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Product Brochure | 01.00
Test & Measurement
R&S®AdVISE Visual Inspection Software A new way to eliminate human inattention
02.11.2015 13:03:06
R&S®AdVISE Visual Inspection Software At a glance R&S®AdVISE is a video-based monitoring/advisory system for use in an EMC test environment. This video detection system is designed to automate the process of visually detecting failures of a device under test (DUT) during immunity testing, eliminating human inattention and saving test time.
When R&S®AdVISE runs with the R&S®EMC32 or a similar system, it will provide the highest level of automation for controlling EMC equipment. The analysis comprises a comparison of each video frame with a reference frame for changes in specified areas referred to as regions of interest (ROI). ROIs are defined by the operator during test configuration and stored in a database. This test configuration information is used by the R&S®AdVISE video analysis subsystem to analyze each frame in real time. Additionally, R&S®AdVISE has the capability to capture sound emanating from the device under test and allows it to be manually analyzed for abnormalities. The R&S®AdVISE system is not limited to only functioning in an EMC environment. The R&S®AdVISE system can be used in any environment where the user wishes to visually monitor events that are deviations from a reference or standard. The R&S®AdVISE system analyzes data at rates of up to 30 frames per second per camera and can “see” transitory events that a human may miss.
Key facts The primary objective of the R&S®AdVISE visual inspection software is to provide the operator with a tool to automate the process of visually detecting failures of devices under test. R&S®AdVISE is available in two versions: ❙❙ As an adjunct system to the R&S®EMC32 EMS system ❙❙ As a standalone system for video analysis outside the scope of an EMC system.
❙❙ Automated video failure detection system capable of supporting up to two SD/HD/2K video streams to eliminate human inattention ❙❙ Support of video streams at up to 30 frames per second and continuous monitoring of video streams to detect configured changes ❙❙ User-defined regions of interest (items to be monitored); 32 ROIs per video stream possible
Two-camera window of R&S®AdVISE. 2
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R&S®AdVISE Visual Inspection Software Benefits and key features
State–of-the-art video processing ❙❙ R&S®AtomixLT video processing card as core component ❙❙ Use of advanced multicore technology ❙❙ Storage subsystem ❙❙ Playback subsystem ▷▷ page 4
Optimal operational efficiency ❙❙ Minimal user interaction required ❙❙ Significant time savings due to automated video frame analysis ❙❙ Optimized interface to R&S®EMC32 automation software ❙❙ Sophisticated video recorder and player ▷▷ page 5
Specialized user features ❙❙ User-defined rules sets and ROI grouping ❙❙ Special pattern recognition ❙❙ Video region of interest ❙❙ Enabling/disabling of ROIs during a test ❙❙ Camera control ▷▷ page 6
Model overview Type
R&S®AdVISE-LT (lite)
❙❙ R&S®EMC32 can be run on the same hardware platform ❙❙ Only 1 camera supported ❙❙ Max. 30 frames per second ❙❙ 16 ROIs supported
R&S®AdVISE-ML (mid-level)
❙❙ R&S®EMC32 can be run on the same hardware platform ❙❙ Only 1 camera supported ❙❙ Max. 30 frames per second ❙❙ 32 ROIs supported
R&S®AdVISE-HP (high performance)
❙❙ Support of 2 cameras ❙❙ 30 to 60 frames per second per camera ❙❙ Min. 32 ROIs per camera ❙❙ Dedicated PC platform required ❙❙ Separate hardware platform required to run R&S®EMC32
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State-of-the-art video processing
as it arrives. In addition to using the characterized reference value for each ROI, the analyzers also look for frameto-frame changes in order to trigger as quickly as possible.
Storage subsystem
R&S®AtomixLT video processing card as core component The R&S®AtomixLT video processing card captures video and audio. This card is the heart of the video and audio capture system. Video is fed to the card either directly from the camera or via the camera’s control system. Video comes into the R&S®AdVISE system as raw or uncompressed video. Each frame is brought into the R&S®AdVISE system where the R&S®AtomixLT card then processes the frame, checking it for errors, assembling interleaved frames into a single frame and performing a color conversion before passing the frame to the R&S®AdVISE video processing subsystem.
Use of advanced multicore technology R&S®AdVISE uses the advanced technology offered through multicore CPUs and GPUs to process the video frame by frame. The video processing subsection is capable of processing 60 or 30 frames per second per camera. Once the user clicks the READY button on a camera window, the analyzers receive the information for each ROI. The analyzers then enter a “learning” state. They process a predetermined number of frames to characterize each ROI. Once this is done, the analyzers signal the completion of the learning mode and begin to analyze each new frame
One of the busiest subsystems in R&S®AdVISE is the storage subsystem. The storage subsystem takes the video frame and the associated audio data, compresses the information and writes it to a disk file. These files can become very large very quickly. R&S®AdVISE typically requires 1 Tbyte 10k RPM mechanical hard drives or similarly sized SSDs and a hardware RAID controller configured for RAID 1. Other options are available, including a large mass storage system from Rohde & Schwarz DVS.
Playback subsystem The playback subsystem consists of a custom video player that is launched after the user has selected the video to be viewed. The system then loads the requested video. As with any video player, the user can use Fast Forward or Fast Reverse and step frame-by-frame either forward or backward. The player also enables the user to collect a single frame as a JPEG image and to collect a clip of the video to be used for reports or archiving. What sets the R&S®AdVISE system apart in usability is the indexing feature of the player. This feature allows the user to go to any event in the video at the click of a button. To do this, the user can call up the event list for a test run as each video is recorded by each camera for a test run. Clicking an event in the dialog will cause the player to jump to that event in the video.
Typical R&S®AdVISE hardware setup
Camera controller 1)
¸AdVISE Ethernet
¸EMC32 (if required)
If required; typically used for in-chamber cameras.
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Optimal operational efficiency Minimal user interaction required Regions of interest (ROI) are the mechanism by which the user defines how to use the R&S®AdVISE system. ROIs are small sections of the video surface that the operator has specified by drawing a rectangular box around the area. As a result, the analyzers focus on the video frame areas defined by the ROIs. This increases the speed at which events are captured and helps ensure real-time processing. Currently, the R&S®AdVISE system supports 32 ROIs per camera window. ROIs are permitted to overlap but they cannot intersect or be combined. Each ROI that is created is assigned a specific type of event that the ROI is “watching” for. The following describes these events in more detail.
Significant time savings due to automated video frame analysis Light detection Light detection means that a defined area has drastically changed in brightness. In other words, the lamp is either on or off. The analyzer will declare an event if a defined area changes from off to on or from on to off: ❙❙ Headlights ❙❙ Dashboard indicator lights (ABS, engine oil, temperature, warning, etc.) ❙❙ Tail lights ❙❙ Cockpit warning indicators ❙❙ Interior or exterior lighting Analog Analog indicates whether or not a pointer or needle is present in a defined area. The analyzer will declare an event if a defined area changes from normally empty to occupied (Analog In) or from normally occupied to empty (Analog Out). Examples of this type of detection are: ❙❙ Speedometer ❙❙ Tachometer ❙❙ Clock
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Digital bars Digital bars indicate that the length of a digital bargraph has changed. The analyzer will declare an event if the length of a graph within a defined area changes such that normally empty goes from empty to occupied (Digital Bar In) or from normally occupied to empty (Digital Bar Out). Examples of this type of detection are: ❙❙ Speedometer ❙❙ Flow meter ❙❙ Gas gauge ❙❙ Level indicator Color change Color change means that the pixels within a defined ROI have changed color. The analyzer will declare a failure if all the pixels in a defined ROI have changed their color. Example of this type of detection: ❙❙ Indicator that is normally green but turns to amber or red Intensity change Intensity change means that the pixels within a defined ROI have changed the strength or sharpness of their color. The analyzer will declare a failure if all the pixels within a defined ROI have changed the strength or sharpness of their color. Examples of this type of detection are: ❙❙ Indicator lights ❙❙ Lamps
Optimized interface to R&S®EMC32 automation software R&S®AdVISE interfaces to R&S®EMC32. It passes Go/ NoGo information and indicates to the immunity test software whether the DUT has passed or failed the test. NoGo information can be sent to R&S®EMC32 to achieve the following: ❙❙ Any event becomes a NoGo ❙❙ An algorithm is applied to all the ROIs and used to determine Go/NoGo ❙❙ Each ROI can be configured as a unique channel in R&S®EMC32
Sophisticated video recorder and player R&S®AdVISE also includes a video recorder and player. Recorded failures of the DUT generate an event. If users wish to go to a particular event in the video, they can call up the event list for the test run, since a video is captured by each camera for a test run. Clicking an event in the dialog will cause the player to jump to that event in the video. The player also allows the user to move forward and backward one frame at a time. The player also enables the operator to create a single-frame snapshot or a video clip for reporting.
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Specialized user features
Special pattern recognition This feature allows the user to define a particular pattern of ROI events. Should the ROIs not occur in the proper order, the system will emit an event and send a user-designated value to R&S®EMC32 if running in controlled mode. If R&S®EMC32 runs in independent mode, the user-defined event would be displayed and burned into the video.
User-defined rules sets and ROI grouping The user can define rules sets for a test. These rules can be basic system default rules that correspond to the basic events in R&S®AdVISE. There are also extended individual ROI rules. These rules give the user much more control over what is determined to be an event and over the data that is stored and sent to R&S®EMC32 when running in controlled mode. The ROI grouping feature allows the user to group ROIs and treat them as a single channel to R&S®EMC32. Group ROI rules permit the user to designate two or more ROIs whose individual behavior can be treated with logic statements so that the system emits an event if the statement is satisfied.
Video region of interest This allows users to designate the ROIs they are interested in and also to define a portion of the frame that will be recorded, which reduces file size and time required.
Enabling/disabling of ROIs during a test If a ROI is not tuned correctly and a test is started, the user can click the ROI and disable it for the duration of the test. This reduces the number of events recorded in the database and possible NoGo information sent to R&S®EMC32.
Camera control The camera control feature permits the user to set the camera to the desired position by controlling the pan, tilt and zoom from the maintenance mode window. In addition, depending on the camera, the user can also control a host of other camera settings such as white balance, shutter speed, noise filtering, etc.
Example of an R&S®AdVISE settings window: setting of performance counters. 6
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Specifications in brief Specifications in brief Transport protocol supported
Video standards
Color modes supported
Bit depths supported Video streams Rohde & Schwarz DVS video processor Storage information using SQL database
Minimum PC requirements to run R&S®AdVISE
Supported and verified cameras for EMC (shielded) Supported and verified cameras (not shielded, not suitable for EMC purposes)
❙❙ HDSDI ❙❙ HDMI (with HDMI to HDSDI converter) ❙❙ DVI (with DVI to HDSDI converter) ❙❙ NTSC ❙❙ PAL ❙❙ SMPTE 274 ❙❙ SMPTE 296 ❙❙ 2K (film) ❙❙ VESA ❙❙ YUV422 ❙❙ RGB ❙❙ BGR ❙❙ RGBA ❙❙ BGRA ❙❙ 8 bit ❙❙ 10 bit ❙❙ 2 streams supported ❙❙ SD/HD/2K R&S®AtomixLT (required for all configurations) ❙❙ Storage of 2048 test configurations ❙❙ Storage of 4096 test runs with results and events ❙❙ Use of two 1 Tbyte drives in RAID 1 configuration to protect valuable test result data ❙❙ Storage of recorded video limited to available disk space ❙❙ Dell 7810 or 7910 workstation ❙❙ 8 core Xeon processor ❙❙ NVIDIA K3200 GPU (or better) ❙❙ 8 Gbyte RAM ❙❙ 256 Gbyte SSD boot drive ❙❙ 1 Tbyte SSD data drive ❙❙ mk-messtechnik GmbH: dAV-Cr-HD/dAV-Rr-HD ❙❙ Audivo GmbH: HDCam7/HDCon6 ❙❙ Samsung: 2 Mpixel HD-SDI camera (model: SCB-6001) ❙❙ EverFocus: EQH5102 HDcctv/HD-SDI 1080p Mini, box camera
Ordering information Designation
Order No.
EMC Visual Inspection Software, Lite
EMC Visual Inspection Software, Mid-Level
EMC Visual Inspection Software, High Performance
R&S®AtomixLT Bundle
Workstation PC to run R&S®AdVISE
EMS Measurement Software Version 9 (SL)
Your local Rohde & Schwarz expert will help you determine the optimum solution for your requirements. To find your nearest Rohde & Schwarz representative, visit
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