Spyder Stereoscopic Option (SSO) Document Revision 1.0 This document describes the physical and logical workings of the Spyder video processor when used in conjunction with the SSO license option to create a stereoscopic display.
Contents Understanding Stereoscopic Modes ............................................................................................................. 3 Active Stereo ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Passive Stereo ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 4 How does the Spyder Stereo Option Work? ................................................................................................. 4 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Spyder Internals ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Active Stereo Inputs .................................................................................................................................. 6 Spyder Supported Input Resolutions and Formats ............................................................................... 6 Connecting an Active Stereo Source into Spyder ................................................................................. 6 Passive Stereo Inputs ................................................................................................................................ 6 Spyder Supported Input Resolutions and Formats ............................................................................... 6 Connecting a Passive Stereo Source into Spyder .................................................................................. 6 Active Stereo Outputs ............................................................................................................................... 7 Spyder Supported Output Resolutions and Formats ............................................................................ 7 Connecting Spyder to an Active Stereo Display .................................................................................... 7 Passive Stereo Outputs ............................................................................................................................. 8 Spyder Supported Output Resolutions and Formats ............................................................................ 8 Connecting Spyder to a Passive Stereo Display .................................................................................... 8 Licensing .................................................................................................................................................... 8 Creating and Editing Spyder Stereoscopic Configurations ........................................................................... 9 Building a new Configuration .................................................................................................................... 9
Defining Input Sources ............................................................................................................................ 10 Editing input configurations .................................................................................................................... 11 Editing output configurations ................................................................................................................. 12
Undersstanding Stereosco opic Mode es The sectio ons below pro ovide an intro oduction to th he various steereoscopic modes available for use with h Spyder. EEach of these modes will b be discussed in detail throu ughout this do ocument.
Active S Stereo Overview w An active stereo video signal consists of a single video connecction which in nterleaves a left‐eye and rright‐ ng video fram mes, and usess a separate syync signal wh hich is used to o identify the left eye signall on alternatin and right eye frames. On graphics ccards, the syn nc signal is typ pically provid ded by a 3‐pin n mini‐DIN w). connector (shown in figure 1 below
Figure 1: VEESA miniDIN‐3 connector
Pin 1 2 3
FFunction + +5V DC (secu red with 750mA) G Ground S Stereo Sync
Table 1: miniDIIN‐3 Pin Descrip ption
Since both h the left and d right eye vid deo frames arre interleaved d within a singgle video con nnection, two frames arre required (a left eye and a right eye frrame) to present one full fframe of activve stereo videeo. Because o of this frame pairing, the eeffective fram me rate for thee video signall is half the orriginal signal’s refresh raate. To regain n a full video fframe rate, th he refresh ratte of the signal is doubled,, turning a 60 0Hz signal into o a 120Hz sign nal for examp ple. Active Ste ereo Related Signals and R Resulting Imaage
Figure 2: Stere eo Signals
Figu ure 3: Resulting Display
Passive e Stereo Overview w A passive stereo source generates ttwo physical vvideo connecctions, one dissplaying a leftt‐eye signal aand he correspond ding right‐eyee signal. The sync timings of the two siggnals are lockked the other displaying th together, which ensure es that the cu urrent left and d right eye fraames match eeach other w when displayed d. onnections off a passive source, and thee resulting image Figure 4 (below) depictts the two separate DVI co played in a ste ereoscopic diisplay. when disp Passive Sttereo Related d Signals and Resulting Im mage
Figure 4: Paassive Source
FFigure 5: Resultin ng Display
Since two o separate phyysical connecctions are useed to provide the left and rright eye imagge content, eeach of the con nnections can n run at a stan ndard video frame rate succh as 50Hz (P PAL) or 60Hz ((NTSC).
How do oes the Sp pyder Ste ereo Optio on Work??
Overvie ew Any Spydeer windowingg processor caan be used to o manage and d create stereeoscopic imaggery once equipped with the required stereosscopic licensee. This section n describes sttereoscopic im magery as it pertains tto the Spyder system.
Spyder Internals The Spydeer windowingg processor co ontains an intternal PixelSp pace, or video o canvas, on w which backgro ound images an nd video inputs are compo osited before being split into individual outputs whicch are sent to o display deevices. When n working with active or paassive stereo solutions, thiis internal can nvas is split vertically into two field ds. One field contains left‐‐eye video co ontent, and th he other conttains right‐eyee content.
Figgure 6: Spyder VI Split into left aand right eyes
Figure 6 (aabove) depictts a configuraation containiing a single PixelSpace spaanning 3,000 horizontal pixxels. To create a stereoscop pic image, thee Spyder systeem internally divides into ttwo pixel areas, one reserved for the lefft‐eye, and th he other reserrved for the rright‐eye. When thee VI is runningg in a stereosccopic mode, tthe overall VII width is cut in half, substantially reduccing the numb ber of pixels available in a ssingle frame. In scenarios where theree are not enou ugh pixels available tto achieve a d desired configguration, the stereoscopicc modes can b be used in conjunction witth a parallel w widescreen or parallel discrreet configuraation. Both p parallel modes allow multiple Spyder fraames to be com mbined in orde er to increasee available pixxels in a largee configuratio on. Parallel co onfigurationss are outside th he scope of th his documentt; contact Vistta technical sales support for additionaal information n. Active and d passive sterreo input con ntent is split leeft‐eye / rightt‐eye pixel arreas within Sp pyder. Because the intern nal display contains formatt independen nt, separated areas for leftt / right eye co ontent, any number o of active and p passive stereo oscopic inputts can be passsed into the SSpyder system m simultaneously. Non‐stereeo (2D) inputss can also be used with Spyder when ru unning in a stereoscopic m mode, and thiss is accomplisshed by usingg the clone mo ode of a singlle input to replicate the so ource video on both the left and right eye pixel areas. Since thee system is using the hardw ware clone mode, only a siingle Spyder iinput ut. is required per 2D inpu Active (Left)
Passive ((Left)
Left-Eye Pixe el Area
ne) 2D (Clon
Active (R Right)
Passive (R Right)
A 2D D
Right-Eye Pixel Area
Figure 7: Multiple Stereo and Non‐Stereo Sources
Figure 8 d displays an exxample combiination of acttive, passive, and 2D inputs applied to tthe VI simultaneeously.
Active S Stereo Inp puts Spyder S Supported In nput Resolu utions and Fo ormats The maxim mum input re esolution of an active stereeo input is lim mited to SXGA A+ (1400x1050) @ 105Hz, or SXGA (128 80x1024) @ 1 115Hz. The vvideo signal m must be DVI; o other input co onnections su uch as analog or SDI are no ot supported by the Spydeer system for active stereo o formats. Connectiing an Activ ve Stereo Sou urce into Sp pyder An active stereo source must be pro ovided to Spyyder using two adjacent Sp pyder input m modules. As the output from aa single graph hics card outp put, the signal must be dup plicated upstream active stereo signal is o of the Spyyder system. This can be accomplisshed by mean ns of a DVI splitter orr a DVI video routing switcher. Additionally, the stereo sync signaal provided byy the stereo graphics ssource must aalso be duplicated d to the same e adjacent two inputts, and is conn nected to thee V‐Sync channel of the input module’s HD15 connecctor. Like thee video con nnection, the stereo sync Figure 8: Sp plitting Active Stereo Connections to Spyder Inp puts signal can n be split using an analog splitter orr an analog ro outing switcheer.
Passive e Stereo In nputs Spyder S Supported In nput Resolu utions and Fo ormats The maxim mum input re esolution of p passive inputss is 2048x1200 0 @ 60Hz. Th he video signaal can be DVI, analog, orr HDSDI proviided the resolution requireed is valid forr the desired connector type. Connectiing a Passive Stereo Sou urce into Sp pyder A passive stereo source must be pro ovided to Spyder ussing two adjaccent Spyder input modules. Although software sele ectable, the leeft‐eye signall is typicallyy provided into the first off the input an nd the right‐eeye signal is cconnected to the adjacentt Spyder input. Passive sttereo connecttions can be cconnected directly to o the Spyder ssystem, or can be connected d through an upstream DV VI routing switcher.
Figure 9: Connecting Passiive Stereo to Spyder Inputs
Active S Stereo Outtputs Spyder S Supported O Output Resollutions and Formats The maxim mum resolution of Spyder active stereo o outputs is limited, depen nding on the cconnection tyype in use. The DVI and analo og connection types can b be used as outtputs to displlays, and the table below describes the maximum m rates for th he various con nnection metthods. SXGA+ (1400x1 1050) @ 120H Hz SXGA+ (1400x1 1050) @ 100H Hz SX XGA (1280x1 1024) @ 120H Hz SX XGA (1280x1 1024) @ 100H Hz
Analo og X X X
Sin ngle‐Link DVI X
Dual‐Link DVI X X X
Table e 2: Supported O Output Resolutio ons and Formatss
Connectiing Spyder t to an Active Stereo Disp play The univeersal output m module for Sp pyder contains two (2) DVI connections. Both outputs display thee same content, and as aa result either connector device. can be used to drive a DVI display d Alternately the analog output connector can be conneccted to the diisplay device.. DX4 output modules contain four (4 4) DVI‐D which may be configured in n pairs as outputs w active stereo outputs. When outpu uts 1&2 are e stereo outp put, output 1 configured as an active will displaay the stereo video information. Figure 10: Con nnecting Spyderr Active Output to a Display Devvice When outtput pair 3&4 4 are configurred as an active stereo output, o only output 3 will display the stereo video informatio on. A stereo ssync signal can be generated on any universal Spydeer output, which can be co onnected either to an infrareed (IR) emitter or the displaay device direectly. When a universal ou utput is configured with a sync type of ‘Sttereo’, the V‐‐Sync channel of the analo og output con nnector will geenerate the ssync signal. W While in a ‘Stereeo’ sync mode e, the video ssignal will gen nerate a comp posite sync, aand the V‐Syn nc channel sho ould not be connected to th he display devvice. Note: A un niversal outpu ut is required tto generate the e stereo sync ssignal required d in an active sstereo configurattion. Systems containing only DX4 output modules will n not be able to generate a ste ereo sync signal.
Passive e Stereo Ou utputs Spyder S Supported O Output Resollutions and Formats The maxim mum resolution of passivee outputs is 20 048x1200 @ 60Hz. Any co onnector can be used for passive ou utputs, provid ded the video o format seleccted is valid ffor the desired connector ttype. Connectiing Spyder t to a Passive Stereo Disp play Two outp puts are required to display a passive video output. When using ules, as shown n in universal output modu figure 12, two separate e output must be used d to provide th he modules m individuall left and right eye video feeds. Note thatt even when cconfigured in a passive diisplay mode, the dual outp puts Figure 111: Connecting SSpyder Universaal Output to Display Device of the uniiversal outputt module disp play identical ccontent. It is not possible to display lefft eye and right eye conten nt from a singgle universal output mo odule. A DX4 output modu ule has four ble outputs, w which are availab configu ured in pairs. When configu uring a pair off DX4 outputss in passivee mode, the ffirst output w will displayy the left eye video and thee second d output will d display the rigght‐ eye output.
Figure 12: C Connecting DX4 4 Output to Disp play Device
Licensing The Spydeer stereoscop pic option is aavailable with any new or eexisting Spydeer system, an nd is applied in the form of a license file provided by Viista Systems. Spyder systeems not contaaining a valid stereo licensse file will not peerform any of the stereosccopic specificc functions listted in this guide. The stereoscopic optio on (SSO) is purchased sepaarately from tthe Spyder system. Contacct et for informaation on SSO license pricing information n.
[email protected]
For inform mation on req questing, obtaaining, and ap pplying Spydeer licenses, please see the licensing section of the Vistta Advanced software manual.
Creatin ng and Ed diting Spy yder Stere eoscopic C Configura ations This sectio on describes the process o of configuringg the Spyder w windowing syystem to geneerate a stereosco opic image. A As stereo conffiguration and d operation p procedures wiithin Spyder aare nearly thee same as n non‐stereo co onfigurations, this section w will focus on specific differences related to stereosccopic modes of operation.
Buildin ng a new Configuratiion The proceess of buildingg a stereoscopic configuration in Spydeer is almost id dentical to thee process of building n non‐stereo co onfigurations, with a singlee important exception. The frame rate selector on the new confiiguration GUII contains a ‘m mode’ dropdo own which deesignates wheether the new w configuratio on is to be generated for a n normal (2D) o or a stereosco opic display. TThe Active an nd Passive steereo modes or passive) aree specify the output configuration of the system; tthe inputs forr the system ((active and/o defined affter the initiaal configuratio on.
Figgure 13: New Co onfiguration Mo ode Selection
Figure 14 shows the m mode selector in the new co onfiguration GUI which is used as part of the definittion n. Note that sstereo modess are global, m meaning that it is not posssible of a new sstereoscopic configuration to create both stereo aand non‐stereeo PixelSpacees in a single ssystem using the new conffiguration GU UI. When run nning stereoscopic modes,, the frame raate selection sshould be sett to half the o output frame rate when running active sttereo outputss, or should m match the outtput frame rate when runn ning passive outputs. A Spyder fram me running 120Hz active sstereo outputts, for examplle, must be co onfigured witth an internal frrame rate of NTSC (59.94H Hz). Frames rrunning passivve outputs att 50Hz, for example, must be configured with an inte ernal frame rate of PAL (50 0Hz) to match the output rate. Attemp pting to select a
different frame rate for the internal VI may cause erratic operation of both the inputs and outputs of the system. The frame rate of stereoscopic outputs will be automatically adjusted by the system depending on the VI frame rate selected (as described above), regardless of the frame rate selected by the user when defining PixelSpaces. When building an active stereo configuration at 50Hz, for example, the output frame rate(s) will be adjusted to 100Hz regardless of user selection. A step‐by‐step set of instructions for creating new configurations are described in the standard Vista Advanced software guide. Please consult this guide for additional information on creating new configurations.
Defining Input Sources Stereo and non‐stereo sources are defined after initial system configuration. The new source property panel allows for default options when creating the source definition. This property panel is accessible from the Vista Advanced / Basic software applications by clicking an unused register in the source list. Figure 15 shows the new source property panel. Notice the ‘Stereo Options’ section of the panel. When set to ‘Off’ (default), the new source being created will not be defined as a 2D / non‐stereo input. The selections available for the stereo options are of the new config panel change depending on the mode selected. The table below shows and explains the options available for each selectable stereo mode.
Figure 14: New Source Panel
Options for Creating New Stereoscopic Sources
Active Stereo Input When defining an active stereo source, a router and associated input can be defined for the stereo sync signal, which can be routed separately from the video signal.
Passive Stereo Input When a passive stereo source is created and is connected to a routing switcher connected to Spyder, a passive stereo option allows a second router input to be defined which specifies the input of the alternate eye video signal.
After selecting the desired options in the new source property panel, click either the ‘Create and Configure Input’ or the ‘Create and Add Another Source’ link at the top of the panel. Each of the two options will use the specified options to create a new source definition, however the first option will display the source in a configuration monitor (if present). Note that the configuration monitor does not support stereoscopic output, and only a 2D representation of the source can be displayed on a monitor in this mode.
Editing input configurations After a source is created as described above, all properties of the source and the associated input configuration can be edited within the layer property panel. To display the layer property panel, simply click an onscreen layer. The table below shows the input configuration section of the layer property panel. To conserve space, the image displayed has been cropped to display only the section with relevance to stereo options. Stereoscopic specific options for input modules
Input Configuration Layer Properties Stereo Mode • Defines the stereo mode for the selected input. Clone Offset • When a 2D input is displayed on a stereo PixelSpace, this value allows the right‐eye clone to be offset by a user defined number of pixels. This can be used to manipulate the Z‐axis of the layer.
Input Configuration Advanced Properties StereoInvertEyes • This option, available only in the advanced section of the layer properties panel, causes the system to invert the left and right eye signals on the VI.
Editing output configurations Stereo properties of output configurations can be edited in the same manner as the normal output properties after the initial system configuration is performed. To access output properties, click the desired output in the ‘System Patch’ tab of the Vista Advanced or Vista Basic user interface. The tables below show the available options for manipulating stereoscopic outputs using the output property panels.
Stereoscopic specific modes for standard output modules Standard Output Property Panel Options 1. Output Sync Type • The ‘Stereo’ option is available in this dropdown, which allows a standard output to provide an active stereo signal from the V‐Sync channel of the analog output connector. When in this mode the output will still output video with a composite sync. • The ‘StereoInverted’ option works the same as the ‘Stereo’ option mentioned above, however the sync pulse is inverted, to swap the left and right eye on the display device. 2. Mode • The ‘ActiveStereo’ setting causes the output to interleave frames between the left‐eye and right‐eye areas of the VI to create an active stereo signal. • ‘Passive Left’ and ‘Passive Right’ force the output to display either the left or right eye content of the VI. Note that ‘Passive Left’ is equivalent to the ‘Normal’ mode, and is provided as a separate option for clarity only. Figure 15: Standard Output Properties
Stereoscopic specific modes for DX4 output modules DX4 Output Property Panel Options 1. Output 1&2 Pair Mode • The ‘ActiveStereo’ pair mode uses the resources of outputs 1 & 2 to create a left‐eye / right‐eye interleaved, active stereo output on output 1. The second output connector is not used when running in this mode. • When in ‘PassiveStereo’ pair mode, left‐ eye content is displayed on output connector 1, and right‐eye content is displayed on output connector 2. 2. Output 3&4 Pair Mode • The pair mode selections for outputs 3&4 are identical to the selections available for outputs 1&2. These options are described above.
Figure 16: DX4 Output Properties