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Take Out The Bread




໪ቂངಖ༚ Ꮛ‫ވ‬፟ಅ֡঩˄য়࿰ቂ˅ Operating Instructions ࣭য়‫׭‬Ꮃ˖ GB 4706.1-2005 GB 4706.14-2008 ඬᇖ‫׭‬Ꮃ˖ Q/XMJS 010-2015 National standard: GB 4706.1-2005 GB 4706.14-2008 Enterprise standards: Q/XMJS 010-2015 Automatic Bread Maker (Household Use) ᄲख Model No. SD-PPF100 ߾٢ࡥᄠ೷ࢭళ Panasonic ܿٛ൰ ɑ ขᏇႿኡ‫ׁޚ‬໪ቂངಖ༚ˈᇵฬ֦ጸฬ՗ภ໪ቂׁٛ൰ȃ ɑ ׁٛ൰ፔქ቙য়࿰໪ቂȃ ɑ ໪ቂ෇ขႚ‫כ‬ᏇႿኡ‫ޚ‬Ȑ՗ภ᎙ሃ໳ჵȑ ˄P. SC4 ȋ SC5˅ȃ ɑ ֦ᅃጽขቪׁ໪ቂངಖ༚ᇜඩဢນ֦࣏ȃ Thank you for purchasing Panasonic product. ɑ Please read these instructions carefully to use the product correctly and safely. ɑ This product is intended for household use only. ɑ Please carefully read the “Safety Precautions” (P. EN4 ȋ EN5) of this Manual before use. ɑ Please keep the Warranty Card and this Operating Instructions for future use. ֦ᅃጽௐࡒ The Warranty Card is attached. SC1 ৿‫ݓצߴܠ‬፟Ꮾࢌ፯౟ၟಅ֡ʽ མ๢૰ଁ ‫װ‬൝མ‫۽‬ၟܻ૰ଁ ፣ࡥམ๢ȂႿೢܿ ‫ޥ‬໢ৱဵ‫ڈ‬ʽ ܿဍཌྷಅ֡ ๢໮ಅ֡ ଓཨಅ֡ ˄P. SC16˅ ˄P. SC21˅ ˄P. SC22˅ ৠ๠౶߰፟‫ࡐڈ‬቏ ༽ࠍ෩౿๢ܿ౶߰ ಅ֡˄P. SC23˅ ‫װ‬൝མ‫۽‬૰ଁˈ‫ډ‬ ოಅࠒᏋເࠞၟܿ ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ˄P. SC24˅ ಅ֡ ˄࡞ਸವ˅ ॵቌ೉ცʽࡐࣦᏜ མ‫۽‬૰ଁ‫ܕ‬቏ცཥ ౿๢ࡐ቏༽ࠍ෩቏ ࠞܿ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ؅ఝ൝ܿ؅ఝಅ֡ ਫ੫ܿ౶ࠒಅ֡ ˄P. SC26˅ ˄P. SC27˅ ˄P. SC29˅ ࡐ቏ਫ੫ ࿙ะਸವ ಅ֡ ჲᇋம੍࢑޹‫ܠج‬ʽ ݂௾མ჉၃ዹ഑ȃ ໪ቂ࿙ะਸವ‫؃‬ન ቏ඝࠞၟܿ࿙ะਸ ವಅ֡˄P. SC30˅   ࢌ፯ࠞၟܿ ಅ֡ ቂಅ֡ಅတȂ ൖ๭ಅတ፟Ꮾ ඝྊ ೉ቌશ˄P. SC39˅ ਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ ˄P. SC43˅ ౺ྴ༽࣮ ˄P. SC54˅ SC2 ೾ਲಅ֡˄P. SC40˅ ሱಅ֡ป˄P. SC41˅ ཰೉ಅ֡˄P. SC41˅ ൖ๭˄P. SC42˅ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅȂሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅ ಅတ˄P. SC44˅ ప仸˄P. SC56˅ ‫ޥ‬໢ৱ෸མဵ‫ܿڈ‬ ሡ໮‫˄؀ى‬P. SC46˅ ‫˄ࡷܫ‬P. SC48˅ ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ ˄P. SC50˅ ಼௽ ᇔబ ɑ໢ৱ‫ݲ‬ጶ˄໢፬მ໯˅ ........... SC7 ɑ࢑४ᱵ‫ ڗݢ‬............................. SC7 নׁ‫إ‬லቪᎳֻ ໪ቂߴߟ ፟Ꮾনׁܿဍཌྷಅ֡............. SC16 ‫࢙ܿ஀צ‬೙ ........................... SC18 ɑඈ྾࡞ .................................. SC18 ɑ૥๾ ..................................... SC20 ࠧ૏჋˄P. SC42˅ ᄆ֔༇ ෼ੋ֦ᆻ............................... SC58 ٢ਈၳ࿏............................... SC60 ಅ֡ᄳᎫል٢ʽ .................... SC63 Ȑ‫غ‬Ꮾ‫܊‬ႜʽȑܿ‫ؚ‬ઑ‫܈‬໚ .. SC68 ࢽጊጪި............................... SC69 ‫ڵ‬ო჉ள฀ଝ໢ .................... SC70 ࣙࢆ ...................................... SC71 ᄆ֔༇ ๢໮ಅ֡............................... SC21 ଓཨಅ֡............................... SC22 ౶߰ಅ֡............................... SC23 ߟ࣭ಅ֡............................... SC24 ภఴಅ֡............................... SC25 ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡............................... SC26 ؅ఝಅ֡............................... SC27 ౶ࠒಅ֡............................... SC29 ፟Ꮾ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ ................ SC30 ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ .................... SC32 ፟Ꮾሡ໮‫ ؀ى‬....................... SC46 ፟Ꮾ‫ࡷܫ‬............................... SC48 ፟Ꮾ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ .................... SC50 ፟Ꮾ࣮ਟ............................... SC52 ፟Ꮾ౺ྴ༽࣮ ....................... SC54 ፟Ꮾప仸 ............................... SC56 ࿝൰ ࣮ਟ˄P. SC52˅ ɑኁኙ ..................................... SC20 ࿝൰ ಅတ ಅ֡ ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ/ൖ๭ಅတ ........ SC36 ፟Ꮾ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ಅတ ......... SC37 ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ ................ SC38 ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ .................... SC39 ፟Ꮾਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ .................... SC43 ፟Ꮾႃ‫ޅ‬ಅȂሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ .. SC44 ಅ֡ ፟Ꮾಅ֡ܿ௚‫ڋ‬ঽᇋ௏ ........... SC8 ‫ܠج‬ᇜ୅............................... SC10 ಅ֡ܿনׁ‫إ‬ல .................... SC12 ყ࣋‫إ‬லܿᎳֻ .................... SC15 ಅတ নׁ‫إ‬லቪᎳֻ ‫װ‬൝ວሱȂఴცན ለȂሩᆻ࠘ࡐܿภ ఴಅ֡˄P. SC25˅ ՗ภߴಅܿ᎙ሃ໳ჵ............... SC4 ໪ቂߴಅܿᇋช ...................... SC5 ࢌ‫ؠ‬਋ܿಚ‫څ‬ञി਋............... SC6 ໪ቂߴߟ ฬไ ฬไ ᇔబ SC3 ՗ภߴಅܿ᎙ሃ໳ჵ ขႚ‫כ‬Ꮸ༉ ၓம‫ן‬ಁ၌ࣷ໪ቂጚᇵঽࢍྊเዉ‫اڈ‬ٛཿ໘ˈ࿅ۨངಖ჉ளႚ‫כ‬Ꮸ༉ܿ໳ჵȃ ɖ‫ت‬ቂம‫܊‬ႜ໪ቂߴߟ໢ٛໍܿ၌ࣷᇵঽཿ໘ܿ‫ˈޡڋ‬ቧᇵฏࠍངಖȃ ੸ࡻ ᎙ሃ ቏૰೙ܷ፛ཏ၁ড፱ພܿ໳ჵȃ ቏૰೙ܷ፛เເພࣷড‫ا‬ٛཿ໘ܿ ໳ჵȃ ɖጦޭႚ‫כ‬ᅍᇋᏨ༉ܿ໳ჵˈቂᇵ჉࠲खቧᇵฏࠍངಖȃ ੦ፒ໳ჵȃ ႚ‫כ‬Ꮽܸܿ໳ჵȃ ੸ࡻ ၓம‫ן‬ಁ‫ڵ‬ოট ኳȂྐྵພȂ‫ݢۂ‬ ݃ȍȍ ข‫؜‬ᇋቂ༇‫ۂ‬ಝጯපଁ ɑข࿅‫׳‬᎙ሃᄆࣳȃ ˄૰೙ܷ፛ྐྵພ˅ ขᄆᄩ໪ቂᱵ‫ڗݢ‬ ˄ၓம‫ן‬ಁߙ฽ȂᎼটȂൿழ˅ ɑข႙‫ݢڣ‬Ȃ‫௸ޥ‬Ȃৠ฽Ȃခ๠ ট፩ȃ ጸฬ໪ቂ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂञ‫ݢ‬ኑღ ɑข႙٫߇໪ቂ‫ن‬Ᏸञിღቂનˈᇵঽ໪ቂ ਦ௚‫ ݢ‬220 V ᇵိܿ‫ݢ‬ኑȃ ሓ޹࿢ി‫ݢ‬ღ௸٫‫࢙ށ߇ڵ‬ఋ໢ˈ ঐዉ‫ڈ‬ል٢ߙ฽ȃ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋཿ।‫ݢ‬ኑღञ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂȃ ˄ ɑข႙ቪඝྊਜ਼༥Ȃ‫ڗݢ‬ছቂ ɑข߼፜኷ߒ࿺‫ۂ‬ಝ‫ߴݓܸܿ؜‬ȃ ˅ ‫؜‬ᄆᄩဗ჉໢ˈ ขঽ໢Ꮐᅲᇞໍȃ ɑขቂਥ‫݃ܕ‬ٙ฻Ꮽऔુኒ‫܈‬໚ ॄࠆඳȂ֦‫܃‬ȃ ข႙ཿ।ȂৠࢗȂਖඝ߼኷฽ܿቂનࡒ੧Ȃ ූᄵုฑȂ೿ᎡȂଲ຿Ȃ໚ৠ፱உȂଫ዗ ˄ࠨዏঐሓ‫ݢۂ‬ড‫௸ޥ‬ሞඩটኳ˅ ɑ‫ݢ‬ኑღཿ।Ȃ‫ن‬Ᏸམ૑໢‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂȃ ˄ࠨዏঐሓ‫ݢۂ‬ড‫௸ޥ‬ሞඩটኳ˅ ๜࣮‫ݢ‬ኑღཿ।ˈၓம‫ן‬ಁ၌ნˈ‫כ‬ᅐ ቈ፟ዉຟȂඝၕᅃ‫ؠ‬ড୥ཕ‫ؠ‬౤ܿ᎟ᇖ เ኎࢑४ȃ ɑข႙ቂٰ໛ܿ༇‫ن‬ճ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂȃ ˄ࠨዏ૰೙ܷ፛‫˅ݢۂ‬ ߙໍል٢Ȃࢽጊ໢அু࿮ፒ໪ቂˈ‫؃‬ճ ‫ݢڵ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ ˄ࠨዏ૰೙ܷ፛౏ᆏȂඩটȂ‫ݢۂ‬Ȃྐྵພ˅ ɑ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂሥ‫ؠݒܸن‬ၓፒȃ ˄ࠨዏঐዉ‫ݢۂڈ‬Ȃߙ฽ˈሞඩটኳ˅ ɑข‫ށ‬ඓ෼‫ݢڼ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂຢܿঁ‫ٽ‬ȃ ࿅‫׳‬ᇋ᎙ሃܿ໸ˈ๩‫ن‬ဂܿ‫ن‬൥ব‫܃‬மঁ‫ˈٽ‬ ዏঐሓ໛න݃ኊሓዉ‫ુڈ‬ኒ‫؜‬டˈሞඩটኳ ճ‫ݢڵ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂˈቂ࡞‫آ؝‬໴ȃ ˄ SC4 ˅ ል٢ञ ɑ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂञ‫ݢ‬ኑღል٢ߙ฽ȃ ࢽጊ໳ ɑ‫ݢ‬ኑღൿཿȂႇߟਾ࿳‫ݢ‬ኑȃ ஂ ɑׁ࿒‫ק‬ᄳȂል٢ߙ฽ȃ ɑ໪ቂࣰ‫ڋ‬፩቏ል٢ܿᎡ‫໌ވ‬ȃ ขஅুཛྷ၄ Panasonic ૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ፩ᄩ৹‫ي‬Ȃ ၕᅃȃ ۨ࠲ख‫װ‬໯˖ٛ൰‫װ‬ಅࡴၫˈ‫ۂ‬൑໢ขᄆᄩ੢໊ȃ ၓம‫ן‬ಁᎼটȂ ྐྵພȂ།ພ݃ ߙໍ ฬไ ᎙ሃ ಅ֡঩ࢗᏮඓৱˈರᄎ‫װ‬ಅܿၫ‫ޡ‬भࡴʽ ၓம‫ן‬ಁ໳ࢽߙໍˈ ขᏨ༉ᇵ჉໳ჵ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධ໢ႚ‫ܔכ‬ຢࢉ฽ ू༇࿄ȃ ə‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂ໛ܿू༇࿄ȃ ˄๒ᇸܷ฽ˈ૰೙ዉ‫ྐྵڈ‬ພ˅ ू༇࿄ / ໪ቂߴಅܿᇋช ɑข߼፜቙ሣቖߒ‫ۂ‬ಝ ‫ߴݓܸܿ؜‬ȃ ɑධન‫ི܏؜‬ቈߒ࿺ড ቏࿒உȂࡥ࣌ডੴໄ ฦფܿเডฦߝ੶ᆬ ፃ໧ܿเ໪ቂˈ‫߾ڼ‬ ቏ࡏውྊ౦՗ภܿเ ޭྊ౦੣ᄵቪධન໪ ቂ቏࣋ܿ৭‫ޖ‬ञፑ ܷȃሥጐ૛औߒ࿺ˈ ฬ֦ྊ౦‫؜‬ေ༲ׁධ નȃ ˄૰೙ܷ፛ྐྵພȂ‫ݢۂ‬Ȃ།ພ˅ ՗ภߴಅܿ᎙ሃ໳ჵ ɑข‫؜‬ᇋ‫ۂ‬ಝಅ֡๒ධȂׁ࿒Ȃഠන ଁȂ௰೗Ȃৠ฽ධȂຢ࡜೗‫ࡴ݃ف‬ၫ ‫ؠ‬ၤȃ໪ቂ፩‫װ‬ಅঐߙ฽ˈ‫ܚ‬୩ษॄ ኶੣ᄵ໪ቂॄܿ෼ੋ֦ᆻȃ ˄ࠨዏ૰೙ዉ‫ྐྵڈ‬ພ˅ ಅ֡๒ධ əׁٛ൰ၝཱུ঩ࡒዖू༇࿄ˈขᏋᄵࢭ๠༁༌ܿू༇࿄ȃ ข‫؜‬ᇋ኷჉ள٠ྈ໪ቂʽ ɑ‫؜݃ྦྷݓ‬ೊ฽ܿ႘࿒ຢಅȃ˄૰೙ܷ፛টኳ˅ ɑ‫؜‬൶ၱ‫ۃ‬ञඅ቏Ꮇ‫ܿ؝‬Ꮇಅȃ˄૰೙‫ݯ‬థডሞඩটኳ˅ əข᎙ሃߙ฽ܿಅ֡๒ධܿ߼፜٠ྈȃ ɑዯ቏ಅࠒȂቌፅȂঁ‫݃ٽ‬๒ᇸज़థܿ٠ྈȃ ˄ঐዉ‫ׁڈ‬࿒ज़థ˅ 5 cm ෼‫ݯڼ‬ಅࠒ݃ˈ઩୰ᎷᏊ‫ע‬ኒ10 cmᇵຢȃ ɑු‫ם‬ডয়નࡒ੧ȃ ‫כ‬ᅐና୰5 cmᇵຢȃ˄ࠨዏঐዉ‫קڈ‬ᄳ‫ק‬๾˅ 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm ጸฬ໪ቂ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ ˄ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋਖ༽਑ܸডਖ༽ ிׁܸ࿒ຢȃ ࠨዏঐሓ‫ݢۂ‬ড‫௸ޥ‬ዉ ‫ڈ‬Ꮌট ˅ ɑճ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ໢‫כ‬ᅐᇋ༇‫ݢڕ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂȃ˄ࠨዏ૰೙ঐሓ‫ݢۂ‬ড‫௸ޥ‬ ሞඩᎼট˅ ɑ‫؜‬໪ቂ໢ขਖ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂճ୰‫ن‬Ᏸȃ˄ࠨዏ૰೙ঐሓ‫ݢۂ‬ড௪‫ߑݢ‬ ሞߙটኳ˅ ጸฬᎧ๠ᱵ‫ڗݢ‬ ɑข‫؜‬ᇋഅ‫ܿڗݢ܊‬ সߴჹȃ˄૰೙ܷ፛ߙ฽ȂᎼটঽൿழ P. SC7˅ ขᏨ༉ᇵ჉໳ჵ ɑขጸฬ੣ᄵ‫إ‬ல‫څ‬஢ঽ‫ށົܠج‬ȃ ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ࠀ਑ড്ገ‫ܿڵ‬ಅတ૰೙ঐ‫־‬ৠ฽ධܿ฽‫ޡ‬૥ਤ ‫౏؃‬ᆏȃᇓ૰೙ܷ፛ࢽጊȃ ˄ ɑુޭ‫؜‬ᇋᏋᄵ੍ّȂ ᅃ୲ञ࡙Ꭷȃ ˄૰೙ܷ፛টኳȂ‫ݢۂ‬Ȃ།ພ˅ ขፚPanasonic૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ ፩ᄩᏀᅲၕᅃ໳ᇬȃ ˅ ໪ቂߴಅܿᇋช ɑข‫؜‬ᇋޭᇵ჉‫ؠ‬ၤ໚ৠ፱உȃ ɑข‫؜‬ᇋնᄆొ੘݃߼ ˄ࠨዏঐሞߙࢽጊড‫ק‬ᄳ˅ ኷࡜ຢȃ ˄ࠨዏঐዉ‫ࢽڈ‬ጊড ৠ฽ධ ‫ק‬ᄳ˅ ɑข‫؜‬ᇋ߼኷ٰ໛‫ۃ‬ড ၫ‫ࡥۈޡ‬ධ টኑࡒ੧ȃ ˄ࠨዏঐዉ‫ࢽڈ‬ጊড‫ק‬ᄳ˅ ຢ࡜೗‫ف‬ ɑ቏໤႘ࣰಓ५ጚขᏀᅲᇞໍॄ኶໪ቂȃ ɑׁಅ֡঩‫؜‬೙ᇵိਾ‫ށ‬໢ධড‫ޙ‬அܿᇄ૿૿፟Ⴜ࿾‫غ‬Ꮾȃ SC5 ࢌ‫ؠ‬਋ܿಚ‫څ‬ञി਋ ɖ‫۫ڴ‬໪ቂ໢ˈข෼Ⴛಅ֡๒ධȂᇗ൥Ȃി਋݃ȃ˄P. SC58˅ ጯපଁ ࡜๒ධ࡜˄૰လᄛ໮ P. SC59˅ ၾ᎘૑࡜ଂ኶܏૑ ഠනଁ ຢ࡜ ə᎙ሃ‫؜‬ᇋঢ়ܸ༇ ਸವ๒ධ ૑‫֊ט‬ ն༇ ˄ඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධ˅ ಅ֡๒ධ ૑‫ߞט‬ ຢ࡜ն༇ ˄Ꮺቑ˅ ˄ਸವ๒ධ˅ ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ ඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධ ˄૰လᄛ໮ P. SC59˅ ‫ڗݢ‬Ᏸ ˄೗፜ᱵ‫˅ڗݢ‬ ɑขճ‫ཫڵ‬லࢉ֊ॄ໪ቂȃ ഠනଁ ˄Ꮺቑ˅ ཫலࢉ֊ ി਋˄ࢌ 1 ࢋ˅ ኙ¾஢ܿღ ɑಅ֡ቂᇗ൥˄P. SC16˅ ኙ½஢ܿღ ኙ¼஢ܿღ ɑ፟Ꮾಅ࿢Ȃప仸ቂᇗ൥ ˄P. SC44, SC56˅ əቪ࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධ߼ ኷ᇜඩ ɑ࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධ ˄ࡒ቏࡜ P. SC38˅ ˄‫ܐ‬৓஢‫˅ږ‬ ˄ᄆ৓஢‫˅ږ‬ ɑ৓஢‫ږ‬ ׁངಖ༚፩ྈ༧‫إ‬லܿȐ‫ܐ‬1ȑ໸ፑȐ‫ܐ‬ ৓஢‫ږ‬1‫ږ‬ȑܿሃཋȃ SC6 ‫غ‬Ꮾ‫˄ ؠ‬ճ‫ݢݯ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ໢ˈᇛੰმ໯ঐᄂ໘ȃ˅ ‫ܠج‬ ɑኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ˄P. SC20˅ ɑ‫ݲ‬ጶ໢ৱ˄჉༧˅ ɑົ‫ށ‬െៀ໢ৱ˄P. SC52, SC54˅ ฬไ ɑ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18 ȋ SC19˅ ɑ૑໭ष૥ডኁኙ ɑᅤዎ‫ܠج‬ ɑ࡙‫ק‬૥๾˄P. SC20˅ ໢ৱ‫ݲ‬ጶ˄໢፬მ໯˅ ɑ໳჏ճ‫ཫڵ‬லࢉ֊˄P. SC6˅ ɑ໢ৱმ໯ၓ24ᄆ໢፟ȃ ʗ‫ن‬๠‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ ə๜࣮‫ݢن؜‬ኑዏႇߟ‫ݲ‬ጶ໢ৱȃ ɑኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ˄P. SC20˅ ࢑४ᱵ‫ڗݢ‬ ə໪ቂᱵ‫ڗݢ‬૰໪ಅ֡঩৔ህ‫෇ܬ‬໢ৱञຢ۫໪ቂࣰܿ ົ‫݃ށ‬ȃ ʗถ‫ڗݢڵ‬Ᏸȃ ՙ ‫ڗݢ‬ ՙ ‫ڗݢ‬ ‫ڗݢ‬Ᏸ ʘՙȐ໢ȑডȐࠍȑ˄໢ৱმ໯ດཇ˅ ɑ࿪ਈᛀܿ໌ሕॄข߼૑༇ፑȃ ʘᏪ༇ࢿ‫ˈڗݢށ‬ਖ‫ڗݢ‬Ᏸถፚ࢏෇ˈೀ ‫ڗݢڵ‬ȃ ᱵ‫ڗݢ‬ ʙ‫ݲ‬ጶ໢ৱ ə໢ৱმ໯ດཇ໢૰ᇵ‫࢑ק‬ȃ ˄ஂ ˖‫ݲ‬ጶၓ჉႐ 3 ໢ 30 ࠍ໢˅ ʙਖ‫ڗݢ‬Ᏸ߫Ꭱॄ߼๠‫ˈڗݢ‬኶ਖ‫ڗݢ‬Ᏸ Ꭷ๠ׁ࿒ȃ ᱵ‫ڗݢ‬ ˄ ಅ‫ٮ‬჉˅ ଓ੣໢ ٣ՙ ˄ ˅ ՙ ‫ڗݢ‬ ᱵ‫ܿڗݢ‬ ಅ‫ٮ‬ຢᎧ๠ ն‫ڗݢ‬Ᏸ ߫Ꭱ ɑ࿮ፒດཇুဵ‫ڈ‬ȃ ʚճ‫ݢڵ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ əດཇ࿮ፒፇ෇ճ‫ݢݯ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂܿय़ˈ໢ৱ‫ݲ‬ጶ ႇߟ‫ڈဵ࢑ק‬ȃ əขฬไ‫ڗݢ‬ౚ቏‫ݯ‬థȃ əౚ቏߼๠ᱵ‫ڗݢ‬ᇓ૰ᇵष૥ಅ֡ȃ ə‫ڗݢ‬༊ಛኙ2೧ȃ SC7 ࢌ‫ؠ‬਋ܿಚ‫څ‬ञി਋ ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ ˄٣ՙ˅ ፟Ꮾಅ֡ܿ௚‫ڋ‬ঽᇋ௏ Ꮃֻ ಅတ፟Ꮾ P. SC17, SC36 ߼๠࡞ਸವ ৠ๠ಅࠒञ༽݃ ਓሊ໪ቂ ᄬᇑ ə ࿙ะਸವЖኇ፯З ߼๠ໍ፯ਸವ ‫ށົܠج‬ ৠ๠ಅࠒञ༽݃ ഻ᆻໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ፟Ꮾ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ Ꮃֻ‫כ‬ᇋܻܿન ፟Ꮾಅ֡ ə ፟Ꮾဍཌྷಅ ֡໢ Ꮛ‫ވ‬ৠ๠࡞ਸವ ə ࿙ะਸವ ಅ֡‫ိڼ‬ ፟Ꮾ޹፯ଁ ၟܿಅ֡໢ Ȑ ȑ P. SC38 ขᎳֻ჉ளࢗન ɑू༇࿄ ˄༁༌˅ ག஀፟Ꮾಅ ֡ܿᇋ௏ʽ P. SC31, SC37 ༽ȂಅࠒᇵȐ፱஢ȑ ‫څ‬஢໸নׁʽ ‫כ‬ᅐቂ‫ڒ‬ᇵ፱஢‫څ‬஢ȃข໪ ቂᇵ1 gᇵ჉ၓ‫ܠ‬ၤܿ‫ڒ‬ጸฬ ‫څ‬஢ȃ ɑ‫ݢ‬Ꮚ‫˄ڒ‬1 g ᇵ჉ၓ‫ܠ‬ၤ˅ ˄༁༌˅ ಅࠒ ขቂ‫ݢ‬Ꮚ‫ڒ‬ʽ SC8 ष૥ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ ቂ૥ძष૥ ߙਸ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ P. SC39 ჋࿙ড༃ၫࡴܿ໢ृˈ ข໳჏୩ษ༽ ്ገ‫ޡڋ‬ञᄳᎫ౞۫‫ޕ‬ঐ‫ק‬ ܿᏋয়፟ಅ֡ ‫إ‬லܿᄧბ‫ޡڋ‬ሯჳभ‫ܐ‬ʽ ‫إ‬ல֦‫܃‬໸ࠨ቏ၳ࿏˛ ༽ޭಅတ്ܿገ‫ޡڋ‬቏भ‫ܐ‬ሯ ჳȃ჋࿙ড༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ ‫إ‬லܿၫ‫ޡ‬ᇓঐຢ໐ˈሓۨ኷༽ ፩ৠ๠‫׼‬ଐˈਖඝ୩ษፚ5 ɆᏪ ቑȃ˄ਖ‫׼‬ଐถ‫ॄڵ‬኶໪ቂ˅ ፟ᏮᏋয়፟ಅ֡๒ᇸ།ၫ‫ޡ‬Ȃ໛‫ޡ‬Ȃ ‫إ‬லঽኁኙ໢ৱ݃ሓཧܿሯჳȃু ໪ᇜፊ‫ޕ‬໸ᇵყ࿷ܿᏭߟบष૥ˈ ࿢਋ວ။቏‫קݞ‬फ़ˈ്ገ‫ޡڋ‬ञᄳ Ꭻᇓঐߙໍ࡙‫ק‬ȃ ˄P. SC63, SC64˅ ໪ಅ֡ߙਸञ്ገܿਸವ˄P. SC12˅ ञቢ๗࿷ᆼ‫ޕ‬໸ᄧბ໤൰ȃ࡞ਸವȂ ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅ঽໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ݃‫כ‬ᅐ߼፜‫׼‬ძ೗୩‫ع‬ʽ˄࿅‫׳‬໸ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವᇋ኷ᇜ፵೗ቂဵ˅૑ ࠙ॄˈ࡞ਸವᇋ౻֦࠙‫ໍˈ܃‬፯࿙ ะਸವ‫׳‬၇ம࡜ຢ࡜Ꮚʽ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ਖ֦፣ඓ೗ܿٛ ൰‫߼܃‬቙‫׼‬ძ೗ ᆚ฽໢୩ษ ˄ೀ‫׼ڵ‬ଐ˅ ኷‫׼‬ძ೗֦ ‫܃‬ᇜ፵ᇵ೗ ವ ࡞ਸ ᄆ ‫ܐ‬ 天然酵母 SC9 ন ׁ ‫ إ‬ல ቪ Ꮃ ֻ ፟Ꮾಅ֡ܿ௚‫ڋ‬ঽᇋ௏ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ ࿚ৠ࠽ல˄P. SC18˅ ञॵቌ˄P. SC26˅ ໢ ‫ܠج‬ᇜ୅ ‫ܠج‬ ‫ף‬ख ‫ܠج‬ 2 ˄P. SC21˅ 3 ˄P. SC22˅ 4 ˄P. SC23˅ 5 ˄P. SC24˅ 6 ˄P. SC25˅ 7 ˄P. SC26˅ 8 ˄P. SC27˅ 9 ˄P. SC29˅ 10 ˄P. SC30˅ 11 ˄P. SC36˅ 12 ˄P. SC37˅ 13 ˄P. SC38˅ 14 ˄P. SC36˅ SC10 ྈᅍ໢ৱ ˄‫ܐ‬ኙ˅ ಅ֡঩፟Ꮾࣰ‫ڋ‬ ኁኙ ˄P. SC16˅ ૥๾ 1 ඈ྾࡞ ˄‫د‬ጐᇔ˅ ૰ቂ࢙೙ ဍཌྷಅ֡ ɑ ɑ ɑ 4 ᄆ໢ ๢໮ಅ֡ ɑ ɑ ɑ 4 ᄆ໢ 20 ࠍ ଓཨಅ֡ ɑ ɑ ˉ 2 ᄆ໢ ๕ಅ ๕ಅ ๕ಅ ᄶಅ ߙਸ ※3 ౶߰ಅ֡ ɑ ɑ ɑ 4 ᄆ໢ ๕ಅ ※1 ᄶಅ ※2 ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ɑ ˉ ɑ 5 ᄆ໢ ๕ ᄶಅ ಅ ※1 ※2 ภఴಅ֡ ɑ ˉ ɑ 5 ᄆ໢ ๕ಅ ᄶಅ ※1 ※2 ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ˉ ˉ ˉ 3 ᄆ໢ ๕ಅ ؅ఝಅ֡ ɑ ˉ ˉ 2 ᄆ໢ 15 ࠍ ๕ಅ ౶ࠒಅ֡ ɑ ɑ ɑ 2 ᄆ໢ 30 ࠍ ࿙ะਸವ ಅ֡ ɑ ɑ ɑ ಅ֡ಅတ ɑ ˉ ˉ ࿙ะਸವ ಅ֡ಅတ ɑ ˉ ˉ ໍ፯࿙ะ ਸವ ˉ ˉ ˉ 24 ᄆ໢ ൖ๭ಅတ ˉ ˉ ˉ 45 ࠍ 7ᄆ໢ ˄ˇ24ᄆ໢ ə5 ˅ 1ᄆ໢ 4 ᄆ໢ ˄ˇ24ᄆ໢ ə5 ˅ ๕ಅ ※1 ᄶಅ ※2 ᄶಅ ※2 ๕ ಅ ᄶಅ ๕ ᄶಅ ಅ ๕ಅ ߙਸ ᄶಅ ᄶಅ ※3 ॵቌ ๕ ಅ ᄶ ๕面 ಅ ※3 ๕ಅ ๕ಅ ಅတ ᄶಅ ߙਸ ߙਸ ࿚ৠ ᄶ ಅ ๕ಅ ᄶಅ ๕ಅ ※2 ᄶಅ ※4 ๕ಅ ߙਸ ߙਸ ߙਸ ߙਸ ๕ಅ ष૥ ߙਸ ๕ ಅ ߙਸ ߙਸ ߙਸ ष૥ ߙਸ ष૥ ष૥ ɑ኷૑໭25ࠍ፬ॄ༇‫ވ‬ ৠ๠ॵቌ ɑ኷૑໭55ࠍ፬ॄ༇ ‫߼ވ‬๠ฑඟಅတ ष૥ ष૥ ߙਸ ๕ಅ ߙਸ ๕ಅ ߙਸ ߙਸ ๕ಅ ߙਸ ߙਸ ๕ಅ ष૥ ष૥ ᄶಅ ᄶಅ ခ๠ ष૥ ๕ಅ ᄶಅ ๕ ಅ ᄶಅ ※2 ๕ಅ ߙਸ ष૥ ࡞ਸವథ๠ಅတܿ໢ৱȃ˄ߙ‫໌ڵ‬ሕ˅ ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽லܿ໢ৱȃ˄ߙ‫໌ڵ‬ሕ˅ მ໯Ȑਬ֍ȑȃ ‫ܠج‬ ‫ף‬ख ‫ܠج‬ ˄P. SC44˅ 17 ˄P. SC46˅ 18 ˄P. SC48˅ 19 ˄P. SC50˅ 20 ˄P. SC52˅ 21 ˄P. SC54˅ 22 ˄P. SC56˅ ಅ֡঩፟Ꮾࣰ‫ڋ‬ ˄ྈᅍ໢ৱঽਸವ࿚ৠ໢ˈሓ༃ၫȂ૥๾Ȃኁኙ݃࿢਋ߑ‫ק‬फ़˅ ਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ ˉ ˉ ˉ 15 ࠍ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅȂሃ ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ ˉ ˉ ˉ 15 ࠍ ๕ಅ ሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ˉ ɑ ˉ 54ࠍ ෼‫ڼ‬ ᄶಅ Ꭾৠ ※3 ष૥ ष૥ ಅࠒ ๕ಅ ๕ಅ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ‫ࡷܫ‬ ˉ ɑ ˉ 1ᄆ໢ 30 ࠍ ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ ˉ ˉ ˉ 17ࠍ ࣮ਟ ˉ ˉ ˉ 1ᄆ໢ 30 ࠍ ȋ 2 ᄆ໢ 30 ࠍ ౺ྴ༽࣮ ˉ ˉ ˉ 1 ȋ 2 ᄆ໢ ప仸 ˉ ˉ ˉ 1ᄆ໢ ˄ˇ30 ࠍ ə6 ˅ ๕ಅ ෼‫ ڼ‬ᄶಅ ಅࠒ ※3 ๕ಅ ๕ಅ ਬ֍ ন ׁ ‫ إ‬ல ቪ Ꮃ ֻ ‫ܠج‬ᇜ୅ 16 ኁኙ ˄P. SC43˅ ૥๾ 15 ඈ྾࡞ ˄‫د‬ጐᇔ˅ ྈᅍ໢ৱ ˄‫ܐ‬ኙ˅ ૰ቂ࢙೙ ɑ኷૑໭2ࠍ፬ॄ༇‫ވ‬෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒ ኶1ࠍ፬ॄ༇‫ڈވ‬ᄳ Ꭾৠ ष૥ ष૥ ɑ኷૑໭12ࠍ፬ॄ༇‫ވ‬෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒ Ꭾৠਬ֍ Ꭾৠ ৠ฽ ৠ฽ ৠ฽ Ꭾৠ ৠ฽ െ‫ݲ‬ ૑ ๕ ࡜ ಅ ə1 ๕ಅ ᇗ൥ᅢᎡˈਬ֍ಅတ˄ߙ‫໌ڵ‬ሕ˅ ᄶಅ ਖಅࠒञ༽๏ठ˄নׁ‫ވ؜‬Ꮾ˅ ə2 ߙਸ ‫૿ݲ‬ၫ‫ˈޡ‬ಅတߙਸ˄৅ॆ‫ވ؜‬Ꮾ˅ ष૥ ष૥ಅတ ə3 ə4 ə5 ə6 əᏥ٣૰‫ܸ܌‬12ࠍ፬‫؜‬੣ᄵਬ֍ȃ ɑࢎદ‫ܠج‬༇‫ށົވ‬໢ৱ ɑࢎદ‫ܠج‬༇‫ށົވ‬໢ৱ ɑ኷૑໭50ࠍ፬ॄ˄ড55ࠍ፬ॄ˅ ༇‫܏ވ‬૑ຢ࡜ ኁኙົ‫ށ‬໢ˈፔ቏Ȑ๕ಅȑ኷ኁኙॄஅু੣ᄵˈਬ֍ॄ੣ ๠‫ܚ‬঩Ꭻྙȃ ኁኙົ‫ށ‬໢ˈ኷჉ࢋᄵ‫ڋ‬૑໭ፇ෇֦‫ܚڕ‬঩Ꭻྙȃ Ꮵ޹૰‫ܚ‬঩11ᄆ໢ȃ ቏໢ঐ໒కࡘࣰ‫ڋ‬ȃ ቏໢ঐ໒కˈ቏໢ᇓঐஏᅝȐ๕ಅȑȃ ፟Ꮾໍ፯࿙ะਸವᅍᇋॗࠈ24ᄆ໢ȃ ข໳෇ਖഏ౶Ⴛ઄ˈቂ຋Ꮚஇ࡞༽ࠔ30ࠍ፬ȃ SC11 ಅ֡ܿনׁ‫إ‬ல ‫ڼ‬மনׁ‫إ‬லፇိˈᇓ૰ᇵ࿚ৠᏋেႹ॥ܿ࠽லˈ፟Ꮾࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ȃ ˄ࢎદ፟Ꮾಅ֡ܿ‫؜‬࿷ˈ໪ቂ‫؜‬࿷ܿ‫إ‬லቪࠔ஢˅ ঳‫ܫ‬ ಅࠒ ˄ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒȂ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ˅ Ꮾቂ ᇋ‫ݞ‬ ࠒ ࡴਖ਼ಅ Ꮾቂ ቪ༽ਬ֍ॄˈ‫ܫ‬ռ፣ঐੌठ኷ᇜඩໍ‫ڈ‬ ಅတȃ ɑಅࠒႇᅍࣰ຋ȃ ɑሓ‫ܫ‬ռ፣ࣽ஢ܿ࣋Ⴜˈ‫؜‬࿷ಅࠒ്ܿ ገ‫ޡڋ‬ঐ቏ྈُልȃ ɑ੪஢໪ቂ਺ᄧბܿٛ൰ȃ ɑ‫߼܃‬኷࡞ዌሖஜፇ‫ۃ‬ȃ ɑႚ‫כ‬໪ቂ‫كڒ‬஢ȃ ಅ֡ਸವ Ꮾቂ ၓம፟Ꮾಅ֡ ə֡Ꭷ‫ܙ‬ຢࡒ቏‫װࠍڈ‬ȃ ɑ኷ࢿ࿒ᄳᎫ჉໪ቂˈႇᅍ๏फ़ȃ əထਃ໪ቂႇᆑॵቌȃ ˄೉ࠒȂ೾೉˅ SC12 ၓம፟Ꮾམ๢૰ଁܿಅ֡ˈ ࿳٢໪ቂႇᅍ࿎෇ߙਸܿ ࡞ਸವȃ ವ ࡞ਸ ə‫؜‬૰໪ቂᄧბਸವড໸സ܏ࠒȃ ၓம፟Ꮾಅ֡ 奶粉 牛奶 ࡙ນಅ֡ܿၟܻᇵঽცၟˈ‫؃‬໪ಅ֡ܿ ๾ዐ࢑৞ȃ ߑ෩२೙߷ፒಅ֡ሱफ़ȃ ɑ໪ቂ೾೉໢ˈᇋଂ‫ڼ‬ቪ࿚ৠ஢࿷஢ ܿ༽ȃ ɑข໪ቂሩᆻ‫ࠍڈ‬ၝ੶ූफ़ܿလፅ೉ࠒ ডጚภፅ೉ࠒȃ ໤ᆑ Ꮾቂ ɑਸವ໸ঝܿȃ ᄧბ‫؜ޡڋ‬࿷ˈ്ገߙਸ‫ޡڋ‬ᇓঐ‫ڵ‬ ოُልˈሓۨข໪ቂ֦‫܃‬ඓ೗ܿਸವˈ ‫؃‬ႚ‫כ‬౻࠙ॄ፜቙‫׼‬ძ೗֦‫܃‬ȃ ࡞ਸವ ໪ಅ֡Ⴟೢམ๢໛๨ȃ ๞፟൰ ᇋ‫ݞ‬ ቌ ॵ ˄ॵቌȂႇᆑॵቌȂเዉॵቌȂ ˅ ඩཥቌ Ꮾቂ ᇋ‫ݞ‬ ਖٛໍܿߗᆸफ़ྩ ֡ඩହߑ്ገ ɑ࡞ਸವ኷།ٰॄ്ገ೙உખঐাર჉ ਠȃ ቌፅ ᇋ‫ݞ‬ ಅ֡ਸವᇵྴࠍၓሩᆻହኑˈٛໍߗᆸ फ़ྩ໪ಅ്֡ገඩହȃ ಅ֡ܿᏠፈ ᇜֈ໪ቂࡐࣽ‫ܫ‬ռ፣˄12 ȋ 15%˅ܿࡴਖ਼ಅࠒȃ ߾ಅ֡ቂಅࠒ്ܿገ਺ᄆˈᏭ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡਺ሱȃۨ ိˈᏋߙࠒᏭ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡‫്؜‬ገȃ Ꮾቂ ࡙ນಅ֡ܿၟܻȂცၟȂ๾ዐȃ ᇓન቏ዓූಅ֡‫ܪ‬ᄹܿᏮቂȃ ᆑ ‫ڼ‬ம‫ݲ‬ၟˈ२೙ዓৠಅ֡ܿ ਫ੫ȃ ߑ෩२૰ᇵ߷ፒႿૃߨፌȃ ɑထਃ໪ቂ՗᧎ਸವ࢞ཌྷܿ࡞ਸವȃ( ጡૼ֡Ꭷ ٛ൰ ) əྴࠍ਺޹ܿിߴ(౞100 gಅࠒ፩ˈࣽ቏8 gᇵຢྴࠍ) ໢ˈข໪ቂ՗᧎ਸವ࢞ཌྷܿಅ֡᎟ቂ࡞ਸವȃ߾ಅ ֡᎟ቂܿ࡞ਸವ്ገ਺ᄆˈᏭ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡਺ሱȃ ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅ ၓம፟Ꮾ‫ڵ‬ન቏‫ޙ‬࿅ଁࡥ ܿ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ˈ໪ቂቈ ࿙ะ໤႘˄ࢻ୥݃˅഻ᆻ ‫ܿڵ‬ਸವȃಅ֡ਸವᅐቈ Ȑໍ፯࿙ะਸವȑܿᄵ‫ڋ‬഻ ᆻ˄P. SC38˅ߙਸ‫ڈ‬ၓໍ ፯࿙ะਸವॄ໪ቂȃ ɑထਃ໪ቂߙਸஉ‫਺׋‬ၱ‫ܿށ‬Ȑᄬᇑȑ࿙ะਸವȃ ౶ࠒ ྴ ˄຃ྴȂऽྴȂࠛ౺˅ ɑ૬ஆ‫ྴܿܐ‬ᇋᆓླྀၓႿᄆ૬ஆȃ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂ‫ੰੌ݃ྴ׼‬Ꭻܿྴȃ ᇋ‫ݞ‬ ɑ๩ዓৠྴܿࠔ஢ˈዏ૥๾ঐ‫ק‬ແˈਂ ຬቂ஢ዏঐວວ‫්ק‬ȃ ɑ‫؜‬૰໪ቂ݈૏௸୴ܿ࿝ၟৎȃ ᇋ‫ݞ‬ ౶ࠒ፩‫ࣽ؜‬቏ಅ֡኷്ገ໢ᅍᇋܿ‫ܫ‬ ռ፣ˈྈᇵፔ໪ቂ౶ࠒܿय़ႇߟᏭ‫ڈ‬ ಅ֡ȃ əಅ֡ቂ౶ࠒࣽ቏ᄆఴ‫˄ࠍڈ‬ಅ ਖ਼˅ˈሓۨޭᄆఴࣰಓܿ໪ቂ ጚ‫؜‬૰໤ቂȃ əขᇜ‫ށ‬ᇋ᎙ሃ‫إ‬லঽ෼ੋ֦ᆻ ၳ࿏ˈ‫؃‬኷Ꮐᅲࣰᇞໍॄ໪ቂȃ സ܏ࠒ ኷፟Ꮾሡ໮‫؀ى‬Ȃ‫ࡷܫ‬໢໪ቂȃ əু໪߼๠ဍཌྷড๢໮ಅ֡፩ᇓ‫؜‬ঐ്ገȃ əྈၦಅਖ਼ȍ ໸኷ಅࠒ፩ৠ༽ਬ֍ˈಅࠒ፩ܿ‫ܫ‬ռ፣ੌठߑ‫ܿڈ‬ ႘፣ȃಅਖ਼࣯֡Ꮌಅ֡ਸವঝ‫ވ‬ٛໍܿߗᆸफ़ྩߑ ്ገˈ۰ߑٛໍಅ֡Ꮰፈȃ ၫᕽ࿎ᄶ ༽ Ꮾቂ ᇋ‫ݞ‬ ࿚ৠ኷ಅࠒ፩ˈਬ֍ॄໍ‫ڈ‬ಅတȃ ɑᇵ჉฀ଝ໪ቂ୩༽˄‫ܐ‬ኙ5 Ɇ˖୥ཕ ‫ܿ༽׼‬ၫ‫˅ޡ‬ Ȅଓཨಅ֡ Ȅߟ࣭ಅ֡ Ȅภఴಅ֡ Ȅ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ Ȅ؅ఝಅ֡ Ȅ༃ၫ኷25 Ɇᇵຢ ɑ৻ᄹ༽‫؜‬໻ቂȃ ɑขႚ‫כ‬໪ቂ‫كڒ‬஢ȃ ၓம፟Ꮾಅ֡ ɑข໪ቂሜ༽঩ܿ༽ȃሱ‫ޡ‬ၓ 50 ȋ 200 mg/L ܿ༽ Ꮵၓठ໻ȃ ə༽ܿሱ‫ޡ‬໸۰๑੍቙ඝ፩࡛ܿȂౝܿ஢৓ི‫ڵ‬ହܿȃ ሱ‫ޡ‬໻፩ܿ༽ન቏࿎ࡴಅတ‫ܪ‬ᄹܿᄌ࣮ˈ቏᎓቙ಅ֡ ്ገȃ๜࣮ሱ‫ˈࡴࣰޡ‬ঐ໪ಅ֡਺ሱȃ ɑጯ௖༽ (distilled water) ‫஀؜‬቙ಅ്֡ገˈ‫؜‬ᇬ ໪ቂȃ ข᎙ሃᇵ჉໳ჵ߷ፒພܸࣷಅ֡๒ධˈᇗ൥ፇ࠱ཧ ည‫˖ل‬ ɑ࿚ৠ਺ሱܿ‫إ‬லˈ૰೙ঐ໪ಅ֡๒ධ݃࠱ཧည‫ل‬ ֣థȃ ɑ࡞࣮ঽ৮࣮࠽லᅍ෧‫ڈ‬5 mmᇵ჉ᄆଐȃ ɑ๩໪ቂ૬ஆੌੰ਺‫ܿܐ‬۳຃ྴˈࣴᆑ݃ˈข჏፜ ቙٢ၫ༽፩‫ࠍڣ‬๑फ़ॄ኶໪ቂˈߑኊׁܿ༽஢ˈ ขਂบቪ๑ᇛყ݃ܿࠔ஢ȃ ɑ༽஢ࣰຬঐܷ፛ಅတሱफ़ˈ๕ಅ໢ພࣷည‫ل‬ȃ ɑ໤‫߼إ‬๠ಅ֡๒ධขՙಅࠒ ܿགᅗခ߼ȃ ඝྊ‫إ‬ல ༽ ɑถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡໢‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂᄆܱȂ‫ه‬ᏊȂ଑Ꮚ݃৮ሱ႘ ൰ȃ ɑ෧ಅ֡෇ข჏ฬไಅ֡ቂᇗ൥໸ࠨዮࡒ኷ಅ֡೗ ˄‫߷ˈ˅ؠݒ‬ፒ෧ພᇗ൥ȃ ɑข႙໪ቂਜ਼༥༱Ȃվੋ‫؝‬Ȃࣴ౿‫ܿ؝‬ೞ௝ಅȂ֡ ኷ೞ௝၃୴ܿࣴ౿ଐ‫آ‬໴๒ධডᇗ൥ˈขᇵ๖๢ ܿࣴ౿‫؝‬෼Ⴛȃ əಅ֡๒ධञᇗ൥༥ᄂक൰ˈ٣ඓ໪ቂ፛ည‫֣ل‬థ ༥ጸ٢ოჺȃႜ໤֣థܿ࠱ཧည‫؜؃ˈل‬ঐޭเ ࿒ዉ‫ڈ‬ሯჳȃ SC13 ন ׁ ‫ إ‬ல ቪ Ꮃ ֻ ಅ֡ܿনׁ‫إ‬ல Ꮾቂ ྴ໸ಅ֡ਸವܿሩᆻହኑˈ૰ৠཨߙਸ ဵ‫ڈ‬ȃߑ෩२૰࡙ນଁၟȂცၟȂಅ֡ ‫װ‬൝ܿ૥๾ȃ (ࣽಅࠒ˅ ಅ֡ܿনׁ‫إ‬ல˄ᅝ˅ ി਋৓஢‫ږ‬౞1‫ܿږ‬፱஢নᎳ ‫ܐ‬৓஢‫ږ‬ ᄆ৓஢‫ږ‬ ຃ྴ ኙ12 g ኙ4 g ೉ࠒ ኙ6 g ኙ2 g ໤ᆑ ኙ5 g ࡞ਸವ ኙ2.8 g ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅ ኙ10 g ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ኙ12.5 g ჲ࡙‫إק‬லിߴञ፯୥໢ ᇵ჉ளࠔ஢ၓনᎳˈࢎદࢋเଁၟ‫ݲ‬ിȃ ჲਂຬ໢ ɑ๩ዓৠ຃ྴܿࠔ஢ˈঐ໪૥๾‫ק‬ແȃਂຬቂ஢૥๾ঐ‫ק‬ ‫ޡࡴˈܨ‬ᇓঐ‫݈ק‬ȃ ॵቌ ૰ዓৠፚ2.5ֹ ˄‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡‫˅ိڼ‬ ૰ਂຬፚ½ ɑ‫߼؜‬ᆑܿय़ˈಅ֡ঐ‫ܾק‬ౚ቏ਫ੫ȃ ࿙ะਸವܿ౗ঝᄹभූˈᆑ቏ᇷ፟౗ঝᄹܿᏮቂȃ ๜࣮ౚ቏߼ᆑܿय़ˈ౗ࣰ‫ߙޡ‬ংᏮቂˈಅ֡ঐሓಅਖ਼ި ழߑႇߟ൨த‫ڈ‬ᄳȃ ຃ྴ ૰ዓৠፚ2ֹ ૰ਂຬፚ½ ೉ࠒ ૰ዓৠፚ2ֹ ૰ᇵ‫؜‬ৠ ໤ᆑ ‫؜‬૰ ૰ᇵ‫؜‬ৠ ౶ࠒಅ֡Ȃ࿙ะਸ ವಅ֡૰ਂຬፚ½ ‫إ‬ல ჲዓৠ໢ ɑᇓ૰ᇵቂเዉॵቌ‫ܗ‬࿓ॵቌˈቂࠛ౺‫ܗ‬࿓຃ྴˈቂ೾೉ ‫ܗ‬࿓೉ࠒȃ˄P. SC12, SC13˅ ࠛ౺Ꮵ޹‫؜‬٫ࣰ25 g ೉ࠒ‫ܐ‬1ყ‫ܬ‬቙70 g˄ኙ70 mL˅೾೉ ჲ࿚ৠ‫ܫ‬ড೾೉໢ ਂຬყ‫ܬ‬቙‫ܫ‬ড೾೉ࠔ஢ܿ༽ȃ ‫˄ܫ‬Ꮵ޹1ࢋ˅ ೾೉˄Ꮵ޹࿚ৠ༽஢ܿᇜ֐˅ SC14 ɑն‫߼݃ܫ‬๠ְᏊॄ኶ৠ༽‫څ‬஢ȃ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂኁኙȃ ˄኷჋ো૰೙ঐ‫ק‬፣˅ ყ࣋‫إ‬லܿᎳֻ ૰ቂႹ॥ܿ‫إ‬ ல፟Ꮾ޹፯ଁ ၟܿಅ֡ ᇵনׁܿဍཌྷಅ֡ၓন‫˄ھ‬P. SC16˅ˈ੔ ຯ‫܋‬ിܿ‫إ‬லञࠔ஢ܿনᎳȃ ‫ڼ‬மনׁ‫إ‬லፇိˈ२૰࿚ৠᏋেႹ॥ܿ࠽லˈ ፟Ꮾ޹፯ࠞၟܿಅ֡ȃ ɑ ‫إ‬ல‫؜‬࿷ˈ૥๾ঽߙਸࡴ‫ޡ‬ᇓ቏ྈ‫؜‬࿷ȃ ኷নׁܿ‫إ‬லন‫ھ‬ຢ ন ׁ ‫ إ‬ல ቪ Ꮃ ֻ ಅ֡ܿনׁ‫إ‬ல ᇜ૑໭ખ߼๠ಅ ֡๒ධ೗ʽ ࿚ৠႹ॥ܿ‫إ‬லȍ ቌ ॵ Ⴙ॥ܿ ‫إ‬ல ೉ࠒ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ༐‫ج‬ ࢻ႘୥ ࣮ፆ ˖ಅࠒ፱஢ܿ15 ȋ 20% ˄‫׭‬Ꮃ˖50 g˅ ˖ಅࠒ፱஢ܿ 10 ȋ 20% ˄‫׭‬Ꮃ˖30 g˅ ஂ˅·ोఝ‫ ؘ‬ᆓླྀ ·ೌࣂ ᎌ༝ॄܲླྀ୩ษ ·؅‫ ج‬ᎌ༝ॄ෧ླྀ୩ษ ஂ˅·౶ࠒ ·ᆣఴ൥ ·ഏ౶ࠒ ·फఴ ·ภఴࠒ ·ॵ‫· ࠒޒ‬ጾప ˖Ꮵ޹‫؜‬٫ࣰ༽ܿࠔ஢ ஂ˅·‫ڇ‬ፆ ·൴࣮ፆ ·ߣ෨݃100%࣮ፆ ໳჏߼኷‫׼‬ძ೗‫ࠍڣ‬୩‫ع‬ ಅࠒܿ஢ ଂ‫ࢻڼ‬႘୥ܿ፱஢ ˄֦‫ڕ‬ኊହܿࠔ஢‫˅ק؜‬ ˄֦‫ڕ‬ኊହܿࠔ஢‫˅ק؜‬ ಅࠒ220 g ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ༽ܿ஢ ஂ˅ फఴ30 g˄250 gܿ12%˅ ଂ‫ڼ‬༐‫ج‬፱஢ܿ 80%ܿ༽ࠔ ஂ˅ ᎌ༝ܿೌࣂ50 g ༽140 g˄mL˅ ˄180 g˄mL˅ˉ 50 g˄mL˅ܿ 80%˅ ɑ ‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂኁኙ࢙೙ȃ ଂ‫࣮ڼ‬ፆܿࠔ஢ ˄֦‫ڕ‬ኊହܿࠔ஢‫˅ק؜‬ ஂ˅ ‫ڇ‬ፆ100 g˄ኙ100 mL˅ ༽80 g˄mL˅ ˄180 g˄mL˅ ˉ 100 g˄mL˅ ˅ ɑ ‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂኁኙ࢙೙ȃ SC15 ყ࣋‫إ‬லܿᎳֻ / ፟Ꮾনׁܿဍཌྷಅ֡ ߼๠‫إ‬ல ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ ਸವ๩།ٰܿय़ ਸವႇߟ‫ݯ‬థঐዉ‫ڈ‬ಅ֡ߙਸ‫؜‬ภ ข໪ቂ࡞ዌܿ࡞ਸವ˄P. SC60, SC69˅ ə۰፺૾૰ᇵဵ ภ૛ܸ՗Ꭷ፺ ਸವ๒ධ ฻Ꮌ๒ධܿ፵‫ע‬࿚ৠ༽ 1 ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධ ՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ ʗᆛਊဂߴჹᅢᎡ ಅ֡๒ධȃ ಅ֡๒ධ 2 ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠࡞ਸವᇵိܿ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒञ༽݃ ʗ߼๠ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ݃‫إ‬ல˄࡞ ਸವᇵိ˅ˈ‫؃‬໪፩ᆮ‫ؠ‬ ࠍࡴ቙፵‫ע‬ȃ ʘჹຢถ‫ڵ‬ȃ ʙਖಅ֡ቂᇗ൥߼ ๠፺ᄩ૾೗ȃ ʗ ʘ฻Ꮌ๒ධܿ፵‫ע‬࿚ৠ༽ȃ ʘ ຢ࡜ ಅ֡๒ධ ʚ၄ਊဂܿߴჹᎡ ‫ށࢿވ‬ȃ ʚ ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ ə෸෸൑ᇜ ჉ˈ෇‫ޤ‬ ঐ቏3 cm Ꮺቑᇧ‫ވ‬ ʙ ʙ ՗Ꭷ፺ ə᎙ሃ፵‫؜ע‬ᇋዯ ቏ಅတ ဍཌྷಅ֡ ʛ࣋‫ט‬ຢ࡜ȃ əಅ֡๒ධܿն༇፩ဉঐ૏᎘ȃ ˄ၓமߴ‫צ‬ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධ˅ ႇᅍᅼܸᏥ჉ಅȃ 3 ၄ਸವ๒ධ ࿚ৠ࡞ਸವ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 250 g ॵቌ 10 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ࡜๒ධ࡜ ๜࣮ዯ቏༽ࠔˈ ข‫ࠔ༽࡞آ‬ ༽ə 190 g˄mL˅ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ਸವ๒ධ ࡞ਸವ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ໪ቂ5 Ɇܿ༽‫ਂ؃‬ຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ SC16 ʙ߼ইಅ֡๒ධȃ ๜࣮ዯ቏༽ࠔˈข ໪ቂፖ੘Ⴅ࡞༽ࠔ ə‫آ‬༅ঐٛໍ੻‫ˈݢ‬ ࡞ਸವঐႇߟథ ኷ಅတ፩ȃ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ4ᄆ໢ ขႚ‫כ‬໪ቂू༇࿄ ົ‫ށ‬ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ1ȑ 5 ˄P. SC21˅ ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18˅ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ˄P. SC20˅ ɖኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ ˄P. SC20˅ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ດཇɚ݁த ɑ‫ܐ‬ኙဵ‫ܿڈ‬໢ৱȃ ɑ૑໭ॄˈข‫؜‬ᇋ܏૑ຢ࡜ȃ ࠨዏ࡞ਸವঐ๬థ‫ڵ‬ହȃ ‫ܦ‬໸ˈ኷༇‫߼ވ‬๠ඝྊ࠽ல໢˄P. SC19˅ˈ ሓၓ࡞ਸವᇲ੶߼๠ဵ‫ˈג‬ྈᇵ૰ᇵ܏૑ຢ࡜ȃ ɑ࡞ਸವခ๠໢ঐߙ‫໌ڵ‬ሕȃ 8 ෧ި‫ݢ‬ኑ ʗՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ʘճ‫ݢݯ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂȃ ኷අ቏ᄆొ੘ܿ൶ྕຢถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ ถ‫ڵ‬໢ˈข໪ቂࢉ฽ू༇࿄ȃ ፟Ꮾনׁܿဍཌྷಅ֡ ɖᅤዎඝྊ፯୥ܿಅ֡ 6 7 षֽੌ༩ॄ˄ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀܿ໌ሕ˅ ಅ֡ 4 ถ‫ڵ‬ ୩ษ˄2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑ˅ ə᎙ሃಅ֡๒ධܿ߼፜‫ݞݓ‬ȃ ˄ಅ֡๒ධ้ၓࡴၫᎫྙ˅ ə๜࣮٫‫ڵ‬໢ৱˈಅ֡ঐ༆྄჉ྉȃ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ ੻፜݃‫ܚ‬ၫ‫ޡ‬჉ਠ ू༇࿄ ˄᎙ሃ‫؜‬ᇋഅ໛˅ ಅ֡๒ධ ᎜᎘ն༇ˈቂஉॽ‫ވ‬༮۫ȃ ə‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂᄆܱȂ‫ه‬ᏊȂ଑Ꮚ ˄ঐढ़ພܸ࠱ཧည‫˅ل‬ əข‫؜‬ᇋ‫ۂ‬ಝಅ֡๒ධ‫ؠݒ‬ ˄ᇗ൥Ꭱ‫ވ‬ঐഅ।ಅ֡˅ ɑถ‫ˈॄڵ‬ฬไಅ֡๒ධ೗໸ࠨ቏ಅ ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ๜࣮ౚ቏ܿय़ˈખ໸ዮࡒ኷ಅ֡೗ ˄‫ˈ˅ؠݒ‬ขถ‫ڵ‬ହȃ ૥၃ড୥ཕܿ၃৩ ฬไಅ֡೗໸ࠨ቏ ᇗ൥ ˄ፊਾ෧჉บܿय़ˈ૰೙ঐཿ।ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥˅ SC17 ‫࢙ܿ஀צ‬೙ ඈ྾࡞ ፟Ꮾࣽ቏ᏋেႹ॥ܿ࠽லܿಅ֡Ȑඈ྾࡞ȑ ૰࿚ৠᏋেႹ॥ܿ࠽லȃ ࢎદ࿚ৠܿ࠽லˈᅤዎᏋ‫ވ‬ခ๠˄ᇛੰმ໯Ȑ቏ȑ˅ˈডጚ༇‫ވ‬ခ๠˄ᇛੰმ໯Ȑ቏♪ȑ˅ȃ ɑඈ྾࡞ञज྿݃ᏋেႹ॥ܿ࠽லˈ૰߼፜኷ඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධ፩Ꮛ‫ވ‬࿚ৠȃ ɑ೉ୗञ෠૲உ݃ႇߟᏋ‫ވ‬࿚ৠܿ࠽ல˄P. SC19˅ˈข኷ࠛಘධߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ༇‫߼ވ‬๠ȃ ขᏨጐࢌ‫ݲܿܠج‬ി‫ஂ׋‬ቪ࠽லቂ஢ȃ๩‫؜‬Ꮸ༉ˈ࠽ல૰೙ঐ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ࠀ‫־ˈڵ‬ৠ฽ධ૥ਤˈߙ‫ڵ‬ ልၟডᆏ႖ȃ ૰Ꮛ‫ވ‬ခ๠ܿ‫إ‬ல ࡞ዌܿ࠽லȂ‫؜‬ᇸ๏फ़ܿ࠽ல Ꮛ‫ވ‬ခல˄ቈಅ֡঩ဵ‫˅ڈ‬ Ꮃֻȁ჏ն೷Ⴙ॥ܿ࠽ல߼๠ ༽࣮࡞୥ ඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධȃ ˄‫؜‬٫ࣰ100 g˅ ෧‫ڈ‬5 mmᇵ჉ܿ ᄆଐ ඈ྾࡞ȂႠౖȂ ‫ځ‬൝݃ ߼๠๒ධܿᏓ஢‫؜‬૰ ٫ࣰ100 g ৮࣮୥ ඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධ ܏ླྀၓ5 mmᇵ჉ ܿᄆଐ ˄‫؜‬٫ࣰ100 g˅ ᆿ࣮Ȃज྿݃ ʗ ՙ჉Ȑඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ਉˈ ‫؜‬ᅍᇋ໳჏ष૥ ˄໪Ȑ቏ȑດཇ˅ ᅤዎȐ቏ȑ ီ‫ޒ‬ə ˄‫؜‬٫ࣰ100 g˅ ਖ༽ࠔ‫آ‬໴࡞઄ ᩢᩀə ʘ ૑໭ ˄‫؜‬٫ࣰ100 g˅ টဓȂ഻ࢎȂც٥ə ˄‫؜‬٫ࣰ100 g˅ ˄Ꮛ‫ވ‬ခ๠࠽ல˅ əȐ๕ಅȑኺ໢࿮ፒȃ ɑ቏໢኷ඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධ೗ঐዯ቏ຬ஢ܿ࠽லȃ ɑ‫װ‬ಅ቏຃ྴܿ༽࣮ˈ኷჋োডጚኁኙष૥໢ˈ૰ ೙ঐሓ຃ྴ๏फ़ዮ኷๒ධຢߑႇߟခ߼ȃ บजˈ෧‫ܐ¼ڈ‬ ᄆ‫؃‬ਖ༽ࠔ‫آ‬໴ ࡞઄ ෧‫ڈ‬10 mmଔ‫ޡ‬ ɑ࠽லขඅ൶߼፜ȃ ުব๜ຐ߼፜໢ˈඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධ቏૰೙ႇߟ܏૑ ‫ݯ‬థȃ əኁኙष૥ಅ֡໢ˈข‫؜‬ᇋ࿚ৠ࠽லȃ ˄ቇඝ჋ো݃૰೙ঐዉ‫קڈ‬፣˅ ခ߼࠽ல໢ˈข᎙ሃᇵ჉‫إ‬லʽ ɑ࿚ৠ਺ሱܿ‫إ‬லˈ૰೙ঐ ໪ಅ֡๒ධ݃ܿ࠱ཧည‫ل‬ ֣థȃข᎙ሃ໪ቂȃ əႜ໤֣థܿ࠱ཧည‫؃ˈل‬ ‫؜‬ঐޭเ࿒ዉ‫ڈ‬ሯჳȃ SC18 ·ࢻ႘ ·༽࣮ఴ൥ ·ຢྴᇣܿ৮࣮ ·ࠚྴଐ ·ጟᎂྴ ·‫ྴ׼‬ȁȁȁȁȁȁ݃ ɑ࿚ৠࡐࣽ‫ܫ‬ռ ፣ࠍ੍ਸཧܿ ბ࣮໢ˈಅ֡ ‫؜‬ঐ്ገȃ ·࿝ࣂ ·ඟል࣮ ·ႇॗ࣮ ·ు࣮ ·؅ఝ ·಻ࣂ ȁȁȁȁ݃ ᅤዎ‫࢙ܠج‬೙ॄȍ ኷૑໭෇ˈ੣ ᄵ‫࢙ܿ஀צ‬೙ ܿົ‫ށ‬ʽ ɑ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல໢ ɖ‫؜‬૰Ꮛ‫ވ‬࿚ৠܿ࠽லˈข༇‫߼ވ‬๠ȃ ߙ‫ࠛڵ‬ಘ໌˄ ˅ॄˈ༇‫߼ވ‬๠ ʗ ՙ჉Ȑඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ਉˈ ᅤዎȐ቏ ‫؜‬૰Ꮛ‫ވ‬࿚ৠܿ࠽ல˄ঐࡒᎼ኷๒ධຢˈ೎ᇵခ߼˅ ቏༽ࠔȂ᳉ᄹܿ࠽லȂ๒ᇸ๑फ़ܿ࠽ல એᏌ༽࣮ˈᆶۭ݃෧ླྀܿ༐‫ج‬ ȑ˄໪Ȑ቏ ȑດཇ˅ ಅ֡ ๞ୗȂ෠૲உ݃ ɑმ໯‫إ‬லခ๠ ෇ྈ໔ܿ໢ৱȃ əጾప݃Ⴟᄆܿ‫إ‬ல૰ᇵᇜ૑ ໭ખ߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ ˄Ꮵ޹࿚ৠಅࠒ፱஢ܿ20%Ꮺቑ˅ ɑ‫إ‬ல߼๠ኚ޹ˈಅ്֡ܿገ‫ޡڋ‬ኚُȃ ɑሓ‫إ‬லܿ፯୥‫؜‬࿷ˈঐ቏ႇߟ֦‫ڕ‬ኊହᄳᎫܿ฀ଝȃ ʙ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ ɖ፟Ꮾࣽ቏࠽லܿಅ֡໢ˈ࠽லခ๠ܿ໢ ৱȍ ܏૑ຢ࡜ ɑඈ྾࡞ · ৮࣮๒ධ֦‫܏ڕ‬૑Ꭻྙȃ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ܿ໢ৱঐሓ‫ܠج‬ঽ༃ၫܿ‫ק‬फ़ߑ‫ק‬फ़ȃ ʚ ኷ಅ֡๒ධ፩ ߼๠࠽லˈ ࣋‫ט‬ຢ࡜ 3ࠍ፬೗ ಅ֡๒ධ ʛ ፱ᄧ૑໭ ɑু໪ౚ቏ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑˈ 3ࠍ፬ॄࠛಘධߙ‫໌ڵ‬ሕˈ ‫؃‬Ꮛ‫ވ‬૑໭ȃ Ȅဍཌྷಅ֡ ˖ኙ1ᄆ໢5ࠍ፬ ȋ 1ᄆ໢35ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅ๢໮ಅ֡ ˖ኙ1ᄆ໢55ࠍ፬ ȋ 2ᄆ໢15ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅଓཨಅ֡ ˖ኙ30 ȋ 35ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅ౶߰ಅ֡ ˖ኙ1ᄆ໢5ࠍ፬ ȋ 1ᄆ໢35ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅߟ࣭ಅ֡ ˖ኙ40ࠍ፬ ȋ 1ᄆ໢25ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅภఴಅ֡ ˖ኙ1ᄆ໢35ࠍ፬ ȋ 2ᄆ໢50ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅ؅ఝಅ֡ ˖ኙ35 ȋ 40ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅ౶ࠒಅ֡ ˖ኙ45ࠍ፬ ȋ 1ᄆ໢ॄ Ȅ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ ˖ኙ3ᄆ໢30ࠍ፬ ȋ 3ᄆ໢35ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅಅ֡ಅတ ˖ኙ20 ȋ 35ࠍ፬ॄ Ȅ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ಅတ ˖ኙ3ᄆ໢30ࠍ፬ ȋ 3ᄆ໢35ࠍ፬ॄ SC19 ‫࢙ܿ஀צ‬೙Жඈ྾࡞З ʘ ૑໭ ‫࢙ܿ஀צ‬೙ ૥๾ ኁኙ ᅤዎ‫࢙ܠج‬೙ॄȍ ኷૑໭෇ˈ੣ ᄵ‫࢙ܿ஀צ‬೙ ܿົ‫ށ‬ʽ ɑ࡙‫ק‬૥๾໢ ɑኁኙ໢ ‫ݲ‬ጶᏋেႹ॥ܿ૥๾໢ܿȐ૥๾ȑ࢙೙ ૥๾૰ົ‫ށ‬ၓȐ‫ܨ‬ȑȂȐ‫׭‬ᎳȑȂȐഃȑ๲፯ȃ ʗ ՙ჉Ȑ૥๾ȑਉ ʘ ૑໭ ᅤዎᏋেႹ॥ܿ૥๾ ɑ ૰ᇵົ‫ށ‬Ȑ૥๾ȑܿᅤჵ ˄P. SC10 ȋ SC11˅ ɑ ๩ዓৠ຃ྴܿࠔ஢ˈዏ໪૥๾‫ק‬ແȃਂຬቂ஢૥๾ঐ ‫ޡࡴˈܨק‬ᇓঐ‫݈ק‬ȃ ኷ፑ‫ށ‬໢ৱဵ‫ڈ‬ष૥ܿȐኁኙȑ࢙೙ ၓமߴ‫צ‬ዄຢ೙‫ࡪࡪܸړ‬૥औܿಅ֡ȃ ʗ ฬไ໸ࠨቪ‫෇ܬ‬໢ৱყ࠲ ɑ‫࠲؜‬ठ໢ˈ‫ݲ‬ጶፚ‫෇ܬ‬໢ৱ˄P. SC7˅ ʘ ՙ჉Ȑኁኙȑਉ ʙ ‫ݲ‬ፚष૥ဵ‫ܿڈ‬ኁ‫ށ‬໢ৱ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙۨਉ˅ ʗົ‫ށ‬Ȑඈ྾࡞ȑȂ Ȑ૥๾ȑ࢙೙ ʘົ‫ށ‬Ȑኁኙȑ࢙೙ Ȟ૰ኁኙܿ໢ৱ‫׭‬Ꮃȟ ˆ૰ᇵ۰ო኷໢ৱ૑໭ኁኙፚ ဍཌྷಅ֡ ˖4ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ๢໮ಅ֡ ˖4ᄆ໢30ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ౶߰ಅ֡ ˖4ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ˖5ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ภఴಅ֡ ˖5ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ౶ࠒಅ֡ ˖2ᄆ໢40ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ࿙ะਸವಅ֡˖7ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 10ᄆ໢ॄ ə٫‫ڵ‬ຢ༧ኁኙ໢ৱዏ૰೙ঐࡄ।ড໪ಅ֡൰፣‫ק‬ ُˈሓۨႇߟኁኙȃ əፔ೙ኁኙຢ༧‫ܠج‬ȃ˄P. SC10 ȋ SC11˅ ə੡მ໯૰ኁኙܿ໢ৱȃ ˄૰ኁኙܿ໢ৱ‫د‬ጐቑ‫ف‬ྈ༧˅ ʚ ૑໭˄ኁኙဵ‫˅ڈ‬ SC20 ɑ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑञȐ૥๾ȑ࢙೙໢ Ȟ૰ኁኙ໢ৱ໯ஂȟ ‫˖ܠج‬ဍཌྷಅ֡ ო኷໢ৱ˖းຢ8‫ݞ‬30ࠍ˄ᇛੰმ໯Ȑ20:30ȑ˅ ૰ኁኙ໢ৱ˖ோ‫پ‬0‫ݞ‬40ࠍ ȋ 9‫ݞ‬30ࠍ ˄Ȑ0:40ȑȋȐ9:30ȑ˅ əፔ೙኷ຢ༧໢ৱާົ፜ȃ ๢໮ಅ֡ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ4ᄆ໢20ࠍ 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ ๢໮ಅ֡ ॵቌ 15 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༽ə 190 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ 1 ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ໪ቂ5 Ɇܿ༽‫ਂ؃‬ຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ɑ໪ቂኁኙ࢙೙໢ˈ۰ᄶಅ૑໭ȃሓۨ૑໭ ໢ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥‫؜‬ঐஅুᎡ‫ވ‬ȃ 2 3 ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18˅ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ˄P. SC20˅ ɖኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ ˄P. SC20˅ ๢໮ಅ֡ 250 g ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ2ȑ ಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ / ኁኙЗ ‫إ‬ல ‫࢙ܿ஀צ‬೙Ж૥๾ 2 3 ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ SC21 ଓཨಅ֡ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ2ᄆ໢ 2 3 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ ‫إ‬ல ଓཨಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 280 g ॵቌ 10 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ໤ᆑ ୩༽˄5 ࡞ਸವ 1 Ɇ˅ə ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18˅ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ˄P. SC20˅ 210 g˄mL˅ 4.2 g˄ᄆ1½˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ 2 3 SC22 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ3ȑ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ ౶߰ಅ֡ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ4ᄆ໢ 2 3 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ଓཨಅ֡ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ ‫إ‬ல ౶߰ಅ֡ 230 g ୩౶߰˄ռ౶˅ 100 ȋ 150 g ॵቌ 10 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༽ə 160 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.1 g˄ᄆ¾˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ໪ቂ5 Ɇܿ༽‫ਂ؃‬ຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ɑ२૰ቂ‫ػ‬౶ড‫ع‬ऽॗ߰‫ܗ‬࿓ռ౶໪ቂȃ ɑቈ቙౶߰஢ܿ‫؜‬࿷ˈࡴ‫ޡ‬ঽଁࡥᇓঐ቏ྈ ‫؜‬࿷ȃ ɑ౶߰ܿ஢ኚ޹ˈष૥‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡ኚ๖๢ȃ ˄౶߰ᇵိܿ࠽ல๜ຢྈ໯˅ ɑ૰ᇵ໪ቂኁኙ࢙೙ˈ‫ܦ‬ข႙໪ቂᎌ༝ॄ ˄ড੍‫˅ॄތ‬٫ࣰ1࿙ܿ౶߰ȃ ɑ༃ၫ٫ࣰ30 Ɇ໢ˈขਖಅࠒ߼ܸ‫׼‬ძ೗୩ ษȃ ɑ቏໢ृ߰ஆঐ֦‫ڕ‬ኊᎫȃ 2 3 ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18˅ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ˄P. SC20˅ ɖኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ ˄P. SC20˅ ౶߰ಅ֡ ໤ᆑ 1 ಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ4ȑ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ ɑ౶߰ಅ֡ࣽ቏਺޹༽ࠔˈ๒ᇸ‫ק‬፣ˈሓۨข੪ଓ໤ቂȃ ˄჋ো˖‫ܬ‬࿙ˈ‫ޅ‬ো˖ߗ࿙೗˅ SC23 ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ5ᄆ໢ 2 3 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ყ‫׋‬ඝྊ‫ܠج‬ष૥‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡ˈߟ࣭ಅ֡቏໢਺೎ถ‫ڵ‬ȃขՙጐᇵ჉‫؞‬ᎁ3ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ȃ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධਖ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ ‫إ‬ல ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 225 g ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 25 g ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ୩༽˄5 ࡞ਸವ Ɇ˅ə 1 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ5ȑ 190 g˄mL˅ 1.4 g˄ᄆ½˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ɑ༃ၫ٫ࣰ30 Ɇ໢Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡൰፣਺ُȃ 2 3 ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18˅ ɖኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ ˄P. SC20˅ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ ɖถ‫࣭ߟڵ‬ಅ֡ȍ ኷჉ಅඅຢొ੘݃ˈቂஉჹ჉༵ˈ ༵ܿ࿷໢ሥቂ༇‫ݑ‬᎘ྕᏊȃ ˄‫د‬ጐቑဇ˅ ɑขฬไಅ֡ቂᇗ൥໸ࠨ᳉኷ಅ֡‫ݒ‬ ‫ؠ‬ȃ SC24 ภఴಅ֡ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ5ᄆ໢ 2 3 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ ‫إ‬ல ภఴಅ֡˄ภఴࠒ 50%˅ 125 g ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 125 g ॵቌ 10 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ə2 210 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ə1 ‫؜‬೙໪ቂ‫ݞ‬ᄩ᎟ቂ˄݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ˅ডᄆఴᇵ ိܿภఴಅࠒȃ ə2 ༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ 2 ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18˅ ɖኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ ˄P. SC20˅ ภఴಅ֡ ໤ᆑ 1 ಅ֡ ภఴࠒ˄ಅ֡᎟ቂ˅ə1 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ6ȑ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ɑ༃ၫ٫ࣰ30 Ɇ໢Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡൰፣਺ُȃ əภఴࠒ፯୥‫؜‬࿷ˈಅ֡ܿ൰፣ቪ്ገ‫ޡڋ‬ ᇓ቏ྈُ‫׳‬ȃ 3 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ SC25 ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ3ᄆ໢ 2,4 5 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵঽॄ߼ॵቌᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ 1 ‫إ‬ல ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 230 g ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 50 g ॵቌ 15 g ຃ྴ 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 25 g ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ 170 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ॄ߼ॵቌ 110 g 2 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ7ȑ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ˄ထਃ໪ቂႇᆑॵቌ˅ ɑ༃ၫ٫ࣰ30 Ɇ໢Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡൰፣਺ُȃ ɖ኷෇ᇜ࿙Ꮃֻऔॄ߼ॵቌʽ ʗਖॵቌ˄ॄ߼ቂ˅෧‫ڈ‬1 cmܿଐᎫȃ ʘਖॵቌଐቂ֦ბಡ֡ඩହড߼๠౻‫ט‬๒ධ ፩ˈ‫ן‬ಁॵቌ᳉኷ᇜඩȃ ə୩‫ތ‬ፚຬ቙ᇜး˄10ᄆ໢˅ܿ໢ৱ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3ႜՙமȐถᄂȑਉ໢ ኷10ࠍ፬೗ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑু૰অࡉȃ ˄੡ქ1۫ȃՙඝྊਉႇᄌ˅ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3੶ࣰ10ࠍ፬ॄ ু໪ౚ቏߼๠ॵቌˈᇓঐߙ‫ࠛڵ‬ಘ໌ˈ ‫؃‬Ꮛ‫ވ‬፱ᄧත‫ވ‬ȃ ፇॄু໪኶߼๠ॵቌᇓ‫؜‬ঐਬ֍ˈข႙ ߼๠ȃ ˄! ˅ ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல໢࿷໢߼๠ॄ߼ॵቌȃ 3 4 5 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ܏૑࡜Ꮚˈ ّ૑֦ბಡ߼๠෧औܿॄ߼ॵቌ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙȐถᄂȑਉ ࡜ຢ࡜Ꮚ ኶۫૑໭ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ əถ‫ڵ‬ቂஉࣰ౬໢ঐൿ।ಅ֡ᄳᎫȃ SC26 10ࠍ፬೗ ؅ఝಅ֡ 2,4 5 1 ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ Ꮃֻ ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ፟Ꮾฑඟಅတˈ‫߼؃‬๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫ع‬ȃ˄P. SC28 ʗ ȋ ʜ˅ ʗ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʙ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʚਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ ‫إ‬ல 150 g ॵቌ 15 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 2.5 g˄ᄆ½˅ ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ 100 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.1 g˄ᄆ¾˅ ฑඟಅတ˄؅ఝಅ֡ಅ൝˅ ॵቌ 60 g ຃ྴ 30 g˄‫ܐ‬2½˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 25 g ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 110 g സ܏ࠒ 5g ც‫ؾ‬ੴ ຬ஢ ۳຃ྴ ᄆ2 ȋ ᄆ3 1 2 ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ؅ఝಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ಅ֡ ؅ఝಅ֡ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑ ˄P. SC18˅ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ໔቟10ࠍ፬໢ˈᚍ൶ฑ ඟಅတ ˄P. SC28 ʝ ȋ ʞ˅ ɑขႚ‫כ‬Ꮸ༉ຢ༧ࠔ஢ࣙ‫ށ‬ȃ ȁ๩ࠔ஢ࣰ޹ˈঐܷ፛ಅတ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ለ ‫ˈڵ‬૥ਤ౏ᆏড๵ߙਤၟȃ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3ႜՙமȐถᄂȑਉ໢ ȁ኷10ࠍ፬೗ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑু૰অࡉȃ ˄੡ქ1۫ȃՙඝྊਉႇᄌ˅ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3੶ࣰ15ࠍ፬ॄˈু໪२ၝ‫غ‬Ꮾဵˈ ᇓঐߙ‫ࠛڵ‬ಘ໌ˈ‫؃‬፱ᄧ૑໭ȃ ɖ኷੣ᄵ‫؞‬ᎁ3໢˄15ࠍ፬˅࿚ৠᏋেႹ॥ܿ ࠽லˈዏ૰ᇵ፟Ꮾ‫޹ڵ‬፯ࠞၟܿಅ֡ȃ P. SC34 SC27 ؅ఝಅ֡˄ᅝ˅ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ2ᄆ໢15ࠍ ฑඟಅတܿ፟Ꮾߴߟ ፟Ꮾಅတ ʗਖ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒቪസ܏ࠒছ኷ᇜඩ຋ȃ ʘቂ಻ٚ݃ࢗનਖঅࡉই༃ၫߑ๢फ़ܿॵቌਬ ֍‫ڈ‬ೝᎫȃ ʙࠍ۫߼๠ຬ஢຃ྴ˄ࠍ 2 ȋ 3۫˅ˈᇜፊਬ֍ܸ ॵቌ߱ռ෩ࣕज़ȃ 3 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ܏૑ຢ࡜ ߼๠ฑඟಅတ ʚࠍ3 ȋ 4۫ᇜ‫ݞݞ‬ৠ๠‫ܫ‬ᇛॄ‫ࠍڣ‬ਬ֍ȃ Ꮵॄ࿚ৠც‫ؾ‬ੴȃ ə‫ܫ‬ᇛኁௗᄆ½ȃ 15ࠍ፬೗ ʗਖಅ֡ಅတ߼፜኷ಅ֡๒ධ፩ᆮ ʘਖည቏঳‫ܫ‬ᇛܿฑඟಅတܿᇜಅ‫ٮ‬჉ˈ߼኷ ಅ֡ಅတຢಅ ʙ෸෸ՙಅတ፵ၐ˄‫؜‬ᇋ྘ቂஉՙ჉บ˅ ʚ۰ຢಅ๫ຢ۳຃ྴ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙ Ȑถᄂȑ ਉ ʙ ʛਖʗܿ‫إ‬ல߼๠ˈਬ֍ፚ ૂእ‫ڈ‬တȃ ʛ ʜಅတ‫ڈ‬ᄳॄˈਖಅတ๕‫ڈ‬ ࣕज़ܿ኏ധˈ֡ຢ֦ბಡ ߼๠‫׼‬ძᄶಅ20ࠍ፬ᇵ ຢȃ ʜ ᚍಅ ʝቂᚍಅጃᚍ‫ڈ‬ፊ੿ 14 ȋ 15 cmܿ኏ᄳȃ əቂ֦ბಡਖಅတ֡኷፩ ৱˈ‫צ‬቙ᚍ൶ȃ 4 5 SC28 ʙ ʝ ࣋‫ט‬ຢ࡜ ኶۫૑໭ ʞਖ໔቟ܿᄆ½঳‫ܫ‬ᇛည኷ಅတܿ‫װ‬ಅȃ ፟Ꮾ؅ఝಅ֡ܿી෦ʽ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ əถ‫ڵ‬ቂஉࣰ౬໢ঐൿ।ಅ֡ᄳᎫȃ ɑᇓ૰ᇵ኷ฑඟಅတܿ‫װ‬ಅᏭ ‫ࢆڵ‬Ꮚဇ՝ȃ ቂᎊව݃ࢗન෸෸૳‫ڵ‬ແ‫ޡ‬ ‫؜‬٫ࣰ1 mmܿဇ՝ȃ ૳ܾ྘ແܿय़ˈዏฑඟಅ တঐழ૑ज़థ჉ହȃ ɑᇋᏭ‫ڵ‬औܿฑඟಅတˈሱ‫ޡ‬ Ꮵऔ૿፟኷๖๢‫؃‬෩೙ࢮု ฑܿ‫ޡڋ‬ȃ ˄! ˅ ౶ࠒಅ֡ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ2ᄆ໢30ࠍ 2 3 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ؅ఝಅ֡ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅౶ࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ ‫إ‬ல ౶ࠒಅ֡ 50 g ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 200 g ॵቌ 20 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༽ə 190 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 4.2 g˄ᄆ1½˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈข໪ቂኙ5 Ɇܿ୩༽ȃ ɑ༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ໪ቂኁኙ࢙೙Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ ֡൰፣‫؜‬औȃ˄P. SC65˅ ɑ༃ၫ٫ࣰ30 Ɇ໢ˈขਖ౶ࠒ݃‫إ‬ல߼ܸ‫׼‬ ძ೗୩‫ع‬ȃ 2 3 ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄P. SC18˅ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ˄P. SC20˅ ɖኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ ˄P. SC20˅ ౶ࠒಅ֡ ໤ᆑ 1 ಅ֡ ౶ࠒ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ9ȑ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ SC29 ፟Ꮾ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ ፟Ꮾໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ߼๠‫إ‬ல ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ ə۰፺૾૰ᇵဵภ ૛ܸ՗Ꭷ፺ ฻Ꮌ๒ධܿ፵‫ע‬࿚ৠ༽ 1 ቂಅ֡঩፟Ꮾ ໍ፯࿙ะ ਸವ ˄P. SC38˅ ɑ፟Ꮾໍ፯࿙ะਸ ವᅍᇋ24ᄆ໢ȃ 2 ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ ՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ ಅ֡๒ධ 3 ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ ߼๠ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ʗਖಅ֡๒ධ ၄ਊဂߴჹ Ꭱ‫ވ‬ȃ ʘჹຢถ‫ڵ‬ȃ ʗ ʘ ߼๠Ꮽऔܿໍ፯࿙ ะਸವȃ əໍ፯࿙ะਸವਬ֍ ॄ኶‫څ‬஢ȃ ʙਖಅ֡ቂᇗ ൥๰๠՗Ꭷȃ 4 ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ ߼๠ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ञ༽݃ ʙ ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ ʗ߼๠ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ݃ ‫إ‬ல໢ˈ໪፩ৱ ‫ࡴࠍؠ‬቙፵‫ע‬ȃ ՗Ꭷ፺ ə᎙ሃ፵‫؜ע‬ᇋ᳉ ቏ಅတ݃ ʘ฻Ꮌ๒ධܿ፵‫ע‬ ࿚ৠ༽ȃ ə෸෸൑ᇜ჉ˈ෇‫ޤ‬ঐ ቏3 cmᏪቑᇧ‫ވ‬ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධ߼ই ಅ֡঩ȃ ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 300 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༽ə 190 g˄mL˅ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ 25 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ʚ၄ਊဂܿߴჹᎡ ‫ށࢿވ‬ȃ ʚ ʙ ʛ࣋‫ט‬ຢ࡜ȃ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈข໪ቂኙ5 Ɇܿ୩༽ȃ ɑ༃ၫ٫ࣰ30 Ɇ໢Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ಅ֡൰፣਺ُȃ SC30 əಅ֡๒ධܿն༇፩ဉঐ૏᎘ȃ ˄ၓம‫צ‬቙ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධ˅ႇᅍ߼ፚᏥ‫ݒ‬჉ȃ ขႚ‫כ‬໪ቂू༇࿄ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ7ᄆ໢ ົ‫ށ‬ 8 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ10ȑ ˄P. SC18˅ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ˄P. SC20˅ ɖኁኙဵ‫ڈ‬໢ৱ ˄P. SC20˅ 9 ୩ษ˄2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑ˅ ə᎙ሃಅ֡๒ධܿ߼፜‫ݞݓ‬ȃ ˄ಅ֡๒ධ้ၓࡴၫᎫྙ˅ ə๜‫؜‬ᅻཨถ‫ˈڵ‬ಅ֡ঐ༆྄ߑ۰፩ৱᆿ጖ȃ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ ੻፜݃‫ܚ‬ၫ‫ޡ‬჉ਠ ፟Ꮾ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ਖಅ֡๒ධถ‫ˈڵ‬ ߼኷අ቏ಥ‫ྕܿ؝‬ຢˈ ू༇࿄ ˄᎙ሃ‫؜‬ᇋഅ໛˅ ಅ֡๒ධ 6 षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ૑໭ ᎜᎘ն༇ˈቂஉॽ‫ވ‬༮۫ȃ ə‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂᄆܱȂ‫ه‬ᏊȂ଑Ꮚ ˄ঐພܸࣷ࠱ཧည‫˅ل‬ əข‫؜‬ᇋ‫ۂ‬ಝಅ֡๒ධ‫ؠݒ‬ ˄ᇗ൥Ꭱ‫ވ‬ঐഅ।ಅ֡˅ ດཇɚ݁த 7 ɑ‫ܐ‬ኙဵ‫ܿڈ‬໢ৱȃ षֽੌ༩ॄ˄ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀܿ໌ሕ˅ ෧ި‫ݢ‬ኑ ʗՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ʘճ‫ݢݯ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂȃ ಅ֡ 5 ถ‫ڵ‬ ɑถ‫ˈॄڵ‬ฬไಅ֡๒ධ೗໸ࠨ቏ಅ֡ቂ ᇗ൥ȃ๜࣮ౚ቏ܿय़ˈખ໸᳉ࡒ኷ಅ֡ ೗˄‫ˈ˅ؠݒ‬ขถ‫ڵ‬ହȃ ૥၃ড୥ཕܿ၃৩ ฬไಅ֡೗໸ࠨ቏ ᇗ൥ ˄ፊਾ෧჉บܿय़ˈ ૰೙ঐཿພಅ֡ቂᇗ൥˅ SC31 ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ࣽऽਢȂᩢᩀ ሃ‫ࠞ஀ܐ‬ၟಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ5ȑ ߟ໮ხ‫܂‬ಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ5ȑ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 225 g ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 200 g ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 25 g ภఴࠒ 50 g ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ໤ᆑ ᩢᩀቌ 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ୩༽˄5 ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ə 170 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ ࡞ਸವ 1.4 g˄ᄆ½˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ Ɇ˅ə 190 g˄mL˅ 1.4 g˄ᄆ½˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ࢎદࢋเႹऔˈᇓ૰߼๠෧‫ڈ‬5 mmᄆଐܿऽଶਢ˄ডߣ෨ ࡞˅20 gঽᩢᩀ20 g˄ড࡞ట୚ࠒᄆ1˅ ˆ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ȃ˄P. SC18˅ ᄆቢ࡞ࣴ‫ܕ‬౶ࠒಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ9ȑ ᩬც౶ࠒಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ9ȑ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 200 g ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 200 g ౶ࠒ 50 g ౶ࠒ 50 g ॵቌ 20 g ˆᩬᏊ࣮ਟ 20 g ˆᄆቢ࡞˄࡞‫˅ٳ‬ 20 g ॵቌ 20 g ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༽ə 200 g˄mL˅ ༽ə 170 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 4.2 g˄ᄆ1½˅ ࡞ਸವ 4.2 g˄ᄆ1½˅ ˆࣴ‫ॄߙ༽˄࡞ܕ‬೼࡞˅ 4 g˄࡞ዌ፱஢˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈข໪ቂኙ5 Ɇܿ୩༽ȃ ˆ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ȃ ˄P. SC18˅ SC32 ༇‫߼ވ‬๠˄P. SC19˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈข໪ቂኙ5 Ɇܿ୩༽ȃ ˆᏥ૑໭ু߼๠ಅ֡๒ධȃ ᩢᩀಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ1ȑডȐ2ȑ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ॵቌ ຃ྴ ೉ࠒ ໤ᆑ ࡞ც‫ؾ‬ ༽ə ࡞ਸವ ˆ෷ᩢᩀ ૎ᛱ߰ಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ4ȑ 250 g 10 g˄๢໮ಅ֡ၓ15 g˅ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ຬᅒ 180 g˄mL˅ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ 20 g ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ໪ቂ5 Ɇܿ༽‫ਂ؃‬ຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ˆ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ȃ ˄P. SC18˅ ଢॗᏈࠛ౺ಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ1ȑডȐ2ȑ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ໪ቂ5 Ɇܿ༽‫ਂ؃‬ຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ˆ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ȃ ˄P. SC18˅ ࣮ፆಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ3ȑ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ॵቌ ຃ྴ ೉ࠒ ໤ᆑ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 100%ߣ෨࣮ፆ˄߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫˅ع‬ə ࡞ਸವ ˆ໣੠༐‫ج‬ ˄༽ᎌॄஇ࡞༽ࠍˈ୩ษፚ༃ၫ˅ 250 g 25 g 8 g˄ᄆ2˅ 12 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ 3.8 g˄ᄆ¾˅ 50 g 120 g˄mL˅ 4.2 g˄ᄆ1½˅ 70 g ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ˆ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ȃ ˄P. SC18˅ ऽ‫߰ޒ‬ಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ4ȑ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ऽ‫߼˄߰ޒ‬ஜ˅ ඩཥቌ ຃ྴ ໤ᆑ फጾప ༽ə ࡞ਸವ 230 g 100 g 10 g 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ 5g 160 g˄mL˅ 2.1 g˄ᄆ¾˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ˆ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ȃ ˄P. SC18˅ ࣴ‫ܕ‬ಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ4ȑ ૥๾Ȑ‫ܨ‬ȑ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ߼ஜܿ౶߰˄ռ౶˅ ඩཥቌ ຃ྴ ໤ᆑ ռጾప ༽ə ࡞ਸವ ˆࣴ‫ܕ‬ 230 g 100 g 10 g 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ 5g 160 g˄mL˅ 2.1 g˄ᄆ¾˅ 10 g ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ 250 g 15 g 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ 21 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 180 g˄mL˅ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ 20 g 210 g 100 g 20 g 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ 5g 30 g 3 g˄ᄆ½˅ 110 g˄mL˅ 2.1 g˄ᄆ¾˅ 20 g 20 g 20 g ಅ֡ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ॵቌ ຃ྴ ೉ࠒ ໤ᆑ ࠛ౺ ༽ə ࡞ਸವ ˆଢॗᏈ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ߼ஜܿ౶߰˄ռ౶˅ ॵቌ ຃ྴ ೉ࠒ ໤ᆑ ૎ᛱࠒ ੴ፟࡞ୗ˄෧‫ڈ‬ᄆଐ˅ फोਢࠒ ༽ə ࡞ਸವ ˆమை༞˄෧‫ڈ‬ᄆଐˈ༽ᎌ‫؜ܦ‬ᎌୈ˅ ˆोఝ‫˄ؘ‬෧‫ڈ‬ᄆଐˈ༽ᎌ‫؜ܦ‬ᎌୈ˅ ˆ഻ࢎ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈ༽஢ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ȃ ˆ໪ቂȐඈ྾࡞ȑ࢙೙ȃ ˄P. SC18˅ ‫ࣂݓ‬ጾప‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ7ȑ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ ॵቌ ຃ྴ ೉ࠒ ໤ᆑ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ ࡞ਸವ ॄ߼ॵቌ ˆ‫˄ࣂݓ‬෧‫ڈ‬1 cmܿᄆଐ˅ ˆफጾప 230 g 50 g 15 g 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ 25 g 160 g˄mL˅ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ 110 g 50 g 10 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ˆ኷࿚ৠȐॄ߼ॵቌȑ໢ৠ๠ȃ ˄P. SC26˅ SC33 ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ๗ࣣશ ɑ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ ʗਖA߼๠ᇲ՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ܿಅ֡๒ධ೗ˈ኶ਖಅ֡๒ධ߼ ๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ ȃ ʘ኷ਸವ๒ධ೗߼๠࡞ਸವˈᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑˈ‫؃‬ՙ჉ ‫غ‬Ꮾᇋ኷15ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ဵ‫ڈ‬ʽ ɑ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ ‫إ‬ல A ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 200 g ॵቌ 15 g ຃ྴ 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 3.8 g˄ᄆ¾˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 25 g ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ 110 g˄mL˅ 3.5 g˄ᄆ1¼˅ ࡞ਸವ ࠽ல ࡞࣮˄୏಴એᬶᏌ˅ 100 g ೾೉ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ๗ࣣྴ ໻஢ ʙߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ܏૑ຢ࡜ˈ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတˈ ّ჉ᇗ൥ȃ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙȐถᄂȑਉ ɑ ᚍಅ ʚᚍ‫˄ڈ‬ଔ˅15 cmȡ˄٣˅25 cmܿಅ‫؀‬ȃ ɑ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ʛ۰૦੧ເ࿒ܿᇜߴ૑໭ˈਖ¾ܿಅ‫؀‬ ညຢ೾೉ˈ๫ຢ๗ࣣ຃ྴञ࡞࣮ȃ ʜ۰૦੧ເ࿒ܿᇜߴጝ‫ע‬૑໭ਖಅ‫؀‬ શඩହȃ ʝ෧‫ܿ݃ૂڈ‬4݃ࠍˈ߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ ྴ༹‫إ‬ல B ྴࠒ 25 g ༽ 2.5 g˄ᄆ½˅ ɑ ष૥˄኶۫ՙ჉ ਉ˅ ɑ Ꮽྴ༹ ʞਖB߼๠ਜ਼༥ံ୴ˈቂ60 Ɇܿ฽༽ࢉ༽ৠ฽࿷໢ਬ֍፟Ꮾ‫ڈ‬ ྴ༹ȃ ಅတ྘᳉ˈ೎ᇵᚍ൶ȍȍ ኷༇ຢডᚍಅጃຢዯᄎ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒˈዏঐ‫׋ܾק‬ ਺๒ᇸȃ ɑ Ꮵॄৠࢗ ʟष૥ੌ༩ॄˈ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ถ‫ڵ‬ହˈਖྴ༹ਨຢบȃ ቂ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑ፟Ꮾࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡໢ ಅ֡ಅတञ࠽லܿᏓ፱஢Ꮵ޹‫؜‬೙٫ࣰ600 gʽ ə࠽ல྘޹ዏঐ‫ڵ‬ოಅ֡‫്؜‬ገডष૥‫؜‬Ꮪ݃฀ଝȃ ‫ן‬ಁ໪ቂ༽ࠔ޹ܿ࠽லʽ ˄૰໳჏ਖ༽ࠔ޹ܿ࠽ல༽ᎌஇ࡞ˈ୩ษፚ٢ၫ˅ əঐሯჳಅ֡ಅတܿߙਸȃ ࠽லᇋ໳჏Ꮃֻऔʽ ə‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ৱ15ࠍ፬ȃ SC34 ಥ‫ى‬फ‫ޒ‬ಅ֡શ ɑ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ ʗਖA߼๠ᇲ՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ܿಅ֡๒ධ೗ˈ኶ਖಅ֡๒ධ߼ ๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ ȃ ʘ኷ਸವ๒ධ೗߼๠࡞ਸವˈᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑˈ‫؃‬ՙ჉ ɑ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ ʙߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ܏૑ຢ࡜ˈ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတˈ ّ჉ᇗ൥ȃ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙȐถᄂȑਉ ‫إ‬ல ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ A 200 g 15 g 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 3.8 g˄ᄆ¾˅ ಥ‫ى‬ 2 g˄ᄆ1˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 25 g ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ 110 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 3.5 g˄ᄆ1¼˅ ࠽ல ౺फ‫ޒ‬ 120 g ɑ ᚍಅ ʚਖಅတᚍ‫ڈ‬Ⴟ٣ܿಅ‫ˈ؀‬ଔ‫ޡ‬కᄆ቙ಅ֡๒ධଔ‫ޡ‬ȃ ɑ ߼ຢ࠽லˈ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ɑ ʛਖᇲ‫ࠍڣ־‬இ࡞ܿफ‫ૂޒ‬እ‫ݓ‬๫ຢบȃ ʜ۰૦੧ເ࿒ܿᇜߴ૑໭ਖಅ‫؀‬શඩହȃ ʝ߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ २૰ቂ૰૰ࠒ ष૥ ‫ܗ‬࿓ಥ‫ى‬ȃ ๜࣮኷ಅတ୴኶ৠ๠ ˄኶۫ՙ჉ ਉ˅ ෠૲உ൥Ȃᄸ฿൥ˈખ‫ڈ‬ம ࣳᏊ౦߾٢Ⴙ॥ܿ෠૲ உᄸ฿ಅ֡શȃ ಅ֡ ॵቌ ຃ྴ ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ სலಅ֡ ɑ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ ʗਖA߼๠ᇲ՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ܿಅ֡๒ධ೗ˈ኶ਖಅ֡๒ධ߼ ๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ ȃ ʘ኷ਸವ๒ධ೗߼๠࡞ਸವˈᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ8ȑˈ‫؃‬ՙ჉ ɑ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ ‫إ‬ல A ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 200 g ॵቌ 35 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 3.8 g˄ᄆ¾˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 25 g ୩༽˄5 Ɇ˅ 100 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 3.5 g˄ᄆ1¼˅ სல 12ࢋ˄15 g/ࢋ˅ ʙߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ܏૑ຢ࡜ˈ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတˈ ّ჉ᇗ൥ȃ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙȐถᄂȑਉ ᅤዎᏋেႹ॥ܿ࠽ல ɑ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ʚਖಅတࠍ‫ܿ݃ૂڈ‬ 12ࠔȃ ɑ ਖ࠽ல֡ඩହ ˄ᆒ੦‫ܕ‬቏༽ࠔܿ‫إ‬லʽ˅ ૎ᛱ˄գᎌ༆ፆ˅Ȃ๗ဳȂమை༞ ຆଲȂც٥Ȃਜ਼ැቢ˄บ‫˅ࠔ༽ݯ‬ Ȃ ೉ୗ˄෧‫ڈ‬ଐᎫ˅݃ ʛਖ࠽ல߼๠ᇜࢋࢋ෧૑ܿ ಅတ፩֡औȃ ʜ߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ ɑ ष૥ ˄኶۫ՙ჉ ਉ˅ SC35 ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ/ൖ๭ಅတ ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတॄˈ ૰ᇵ፟Ꮾ೾ਲಅ֡ ˄P. SC40˅Ȃሱಅ ֡ป˄P. SC41˅݃ ࢌ፯ಅ֡ȃ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ ಅ֡ಅတ ኙ1ᄆ໢ ൖ๭ಅတ ኙ45ࠍ፬ 2 3 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠˄‫࡞ڼ‬ਸವᇵိ˅ಅࠒञ༽݃ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ‫؃‬ਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධȃ Ꮃֻ ‫إ‬ல ಅ֡ಅတ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 280 g ॵቌ 50 g ຃ྴ 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ೉ࠒ 12 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 25 g ༽ə 160 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈข໪ቂኙ5 Ɇܿ୩༽ȃ ൖ๭ಅတ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 280 g ॵቌ 15 g ຃ྴ 8 g˄ᄆ2˅ ೉ࠒ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༽ə 190 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈข໪ቂኙ5 Ɇܿ୩༽ȃ SC36 1 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ11ȑ Ȑ14ȑ ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ˄੡ქಅ֡ಅတ˅ 2 3 ˄P. SC18˅ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ૑໭ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ அুถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ əખጝᆼ߼Ꮌˈุಅတ੣ᇜ‫ߙ؞‬ਸȃ ə࡙‫ק‬ಅတ‫إ‬லܿി‫ˈ׋‬૰೙ঐዉ‫ߙڈ‬ਸཨ‫ాקޡ‬ȃ ˄P. SC62˅ ፟Ꮾ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ಅတ ፟Ꮾಅတॄˈ૰ᇵ፟ Ꮾࢌ፯࿙ะਸವಅ֡ȃ ˄P. SC39˅ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ4ᄆ໢ 2 3 1 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ʗ፟Ꮾໍ፯࿙ะਸವȃ˄P. SC38˅ ˄P. SC16˅ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʙ჏߼ໍ፯࿙ะਸವˈ኶߼๠ಅࠒञ༽݃‫إ‬லȃ ʚਖಅ֡๒ධ՗Ꭷ๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ Ꮃֻ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ12ȑ / ൖ๭ಅတ 1 ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ ‫إ‬ல ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ਬ֍ॄ኶ ‫څ‬፱ʽ ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ಅတ 300 g ॵቌ 10 g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ໤ᆑ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༽ə 170 g˄mL˅ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ 25 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ə༃ၫ٫ࣰ25 Ɇ໢ˈข໪ቂኙ5 Ɇܿ୩༽ȃ ( ˄P. SC18˅ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ) ਖถ‫ܿڵ‬ಅတ߼๠ਜ਼༥ံ೗ˈࡇຢ֦ბಡˈ ߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫ع‬30 ȋ 60ࠍ፬ȃ ๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ˄ਖࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ๫኷๕ಅ֊ȂᚍಅጃȂಅတຢ˅ ȁɑ᳉༇໢ˈ޹๫৅۫ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒȃ 3 ፟Ꮾ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ಅတ ɖಅ֡ಅတߙ᳉໢ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವᏭܿಅတ‫࡞׋‬ਸವᏭܿ ಅတ࢑๒ᇸ᳉༇ 2 ɖ࿚ৠඈ྾࡞݃࠽ல ಅတ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ அুถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ SC37 ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ24ᄆ໢ ፟Ꮾቂ቙࿙ะਸವಅ֡ܿໍ፯ ࿙ะਸವȃ 2 ࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ ධ ˄ ᎟౤ቂ቙ਸವૃܿ ഻ᆻˈข֦‫ڕ‬෼ੋ 3 ˅ 1 Ꮃֻ ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ʗ኷࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධ೗࿚ৠ༽ȃ ʘ߼๠Ȑᄬᇑȑ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅ॄ‫ࠍڣ‬ਬ֍ȃ ʙ࡜ຢ࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධܿ࡜Ꮚȃ ʚਖ࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධ߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ˄‫؜‬՗Ꭷᇗ൥˅ ʛਖಅ֡๒ධ՗Ꭷ๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ 1 1 ፵೗ቂဵʽ ‫إ‬ல ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ13ȑ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ɑषֽಅ֡˄ኙ4 ȋ 5۫ܿቂ஢˅ ᄬᇑ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅ 50 g˄‫ܐ‬5˅ ༽˄ኙ30 Ɇ˅ 100 g˄mL˅ ɑषֽಅ֡˄ኙ3۫ܿቂ஢˅ ᄬᇑ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅ 30 g˄‫ܐ‬3˅ ༽˄ኙ30 Ɇ˅ 60 g˄mL˅ ɑ༽ၫ྘ࡴড྘݈໢ˈ‫ޕ‬૰೙ႇߟभऔ‫ݓ‬഻ᆻ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವȃ ɖໍ፯࿙ะਸವ໸ໍბ໤൰ʽ ‫כ‬ᅐ߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫ˈ܃֦ع‬ ‫؜‬૰୩‫ތ‬ ‫؃‬኷1፵೗ቂဵʽ ȡ ኷୩‫ތ‬ড٢ၫ჉ႇ ߟ੣ᄵߙਸ ˄ ˅ ข‫؜‬ᇋնᄧܿໍ፯࿙ะ ਸವञ઒ܿছठ኷ᇜඩȃ ɑ഻ᆻऔܿय़ˈঐߙ‫ڵ‬એዀ ཕܿએၟˈ቏཰཰ܿၟܻȃ ༃ၫ٫ࣰ30 Ɇˈ቏໢ঐ ഻ᆻ‫؜‬औ ˄ SC38 ˅ 2 ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC10 ɑဵ‫ڈ‬ፇ෇ข‫؜‬ᇋ፩ဉถ‫ڵ‬ȃ 3 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ ᅻཨถ‫ڵ‬࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධˈ ߼๠‫׼‬ძ፩֦‫܃‬ ɑ߼፜኷٢ၫ჉ዏߙਸ೙உਂ๪ˈಅ֡ખߙ‫؜‬ඩହமȃ ࿙ะ ಅ֡ਸವ ‫ܠج‬ᅤዎ‫܊‬ႜˈዏ࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධ૰೙ঐ๑फ़ȃ ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ໪ቂಅ֡ಅတ ໪ቂಅတ፟Ꮾಅ֡໢໪ቂܿࢗન ɑ๕ಅ֊ ɑ‫˄ڒ‬1 g ᇵ჉ၓ‫ܠ‬ၤ˅ ɑषֽፖ ɑൂ႖ධ ɑࣁ֊ ɑొ༱ ɑᚍಅጃ ɑ૥ძ ɑᄆొ੘ ˄੩໛ॄ೼࡞˅ ፟Ꮾ໢૰೙໪ቂܿࢗન ɑ‫ܱਁ߶ڷ‬ ɑಅ֡ಠન ɑ֦ბಡ ɑၫ‫ޡ‬৓ ݃ ೉ቌશ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ ə፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ໢໪ቂܿࢗનˈࢾ૴ሥᏋᄵࢭళȃ ʗ ● ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ʗቂࣁ֊ਖಅတࠍࢃ‫ڈ‬ኙ45 gܿ‫ܐ‬ᄆ ˄12݃ࠍ˅ˈ‫ڈ܇‬኏ฉᎫˈ࡜ຢᄆొ੘ ॄ߼፜ኙ15ࠍ፬ȃ ʘ ʘ‫ڈ܇‬အ኏ᄳˈ኶࡜ຢᄆొ੘߼፜10 ȋ 15 ࠍ፬ˈ੻፜ȃ ಅ֡ಅတ ˄P. SC36ˈ37˅ ‫ܫ‬ᇛ˄‫ܫ‬ፆ˅ ˄12 ࢋܿ஢˅ 1۫ܿ஢ 25 g ಅတ ‫إ‬ல ʙቂ༇෸෸ՙᅼˈ኶ቂᚍಅጃᚍ֤ȃ ʚ᎜᎘ಅတᇜ‫ˈޤ‬ჹ૦੧ເ࿒ܿߴჹଲ ຿ˈ࿷໢੟੟ܿશඩହȃ ˄๜࣮ౚ቏શ੟ܿय़ˈߙਸ໢๒ᇸलჹ ገඩ˅ ʛն༆ଁ‫ٮ‬჉߼፜ˈ‫ൂ؃‬๬༽ȃ ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ● ߙਸ ʙ ʚ ʜ኷30 ȋ 35 Ɇၫ‫ޡ‬࿢਋჉ˈ໪ಅတߙਸ 40 ȋ 60ࠍ፬˄്ገܸ‫ܐ‬ኙ2ֹ‫ܐ‬ᄆၓፒ˅ ညຢ‫ܫ‬ᇛȃ ● ष૥ ʜ ʝ኷ኁ฽ܸ170 ȋ 200 Ɇܿ૥ძ೗ष૥‫ܐ‬ኙ 15ࠍ፬ȃ໔჉ܿಅတ߼኷‫׼‬ძ೗‫ן‬ಁࣰ ‫ߙޡ‬ਸȃ ‫ޒ‬ຆಅ֡ ʗ˄኷೉ቌશ‫؞‬ᎁʗॄ˅ਖಅတᚍ‫ڈ‬ፊ੿10 cmܿಅ‫؀‬ȃ ʘቂʗ፟Ꮾऔܿಅ‫ˈ؀‬ਖ‫ޒ‬ຆს֡ඩହˈ๕‫ڈ‬တˈਖ፩ৱᅼܾ‫׋‬፵‫݈ע‬ȃ ʙഠ߼औʘˈൂ๬༽ˈ኷30 ȋ 35 Ɇၫ‫ޡ‬࿢਋჉ˈ໪ಅတߙਸ20 ȋ 30ࠍ፬˄്ገܸ‫ܐ‬ኙ2ֹ‫ܐ‬ᄆፒ˅ȃ ʚညຢ‫ܫ‬ᇛ˄‫ܫ‬ፆ˅ˈ๫ຢռጾపˈ኷ኁ฽ܸ170 ȋ 190 Ɇܿ૥ძ೗ष૥‫ܐ‬ኙ15ࠍ፬ȃ SC39 ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ໪ቂಅ֡ಅတ ೾ਲಅ֡ ʗ ɑ ৠ๠ॵቌ ʗնಅတ߼኷ံ፩ˈቂ֦ბಡ࠙᎘ˈ߼๠‫׼‬ ძ୩‫ع‬30 ȋ 60ࠍ፬ȃ ˄༃ၫ਺ࡴ໢ˈᆖ٣୩‫ع‬໢ৱ˅ ‫إ‬ல ˄12ࢋܿ஢˅ ɑ໪ቂ࡞ਸವ ಅ֡ಅတ ┌ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ │ ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ │ │ ॵቌ │ │ ຃ྴ ə│ ೉ࠒ │ 1│ ໤ᆑ │ │ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ │༽ │ └ ࡞ਸವ 225 g 55 g 15 g 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ʘ኷ॵቌຢညಥಅࠒˈ߼኷֦ბಡຢˈᚍ‫ڈ‬ 20ȡ20 cmܿጸߴᄳˈ߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫ع‬15 ȋ 30ࠍ፬ȃ ʙቂᚍಅጃේ܏ՙᅼಅတˈᚍ‫ڈ‬30ȡ30 cmܿ ጸߴᄳȃ ʛቂᚍಅጃේ܏ՙᅼˈุಅတວ။‫؃ˈ֤ק‬ ᚍ൶ȃ 140 g˄mL˅ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ʝ፱ࡉʛञʜ஠۫ˈ୩‫ع‬30 ȋ 60ࠍ፬ȃ ॵቌ ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmू˅ 140 g ‫ܫ‬ᇛ˄‫ܫ‬ፆ˅ 25 g ə1 ՙጐP. SC36ܿ‫؞‬ᎁ፟Ꮾȃ ɑ໪ቂ࿙ะਸವ 230 g ʚ ʛ ɑ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ʞնಅတ2݃ࠍˈࠍ‫׳‬ᚍ‫ڈ‬18ȡ40 cmܿ٣ߴ ᄳˈ൶ૂࠍ‫ڈ‬6ࢋ݃ᆿ๲ਲᄳȃ ʟ᎜᎘ಅတܿᇜ‫ޤ‬શඩହȃ ಅ֡ಅတ ┌ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ │ ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ │ │ ॵቌ │ │ ຃ྴ ə│ ೉ࠒ │ 2│ ໤ᆑ │ │ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ │༽ │ └ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ʙ ʚቂಅ‫࣯֡؀‬ʘᏭऔܿॵቌˈ኶֡ຢ֦ბ ಡˈ߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫ع‬10 ȋ 20ࠍ፬ȃ ʜնಅ‫؀‬጖๲጖ˈ֡ຢ֦ბಡˈ߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩ ‫ع‬10 ȋ 20ࠍ፬ȃ 25 g ʘ ʠն༆ଁ‫ٮ‬჉߼፜ȃ ʞ 50 g 15 g 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ 6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ 25 g ɑ ߙਸ ⑪ൂ๬༽ॄቂ֦ბಡ࠙᎘ˈ኷༃ၫ०੼჉ߙ ਸ40 ȋ 60ࠍ፬˄്ገܸ‫ܐ‬ኙ2ֹ‫ܐ‬ᄆၓ ፒ˅ॄˈညຢ‫ܫ‬ᇛȃ ʟ 130 g˄mL˅ 25 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ॵቌ ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmू˅ 140 g ‫ܫ‬ᇛ˄‫ܫ‬ፆ˅ 25 g ə2 ՙጐP. SC37ܿ‫؞‬ᎁ፟Ꮾȃ ɑ ष૥ ⑫ ኷ኁ฽ܸ200 ȋ 220 Ɇܿ૥ძ೗ष૥‫ܐ‬ኙ 10ࠍ፬ȃ໔჉ܿಅတ߼኷‫׼‬ძ೗‫ן‬ಁࣰ‫ޡ‬ ߙਸȃ ⑪ ࿝࿝ป ʗնಅတࠍ‫ڈ‬౞ࢋኙ35 gˈ๕‫ڈ‬တˈ࡜ຢᄆొ੘ॄ߼፜10 ȋ 20ࠍ፬ȃ ʘᚍ‫֤֤ܿڈ‬኏ᄳˈቂ࿝࿝ปಠᏊᅼ኷ಅ‫؀‬ຢȃ ʙ኷30 ȋ 35 Ɇၫ‫ޡ‬࿢਋჉ˈ໪ಅတߙਸ20 ȋ 30ࠍ፬˄്ገܸ‫ܐ‬ኙ2ֹ‫ܐ‬ᄆၓፒ˅ȃ ʚቂኙ170 ɆܿቌዣˈᏥॄ๫ຢৠம๗ࣣܿੴ፟ռྴȃ SC40 ሱಅ֡ป ɑ ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ ʗՙགᅗਖAȁ๾ଲቌȁ༽߼๠Ꭷ቏ᇗ൥ܿಅ֡๒ධ፩ˈն࡞ਸವ߼ ๠ਸವ๒ධȃ ʘՙጐȐ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတȑ ˄P. SC36˅ܿ‫؞‬ᎁ፟Ꮾಅတȃ ‫إ‬ல ˄8ࢋܿ஢˅ ಅ֡ಅတ ┌ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ │ ຃ྴ Aȁ │ └ ໤ᆑ 280 g ɑ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ʙնถ‫ܿڵ‬ಅတࠍ‫ڈ‬ኙ 60 g˄8 ݃ࠍ˅ˈ๕‫ڈ‬တˈ࡜ຢᄆొ੘ॄ߼፜ 10 ࠍ፬ȃ ʚቂ༇ፑՙ๠ಅတ፩ᆮˈ‫؃‬Ꭱ‫ވ‬໪፩ৱܿ‫ˈܐקލ‬ᄳ‫ڈ‬࿝࿝ปᎫȃ 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ๾ଲቌ 8 g˄ᄆ2˅ ༽ 180 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ሱಅ֡ป ૰ፊਾ໤ቂˈ‫ܦ‬๜ ࣮նಅ֡ปल෧‫ڈ‬஠֐ˈ ঢ়๠ໍ‫ج‬ȂটဓȂඩ ཌྷȂ࣮ਟ݃ᇜඩ‫ړ‬ ঐ࢑౟ၟʽ ɑ ߙਸ ʛ߼኷๫மಅࠒܿषֽፖຢˈ኷30 ȋ 35 Ɇၫ ‫ޡ‬࿢਋჉ˈ໪ಅတߙਸኙ40 ࠍ፬˄്ገܸ ‫ܐ‬ኙ2ֹ‫ܐ‬ᄆၓፒ˅ȃ ʜ ɑ ༽ᎌ ʜቂ૑༽ਖ஠ಅࢌᎌ 30 ಊˈஇ࡞༽ࠍȃ ɑ ष૥ ʝ ʝ߼኷අ቏षֽፖܿ૥ധຢˈ኷ኁ฽ܸ 170 ȋ 190 Ɇܿ૥ძ೗ष૥‫ܐ‬ኙ15 ȋ 20 ࠍ፬ȃ ಅတ ཰೉ಅ֡ ɑ ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတ ʘՙጐȐ፟Ꮾಅ֡ಅတȑ ˄P. SC36˅ܿ‫؞‬ᎁ፟Ꮾಅတȃ ɑ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ‫إ‬ல ಅ֡ಅတ ┌ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ │ ภఴࠒ │ Aȁ │ ॵቌ │ ຃ྴ │ └ ໤ᆑ ˄10ࢋܿ஢˅ 250 g ʚ ʙਖถ‫ܿڵ‬ಅတࠍ‫ڈ‬౞ࢋኙ 50 g˄10 ݃ࠍ˅ˈ ๕‫ڈ‬တˈ࡜ຢ‫߼ॄ؝‬፜10 ࠍ፬ȃ ʚਖಅတտऔढ़‫ڵ‬ᄆଁˈ๬ຢ༽ȃ 30 g 15 g 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ኊၟ཰೉ 150 g ೾೉ 70 g˄ኙ70 mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ‫ܫ‬ᇛ˄‫ܫ‬ፆ˅ 25 g ɑ ߙਸ ʛ኷30 ȋ 35 Ɇܿၫ‫ޡ‬࿢਋჉໪ಅတߙਸኙ40 ȋ 60 ࠍ፬˄്ገॄܿ ‫ܐ‬ᄆኙၓኊହܿ 2 ֹ˅ ȃ ɑ ष૥ ʜညຢ‫ܫ‬ᇛˈ߼๠ኁ฽ፚ180 ȋ 200 Ɇܿ૥ძ೗ष૥ኙ15ࠍ፬ȃ SC41 ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ᇡ۫࿚ৠAȁ ཰೉ȁ ೾೉ˈ ኷ਸವ๒ධ೗߼๠࡞ਸವȃ ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ໪ቂൖ๭ಅတ ൖ๭ ɑ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ʗቂࣁ֊ਖಅတ 2 ݃ࠍˈ๕‫ڈ‬တȃ ˄๜࣮໸֤ൖ๭ಅတખࠍ‫ ڈ‬3 ݃ࠍ˅ ʘ ʘ࡜ຢᄆొ੘ॄ߼፜ 10 ȋ 20 ࠍ፬ȃ ‫إ‬ல ˄2ࢋፊ੿25 cmܿൖ๭ܿ஢˅ ʙ߼኷षֽፖຢˈᚍ‫ ڈ‬25 cm ፊ੿ܿ‫ܐ‬ᄆȃ ʚቂ‫ه‬Ꮚ኷ಅ‫؀‬ຢ۞‫ލ‬ȃ ൖ๭ಅတ˄P. SC36) 1۫ܿ஢ ൖ๭‫ݲ‬ၟፆ 72 g˄‫ܐ‬4˅ ൖ๭ቂඩཌྷ 200 g ɑ ࿚ৠ࠽ல ʛညຢൖ๭‫ݲ‬ၟፆˈৠ‫ݲ‬லˈ኶߼ຢൖ๭ඩཌྷȃ ࠽ல˄ஂ˅ ┌ ᆶۭ˄෧֤൥˅ │ ც٥˄෧֤൥˅ │ │ ഻ࢎ │ ಟࢰ˄෧֤൥˅ │ └ ෷ਢ˄෧֤൥˅ ʙ 1ᄆࢋ ɑ ष૥ 10൥ ʜ኷ኁ฽ܸ 180 ȋ 200 Ɇܿ૥ძ೗ष૥‫ܐ‬ኙ 15 ࠍ፬ȃ ໔჉ܿಅတ߼኷‫׼‬ძ೗‫ן‬ಁࣰ‫ߙޡ‬ਸȃ 2൥ 6ࢋ 2ࢋ ࠧ૏჋ ɑ ፟Ꮾൖ๭ಅတ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ᇡ۫࿚ৠ Aȁᩢᩀቌȁ༽ˈ኷ਸವ๒ධ೗߼๠࡞ਸವȃ ʘՙጐȐ፟Ꮾൖ๭ಅတȑ ˄P. SC36˅ܿ‫؞‬ᎁ፟Ꮾಅတȃ ‫إ‬ல ɑ ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ˄ፊ੿25 cm ൖ๭ಅတ ┌ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ │ ຃ྴ Aȁ │ └ ໤ᆑ 2ࢋࠔ˅ 280 g ʚਖಅတ߼኷षֽፖຢˈᚍ‫ڈ‬ፊ੿ 25 cm ܿ኏ᄳಅ൝ȃ 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ ʛ኷ 30 ȋ 35 Ɇܿၫ‫ޡ‬࿢਋჉ߙਸ 40 ȋ 60 ࠍ፬ȃ 12 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ༽ 180 g˄mL˅ ࡞ਸವ 2.8 g˄ᄆ1˅ ┌ ౳‫ݷ‬ც └ ੴᆑ ໻஢ ˄ࣴᆑড۳ᆑ˅ SC42 ɑ ߙਸ 9 g˄‫˅¾ܐ‬ ᩢᩀቌ B│ ʙਖถ‫ܿڵ‬ಅတ݃ࠍ‫ ڈ‬2 ࠔˈ๕‫ڈ‬တˈ࡜ຢ‫߼؝‬፜ 10 ࠍ፬ȃ ໻஢ ɑ ष૥ ʜቂ༇ፑ኷ಅတ‫װ‬ಅՙ‫ڵ‬ᄆૺˈညຢᩢᩀቌ˄ࣙ‫ࠔށ‬஢ᇵိ )ȃ ʝ๫ຢ Bˈቂᇲኁ฽ܸ 180 ȋ 200 Ɇܿ૥ძष૥ኙ 15 ࠍ፬ȃ ፟Ꮾਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ15ࠍ፬ 2 3 1 Ꮃֻ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʘਖ‫إ‬ல߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ ʙնಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ ‫إ‬ல ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ 1 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ15ȑ ࢌ፯ଁၟܿಅ֡ ਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ ਲ਼Ꮚࠒ 280 g ၫ༽˄35 ɆᏪቑ˅ 150 g˄mL˅ ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 140 g ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 140 g ၫ༽˄35 ɆᏪቑ˅ 170 g˄mL˅ ড 2 ಅတ 3 ૑໭ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄˈՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑ அুถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ ɑ ፟Ꮾ༽ਲ਼ს ʗቂॗໍቌቌዣհਲˈਖቌዣհਲܿቌ୩ษॄˈቪઋ‫ج‬ছठਬ֍ ૂእ ( ߷ፒઋ‫ˈ˅༽໋ج‬኶ቪႎॗ๗ᇵঽ‫ݲ‬ၟலছठਬ֍ૂእু૰ȃ ‫إ‬ல ˄30 ȋ 40ࢋܿ஢˅ ॗໍቌ 15 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ հਲ 5g ઋ‫ج‬ 125 g ႎॗ๗ 250 g ໤ᆑ 2g ၟੴ 2g ႎცࠒ 6g ਟቌ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ˄૰ࢎદᅍᇋˈᏋᄵ‫ݲ‬ጶിߴ˅ ɑ ᚍಅ ʘถ‫ڵ‬ಅတॄˈ‫ڈ܇‬ፊ੿ 3 cm ܿ٣࿢ˈ‫؃‬෧‫ ڈ‬2 cm ଔȃቂᚍ ಅጃਖ፟‫ܿڈ‬ಅတˈᚍ‫ڈ‬ፊ੿ኙ 8 cm ܿ኏ᄳȃ ə ౞ࢋਲ਼Ꮚ൝‫ܐ‬ኙ፱ 9 gˈ‫ܐ‬ኙ૰፟‫ ڈ‬30 ȋ 40 ࢋਲ਼Ꮚȃ ɑ ፟Ꮾਲ਼Ꮚ ʙਖਲ਼Ꮚს፜቙ਲ਼Ꮚ൝፩ˈ፟‫ڈ‬ਲ਼Ꮚȃ ə ૰ࢎદࢋเႹऔਖਲ਼Ꮚ፟‫ڈ‬ኟᆃᄳড๲ਲᄳ݃ȃ ɑ ᎌ༽ਲ਼ ʚ໓ຢ֐࣫༽ຨ૑ˈะॄਖਲ਼Ꮚ፜቙ࠇ༽፩ˈ݃኶۫ࠇ࿇ॄჹ ࣫፩ৠ๠֐ံ୩༽ˈᇡ۫፱ࡉ 3 ۫ȃ ˄ۨ‫ވ‬Ꮾ૰ᇵ࿎ࡴਲ਼Ꮚ൝ ܿโᄹȂ‫ܪ‬ᄹ˅ SC43 ፟Ꮾਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ ༽ਲ਼ ፟Ꮾႃ‫ޅ‬ಅȂሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ 2 3 1 Ꮃֻ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷ፟Ꮾಅ࿢Ȃప仸ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʘ኷ਜ਼༥ံ݃๒ධ፩ਬ֍Aȃ ʙ኷ௐᇜࢋ๒ධ፩ਬ֍Bȃ ʚ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ᇡ۫߼๠A B ȃ˄Ꮵॄˈ኷ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ୴ৠ๠ᩢᩀቌ˅ ‫إ‬ல˄‫؜‬೙ቂ቙፟Ꮾᖾఴಅञଲಅಅတ˅ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅတ ┌ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ A│ └݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ ┌໤ᆑ B│ └ၫ༽ə1 ༇ࠒə2 ˄3 ȋ 4เࠔ˅ 150 g ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ ┌ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ A│ └݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ ┌໤ᆑ │ B │঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ │ └༽ 1 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ16ȑ 150 g 10 g˄ᄆ2˅ 160 g˄mL˅ ໻஢ ə1 ၫ༽ܿၫ‫ޡ‬኷35 ȋ 40 Ɇȃ ə2 ༇ࠒ૰໪ቂ‫ࠒݨ‬ডࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ݃‫ܗ‬࿓ȃ 2 ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC11 ˄3 ȋ 4เࠔ˅ 150 g 150 g 5 g˄ᄆ1˅ 50 g 120 g˄mL˅ ᩢᩀቌ 4 g˄ᄆ1˅ ༇ࠒə1 ໻஢ ə1 ༇ࠒ૰໪ቂ‫ࠒݨ‬ডࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ݃‫ܗ‬࿓ȃ ɖ२૰‫ݲ‬ി‫ڈ‬๾‫ث‬ბᆡܿಅ໤ʽ ਖ༐‫إ݃ج‬லᒓྐྵࣰˈ኶ቂ໤႘‫୲ۃ‬঩ਬ‫ڈ‬ ॎᎫ߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ ਂຬ࿚ৠ‫إ‬லޭሥܿ ༽ࠍ10 ȋ 30 g˄mL˅ȃ ˄নׁ஢120 g˄mL˅˅ əफጾపࠒȁ‫ܐ‬1 ȍȍȍ༽஢120 g˄mL˅ ߣ෨ೝȁ47 g˄‫ܐ‬3˅ȍȍȍ༽஢90 g˄mL˅ ؅‫ج‬ॎȁ50 gȍȍȍ༽஢90 g˄mL˅ SC44 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ˄ኙ15ࠍ፬ॄ˅ 3 4 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ அুถ‫ڵ‬ಅတ ਖࣕज़ܿᇜಅ‫ٮ‬ຢˈ๕‫ڈ‬တˈቂ֦ბಡ݃֡ඩହ ߼፜ ɑႃ‫ޅ‬ಅȍ༃ၫ࿢਋჉߼፜ኙ2ᄆ໢˄ၫ‫ࡴޡ‬໢߼๠‫׼‬ძ֦‫˅܃‬ ɑሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅȍ߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫ع‬ኙ1ᄆ໢ ໪ඝ ‫࡞؜‬ዌ ɖ֦‫܃‬໢ t୩‫ع‬༃˄֦‫܃‬໢ৱ2 ȋ 3࿙˅ ๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒॄቂ֦ბಡ֡ඩହȃ ୩‫ތ‬ଉ ˄֦‫܃‬໢ৱኙ1ࢋኟ˅ t ෧‫ڈ‬ಅܿଔ‫˄ޡ‬P. SC45˅ॄቂ֦ ბಡ֡ඩହȃ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ15ࠍ፬ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅ ɑ ᚍಅ ① ʗቂ‫ܱج‬ডࣁܱ෧‫ ڈ‬2 ȋ 4 ݃ࠍȃ ʘ ๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒॄˈቂᚍಅጃ۰፩ᄩჹ፵‫ע‬ᚍ ‫ूڈ‬ኙ3 mmܿಅ‫؀‬ȃ ˄୩‫ܿع‬ಅတᇋ݃ඝঅࡉܸ٢ၫॄ኶ᚍ˅ ② ɑ ෧ಅ ʙ ਖಅတ጖ඩହˈ۰ᇜ‫ޤ‬૑໭෧‫ڈ‬ଔኙ3 mm ܿಅ࿢ȃ ˄‫؜‬औ෧໢ˈ኷ಅတຢ๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ˅ ③ ɑ ᎌಅ ʚ ਖ‫࣫ܐ‬໓఻༽Ȃຨ૑ˈട‫ݯ‬ಅတຢዯܿࡴ ਖ਼ಅࠒ߼੣࣫୴ᎌȃ ˄ᎌಅܿ໢ৱনᎳၓ8 ȋ 13ࠍ፬˅ ʛ ቂ୩༽‫ݯڤ‬᳉ᇛˈஇ࡞༽ࠔȃ ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅ ʗ ቂ‫ܱج‬ডࣁܱ෧‫ڈ‬4݃ࠍȃ ಅတ ɑ ᚍಅ ① ʘ ๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒॄˈቂᚍಅጃ۰፩ᄩჹ፵‫ע‬ ᚍ‫ूڈ‬ኙ1 mmܿಅ‫؀‬ȃ ɑ ෧ಅ ፟Ꮾႃ‫ޅ‬ಅБሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ ɑቪ༁٠‫ڵ‬༌ܿሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅყ‫࣎ိˈ׋‬Ȃ ಅ࿢๖๢‫ޡ‬Ȃଁࡥ‫؜ޕ‬࿷ȃ ② ʙ ኷‫װ‬ಅ๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒˈ۰ᇜ‫ޤ‬૑໭શඩ ହˈፇॄ෧‫ڈ‬ଔኙ5 mmܿಅ࿢ȃ ˄ᎌॄঐວວ‫ˈܐק‬ྈᇵಅ෧Ⴟᄎ˅ ʚ ‫ޏ‬૑ಅ࿢ˈ๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒȃ ③ ɑ ᎌಅ ʛ ਖ‫࣫ܐ‬໓఻༽Ȃຨ૑ˈട‫ݯ‬ಅတຢዯܿࡴ ਖ਼ಅࠒ߼੣࣫୴ᎌȃ ˄ᎌಅܿ໢ৱনᎳၓ3 ȋ 5ࠍ፬˅ ɑ‫؞‬ᎁʗ ȋ ʙᇓ૰໪ቂ፟ಅ঩፟Ꮾȃ ˄኷ಅတຢ๫ຢᏚࢮܿࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ˅ SC45 ፟Ꮾሡ໮‫؀ى‬ 2,4,6 7 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ 1 Ꮃֻ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ˈᇡ۫߼๠঳‫ܫ‬ቪ೾೉ܿছठ႘ˈ཰೉ȃ ʘਖ‫إ‬ல߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ ʙਖಅ֡๒ධᎧ๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ 1 ‫إ‬ல ሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ঳‫ܫ‬1ࢋቪ೾೉ܿছठ႘ 80 g ཰೉ 50 g˄ኙ50 mL˅ ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 120 g ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 60 g 5g സ܏ࠒ ॵቌ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmଐᎫ˅ə 2 35 g ຃ྴ 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ໤ᆑ 2.5 g˄ᄆ½˅ ə๩༃ၫ኷15 Ɇᇵ჉ˈ෧‫ڈ‬5 mmଐᎫȃ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ17ȑ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ˄P. SC20˅ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC11 ɖ૰ᅤቂႹ॥ܿ‫إ‬லঽിலषֽʽ ᇜ૑໭߼๠ಅ֡๒ධܿിலᏓ፱஢ ‫؜‬ᇋ٫ࣰ120 g ( ) ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3፩ႜՙȐถᄂȑਉ໢ 10ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑਉˈু૰অࡉ ˄੡ქ1۫ˈՙඝྊਉႇᄌ˅ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3੶ࣰ3ࠍ፬ॄ ࠛಘධঐჳඩˈ‫؃‬Ꮛ‫ވ‬૑໭Ȑ๕ಅȑȃ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ5፩ႜՙமȐถᄂȑਉ໢ 10ࠍ፬೗ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑਉˈু૰অࡉ ˄੡ქ1۫ˈՙඝྊਉႇᄌ˅ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ5੶ࣰ3ࠍ፬ॄ ࠛಘධჳඩˈ‫؃‬Ꮛ‫ވ‬૑໭Ȑष૥ȑȃ ሓၓိᄲ‫؜‬ᇸ‫ڈ‬ᄳˈष૥‫ڵ‬௰ॄ ሡ໮‫װܿ؀ى‬ಅաင‫؜‬൶ ( ) ˄ኙ2ࠍ፬ॄ˅ 3 4 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄˈ ܏૑ຢ࡜੣ᄵ ༇‫ވ‬บࠒ ɑ໪ቂჷ൝ࣁܱ݃ࢗનࣁ‫ڼ‬ན፵ܿࠒȃ ˄໪ቂਜ਼༥ٚ๒ᇸࣁພ࠱ཧည‫˅ل‬ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ ࡜ຢຢ࡜ˈ኶۫૑໭ ɑሡ໮‫؀ى‬ቪቂ࡞ਸವ፟‫ܿڈ‬ಅ֡‫؜‬࿷ȃ ə࡜Ꮚ๒ᇸሓቌᆏ‫ק‬ኽˈ໪ቂဵॄขႚ‫آכ‬ ໴ȃ˄P. SC58˅ ˄ኙ1ࠍ፬ॄ˅ SC46 ኷3ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ54ࠍ፬ 5 6 7 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄ܏૑ຢ࡜ 3 ࠍ፬೗ ጶ୲ಅ֡ಅတܿ‫װ‬ಅ ɑቂჷ൝ࣁܱ݃ጶ୲፵ၐܿಅတˈጶ ‫ڈ‬ຐܿᄳᎫȃ˄‫د‬ጐቑဇ˅ ˄໪ቂਜ਼༥ٚ๒ᇸࣁພ࠱ཧည‫˅ل‬ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙȐถᄂȑਉ ࡜ຢຢ࡜ˈ኶۫૑໭ მ໯໢ৱ߭ၐၓ45 ȋ 51ࠍ፬ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ڵ‬ሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ɑขฬไಅ֡ቂᇗ൥໸ࠨዮ኷ಅ֡‫ؠݒ‬ȃ ɑष૥‫؜‬Ꮪ໢ˈ੣ᄵȐᎮৠष૥ȑȃ˄჉༧˅ ɑถ‫ڵ‬ቂஉࣰ౬໢ঐൿ।ಅ֡ᄳᎫȃ ष૥‫؜‬Ꮪ໢ȐᎮৠष૥ȑ षֽੌ༩ॄˈᏥ޹૰੣ᄵ2۫Ꭾৠष૥ȃ əȐᎮৠष૥ȑᇋ኷ष૥ੌ༩ॄܿ15ࠍ፬೗੣ᄵȃ ଉ೗ၫ‫ޡ‬ᇜ‫݈קܤ‬ખႇߟᎮৠष૥ȃ ʗ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ17ȑ ߟ໮დၟಅ֡ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ17ȑ૥๾Ȑഃȑ ঳‫ܫ‬1ࢋቪ೾೉ܿছठ႘ 60 g ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 150 g 5g സ܏ࠒ ॵቌ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmᄆଐ˅ə ຃ྴ 8 g˄ᄆ2˅ ໤ᆑ 2.5 g˄ᄆ½˅ మை༞˄֣൝ܲླྀ˅ 90 g फोਢ˄۳ஆ˅ ຬ஢ ഻ࢎ˄෧5 mmܿଐᎫ˅ 30 g ๞ୗ˄෧5 mmܿଐᎫ˅ 30 g ोఝ‫ؘ‬ 20 g ˄෧‫ڈ‬5 mmᄆଐˈ༽ᎌ‫؜ܦ‬ᎌୈ˅ ተ౶˄ஆ˅ 20 g ొ‫֣˄ޒ‬૑ܿ‫ޒ‬ஆ˅ ʘ ົ‫ށ‬ष૥໢ৱ 20 g 20 g ə༃ၫ݈቙15 Ɇ໢ˈ෧‫ڈ‬5 mmᄆଐȃ ɑՙ۰ຢܸ჉ܿགᅗਖྈ቏‫إ‬ல߼๠ಅ֡๒ධȃ ߣ෨ቪొ‫ޒ‬ሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ‫ܠج‬Ȑ17ȑ ɑ૰ົ‫ށ‬ၓ1 ȋ 20ࠍ፬ȃ ʙ ૑໭ ٣ՙȐถᄂȑਉ ɖ२૰࿳ࣰᇵ჉ߴߟ੣ᄵȐᎮৠष૥ȑȃ ȁə኷‫؞‬ᎁ7˄ຢ༧˅ၝՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ໢ ʗ ՙ჉ ˈົ‫ށ‬ष૥໢ৱ ʘ ՙ჉ ˈ૑໭ 100 g ᩢᩀቌ 24 g˄‫ܐ‬2˅ ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 120 g ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ 60 g സ܏ࠒ 5g ຃ྴ 18 g˄‫ܐ‬1½˅ ໤ᆑ 2.5 g˄ᄆ½˅ फोਢ˄۳ஆ˅ ຬ஢ ೷ྈႹ॥ܿ࡞ც‫˄ؾ‬ట୚˅ ߣ෨࡞˄࡞ዌ˅ ˄݃࡞ሱॄࠍ‫ڈ‬4݃ࠍ˅ ొ‫֣˄ޒ‬૑ܿ‫ޒ‬ஆ˅ ᄆ½ 50 g ๞ୗ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmܿଐᎫ˅ 50 g 10 g ɑՙ۰ຢܸ჉ܿགᅗਖྈ቏‫إ‬ல߼๠ಅ֡๒ධȃ SC47 ፟Ꮾሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ɖถᄂᎮৠৠ฽໢ˈ ঳‫ܫ‬1ࢋቪߣ෨ፆܿছठ႘ ࿝൰ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙ˅ ፟Ꮾ‫ࡷܫ‬ 2,4 5 1 Ꮃֻ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ᇡ۫߼๠ॵቌȂ຃ྴȂ೾೉Ȃ঳‫ܫ‬ȃ ʙ߼๠ᇜඩ຋ࣰܿAˈ኶ਖಅ֡๒ධ՗Ꭷׁܸ࿒೗ȃ 1 ‫إ‬ல ‫ࡷܫ‬ ႇᆑॵቌə 110 g ຃ྴ 100 g ೾೉ 15 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 100 g ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 180 g സ܏ࠒ 7g A ɖ૰ᇵ࿚ৠᏋেႹ॥ܿ‫إ‬லড࠽லʽ ࢿ࿒ᄳᎫܿ࠽ல૰኷෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒ໢ ૂእ‫߼ݓ‬੣บ ( 2 ˄P. SC20˅ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC11 ) ૰૰ࠒ ෠૲உ‫ޒ‬ ऽ‫ى‬ ज྿฿ ˄15 g˅ ˄50 g˅ ˄ࢆଡ଼؏ઽ‫˄˅ى‬40 g˅ ˄4 g˅ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3ႜՙமȐถᄂȑਉ໢ ኷10ࠍ፬೗ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑু૰অࡉȃ ˄੡ქ1۫ȃՙඝྊਉႇᄌ˅ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3੶ࣰ15ࠍ፬ॄˈঐߙ‫ࠛڵ‬ಘˈ‫؃‬ Ꮛ‫ވ‬૑໭Ȑਬ֍ȑ࢙೙ȃ ๜࣮‫؜‬෼‫ݯڼ‬ಅࠒˈ૥औܿ ‫װࡷܫ‬ಅঐ‫ر‬ௗಅࠒ ( ) ɑᏭ‫ࡷܫܿڵ‬ਾ੧ॵቌ‫ࡷܫ‬ȃ ‫ܦ‬ቪ༁٠ᄁ༌ܿࣴ౿‫ࡷܫ‬ ‫ဵ؜؃‬ภყ࿷ 3 4 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄˈ ኷15ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ ܏૑ຢ࡜ˈ෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒ ɑ໪ቂჷ൝ࣁܱ݃෼‫ڼ‬፵ၐܿಅࠒȃ ˄໪ቂਜ਼༥ٚ๒ᇸࣁພ࠱ཧည‫˅ل‬ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙȐถᄂȑਉ ࡜ຢຢ࡜ˈ኶۫૑໭ ) 5 SC48 ᅤዎ‫ ܠج‬Ȑ18ȑ ɖᅤዎ૥๾ ə෧‫ڈ‬1 cmᄆଐˈঅࡉፚ٢ၫȃ ( ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬Ꮺቑॄ ถ‫ࡷܫڵ‬ ɑषֽ‫؜‬Ꮪ໢ˈ੣ᄵȐᎮৠष૥ȑȃ ˄P. SC49˅ ɑถ‫ڵ‬ቂஉࣰ౬໢ঐൿ।‫ࡷܫ‬ᄳᎫȃ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ1ᄆ໢30ࠍ ೸౩‫ࡷܫ‬ ႇᆑॵቌ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmᄆଐ˅ 110 g ຃ྴ 100 g ೾೉ 15 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 100 g ୏಴એ˄ডռୁ‫˅ݓ‬ ष૥‫؜‬Ꮪ໢ˈ੣ᄵ ȐᎮৠष૥ȑ ष૥ੌ༩ॄˈᏥ޹૰੣ᄵ2۫Ꭾৠष૥ȃ əȐᎮৠष૥ȑᇋ኷ष૥ੌ༩ॄܿ15ࠍ፬೗੣ᄵȃ ଉ೗ၫ‫ޡ‬ᇜ‫݈קܤ‬ખႇߟᎮৠष૥ȃ ʗ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ18ȑ A ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ സ܏ࠒ ೸౩൝˄ܲླྀ˅ə 7g 1ࢋࠔ ə኷෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒ໢߼๠ ෠૲உ‫ࡷܫ‬ ႇᆑॵቌ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmᄆଐ˅ 100 g ຃ྴ 100 g ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 100 g ૰૰ࠒ A ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ ʘ ົ‫ށ‬ष૥໢ৱ ‫ܐ‬1 180 g സ܏ࠒ 15 g˄‫ܐ‬2½˅ 180 g 7g ෠૲உ‫ޒ‬ə 50 g ྴᏌ੆൝˄෧‫ڈ‬5 mm ȋ 1 cmܿଐᎫ˅ə 40 g ə኷෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒ໢߼๠ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙ˅ ೌࣂ‫ࡷܫ‬ ႇᆑॵቌ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmᄆଐ˅ 100 g ʙ ૑໭ ຃ྴ 80 g ೾೉ 30 g˄ኙ30 mL˅ ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 100 g ࿝൰ ɑ૰ົ‫ށ‬ၓ1 ȋ 20ࠍ፬ȃ ೌࣂ˄෧‫ڈ‬2 cmᄆଐȂৠ฽ܲླྀ˅ 100 g A ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ 180 g സ܏ࠒ 7g ፟Ꮾ‫ࡷܫ‬ ಥ‫ى‬ऽ‫ࡷܫޒ‬ ႇᆑॵቌ˄෧‫ڈ‬1 cmᄆଐ˅ 80 g ɖถᄂᎮৠৠ฽໢ˈ ٣ՙȐถᄂȑਉ ɖ२૰࿳ࣰᇵ჉ߴߟ੣ᄵȐᎮৠष૥ȑȃ ȁə኷‫؞‬ᎁ5˄P. SC48˅ౚ቏ՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ໢ ʗ ՙ჉ ˈົ‫ށ‬ष૥໢ৱ ʘ ՙ჉ ˈ૑໭ ຃ྴ 100 g ঳‫܏˄ܫ‬እ˅ 150 g ಥ‫ى‬ A ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒ സ܏ࠒ ऽ‫ޒ‬Ⴛ઄ᎌ༝‫؃‬இ࡞ ˄෧‫ܐڈ‬ᄆ5 mmᏪቑ˅ə 3 g˄ᄆ1½˅ 180 g 7g 50 g ə ኷෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒ໢߼๠ SC49 ፟Ꮾ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ 2 3 1 Ꮃֻ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗߼๠᫯૑ܿ෠૲உଐȃ ʙৠ๠ბ೉ቌȂࠛ౺ˈ኶ਖಅ֡๒ධ߼๠ׁ࿒೗ȃ ‫إ‬ல˄ኙၓଔ13 cmȡ٣13 cmȡࡴ1 cmܿࠔ஢˅ ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ˄೾೉˅ ೾೉෠૲உ ˄༁ಅᄁ༌ܿ෠૲உ֊˅ ბ೉ቌ˄๞ፅߵࣽ஢35%˅ 165 ȋ 174 g ˄3ଐ˅ ࠛ౺ 10 g 1 ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ19ȑ 50 g˄mL˅ ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ˄ռ˅ ռ෠૲உ ˄༁ಅᄁ༌ܿ෠૲உ֊˅ ბ೉ቌ˄๞ፅߵࣽ஢35%˅ 160 ȋ 180 g ˄4ଐ˅ ࠛ౺ 10 g 2 ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC11 50 g˄mL˅ ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ˄फ˅ फ෠૲உ ˄༁ಅᄁ༌ܿ෠૲உ֊˅ ბ೉ቌ˄๞ፅߵࣽ஢35%˅ 165 ȋ 174 g ˄3ଐ˅ ࠛ౺ 10 g 70 g˄mL˅ ə೉ბ೉ቌ໪ቂ๞ፅߵࣽ஢኷41%ᇵຢ ໢ˈბ೉ቌࣽ஢೗ܿ10 mL࡙ၓ೾೉ȃ Ȟஂȟफ෠૲உ໢ ბ೉ቌ˖60 g˄mL˅ˈ ೾೉˖10 g˄ኙ10 mL˅ ɑขႚ‫כ‬Ꮸ༉ຢ༧ࠔ஢ࣙ‫ށ‬ȃ ࠨዏ૰೙ঐዉ‫ڈ‬ቌ༽ࠍ୰ড྘๢ȃ SC50 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ 3 4 5 6 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄˈՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈቂჷ൝ࣁܱ෼‫ڼ‬ ᳉኷ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ຢܿ෠૲உˈ ኶༇‫ّވ‬჉ಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ ɑ२቏‫ࠍؠ‬ၝ๑फ़໢ˈᅤዎȐᎮৠਬ֍ȑȃ˄P. SC51˅ ɑ໪ቂਜ਼༥݃ࣁٚঽঢ়ન݃໢ˈ૰೙ঐ቏ཿພȃ ໪ቂჷ൝ࣁܱਖ෠૲உᎧ኷අ቏ ֦ბಡঽषֽፖܿ൶‫ݒ‬๒ධ፩ ኷‫׼‬ძ೗୩‫ع‬೺ࢿ 2 ᄆ໢ᇵຢ ෧‫ڈ‬໻‫ܐܬ‬ᄆ ɑ෧औܿ෠૲உˈຢಅ૰ᇵ๫ຢ૰૰ࠒঽྴࠒ݃ȃ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ17ࠍ፬ ‫ؾ‬ᗙ෠૲உ 160 g˄4 ଐ˅ ռ෠૲உ˄֊˅ ॵቌ 20 g ࠛ౺ 10 g ‫ؾ‬ᗙ ˄ܲླྀ / ೝᎫ˅ 40 g ਬ֍‫؜‬Ꮪ໢ˈ ੣ᄵ ȐᎮৠਬ֍ȑ ਬ֍ੌ༩ॄˈᏥ޹૰੣ᄵ2۫Ꭾৠਬ֍ȃ əȐᎮৠਬ֍ȑᇋ኷ਬ֍ੌ༩ॄܿ5ࠍ፬೗੣ᄵȃ ଉ೗ၫ‫ޡ‬ᇜ‫݈קܤ‬ખႇߟᎮৠਬ֍ȃ əȐᎮৠਬ֍ȑ෇ቂჷ൝ࣁܱٚ჉ಅ֡๒ධ፵ၐ᳉ࡒܿ෠૲உˈ ኶‫ࠍڣ‬ਬ֍ȃ ʗ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ19ȑ ተ౶‫۽‬൥෠૲உ ˄ᇜଁᇜࢋኙ20ࢋܿ஢˅ 116 g˄2 ଐ˅ फ෠૲உ˄֊˅ A ბ೉ቌ˄๞ፅߵࣽ஢35%˅ 40 g˄mL˅ ࠛ౺ 10 g ተ౶‫۽‬൥ 100 g ʗ໪ቂ A ፟Ꮾ෠૲உȃ ˄P. SC50˅ ʘਖʗቪተ౶‫۽‬൥ছठ኷ᇜඩȃ ʙቂྭສਖ෠૲உࠍ‫ܸ߼׳‬षֽፖຢȃ‫ܐ‬ᄆ૰ ՙࢋเႹऔˈ߼኷‫׼‬ძˈ໪ඝ೺ࢿȃ ʘ ົ‫ށ‬ਬ֍໢ৱ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙ˅ ࿝൰ ɑ૰ົ‫ށ‬ၓ1 ȋ 5ࠍ፬ȃ ʙ ૑໭ ಺཈෠૲உ ˄ኙ؄ஊְႎְܿ஢˅ फ෠૲உ˄֊˅ ࠛ౺ ɖถᄂᎮৠਬ֍໢ˈ ٣ՙȐถᄂȑਉ ɖ२૰࿳ࣰᇵ჉ߴߟ੣ᄵ ȐᎮৠਬ֍ȑȃ ȁə኷‫؞‬ᎁ3˄P. SC50˅ౚ቏ՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ໢ ʗ ՙ჉ ˈົ‫ށ‬ਬ֍໢ৱ ʘ ՙ჉ ˈ૑໭ 60 g˄mL˅ 10 g ბ೉ቌ 180 g˄mL˅ ೷Ⴙ॥ܿ༽࣮˄Ꭷ໿ቂ˅ ໻஢ ʗ໪ቂ A ፟Ꮾໍ෠૲உȃ ˄P. SC50˅ ʘਖბ೉ቌ܏ፚߙസȃ ʙ኷ʘ፩ৠ๠ၫ฽ܿʗਬ֍ȃ ʚ໓ܸ؄ஊְ፩ˈ ୩ษˈ ࢎદࢋเႹऔᎧ໿༽࣮ȃ ɑࢎદࢋเႹ॥ˈ२૰ਖ෧ླྀܿ෠૲உቪ৮࣮ ˄10 ȋ 20 g˅ছठਬ֍ȃ SC51 ፟Ꮾ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ A ბ೉ቌ ˄๞ፅߵࣽ஢ 35%˅ 116 g˄2 ଐ˅ ፟Ꮾ࣮ਟ 3 4 2 1 Ꮃֻ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʘ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ᇡ۫߼๠຃ྴȂ༽࣮Ȃ೸౩ፆȃ ʙ኶՗Ꭷፚׁ࿒೗ȃ 1 ‫إ‬ல ‫ؾ‬ᗙ࣮ਟ ‫ؾ‬ᗙ ˄Ⴛ઄บ‫˅ݔ‬ ˄‫ܿܐ‬෧‫˅½ڈ‬ ઄፱400 g ຃ྴ 140 g ೸౩ፆ 38 g˄ኙ38 mL˅ ɑขႚ‫כ‬Ꮸ༉ຢ༧ࠔ஢ࣙ‫ށ‬ȃ ࠨዏ૰೙ܷ፛࠽லࠀ‫ڵ‬ঽຨਤȃ 2 ɖ᎙ሃ‫؜‬ᇋᎌࣰဂʽ ࣮ਟ୩ษॄˈঐ‫ק‬ഃ‫ڬ‬ȃ ɖ࿳ࣰ૿፟຃ྴܿ஢ˈ‫؜‬໪ቂ࿚ৠ႘ˈ ૰ᇵ፟‫ڈ‬Ⴈ๢࣮ܿਟȃ ႇߟ٣ඓ֦‫܃‬ʽ ข߼ܸ‫׼‬ძ֦‫؃ˈ܃‬੪ଓჴቂȃ ɑ֦‫܃‬ඓৱ˖ኙ1ᄬඓ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ20ȑ ົ‫ށ‬െៀ໢ৱ˄‫ؾ‬ᗙ࣮ਟ120ࠍ፬˅ əࢎદ༽࣮ܿ፯୥࡙‫ק‬ ົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȃ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙ˅ 3 4 5 SC52 ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ɑ૰኷90 ȋ 150ࠍ፬ፇৱᇵ10ࠍ፬ၓ‫ܠ‬ၤ੣ᄵ ົ‫ށ‬ȃ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC11 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ˄ኙ10ࠍ፬˅ əข᎙ሃ‫؜‬ᇋ߼፜኷ঐ෺ܴܿ‫ߴݓ‬ȃ ɑৠ฽‫؜‬Ꮪ˄༽ࠍ਺޹Ȃ‫ࢮ؜‬᳉‫˅ڬ‬໢ˈ ੣ᄵȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑȃ ˄P. SC53˅ ਖಅ֡๒ධ෺ܴܿ࿷໢ˈ ቂჷ൝ࣁܱ໪ፇాా௚๠๒ධ ɑ໪ቂਜ਼༥݃ࣁٚ໢ˈ૰೙ঐዉ‫ڈ‬ཿພȃ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖1ᄆ໢30ࠍ ȋ 2ᄆ໢30ࠍ ଻ᗙ࣮ਟ ৠ฽‫؜‬Ꮪ໢ˈ ੣ᄵ ȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑ ৠ฽ੌ༩ॄˈᏥ޹૰੣ᄵ2۫Ꭾৠৠ฽ȃ əȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑᇋ኷ৠ฽ੌ༩ॄܿ5ࠍ፬೗੣ᄵȃ ଉ೗ၫ‫ޡ‬ᇜ‫݈קܤ‬ખႇߟᎮৠৠ฽ȃ ʗ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ20ȑ ୩‫଻ތ‬ᗙ 400 g ຃ྴ 140 g ೸౩ፆ 38 g˄ኙ38 mL˅ ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ150ࠍ፬ ໪ቂᄧბ଻ᗙ໢ 110ࠍ፬ ˄ ˅ ൴࣮࣮ਟ ൴࣮ ჾ൝෧‫ڈ‬8ଐˈบᄣˈ ෧‫ڈ‬1 cmଔ ˄ ઄፱400 g ˅ ຃ྴ 140 g ೸౩ፆ 38 g˄ኙ38 mL˅ ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ100ࠍ፬ ʘ ົ‫ށ‬െៀ໢ৱ ༽౺྿࣮ਟ ༽౺྿ ჾ൝บᏈ ෧‫ڈ‬2 cmᄆଐ ઄፱400 g ຃ྴ 140 g ೸౩ፆ 38 g˄ኙ38 mL˅ ˄ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙ˅ ʙ ૑໭ ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ120ࠍ፬ ᩬᏊ࣮ਟ 400 g ຃ྴ 140 g ɖถᄂᎮৠৠ฽໢ˈ ٣ՙȐถᄂȑਉ ɖ२૰࿳ࣰᇵ჉ߴߟ੣ᄵȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑȃ ȁə኷‫؞‬ᎁ4˄P. SC52˅ౚ቏ՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ໢ ˅ ʗ኷࣫፩߼๠൝ˈᇵঽࡴࣰ൝ܿ༽ˈ༽ᎌ15ࠍ፬ȃ ʘਖᎌࣰܿ༽இ‫ˈڵ‬኶ৠ༽৙ᅝ༽ᎌȃ ʙ፱ࡉ3۫ˈஇ࡞༽ࠍȃ ʚ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ᇡ۫߼๠࣮൝Ȃ຃ྴȂ࣮๗ȃ ʛ՗Ꭷಅ֡๒ධ ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ120ࠍ፬ ˈົ‫ށ‬െៀ໢ৱ ˈ૑໭ SC53 ፟Ꮾ࣮ਟ ᩬᏊ Ⴛ઄ॄˈਖ࣮֏ቪ࣮൝ࠍ૑ȃ ਖ࣮֏኶บռಡॄˈถ‫࣮ڵ‬๗ ‫ڈࠍ؃‬2 ȋ 3݃ࠍȃߑ࣮൝บ ‫ݯ‬ռ๾‫ॄࠍؠ‬኶෧ླྀȃ ˄ ʗ ՙ჉ ʘ ՙ჉ ࿝൰ ɑ૰኷10ࠍ፬ ȋ 30ࠍ፬ፇৱᇵ1ࠍ፬ၓ‫ܠ‬ၤ੣ᄵ ົ‫ށ‬ȃ ˅ ፟Ꮾ౺ྴ༽࣮ 3 4 2 1 Ꮃֻ ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ˄ႇಅ֡ቂᇗ൥˅፩ৠ๠༽Ȃ຃ྴȂ೸౩ፆˈቂჷ൝ࣁܱ‫ࠍڣ‬ਬ֍ȃ˄ፊܸ຃ྴဵภ๏फ़˅ ʘਖ༽࣮ᇜࢋᇜࢋ߼੣บˈ‫؜‬ᇋ‫߼ݹ‬ȃ ʙਖषֽፖ෧‫ڈ‬ಅ֡๒ධ‫ܐ‬ᄆˈ෩፩ᄩ૑ᇜࢋ1 cmᏪቑܿ૾ˈ‫ܬ‬Ꮾ࡜Ꮚȃ ʚ኶՗Ꭷፚׁ࿒೗ȃ ‫إ‬ல ౺ྴ༽࣮ ൴࣮ ə ኙ200 g ˄෧‫ڈ‬4݃ࠍˈบ൝บᄣ˅ ˄፩݃‫ܐ‬ᄆ1ࢋ˅ ༽ 250 g˄mL˅ ຃ྴ 60 g ೸౩ፆ 10 g˄ᄆ2˅ ə቏ܿ൰፯๒ᇸᎌୈȃ ထਃ໪ቂ࣮໦‫ੌ਺׋‬໦ܿȐࡐ໰ȑ൴࣮݃ȃ 1 2 ɑขႚ‫כ‬Ꮸ༉ຢ༧ࠔ஢ࣙ‫ށ‬ȃ ࠨዏ૰೙ܷ፛ৠ฽‫ૂ؜‬ড૥ਤȃ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ21ȑ ົ‫ށ‬െៀ໢ৱ˄౺ྴ༽࣮ၓ90ࠍ፬˅ əࢎદ༽࣮ܿ፯୥࡙‫ק‬ ົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȃ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙ˅ ɑ༽࣮ܿտ߼ߴߟ˄Ꮃֻʘ˅ 3 ɑ૰኷60ࠍ፬ ȋ 120ࠍ፬ፇৱᇵ10ࠍ፬ၓ‫ܠ‬ၤ ੣ᄵົ‫ށ‬ȃ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC11 ɑቂषֽፖ‫࡜ܬ‬Ꮚ˄Ꮃֻʙ˅ 4 ɖ໤ቂ໢ ሥ኷ဵ‫ॄڈ‬኶߼፜֐࿙Ꮺቑ኶໤ቂȃ ˄ၓமุྴਗ໋๠༽࣮೗˅ SC54 5 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ୩ษ˄ኙ10ࠍ፬˅ əข᎙ሃ߼፜٠ྈˈᇵ߷෺ܴȃ ɑৠ฽‫؜‬Ꮪ˄ᆘ๾൤ռˈቂᎊව‫ن‬๠໢਺ሱ˅໢ˈ੣ᄵ ȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑȃ˄P. SC55˅ ాాᇧ๠๒ධˈ ஏྭፆᇜඩ୩ษ ɑ໪ቂਜ਼༥݃ࣁٚঽঢ়ન݃໢ˈ૰೙ঐ቏ཿພȃ ɑถ‫ڵ‬๒ධॄˈਖ༽࣮ຢ჉ߤᎡˈࣽྴਗᇜඩాా୩ษȃ ୩ษ໢ˈྴਗঐాా໋๠༽࣮ȃ ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖1 ȋ 2ᄆ໢ ౺ྴߣ෨ ৠ฽‫؜‬Ꮪ໢ˈ ੣ᄵ ȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑ ৠ฽ੌ༩ॄˈᏥ޹૰੣ᄵ2۫Ꭾৠৠ฽ȃ əȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑᇋ኷ৠ฽ੌ༩ॄܿ5ࠍ፬೗੣ᄵȃ ଉ೗ၫ‫ޡ‬ᇜ‫݈קܤ‬ખႇߟᎮৠৠ฽ȃ ʗ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ21ȑ ᄆߣ෨ ˄༽ᎌॄ֣൝ˈਖ‫ݔ‬ဂ‫ڼ‬บ˅ 3ࢋ ˄1ࢋኙ100 g˅ ༽ 300 g˄mL˅ ຃ྴ 60 g ໍਕ˄෧֤൥˅ 10 g ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ60 ࠍ፬ ౺ྴ᧶ᨀ ᧶ᨀ ˄บ൝ˈ෧‫ڈ‬2ଐบᄣ˅ 3ࢋ ˄1ࢋኙ50 g˅ ༽ 250 g˄mL˅ ຃ྴ 60 g ೸౩ፆ 10 g˄ᄆ2˅ ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ60 ࠍ፬ ʘ ົ‫ށ‬െៀ໢ৱ ˄ଓ੣໢٣ՙ˅ ʙ ૑໭ ኙ180 g ˄፩݃‫ܐ‬ᄆ1ࢋ˅ ༽ 250 g˄mL˅ ຃ྴ 60 g ೸౩ፆ 10 g˄ᄆ2˅ ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ60 ࠍ፬ ౺ྴ౺ዃ ٣ՙȐถᄂȑਉ ɖ२૰࿳ࣰᇵ჉ߴߟ੣ᄵȐᎮৠৠ฽ȑȃ ȁə኷‫؞‬ᎁ4˄P. SC54˅ౚ቏ՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉ໢ ౺ዃ˄࡞ዌ˅ 250 g ༽ 100 g˄mL˅ ऽએ 125 g ˄ኙ125 mL˅ ຃ྴ 40 g ೸౩ፆ 10 g˄ᄆ2˅ ๗ࣣ ໻஢ ɖെៀົ‫ށ‬໢ৱȍ60 ࠍ፬ ˈົ‫ށ‬െៀ໢ৱ ˈ૑໭ SC55 ፟Ꮾ౺ྴ༽࣮ ɖถᄂᎮৠৠ฽໢ˈ ʗ ՙ჉ ʘ ՙ჉ ᆶ୫ ˄บ൝ˈ෧‫ڈ‬4ଐบᄣ˅ ࿝൰ ɑ૰኷10ࠍ፬ ȋ 30ࠍ፬ፇৱᇵ1ࠍ፬ၓ‫ܠ‬ၤ੣ᄵ ົ‫ށ‬ȃ ౺ྴᆶ୫ ፟Ꮾప仸 ഏ౶ႇᅍቂ༽സȃ ˄ቂ༽സࣰዏప仸ঐ྘๢˅ 2,4 5 1 Ꮃֻ ʗႻഏ౶ȃ ˄Ⴛܸ༽‫ק‬෼ၓፒ˅ əഏ౶‫؜‬ቂസ༽ȃ ˄ࠨዏప仸ঐ‫ק‬๢˅ ʘቂ຋Ꮚਖ༽இ࡞30 ࠍ፬ȃ ʙ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗՗Ꭷ፟Ꮾಅ࿢Ȃప仸ቂᇗ൥ȃ ʚ߼๠ഏ౶Ȃ༽ȃ ‫إ‬ல ప仸 ˄1ࢋ኏ప乁ኙ35 g˅ ഏ౶ ༽ ɑ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾ໢ ɑ૑໭ॄˈᅍᇋ࿮ፒ໢˄٣ՙ˅ ኙ12ࢋ ኙ18ࢋ 280 g 420 g ٣ஆ౶˄190 g˄mL˅˅ ٣ஆ౶˄270 g˄mL˅˅ ‫ޥ‬ஆ౶˄200 g˄mL˅˅ ‫ޥ‬ஆ౶˄280 g˄mL˅˅ ༇ࠒə ໻஢ ໻஢ ə૰໪ቂ‫ࠒݨ‬Ȃডተ౶ࠒ‫ܗ‬࿓ȃ ɖ๜࣮ჲᏭ‫ڵ‬ᏋেႹ॥ܿ๢ሱ‫ˈޡڋ‬ખᇋ ‫ݲ‬ጶ༽ܿࠔ஢ʽ ๢ 1 2 ሱ +20 g˄mL˅ ɖ‫؞‬ᎁ3੶ࣰ30ࠍ፬ॄˈߙ‫ࠛڵ‬ಘ໌ˈᏋ ૑໭჉ᇜ‫؞‬ȃ ˄ຢ࡜࡜Ꮌܿ฀ଝ჉˅ əప乁‫ק‬๢ˈዏ೎ᇵถ‫ڵ‬ȃ ɖഏ౶๩സࣰ༽໢ˈขਂบყሥܿഏ౶Ⴅ༆ ܿ༽஢ȃ <ਂຬনᎳ> Ȟ12 ࢋȟ80 g˄mL˅ Ȟ18 ࢋȟ140 g˄mL˅ ૑໭ षֽࢗᅗ ข‫د‬ኡP. SC11 ༃ၫ਺݈໢ˈმ໯ၓȐ55ࠍ፬ॄȑ -20 g˄mL˅ ɖ኷‫؞‬ᎁ3ႜՙமȐถᄂȑਉ໢ˈ኷10ࠍ፬ ೗ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑু૰অࡉȃ ˄੡ქ1۫ȃՙඝྊਉႇᄌ˅ ᅤዎ‫ܠج‬Ȑ22ȑ ɑᇗ൥቏໢ঐᎡ‫ވ‬ȃ 3 4 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄˈ ኷30ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ ܏૑ຢ࡜ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋՙȐถᄂȑਉ ૑Ꮌຢ࡜ܿᎫྙ჉ మຢ૑໭ əၓமุ޹቟ܿ༽ࠍ๵ ‫ˈڵ‬ਖຢ࡜܏૑ ૰኷૑໭፟Ꮾప乁໢߼๠Ց‫݃ؾ‬ȃ ə‫؜‬ᇋ߼‫ޒ‬୥݃৮ሱܿ‫إ‬லʽ˄ঐ໪ಅ֡๒ධܿ࠱ཧည‫ل‬လథ˅ SC56 ྈᅍ໢ৱ˖ኙ1ᄆ໢ ɖ኷ࡪᏭऔܿప仸ຢ߼ຢᏋেႹ॥ܿ‫إ‬லȍ ɖ፩ဉছठᄎඝྊ‫إ‬லȍ फጾపప仸 ૑໭Ꮽప乁ॄˈᇜ‫߼ݓݞݞ‬๠ 2 ȋ 3ᄆ৓஢‫ܿږ‬फጾపञຬ஢ ܿᆑȃ ᨋცప仸 ॗໍప仸 ऽ‫ޒ‬ప仸 ૑໭Ꮽప乁ॄˈᇜ‫߼ݓݞݞ‬๠ ܲླྀܿ½ࢋᨋᏊ൝˄ॵ๾‫˅ࠍؠ‬ ञຬ஢ܿᆑȃ ఝ‫ؘ‬ప仸 5 6 ߙ‫ڵ‬ᛀᛀ໌ॄˈՙ჉Ȑถᄂȑਉˈ ᅻཨถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධˈ‫߼؃‬፜ܸ݃ಅ֡ ๒ධ૰ᇵቂ༇‫ۂ‬ಝܿ‫˄ޡڋ‬5 ȋ 10ࠍ፬˅ ɑప乁ܿଁࡥঐ།ܸ༽ܿቂ஢Ȃഏ౶ܿቂ஢ ঽ፯୥Ȃቂமᄧ౶२໸઒౶݃ሓཧˈߑ቏ ྈ‫؜‬࿷ȃ ɑ߼፜໢ৱࣰ٣ˈప乁‫װ‬ಅঐ‫ק‬ሱȃ ถ‫ڵ‬ప仸 ˄۰‫ؠݒ‬ೀඩହ˅ ቂ༽‫ࠍڣ‬ዯ໛༇ ೊ฽ᄹऔܿ ရധডံ ቂ༇೰ᄎప仸ˈ‫ڈ܇‬တ ໳჏ቂ༽ዯ໛༇ȃ ໳჏኷༇ຢ๫ᄎ༇ࠒȃ ʘȐ߼኷༃೗໢ȑ ኷໛‫ޡ‬ञၫ‫݈ܿ਺ޡ‬٠ྈˈ૰֦‫ ܃‬2 ࿙ȃ Ȑ߼๠‫׼‬ძ໢ȑ ߼๠஠‫ཫل‬ਥ‫ܙ‬೗ˈ‫ˈଁ࠙؃‬૰֦‫ ܃‬1 ࢋኟȃ ፟Ꮾప 仸 ɖమຢ໤ቂ໢ ɖ֦‫܃‬໢ ɖప仸ܿဢນ֦‫ߟߴ܃‬ȍ ʗప乁୩ษॄˈട‫ݯ‬ప乁ࠒȃ ࿝൰ 7 ༇ࠒ ˄໳჏๫ຢ˅ ۰ಅ֡๒ධ፩ፊਾ ถ‫߼ڵ‬፜኷֦ბಡ ຢ֡ඩହ֦‫ˈ܃‬Ꮽ ‫๊ڈ‬໮ప仸࢑৿‫ܠ‬ȃ SC57 ෼ੋ֦ᆻ ၓம‫ן‬ಁཿພ ࠱ཧည‫ل‬ȍȍ ɑ੪ଓႻ࡞઄‫࡞آ‬ʽ ˄‫؜‬૰኷ౚႻ࡞઄ডዯ቏༽ܿᎫྙ჉߼፜˅ ɑቂ๖๢ܿࣴ౿෼Ⴛʽ ( ‫؜‬ᇋ໪ቂบႄࠒȂਜ਼༥༱Ȃ ࣴ౿ܿೞ௝ಅȂվੋ‫؝‬Ȃ‫؜‬ᇋ ໪ቂႻံ঩෼Ⴛ ಅ֡๒ධ·ᇗ൥ ) ຢ࡜ ෼‫ڼ‬໔቟ܿಅတˈቂ༽ ‫ڤ‬Ⴛ ʗ኷ಅ֡๒ධ೗ৠ๠ ຬ஢฽༽ˈ߼፜ᇜ ঐȃ ɑᇗ൥೎ᇵّ჉໢ˈ ᏪቑᎡ‫ވ‬ᇜ჉኶ճ ‫ڵ‬ହȃ ʘቂ༽෼Ⴛಅ֡๒ධ ञᇗ൥ȃ ɑ՗Ꭷ፺፵ၐ‫؜‬ᇋ‫ر‬ ௗಅတ݃ȃಅတ݃ ‫ر‬ௗ჉ହঐཿພಅ ֡๒ධܿ࠱ཧည‫ل‬ȃ ቂ೼࡞ܿ ໛ಥ‫آ؝‬໴ ɑቂ໛ಥ‫؝‬ਖ᳉኷ਸವ๒ධܿ࡞ ਸವ‫ˈݯآ‬ะॄ኶ฬไခ߼࡞ ਸವܿ૾ᇲ࣋‫ט‬ȃ ɑಅࣰ֡‫്ޡ‬ገߑਾ‫ۂ‬ ܸ೗࡜ˈ૰೙ܷ፛‫ޟ‬ ‫ࡄل‬໥ˈ‫؜ܦ‬ঐሯჳ ಅ֡፟Ꮾˈႜ໤֣థ ܿည‫؜ل‬ঐޭเ࿒ዉ ‫ڈ‬ሯჳȃಅ֡ဵ‫ॄڈ‬ ข੪ଓቂ೼࡞ܿ໛‫؝‬ ‫آ‬໴೗࡜ȃ ʙቂᎊවਖዮ኷ᇗ൥ ‫ۃ‬ञ՗Ꭷ፺ຢܿಅ တ෼‫࡞ڼ‬઄ȃ ࿙ะਸವ഻ᆻ๒ධ ቂ‫߶ڷ‬᎟ቂႻ‫ݎ‬ৎ˄፩ᄹ˅ ‫ࠍڣ‬෼Ⴛˈண࡞ ɑಅတ๩᳉ࡒ኷՗Ꭷ፺ຢˈᇸ ዉ‫ڈ‬ᇗ൥လథˈড‫ر‬ௗ቙ಅ ֡፩ȃ ɑ๩भኽ໢ˈขቂ‫߶ڷ‬᎟ቂႻ ‫ݎ‬ৎ˄፩ᄹ˅෼Ⴛȃ SC58 ɑໍ፯ਸವ‫ر‬ௗܿय़ˈႿૃঐߨፌࡄୈˈ ჉۫ܿໍ፯ਸವ഻ᆻ໢ঐ໘ցȃ ɖွᇜߙໍࡄୈ฀ଝ ʗ๫ຢႨ໾ࣰܿ‫߶ڷ‬᎟ቂࣽఉ൨ռࠒȃ ʘ‫ࠍڣ‬Ⴛ༱ȃ ਸವ๒ධ ࡜๒ධ࡜ ቂ೼࡞ܿ ถ჉ˈቂ༽‫ڤ‬Ⴛ Ȟّᄛߴߟȟ ‫؜‬ᇋถ჉ ໛ಥ‫࡞آ؝‬઄ॄˈᏋะ ண࡞ȃ 70 ‫ޡ‬ ɑ܏૑ຢ࡜๒ධ࡜ፚ70‫ޡ‬ਲॄˈ኶ਖቑ‫ف‬ჹຢ࿎ଲȃ ਸವ๒ධ‫؜‬೙ቂ ࡞‫آ؝‬໴ʽ ٛໍܿ੻‫ݢ‬ঐܷ፛ ࡞ਸವ‫؜‬ᇸథ჉ ඈ྾࡞ . ৮࣮๒ධ ّ჉ॄˈቂ‫ܿ߶ڷ‬᎟ቂႻ‫ݎ‬ৎ˄፩ᄹ˅ ෼Ⴛ ɑჹຢଲȃ ෼ੋ֦ᆻ ׁ࿒ ᄆ֔༇ ቂ೼࡞ܿ ໛ಥ‫آ؝‬໴ ɑ෼‫ݯڼ‬኷ଉ೗๵థܿ࡞ ਸವᇵঽ࠽ல݃ȃ ɑቂ༇ፑᅼˈ ܏૑૑‫֊ט‬ȃ ɑ‫؜‬ᇋௗ჉ቌፅȃ SC59 ٢ਈၳ࿏ ဍཌྷಅ֡ ૰ᇵቂ᎟ቂܿಅࠒ፟ Ꮾఱ˛ ૰ᇵ፟Ꮾˈ‫ܦ‬໸ᅍᇋ‫ݲ‬ጶ༽஢ȃሓၓ૰೙ߙໍಅࣰ֡‫്ޡ‬ገˈডಅ֡ຢߴ‫ڵ‬ო աფܿ฀ଝȃขਂຬ5 ȋ 10%ܿ༽஢ȃ ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ૰ᇵ፟Ꮾˈ‫ܦ‬໸ಅ֡ܿ൰፣ቪ്ገ‫ޡڋ‬ሓ᎟ቂಅࠒܿ፯୥ߑልȃ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅಅတ˄፩ਖ਼ಅࠒ˅ ಅတ྘ሱܿय़૰ৠ๠10 g˄mL˅ܿ༽ˈ๜ಅတ྘๢ܿय़૰ਂຬ10 g˄mL˅ܿ༽ȃ ૰ᇵቂඝྊ‫إ‬ல‫ܗ‬࿓ ॵቌञ೉ࠒఱ˛ ૰ᇵȃ ข໪ቂ݃஢ܿเዉॵቌȂඩཥቌ݃ࢿ࿒ቌፅହ‫ܗ‬࿓ॵቌȃ ˄ሓቌፅ፯୥‫؜‬࿷ˈ૥๾቏ഃ‫˅׳ُܨ‬ ೉ࠒ6 g˄‫ܐ‬1˅ˈყ‫ܬ‬቙70 g˄ኙ70 mL˅ܿ೾೉ȃ ɑ໪ቂ೾೉໢ˈขਂຬყ‫ܬ‬቙೾೉ࠔ஢ܿ༽ࠔȃ ‫إ‬ல ૰ᇵՙጐ༁ಅᄁ༌ܿെ ៀ༚፩ࠔ஢፟Ꮾఱ˛ ׁངಖ༚፩ܿࠔ஢໸ጦޭׁᄲख፟ಅ֡঩ܿ฀ଝ፟‫ˈܿނ‬ ๩ՙඝྊࠔ஢੣ᄵष૥ܿय़ˈ૰೙ঐष૥‫؜‬৞ȃ ૰ᇵ፟Ꮾ֐ਗ਼ܿಅ֡ ఱ˛ ཱིะ‫ت‬ቂᇜ֐‫إ‬லˈ‫ܦ‬ቈ቙Ȑ๕ಅȑञȐഠ‫ૼڵ‬නȑܿஉ‫྘ޕޡ‬೎ጁၾˈႇߟ ቪᏋ‫ވ‬፟ಅ֡঩ܿ፟Ꮾ‫ڋ‬ᅗിठˈሓۨ‫؜‬ᄵȃ ૰ᇵቂᏋেᏭܿ࿙ะ ਸವఱ˛ ሓၓߙਸ೙உ‫؜‬ၱ‫؜ˈށ‬๒ᇸߙਸ‫࢙ڈ‬ȃ ૰ᇵቂȐᄬᇑȑᇵိ ܿ࿙ะਸವఱ˛ ሓၓႇߟ֦ጽག஀഻ᆻ‫ڵ‬࿙ะਸವȃ ਓሊ໪ቂߙਸஉ‫਺׋‬ၱ‫ܿށ‬Ȑᄬᇑȑ࿙ะਸವȃ ਓሊ໪ቂȐᄬᇑȑ࿙ะਸವȃ ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅˄P. SC12˅ ‫؜‬ೊࡴၫˈࢽ౻࠙ॄ߼๠‫׼‬ძ೗֦‫܃‬ȃ ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅ঽ ࿙ะਸವ˄ໍ፯˅๜ ट֦‫˛܃‬ ੦ፒ኷୩‫ˈތ‬٢ၫ჉֦‫܃‬ ˄ߙਸ೙உ๸໘˅ ɑข኷֦‫܃‬ඓৱ˄ၝ૑࠙Ꭻྙ჉ˈᇡ֦‫ߟߴ܃‬੣ᄵ֦‫܃‬ ܿ቏ᄌඓქ˅໪ቂȃ ࿙ะਸವ˄ໍ፯˅˄P. SC38˅ ߼๠࿙ะਸವ˄ໍ፯˅ܿ๒ධ፩࡜ຢ࡜Ꮚˈ߼੣‫׼‬ძ೗୩‫܃֦ع‬ȃ ࿙ะ面包 ਸವ˄ኇ种˅ ɑข኷ᇜ፵೗ቂဵȃ ข߼๠‫׼‬ძ֦‫܃‬ȃ˄૑࠙ॄ‫כ‬ᅐ౻࠙ˈ‫؃‬੪ଓቂဵ˅ ๜ट֦‫࡞܃‬ਸವ˛ SC60 ɑข኷֦‫܃‬ඓৱ˄ၝ૑࠙Ꭻྙ჉ˈᇡ֦‫ߴ܃‬໮੣ᄵ֦‫ܿ܃‬቏ᄌඓქ˅໪ቂȃ ɑข႙߼๠୩‫ތ‬ଉ೗୩‫܃֦ތ‬ȃ ˄࡞ਸವঐႥ໛ੌଐˈႇߟ۰ਸವ๒ධ፩လథ˅ ૰ቂ໣౓ᆼܿ౶߰፟ Ꮾ౶߰ಅ֡˛ ߼ஜܿ౶߰ၫ‫׭ޡ‬Ꮃ኷30 Ɇᇵ჉ȃ ߼๠‫׼‬ძ୩‫ܿع‬౶߰ᇓ૰໪ቂˈ‫ܦ‬໸‫ק‬ሱॄ೎ᇵ๢फ़໢ˈᇋ჏ৠ๠༽๢फ़ॄ኶ ߼๠ˈጝᆼ‫਺׋‬๒ᇸਬ֍ȃ˄P. SC65˅ ୩‫ܿॄތ‬౶߰ˈข኷੍‫ॄތ‬অࡉፚ٢ၫॄ኶໪ቂȃ ֦ၫ኷12ᄆ໢ᇵ೗ܿ౶߰ˈข኷୩ษॄ኶໪ቂȃ ୩‫ࣰܿތ‬؅ఝಅ֡ܿ ฑඟಅတ૰ᇵቂఱ˛ ૰ᇵ໪ቂȃ ข໳჏Ꮛะ੍‫ˈތ‬᎙ሃ߼኷ಅ֡ಅတຢ໢‫؜‬೙྘ሱȃ ‫إ‬ல ๫༇ࠒ໢໪ቂ໣౓ಅ ࠒ‫਺׋‬औ˛ ಅ֡‫ڈ‬ᄳ໢ˈਓሊ໪ቂࡴਖ਼ಅࠒȃ ፟Ꮾప仸໢ˈਓሊ໪ቂ‫ࠒݨ‬ȃ ˄२૰ᇵ໪ቂተ౶ࠒঽࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ݃ȃ˅ ኷༽୴സமᇜးܿഏ ౶२೙ቂఱ˛ ཱིะ૰ᇵ໪ቂˈ‫ܦ‬Ꮽ‫ڵ‬ହܿప仸ঐ྘๢ˈሓۨᇜֈ‫؜‬ਓሊ໪ቂȃ ขਂຬഏ౶Ⴅ༆ܿೄ‫༽ࠔؠ‬஢˄12ࢋ˖80 g˄mL˅ˈ18ࢋ˖140 g˄mL˅˅ȃ ဍཌྷಅ֡૰ᇵष૥‫ڈ‬ ߴᄳఱ˛ ቂয়࿰ቂ፟ಅ֡঩ष૥‫ڵ‬ହܿಅ֡ˈ኷ष૥໢ಅတঐჹຢ് ገମጀˈᄳ‫ڈ‬ຐᄳ˄Ȑ࣫‫ݒ‬ȑ˅Ꭻܿಅ֡ȃ ๜ट෧औಅ֡˛ ष૥ੌ༩ॄమຢ෧ঐ‫਺׋‬ବ೎ˈਓሊ‫ܚ‬30ࠍ፬ॄ኶෧ȃ ɑնಅ֡߼ܴॄˈ෇ॄᇧ‫ވ‬ቂಅܱ֡෧૑ಅ֡ȃ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධॄˈ୩ษ2ࠍ፬้೎ᇵถ‫ڵ‬໢ˈข኶ਖಅ֡๒ධ߼๠ׁ࿒೗ˈ߼ ፜5 ȋ 10ࠍ፬ॄ኶ถ‫ڵ‬ȃ ಅ֡໸ࠨ‫؜‬औถ‫˛ڵ‬ ष૥ဵ‫ॄڈ‬ყ࣋໳ჵ ಅ֡ᇗ൥ຢ໸ࠨ‫ر‬ௗ மಅတ˛ ɑ๜࣮٫‫ڵ‬໢ৱˈಅ֡ঐ༆྄჉ྉȃ ɑข႙໪ቂܱ‫ه‬Ȃ଑Ꮚ݃ถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ȃ ˄ঐພܸࣷ࠱ཧည‫˅ل‬ ‫ܬ‬ಅတܿዮ‫݈ܿ਺ޡ‬฀ଝ჉ˈঐߙໍಅတ‫ر‬ௗ኷ಅ֡ᇗ൥ຢܿ฀ଝȃ ๩੔ሃܿय़ˈข኷ਖಅ֡ᇗ൥՗Ꭷ኷ׁ࿒ፇ෇ˈ૰ᇵညຢᇜᄎቌፅডጚࡇຢᇜ ‫ل‬ಅࠒॄ኶໪ቂȃ ဍཌྷಅ֡ ෧‫֤ڈ‬൥ˈ౞൥ቂ֦ბಡ֡ඩହ୩‫ތ‬ȃ ੪૰೙ਖࡪ૥औܿಅ֡୩‫ތ‬ඩହˈၟܻঐ࢑औȃ ɑ֦‫ڕ‬ಅ֡౟ၟܿ୩‫ތ‬ඓৱ‫ܐ‬ኙၓ1ࢋኟȃ ೉ቌશ ဍཌྷቪಅတ૰ᇵ୩‫ތ‬ ֦‫܃‬ఱ˛ ਖ‫ڈ‬ᄳȂߙਸऔܿಅ֡տ߼኷ရധຢˈࡇຢ֦ბಡ߼቙୩‫ތ‬༃ˈ ‫ތ‬औॄ߼๠ཫਥ‫ܙ‬፩֦‫܃‬ȃ ष૥໢ˈ኷30 ȋ 35 Ɇ჉੍‫ˈॄތ‬ညຢ‫ܫ‬ᇛ˄܏እܿ঳‫˅ܫ‬ष૥ȃ ɑ๩াܿय़ˈፊਾ኷ၝ੍‫ܿތ‬Ꭻྙ჉ညຢ‫ܫ‬ᇛˈष૥໢ৱᆖ٣ኙ5ࠍ፬ȃ ٢ਈၳ࿏ ൖ๭ ਖᚍऔܿಅတቂ֦ბಡ֡ඩହ୩‫ތ‬ȃ ष૥໢ˈፊਾೀ‫ڵ‬ହ߼ຢ࠽லष૥ȃ ࿙ะਸವન቏ᇵ჉࿅ጲȃ ໪ቂ࿙ะਸವቪ࡞ਸ ವᏭ‫ڵ‬ହܿဍཌྷࡥા ቏ᄎ‫؜‬ᇜᆼ˛ ɑࡴ‫ޡ‬ວՐˈᆘ๾కແȃ ɑ‫ޙ‬࿅ܿଁၟȃಅ֡൝๵ߙ‫ٳڵ‬೧ࡷञ࿝ਟቌཕܿცනˈન቏။။ܿ཰ၟञ࿝ၟȃ ɑಅတܿၯ௸ວວ۳ᇜᄎȃ ɑ‫ړ‬ඩହ቏ਫ੫ȃ ኷ಅ֡ডൖ๭ಅတܿ ፟Ꮾࣰ‫ڋ‬፩ˈ࡞ਸವ ౚ቏੣ᄵছठ˛ ᄆ֔༇ षֽ໢२ঐ๵ߙ‫ڵ‬Ȑ୥ཕ཰೉ܿߙਸනၟȑȃ ಅတਬ֍ॄˈঐ኷ࠍࢃȂ‫ڈ‬ᄳঽߗ۫ߙਸ፩ඩܸᏮቂˈྈᇵౚ቏ၳ࿏ȃ SC61 ٢ਈၳ࿏ ष૥ဵ‫ॄڈ‬ყ࣋໳ჵ ಅ֡ಅတ‫ܠج‬Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ ಅ֡ಅတभ๢ ? ขਖ༽ܿቂ஢ਂຬ5 ȋ 10 g˄mL˅ȃ ๩๫ຢࡴਖ਼ಅࠒܿय़ˈঐ‫਺׋‬๒ᇸ‫୲ۃ‬ȃ ኷ಅ֡ডൖ๭ಅတܿ፟ Ꮾࣰ‫ڋ‬፩ˈ‫؜‬ዒ౓ߙਸ ߙਸܿ‫ޡڋ‬૰೙ሓ‫؜ஂ׋‬࿷ߑ‫ాק‬ȃ ๩ಅ֡ಅတൖ๭ಅတ፟Ꮾੌ༩ॄˈ‫܏؜‬૑ຢ࡜ˈ৙ᅝ߼፜໢ˈ૰ᇵ৙ᅝߙਸȃ ˄নᎳ˖20 ȋ 30ࠍ፬˅ ኷ถಅ֡໢ˈᇗ൥ᇜඩ ถ჉ହமఱ˛ ಅ֡૥፟‫ڈ‬ᄲ໢,ಅ֡ᇗ൥቏૰೙ቪಅ֡ᇜඩ‫־‬ถ‫ڵ‬ȃ๩໸ፊਾ෧ಅ֡໢ˈঐཿ ພᇗ൥ˈሓۨᇜ‫ށ‬ᇋਖᇗ൥ถ‫ڵ‬ȃ ૰ᇵቂହᏭ࿝࿝ปডൖ๭݃໤൰ȃ ขฬไ໸࿮ፒ኷ᇵ჉ܿು፯Ꭻྙॄˈ኶ՙጐ჉༧ܿᏭߟ੣ᄵ‫غ‬Ꮾȃ ໘ցܿಅတ२૰ᇵ኶ ቂఱ˛ ஂ ้ၓಅတᎫྙˈ ၝ‫־‬ष૥໢ ȍ݃ ໪ቂ࡞ਸವܿ‫ܠج‬ ɑ࡞ਸವ‫ر‬ௗ኷ਸವ๒ධ೗໢ ‫ܠجܸݲ‬Ȑ14ȑ ˄ൖ๭ಅတ˅ॄ፱ᄧ૑໭፟ᏮಅတˈᏭ‫ڈ‬ ࿝࿝ป˄P. SC40˅ডൖ๭˄P. SC42˅ʽ ɑਸವ๒ධ೗ౚ቏‫ر‬ௗ࡞ਸವ໢ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတˈᏭ‫ڈ‬࿝࿝ป˄P. SC40˅ডൖ๭˄P. SC42˅ʽ ໪ቂ࿙ะਸವܿ‫ܠج‬ ถ‫ڵ‬ಅတॄᏭ‫ڈ‬࿝࿝ป˄P. SC40˅ʽ SC62 ଁࡥቪ༁٠‫ڵ‬༌ܿሃ ‫஀ܐ‬ಅ‫؜‬࿷˛ ቪ࡞ሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅܿ፟Ꮾߴߟ‫؜‬࿷ˈሓۨ኷ိᄳȂಅတܿ๖๢‫ޡ‬Ȃ‫ܪ‬ᄹຢ‫ޕ‬቏ྈُልȃ ዒ౓ᇓ෧‫؜‬औಅ࿢˛ ขጸฬ‫څ‬஢ˈ‫؃‬኷ಅတຢ๫ຢᏚࢮܿࡴਖ਼ಅࠒȃ ಅ֡ᄳᎫል٢ʽ ‫ڵ‬ოᇵ჉฀ଝ໢ ༇ࢗ፟Ꮾಅ֡ጡ೎նၾ ౞۫Ꮽ‫ڵ‬ହܿᄳᎫ ‫؜ޕ‬ᇜᆼȍ ขฬไᇵ჉೗๒ ɑ།ၫ‫ޡ‬Ȃ໛‫ޡ‬Ȃ‫إ‬லȂኁኙ໢ৱ݃࿢਋ܿሯჳˈಅ֡ܿᄳᎫञ൉མ‫ޕޡ‬ঐߙໍ‫ק‬फ़ȃ ɑ໸ࠨ߼๠྘޹ඈ྾࡞ፇ୥ܿ࠽ல˛ ɑ༃ၫ໸ࠨ྘ࡴமೕ˛˄༃ၫࣰࡴˈዏᄳᎫঐ‫˅ُק‬ ขਖಅࠒ݃‫إ‬ல߼๠‫׼‬ძ೗୩‫ع‬ȃ ്ገ‫؜‬Ꮪ ࡴ‫׭ޡ‬Ꮃ ဍཌྷಅ֡Ȃଓཨಅ֡Ȃ ภఴಅ֡ܿ฀ଝ჉ ˄ ˅ ಅࠒ ‫؜‬Ꮪ 14 cm ɑ໸ࠨቂ‫څڒ‬፱ம˛ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂம‫ܫ‬ռ፣ࣽ஢٫ࣰ 12 ȋ 15% ፇৱܿಅࠒ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂமࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂமࣰඓܿಅࠒ˛ ˘ߟ࣭ಅ֡Ȃ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ȍ˚ ɑ໸ࠨഅ‫܊‬மࡴਖ਼ಅࠒञ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒܿ‫˛ஂ׋‬ ˄๢໮ಅ֡Ȃ౶ࠒಅ֡ܿ ˅ ฀ଝ჉ ‫؜‬Ꮪ 13 cm ɑ໸ࠨ྘ຬ˛ ༽ ȁଓཨಅ֡Ȃߟ࣭ಅ֡Ȃภఴಅ֡Ȃ ȁ؅ఝಅ֡Ȃ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ȍ ˘ ˚ ɑ໪ቂܿ໸ࠨ‫ޕ‬໸ኙ 5 Ɇܿ୩༽˛ ˘༃ၫ٫ࣰ 25 Ɇ ໢ȍ˚ ဍཌྷЖ്ገ‫ޡڋ‬З ౶߰ಅ֡Ȃ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ܿ ฀ଝ჉ ˄ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂኙ 5 Ɇܿ୩༽˛ ˅ ‫؜‬Ꮪ 12 cm ຃ྴ ɑ໸ࠨ྘ຬ˛ ˘‫ڼ‬࿙ะਸವಅ֡ᇵိȍ˚ ˄࿙ะਸವಅ֡ܿ฀ଝ჉˅ ࡞ਸವ ‫؜‬Ꮪ 11 cm ‫؜‬Ꮪ 9 cm ˘࿙ะਸವಅ֡˚ ࿙ะਸವ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂȐᄬᇑȑ࿙ะਸವହ፟Ꮾ˛ ɑໍ፯࿙ะਸವ໸ছठॄ኶‫څ‬፱ܿఱ˛ ɑ߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗மఱ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ྘ຬ˛ ಅࠒ ɑ໸ࠨ྘޹˛ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂமಅ֡ܿ᎟ቂಅࠒ˛˄P. SC60˅ ༽ ɑ໸ࠨ྘޹˛ ࡴ‫׭ޡ‬Ꮃ / ಅ֡ᄳᎫል٢Д ࣰ‫്ޡ‬ገ ٢ਈၳ࿏ ˄ߟ࣭ಅ֡Ȃ؅ఝಅ֡ܿ ˅ ฀ଝ჉ ɑ໪ቂܿ໸‫؜‬ᅍ࿎෇ߙਸܿ࡞ਸವఱ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ߼๠ਸವ๒ධ೗˛ ɑ໸ࠨ྘ຬ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ኷‫׼‬ძ೗֦‫˄˛܃‬P. SC9˅ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂமࣰඓܿ࡞ਸವೕ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ྘޹˛ ᄆ֔༇ 20 cm ᇵຢ ࡞ਸವ ࿙ะਸವ ՙጐፑ‫ࠔށ‬஢‫غ‬Ꮾษ‫ڵ‬ოࣰ‫്ޡ‬ገ໢ˈข١༅ਖ࡞ਸವ ড຃ྴਂຬ¼ ȋ ½ܿ஢ȃ ɑ኷ࣴճ٫ࣰ1000 mܿ‫ݓ‬ฏˈ቏໢ঐ‫ڵ‬ოࣰ‫്ޡ‬ገܿოჺȃ ɑಅࣰ֡‫്ޡ‬ገߑਾ‫࡜ܸۂ‬Ꮚ೗‫ˈف‬૰೙ঐܷ፛ည‫֣ل‬థȃ ႜ໤֣థܿည‫؜؃ˈل‬ঐޭเ࿒ዉ‫ڈ‬ሯჳȃ SC63 ಅ֡ᄳᎫል٢ʽ ‫ڵ‬ოᇵ჉฀ଝ໢ ဵภ‫്؜‬ገ ˄ጶ࿒൤ռˈಅတᎫ˅ ขฬไᇵ჉೗๒ ɑ໸ࠨ၇৔߼๠࡞ਸವডໍ፯࿙ะਸವமೕ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂம֦‫؜܃‬औȂডࣰඓܿ࡞ਸವ˛ ɑ໸ࠨႜ໪ቂமസ܏ࠒ˛ ࡞ਸವ ࿙ะਸವ ɑ໸ࠨ၇৔՗Ꭷಅ֡ᇗ൥˛ ɑ፩ဉ໸ࠨ‫ڵ‬ოம࿮‫ݢ‬฀ଝ˛ ౞۫Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ᄳᎫञ് ገ‫؜ޕޡڋ‬࿷ ɑ༇ࢗ፟Ꮾܿಅ֡ሓᇵ჉࿢਋ˈ౞۫Ꮽ‫ܿڵ‬ᄳᎫञ്ገ‫ޕޡڋ‬ঐߙໍ࡙‫ק‬ʽ ჋ো݃༃ၫࡴ໢ ༃ ၫ ከᎡ໢༃ၫߙໍ‫ק‬फ़˄๜፩ဉ࣋‫˅݃ݲૼט‬ ɖ ɖ ɖ ‫إ‬லܿ፯୥Ȃᄹ፣ ဍཌྷЖᄳᎫЗ ‫ߙؠݒ‬ዮˈ ‫ف‬ಅ༆྄ ჉ྉ ໪ቂம‫ܫ‬ռ፣ࣽ஢਺ຬܿಅࠒष૥໢ ໪ቂம֦‫؜܃‬ນȂࣰඓܿ࡞ਸವ໢ ɑ໸ࠨਖष૥औܿಅ֡ᅻཨ۰ಅ֡๒ධ೗ถ‫߼ˈڵ‬኷၃৩ຢ๵฽ೕ˛ ɑ༃ၫࡴ໢ˈਖ༽஢ਂຬ10 g ˄mL˅ঐ቏ᄌ࣮ȃ ຢ‫ؠ‬աფ ˄ိ൝૥ਤ˅ ຢ‫ؠ‬൶ྦˈ‫ډ‬ན ਲᄳաფ ‫ؠݒ‬աფ‫ܐ‬ ૺˈፊஅ‫؜‬ ඩ ဍཌྷЖඝྊЗ SC64 ɖ ɑಅࠒ໸ࠨ྘ຬೕ˛ ɑ༽໸ࠨ྘޹ೕ˛ ˘ภఴಅ֡ȍ˚ ɑ‫ܬ‬ภఴಅࠒܿ‫޹ࣰஂ׋‬ডಅࠒܿ፯୥‫؜‬࿷໢ᇸߙໍጝ፯฀ଝȃ ɑௗ჉மಅ֡ቂᇗ൥ܿᄳᎫȃ ɑถ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡໢ˈ໸ࠨ൑ܸமಅ֡๒ධܿ‫˛ؠݒ‬ ˄቏໢ሓᇗ൥Ꭱ‫ވ‬ঐഅ।ಅ֡˅ ፵ၐ቏޹቟ܿಅࠒ ɑಅࠒ໸ࠨ྘޹ೕ˛ ɑ༽໸ࠨ྘ຬೕ˛ ‫؜‬೙ष૥‫ڵ‬ᏋেႪ၆ ܿᆘ๾ˈຢ‫ؠ‬቏‫ࠍؠ‬ ૥ਤ ɑข࡙‫ק‬૥๾˄P. SC20˅ˈডጚ‫ݲ‬ጶ຃ྴܿቂ஢ȃ ਂຬ຃ྴܿቂ஢ˈዏ૥๾ঐ‫ˈܨק‬ዓৠዏ૥๾ঐ‫ק‬ແȃ ɑಅ֡ለ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධ໢ˈขਂຬ࡞ਸವቪ༽஢ȃ ɑ๩ಅ֡ຢ‫ؠ‬٫‫ڵ‬ಅ֡๒ධ྘޹ˈ቏૰೙ዉ‫֣ڈ‬୰݃ოჺȃ ಅ֡ိ൝྘ሱ ɑ݃ိ൝୩ษܸเ࿒মࠫၫ‫߼ˈॄޡ‬๠֦ბ‫ˈܙ‬ዏಅ֡ိ൝ঐ‫ק‬๢ȃ ࠽ல൤ჹᇜ‫ע‬ ɑቈ቙࠽லܿ፯୥ঽಅတܿሱ‫ ˈ݃ޡ‬૰೙‫ڵ‬ო൤ჹᇜ‫ܿע‬฀ଝȃ ‫؜‬ᇋᎡ‫ވ‬ ဍཌྷЖඝྊЗ ౶߰ಅ֡ ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ‫ڈ‬ᄳȂߙਸॄܿಅတ቏ ᳉ᄹ ɑߙਸ໢ৱ྘٣ˈঐ໪ಅတམ‫ˈڙ‬ખঐ‫ܾק‬቏᳉ᄹȃ ཱིะ‫؜‬࿷፯୥ܿಅ֡ܿߙਸ໢ৱ‫؜‬࿷ˈ‫ܦ‬ᇜֈܿ‫ߟߴ׳ש‬໸ቂ༇ፑ෸෸ՙᇜ჉്ገ ܿಅတ‫ف‬ಅˈ๜࣮ాా‫ܪ‬ඩହˈખངಖߙਸဵ‫ڈ‬ȃ Ꮽ‫؜‬औ೾ਲಅ֡ ɑॵቌ๜࣮๏फ़ˈખ೎ᇵ֡ࡇ኷ಅတ፩ˈਖ‫؜‬೙ᄳ‫ࡥ۫لڈ‬ȃ ขਖಅတ߼๠‫׼‬ძ‫ࠍڣ‬୩ษॄ኶֡๠ॵቌȃ ə ࿅‫׳‬໸኷༃ၫࡴ໢ˈॵቌ๒ᇸ๏फ़ˈᅍᇋᆖ٣୩ษ໢ৱȃ ߙო቏౶ஆ‫ر‬ௗ ɑข኷ௐᇜࢋ๒ධ೗߼๠౶߰ञ༽ˈਖ౶߰‫ࠍڣ‬๢फ़ॄ኶߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ ‫ؠݒ‬ঽိ‫ل‬বቌ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂ୩‫ॵތ‬ቌˈ‫؃‬෧‫ ڈ‬1 cm ܿᄆଐ˛ ɑ୩‫ॵތ‬ቌ໸ࠨ኷ࠛಘධჳඩܿ 10 ࠍ፬ፇ೗߼๠˛ ɑ໸ࠨᇲਖ୩‫ॵތ‬ቌ᫯૑ெ๵߼๠๒ධ˛ ଁࡥ‫ࢮ؜‬མ‫۽‬ ɑਖ෧औܿಅ֡኶ष૥ᇜ۫ˈঐ‫਺׋ܾק‬቏མ‫ࡥ۽‬ȃ ؅ఝಅ֡ܿฑඟಅတ ழ૑ ɑ໸ࠨ‫ࠍڣ‬ਬ֍மฑඟಅတ˛ ɑ໸ࠨਖฑඟಅတ๕ܸࣕज़Ꭻྙ˛ ɑ໸ࠨਖฑඟಅတූᄵશ๠ಅ֡ಅတೕ˛ əፔᅍਖฑඟಅတ߼኷ಅ֡ಅတຢȃ ˄෸෸ՙᅼ໪ፇ࿦੟ॄዏᄳᎫঐ֦‫࢑ܾڕ‬औȃ˅ ɑࢆᏊဇ՝໸ࠨ૳྘ແம˛ ؅ఝಅ֡ܿฑඟಅ൝ ๢౿౿ܿ ɑኊሓ኷቙ॵቌ኷๢फ़໢‫ڵ‬ოம๏फ़ˈ໪ಅတᇛ࿒ࣽ஢ࣰ޹ȃ ə ๩ॵቌ๏फ़ܿय़ˈু໪ਖಅတ୩‫ˈॄع‬२໸ঐམ๢ᇸླྀȃ ؅ఝಅ֡ܿฑඟಅတ ൤ჹᇜ‫ע‬ ɑ໸ࠨਖಅ֡ಅတ፱ᄧ߼ܸ፩ᆮၤ፜மೕ˛ ฑඟಅတ‫؜‬኷ຢಅ ɑฑඟಅတ໸ࠨ୩ษࣰ‫קޡ‬ሱ˛ ə ࢎદȐৠࢗᏮᇖ໔቟ 10 ࠍ፬ॄȑܿმ໯ˈਖฑඟಅတ۰‫׼‬ძ፩ถ‫ˈڵ‬ቂᚍಅ࣪ᚍ֤ȃ ฑඟಅတ‫ܸ܌‬๖๢෩૰ᇵဵภုฑܿ‫ޡڋ‬໢਺औȃ ฑඟಅတ۰ಅ֡๒ධ ፩ለ‫ڵ‬ହ ɑ߼ฑඟಅတ໢ˈ໸ࠨ෸෸ՙࣰ፵ၐ˛ ə ๜࣮ՙᅼಅတ྘ࣰቂஉˈषֽ໢ฑඟಅတܿ‫װ‬ಅঐழ૑ȃ ౶ࠒಅ֡ᄳᎫ‫؜‬औ૛ ɑ༃ၫ໸ࠨࣰࡴ˛ ˄༃ၫࣰࡴܿ฀ଝ჉ˈᏭ‫ܿڵ‬ဍཌྷ፣஢਺ُȃ˅ ɑ໸ࠨ኷༃ၫ٫ࣰ 25 Ɇ໢੣ᄵமኁኙೕ˛ ə ༃ၫࡴ໢ˈ‫إ‬லܿၫ‫ޡ‬ᇓঐࣰࡴˈሓۨᏭ‫ڵ‬ହܿಅ֡ᄳᎫঐ‫ُק‬ȃ ข‫؜‬ᇋົ፜ࣰ٣ܿኁኙ໢ৱȃ ᄆ֔༇ ౶ࠒಅ֡ ขฬไᇵ჉೗๒ ಅ֡ᄳᎫል٢Д ؅ఝಅ֡ ‫ڵ‬ოᇵ჉฀ଝ໢ SC65 ಅ֡ᄳᎫል٢ʽ ‫ڵ‬ოᇵ჉฀ଝ໢ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅБሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ ሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ‫ࡷܫ‬ ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ SC66 ขฬไᇵ჉೗๒ ಅတ፩቏ಅࢂ܎ ɑ໸ࠨ‫܊‬ਖಅ֡ቂᇗ൥‫ڈܬ‬ಅ࿢·ప乁ቂᇗ൥՗Ꭷຢบ˛ ɑಅࠒ໸ࠨ྘ຬೕ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ‫ࠍڣ‬ਬ֍ಅࠒॄ‫߼ئ‬๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗˛ ɑ༽໸ࠨ྘޹ೕ˛ ɑᏭႃ‫ޅ‬ಅ໢ˈ໸ࠨ໪ቂமၫ༽˛ ಅတ᳉኷༇ຢˈ ႇߟ‫ڈ‬ᄳ ɑಅࠒ໸ࠨ྘ຬೕ˛ ɑ๫ࡴਖ਼ಅࠒமఱ˛ ɑ༽໸ࠨ྘޹ೕ˛ ಅ࿢ዮ኷ᇜඩ ɑ෧‫ڈ‬ಅ࿢Ꭻॄ߼፜ܿ໢ৱ໸ࠨ྘٣˛ ɑ໸ࠨ๫மᏚࢮ޹ܿࡴਖ਼ಅࠒ˛ ്ገ‫؜‬Ꮪ ɑ໸ࠨৠ๠மസ܏ࠒ˛ ˄ু໪߼๠࡞ਸವᇓႇߟ്ገȃ˅ ‫؜‬Ꮪ 5 cm ‫ڵ‬ოॵቌք ˄๾քȂૼ‫˅݃ލ‬ ɑ‫إ‬லܿࠔ஢໸ࠨጸฬ˛ ɑ໸ࠨਖॵቌ෧‫ڈ‬1 cmܿଐᎫೕ˛ ɑ༃ၫ݈቙15 Ɇ໢ˈ໸ࠨਖॵቌ෧‫ڈ‬5 mmܿଐᎫೕ˛ ፵ၐ‫ر‬ௗ቏ಅࠒ ɑ໸ࠨ෼‫ڼ‬மಅࠒ˛ ɑ໸ࠨ੣ᄵம‫ڈ‬ᄳ‫؞‬ᎁೕ˛ ്ገ‫؜‬Ꮪ ɑ‫إ‬லܿࠔ஢໸ࠨጸฬ˛ ɑ໸ࠨৠ๠மസ܏ࠒ˛ ɑ໸ࠨਖ݈ਖ਼ಅࠒቪസ܏ࠒ຋ࣰॄ኶߼๠˛ ຢ‫رؠ‬ௗமॵቌ ɑ໸ࠨਖॵቌ෧‫ڈ‬1 cmܿଐᎫೕ˛ ɑॵቌ໸ࠨঅࡉ٢ၫ˛ ɑ໸ࠨՙགᅗ߼๠‫إ‬ல˛ ፵ၐ‫ܕ‬቏ಅࠒ ɑ໸ࠨ෼‫ڼ‬ಅࠒம˛ ɑ‫إ‬லܿခ๠۫ᅗ໸ࠨጸฬ˛ ፟Ꮾ‫ࡷܫܿڵ‬ቪኁჲ ܿ‫؜‬ᇜᆼ ɑᏭ‫ڵ‬ହܿ‫ࡷܫ‬୥ཕ቙ॵቌ‫ܸ؜܌ܦˈࡷܫ‬༁٠‫ڵ‬༌ܿࣴ౿‫ܿࡷܫ‬षֽ‫ޡڋ‬ȃ๩ਖ݈ ਖ਼ಅࠒਂፚ180 gˈ‫ࡷܫ‬ঐ‫ܾק‬མ๢ᄎȃ ბ೉ቌञ෠૲உႇߟ ๏ठ ɑ๞ፅߵࣽ஢ࡴ˄41% ᇵຢ˅ܿბ೉ቌቪ૰૰ࣽ஢޹ܿ෠૲உᇜඩ໪ቂˈ૰೙ႇߟ๏ठȃ ዓৠ 10 g˄ኙᄆ 2˅ܿ೾೉ˈ቏᎓቙ߗጚ๏ठȃ ྘๢ ɑ໪ቂ೾೉‫ܿ޹ࠍڈ‬෠૲உዏঐ‫ק‬๢ȃ ขਂຬ 10 ȋ 20 g˄ኙ 10 ȋ 20 mL˅ܿბ೉ቌȃ ಅ֡๒ධ೗፵ၐዯ቏ ෠૲உ ɑข኷5ࠍ፬೗ቂჷ൝ࣁܱਖಅ֡๒ධܿ෠૲உࣁ჉ˈ኶Ꭾৠਬ֍2 ȋ 3ࠍ፬ȃ ‫ڵ‬ოᇵ჉฀ଝ໢ ขฬไᇵ჉೗๒ ቈ቙຃ྴ஢‫ߑˈࢮ؜‬෩ౚ቏໪ቂ࿚ৠ႘ˈሓۨ፟‫࣮ܿڈ‬ਟ਺Ⴈȃ ࣮ਟ ‫؜‬೺ࢿ ˄‫؜‬᳉‫˅ڬ‬ ɑၝ‫ڈ‬༝ܿ༽࣮Ȃ༝ဃமܿ༽࣮Ȃ‫؜‬ᄧბܿ༽࣮ቈ቙࣮ਥࣽ஢਺ຬˈሓۨ૰೙‫ڵ‬ო೎ ᇵ೺ࢿܿ฀ଝȃ ɑ໸ࠨ߼๠྘޹༽࣮˛ ɑ໸ࠨਂຬ຃ྴቪ೸౩ፆܿ஢˛ ˄࣮ਟ೺ࢿᅍᇋ໻‫ޡྴܿޡ‬Ȃ཰‫ޡ‬Ȃ࣮ਥ஢˅ ౺ྴ༽࣮ ప仸 ౚᎌऔ ɑ༽࣮໸ࠨࣰ቙‫ڈ‬༝˛ ɑሓ༽࣮፯୥‫؜‬࿷ˈ቏ᄎ൰፯๒ᇸᎌୈȃ ቏ᄎ‫ྴࠍؠ‬ਗ໋ܿဃ ᄹ‫؜‬औ ɑ໸ࠨ‫־‬षֽፖ࡜᎘ம˛ ɑ۰ྴਗ፩ถ‫ˈॄڵ‬ਖ໋ဃᄹ‫؜‬औܿ‫ٮࠍؠ‬჉߼፜ˈ໪ፇ੩኷ྴਗ፩ˈ኶୩ษȃ ɑ߼፜֐࿙ ȋ 1࿙ু૰໤ቂȃ Ꮽऔܿప仸ຢዯ቏ ౶ஆ ɑഏ౶໸ࠨ྘޹ೕ˛ ɑ༽໸ࠨ྘ຬೕ˛ ɑஇ࡞ഏ౶༽ࠍ໢ˈഏ౶໸ࠨࣰࠍ࡞ዌ˛ ˄‫׋‬๜ፊਾጸޭ୩නࠞଁ݃˅ ɑ໸ࠨঢ়ኰமੵ౶˛ ɑ໸ࠨ໪ቂம઒౶˛ ಅ֡ᄳᎫል٢Д ᄆ֔༇ SC67 Ȑ‫غ‬Ꮾ‫܊‬ႜʽȑܿ‫ؚ‬ઑ‫܈‬໚ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವᇵိܿ‫إ‬ல૰኷჉ள໢ৱ೗߼๠ȃ ‫ܦ‬໸ˈቈ቙Ꮵ‫ڴ‬኷Ȑ๕ಅȑ໢ˈ‫إ‬லౚ቏‫ࠍڣ‬ਬ֍ˈ૰೙ႇߟ‫࢙ڈ‬Ꮽ‫ڵ‬ಅ֡ȃ ၇߼ܿ‫إ‬ல ߼๠ܿ໢ৱ ɑ໪ቂ࡞ਸವܿ‫ܠج‬ ࡞ਸವ‫־‬ခ๠ፇ෇ˈᏪள‫إ‬ல२૰߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ೗ȃ t ൖ๭ಅတ ........................................................ 1ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ ॵቌ ຃ྴ ೉ࠒ ໤ᆑ t ಅ֡ಅတ....................................................... 10ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ t ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ........................................................ 5ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ t ౶ࠒಅ֡ ...................................................... 35ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ t ඝྊ‫ܠج‬ ...................................................... 20ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ ə੪૰೙ᇵᄆܿ࠰‫܏ޡ‬૑ຢ࡜ˈ‫ן‬ಁ࡞ਸವ๬థȃ ၇৔߼๠‫إ‬லખՙம૑໭ʽ ɑ໪ቂ࿙ะਸವܿ‫ܠج‬ ኷10ࠍ፬ᇵ೗߼๠ಅ֡๒ධᇵ֦ጽ኷Ꮵ‫ܿڴ‬๕ಅ፩‫־‬ਬ֍ȃ ခ๠࡞ਸವ෇ˈਖ࡞ਸವ߼๠ਸವ๒ධ೗ȃ t ൖ๭ಅတ ........................................................ 1ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ ࡞ਸವ ᅤ‫܊‬ம‫ܠج‬Ȃ ඈ྾࡞Ȃ ૥๾࢙݃೙ખՙம૑໭ʽ t ಅ֡ಅတ....................................................... 10ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ t ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ ........................................................ 5ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ t ౶ࠒಅ֡ ...................................................... 35ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ t ඝྊ‫ܠج‬ ...................................................... 20ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ ๩໸ࡪࡪ૑໭ˈ૰ᇵ፱ᄧ‫غ‬Ꮾȃข٣ՙȐถᄂȑਉ፩ፒ‫غ‬Ꮾˈ ᅤዎጸฬܿ‫ܠج‬ə tඈ྾࡞࢙೙t૥๾ॄ፱ᄧ૑໭ȃ əȐ౶ࠒಅ֡ȑ๩ᅤ‫܊‬ம‫ুˈܠج‬໪፱ᄧᅤዎጸฬܿ‫ܠج‬ᇓႇߟ፟Ꮾ‫࢙ڈ‬ȃ ˄ሓၓᏥ‫ܿڴ‬፟Ꮾࢗᅗ‫؜‬࿷˅ ՗Ꭷம‫܊‬ႜܿᇗ൥‫؃‬ත‫ވ‬ʽ ข٣ՙȐถᄂȑਉ࿮ፒ‫غ‬Ꮾˈ፱ᄧ՗Ꭷጸฬܿᇗ൥ॄ኶૑໭ȃ ˄‫࢑؜‬४ጸฬܿᇗ൥ˈዏ૰೙ঐ࿮ፒᎡ‫ވ‬ȃ˅ ճ‫ݯ‬ம‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂʽ ু໪ճ‫ݢݯ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂˈ኷10ࠍ፬೗‫ن‬ইบˈ้૰ᇵঅࡉȃ əข႙ՙ჉Ȑ૑໭ȑਉȃ ፩ဉ‫܊‬ՙமȐถᄂȑਉʽ ኷10ࠍ፬೗ՙ჉ Ȑ૑໭ȑু૰অࡉȃ əፔ቏ᇜ۫቏ᄌȃข‫؜‬ᇋՙඝྊਉȃ ɖ໘ցܿಅတ૰ᇵ኶Ꮽ‫ڈ‬ൖ๭ড࿝࿝ปȃ˄P. SC40ˈSC42ˈSC62˅ SC68 ࢽጊጪި ‫ڵ‬ოᇵ჉฀ଝ໢ ข჏ฬไᇵ჉໳ჵ ๜้࣮቏ል٢ˈขஅু஍నPanasonic૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ፩ᄩ ኊȁሓ ᅃ୲ߴߟ ႇߟ੣ᄵՙਉ‫غ‬Ꮾ ɑ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ໸ࠨམလ˛ ՙம૑໭ਉᇓ‫؜‬ከ Ꭱ˄‫؜‬๕ಅ˅ ɑ౶ࠒಅ֡ܿࢗᅗ໸۰Ȑᄶಅȑ૑໭ܿˈᇜ૑໭‫؜‬ከᎡȃ ‫ن‬ຢ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂȃ ɑ࡞ਸವᏋ‫߼ވ‬๠ܿ໢ৱሓ‫ܠج‬ञ༃ၫ݃࿢਋‫؜‬࿷ߑ቏ُልȃ ࡞ਸವౚ቏థ჉ ɑਸವ๒ධٰ໛ড‫ܕ‬቏੻‫ݢ‬ȃ ቂ೼࡞ܿ໛ಥ‫آ؝‬໴ˈᏋะࠞ࡞ȃ ɑ࡞ਸವ໸ࠨ།ٰ˛ ໪ቂᄧܿ࡞ਸವȃ ඈ྾࡞ᇵঽ࡞࣮ႇ ߟခ๠ ɑ໸ࠨਖ࠽லჸຐᄳᇜᆼު߼˛ ขਖ࠽ல൶අȃ ፩ဉከᎡ࿮ፒ ɑከᎡ፩ˈ๩‫ڵ‬ო10ࠍ፬ᇵຢܿ࿮‫ˈݢ‬ዏঐ࿮ ፒከᎡȃ ๩໸኷ಅတᎫྙ჉࿮ፒˈ૰ᇵ኶஀ ቂȃ˄P. SC62˅ ˄მ໯‫ܿ෇ܬ‬໢ৱ˅ ข኷჉ள߭ၐ೗‫ݲ‬ጶ໢ৱȃ ɑჲົ፜ܿ໢ৱ໸ࠨၓႇߟኁኙܿ໢ৱ˛ ‫؜ܠج‬࿷ˈष૥ੌ༩ྈᅍܿ໢ৱᇓ‫؜‬࿷ȃ Ȑ ܿ‫ؚ‬ઑ‫܈‬໚ ȑ ɑ໪ቂ࡞ਸವ‫ܿܠج‬ဍཌྷಅ֡Ȃ౶߰ಅ֡Ȃߟ࣭ಅ֡Ȃภఴಅ֡ˈፔ቏Ꮵ૑໭ܿȐ๕ ಅȑ‫ڋ‬ᅗ໸኷ኁኙॄమຢ੣ᄵȃ˄P. SC10˅ / ࢽጊጪި ኁኙॄమຢખ૑໭ ๕ಅம Ȟ૰ົ፜ܿ໢ৱஂȟ ‫˖ܠج‬ဍཌྷಅ֡ ‫෇ܬ‬໢ৱ˖းຢ8‫ݞ‬30ࠍ ˄ᇛੰ໢૳მ໯Ȑ20:30ȑ˅ ૰ົ፜໢ৱ˖ோ‫پ‬0‫ݞ‬40ࠍ ȋ ຢ႐9‫ݞ‬30ࠍ ˄Ȑ0:40ȑȋȐ9:30ȑ˅ əፔ೙኷ຢ༧໢ৱާົ፜ȃ ‫غ‬Ꮾ‫܊‬ႜД ႇߟ‫ݲ‬ጶܸჲᇋኁ ኙܿ໢ৱ ო኷໢ৱܿ ɑဍཌྷಅ֡ 4ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ɑ๢໮ಅ֡ 4ᄆ໢30ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ɑ౶߰ಅ֡ 4ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ɑߟ࣭ಅ֡ 5ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ɑภఴಅ֡ 5ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ɑ౶ࠒಅ֡ 2ᄆ໢40ࠍ፬ ȋ 13ᄆ໢ॄ ɑ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ 7ᄆ໢10ࠍ፬ ȋ 10ᄆ໢ॄ ߙ‫ڵ‬ᇵ჉໌ሕ‫؜؃‬໸ል٢ოჺȃ ᄆ֔༇ ጸ኷໪ቂডኁኙ ໢ˈߙ‫໌ڵ‬ሕ ɑ኷Ꮽప乁ˈড኷ಅတȐ๕ಅȑডȐഠනȑ໢ t Ȑፁፁȑ Ȑങᛯങᛯȑ................ ಅတਬ֍ܿ໌ሕ t Ȑၴၴȑ .................................. మ‫܌‬ከᎡܿ໌ሕ t Ȑૐමૐමȑ ........................... Ꮽప乁ܿ໌ሕ ɑ࡞ਸವডඈ྾࡞๒ධܿ‫إ‬ல߼๠ಅ֡๒ධ໢ t Ȑࡖමࡖමȑ ............................ ૑‫ߞט‬Ȃ ૑‫໌ܿ֊ט‬ሕ ፩ဉከᎡ࿮ፒ ˄ᇗ൥‫؜‬Ꭱம˅ ɑ‫إ‬லࣰ޹ˈডᇗ൥‫־‬৮ሱ‫إ‬ல૏᎘ˈዉ‫ڈ‬మ‫ࣰܞࡏ܌‬፱ˈዏ֦॓Ꭷ፜૑໭ከᏮˈ፩ဉ ખঐ࿮ፒᎡ‫ވ‬ȃ ˄ু໪‫غ‬Ꮾဵ‫ˈڈ‬ᇓ໸ࠒᎫˈၝष૥औ˅ əข஍ႼPanasonic૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ፩ᄩ੣ᄵၕᅃȃ SC69 ࢽጊጪި ‫ڵ‬ოᇵ჉฀ଝ໢ ᇗ൥ૐᚼૐᚼჳ ข჏ฬไᇵ჉໳ჵ ๜้࣮቏ል٢ˈขஅু஍నPanasonic૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ፩ᄩ ኊȁሓ ᅃ୲ߴߟ ɑቈ቙኷ᇗ൥ቪ᎐፺ፇৱ቏ࠣႽȃ˄෇‫ޤ‬ঝ‫ވ‬3 cmᏪቑ˅ ɑᱵ‫ܸ܌ڗݢ‬༊ಛඓქȃ ‫نܬ‬ຢ‫ݢ‬ኑ‫ن‬ဂ ॄˈმ໯ო኷໢ ৱၓȐ0:00ȑ ə኷࢑४‫نˈ෇ڗݢ‬ຢ‫ݢ‬ኑ२໸૰ᇵ໪ቂȃ ‫ܦ‬ᇋᎧຢ‫ڗݢ‬Ᏸȃ ˄ࠨዏ૰೙ঐ቏ል႘ছ๠˅ ّ჉‫࢑ڗݢ‬४ȃ˄P. SC7˅ ə໪ቂ‫ށ‬໢࢙೙໢ˈખ‫כ‬ᅐᇋ‫ݲ‬ጶၓ‫ܿ෇ܬ‬໢ৱȃ ɑ໸ࠨ၇৔՗Ꭷᇗ൥ம˛ ้ะ໸ࠒᎫˈႇ ߟष૥ ಅ֡๒ධ‫ؠݒ‬቏ ಅတ௪‫ڵ‬ ՗Ꭷऔᇗ൥ȃ˄P. SC16˅ ɑಅ֡๒ධ೗‫ؠ‬ᇗ൥ܿ՗Ꭷ፺໸ࠨ྘੟ႇߟᎡ ‫˛ވ‬ ɑ໪ቂࣰ‫ڋ‬፩ˈಅ֡๒ධܿഠ‫ଁڵ‬ঐഠ‫ڵ‬ຬ஢ ಅတȃ ഠ‫˄ଁڵ‬4‫˅ۃ‬ ˄ၓம‫߸؜‬ՒᎡ‫ˈވ‬੣ ๠ܸᎡ‫ؠވ‬ၤܿಅတঐ ‫־‬ഠ‫˅ڵ‬ጝ‫؜؃‬໸ል٢ȃ ‫ܦ‬ขฬไᇗ൥՗Ꭷ፺໸ ࠨ‫ۃ‬቙Ꭱ‫ވ‬Ꭻྙȃ ՗Ꭷமᇗ൥ˈ‫ܦ‬ᇗ൥ܿ՗Ꭷ፺‫؜‬Ꭱ ‫ވ‬໢ˈᇋ࢑४᎐፺ܿ፺‫ڏ‬ȃ ˄ขቪPanasonic૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ፩ᄩ஍Ⴜ˅ ՗Ꭷ፺ ˄ಅ֡๒ධܿ‫˅ؠݒ‬ ಅ֡๒ධܿ‫ؠݒ‬ ‫ק‬फ ɑಅ֡๒ධ‫ؠݒ‬૰೙ঐሓਬ֍ಣ‫קߑآ‬फȃ ‫קܬ‬फ໢ˈขቂ໛ܿ‫߶ڷ‬ቂፖ‫آ‬໴ȃ ɑ૑໭໪ቂ໢ˈঐ౏ᆏȂ๵ߙ‫ڵ‬නၟˈཱུ᎑৙ᅝ໪ቂঐᎉਐᄂ໘ȃጝ‫؜؃‬ሯჳ໪ቂȃ ‫ڵ‬ო჉ள฀ଝ໢ȍ ɑ‫װ‬໯኷໪ቂ፩‫ڵ‬ო࿮‫ݢ‬ȃ ๜࣮࿮‫ݢ‬໢ৱ኷10ࠍ፬ᇵ೗ˈዏହ‫ॄݢ‬ঐᏋ‫ވ‬੣ᄵከᎡȃ ˄቏໢ঐᏭ‫؜ڵ‬டಅ֡˅ ɑু໪኷໪ቂ፩ճ‫ݢݯ‬ኑˈ፱ᄧ‫ݢن‬ත‫ॄވ‬ᇓঐმ໯ȃ ࿮‫ ໍߙݢ‬მ໯ ɑ‫װ‬໯ቈ቙ஏᅝ໪ቂˈ঩ධ೗‫ۃ‬቙ ࡴၫᎫྙ˄40 Ɇᇵຢ˅ȃ მ໯ ȋ SC70 მ໯ ܏૑ຢ࡜ˈุଉ೗‫ࠍڣ‬୩ษȃ ˄ष૥ੌ༩ॄ୩ษ1ᄆ໢Ꮺቑ˅ ɑጝ໸ࢽጊȃ əข஍ႼPanasonic૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ፩ᄩ੣ᄵၕᅃȃ ࣙࢆ ‫ݢ‬ኑ 220 V 360 W ‫ݢ‬঩ 80 W ࢙ఋ ઄፱(ኙ) ၫ‫֦ޡ‬ნཎ ٣ 30.4 cm ଔ 24.1 cm ࡴ 34.5 cm ‫ݢ‬ኑღ٣‫ޡ‬ 0.9 m ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬໪ቂ஢˖300 g ˄࡞ਸವ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬໪ቂ஢˖4.2 g ˄ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬໪ቂ஢˖25 g ˄ඈ྾࡞/৮࣮୥˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬໪ቂ஢˖100 g ਸವ ඈ྾࡞Ȃ৮࣮ ࢙೙ ‫˄܄ڞ‬ኙ˅ 6.1 kg ಅ֡/ಅ֡ಅတ ๒஢ ߷ፒၫ‫ࡴࣰޡ‬Ꭷ፜ 50 Hz ৠ฽ධ ‫ܠج‬ ๒஢ ኁኙ ဍཌྷ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 250 g ૰ኁኙፚ13ᄆ໢ ๢໮ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 250 g ૰ኁኙፚ13ᄆ໢ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 280 g ˉ ౶߰ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 230 g ૰ኁኙፚ13ᄆ໢ ߟ࣭ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 250 g ૰ኁኙፚ13ᄆ໢ ภఴ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 250 g ૰ኁኙፚ13ᄆ໢ ‫ܟ‬ఴ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 280 g ˉ ؅ఝ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 200 g ˉ ౶ࠒ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 250 g ૰ኁኙፚ13ᄆ໢ ࿙ะਸವ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 300 g ૰ኁኙፚ10ᄆ໢ ಅ֡ಅတ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 280 g ˉ ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ಅတ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 300 g ˉ ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ ࿙ะਸವ˄ኇ፯˅50 g ˉ ಅ֡ ଓཨ ಅတ ˉ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅȂሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 300 g ˉ ሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 180 g ˉ ‫ࡷܫ‬ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 180 g ˉ ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ ෠૲உ 160 ȋ 180 g ˉ ࣮ਟ ༽࣮ 400 g ˉ ౺ྴ༽࣮ ༽࣮ 150 ȋ 300 g ˉ ప乁 ഏ౶ 280 ȋ 420 g ˉ / ‫ڵ‬ო჉ள฀ଝ໢ ˉ ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 280 g ࢽጊጪި ˄ಅࠒ˅Ꮵ‫ܐ‬: 280 g ඝྊ ൖ๭ಅတ ਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ ٛ൰፩቏ࣷ႘፣ܿಚ‫څ‬ঽࣽ஢ ‫ؠ‬਋ಚ‫څ‬ ቏ࣷ႘፣ ල(Pb) ࢢ(Hg) Ლ(Cd) ௜২ࢊ(Cr(ʴ)) ޹ᢢ஍‫(׀‬PBB) ޹ᢢߗ‫׀‬౰(PBDE) ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ȡ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ȡ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ৠ฽࣏ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ‫ވݢ‬঩ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ᄆ֔༇ ‫ݢ‬Ꮚெ‫ؠ‬਋ ૿፟ন֊ / ࣙࢆ ׁ࿒ိ‫ؠ‬Ꭷ໿ ೗‫ࢬؠ‬ዉ൰ ׁ‫ࢆװ‬ᇡદSJ/T 11364ܿࣙ‫ףށ‬፟ȃ ɐ˖‫װ‬໯ࡘ቏ࣷ႘፣኷ࡘ‫ؠ‬਋ྈ቏ૂ፣‫إ‬ல፩ܿࣽ஢ૂ኷GB/T 26572ࣙ‫ܿށ‬ქ஢ᇋชᇵ჉ȃ ȡ˖‫װ‬໯ࡘ቏ࣷ႘፣ፚຬ኷ࡘ‫ؠ‬਋ܿರᇜૂ፣‫إ‬ல፩ܿࣽ஢٫‫ڵ‬GB/T 26572ࣙ‫ܿށ‬ქ஢ᇋชȃ SC71 Make various delicious breads manually in a simple and convenient way! Crispy crust and delicious taste Bread (P. EN16) Soft and fine crust Soft bread (P. EN21) Speed Up the whole baking progress! Rapid bread (P. EN22) Rich butter taste! Danish bread (P. EN26) Two-layered bread with a crispy cookie crust Pineapple bread (P. EN27) High water content, soft and chewy Rice flour bread (P. EN29) Soft and delicious Add in rice to make a high water content and soft Rice bread (P. EN23) Crispy crust and original flour aroma French bread (P. EN24) Bread (Instant dry yeast) Chewy Natural yeast bread For more fancy menus! Please check Natural yeast flavored bread made with natural yeast (P. EN30)   Various taste dedicated Dough dough, pizza dough making Rolls (P. EN39) Croissant (P. EN40) Bagel (P. EN41) Yogurt bread (P. EN41) Pizza (P. EN42) Dumpling skin dough (P. EN43) Udon/Pasta dough (P. EN44) Quick and easy Scone (P. EN46) Cake (P. EN48) Chocolate (P. EN50) Compote (P. EN54) Mochi (P. EN56) Others EN2 Table of Contents Page Parts names and accessories ......... EN6 Natural yeast fermentation ............ EN38 Various flavored bread .................. EN39 ɑ Replace lithium battery ...................... EN7 Dumpling skin dough making ....... EN43 Udon/Pasta dough making ........... EN44 Procedures and key points of bread-making ............................ EN8 Ingredients preparations ............... EN15 Operating methods Scone making ................................ EN46 Cake making .................................. EN48 Chocolate making.......................... EN50 Jam making ................................... EN52 Compote making ........................... EN54 Mochi making ................................ EN56 Tips Cleaning ......................................... EN58 FAQ................................................. EN60 Abnormal shape of bread.............. EN63 Remedies for misoperations ......... EN68 ɑ Raisin .............................................. EN18 ɑ Crust colour .................................... EN20 Troubleshooting ............................. EN69 In case of the following displays .. EN70 ɑ Timer .............................................. EN20 Specifications ................................ EN71 Soft bread ...................................... EN21 Rapid bread ................................... EN22 Dessert Baking basic bread........................ EN16 Convenient functions .................... EN18 Dough Bread Dessert Bread List of bread types and baking options ............................. EN10 Bread-making ingredients ............. EN12 Jam (P. EN52) Bread dough/Pizza dough making .. EN36 Natural yeast bread dough making .. EN37 ɑ Current time (Clock displays) adjustment ..................................... EN7 Basic ingredients and preparations Focaccia (P. EN42) Dough Basic ingredients and preparations Slightly hard crust, fragrant, healthy and nutritious Whole wheat bread (P. EN25) Safety precautions.......................... EN4 Operating requirements .................. EN5 Operating methods Confirmation Confirmation Page Rice bread ...................................... EN23 French bread.................................. EN24 Pineapple bread ............................ EN27 Rice flour bread ............................. EN29 Tips Whole wheat bread........................ EN25 Danish bread.................................. EN26 Natural yeast bread making .......... EN30 Various flavored bread .................. EN32 EN3 Safety precautions Please make sure to follow these instructions. In order to prevent accidents or injuries to the user, other people, and damage to property, please follow the instructions below. ɖ The following charts indicate the degree of damage caused by wrong operation. Warning Indicates serious injury or death. Caution Indicates risk of injury or property damage. ɖ The symbols are classified and explained as follows. This symbol indicates requirement that must be followed. This symbol indicates prohibition. Warning In order to avoid fire, burns and electric shocks Do not touch, block or cover the steam vent during use. ɑ Especially pay attention to children. It may cause burns. ˄ Please use the lithium battery carefully. (In order to avoid heating, fire and crack.) ˅ Properly use the power plug and the power cord. ɑ Do not use the sockets and wiring devices beyond their capacity. Do not use any power supply other than 220 V AC. Because overheating may happen if the rated power of multiple circuits is exceeded. ɑ Do not damage the power cord and the power plug. ˄ ˅ Do not damage, modify and approach hot devices. Do not bend, twist, stretch, load or bundle the cord in force. ˄ ˅ ˄ ˅ Otherwise it may cause fire due to electric shock or short circuit. ɑ Do not use when the power cord is damaged and the socket is loosened. Otherwise it may cause fire due to electric shock or short circuit. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard. ɑ Do not plug or unplug the power cord with wet hands. ˄It may cause an electric shock.) ɑ Insert the power plug firmly. Otherwise it may cause electric shock, heating and fire. ɑ Please clean away dust on the power plug regularly. Take special care to see if the pins have too much dust on them. Poor insulations and fire due to moisture may occur. Unplug the power plug and wipe with a dry cloth. EN4 ɑ Charging, short circuiting, heating and throwing it into fire are forbidden. ɑ Do not mix with other metals and batteries. ɑ Please keep it away from children. Please consult your doctor if it is swallowed accidentally. ɑ Please wind it with adhesive tape and keep it properly insulated before discarding or storage. When an abnormal incident or malfunction takes place, stop using the appliance immediately and pull the plug out from the electrical outlet. it may cause smoke, fire, ˄ Otherwise ˅ electric shock or burns. Abnormal ɑ The power plug and the power cord become or breaking abnormally hot. down ɑ The power cord is damaged or power failure. ˄ ˅ ˄ ˅ ɑ The main body is deformed or is abnormally hot. ɑ The appliance makes abnormal turning noise during use. Unplug the appliance immediately and contact the service centre for the check or the repair. This symbol on the products indicates “hot surface and should not be touched without caution”. In order to avoid fire, burns and injury Confirmation Caution The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance is operating. ɑDo not touch the bread pan, the Please observe the following instructions to avoid any accident ɑPlease keep it away from infants and children. ɑThis appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. ˄ Thick gloves * Thick oven gloves are not included in this product, please purchase it on the market. ˅ ˅ ɑOn carpets and other objects that are non-resistant to heat. (It may cause fire.) ɑUneven surfaces and desktops covered with a tablecloth. (It may cause falling or fire.) *!B ! e careful to find an appropriate place to accommodate the hot bread pan. ɑPlaces that are contaminated with flour, grease, dust and other easily-falling articles. (It may cause the appliance to slip and fall from the worktop.) Remove flour and keep away from the 10 cm 5 cm table edge by over 10 cm. ɑNear walls and furniture. 10 cm Keep a buffer space of over 5 cm. 10 cm (Otherwise deformation and discoloration may occur.) ˅ ˄ ˄ Do not use the appliance in the following places! May cause burns, electric shock and injury. ɑDo not immerse the main unit in water or splash it with water. Otherwise it may cause electric shock or fire due to short circuit. main unit, the air vent, inner part of the appliance, the heater, the inner side of the lid and other high-temperature parts. Because of the heat while working, do not clean or perform maintenance until bread pan cools down. (Otherwise it may cause burns.) Use thick oven gloves to take out the bread pan. *!Do not use wet thick gloves. They are highly conductive and may cause burns. Safety precautions/Operating requirements Bread pan Properly use the power plug. ɑMake sure to hold the power plug when unplugging the power plug. (Otherwise it may cause electric shock or fire due to short circuit.) ɑUnplug the power plug when the appliance is not in use. (Otherwise it may cause electric shock, or fire due to electric leakage.) Install the lithium battery correctly. ɑDo not reverse the anode and cathode of the battery. (It may cause heating, fire and cracking. See P. EN7) Please observe the following instructions. ɑPlease proceed with ingredient measurement and menu settings correctly. The dough may splash or swell out of the bread pan and in the process get burned by the heater, generate smoke or cause malfunction. ˄ ɑDo not disassemble, repair or modify this appliance by yourself. It may cause fire, electric shock and injury. Please consult service centre on repairs. ˄ ˅ ˅ Operating requirements ɑDo not use excessive force on the ɑDo not put any towel on the lid. It may cause a malfunction parts illustrated below. or deformation. It may cause a malfunction ɑDo not put it near place that or deformation. is wet or near a fire source. Heater It may cause a malfunction or deformation. ɑPlease consult your doctor before use Temperature sensor if you are allergic to any food. ɑThe appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or Inner side of the lid separate remote control system. ˄ ˅ ˄ ˅ ˄ ˅ EN5 Parts names and accessories ɖPlease clean the bread pan, blades and accessories before initial use. (P. EN58) Steam vent Dispenser lid (Removable P. EN59) Hold the handle and open it Air vent Lid * Be careful that your hands are not clamped Yeast dispenser Dispenser flap Handle (Raisin and nut dispenser) Bread pan Flap valve Lid handle (Left and right) (Yeast dispenser) Plug Raisin and nut dispenser (Removable P. EN59) Battery base Air vent (Left and right) (Embedded lithium battery) ɑ Please pull out the insulating film before use. Insulating film Accessories (1 piece each) Around ¾ marking ɑ Blade (P. EN16) Around ½ marking Around ¼ marking ɑ Blade for noodles and mochi making (P. EN44, EN56) * Placed together with the natural yeast culture vessel EN6 ɑ Natural yeast culture vessel (Attached with lid P. EN38) (tbsp) (tsp) ɑ Measuring spoon “1 tbsp” indicates “1 tablespoon” for ingredients on this instructions. Control panel (The LCD display will disappear when the power cord is unplugged.) Menu (Hour / minute) ɑ Set timer (P. EN20) ɑ Adjust current time (See below) ɑ Set cooking time (P. EN52, EN54) Confirmation (Raisin) ɑ Put in raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18 ȋ EN19) (Start) ɑ Start baking or timing (Menu) ɑ Select menu (Crust colour) ɑ Change crust colour (P. EN20) Current time (clock displays) adjustment ɑ!Pull out the insulating film in advance (P. EN6) ɑ!The time is displayed in the 24 hour system. ʗ!Plug in * You cannot adjust time if it is not plugged in. (Timer) ɑ Setting timer for completion timer (P. EN20) Replace lithium battery * Use the lithium battery to enable the bread maker to memorize current time and previous settings. Parts names and accessories (Cancel) ɑ Reset ɑ Stop after baking is started (Hold) ʗ!Take out the battery base. ՙ ‫ڗݢ‬ Battery base ՙ ‫ڗݢ‬ ʘ!Press ໢ (H) or ࠍ (M) (time display flashes) ɑ!Release fingers when a beep sound is heard. ʘ!Secure the battery with left hand by holding the base in front. Take out the battery. Lithium battery ʙ!Adjust time * Adjust time when flashing (E.g. adjust the time to 3:30 p.m.) ʙ!Turn the battery base upside down and install the battery. Install the battery base back in the main unit. ( Hold for fast forward ) Lithium battery Anode facing downwards ( ɑ!Completed when flashing stops. ʚ!Pull out the plug * Time adjustment cannot be completed if you pull out the power plug before the flicker stops. ) ՙ ‫ڗݢ‬ Install the lithium battery with anode facing upwards Turn over the battery base * Please confirm that the battery does not drop down. * Baking can be started even if the lithium battery is not installed. * Battery working life is about 2 years. EN7 Procedures and key points Preparations Making dough P. EN17, EN36 Add instant dry yeast Put in fermented natural yeast Add flour, water and other ingredients P. EN38 Key points of making good bread! Menu setting Add flour, water and other ingredients * “Hoshino” natural yeast (raw) is suggested ɑ Thick gloves (from market) Cultivating fermented natural yeast Baking natural yeast bread Prepare necessary tools Making bread Please prepare the following tools * For bread making Automatic dispensing of instant dry yeast * Except natural yeast bread For making various flavored bread P. EN31, EN37 Measuring water and flour by “weight” is essential! Must be scaled by weight. Please correctly weigh with a scale to an accuracy of 1 g below. ɑ Scale (unit: 1 g below) (from market) Wheat flour Please correctly weigh! EN8 of bread-making Baking Basic ingredients and preparations Take out the bread Procedures and key points of bread-making Take out the bread Bake with an oven Fermentation Forming Take out the dough When adding ingredients (P. EN18) and butter (P. EN26) P. EN39 For high room temperature or during the summer, refrigerate before hand The shape and swelling condition of homemade bread may vary Water substantially affects swelling conditions. The temperature of ingredients will rise when it is summer or the room temperature is over 25 ˚C. Therefore, please add ice cubes in water and bring temperature down to 5 ˚C. (Use it after the ice cubes are taken out.) Bread-making process is highly vulnerable to temperature, humidity, ingredients and setting time. Conditions of shapes and swelling extents will change slightly even if the same baking method is applied. (P. EN63, EN64) The freshness of ingredients is critical! Is it properly kept? Yeast for bread fermentation and swelling (P. EN12) is perishable like fish and meat. Therefore, instant dry yeast, natural yeast (raw) and fermented natural yeast must be kept in the refrigerator (fermented natural yeast must be used within one week). Remember to seal instant dry yeast when storing it. Don’t forget to seal the lid during fermentation. Refrigerate when it is hot ˄ Take out the ice cubes ˅ ant Insyteast dry Small-size Large-size Fermented yeast Keep in refrigerator and use up within expiration Keep in refrigerator within a week Natural yea st EN9 List of bread types and baking options Menu number (Reference Menu Available functions Time required (appr.) Bread-making process of breadmaker page) 3 (P. EN22) 4 (P. EN23) 5 (P. EN24) 6 (P. EN25) 7 (P. EN26) 8 (P. EN27) 9 (P. EN29) 10 (P. EN30) 11 (P. EN36) 12 (P. EN37) 13 (P. EN38) 14 (P. EN36) EN10 Timer 2 (P. EN21) Crust colour Raisins 1 (P. EN16) Bread ɑ ɑ ɑ 4h Soft bread ɑ ɑ ɑ 4 h and 20 min Rapid bread ɑ ɑ ˉ 2h Rice bread ɑ ɑ ɑ 4h French bread ɑ ˉ ɑ 5h Whole wheat ɑ ˉ ɑ bread 5h Danish bread ˉ ˉ ˉ 3h Pineapple bread ɑ ˉ ˉ 2 h and 15 min Rice flour bread ɑ ɑ ɑ 2 h and 30 min Natural yeast bread ɑ ɑ ɑ Bread dough ɑ ˉ ˉ Natural yeast bread dough ɑ ˉ ˉ Fermented natural yeast ˉ ˉ ˉ 24 h Pizza dough ˉ ˉ ˉ 45 min 7h (ˇ24 h *E) 1 2 *A *B 2 1 2 *A *B 1 2 1 2 *A *B 3 2 2 8 12 *C 2 1 1 4 3 4 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 ɑManually add butter 25 min later 4 1 3 1 4 ɑManually add cookie dough 55 min later 4 3 3 2 4 1 1 2 1 4h 3 3 *B *D 4 3 *C 2 3 4 2 *B 4 1 1 1 21 31 3 5 1 2 2 1 *B 1 3 1 1 21 1 3 *C *A 1 1 2 *B 1h (ˇ24 h *E) 2 3 4 Time for adding instant dry yeast to the dough. (a beep sounds) Time for adding raisin and other ingredients. (a beep sounds) ਬ֍ (Stir) is displayed. Menu number Available functions Menu (Reference Time required (appr.) Bread-making process of breadmaker page) 17 (P. EN46) 18 19 (P. EN50) 20 (P. EN52) 21 (P. EN54) 22 (P. EN56) ˉ ˉ ˉ 15 min Udon/pasta dough ˉ ˉ ˉ 15 min Scone ˉ ɑ ˉ 54 min Cake ˉ ɑ ˉ Chocolate ˉ ˉ ˉ 17 min Jam ˉ ˉ ˉ 1 h and 30 min ȋ 2 h and 30 min Compote ˉ ˉ ˉ 1ȋ2h 4 4 Mochi ˉ ˉ ˉ 1h 4 10 1 1 1 6 2 *C 1 19 6 2 1 h and 30 min 1 1*C (ˇ30 min *F ) *A Upon setting timer, “kneading” is preformed after setting timer and the unit will stay in standby mode after kneading. *B Upon setting timer, standby mode is always maintained before the next process is started. Standby period of 11 hours at the maximum. 7 ɑManually eliminate remaining flour 2 min after start up. Form the shape another minute later. 4 4 4 4 ɑManually eliminate remaining flour 12 min after start up. 7 4 *C *D *E *F 4 ɑSet timer according to the menu ɑSet timer according to the menu ɑOpen the lid manually 50 min after start up (or 55 min later) This process may be skipped sometimes. May be omitted; continuous “kneading” may take place. It takes 24 hours to make fermented natural yeast. Wash the glutinous rice, and then drain the rice on a sieve for 30 minutes. Eliminate remaining 1. Kneading Blade rotation and dough mixing (audible) * It may occur that the mixing up function does not work for a maximum of 12 minutes. 6. flour 2. Rest Mix flours with water (Basically in standby mode) 7. Additional mixing 3. Fermentation Temperature adjustment and dough fermentation (Almost in standby mode) 8. Adding butters 4. Baking Baking dough 9. Form the shape 5. Adding cookie dough List of bread types and baking options (P. EN48) Dumpling skin dough Basic ingredients and preparations (P. EN44) Timer 16 Crust colour Raisins 15 (P. EN43) ˄Required time and time for adding yeasts depend on room temperature, crust colour, timer and other conditions) 10. Open the lid EN11 Bread-making ingredients In addition to the basic ingredients, you may add your favorite ingredients to make breads of various tastes. (Ingredients and quantities may vary depending on the kinds of breads) Egg Flour ten High-glu flour (High-gluten flour, Low-gluten flour) ts Effec oints Key p ts Effec Mixed with water, the protein will be combined to form gluten. ɑ Flour sifting is not necessary. ɑ The swelling may vary due to different protein contents. ɑ!Use the ingredient which is produced recently. ɑ!Keep in a cool and dry place. ɑ!Be sure to use a scale to measure it in “weight”. Improve bread taste, smell and crust conditions. It can also improve the elasticity of the bread. Bread yeasts ts Effec Sugar is used as the source of nutrition to create carbon dioxide that makes the dough rise. For making bread Generally, use high-gluten flour which has high protein content (12 ȋ 15%). Non bread flour has an unobvious swelling effect. It will result in harder bread. Furthermore, self-raising flour has no swelling effect. * Please check the list of ingredients on the flour package in advance. Fats and oils r oints Key p ɑ The yeast is alive. Freshness of yeast can affect the swelling and fermenting conditions of dough. Therefore, please use yeast within the expiry date and be sure to seal it well and keep it in a refrigerator. ɑ If instant dry yeast gets wet, its fermentation ability will be reduced. tte ts Effec oints Key p The dough rises with the carbon dioxide trapped inside. Bu unsalted butter, ˄Butter, margarine and shortening˅ Bread texture It makes the bread texture fine, soft and moist. ɑ Applicable in solid form, unnecessary to be softened. * Unsalted butter is recommended. Instant dry yeast In order to make a soft and delicious bread, it is better to use instant dry yeast that doesn’t require advance fermentation. ant Insyteast y r d * Do not use fresh yeast and baking powder. Dairy products (Milk powder, milk) ts Effec Milk r powde MILK ɑ Angel instant dry yeasts are recommended. (vacuum package) Improve bread taste, smell and crust conditions. Prevent hardening of bread. oints Key p Salt ts Effec EN12 For making bread ɑ!Please reduce the same quantity of water if milk is used. ɑ!Please use skim milk powder or whole milk powder with natural nutritional content. Salt It gives flavor to bread and makes bread chewy. It can also avoid bacterial breeding. * For recipes of high sugar content (8 g sugar or above 100 g flours), please use Angel instant dry yeasts for bread making. Non instant dry yeasts for bread making have an unobvious swelling effect. They will result in harder bread. Natural yeast (Raw) Natural yeast made by natural food is used to make natural yeast bread which has a unique texture. Natural yeast can be made through “Cultivating natural yeast fermentation” (P. EN38) ɑ Natural yeast of “Hoshino” brand is recommended as fermentation quality is stable. Sugar Granulated sugar Granulated sugar, brown sugar and honey ˄ ˅ ts Effec (include flour) oints Key p Rice flour does not contain the proteins necessary for dough swelling. Therefore, it is impossible to make breads if only rice flour is added. ɑ!Big sugar particles should be pulverized. ɑ Do not use rock sugar and other crystal sugar. ts y poin Ke ɑ Do not use low-calorie sugar substitute. Baking powder For making scones and cakes. * Even adding it into bread and soft bread would not make it swell. Water ts Effec ints o Key p Gluten is produced by adding water in flour. ɑ Cold water is used for the following recipes (about 5 ˚C: almost the temperature of icy water) ȄRapid bread! ȄFrench bread ȄWhole wheat bread ȄDanish bread ȄPineapple bread ȄOther menus with temperature is above 25 ˚C ɑ Alkaline water is not applicable. ɑ Be sure to weigh it on a scale. For making bread ɑ The water of which the hardness is within 50 ȋ 200 mg/L should be the most appropriate in this case. * The hardness of the water is calculated from its calcium and magnesium content. Water of moderate hardness can improve the dough elasticity and the bread swelling effect. If the water is too hard, the bread will be harder. ɑ Distilled water is not applicable for bread swelling. * About gluten The substances resulted from combinations of protein in flour and water. Bread-making yeast generates carbon dioxide to inspire the extention of the dough, hence finally generates the textures of the bread. Tips Bread-making ingredients * As rice flour bread contains wheat (gluten), it is not recommended for people who are allergic to wheat. * Be sure to pay attention to the ingredientsˈcleaning methods, and maintenance. Use after consulting your doctor. ɑ!Increase the amount of sugar to darken the crust; decrease the amount to lighten the crust. Basic ingredients and preparations Sugar is the nutrition for bread yeast which can speed up the fermentation. It can also improve taste, smell and the crust of bread. Rice flour Please note the following to avoid damaging the fluorine coating of the bread pan and blade: ɑ!Adding hard ingredients may cause the fluorine coating to peel off. ɑ!Before adding dried fruits and nuts, please cut them into small pieces less than 5 mm. ɑ!For large crystalline particles such as large sugars and sea salts, melt them in room temperature water before use. Deduct the solution amount from the original water amount for making bread. ɑ!Insufficient water may lead to dough hardening, thus damaging the coating during dough kneading. ɑ!Be sure to put ingredients into the bread pan in the following order: flour other ingredients water. ɑ!Do not use hard items such as knives, forks and chopsticks to take out the bread. ɑ!Always check whether the blade is attached in the bread (at the bottom) before cutting the bread to avoid damaging the blade. ɑ!Do not clean the bread pan or blade with metal brush, scourer, nylon face of a sponge or sponges wrapped in nylon net. Please wipe with a soft sponge. * Bread pan and kneading blade are consumptive parts. Peeling off of coating is normal after prolonged usage. Eating the peeled-off fluorine coating does not affect health. EN13 Bread-making ingredients (Continued) Basic weight of each spoon (Supplied measuring spoon) Tablespoon Teaspoon Granulated sugar Approx.12 g Approx. 4 g Milk powder Approx. 6 g Approx. 2 g Salt Approx. 5 g Instant dry yeast Approx. 2.8 g Natural yeast (raw) Fermented natural yeast Approx. 10 g Approx. 12.5 g In case of changes of recipe and type of ingredients Adjust according to personal preference based on the following quantities. ɑ Increasing the amount of sugar will darken the crust. Ingredients To increase To decrease Decreasing the amount will lighten the crust and reduce the height. May be increased Butter by 150% (except for danish bread) May be decreased by 50% Granulated sugar May be increased by 100% May be decreased by 50% Milk powder May be increased by 100% May be exempted Salt May be exempted May be reduced by 50% for rice flour bread and natural yeast bread ɑ Bread will be less chewy without salt. Enzymatic activity of natural yeast is strong, while salt can control it. Enzymes will be over-activated without salt. Thus, the bread cannot form properly with gluten broken. ɑ Margarine can be used to substitute butter, honey can substitute sugar and milk can substitute milk powder. (P. EN12, EN13) Honey shall not exceed 25 g One tbsp of milk powder is equivalent to 70 g (Approx. 70 mL) milk. In case of adding eggs or milk Reduce the water in the same quantity of eggs or milk. ɑ Put egg and other ingredients into the cup and then add water for measurement. Egg (1 at most) ɑ Do not use timer. Milk (half of water amount at most) (Food may be contaminated in summer) EN14 Ingredients preparations You may use your favorite ingredients to make various flavors of bread. The ingredients and the amount are introduced based on the basic bread (P. EN16). You may also add your favorite ingredients in addition to the basic ingredients in order to make various flavored bread. ɑ Crust colour and height of fermentation pile vary with the ingredients. On top of the basic ingredients Add your favorite ingredients Granulated sugar Bu tte Cereals Juice : about 15 ȋ 20% of flour weight (Standard: 50 g) E.g. ȄCarrot grated Pumpkin boil until Ȅ! softened, mashed into pieces and cooled Spinach boil, cut into Ȅ! pieces and cooled : about 10 ȋ 20% of flour weights (Standard: 30 g) E.g. ȄRice flour ȄOat meal ȄGlutinous rice flour ȄRye ȄWhole wheat flour ȄBeans powder ȄSesame : cannot exceed the amount of water E.g. ! ȄOrange juice ȄApple juice Tomato and other 100% Ȅ! fruit juice Fully cool in a refrigerator in advance Decrease the weight of cereals (Remain the same) E.g. Rye 30 g (12% of 250 g) (Remain the same) Bread-making ingredients/Ingredients preparations Vegetable Flour quantity Flour 220 g uten High-gl flour Water quantity Your favorite ingredients Milk r powde r ten High-glu flour Basic ingredients and preparations Put the ingredients in the bread pan at the beginning! Deduct 80% of vegetable weight E.g. Cooked pumpkin 50 g Water 140 g (mL) (180 g (mL) ˉ 80% of 50 g (mL)) ɑ Do not use timer function. Decrease the amount of juice (Remain the same) E.g. Orange juice 100 g (Approx. 100 mL) Water 80 g (mL) (180 g (mL) ˉ 100 g (mL)) ɑ Do not use timer function. EN15 Baking basic bread Add the ingredients Blade * The shaft is fully visible from the axle hole 1 Yeast cannot be dropped from the yeast dispenser if it is wet. Please ensure the yeast is dry. (P. EN60, EN69) Yeast dispenser Add water along the periphery of bread pan Remove the bread pan and Set the kneading blade ʗ Rotate the bread pan in the arrow direction. Bread pan 2 Add the ingredients other than the instant dry yeasts in the bread pan high-gluten flour, water and other ingredients ʘ Remove from the main body. ʗ! Stack up high-gluten flour ʗ!! and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) and add them into the pan. ʙ Install the blade. ʘ ʘ Add water along the periphery. Lid ʙ Insert the bread pan. Bread pan ʙ Blade * After installation there is 3 cm clearance. ʚ ʙ Shaft * It shall be free from any dough around. Bread ʛ Close the lid. * The handle of bread pan will stand up. (To make it convenient for taking out the pan) There is no need to press it down to the bottom. High-gluten flour 250 g Butter 10 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 190 g (mL) Please dry the water, if any. Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) Yeast dispenser * Use 5 ˚C cold water and reduce the amount of water by 10 g (mL) if the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. EN16 3 ʚ Rotate in the arrow direction and secure it. Add instant dry yeast into the yeast dispenser Dispenser lid If the yeast dispenser becomes wet, please use tissue to dry it. * Static electricity will be generated by wiping and the instant dry yeast will stick onto the dispenser walls. Time required: about 4 h Be sure to use thick gloves Setting Flash ɖ! To select other types of bread (P. EN21) ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖTo select crust colour (P. EN20) ɖ! To set timer for completion time (P. EN20) Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. 6 7 8 Baking completes (Beep sound) Turn off the power ʗ Press ถᄂ (Cancel) ʘ Pull out the plug. Take out the bread pan and put it on a table with a small towel under it. When handling the bread pan, be sure to wear thick oven gloves. Cool down (about 2 min) * Pay attention to the rest place of the bread pan. (The bread pan gives out heat) * The bread will cave in and shrink, if it is left inside the machine for a while. Baking basic bread 5 Select menu “1” Bread 4 Take out Take out the bread for cooling down Thick gloves (Do not get wet) Bread pan Start Hold the handle and shake it forcefully several times. illuminated ɑApproximate time of completion ɑDo not open the lid after it is started. Otherwise the instant dry yeast will spill out. However, the instant dry yeast has been added during manual addition of ingredients (P. EN19). Therefore, you may open the lid. ɑSound will be heard while the instant dry yeast is falling through the dispenser. * Do not use a knife, a fork or chopsticks to take it out. (It will scratch the fluorine coating.) * Please don’t touch the bottom of bread pan. (Blade rotation may damage bread shape.) ɑ Make sure blade is in the bread pan after bread is taken out. The kneading blade may stay inside of the bread (at the bottom). Please take it out. Baking grille or similar surface Make sure that the blade is not stuck on it. ( The blade will be damaged if you cut the bread before the blade is taken out. ) EN17 Convenient functions Raisin ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) for making bread that contains your favorite ingredients You can add auxiliary ingredients as you like. When adding auxiliary ingredients, you can choose Automatic Input (when the LCD displays ቏ (Yes)), or Manual Input (when the LCD displays ቏ (Yes )). ɑ! Your favorite auxiliary ingredients, like raisins and walnuts, can be placed in the raisin and nut dispenser for automatic input. ɑFor cheese, chocolates and other ingredients (P. EN19) that cannot be automatically added, add them manually when you hear the beep sound from the buzzer. Please follow the ratio and amount of ingredients of various recipes. Otherwise, the ingredients may fly out from the bread pan, to the heater and consequently burn and create smoke. Automatically added (completed by the automatic bread maker) Ingredients that can be automatically added Dry ingredients and ingredients that hardly melt Dried fruits PreparationsȁPut your favorite (Not over 100 g) ingredients into the raisin and nut dispenser. Cut into small pieces less than 5 mm Raisin, plum, orange peel, etc The total weight in the dispenser should not exceed 100 g Nuts Raisin and nut dispenser ʗ Press ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin), Cashew, walnut and others Select ቏ (Yes) (make it flash) Cut into small pieces less than 5 mm (Not over 100 g) No need to bake in advance Green beans* (Not over 100 g) ʘ Start Sop up water Olive* (Not over 100 g) (Ingredients are added automatically) * “Kneading” temporarily stops. ɑ! A small quantity of ingredients will cling to the walls of the raisin and nut dispenser sometimes. ɑThe sugar coated fruits may not be added because the sugar may melt and stick onto the dispenser when the weather is hot or when using timer function. Ham, bacon and sausage* (Not over 100 g) Core and cut it into ¼ and sop up the water. Cut it into pieces of 10 mm wide ɑPlease place ingredients evenly. When piled up with ingredients, the raisin and nut dispenser may not work normally. * Do not add ingredients if the timer function is used. (Particularly in summer, deterioration may occur) Please pay attention to the following ingredients during adding! ɑAddition of hard ingredients may damage the fluorine coatings inside the bread pan. Please use it carefully. * Accidentally eating the fluorine coating will not harm your health. EN18 ȄCereal ȄFruit oatmeal ȄSugar-coated nut ȄMaple sugar cube ȄPearl sugar ȄSugar cubes and others ɑThe dough won’t rise if any fresh fruits with a rich content of proteindegradation is added. ȄMelon ȄKiwi fruit ȄFig ȄMango ȄPineapple ȄPapayaȁȁ ȁOthers After selecting function and menu… Set the convenient functions before startup! ɑTo add raisins and other ingredients ɖPlease manually add ingredients that cannot be added automatically. Manually add when you hear beep sounds ( ) ʗ Press ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin), and Select ቏ (Yes ) (make it flash) Ingredients that can’t be automatically added (stick onto walls of dispenser, hard to fall) Ingredients that are sticky, easily melt or have a high content of water Macerated fruits, onions and other chopped vegetables Bread Cheese, chocolate, etc ʘ Start Open the lid ɑRaisin and nut dispenser flap will always remain open. Within 3 min the bread pan, then close the lid ʛ Restart (Not over about 20% of flour weights) ɑThe more ingredients added, the poorer swelling of bread. ɑSome ingredients may not keep their original shapes. hearing beep ʙ After sounds ʚ Add ingredients into * Sesames and other small ingredients ought to be added in the bread pan before beginning. Bread pan ɑEven without pressing ૑໭ (Start) the beeper will sound after 3 min and the unit will restart. ɖProper time for adding ingredients when making stuffed breads ... The time when beep sounds are heard varies with recipe and room temperature. ȄBread: after about 1 h and 5 min ȋ 1 h and 35 min ȄSoft: after about 1 h and 55 min ȋ 2 h and 15 min ȄRapid: after about 30 min ȋ 35 min ȄRice: after about 1 h and 5 min ȋ 1 h and 35 min ȄFrench: after about 40 min ȋ 1 h and 25 min ȄWhole wheat: after about 1 h and 35 min ȋ 2 h and 50 min ȄPineapple: after about 35 min ȋ 40 min ȄRice flour: after about 45 min ȋ 1 h Ȅ! Natural yeast bread: after about 3 h and 30 min ȋ 3 h and 35 min ȄBread dough: after about 20 min ȋ 35 min Ȅ! Natural yeast bread dough: after about 3 h and 30 minȋ 3 h and 35 min Convenient functions (Raisin) ɑ The time remaining before ingredients input is displayed. EN19 Convenient functions Crust colour Timer After selecting function and menu… Set the convenient functions before startup! ɑ To change the crust colour ɑ For ኁኙ (Timer) Bake your favorite ૥๾ (Crust colour) You can set the crust colour as ‫( ܨ‬light), ‫׭‬Ꮃ (standard) or ഃ (dark). ʗ!Press ૥๾ (Crust colour) to ʘ Start select your favorite crust colour ɑ You can set options of ૥๾ (Crust colour). (P. EN10 ȋ EN11) ɑ The more sugar added, the darker the bread crust will be. The height of the bread will be reduced as sugar is reduced. Use ኁኙ (Timer) to complete baking at a specified time Use this function if you want to enjoy freshly-baked bread in the morning. ʗ!Confirm if the current time is correct ɑ Adjust to current time if it is not (P. EN7) ʘ!Press ኁኙ (Timer) ʙ!Set the time for completion of baking it for fast (Hold ) * It would only show the available time. forward (The time described with reference to the right) ʚ!Start (timer setting completed) EN20 ɑ For ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) and ૥๾ (Crust colour) ʗ!Set the ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin), and ૥๾ (Crust colour) functions. ʘ!Set ኁኙ (Timer) [Standards on timer] * Timer can be set from current time to Bread ˖after 4 h and 10 min ȋ 13 h Soft bread ˖after 4 h and 30 min ȋ 13 h Rice bread ˖after 4 h and 10 min ȋ 13 h French bread ˖after 5 h and 10 min ȋ 13 h Whole wheat bread˖after 5 h and 10 min ȋ 13 h Rice flour bread ˖after 2 h and 40 min ȋ 13 h Natural yeast bread ˖after 7 h and 10 min ȋ 10 h * You cannot set a time that is beyond the timer limit. * Timer is not available for some menus. (P. EN10 ȋ EN11) [Timer setting examples] Menu: Bread Current time: 08:30 p.m. (LCD screen displays “20:30”) Scope of time settings: 00:40 a.m. to 09:30 a.m. (“0:40” ȋ “9:30”) * It is impossible to set the time beyond the range above. Time required: about 4 h and 20 min 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. (P. EN16) ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. Ingredients Soft bread 250 g Butter 15 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 190 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) * Use 5 ˚C cold water and reduce the amount of water by 10 g (mL) if the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. The reservation function will not start until ɑ!! after resting of the dough, so the kneading blade will not rotate even if you press ૑໭ (Start). 2 3 ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖTo select crust colour (P. EN20) ɖ! To set timer for completion time (P. EN20) Soft bread Milk powder 1 Bread High-gluten flour Select menu “2” Convenient functions (Crust colour/Timer) Soft bread Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread EN21 Rapid bread Time required: about 2 h 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. (P. EN16) ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. Ingredients Rapid bread High-gluten flour 280 g Butter 10 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Cold water (5 ˚C)* 210 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 4.2 g (1½ tsp) * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. 1 2 3 EN22 Select menu “3” ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖTo select crust colour (P. EN20) Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread Rice bread Time required: about 4 h 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Rapid bread Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. (P. EN16) ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. Ingredients Rice bread Cooled rice 100 ȋ 150 g Butter 10 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 160 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.1 g (¾ tsp) * Use 5 ˚C cold water and reduce the amount of water by 10 g (mL) if the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. You may also use brown rice or saffron ɑ!! rice to substitute rice. The height and taste of bread may vary ɑ!! depending on rice quantity. The more rice added, the softer the baked ɑ!! bread will be. (Please follow the above list for the portion besides rice) You may use timer function. But do not ɑ!! use cooked rice that has been stored (or defrosted) for more than one day. Keep flours in a refrigerator for cooling ɑ!! when room temperature is above 30 ˚C. Rice may remain in granule form. ɑ!! 1 2 3 ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖTo select crust colour (P. EN20) ɖ! To set timer for completion time (P. EN20) Rice bread 230 g Bread High-gluten flour Select menu “4” Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread ɑ Rice bread has a high content of water and may deteriorate easily. Please eat it as soon as possible. (Summer: within a day Winter: within two days) EN23 French bread Time required: about 5 h 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Compared with other bread, French bread may be hard to be taken out from the bread pan. Please take out the bread according to the following Step 3. Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. (P. EN16) ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. Ingredients French bread High-gluten flour 225 g Low-gluten flour 25 g Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Cold water (5 ˚C)* 190 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 1.4 g (½ tsp) 1 * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. Bread has a relatively poor quality when ɑ!! the room temperature is above 30 ˚C. 2 3 Select menu “5” ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖ! To set timer for completion time (P. EN20) Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread ɑ Take out the French bread. Tap the bread pan downward hard on a towel with your hands against the table. (See the figure on the right) ɑ Please make sure wether the kneading blade is stuck at the bottom of the bread. EN24 Whole wheat bread Time required: about 5 h 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) French bread Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. (P. EN16) Ingredients Whole wheat flour (for breads)*1 125 g High-gluten flour 125 g Butter 10 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Cold water (5 ˚C)*2 Instant dry yeast 210 g (mL) 2.8 g (1 tsp) *1 Do not use the whole wheat flour which is exclusive for making dim sum bread (low-gluten flour). *2 Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. Bread has a relatively poor quality when ɑ!! the room temperature is above 30 ˚C. * Bread shape and swelling degree vary according to the types of whole wheat flour. 2 3 ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖ! To set timer for completion time (P. EN20) Whole wheat bread Milk powder 1 Bread Whole wheat bread (whole wheat flour 50%) Select menu “6” Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread EN25 Danish bread Time required: about 3 h 2,4 5 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. (P. EN16) ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast and child butter) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. 1 Ingredients Danish bread High-gluten flour 230 g Low-gluten flour 50 g Butter 15 g Granulated sugar 24 g (2 tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Eggs (evenly mixed) 25 g Cold water (5 ˚C) 170 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) Child butter (for adding later) 110 g 2 Select menu “7” Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. (Unsalted butter is recommended) Bread has a relatively poor quality when ɑ!! the room temperature is above 30 ˚C. ɖ Prepare the child butter on the previous day! (for adding later) ʗ!Cut the butter (for adding later) into 1 cm pieces. ʘ!Wrap the butter with a plastic wrap or put them in a closed container to avoid the cream stick together. ʙ!Keep in a refrigerator at least over night (10 h). ɖ If ถᄂ (Cancel) is accidentally pressed in Step 3 3 4 Open the lid when you hear the beep sound. Within 10 min Unwrap the plastic wrap and add in the cut child butter. ɑDo not press ถᄂ (Cancel) Close the lid Restart ! Press ૑໭ (Start) within 10 min to recover it. This can only be performed once. Invalid if any other button is pressed. ( ) ɖ 10 min after Step 3 is started. Even without adding butter, the beeper will ! ! sound and the unit will restart. And then even after more butter is added, it will not mix the ingredients anymore. Do not add butter. ( ɖ Adding raisin or other ingredients when add child butter. EN26 ) 5 Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread * The bread may become deformed upon over-exertion. Pineapple bread 2,4 5 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) (P. EN16) ʘ Install blade in the bread pan. ʙ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʚ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. Pineapple bread High-gluten flour 150 g Butter 15 g 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 2.5 g (½ tsp) Cold water (5 ˚C) 100 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.1 g (¾ tsp) Cookie dough (crust of pineapple bread) Butter 60 g Granulated sugar 30 g (2½ tbsp) Eggs (evenly mixed) 25 g Low-gluten flour 110 g Baking powder 5g Vanilla essence Small quantity Granulated sugar (for final processing 2 ȋ 3 tsp 2 ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Pineapple bread Granulated sugar Select menu “8” Bread 1 Ingredients Danish bread Preparations ʗ Put cookie dough in the refrigerator after it is made. (P. EN28 ʗ ȋ ʜ ) Roll the cookie dough flat when only 10 min of process work are left. (P. EN28 ʝ ȋ ʞ) Be sure to observe the foregoing amount. ɑ!! Excessive amount may cause the bread to spill out of the bread pan, overcooked bread, burning smells and smoke. ɖ If ถᄂ (Cancel) is accidentally pressed in Step 3 ! Press ૑໭ (Start) within 10 min to recover it. This can only be performed once. Invalid if any other button is pressed. ( ) ɖ Under step 3, even the process hasn’t been completed, a beep sound will be heard and the machine will restart operation after 15 min. ɖ Add different ingredients to make bread of different flavors in Step 3 (15 min). P. EN34 EN27 Pineapple bread (Continued) Time required: about 2 h and 15 min Method of cookie dough making Making Dough ʗ Mix low-gluten flour and baking powder and shift them together. ʘ Use a wooden spatula to mix the butter at room temperature till they become creamy. ʙ Add granulated sugar in small quantities 2 ȋ 3 times. Mix the butter after each addition till the butter becomes whitish and smooth. 3 ʚ Add eggs in small quantities 3 ȋ 4 times. Fully mix after each addition. Finally, add the vanilla essence. * Reserve ½ tsp of egg liquids. Open the lid when you hear the beep sound. Add the cookie dough. Within 15 min ʗ Place the bread dough in the middle of the bread pan again. ʘ Place the cookie dough on the bread dough with the egg-coated side facing downward. ʙ Slightly press the sides of the dough (do not press hard) ʚ Sprinkle granulated sugar on top of the cookie dough. ɑ Do not press ถᄂ (Cancel) ʙ 4 ʙ Close the lid Restart ʛ Add the powder mix in Step ʗ and evenly mix them till the granules of powder disappear. ʛ ʜ Make the dough a round shape, cover with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for over 20 min. ʜ Rolling flat ʝ Use a rolling pin to roll ʝ the dough into a flat circle with a diameter of 14 ȋ 15 cm. * Cover the dough with a plastic wrap for the convenience of rolling. ʞ Coat one side of the dough with the reserved egg liquids (½ tsp). Tips for making pineapple bread! 5 EN28 Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread * The bread may become deformed upon over-exertion. ɑ You may also cut patterns on the surface of the cookie dough. Use a bamboo stick to cut patterns in a depth of not over 1 mm. The cookie dough may crack and slide down if the patterns are cut too deep. ɑ Do not put in the cookie dough before it is flexible and bendable enough. This helps the cookie dough to form a better shape. ( ) Rice flour bread Time required: about 2 h and 30 min 2 3 Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. (P. EN16) ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. Ingredients Rice flour bread 50 g High-gluten flour 200 g Butter 20 g 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 190 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 4.2 g (1½ tsp) * Use cold water at a temperature of about 5 ˚C. When the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. Using timer may deteriorate the bread ɑ!! quality when the room temperature is over 25 ˚C. (P. EN65) ɑ!B ! e sure to store rice flour and other ingredients in the refrigerator when the room temperature is over 30 ˚C. 2 3 ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖTo select crust colour (P. EN20) ɖ! To set timer for completion time (P. EN20) Rice flour bread Granulated sugar 1 Bread Rice flour Select menu “9” Pineapple bread 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound. Take out the bread pan and cool it down for about 2 min. Then take out the bread EN29 Natural yeast bread making Fermented natural yeast making Add the ingredients Blade * The shaft is fully visible from the axle hole 1 Fermented natural yeast with a bread maker (P. EN38) ɑIt takes 24 hours to make fermented natural yeast. 2 Add water along the periphery of bread pan Remove the bread pan and Set the kneading blade Bread pan 3 Add fermented natural yeast in the bread pan. ʗ Rotate the bread pan in the arrow direction. ʗ Add the fermented natural yeast. ʘ Remove from the main body. ʘ * Measure the weight after mixing the fermented natural yeast. ʙ Insert and install the blade. 4 ʙ Add high-gluten flour, water and other ingredients in the bread pan. ʗ Add high-gluten flour and other ingredients by stacking them up in the pan. Shaft Blade * After installation there is 3 cm clearance for sideto-side movement. * Ensure that there is no dough, etc. sticking around. ʘ Add water along the periphery. ʙ Insert the bread pan back into the bread maker. Natural yeast bread High-gluten flour 300 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 190 g (mL) ʚ ʙ ! ʚ Rotate in the arrow direction and secure it. ʛ Close the lid. Fermented natural yeast 25 g (2 tbsp) * Use cold water at a temperature of about 5 ˚C. When the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. Bread has a relatively poor quality when ɑ!! the room temperature is above 30 ˚C. EN30 * The handle of bread pan will stand up. (To make it convenient for taking out the bread pan) There is no need to press it down to the bottom. Be sure to use thick gloves Time required: about 7 h Setting ɖ! To add raisins and other ingredients (P. EN18) ɖTo select crust colour (P. EN20) ɖ! To set timer for completion time (P. EN20) 9 Take out the bread pan and place it on a towel. Cool down (about 2 min) * Pay attention to the rest place of the bread pan. (The bread pan gives out heat) * The bread will cave in and shrink after a while. Take out the bread for cooling down Thick gloves (Do not get wet) Bread pan Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Start Hold the handle and shake it forcefully several times. * Do not use a knife, a fork or chopsticks to take it out. (It will scratch the fluorine coating.) * Please don’t touch the bottom of bread pan. (Blade rotation may damage bread shape.) ɑ Make sure blade is in the bread pan after bread is taken out. The kneading blade may stay inside of the bread (at the bottom). Please take it out. Flash ɚ illuminated 7 ɑ Approximate time of completion. After the baking completes (when you hear the beep sound) Baking grille or similar surface Turn off the power ʗ Press ถᄂ (Cancel) ʘ Pull out the plug. Natural yeast bread making 6 8 Select menu “10” Bread 5 Take out Make sure that the blade is not stuck on it. ( The blade will be damaged if you cut the bread before the blade is taken out. ) EN31 Various flavored bread Containing red pepper and olive Italian bread Menu “5” French countryside bread Menu “5” 225 g High-gluten flour Low-gluten flour 25 g Whole wheat flour 50 g Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Olive oil 24 g (2 tbsp) Cold water (5 ˚C)* 190 g (mL) Cold water (5 ˚C)* 170 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 1.4 g (½ tsp) Instant dry yeast 1.4 g (½ tsp) High-gluten flour 200 g * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. You may add 20 g red peppers (or dried tomatoes) chopped into small pieces of 5 mm and 20 g olive (or 1 tsp of dried basil leaves) if you prefer. * Use ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) function (P. EN18) Small dried fish and kelp rice bread Menu “9” Rice flour bread with orange flavor Menu “9” High-gluten flour 200 g High-gluten flour Rice flour 50 g Rice flour 50 g Butter 20 g * Orange jam 20 g * Small dried fish (stir-fried without oil) 20 g Butter 20 g Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 200 g (mL) Water* 170 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 4.2 g (1½ tsp) Instant dry yeast 4.2 g (1½ tsp) * Dried kelp(dried through wringing 4 g (dry weight) after water soaking) * Use cold water at a temperature of about 5 ˚C. When the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. * Use ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) function (P. EN18) EN32 Manual feeding (P. EN19) 200 g * Use cold water at a temperature of about 5 ˚C. When the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. * Put it in the bread pan at the very beginning Olive bread Menu “1” or “2” Curry rice bread Menu “4” High-gluten flour 250 g 10 g (15 g for soft bread) Butter Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Dried vanilla Small quantity Water* 180 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) 20 g * Green olive * Use 5 ˚C cold water and reduce the amount of water by 10 g (mL) if the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. * Use ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) function (P. EN18) Sunflower seed honey bread Menu “1” or “2” Fruit juice bread Menu “3” High-gluten flour 250 g Butter 25 g Granulated sugar 8 g (2 tsp) Milk powder 12 g (2 tbsp) Salt 3.8 g (¾ tsp) Eggs (evenly mixed) 50 g 100% tomato fruit juice 120 g (mL) (stored in a refrigerator)* Instant dry yeast 4.2 g (1½ tsp) * Assorted vegetables Dry it through trickling and cool 70 g down to room temperature * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. ( ) * Use ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) function (P. EN18) Red beans rice bread Menu “4” High-gluten flour 230 g Red beans rice (cooled) 100 g Shortening 10 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Black sesame 5g Water* 160 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.1 g (¾ tsp) * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. Salted seaweed bread Menu “4” Crust colour ‫( ܨ‬Light) High-gluten flour 230 g Cooled rice 100 g Shortening 10 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) White sesame 5g Water* 160 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.1 g (¾ tsp) * Salted seaweed 10 g * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. * Use ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) function (P. EN18) Sweet Potatoes Sesame Seeds Danish Bread Menu “7” High-gluten flour Low-gluten flour Butter Granulated sugar Milk powder Salt Eggs (evenly mixed) Cold water (5 ˚C) Instant dry yeast Child butter * Sweet potatoes (cut into 1 cm pieces) * Black sesame seeds 230 g 50 g 15 g 24 g (2 tbsp) 6 g (1 tbsp) 5 g (1 tsp) 25 g 160 g (mL) 2.8 g (1 tsp) 110 g 50 g 10 g (1 tbsp) Various flavored bread * Use ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) function (P. EN18) * Use ඈ྾࡞ (Raisin) function (P. EN18) Bread High-gluten flour 250 g Butter 15 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Honey 21 g (1 tbsp) Water* 180 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) * Sunflower seed 20 g * Use 5 ˚C cold water and reduce the amount of water by 10 g (mL) if the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. High-gluten flour 210 g Cooled rice 100 g Butter 20 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Curry powder 5g Refined cheese (cut into small pieces) 30 g Black pepper powder 3 g (½ tsp) Water* 110 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.1 g (¾ tsp) * Potato (cut into small pieces; boiled 20 g to a moderate degree) * Carrot (cut into small pieces; boiled 20 g to a moderate degree) * Bacon 20 g * Reduce by 10 g (mL) when the room temperature is above 25 ˚C. * Added when adding “Child butter”. (P. EN26) EN33 Various flavored bread Cinnamon brioche ɑ Select menu “8” to make bread dough ʗ Put A into the blade-installed bread pan and install the bread pan into the main body. ʘ Feed instant dry yeast into the yeast dispenser, select menu (start). “8” and press This process will be completed within 15 min! ɑ Take out the dough ʙ When you hear beep sounds, open the lid and take out the dough from the bread pan. ɑ Do not press ถᄂ (Cancel) Ingredients A High-gluten flour 200 g Butter 15 g Granulated sugar 24 g (2 tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 3.8 g (¾ tsp) Egg (evenly mixed) 25 g Cold water (5 ˚C) 110 g (mL) Instant dry yeast ɑ Rolling flat ʚ Roll the dough into a size of 15 cm × 25 cm (W × L). ɑ Forming ʛ Coat milk on ¾ of dough near to you and sprinkle cinnamon sugar and dried fruits on it. ʜ Start rolling from the side close to you. ʝ Cut it into four even pieces and place them in the bread pan. 3.5 g (1¼ tsp) Ingredients Dried fruits (pickled with rum) 100 g Milk 5 g (1 tsp) Cinnamon sugar An appropriate quantity For icing B Granulated sugar 25 g Water 2.5 g (½ tsp) ɑ Start baking (press (Start) again) ɑ Making icing ʞ Place B in a bowl and mix them on another bowl with 60 ˚C hot water inside. ɑ Final processing If the dough is sticky and it is hard to roll it flat, Sprinkle some high-gluten flour on hands and the rolling pin to make it easier for dough rolling. ʟ Upon completion of baking, take the bread out from the bread pan and coat the bread with the icing. To make various flavored bread on menu “8” The total weight of the bread dough and the ingredients should not exceed 600 g! * The dough may not rise or the baking may not be sufficient if there are too many ingredients. Avoid using ingredients with a high content of water! Dry the boiled ingredients through trickling and cool them down to room temperature. * Otherwise, the dough fermentation may be affected. Prepare the ingredients in advance! * The operation time is 15 min. ( EN34 ) Matcha black beans roll ɑ Select menu “8” to make bread dough ʗ Put A into the blade-installed bread pan and install the bread pan into the main body. ʘ Feed instant dry yeast into the yeast dispenser, select menu (start). “8” and press ɑ Take out the dough ʙ When you hear beep sounds, open the lid, take out the dough from the bread pan and remove the blade. ɑ Do not press ถᄂ (Cancel) Ingredients High-gluten flour A 200 g Butter 15 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 3.8 g (¾ tsp) Matcha (green tea powder) 2 g (1 tsp) 25 g Cold water (5 ˚C) 110 g (mL) Instant dry yeast ʚ Roll the dough into a slender shape which is slightly narrower than that of bread pan. ɑ Add the contents and form the bread. 3.5 g (1¼ tsp) ɑ Contents Black beans boiled with sugar 120 g ʛ Sprinkle the black beans evenly with water fully drained. ʜ Start rolling from the side close to you. ʝ Put it in the bread pan. Substitute green tea with cocoa Baking powder. Add chocolate (press (Start) cubes and almond slices to again) make the chocolate almond bread rolls that are kids’ favorites. Bread Egg (evenly mixed) ɑ Dough rolling ɑ Select menu “8” to make bread dough ʗ Put A into the blade-installed bread pan and install the bread pan into the main body. ʘ Feed instant dry yeast into the yeast dispenser, select menu (start). “8” and press Various flavored bread Stuffed bread ɑ Take out the dough Ingredients A High-gluten flour 200 g Butter 35 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 3.8 g (¾ tsp) Egg (evenly mixed) 25 g Cold water (5 ˚C) 100 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 3.5 g (1¼ tsp) Stuffing ingredients 12 pieces (15 g/piece) ɑ ɑ ʙ When you hear beep sounds, open the lid, take out the dough from the bread pan and remove the blade. ɑ Do not press ถᄂ (Cancel) Select your favorite ingredients. Forming (Ingredients with liquid are not ʚ Divide the dough into allowed!) 12 even pieces. Curry (cook till the sauce becomes meat ball, potato salad, sausage, Fill in the stuffing thick), tuna (with water fully drained) and ʛ Fill the ingredients into cheese (cut into small pieces) each piece of dough. and many more ʜ Put it in the bread pan. ɑ Baking (press (Start) again) EN35 Bread dough/ Pizza dough making Time required: Bread dough about 1 h Pizza dough about 45 min Through the making of bread dough, you can also make croissants (P. EN40), bagels (P. EN41) and other various flavored bread. 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. (P. EN16) ʘ Add flour, water and other ingredients (except instant dry yeast) in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main body and place instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser. Ingredients Bread dough High-gluten flour 280 g Butter 50 g Granulated sugar 24 g (2 tbsp) Milk powder 12 g (2 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Egg (evenly mixed) 25 g Water* 160 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) * Use cold water at a temperature of about 5 Ɇ when the room temperature is over 25 Ɇ. Pizza dough High-gluten flour 280 g Butter 15 g Granulated sugar 8 g (2 tsp) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 190 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) * Use cold water at a temperature of about 5 Ɇ when the room temperature is over 25 Ɇ. EN36 1 Select menu “11” “14” ɖ To add raisins and other ingredients (Only for bread dough) 2 3 (P. EN18) Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Start Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear beep sounds. Take out the dough right away. * If you leave it in the bread pan, fermentation will proceed further. * Changing the ratio of dough ingredients may slow down the fermentation process. (P. EN62) Natural yeast bread dough making Time required: about 4 h You can make various natural yeast bread with the dough. (P. EN39) 2 3 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Carry out fermented natural yeast. (P. EN38) (P. EN16) ʘ Install bread blade in the bread pan. ʙ Add the fermented natural yeast first and then the flour, water and other ingredients. ʚ Insert the bread pan into the main body. 1 Measure the weight after mixing the fermented natural yeast! Select menu “12” Ingredients Natural yeast bread dough 300 g Butter 10 g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Salt 5 g (1 tsp) Water* 170 g (mL) Fermented natural yeast 25 g (2 tbsp) 2 * Use cold water at a temperature of about 5 Ɇ when the room temperature is over 25 Ɇ. ( ) 3 Put the dough in a metal bowl, cover !! it with a plastic wrap and place it in a refrigerator for 30 ȋ 60 min. Sprinkle high-gluten flour !! Sprinkle some high-gluten flour on the dough rolling board, the rolling pin and the dough. ȁɑIf the dough is sticky, sprinkle more high-gluten flour. ( ) (P. EN18) Start Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound, and Take out the dough immediately. Natural yeast bread dough making ɖIf the bread dough is sticky The dough made with fermented natural yeast is stickier than that made with instant dry yeast. ɖ To add raisins and other ingredients Dough High-gluten flour Bread dough/Pizza dough making 1 EN37 Natural yeast fermentation Time required: about 24 h Carry out fermented natural yeast for natural yeast bread 2 Natural yeast culture vessel 3 (Keep it clean since it is used for cultivating yeast) 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Add some water in the natural yeast culture vessel. ʘ Add the Natural yeast of “Hoshino” (Raw), and then mix the ingredients sufficiently. ʙ Cover the natural yeast culture vessel with the lid. ʚ Put the natural yeast culture vessel into the bread pan. (Do not install the blade.) ʛ Insert the bread pan into the main body. 1 Use it up within one week! Ingredients Select menu “13” Fermented natural yeast ɑ Baking bread (the amount for about 4 ȋ 5 times) “Hoshino” natural yeast (raw) 50 g (5 tbsp) 100 g (mL) Water (about 30 Ɇ ) ɑ Baking bread (the amount for about 3 times) “Hoshino” natural yeast (raw) 30 g (3 tbsp) 2 ɑIf the water temperature is too high or too low, it may be impossible to cultivate natural yeast well. ɖ Fermented natural yeast is raw and fresh! It must be stored in a refrigerator and used up No freezing × within one week. It cannot ferment when frozen or under room temperature. Do not mix new and old fermented natural yeast on together. ) Natural bread yeast ɑ When well cultivated, it smells sour like alcohol from distillers’ grains. If the room temperature is over 30 Ɇ, it may not be well cultivated. ( EN38 Please see P. EN10 for the baking procedure. 60 g (mL) Water (about 30 Ɇ ) ( Start ) ɑDo not take it out before the cultivation completes. 3 Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound, take out the natural yeast culture vessel quickly, and then store it in a refrigerator immediately ɑIf it is stored under room temperature, dough fermentation may be affected due to decreased fermentability. Incorrect menu selection may cause the natural yeast culture vessel to melt. Various flavored bread Use bread dough Tools used for bread-making with dough ɑ Dough rolling board ɑ Scale (Unit: 1 g below) ɑ Scraper ɑ Rolling pin Tools that may be used for making bread ɑ Kitchen scissors ɑ Bread molds ɑ Plastic wrap ɑ Thermometer and others Natural yeast fermentation ɑ Cooking paper ɑ Atomizer ɑ Brush ɑ Oven * Tools used for making bread dough should be separately bought by customer. ɑ Small towel (Soaked and wrung dry) ʗ Rolls ● Forming ʗ Use the scraper to divide the dough into 12 even pieces with 45 g each, shape them into balls, cover them with the small towel and place them to set for about 15 min. ʘ ʘ Shape them into ovals, cover them with the small towel and place them to set for 10 ȋ 15 min. Ingredients Bread dough (P. EN36, 37) Egg (liquid) (12 pieces) Quantity at a time 25 g ʚ Catch one end of the dough, stretch it towards your body and roll tightly. The dough may rise horizontally upon fermentation if it is not rolled up tightly ( Dough ʙ Press gently with hands and use the rolling pin to roll the dough thin. ʙ ) ʛ Place them on the table with the closure facing downwards. Spray water on it. Various flavored bread ● Fermentation ʚ ʜ Allow the dough to ferment for 40 ȋ 60 min (till it rises to double its original size) at a temperature of 30 ȋ 35 Ɇ and then coat with egg liquids. ● Baking ʜ ʝ Bake them in an oven that is preheated to a temperature of 170 ȋ 200 Ɇ for about 15 min. Keep the remaining dough in a refrigerator to avoid excessive fermentation. Stuffed bread with sweetened bean paste ʗ (After following Step ʗ of process ) roll the dough into a round plate with a diameter of 10 cm. ʘ Wrap sweetened bean pastes with the dough made from Step ʗ , shape it into balls and press the middle so that it caves in. ʙ Properly place balls made as according to ʘ, sprinkle on water and allow them to ferment for 20 ȋ 30 min (till they rise to double their original size) at a temperature of 30 ȋ 35 Ɇ. ʚ Coat with egg (liquid), sprinkle poppy seeds and bake them in an oven that is preheated to a temperature of 170 ȋ 190 Ɇ for about 15 min. EN39 Various flavored bread Use bread dough ʗ Croissant ɑ Add in butter ʗ Put the dough in a bowl, cover it with a plastic wrap and place it in a refrigerator for 30 ȋ 60 min. Prolong the refrigeration time when the room temperature is high ( Ingredients (for 12 pieces) ɑ Instant dry yeast used Bread dough ┌ High-gluten flour │ Low-gluten flour │ │ Butter │ │ Granulated sugar *1│ Milk powder │ │ Salt │ │ Eggs (evenly mixed) │ Water │ └ Instant dry yeast 225 g 55 g 15 g 24 g (2 tbsp) 6 g (1 tbsp) 5 g (1 tsp) 25 g 140 g (mL) 2.8 g (1 tsp) Butter (cut into 1 cm 140 g pieces) Egg (liquid) 25 g *1 Make the dough according to the process in P. EN36. ɑ Natural yeast used Bread dough ┌ High-gluten flour │ │ Low-gluten flour │ Butter │ │ Granulated sugar │ *2│ Milk powder │ Salt │ │ Eggs │ (evenly mixed) │ Water │ └ Fermented natural yeast 230 g 50 g 15 g 24 g (2 tbsp) 6 g (1 tbsp) 5 g (1 tsp) 25 g 130 g (mL) 25 g (2 tbsp) Butter (cut into 1 cm 140 g pieces) Egg (liquid) 25 g *2 Make the dough according to the process in P. EN37. Doughnut ʘ ) ʘ Apply flour on butter, place them on the plastic wrap, roll them into a 20 × 20 cm square and keep them in refrigerator for 15 ȋ 30 min. ʙ Use a rolling pin to tap and press the dough and roll it into a 30 × 30 cm square. ʚ Wrap the butter of Step ʘ with the dough of step ʙ, cover it with the plastic wrap and keep it in a refrigerator for 10 ȋ 20 min. ʛ Tap and press the dough of step ʚ with the rolling pin till the dough is thinner and roll it flat. ʜ Fold up the dough three times, cover it with a plastic wrap and keep it in a refrigerator for 10 ȋ 20 min. ʝ Repeat steps ʛ and ʜ twice and keep it in a refrigerator for 30 ȋ 60 min. ʙ ʚ ʛ ɑ Forming ʞ Divide the dough into two even pieces and roll them into a 18 × 40 cm rectangular shape. Divide them into 6 isosceles triangles. ʟ Hold one end of the dough and roll it up. ʠ Face the closure downwards. ʞ ɑ Fermentation ⑪ Sprinkle water on it and cover it with a plastic wrap. Allow it to ferment for 40 ȋ 60 min (till it rises to double its original size) at the room temperature and coat with egg liquids. ɑ Baking ʟ ⑪ ⑫ Bake it in an oven that is preheated to a temperature of 200 ȋ 220 Ɇ for about 10 min. Keep the remaining dough in a refrigerator to avoid excessive fermentation. ʗ Divide the dough into small pieces that are 35 g each. Cover them with a small towel and place them still for 10 ȋ 20 min. ʘ Roll them into thin round shapes and press the dough with the doughnut mold. ʙ Allow the dough to ferment for 20 ȋ 30 min (till it rises to double its original size) at a temperature of 30 ȋ 35 Ɇ. ʚ Deep-fry them at an oil temperature of 170 Ɇ and sprinkle them with cinnamon and refined white sugar. EN40 Bagel ɑ Making bread dough ʗ Place A Vegetable oil water into the bread pan that is installed with a blade in sequence and add instant dry yeast into the yeast dispenser. ʘ Make the dough according to the steps specified in “Bread dough making” (P. EN36). Ingredients (for 8 pieces) Bread dough ┌ High-gluten flour 280 g │ Granulated sugar 24 g (2 tbsp) Aȁ │ 5 g (1 tsp) └ Salt Vegetable oil 8 g (2 tsp) Water 180 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) Bagels are directly edible. But it would be more delicious to cut the bagel into half and add in fresh vegetables, hams, cheeses and jam. ɑ Forming ʙ Divide the dough into 8 small pieces that are 60 g each. Shape them into balls, cover them with a small towel and place them still for 10 min. ʚ Press the middle of the dough with one finger and rotate the dough till the hole becomes bigger and from the shape of a bagel. ɑ Fermentation ʛ Place them onto a cooking paper sprinkled with flour and allow the dough to ferment for ʜ about 40 min (till it rises to double its original size) at a temperature of 30 ȋ 35 Ɇ . ɑ Water boiling ʜ Boil both sides of them in boiling water for 30 seconds each and fully drain the water. ɑ Baking ʝ Dough ʝ Put them on a baking pan covered with cooking paper and bake it in an oven preheated to a temperature of 170 ȋ 190 Ɇ for 15 ȋ 20 min. Yogurt bread ʗ Place A yogurt milk orderly into the bread pan, and add instant dry yeast into the yeast dispenser. ʘ Make the dough according to the steps specified in “Bread dough making” (P. EN36). Ingredients (for 10 pieces) Bread dough ┌ High-gluten flour │ Whole wheat flour │ Aȁ │ Butter │ Granulated sugar │ └ Salt 250 g 30 g 15 g 18 g (1½ tbsp) 5 g (1 tsp) Plain yogurt 150 g Milk 70 g (about 70 mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) Egg (evenly mixed) 25 g ɑ Forming ʙ Divide the dough into 10 equal pieces that ʚ are 50 g each. Shape them into balls, cover them with a small towel and let them rest for 10 min. ʚ Place the dough properly, cut it slightly and spray water on it. Various flavored bread ɑ Making bread dough ɑ Fermentation ʛ Leave the dough to ferment for 40 ȋ 60 min at a temperature of 30 ȋ 35 Ɇ (to double its size after rise). ɑ Baking ʜ Coat with egg liquid onto the dough, then bake it in an oven (preheated to a temperature of 180 ȋ 200 Ɇ ) for about 15 min. EN41 Various flavored bread Use pizza dough Pizza ɑ Forming ʗ Use the scraper to divide the dough into 2 pieces and shape them into balls. (Divide it into 3 pieces for thin pizza dough) Ingredients (for 2 pizzas in a diameter of 25 cm each) Pizza dough (P. EN36) Quantity at one time Pizza seasoning 72 g (4 tbsp) Pizza cheese 200 g Ingredients (E.g.) ┌ Onion (thin slices) │ │ Sausage (thin slices) │ Bacon │ │ Mushroom (thin slices) │ Green pepper └ (thin slices) 1 small 10 pieces 2 pieces 6 pieces 2 pieces ʘ ʘ Cover them with towel and place it still for 10 ȋ 20 min. ʙ Put it on the cooking paper and roll it into a round plate with a diameter of 25 cm. ʙ ʚ Make holes on the dough with a fork. ɑ Add ingredients ʛ Apply pizza sauce, add ingredients and cheese for pizza. ɑ Baking ʜ Bake it in an oven that is preheated to a temperature of 180 ȋ 200 Ɇ for about 15 min. Keep the remaining dough in a refrigerator to avoid excessive fermentation. Focaccia ɑ Pizza dough making ʗ Add the A olive oil water in order into the bread pan, and put the instant dry yeast into the yeast dispenser. ʘ Make the dough according to the steps specified in “Pizza dough making” (P. EN36). Ingredients (25 cm in diameter, 2 servings) Pizza dough ┌ High-gluten flour │ Granulated sugar Aȁ │ └ Salt 280 g 9 g (¾ tbsp) 5 g (1 tsp) Olive oil 12 g (1 tbsp) Water 180 g (mL) Instant dry yeast 2.8 g (1 tsp) ┌ Rosemary B│ │ └ Refined salt An appropriate quantity An appropriate (Sea salt or crude salt) quantity ɑ Forming ʙ Divide the dough into 2 equal pieces. Shape them into balls, cover them with a small towel and let them rest for 10 min. ɑ Fermentation ʚ Put the dough on the cooking paper and roll it into a round plate with a diameter of 25 cm. ʛ Let it ferment for 40 ȋ 60 min at a temperature of 30 ȋ 35 Ɇ . ɑ Baking ʜ Use your fingers to make indents on the dough surface, then apply the olive oil (in addition to the specified amount). ʝ Sprinkle B on it, then bake it in an oven (already preheated to 180 ȋ 200 Ɇ ) for 15 min. EN42 Dumpling skin dough making Time required: about 15 min 2 3 1 Preparations ʗ Install the blade into the bread pan. 1 Select menu “15” Various flavored bread ʘ Add ingredients into the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main unit. ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Ingredients Dumpling skin dough Powder for dumpling 280 g Warm water (about 35 Ɇ) 150 g (mL) 2 Start or 140 g 140 g Warm water (about 35 Ɇ) 170 g (mL) 3 Dough High-gluten flour Low-gluten flour Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear beep sounds. Take out the dough right away ɑ Making dumpling stuffing ʗ Fry star aniseeds with peanut oil. Cool down the peanut oil and mix them with leeks (to prevent water from coming out from leeks). Then evenly mix them with streaky pork and seasonings. Ingredients (for 30 ȋ 40 pieces) Peanut oil 15 g (1 tbsp) Star aniseed 5g Leeks 125 g Streaky pork 250 g Salt 2g Gourmet powder 2g Spice powder 6g Soy sauce 18 g (1 tbsp) (You can adjust the recipe based on your preference) ɑ Rolling dough ʘ Take out the dough, shape it into long strips with a diameter of 3 cm and cut into 2 cm-wide small pieces. Use the rolling pin to roll the dough into a round plate with a diameter of about 8 cm. * Each dumpling skin weighs about 9 g and 30 ȋ 40 dumplings can be made in total. ɑ Making dumplings ʙ Fill stuffing into the skin to make a dumpling. * You may make dumplings into a crescent or a triangle shape as you prefer. Dumpling skin dough making Dumpling ɑ Boiling dumplings ʚ Boil half pot of water, pour the dumplings into the hot water. When the water boils again add half bowl of cold water into the pot. Repeat this procedure 3 times. (This can improve the tenacity and elasticity of dumpling skins) EN43 Udon/Pasta dough making 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗInstall blade for noodles and mochi making in the bread pan. Ingredients ʘMix A in a metal bowl or the like. ʙMix B in another container. ʚAdd A B in the bread pan sequentially. (Add olive oil to pasta dough last.) not for making Soba noodles and ramen dough ( Udon dough ┌High-gluten flour A│ └Low-gluten flour ┌Salt B│ └Warm water*1 Kneading flour*2 ) (3 ȋ 4 servings) 150 g 150 g 10 g (2 tsp) 160 g (mL) An appropriate quantity * 1 Warm water about 35 ȋ 40 Ɇ. * 2 You can use starch or high-gluten flour instead of kneading flour. Pasta dough ┌High-gluten flour A│ └Low-gluten flour ┌Salt │ B │Eggs (evenly mixed) │ └Water Olive oil Kneading flour*1 2 Start Please see P. EN11 for the baking procedure. (3 ȋ 4 servings) 150 g 150 g 5 g (1 tsp) 50 g 120 g (mL) 4 g (1 tsp) An appropriate quantity * 1 You can use starch or high-gluten flour instead of kneading flour. ɖ You can also make colorful pasta! Boil the vegetables in short time, use food processor to mash them into paste and then pour them into the bread pan. Reduce the same amount of water by 10 ȋ 30 g (mL) as that of additional ingredients. (basic amount is 120 g (mL)) * Black sesame seed powder 1 tbsp ……… water quantity of 120 g (mL) Tomato mush 47 g (3 tbsp)……… water quantity of 90 g (mL) Spinach mush 50 g……… water quantity of 90 g (mL) EN44 1 Select menu “16” (About 15 min later) 3 4 Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear beep sounds , and Take out the dough immediately. Let the smooth surface face up, shape it into a ball and then wrap it with cling film and place still. ɑUdon noodles…can be preserved about 2 h in room temperature (keep in a refrigerator in hot weather) ɑPasta…keep in a refrigerator for about 1 h Make sure it does not dry up ɖWhen storing tRefrigerator (can be preserved for 2 ȋ 3 days ) Sprinkle high-gluten flour and then wrap it with a cling film. tFreezer (can be preserved for a month) Cut it in width of noodles, and wrap it with a cling film. (P. EN45) Time required: about 15 min Udon ① ɑ Dough rolling ʗ Cut it into 2 ȋ 4 equal parts with a kitchen knife or a spatula. ʘ Sprinkle kneading flour, and use rolling pin to roll the dough into a 3 mm thick round plate. Refrigerated dough must bring to room temperature before rolling. ( ) ② ɑ Cut dough ʙ Fold the dough, and cut it from one side into noodles of 3 mm width. When it is difficult to cut the dough, sprinkle some kneading flour on the dough. ( ③ ) ɑ Cook noodle ʚ Boil water in a big pot till bubbling, and then pat off the kneading flour on the noodle and put them in the pot for boiling. The time refer for boiling noodle is 8 ȋ 13 min. ʛ Wash away viscous liquid with cold water and drain the water completely. ( ) ɑ Dough rolling ɑThe appearance and softness of dough and the taste of pasta is different from those of the pasta available in the market. ɑ Cut dough ① Udon/Pasta dough making ʗ Cut it into 4 equal parts with a kitchen knife or a spatula. ʘ Sprinkle kneading flour, and use rolling pin to roll the dough into a 1 mm thick round plate. Dough Pasta ② ʙ Sprinkle kneading flour on the dough and roll it from one side. Then cut it into noodles of 5 mm width. The boiled noodles will grow slightly thicker, so it is better to cut ③ the noodle thin. ʚ Shake the noodles to separate them from each other, then sprinkle kneading flour on them. ( ) ɑ Cook noodles ʛ Boil water in a big pot till bubbling. Then pat off the kneading flour on the noodles and put them in the pot for boiling. (The time reference for boiling noodle is 3 ȋ 5 min.) ɑStep ʗ ȋ ʙ can be done by noodle machine. (Sprinkle sufficient kneading flour on the dough) EN45 Scone making 2,4,6 7 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) 1 Preparations ʗ Install bread blade in the bread pan and add the mixture of egg, milk and plain yogurt in sequence. ʘ Add ingredients in the bread pan. ʙ Put the bread pan into the main unit. 1 Ingredients Scone Mixture of an egg and milk 80 g Plain yogurt (low fat) 50 g (about 50 mL) Low-gluten flour 120 g High-gluten flour 60 g Baking powder 5g Butter (cut into 1 cm pieces)* 35 g Granulated sugar 24 g (2 tbsp) Salt 2.5 g (½ tsp) ɖ To select crust colour 2 * Cut it into 5 mm pieces when room temperature is below 15 °C. ɖYou can bake a scone with your favorite ingredients! The total amount of ingredients placed into the bread pan at beginning should not exceed 120 g. ( ) ɖIf ถᄂ (Cancel) is accidentally pressed at Step 3. Press ૑໭ (Start) button to recover within 10 min. This can only be performed once; Invalid if any other key is pressed ( ) ɖ3 min after Step 3 is started, the beeper will sound and the unit will start “kneading”. ɖIf ถᄂ (Cancel) is erroneously pressed at Step 5. Press ૑໭ (Start) button to recover within 10 min. This can only be performed once; Invalid if any other key is pressed ( ) ɖ3 min after Step 5 is started, the beeper sounds and the unit starts “baking”. The surface of finished scone may be uneven due to its difficulty of forming. ( Select menu “17” ) Start Please see P. EN11 for the baking procedure. (About 2 minutes later) 3 4 Beep sounds are heard. Within 3 min Open the lid and clean the remaining flour. ɑUse a rubber spatula to eliminate the residual powder around. (Using a metal spatula will damage the fluorine coating) ɑDo not press ถᄂ (Cancel) button Close the lid and Restart ɑScone is different from the bread made with instant dry yeast. *The lid may easily become dirty due to the smoky oil, be sure to wipe it clean after use. (P. EN58) EN46 (P. EN20) (About 1 min later) Time required: about 54 min 5 6 7 Within 3 min Open the lid when you hear the beep sound. Finish the surface of the bread dough ɑUse rubber spatula to finish the round dough and make it into a mountain shape. (See the figure on the right) (Using a metal spatula will damage the fluorine coating) ɑDo not press ถᄂ (Cancel) button. Close the lid and Restart The display shows time between 45 ȋ 51 min. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear beep sounds and take out the bread pan for cooling for about 2 min and then French bread menu “17” Crust colour ഃ (dark) Mixture of an egg and milk 60 g take out the scone Low-gluten flour 150 g ɑPlease make sure wether the kneading blade is stuck at the bottom of the bread. ɑ“Additional baking” in case of insufficient baking. (see the following) ɑThe bread may become deformed upon overexertion. Baking powder 5g Butter (cut into 1 cm pieces)* 20 g Granulated sugar 8 g (2 tsp) Salt 2.5 g (½ tsp) “Additional baking” in case of insufficient baking Potatoes (peeled and mashed) 90 g Additional baking is allowed twice after baking is finished. * “Additional baking” is allowed to be performed within 15 min after previous baking. It is invalid if the inner temperature drops. Black pepper (coarse) Small quantity Bacon (cut into 5 mm pieces) 30 g Cheese (cut into 5 mm pieces) Carrots 30 g ʗ Select menu “17” ʘ Set baking time (cut into 5 mm pieces and boiled to a moderate degree) 20 g Corn (grains) 20 g Green soybeans (peeled beans) 20 g * Cut into 5 mm pieces when the room temperature is below 15 Ɇ. ɑPut all the ingredients into the bread pan in the top-to-bottom order. (Hold it for fast forward) ɑIt can be set to 1 ȋ 20 min. ʙ Start Mixture of an egg and tomato juice Olive oil 100 g Low-gluten flour 120 g 24 g (2 tbsp) 60 g Baking powder 5g Granulated sugar 18 g (1½ tbsp) Salt 2.5 g (½ tsp) Black pepper (coarse) ɖPress and hold the ถᄂ (Cancel) to cancel additional baking. ɖYou can perform “additional baking” as following. ȁ* Without pressing ถᄂ (Cancel) at step 7 ʗ Press to set baking time ʘ Press to start Your favorite dry vanilla Dried tomatoes (dried) Small quantity (basil) (Divided into flour equal parts after dried) ½ tsp 10 g Green soybeans (peeled beans) 50 g Cheese (cut into 1 cm pieces) 50 g Scone making High-gluten flour Dessert Scone with tomatoes and green soybeans menu“17” ɑPut all the ingredients into the bread pan in the top-to-bottom order. EN47 Cake making 2,4 5 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. ʘ Add butter, granulated sugar, milk and eggs into the bread pan in sequence. ʙ Add in the sieved A, then put the bread pan into main unit. 1 Ingredients Cake Unsalted butter* 110 g Granulated sugar 100 g Milk 15 g (1 tbsp) Egg (evenly mixed) 100 g Low-gluten flour 180 g Baking powder 7g A Select menu “18” ɖ To select crust colour 2 * Cool down to room temperature and cut it into small pieces of 1 cm. (P. EN20) Start Please see P. EN11 for the baking procedure. ɖYou may add your favorite ingredients and stuffing! ingredients must be added ( Solid during cleaning of the residual flour ) Cocoa powder (15 g) Chocolate Black tea Walnut cube (Earl Grey tea) (40 g) (50 g) (4 g) ɖIf ถᄂ (Cancel) is accidentally pressed at Step 3 Press ૑໭ (Start) to recover within 10 min. This can only be performed once; Invalid if any other key is pressed ( ( ɑThe finished cake is similar to butter cake. But not totally the same as the sponge cake available in the market. EN48 ) eliminate the remaining powder. ɑUse a rubber spatula to clean the residual flour around. Using a metal spatula will damage the fluorine coatings. ɑDo not press ถᄂ (Cancel) ( ) ɖ15 min after Step 3 is started. Beep sounds are heard and kneading is started automatically. If you fail to eliminate the remaining flour, they will be on the surface of the cake when it is completed. ( 3 Beep sounds are heard. Within 15 min Open the lid andˈ 4 ) 5 ) Close the lid and Restart Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear beep sounds. Take out the cake ɑ“Additional baking” in case of insufficient baking. (P. EN49) ɑCake shape will be damaged if it is forced out. Time required: 1 h and 30 min Lemon cake “Additional baking” in case of insufficient baking Additional baking is allowed twice after baking is finished. * “Additional baking” is allowed to be performed within 15 min after previous baking. It is invalid if the inner temperature drops. ʗ Select menu “18” ʘ Set baking time Unsalted butter (cut into small pieces of 1 cm) Granulated sugar Milk Egg (evenly mixed) Rum (or brandy) Low-gluten flour A Baking powder Lemon peel (grated)* 110 g 100 g 15 g (1 tbsp) 100 g 1 tbsp 180 g 7g For 1 piece * To be added after residual flour is eliminated. Chocolate cake Unsalted butter (cut into small pieces of 1 cm) Granulated sugar Egg (evenly mixed) Cocoa powder A Low-gluten flour Baking powder Chocolate cubes* Citrus peel* (cut into small pieces 5 mm ȋ 1 cm)* 100 g 100 g 100 g 15 g (2½ tbsp) 180 g 7g 50 g 40 g * To be added after residual flour is eliminated. (Hold it for fast forward) Pumpkin cake ɑIt can be set to 1 ȋ 20 min. (cut into small pieces of 1 cm) 100 g Granulated sugar Milk Egg (evenly mixed) 80 g 30 g (about 30 mL) 100 g into small pieces of Pumpkin (cut 2 cm and make it softer) 100 g A Low-gluten flour Baking powder 180 g 7g Cake making Green tea red beans cake ɖTo discontinue Hold ถᄂ (Cancel) baking ɖYou can perform “additional baking” as following. ȁ* Without pressing ถᄂ (Cancel) at step 5 (P. EN48) ʗ Press to set baking time ʘ Press to start Unsalted butter (cut into small pieces of 1 cm) 80 g Granulated sugar Egg (evenly mixed) Green tea A Low-gluten flour Baking powder 100 g 150 g 3 g (1½ tsp) 180 g 7g Dessert ʙ Start Unsalted butter Red beans* (cut into pieces of about 5 mm)* 50 g * To be added after residual flour is eliminated. EN49 Chocolate making 2 3 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Install blade in the bread pan. ʘ Break the chocolate and put them into the bread pan. ʙ Add in cream and honey, and then install bread pen into main unit. Ingredients (for about 13 cm × 13 cm × 1 cm (L × W × H)) Chocolate (milk chocolate) Milk chocolate 165 ȋ 174 g (Chocolate plate available in the market) (3 pieces) Whipping cream (a butterfat content of about 35%) 50 g (mL) Honey 10 g Chocolate (white chocolate) White chocolate 160 ȋ 180 g (Chocolate plate available in the market) (4 pieces) Whipping cream (a butterfat content of about 35%) 50 g (mL) Honey 10 g Chocolate (black chocolate) Black chocolate 165 ȋ 174 g (Chocolate plate available in the market) (3 pieces) Whipping cream (a butterfat content of about 35%) 70 g (mL) Honey 10 g * When cream with a butterfat content of over 41% is used, please substitute 10 mL of cream with milk. (E.g.) Black chocolate Whipping cream: 60 g (mL) Milk: 10 g (about 10 mL) ɑBe sure to use the amount described above. Otherwise, the grease may become separated or the chocolate will become too soft. EN50 1 2 3 4 5 6 Select menu “19” Start Please see P. EN11 for the baking procedure. When you hear beep sounds, press ถᄂ (Cancel), take out the bread pan and use a rubber spatula to eliminate the chocolate stuck on the blade. Manually remove the blade. ɑPerform Additional Mixing if the chocolate is not fully melted (P. EN51). ɑUsing a metal spatula, tongs, or other metal utensil may damage the surface of blade. Pour it using a rubber spatula into a pan lined with plastic wrap or cooking paper. Keep in a refrigerator for more than 2 hours for cooling until it sets Cut into appropriate sizes ɑSplinkle cocoa powder or sugar powder on the cut chocolates. Time required: about 17 min Strawberry chocolate 160 g (4 pieces) White chocolate (plate) Butter 20 g Honey 10 g Strawberry (pounded into jams) 40 g Perform additional mixing when the mixing is not sufficient Additional mixing is allowed twice after mixing is finished * Start additional mixing within 5 min after mixing is finished. Additional mixing cannot be continued if the temperature of inner part of automatic bread maker has dropped. * Use a rubber spatula to eliminate the chocolates stuck in the bread pan before additional mixing. ʗ Select menu “19” Corn chips chocolate (1 piece at each bite, about 20 pieces in total) Black chocolate (plate) Whipping cream A (a butterfat content of about 35%) 116 g (2 pieces) 40 g (mL) 10 g Honey 100 g Corn chips ʗ Use A for making chocolate. (P. EN50) ʘ Mix ʗ and corn chips. ʙ Use a spoon to pour the chocolate onto a cooking paper for cooling in the refrigerator. You may freely decide the size. ʘ Set mixing time (Hold it for fast forward) ʙ Start Mousse chocolate (For about 5 glasses) Black chocolate (plate) Whipping cream A (a butterfat content of about 35%) ɖTo discontinue mixing Hold ถᄂ (Cancel). ɖYou can perform “additional mixing” as follows ȁ* Without pressing ถᄂ (Cancel) at step 3 (P. EN50) ʗPress to set mixing time ʘPress to start 60 g (mL) 10 g 180 g (mL) Your favorite fruits (for decoration) An appropriate quantity ʗ Use A for making chocolate. (P. EN50) ʘ Whip the cream. ʙ Mix hot ʗ with ʘ. ʚ Pour it into a glass or other container for cooling and decorate it with your favorite fruits. ɑYou may also add grated chocolates and nuts if you prefer (10 ȋ 20 g). Chocolate making Honey Whipping cream 116 g (2 pieces) Dessert ɑIt can be set from 1 ȋ 5 minȃ EN51 Jam making 3 4 2 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Install bread blade in the bread pan. ʘ Add granulated sugar, fruit and lemon juice in the bread pan sequentially. ʙ Then install the bread pan into the main unit. 1 Ingredients Strawberry jam Strawberry (Washed and stalks removed) (Cut into halves) Net weight 400 g Granulated sugar 140 g Lemon juice 38 g (about 38 mL) ɑBe sure to use the amount described in the above. Otherwise, the ingredients may spill out and be overcooked. 2 ɖBe careful not to over cook! The jam will be thicker after cooling down. ɖJam becomes more dilute due to less granulated sugar quantity and no additives. It can not be stored for a long time! Please keep it in a refrigerator and eat it soon. ɑStorage period: about 1 week Select menu “20” Set cooking time (120 min for strawberry jam) *Set time according to the types of fruits. (Hold it for fast forward) 3 4 5 ɑIt can be set to 90 ∼ 150 min in increments of 10 min. Start Please see P. EN11 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound and! take out the bread pan for cooling (for about 10 min) *Do not place on an uneven surface. ɑIf heating is insufficient (too much water and less sticky), perform “additional heating”. (P. EN53) When dumping the bread pan use a rubber spatula to pour jam into a container slowly ɑUsing metal spatula or similar utensils will damage the coating. EN52 Time required: 1 h and 30 min ȋ 2 h and 30 min Blueberry jam Refrigerated blueberries 400 g Granulated sugar 140 g Lemon juice 38 g (about 38 mL) ɖ Set cooking time to 150 min (Set to 110 min when using fresh blueberries) “Additional heating” in case of insufficient heating Additional heating is allowed twice after first heating. *“Additional heating” can be performed within 5 min after previous heating. Additional heating can’t be continued if the temperature of inner part of automatic breadmaker is dropped. ʗ Select menu “20” Apple jam Apples peeled, cored and cut into 8 pieces of 1 cm width ˅Net weight 400 g ˄ Granulated sugar 140 g Lemon juice 38 g (about 38 mL) ɖSet cooking time to 100 min Peach jam ʘ Set cooking time Peaches peeled, cored and cut into 2 cm pieces Net weight 400 g Granulated sugar 140 g Lemon juice 38 g (about 38 mL) ˄ ˅ ɖSet cooking time to 120 min (Hold it for fast forward) ʙ Start Orange jam Oranges ˄ After washing, separate the fruit flesh and peel. Remove the flesh film, take out and divide the inner flesh into 2ȋ3 equal parts. Remove the white substance of peel and then shred the peel. Granulated sugar ɖYou can perform “additional heating” as following. ȁ*Without pressing ถᄂ (Cancel) at step 4 (P. EN52) ʗ Press ʘ Press to set cooking time to start ˅ 400 g 140 g ʗAdd peels and the water used for processing peels in the boiler and boil for 15 min. ʘDrain the boiled water and add water for boiling again. ʙRepeat 3 times and fully drain the water. ʚAdd peels, granulated sugar and fruit flesh in the bread pan sequentially. ʛInstall the bread pan Jam making ɖPress and hold the ถᄂ (Cancel) to cancel additional heating. Dessert ɑIt can be set to 10 ȋ 30 min by each press of 1 min. ɖ Set cooking time to 120 min EN53 Compote making 3 4 2 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Add water, granulated sugar, lemon juice in the bread pan (without bread blade), and use a rubber spatula to mix the ingredients sufficiently. (Till the granulated sugar melts completely) ʘ Add the fruits one by one and do not stack them. ʙ Cut a baking paper in the size of the bread pan with a 1 cm hole in the center as lid. ʚ Then install the bread pan into the main unit. Ingredients Apple compote Apples * cored, and ) ( peeled, quartered about 200 g (A medium sized) Water 250 g (mL) Granulated sugar 60 g Lemon juice 10 g (2 tsp) *Some kind of fruits may be easily cooked. “Fuji” apples are recommended for their relatively firm flesh. 1 2 ɑ! Use a cooking paper as lid (preparation ʙ) ɖFor good timing to eat, soak the fruit in the syrup for half a day after finished. (to make the syrup penetrate into the fruits) EN54 Set cooking time (90 min for candied apple) *Set timer according to the types of fruits. (Hold it for fast forward) ɑBe sure to observe the foregoing amount. Failure to do so may result in uneven heating or scorching. ɑFruit placement (preparation ʘ) Select menu “21” 3 4 5 ɑIt can be set to 60 ȋ 120 min in increments of 10 min. Start Please see P. EN11 for the baking procedure. Press ถᄂ (Cancel) when you hear the beep sound! Take out the bread pan for cooling (about 10 min) *Do not place on uneven surface. ɑIf heating is insufficient (the colour is too white and it is too hard when inserting a bamboo stick), perform “additional heating”. (P. EN55) Pour slowly into the container, and cool it down with the syrup. ɑUsing metal spatula or a similar utensil will damage the coating. After pour out into the container, and flip the fruit up and ɑ! down to cool it down with the syrup. During cooling, the syrup will penetrate into the fruits. Time required: 1 ȋ 2 h Tomato compote “Additional heating” in case of insufficient heating Additional heating is allowed twice after first heating. *“Additional heating” is allowed to be performed within 5 min after previous heating. Additional heating can’t be continued if the temperature of inner part of automatic breadmaker is dropped. ʗ Select menu “21” Tomatoes (peeled after boiling and stalks removed.) 3 small ones (about 100 g each) Water 300 g (mL) Granulated sugar 60 g Ginger (thin slices) 10 g ɖSet cooking time to 60 min Loquat compote Loquats peeled, cored and cut into 2 parts Water ( 3 ones ) (about 50 g each) 250 g (mL) Granulated sugar 60 g Lemon juice 10 g (2 tsp) ɖSet cooking time to 60 min ʘ Set cooking time Pear compote Pear peeled, cored and quartered ( (Hold it for fast forward) ʙ Start Water 250 g (mL) Granulated sugar 60 g Lemon juice 10 g (2 tsp) Dessert ɑ It can be set to 10 ȋ 30 min by a step of 1 min. about 180 g (A medium sized) ) ɖSet cooking time to 60 min Date compote ɖYou can perform “additional heating” as following. ȁ*Without pressing ถᄂ (Cancel) at step 4 (P. EN54) ʗ Press ʘ Press to set cooking time to start 250 g Water 100 g (mL) Red Wine 125 g (about 125 mL) Granulated sugar 40 g Lemon juice 10 g (2 tsp) Cinnamon An appropriate quantity ɖSet cooking time to 60 min Compote making ɖPress and hold the ถᄂ (Cancel) to cancel additional heating. Date (dried) EN55 Mochi making Soaking sticky rice is not recommended (otherwise it will make the mochi too soft). 2,4 5 1 ɑTo reset ɑTo stop after starting (Hold) Preparations ʗ Wash the sticky rice. (Wash till the water is clear.) *Do not soak the sticky rice in water (otherwise the mochi will become soft). ʘ Use a screen to drain the water for 30 min. ʙ Install blade for noodles and mochi making in the bread pan. ʚ Add sticky rice and water. Ingredients Mochi ( each round mochi is about 35 g ) About 12 pieces About 18 pieces 280 g 420 g Sticky rice Water Long grain rice (190 g (mL)) Long grain rice (270 g (mL)) Short grain rice (200 g (mL)) Short grain rice (280 g (mL)) Kneading flour* An appropriate An appropriate quantity quantity *Starch, or corn starch may be used as substitutes. 1 2 ɖIf you want to make a mochi of your favorite hardness, you need to adjust the water amount! Soft Hard +20 g (mL) -20 g (mL) ɖIf ถᄂ (Cancel) is erroneously pressed in Step 3, press ૑໭ (Start) within 10 min to recover it. This can only be performed once. Other buttons are invalid. ( ) ɖ30 min after step 3, a beep sound will be heard, and then the unit starts the next process automatically. (in case the lid is closed) *If mochi becomes soft, it is difficult to take out. ɖIf the sticky rice has been soaked in water, deduct the water amount that the sticky rice has absorbed. < Reduce quantity reference> [12 pieces] 80 g (mL) [18 pieces] 140 g (mL) EN56 3 Select menu “22” Start Please see P. EN11 for the baking procedure. Display “55 min later” when the room temperature is low. ɑThe blade may rotate sometimes. When you hear the beep sounds Within 30 min open the lid ɑDo not press ถᄂ (Cancel) 4 When the lid is open start immediately *Open the lid to dissipate extra water. You can add wormwood when you begin to make mochi. *Do not add hard ingredients such as beans! (may damage the fluorine coating of the bread pan) Time required: about 1 h ɖAdd your favorite ingredients on your fresh mochi… ɖMix with other ingredients in the middle… Black sesame seed mochi When making mochi, add 2 ȋ 3 teaspoons of black sesame seeds and a small amount of salt bit by bit. Shad dock mochi Red beans mochi Peanut mochi When making mochi, add ½ mashed shad dock peels (the yellow part) and a small amount of salt bit by bit. Radish mochi 5 6 When you hear the beep sounds, press ถᄂ (Cancel), Take out the bread pan quickly and place it still till it can be touched by hand (5 ȋ 10 min) ɑThe skin of mochi will become hard if it is left out for a long time. Take out the mochi (from the bottom) Wet hand thoroughly Kneading flour (sprinkled with flour in advance) Heat-resistant trays or bowls Take some mochi and knead it into to a ball ɖThe proper preservation method of mochi. ʗ When it is cooled down, dust off the kneading flour. ʘ “When it is placed indoors” It can be preserved for 2 days when placed in a place of low humidity and temperature. “When it is kept in a refrigerator” It can be preserved for a month when packed in the well-sealed double bags. ɖEat immediately ɖStore it wet hand with water in advance. sprinkle some kneading flour on hands in advance. Mochi making Take out mochi from bread pan directly and wrap it with cling film. It is easier to make Japanese mochi. Dessert 7 ɑThe taste of mochi may vary due to the amount of water, amount and type of sticky rice, new or old rice used, etc. EN57 Cleaning In order to avoid damaging the fluorine coating of the bread pan … ɑPlease clean and dry as quickly as possible! Do not put an unclean or wet bread pan back into the machine. ( ) ɑClean with a soft sponge! Do not use cleanser or metal brush to clean the bread pan. And do not use the nylon face of a sponge, sponges wrapped in nylon net or dish dryer as well. ( Bread pan, blade ) Lid Wipe with Wash with water after the residual dough is cleared. a well-wrung cloth. ɑUse a well-wrung cloth to clean away the instant dry yeast on the flap valve and make sure that the vent of yeast dispenser is closed. ʗAdd a small amount of hot water into the bread pan and let it sit for a while. ɑIf blade is hard to remove, rotate the blade slightly to remove it. ɑ!Contact between inner lid and the bread due to excessive swelling may lead to corrosion of the inner lid’s finish. Please rest assured that there is no harm to health & product performance. Wipe inner lid with wellwrung cloth shortly after bread making. ʘClean the bread pan and the blade with water. ɑDo not leave any residual dough around the shaft or it may damage the fluorine coating. ʙUse a bamboo stick to remove the dough stuck on the blade and the shaft. Natural yeast culture vessel Use kitchen detergents (neutral) to clean it thoroughly, then air dry it. ɑAny residual dough on the shaft may cause the blade to be easily detached or left in the bread. ɑUse kitchen detergents (neutral) to clean the shaft if it is very dirty. EN58 ɑThe remaining yeast (fermented) will decay due to bacteria reproduction which will ruin its cultivation next time. ɖIf decay occurs ʗSprinkle diluted chlorine bleach powder. ʘFully clean. Yeast dispenser Dispenser lid Remove and wash with water [Removal method] Do not remove Wipe with a well-wrung cloth and air dry. 70 degrees ɑRaise the dispenser lid to an angle of approximately 70 degrees and pull it upwards on the right. Do not wipe the yeast dispenser with a dry cloth! Otherwise, instant dry yeast may prove difficult to fall because of static electricity. Raisin and nut dispenser After removal, use kitchen detergents (neutral) And wash with water ɑPull it upwards Cleaning Main body a well-wrung cloth ɑClean away the flour, instant dry yeast and ingredients left inside the main body. ɑPress and open the dispenser flap. Tips Wipe with ɑNo residual grease is allowed. EN59 FAQ Bread You can make bread but need to adjust the amount of water. If excessive swelling or a cave-in occur, reduce water amount by 5 ȋ 10%. Can I use dedicated bread flours? French bread You can make French bread, but the quality and swelling extent of bread may vary. Udon dough (all-purpose flour) Add water by 10 g (mL) when dough is too hard and reduce water by 10 g (mL) when dough is too soft. Is it possible to use other ingredients to substitute butter and milk powder? Yes. Please use the same amount of margarine, shortening and other solid grease to substitute butter. (Crust colour may vary from different fats.) Milk powder 6 g (1 tbsp) is equivalent to 70 g (about 70 mL) milk. ɑPlease reduce the same amount of water if milk is used. Can I use the amount specified in the recipe books available in the market? The amount specified herein is applicable to this bread maker. The cooking effects may be affected if any other recipes are used. May I make a half sized loaf? No. When a half portion of ingredients is used, the making procedures of the bread maker can’t be matched because it is very hard to control the conditions of “kneading” and “air discharge”. Ingredients Can I use self-made natural yeast? May I use yeast other than “Hoshino” natural yeast? The fermentation conditions are unstable and the bread may not be baked successfully. “Hoshino” natural yeast (raw) is recommended to ensure bread quality and successful rate. We cannot guarantee that other natural yeast cultivate successfully. “Hoshino” natural yeast is recommended. Natural yeast (raw) (P. EN12) Please keep it inside the refrigerator to avoid contamination. How to keep natural yeast and activated natural yeast? Storage in freezing or room temperature is forbidden (this will ruin its fermentation) ɑPlease use them before expiry date (expiry date of unopened products which are stored according to instructions). Natural yeast (fermented) (P. EN38) Please keep it in refrigerator with the lid closed. ɑPlease use it up within one week. Obuvsbm!zfbtu csfbe˄sbx˅ Store it in a refrigerator. (Be sure to properly seal it and use it up as soon as possible after unpacking.) How do I store instant dry yeast? What rice can be used to make rice bread? EN60 ɑPlease use them before expiry date (the expiry date of unopened products which are stored according to instructions). ɑDo not store them in a freezer. (Instant dry yeast may condensate and won’t fall down from the yeast dispenser) Cooled rice at a temperature below 30 ˚C. The rice kept in a refrigerator is also applicable. Note that rice becomes hard and is not easily softened, so use a certain amount of water to soften it to make kneading easier. (P. EN65) Frozen rice should be thawed and recovered to room temperature before use. Rice kept warm for less than 12 hours should be cooled down before use. Ingredients Is the pineapple bread cookie dough usable after being refrigerated? Yes. Please allow the cookie dough to thaw naturally in advance so that it is not so hard when it is placed on the bread dough. What should I use for kneading flour? High-gluten flour is recommended for bread forming. Starch is recommended for mochi making. (Corn starch and high-gluten flour are also applicable.) Can I use the sticky rice soaked in water overnight? It is applicable too, but the mochi made from it will be too soft, so it is not recommended. Deduct the water quantity that the sticky rice has absorbed. (12 pieces: 80 g (mL); 18 pieces: 140 g (mL)). Can bread be baked in a square shape? In the automatic bread maker, the dough rises to become hill-shaped (shape of the bottom of the bread pan) bread during baking. How to cut bread properly? Upon completion of baking Is it hard to take out the bread smoothly? Is there any residual dough on the kneading blade? It is not easy to cut the bread when it is freshly baked. It is recommended that you wait for 30 min before slicing it. ɑLay the bread horizontally, move the bread knife forward and backward. If the bread is hard to take out after the bread pan has been cooled down for about 2 min, place the bread pan into the main unit and keep it there for 5 ȋ 10 min before taking it out again. ɑ The bread will shrink and cave in if it is kept there for too long. ɑ Do not use a knife, a fork, chopsticks or other similar utensils to take out the bread. (Otherwise, the fluorine coating may be damaged.) If the dough is not sticky, there will be residual dough on the kneading blade. If you want to avoid it, you can apply some grease or sprinkle a layer of flour on the kneading blade before installing the blade in the main unit. Bread Cut it into thin pieces, wrap them with a plastic wrap one by one and keep them frozen. The bread will taste better if you freeze it as soon as possible when newly baked. ɑThe bread's flavor will last while frozen for about 1 month. Rolls Place formed and fermented dough in a tray, cover it with plastic wrap and keep it frozen. After freezing, place it into a plastic bag for storage. Thaw at a temperature of 30 ȋ 35 ˚C and coat with egg liquids before baking. FAQ Can bread and dough be kept frozen? ɑIf time is limited, coat with egg liquid when it is still frozen and prolong the baking time by about 5 min. Tips Pizza Wrap the rolled dough with plastic wrap and freeze it. Place the ingredients when the dough is still frozen and then bake it. EN61 FAQ The natural yeast bread has the following features: Upon completion of baking Is the bread made by natural yeast different from that made by instant dry yeast? ɑThe bread is a bit shorter and the crust is a bit darker. ɑUnique taste; the crust has a fried rice cake and sweet soy sauce smell: slightly sour and sweet. ɑThe dough texture is a little coarse. ɑThe bread is chewy. Is instant dry yeast not mixed during execution of bread dough menu? The instant dry yeast will work during separation, forming and secondary fermentation as long as it is mixed into the dough. The bread dough is too soft. Please reduce water amount by 5 ȋ 10 g (mL). Sprinkle flour for the convenience of operations. The dough does not ferment thoroughly during execution of bread dough menu. Fermentation process may slow down due to different ratios of ingredients. Do not open the lid after process of bread dough making is over. Keep it there for further fermentation. (Standard: 20 ȋ 30 min) The blade is coming out along with the bread. The lock of the blade comes off when the bread rise, that time, the blade may come off along with the bread. If you slice the bread as it is, the blade will be damaged. Be sure to take out the blade from the bread. The bread gives off a fermentation smell similar to yogurt when baked. It can be used to make doughnuts, pizza and other food. Please confirm at which status baking stopped and resume the subsequent operations. Can failed dough be used again? E.g The dough hasn’t been baked. …etc. Recipe with use of instant dry yeast ɑ When there is still instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser Start making dough using the pizza dough procedure (menu “14” ) to make doughnuts (P. EN40) and pizza (P. EN42). ɑ When there is no instant dry yeast in the yeast dispenser Take out the dough and make doughnuts (P. EN40) and pizza (P. EN42)! Recipe using of natural yeast Take out the dough and make doughnuts (P. EN40)! EN62 Is the taste of the pasta made by this bread maker different from that of the dry pasta available in the market? Its form, softness and elasticity is different from those of dry pasta due to the different production methods. Is it difficult to cut the noodles? Weigh properly and sprinkle the dough with sufficient kneading flour. Abnormal shape of bread It is hard to control the bread-making process. Shape of bread varies every time … When the following conditions happen Insufficient swelling Please confirm the following ɑ Shape and swelling conditions vary according to temperature, humidity, ingredient and timer conditions. ɑ Too many raisins and other ingredients added? ɑ Is the room temperature too high? (the shape will change if the room temperature is too high) Please store flour and other ingredients in the refrigerator. Height standards Bread, Rapid bread and Whole wheat bread ˄! ˅ Flour 14 cm Lower than ɑ Do you measure the weight with a scale? ɑ Have you used flour with a protein content of over 12 ȋ 15%? ɑ Have you used high-gluten flour? ɑ Have you used expired flour? ˘ French bread, Danish bread… ˚ ɑ Is the ratio of high-gluten flour and low-gluten flour correct? ɑ Not enough? bread and Rice ˄!Soft ˅ flour bread Water 13 cm Lower than ˘ ˚ ȁRapid, French bread, Whole wheat, ȁPineapple bread, Danish bread… ɑ Have you used cold water at a temperature of 5 ˚C? ˘ When room temperature exceeds 25 ˚C … ˚ ɑ Have you used cold water at a temperature of 5 ˚C? Granulated sugar ɑ Not enough? 12 cm Lower than (Natural yeast bread dough) Instant dry yeast 11 cm Lower than French bread and Pineapple bread ˄! ˘ Except natural yeast bread… ˚ ɑ Have you used the instant dry yeast that do not require advanced fermentation? ɑ Is it placed in the yeast dispenser? ɑ Not enough? ɑ Is it kept in the refrigerator? (P. EN9) ɑ Have you used expired instant dry yeast? FAQ/Abnormal shape of bread Bread (swelling) bread and ˄!Rice Danish bread ˅ ˘ Natural yeast bread ˚ ˅ Natural yeast 9 cm Lower than Excessive swelling ɑ Did you use “Hoshino” natural yeast (raw)? ɑ Is the fermented natural yeast weighed after being mixed? ɑ Is it put in a bread container? ɑ Too little? Flour ɑ Too much? ɑ Do you use the dedicated bread flour? (P. EN60) Water ɑ Too much? ɑToo much? Instant dry yeast Natural yeast 20 cm Above If excessive swelling happens upon stated amount, reduce the quantity of instant dry yeast, natural yeast, or granulated sugars by 1/4 ȋ 1/2. Excessive swelling may happen sometimes at altitudes over 1,000 ɑ metres high. ɑContact between inner part of the lid and the bread due to excessive swelling may damage the lid’s coating. Accidentally eating the coating will not harm your health. Tips Height standards EN63 Abnormal shape of bread When the following conditions happen No swelling at all bread is whitish ˄!Whole which looks like dough. ˅ Please confirm the following ɑHave you forgotten to add the instant dry yeast or fermented natural yeast? ɑHave you used any improperly stored yeast or expired yeast? ɑDid you misuse any baking power? Instant dry yeast Natural yeast ɑHave you forgotten to install the blade? ɑHas any power failure occurred during operation? The bread always has a different shape and swelling condition. Bread (shape) Sticky bottom and distinct indents on the sides Cave-in on the top surface (Burnt crusts) Flat and square top surface Cave-in Bread (others) EN64 ɑ Home made bread always has a different shape and swelling condition due to the following conditions! The room temperature is high in summer. Room The room temperature has changed during operation. temperature (the air-conditioner is shut down during operation etc.) !  Types and properties of ingredients   Flour with low protein content is used for baking. Improperly kept or expired instant dry yeast is used. ɑHave you quickly taken the well-baked bread from the bread pan and put it on the griller for heat radiation? ɑReduce water quantity by 10 g (mL) for better baking effect if the room temperature is high. ɑ Not enough flour? ɑ Too much water? ˘ Whole wheat bread… ˚ ɑ A high ratio of whole wheat flour or different types of flour will easily lead to such situations. Bottom caves in so that the bread cannot stand upright. ɑBlade shape is visible. There is remaining flour around. ɑ Too much flour? ɑ Not enough water? Expected crust colour is not achieved. ɑ Please change crust colour (P. EN20) or adjust the amount of granulated sugar. Crust colour becomes lighter if amount of granulated sugar is reduced and darkened if the amount is increased. ɑ If the stove is too hard to hold the bread because the bread is too big, please reduce the quantity of instant dry yeast and water. ɑ If the bread ferments so much, the top of bread may peel off by sticking on the lid. Bread crust is too hard ɑ The bread will become soft if it is cooled down and put in a plastic bag. Ingredients focus on one side ɑ Such phenomenon may occur due to difference of ingredients and dough hardness. ɑHave you touched the bottom of bread pan when you took out the bread? (Bread is damaged sometimes due to blade rotations) Do not rotate When the following conditions happen Please confirm the following Bread (others) Rice bread Danish bread It is hard to make croissants. ɑ Melted butter cannot be well wrapped in dough. Please keep the dough in a refrigerator for complete cooling before butter is wrapped in it. * Please prolong the cooling time when the room temperature is high because the butter may easily melt down. The rice grains are notably visible in the rice bread. ɑ Please put rice and water in another container. Fully soften the rice before putting it into the bread pan. The bottom of bread soaked in butter, crust become greasy and has butter spots on it. ɑ Did you use child butter that cut into 1 cm pieces? ɑ Did you add the child butter within 10 min after the beep sounds? ɑ Did you divide the child butter into small pieces and distribute them well in the pan? Not crispy enough ɑ Re-baking the cut toasts to get crispy taste. The pineapple bread cookie dough cracks. ɑ Have you fully mixed the cookie dough? ɑ Have you kneaded the cookie dough till its surface becomes smooth? ɑ Have you forced the cookie dough into the bread dough? * You only need to place the cookie dough on the bread dough. (Slightly press it so that they stick together and make a good-looking shape.) ɑ Have you cut the patterns too deep? The pineapple bread cookie dough becomes soft. ɑ The reason is that the butter melts so that the dough has too much liquid in it. * If the butter melts, the dough will become soft and fragile even if the pin dough is cooled down. The pineapple bread cookie dough lean to one side. ɑ Have you repositioned the bread dough in the middle? The pineapple bread cookie dough is too hard. ɑ Has the cookie dough been over cooled and become hardened? * Take out the cookie dough from the refrigerator according to the instructions of “10 min of process work are left” and roll the dough flat with a rolling pin till the cookie dough becomes flexible and soft. The pineapple bread cookie dough overflows from the bread pan. ɑ Did you slightly press the cookie dough on all edges when you put it in? * Excessive pressing may cause the baked cookie dough to crack. The rice flour bread has a rather bad shape ɑ Is the room temperature too high? (The bread will not be good if the room temperature is too high.) ɑ Have you used the timer at a room temperature of over 25 ˚C? * Ingredient temperature rises too much when the room temperature is high so that it becomes deformed. Excessively long timing is not recommended. Tips Rice flour bread ɑExcessively long fermentation will make the dough loose and sticky. The fermentation time depends on the type of bread. Normally, the fermentation is finished if you touch the rising dough with a finger slightly and it can recover slowly. Abnormal shape of bread Pineapple bread Dough becomes sticky after forming and fermentation EN65 Abnormal shape of bread When the following conditions happen Udon/pasta dough There are solid particles in the dough ɑDid you misuse the blade for bread making as the blade for noodles and mochi making? ɑNot enough flour? ɑDid you mix the flours fully before putting it in bread pan? ɑDid you add too much water? ɑDid you add warm water when making udon? It is difficult to put dough into shape because it is too sticky. ɑNot enough flour? ɑDid you sprinkle kneading flour? ɑDid you add too much water? Noodles stick together ɑHas it been placed still for too long time after being cut into noodles? ɑDid you sprinkle enough kneading flour? Insufficient swelling ɑ Did you add any baking powder? (Even instant dry yeast can’t make it swell at all.) 5 cm Lower than Scone Cake EN66 Please confirm the following ɑ Is the amount of ingredients correct? Butter spots appears (colour spots, holes etc.) ɑDid you cut the butter into 1 cm pieces? ɑDid you cut the butter into 5 mm pieces when room temperature is below 15 ˚C ? Remaining flour is left around the scone. ɑ Did you eliminate the residual powder? ɑ Did you perform the forming procedure? Insufficient swelling. ɑ Is the amount of ingredients correct? ɑ Did you add any baking powder? ɑ Did you sieve the low-gluten flour and baking powder before adding them into bread pan? Remaining butter is left on the cake. ɑHave you cut butter into small pieces of 1 cm? ɑHave you brought butter to the room temperature? ɑIs the adding sequence of ingredients correct? There is remaining flour around cake. ɑ Have you cleared the remaining flour? ɑ Is the adding sequence of ingredients correct? The finished cake is different from expected. ɑThe finished cake looks like butter cake but is still different from the sponge cake available in the market in terms of baking conditions. Reduce low-gluten flour to 180 g to make softer cake. Chocolate When the following conditions happen Please confirm the following Whipping cream and chocolates can not be merged together. ɑ The cream with a high content of butterfat (over 41%) may not merge with chocolates with a high content of cocoa. Adding extra 10 g (about 2 tsp) of milk may help the two ingredients to merge better. Too soft. ɑ Chocolates with a high content of milk will soften. Please reduce the amount of whipping cream by 10 ȋ 20 g (about 10 ȋ 20 mL). Chocolates stick on the inner sides of the bread pan. ɑ Please use a rubber spatula to clean away the chocolates stuck on the bread pan within 5 min and mix for another 2 ȋ 3 min. Jams become more diluted due to less granulated sugar quantity and no additives. Jam Not coagulated (not viscous) ɑ Using unripe fruit, overripe fruit or stale fruit limits fruit pectin content, so it is difficult to become coagulated. ɑ Did you add too much fruit? ɑ Did you reduce the amount of granulated sugar and lemon juice? (Jam must have proper sugar content, acidity and pectin content for coagulation.) Compote ɑDid you use overripe fruit? ɑSome kinds of fruit may be easily cooked. Some part of fruit did not absorb enough syrup. ɑDid you cover it with cooking paper? ɑTake fruit out of the syrup and then put the part that did not absorb enough sugar into the syrup again and cool it down. ɑPlace still for half a day to 1 day, then it is edible. Mochi has grains of rice stuck on it ɑDid you add too much sticky rice? ɑDid you add enough water? ɑWas the sticky rice too dry after draining? (e.g. faced the air-conditioner outlet) ɑWas it mixed with japonica rice? ɑDid you use old rice? Abnormal shape of bread Mochi Not cooked well Tips EN67 Remedies for misoperations The ingredients other than fermented natural yeast can be added at the following time. However, the bread making process may fail if the ingredients are not fully mixed in the initial ๕ಅ (kneading) procedure. Forgotten ingredients Adding time ɑTips for recipe of bread with instant dry yeast Feed into the bread pan before adding the instant dry yeast. t Pizza dough ................................................ within 1 min t Bread Butter Granulated sugar Milk powder Salt Pressed ૑໭ (Start) before adding any ingredients. dough ............................................. within 10 min t Danish......................................................... within t Rice 5 min flour................................................... within 35 min t Other menu ............................................... within 20 min *Open the lid to the minimum angle to avoid spill of instant dry yeast. ɑTips for recipe of bread with natural yeast It should be added into the bread pan within 10 minutes to make sure that it can be mixed in the initial kneading. Add into the yeast dispenser before the instant dry yeast is dispensed. t Pizza Instant dry yeast dough ................................................ within 1 min t Bread dough ............................................. within 10 min t Danish......................................................... within t Rice 5 min flour................................................... within 35 min t Other menu ............................................... within 20 min Pressed ૑໭ (Start) when the wrong menu, raisin and crust colour are selected! Reselect if it is just started. Hold ถᄂ (Cancel) to stop operation, select the correct, menu*, raisin and crust colour and restart. *For rice flour bread, if you select an incorrect menu selection, you will end up with a failure even after correcting your selection. (The initial working procedure is different.) Install the wrong blade and start the unit! Press and hold ถᄂ (Cancel) button to stop the unit. Reinstall the correct blade and restart the unit. (The blade may stop rotating if it is not the correct one.) Pull out the power plug! Plug in again within 10 min after unplugging and the operation will be resumed. *Do not press ૑໭ (Start). Pressed ถᄂ (Cancel) erroneously during operations! Press ૑໭ (Start) to recover within 10 min. *This can only be performed once. Do not press other buttons. ɖFailed dough can be used again to make pizza and doughnuts. (P. EN40, EN42, EN62) EN68 Troubleshooting Please confirm the following issues first. If any anomaly is still identified, please contact Panasonic customer service centre immediately. When the following conditions happen Causes Solutions Key operation is disabled ɑPower plug is not plug in. Plug in the power plug. Press ૑໭ (Start) but no operation (No kneading) ɑ“Rice flour” function starts only from ᄶಅ (Rest). Kneading doesn’t operate in the very beginning. ɑTiming for automatically adding instant dry yeast depends on the room temperature and menu you have selected. Instant dry yeast is not dispensed. Wipe with a wrung cloth and air dry. ɑIs the instant dry yeast dampened? Use new instant dry yeast. Raisins and nuts cannot be added. ɑAre the ingredients piled up? Spread the ingredients flat. Operation stops midway (Display current time) ɑOperation will be stopped if power fails for more than 10 min. The dough can be used again if the operation stops in a dough state. (P. EN62) ɑIs the time you want to set beyond the timer range? The timer needed to complete baking varies by menu. Please make the setting within the following range: Starting from the current time Timer cannot be set. [Timer setting examples] Menu: bread Current time: 08:30 p.m. (LCD screen displays 20:30) Scope of time settings: 00:40 a.m. to 09:30 a.m. (“0:40” ȋ “9:30”) *It is impossible to set the time beyond the range above. ɑBread After 4 hours and 10 min ȋ 13 h ɑSoft bread After 4 hours and 30 min ȋ 13 h ɑRice bread After 4 hours and 10 min ȋ 13 h ɑFrench bread After 5 hours and 10 min ȋ 13 h ɑWhole wheat bread After 5 hours and 10 min ȋ 13 h ɑRice flour bread After 2 hours and 40 min ȋ 13 h ɑNatural yeast bread After 7 hours and 10 min ȋ 10 h ɑFor the Bread, Rice bread, French bread and the Whole wheat bread functions that use instant dry yeasts, only the initial ๕ಅ (kneading) procedure will be started immediately after timer setting. (P. EN10) Sounds are heard during operation and timing The following sounds are normal. ɑWhen dough kneading, air discharge or mochi making are going on, t the sounds of kneading are heard. t the sounds of motor running are heard. t the sounds of mochi making are heard. ɑWhen instant dry yeast and the ingredients of the raisin and nut dispenser are added into the bread pan. t the sounds of opening the flap valve and the dispenser flap are heard. Stops halfway (Blade does not work) ɑSince too many ingredients were added or the blade is stuck on the hard ingredients, the motor is overloaded and the protective function is hence activated, which may cause operation to stop immediately. (Powder still remains upon completion and baking does not happen) * Please consult Panasonic customer service centre. Tips Start kneading immediately after timer setting. Remedies for misoperations/Troubleshooting ɑYeast dispenser is damp or has static electricity. EN69 Troubleshooting When the following conditions happen Abnormal sounds on the blade Please confirm the following issues first. If any anomaly is still identified, please contact Panasonic customer service centre immediately. Causes Solutions ɑThere is a clearance between the blade and the shaft. (The front end moves by 3 cm or so) ɑThe lithium battery is at the end of its working life. Plug into the outlet, the current time on display is “0:00” *Before replacement of battery, operations can be continued with plug inserted. However, it is necessary to install the battery base in advance. (Otherwise, foreign matter may enter) *Set the current time whenever you use the timer functions. Powders still remain and baking does not occur Dough is leaking out at the bottom of the bread pan ɑHave you forgotten to install the blade? Install the blade. (P. EN16) ɑIs the blade shaft excessively fastened in the bread pan so that it can’t move? Please replace the main shaft bearing if the blade shaft does not rotate. Please consult your Panasonic customer service centre ɑA small amount of dough leaks out from the discharge port of the bread pan during operations. Discharge port To avoid affecting (4 positions) the rotations, the dough that enters the rotational part will be discharged. This is normal. Please confirm if the At the bottom of the blade is rotating. bread pan ( ) ( The bottom of the bread pan turns black Replace the battery. (P. EN7) ) ( ) Shaft ɑThe bottom of the bread pan may turn black due to friction when kneading. In that case, please wipe and clean with a damp kitchen towel. ɑ Smoke or odors may occur upon initial use. However, they will disappear some time after use. Operations are not affected. In case of the following displays Display ࿮‫ໍߙݢ‬ ɑThe oven temperature rises high due to continuous use (above 40 ˚C). Display Display EN70 ɑNotifies you of power failure during operations. If power fails for less than 10 min, the operations will resume when power supply is resumed. (Unsuccessful bread-making may occur sometimes) ɑIt will still display when the power plug is plugged in after it is removed. ȋ Open the lid to reduce heat inside of the main body fully down for about 1 hour after (Cool ) baking is finished ɑFailure *Please contact with your local customer service centre for repair. Specifications Power supply Power consumption 220 V 50 Hz Heater 360 W Motor 80 W Net weight (about) Raisin and nut dispenser 30.4 cm Width 24.1 cm Height 34.5 cm Length of power cord 0.9 m Menu Capacity Timer Bread (Flour) Max.: 250 g Timer for up to 13 hours Soft (Flour) Max.: 250 g Timer for up to 13 hours Rapid (Flour) Max.: 280 g ˉ Rice (Flour) Max.: 230 g Timer for up to 13 hours French (Flour) Max.: 250 g Timer for up to 13 hours Whole wheat (Flour) Max.: 250 g Timer for up to 13 hours ˉ Danish (Flour) Max.: 280 g Pineapple (Flour) Max.: 200 g ˉ Rice flour (Flour) Max.: 250 g Timer for up to 13 hours Natural yeast (Flour) Max.: 300 g Timer for up to 10 hours Bread dough (Flour) Max.: 280 g ˉ Natural yeast bread dough (Flour) Max.: 300 g ˉ Fermented natural yeast Natural yeast (raw) 50 g ˉ Dough Pizza dough (Flour) Max.: 280 g ˉ Dumpling skin dough (Flour) Max.: 280 g ˉ Udon/Pasta dough (Flour) Max.: 300 g ˉ Scone (Flour) Max.: 180 g ˉ ˉ Others Cake (Flour) Max.: 180 g Chocolate Chocolate 160 ȋ 180 g ˉ Jam Fruit 400 g ˉ Compote Fruit 150 ȋ 300 g ˉ Mochi Sticky rice 280 ȋ 420 g ˉ Troubleshooting/In case of the following displays/Specifications Bread Thermal fuse Depth (Flour) Maximum : 300 g (Instant dry yeast) Maximum : 4.2 g (Fermented natural yeast) Maximum : 25 g (Raisin/nuts) Maximum : 100 g Yeast Function Size (Appr.) 6.1 kg Bread/bread dough Capacity Overheat protector Table of hazardous substance and their content Hazardous substance Part name External ornaments Pb Hg Cd Cr(VI) PBB PBDE ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ Internal fabrication parts ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ Electronic components ȡ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ȡ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ Motor ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ ɐ This table has been prepared in compliance with the provisions of SJ/T 11364. ɐ: Indicates that the content of said hazardous substance in all homogenous materials of the component is within the limits required by GB/T 26572. ȡ: Indicates that the content of said hazardous substance exceeds the limits required by GB/T 26572 in at least one homogenous material of the component. Tips P.C.Board Heater ASSY EN71 Memo EN72 EN73 ༌ॄ࠵ႚ Aftersales services Panasonic࣌ߴ၃ዹ Panasonic official website: Panasonic૴ॖᏀᅲ࠵ႚ፩ᄩ Panasonic client service center: 400-810-0781 ፟ዉຟ ˖ ჊౤ਓམ‫ݢ‬ධ቏ქ࢞ཌྷ ჊౤টયࡴᄧฏটયኍ‫ۑ‬ᄧ௸ 17 ख ኊٛ‫ ˖ݓ‬፩࣭ Manufacturer: Panasonic Manufacturing (Xiamen)Co.,Ltd. No.17,Chuang Xin Road,Xiamen Torch Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone,Xiamen Made in China © Panasonic Manufacturing (Xiamen) Co.,Ltd. 2016 ɑ‫ףܠج‬ख‫װ‬ ‫ףܠج‬ख ‫ܠج‬ ‫ףܠج‬ख ‫ܠج‬ ‫ףܠج‬ख ‫ܠج‬ 1 ဍཌྷಅ֡ 11 ಅ֡ಅတ 21 ౺ྴ༽࣮ 2 ๢໮ಅ֡ 12 ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ಅတ 22 ప仸 3 ଓཨಅ֡ 13 ໍ፯࿙ะਸವ 4 ౶߰ಅ֡ 14 ൖ๭ಅတ 5 6 7 ߟ࣭ಅ֡ ਲ਼Ꮚ൝ಅတ ‫ܟ‬ఴಅ֡ 15 16 17 8 ؅ఝಅ֡ 18 ‫ࡷܫ‬ 9 ౶ࠒಅ֡ 19 ෠૲உ‫ݞ‬ᄩ ࿙ะਸವಅ֡ 20 ࣮ਟ 10 ภఴಅ֡ ႃ‫ޅ‬ಅȂሃ‫஀ܐ‬ಅಅတ ሡ໮‫؀ى‬ ɑ Menu number table NO. Menu NO. Menu NO. Menu 1 Bread 11 Bread dough 21 Compote 2 Soft bread 12 Natural yeast bread dough 22 Mochi 3 Rapid bread 13 Fermented natural yeast 4 Rice bread 14 Pizza dough 5 French bread 15 Dumpling skin dough 6 Whole wheat bread 16 Udon/Pasta dough 7 Danish bread 17 Scone 8 Pineapple bread 18 Cake 9 Rice flour bread 19 Chocolate Natural yeast bread 20 Jam 10 DZ50P202 MX0416E0 ߙᄵ೧ኟ˖2016೧4ኟ ፩࣭ሠ༱ Date of issue: April 2016 Printed in China