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The Coquitlam Herald




The Coquitlam Herald Vol. 4, No. 31. PORT COQUITLAM, B. C. Aug. 4th, 1932 $1.00 Per Y e a r Band Picnic, White Rock, Sunday August 14th, 50c Return Mr. R . Sobold while cutting wood for Mr. Fennell. Fraser Ave on Wednesday, was unfortunate enough to seriously mangle the first t h e e fingers of his right The undersigned are prepared hand. He had cu t only about half a dozen sticks and thought to deliver to your door to trim ends of two butts. The every day saw went through one and struck FIRST CLASS MILK IN the other dragging his hand in. PREFERRED R A W MILK SANITARY BOTTLES A special meeting o f the School Board was held on Wednesday, Aug. 3rd. in the City Hall when Miss Muriel Pearson was appoint­ GIVE US A TRIAL ed teacher of the second division of James Park School. Miss G. Saywell has been transferred to Central School from James Park Miss Hodnett, Vancouver and ; and will occupy the position forMisses Amy and Ruth Hodnet, ■merly held by Miss E. Nelson. Winnipeg, old time Manitoba friends, were visitors with Mrs. The attendance at Trinity UnMachesney on Wednesday. The [ ited Sunday School the last two latter two m itored from Winni­ ISundays totalled 133 which is peg. very good for holiday time. A t the Regular Price BARNES & SO N. SOCIALIST PARTY OF CANAD A August 11—Mrs. Maclnnis AGRICULTURAL HALL. COLLECTION Miss Moran as She Saw Russia Last Thursday nights meeting of the Socialist^ o f Canada in the Lodge Room of the Agricultural Hall was largely attended. Miss M oran is an able speaker and she has a pleasant voice and held her audience throughout. “ Russia is a nation of m iny complex prob­ lems and you can believe the best or the worst about it” she said, but we should only compare Rus­ sia o f to-day with Russia of the past.” In M oscow she found the streets and the people very clean but the people dressed shabbily. You don’t see people looking for jobs, no breadlines and no person hungrily gazing in windows. They have plenty of black bread but a scarcity of tea, pins, needles, shoes, etc. Peoples o f all colors are treated the same within their borders. The former people of leisure cannot go back to former position even if they would. They are well posted in world affairs and know conditions in North America and think they are crazy- In Russia you cannot make money out of money. W o­ men also have a better chance in their economic freedom, what is government but taking care of people and women are well pre­ pared for that job. Things are not quite adjusted in Russia yet. The people were so poor they conldn’t feed the cock­ roaches and often sold their chil­ dren. The government have taken good care of the palaces and they are now used for museums and rest homes. Organization went on for years and years in Russia but were constantly blockaded b y Christi­ an countries during revolutions. In Russia they think there will be another great war. T h at they will be attacked by the capitalis­ tic countries. The old system of farming is carried on as well as state farming but products are po&led. The government are striving to give everyone an education and all sorts of sports are being encour­ aged. In closing she claimed that the world is so heavily in debt it will never be able to pay. Britain, she said was still paying interest on money spent to win the battle o f Waterloo. Entran:e and junior M atric ex­ City School Board On Thursday, July 28th at 8 p. ams were presented and inspected m. the School Board held its reg­ b y the Board and Junior M atric ular meeting in the City Hall. was considered to be very disap­ Chairman W. J. Trerise and pointing. Trustee A. Johnson were present. Tenders are invited for the purchase of the old Picture Show The minutes of previous meetings M r. John F. Saywell, principal Building and the L ot it stands on. were read and regularly adopted. o f M ossback Town School, Sas­ A ll tenders to be sent to the City Clerk not later than August 8th The list of accounts was then katchewan, i^ith his wife and son presented and passed for pay­ are visiting his parents, M r. and The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ment. The resignation of Miss M rs. G. F. Saywell, Pitt River By order of the City Counoil. Edna Nelson from the teaching Road. Mr. Saywell reports having staff of Central School was re­ a very pleasant m otor trip, the JOHN SMITH ceived and accepted by the board. roads being in good condition. City Clerk Mr. Linten Osborn waited on This is his first venture through the Board and reported the gut­ the mountains by car and found tering and shingling work at the the journey very enjoyable and Central School completed. He will look forward to visits in the also interviewed the trustees with future. regard to certain other minor re­ The Man who made the On Tuesday last Coquitlam pairs which were found to he nec­ 25c. Hair Gut Possible essary. It was decided to have baseball boys were guests of the specifications drawn up and pre­ Collingwood team at Collingwoed sented at a special meeting on A t the end of the 5th inning the Aug. 3rd. The Medical Health score was 4 -2 in favor of Coquit­ Officers report which was received lam and in the next inning they You do look well when you leave our Shop. and accpted reported the condi­ added 2 more but the umpire tion of the scholars teeth to be called the game on account of S A N IT A R Y • lamentable. The reports of the darkness. TENDERS M. J. BAUMGARTNER T W O BARBERS W. Wallace M r. spent t o f their GENERAL B L A C K S M IT H inson, a n d e x pe r t h o rse­ also att shower s h o e in g . R . Hut b y her Brazing and Gutting and M S A T IS F A C T IO N GUARANTEED PRICES R IG H T j The nd M rs. Chas Lovell a week end at the home laughter, M rs. Lily R o b ­ elwyn St. Vancouver and nded the house party and it the new hom e o f Mrs. hinson, which was given isters M rs. D. Robertson i J. Jackson. uge vote cast in G erm an ; zi (Hit er) party seems to Boots and Shoes Repaired HERALD, Senior Baseball Batting Averages. J. C . M A C H E S N E Y E d itor and P roprietor Following is the batting aver­ ages o f the Coquitlam senior b a se For Sale, Lost, Found or W a n te d j j3a]j team in the Triangle league. Subscription $1.00 p er Y ear Advertisements 50cfirstlnsertion D avies heads the list and is close­ $1.00 for three insertions. ly followed b y Johnson, Ogilvie, A dvertising R ate) on application Swires and Joseph. Several of W edding, Birth and Death N otice the players h ave been hitting all published free of charge Items of Interest solicited has not settled the question there. N o par y has a m ajority. The N a ­ R. S A N T A R E L L I j COQUITLAM T h ursda y, A u g . G AB the larj ;st body of members elect ed. Tin 4th, 1932 have Nothing to Say. N azi and Social Dem o­ “ Y ou can tell your paper” the great man said. “ I refused an interview, ectorat and now have 1 5 % . I have nothing to say on the question, sir, G. 1 1 Chesterton recently Nothing to saty to y o u .” pointei out that the depression itself is a miraculous phenonomen And then he talked till the sun went down surpass ng any o f those recounted in bibli al narratives. N o miracle And the chickens went to roost, in the bible asks us to believe And he seized the collar o f the poor young man that pe jple were ever faced with starval on because they had too And never his hold he loosed. many 1 laves and fishes. And the sun went down and the cratic larties remain the same. Commi lists gained 4 % of the el- BEST LEAT H E R USED QUICK SERVICE G IV E M E A T R I A L . T H E B E ST F O R LESS A T Gene’s Barber Shop and Pool Hall m oon came up Duri g the month of June there And he talked till the dawn o f were i bout 1100 telephones less day.; in B. C ■than in May. This is one Though he said “ On this subject mentioned by you M O D E R N A N D S A N IT A R Y . of the 4 .-lie signs of conditions. I have nothing w hatever'to sa y.” The nany friends of Mr. S. A. And down the reporter dropped Bach 12 3 4 5 6 is of 25c value Fennel are pleased to again greet to sleep A Ticket is $1.00 in advance him on the street. Though feeling And flat on the floor he lay; Y ou receive $1.50 in w(yk much t tter he is not quite him­ And the last he heard was the self y e '. great man’s words Subscribe for the Herald, $1.00 ‘ ‘I have nothing at all to say.” WOULD NT WASTE THE GROCERIES YOU BUY. WASTE THEELcCTRJi ] J Y YOU M Y FOR I T T o workers whose earnings have been cu t by unem ploym ent and part time work it must seem like a grim joke to be told that additional wage reductions are necessary because the cost o f liv­ ing has declined. W age cutting in past depressions never adjusted wages to cost o f living. Always the result was to push wages down lower than living costs de­ cline, in other words to lower the standards o f living. buys 16 V i kilow att hours. M any y o u are deriving the fu ll benefit o f w hat y ou pay fo r ? Electrfkity is more than ligl ting. I f put to work in your home it is com! rt,convenience, time and labor saved! Be th: ifty ! If you have been paying for 16V£ kilowa : hours and con­ H ffS H S O Colonel M cC rea ’s beautiful p o ­ em “ In Flanders F ields the P op ­ pies grow ” eame to mind when conversing wirh the R ev . H er­ bert Pearson on the su bject o f poppies. T he R ector inform ed us that he had a num ber o f poppies in St. ’ Catherines Vicarage gar­ den grown from seed that was brought diredt from Flanders battlefields b y R ev. F. L. Steph son, a chaplain who served with the forces overseas. This seed was grown for a num ­ ber o f years in Ladysm ith vicar­ age grounds. On com ing to C o ­ quitlam four years ago M r. Pearson b ro u g h t some o f this seed, and each year the poppies raise their heads “ Lest we forget.” If the Cenotaph com m ittee or any others would like a little o f this seed it will be gladly given. Mr. Fennel, Fraser Ave. has a splendid specimen o f Blue H yd­ rangea, fully 200 trusses o f gor­ Th6 Library at the City H all will geous bloom. L IB R A R Y HOURS be open for the present as New definitions: An iceberg is a new sor- o f permanent wave. Depressiions mean going without something our parents never h ad. fo llo w s: W ed n esd a y, 3 to 5 p. m . F rid a y , - - 7 t o 9 p. m . D r . W o o d . L ib r a r ia n suming 10 or 12, use up the remainder at no Mrs. C. Saoho extra cost. was pleasantly St. Catherine’s Church surprised by relatives and friends M ost electrical equipment consumes little on July 27th. The occasion being current. In using up one ki owatt hour: her 68th birthday. A a 40>watt lamp b ms for 25 hours an iron heats for 1% hours very pleas­ ant time was spent bv all and cream and refreshments ient of some very lovely a radio operates 1nr 10 hours from a toaster operatei for 2 hours grandsons. A lso Some her grand and lovely bo- These and many otherappliam r can bepurchased her daughter. Those present were on easy terms at any o f the B. C. Electric Stores. M r. and Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs. M rs. XL Sim pson and M rs. P. W eston Lakewood Drive, Burnaby. n g l ic a n PITT MEADOW S Morning Prayer, 11 a. m, H E R B E R T P E A R S O N , V icar presents daughter quets from V ancouver friends and W . E llis A Sunday School, 11 a. m . Evensong and Serm on 7:30 p.m. ice were served. Mrs. Saoho was the recip­ a sewing machine runs for 25 hours BRITISH COLUMBIA ELEC % D avis 31 122 43 8 0 13 389 Johnson 13 50 17 4 0 12 370 Ogilvie 26 73 20 8 4 3 328 Swires 32 111 34 5 2 11 327 Joseph 2 § 93 25 4 4 7 295 M cN aughton28 112 29 8 5 19 293 W att 8 26 7 0 0 6 270 N ic o la 3 0 1 1 6 2 5 1 7 2 1 7 258 A.Henderson 32 132 30 0 0 7 246 Stewart 10 32 7 1 0 8 226 J. Henderson 16 49 10 2 1 <8 217 D uncan 7 19 4 0 0 9 210 Dau 16 51 10 3 0 9 208 Hayes 5 20 4 1 0 2 210 Naples 25 4 1 0 8 170 Subscribe for the Herald, $1.00 H E m in im u m charg i fo r electricity use o n ly part o f th is ! A r » y o u sure that along bu t are either caught ou t or thrown ou t at 1st base. T h e ba t­ ting is ab ou t the average o f scores o f those published. Trinity United Church, R . B . C. F r e e m a n , P a s t o r Sunday School, 11 a .m . ev SERVICES : H am m ond - - 1 1 :0 0 a mP itt M eadows 3:00 p m .' C oquitlam , - 7:30 p m . E verybody W elcom e. Screen Doors and Screen Windows a r e g o in g t o b e q u it e f a s h io n a b l e A GOOD STOCK HERE, PRICED RIGHT. Also a Stock of High Grade Garden Tools. L A W N MOWERS SHARPENED S. L. SWEENEY, P H O N E 21. For Good Shoe Repairs T R Y US REPAIRING W H ILE YOU W A IT PRICES REASONABLE. S H O E S DYED. McLean’s Shoe Repairs N ext to Jackson’s Bookstore O F F IC E R E S . P H O N E 11. BUILDING MATERIALS A N D CEM ENT Get your Canmore Briquettes and Hard Coal your Brooders here. Agents for Nanaimo Wellington Coal Wood and Smokeless Coals. H E AVY AND for LIGHT TRUCKING. R. C. GALER , Manager Counter Check B o o k s.............. MADE IN B. C. W e have secured the agency for one of the best lines of higl grade counter check books in Canada, manufactured in V an ­ couver by a B . C. firm. W e are offering all kinds and sizes of these books at standard prices and guarantee prompt delivery and satisfaction. W hen in need of Counter Check Books, no the quantity, give us a call forpriceB. matter how small PHONE 84 THE HERALD OFFICE PORT COQUITLAM, B. C. On Tuesday night last the city council held their regular semi­ monthly meeting in the City Hall A communication from Chief Engineer Phillips re the culvert on Kingsway and Highway not being satisfactory was ordered tiled. A delegation from the unem­ ployed awaited on the council and after considerable discussion it was agreed that a number more be added to the bridge and city gang. It was announced that all relief work would probably stop on Aug. 15th. Aid. Shearer ad vocated fencing in the City Fire Hall property and his recommendation was sanctioned by the council. Aid. Orr asked if city owned old Theatre building and suggest­ ed it should be torn down. Coun­ cil decided to offer it for sale by tender, same to be received up to August 8th. Aid. M cIntosh thought that all rubbish in the river bed near the bridge should be cleaned out and some thing done to turn wa­ ter from west side. Referred to Board of Works. Aid. Frey reported water works as being satisfactory but stated that many of ,the old pipes were nearly rusted out and causing leaks. Aid. Davies reported that he and Aid. Shearer attended the inspecsion of the Seymour intake and reported having a good time. Aid. Davis also reported a lo­ cation for a swimming pool but would not recommend it this year. He also ^announced that there were 16 married men and 4 single on relief. M ayor Galer reported that the city had won the Mulvihill case and were now relieved o f the up­ keep of that family. M ayor Galer said the relief committee met on M onday and decided to close relief work on Aug. 15th. During the period it had been running the committee had endeavored to treat every­ body the same. The D og Tax came up for dis­ cussion and whereas about one third of those who had dogs had paid it was decided that all ow n­ ers must procure tag at the City Hall forthwith. P H O N E 90 Port Coquitlam Transfc* Co., Limited. BRICK, CIME City Council Hold Short Interesting Session. Socialist Party of Canada The day of miracles has arrived for year 1929. The Blind Capitalist Politician Selling price Canadian having removed his blinkers sees made goods $4,063,987,279 a faint glimmering o f light- a Cost o f raw light which the Socialist has seen materials $2,066,636,914 for years. Paid in wages 813,049,842 Time and time again we have N et profit of $1,184,300,523 told the workers that are being |which was exploited from the in­ exploited that the profits of the dustrial workers o f Canada in Capitalist and the interest of the 1929. Bankers were the wage earners From press and platform we unpaid labor. hear much of our high standard Time and time again the lords of living, etc. of finance have denied this Let us quote again from the same charge. Now at last they admit report. it. Average wage to salaried men, The following paragraphs are taken from the “ Report on the per month $163. Average wage to Manufacturing Industries o f Can­ wage earner, per month $87. A v ­ ada 1929.’ ’ Published b y author­ erage wage to outside piece work­ ity o f Hon. H. H. Stevens, Minis­ er $15. These figures are the average ter o f Trade and Commerce. “ The value added by manufac­ for the whole of Canada for 1929, ture is obtained b y subtracting a year of so called prosperity. the cost of materials used from the gross value of the products. This difference represents the value added to the raw materi­ als by labor and it is this labor which the employed uses to pay for the labor itself, the overhead, expenses, profits, etc. Let us examine some of the figures contained in this report In 1931 Canadian corporations paid out in dividends an increas­ ed amount of $32,500,000 over the average for six ypars and $50, 000,000 better than any year in history prior to 1929. Workers! Come to the weekly educational meetings held b y the Socialist Party. Our fight is yours Vincit Omnia Veritas With our modem fashions sex isn’t always distinguishable in the matter of dress. Said a golfer to his partner “ Just look at that girl dressed like a man. What are her parents thinking of anyway? I think it is disgraceful. “ That sir, is my daughter’ replied the partner. “ I beg pardon, T didn’t know you were her father was the apologetic reply. “ I’m not, I ’m her mother” and the golfer wilted. A Presentation Olde English Fayre i M r. A. G. Andrews was pre­ sented with a beautifully illum in­ ated address at the Olde English Fayrp on Thursday. The frame­ work o f the address was done by M r. Granhold and the lettering by Mr. Kenneth Angus, and was as follow s: A. G . Andrews, Esq. A t a meeting ©f the church committee at the vicarage on June 29, 1932, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to you for the valued service to the church dur­ ing the past six years. The com ­ mittee find it difficult to express in words their love and esteem for you and we wish you every success in your new field o f en­ deavor. Signed: H. Pearson, Rector R . M . S. R ye, Warden B. W hitely, Warden E. C. Bishop, Vestry Clerk M r. Andrews was taken by sur­ prise and feelingly replied that the past years spent here were amongst the happiest in his life. The Olde Engiish Fayre on Thursday in aid of St. Cather-' ine’s Church Building Fund, op­ ened under auspicious circum­ stances in the way of delightful weather. The capital attendance and cheery support of the fea­ tures provided, ensured the suc­ cess of another of the annual church fairs that not only pro­ vide good fun but also materially helps a worthy cause. Rev. Her­ bert Pearson and his able com ­ mittee of workers are to be con­ gratulated. There was some hesi­ tation about holding the fair this year owing to economic condi­ tions, but courage prevailed and result was highly satisfactory. Mrs. H. Pearson was the win­ ner in the draw for the silver vase and Mrs. Bredbury won the sack o f sugar. Mrs. Lovell provided a good deal of fun, dressed as the Lady of Many Pockets. In clock golf Mr. B. Whitely won the half pound of tea with a score of 28, beating golf players like Mr. R . Leigh who had 29. M rs. Thos. Swires had as her Mr. W. Ellis’ bid was the win­ guests last week, her relatives, Mrs. ner of the beautiful set of dinner Donald, Calgary, Miss Bell, S ea t­ dishes. tle, and Mr. John Blackley, Leth­ bridge. Mrs. Swires arranged BASEBALL A Fine Wagon LOCALS I f anyone is looking for a piece Mr. and Mrs. S. Machesney, New Westminster, and their son of land for a market garden they should visit Mr. W m . E llis ’ garden and his wife, Mr. and M rs. Jtobt. on the M oody, roadThey will Machesney and daughter Made- ! want to locate here. W e were faline were the guests of M r. and |vored withe on excellent cabbage, Mrs. J. C . Machesney on M on d a y . beans, peas [12 peas in a pod], beats last. M r. and Mrs. R obert M a - inches through and carrots and a chesney motored here from Sas- hu«e bouquet of beautiful sweet k atoon a n d report the roads P.e a 8 ' These have all been grown 15 since B. P. O. E. No. 4 9 - J. E. Bennett Mr. and M rs. Stanley Carson desire to thank all friends for the sympathy shown and for the flowers sent to the latter during her recent illness. On Wednesday the city work­ men blasted several large stumps lodged in the river bed above the bridge and now have it about clear of rubbish. T h e pulpit at Trinity United Church on Sunday next is to be occupied by the R ev. R. J. M c­ Intyre of Vancouver. V. S., B. V. Sc. LIVE STOCK DISEASES Sterility, Contagious Abortion, Poultry Diseases PHONE HAMMOND 2811. They expect to be away a month. In the first game of baseball in the Dewdney Junior League play­ offs which was played on Thurs­ day here between Hammond and Coquitlam was won by Hammond by a score of 8-1. Wood less than 4 COQU ITLAM BREAD It is best because best ingredients are used. COQUITLAM B AK E R Y . . “ Service and Quality” is our motto Phone 23 CARSON’S DAIRY Sells Monthly Government Tested MILK Nurse Main, Penticton, is s pet id Buy the Best from a Local Dealer. nessy S t. The Kitailano Boys Band cannot come to Coquitlam as announced ________PHONE 61X last week’s pape . They are gogoing east in the near future and Don’ t forget the big band picnic at W h ite Rock on Sunday, A u g . 14th. Accommodation is being ar­ ranged for a big crowd and if - you wish to secure a seat get in touch with Alf. Smallenberg, manager ; A rt. Johnson, seoretary, or N . C . A yling, bandmaster, phone 9L. The Canadian Legion has placed their hall at the disposal of the band for lunch. PHONE COQUITLAM 34 COQUITLAM GARAGE All Kinds of Motor Repair Work a Specialty W e Special!?* in V alve Grinding It’s a FQO Per cent. Job. TIRES, TUBES, OILS, GAS, ACCESSORIES W R E CKING C AR. O X Y -A C E T Y L E N E Subscribe for the Herald, $1.00 PORT or If Y ou want a Superior Loaf Always Buy ing her vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H . Main, Shaugh are preparing for the journey. Allister Henderson, the popu­ lar shortstop for the local base ball team had the misfortune to have his left hand badly lacerated on a saw. He hopes to be able to play in the playoffs. 9th inson, Vancouver. excursions to Harrison H ot Springs On Wednesday night Fraser Stave Falls, W h ite Rock, Vancou­ Mflls took the first game in- the Messrs. M . J. Baumgartner,Sam ver and Boundary Bay where they playofi series from Fraser Cafe at W addell. W , Blizzard and N . Caspent pleasant days. Mrs. Davies the formers grounds. The score vanagh left on a motor trip to her sister, also accompanied them was 11-9. The next game is at Stettler, - Alberta, on Tuesday. M oody Park. The winners will take on Coquitlam here on Wed nesday, Aug. 10th at 6:15 in the Next Meeting Aug. 10, at 8 p. m. final playoffs. Messrs. W. Fergu­ son and D. Muscutt have been Visitors are Cordially Invited. appointed official umpires. Owing to the absence o f John­ son, catcher and Jobnnv Duncan THOS. LAWSON Exalted Ruler pitcher, Manager Smallenberg is R. SHEARER. Secretary securing another pitcher and cat­ cher to strengthen the team. A p r il as being in good shape. T h e y |8inCB monthsApri1 since seed was sown. Many state there is promise of a bum­ thanks. per crop, particularly out of Sas­ A . W . Keith has pur jhased the katoon. site on Dewdney Trunk road at M r. Nelson Lovell has returned the city ’s western boundary, for­ home after spending a week at merly occupied b y St. Catherine’s the home of his sister, Mrs. R ob­ Church, for $25. W E L D IN G . G. GRAHAM , Proprietor FOR and Coal Fine Job Printing Fir, Alder and Cedar Kindling Wellington Coal, Alberta Sootless Coal Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Business Cards Or any thing in printing GENERAL TRUCKING T R Y THE C. F. JOSEPH TH E HERALD OFFICE PHONE 68 P .O . B O X 47 TELEPHONE 84