SpacemakeiM Washer
❑ !
u ,. /~.‘.,. .,..,., ..:,. >;<.
Safe~ instructions ....................3,
Problem Solver.......................l5-l9 More questions ?
GE Answer Centera 800.626.2000
Operating Instructions, Tips Agitator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Control SeRings..............................................6 Cycle Descriptions . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4 Cycle Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Energ~Saving Tips ........,......,........................7 Lint Filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Operating the Washer...........................6- 10 PreWash...........................................................6 Soak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Suggested Fabric and Cycle Settings .......8
Care and Cleaning Storage and Vacation Tips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 User Maintenance Instructions ...............19
Preparation Detergents and Additives ..................11, 12 Hard Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Loading the Washer...............................7,10 Sorting Clothes ....,,....................................7, 9 Stains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Stain Removal Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Washer Connections ...........,........................5
Consumer Services ..............,...23 Appliance Registration .................................2 Important Phone Numbers .......................23 Model and Serial Numbers .................,........2 Repair Service .................................................2 Warran~........................................Back Cover
GE Appliances
HELP US HELP YOU... , I]eti)rc llsing yotlr \vnsllcr, t-~i](l this I)()()k Cilrefully. II is il)lcll(lc(l 10 help j~ou op(-I.:I[c aIILl lnainlain your
ncw appliance properly.
Keep il h;llldy fol. ilIISWCrS (0 your llucslions.
If you doll’1 understand something (>r need more help, wrilc (include y{~ur phollc I]umbcr): ~oilSlllllC1. Affilil’S (;E Applial)ccs, Appliance Park
Snve time nn(l money. Before you rcl]ucsl scrvicc... check lhc ProbIc[l\ Solver scclion. 11 Iisls cattscs of minor operaling problcn]s [hat you can correct yourse~.
If you received a damaged appliance... blmediately co[l[i~ct the dealer (or builder) that sold you the appliance.
Write down tllc nloclcl nncl serial numl)crso You’ll find Ihcm on il label ull~lcr the lid near the hinge on your appliance, These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration Card that came wilh your appliance. Before sending in this c’ard, please write lhcsc numbers here: Mdel Number
Louisvi]ic, KY 40225
Serial Number
Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your appliance.
}\ I I w;lshi!l!! ;III(I (Iryillg ins[ruc[ioil Icrms ill [his book collfornl [o tllc Care L:tl)c’lil]g i{ IIlt! c’s[ill)lisl)c(l bj’ (t]c FCdCI:Il ‘l”tii(lc C:on)nlissiol], Jillllliil.y 1984,
If You Neecl Service “[k) oblilill sctl~icc, SCC lhC ~ollSllll)Cl” Scrviccs pilge ill Ihc l~ack of 111 is book. }Ve.r~! proutl oJ’ o[Ir scrvicc and \\;i\l]l !’OU 10 bc plCilSC([. ]f fO1. SOITIC l’t’ilSoll Y(IU ill.C 111)( t]il[)[)y with [tlC scrvit:c you rcccivc, here iirc three
slcps 10 IoIIJ JW for further help.
Firsl, contiic[ [IIc pCOplC WhO scrviccd your apptiancc. Explain why you arc not pleased. In most citses, [his will SOIVC [he problem. NEXT, if you arc s[ill not pleased, ~~1.ite all the de[ails-tilcluding your phone number-to: M’anager, Consumer Relations GE Appliances, Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
FINALLY, if your problem is still not resolved, wrilc: Major Appliance Consumer Action Panel 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606
. . . . . . ...-.— .. hose colulcclor. ->. . L __-. ----------------“4 \ .:(r5------s Hang [hc hoses on the sloragc rack.
!ou II;IVC Iwo scpar:llc i\ ’; IicI. COIIIICCS[ iol]s, your \\:;lsllcl’ (’;111 [)C Collncclc(l lo I)(JIll II)C illld cOl([ ti’1llc’1’ I’il lICCIS. }’011 C~ll
[Jill’c.llllsc IIlis kil froill )’0111” (;E Scrvicc illl(i t’illlS C.Cl\lCl. 01. ilU{l]oriZC(l CIUSIOIIICI ~ill.C@ scrviccrs.
‘1’0 connect
the Washer: Connecl the hot and cold wa(cr inlet hoses 10 the hot and cold faucets. Secure [he drain I1OSC 10 the sink or stand pipe. Plug lhc power cor(i into a 3-prong grounded o(]I Ict. ‘l-o disconnect tht Wiisher: ●
Tw.J1 wa[cr fauccls off.
Unplug power cord and rclurn il to the SIOrilgC [ll”Cil. Disconrlect (I1c dl.i~in al~d waler supply I) OSCS, }li\t]~ [hem on tile slor;lge rack,
J)e,.,,l:lilellt IllstaliatiOI~
\V\4~P2050S w;lshcr ciin be converted from portable 10 /W1.lllilllClll. Illstruclions for permancn[ installation c(~t])c with t I]c washer.
You will need lwo fill hoses, one drain hose and four leveling legs. These can be purchased your GE Service ‘and Parts Center or authorized Customer Care” servicers.
HOW TO OPERATE YO~ WASmR Fcalurcs and appearances may vary slightiy JYARNIN(;—To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons }vhen using your ;Ippli;lncc, re;~d the ~PORTANT iSAFET17 1NSTRUCTIONS before operating this appliance. WWP2000S — Stationary model ( w.cow
C*D cm +
mm Cw
Spacemaker Waher ~o
Wun -
Setting tllc Controls
Usc Ihc Suggcs(cd Fabric ancl Cycle Set(i]lgs guide I(> help yotl ll\iikC tllc proper selcc[iol)s. ~ Select Wnsl,/Ri”se ‘1’empernture, ~ l’IIsh (.:ycle Selector knob in and Iurn clockwise 10 }’0111” $CICCIC(I lVilSll se[tif]g.
~ Pull Cycle Selector knob out +,,~~ , / ~.... to start the washer. H you wish 10 change setdng after Al washer has started, push -W + Cvcle –, ---Selector – ----knob – into slop the washer and reset to the new position. Setting citt~ bc changed ilt any Iinlc.
NWP2050S — Portable model \ W-A
Load Size
Wun MMC TemP
tllc (:ontro]s
I.lsc IIIU SIIggCSIC-(1 Filb[ic [III(I CyCIC Scllings guide I(J Ilclp you lll;ikc IIIC proper scicctions. ~Sclcct W;,tcI. Level. EX’rl{A SMALL: A fcw S[llilll itcms. SNIALL: Washer is Icss ti~an 1/3 full ofclothcs. hlEDIUM: Bc[wccn 1/3 and 2~ full. LARGE: Over 2/3 fUll. For bcs( clcanillg rmults, the load rnusl be able (o move freely ill I he Wil[cl.. Too big a load or too Iitlle water can C:IUSC wear or Ic:ir of load i[ems.
I)clp l’C!lllo\,C llCilV~ soils ;111(1 ccrlain slains, [hill IILOC’(1 cx lr;I prctrc:lll]lcnl, yollr washer will go through p~’ri~)ds Of ilgi[lt(ioll ii]l{l soilks. The Prc\vilst) and SO~k U! LIL’S sl)(~lltd iilwiiyx bc follow~d by a WaSh cycle. ‘Ii)
o Select Wash/Rinse Temperature. Selccl ti]c MANUAL SELECTION, if your washer is connected to [he sink. (This will allow you to adjust the waler temperatures at (he faucet. ) Q Push Cycle Selector knob in and turn clockwise 10 your selected wash setting. ~ Pull Cycle Selector knob out to start the washer. M “al a’ Slw * you wish to change setting after washer has starled, push Cycle Selector knob in to ;top the washer and rcsc( 10 (he new position. Setting can be changed at any tilllc.
The Prcwnsh SeII ing slarls the washer aI lhc second
wash period. Use recommended amounts of dctcrgcnl or pre-soak addi[ive. Special care is needed when soaking or prewashing laulldrv. Scc the Other Liiundry pl”od~lcls secli~ll.
c {~ycie Tin~cs — Total Cycle Tin~es (Al)l)roxinl ate Minutes) N(
Iin)c illcllldcs pauSCS t)c(wccll C:ICI1 phase Of ttlC CyCIC.
“1.() [al [il))c docs //()( il)clude wa[cr fill dmcs. Fill times vary (Icpcll(l ill: ~)[1 l~ouschold water pressure and your scleclcd water
lc((cr washing aclioll. Wash Iarge itcms (blankc[s, bcd spreads, mattress pads, c[c.) scpara[eiy. H rnachinc is overloaded, you may experience ovcrsu[isillg or out of bal,ancc conditions.
This illllslrillion, will) clolllcsjllsl r~’iI(.11 i IIg [he CIOIIICS Rclail]ing 1{ il)g. shows :1 proper load. Clolllcs lI;I\’~S iIIIlp!C 100111 10 I11OVC bc~illlsc
;11.(’ 1)()( packc’(1 (Iowll, 1101’ I IIC ilgitillor. (“;10[ lIcs ;IrC I();I(I(.(1 llr}~ siilcc \vL.1 i 1<’11)S ;I1’c’ I il;~”l) 10 [)ilik dOWl) \l’1) i(.11 Cllcoilr;lgcs ()\~C1.10il(l il)g. ‘I”llis si~,e lt);Id rt’llllircs a full \\F:IIcr fill. [Ilc)’
\\ ’l”;l IIl)c(l ill’01111(1
\3)li:tf is tile best size load of c“lothes-l;lrge, tncdium, or slll:ill”? S:lvc time, energy :lnd dl’tc’rgcrl[ [)!’ avt~idin& USC Of I IIC’ \\ ’ilSllL’1”. ‘1”1.~ Ii) \\):lSh ~ fllll ]Oild ( )1’ L I()[ I)cs. I f yo[l Cilli it is bc[lcr IO siI\’c clc)(l:cs un(i[ you have a full Illilll. 11” ~~()~1 1)111S1 \V:l$l] sm;l]l Cr 10;1(1s, s;l\~c W: IICI”, Cncl’gy all(i (lL’Ic.rgcIII b)’ ;idjusl il]g lhc waIc.r 1~’\~cl I’t)r [tic si7,c of IIIC 102(1. sec. {)l)C1’ill itl:! Iils[ru(’lions.
T{) Add Itenls After tile Washer Has Started Q Turn off Ihc washer by pushing in ti]c Cycle ●
Sclct.1{ ‘]” knob. Add a, ,ld(li[iot)i~l arlicles by submerging them nex[ 10 lhC ilgil~lOr.
Sl)ecial Ilecollllllenclatiogls
NOTE: When washing stockings, panty hose and other easily tngled items, always handle scpara{cly. To minimize tangling, we recommend the use of ii net laundry bag.
Washing Pcrnlancnt PrCSS If YOU DO Not Ha}~e a Dryer
II’ you illC Ill;lcllillc-wilslling pcrmaneill plCSS CIOIhcS Il)il( you Plil]l [O Iil]c dry or drip-dry, usc exlra care [O
I)linimizc wril]kl ing in [hc wash process: ●
rtct~~O\~c clothes promp[ly as soon as and hang immcd ia[c]y.
WilSh Cr
stops ●
Be careful I1O[ to overload washer. Pcrmancn[ press
clothes must have ample room to move freely. A medium size permanent press load is lhc Iargcsl that should bc washed. Use more water [h~ you would for a regular Ioild. Use a medium water level for a small load. Usc an extra l,arge water level for a medium load.
‘1’I)C LISC 01” il Sl)llicicl]l illlloill)l Of llCtC1’gClll is OIIC Of tllC 11)OS1 illiporlillll II)ii)gs yoLI cziII do 10 In:tkc sure your wash conlcs out clean.
rccolnlncndcd iunoull( of dclcrgent produces (00 ln~l]ly suds, switch to a lower sudsing dctcrgcnt I)rillld, ;Ind follow instructions 01) package. Usin& 100 lil[lc ~ dclcrgcn[ is ;I = = co[nnloll cause = -=% ot. laundry ploblc[~ls. Al!vi\~’s ‘+= — nlcasure dclergc[lt u ill il s[al](lal.d IIIC~SUI IIg CU}).
A inoIInt rc(iu . ired varies
lf lhc
:Iccor(ling to: I . WillCl. llill’(lllCSS 2. Ainou Ill ol soil
3. Si7,c 01 Ioild ~. Type Of (iCIC1’~Cll( .5. W:lsll IC.111 pc. r:ll Urc LISC InoI.e (Iclcrgcnt
?’(J\l Il;tve. . . I . Hill”(l \VillC1’ 2. L:Irgc Io:I(Is 3. ~;rciisy or oily soils 4. IJOWCI. WilSl)[lll.c
How to use detergent; grillllll~r, powdered or Ii(luid: Fo1. best results, ildd dc{clg~l][ 10 the wilsh basket bcfoi.c Ioii(lillg clothes. U you load your C1O(1IC.S first, add detergent next [o lhc ilgit~tO1..
decide w1lfiI 10 (10 abol]t hilrd IICI, j~OU IICCd 10 know if you have il iUl(l, if Ilo\\” ll:Ird il is. W:
* 1[’ !’ou I i\,c ill il Inullicipfil al”ca, Collt;lc.1 your \\:ill L$l” C{)ll) l)illl~. ●
I I \,\ )U I i \~C i I I ;I I. UI.;II ilrc.ii, 01. (’l );llll~’1 )’0111” COUllly ilgClll.
slll~lll.bai] ill.cils,
‘] ’] IL! illlS\\,L?l’ \Vil] bC “yell lliiV(! ‘SO llliUly gl”ilillS’ pCl” SO~
lf your water is SO~, you have no problcin. You can use soap or detergent as you prefer and forgcl all about hard writer. M you have H~D water—less [hall 10 grains —iu]d you use phosphale detergent, you illso llavc no problcnl. But, if you hilVC Inore than 10 grains, you will Ilccd 10 sof(cn your water with either... 1. An inslallcd water soflencr in your holnc, or 2. The use of ii Pilckagcd water soflcner. IJor in forlnation on wilter softeners, see the ll~tillllfi~cturel.’s recon~n~endiitions.
7. I [O I ().5 glilins-VERY HMD t ().6 gl’itif)s i~i]d OVC1.—EXTMMELY HARD
OT~R LAU~RY PRODUCTS II()\Y to Llse 11 llI,l,:,\(.:1 I [;IIII ,Iillc Iilluid
Stl.’ll :1s C.101’().K
~jlule~l blc;tcll ncxl 10 IIIC agilalt~l.c
N{)n-cl)l{.slinc stich as C:lol{)x 2 br:llld lJ/\ 111/ 1(.: SolJTi;NltRS I{illsc :td(lil ivc sllcll as I“)(lwlly RI”: II14.I
I ) Dilute blench before usfilg on any f;lbnc. Do I1OI pou I tsndifuted hquid chlorine bleach clircctly into wnslIc I or on dly clolhes. 2) Some of today’s washable fabrics should not be chlorine bleached such as: silk, wool, spandcx, or non-fast col{~rs. 3) Chak manufactwers’ care labels for spccinl instlucli(~ns.
Follow package directions. 1]11[ blcilcll inl~ \\,;IsIIcr Wilh dClergClll.
1) Maybe used On most fabrics. Test filbtic first.
dilvc(ions [nr dilllling sol’lCIICrs.
1 ) Helps nlikc clothes flliffy and s~fl. 2) Itedrsccs static electricity. 3) USC IIIC f(>llowijlg nlanufaclurcl.’s dilcction. Tori ll\llCh lll:lY CiiUSC n 11;11’11, rough feeling on s<~nlc clolllcs. 4) 1>0 I)(II po(lr diluctly on clolhcs.
Follow l)ilckil~~
I I SC. itl
CilSC 01”
il)l”c.ct it)n
:11)11 C.r)nl; lgl(.)lls (Ilsc.
,Scc Under Blcac.11 ;Ibovc
\\ ’/\ ’l.ltll SO I; ’I.I;NI;I{ N(>ll-prccipi!:ll iny
Follnw ]);tckil~~ dilvcl ions.
Sllcll :1s C.;llgnll
Add al Sic@ Of W:lSh CYC]C.
Stls~tsds hardness nluIcrals in solution, keeping waler clmr.
Follow pnckagc directions. Add ~1 Stati Of WnSh CyCIC.
Combirres with water hardness minerals to form pmcipililtc which gives cloudy or m@ srp~rurce to water.
Follow package directions.
For best results, so’ak gmlents a minimum of 30 rnimrtcs.
Follow packngc. directions. T~at only heavily soiled ~lcil~. Check garmenls’ cnl~ l~bcls for inslrlictions.
CAUTION: Washer control panels rrnd finishes may
S(’)AK AGICN”I’ Sllcll :1s Bix brand l’ltlC-”l.RllA”l. IN(’;, STAIN ANIJ SPOT 111’:NlOVl~RS
Sllc.1} :1s Spray’n ~ltld K21{
bc damaged by some laundry pm-tmatment sofl and s[aill remover products if such products ,arc sprayed on or ha\u direct contact with the washer. Apply Ihcse pm-tlcatmclll prodLIcts away fn>nl washer. me fabric may lhen be w:lsllcd nonl~rruy. D;mlagc to your washer caused by pre-trcalmcnl Products is not covered by yollr warnuily.
“1.1 x’1’s AN1) 1)}’11s
l>(]i~’dcrcd such ;1s Imnds
Follow p:tckagc directions. N(J’1.E: Tlnied g:]m)cn~s may I1OI bc colorfast. W:ISI1 separately.
Clean washer to avoid discoloration of next Io;!d. Go through complete cycle (5-nlinutc wash) ustilg hot walct. 1~ cup ml) detergent, 1 clip (240 ml) bleach. Wipe exlerior patis. ~.a~ltion: Tlnlhlg mny discolor plas[ic in wasbcr. Stlbscqocnt washings wiU reduce discolora[ioll b~n may never eliminate it.
possible, “l-l}c I.rc.sllcr IIlc Stiiill, IIlc cilsicr il is 10 rclnove. 2. Rcl’orc il(lClllp(ing 10 rcmove any slain, t~kC 1.
‘II)’ I() ICII)OVC sliiins ils SOOII ~S
Illcsc Slcps: ●
Find lhc f“iibl.i~ in the chiu[ on the ncxl page, ;In(l usc ol)ly rcconlmell(lcd mc(hods. (~l)~~k [tic Cillc l~bct instructions (hat C~IIIC wi[h Ihc g:ll’lllcl)l
Test stain removal product on ii hidden inside seam or 011 it sanple of [Ilc nlntcri~ll. Avoid usc of hot water on utiown stains. 11 c’m set some stains. 3. Follow stain removid with a thorough rinsing. 4. Wash wi[h recommended iunount of soap or detergent. ●
Sti~il] Il.{~~ i I} I; IICly 300F. (27°C. )—in il s irl.k 01’ piIII. Soiik sttlincd al.Ca I’ol 5 Illilllllcs ;111(1 liltlllllC1’ in \v;lshcr.
‘1’IIc C;lse
of tllc
“Invisible” Stain
l’{lt~ll (~r cooking oils {)n your synlhetic giU.lIICnlS l~~il)’ ~il~ls~. s[ai]]s wi]ictl iu”c virtu:lt ty invisibtc :~n(t \\llicll you Inily 1101 nolicc il$ you put yOU1. clotiles il]l~l Illc \v:lsllcr,
once ‘1’IIcsc
S})ots Becon~e Visible, HOJV Can You Renlove Tl]enl?
r{ut~ i II uild ilu[c(t I i(lu id dctcrgcnt and let stiud 30 minulcs.
(.’II(KIPI; II...
(’IC.; I!)I.
IL, (’” IL:IIII ;IIltl
a safe dry c]cruing
Apply undiluted liquid rfetergcnt. Rinse. M slain remains, bleach according to the StairI I{emovrd Hint; launder. M color has chaugcd, YOU IIIOY IX able 10 restore it by sponging wi[h anln]onirr.** l{insc Ihorougllly.
Same as white and bleachablc fallrics except use non-chlorine blench.
S(lilk in cold \< ’illCl, IIICI1 l~llllllCl in Watl]l W~lC1. M Sl:till remains, l>lC;lcll :lcCO1’dillg 1(> IIIC Slain RClllOVid I+illl; l; IIII)lICI’.
Spougc or SOA in cool wntcr. thcll
S():lk ill Col(l \k’iliCl’.
Soak in cold W,ltcr. Spoligc with ,( S:JC cleaning fluid. * Apply ondi lutcd I illuid dctcrgcnt. Lmindcr in w:unl WOaICI.
sl:iil) \kilh
s;I[c dry clc:lniog
Apply IIlldilut.(1 Ii{[ttid llcIcIycm, l: IuIIdcI’, dr>’. f31ci)~ll :Iccording
l{> Illc Slitill
( ‘I)l”t’l.c. ;11),1 “Ii.:1
l{ Clll{)Vill
l+ittl; I:lltlldcl’.
\Vitllout crcan~: BIC:ICII :Icc(>lding to IIIC Stain I{cmoval Hint: l;lUlldC1’. \Vith Cl”CiUll: F<\lIow guide directions for CKWII.
Sponge with warm wntcr, If slain rl.IIlaiIls, apply warm glycctine, IcI sland 30
minutes rrnd rinse WCH, or spungc with a safe dry cleaning fluid. * Laundc I. (.’l,sl]~c[ics: Eyc Sll:ldt)w.
Ttc:it stain wilh safe dry clem~ing lluid.* Apply ondtiuted liquid rtetergcnt; launder rrnd dry. Bleach according to the Stain Rernov,af Hint; launder.
Sponge with n s.tic dry cleaning lluid.* Then launder in warm detergent water.
Soak stain ill cool waler. U stain remains, blench according to dlc SLtiI Hint: Imrndcr.
Sponge with ml) water. Bleach rcm,aining st’ain with nonwhfofic bleach.
Apply undiluted I.iquid dc[clgcut.
Laundc:. (Treat mihtew sp[s wl]ilc they iu~ fresh, bCfOIC mold has a ChiUICC 10 weaken fablic.) If either type st:lin rcmtils, bleach according to [he Stain Removal HirlI; Iaundcr. (Severe acomh cannot he ~movcd.)
Sponge with w:mn water. Apply It//t/i/u/cd liquiddctet~ctlt. Bleach ]cnlailw~g stain with non
l’{,\\dcr: Cr:[y(~ll; circasc, oil, I’;ir, cod LivCr oil Frc.11 Fr~lil. Flllit Juices, \\:iljc, VCgCIalIlCS or F(>od
( “{~i{>litlg (; I;ISS, Foli:!gc. Fl(}wcrs, Nlildc,w, Scotvl]
Apply Iut rcn~(~ver,** using manufactulcr’s directions. Rinse and launder.
*( T:tu(ion: I)ccausc clcuning fluids lend to h toxic, be sum you
aIv ill a WCII ventilated room wlrcn using tllcnl. No ckaning fluid should IX used unless aser is fanliliar with rhe tinlitatlons :OKI required c:nttiotls (usually printd on label). Use cxtmmc caulion wiltr fkunmablc cnrn~unds. l. Jndcr I1O circulnslanccs should fabrics containing IIarmnable malcrials (waxes. ck;u}illg Iluids. etc. ) be washsd in washer.
Same os white and blc,nchi~blc fabrics
● *w ,101 ,Ilix chlori~ bleach with ammonia Or aCids ~uctl as vinegar and/or rusl remover. Mixing can produce s toxic g.m which mav, QUSC dead).
Save and refer 10 gsrnlcnt tnanufwturer’s care labels.
Wil(CJ. lC.V~].
nlucll lJsc corJ:cG[ anlount of blcit~ll according: t?;packag,c ~irccl ions.
Not cnougb dctcrgcJl,l (0 .]l~ld iiIl[. lD’:SUS~)CI~,SiOJl;dU~$lg: .w~,Sh~.Cy,Cl,q; ;!n C:tilS,c al~loul~t of dclcrgent. Sce ~et~rgetl,l scc(ioli..:’. :::’:::,..’. :,’: “.;: ‘::,:;:[’;~:.;!:,.::;:::{~,.;: ~ .::::.’ lncorrccl usc of fabric sof~encr. ‘If us,cd .in~~lkt~::c~~:le~’, s,o’fteri”6f$’’rn,~’y r’{’~ct. ~~i Ill (Ic(crg{ill: t.o crcalc a .wllitc’.(icl)Oii[ .~~c.$oftpIicrs”~~ ‘rins*:e~$le’Q@~tiglcss ptickagc specifics ‘nddtig LO ~ash’cycle.~~e L@:&.~~&~qk&y;Pr.p@uC~~YS~C ti.~n;:”;. ~•
Pilling tlstlauy:.’on,’ polygst~r-cottorl .blc,nds;~s’~”aused b:~;n”:orJu’~~.:&’6arand JIIay look li~c’li[~~, ~Ufiirigclo~l&S.~gSi~~-@ ~i~::rn~~~~~OVj~~S$m:~h$l~~~$~:' !“”.’ ::
( ii{}\}’ Er) cLorl’t-l 1;s
.Sta[ic clcctriciiy.caused: b~ OVCrdI.yj~’~..Will~ ~~,llSe~~~r~C IibIi. :Us’c ‘:f~briq kol[cJlcr ill
ri,,se ~ycjc. ,’ .,,:: ~Ü‹ ~Ü‹ ‘:; ;:’:’ ‘:::’:’:: .: : ’: ’’;:;:;:.:;: : ’{:’.’:
.: ::,’::’”’ .:::. .:”:~~ “’’’:; :..::;,::.::::;:’’::’:’: ::.
Tl~csc are sonle[imcs callccl .“Itlv,i&il)lc. Sl~~fiS’’l)ccause’ ypll.::~lja~:]~ot:~iotici lI)CIII bcfol-c WilSllil~ clolhes, l-lowcver;’ i[ oily:soils .ar.eribt co.rnpletcly:rqlilovc~:: in’ wasl~ Cycic, i he oily spots nlay pick up. dirt fronl Ihe’wasll’tialcr. TII& sl)o~s: will ”ttlen M:vcry \’isiblc. They [UC riot caused by the washcl:. Wast~..iyntli&tic,’gqfil]e]~ts tls.s,oon as ,possiblc after wearing. .Usc n]orc.detergent tb;u) l](~rnial a[~d’.l~ottcs[ watc[..fitbl.icc:~ ll’.stiin(l. 1 f spots appear, rub iJl und ilutcd liq~lid clctcrgc]lt; lcl:’ stand 30 l]~i!lutcs gnd l-c~vast~ wil.b c.xlra dclcrgcnl using ho[lcsl \Viilc~:fa~~llc C~Jl Stiil~d,’ I nsuff]cicl~l dcrcrgcnt, Yotl” may need to increase amoun~ Of..dc.tergcnl ilscd if load is Itirgcr [hall normal,. if ’soils arc oily or.I]ca\ricr ttl:In ilVC~~l,gC~’.ifW illC~ I.cvcl,is Iargc or il” ●
\villci. is I-liil.d t. Ex,l.clne]y]-[ilI. Cl~. .:. ‘., ..., ~~~~ ~~ ~Ü‹ ~ ::: ,.::.
Water not hot cIiougl I for type of lo:Id.’Bc,surc
.watci., h~~lcr is”.$e~ to deliver tlot \va[cr to Ihc Wilshcr iI[. l~OOF.-15.00F. (60°C.450.~.).D0 not ’.wilslly’hcn:~ t]~er.]lot W:IICJ. JICcdSSUCh ilsdistl~i~sl?,ir)g ~i:f;l[~l~ b;}e~~.., ;::: , ~ Ü‹ ,~;~./~ , “’”. Poor or:~~jord~ie~gen;.;ti~~~ge tb.~llo~~&~~ede(ergcI~~;”;i.~ossible.~ollowI lllcse sl~’ps: I. USe w’~ltcr.con(iiti~rier (SUC~lils'..C;l~O~b&ld)0:l::':''::::;~'.j~~~';:j:'~].::” : : : ~. ~retrca[ Slait,s.,. “. ‘:.:;: :’ “:” ‘“ “:’;:::.:’:....’:.” :’ “ ‘“ ::;,:::’ :’; ::;;:;;;::,,:’,:’’:’: ~. Usculc tlotlcst, w~ter pos:i~lc,’ ‘;::;. ::., ‘:’:~::,. ~ ~ ,..::~:~/:~~~,’::.:,; \:’::, ~. U$c blcac]]’,~i;~r~ p~~yi~lc.. “? ~:: ..’ :.:.’ .’ ‘. ‘ ;’.;..;;.::’:.::;;:.;::::{:;. ;:.,.}: ““ ““ 5, Usc ~rcs~a~ ili~l~. ‘:’ “ .“” : ‘: :“::::’: ‘ .:::,’:’~’::’[~::.:,’, 6. tllslaj] W;llcr st)ftc[lcr. ‘“ .,.::::
\Yashcr o\’cI’10adcd. CIOIIICS ‘citiflo[ UIOVg” freely to: loost~,ai~”d IiCI)iOVC soil, caus iJIg gray a[)p~~aliiocc. Follow correct Ioadirig procedurc$ f6r’size o{.lojd. ~ ‘“ (c.oflf;nfft.,1 IIC,If /Iugt”)
-. 15
THE PROBLEM SOLmR ( (Con(ilnred)
GRA}’ED CLOTHES :.:’ (Conl ;llucdj
.7 . ,4.
13LUE or< C;RA}’ C:OL(:)R STAINS
lt~lpropcrlise of ftibric:ioflcricr. N~vcrpourf*briQso(lctic~:tii.rcQjl j,:ol~ cjothcs; ill\VilJ’S : dilu[e before adding jo”:lil]se.\\~;ller.:’[email protected]’ll]erLllindl.y ~ro~ti~ti:s~ctioll.:Al so, LiOJ~O( lift lid during spir)..~]isl]lay cause jljlprop~r;~ispnsi ng,resu,lting’: in sjai.ns. ‘1’o l.ell~~)~’e stnins: DaInpen stairlcd iirca and fib ;tiitil ~tidilulcd liquid delcrgent.” Rewash, using ‘chlorine blcacll if snfq,for. fjbric. ~‘. ..” ‘:;?’’::::.:::. ..:’::’’’” ~ ~ “’’:’.:’ .’”.
Sonic.fabrics \viu shrink ~~ll~[hcl:wasl]cd ‘i.riaw~sllcl.’or:bj l;~t~d(.:otllcrsmil~~ bc satcj!: \vilshe(l bul \vil] shrink,” in. a (l~ycr. ~c)jlow. ga~]cnt lI]iit]~{l~ltikcr’$’ CiiCC labels CX;IC(I}Y. II. il)
doub[, dl>’not machine \vash or ally. “:
- . is gIT~dUally rcn~ovc(i by l:iundcri~{g, .This IU:ay,’iilSO be:noticeo:in :oldcrgorrncnls III; II: Iliivc been witsllcd n]ilrly dn]cs li~ill~~lt,t pJ.p.j~bus st][.ititlgc.~~re~l.:iifor rclaytil.iol] silt.inkagc above.
Sl}rinknue c;Iused
b’v &cu;s ;I) ccrltiin kit ~iib~i~’s t;~fi~ haVC bCCn t]ci){:
SNACiS, HOLES, ‘rEArbook is printed on recycied paper.
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