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SIMS: Smart Inventory Management System Group 37 Masaki Negishi & Anthony Fai ECE 445 Senior Design April 27, 2005 Introduction   SIMS provides a cost effective solution for the management of inventory which leverages RFID technology. Combines an antenna array to a single RFID reader to map out an area for inventory detection Features     PC serial interface Compatible with RFID Readers and Antennas Up to 8 outputs per unit Expandable, modular design The images in this presentation have been reduced to screen quality (saves space) Format Picture -> Compress The SIMS System System Overview  Hardware:    Power Supply, PC Interface Processing Unit, RF Switching Unit TI HF RFID Reader, TI HF RFID Antenna, TI HF RFID Transponders Software:  PC control for antenna switching System Overview Hardware Overview (In House Manufactured)  Power Supply   PC Interface Processing Unit   Takes 6Vdc from AC/DC wall converter and converts to stable 5Vdc PC communication with system RF Switching Unit  Switching of RF signal from reader to selected antenna PC Interface Processing Unit    PIC Microprocessor RS232 Serial Communication with PC Sends output to RF Switching Unit Black will have better contrast on a projector PC Interface Processing Unit (Schematic) RF Switching Unit    Takes in input from RFID reader Four outputs per board (expandable) Relay switching RF Switching Unit (Schematic) RF input from Reader Normally Open SPDT Relay Switch 5Vdc Input from PIC RF OUTPUT TO PIC PIN Diode Switching Unit (Eliminated)     Employ PIN Diodes for Switching Great performance for small peak to peak AC signal (low power) Poor performance for large peak to peak AC signal (high power) Introduce impedance mismatch Power Supply (Main Idea)    Supplies +5 Vdc and GND to switch and control units Maximum current: 1A More stable compared to 5V from the wall Black will have better contrast on a projector Power Supply (Schematic) We always like to see measured data (especially with waveforms)! Power Supply (Results)     Vmax: 5.023 V Vmin: 4.975 V Max. Ripple: 48.44mV Freqnency: 95.057KHz Hardware Overview (Outsourced)    TI RFID S6500 HF Reader TI RFID HF Transponders TI RFID HF 13.56 MHz Antenna (RI-ANT-T01A) TI RFID S6500 HF Reader  RFID Reader      Necessary to read and write to transponders Can be connected to PC through RS232 Operating Frequency of 13.56 MHz (HF) Output voltage of 48 V peak-to-peak Power output of 4 W TI RFID HF Transponders  Transponders   Receives 13.56MHz of the signal from the reader, and sends back a signal to the reader Consists of a loop antenna and a chip microprocessor Factors Influencing Communication with Tags    Orientation of tag with respect to antenna Environment around tag (e.g. metals, liquids) Background Noise Recommendations for Tag Placements    Parallel to antenna Away from metals Within reading range of antenna (~25 cm) TI RFID HF 13.56 MHz Antenna     Used to transmit and receive signals. Used for Magnetic Tuned at 13.56 MHz Input Impedance of 50 Ohms Loop Antenna (In House)      Followed Texas Instruments’ Antenna Cookbook 50cm x 50cm Made of copper tape and wooden board T-matching network Reading range of 1 mm (SWR ~ 2.2) Black will have better contrast on a projector Loop Antenna (Self-Made)  Measurement Results (SWR = 60.832) Loop Antenna (RI-ANT-T01A)    Dimension: 337mm x 322mm x 38mm Matched to 50 Ohms Maximum Reading Range: 50cm Black will have better contrast on a projector Loop Antenna (RI-ANT-T01A)  Measurement Results 1: Vertical, Away from Metal  SWR = 1.004 Black will have better contrast on a projector Loop Antenna (RI-ANT-T01A)  Measurement Results 2: Horizontal, Sitting on Lab Table  SWR = 1.636 Black will have better contrast on a projector Loop Antenna (RI-ANT-T01A)  Measurement Results 3: Close to Lab Equipments  SWR = 5.111 Black will have better contrast on a projector Overall Z-Parameters  SIMS System + Antenna Results During Operation  SWR = 1.349 Factors Influencing Antenna Impedance    Orientation Environment (e.g. metals, liquids) Noise  Antenna is operating always in near field since wavelength is 22 meters! Just about the maximum amount of text on a slide Antenna Recommendations     Antennae must be placed first, then tuned. May need multiple antennae at one station for more complete coverage (and avoid nulls from environmental factors) Larger antennae for longer reading range Do not completely trust antenna cookbooks because they are unreliable!  Buy one antenna first and analyze it. Software  PERL software   Takes in user input and sends out two HEX digits through RS232 serial port (I/O) PIC software  Takes in input from RS232 serial port and sends logic high to corresponding pins PERL Software   Takes in keyboard inputs in HEX    Must read header “AF” followed by two HEX digits (e.g. AF06) Send out input from COM 2 to PIC Checks to see if PIC received correct signal PIC Software  Switch0331.hex    Takes input from RS232 and sends logic high to corresponding outputs Will only respond if header “AF” is seen Sends back to PC its output Room Setup   Map out room and give coordinates to each antenna For example, antenna B-2 can correspond to the secretary’s desk Future Hardware Development    Improved Switching Unit for longer lifetime and higher signal isolation Increased number of antenna outputs Improved Antenna Design   Larger loop antenna More stable impedance matching network and BALUN Future Software Development    Friendly user online interface (HTML) Information processing on transponder data Network with central server Laptops Workstation Server Workstation Workstation Workstation RFID Frequency Comparison Frequency Pros Cons LF (100 – 140KHz; ~2.5 km) Read Range: ~100 cm MAX Magnetic Inductive Transponders Less susceptible to environment Longer reading range than HF Only usually one transponder can be read at a time Tags bulkier and more expensive than HF ones and less memory capacity HF (13.56MHz; ~22m) Read Range: ~50 cm MAX (current antenna ~25 cm) Magnetic Inductive Transponders Anti-collision intelligence allows multiple of tags to operate concurrently Well defined magnetic field More susceptible to environment Short reading range UHF (860 – 960MHz; ~33 cm) Anti-collision detection Read Range: ~9m MAX Long reading range Electric (but passive tags) Capacitive Transponders Not well defined electric field Field nulls near antenna requires complex anti-collision intelligence Tags have less memory capacity SWOT Analysis of SIMS Strengths: Weakness: Modular design Supports LF and UHF Minimize number of readers Cost effective Short range Susceptible to environmental factors Relay power consumption and lifetime Threats: Opportunities: Smart Shelves RTLS Inventory Management UHF implementation Software Expansion Credits      Mr. Richard Martin Cantzler, II Professor P. Scott Carney Mr. Nicholas Soldner Professor Jennifer T. Bernhard Professor Steven J. Franke Thank You