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Thebestfrom - Ge Appliances




— — Howto thebestfrom get —..— Contents AdapterPkgs Appkmcs Registration 10 Careand Cleaning ControlI?mel 11 6 Cbking CompleteReminder Defrosting 5 9 DelayedCboking ExtensionCords 7 10 Features GroundingInstructions 10 2 Tips Minute/SecondTimer Modeland SerialNumbers Precautions 2 3 Problem$blver Progmm 12 6 Repair$krvicc Safety 13 3.4 ‘rimeckxlk Warranty .———”--.. --- —— --- UseandCareof model JE142f5G 5 7 11 ~ 7 I-W ‘Time LightBulb .-.— -.-——-——..—.. TM?dectricolltput of thismicrowaveoven is700watts. 7,8 BackCover L 4CW=?”* ~ 49-496J -: ---c +. ~=+. ..— ~.—---.-..J-.-F-------.=. .. -, YourDirectLine to GeneralHectrk ELECTRIC - Helpushelpyou... Beforeusingyouroven, readthisbookcarefully. Besureyourmicrowave ovenisregistered. It is intendedto helpyouoperate and maintainyournewmicrowave ovenproperly. Keepit handyforanswersto your questions. If y(9udon’tunderstandsomething or needmorehelp,write(include yourphonenumber): ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville.KY40225 itis importantthatwekilowthe Writedownthemodel andserialnumbers. Mu*I1find themon a labelinside theoven. Thesenumbersare alsoon the ConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCard thatcamewith yourmicrowaveoven.Before sendingin thiscard, pleasewrite thesenumbershere: -,-.- ~= —— .. , !ktodd Iiurnbii -. ...--.+. Swat Number 1~ youreceiveda damagedoven... contactthedealer(or builder)thatsoidyoutheowm. ‘ . -.=.= -----.-—--- —. .. . (Jwthesenumbersin any c(mxpomkmceor scrvicccalls c(m~wrning yourmicrowaveoven. . locationof yourmicrowaveoven shoulda needoccurforadjustments. Yoursupplieris responsiblefor registeringyouas theowner. Pleasecheckwithyoursupplierto be surehe hasdoneso; alsosendin yourConsumerProductOwnership RegistrationCard. If youmove.or ifyouare nottheoriginalpurchaser pleasewriteto us, statingmodel andserialnumbers.Thisappliance mustberegistered.Pleasebecertain that it k, Writeto: GeneralElectricCompany RangeProductService AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225 Savetimeandmoney. requestservice... lldb~eY(IU checktheProblemSolveronpage12+ h listscausesof minor ~l*Obh3NS thatyoucm corrwlyoursdf. Microwaving Tips ~ Makesureall cookwareused in yourmicrowaveovenis suitablefor microwaving.Mostglasscasseroles, cookingdishes,measuringcups, custardcups, potteryor china dinnerwarewhichdoesnot have metallictrimor glazewitha metallic sheencanbe used. Somecookware is labeled“suitableforrnicrowaving~’ If youarc unsure,usethisdish test: Measure1cup waterin a glasscup. Placein ovenon or besidedish. Microwave1-1%minutesat HIGH.If waterbecomeshot,dishis microwwe safe. If dishheats,it shouldnotbe used for microwaving. * Papertowels,waxpaper,and plasticwrapcan be usedto cover dishesin orderto retainmoisture and preventspattering. * Somemicrowavedfoodsrequire stirring,rotating,or rearranging. Checkyourcookbook. @Steambuildsup pressurein fbods whichare tightlycoveredbya skin o or membrane.Piercepotatoes,egg yolksandchickenliversto prevent h-sting. IXl AVOID SAFETY Readall To li!XKX3&!WE IZNERGY (d Do Not Attemptto operatethis ovenwith the dooropen since opendoor operationcan resultin harmfulexposureto microwave energy.It is importantnotto defeat or tamperwith the safety interlocks, (b) Do Not PI*W2! anyobject betweenthe ovenfront faceand thedoor or allowsoil or cleaner residueto accumulateon sealing surfaces. @DONotC@emte theoven if it is damaged.It is thatthemm door close — properlyand thatthem is M to the: — beforeusingthis appliance. Whenusingelectricalappliances basicsaiktyprecautions shouldbe followed, including thefollowing: WARNN’G-Toreduce theriskofbum, electricshock, fire,injurytopersonsorexposure toexcessive microwave energy: 8Use*is applianceonlyforitS intendeduseasdescribedinthis rnmlal. * ~gj andfollow theSpeC~fk ‘K)AVOID POSSIBLE 13XPC)SURE K) EXCESSIVE ENERGY” atleft. @ begmumied, outlet.See onpage10. plugthis ● FWbest applianceintoitsownekxtri(xd outlet,toprevent of of’fuseor ofcircuitbreaker, IXInotroverorbkxkmy onthe e Donotuse * Donot powercordor pluginwaters *Keeppowercordawayfrom heated * DonotM powercordhangover edgeoftableor * @Donotoperatethisappliance ifithasadamaged powercordor plug,ifitisnotworkingproperly, orifithasbeendamaged or dropped. @Seedoorsurfacecleaning ~~•ð instructions onpageIi, QThisapplianceshouldbe servicedonlybyqualifiedservice personrwi. Contactnearest authorized servicefhciIityfor Rpairoradjustment. *ASwithanyappliance> close supervision isnecessary when usedbychildren. s ~ ~ed~~eMer~k off~ in theovencavity: M. C!areMly –-Donotovercook attendapplianceifpaper,plastic, orother materials me placedinsidetheoventofacilitate –Removewiretwist-tiesfmrn paperorplasticbagsbefore placingbaginoven. –Do notuseyourmicrowave oventodrynewspapers, ~ –P$per to%vek+ and — — waxpaper.Reqycled paper — cancontainmetalflecks -— — — whi~hmaycausearcingor — I%perproducts nylon — —. — ornylon shouldbe — — astheymayalsoignite, — –-Donotoperatethemm while -q —. — emptytoavoid tothe mm ml thedangeroffire.H —. — by theovenshouldrun emptya minuteortwo,noharm ~ -isdone.However, trytoavoid a’ theovenemptyatall — — times–itsavesenergyand prolongsthelifeof’theoveri. (CiWhltiedIwxt page~ 3 SAFETY –Do notpoppopcorninyour microwave ovenunlessina special microwave popcornaccessoryor unlessyouwepopcornlabeledfor useinmicrowave ovens, –Do not,overcook potatoes. Theycoulddehydrate andcatch fire,causingdamagetoyouroven. –If materialsinsideovenshould ignite,keepovendoorclosed, turnovenoff,anddisconnect powercord,or shutoffpowerat fuseorcircuitbreakerpanel. *~me prodwc~suchaSwhole eggsandsealedmmtaimws—fbr example,closedglassjars-may explodeandshouldnotbeheated inthisoven, oAvoidheatingbabyfoodin gIassjars,evenwithouttheirlids; especiallymeatandeggmixtures. QIlonl defrostfrozenbeverages innarrowneckedbodes Evenifthe containerisopened,pressure canbuildup.Thiscancausethe containertoburst, in injury. *Usemetalonlyasdirectedin TV maybe inbil trayslessthan3/4” topfoilcoverand traytobox,Whenusingmetalin the oven,keepmetal at least1inch frmnsides of (continued) 6 cOOtig utensils maybecome hotbecauseofheattransferred fbrn theheatedfind. Potholders maybeneededtohandlethe utensil. @~Sometimes, theovenfloorcan becometoohottotouch.Be careful whentouchingthefloor duringandaftercooking. oFe cookedin liquids(such aspasta)maytendtoboilover mo~rapidlythanfds containing lessmoisture,Shouldthisoccur, refertopage11fbr on howtodeantheinsideoftheoven, o not usea infoodyou aremicrowaving unlessthe isdesignedor recommended foruscinthe oven. *= utensils fur cooking areverywwfid,butshouldbe used Even plasticmaynotbeastolerantof asareglass orceramicmaterialsandmay softenorchar toshort periods InIonger to theM andutensilscouldignite.For these 1)use onlyandusetheminstrict withtheutensil 2)Donot to 3)Donotpermit childrentouseplastic QWhencookingporkfollow ourdirections exactlyandalways cookthemeattoaninternal temperature of atleast170°F. This assuresthat,intheremote possibility thattrichinamaybe presentinthemeat,itwillbe kikd andmeatwillbesafetoeat. e ~ifin~ eggsisnot recommended ina microwave oven.Pressurecanbuildup insidetheeggyolkandmaycause ittoburst,resultingininjury. @~d Wifi ~broken tomatoes, apples,chickenlivers andothergiblets,andeggyolks (seepreviouscaution)shouldbe piercedtoallowsteamtoescape duringcooking. poWh@ Q ~4~i~ble$’ COOking andti$jhtiy ck)sedplasticb$l&$ shouldbeslit,piercedorvented asdirectedin Hthey coukiburstduring arenot,plastic or aftercooking, possiblyresultingininjury.Also, plastic shouldbe atleastpartially because theytirm a tightseaLWhen cookingwith tightly coveredwithplasticwrap,remove COVWi~ cxmtfiI@’ and directsteam awayfromhandsandfhce, Q certainspecial liquidsmaystarttoboil or shortlyafhwrerncwal fromthe oven.Topreventburns from liquid,stirthe liquidbrieflybeforeremoving the container fromthemicrowave oven. SAVE 4 ou~r %&M’ suchaspotatoes,sausages, —— Featuresof YourOven Cooking CompleteReminder (ForTH$lECOOKandDEFROST cycles) Toremindyouthatyouhavefoodin the oven,theovenwillbeeponcea minute untilyoueitheropentheovendooror touchtheCLEAR/OFFpad. 1’ ‘n . — —— —— ? L ::: b ,.,,,,.,/: ~.. .,,, .,,.; ..,,,. ‘.”..:;..,, 1 y,.,.”,,,;, ,.,,,.,, ,., ,., v w 4*oven ~. vent. and .%rhdNumbers. 6 Oven InteriorLight.Turnson when the door is openedor when the ovenis —– 7. Touch(3mtrtdI%@and Display.fkx nextpagefor instructions. ❑= — — ~ e: — — -— — — — - 5 YourTouchControlI%nef 6 MANUALDEFROST,Gentle thawingat automaticPowerLevel3 (LOW).(If desired,youmay changepowerlevelafterentering defrostingtime. Seepage9.) 7. CLOCK. Touchthis padto entertimeofdayor checktime of daywhilemicrowaving.Toset clock, first touchCLOCKpad and thenentertimeof day.Forexample, if time is 1:30,touchnumberpads 1,3, andOand 1:30willappearin display.ThentouchSTARTpad. To resetor changetime, simplyrepeat aboveprocess. Whentouched, & CLEAMYF. it shutsoff the ovenand erasesall settings(excepttimeof day). 9. START.Afterall selectionsare made,touchthispadto starttheoven. The Touch(3mtrolPanelallows youto set the ovencontrols electronicallywiththe touchof a finger.It’sdesignedto beeasyto useand understand. 1. DISPLAY.Displaystimeof day, timeduringcookingfunctions, powerlevelbeingused, cooking modeand instructions. 2. TIMECOOKI & IL Microwavefor a preset amountof timeusingautomaticPowerLevel )0(or changepowerkwelafter enteringcookingtime. Seepage8,) 3, MIN/SE~ TIMER.This featureuses no microwaveenergy, It functionsas eithera kitchen timer,as a holdingperiodafter defrostor as a delaytimer before timecooking.(Seepage7.) 4. NUMBERPADS.Touchthese padsto entercooking,defrosting time,timeof dayor powerlevel. 5. POWERLEVEL.‘Tbuchthis padbef~~re enteringanotherP(wer levelnumberif’youwantto change from PowerLevel10 (HIGH) forcookingor Power Level3 (LOW)fordefrosting. Program ~JseyourTbuchControlPanelto Defrostand Cookby timeusing yourchoiceof powerlevelsfrom 1(lowest)to 10(highest),time kitchentaskswith the Min/Sec Timer,and set the ckwk. Createyourownprogramsto suit yourindividualcookingstyle. For example:use the Min/Sec Timerto delaythe start of cooking or programa holdtime between defrostingandcooking.(Seepage7.) Set TimeCook i & Hfor a twostageprogramusingdifferenttimes and powerlevels.(Seepage8.) HowtoUsetheMinute/SecondTimer ~ TheMIN/SE~TIMERhasthree timjngfunctions: Step 1:Takecasserolefromfreezer and placein oven. It operatesas a minutetimer. * It can be set to delaycooking. ● It can be usedas a holdsetting afterdefrosting. TheMIN/SECTIMERoperates withoutmicrowaveenergy. ● HowtoTimea 3-Minute PhoneCall TIMERpad, 1.TouchMN+WIEC Thedisplayshows: Oand “ENTER TIME” tlashcs. 2. Touchnumberpads3, (land O (f(~rS minutesand no second$). Displayshows3:00 and “TIME~’ .3.TbuchSTART.Displayshows timecountingdown, 4, Whentimeis up, ovensignals, flashes“End;*tinddisplayshows timeof dtiy. — — Step2:TouchMANUALD13FR0ST. Step8:TbuchSTART,“DEFTIME” and 15:00countingdownshow on display.Aseachfunctionis automaticallyperformedoven dispkiyshowsinstructionsentered and the function. — — -—. — 9 ~ Thedisplayshows: Oand “POWER37 “ENTERDEF TIME” flashes. Step3: Touchpads 1,5,0 andO for K! time. 15:00 appearson display.(Defrostingis set on powerlevel3 butcan be changedbytouchingthe LEVELpad andthe desiredpowerlevel,) Step4: Set orholdtime by TIMER* Thedisplayshows: Oand IWW5°flashes, Step S: Tbuch1,0,0 andOto hoki ti)rten tnimltcs.KkOOappeal%on displayand “THU13”flashes. Howto TimeCook Step7:Touch2,5,0 and Ofor twenty-five minutesofcookingtime. “COOKTIME” flashesand25:00 and “POWER10”appearondisplay. Holdand Step 6: Tbwh TIMHCOOKI & H pad. ‘J’hcdisplayshows: Oand “?%3WER10:’“ENTERC(XX TIME” flashes. Step9: Whentimeis up, theoven signalsand flashes“End~’ ~ —- QuestionsandAnswers Q. Whatwill happenif I accidentallyreversemydefrosty holdand cookinstructions? A. ‘he ovenwillautomatically rearrangeyourprogram.Defrosting will alwayscomefirst, thenbid, and thenthe cookingfunction. Q. CanI defrostandhold OBdy? A. Yes.Sometimesyoumayonly wantto defrosta food,hold it, and cook it later. AUyouneedtodo is in Defrostwd amountof time, ThenprogramHoldand the amountoftirne, Besure to putthe thaweddish in the refrigerator promptly. NKYI’E: Let foodsremainat room temperatureonlyas longas safe, Timeswillvary. Q. Kprogrammedmyovenfor a specificdefrostingtime but it defrostedhmgerthan newwwy. Whathappened? A. Wheninstructionsconflict, the ovencarries outthe last instruction.Youmayhaveset the ovento Defrostfor4 minutes, Hold/Timefor 2 minutes,and thtim Defrostfor 6 minutes.In this case, the ovenwouldDefrostfbr6 minutes and Hold/Timefor 2 minutes. m!— -. ----.. ~ —*—. ~ —. — -– -~ -. -~ -. — CookingbyTime TIMECOOKI &II workswell formost foods.It allowsyouto microwavefor a presetamountof timeusixtgautomaticpowerlevel 10,or changepowerlevel automatically. Powerlevel 10(HIGH) is recommendedfor mostcooking, butyoumaychangethis for more flexibility.Seeyourcookbook. TObecomebetteracquaintedwith timecooking,makea cup ofcoffee byfollowin~thestepsbe_iow. mr If anotherpowerlevelis desired, touchPOWERLEVELpadand desirednumber,althoughpower level10(HIGH)is preferredfor thiscup of coffee. Step4: TouchSTARlq.“(XXX TMEj’ “POWERK):’andtime countingdownshowon display. StepS: Whentime is up, theoven signalsand flashes‘Wnd?(3ven, lightand fanshutoff. Step6: Open thedoor. p.’-”---– Step 1: Filla Cup2/3 full of waterand add 1teaspoonof’instant coffeeand stir4to dissolve,Usea cup that has no metaldecoration and is microwavesafe(refer(0 Tipson page2). in ovenand closedoor, PlaceCUp UsingtheTimeCook11 Feature Withthe TimeCook Hfeature,you can set twotimemoltingfunctions withinone program.This would be idealifycwdesiredto change powerlevelsduringyourcooking operations. The is an exampk of how to changepowerlevelsusingTime Cook 11. step 1:Repeatsteps 1,2 and 3, step2:much Tn$m COCK I&H. S@3: %Xyourtime. Step2: TouchTIME COOK1 & 11pad. Displayshows: Oand ‘6P0WER 10:’*’ENTERCOOK TIME’”fhhes. Step3: Selectyourtime. Ruch 1,0 and Ofor one minute,Display shows 1:00@ *’POWER10:’ *’COOKTIME” flashes, Step 4: lb touch the powerlevel, LEVEL+ pad and fur newpowerlevel. Step5:TouchSTART. Step6: 10”is and “cOOK TIME1’*countsdown. Step7: At the end of “CXX2K TIME 1:’the nextselectedpower Icvelis and ‘*CXX3K TJME11”is shown down, Step#: Whtmtime is up, theoven signalsand flashes“End;’The oven,lightand fanshutoff, Step9: open the door. iY Qwxtionsand Answers Q. I set myovenfor the time calledfor in the recipe,but at the end of the timeallowed,mydish wasn’tdone.Whathappened? A. Sincehousepowervariesdue to timeor locationmanyTime Cookrecipesgiveyoua timerange to preventovercooking.Se{the ovenfor minimumtime,testthe fd for doneness,and cookyour dish a littlelonger,if necessary. Q. 1touchedthe numberpads andselectedmypowerlevel.When I touchedSTART,however,my ovendidn’tcomeon. Whynot? A. The TIMECOOKI & II pad mustbe touchedbeforesettingthe numberpadsor elseyourovenwill not begincooking. Q. 1wanttocookon a power levelotherthanHIGH.Whatdo ~needto dO? A. Tochangethepowerlevel, touchthe POWERLEVELpad. “ENTER POWER”flasheson the e disphiyptinel.Enternewnumber. Q. Can1interruptmyTime Cookfunctionto checkthe food? A. Y&.Toresumecooking, simplyclosethe door and press theSTARTpad,Thetimer mustbe reset forcookingtoresumeunless time is remainingon timer. . . . .. “ Defrosting - The ManualDefrostsetting is designedfor speedythawing of frozenfoodand is oneof the greatadvantagesof a microwaveoven. * Powerlevel3 is automaticallyset fordefrosting,butyoumaychange thisfor more flexibility. @Seeyourcookbookfor defrostinghelp. Tobecomebetteracquaintedwith thedefrostfunction,defrostfrozen pork chopsby followingdw steps below. Step1:Placea l-lb.packagcoffrozen chopsin the ovenand closedoor. QuestionsandAnswers Q. WhenI pressSTART,I heara dull, thumpingnoise.Whatis it? A. Thissoundis normal. It is lettingyouknowthe ovenis usinga powerlevellowerthan 10(HIGH). Step4:TouchSTART.“IIEFTIME” showsand timecountsdownon display.Whencycleis completed, the ovensignalsand flashes“End~’ thenautomaticallyshutsoff. Step5 Turnpackageover,close door and repeatSteps2 and 3 to set remaining time and touchSTART’. Step6: Whenovensignalsand flashesEnd, opendoor, remove packageand separatechopsto finishdefrosting. — — Step2: TauchMANUAL Displayshows: ()and *’POWER3:’ ● ’ENTERIX!% TIME” flashes. @Foodsfrozenin paperor plastic can bedefrostedin the pa&age, WC&m oneMfofthe total Step3: Select time in’ C{?oklmok, For example, touch4, 0 andOfbr 4 minutes, Dispk~yshows4:00 and‘*POWER 3 .’‘**’DEF TIME*’flashes,rf’you wishto changepowerlevel.touch POWERLEVELpad and thennew —... w * Foreven somefomk needto be brokenup or sepmwted part of the wayWmgh the time. Q. CanI defrostsmallitemsin a hurry? A. Yes,but theywillneedmore frequentattentionthan usual. Raise the powerlevelafierenteringthe timeby touchingthedesiredpower levelpad. Powerlevel7 cutsthe totaldefrostingtimeaboutin 1/2; Powerlevel10cutsthe total defrostingtimeto approximately 1/3.Duringeither,rotateor stir fOodfrequently. Q. Whydon%the defrosting timesin the cookbookseemright for myfbod? A. Cookbooktimesare averages. Defrostingtime can varyaccording tothetemperaturein your freezer. Set yourovenfor the time indicated in yourcookbook.Ifyourfoodis stillnotcompletelythawedatthe endofdlattime,resetyouroven and adjustthe timeaccordingly. -~ —. Q. ShouldalBfoodsbe completely thawedbeforecooldng? A, Somefbodsshouldnot be completelythawedbeforecooking, For example,fishcooksso quickly it is betterto begincookingwhiieit is stillslightlyfrozen. Q. Clan1openthe doorduring defrostingto checkon the progressof my fbod? A. ‘Rx.Youmayopenthe door at any timeduring microwaving.To resume closethe door and pressSTART,The ovenbegins operatingif’timeis lefton timer, if not, resettimer+, !WTh,X, ~— — —– ---- ~“ — — -— -A-.3 m. — . . * C’heckyourcookbookforother defrostingtips. (.) — This appliancemustbe grounded. In the eventof an electricalshort circuit,groundingreducesthe risk of electricshockby providingan escapewire for theelectriccurrent. This applianceis equippedwitha powercord havinga grounding wire witha groundingplug.The plugmustbe pluggedintoanoutlet thatis properlyinstalledand grounded.(Fig. 1) WARNING-~rnprowr used’ thegroundingplugcan result in a risk of electricshock. PREFERRED METHOD Useoi%dapterPlugs Usagesituationswhere Usagesituationswhere appliance’spowercordwill appliance’spowercordwill mfkequently. bedisconnectedfrequently. bedisconnected Becauseof potentialsafetyhazards DOnotuseanadapterpluginthese ● undercertainconditions,we stronglyrecommendagainstthe use of an adapterplug.However, if youstillelectto usean adapter, wherelocalcodespermit, a TEMPORARYCX3NNFK2TK3N maybe madeto a properlygrounded two-prongwallreceptaclebythe use of a UL listedwiapt&(Fig.2) whichis available-atmos[local hardwarestores. METHOD (ADAPTERPLUGSNOT PERMITTHJINCANADA) Fig, 1 INSUREWWPER GROUN(IEXISTS 8EFOREUSE C%msult a qualifiedelectricianor service if’the are notcompletely understood,or ifdcwbtexistsas to whetherthe applianceis properly grounded. wh~r~a standard wail is it is yourpersonal and t]bligationto haveit with a properly wallreceptacle. Do ti tinderany cut or removethe third prong from the power amd. m ALIGNLARGE PRONGS6LOT!3-- mt II Efl FIRMCONNECTION BEFOREUSE F@2 The largerslot in the adaptermust be alignedwith the largerslotin the wallreceptacleto provideproper polarityin the of the powercord. theadapter ground to the wall receptaclerover screwdoes not the unlessthe coverscgewis metal,and not insulated.and the wallreceptacle is the house wiring.Ybushouidhavethe circuit checkedbya qualifiedelectrician to makesure the receptide is propcriy When [hepower cord fromthe adapter,alwayshold the i.tdaptcrwith one Immt,lfthis is no!dorm,the ground terminalis very Iikclyto breakwith USC.Shouldthishappen, 110N(’~ USE the applianceuntil a proper groundhas againken witablished. 10 situationsbecausedisconnectingof thepowercord placesunduestrain on the adapterandleadsto eventual fhilumoftheadaptergroundterminal, Youshouldhavethetwo-prongwall receptaclereplacedwitha threeprong(grounding)receptaclebya qualifiedelectricianbeforeusing the appliance. Useof ExtensionCords Becauseof potentialsafetyhazards undercertainconditions,westrongly recommendagainstthe useof an extensioncord. However,if it is necessaryto usean extensioncord, useonlya 3-wireextensioncord thathas a 3-bladegroundingplug, and a 3-slotreceptaclethatwill acceptthe plugon theappliance. ‘I’hemarkedratingof the extension 9 cord shallbe equ~lto or greater thanthe electricalratingof the appliance(1!5amperes). Such cordsare obtainable throughGeneralElectricservice, If youdo me an extensioncord withyour oven9the interiorlightnmytlicker andthe blowersound mayvarywhenoven is in use. Cook timesmaybe longer 8!$well ● Careand(leaning YournewMicrowaveOvenis a vakuableappliance.Protect it frommis~s~byfollowing theserules: * Keepyourovencleanand sweet-smelling.Openingtheoven doora fewminutesafkr cooking helpsair-outthe interior.An occasionalthoroughwipingwitha solutionof bakingsodaandwater keepsthe interiorfresh. * Don’tuse sharp-edgedutensils on youroven.The insideand outsideovenwallscan be scratched. Thecontrolpanelcan be damaged. BECERTAINPOWERIS OFF BEFORECLEANINGANY PARTOF THISOVEN. PI Howto Cleantheinside Howto CleantheOutside Wallsand floor.Somespatterscan be removedwitha papertowel, othersmayrequirea dampcloth. Removegreasyspatterswitha sudsycloth,then rinsewitha damp cloth. Do notuse abrasivecleaners on ovenwalls.NEVERUSEA COMMERCIAL (lVENCLEANER ON ANYPARTOF Y(XJR MICROWAVE OVEN. Case. Cleanthe outsideof your ovenwithsoapanddampcloth, rinsewithdampclothandthendry. Wipethe windowcleanwitha dampcloth.Chrometrim is best wipedwitha dampclothandthen witha dry towel. Roor(inside).Window:Wipeup spattersdailyand washwhensoiled witha dampcloth,Rinsethoroughly anddry. Metaland plasticpartson door: Wipefrequentlywitha damp clothto removeall soil, IXl NOI’ USEABRASIVES,SUCHAS CLEANINGPOWDERSOR STEELANDPLASTICPADS. THEY WILLMARTHE SURFACE. Specialnotewhenusing Brown‘NSearDish:1fgreww is present,highheatgeneratedon bottomof a Brown‘NSeardish maycausethegreaseto burn onto theovenfloor,Thismaybe removed witha cleansersuchas BonAmi@ brandcleanser. A&r usingBonAmi@brand cleanser,rinseanddry oncan, Do notuse BonAnIi@brandcleanser on the paintedsurfwes suchas the walls.It mayscratchthepaint, — ControlI%nel.Wipewitha damp cloth.Dry thoroughly.Do notuse cleaningsprays,largeamountsof soapand water,abrasives,or sharp objectscmthepanel-they can damageit. DoorSurface.Whencleaning surfacesofdoor andoventhatcome togetheron closingthedoor,use onlymild, nonabrasivesoapsor detergentsappliedwitha sponge or softcloth. -- m; PbwerCord.If thecordbecomes soiled,unplugand washwitha dampcloth. For stubbornspots, sudsywatermaybe used,butbe certainto rinsewithdampclothand dry beforepluggingcord intooutlet. OvenLampReplacement First unplugtheoven.Thenremove byEmoving screwwhichholdscoverin place. Coveris locatedon the backof the outerease. ReplacewithX)-wattappliancebulb. (It is av8ikMein drugand hardware stores.)Rephicecompartmentcover. PIUEin the oven, w — - -. —. -— -.. = --- .-..— .-. ‘-Questions? Z===_ 2.— ~ --— _”_.—.--.-=UseThisProblemSolver — --—.—— -5== .= PROBLEM POSSIBLECAUSEANDREMEDY All These Things AreNormal with your MicrowaveOven: *~te~mOrvapr escapingfrom ~irmmd the tioor. around dom= or * Lightrdkxtim (}lJter case. @DimmingovenIighlandchangein soundmayoccurwhile tyxvwtingMpowerlevelsotiwr !h:inhigh. * Dull sound whilemen isoperating. @.SomcTV-Radio mightbe noticedwhileusingyour microwaveoven.It+ssimilarto the in~crferencc causedbyothersmall appliancesanddoesnot indicatea problemwithyourmm. if youneedmorehelp,. call, toHfree: TheGEAnswerCenter(’) consumer service If YouNeedService Toobtainservice,seeyourwarranty on the backpageof this book. We’reproudof our serviceand wantyoutobe pleased.If for some reasonyouare nothappywiththe serviceyoureceive,here arethree stepsto followfor furtherhelp. FIRST,contactthe peoplewho servicedyourappliance.Explain whyyouare notpleased.In most cases,this willsolvethe problem. NEXT,if youare still notpleased, writeall the details-inckiing yourphonenumber—to: Manager,ConsumerRelations GeneralElectric AppliancePark Louisville,Kentucky40225 FINALLY,if yourproblemis still notresolved,write: MajorAppliance ConsumerActionPanel 20 North WackerDrive Chicago,Illinois60606 . —. — ~ —. - -. — — — — !llllly. -.. — — 13 YOURGENERALELECTRIC MICROWAVE OVEN WARRANTY Saveproofof originalpurchasedatesuchas yoursalessliporcancelled checkto establishwarrantyperiod. . —— ( This warrantyis extendedto the originalpurchaserand any succeedingownerfor products purchasedfor ordinaryhomeuse in the48 mainlandstates,Hawaii andWashington,D*C.InAlaskathe warrantyis the sameexceptthat it is LIMITEDbecauseyoumustpayto shipthe productto the serviceshop or for the servicetechnician’stravel LIMITEDADIXTIONAL coststo yourhome. TWO-YEARWARRANTY All warrantyservicewill be provided Forthe fourthandfifth yearfrom byour FactoryServiceCentersor dateof originalpurchase,we byour authorizedCustomerCare” will provide,freeof charge,a servicersduring normalworking replacementmagnetron tube if hours. the magnetrontubefails because of a manufacturingdefect.Youpay Lookin the Whiteor YellowPages forthe servicetrip to yourhome of yourtelephonedirectoryfor and servicelaborcharges. GENERALELECTRICCOMPANY, GENERALELECTRICFAaORY SERVICE,GENERALELECTRICHOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERALELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE” SERVICE. ~.” FULLTHREE-YEARWARRANTY Forthree years from date of original purchase, we will provide, freeof charge,partsandservicelabor in yourhometo repairor replace anypartof the microwaveoven becauseof a manufacturing WHATISCOVERED ● WHATIS hK71’ COVERED@Servicetrips to yourhometo teachyou howto usethe product. Flwidyourthe andCammaterial. If youthen haveany questions aboutoperatingthe product, pleasecontactyourdealeror our ConsumerAffairsofficeat the addressbelow,or c@, toll free: The GE Cente@ consumer service ( * Replacementof housefusesor resettingof circuit breakers. o Failureof the productif it is used forotherthan its intendedpurpose or usedcommercially. * Damageto productcaused by accident,fire,floodsor acts of God+ WAF?RAhilOR ISN07’RESPONSIBLE FORC(3NSE(XJENTIALDAMAGES. @Improperinstallation. If you havean problem, ~ontwt yourdwhw or installer, Youare for providing electrical, and other facilities. ..----........... . .. ..——— .—————-.—..— —.. —.—.. .———.” —----- Somes~atas donotallowthe exclusionor limitationof incidentalor crmmquenti$ldamages,sothe abovelimitationor exclusion maynotapplyto you.Thiswarrantygivesyouspecificlegalrights,ad youmayalsohaveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state. Toknowwha{yourlegalrightsare in yourstate,corwu!!youriocd or stateconsumeraffairsofficeor yourstate’sAltomeyGeneral. GeneralElectricCompany If further hdp is needed thiswarranty,write: Affairs,C?@nwal ElectricCompany,AppllancePark,Louisville,KY 40225 ..——. —.. . .“-. . : FM—.——...—. No. 184C11352P055 No.4%4844 ...—— a “.—.——. >Pubs - -68’ ——. ELECTRIC JEH425G AOO034420AG Printedin Japan