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KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals TS-530 Mods IZ5CCV WARC TX enable for TS-530 series WARNING: HIGH VOLTAGES ARE PRESENT INSIDE THIS RADIO THAT CAN CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. DO NOT ATTEMPT SERVICE ON THIS UNIT UNLESS YOU ARE TRAINED TO DO SO. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURY, DAMAGE OR OTHER LOSS OR PROBLEMS CAUSED BY PERFORMING THIS MODIFICATION. YOU ARE PEFORMING ANY WORK DESCRIBED When the TS-530 series of Kenwood radios were produced, the so-called WARC bands (10M, 17M and 12M) were not yet legal for hams to transmit on. Some TS-530s exist which have not been “WARC-enabled” yet. Here’s how to do it. POWER OFF AND UNPLUGGED! Remove top and bottom covers of the rig. Rig placed on it’s left side so that the side with the final tubes is UP and the front panel is to your LEFT (to orient the rig to the picture). Now locate connector 7 on the AF unit. This is the PC board on the upper left as you face the bottom of the rig. Look for the blue wire on the third connector from the left-bottom edge of the AF unit. In the photo you can see that it is the 4th wire from the left on connector 7. Cut the wire, then insulate the ends with heat shrink. TURN THE RIG BACK OVER to normal operating position. Connect the rig to a dummy load and AC supply. Power up, filaments too. Allow a few minutes to warm up and set the rig to 10.100 (30M). Adjust the DRIVE control for maximum noise on the speaker, or max signal from the internal CAL signal. Place the mode in TUNE; Meter switch in ALC; and transmit. Advance the CAR control until you get ALC indication. Using plastic tuning tools of just the right sizes, adjust the RF and DRIVE coils for 10 Megahertz (30M) band for maximum ALC indication. Do the same for 17M (18.100) and 12M (24.900), using this diagram from the TS-530 service manual. While you are at it, touch up 10M also, it is usually needing a tweak also. The lower bands are usually not needing adjustment: (1 di 4)01/09/2009 0.10.43 KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals TS-530 WARC bands As supplied, the TS-530 will receive but not transmit on the three new warc bands. If transmit capability is desired, a minor wiring change is required.. There are just two minor changes that could be made and they are as fellows ....... 1. For all 3 bands break the line between the rf unit X44-1360-01 connector #6, pin #1 (top terminal) and AF unit X49-1150-00, connector #7, pin #4 (top terminal). 2. Or, for individual bands on the rf unit X44-1360-01: Band Remove/cut -------------------------10 MHZ D4 18 MHZ D5 24.5 MHZ D6 I did the first modification and found it to be the best way to go, good luck and happy hamming ! de KC2AR Bob in STARRUCCA,PA. QRO Modification to TS-830S, TS-530S (2 di 4)01/09/2009 0.10.43 KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals SUBSCRIBER'S COMMENTS ON QRO MODIFICATION TO TS-830S, TS-530S AND TS-530SP I would like to pass on the problem I hace encountered in connection with the QRO modification to the Kenwood radios TS830S, TS-530S and the TS-530SP. The problem occurs after many hours of long winded QSO's. It seems that with the increase in the screen voltage from 210 to 300 volts, R37 on the RF unit (#X44-1360-00) heats up tremendously and will change it's value so greatly that even the receive either suffers or goes out totally. R37 originally is Metalfilm resistor at 3.3K ohms and is 1/2 watt. I have changed mine to a Metalfilm as original same value but have used a one watt resistor. The brand I was abble to get was RCA and I suppose there are better on the market. This is a 2% tolerance. Three units that I know of have had this problem that I took care of in this area alone. Two units were TS-830S and one a TS-530SP. Just thought I would pass that information along for what it is worth. (Thanks, Frank J. Lukas, Jr., 5301 Main Ave., North Ridgeville, OH 44039) TS-530S Low Voltage Supply Optional Improvements Power supply drift and stability may be improved by these optional compoents changes and additions. On the AF AVR unit X49-1140-00 (Vicinity of Q19-Q20) changes: R68 from 1 Kohm to 1.5 Kohm (RD14CB2E152J) R72 from 470 ohm to 390 ohm (RD14CB2E391J) D14 from WZ-061 to XZ-053 (V11-4101-60) * This will improve temperature drift from a maximum of about 100mV to a maximum of 10 mV, and may be applied to any unit before serial # 201xxxx. Note: These changes are at the owners option and may not be performed in-warranty. TS-530S IF Unit Q2, Q7 Protection High voltage transients at the receiver antenna can be felt in the ALC circuitry and cause a failure of IF unit transistors Q2 and Q7. Symptoms encountered bay be a loss of RX sensitivity, and or loss of S-Meter deflection. Add the surge suppressor to the AF unit (X49-1150-XX) between terminal FG and ground, to prevent a reoccurrence of this symptom. Parts required: Surge Suppressor #ERZD03DK331 (3 di 4)01/09/2009 0.10.43 KB2LJJ Radio Mods Database and Manuals 11M mod for TS-530S Modifying the TS-530S to cover the 11m band, 26.930-28.075Mhz. This simple modification changes the 29Mhz band to give you full operation in the 27Mhz band. The band selector will be set to 29 and the +0.5 switch will be off or on to give 27 or 27.5 MHz. The display will correctly read the frequency on the 27Mhz band. Remove the top cover. Locate the counter pcb (centre front). We will modify the diode matrix to give new BCD PLL divider codes and BCD display codes to give us the 27Mhz band. There is no need to remove the pcb as all the work can be carried out on the component side with the board in situ. Cut the cathode of D26 or remove D26 entirely. Take 2 IN4148 diodes and twist their cathodes together and solder. Trim this twisted end and solder on to the pcb where D26 cathode was connected. We will refer to these two new diodes as D901 and D902. Take a short piece of hookup wire and connect to the anode of D901, using a rubber sleeve to insulate the connection. Connect the other end of the wire to the anode of D49. Now trim the leg of D902 slightly, bend it over and down and solder it to the anode of D25. Next Cut D35 and D34 cathodes, leaving enough wire on the diodes cathodes to solder to. The two diodes are side by side. Take a piece of hookup wire and remove enough insulation so that you can solder it to both D34 and D35 at once, bridging the cathodes together. Connect the other end of the wire to the cathode of D50. The RF board coils for the 28/29 bands may need slight adjusting, these are L12,L21 and L31. This step is optional and may make the radio perform slightly better on 27Mhz. I did not do any tweaking myself and was able to get 120W on 27.500. RX sensitivity did not seem to be affected by the mod. mod before mod after mod PCB before mod PCB after ATTENTION The KB2LJJ takes no responsibility for any damage during the modification or for any wrong information made on this modification. (4 di 4)01/09/2009 0.10.43