Wake Forest Univ versity Faculty an F nd Staff T ThinkPad T410 Disstribution n Training g 2010 Contents T410 Hardwaare and Specss .................................................................................... ....................................................... 1 An Introduction to Windo ows 7 ............................................................................. ....................................................... 3 Navigation and Data Management ...................................................................... ....................................................... 7 Data Backupss ........................................................................................................ ....................................................... 8 Antivirus Pro otection Symaantec Endpoin nt Protection .......................................... ....................................................... 8 Fingerprint A Authentication n ................................................................................... ....................................................... 9 An Introduction to Microssoft Office 2010 ............................................................ ..................................................... 10 erbird 3 ........................................................................ ..................................................... 11 An Introduction to Thunde ou May Wish to Change .............................................. ..................................................... 12 Thunderbird Settings Yo
T410 Hard dware and S Specs On the right side of the Th hinkPad
Express caard slot – useed for expresss card adapters. Wireless SSwitch – disabbles Bluetootth, WiFi and W WAN wirelesss adapters. eSATA port – used to cconnect to extternal eSATA A hard‐drives. Headphon nes/Microphoone combo jaack. CD/DVD B Burner – can bburn CD‐R, CD D‐RW, DVD‐R R DVD‐RW. Powered USB port – o Caan be used too charge USB devices even uter is n when compu po owered off. o Th his port will ddrain battery even when th he computer is tu urned off. Firewire p port – used foor external haard drives and d cameras. Lock slot ffor cable secuurity locks.
On the left siide of the ThinkPad
3 USB porrts Display Po ort – used to connect to exxternal displaay devices. Ethernet ((wired) port VGA port Cooling Faan port (don'tt block)
ThinkPad Distrib bution Training
On the front of the ThinkP Pad
Lid Latch SD Card sllot o Multi‐card rea M der o Used for Wind ows 7 RAMBoost
On the back of the ThinkP Pad
Modem Power port Cooling Faan vent (don'tt block)
On the screen
Web Camera Microphone ports Status Lights (WiFi, Bluuetooth, HD)
On the Keybo oard surface
Spe eakers Spe eaker Mute utton is a rea l toggle now o mute bu o don't haave to use vo lume up/dow wn to removee the mute Volume Control Miccrophone Mu ute button, TraackPoint Mou use
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Tou uchPad Mousse (Multi‐toucch) ‐ The mou use pad is now w capable of reccognizing multiple fingers ffor: o 2‐Fingerr scroll – you can scroll win ndows using two fingers. o 2‐Fingerr double tap ‐‐ you can sim multaneously ttap. Two fingeers twice on n the TouchP ad to launch the applicatio on of your ch hoice. o Pinch Zo oom ‐ deliverrs zooming functionality in n many applications. o Rotatingg ‐ provide coonvenient gesstures for rotating photos and other ob bjects. o 3‐Fingerr Press ‐ provvides a shortcut for launching a specifieed applicattion or applicaations. on for a varieety of applicattions. o 3‐Fingerr Flick ‐ enhannces navigatio You can n use the Threee‐Finger‐Flicck gesture for browsing thee Internett or scrolling tthrough phottos in a photo o viewer wind dow. o Fingerprint Reader ‐ used for biom metric login to the computter. ock light – on the CAPs lockk key instead of bezel. o CAPs Lo
An Introdu uction to W Windows 7
Start Menu
The Start buttton is located d in the botto om left corner of the e screen.
Click the Starrt button to o open the startt menu.
On the left – Applications and Docu uments Shorttcuts (Pinned & & Recent) Search bar On the right – – Compute er shortcuts Shutdow wn and Restart options Control ppanel ThinkPad Distrib bution Training
Click All Proggrams to view w list of available programs on the ThinkPad d.
Use the powerful Search b bar to search the entire ThinkP Pad for files and programs.
As text is being entered in nto the search h bar, all matching file es, programs, Control Pane el and mail items are displayed.
Windows 7 T Taskbar Microsoft has revamped tthe Taskbar, m making it an “all in one e” bar.
Programs can n be put in th he taskbar by dragging or pinning them to the bar. Simply clickk on a program in th he All Program ms menu, the en drag to put it in the ttaskbar. Pin: Right‐click documents or programs in the Start menu to o pin them to o the taskbar or to the Start menu.
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Jump List: Right‐click a program in the taskbar to find and perform most common fun nctions associated w with that speciific applicatio on. Jump list also acts as a history o of each application. For example if yo ou right click o on Internet Explorer in the taskbar, m most browsed websites arre displayed.
Quick Peek: Hover the mo ouse over anyy program on the taskbaar to preview w all open windows using that program.
Show/Hide D Desktop: A sm mall bar on th he far right corner of the e taskbar. Hover over it to o just look at the deskto op, and click o on it to minim mize windows and d view the desktop. (This iss called Desktop Prevview or Aero Peek.)
Gadgets: To view available Gadgets, rigght‐click on the deskto op, click on G Gadgets, then select gadgets as yo ou wish.
Snap: Use the Snap featurre to compare e files or items in two different pro ograms by draagging one window to th he edge of the e screen on the left, and drag the other window to edge of the screen on the e right. Windows then “snap” into place, side‐byy‐side.
Quick Maxim mize: Click and d drag window ws to the top p of the scree n to be quickkly maximized d.
Shake: Just cclick a pane an nd give the m mouse a shake e. Every open window exceept that one instantly disaappears. Jiggle again— —and your windows are baack.
Presentation n Director
Press Fn + F7 7 on the keybo oard to view available projection an nd external m monitor option ns.
Click on Dupllicate to proje ect in the classsroom. (On previouss ThinkPads, this was the scene clapper icon.) ThinkPad Distrib bution Training
Customizatio on
Right‐click th he desktop to customize th he desktop and change ssettings.
View: change e icon sizes, aauto arrange icons, show desktop gadgets Sort by: nam me, size item type, date mo odified Screen Resollution: modify the resolutiion of the screen Gadgets: sele ect available ggadgets Personalize: select backgrround themes or pictures and screensaver, open the Control Panel, set sounds, etc.
Action Cente er: The Action n Center lets yyou decide which h Windows 7 alerts you see e and which you do on’t. Action Center consoliidates message trafffic from key W Windows maintenance and security features, including Windo ows Defender and d User Account Control. If Windows requires your attention, th he Action Cen nter icon appears in th he taskbar. Cliick it to see alerts and suggested fixxes for any problems. Fine‐‐tune your choices in Control Paanel.
Windows Wiireless
We are now using Window ws Wireless iinstead of Access Conne ections.
Windows 7 aallows users to o connect to wired and wireless conn nections at th he same time. It is recommende ed that users turn off the w wireless antenna whe en connected via an Ethern net cord. Otherwise, le eave the wire eless radio on to connect wire elessly.
To connect w wirelessly:
Ensure that tthe wireless switch is in the on position. (Clicck OK to dism miss the dialogg box that appears.) A b balloon popup p will appear asking for profile preferrence (Studen nt, Faculty/Sttaff, or Admin).
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If balloon popup lists the ccorrect profile, click it. Entter WFU userrname and paassword to co onnect. If balloon popup is wrong profile, click Windows Wireless icon, sselect the correct profile, tthen click Con nnect. Enter/Select Additional Lo ogon Information to enter WFU userna me and passw word. Enter yyour WFU useername and password.
Navigation n and Data Manageme ent
The ssize of the hard drive has aallowed us to o create a dataa partition (D D:). On th he desktop, cclick Compute er Click D:\UserData
Navigation Locattion bar: back k arrow naviggation o Works jusst like back an nd forward buttons in n web browse ers
Locattion bar: clickk empty space e to get traditional path o Allows yo ou to copy patth to clipboarrd
Locattion bar: arro ows show fold der lists o Go quickly y to any folde er below the folder to iimmediate le eft of arrow
Locattion bar: clickk on folder naame itself to ggo direcctly back to th hat folder
Left P Pane is the Navigation pan ne o Folder (bo ottom) icons are similar to o traditional W Windows Explorer view Favorite Links (top p of left pane e) ‐ a few desttinations thatt are frequenttly used o This can b be modified b by adding/rem moving shortccuts in the LIN NKS folder un nder D:\USERD DATA Burn Menu Item aat top o Good for burning discss, but not reco ommended foor backup pu urposes (due tto compatibillity issues)
Do not delete fold ders under D:\USERDATA o or D:\USERS. Folders may appear to bee extraneous, but often n times they aare absolutelyy necessary.
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Data Backu ups
Current data backups are imperative. Backup entire D: d drive (partitio on) to be sure e you get all oof your files. o When installing new applications on n your ThinkPPad, ensure that they resid de in a subfollder of hey’ll automattically be incl uded in yourr backups D:\UserDaata so that th o If you hav ve plenty of sp pace (500gb d drives are com mmon), creatte a folder wiith the date aand copy the conte ents of your D D: drive Use sseveral metho ods of makingg backups, su uch as externaal hard drivess and DVDs.
Instructions tto backup to DVD: Click Start menu Click WFU Backup p Click Burn.Now Le enovo Edition n (folder) Click Burn.Now Le enovo Edition n Click Create Disc Click New Projectt Click Data Disc Click DVD Click OK
Drag backup folde er (or contentts) from exterrnal hard drivve to DVD See tthe status barr for informattion on how manyy discs it will take for the b backup (Burn n.Now can sp pan several discs) Click the Burn icon to start the e backup
Always test yyour backup b by spot‐checkking some file es on the disc ittself – just cop py one or two o of the files over to your desktop and open them to o make sure iit works okay. D Data may nott be entirely ttransferred, even when th he backup ap ppears comple ete.
Antivirus P Protection Symantec Endpoint P Protection
The new verssion of Syman ntec (now called Symantecc Endpoint Prrotection) haas enhanced sscanning capaabilities. It is still enco ouraged howe ever, that use ers still run Malwarebytes and Spybot to remove spyyware. (Down nload links for thesse programs aare located in the Start me enu in the WFFU Security an nd Antivirus ffolder.)
ThinkPad Distrib bution Training
By default, th he hard drive scan is sched duled to run every Tuesdaay at 11:00am m. If users pre efer a differen nt day and time e, follow these e steps:
Doub ble‐click on ye ellow shield iccon in Notiffication Area to open Symaantec Click on Scan for T Threats in lefft pane Rightt‐click on WFU Default Tue esday Scan and selecct Edit Click on Scan Sche edule tab and d change day ed and ttime as desire
Please remem mber that a w weekly scan iss imperative. Now more th han ever, we must be vigilaant about protecting ou ur data from vviruses and spyware.
Fingerprin nt Authentiication
There is a new feature on the T410 called Fingerprin nt Authenticaation. This pro ovides a meth hod to login tto the ThinkPad seccurely by scan nning your fin ngerprint. The e fingerprint sscanner is loccated just to tthe right of th he touch pad below yo our keyboard.
To usse this system m, click the En nroll Your Finge erprints icon on desktop. A A wizard step ps you tthrough the p process. Multtiple fingers o on either hand d may be enrolled.
Please note tthat each time your netwo ork password is changed usin ng CTRL‐ALT‐D DEL, the Finge erprint Authenticatio on must be re eset by simplyy opening the e Enroll Your Fingerprint too ol and re‐typiing your credentials.
Fingerprint A Authentication n can, of courrse, be bypassed, byy clicking the O Other Creden ntials button on the Windowss startup scre een and enterring your login n credentials.
The ThinkPad d can also be powered on or awakened d using fingerp print authentication. A smaall green lightt on the fingerrprint scannerr indicates that it is availab ble to use.
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An Introdu uction to M Microsoft Offfice 2010
What's new in Office 2010? bbon Sharper look and feel of the rib Return of the File Menu (Backsstage view) e Preview Paste Photo Editing tool enhancements ne! Mini toolbar now has Underlin
Text special effectts in Word on n Home tab Scree enshot tool on Insert tab
Very few new, spe ecific changess Cond ditional Formaatting has new w styles and desiggns
PowerPoint g tools New video editing ols New video contro mbed video dirrectly from New ability to em er video shariing websites YouTTube and othe
OneNote on like other Office Now has the ribbo appliications Imprroved SideNottes feature
Outlook on like other Office Now has the ribbo appliications ges for quick aactions ‐ Rightt click messag hand dle messages faster
ThinkPad Distrib bution Training
An Introdu uction to Th hunderbird d 3 The tabbed interface is the most signifficant change to Thunderb ird. Just like aa web browseer, reading neew messages is n now done in ttabs instead o of separate w windows.
e‐clicked, the e message opens in a new tab. Note thee repositioned buttons. A separate When a messsage is double window appe ears only whe en creating a New message or a Replyinng to a messaage in the Inb box.
New Search Interface: Wh hen a term is entered in th he search boxx, Thunderbirrd displays thee search resu ults in a new tab with h additional “ffiltering and ttimeline toolss” to help loc ate what you u are looking ffor.
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Thunderb bird Settin ngs You Ma ay Wish to o Change To change when and how often Thunderbird checkss for new messsages: ols Click Too Click Account Settingss he Click Servver Settings ((under email address on th left) orresponding boxes on the e right side Check co Click OK To change whether your rreplies are ab bove or below w the original text: Click Too ols Click Account Settingss Click Com mposition & A Addressing (u under email address o on the left) Select yo our preference Click OK
ThinkPad Distrib bution Training
To revert to rreading emails in new windows (old Thunderbird behavior): Click Too ols Click Opttions Click Advvanced Click Rea ading and Display Select yo our preference Click OK
U To use autocomplete emaail addresses ffrom the WFU address bookk: Click Tools Click Options Click Composition n Click Addressing ttab Selecct your preferrence Click OK
ThinkPad Distrib bution Training