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MODEL QTX110SL Page 1 HUMIDITY SENSING FAN / LIGHT / NIGHT LIGHT READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WARNING OPERATION TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: 1. Use this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer. If you have questions, contact the manufacturer at the address or telephone number listed in the warranty. 2. Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked, securely fasten a prominent warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel. 3. Installation work and electrical wiring must be GRQHE\DTXDOL¿HGSHUVRQ V LQDFFRUGDQFH with all applicable codes and standards, LQFOXGLQJ¿UHUDWHGFRQVWUXFWLRQFRGHVDQG standards.  6XI¿FLHQWDLULVQHHGHGIRUSURSHUFRPEXVWLRQ DQGH[KDXVWLQJRI JDVHV WKURXJKWKH ÀXH FKLPQH\ RIIXHOEXUQLQJHTXLSPHQWWRSUHvent backdrafting. Follow the heating equipment manufacturer’s guideline and safety standards such as those published by the 1DWLRQDO)LUH3URWHFWLRQ$VVRFLDWLRQ 1)3$  and the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers $6+5$( DQGWKHORFDOFRGHDXWKRULWLHV 5. When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling, do not damage electrical wiring and other hidden utilities. 6. Ducted fans must always be vented to the outdoors. 7. Acceptableforuseoveratuborshowerwhen FRQQHFWHGWRD*)&, *URXQG)DXOW&LUFXLW ,QWHUUXSWHU SURWHFWHGEUDQFKFLUFXLW 8. This unit must be grounded. The humidity control, fan, light, and night light can be operated separately. Use a 3- or 4-function wall control. Do not use a dimmer switch to operate the humidity control or light. See “Connect Wiring” for details. CAUTION 1. For general ventilating use only. Do not use to exhaust hazardous or explosive materials and vapors. 2. This product is designed for installation in ÀDW FHLOLQJV RQO\ '2 127 028177+,6 352'8&7,1$:$// 3. To avoid motor bearing damage and noisy and/or unbalanced impellers, keep drywall spray, construction dust, etc. off power unit.  3OHDVHUHDGVSHFL¿FDWLRQODEHORQSURGXFWIRU further information and requirements. Installer: Leave this manual with the homeowner. SENSOR OPERATION The humidity-sensing fan uses a sophisticated humidity sensor that responds to: D  UDSLG WR PRGHUDWH XVHUDGMXVWDEOH  LQFUHDVHVLQKXPLGLW\RU E KXPLGLW\DERYH D XVHUDGMXVWDEOH VHWSRLQW  UHODWLYH KXPLGLW\  7KH KXPLGLW\ VHQVRU PD\ RFFDVLRQDOO\ WXUQ WKH IDQ 21 ZKHQ environmental conditions change. If the fan continuously responds to changing environmental conditions, “SENSITIVITY” DGMXVWPHQWPD\EHUHTXLUHG MANUAL ON WITH TIMED OFF The humidity sensing fan has an additional operation feature. For odor or vapor control, the fan can be energized by cycling WKHSRZHUVZLWFK2QFHWKHIDQKDVEHHQ energized in this manner, it will remain on IRUWKHXVHUDGMXVWDEOH³7,0(5´SHULRG  WR  PLQXWHV  7KLV SHULRG LV IDFWRU\VHW IRUPLQXWHV To manually energize the fan: ,I IDQ SRZHU VZLWFK LV DOUHDG\ 21 proceed to Step 2; otherwise, turn power VZLWFK21IRUPRUHWKDQVHFRQG 7XUQIDQSRZHUVZLWFK2))IRUOHVVWKDQ 1 second. 7XUQIDQSRZHUVZLWFKEDFN21DQGIDQ ZLOOWXUQ21 SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT The “SENSITIVITY” has been factory set for most shower applications. However, if the fan is in a tub area or is being used for dampness control, the “SENSITIVITY” may need to be increased toward maximum ³0$;´  ,I WKH FRQWURO LV UHVSRQGLQJ WRR often to changing environmental conditions, PRYHPHQWWRZDUGOHVV ³0,1´ ³6(16,7,9ITY” may be required. 7RDGMXVWWKH³6(16,7,9,7<´ 1. Disconnect power at service entrance. 2. Through the grille, locate the screwdriver slot marked “SENSITIVITY”. 8VLQJ D VPDOO ÀDWEODGH VFUHZGULYHU carefully rotate the “SENSITIVITY” DGMXVWPHQWWRZDUG³0$;´RU³0,1´ 4. Turn on power and check operation by turning on the shower or other humidity source until the fan turns on. 5. Repeat above steps if necessary. TIMER ADJUSTMENT 7KH KXPLGLW\ VHQVLQJ IDQ KDV D ³7,0(5´ WKDWFDQEHDGMXVWHGIURPWRPLQXWHV IDFWRU\VHW DW  PLQXWHV 7KLV ³7,0(5´ controls the length of time that the fan rePDLQV21 D DIWHUWKHVHQVRUKDVVWRSSHG sensing a rise in humidity and the humidity OHYHOLVEHORZWKHXVHUDGMXVWDEOHVHWSRLQW RU E DIWHUEHLQJHQHUJL]HGE\F\FOLQJWKH power switch. 7RDGMXVWWKH³7,0(5´ 1. Disconnect power at service entrance. 2. Through the grille, locate the screwdriver VORWPDUNHG³7,0(5´ 8VLQJ D VPDOO ÀDWEODGH VFUHZGULYHU FDUHIXOO\URWDWHWKH³7,0(5´DGMXVWPHQW WR GHVLUHG VHWWLQJ IURP  WR  PLQXWHV  4. Check operation by cycling the power VZLWFK DV LQVWUXFWHG XQGHU ³0$18$/ 21 :,7+ 7,0(' 2))´ RU E\ WXUQLQJ on a humidity source until the fan turns on. 5. Turn humidity source off and time the unit. 6. Repeat above steps if necessary. CLEANING & MAINTENANCE )RUTXLHWDQGHI¿FLHQWRSHUDWLRQORQJOLIH and attractive appearance - lower or remove grille and vacuum interior of unit with the dusting brush attachment. The motor is permanently lubricated and never needs oiling. If the motor bearings are making excessive or unusual noises, replace the motor with the exact service motor. The impeller should also be replaced. SENSOR CLEANING The humidity sensor is mounted in the grille. The sensor will operate most reliably when cleaned occasionally as follows: 1. Disconnect power at service entrance. 2. Remove the grille. Use a dry dustcloth, clean toothbrush, or lightly vacuum to FOHDQVHQVRUDQGJULOOH'212786( $%5$6,9( &/27+ 67((/ :22/ 3$'6256&285,1*32:'(56 '212786(FOHDQLQJVSUD\VVROYHQWV or water on or near the sensor! MODEL QTX110SL Page 2 TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS Housing mounted to I-joists. Housing mounted anywhere between I-joists using hanger bars. ‡ /RFDWHXQLWDERYH *)&,SURWHFWHGFLUFXLWUHTXLUHG RU within 5 feet of shower head. ‡ /RFDWHXQLWDZD\IURPKHDWLQJRUFRROLQJVRXUFHV which can affect humidity levels. • Do not locate near window. Unit may respond to the outdoor humidity level. • Unit must be installed in ceiling to properly sense moisture. ‡ /RFDWHXQLWRQO\RQÀDWFHLOLQJVXSWRIHHWKLJKIRU proper sensing. ‡ 7KHIDQZLOORSHUDWHPRVWHI¿FLHQWO\ZKHQORFDWHG where the shortest possible duct run and minimum number of elbows will be needed. 2. Plan the wiring. • Plan to supply the unit with proper line voltage and appropriate power cable. Power cable should be  URXWHGWRWKHVZLWFKER[¿UVWDQGWKHQWRWKHXQLW  6HH³&211(&7:,5,1*´RQSDJH  • Do not operate this unit with a speed control. Damage to the sensor unit will result. ‡ /LJKWRUQLJKWOLJKWPD\EHLQVWDOOHGZLWKDZDOO  mounted motion control. Housing mounted anywhere between joists using hanger bars. Housing mounted to joists. INSTALL HOUSING & DUCT 1a. Mount housing to joist or I-joist. Housing mounted anywhere between trusses using hanger bars. Housing mounted anywhere between trusses using hanger bars. PLAN THE INSTALLATION 1. Choose the installation location. The location of your humidity sensing fan is very important. Use the following guidelines for best operation: 522)&$3* ,15281' DUCT * * Purchase separately ,15281' (/%2:* :$// CAP * Use a pliers to bend housing TABS TABS out WR. Hold housing in place so that the housing SPACER tabs contact XVHIRUPRXQWLQJWR,-RLVW the bottom RIWKHMRLVW The housing mounts with IRXU  VFUHZV or nails. Screw or nail housing WRMRLVWWKURXJK lowest holes in each mounting I-2,67 ÀDQJHWKHQ WKURXJKKLJKHVWKROHV127(0RXQWLQJWRI-JOIST VKRZQ UHTXLUHVXVHRISPACERS LQFOXGHG  EHWZHHQWKHKLJKHVWKROHRIHDFKPRXQWLQJÀDQJHDQG the IMRLVW OR MODEL QTX110SL Page 3 1b.Mount housing anywhere between trusses, joists, or I-joists using hanger bars. Sliding hanger bars are provided to allow for accurate positioning of housing anywhere between framing. They can be XVHGRQDOOW\SHVRIIUDPLQJ IMRLVWVWDQGDUGMRLVWDQGWUXVV FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQGVSDQXSWR´ 2. Attach damper/ duct connector. Snap damper / duct conQHFWRURQWRKRXVLQJ0DNH VXUHFRQQHFWRULVÀXVK with top of housing and GDPSHUÀDSIDOOVFORVHG TAB 6&5(:6  3. Install 6-inch round ductwork. 02817,1* &+$11(/  HANGER %$5  Connect 6-inch round ductwork to damper / duct connector. Run ductwork to a roof cap or wall cap. Tape all ductwork connections to make them secure and air tight. CONNECT WIRING $WWDFKWKH02817,1*&+$11(/6WRWKHKRXVLQJXVLQJWKH SCREWSVXSSOLHG0DNHVXUH7$%6IDFH³XS´DVVKRZQ 8VHWKHVHWRIFKDQQHOPRXQWLQJKROHV PDUNHG³67'´ WR PRXQWWKHKRXVLQJÀXVKZLWKWKHERWWRPRIWKHGU\ZDOO8VH WKH RWKHU VHW RI KROHV QRW PDUNHG  WR PRXQW WKH KRXVLQJ ÀXVKZLWKWKHWRSRIWKHGU\ZDOO WIRING OPTION #1 - Allows fan to operate in automatic mode or manual mode (for odor control) by cycling ON/OFF switch. MODEL 66V/66W, P66V/P66W 3-FUNCTION CONTROL (PURCHASE SEPARATELY) LIGHT (ON/OFF) BLK BLU RED RED LIGHT COM NIGHT LIGHT (ON/OFF) +2/()25237,21$/ 6&5(:02817,1*  * 6&5(:  BLK FAN (AUTO/OFF) ORG BLK HUMIDITY CONTROL BRN BLK 120 VAC LINE IN NIGHT LIGHT WHT GRD WHT WHT WHT WHT FAN WHT GRD UNIT SWITCH BOX WIRING OPTION #2 - Fan can be turned ON, OFF, or set to operate automatically. MODEL 77DV, 77DW, P77DV, P77DW 4-FUNCTION CONTROL (PURCHASE SEPARATELY) BLK FAN (ON/OFF/AUTO) 1$,/  %27720('*( 2))5$0,1* Extend HANGER BARS to the width of the framing. Hold ventilator in place with the hanger bar tabs wrapping around the %27720('*(2)7+()5$0,1*. 1$,/YHQWLODWRUWRIUDPLQJRUIDVWHQZLWKVFUHZV QRWSURYLGHG  through +2/(6 near nails. ensure a noise-free mount: Secure hanger bars together *withTo SCREWS or use a pliers to crimp mounting channels tightly around hanger bars. BLK RED RED ORG BLU BLK BRN COM NIGHT LIGHT (ON/OFF) LIGHT (ON/OFF) BLK 120 VAC WHT LINE IN GRD HUMIDITY CONTROL FAN WHT WHT WHT WHT RED RED BLK BLU NIGHT LIGHT COM BLK WHT LIGHT WHT GRD SWITCH BOX UNIT 4. Connect electrical wiring. 5XQ9$&KRXVHZLULQJWRLQVWDOODWLRQORFDWLRQ8VH SURSHU8/DSSURYHGFRQQHFWRUWRVHFXUHKRXVHZLULQJWR wiring plate. Connect wires as shown in wiring diagrams. MODEL QTX110SL INSTALL GRILLE SERVICE PARTS Page 4 6. Finish ceiling. Install ceiling material. Cut out around housing. 7. Plug in wiring. Plug wiring into the proper receptacles. TAB 8. Attach grille to housing. 9. Push grille against ceiling. Squeeze grille springs and insert them into slots on each side of housing. SERVICE NOTE To remove Blower Assembly: Unplug motor (7). Remove thumbscrew (18) from motor plate (9) ÀDQJH)LQGWKHVLQJOHTAB on the motor plate (loFDWHGQH[WWRWKHUHFHSWDFOH 3XVKXSQHDUPRWRU plate tab while pushing out on side of housing. Or insert a straight-blade screwdriver into slot in KRXVLQJ QH[WWRWDE DQGWZLVWVFUHZGULYHU 10. Remove light lens. 11. Install light bulbs. Carefully insert a small ÀDWEODGHVFUHZGULYHUEHtween grille and lens. Pry lens out. WARRANTY Purchase an incandescent EXOE :PD[ DQGD 4W incandescent nightlight bulb and screw them into their sockets. Replace lens. BROAN THREE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY Broan warrants to the original consumer purchaser of its products that such products will be free from defects in materials or workmanship for a period of three years from the date of original purchase. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. During this three-year period, Broan will, at its option, repair or replace, without charge, any product or part which is found to be defective under normal use and service. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT EXTEND TO FLUORESCENT LAMP STARTERS AND TUBES. This warranty does not cover (a) normal maintenance and service or (b) any products or parts which have been subject to misuse, negligence, accident, improper maintenance or repair (other than by Broan), faulty installation or installation contrary to recommended installation instructions. 7KHGXUDWLRQRIDQLPSOLHGZDUUDQW\LVOLPLWHGWRWKHWKUHH\HDUSHULRGDVVSHFL¿HGIRUWKHH[SUHVV warranty. Some states do not allow limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. BROAN’S OBLIGATION TO REPAIR OR REPLACE, AT BROAN’S OPTION, SHALL BE THE PURCHASER’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS WARRANTY. BROAN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH PRODUCT USE OR PERFORMANCE. Some states do not allow WKHH[FOXVLRQRUOLPLWDWLRQRILQFLGHQWDORUFRQVHTXHQWLDOGDPDJHVVRWKHDERYHOLPLWDWLRQPD\QRW apply to you. 7KLVZDUUDQW\JLYHV\RXVSHFL¿FOHJDOULJKWVDQG\RXPD\DOVRKDYHRWKHUULJKWVZKLFKYDU\IURP state to state. This warranty supersedes all prior warranties. 7RTXDOLI\IRUZDUUDQW\VHUYLFH\RXPXVW D QRWLI\%URDQDWWKHDGGUHVVRUWHOHSKRQHQXPEHUVWDWHG EHORZ E JLYHWKHPRGHOQXPEHUDQGSDUWLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQG F GHVFULEHWKHQDWXUHRIDQ\GHIHFW LQWKHSURGXFWRUSDUW$WWKHWLPHRIUHTXHVWLQJZDUUDQW\VHUYLFH\RXPXVWSUHVHQWHYLGHQFHRIWKH original purchase date.                    Key No. Part No.                   16 17                    SQTHB1 99271344  Description +RXVLQJ 'XFW&RQQHFWRU´ :LULQJ3ODWH 6FUHZ; :LUH3DQHO+DUQHVV$VVHPEO\ %ORZHU:KHHO 0RWRU ,VRODWRU UHT¶G 0RWRU3ODWH &RQWURO$VVHPEO\ :DVKHU UHT¶G 1XW+H[/RFN UHT¶G %ORZHU$VVHPEO\  LQFOXGHVNH\QRVWKUX *ULOOH$VVHPEO\  LQFOXGHVNH\QRV  *ULOOH6SULQJ UHT¶G /HQV 6SDFHU VXSSOLHG Hanger Bar Kit Sensor Wire Harness 7KXPEVFUHZ[ * Parts not listed are included with Assembly. 2UGHUVHUYLFHSDUWVE\³3DUW1R´QRWE\³.H\1R´ &