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The Labour Force La Main-d'oeuvre Quarterly Survey, Week Ended March 3, 1951




/ HitoflC GOVERNMENT OF CANADA GOUVERNEMENT DU CANADA THE LABOUR FORCE QUARTERLY SURVEY, WEEK ENDED MARCH 3, 1951 LA MAIN-D'OEUVRE RELEVE TRIMESTRIEL - SEMAINE TERMINEE LE 3 MARS 1951 UNE PUBLICATION a 4 PUB LI CAflON DOMINION BUREflU OF STflTISTICS Department of Trade and Commerce BUREF1U FDERflL DE Lfl STEITISTIQUE Ministére du Commerce Vol. 7 No.1 THE LABOUR FORCE QUARTERLY SURVEY, WEEK ENDED MARCH 3, 1951 (FROM 1945 TO 1949 ISSUED AS LABOUR FORCE BULLETINS NO'S 1 TO 13) LA MAIN-D'OEUVRE RELEVE TRIMESTRIEL - SEMAINE TERMINEE LE 3 MARS 1951 (PUBUE DE 1945 A 1949 SOUS LE lITRE: MAIN-D'OEUVRE, BULLETINS NOS 1 A 13) Published by Authority of the It. Hon. C. D. Howe Minister of Trade and Commerce Prepared in he Special Surveys Division, Donir.ion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa 1450 - 28.4-51 Publié par ordre du trés hon. C. D. Howe Ministre du Commerce Préparé dans in division des enquêtes spéciales Bureau fédéral de la statistique, Ottawa Price - Prix 25 cents - 2 - Page TABLE OF CONTENTS I INTRODUCTION 4 II SUARY 6 III DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS 8 IV TABLES (a) Summary estimates Table 1 - Labour force characteristics of the Canadian noninstitutional civilian population 12 (b) Estimates Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 - of the labour force By region and sex By region and age Agricultural, by region and sex Nonagricultural, by region and sex (c) Estimates of persons with jobs j - All status gros By occupational status and sex Table 6 Table 7 - Agricultural, by occupational status and sex Table 8 - Nonagricultural, by occupational status and sex Table 9 - By region and sex Table 10- By region and age Table 11- By age and sex Table 12- By industry and sex Table 13- By occupation and sex Table 14- Agricultural and nonagricultural, by region Table 1- Agricultural, by hours worked per week and sex Table 16- Nonagricultural, by hours worked per week and sex Table 17- Not at work, by reason of absence Table 18- Females, by marital status 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 31 ii - Paid worker 32 Table 19- By region and sex Table 20- By industry and sex 33 Table 21- Nonagricultural, by hours worked per week and sex 34 persons without jobs and seeking work region (d) Estimates Table 22Table 23Table 24Table 2 5- of By By By By age number of months looking for work 36 36 (e) Estimates Table 26Table 27Table 28- of By By By persons not in the labour force region and sex age and sex class of nonworker and sex 37 38 39 sex 35 35 - 3 - Page TABtE DES !ATIERES I INTRODUCTION 5 II SO2LAIRE 7 III DEFINITIONS ET EXPLICATIONS 9 IV TABLEAUX so =,a ai res (a) E st mat Tableau 1 - Caractristique do la main-d'oeuvre dane la population civile eanadienne no vivant pas dane les institutions 12 (b) Estimationede la main-d'oeuvre Tableau 2 - Par rgiori at selon le sexe Tableau 3 - Par region at selon i'ge Tableau 4 - Arico1e, par rgion at selon le sexe Tableau 5 - Non agricole, par rrgion at scion le sexe (c) Estimations des personnesyint un emplol i - Tous lo rtatsoccj4pationne1s Tableau 6 - Selon i'tat occupationnel at le 88X0 Tableau 7 - Agricole, solon 1tat occupationnel at le sexo Tableau 8 - Non agricole, scion 1 14 tat occupationnel at le sexe Tableau 9 - Par rgion at solon le sexe Tableau 10- Par rgion et se10 i'ge Tableau 11- Selon l'ge at le sexe Tableau 12- Scion l'industrie at le sexe Tableau 13- Solon l'occupation at le sexe Tableau 14- Agricole at non agricolo, par rrgion Tableau 15- Agricole, solon los houres de travail contribuces par semaine at scion le sexe Non agricole, scion lee houres do travail contributes Tableau 16par semaine at scion le sexe Tableau 17- Ne travaillant pas, scion la cause do l'absence du travail Tableau 18- Famines, solon i'rtat conjugal ii - Emlovre naves Tableau 19- Par rgion ot selori le sexe Tabieau 20- Solon l'industrie at le sexe Tableau 21- Non agricole, selon los heuros de travail contribues par semaine at solon le sexe (ci) Estimations depersonnos earLs emploi at cherchant du travail Tableau 22- Par rgion Tableau 23- Solon lo sexe Tableau 24- Scion l'ge Tableau 25- D'aprs ].e nombre de mole on quite de travail (e) Estimations Tableau 26Tableau 27Tableau 28- des personnos inactives Par rgion at selon le sexe Solon 1'ge at le sexe Par catgorie at scion le sexe 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 39 - 4 - I INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of the twenty-second labour force survey of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, covering the week ended March 3, 1951- The survey is one of a continuing series begun in Novembor, 1945, and taken at quarterly intervals since. Approximately 30 9 000 housoholds chosen by area sampling methods in over 100 different areas in Canada are visited each quarter. The labour force surveys provide periodic estimates of the employment characteristics of the civilian noninstitutional popuation of working age. Persons are classified according to current activity during the specific weeks covered by the surveys. In addition to data on the current survey, the report also snows estimates for the survey immediately preceding it (week ended November 4, 1950) and for the surveys taken at the corresponding season in the last two years (weeks endoc. !iarch 4, 1950, and March 5 ) 1949). Complete data covering all surveys up to and including October, 1949, can be fnund in D.B.S. Reference Paper, 1950, No. 2 - "The Labour Force, 1945-1949". Beginning with the October, 1949, survey, estimates for Newfoundland are included in the national totals and are shown separately in tables giving details by regions. The tables in this bulletin show the main features of: (a) the noninstitutional civilian population 14 years of age and over - Table 1; (b) the labour force - Tables 2 to 5; (c) persons with jobs - Tables 6 to 21 (Tables 19 to 21 of which deal with "paid workers" only); (d) persons without jobs and seeking work - Table 22 to 25; and (e) persons not in the labour force - Tables 26 to 28. Definitions and explanations with reference to these tables are contained in Part III. The estimates are subject to sampling error. In general, the smaller the estimate, the larger is the relative sampling error. Any estimate of less than 10,000 is replaced throughout the table by an asterisk, as an indication that the sampling error associated with it is relatively large and that it should not be used without careful resorvations. It has not so far beer possible to include in the labour force surveys persons living in certain inaccecsiblo areas and Indians living or. roservations, an estimated total of 170,000. -s - I INTRODUCTION Le present rapport donne los rsu1tats du vingt-deuxime relevS do la maind'oeuvre effectu' par le Bureau fd'ra1 do la statistique at porte our la semaino termin'e le 3 mars 1951. Ce re1ev continue la srie comrnence an novernbre 1945, date depuis laquelle ii se rpte chaque trirnestro. Ii comporte la visite d'onviron 30,000 mnages, choisis d'aprs des m.-thodes d'chantil1onnage a'ro1aire, dans 100 r'gions diffrentes du Canada. L'objet do ceo re1evs de la main-d'oeuvre ost dc f"'irnir des estimations p*riodiques des caractristiques de l'emploi parmi la population civile an age de travaillor at qui no vit pas. dans dos institutions. Le classement des personnos repose our lour activit courante durant leo semaines dtorminea de re1ev, En plus des chiffres du relevf4 courant, le rapport donne los estimations du relov prcdent (semaine termine le 4 novembre 1950) ainsi quo dos re1evs effectu's, & la mime Ppoque t dans los deux dernires annces (semainos terinines le 4 mars 1 950 at le 5 mars 1949). Leo donn4es compltes do tous lee rolevs offecturs jusqu'a octobre 1949 inclus se trouvent dana le document do rrfrence du Bureau fd4ral de la statistique, 1950, no. 2: "The Labour Force, 1945-1949". Depuis 10 rslev d'octobro 19 4 99 lee estimations relatives a Terre-Neuve sont comprises dans lee totawc nationaux; elles paraissent srparmont dane los tableaux qui donnent des dta11s par region. Leo tableaux du pr'sent bulletin illustrent leo caract'ristiques leo plus importantes (a) do lF population civile de 14 ans at plus qui no vit pas dans des institutions, tableau 1; (b) do la main-d'oeuvre, tableaux 2 a (c) des personnes ayant un emploi, tableaux 6 a 21 (los tableaux 19 & 21 no portent quo our lee "travailleurs rmunrs"); (d) des personnes sans omploi at chorchant du travail, tableaux 22 25; at (e) des personnes inactives, tableaux 26 a 28. On trouvera dans la troisime partie leo dfinitions at leo explications relatives ceo tableaux. Los estimations sont sujettes t l'cart d"chanti11onnago. En gnral, plus l'ostimation ost petite, plus l"cart relatif d'tchariti1lonnao est grand. Dane tous los tableaux, un astrisque remplace lee estimations do moms de 10,000; c'est une indication quo l'cart d'chantillonnage associr . coo estimations est relativoment grand at quo celles-ci ne doivent 0 tre utilisos qu'avec beaucoup de r serve. Ii n'a pas encore 't possible d'inclure dane leo relevs do la maind'oeuvre los porsonnos vivant dans certainos rgiors inaccessibles at los Indiens confiris dans leurs rserves, soit un total ostimatif de 170,000 personnos. a -6- II - IJMMARY In the week ended March 3, 1951, the Canadian civilian ncniristitutional population, 14 years of age and over, reaèhed 9 9 800,000 compared with 99 6 79000 in the week ending March 4, 1950. During the same period, the civilian noninstitutional labour force increased from 5,108,000 to 5 9 172,000. The expansion of the labour force by 64,000 between March 1950 and March 1 951 , was accompanied by important shifts between its agricultural and nonagricultural segments. Thus, the nonagricultural labour force increased by 161,000 from 4,157, 00 0 for the week ending March 4, 1950 to 4,318,000 for the week ending Larch 3, 1951 while between the same dates the agricultural labour force declined from 951,'O to 854,000 (a decrease of 97,000). Persons with jobs increased from 4,796,000 in March 1950 to 5000,000 in March 1951, i.e. by 204 9 000. This increase was accompanied by a reduction of 140,000 in those without jobs and socking work. Reflecting the fact that "persons with jobs" increased at a higher rate than the rise in the labour force as a whole, "persons with jobs" as a percentage of the labour force rose from 93.9 percent for the week ending March 3 last year to 96.7 percent in March this year. It is also significant that the seasonal decline in "persons with jobs" was negligible (from 97.8 percent for the week ending November 4 to 96.7 percent in March). In addition to thu high percontae of job holders in the labour force as revealed by the present survey, there is evidence of an intensification of employment. The proportion of pursons working 35 hours or more a week rose from about 87 percent of those with jobs at work for the week ending March 4, 1950 to almost 89 percent Because of the influenza epidemic, however, the for the week ending March 3, 195 1 total number at work represented a smaller percentage of persons with jobs in March 195 1 (95.8) than in March 1950 (96.8), . As a corollary of the labour force increasing proportionately with the noninstitutional population the "not in the labour force" category remained a stable percentage of the noninstitutional population between March 1950 and March 1951. The proportion of females in this group decreased slightly. This change was based on a movement of females - age 24 years and under - into the labour force from the "not in the labour force" group, the latter category dropping by 23,000 from 752 9 000 in March 1950 to 729,000 in March 195 1 . III - DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS (a) Labour force - the civilian labour force is composed of that portion of the civilian noninstitutional population 14 years of age and over that had jobs or that did not have jobs and were seeking work during the survey week. -7-. II - SOMLIAIRE Durant la semaino termine le 3 mars 1951, la population civilt - canadienne ge do 14 ans et plus qui no vit pas dans des institutions so chiffre par 9,800 9 000, contra 9,679,000 durant la semaine termine le 4 mars 1950. Au cours de la m&ne p'riode, la main-d'oeuvre civile qui no vit pas dans des institutions passo do 5,108,000 & 5,172,000 L'expansion de la main-d'oeuvre qui s'tablit & 64.000 entre mars 1950 et mars 1951 s'accompagne de dplacements irnportants entre lo s3cteur agricole at le secteur non agricole. Ainsi, la main-d'oeuvre non agricolu augmerite do 161,000, passant do 4,157,000 durant la semaine terxnin'e le 4 mars 1 950 4,318000 durant la somaine termine le 3 mars 1951, tandis quo la main-d'oeuvre agricole tombe do 951,000 & 854,000 entre ces deux memos dates (diminution do 97,000). a Le nombre do "personnes ayant un omploi" augmente do 204,000; II passe de 4,796,000 on mars 1950 & 5 9 000,000 en mars 1951.. Cette augmentation s'accoxnpagne d'une rduction do 140 9 000 chez leo "personnes sans omplol et cherchant du travail". Indiquant quo le taux d'augmentation du nombre do "personnes ayant un emploi" est plus 1lev quo colui do la main-d'oeuvre en gnra1, la proportion du noxnbre do "personnes ayant Un emploi" par rapport & la main-d'oeuvre ontire passe do 93,9 p. 100 durant la semaine termine le 3 mars l'an dernier & 96,7 P. 100 en mars cotta anxe. Il est significatif aussi quo la diminution saisormire du nombre do "personnes ayant Un emplo!" soit ng1igeab1e (do 97,8 P. 100 durant la somaine termin'e le 4 novembre & 96.7 P. 100 en mars). En plus d'indiquer la forte proportion de "personnes ayant un emplol" au sam do la main-d'oeuvre, la prsente enquete r'v1e une intensification do l'emploi. La proportion de personnes qui travaillent 35 houros et plus par semaine passe de 87 P. 100 du nombre d'emp1oys au travail durant la semaine termin'e le 4 mars 1950 1 prs do 89 p. 100 durar.t la somaine termince le 3 mars 1951. En raison de 1'pidemie d'influcnza toutefois, lo nombre do personnos au travail repr'sente un pourcentago moms €1evr par rapport au nombre do "personnes ayant ui omploi" en mars 1951 (95.8) qu'en mars 1950 (96.8). Tandis quo la main-d'oeuvre augmente proportionnollement & la population qul no vit pas daris des institutions, la catgorie des "personnos inactives" demeure un pourcentage stable de la population qul no vit pas dans des institutions entro mars 1950 et mars 1951. La proportion de femrnes dans ce groupe accuse une l4gere diminution. Ce changement proviont d °un dplacement des femmes ages do 24 axis et moms du groupe "dos personnes inactives" vers is groupe do la main-d'oeuvre. Le nombre de personnes inactivos diminue do 23 9 000; ii passe de 752 9 000 on mars 1950 & 729, 000 on mars 1951. III - DiFINITI0M5 IT EXPLICATIONS (a) Lain-d'oeuvre: La main-d'oeuvre civile so compose des personnes ges do 14 axis et plus, qui no vivent pas dans los institutions et qui, durant la semaine du re1ev', avaient un omploi ou n'avaient pas d'emploi mais an cherchaient Un. (b) Persons with jobs - For the purpose of the labour force survey, this category consists of two groups; (i) those who did any work in the survey week for pay or profit or who did unpaid work which contributed to the running of a farm or business operated by a relative; (ii) those who had jobs but did not work during the survey week because of illness, bad weather, vacation, labour dispute, or temporary lay-off with definite instructions to return to work within 30 days of the time of being laid off. (Persons who had jobs but did not work during the survcv week and who also looked for work are included in (c) below, "Persons without jobs and seeking work") 0 useful supplement to the estimates of persons with jobs is provided in 16 which contain estimates of the weekly hours of work of prsons Tables 15 and employed in agriculture and in nonagricultural industries, and in Table 21 which contains similar data for paid workers in nonagricultural industries. While variations in the estimates of the total numbor of persons with jobs provide a valuable indicator of economic cenditions, significant changes in employment conditions may be concealed unless attention is focussed on the extent to which people worked less than full-time. In these tables, persons with jobs but not at work in the survey week are classed as working zero hours. Table 17 classifies persons in this category by the reasons for their absence from work. The industry classifications used in Tables 12 and 20 are those contained in the Standard Industrial Classification 1ianual published by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics in 1948. In Table 13, the occupation classes shown are based on the Standard Summary of Occupation Classes of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. (c) Pursons without jobs and seeking work - This category includes only those persons who were looking for work in the survey week and who did not work. Persons who were temporarily away from their jobs during the whole of the survey week have been considored as without jobs if they were soaking work. In addition to those who actively looked for work, this classification includes persons who were temporarily ill, were on indefinite or prolonged lay-off, or believed that no work was available, but who otherwise would have looked for work. (d) Persons not in the labour force - The non-working part of the population 14 years of age and over consists of those who are outside the labour force in thu sense that they do not work for pay or profit or as unpaid workers in family enterprises such as farms or businesses. Persons not in the labour force include, therefore, those goinE to school or keepin house, persons who are too old - 9, - (b) Fersonnes ayarit un emploil Pour los besoins du relev" do la maind'oeuvre, cotta catgorie so divise an deux groupes: (1) las personnes qui, pondart la semaino du relev, ont travai1l salaire ou pour un profit ou qui ont fait un travail non rmunr4 sur uno ferme ou dans un commerce dir2gc par un parent; (ii) los personnes qui avaient tin umploi, mais no travai1laijnt pas durant la sernaine du z-'lev', soit a cause do maladie, do ternp'rature dfavorab1e, do vacances, de diffrends ouvriers, ou de congdiement temporairo comportarit lo retour au travail dans lts 30 jours suivant le condiement. (Les personnos qui avaient wi emploi, mais no travaillajent pas durant la semaire du rolev at qui ont aussi cherch du travail sont iricluses dans (c) plus bas "Personnes sans amploi chorchant du travail"). Les tableaux l5 at 16 vionnont compltor do façon utile los estimations du nombre do personnos ayant wi emploi; us contiennorit des estimations des heures do travail, par semaino, des personnes ayant un emploi dans l'agriculture at dane los industries non agricoles; le tableau 21 contient des renseignements Aquivalents stir los ouvriers salariAs des industries non agricoles. Bien que les variations des estimations du nombro total dos personnes ayant tin emploi soient un indice prcieux de la situation conomique, certains changements importants peuvent passer inaperçus dans la situation de l'exnploi si l'on no tient pas compte do la mesure dans laquelle la population no travaille pas a temps continu. Dans ces tableaux, los personnes ayant un emploi mais absentee de lour travail la semaine du rolev sont classes sous "z'ro heures do travail". Le tableau 17 classo los personnes do cotte catgorie solon la cause do leur absence du travail. Le classement des industries quo donnent les tableaux 12 at 20 est colui de la Classification norrnale des industries, publie par le Bureau fdral do la statistiquo an 1948. Dans le tableau 13, los cattgorios d'occupations sont bases sur la Classification riormale des catgories d'occupations, cgalement prpare par le Bureau fcdral do la statistique. (c) Personnes sans emploi chorcharit du travail: Cette cat'gorie no cornprend quo los persorines qui 4taient on quote de travail durant la semaine du re1ev at qui n'ont pas travail1'. Celles qui .taient temporairement absentee do leur travail durant toute la sernaine du relev sont consid'res comme sans emploi si elles cherchaient du travail. Le classemont comprend, outre les personnos activement a la rochorche de travail, celles qui Ataient tomporairornerit malados, on cong ind'termioti pro1ong', at cellos qui auraient cherch' du travail si alice n'avaient cru qu'il zi'y avait aucun emploi disponible. (d) Prsonnos inactives: La portion inactive do la population agAe do 14 ans at pius so compose do personnes qui sont on dohors do la main-d'oeuvre, soit qu'ellos no travaillerit pas moyonnant r