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IUNION SWITCH & SIGNALl(mJ SERVICE MANUAL 6059A A member of the ANSALDO Group 5800 CorPorate Drive Pitnburgh. PA 15237 Installation, Operation and Field Maintenance EC-10 Electronic Code Generator 3-Code Model: N437501 4-Code Model: N437602 6-Code Model: N451557-0701 Note: This Manual Replaces SM-6059, which was published in March, 1977. February, 1992 A-2/92-2103 ID0352F COPYRIGHT 1992. UNION SWITCH & SIGNAL INC. PRINTED IN USA ANSALDO Trasporti REVISION INDEX. Revised pages of this manual are indicated by page number and date of revision. Rev. Date . :,• EC-10 Code Generator (Shown: 3-Code Model N437501) NEED SERVICE? CALL 1-800-652-7276 SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 PURPOSE OF MANUAL This manual provides complete installation, operation and field maintenance instructions on the three models of the Electrocoder EC-10 Code Generator. Contact US&S for shop calibration and maintenance instructions. This manual replaces SM-6059, which covered only the 3-code and 4-code models of the EC-10. 1.2 INTRODUCTION The EC-10 Code Generator is an electronic coding device that provides coded energy for vehicle detection and speed indication by switching power to a code-following relay at a specified code rate. Three models are available as of January, 1992: Part Number Description N437501 N437602 N451557-0701 3-code model (75, 120, 180 CPM) 4-code model (75, 120, 180, 270 CPM) 6-code model (50, 75, 120, 180, 270, 420 CPM) The EC-10 provides industry-standard code rates, allowing use with existing relay-based systems as well as new systems. By combining vehicle detection and wayside signaling in coded system, the EC-10 allows long block lengths with de-coded track circuits and elimination of line wires. 1.3 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION All models of the EC-10 are contained in an assembled sheet steel housing designed for shelf or wall mounting. External wiring is connected to a set of AAR-standard terminals. Internal wiring to these terminals is brought out through a grommet hole adjacent to the AAR terminals. Each terminal is labeled with the associated code rate. All models of the EC-10 also include an array of LED's that flash at the selected code rate. The 3-code model of this device also· contains an LED that indicates battery voltage is applied. This LED is not provided on the 4 and 6-code models of the unit. Electronic components of the EC-10 are contained on two or three internal printed circuit boards (PCB's). The 3 and 4-code models contain two PCB's, while the 6-code model contains three PCB's. Each PCB provides one or two code channels. These boards are hard-wired to the external AAR terminals. 1.4 SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: See Figure 1 Weight~ 2.23 lbs. Power Input: 8.8 to 16.2V de, 12V de nominal 6059A, p. 1 Power Consumption@ 12V de: Part no. N437501 CJ-code unit): One track circuit: 170 mA Two track circuits: 200 mA Part no. N437602 (4-code unit): One track circuit: 180 mA Two track circuits: 210 mA Part no. N451557-0701 (6-code unit): One track circuit: 480 mA Two track circuits: 510 mA Reverse Battery Protection: Built-in Short Circuit Protection: Built-in Code Rates: N437501: 75, 120, 180 CPM, nom. N437602: 75, 120, 180, 270 CPM, nom. N451557-0701: 50, 75, 120, 180, 270, 420 CPM nom. Code Frequency and Time Cycle: Rated Freq. (Cycles/Min) 50 75 120 180 270 420 48 72 123 184 276 420 Code-Following Relay Driving: Time Cycle Cmsec.) 1250 833 488 326 217 143 + 13.0 msec. + 8.0 msec. 5.0 msec. + 3.0 msec. + 2.0 msec. + 1.4 msec. + One or two (simultaneous) code-following relays Each relay requires 510 ohm snubbing resistor Code-Following Relay Options: Plug-in: PC-250B, 135 ohm, 8/12V de N322559-003 (4FB L.v. contacts) N322559-004 (4FB H.V. contacts) N322559-005 C2FB H.v. contacts) (2FB L.V. contacts) N322559-017 ClFB H.V. contacts) (3FB L.V. contacts) Service Manual: SM-4570 Shelf: CD relay, 135 ohm Service Manual: SM-5400 Temperature Range: -400 to +1ooc 6059A, p. 2 SECTION II INSTALLATION AND CUT-IN 2.1 UNIT MOUNTING The EC-10 may be shelf or wall mounted using the two mounting flanges. The unit may be mounted in close proximity to other electronic devices, relays, RP sources etc. without adversely affecting operation. Also, the unit does not require any special protection from normal wayside vibrations. see Pigure 1 below for installation dimensions. Note: These dimensions apply to all three models of the EC-10. 4-11/16. i....1(!----"1)1,~,...- - - - 6-1/16" - - - - l ----0------------0 ;1t rm rtJ IA1T 5 s-112· uo S4t f 2-1/8" --------- ·-----·-·i """""IH-t+H 270 1 • • • • • • 420 75 180 50 120 270 • 1-s,a· EC-10 ELECTROCODEII PART NO. N451557-0701 SERIAL NO. I~ !;'NION SWITCH & SIGNAL 'P-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , ________ _ ··--------- ---(;)-------------(:) 2-114• Figure 1. 2.2 Unit Installation Dimensions UNIT WIRING Typical application wiring of the three EC-10 models is shown in Figure 2~ The de connections to the units should be terminated directly at the battery. surge protective devices are not required on the battery or code selection logic connections. to the unit. The code following. relay isolates the EC-10 from lightning and other surges on the.track. Note on 3-code unit N437510 that the negative connection to the code-following relay can be made to either the •-BATTERY• or •cOMMoN• terminals since these two terminals are connected together internally. 6059A, p. 3 _, I .+I .:: + -I CODI FOLLOWING TRACK RELAY --- I ~- ! DECODING EQUIPMENT I - - - - · CODE FOLLOWING RELAY (PC·250 PlUG-IN OR CD SHELf) + 510 OHM SNUI TO CODE ,...._ _ FOLLOWING----------..... RELAY W/SNUI _____ ,------, ...._ .------+r~-----, +---1--e +---1-- . ---1--.. . . . ---+--• BATT 120 180 IA TT 75 cd»M "'---.ALTERNATE COMMON CONNECTION I CODE SELECTION I LOGIC __________ .. • I BATT 120 180 ~TT 75 270 (AS REQUIRED) 4-CODE UNIT N437602 3·CODE UNIT N437501 I I I I L-----.J CODI SELECTION LOGIC (AS REQUIRED) TO CODE - - - FOLLOWING -----------RELAY W/SNUI ,------, . ____....,__ + - • BATT 420 ,_.. BATT 50 6-CODE UNIT N437602-0701 Figure 2. 2.3 __,_ CODE SELECTION LOGIC (AS REQUIRED) Typical Application Wiring CUT-IN The EC-10 Code generator requires no adjustments in the field prior to cut-in. All available code rates should be tested before putting the unit into revenue service. As each code is selected, the corresponding LED on the unit should flash. If the unit fails in any respect, it should be replaced with another unit (refer to section IV). 6059A, P• 4 SECTION III FUNCTIONAL. DESCRIPTION (See Figure 3) The EC-10 drives a code-following relay through code rate selection logic. The coded de is then applied to the track and operates the decoding equipment at the receiving end of the track. The heart of the EC-10 unit is a low frequency, twin-T oscillator utilizing a regenerative type feedback loop. The sinusoidal output is fed to a level detector where it is converted to a square wave. In turn, the square wave output is fed into a relay driver circuit that switches the battery voltage on and off for the code following relay. Short circuit protection for the internal circuitry is provided by a current-limiting circuit connected to_the output. Reverse battery and surge protection are provided internally at the battery input. TO CODE FOLLOWING RELAY AT RECEIVING ENO OF TRACK ORCUIT CODE FOLLOWING RELAY CONTACT OPERATES AT SELECTED CODE RATE + BAmRY LED DARK: CODE RATE INACTIVE + CODE SELECT RELAY DROPPED EC·10 CODE GENERATOR REVERS! BATTERY I - + - -. . .- - -. . .- - -..... AND SURGI PROTECT. CURRENT LIMITING ORCUIT + CODE. SELECT RELAY PICKED CORRESPONDING LED FLASHES . AT CODE RATE Figure 3. Functional Block Diagram 6059A, P• 5 SECTION IV FIELD MAINTENANCE 4.1 PERIODIC INSPECTION The EC-10 unit should be periodically inspected in conjunction with inspections of other track circuit equipment. The inspection should include the following: 4.2 I. Condition of battery and code selection logic wiring and terminal connections. 2. Secure mounting of unit. 3. Operation of code rate LED's. TROUBLESHOOTING AND UNIT REPLACEMENT If there is an apparent failure of the EC-10 unit: I. Check power and selection logi~ wiring to the unit, and the battery source. 2. Check the code rate indicator LED's. These may indicate failure of one or more of the code channels, or application of an incorrect code rate. 3. On the 3-code unit (N437501), check the BATTERY LED. dark, the unit may not be receiving power. If this LED is If the EC-10 Code Generator is determined to be faulty, it should be replaced in the field with working unit. WARNING DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPAIR A FAULTY EC-10 UNIT IN THE FIELD. A FIELD-REPAIRED EC-10 MAY GENERATE HIGHER THAN PERMITTED SPEED CODES, POSSIBLY LEADING TO A VEHICLE COLLISION OR DERAILMENT. A faulty EC-10 Code Generator should be serviced in the shop before returning it to service. complete shop service is available on the EC-10 from US&S; call the •service Shop• at 1-800-652-7276 for service information. Shop maintenance instructions (SM-6059B) are also available through US&S Sales (local representative). 4.3 PARTS LIST Refer to SM-60598 for the complete EC-10 parts list. 6059A, p. 6 -·---.