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L E A T H ER w w w. k u r i s . d e L E A T H ER N ES T I N G & C U T T I N G Compared with other industries and materials leather cutting requires maximum attention and increased effort. Therefore, especially in the leather industry, the desire for a high degree of automation has always been present. We have set ourselves the task and have intensively studied the entire production process. With our solutions we strongly influenced the leather market. Effective and high-level course will cover topics such as smart order management, leather administration, leather scanning, powerful nesting and precise cutting. IN-LINE Camera 1 ZONE: Compact configuration offering all features of a large system: leather scan, automatic nesting, collect and reports. All these operations are performed directly on the cutter table, in a very fast and efficient process. Capacity: up to 50 hides per day. Beamer L E A T H ER C U T T I N G WI T H KURIS : 2 / 3 Z O N ES ( s e r i e s p r o d u c t i o n ) : To increase the productivity, the process is split into three steps: 1. Leather scan and nesting, 2. cutting, 3. collecting – these three steps are performed directly on the machine: a conveyor belt is moving the leather from one stage to another, in a continuous and economic workflow. Capacity: up to 80 hides per day. 1. Production Plan Styles and patterns import and conversion, production quantity management, work distribution on one or several cut stations 2. Leather Scan with optical devices Hide contour and quality zones automatic detection, quality zone declaration on five levels, bar-code label printing, leather purchase report 3. Intelligent order management Optimal matching of individual orders, article based management 4. Automatic Nest Automatic and interactive nesting directly on leather, automatic quality zone matching, wireless mouse and keyboard easy to use 5. Cut Automatic cutting and marking using a variety of tools: oscillating knife, round knife, punch with different diameters, drills, pens 6. Collect Interactive and efficient piece collecting procedure after cutting, using video-projection, different collecting methods depending on production type 7. Reports Comprehensive reports for leather stock, cutting efficiency, consumptions, mini markers, production quantity reports bag and foot paddle advance and reverse button video projection cleaning unit border zone nesting light source qualification L E A T H ER C U T T ER Different sizes / versions available Example: KURIS Cutty 3527 T E C H N I CA L DATA max. cutting height : max. cutting speed : max. position speed : acceleration : working width (Y) : table width : nominal working length (X) : total length : 40 mm (acc. to tool) 70 m/min 100 m/min 7 m/s² 1,75 / 2,15 / 2,75 / 3,05 m 2,10 / 2,50 / 3,20 / 3,50 m 2,30 / 3,50 m 3,80 / 5,00 m 400 V, 50/60 Hz 4 kW 7,5 kW / 11 kW 8 kW 35 A (5x6 mm²) class 1 10 l/min 1950 / 2300 / 3800 kg 57 - 74 dB(A) 0,85 m CE Made in Germany KURIS Spezialmaschinen GmbH Degginger Straße 6 D-73326 Deggingen-Reichenbach Fon: +49 (0) 73 34 - 9 24 80 - 0 Fax: +49 (0) 73 34 - 9 24 80 - 69 E-Mail: [email protected] Stand: 10/14 options : + drawing device + drilling device + milling device + drag knife + driven round knife + oscillating knife + POT-knife + printhead operating voltage : electrical power connection control / drives : vacuum-unit : average consumption : fuse : protection class : compressed air (5-6 bar) : weight of the cutter : noise level : working height : compliance :