SharePlay User manual Overview Local Music All Playlists Management Playlist Management File selector Music Player Voice Recorder Peer to Peer Music
Overview SharePlay UI is a Tab-Based UI. Moving from one component to another is done by clicking the desired tab at the top of SharePlay window. The tabs are could shaped and the sun represents the current tab chosen. In addition, Android’s built in Back button can be used in order to go one step back. Finally, SharePlay has additional buttons used to easily operate the application.
Local Music All Playlists Management Local music is managed by “Playlists” tab. This tab is the first to be opened upon launching the application. e. g. :
In order to add a new playlist to the list, simply click on “New Playlist” on the top of the window. This will open a dialog box, where the name of the new playlist will be defined:
Clicking “Create” will add a playlist name “my new playlist” to the playlists list.
For each playlist, the number of songs in the playlist is shown to the right of the playlist name. In addition, beneath the name of each playlist, shown the date that the playlist was last modified on.
In order to delete an existing playlist, simply swipe your finger across the name of the playlist.
In order to view the content of a playlist, simply click on the playlist name.
Playlist Management Upon clicking a playlist name (see All Playlists management), the chosen playlist information is shown, e.g. :
This Information presented is the list of the songs that are inside the playlist. In addition, for each song, the length of the song is displayed to the right, and the “artist, album” is displayed beneath it.
In order to start playing a song in the media player, click the desired song. Note that the media player will play the song in the order of their appearance in the list.
Header buttons: Rename – used to change the name of the chosen playlist (will open a dialog box. See “All Playlists Management” – New Playlist). Shuffle – causes the Music Player (See Music Player) songs in the chosen playlist to be played in a random order. Add Song – used to add a song to the playlist. This will be done with a File Explorer, e.g. :
Simply navigate to the desired directory, e.g. :
Click on each song file in order to select it (a selected file has a '’ mark next to it). You can choose all files by clicking “Check All” button. Click “OK” to add the selected files to the playlist.
In order to remove a song from a playlist, simply swipe you finger across the song entry in the playlist.
Music Player The music player is opened upon clicking the “Player” tab, clicking a song in a playlist (see “Manage Playlist”) or clicking “Shuffle” button in the Playlist section (see “Manage Playlist”). Clicking the “Player” tab, when no song is chosen, will open the following screen:
When a song is loaded, the Music Player will look like that:
The song’s name is presented at the top. Beneath it, the name of the artist and album is presented. The elapsed song time is presented at the left bottom of the screen.
Controls: SeekBar – Showing the current time of the song that is playing (according to the elapsed time). Can be changed upon clicking any point on the line, or dragging the location indicator. Play/Pause button – used to pause the song at the current location, and resume playing it. Previous button – used to change the currently played song to the previous song in the playlist. Will play the last song of the list if it is pressed while the first song is playing. Next button - used to change the currently played song to the next song in the playlist. Will play the first song of the list if it is pressed while the last song is playing.
Voice Recorder The voice recorder is used in order to make voice notes, and is opened upon clicking the “Recorder” tab. The default view is a follows:
Controls: Record button at state “standby” – upon clicking, the device will start recording and the button will change its state to recording. The shape of the button is as shown on the default view. Record button at state “recording” – upon clicking, the device will stop recording and prompt a dialog box, asking for a file name, when the default file name is “Recorded Track”:
The Dialog box:
Finally, click “Save” to finish or “Delete” to drop:
The recorded tracks will be saved under: /Music/SharePlay/Recorded Track
Peer to Peer Music Peer to Peer is used in order to remotely listen to music that is stored on another device. This can be any device that is connected to same wireless network as the listening device, and has SharePlay installed on. Main Peer To Peer window:
In order to find peers, verify that the wireless radio is on (to get to the wireless networks configuration, simply click “P2P On/Off” button) and click on “Discover” button:
When discovery is finished, click the name of the desired peer to get music from. This will show all of the peers’ playlists:
Simply choose music as in Local Music section. In order to disconnect from a peer, click the Back button, and find the peer that is currently connect. Click Disconnect. In order to connect to another peer, simply disconnect from the current peer, and choose another one.
When a peer is connected to you, you will see a “Connected” tag near the name of the peer. In order to stop sharing music with this peer, simply click “Disconnect”.