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Time Killers - Galloping Ghost Arcade




, • I ill 1 READ FIRST BEfORE ~NSTALlING TiME KILLERS KIT ~MP@R"fAN=(: BUTTO N CONFIGURATION You must read the installation manual and use th e speci fied TIME KILLERS bu tt on la you t. TIME KILLERS k it huttons will not map to SFII or Mortal Kombat. TIME KILLERS is not playable if plugged into a Mortal Kombat configurati on. Some of the buttons don·t work at all wi th TIM E KI LLERS and the buttons are too far apa rt to execute special TK moves. VIDEO BRIGHTNESS 1. Operator adjustable b rightn ess on the video board. 2. Brightness setting on v ideo cabinet monitor. 3. Dynamo 1-IS-13 project i on cabi net. (below) Reason: The video output signal isn't strong enough to drive the projecti on unit. Solution: On the Int erface bn,lrd to th e projection unit there are 3 potenli o metl.:!fS (pOlS) . One pot each color (red, gn::en, and blue). On e;lC h pot there is an unus ed leg in the circuit. Take a 470 ohm 1/4 watt res isto r and aWlc h one s ide to the unused leg on the pot. Then attach the ot her side of I he. resisto r 10 +5 volts. Do this to each PO L SOUND T I ME KILLERS was designed to operate with two speakers in stereo. GAME IS SHIPPED IN STEREO. STEREO CABINETS SHOW INCREASED EAR NINGS. TO GET STEREO CAPABILITIES, YOU MUS T INSTALL THE GAME KIT AS DESCRIBED ON PAGES 11-13 OF THE TK INSTALLATION MANUAl. Use stereo ca binet or put ga me in Illono-Illode through ()peral()r adjusltD II> to "'t "'t "'t "'t + I + ' LINE OUT JP2 PIN I 100000 +:;tI:;tIr-r- wOQ0Q"1! ::T::rt1'1+ tart 2 Player 2 Up Player 2 Down Player 2 Left Player 2 Ri~ht Player 2 Back Arm Player 2 Weapon Arm Player 2 Back Leg Player 2 Weapon Leg Player 2 Head GND GND AI B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 H7 J8 K9 L 10 MIl N12 P13 R14 S15 T 16 _U 17 V IS W 19 X 20 Y 21 Z22 a23 b 24 c25 d 26 e 27 f 28 PARTS SIDE GND GND +5v +5 v -5 v +12 v KEY Coin Counter . Left Speaker + Right Speaker + Red Blue VideoGND Test Coin 1 Start 1 Player 1 Up Player 1 Down Player 1 Left Player 1 Right Player 1 Back Arm Player 1 Weapon Arm Player 1 Back Leg Player 1 Weapon Leg Player 1 Head GND GND Head Back Arm+--c,*- ---l"<-&tWeapon Arm Back Leg-t--'r.:::-t- --t---'ttWeapon Leg WIRE COLOR Black Black Red Red Orange Red-Green Yellow-Red White-Red Red-Black Blue-Black White-Black Blue Red-Blue Red-White Green-White Blue-Wh ite Black-White Violet-White Brown-White Yellow-White Orange-White Grey-White Yellow-urange Black Black • • ~ 5/16" j,... ..... I ...... ,;+1-. +h .... ~ I ;,... ............ '"' ...... + " ..... ..-.1 .4 ... illi ...... '" ....... +h ................... , , ...... f-i ......... h ..... l .......... +....... I I I the Align drill bit with the mounting holes marked on this page, and carefully drill 1/S" holes into the cabinet. Fasten standoff assemblies to cabinet. Snap PCB to standoffs. Attach JAMMA, speaker, and power cables to PCB. III J3 ill III • I I , I I I I , II: Plastic Standoff Wash" ~ :::: ............'-...... ............. :::: "" :::::; ~" >' ,,- '. " " ,~............ ::::- ' -' . ~ ........... ... ......................... I '~ "'" "'-"'-" ,-SI,'--" .~ I ,1:l f------:"? ~ \ 8 PCB MOUNTING STANDOFF ASSEMBLIES I I I I I I I • a Tape this page to the correct location in your cabinet. Time Killers·-hardware. I I ......... +1-.: ........................ +...... -- 0 i'<-r ~ en -".... U1 ROM BOARD oj :::!. ..... OJ U1 • l, f- [A--. [j'j holes- Mounting ..- - SOUND BOARD Stln'dOffS • , I t L _ -.J I ~ , 9 5/8" II LI I ,- , 1·--- --- 1- ' I I L_-.J , "-----,II,----------.J '----------.JI 1-----1_ D C":iL (located on bottom board>/ JAMMA CONNECTOR PCB r\t~ UNTING TEMPLATl: IIIVil:: I'\.ILLt:.K~ '=:tJ ~ c.n c.n O? fJ TECHNISCHE INFORMATION ZUR PLATINE "TIME KILLERS" VOl in das 'festmeni.i z u gelangen, bitte zwische n Pin 15 und Nasse einen Taster einhauen und betatigen. Samtliche benotigten Optionen konnen da nll auf dem Bildschirm eingestellt \oJerden. TECHNISCHE INFORMATION ZUR PLATINE "TIME KILLERS" Um in das Testmenii zu gelangen, bitte zv/ischen Pin 15 und Nasse einen Taster ,. einbauen und betatigen. Samtliche benotigten Optionen kdnnen danll auf dem Bildschirm eingestellt Herden. TECHNISCHE INFORMATION ZUR PLATINE "TIHE KILLERS" Urn in das TestmenU zu gelangen, bitte zHischen Pin 15 und Hasse einen Taster einbauen uIld beUitigen . Samtliche benotigten Optionen ki:::innen dann auf dem Bildschirm eingestel lt werden. •• TECHNISCHE INFORMATION ZUR PLATINE "TIME KILLERS" Urn in TECHNISCHE INFORMATION ZUR PLATINE "TIME KILLERS" Um in das 'festmenU zu gelangen, bitte zHischen Pin 15 und i"'lasse einen Taster einbauen und betiltigen. Samtliche benotigten Optionen kbnnen dann auf clem Bildschirm eingestellt werden.