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11. ;{trir ffiperating instructions Product Diagram: l.Chrrgc thc Sollr Solar Charger (1) (6) t, o G) ar it5'c CI) II:ill : rr,r ,ti:rrr,r:. :, r.lliii; Clharger supply power to other devices: Clheck to c.nsurs that tire Solar C'harger is storecl enough energy in its interntrl batte ry; S lid the srvitch to turn on the LED light, if tire light could normal work means your Sillar Charger could supply polver to other devices; if it couldrr't light up ol glows clir:nly, you sirould recharge the Solar Chargerfirst 2. To I ('lrurging virt Solitr Panel: l{otatirrg tltc soIat'panels(as showtt il: hlow l'igurc).1')rrsttre the solar panel is fircing tltc stttt,it is chtrging as tlie light is rcrl .il tttrns bluc wlren the battery is fully chlrgctl. rr Connect your device and the Solar Charger iust by usir:rg your device dedicated ; r .rtljrrt r,til,,,:::,,: (s) @ t.t:tl ('lrarging Irttlit'rtlor Ile tl-irr chlrgirtg, llltrc-ltrll e ltrttl:.' @ Miclr-tlSll Sockct(l)(' Irrltrrl) G) Llrl) l.ight I : G)-', @ Solar I'attel @ Srvitclr @) IX' Otrtpttt l hlnk vorr Iirt prrl'cltasiltg lhc Solrrt ( ltrttge x l- or cl.'ctrottit tleviecs with l)( 5 \' iltPttl r ol : Irrput/( )rrtPttt ('ahlc: ('itblc: I)lug thc tlSli i:ablc into thc laptop or PC, lhcn cottttcct tlrc Micro-USB o1' the cable to the Solar (iltal'ge r. When it is charging thc LID is RE,D: whcrr it is f'ull chargecl the LED is BLIJE,. chargir:rg r,able, tlie charging indicator r.vill be disptayed on yottl cle vics whsr the charger is wrirking. Afier about 2-lhrs the {'ullchar:ged inclicator rvill be displayed otr your cle r,'ice llleafls la) Cihalgirrg try ( lSIi chai:ging completcd. 1 Lighing !unction, r OI':F:Slirl the switch to "OFF" to tlrrn OIrI ,the light. 6 2 liglrt , (2 ( )N:()Pt'11 tltc sollt prrttcl, slitl thc switr:lr lo "ON" ltl lttt'l) ON thc liglrt. a.t alty arrglc" ittttl tltc litll hitttcry clttl r Rotulirrg tlrc I.lil) liglrtirtg boitrtl to be light rlll lll()Ic tltirtt'l5ht's' { atl.irrst the lightirtg tlircctiott (its shorvrr 6. USB outptll cttrrcttt 2000rttA, itt hlorv I'igrrrcs). 7. LtsD indicator stitttts: C., Recl irr charging Illtrc ltrll 5. With a rotary dcsign thc l.t'.1) curr Packing Contents: LSolar Charger: X I 2.USB Inputl0utPul Cable X I 3.Velvst I ag XI 4.tJser Guide X1 L charge r is suitable f or kinds r:f rnobi 1c phoncs,cli gital camcras'Ivlp3lMp4' t.This solar iPacl. PS P. P DA... 2.Super: fast Sun shinc charging spe cd: Only takes 1 6^- 1 8 hrs to ftrlly charge 7000rnAh batte rY' S.With a rotary soiar pane l, this solar chztlger can absorb sur"rlight at any Efficiency:>{.l0%r. ,'$.-l[E.$ltii$ai, C h aracte ri tr.( s tics : l. Solar panel:5. 5V 2.75W 2. Inside Li-ion batte ryi J.7V 7()00rrrAlt 3. DC OutPutl5V/2At 5o/o 4. Charging tirne by strnlight : l(r lt{lrr' ( sLrnlight)'80KLux) by IJSB prrrt ; l(r I lllrr" Clhrrrging tirne Soft an rl cyc-protcctcd I- Ii D,r'v as a stand lamP. orking I .Kt'r'P ilrr itv ol'l'i t t:.rVitle t' lttttl tttrriII p I trr' c s I o it r o i tl t' r 1l I os i o tt. I c tt k it 11r' ittttl tttotrlttt'c. angl e. 4. roc0utlons: One-year ntaltttfactul'cr w il l'rlt ll I v 2, I Iitt u'tll irrp, rlr o1t1ri tt11, irttti tl isitsscttrlrl v rlr.'sltrrY tltc ttrril. frociol .l';Plcusc note: lirlly clrargr; clevice before ['irst ..use. 2.Plcnse ltct'lorttt tirllcharge and dischnrgc ol'tltc chargcr at least once a nrotrl lt. 3.lf rlrc Suliu ('lurlgcrcannot supply powcl' toyttur tlcvie e wltcn yon try to chargo it, plcnsc e lteck tlrc intcrnal battcry powcr by clrcckirrg tlrc LID light.lf the ligltt . cunn()l liglrt rrp or glows climly moans thc ltowe t' is potlr, yott shoulcl rcchargc thc Solnt ('ltirlgcr I'irst:il the Solar Charger surltk'ttly te I'ttlittittc I charge or canllot norrttul tvot'k ttte atts it is no powcr yotl shuttlrl t t'r'lrtrt 1ic il.