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Thermostyle Supersilence 1600




Thermostyle supersilence 1600 HP4862 2 3 ENGLISH 4 á«Hô©dG 11 HP4862 15 4 ENGLISH Introduction Drying your hair with Philips beauty This new Philips beauty hairdryer has been specially designed to meet your personal needs. The Thermostyle super-silent hairdryer incorporates two innovations: a new fan and a quieter motor, resulting in a hairdryer that is twice as quiet as a normal 1600 Watt hairdryer.The three settings and the nozzle allow you to dry and style your hair in a pleasant and quiet way. For more information on this dryer or any other Philips beauty product, visit our website: Important ◗ Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance. ◗ Keep this appliance away from water! Do not use this product near or over water contained in baths, washbasins, sinks etc. When used in a bathroom, unplug the appliance after use since the proximity of water presents a risk, even when the hairdryer is switched off. ◗ For additional protection we advise you to install a residual current device (RCD) with a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30mA in the electrical circuit supplying the bathroom.Ask your installer for advice. ENGLISH 5 ◗ Keep the appliance away from children. ◗ Never block the air grilles. ◗ If the appliance overheats, it will switch off automatically. Unplug the appliance and let it cool down for a few minutes. Before you switch the appliance on again, check the grilles to make sure they are not blocked by fluff, hair, etc. ◗ Always switch the appliance off before putting it down, even if it is only for a moment. ◗ Always unplug the appliance after use. ◗ If the mains cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Philips, a service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. Drying 1 C 2 >: ≠: 5: #: 3 Put the plug in the wall socket. Switch the appliance on by selecting the desired setting (fig. 1). Care setting - for a low temperature and a gentle airflow for caring drying and styling. Fast setting - for a higher temperature and a stronger airflow for fast drying. Style setting - for a medium temperature and airflow for precise drying and styling. Off. Dry your hair by making brushing movements while holding the dryer at a small distance from your hair. 6 ENGLISH Styling attachment Concentrator nozzle The concentrator enables you to direct the airflow at the brush or comb with which you are styling your hair. C 1 Connect the concentrator by simply snapping it onto the appliance. Disconnect it by pulling it off (fig. 2). Cleaning 1 The appliance can be cleaned with a dry cloth. 2 The attachment can be cleaned with a moist cloth or rinsed under a running tap. Remove the attachment from the appliance before cleaning it. Make sure the attachment is dry before using or storing it. Never rinse the appliance with water. Replacement ◗ If the mains cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Philips, a service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. ◗ Always return the appliance to an authorised Philips service centre for examination or ENGLISH repair. Repair by unqualified people could cause an extremely hazardous situation for the user. Information & service If you need information or if you have a problem, please visit the Philips Web site at or contact the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country (you will find its phone number in the Worldwide Guarantee leaflet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your country, turn to your local Philips dealer or contact the Service Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care BV. 7 8 á«Hô©dG áeóÿGh äÉeƒ∏©ŸG IQÉjR ∂æe ƒLôf á∏µ°ûe ájCG â¡LGh hCG áeóN ájCG ¤G âéàMG GPG ¿GƒæY â– âfÎf’G ≈∏Y ¢ùÑ«∏«a áëØ°U ∫ƒ°ü◊G ∂æµÁ ) ∑ó∏H ‘ øFÉHõdG áeóÿ ¢ùÑ«∏«a õcôà ∫É°üJ’G hCG ∑Éæg øµj ⁄ GPG .(»ŸÉ©dG ¿Éª°†dG ≥ë∏e øe ∞JÉ¡dG ºbQ ≈∏Y äÉéàæe π«cƒH π°üJEG ,¬«a ø£≤J …òdG ó∏ÑdG ‘ øFÉHõdG áeóN õcôe ájÉæ©dGh á«dõæŸG äGhOCÓd ¢ùÑ«∏«a áeóN õcôà π°üJEG hCG ¢ùÑ«∏«a .á«°üî°ûdG á«Hô©dG º«ª°üàdG äÉ≤ë∏e õ«cÎdG ágƒa hG IÉ°TôØdG »∏Y AGƒ¡dG ≥aóJ ¬«LƒJ øe õ«cÎdG ágƒa ∂æqµ“ .∞«Ø°üàdG ‘ ¬æ«∏ª©à°ùJ …òdG §°ûŸG É¡∏°üØdh ..RÉ¡÷G ‘ É¡à«ÑãJhÉ¡dÉNOÉE H õ«cÎdG ágƒa »∏°UhG 1 (3 º°SQ) .RÉ¡÷G øe É¡«Ñë°SG ∞«¶æàdG .áaÉL ¢Tɪb á©£≤H RÉ¡÷G »Ø¶f 1 √É«e â– É¡∏«°ùZG hG áÑWQ ¢Tɪb á©£≤H äÉ≤ë∏ŸG »Ø¶f 2 .á«Øæ◊G .É¡Ø«¶æJ πÑb RÉ¡÷G øe äÉ≤ë∏ŸG »∏jRG hG É¡dɪ©à°SG πÑb kÉeÉ“ áaÉL äÉ≤ë∏ŸG ¿G øe …ócCÉJ .É¡æjõîJ .GóHCG AÉŸÉH RÉ¡÷G »∏°ù¨J ’ ∫GóÑà°S’ E G , , , õcôe hCG ¢ùÑ«∏«a πÑb øe ¬dGóÑà°SG Öéj ,AÉHô¡µdG ∂∏°S ∞∏J GPG çhóM Öæéàd Ú∏gDƒe ¢UÉî°TCG hCG ¢ùÑ«∏«a øe ¥ó°üe áeóN .áMOÉa çOGƒM hGC ¬°üëØd ¢ùÑ«∏«a øe πgƒD e áeóN õcôe ¤G RÉ¡÷G …ó«YGC kÉehO Ú∏gƒD e ÒZ ¢UÉî°TG πÑb øe RÉ¡÷G í«∏°üJ ¿G .¬ë«∏°üJ .ô£î∏d RÉ¡÷G Ωóîà°ùe ¢Vô©j õcôe ∞JGƒg ΩÉbQGC áaô©Ÿ »ŸÉ©dG ¿Éª°†dG Iô°ûf ¤G …ô¶fG .IóYÉ°ùª∏d ¢ùÑ«∏«a B 9 á«Hô©dG , , , õcôe hCG ¢ùÑ«∏«a πÑb øe ¬dGóÑà°SG Öéj ,AÉHô¡µdG ∂∏°S ∞∏J GPG çhóM Öæéàd Ú∏gDƒe ¢UÉî°TCG hCG ¢ùÑ«∏«a øe ¥ó°üe áeóN .áMOÉa çOGƒM , ∫ÉØW’C G ∫hÉæàe øY RÉ¡÷G …ó©HG .RÉ¡÷G ‘ AGƒ¡dG ¢ùØæe »≤∏¨J ’ √òg ‘ . kÉ«µ«JÉeƒJhG πØ≤«°S ájOÉ©dG áfƒî°ù∏d RÉ¡÷G RhÉŒ óæY πÑb .á∏«∏b ≥FÉbód OÈj ¬«côJGh ábÉ£dG Qó°üe øY ¬«∏°üaG ádÉ◊G ΩóY øe ócÉC à∏d AGƒ¡dG òØæe áµÑ°T »°üëaG RÉ¡÷G 𫨰ûJ IOÉYG ïdG.. ô©°T hG ÖZR …ÉH ÉgOGó°ùfG .á¶ë∏d ∂dP ¿Éc ƒdh ≈àM ¬dGõfG πÑb πÑb kɪFGO RÉ¡÷G »∏ØbG ó©H »FÉHô¡µdG QÉ«àdG øY RÉ¡÷G π°üa ≈∏Y kɪFGO »°UôMG .∫ɪ©à°S’C G , 10 ∞«ØéàdG .QGó÷G ‘ ábÉ£dG Qó°üà ∞ØÛG ¢ùÑ≤e »∏°UhG 1 (1 º°SQ) .܃∏£ŸG 𫨰ûàdG ™°Vh QÉ«àNÉH RÉ¡÷G »∏¨°T 2 AGƒ¡dG ≥aóJ §Ñ°V øµÁh áàHÉK áæeBG IQGôM áLQO RÉ¡é∏d .»JB’Éc á°†Øîæe IQGôëH ∞«£d AGƒg ≥aóJ - ájÉæ©dG ™°Vh : > áeÉJ ájÉæ©H ô©°ûdG º«ª°üJh ∞«Øéàd ∞«Øéàd á©ØJôe IQGôëH …ƒb AGƒg ≥aóJ - ™jô°S ™°Vh : > ™jô°S ᣰSƒàe IQGôMh §°Sƒàe AGƒg ≥aóJ - ∞«Ø°üàdG ™°Vh : 5 ábóH ô©°ûdG º«ª°üàd h ∞«Øéàd ±É≤jE’G ™°Vh :O ≈∏Y ∞ØÛÉH Úµ°ù“ âfGh §«°û“ äÉcôëH ∑ô©°T »ØØL 3 .∑ô©°T øe áÑjôb áaÉ°ùe B á«Hô©dG áeó≤e »Jƒ«H ¢ùÑ«∏«a ™e ∑ô©°T ∞«ØŒ á«Ñ∏àd kÉ°ü«°üN ºª°üe »Jƒ«H ¢ùÑ«∏«a øe ójó÷G ô©°ûdG ∞Ø› âaÉÿG πjÉà°SƒeÒK ô©°ûdG ∞Ø› õ«ªàj .á°UÉÿG ∂JÉLÉ«àMG ,䃰üdG âaÉN ∑ôfih IójóL áMhôe :øjôµàÑe ÚeɶæH 䃰üdG »àdG è«é°†dG ᫪c ∞°üæH ô©°û∏d ∞Ø› ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°ü◊G øª°†j ɇ áKÓãdG äÉYô°ùdG ¿EG .•Gh 1600Iƒ≤H ô©°T ∞Ø› øe IOÉY Qó°üJ .á©FGQ á≤jô£H ∑ô©°T º«ª°üJh ∞«ØŒ ∂dƒîJ AGƒ¡dG áëàah øe ôNBG èàæe …G hG ,Gòg ô©°ûdG ∞Ø› øY äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe ójõŸ -uty :âfÎfC’G ≈∏Y Éæ©bƒe IQÉjR ≈Lôj »Jƒ«H ¢ùÑ«∏«a äÉéàæe kGóL º¡e QÉ«à∏d RÉ¡÷G ≈∏Y »FÉHô¡µdG QÉ«àdG áeAÓe øe …ócÉC J .AÉHô¡µdÉH RÉ¡÷G π«°UƒJ πÑb ∂jód »FÉHô¡µdG , ‘ AÉŸG Qó°üe Üôb ¬«∏ª©à°ùJ ’h AÉŸG øY RÉ¡÷G Gòg …ó©HG ‘ ¬dɪ©à°SG óæY ïdG .. ≈∏ÛGh ¢ù£¨ŸGh á∏°ù¨ŸGh Ωɪ◊G ∫ɪ©à°S’G ó©H »FÉHô¡µdGQÉ«àdG Qó°üe øY RÉ¡÷G »∏°üaG Ωɪ◊G .kÓØ≤e ¿Éc ƒdh ≈àMRÉ¡÷G ≈∏Y kGô£N πµ°ûj AÉŸG OƒLh ¿G å«M , QÉ«àH »≤ÑàŸG QÉ«à∏d RÉ¡L Ö«cÎH í°üæf ájɪ◊G øe ójõŸ »àdG á«FÉHô¡µdG IôFGódG ‘ ÒÑeGC 30 øY ójõj ’ πeÉY »≤Ñàe Gòg ‘ »FÉHô¡µdG …Ò°ûà°SG .»FÉHô¡µdG QÉ«àdÉH ∂eɪM OhõJ .ôe’C G 11 , 12 13 14 > > 5 15 u 4222 002 27502