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Saxon Wood Heaters - Kent Wood Heaters




Ownersmanualforall SaxonWoodHeaters ModelscoveredMahoganyMkII Blackwood BlackwoodInsert Rosewood Walnut Te s t e d a n d a p p r o v e d t o A u s t r a l i a n Standards AS2918-2001 and AS/NZS 4013/4012-1999 (Mahogany MkII and Blackwood Insert tested to AS/NZS 4013/4012-2014). Prior to installation check with your state and local authorities regarding any specific regulations that may apply. Please keep these instructions for future reference. Burn hardwood only. 2 FIRSTTHINGSFIRST... CongratulationsonyourpurchaseofaqualitySaxonwoodheater.Thisproductisdesignedaccordingtostrict environmental,qualityandsafetystandardsandshouldgiveyouyearsoftroublefreehomeheating. Readtheseinstructionscarefullytogetthemostoutofyourheaterandtoensuresafeandsatisfactoryheater performance.Inparticular,wewouldliketodrawyourattentiontothesewarnings. Becarefulofwhatyouburn: * Useonlydry,wellseasonedhardwood. * Donotusecoalorbriquettes. * WARNING: DO NOT USE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDSORAEROSOLSTOSTARTOR REKINDLETHEFIRE. * Do not burn garbage in the firebox as garbagecancauseadangeroussootbuild upandincreasetheamountofsmokeyour heaterproduces. * Do not burn chemically treated timber as the poisonous gases given off could damageyourstove. * CAUTION: THE USE OF SOME TYPES OF PRESERVATIVE-TREATED WOOD ASFUELCANBEHAZARDOUS. * Donotplaceanytypesofbuildersboardeg fibro, cement sheeting (or any other materials not specified and tested by the manufacturer)insidethefirebox. Protect yourself and your family fromburns: * W A R N I N G :  O P E N  A I R  C O N T R O L BEFOREOPENINGFIRINGDOOR. * The exterior surfaces of the heater will b e c o m e  h o t  d u r i n g  o p e r a t i o n .  F o r protectionofchildren,theelderlyorinfirm, provideafirescreentopreventcontactwith theapplianceinoperation. * To protect against injury from burns, use caution when operating the appliance. In particular,whenloadingthefirebox,provide adequateprotectionforyourhands. Useyourheateraccordingtothese instructions: * CAUTION: THIS APPLIANCE SHOULD BE MAINTAINED AND OPERATED AT ALL TIMES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESEINSTRUCTIONS. * DONOTBURNWITHDOOROPEN. * CAUTION: THIS APPLIANCE SHOULD NOTBEOPERATEDWITHACRACKED GLASS. * Donotthrowlogsintothefirebox.Always placelogscarefully. * Loadlogswithendspointingtothefrontof theheater.Thiswillhelppreventlogsrolling forward. * Donotoverfire(allowfireboxtoglowred)as thiscoulddamageyourfirebox. * Alwaysleaveaminimumof25mm(1”)of ash in the bottom of the firebox. Never emptyitcompletely. * WARNING:ANYMODIFICATIONOFTHE APPLIANCE THAT HAS NOT BEEN A P P R O V E D  I N  W R I T I N G  B Y  T H E TESTINGAUTHORITYISCONSIDERED ASBREACHINGAS/NZS4013. * Theapplianceorfluesystemshouldnotbe modified in any way without the written approvalofthemanufacturer. The heater can get very hot, so watchobviousfirehazards: * Donotplaceclothingorothercombustible materialsontopoftheheater. * WARNING: DO NOT USE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS OR AEROSOLS OR PLACE THESE IN THE VICINITY OF THIS APPLIANCEWHENITISOPERATING. * WARNING: DO NOT STORE FUEL W I T H I N  H E A T E R  I N S T A L L A T I O N CLEARANCES. * Do not store flammable liquids near the heater. * Donotstorefuelclosetothestove. ExclusionofLiability Whilsteverycarehasbeentakeninformulatingtheseinstructions,noresponsibilitywhatsoeverwill attachtoand/orclaimlieagainst,themanufacturerand/orthedistributoroftheheaterasaresult ofanyfailuretofollowthewholeoranypartoftheinstructionsand/orasaresultofincorrect informationhereinand/oranyomissionherefrom. 3 ASSEMBLINGYOURNEWHEATER BafflePlate TopGrill The baffle plate sits on two angled brackets towards the top of the firebox. In the Saxon range,therearedifferenttypesofbaffleplates. Whichever one you have, make sure it is orientedasinthediagramsbelow,withthetab facingupwards. SomeheatersintheSaxon range have a pair of top grills.Theseareshapedto fitneatlyintocutoutsontop ofthefirebox. Youmayneedtoanglethebaffleuponone sidetogetitthroughthedoor.Youshouldthen liftthebaffleoveronebracket,pushituptothe topofthefirebox,andthenliftitovertheother bracket. MahoganyMkII tabupwards First,place Skamolexbaffle intoframeand thenposition intofirebox. LiftingHandles-Mahoganyonly Theliftinghandlesmustbeusedwhenmoving the Saxon Mahogany heater. They can be foundinsidethefirebox. Thehandlesshouldslideintotubesfoundon theleftandrightsidesofthefirebox.Theyare located behind the side panels. The side panels do not need to be removed when inserting the handles. Please refer to the diagrambelow. 2 1 2 Blackwood-freestandingandinsert Top panel screw tabupwards *cutawayview shownforclarity Rosewood tabupwards Walnut tabupwards DecorativeRods-Mahoganyonly TheSaxonMahoganyhas4decorativerods located in the top panel. These can be removedsotheymaybepaintedanalternative colour,ifdesired. Toremovetherods,unscrewtheairslideknob ontheleftsideoftheheater.Totakethetop panelofftheheater,remove4screwsatthe rearandonescrewoneachsideofthetop panel,asshowindiagramabove.Thetop panel needs to be lifted slightly vertical andtothelefttocleartheairsliderod. Placethetoppanelupsidedownon a clean, soft surface. Each rod has one screw holding it in p l a c e .  R e m o v e  e a c h screwsothattherod canberemoved. 4 INSTALLATION-GENERALNOTES BeforeBeginning FlueInstallation Beforebeginningtheinstallationofyourwood heater, you should note the following precautions: * WARNING:THEAPPLIANCEANDFLUESYSTEM SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCEWITHAS/NZS2918AND THE APPROPRIATE REQUIREMENTS OF THE RELEVANT BUILDING CODE ORCODES. * WARNING:APPLIANCESINSTALLEDIN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS STANDARD S H A L L  C O M P L Y  W I T H  T H E REQUIREMENTS OF AS/NZS 4013 W H E R E  R E Q U I R E D  B Y  T H E REGULATORY AUTHORITY I.E. THE APPLIANCE SHALL BE IDENTIFIABLE BY A COMPLIANCE PLATE WITH THE MARKING‘TESTEDTOAS/NZS4013. * WARNING:ANYMODIFICATIONOFTHE APPLIANCE THAT HAS NOT BEEN A P P R O V E D  I N  W R I T I N G  B Y  T H E TESTINGAUTHORITYISCONSIDERED TOBEINBREACHOFTHEAPPROVAL GRANTED FOR COMPLIANCE WITH AS/NZS4013. * CAUTION: CRACKED AND BROKEN COMPONENTS,e.g.GLASSPANELSOR CERAMIC TILES, MAY RENDER THE INSTALLATIONUNSAFE. * It is strongly recommended that a certified/qualified installer perform the installation. * Youmayneedtogetcouncilapprovalprior toinstallation. * Youshouldalsocheckwithyourinsurerfor anyrequirementstheymayhave. For detailed instructions regarding flue installation,seetheinstructionsthatcamewith yourfluekit. HearthRequirements There are other variables that can affect draught (eg trees or tall buildings nearby). If youhavethecorrectflueheightandstillhave problems,consultyourdealer. Ifyourwoodheateristobeinstalledoncarpet, timberoranyothercombustiblematerial,you must place a hearth (also known as a floor protector) underneath the heater. Please observethefollowing: * Thehearthmustconsistofatleast12mm ofnoncombustiblematerial * Itisnotrecommendedthatyoumake yourownhearth * Thehearthandheaterassembly mustbeplacedonafirmand levelsurface. The correct flue system is critical to the performance of your wood heater. It must eitherbetestedwiththeheaterorbeadefault fluekit.WerecommendyouuseaMaxiheat DefaultFlueKit. CAUTION: MIXING OF APPLIANCE OR FLUE-SYSTEM COMPONENTS FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES OR MODIFYING THE DIMENSIONAL SPECIFICATION OF C O M P O N E N T S  M A Y  R E S U L T  I N HAZARDOUSCONDITIONS.WHERESUCH A C T I O N  I S  C O N S I D E R E D ,  T H E M A N U F A C T U R E R  S H O U L D  B E CONSULTEDINTHEFIRSTINSTANCE. FlueHeightRequirements Your flue must extend the required height aboveyourrooftopromotesufficientdraught. Iftheflueisnothighenough,theheaterwillnot “draw” properly causing smoke to spill back intotheroom. Theminimumheightoftheactivefluemustbe 4.6minlengthmeasuredfromthehearthplate to the flue termination point. The flue must extend at least 1m out of the roof. The flue mustclearanyridgeorobstructionwithina3m radiusbyaminimumof1m. Forverysteeproofs(45°orsteeper)itisoften impracticaltogetabovethehighestpoint.The useofananti-downdraftcowlisadvisable. Onflatroofs,thefluemustextendaminimum of1.5m. 5 INSTALLATION-FREESTANDINGHEATERSONLY Location ReducedClearances Select a location for your wood heater with greatcare. * Donotplaceyourheaterinareasofhigh traffic,nearfurnitureordraperies. * Check that the intended location will not interferewithceilingjoists,rafters,valleys andridges. Theseclearancescanbereducedwithproper heat shielding. Basically a noncombustible surfaceisplacedbetweentheheaterandthe c o m b u s t i b l e  w a l l .  I t  i s  v i t a l  t h a t  a n unobstructedairflowbemaintainedbetween thetwosurfacestoremoveexcessheat. Clearances It is necessary to ensure that the heater is positioned on the hearth so that the requirementsbelowareobserved.Thefrontof thehearthshouldextendpasttheheaterdoor bythedistancespecifiedasD.Thesideofthe hearthshouldextendpasttheheaterdoorby thedistancespecifiedasEoneachside. HearthClearances Itisvitalthattheheaterbeinstalledtheproper distancefromcombustiblesurfaceslikewood, gyprockandcurtains. Thediagramsshowbothparallelandcorner installations. Failuretomaintaintheseminimumdistances mayresultinafireforwhichyourinsurermay refusetocover. CornerInstallation ParallelInstallation A HearthClearances C B D E Model A B C D E All dimensions are in millimetres Walnut MaxiheatDecromeshDefaultFlueKitwithinnershield (MXRSISS)locatedbetweentheactiveflueanddecromesh 75 350 50 300 200 MaxiheatDecromeshDefaultFlueKit 250 500 150 500 200 MaxiheatDecromeshDefaultFlueKitwithoutershield (MXRSOB) 150 500 50 500 200 MaxiheatDecromeshDefaultFlueKitwithinnershield (MXRSISS)locatedbetweentheactiveflueanddecromesh 100 500 50 500 200 100 250 50 300 290 150 450 150 450 200 Rosewood Blackwood MaxiheatDecromeshDefaultFlueKit MahoganyMkII MaxiheatDecromeshDefaultFlueKit 6 INSTALLATION-BLACKWOODINSERTONLY WARNING:ThisapplianceandflueMUSTbeinstalledinafullmasonryfireplace,andmustbeinstalledbya qualifiedwoodheaterinstalleraccordingtothelatestversionofAS2918. FireplaceConstruction HearthConstruction This wood heater must be installed in a full masonry fireplace, which has been carefully inspected for cracks or deterioration. The c h i m n e y  s h o u l d  b e  c l e a n e d  p r i o r  t o installation. The hearth for the Blackwood Insert heater must be constructed to one of the following specifications: a)Thehearthshallconsistofnolessthan30 mm thick compressed fibre cement sheet with a 15 mm air gap underneath. The c e m e n t  s h e e t  s h a l l  h a v e  t h e r m a l conductivitynotgreaterthan0.33W/m°K. The air gap must provide a minimum of 3,750 mm² on each side (eg. two slots of 125mmx15mmventilationoneitherside). Youmustinstallafluetheentirelengthofthe chimney.Thiswillhelpyourheaterperformto itsfullcapabilities.Itisalsoeasiertoclean. ClearancestoCombustibles The diagram below shows the minimum clearances (in millimetres) to combustible materials. b) The hearth shall consist of clay bricks, or equivalent, of no less than 110 mm thick abovethefloor. Theremustbenotlessthan1220mmbetween the top of the hearth to the underside of the combustiblemantlepiece.Thisisequivalentto 600 mm above the top of the heater mantle shelf. Refer to the table and diagram below for minimumdimensionsforthehearth. CementSheet,withairgap ClayBricks The combustible surround columns must be notlessthan1000mmapart. Do not build the hearth over the frontoftheheater asthiswillprevent access to the fan through the front bottom air inlet cover. 600 1220 A 615 435 A 920 1000 TopView Dimensions SideView Dimensions J K L firebox firebox firebox width depth height M N facia width facia height Alldimensionsareinmillimetres BlackwoodInsert 635 434 600 900 700 7 WOODSELECTION Fewthingsaffecttheperformanceofyourheaterasmuchasthefuelyouburn.Takenoteofthefollowing: WhatNotToBurn * * * * * * * Softwood(exceptkindling) Wetorunseasonedwood Treatedorpaintedtimber Saltwaterwood Coalorcharcoal Garbage,plasticetc Any solvents, kerosene, petrol or any flammableliquid. WhatToBurn Quitesimply,dryseasonedhardwood. Fromwhenwoodisfirstcutdown,ittakesupto 12 months of dry storage for the wood to season properly. The seasoning process is underwaywhencracksbegintoappearatthe endsofcuttimber. Useofmoistorunseasonedwoodwillresultin excessivesmoke,longerstartuptimes,alazy flame that requires more air to stay alight, creosotebuildupintheflueandonthedoor glass, and a much less powerful fire. The reasonissimple.Heatthatwouldnormallybe goingintotheroomiswastedboilingwaterthat is trapped inside the wood. This poor performancecostsyoumoneyinwastedfuel andincreasedmaintenance. Itisdifficulttodetermineifwoodisdryjustby lookingatit.Ifyoucanhearthewoodsizzle and hiss, or can see moisture bubbling from thewoodsurface,thenyourwoodistoowet.In practice,thebestthingyoucandoistobesure ofthesource.Buyyourwoodfromreputable wood merchants. Make sure you store the woodcorrectly. WoodStorage Itisimportantthatwoodbestoredundercover. Evenwoodthatisyearsoldwillabsorblarge quantities of moisture if exposed to the elements. It is advisable that wood is stacked to allow someairflowinandaroundthelogs.Thiswill helpkeepthewooddry. WoodSplitting Itisbesttohaveonhandagoodrangeofwood sizestohelpcontrolthefire.Theruleofthumb is:thehotterthefire,thebiggerthelogyoucan putin. * Youneedverysmallpiecesofkindlingto getthefirestartedefficiently. * Small pieces up to about 50mm thick are goodwhenthefireisstillbeingestablished, orwhenyouwanttoreviveafirethathas burntlow. * Larger logs are excellent for long burns oncethefireiswellestablished. 8 USINGYOURHEATER Beforeusingyourwoodheater,studythisentiresectioncarefully.Itwillassistyouinachievingmaximum efficiencyandenjoyment. CuringthePaint LightingTheFire Variouspartsofyourheaterhavebeencoated withhighqualitypaintstoprotectthemandto givethemanattractivefinish.Youwillneedto “break-in”yourheatertohardenorcurethese coatings. Woodburnsmostefficientlywhenplacedina veryhotfire.Theseproceduresaredesigned tobringyourfireboxtotherighttemperatureas quicklyaspossible. While curing, be careful not to touch the paintedsurfacesasthepaintwillbequitesoft. Place a large amount of kindling in a crisscross pattern over a firelighter. Make sure plentyofaircangetintothestackandaround eachpieceofkindling. Thebasicruleis:cureslowly,overaboutthree burns, without a hot fire. During the curing processitisnormalforsomesmokeandsmell tobegivenofffromthesurfaceoftheheater. Eachtime,somewindowsshouldbeopened toallowthepaintodourstoescape.Usingafan alsohelpsdispersetheodours.Forthisreason itisbestdoneduringtheday. 1. The first fire should be kindling only and shouldlastforabout20minutes.Leavethe doorslightlyajartostopthedoorropefrom sticking. 2.Oncetheheaterhascooleddown,repeat theprocess. 3.Thethirdfireshouldbeanormalfireofat least45minutes. Puttheaircontrolonhigh. Addafewsmallpiecesofwoodontop.The fireboxshouldbeabouthalffulloffuel. Ignitethefirelighter. For flush window heaters: leave the door slightly ajar for the first few minutes to allow extraairtohastenthebuildupofflame.Donot leavetheheaterunattendedwhilethedooris ajar. For bay window heaters: Close the door as soonasthefirewoodisinthefirebox.Thedoor shouldremainclosedatalltimes. Continuetoaddsmallpiecesofwooduntila bedofhotglowingcoalsisestablished. Bythistime,yourheatershouldbecured.In colderconditions,oriftheheaterusesafan,it maytakeslightlylonger.Thehouseshouldbe ventilateduntilallodoursaregone. Place two or three thoroughly dry split logs (about 80-100mm diameter) on the well establishedfire.Logswillburnbetteriftheyare placedwiththeirendsneartheglass,iefrontto back. OperatingTheAirControl Leave the air control on high for about 30 minutes.Afterthistime,thefireboxshouldbe hotenoughfornormaloperation,soyoucan turndowntomediumorlow. Youcancontrolwhetheryourheaterburnson highorlowwiththeaircontrolleverfoundon either the front or the side of the heater, depending on the model. The high and low positionsareclearlymarkedonallmodels. Forlowburns-Usethissettingforlowburning, orforextendedburntimes. Formediumburns-Thisistheoptimalsetting fornormaluse. For high burns - Use this setting for starting the fire and for at least 30 minutesafterloadingandreloading. Adding fresh wood cools the fire down, so whenyouneedtoreplenishthefuel,turnthe aircontroltohighforabout30minutestobring thefireboxtemperaturesbackuptonormal Alwaysleavetheaircontrolonhighforatleast 30minutesafterreloading. 9 USINGYOURHEATER AFewHints Woodshouldbestackedfronttoback-withthe endsfacingthedoor-andwithspacebetween themforairtoflowaround. The door should remain closed at all times exceptwhenfirstestablishingthefireandwhen loading. Therearemanyfactorsthatcanaffecttheway yourheaterburns,includingflueheight,wood type,shape,amount,thewayitisstacked,wind conditions and outside air temperatures to nameafew.Youwillfindthatbeforelongyou willgettoknowhowyourheaterworksbestfor you. OvernightBurns Largeunsplitlogsarethebestfueltouse. Make sure you have a good strong bed of glowing coals and the heater is hot before loadingthelogs. Placealoadofwoodonthestrongbasefireand coals,shutthedoorandleaveonhighforabout 30minutesoruntilthelogsarecharredallover. Turndowntolow. RestartingAfteranOvernightBurn Adjustaircontroltohigh. Rakethehotcoals. Place some kindling and small logs on the coals. Once the fire is established, start putting on largerlogs. RemovingAshes When the ashes are level with the firebox opening,it’stimeforacleanout.Thisshould onlybedonewhenthefireboxhascompletely cooled.Removinghotashesishazardous. Push chunks of charred wood to one side. Thesewillburninthenextfire,soitwouldbea shame to waste them. Using a metal scoop, remove excess ash and place in a metal container. Youshouldleaveasmallamountofashinthe fireboxtoprovideaninsulatingbaseforthenext fire.Rakethemoversotheyformaflatbed. Whendisposingoftheashes,keepthemina metalorothernon-combustiblecontainerwith a tight fitting lid. Move them outdoors immediately to an area clear of combustible materials. Do not place them in plastic receptacles. HeaterFans AllSaxonheatersarefittedwithafan.Thefan shouldonlybeusedon“high”or“boost”when theaircontrolisonthemaximumsetting. The fan should never be used when the air controlison“low”orovernightsetting. Wealsorecommendnotusingthefanuntil30 minutesafterthefireisfirstlit. Thefaninstalledinyourheaterisfittedwithan overtemperaturesafetydevice.Thefanmay stop if the pre-set temperature is exceeded. Thefanwillrestartwhenithascooledtoasafe temperature.Thisisnormaloperationforthis safetydevice. AutomaticFanControl-Mahoganyonly TheMahoganyisfittedwithauniqueelectronic controlthatensuresyourheateralwaysburns efficiently and with the minimum emissions beingemitted. As such, if the fan is on and you open the heaterdoor,thefanwillautomaticallyturnoff and automatically restart approximately 20 minutesafterthedoorisclosed. Also,ifthefanisonandtheaircontrolisturned to“low”,thefanwillnotoperate.If,orwhen,the aircontrolisopenedfromthe“low”setting,the fanwillautomaticallyrestartapproximately20 minutesaftertheaircontrolismovedfromthe “low”position. ThereisanLEDindicatornexttothefanswitch. Itwilleitherflashorbeon(i.e.solidandnonflashing)dependingontheoperationofthe fan.TheLEDwillbeonwheneverthefanis inoperation.TheLEDwillflashwhenthe fanisnotinoperation,suchaswhen thedoorisopen,ortheaircontrolis turnedto“low”,orduringthe20 minutedelayperiod. 10 CAREANDMAINTENANCE Your heater has been designed as a heavy duty appliance capable of withstanding normal operating conditions. Care Thefireboxlinerswherefittedmustbetreated withcare.Avoidthrowinglogsintothefirebox asthismayfracturetheliners. Cleaning Painted surfaces: to clean painted surfaces, wipeoverwithasoft,dampcloth.Donotuse harshsolventsandcleaningagentsasthese candamagethecoating.Buffdrywithasoft, drycloth. If your heater is installed in a coastal environment, where salt air will  come in contactwiththeheater,thiscleaningprocess shouldbeperformedweeklytoavoidthesalt causing deterioration of the paint and subsequentlyrust. Door glass: sometimes black deposits will build up on the inside of the door glass. To removethisbuildup,rubgentlywithaplastic scourer pad moistened with water and detergent.Thenusethedampanddrycloths asbefore.Hotglasscleanerisalsoavailable fromyourheaterretailer. RoutineMaintenanceSchedule Atbeginningoftheseasonandatleastevery8 weeksduringtheseason * Inspect and clean the flue system. To do this,removethebaffleplateandfluecowl, andcleanoutwithafluebrush. * Checkthepaintedsurfaces.Ifthereisany wear, for instance from cleaning or abrasion, touch up paint is available from yourdealer. Atendofseason * Inspectthedoorglassforanycracksand replaceifnecessary. * Inspectdoorropeandsealsandreplace ifnecessary. * I n s p e c t  f i r e b o x  f o r  w e a r  o r excessivecorrosion. * Inspectfirebrickswherefitted andreplaceifbroken. * Checkthattheairslidemovessmoothly.Ifit issticky,lubricateitwithhightemperature greaseavailablefromyourlocalhardware store. * Inspectfanfordirtbuildupandremovedust if necessary. Excess dirt build up can damagefan,whichmayvoidthewarranty. Fancanbeaccessedbyremovingthefront panelontheheatercolumn. CreosoteBuildUp Whentheheateriscontinuallyburntwithlower than normal fire temperatures, eg due to unseasoned wood, higher than acceptable amounts of smoke are produced which condenseontheinsideoftheflue.Thisbuilds upasablack,tar-likedepositcalledcreosote. Athinlayerofcreosoteinsidetheflueisnormal andwillnotcauseaproblem.Oncethereisa layer more than 3mm thick, problems can occur. 1.Ifthelayeristhickenough,itrestrictstheflue andcancauseinsufficientdrawandeven smokespillagebackintothehouse. 2. More seriously, creosote is combustible, andcanignite.Afluefireiseasytodetect, involvingaroaringsound,avibrationofthe flue, and sometimes flames and sparks shootoutofthetopoftheflue. Toavoidcreosotebuildupandthefiresthat mayresult,burnseasonedwoodwiththeair controlsettomediumorhighformostofthe time. To remove creosote when it does build up, removethebaffleplateandfluecowl,anduse a flue brush to clean the flue system. To removethebaffleplate,slidetheplateupon onesideandthendownaroundthebrackets ontheother. Incaseofafluefire,donotpanic.Yourflue system has been constructed to withstand hightemperatures.Immediatelyclosetheair controldowntoitslowestsetting.Donotopen thedoor.Oncethefirehasextinguished,you shouldhaveyourfluesysteminspectedbya qualifiedserviceperson. 11 CARINGFORTHEENVIRONMENT Caringforourplanetmeansreducingpollutionandmanagingourresourcesintelligently.Everyresourcewe usetodayweareborrowingfromourfuturegenerations. Thekeytosuccessfullymeetingourfutureenergyrequirementsliesinourabilitytomanageexistingresources wisely.Unlikefossilfuelssuchasoil,coalandgas,woodcanbemanagedonasustainablebasis. Thisiswhywoodisoneofthewisest,mostcosteffectiveandenvironmentallyefficientformsofhomeheating availabletoday. Youcanmakeafurtherpositivecontributiontotheenvironmentbyfollowingtheseimportantsteps:- OperatingYourHeater Landcare * Alwaysburngood,dryhardwood.Thiswill yield the greatest amount of heat for the leastamountoffuel. * Neverburngreenorunseasonedwood,or wood that is wet. This will waste energy, cause excessive smoke and reduce the performanceofyourwoodheater. * Donotallowyourwoodtosmoulder.Your fireshouldalwaysburnbrightlyandcleanly. Checktheflueoccasionallytoseeifthereis anyexcessivesmoke. Aportionofthesaleofyourheaterisdonated directly to Landcare by the Australian Home HeatingAssociation. OtherThingsYouCanDo * Ensureyourhomeisadequatelyinsulated. Thiswillreduceyourenergyrequirements, and lessen your fuel bills, or the need to gatherfuel.Thisinturnreducespollution. * Donotoverheatyourhome!Ifyoufeelhot evenwhenwearinglightclothing,thenyou arewastingenergy. * Installceilingfansinthemainrooms.These areanexcellentinvestmentinyearround comfort.Becausehotairrises,ceilingfans pushthishotairbackclosertogroundlevel tokeepyouwarmer. Landcare is one of the most proactive community based environmental groups in Australiatoday.Almost5000Landcaregroups have sprouted across Australia and like the millionsoftreesLandcarehasplanted,they're stillgrowing.Oneofthreefarmersisamember ofLandcare. Thesegroupsgetinvolvedinactivitiesliketree planting and revegetation, weed removal, fencing, feral animal control, water quality monitoring, nature surveys, riverbank repair, andsustainableagriculturaltechniques. Landcaregroupsareusuallyformedbecause thereisaproblem.Localsnoticechangesin theirenvironmentanddecidetodosomething about it. Landcare groups can grow out of neighbouringfarms,orneighboursinthecity thatsharealocalpark.Landcaregroupsare working on all imaginable ecosystems in Australia,fromdryanddustycentralAustralia, totropicalrainforestsofQueenslandandthe mountainsinTasmania. WOODHEATINGISGOODHEATING NEEDACCESSORIES? Your Saxon dealer also sells a range of attractive, good value accessories for your heater like mesh guards, toolsets and wood baskets. Also,youcanaskaboutmaintenanceproducts,firelighters,touchup paint,fluecleaningproductsandmore. G.L.G.AustraliaPtyLtd BuildingA2,CampusBusinessPark 350-374ParramattaRoad Homebush,NSW2140 HIPA-100S 10052016