PRODUCT DATA SHEET SPARKLE SILVET® 960-20-J Aluminum Pigment PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SPARKLE SILVET 960-20-J is a f ine particle size, bright, non-leaf ing aluminum pigment based on cornf lake geometry . It is ty pically used in solv ent, liquid f lexographic and grav ure inks where strong metallic ef f ects are required. This grade can be used in combination with transparent dy es or pigments to produce a spectrum of bright, clean metallic colors. SPARKLE SILVET 960-20-J is prov ided in pellet f orm carried in an aldehy de resin that is compatible with most solv ent soluble ink resins. SPARKLE SILVET "J" grades are soluble in ester and ketone solv ents but not soluble in alcohols. - Non-leaf ing - Aluminum pigment granules
PRODUCT APPLICATION SPARKLE SILVET “J” pigments are leaf ing and non-leaf ing aluminum pigment pellets designed f or ease of handling and incorporation in solv entborne f lexographic and grav ure ink f ormulations. The pigment pellets consist of 80% aluminum pigment and 20% aldehy de resin carrier. SPARKLE SILVET “J” pigments are easily dispersible in ester and ketone solv ents. Although alcohols alone will not dissolv e the aldehy de carrier, blends of alcohols and esters or ketones are ef f ectiv e. The aldehy de pellet carrier is also a good binder and will enhance the resin ef f ectiv eness of many solv entborne ink f ormulations. This grade can be used in co-extrusion metallic powder coating applications.
80.0% (+/- 2%) minimum Al f lake
20.0% (+/- 2%) minimum carrier
Particle Size-Microns (Target)
Specif ic Grav ity
ca 2.07
Resin Binder
Aldehy de Resin
Non-Volatile By Weight (Target)
98.5 minimum by weight
INCORPORATION GUIDELINES Coating/Ink Applications - Pre-weigh the required amount of granules and cov er with pref erred solv ent. Leav e f or approximately ten minutes to allow the solv ent to penetrate the binder matrix. With gentle stirring, slowly add the resin sy stem, and f inally , add solv ent until desired v iscosity is achiev ed. It is adv isable to pre-mix any resins, micro waxes or additiv es into a resin sy stem prior to mixing with the aluminum dispersion. Co-Extruded Powder Application - When using SPARKLE SILVET products f or manuf acturing powder coatings, care must be taken to maintain the aesthetics of the f lake and to allow f or saf e incorporation. The blending of the SPARKLE SILVET with the powder coating resins should be carried out in a low intensity mixer. If this cannot be accomplished, the SPARKLE SILVET pellets should be added at the v ery end of a high intensity mixer cy cle. The objectiv e of mixing is only to distribute the SPARKLE SILVET throughout the batch and not to reduce the pellets to f ine particles. When discharging the batch f rom the mixer to the extruder, the v essels should be bonded to the same electrical potential to prev ent static electricity build up. Single or twin-screw extruders can then be used to prov ide proper dispersion of the SPARKLE SILVET into the powder coating resin. The metallic blend should be extruded below the curing temperature of the resin and then micronized to the proper size. Excessiv e shear at any point in this process can cause f lakes to become f olded or broken, thus creating a large number of smaller f lakes. This will result in a reduced ref lectiv ity of the f lakes and a gray ing in color.
SAFETY AND HANDLING Aluminum pigment should be stored in the original shipping container and kept tightly sealed. Store containers in a cool, dry , well -v entilated, and properly rated area. Av oid any conditions that will suspend or f loat the particles in the air, creating a dust cloud. Av oid all possible sources of ignition. For additional inf ormation, please ref er to the MSDS f or this product, av ailable f rom Silberline upon request. A Material Saf ety Data Sheet is supplied with all samples of this grade. All statements, inf ormation and data presented herein are believ ed to be accurate and reliable but are not to be taken as a guarantee, express warranty or implied warranty of merchantability or f itness f or a particular purpose, or representation, express or implied, f or which seller assumes legal responsibility , and they are of f ered solely f or y our consideration, inv estigation and v erif ication. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of this product are made without representation or warranty that any such use is f ree of patent inf ringement and are not recommendations to inf ringe on any patent. Copy right 2009-2012 Silberline Manuf acturing Co., Inc. All Rights Reserv ed.
130 Lincoln Drive, PO Box B, Tamaqua, PA 18252-0420 Phone: 570-668-6050 17-Jul-12
Fax: 570-668-0197
Toll Free: 800-348-4824