentage The percentage of links sent that were clicked by recipients. Attachment Download Percentage The percentage of attachments sent that were downloaded by recipients. The report shows a graph of the current data.  The data table displays 20 records of the current data.  Navigate to additional pages (if needed) using the arrows and page numbers in the lower left corner.  258 Sort and filter the data using columns and filters. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide FILTER SETTINGS Filter Options/ Description Select a time frame: Time      Today Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Last 60 Days All Time Note: At least one time frame is required. Select one or more team. Users can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Teams If you select None then Vision will display all teams. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple teams. Select one or more user. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Users If you select None then Vision will display all users. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple users. 259 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide DATA TABLE COLUMNS  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the data table.  Sort by a column by clicking on that column. o Switch from ascending and descending order by clicking again on the column. Column Options/ Description First Name Sort by reps’ first names. Last Name Sort by reps’ last names. Email Open Percentage Sort by the percentage of emails sent that were opened by recipients. Link Click Percentage Sort by the percentage of links sent that were clicked by recipients. Attachment Download Percentage Sort by the percentage of attachments sent that were downloaded by recipients. CONTACT ENGAGEMENT Contact Engagement tracks three metrics: Metric Description Total Emails sent The number of emails sent to that recipients. 260 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Metric Description The total number of interactions from the user. This total includes the recipient doing the following interactions: Total Interactions      Opening Vision email. Forwarding a Vision email. Clicking a link in a Vision email. Downloading a Vision attachment. Visiting your company website Limitations: Vision tracks interactions, but the system may infrequently record a false positive interaction (for example a Vision user opening their own sent email on their mobile device outside of your work network), or miss an interaction (for example, if a recipient does not accept cookies and then visits the website. Last Email Sent This is the last time anyone within the Vision account emailed this contact. Last Interaction The last time the recipient interacted with a Vision email from the selected users/teams. The report shows a graph of the current data.  The data table displays 20 records of the current data.  Navigate to additional pages (if needed) using the arrows and page numbers in the lower left corner.  261 Sort and filter the data using columns and filters. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide FILTER SETTINGS Filter Options/ Description Select a time frame: Time      Today Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Last 60 Days All Time Note: At least one time frame is required. Select one or more team. Vision will only display the recipients contacted by the selected teams. Users can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Teams If you select None then Vision will display all teams. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple teams. Select one or more user. Vision will only display the recipients contacted by the selected users. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Users If you select None then Vision will display all users. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple users. 262 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide DATA TABLE COLUMNS  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the data table.  Sort by a column by clicking on that column. o Switch from ascending and descending order by clicking again on the column. Column Options/ Description Total Emails sent Sort by the number of emails sent to that recipients. Sort by the total number of interactions from the user. This total includes the recipient doing the following interactions: Total Interactions      Opening Vision email. Forwarding a Vision email. Clicking a link in a Vision email. Downloading a Vision attachment. Visiting your company website Limitations: Vision tracks interactions, but the system may infrequently record a false positive interaction (for example a Vision user opening their own sent email on their mobile device outside of your work network), or miss an interaction (for example, if a recipient does not accept cookies and then visits the website. Last Email Sent 263 Sort by the last time anyone within the Vision account emailed each contact. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Column Options/ Description Last Interaction Sort by the last time the recipient interacted with a Vision email from the selected users/teams. TOP LINKS Top Links tracks two metrics: Metric Description Links Sent The number of times the link was sent. Link Click Percentage The percentage that links were clicked by recipients. The report shows a graph of the current data.  The data table displays 20 records of the current data.  Navigate to additional pages (if needed) using the arrows and page numbers in the lower left corner.  264 Sort and filter the data using columns and filters. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide FILTER SETTINGS Filter Options/ Description Select a time frame: Time      Today Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Last 60 Days All Time Note: At least one time frame is required. Select one or more team. Users can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Teams If you select None then Vision will display all teams. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple teams. Select one or more user. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Owner If you select None then Vision will display all users. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple users. 265 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Filter Options/ Description Filter by a range of percentages. Link Click Percentage Limitation: You can only select one range. DATA TABLE COLUMNS  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the data table.  Sort by a column by clicking on that column. o Switch from ascending and descending order by clicking again on the column. Column Options/ Description Links Sort by links. Links Sent Sort by the number of times the link was sent. Link Click Percentage Sort by the percentage that links were clicked by recipients. TOP TEMPLATES Rep Effectiveness tracks three metrics: 266 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Metric Description Total Sent The total number of times the template was sent. Open Percentage The percentage that recipients opened emails that used that template. The report shows a graph of the current data.  The data table displays 20 records of the current data.  Navigate to additional pages (if needed) using the arrows and page numbers in the lower left corner.  Sort and filter the data using columns and filters. FILTER SETTINGS Filter Options/ Description Select a time frame: Time      Today Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Last 60 Days All Time Note: At least one time frame is required. 267 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Select one or more team. Users can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Teams If you select None then Vision will display all teams. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple teams. Select one or more folder. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Template Folder If you select None then Vision will display all folders. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple folders. Select one or more user. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Users If you select None then Vision will display all users. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple users. Open Percentage 268 Filter by a range of percentages. Limitation: You can only select one range. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide DATA TABLE COLUMNS  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the data table.  Sort by a column by clicking on that column. o Switch from ascending and descending order by clicking again on the column. Column Options/ Description Template Sort by Template names. Sort by template type: Type   Personal: Only used by individuals. Team: Shared by a team. Owner First Name Sort by reps’ first names. Owner Last Name Sort by reps’ last names. Total Sent The total number of times the template was sent. Open Percentage The percentage that recipients opened emails that used that template. TOP ATTACHMENTS Rep Effectiveness tracks three metrics: 269 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Metric Description Total Sent The total number of times the attachment was sent. Download Percentage The percentage of downloaded attachments. The report shows a graph of the current data.  The data table displays 20 records of the current data.  Navigate to additional pages (if needed) using the arrows and page numbers in the lower left corner.  Sort and filter the data using columns and filters. FILTER SETTINGS Filter Options/ Description Select a time frame: Time      Today Last 7 Days Last 30 Days Last 60 Days All Time Note: At least one time frame is required. 270 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Filter Options/ Description Select one or more team. Users can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Teams If you select None then Vision will display all teams. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple teams. Select one or more folder. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Template Folder If you select None then Vision will display all folders. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple folders. Select one or more user. You can perform multiple searches and the system will remember each selection. Users If you select None then Vision will display all users. Note: No need to hold down a key (such as CTRL or SHIFT) to select multiple users. Download Percentage 271 Filter by a range of percentages. Limitation: You can only select one range. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide DATA TABLE COLUMNS  Hide or make visible any of the columns by clicking the expansion arrow in the upper-right corner of the data table.  Sort by a column by clicking on that column. o Switch from ascending and descending order by clicking again on the column. Column Options/ Description Attachment Sort by attachment title. Sort by type of attachment: Type   Personal: Only used by individuals. Team: Shared by a team. Owner First Name Sort by template owner’s first names. Owner Last Name Sort by template owner’s last names. Total Sent Sort by total times the template was sent. Download Percentage Sort by the percentage of times downloaded. 272 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Outlook Plugin OUTLOOK PLUGIN OVERVIEW The Vision Outlook plugin serves two purposes:  Track emails (when companies are not using server-side routing).  Give users access to Vision templates and attachments within Outlook, as well as desktop notifications. PACKAGES: All LIMITATIONS: Windows OS SEE ALSO Vision Product Spec VISION SIDEBAR The Vision plugin creates a sidebar on the right side of Outlook. The Vision Sidebar has two icons:  Activity Feed  Settings SETTINGS The Vision Settings icon looks like a gear. To log in: 1. Click on the Login icon. 2. Enter your email address (username). 3. Enter your password. 4. Click Login. To log out: 273 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide 1. Click on the Login icon. 2. Click Logout. ENABLING AND DISABLING NOTIFICATIONS The Settings link also has the ability to turn on desktop notifications vs. email notifications. Desktop notifications pop a notification on the bottom right hand of the screen not matter where the user is navigating as long as they have Outlook up. Email notifications send an actual email to the rep of the notification (used when the ability to access notifications from mobile is critical). ACTIVITY FEED The Activity Feed icon looks like a house.  Click on the icon to show and hide the Activity Feed. The Activity Feed shows all of the recent notifications: Notification Description Email Opened Notifications appear when the recipient opens an email. Notifications appear when the recipient forwards an email. Email Forwarded 274 Limitation: Forwards are only tracked when Vision has identified a recipient before. For example: if you sent an email to a prospect and that prospect forwards the email to several people you’ve never emailed before Vision won’t show a forward notification – it will show an additional open from the original recipient © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Attachment Downloaded Notifications appear whenever the attachment is downloaded. Link Clicked Notifications appear when recipients click a link. Notifications appear when a recipient visits a web page. Web Page Visited Limitation: This requires users to receive and accept cookies. Users get cookies from clicking links, downloading attachments, and opening emails within a web browser. Users must then visit the website using that same web browser. VISION GROUP The Vision Outlook plugin installs Vision tools within the Message Tab of the New Email window. These tools are located in the Vision tool group. TOOLS Tool Description The Attachments tool gives users access to that user’s Vision attachments in two ways: Attachments   Templates 275 Recent Attachments: Attachments used recently. Vision: A tree-view navigation of all attachments the user has access to. The Templates tool gives users access to many template options: © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide     Save As Template: Save the current email as a new Vision Template. Recent Attachments: Attachments used recently. Vision: A tree-view navigation of all Vision templates the user has access to. Salesforce: A tree-view navigation of all Salesforce templates synced from the user’s Salesforce account. Sync This button forces the plugin to resync all of the templates and attachments. Salesforce and Vision templates are synced automatically every 30 minutes. Track When selected (default) emails are tracked in Vision. Deselect this to not track the current email. DESKTOP NOTIFICATIONS The Vision Outlook plugin will create desktop notifications near the system tray if the user profile is set to receive desktop notifications. See Edit Section Settings in the Account Settings section of the WebApp for more information on enabling desktop notifications. 276 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide Gmail Plugin GMAIL PLUGIN OVERVIEW The Vision Gmail plugin serves two purposes:  Track emails (when companies are not using server-side routing).  Give users access to Vision templates and attachments within Gmail. PACKAGES: All LIMITATIONS: Chrome browser SEE ALSO Vision Product Spec VISION ADDRESS BAR ICON The Vision plugin creates a Vision icon to the right of the Chrome address bar. The Vision icon has two purposes:  Activity Feed  Settings SETTINGS To log in: 1. Click on the Vision icon. 2. Enter your email address (username). 3. Enter your password. 4. Click Login. To log out: 1. Click on the Vision icon. 277 © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide 2. Click Logout. ENABLING AND DISABLING NOTIFICATIONS The Settings link also has the ability to turn on desktop notifications vs. email notifications. Desktop notifications pop a notification on the bottom right hand of the screen not matter where the user is navigating as long as they have Outlook up. Email notifications send an actual email to the rep of the notification (used when the ability to access notifications from mobile is critical). ACTIVITY FEED Click on the Vision icon to show and hide the Activity Feed. The Activity Feed shows all of the recent notifications: Notification Description Email Opened Notifications appear when the recipient opens an email. Email Forwarded Notifications appear when the recipient forwards an email. Attachment Downloaded Notifications appear whenever the attachment is downloaded. Link Clicked Notifications appear when recipients click a link. Notifications appear when a recipient visits a web page. Web Page Visited 278 Limitation: This requires users to receive and accept cookies. Users get cookies from clicking links, downloading attachments, and opening © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide emails within a web browser. Users must then visit the website using that same web browser. VISION GROUP The Vision Gmail plugin installs Vision tools within the New Email (Compose) window. These tools are located at the bottom of the window with the formatting tools. TOOLS Tool Description The Attachments tool gives users access to that user’s Vision attachments in two ways: Attachments   Recent Attachments: Attachments used recently Vision: A tree-view navigation of all attachments the user has access to. The Templates tool gives users access to many template options:  Templates    279 Save As Template: Save the current email as a new Vision Template. Recent Attachments: Attachments used recedntly Vision: A tree-view navigation of all Vision templates the user has access to. Salesforce: A tree-view navigation of all Salesforce templates synced from the user’s Salesforce account. © 2016 Vision Configuration Guide This option schedules an email in the future and changes the Send button to Schedule. Custom Schedule   NeuralSend™: Send the email at the optimal time. Custom Schedule: Choose a specific time to send the email. When selected (default) emails are tracked in Vision. Deselect this to not track the current email. Tracked DESKTOP NOTIFICATIONS The Vision Gmail plugin will create desktop notifications near the system tray if the user profile is set to receive desktop notifications. SEE ALSO Edit Section Settings in the Account Settings section of the WebApp for more information on enabling desktop notifications. 280 © 2016