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Side 1501 - Eng


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[email protected] 1501 One morning, when it’s Joe’s first school day, * skole- he catches hold of the handle of his new school bag. * gribe / tage fat i > Having seized hold of the handle, he lifts the bag, and sets out to go to school together with Al, June and Ann. A head teacher, a headmaster (o-f) or headmistress, administers a school. * dag * hank * = * løfte ngt. * begive sig afsted for at * skoleinspektør / -leder * inspektør * -trice * lede ( skole ) In America a principal is usually in charge of a school. * skoleinspektør / -leder The head of the school is a naturally gifted administrator. * skoleleder * ~ begavet fra naturens hånd som ngt. / -inspektør * af natur She’s naturally outgoing. 10 Administration came naturally – it’s in her blod. She’s a natural-born (o. attr.) administrator. * udadvendt imødekommende * ligge ng. i blodet * falde ( helt ) naturligt * den fødte * administrator êd `ministreitê Working first as a deputy head of the school, she managed the administration like a natural. Although she is a natural, she has had to work hard to achieve equal opportunity. Some people think sexual inequality is all part of the natural order of things. Little by little she was accepted as a natural leader, * stedfortræder, ~ vice- * som en naturlig ting / ~ født til det * naturtalent * ligestilling * kønsbestemt * ulighed * ~ naturens orden * en naturlig / ~ født ( leder ) and a natural for the job. * ~ som født til ( job ) 20 So when the Head retired, and the post fell vacant, * skoleinspektør she was the natural choice for the job. In the case of the outgoing Head, the teaching staff was reduced by natural wastage. Accepting the offer seemed the most natural thing in the world. As managing runs in the incoming Head’s blood, administration of the school comes naturally to her. The naturalness of her manners has a reassuring * ( skole ) leder / inspektør * stilling / -leder * naturlig / selvfølgelig ( valg ) * ~ blive * ledig * afgående ( leder ) * ved > * naturlig * ~ afgang * & naturligste ting > * i verden * ~ ligge > * tiltrædende ( leder ) * i blodet * ~ falde ng. ( helt ) naturligt * naturlighed * beroligende ukunstlethed influence on children, parents and collegues. * 30 She has a reassuring smile. * beroligende ( smil ) It’s reassuring that the school has a competent leader. * det er betryggende at - It’s reassuring to know that it has a competent leader. * Her collegues couldn’t cram / pack () in as much work * ~ indpasse ngt. as she could during her working hours. They could never cram / pack as much work into their working hours as she could. … at vide at - * i løbet af ngt. * indpasse ngt. i ( en periode ) * arbejds- * ~ tid 1502 The Head has an almost uninterrupted view from * uforstyrret her window. * The view of the park is interrupted only by a flag. * afbrudt af ngt. Being on maternity leave was a minor interruption to * barsels- the head teacher’s career. Wearing maternity clothes was no problem but her hormone balance was disturbed by pregnancy. For some time she didn’t get much uninterrupted sleep * uforstyrret ( søvn ) * forstyrre ng. She had a natural `childbirth. * naturlig Her husband had paternity leave. * forældre- At school there’s break ( time ) E/A recess between * i skolen At break / recess the schoolchildren / pupils (eE, o-f) may play hopscotch in the playground. The players toss or kick a flat stone or other objects * orlov * elev ( især ung ) * frikvarter * i frikvarteret, når der er frikvarter * i ( skole ) gården * << * lege * hinke ~ hinke * kaste / smide ngt. * hinke- on one leg along the numbered sections. * or kick the object in the section. * barnefødsel * = 20 into sections of a hopscotch diagram and then jump Hopping from section to section, the player picks up * tøj * forstyrret af ngt. 10 Getting up early, she tried not to disturb everyone else. or students may play in the ( school ) yard. * afbrydelse af ngt. * barsels- * forstyrret ( nat ) At break ( time ) / recess, the schoolboys and schoolgirls * orlov * so often she awoke early after a disturbed night. the lessons. * udsyn legeplads ( i skolegård / park ) * sparke ngt. * ~ rude * hinke, humpe ( hoppe på et ben ) * sparke ngt. Some children use a broom handle to keep their balance. * koste- A broomstick is either a handle of a broom, * kost / -eskaft * skaft * kost or the whole broom: a brush made of small sticks or bristles * børste * pind * stift hår at the end of a long stick, used for sweeping floors. * feje ngt. Attempting the ( vaulting ) horse, * forsøge sig med ngt. some children only attempt one jump. * forsøge sig med ngt. 30 Once in a while a game is interrupted by rain. * afbrudt af ( regn ) * skaft * ( til at springe over ) hest 1503 The newly started pupils learn classroom discipline * elev so they wont cause the teacher annoyance. * volde ng. > * klaseværelses- * disciplin, orden * plage, irritation, ærgrelse Much annoyance and many annoyances may cause stress. * = Some pupils are an annoyance when they don’t attend. Their most annoying habit when they don’t pay attention, is disturbing everyone else and disturbing the teaching . Their constant interruption and many interruptions are soon beginning to annoy the teacher. It annoys him to hear the pupils interrupt, and it really 10 annoys him to see them interrupting each other. At first he tries to ignore much of the disturbance and interruption. * & irritationsmomenter * en plage / kilde til … * være opmærksom ~ høre efter * plagsom, irriterende * -=- * være > * … ngt. * forstyrre ng. * afbrydelse, forstyrrelse * plage / irritere / ærgre ng. * irritere / ærgre ng. at - * … ng. * forstyrrelse * afbrydelse, forstyrrelse * frikvarter ‘ When do we have ( a ) playtime ? ‘ they also * legetid ( legepause ) So as they keep interrupting his teaching, the teacher annoyingly reproves ‘ Would you mind not interrupting ! ‘ * afbryde / forstyrre ( spech ) * afbryde / forstyrre ng. ( speech ) * irriteret * irettesætte * irettesættelse He reproves the pupils: he reproves them for lack of * irettesætte ng. ‘ Don’t interrupt me all the time ! ’ he repeatedly has to reprove some of the pupils, though. * være så venlig(e) at - * … for at * afbryde / forstyrre ng. * ‘ speech,‘ sb. irettesætte ng. * have karakter af > He succeeds in teaching uninterrupted and undisturbed * uden at blive afbrudt / forstyrret No one seems able to talk or work without interruption. * ( streng ) irettesættelse * uden afbrydelse kilde til … / ærgrelse * irritere ng. * gentage, ‘ Speech ‘ * rumstere ~ være urolig attend during the lesson. * følge med / høre efter > 30 The teacher is beginning to get very annoyed with * blive irriteret på ng. the fidgety pupils. * urolig He is annoyed with the fidgets for not paying attention – * være << for their not paying attention to his teaching. Much to his annoyance, many pupils keep fidgeting with * ~ være opmærksom ~ følge med * … på ( ngs. undervisning ), ~ … i ( undervisningen ) * afbrydelse / ærgerlig over ngt. * = * til ngs. store irritation / ærgrelse their bodies, arms, heads and feet. * ~ i timen * urolig person Annoyed at their constant interruptions and disturbance, * irriteret he is annoyed about their lack of sence of occation. * = * It is an annoyance to repeat ‘ Sit still and stop fidgeting ! ’ * irritationsmoment It really annoyes him when some pupils don’t * = * … ng. for ngt. His words are now in the nature of severe reproof (U). only for a few minutes a time. * afbrud, pause * afbryde ngt. The pupils receive a mild reproof from the teacher. 20 discipline, and reproves them for interrupting all the time. * afbryde, forstyrre * = ‘ How soon is break ( time ) ? ’ the pupils often interrupt. interrupt the teacher when they want a break. * = * * forstyrrelse * fornemmelse  * situations* rumstere med ngt. 1504 It seems many pupils get fidgety as soon as they * urolig are not attended to / paid attention to individually. * ~ ( blive ) vist opmærksomhed Some unruly pupils disturb the things in the classroom, on other pupils’ desks, and even on the teacher’s desk. * uregerlig * flytte rundt på / rode ved ngt. * bord, pult * ~ kateter It’s natural to get upset. * det er naturligt / normalt at - It’s natural even for a good-natured teacher to get upset * … for ng. at - when some pupils keep overstepping the mark. One day, when the teacher tries to swat a fly that is annoying him, he narrowly misses it. * ~ gå over stregen * klaske ( flue ) * irritere / 10 He can’t conceal his annoyance at keeping missing * lige akkurat * ramme ved siden af ngt. genere ng. * skjule / dølge > * irritation, ærgrelse hitting the fly that keeps bothering him. * genere ng. The fly makes him look a complete mug. * idiot, fjols dum og let at narre Quite involuntarily, he has the class hooting with laughter. * ufrivilligt * hyle af grin To his great annoyance, he stamps his foot in annoyance. * til ngs. irritation / ærgrelse He is annoyed that he has no control of the situation. * irriteret He is annoyed at having to give in, / ærgrelig over at * -=- and annoyed to find himself going red. * give op * -=- He’s quite sensitive by nature. * af natur Nature will have her way. * naturen 20 He is annoyed to see the fly escape his swats, * ~ ikke have kontrol over ngt. * ~ rødme * ~ kræver sin ( fem. ) ret * irriteret / ærgerlig over at - * klask but more annoyed to hear some pupils getting far too cheeky. * - = - * rapkæftet, fræk flabet, næbbet * … for ng. Some pupils mug (eA); they mug for the teacher. * skære ansigter Although he has a good nature, his behaviour seems * ~ være godhjertet, -modig te sig fjollet / skabe sig rar, skikkelig in the nature of a hysteric reaction when he keeps * ~ have retning / karakter af ngt. shouting / yelling, ‘ Pack it in ! ’ (eE) * ~ stop det It’s only natural to yell, and its a perfect natural reaction. * naturlig / normal at - * råbe skrige As the teacher is a good-natured man, * godhjertet, -modig it’s not in his nature to be unkind, though. * ~ være ngs. natur * ~ ganske naturlig / helt normal ( reaktion ) rar, skikkelig He is annoyed with himself ( for having lost control ). * irriteret / How annoying, though, that he didn’t see the humorous * … at - * for at - * miste selvkontrollen ærgrelig på ( sig selv ) 30 It is annoying to do such things you would normally not do. * irriterende / ærgreligt at - side of the annoying situation. * irriterende / ærgrelig ( situation ) He manages but an unnatural smile, though. * ~ ikke formå mere end > * unaturlig / kunstig ( smil ) The annoying thing is that petty annoyances * ~ det irriterende / may annoyingly grow into great annoyances. ærgrelige * på irriterende vis * lille ubetydelig * irritationsmoment ærgrelse * stor … [email protected] 1505 A teachers position is very exposed in nature. A teacher who appeals to the pupils’ better nature often * af natur, ~ i bund og grund * appellere til ngs. bedre jeg realizes that some pupils just take advantage of * ~ udnytte / misbruge > the teacher’s good nature. * godhjertethed / -modighed skikkelighed It’s natural to be rebellious. * det er naturligt at - * rebelsk, oprørsk re`beljês It’s natural especially for young people to rebel. * … for ng. at - ri`bel It’s only natural that young people rebel against authorities. * det er naturligt at In the nature of things, young people rebel against * ~ ifølge tingenes natur teachers. * 10 It is in the nature of things that the pupils rebel against * det er > * en følge af tingenes natur at - a teacher, but naturally a teacher should never be left without * naturligvis, selvfølgelig means of disciplinary action to be taken against rebels. * disciplinær * indgriben * foretaget mod > * rebel `reblz May a majority of nice pupils restore his faith in human nature. He is an optimist by nature; it’s in his nature. * genoprette > * ngs. tro på ngt. * den menneskelige natur * være ngt. * af natur * det er ligger i ngs. natur Stress is Nature’s way of telling us that someting is wrong. * naturens > Even having a happy nature, many people aren’t coping today. Unable to cope with the changing nature of society, 20 they’ve got more problems than they can cope with. In the nature of the case, it’s often difficult to define the exact nature of the problem. * ~ være lykkelig af natur * ( kunne ) klare den * - - - ngt. * & egenart karakter * hamle op med / klare / overkomme ( problem ) * ~ ifølge sagens natur * natur Some people choose to go back to nature. * vende tilbage til > Getting back to nature, they are prepared to * -=- let Nature take its course. Living a simple life in the country, they let Mother `Nature take care of everything as much as possible. These nature lovers don’t care a hoot: * måde at - * lade naturen >  * problemets- * naturen / naturnær levevis * indstillet på at * gå sin gang * moder natur * * natur- * elsker * ikke bekymre sig * ( hyl, tuden, dyt ) ~ en døjt they don’t care a hoot about being rich. * - - - om at - 30 They don’t care two hoots: * << they don’t care two hoots about luxery. * - - - om ngt. They don’t give a hoot: they don’t give a hoot for city people’s opinion. * ikke bekymre sig en døjt * & ikke give en krone for > * They don’t give two hoots: they don’t give two hoots for * < < their gentrified opinion. * ~ bysnoppet 1506 Nature lovers appreciate the natural colour of the hair. * naturlig They mix the natural yogurt with their own fruit. * ( yogurt ) naturel Some nature lovers become nudists or naturists (eE). * nudist Nudity has become part of their nature: nøgendyrker * nøgenhed it has become part of their nature not to wear any clothes. As nudists and naturists practice nudism and naturism, nudism or naturism (eE) become part of their nature. * naturist < * blive en del af ngs. natur & gå ng. i blodet * … at * praktisere > * = * = * nudisme * naturisme * = It becomes part of their nature to walk around in the nude. * i bar figur, ~ nøgen They prefer to go to a nude beach where they can walk 10 around naked and swim in the nude. * nøgen (-badnings- ) * nøgen Working as a nude model, some people pose nude. * nøgen- Some fundamentalists prefer to die of natural causes * naturlig rather than being keept artificially alive at a hospital. * strand * = * model * posere * = ~ stå nøgenmodel * årsag * * * * * * * 20 A teacher who won’t stand for any nonsense * finde sig i > must learn how to masters classroom management. * klasseværelse- Traditionally, the teacher has the authority to administer punishment to the pupils or students. * noget som helst * pjat / vrøvl * lederskab * * administrere > * straf * til ng. ~ tildele ng. … In order to administer justice rightiously, a teacher must attempt to control himself and control his feelings. The teacher attempts to control the class by every available means and keep order under the present circumstances. * 30 * forvalte / håndhæve ( retfærdighed ) * forsøge at - * beherske sig * … at * med alle forhånden- * retfærdigt * styre ( følelser ) * styre ( klasse ) * holde ro og orden værende midler * under de forhåndenværende omstændigheder 1507 Annoyed with the class about their unruliness, * irriteret på ng. for ngt. the teacher finds it necessary to approach the Head. * henvende sig til ng. So he goes to her office. * Addressing the head teacher’s secretary, he enquires, * henvende sig til ng. ‘ Can I talk to the Head ? ‘ Appearing in the head teacher office, he enquires of her, ‘ Sorrry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment ? ’ When people want an activity to go on in a room * uregerlighed * fore- , spørge, ‘ Speech ‘ * * indfinde sig i ngt. * rette en forespørgsel til ng. ‘ … ‘ * jeg er ked af / undskyld at jeg forstyrre ( dig / Dem ) * without interruption, a sign outside the door says, * uden at blive afbrudt 10 ‘ Do not disturb. ’ * ~ vil ikke forstyrres ( norm. trans. ) The teacher’s account is a disturbing piece of news: it’s certainly disturbing news and disturbing information. * foruroligende, bekymrende * = The head teacher is, not unnaturally, quite disturbed. * ikke unaturligt / overraskende It’s difficult to look natural when you’re feeling nervous. * & afslappet ‘ Just act natural,’ the teacher tells himself. * opføre sig naturligt / afslappet The information shocks and disturbs the head teacher. * forurolige / bekymre ng. It disturbs her to appreciate / realize that some pupils * = are fidgety to a degree out of hand. She tries to reassure the teacher, but he still fells anxious. 20 The head teacher smiles reassuringly. * urolig * foruroliget bekymret * ~ i en grad * ~ ude af kontrol & ustyrlig grad * berolige ng. * beroligende It’s only natural to worry about a class like that. * det er kun naturligt / normalt at - The head teacher reassures the teacher * berolige ng. as she reassures him about the naturalness of his reaction, * & forsikre ng. om ngt. * det naturlige / normale i ngt. and reassures him about the class and the future. * = She reassures him that she will support him all the way. * berolige ng. med / forsikre ng. om at - She gives the teacher reassurances that he will be given * give ng. forsikring om at - all the support possible. ‘ If you need help, don’t hesitate to turn to your collegues * * henvende sig til ng. or me,’ she tells him reassuringly. * beroligende 30 What disturbs both of them is some developments * forurolige ng. in children’s free upbringing which apparently has caused * a disturbing increase in the number of emotionally * foruroligende and mentally disturbed children. * mentalt, intellektuelt On the other hand, old-school authoritarian upbringing easily cramp a healthy emotional and mental development. * følelsesmæssig * forstyrret * ~ gammeldags * hindre > * udvikling 1508 Living in cramped conditions, the fidgety and unruly * trange > children usually have a disturbed family background. * forstyrret These families are often crammed / packed six people or more into a cramped apartment. Sometimes, neither the natural mother nor the natural father has maternal or paternal instincts. At a paternity suit or paternity case, some fathers refuse paternity of a child. If parents are incapable of maternal or parental love, * omgivelser * være ( ng. ) stuvet sammen > * i / på ( et sted ) * trang * kødelig * moderlig * faderlig ( instinkt ) * faderskabs- * sag * -=- * faderskab til ng. * ude af stand til ( at vise ) > * moder- * faderkærlighed 10 the child may be raised by a maternal or paternal relative. * moderbeslægtet * faderbeslægtet ( familiemedlem ) ~ ( familiemedlem ) på moders / faders side Children are looking for reassurance about their problems. * beroligelse mht. ( problem ) Some parents, though, aren’t able to give reassurance. * give beroligelse, yde / skaffe tryghed Often emotionally or mentally disturbed parents aren’t * emotionelt able to offer reassurance. As these parents aren’t able to provide reassurance, * mentalt, sinds* forstyrret erkendelsesmæssigt følelsesmæssigt * << * = children of parents marked by mental disturbance are highly * mærket ( af ) > inclined to develope emotional or mental disturbances. To a disturbing degree, these children are exposed to * emotionel * i forstyrrende / foruroligende grad disturbing information and experiences in their family which * ~ skadelig 20 will almost inevitably disturb the balance of their mind. * forstyrre > Exposed children growing up with unnatural parents * ravnemor soon lose their childhood simplicity and naturalness. * barndoms - or a piece of paternal advice. * ligefremhed ukunstlethed * udsat for > * naturlighed * moderligt ( smil ) * faderligt ( råd ) * i retning / have karakter af * = The parents often yell at the top of their voices. * ~ råbe / skrige så højt man kan ‘ I wish I never had to see your ugly mug again,’ * fjæs 30 a parent may yell. * = * uegnet * forældre ~ ravneforældre * -far The parent’s speech is usually in the nature of aggression, * talemåde and never in the nature of love, mercy or apology. * forstyrrelse * ~ mentale balance / sindsligevægt * udsatte ( børn ) – an unnatural mother and an unnatural father – These children never receive a maternal smile * mental intellektuel * = * råbe, skrige ‘ Don’t you yell at me like that,’ they keep yelling out. * råbe af ng. ‘ Help me, ‘ a mother may yell in fright. * råbe / skrige ( speech ) She yells at her husband to stop hitting her. * råbe til ng. om at - She yells in pain – she yells out in pain as she falls. * råbe / skrige Hitting a woman is against nature. * imod naturens orden, afskyeligt There’s yelling and screaming, and then an unnatural * råben, skrigen * … op * i smerte * i angst af frygt / skræk * råbe op … forkasteligt, modbydeligt silence. * * unaturlig foruroligende 1509 Sexual activities which involves children * must be considered as unnatural sexual practices. * unormal, pervers ( praksis ) Subjected to abuse, some poor children are even subjected to sexual abuse. It is very unnatural for a child to grow up under such unnatural conditions. As these children don’t thrive some of them * udsat for > * midhandling * --- > * seksuel * misbrug * unaturligt / umenneskelig / uacceptabelt for ng. * = * ikke * trives ~ mistrives become withdrawn by their bad experiences * while others become deeply disturbed and aggressive. * forstyrret, ~ uligevægtig 10 Often the parents of these children seem undisturbed * upåvirket, ubekymret and unconcerned by the bad news of their children. * … over ngt. It’s often difficult to define the exact nature of a family’s mental disturbances. As some fathers are often involved in disturbances in the streets, the children may soon learn their lesson. Every week-end before a match, lots of football supporters crowd / cram / pack into the streets around the stadium. Keeping crowding / cramming / packing in, * karakter / egenart af > * forstyrrelser, ~ uligevægt * optøjer * lære lektien, tage ved lære * * myldre / mase sig / trænge sig ind i ( gade ) * mase sig ind the supporters eventually crowd / cram / pack the streets. * fylde ( gade ) 20 Crowded / crammed / packed full of supporters, * stuvende fuld af ng. the streets are crowded / crammed / packed with supporters. * proppet med ng. Cramming / crowding / packing in, thousands of supporters cram / crowd / pack into the pubs. So crammed / crowded / packed with supporters, * mase sig / myldre / stuve sig ind * mase / stuve sig ind i ngt. * proppet med ngt. the pubs are crowded / crammed / packed full of supporters. * prop fuld af ngt. Cramming / crowding / packing their favourite pubs, * propfylde ( sted ) the supporters sing their anthems and team songs, * while they manage to cram down quite a few mugs of beer, * klemme ngt. ned and cram down the last mouthfuls of food before the match. * klemme ( mad ) ned 30 Starting to cram / pack in in good time, * mase sig ind excited and expectant crowds of supporters eventually * spændt, ophidset start to crowd / cram / pack into the stadium. * mase sig ind i ngt. Thousands of spectators crowd / cram / pack the stadium. * fylde ( stadion ) Crammed full of excited supporters, the stadium is crammed with expectant spectators. * prop fuld af ng. * proppet med ng. * krus ( øl ) * forventningsfuld [email protected] 1510 The crowds attending the football match * overvære ( kamp ) yell encouragement and insults to the players. * råbe > * opmuntring * fornærmelse The crowd let out a yell, when a team score. * udstøde > The supporters give a yell of delight, a yell of surprise, * ~ udstøde > * råb af > * glæde * råb af overraskelse * råb ~ glædesråb a yell of triumph or a yell of annoyance when a team score. One part of the supporters yell with excitement while the other part yell with annoyance. Sometimes a crowd hoot in disgust at the referee * … triumf * … ærgrelse * råbe af > * begejstring * … af > * ærgrelse * hyle, huje > * i afsky trying to hoot him off the stage. * hyle / pibe ng. 10 After the game, the spectators crowd / cram / pack back * mase sig / myldre tilbage > into the streets. * i ( gade ) * ud ( af scenen ) Some supporters cram / pack their friends into their cars. * proppe / stuve ng. ind i ( bil ) Lots of supporters cram / pack into the cars. * mase sig ind i ( bil ) When the supporters have crammed / packed in, * … ind the cars are crammed / packed with supporters Crammed / packed full of supporters, the cars drive along with supporters yelling and hooting out of the windows. The car horns honk /eE hoot or toot, as the drivers * proppet med ngt. * … fuld af ngt. * hyle, råbe * bil- * hyle, huje * horn * dytte, båtte * trutte * trutte honk /eE hoot, toot or sound the / their horns. * dytte ( i ) > * trutte ( i ) > * = * ~ give lyd fra > * horn 20 The cars honk /eE hoot, ot toot * dytte, båtte as the drivers honk /eE hoot. * = * trutte * trutte * = You hear a symphony of honking and hooting of horns. * dytten, båtten af > It seems all the drivers sound their hooters (o-f). * ~ lade hornet tude There are hooters on cars, on trains, and in factories. * fløjte, horn A train hoots a warning in the distance. * hyle > * advarsel If motorists want to give / sound a short warning * give > / lade ( en > ) lyde * advarsel * trutten af > * horn they honk /eE hootor toot at somebody * dytte, båtte by giving a sharp honk / hoot / toot on their horn. * give > * ( gevaldigt ) dyt, båt * trut * trut * ~ i hornet * trutte > An owl hoots when it makes a hoot. * ugle * tude 30 Geese ( a gander and a goose ) honk * gæs * gase when they make honks. * lave > * trutte > * lave > * gås * af ng. * tuden, hyl * skræppe * spræp 1511 The crowds in the street are on their feet yelling. Having unnaturally bloodshot eyes, * råbe og skrige * & usædvanligt * rødsprængt ( øje ) an unnaturally red-veined complexion, * rødsprængt * ansigtskulør an unfocus(s)ed look, and slurred speech, * ufokuseret, ~ sløret ( blik ) * sløret ( tale ) drunken people often reveal their real nature. * afsløre > Trying to cause disturbances in a crowd, * uro, optøjer the hooligans yell at the rival supporters. * fodboldbølle Overcrowding and drunkenness often exacerbate feelings * sin sande natur * råbe og voldsmand skrige ad ng. * skærpe / forstærke ( følelse ) * ~ modstanderens tilhængere of hostility towards the rival supporters until tempers flare ( up ).* ( temperament ) bruse op 10 Flaring up easily, lots of supporters flare up. As the supporters flare out at each other, overt violence flares ( up ) in the streets. Hooliganism, acts of violence and vandalism by certain * ( ng. ) fare op i vrede * rase ud mod ng. * åben ( vold ) * rase, blusse op * fodboldbølleoptøjer elements of crowds has long been a feature of football * karakteristisk træk ved ngt. matches. * The police yell at the crowd to spread and go home. * råbe til ng. om at - The suggestion is greeted by hoots of laughter, * hilse / and unruly crowd behaviour. When a policeman seize an unruly person, he may bend 20 his arm in an unnatural angle in order to pacify him. Trying to control civil disturnance, the police are met with hoots of rage as the hooligans hoot in anger. The hooligans mug (eA); they mug for the police for the cameras and other media. The executive, such as the police and other authorities, modtage ngt. ( med > ) * uregerlig * hyl af > * latter ~ latterhyl / -brøl * masse* optræden * pågribe / arrestere ng. * unaturlig * vinkel * offentlig * forstyrrelse ~ forstyrrelse af den offentlige ro og orden * hyl af > * raseri * hyle, skrige * i vrede & raseriudbrud * skære ansigter, te sig fjoget, skabe sig * * myndighederne udøvende magt / myndighed has the executive power to enforce the law. As the legislature, the government and parliament has * … magt / myndighed til at - * håndhæve ( loven ) * lovgiverne lovgivende magt / myndighed the legislative power to make and pass laws. As the judiciary, the courts have the judicial power 30 to administer the law. * … magt / myndighed til at * domsvæsnet * domstolene * dømmende * magt / myndighed * forvalte ( loven ) * til at - The administration of justice takes place in the court. * forvaltning af ( retfærdighed ) If arrested, the hooligans who disturb the peace * forstyrre > will be charged with causing a disturbance to the public. They are often charged with drunken disturbances in a pub, or in the streets after a game. * ~ den offentlige ro og orden * forårsage > * forstyrrelse af > * ~ den offentlige ro * ~ fuldemands* og orden * optøjer 1512 Children take a leaf out of their parents’ book. Learning ( a lesson ) from their parents, the children may soon be inclined to create a disturbance anywhere. Mugging doesn’t always seem to be against nature * tage > * blad * ud af > ~ tage ved lære af ng. * bog * = * forstyrrelse * ~ røverisk overfald * imod naturens orden as, taking to the extremes, emotionally disturbed young ones * ~ i sin yderste konsekvens may become muggers who don’t hold back from * gaderøver mugging people in the streets in broad daylight. * overfalde og berøve ng. What upsets and worries the teaching staff most * holde sig tilbage fra at - * forurolige ng. is the incompatibility between some trends in principles * uforenelighed mellem ngt. 10 and methods of child-rearing. * børneopdragelse Naturally, people get upset when things go wrong. * naturligvis, selvfølgelig The teachers naturally start to talk about inruly children. * = Do the teachers complain about some modern trends in * * bekymre ng. som en naturlig ting child-rearing when parents have a laissez-faire approach to * & laden-stå-til bringing up their children? - Naturally. * naturligvis, selvfølgelig This leads naturally to the next point. * naturligt, på logisk vis What can the staff do to contain the harmful effects * dæmme op for ngt. of some parents’ laissez-faire attitude. All the teachers are disturbed by fidgeting and fidgets 20 in the newly started classes (E) or grades (A). * holdning * forstyrret af * * foruroliget / bekymret over ngt. They are very disturbed at so much unruly behaviour. * -=- They are disturbed to learn about the facts, * … over at - deeply disturbed to see so much violence, * -=- and greatly disturbed to hear all the noise. * -=- are difficult to control and manage. * tilgang til ngt. * & laden-stå-til They are disturbed by the amount of unruliness. They are seriously disturbed that so many pupils * urolig * uregerlighed * uregerlig * … at * The teachers are upset about unfair criticism. * bestyrtet / rystet over ngt. They are upset that they are accused of being against * … over at - 30 pedagogic ( all demands and please all parents, undervisningspraksis * krav many `pedagogs consider giving () up their job. * pædagog, underviser, ( skole-) lærer Feeling like packing it all in and going off on a holiday. they consider packing in / up their job (E). * ~ opgive det hele * opgive ( arbejde ) 1513 Theorists or theoreticians form theories. * teoretiker * udforme > * teori #iêrê`ti$ênz They develope ideas and principles about a particular * subject in order to explain why things exist and happen, * and how they can possibly be predicted. * forudsige ngt. In pedagogy, the pedagogues theorize ( E& / * metode swotting E/A grinding, these theorists or theoreticians * ~ ikke indbefattende * terpe ( studere hårdt for at lære meget på kort tid ) may have the theory that there is a royal road to learning. * have > Many so called experts, however, just theorize. * teoretisere As the armchair pedagogues take a theoretical approach * skrivebords- * den teori at - * teoretisk rather than a practical approach to problems of teaching, ( lænestol ) * praktisk they tend to develope theoretical models * teoretisk quite irrespective of simpel practical experience. * uden hensyn til ngt. In theory, all models usually sound fine. * nem vej til læring * tilgang * … til ngt. * praktisk * erfaring * i teorien, ~ teoretisk set 20 Pedagogic(al) methods which sound fine in theory, * = often don’t work in practice, though. * i praksis All kinds of theorizing ( * værre * oversvømme ( markedet ) * halsløs gerning / idioti at - * stole / forlade sig på ngt. * lektie * årspensum Usually there’s only a theoretical possibility that a student * teoretisk may pass his exam without swotting E/A grinding. Swotting up E/E mugging up on his syllabus, * terpe * mulighed for at - ( usandsynlig i praksis ) * terpe * terpe ( op på ) > * eksamenspensum a swot will swot () up / mug () up as much text as possible. * terper * terpe > 30 A grind (A) grinds away at his syllabus. morakker * = * …> He’s be no mug. * ikke være nogen > Even if his preparation hasn’t been a real grind, * ( eksamens- ) forberedelser it’s theoretically possible for a student to pass his exam * teoretisk but it’s usually a mug’s game. * ~ halsløs gerning, idioti To try to do / sit / take an examination without * gå til / tage > careful preparation easily makes the candidate look * eksaminant a complete mug in the eyes of the external examiner. * fjols, idiot, tossehoved * tekst * eksamenspensum * idiot / fjols / tossehoved * slid hårdt rutinearbejde * eksamen * ekstern > * eksaminator & censor 1514 So most students cram for their exam. Swotting E/A grinding ( away ) for their exam, they may cram hard all day, and swot / grind hard all week. * terpe forud for / med henblik på ngt. * = * = At the library, the shelves are crammed (up) with books. * proppet med ngt. The shelves are packed (up) with all kinds of books. * prop fuld af ngt. borrow them from the library, and cram them into their bags. A lot of information has been crammed into the books so the books are crammed with information. * = * proppe ngt. ind / ned i * = * proppet med ( information ) As the books are crammed full of information, the students * prop fuld af ( = ) 10 heads hopefully end up crammed with facts. Some students profit by a crammer. * << * drage fordel / nytte af ngt. At the exam, their heads crammmed full of facts, * << some students are able to talk a long time, * or work all the time without interruption. * uden afbrydelse The exam is arranged so there’s as little disturbance as possible. When students need to go to the toilet (E) or bathroom (A), or eat during the exam, it may cause a disturbance. At the exam, the students must work undisturbingly 20 so everybody can work undisturbed. In the top form, a male student, advanced for their age, * manuduktionslærebog / -kursus / ophold * forstyrrelse * * * medføre en forstyrrelse * uden at forstyrre * uforstyrret * fremmelig may annoy a female teacher by letting fall a remark * forulempe / være nærgående overfor ng. that hints at her tits / titties E/A hooters (A). * hentyde til > Most students attempt to behave, though. * forsøge at - Making an attempt at good manners, * gøre et forsøg på ngt. they make an attemp at behaving themselves * * * 30 * … at - * patter * opføre sig ordentligt * ~ god opførsel * opføre sig ordentligt [email protected] 1515 In English in literary appreciation, the students read * litteraturforståelse The Treasure Island, a novel by Robert Lewis Stevnson, * ( 1850-94 ) Scottish novelist, essayist, and poet. * A treasure has laid undisturbed and untouched for years. * uforstyrret The naturalness of the descriptions and dialogue * det naturtro / ligheden med virkeligheden ved ngt. makes some books so true to life. * = * ~ virkelighedstro Reading books may become second nature. * ~ gå i blodet It may become second nature to some students. * ~ gå ng. i blodet It becomes second nature to some students to read * … at - 10 books of a fictional nature. To other students, it becomes second nature to read books of a scientifical nature. A language teacher must be aware of the natural processes of language learning. * af skønlitterær > * ~ art * for ng. * ~ gå ng. i blodet at - * videnskablig art * sprog- * lærer * naturlig * Art students take art classes. * kunst- ( studerende) * tage > * kunst- * ~ kursus Doing classes in arts, they learn drawing and painting. * følge … * følge … Learning about the arts – art, music, theatre, literature, etc., * de skønne kunster they learn about the styles of arts and writing such as * naturalism, symbolism, impressionism, surrealism, etc. * naturalisme, ~ virkelighedstro genvivelse 20 A naturalistic painter who paints naturalistic paintings, * naturalistisk doesn’t necessarily believe in naturalism in a philosophical * naturalisme sence. * * = ( troen på naturen som grundprincip ) The arts or humanities are the subjects of study that are * humaniora concerned with art, history, literature, language, philosophy, * etc. as distinguished from natural science. * natur- * videnskab In mathematics, maths E/A or math, the math(s) teacher * matematik teaches the core subjects of maths: * kerne- arithmetic, algebra, geometry and trigonometry. * aritmetik The students are taught how to think through a theorem. * = * matematik- * emne, område * algebra * geometri * tænke ngt. igennem * trigonometri * & læresætning 30 They think various theorems through to prove them Gennemtænke ngt. * = to be true. * at være sandt, ( ~ bevise at ngt. er - ) He teaches about lines interrupted by points and angles, and surfaces interrupted by edges. A line may be infinit, or a line segment. * lærer * = * bevise ngt. > * af-, brudt at ngt. * overflade * -=- * kant * uendelig * linie- * stykke 1516 Natural science is concerned with studying * naturvidenskab the physical world as described in the laws of nature. * naturlov All kinds of matter are influenced by the forces of nature. * naturkraft The natural sciences are the physical sciences * naturvidenskab ( physics, chemistry and geology ), and the life sciences * fysik such as biology ( botany and zoology ), psychology etc . * * kemi * fysisk materialistisk * fysisk … * geologi * … om levende væsner In physics, the teaching deals with the properties of matter * egenskab, ejendommelighed and energy in terms of force and motion. One day, in the physics laboratory, [ lê`bårêtri E/A `labrêtåri ] 10 the lesson is interrupted by a knock on the door. Appearing in the door, the head teacher says, ‘ Sorry to interrupt.’ ‘ I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I have to pass on a piece of information, ‘ he says, directing his remark to the teacher. On the radio, they have interrupted a programme to bring a news bulletin. * stof * * laboratorium, forsøgslokale * afbrudt af ngt. * * undskyld jeg afbryder/ forstyrrer * = * * afbryde ngt. * bulletin, ( kort ) meddelelse `bulêtin The teacher interrupts the teaching to receive information. * afbryde ( undervisning ) There will be an interruption to the power supply, * afbrydelse af > but the electric current will be interrupted only briefly. * afbrudt 20 The students become acquainted with theoretical * blive bekendt ( med ) physics. * fysik According to the theory of relativity, * ifølge developed by Albert Einstein (1879-1955), space and time * ( teori ) udviklet af ng. are relative, and nothing can travel faster than light. * * kraft, ~ el- * forsyning * kortvarigt * teoretisk * ~ relativitetsteori In chemistry the teaching deals with chemical composition, * sammensætning proporties, and changes of proporties of substances, * egenskab and various elementary forms of matter. * ( compounds, molecules, atoms, electrons, nuclei ( nucleus ), * kemisk forbindelse protons, neutrons etc.) * 30 The students experiment with naturally occurring * naturligt forekommende chemicals. * Some synthetic substances, e.g. man-made chemical compositions like plastic, are not found in nature (U). Alloys are compositions made of metals, or metals and nonmetals. * syntetisk * sammensætning * legering * * menneskeskabt * in natura ~ naturligt forekommende 1517 Geology and geography are both earth sciencies. Geology deals with the rocks of which the earth is composed, and its physical history. Coal, mineral oil and natural gas are formed naturally * jordklode * videnskab * stenart * fysisk ( historie ) * naturgas * naturligt in the earth, resulting from the compaction and heating * sammenpresning of the partially decomposed fossil vegetable matter. * nedbrudt Geography deals with both the natural world and culture: how natural and cultural phenomina interrelate. The science deals with the areal differentiation of the * fossil * plante- * naturens verden * kultur * naturlig * kulturel ( fænomen ) * and interrelations over the world of such elements as * samspil waters, soil, elevation, climate, vegetation, population, * højde ( over havets overflade ) land use, natural resources, industries, or states and of the * naturligt forekommende unit areas formed by the complex of these individual areas. * enheds- disasters sometimes cause dramatic changes. The geography teacher teaches the students about * ~ være i samspil * opdeling 10 eart's surface, as shown in the character, arrangement Natural disasters as well as cultural, social, and economic * materiale * sammensat hele * naturkatastrofe * * undervise ng. om ngt. primitive peoples who are worshippers of nature (U). * naturfolk Imparting divinity to the nature, these peoples * bibringe ngt. ngt. di`vinêti * naturtilbeder ( natur som begreb / princip ) * guddommelighed / overføre ngt. til ngt. 20 ofter have a awe-inspiring view of nature. In biology the students learn about Charles Darwin ( 1800-82 ). * ærefrygtindgydende * syn på > * naturen ~ naturopfattelse / -syn * = * This British naturalist and author originated the concept * naturforsker * skabe ( oprindelsen til ) / * opfattelse ~ være ophavsmand til > that living things evolve by means of natural selection. * naturlig udvælgelse Darwin’s doctrines explain evolution. * Darwianism is the Darwian theory that * darwianisme * darwinistisk the origin of species is derived by descent, * arternes oprindelse with variation by genetic mutation, from parent forms * genetisk through the natural selection of those best adapted to * egnet / tilpasset til at - 30 survive in the struggle. * overleve i ngt, A Darwian as is a follower of Darwin or Darwianism. * darwinist The genetic structure of living things makes them * able to mutate: mutate into new forms. A mutant is an offspring with a mutant gene which makes it different from its progenitors. pêu`d§enitêz * afledt ved > * teori om at * nedstamning * & forandring * kampen * … til ngt. * mutere * mutant * afkom * ophav, ~ det ngt. stammer fra * muteret * gen 1518 In nature study, the biology teacher teaches * naturhistorie natural `history. ( skolefag ) * naturhistorie The teacher is a naturalized Dutchman: he was born in the Netherlands by Dutch parents. * undervise i ngt. * statsborgerskabstildelt * hollænder * Holland * hollandsk He imparts biological facts, news, and skills. * bibringe / indgyde / meddele / videregive ngt. His teaching is in the nature of a praise. * være i retning af / have karakter af > * lovprisning The students study natural phenomina in laboratory * naturlig * laboratorie- and naturalistic settings. Some plants and animals are adapted to cope with 10 extreme conditions. Some plants grow naturally in rich soil while others grow naturally in poor soil. Only well-behaved students can be left alone in the biology laboratory. * naturlignende * forhold omgivelser * hamle op med / klare / overkomme ngt. * * naturligt * rig frugtbar under naturlige forhold * dårlig, mager, ufrugtbar * jord * velopdragen * biologi * laboratorium, forsøgslokale ~ biologilokale In the lab, the students promise not to disturb anything none of their business. * = * flytte på / rode ved ngt. * der ikke vedkommer ng. The teacher won’t have to worry about things of that nature. * af den art In addition to imparting biology to the students, * bibringe ngt. til ng. , ~ … ng. ngt the nature-loving teacher tries to impart a feeling for nature * bibringe / indgyde > 20 as well as a delight in natural beauty. * glæde ved ngt. To present natural beauty, the teacher takes the students out in the open to scenic areas . Taking the students out in the country to beautiful areas, remarkable for ( the beauty of ) their scenery, the teacher * naturfølelse * naturlig / naturens * skønhed ~ naturglæde * fremvise ngt. * naturens skønhed ( give en naturoplevelse ) * & ud i naturen * naturskønne * områder * ud * ~ på landet, ~ i naturen * skønheden ved > hopes the students will have an experience of natural beauty * oplevelse af > in the countryside. In a `nature reserve, established as part of the nature * naturlig & naturoplevelse * ~ på landet, ~ i naturen * naturresservat conservation, you can study the wildlife in it’s natural habitat. * bevaring The teacher swot up on the nature reserve before a 30 field trip. * studere ngt. grundigt * ~ studietur i felten He crams in a lot of activities during the trip. * proppe ngt. ind He crams as many activities in as possible. * = * -=* sceneri & naturskønhed * skønhed * natur* naturlig * & levested 1519 Following a `natural trail, most students admire * natursti / -rute and enjoy the beauties and marvels of nature. * skønheds- The students admire the natural adaption of plants * underfuldhed åbenbaring * naturlig and animals such as adaption to the incoming (o. attr.) * indkommende > and outgoing tide. * udgående They are amazed at the natural agility of a squirrel. * naturlig Some imported animals and plants naturalize (& E * uforstyrret * … af ng. * forstyrrelse af ngt. * naturelsker in great numbers to enjoy the countryside, * naturskønt område 20 and admire the ( beauty of the ) scenery. * beundre naturen ( naturskønheden ) * forsøge at klare > * nyde naturen * eksamensopgave they attempt to answer all the questions ( besvare ) * forsøge at - although only some of the questions need being attempted. * forsøge at klare / besvare * * * * * * 30 * = * naturlig the local wildlife by nature lovers who have come out As the students attempt papers and questions, * egern * blive naturaliseret * fritidstøj The eggs must be left undisturbed, * naturens * tilpasning af ngt. The students wear leisurewear in warm natural colours. if they find a bird’s nest.  * opgave [email protected] 1520 The singing and music teacher is a natural-born * sang- singer, and having a sense of absolute pitch, * have > she is a naturally gifted singer. * naturlig * musiklærer * ~ født * fornemmelse af > * absolut * tonhøjde ~ absolut gehør * begavet She is naturally artistic, and having perfect pitch, she can * kunstnerisk af natur sing and recognize the exact pitch or a tone, for instance * tonhøjde A natural, A flat ( Ab, a half tone or semitone lower ) * et rent A or A sharp ( A#, a half tone higher ). * kryds for A * absolut gehør * b for A * halv tone * = She can play by year. * spille > * ~ efter gehør Many students have a good ear. * have > * ~ gehør 10 They may have a good ear for both music and language * … for ngt. while some have no ear for music. * have > Some students easily gain a hearing. * intet ~ ikke have > * finde / vinde / vække gehør Their suggestions usually meet with sympathy. * = Some songs are real hoots. * lattervækker The teacher herself is actually a real hoot. * person, der kan få folk til at more sig The history teacher has taught about the Middle Ages. * middelalderen ( se side 147) A belief in and a fear of the supernatural prevailed * det overnaturlige in the Middle Ages. Many people suffered an unnatural death in the Middle 20 Ages; violence and murder prevailed. Many people were superstitious, and belived in * lide > * udøve > the act of God or the devil or good or evil spirits. * = * djævlen * ond * kraft * kraft evne styrke * kraft, magt ( kræfter ) * ånd * engel * himmelsk * vogter * væsen * budbringer * = * lys * overtroisk and sorceresses who were supposed to profess magic. * troldkvinde Especially the women who were believed to possess heks * besidde > 30 evil magic powers and practice witchery were called * død * overtroisk and able of exercising supernatural power(s) through Some superstitious people believed in sorcerers * unaturlig * herske, være vidt udbredt * overnaturlig or messengers of God showing up in celestial light. * herske, være vidt udbredt / fremherskende * supernatural beings with supernatural powers or forces, Angels were believed to be celestial attendants * ~ gehør for ngt. * troldmand * udføre > * magi overnaturlig handling * ond * magiske * evner * udføre > * trolddoms- / heksekunst witches, and often accused of witchery or sorcery. Believed to be an accomplice of the devil, they were * heks * = troldkvinde * sort magi * = * person i ledtog med ng. accused of witchcraft, the practice of black art / magic, * and therefore condemned to the stake. * dømt til > * stage, ~ bål og brand * brændt > * dø / omkomme på … Burned at the stake they died / perished at the stake. In medieval superstition, witches were believed to ride through the air on broomsticks, = * udførelse af > * på stagen ~ bålet * middelalderlig * ( feje-) kost, riskost * sort magi * overtro and perhaps seen among the celestial bodies. * himmel- * legeme