Overvie ew TagPrint X Xpress© is a n new mobile aapp from HellermannTytonn, designed to o allow our ussers to createe high quality an nd code‐comp pliant labels o on their device. The app w was developed d with the en nd‐user in min nd, marrying usability, functionality, an nd simplicity in an elegant design. This app can servee as either a ow the user to o print all thee complement to our fullly‐functional TagPrint Pro 3.0© softwaare or can allo labels neccessary for a SSolar Installattion without tthe use of a PPC!
Compattibility TagPrint X Xpress is compatible with A Apple®1 devicces running iO OS2 6.1+. This includes:
iP Phone® 3GS o or later model. iP Pod Touch® 4tth Generation or later model. iP Pad 2® or late er model.
To install the app, pleaase search “HellermannTytton” on the A App Store. TagPrint X Xpress require es 25mb of frree space on yyour iOS deviice. 1 2
Apple, iPh hone, iPod Tou uch, and iPad aare registered ttrademarks of Apple Inc. IOS is a trrademark or re egistered trade emark of Cisco in the U.S. andd other countrries and is used d under licensee.
How to use TagPrrint Xpresss Solar TagPrint X Xpress Solar p provides the u user with two o categories inn which to ch hoose labels. The first cateegory is “Solar LLabels” and th he second is ““Continuous.””
Solar Lab bels This categgory holds lab bels that are sspecifically designed to meet CAL FIRE, IFC, NEC C, or OSHA ns. The labelss are classified as either regulation Continuous Vinyl, whicch are pre‐de esigned for on Hellermann nTyton blank continuous printing o vinyl. These are pre‐de efined and the e user does not fill in any additionaal information n. Pre‐Printed d Continuous, which are e pre‐designed templates made to p print on Helle ermannTyton blank continuou us media in w which the userr fills in variable in nformation like voltage calculations. Prre‐ Printed D Die‐Cut which a user fills in variable informatio on on partiallly pre‐printed d Hellerman nnTyton die ccut labels, or search for the e best labells to print usin ng the option n Solar Labelss by Application.
Continuous Vinyl Continuou us Vinyl labels have been d designed to meet the requirements of the listed d regulations user input. To o select a labe el, simply touch without u the pre‐saaved label design by visuallly searching through the list, then sselect the num mber of copie es to print. O Once printed the user can continue to the next label. These labels require e the blank, solid colored HellermannTyton conttinuous vinyl rolls that are available e in 1”, 2”, 3”,, or 4” widthss for use wiith a black or white ribbon n. The software will issue a prrompt to inse ert the correct stock for e each label priior to printingg.
Pre‐Printe ed Die‐Cut Pre‐Printe ed Die‐Cut lab bels come partially pre‐ printed an nd only the vaariable inform mation is added to the label at the time of print. Each label is individu ual and there is a gap betw ween them on n the roll. TThe user must fill in the vaariable field(s)) with the aappropriate in nformation. TThe user musst have the ccorrect part n number that iis associated with the label on the screen. This ccan be found on the insside core of each label roll. The software will prompt the user to o insert the co orrect stock ffor each label being printe ed. Pre‐Printe ed Die‐Cut lab bels come in ttwo formats. Portrait and Landscape e. For printerrs with a 4” wide printt head, the laandscape partt number (200 series) is loaded into tthe printer. LLandscape labels exitt the printer w widest side first. *NOTE* B Because of the 2” printing width of TT130SMC, a new serie es of die‐cut labels was created. TThese labels are identified d by 596‐006xxx (600 serie es). These labels feed out o of the printerr short side e first. In TagPrint Xpress, the default labels are e found underr the 596‐002 2xx equivalentt part numb bers (200 series). Press th he “Part Number” button to change the partt number to the 596‐0 006xx (600 serries) labels when required. This image sho T ows part num mber 596‐0023 39 prin nting in a TT2 230SMC printeer. Check the e label core fo or the part nu umber. The same label shown in the image above is available in “portrait” o orientation in n which the nd of the labe el exits the prrinter first. narrow en This is besst for printerss with a 2” wiide print widtth such as th he TT130SMC C.
This image sho T ows part num mber 596‐0065 52 prin nting in a TT2 230SMC printeer. To add text, select the label that should be printed. SScroll down to o the headingg labeled “VALUES”” and select the text box to o the right of each value. When the correct value e is entered, select “Do one” and movve to the nextt value.
Solar Labe els by Applica ation This classiification sepaarates the labels into wherre they need d to be applie ed during Solaar Installation. Included iin each appliccation are all of the applicable e labels. The applications are: Combinerr Box / Circuitts DC Discon nnect / Breaker EMT / Con nduit Racewaays Inverter Productio on / Net Mete er Productio on / Net Mete er (Bi‐Directio onal) AC Discon nnect / Breake er Breaker P Panel / Pull Bo oxes Main Servvice Disconne ect Rapid Shu utdown
Expanded Label Deta ails Each of th he solar labelss can be expaanded to display the speciffic code that tthe label meeets and the teext of that code. To expand each label, prress the blue “i” to the rig ht side of eacch of the labeels.
Continuo ous This categgory allows a user to fully ccustomize a label with h text. The usser can select three differe ent modes in which to creaate the labelss. The three modes are e Continuouss, Die‐Cut, and d User‐Entere ed Distance...
Continuo ous In the con ntinuous mod de, the user m must select the width of tthe stock thatt is loaded in the printer. Continuou us stock is ide entified by itss lack of facto ory‐ made breaks in the lab bel. The mate erial is a continuou us roll of solid d colored vinyyl that is printted and cut to o length with the printer. These continuou us materials ccome in a variety of widthss from .275 5” to 4”. The user enters the desired informatio on and the ap pp adjusts the e length to accommo odate the textt. If the user requires a longer lab bel, select a laarger font size e.
Die‐Cut Die‐Cut laabels are labe els that are se eparated individuallly on a carrie er. These labe els are a set ssize and canno ot be changed d. Once the llabel is selected, the customerr can input vaariable text daata ence. The available option ns include or a seque selected H HellermannTyyton die‐cut labels, including self‐lamin nating vinyl an nd polyester m materials. A printer must be installe ed in the app p for these labels to aappear.
User‐Enttered Distance In the use er‐entered disstance mode,, the user must select the e width of the e stock that is loaded in the e printer. TThe user then must enter in the desired d length of the label. The distances that can be ut they can be e entered aare measured in inches, bu measured d in thousandths of an inch h, providing complete control of the exact distance that need ds to be prin nted. Typical applicationss include the marking o of terminal blocks or patch h panels. The user mustt enter in info ormation and select the sizze of the fon nt. If the fontt is too big to fit in the specified length, then it will be scale ed down to size automaticcally to ensurre no missing text when printing.
Sequences Sequencin ng allows a usser to automaatically generate sequential lissts of numberrs. This feature allows lab bels to be sequentially num mbered witho out needing to stop after e each label. Th he following attributess are defined as follows: Prefix: Atttach constantt text to the b beginning of tthe sequence. Suffix: Atttach constantt text to the e end of the sequence. Incremen nt: The numbe er that the se equence coun nts. Repeat: H How many tim mes each num mber will be listed Reverse: Create the se equence in de escending ord der. This featu ure is required d for printing patch panel labels. If printing a 24 4 port patch p panel, the ncrement is 2 24. When prin nted, the labe els starting In will print w with the lowe est numeric ssequence starting on the left and d increasing aas it moves to o the right aas required on a typical paatch panel.
Formattiing Fonts When enttering text, TaagPrint Xpress offers a variety off fonts and sizzes.
Printerss TagPrint X Xpress is desiggned to run ssolely with He ellermannTytoon branded p printers. Becaause of the intricaciess of printing labels from m mobile devicess, we cannot gguarantee orr support com mpetitors’ prin nters with our m mobile platform. To learn about HellerrmannTyton TThermal Transfer Printers, please visit http://ww ww.hellerman This User’’s Guide only provides a brrief overview of HellermannnTyton’s Theermal Transfeer Printers, th heir functionality, and theirr configuratio on. To find more informattion, includingg technical manuals, pleasse dentification Solutions Sup pport Center at http://ww visit the Id
Adding a a printer To add a p printer, go to the “Printerss” page. On tthe Printers p page, please select the “+” sign in the to op right corn ner of the win ndow.
After sele ecting the “+” sign, the New w Printer window w will open. In tthis window, the printer caan be configu ured with all of the option ns that should d remain co onstant. The first variable to configure is the Printe er Name. The e Printer Nam me can be anything m memorable o or identifiable e and does no ot need to re elate to the m model of the p printer. IP Addresss will be the IP address off the printer o on your locall network. Please skip to P Page XX for informatio on on identifyying and conffiguring your printers IP P Address. Port Defin nes the port o on which the app will communicate with the e printer. Pleaase leave 910 00 work requiress a as the deffault port unless your netw different port location. Driver ind dicates which model of HellermannTyto on printer is being conneccted. Please m match the e driver to tthe HellermannTyton printter. Only the TT130SMC, TT230SMC C, and the TTM M430 printerss are suppo orted by the TTagPrint Xpress App. Cut Enablled will allow the printer to o use its cutte er if that opttion is selecte ed when the p print comman nd
is sent. *Note* The prrinter must haave a cutter installed ffor this featurre to function n. usts the darkn ness of a printt. If the print is Heat adju too light, increase the heat of the printer. If the print is too dark, decre ease the heat. It is usually best to leaave this settin ng on the deffault 65%. e at which the e labels are fe ed Speed adjjusts the rate through the printer and printed on.. Adjusting th his can help improve the lightness or darkness of the print. If the labels movve faster, then there will b be less time ffor the print head to contaact the labelss, resulting iin a lighter prrint. If the print speed is slower, th hen the print head will be o on a given spot for a longer amount off time, resulting in a darke er print. Print Offsset (in.) adds a slight adjusstment eitherr positively or negativelyy to the print in case there e is a defect in n the position n of the print head. In most cases this feature is no ot needed. nection allow ws the app to aattempt to Test Conn connect to the printer to verify thatt the IP Addre ess, Port, and Driver that w were entered are correct. If any of this information n is incorrect, then the connectio on test will faiil. This test also validates that the p printer that is connected iss a Hellerman nnTyton printter.
Configu uring Your Hellerman nnTyton Prrinters forr Network Use Determin ning Defaultt Gateway and Subnet M Mask Windowss XP, Vista, an nd 7
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Press the startt button. elect “All Proggrams.” Se Navigate to “A Accessories.” Open “Comma O and Prompt.” Tyype “ipconfigg”. Lo ook for “Ethernet Adapterr.”
7. Write down th W he Subnet Mask and the De efault Gatewaay addresses. 8. Press the red ““X” and close the window. Windowss 8 1. 2. 3. 4.
Press “Window ws Key” and ““R” at the sam me time. Tyype “cmd” intto the “Run” window and press “Ok.” Tyype “ipconfigg”. Lo ook for “Ethernet Adapterr.”
5. Write down th W he Subnet Mask and the De efault Gatewaay addresses. 6. Press the red ““X” and close the window.
Setting SStatic IP Add dress on TT130MSC and TT230SM 1. 2. 3. 4.
Plug the printe er into compu uter using the e included US B cable. Tu urn the printe er on. Open the “Dia O gTool_V1.54..exe.” Se elect “Get” frrom the botto om right corner to get infoormation about the printerr.
5. Se elect “Ethernet Setup” on the left side of the Diagnoostic Tool.
6. If you would like to use DHC CP, write dow wn the IP Adddress, and jum mp to Step 9. If you would d like o use a static IP Address, continue. to
7. 8. 9. 10.
En nter a free IP Address and the correct SSubnet Mask.. Se elect “Set” in the bottom rright corner o of the Diagno stic Tool Win ndow. Close the Diagnostic Tool. Printer to you ur Network ussing an Etherrnet cable. Connect your P
TTM430//TTM460 wiith DHCP 1. Plug the printe er into the network using aan Ethernet ccable and turn n the printer on. 2. Press the ‘Men nu’ button on n the face of tthe printer.
3. Se elect “Short SStatus” and press the returrn key.
4. Sccroll down un ntil the IP Add dress is listed. Write it dow wn. 5. Press the “Return key to go o back.” Presss the left arrow w until the deevice says “Ready”.
TTM430//TTM460 wiith Static IP Address 1. Tu urn the printe er on and con nfirm that it says “Ready”.
2. Press the “Menu” button to o enter the prrinter’s menuu. Navigate to o the right an nd go to the “SSetup” menu. Select the d down arrow to move to th e next menu.
3. Navigate to “Local Settings””, and then press the dow n arrow.
w. 4. Use the right aarrow to naviggate to “Interrfaces”, and tthen press thee down arrow
5. Navigate to the right to “Ethernet”, and then press thhe down arro ow.
6. Return the prin nter to “Read dy” by pressin ng the up arroow until “Setu up” is displayed, then by eft arrow to exit the menu. pressing the le
Printing Options When printing labels, tthere are sevveral options tthat can be cconfigured to ensure that tthe printed results are exactlly as expected d.
Labels indicates th he number of individual labels th hat will be e printed. If there are a multiple labels in a row, thiss number will w o the total number n of labels that will w relate to be printe ed. This nu umber mustt be a positive whole nu umber. Sets indicates the number n of sets of lab bels that will be printed. If a sequence is used, tthis e sequence to be printted will causse the entire once, th hen restart from the first f label and a print the specified nu umber of setts. P reverses the colorrs of the priint. Inverse Print The color of the ribbon becomess the “negative olor (color th hat is not th he informatio on) space” co and the e color of the label becomes the t “positive e space” color c (the color of the t information. Printer allows a whicch printer to be chossen based on o the “Prrinter Nam me” that was w assigned. Cut At End E allows a a user to prrint a string of labels an nd only cut at the end of the string, once all o of the labelss have been printed. els allows a user to cutt the labels at Cut Labe specified d intervals. TThe labels caan be cut affter every lab bel or for any a desired number. The T intervals must be positive whole e numbers. Cut Everry specified how many labels will be counted before the ccut comman nd is execute ed.
Troubleshooting Guide The text changes size in the middle of running a sequence. EXAMPLE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,….. TagPrint Xpress Solar is automatically ensuring that the text fits on the label. This feature, called “Auto Size”, automatically sizes the text based on the number of characters. Two characters will auto size differently than one character. To ensure all of the numbers in your sequence are the same font size, consider the largest number in your sequence. For instance, if your sequence ends in 125 (three digits), then start with 3 digits – “001”. If your sequence ends at 66 (two digits), then start with “01”.
I try to use REVERSE in the SEQUENCE mode, but I get negative number. You must tell the app what the starting serial number is and it must be greater than zero. For example, if you intend to print the reverse sequence: 10,09,08,07,06,05,04,03,02,01, then your starting VALUE must be 10.
I change the text in the BANNER and then PRINT, but the old text is still printing. Make sure to press DONE and escape from the keyboard editor after printing each label and/or before starting a label with new text. Why is there a lag time for the printer to start printing my label? The label image must be converted to a full size bitmap image before being sent to the printer. Mobile devices have limited computing power as compared to a PC or desktop computer, so there are longer processing and printing times. TYPICAL PRINT TIMES iPad Mini 13 seconds to print a continuous vinyl label on a TT130SMC printer 5 seconds to print the same label on a TT230SMC printer 5 seconds to print the same label on a TTM430 printer iPhone 23 seconds to print a continuous vinyl label to TT130SMC 15 seconds to print the same label on a TT230SMC printer 15 seconds to print the same label on a TTM430 printer TYPICAL PROCESSING TIMES Below are the results of time studies to test the length of time it takes the print job to be accepted by the printer (processed). iPad Mini
1 second to TT230SMC C 9 secondss to TT130SMC 1 second to TTM430 iPhone 1 second to TT230SMC C 9 secondss to TT130SMC 1 second to TTM430 0SMC processes the bit map images a b bit more slow wly than the o other printerss as it is slightly The TT130 slower in regards to Etthernet conne ectivity.
I want to o center or le eft/right jusstify the textt on the labeel. There is an option in th he PRINTER taab where the e user can seleect an OFFSETT, either posiitive or negative, ext left or righ ht relative to tthe label. Th is typically m might be found d when printing on which will move the te nted die cut laabel where th he text has to land or printt within a pre‐defined spacce like a white box a pre‐prin as shown in the picture e below. Th he mechanical position of tthe centeringg mechanism on most printers means the pree‐positioned ttext might ap ppear a little h high may vary slightly from printer to printer. This m hen printed in n the box. or low wh
In this instance the prin nt is just a litttle above center within thee box. There is an option in th he PRINTER taab where the e user can seleect an OFFSETT, either posiitive or negative, which will move the te ext left or righ ht relative to tthe label. Maanually enterr a value next to ‘Print Offsset (in.).
w text to be m moved to up or down on thhe label. Usin ng the “Print O Offset” option n in Adjustments will allow moved up (‐.002) as examp the driverr, the text can n me moved d down (.02) ass example or m ple.
In this exa ample, the texxt is centered d (up and dow wn) on the labbel) after an aadjustment to o .02 next to ‘‘Print Offset (in..).
When prrinting on a vvariable datta label on aa TTM430 prrinter, the print is too high when printing continuous media. e TTM430 prinnter using con ntinuous med dia. Continuo ous There is a similar situattion that can occur on the ould auto cen nter, but on th he TTM430, itt is possible tto have an offfset in the meenu of the fro ont media sho panel of the machine. This offset caan falsely pussh the text doown or off of the label. Th he top label sshows text printing too far do own on the label. The seccond label is pprinted with aan offset of zeero in the front panel of the TTM430.
To check ffor and manu ually change tthe offset in tthe TTM430: Go to the main panel o on the front o of the unit and d press MENU U. Scroll to rright and THE press down aarrow key on SETUP. Move cursor to the right to select M MACHINE PAR RAM. Press the down arrow key. ht to print heaad position “YY”. Move righ Change th he setting num mber to “0.00 0 mm” Confirm b by pressing th he ENTER key on the printe er. Move arro ows up and to o the left to ggo back to the e main menu..
Why is th he printer I sselected sho owing a RED D dot next to o it? If the prin nter is not onlline or is not cconnected to o the router, tthe indicator next to the p printer name w will show as aa red color. To reconnect tthe printer, th here are seveeral steps to cconsider: 1. Make sure the M e printer is turrned on. 2. Make sure the M e printer is connected to th he router usinng an Etherneet cable. 3. Make sure the M e router is turned on. 4. Make sure the M e IP address of the printer is correct. 5. Make sure tha M o the networkk/router that the t your handheld device haas a wireless cconnection to printer in on. On your device – WiFi mu ust be turned on. The useer must selectt the approprriate wireless netwo w ork (through tthe router) and have perm mission to logg onto that neetwork.
Why is th he printer I sselected sho owing a GRA AY dot next tto it? The printe er may be online and have e the correct IP address, buut is not a HeellermannTyto on brand prin nter. Each printter must be q qualified by th he application n before it is aallowed to prrint. Only HellermannTyto on brand printers will wo ork with TagP Print® Xpress Solar.
I have a p printer that shows a GR REEN dot inttermittentlyy changing to o RED. The wirele ess device maay be at the e extreme range e of the routeer or there m may be an elecctronic or phyysical interferen nce that is pre eventing the printer from maintaining sstrong contacct with the haand held device.
How do II determine the IP address of my prrinter? If the prin nter is the TT1 130SMC or th he TT230SM o or TT230SMC,, the IP addreess is assigned d when the printer is connectted to the loccal router. Th he easiest waay to find the IP address on n these printeer models is tto connect them to a lapttop or deskto op PC using a USB cable. EEach printer ccomes with a program called Diagtool_ _V1.54.exe. FFrom the com mputer, run th his program aand select ETH HERNET SETU UP.
hernet setup iis selected, th he current IP address of thhe printer willl be displayed d. The user ccan When Eth select DHSP or STATIC IP address op ptions and en nter or definee a specific IP address. If m manually settting est option is tto set a static IP address inn a range outsside of the DH HCP settings ffor up the network, the be hat is in a rangge below 100 0 on most connsumer routeers. the router. Typically th
My port number deffaults to 910 00. Should I change thee number or leave it alone? Normally,, it is best to leave “9100” as your defau ult port numbber. Port “91100” is a Userr Datagram Protocol ((UDP) port nu umber typicallly assigned to o printers, all owing the prrinter to comm municate with the router and computer o or other devicce, wirelessly. We recomm mend that you not changee this number herwise direccted by your ITT department or an experrt in port com mmunications.. unless oth
When I ggo to the CO ONTINUOUS tab and sele ect DIE‐CUT labels, nonee of the die‐‐ cut labels display o on my list. I only see the e continuou us listing.
ed, die‐cut pa rt numbers w will not show up because they Select a printer. If a printer has not been selecte are define ed by printer’’s driver.
We have e multiple ussers printingg to the sam me printer(s) and sometiimes we gett an error that we canno ot print to the printer. If a lot of print jobs are e sent to the ssame printer,, simultaneouusly, some users may receive an “unablle to print” error because th he printer can n only processs one print joob at a time. Unlike a com mputer using aa Windows spooler to haandle the con nnection to th he printer, thee app runs on n a mobile deevice and feed ds he printer. Th herefore, onlyy one commaand will be seent to/accepteed by the prin nter print jobs directly to th at any givven time.