KNOWLEDGE OF TOOLS STANDARD 1: Students will be able to apply understanding of hardware, software applications, peripherals and connectivity to locate, retrieve and use resources.
Operate input and output devices - mouse, keyboard, printer, CD and understand the vocabulary connected with each. Navigate through programs, websites and files. Save work to folder or server. Print work. Use text tools for letter recognition, word recognition, labeling and to compose sentences with uppercase, spacing and punctuation. Use drawing tools and import images to reinforce curriculum topics. Use publishing tools to create curriculum projects. Use pre-selected web sites and online tools to practice and enhance content skills. Use assistive and adaptive devices when appropriate. Understand the check in/ check out procedures of the school library circulation system. Navigate the school library’s online database.
Use hardware, access applications, manage files from portable and networked media, preview and print documents. Experience other input devices such as the scanner, the digital camera and the camcorder (with teacher supervision). Handle and manage laptops according to school guidelines. Word process using basic features to format paragraphs, titles, using the spell check and thesaurus. Import and manipulate graphics into word processing documents. Compose written work with Alphasmarts using home row keyboarding skills, and upload files to word processing applications. Produce graphics using drawing tools and import images to support/accompany project work. Write with publishing tools to support curriculum learning. Access pre-selected web sites for curriculum content or to practice skills. Understand the features and terms associated with a web browser. Search the web with student safe search engines that best match students’ abilities to navigate, read and understand data.
Create visual information using graphic organizing software to produce webs or diagrams. Express concepts or ideas with painting, drawing, and concept-mapping programs. Record, organize and chart numeric information using spreadsheets and graphing tools. Practice mathematical literacy with prescriptive, interactive software. Use assistive and adaptive devices when appropriate. Learn the features of the library patron database and perform keyword searches. Use and create presentations using an interactive whiteboard. 6-8
Navigate, access, download and manage files on portable media, hard drives, and networks. Handle and manage school laptops according to school guidelines. Use assistive and adaptive devices when appropriate. Use simulation software or access online resources to provide content-related models for inquiry, analysis and collaborative problem solving. Use intermediate word processing features and manage various file formats such as RTF, PDF. Use software to assist in the visual synthesis of ideas (webs, diagrams, timelines) for project planning, organization, analysis, or presentation. Use painting and drawing programs to express concepts or ideas. Create spreadsheets, graphs, charts, or databases to present, organize, and analyze information. Use and create simple databases to locate, organize, sort and analyze information. Create a simple web page using free online tools. Use the features of a Web browser to navigate and find information on the Internet. Effectively perform simple and intermediate searches using online search tools (search engines, subject directories, meta-search engines, etc.) Import, create, or modify multimedia using software, online resources, or peripheral devices such as digital cameras, microphones, MP3s/CDs, scanners, or camcorders. Use educational technology resources, such as DVDs, online reference materials, teacher-selected websites, citation generator, and databases to support learning, problem solving, and research. Use an interactive whiteboard as a presentation tool.
Use multiple platforms, identify compatible file formats, and navigate file/network pathways. Use online help and tutorials to expand use of tools. Use assistive and adaptive devices when appropriate.
Use online content tools, such as document sharing, or resources to extend classroom inquiry, analysis and collaborative problem solving. Use the advanced features of word processing and publishing tools to organize content. Use software or online tools to assist in the visual synthesis of project planning, organization, analysis, or presentation. Use graphic design and photo tools to create graphic representations. Use data tools, such as calculators, probes, and online simulations to analyze data. Produce spreadsheets, graphs, charts, or databases to present, organize, and analyze information. Perform complex searches using the advanced features of online search tools (search engines, subject directories, meta-search engines, databases etc.). Import, create, or modify multimedia using software, online resources, or peripheral devices such as digital cameras, microphones, MP3s/CDs, scanners, or camcorders. Use educational technology resources, such as DVDs, online reference materials, teacher-selected websites, online video and databases to support learning, problem solving, and research. Use an interactive whiteboard as a presentation tool.
INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND PRODUCTIVITY STANDARD 2: Students build knowledge collaboratively with peers using tools for discussion, writing, research and teamwork projects. STUDENT CONTENT AND PROCESS SKILLS K-2
Locate and read specific information on a teacher selected web site, in nonfiction and reference books. Identify and discuss new words and new ideas within a group. Actively view and listen for information in multimedia resources. With a partner, use a map or diagram to organize new information.
Participate in an online classroom collaboration with another classroom using text, images and video. Use the collaboration to contribute towards an expanded understanding of curriculum content by sharing data or building collaborative project. Use the collaboration to communicate and exchange ideas that demonstrate an expanded understanding of global awareness by building a collaborative project that focuses outside the USA. Differentiate between the purpose and features of email, instant messaging, wikis, blogs, and social networking tools. . Access collaborative discussion tools and contribute towards an expanded understanding of curriculum content. Understand and use online learning tools while participating in a collaborative learning experience. Use collaborative tools and resource features for academic communication. Access collaborative discussion and online learning tools to participate in academic content. Select and set up a collaborative learning site to produce an academic project.
INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND PRODUCTIVITY STANDARD 3: Students apply inquiry skills, critical thinking skills, and evaluation criteria to select, organize, interpret and credit appropriate information resources. STUDENT CONTENT AND PROCESS SKILLS K-2
Put an information question into ‘my own words.’ Complete the topic chart: What I know… What I think I know…What I need to find out. Develop a key word list about the topic (with assistance) and participate in discussion. Recognize and use the patron catalog as a locational tool. Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction. Identify different genres of children’s literature. Begin to determine if the reading level is ‘just right.’ Locate and use a simple table of contents and index. Scan through text or an online source to find something specific. Ask relevant questions to get help from the teacher, the library teacher or parent volunteer. Use a graphic organizer to share new information.
Restate the expectations for the information topic or put the question(s) into student language. Read/listen/view and discuss general information on a topic. Investigate and select the best resources listed in the media center’s patron catalog. Identify the different areas of the media center and locate information that is most helpful to answer the information question. Understand the library’s organization of resources. Use the table of contents and index of a book or reference tool to quickly locate information. Differentiate between primary and secondary sources. Evaluate the usefulness of a website. Scan and skim pre-selected web pages for relevant information. Interpret visual information from graphs, charts, tables and pictures. Gather information and record notes in student language. Map an information topic, with subtopics and details using a graphic organizer.
Compose a simple bibliography using a standard format. 6-8
Define an information task by pre-reading, questioning and organizing related topics. Select and evaluate online resources and other electronic media using predetermined criteria such as accuracy, credibility, bias, point of view, or usefulness. Investigate non-print and non-electronic resources as appropriate: ask an expert (parents, peers, teachers, etc.), conduct surveys, visit museums, etc. Determine the best possible sources of information, primary and secondary, using a variety of strategies. Extract the most relevant information by summarizing or paraphrasing the main ideas in original notes using an organizational tool (graphic organizer, outline, electronic notetaker, note cards). Organize informational notes and resources to communicate the results of the information task. Credit all sources in a standard bibliographic format.
Break down an information task into focus questions that lead to the development of a thesis statement. Gather and select print sources, online resources and other electronic media. Evaluate the resources using predetermined criteria such as point of view, relevance, author credentials, accuracy and reliability. Extract and record information in original notes using an organizational system (graphic organizer, note cards, outline). Credit all sources in a standard format using a works-cited page and in-text citations.
CREATION AND INNOVATION STANDARD 4: Students develop products by collaborating, creating, and problem solving to communicate new understandings. STUDENT CONTENT AND PROCESS SKILLS K-2
Use simple features of graphics software to create pictures. Use new words and create sentences to explain/support the pictures. Combine pictures and text using publishing software for the project. Present information project orally to peers and parents.
Consider the purpose and audience for the product and presentation. Collaborate with a partner or group to produce the presentation. Select a media format (slideshow, brochure, poster, diagram, audio, video) to present new understandings. Organize the information appropriate to format. Create a storyboard, script, layout or rough draft from notes. Create or import graphics to illustrate the product/presentation. Create the final product with the appropriate technology tools. Practice, to improve the presentation.
Consider purpose, audience, and mode of delivery when designing a presentation/project and choosing the most effective presentation tool. Select and use the most appropriate format and presentation/communication tool: web, video, slide show, audio, podcast, or paper. Apply basic principles of design to presentations. Collaborate with a partner or group to produce the product. Create or import graphics to enhance visual communication
Create or import video and audio clips to enrich communication of research and learning. Use charts, graphs, diagrams, webs or other types of graphic organizers to communicate results of research and learning. Rehearse and revise the presentation using the required media and technology tools. Present new understandings using the product to support and illustrate new concepts learned and apply to real world situations. Consider purpose, audience, and mode of delivery when designing a presentation/project and choosing the most effective presentation tool. With self-direction, collaborate with a partner or group to organize the work and to create a product.
Select and use the most appropriate format for the presentation/communication tool: web, video, slide show, audio, podcast, or paper. Apply basic principles of design to presentations. Use the most appropriate tool---software, online resources, or peripheral devices such as digital cameras, microphones, CD players, scanners, or camcorders--to create, import, or format multimedia for presentation. Use appropriate graphics to enhance visual communication. Create and edit video or audio clips to enrich communication of research and learning. Insert text and talking points, as appropriate, to support the media content. Create charts, graphs, diagrams, webs or other types of graphic organizers to communicate results of research and learning. Create a web page using free online tools with logical navigation. Create a coherent digital video production by: developing a proposal, writing a script, shooting video, inserting graphics and text, importing audio, editing audio and video elements. Rehearse and revise the presentation using the required media and technology tools. Present new understandings using the product to support and illustrate new concepts learned.
CREATION AND INNOVATION STANDARD 5: Students self-assess and reflect on the information and creative tasks to evaluate areas of strength and improvement. STUDENT CONTENT AND PROCESS SKILLS K-2
Which resources were most helpful? Why? What was easy? What did I like? What did I learn to do? What was hard? What could I do better next time? What did I like about others’ presentations?
Evaluate the product against the project criteria, checklist or rubric. Identify helpful resources and their features. Ask questions and provide positive feedback to peer presenters.
Write a reflection about the resources, the project, the product, peer collaboration. What was challenging? What was easy? What would I do differently next time? What did I learn from others’ presentations? Evaluate the process and product against the performance criteria. Participate in peer assessment activities to support and improve learning.
Write a reflection statement about the task or any elements, such as; the process, the resources, the tools, the product, and the peer work. Evaluate the process and product against the performance criteria. Participate in peer assessment activities to support and improve learning. Write a reflection statement about the task or any elements, such as: the process, the resources, the tools, the product, and the peer work.
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP STANDARD 6: Students make personal and appropriate choices while using online resources for social and academic purposes. STUDENT CONTENT AND PROCESS SKILLS K-2
Use only pre-elected teacher websites for school assignments. Report to the teacher or an adult if a web page makes you feel uncomfortable.
Recognize potential risks of using websites, email and social networking sites. Identify cyber bullying and get help from an adult.
Take individual responsibility while participating in group technology projects by working cooperatively with peers; contributing ideas, skills, and support; and by sharing resources equitably. Demonstrate responsible use of communication tools – email, texting, and social networking sites. Practice Internet safety and etiquette. Recognize cyber-bullying and take responsible steps to solve the issue.
Demonstrate self direction, accountability, responsibility to peers Demonstrate responsible use of communication tools – email, texting, blogs, and wikis. Practice Internet safety and etiquette. Recognize cyber-bullying and advocate to solve the issue.
RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICS STANDARD 7: Students demonstrate responsible and ethical use of technology, information resources and networks, and the work/content of others. STUDENT CONTENT AND PROCESS SKILLS K-2
Practice responsible and safe use of hardware, software and respect the work of other students. Work cooperatively with others when using technology in the classroom, lab or media center. Demonstrate responsible use of hardware, software, school network and web resources. Read and sign the Acceptable Use Policy with parent or guardian Cite all sources accurately when using someone else’s ideas or images. Describe how technology makes your life easier and harder.
Demonstrate responsible use of hardware, software, school network and web resources, wireless access and understand the consequences of inappropriate use. Maintain a current NPS Acceptable Use Policy with parent or guardian agreement. Understand the responsibility of managing personal passwords and follow security routines. Demonstrate legal and appropriate use of media and technology resources among peers and within the school community. Abide by intellectual property laws concerning copyright, plagiarism, and trademark infringement. Cite all sources accurately. Evaluate the influence of media on daily life.
Describe current trends in information technology and how the trends influence and impact schools, the workplace and society. Demonstrate responsible use of hardware, software, school network and web resources, wireless access, security and understand the consequences of inappropriate use. Maintain a current NPS Acceptable Use Policy with parent or guardian agreement. Understand the responsibility of managing personal passwords and following security routines. Demonstrate and advocate for legal and appropriate uses of media and technology resources among peers and within the school community. Abide by intellectual property laws concerning copyright, plagiarism, and trademark infringement. Cite all sources accurately. Describe current trends in information technology, with capabilities and limitations, and how the trends influence and impact schools, the workplace and society.