The Model SS4 Stylus is the replacement stylus for the SC4 Quadraphonic Dynetic Cartridge, specifically designed for playback or four channel discrete a s well as conventional stereo, mono, a n d four-channel matrixed records. The special hyperbolic stylus tip is designed to give increased contact area and extended high frequency response. F R E Q U E N C Y RESPONSE: From 30 to 45,000 Hz.
FIGURE 1 O U T P U T V O L T A G E : 2.5 millivolts per channel a t 1,000 Hz a t 5
cm/sec. 2.0 dB.
is within
G R I P C O L O R : Smoke.
This indicates how well, a stylus, can follow or track the slgnals In a record groove w ~ t h o u tloslng contact. To provide an unbroken fiow of signals from the record, thc phonograph cartridge must be able to track the grooves. Sienals recorded a t a higher level (measured in cm/sec.) are m o r e h i f a cult to track. Four-channel discrete ~ l a v b a c k ulaces a tremendous reauire-
channel discrete recordinas Trackability of SC4 Cartridge a t a stylus force ui 7 granis, using Shure/SME Arm and Shure TTRl03 Test Record is a? follows: 400 Hz. - 14 cm/sec. 1,000 Hz. - 24 cm/sec. 10,000 Hz. - 44 cm/see
Minimum: 2.00 grams Optimum: 2.25 grams Maximum: 2.50 grams This is the amount of force required of the stylus tip to play a record properly. The lighter the tracking force, thc longer tile stylus and records will last, provided t h a t tracking is maintained. S I G N A L P O L A R I T Y : Stylus movement toward the outer groove will produce a pos~tlveoutput voltage on both channels. C H A N N E L S E P A R A T I O N : The minimum channel separation over the respective frequency range is a s follows: 100 Hz to 10,000 Hz . . . . . 20 d B 10,000 Hz to 35,000 Hz . . . . 15 d B The minimum channel separation a t all other frequencies is 10 d B
EASY STYLUS REPLACEMENT G r a s ~the molded housing of the s t v l i i s~l , ~ t w ~ ethumb n and forefinger. GenLly withdraw the stylus by ,fulling ~t forward out of the cartndge. Grasp the replacement stylus between thumb and forefinger and insert i t into the stvlus socket. Press stylus Into socket" until the molded houslng of the stylus mates wlth the c a r t n d g e case Care must be taken not to allow a finger to sllp off the molded housing of the stylus, resultlng in damage to the stylus tip o r shank S T Y L U S REPLACEMEW'I" FIGURE 3 T O PRESERVE STYLUS L I F E :
1. Follow the turntable or tonearm instructions when adjusting antiskating force i n the suspension. system of .the tonearm. 2. Do not handle the tonearm while i t IS In operation since thls can cause the a r m to sweep across the record. 3. If i t is necessary to manually place the tonearm in the record groove while turntable is rotating, release i t a s soon a s the stylus engages the record groove. 4. To prevent the stylus from striking the edge of the turntable or record, correct a n y improper set-down adjustment o r malfunction of the turntable changing mechanism. 5. Take care to properly insert the stylus into the cartridge assembly, and the cartridge and shell assembly ~ n t othe tonearm receptacle. 6. Us? the proper vertical tracking force setting for each cartridge.
7. Do not use badly warped cracked or imperfect records. 8. When dusting the turntablb, protect the stylus with the stylus guard. SUGGESTIONS F O R C L E A N I N G Y O U R S T Y L U S : T o clean the stylus, use a camel's-hair brush (No. 2 size or smaller) dipped lightly in alcohol o r alcohol-distilled water solution; alcohol is preferred. (WARNING: Commercial record or sf$: cleaning solutions may cause corrosion and permanent stylus damage.) The alcohol will remove a n y sludge deposits which may have coated the stylus tip. The brush bristles should be trimmed to a length no longer than l; inch (.64 cm.) ALWAYS hrush the stylus with a forward movement from the rear (terminal end of cartridge) to the front. NEVER brush or wipe the stylus from front to back o r side to side. S P E C I A L N O T E : The Quadraphonic Dynetic stylus assembly used in Shure Quadraphonic Dynetic cartridges is the most critical component. To maintain the original performance standards of your cartridge, be certain t h a t a n y replacement stylus you buy bears the following certification on the package: "This Quadraphonic Dynetic stylus is precision manufactured b y Shure Brothers Inc." AVOID INFERIOR IMITATIONS. THEY W I L L SERIOUSLY DEGRADE T H E PERFORMANCE O F YOUR CARTRIDGE. ALL GENUINE "DYNETIC" STYLI ARE MANUFACTURED BY SHURE B-ROTHERS INC. F o r more i n f o r r n a t ~ o n on y o u r Shure styjus, w r l t e f o r booklet: "A V i s i t t o t h e Small W o r l d o f a Stylus.
Copyright 1973, Shure Brothers Inc. 27A975 (MC)
Printed in U.S.A.