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(USAF) T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 (NAVY) NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 (ARMY) TM 11-6625-1646-24-1 TECHNICAL MANUAL ORGANIZATIONAL INTERMEDIATE AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS WITH lLLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN TEST SET, TRANSPONDER SET TS-1843B/APX ASC Systems Corporation F33657-71-C-0175 PUBLISHED BY DIRECTION OF SECRETARIES OF THE AIR FORCE, NAVY AND ARMY 24 NOVEMBER 1976 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - M P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Repr-ctia mitted. for non-mflita~ TM policy use of the information or fflustrations contained for milkary use reproduction is established in thie publication is not ~er - for the Army in AR 380-5, for the Navy and MuMe Corps in OPNAVINST 5510. lB, and for the Air Force in Air Force Regulation 205-1. LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Insert latest cbg~ pages; dispose of superseded pages in accordance with applicable regulations. N(3TE: On a chwed page, the portion of the text affected by the latest change b indicated by a vertical line, or other chsnge symbol, in the outer margh of the page. Changes @ hands. C-es to wiring diagrams are indicated Total number of pages in this manual ie 111 consisting # P a g e Change N o . N o . P a g e # N o . 0 3 - 1 7 0 3-18 Blank . 0 3-19 - .. 0 3-22 Blank . . 0 3-23 - . . . 0 3-26 Blank . . . 0 3-27 - . . . . . . . 0 4-1 . 0 5-1 - 5-4 Blank . . . . . . . . . 1-0 - 1-6 2 - 1 . . . . . . Blamk . . . . 2-2 3-1 - 3 - 4 3-30 . . - . . 3-8 Blank . . . 3-9 - 3-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 4-2 5-3 0 6-1 - 6-16 3-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 7-1 - 7-38 3-16 0 A-l - A-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # Zero in Me column indicates . . . . . . . . . . . . an original page. . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 .. . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 Blank . . . . 0 . .. . . . - . . . . 5-5 . . . 3-25 - . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . Blank . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 3-7 . . B l a n k . 3-5 . point- Change N o . Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . by miniature of the following: A i-iii. A to illustrations are indicated by shaded areas. . . . . . . . . ......... . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 T A B L E P a g e Section LIST O F OF ILLUSTRATIONS. . . . . . . . P a g e Section 5 - 1 0 . iii . . . . . . C O N T E N T S P r e s e t t i n g External I DESCRIPTION . . . of . . . . . 1 - 1 4 . Installation 1 - 1 6 . Reference . Indexes 1 - 2 1 . Forms of 1 - 2 6 . Demolition of 6 - 1 . 1 - 2 6 - 3 . Disassembly Checkout Procedures . . . . 1-2 . 1-2 6 - 6 . General 6 - 7 . Overall (Army) . . 1-3 to Storage (Army) . . III TEST EQUIPMENT 2 - 1 . General . 2 - 3 . Test Equipment THEORY OF . AND . . . . . . . . Required . . . . OPERATION . 3 - 3 . Overall Functional Test . . Mode . . Monitor Switch 3 - 1 5 . Lamp Switch 3 - 1 6 . Timing Circuits 3 - 2 2 . Directional 3 - 2 3 . Receiver/Signal 3 - 2 6 . VSWR . 2-1 6 - 9 . Bracket 6 - 1 0 . Test . . . . . . . . Detailed 3 - 4 0 . Power and 3 - 4 2 . Timing Assembly 3 - 5 1 . Evaluator 3 - 6 3 . Voltage 3 - 7 0 . Receiver/Signal 3 - 7 7 . VSWR 3 - 7 8 . Directional . . . . . 3-1 3 - 1 . . 3 - 2 . . 3 - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 5 . . 3 - 5 . . 3 - 6 . . . . . A4 . . . General 5 - 3 . Operational . 5 - 4 . Checkout 5 - 5 . Troubleshooting 5 - 8 . Removal . . . . . . 3 - 1 0 . . 3 - 1 1 A1 . 3 - 1 1 . . . . . 3 - 1 1 . . 3 - 1 9 . A6 . . 3 - 2 3 . . 3 - 2 4 . . 3 - 2 7 A7 3 - 2 7 . . . Assembly . . . 3 - 1 0 . A5 TIE-IN . . . . . . . 4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 . . . . . . . . 5-1 . . . . . . . . Replacement of . . . . . . . . 5-1 . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1 1 . . 5-6 . 5-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1 . . 6 - 1 . . 6 - 1 6 - 5 . . . 6 - 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Using . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 6 . 6 - 6 . . . . . 6 - 6 Check 6 - 5 Interrogation . . . . . . Interrogation . 6 - 1 2 . Checkout General 6 - 1 4 . Checkout . . . Using . Check 6 - 1 3 . . . . of . . . . . . . Assemblies. . . . . 6 - 1 6 . Checkout 6 - 1 7 . Checkout 6 - 1 8 . Checkout 6 - 1 9 . Checkout 6 - 2 0 . Checkout 6 - 2 1 . Troubleshooting Assembly . . . . . of Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . Calibration 6 - 2 3 . R-F IN and 6 - 2 4 . R-F OUT 6 - 2 5 . PRF Adjustment Control VSWR 6 - 2 7 . Adjustment Control 6 - 2 8 . Repair Procedures 6 - 2 9 . General . 6 - 3 0 . Replacement 6 - 3 1 . Repairing 6 - 3 2 . Maintenance . . . . . . Boards . . . . . . 6 - 9 . . . 6 - 1 0 . . . 6 - 1 0 . . . . . . 6 - 1 0 . . . 6 - 1 1 . . . . Alignment . . . . . 6 - 1 1 A3R46 . . . . . 6 - 1 1 . . A2R21 . . . . . . . . 6 - 1 2 . . . . 6 - 1 2 . . . . 6 - 1 2 A5 . 6 - 1 3 . . 6 - 1 5 . 6 - 1 5 6 - 1 5 . . . . . . . . . . . of . . Breaks . . Parts . Foil . Assemblies . of 6 - 9 Probe Alignment . . . Generator/Receiver . . . . A5 . A6R6 . . Control . A3R2 and . Adjust . Control 6 - 2 6 . . Generator/ . . . Assembly and . . Assembly Directional 6 - 2 2 . Circuit . VSWR of Signal . Assembly A7 . . Signal of A6 Assembly . Power A1 Assembly . Regulator of . Assembly . Evaluator of . . 6 - 6 6 - 9 of . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checkout . . Timing . 6 - 1 5 . A4 . . . 6 - 6 . . . . of . . . . . . . . . . . . Power . A2 5-1 . . . Set Check . Discrimination Set Test . Checkout Frequency 4-1 4-1 . and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checkout Procedure . . Generator . . . . . 3 - 6 . . A3. 3 - 6 . . . Assembly MAINTENANCE 5 - 1 . . . .. . . . Description A2. . . . . SYSTEM . . . . Assembly Tie-In. . . . Coupler . . . . Assembly OF Assemblies 2-1 . Control Adjust . . . . . Regulator . . Description Circuits Circuit INTERMEDIATE 2-1 3 - 1 . . 3 - 3 9 . . . . . . . . Sequence . . . . Coupler Timing Equipment . . . Circuits. . Evaluation General . . . Reassembly. Checkout 1-3 . . Circuits . 3 - 2 9 . 4 - 3 . . Circuits 3 - 2 8 . 4 - 1 . . . . . AN/APM-362 Overall Generator Circuits DESCRIPTION . . . Switch 3 - 1 4 . . . Introduction Circuits V . 3 - 1 . 3 - 1 3 . I V . TOOLS. and . Transponder I I . 6 - 1 . 6 - 8 . . . G e n e r a l . Equipment . M A I N T E N A N C E . . ( A 2 R 2 1 ) (A6R6) . (Army). Use O U T 6 - 5 . (Army) Enemy Administrative 6 - 1 1 - 2 . . Records Prevent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 5 - 7 .. . . . . . . . 5 - 7 1 - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 7 1 - 1 D E P O T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V I I N . ( A 3 R 4 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . VSWR . . . . . . R - F . 5 - 7 5-14. Publications and . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 1 . Data . . . . . . Equipment Functional Description . G e n e r a l R - F Description Physical Description 5 - 1 1 . 5 - 1 3 . 1 - 7 . 1 - 1 0 . 1 - 1 5 - 1 2 . 1 - 3 . 1 - 8 . . . . . . 1 - 1 Techical 1 - 1 8 . . 1 - 1 Purpose of Equipment. . . Manual . . . . . Scope of . . . . . .. . . . . . 1 - 1 . 1 - 2 7 . . T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X Controls . . on . . . Allocation . . . Printed . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1 6 . 6 - 1 6 (Army). i T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 TABLE OF P a g e Section V I I I L L U S T R A T E D 7 - 1 . Introduction 7 - 3 . Group 7 - 6 . Numerical P A R T S . . Index Provisioning 7 - 1 0 . Air 7 - 1 1 . " P " Codes . . . . . . . not . . . . 7 - 1 . . 7 - 1 . . . . 7 - 1 . . 7 - 1 . . . . S e r i e s - . . . Maintenance 7 - 1 7 . Navy tions - . . . . Parts for . . . "P" 7 - 1 9 . " M " 7 - 2 0 . "A" 7 - 2 1 . "N" . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 2 . . . . 7 - 2 or . . . . . . . . 7 - 3 Codes. 7 - 3 . . . . . . . 7 - 3 , . Not . 7 - 3 . . . . . . . . 7 - 4 . . . 7 - 4 . 7 - 4 Nor- . . on . Procured, for . Assem- . Nor- Stocking, . 7 - 4 . . 7 - 4 . . 7 - 4 List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 5 “U” Series of or . - Purchased . - “U” Supply Material (MARC) How To Manufacture Applied or . When Maintenance Significance . . . . . Accountability Recoverability 7-25. . Be . - . Purchased . Stocked Impractical Stocking 7 - 2 Defini. . Maintenance 7 - 2 4 . . . . . . Procured, Level . . Not . Not - Will . mally 7 - 2 3 . . Assemble - Series Not . Stocked and . “X” Are Purchased. mally 7 - 1 . Considered . Not - Series Items Manufactured Numbered Series Demand . Purchased Which Stock bly 7 - 2 2 . - S e r i e s - or 7 - 1 . Series Items Service Codes . . Procured Repair Source . . Stock Manufacture . . . . . . . C o d e " U " - Parts Not 7 - 1 6 . . and 7 - 1 8 . A s s e m b l e , not Series . P a g e Section P r o c u r e d . Procured Manufactured, i i . . (Cont.) Manufacture, Impractical 7 - 1 5 . . . - Assembly "X" . . Codes P a r t s 7 - 1 . . . . . . List . Inventory Series Parts 7 - 1 4 . . - . . Source Under Control . Parts . S e r i e s and " A " . . Force "M" . . Definitions 7 - 1 3 . . B R E A K D O W N Assembly 7 - 8 . 7 - 1 2 . CONTENTS . . Use . . . Codes . This . . . . . . . . Parts T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 8 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 LIST N u m b e r 1 - 1 . T i t l e Test Set, APX 1 - 2 . Outline 3 - 1 Overall Card Timing 3 - 3 . Time Functional . Sequence Base Potential Power and Diagram Timing 3 - 6 . Timing . . Chart . Diagram . . . . 3 - 8 R e c e i v e r / Diagram . . . Diagram TS-1843B/APX . . . . Diagram . . Intermediate 5 2 . Assembly 5 - 3 . Test . Bracket . . . . . . . . . . .3-7 6 - 3 . Test . . . . . Al . . . . . .3-9 . . . . . . . . . 3 - 1 3 6 - 6 . Test . . . . A7, . . . . . . . . . .3 - 2 1 . Directional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 2 . Timing 7 - 3 . Timing . . . Assembly Board Timing Evaluator 7 - 5 . Evaluator Board Assembly Assembly Signal . . . . 4-2 7 - 8 . Receiver-Generator Setup . . 5 - 1 7 - 9 . VSWR . . . 5-2 . . . . . A5 Adjust Housing 7 - 1 1 Power . . Transistor 1 - 3 . Integrated Data 1 - 4 . Identification Test 3 - 1 . Inputs Equipment of to Pulse Test Points List 5 - 2 . AN/APM-239A 6 - 1 . Adjustment 6 - 2 . Overall Group . . O F Index . and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 .6-11 . . . . . .6-13 . . . .7-6 . . . . . . . . . .7-9 . . . .7-13 . . . . . . .7-16 A3 . . . . . . .7-17 . . . . . . . .7-21 . . Assembly . . . . . . . A5A1. A6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23 .7-25 . .7-28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-30 Control Board Assembly T A B L E S . . . . . . Parts List . . Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subassemblies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Required . . 1 - 3 . . . . for . . Outputs. . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1 - 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 . . 2-1 3-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 5 (C-6280) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 6 . Settings Using . P a g e and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1 AN/APM-362 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 2 Alignment . . Matrix Control Assembly . Complement Select . . Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Checkout Reference . . Assemblies Required 5 - 1 . Numerical . . Circuit 2 - 1 . of . Complement . . . Board Assembly and 6-2 .6-5 and . Assembly . . T i t l e Reference . A2 and . . . 5-2 N u m b e r 1 - 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8 A4 Generator . . Al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-32 L I S T 1 - 1 . . . Assembly Regulator 7 - 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 1 5 A3 7 - 7 . 5-3 .5-8 Assembly Assembly 7 - 4 . . Gain Assembly Board . . Test . A2 7 - 6 . . . . Overall 3-25 . . Setup 4-1 . . Pulse . . . . TS-1843B/APX, . . Setup Generator/Receiver Assembly . . A3 . . Frequency . IF . . . Test Oscillator, and 7 - 1 . Adjustment . for . . of Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calibration . . . Test . . Signal Adjustment Internal . . (Bench) External and . . . . . Transponder . . . . . . 6 - 7 . 7 - 3 A . V S W R Schematic . . Control Setup . A d j u s t m e n t . . . . . 3 - 1 7 A 5 , and . . Checkout Assembly Adjustment . for Setup Amplifier, 5000) . . . . 3 - 1 5 . . IN . VSWR. Interrogation R-F Setup . Using Test 6 - 5 . Schematic . Set Evaluator and . . vs AN/UPM-362 6 - 4 . and . A3, . . P a g e Discrimination Power Schematic Diagram. Level and Point Locations 6 - 2 . Interconnection . 5 - 1 . Locations .3-3 . . Setup Set . A6, . Test . . . Length TS-1843B/APX . Below Assembly . Equipment . G e n e r a t o r Installation 6 - 1 . 2-1 Schematic . . .1-5 . 5000 . . . . Assembly . 4 - 2 . . . Chart Cable . . . . . RG-58 Diagram Nos. . . . Troubleshooting 5 - 5 . Schematic A2, S i g n a l Coupler System . . . 5 - 4 . .1-0 . . Nos. Assembly Adjust 4 - 1 . . . . . A4, . . T i t l e . . A2, (Ser. . . . Assembly . (Ser. Diagram Evaluator . Assembly Assembly 3 - 7 . . . . . . . . Chart . . . Output Assembly Higher) . Block . Control . . Generator Regulator 3 - 5 . Drawing . N u m b e r TS-1843B/ MT-3513/APX Extenders. TS-1843B/APX 3 - 2 . Set Mounting Dimensional Circuit ILLUSTRATIONS P a g e Transponder and 2 - 1 3 - 4 . OF Controls . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 - 3 7 . . . . . A P P E N D I X A P a g e T i t l e N u m b e r Maintenance Allocation (Army) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... A - 1 iii T.O. NAVAIR 12P4-2APX-202 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 F i g u r e 1 - 0 1 - 1 . Test Set, Transponder Set TS- 1843 B/APX and Mounting MT-3513/APX T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION 1 - 1 . SCOPE 1 - 2 . This technical procedures activities OF contains in the maintenance facturedby Set equipment contract covered Control instructions and herein fit, cm function Board Directive may be revised designed and manu- is configured for inter- PHYSICAL 2 lbs 15 OZ affectmanual activity withControl in the following instances, providing form, fit, or function is not affected: ing, connecting the technical or u@ating of clarifying, expancl - existing information Set At each end of the for connecting in ANTENNA end is located connections. service the test adjustments which On the other which end are are a hinged cover mounted protected plate, These are in the form of small control dials are coupled to variable resistors inside the Each dial is provided with a locking The TS-1843B/APX is installed in the air- craft on Mounting MT-3513( )/APX ( f i g u r e This mounting plate is permanently aircraft by four screws. The manual. the mul- ( lJ1) for power and adjustments during operation”by equipment. the changes consist Test It weighs approximately is located POWER receptacle device. a. When The $s a single unit of 2-7/8 by mounting). On the three by or for the procuring (including antenna. control technical l - l ) tiple-pin shall be by Configuration The DESCIUPTION. ( f i g u r e 3 by 7-3/4 inch dimensions. only. out approval of the DOD AIMS Configuration Ward 1 - 8 . OF EQUIPMENT. set into the line between the transponder and its The use. Any changes DESCRIPTION unit an rf receptacle Chicago, F33657-71-C-0175. 1 - 7 . T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X and Depot Corporation, DOD NMS System ing form, . and repair of Test Set, T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X , ASC Systems under service manual MANUAL to be used by Intermediate Transponder Illinois TECHNICAL 1 - 2 ) . attached to the TS-1843B/APX is secured to the mounting by two fast-action screwb.. When the item described in the technical ; no longer avaibble, and a substitute manual item must be driver-operated Dzus fasteners. Although the mount- ing plate MT-351 3( )APX is permanently the aircraft, design of the .sed. the Test Set to be installed the mounting NOTE plate. in either nomenclature C-621N3( of equipment P U R P O S E 1-4. O F lation Set TS-1843B/APX in airborne IFF,i%IF (Identification Identification systems. test set has two The Test and Monitor. operating voltage equivalent) ‘I’he Feature) figure operational Set Control nected modes: to the TRANSPONDER (1J2). Reversing provides an of 1-9. The TS-1843B/APX case with an integral upon command, T S - 1 8 4 3 B / rf interrogation test at a preset power level which enable the ?erator to check the response of his transponder set interrogation signals. receptacles consists of a cast aluminum directional In the Monitor mode of operation, continuously and automatically eplies being transmitted der on a reply-by-reply titerrogation evaluates the test set the SIF by the associated transpon- basis when it receives IFF si~als from an interrogator coupler channel rod between the rf at each end of the box. The electronic circuitry is contained in seven assemblies: Power and Control Assembly (Al), Timing Assembly (A2), Evaluator Assembly (A3), Regulator Assembly (A4), Re. ceiver/Signal Generator Assembly (A6), 1 - 6 . may T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . lamp on the associ- In the Test mode of operation, the n the absence of external is con- connector these connections result in damage to the enclosing the main conductor ~ignals is connected C-6280( )/APX (or to give a visual GO/NO-GO indication APX generates, cable (1J3) and the transponder cable r the status of the transponder. 1 - 5 . from that 1-1. Make sure the antenna Friend or transponder TS-1843B/APX to an indicator Transponder The test set may then be installed is an GO/NO-GO test device, designed for instal- Foe/Selective ated shown in rotat on the E Q U I P M E N T . Test Set, Transponder in-flight the plate in the mounting in the reverse direction may be used, within by remov - TS-1843B/APX, 180 and replacing T S - 1 8 4 3 1 3 / A P X . used (as in )/APX) this means that any mod- el of the equipment 1 - 3 . ing the plate are used in the permits direction This is accomplished ing the bottom pl~te from the When empty parentheses attached to T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X (A7).: The Al assembly electrical contains contacts that receive of assemblies readily Assembly (A5), VSWR Adjust and Directional Coupler printed wiring and the mating A2, A3, A4, and A6, each detachable Assembly for maintenance connectors of which is or replacement. set. 1 - 1 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 1 - 1 0 . F U N C T I O N A L Transponder device Set D E S C R I P T I O N . TS-1843B/APX which allows determination Control Transponder 1 - 1 4 . When operated Set C-6280( )/APX, using the TEST light on the control unit as an indicator, Make sure the antenna it will provide a GO, NO-GO check upon the following transponder I N S T A L L A T I O N . of proper operation of airborne IF F/SIF transponders. with The Test Set, is a dual-function based characteristics: Receiver Receiver may result in dam- T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . Tuned Frequency 1 - 1 5 . The installation plans for the c. to the connector (1J2). Revers - ing these connections Sensitivity age to the b. is connected transponder cable is connected TRANSPONDER a. cable to the ANTENNA connector (1J3) and the Transponder vary with the individual Decoding aircraft T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X types and/or trans- ponder systems used and are not covered d. Reply manual. Frequency For detailed to the specific e. Reply Code Bracket to special Pulse Spacing installation aircraft and transponder installation drawings services. The physical f. Reply Peak-Pulse Transponder Power Set g. Antenna System TS-1843B/APX evaluate factory the system the transponder replies, external ‘un~er test, and indicate As a monitor device, ‘ satis- the unit the transponder replies that result from interrogations and will indicate correct 1 - 1 7 . are listed in listed in The scribed t a b l e t a b l e 1 - 1 . 1 - 2 , ment is listed in table functional Basic electrical performance data for the Test Setj Transponder T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X circuits is t a b l e 1 - 3 , The assemblies and T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X are listed in 1-4. contains the following which accomplish the checks de- 1 - 1 8 . INDEXES OF PUBLICATIONS (ARMY). Code Generator for modes 1, 2, 1 - 1 9 . Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-4 to determine whether there or additional and C (prf 400 ~ 50 pps) 1 - 2 0 . RF Signal Generator c, RF Pulse Peak d SIF Reply e. RF Wavemeter Power Bracket (MWOS) Detector Spacing Decoder (reply frequency evaluator) VSWR evaluator g. Ratio Reply Evaluator FORM AND RECORDS 1 - 2 2 . REPORTS Evaluator (ARMY), OF MAINTENANCE AND UNSATIS - EQUIPMENT. Use equipment records in accordance with instructions (Test Mode) 1 - 2 3 . (Monitor Mode) work orders to the equipment, 1 - 2 1 . REPORT OF PACKAGING DEFICIENCIES Rate Reply to the equipment, whether there are modification pertaining FACTORY f. are new editions, changes, publications pertaining Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-7 to determine (ARMY). Form 6 (Reporting ties) as prescribed forms in AND HANDLING Fill out and forward of Packaging and T M 3 8 - 7 5 0 . and Handling DD Deficien - in AR 700-58. If all transponder receiver and transmitter characteristics are within control unit TEST condition. Failure ‘he proper limits, the lamp WII1 light, indicating a GO of the TEST lamp to go on when one of the Mode Enable switches on the control unit is held in the TEST position indicates receiver, decoder, transponder. 1 - 2 T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X The transistor complement above: Interrogation 1 - 1 3 . data and physical Set and the integrated circuit comple- subassemblies of the responses. h, 1 - 2 . the unit will, u~on command, transponder performance. will evaluate b. and the Mounting f i g u r e VSWR 1 - 1 1 . As a test device, 8 /2, by the using of the Test Set, 1 - 1 6 . REFERENCE DATA. interrogate 1-12. manuals, or provided dimensions MT-3513( )/APX are shown in in this instructions, refer or transmitter a failure section in the of the 1 - 2 4 . DISCREPANCY REP) (SF 361) (ARMY). crepancy in Shipment ~ SHIPMENT REPORT (DIsFill out and forward Report (DISREP) prescribed in AR 55-38, Dis - (SF 361) as T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 1 - 2 5 . mPORT~G oF WPROVEMENTS FOR EQUIP- MENT UUALS (ARMY). Reporting of errors, omissions, and recommendations publicatio~ Reports by the individual this U.S. Army AMSEL-W-PSA, DEMOLITION OF EQUIPMENT T M TO PREVENT 7 5 0 - 2 4 4 - 2 for procedures to be used for this equipment. user is encouraged. shodd be submitted on DA Form 2028. DA Form 2028 will be forwarded &nerd. for improving 1 - 2 6 . ENEMY USE (ARMY). Refer to direct to Commanding Electronics Command. ATTN: 1 - 2 7 . ADMINISTRATIVE to 7 4 0 - 9 0 - 1 T M equipment STORAGE (ARMY). Refer for procedures to be used when this is to be placed in administrative storage. Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 07703. Table 1-1. Reference Data C H A R A C T E R I S T I C Interrogation S P E C I F I C A T I O N L I M I T S Outputs: F r e q u e n c y 1030 ± 0.5 MHz Mode 1 Pulse Spacing 2 pulses spaced 3 ± Mode 2 Pulse Spacing 2 pulses spaced 5 ± 0.lµsec Mode 3/A 2 pulses spaced 8 ± 0.1µsec Mode C 2 pulses spaced Pulse Pulse Spacing Spacing L e v e l -54 to R a t e 400 ± Reply -81 dbm 50 0.1µsec 21 ±0.lµsec (-67 pulse to -94 dbv) adjustable pairs/sec Analyzer: F r e q u e n c y G O F r e q u e n c y N O - G O Bracket Spacing GO Spacing NO-GO Bracket P o w e r Antenna G 1090 MHz MHz 20.3 ±0.15 20.0 G O System ±3 1086 20 to 28 or 1094 MHz µsec sec or 20.6 dbw, ±2db from µsec preset level VSWR: O Dial set at 6 db . . . . VSWR < 8 db Dial set at 9 db . . . . VSWR < 11 db Dial N O - G O set at 12 d b. . . . VSWR < 14db Dial set at 6 . . . V S W R 8 Dial set at 9 . . . V S W R 11 Dial set at 12 . . . V S W R db or db 14 greater or db greater or greater N O T E Momentary longer NO-GO Primary Power 2 VSWR (up to milliseconds 12 db) will not 0.25 vdc for cause no a indication. Input: N o r m a l 27.5 L i m i t s 21 Operating high than Secondary vdc, to 29 12.0 Power ± 15 w max. vdc 0.5 vdc and 5.0 ± Weight: TS-1843B/APX with MT-3513 ( )/APX 2 lbs. 15 oz. Dimensions: T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X 2.875 M T - 3 5 1 3 0.25 Service ( ) / A P X by by 3.062 3.25 by by 7.750 7.37 inch inch Conditions: up Altitude to 100,000 ft. T e m p e r a t u r e : -54°C to +95°C +95°C to +125°C -64°C to +150°C Humidity Up 100 Vibration MIL-E-5400G Operating Operation with N o n - O p e r a t i n g degradation of performance to percent Curve IV 1 - 3 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 D E S I G Table 1-2. T Y P E N O . Complement F U N C T I O N A 1 Q 1 2N2222 Monitor A 1 Q 2 2N2222 Test A 1 Q 3 2N2222 Monitor/Test A 1 Q 4 2N2222 Regulator Mode Mode Control Control Control Control A 1 Q 5 2 N 2 9 0 7 A Lamp A 2 Q 1 3 N 1 2 8 20 A 2 Q 2 3 N 1 4 0 Oscillator Gated A 2 Q 3 2N2907 Modulator (Reply) A 2 Q 4 2 N 2 9 0 7 Modulator (Frequency A 3 Q 1 2N2222 PRF Generator A 3 Q 2 2 N 4 9 1 A P R F G e n e r a t o r A 3 Q 3 2N2907 Sync Output A 3 Q 4 2N2222 Read Gate Switch Integrator MHz Oscillator Amplifier Gate Check) Input Amplifier switch A 3 Q 5 2 N 2 2 2 2 Test A 3 Q 6 2N2222 Lamp A 3 Q 7 2N2222 Monitor Clamp A 3 Q 8 2N2222 Monitor Integrator A 3 Q 9 2 N 4 9 1 A Monitor Integrator A 3 Q 1 0 2N2222 Power Level A 3 Q 1 1 2N2222 Power Level A 3 Q 1 2 3 N 1 4 0 VSWR Recognition A 3 Q 1 3 2N2222 VSWR Amplifier A 3 Q 1 4 2N2222 Frequency A 4 Q 1 2 N 2 9 0 7 A On-Off A 4 Q 2 2N2222 Over-Voltage A 4 Q 3 2N2222 Over-Current Driver Buffer Enable Control Detector Input Detector Buffer Control Protection 3N128 85.833 A 5 A 1 Q 2 3 N 1 4 0 Gated Amplifier A 5 A 1 Q 3 2N2481 Tuned Amplifier A 5 A 1 Q 4 2N2481 60 MHz Amplifier (First) A 5 A 1 Q 5 2N2481 60 MHz Amplifier (Second) A 5 A 1 Q 8 2N2481 60 MHz Amplifier (Third) A 5 A 1 Q 7 2N2481 Detector/Amplifier A S C D E S I G 1-3. Integrated Circuit MHz Protection A 5 A 1 Q 1 Table 1 - 4 Transistor Oscillator Complement S Y S T E M S P A R T N O . F U N C T I O N A 2 U 1 6 0 0 A 8 A 2 U 2 6 0 0 A 2 2 4 Binary Counter A 2 U 3 600A11 5 Binary Counter A 2 U 4 6 0 0 A 8 Binary Counter (Time Base A 2 U 5 6 0 0 A 8 Binary Counter (Time Base A 2 U 6 6 0 0 A 3 Pulse Matrix AND Gates (0 A 2 U 7 6 0 0 A 3 Pulse Matrix AND Gates (16 µsec, 18 µsec) A 2 U 8 6 0 0 A 3 Pulse Matrix AND Gates (19 µsec, 21 µsec) A 2 U 9 6 0 0 A 5 Pulse Duration A 2 U l 0 600A23 Window Delay A 2 U l l 6 0 0 A 5 Window Duration A 2 U 1 2 600A19 Frequency A 3 U 1 6 0 0 A 7 Read Gate/Monitor A 3 U 2 600A21 Test Enable A 3 U 3 6 0 0 A 1 9 Inverter/Gate Binary Counter 6 0 0 A 5 Power 6 0 0 A 5 Decode A 3 U 6 6 0 0 A 7 I n v e r t e r / G a t e A 4 U 1 593A96 12 A 4 U 2 593A96 5 volt volt µsec) Generator Generator/Mode Sample Shaper Delay 13 Generator Gate/Bracket A 3 U 4 µsec, Generator Check A 3 U 5 Generator) Generator) Timer Regulator Regulator Gate Inverter Hold Decode Gate/Comp. Evaluation Gate T . O . NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 1-2. 1 - 5 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Table 1-4. Identification of Assemblies and R E F 1 - 6 P A R T N A M E D E S I G A l Power A 2 T i m i n g and Control N O . Assembly A s s e m b l y A 3 Evaluator Assembly Regulator Assembly A 5 Signal and A 5 A 1 R e c e i v e r - G e n e r a t o r A 6 VSWR A 7 Directional Adjust G E 5 4 7 6 G C 5 4 3 4 A 4 Generator Subassemblies G C 5 4 3 5 G B 5 5 0 0 Receiver B o a r d Assembly Coupler Assembly G D 5 4 8 3 G E 5 4 8 0 G D 5 4 9 6 G C 5 4 2 6 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 SECTION II TEST EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS 2 - 3 . 2 - 1 . G E N E R A L . 2 - 2 . This section lists the test equipment reauired to ~erform disassembly, in~, and alibment procedures dekcribed 2 - 4 . and tools reassembly, T E S T the test- E Q U I P M E N T The test equipment T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X test equipment in the R E Q U I R E D . required for maintenance is listed in t a b l e of 2 - 1 . Equivalent may be used if the exact types listed are not available. following sections of this manual. Table 2-1. Test Equipment Required N o m e n c l a t u r e N a m e Transponder Test Set, or Model o r R T - 8 5 9 ( A N / A P X - 6 4 ( V ) Set Transponder A N / A P M - 2 3 9 A Test Set, Transponder A N / A P M - 3 6 2 Test Set, Radar A N / U P M - 1 3 7 Test Set, Radar A N / U P M - 9 8 ( ) Oscillosocpe A N / U S M - 1 4 0 o r M u l t i m e t e r A N / P S M - 6 ( Standing Slotted Slide 3 R F db Wave Indicator Lime Screw Tuner Pad T e r m i n a t i o n Circuit Card Extenders (2) (Figure Packard 415B Hewlett Packard 805C Hewlett Packard 872A M i c r o l a b A A - 0 3 B Weinshel 569A ASC 2-1) A N / U S M - 2 8 1 A ) Hewlett RCA V T V M ) / A P X - 7 2 Voltohmyst Systems Corp. Part Nos. GB5728 and G B 5 7 2 9 Hewlett C o u n t e r Figure 2-1. Circuit Packard 5245L Card Extenders 2-1/(2-2 blank) T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 SECTION III THEORY OF OPERATION 3 - 1 . I N T O R D U C T I O N . single GO or NO-GO indication by ligbttng lamp on the control unit. (GO is tndicated 3 - 2 . TMs section e~kim the functions of the cir- cuits in Test Set, Transynder Set T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . lamp is lit. ) The T S - l 8 4 9 B / A P X ation is acttvated wbemever the TEST when the teet mode of oper- ons of the four Mode Enable The circuits are first described on a block diagram switches on the control untt is placsd in the TE~ level, thn a detiil~ circuit description position. is given. The checlce made simultaneously tn the teat mode are: 3 - 3 . 3 - 4 . O V E R A L L F U N C T I O N A L D E S C R I P T I O N . The test set is connected antenna Me of the aircraft transponder, where it will conttiuously monitor the Wrformance ponder (Monitor retie of operation) to test the trmsponder rogation (Test of operation, mde of operation). In the Test mode simulated b. Receiver Tuned c. Receiver Interrogation d. Transponder e. Reply Peak Pulse Power f. Reply Bracket 13. Antenna sign~ at a preset power level via a 12th Reply Frequency 3 - 7 . replies to this test signal, it is an indication OUT/MON tuned frequency and sensitivity and that its deeding that its are correct circuits are functioning properly. ‘l%e test set analyzes the replies put out by the checking Pulse Spacing the power level, ptise spacing. In the Monitor mode of operation (RAD TEST/ switch on COlltrd unit in MON ~ition) the test set simultaneously and the bracket the Striding Wave ~tio) of the antenna GO indication in the TEST position) either a monitor are GO the test set will the test set will not funcUon as or tester, but wffl provide only a cause the TEST Imp on the control unit to light, passive link in the antenna which indicates al coupler main ltne. normally. that the transponder mvttch is In the OUT position (and no Mode Enable switches are able level. If all checks set is functioning VSWR on the same TEST lamp as above. When the control unit W TEST/OUT/MON circuit is checked to see that it is below the accept- to the operator checks the antenna pulse spacing, signal frequency, and power of the transponder reply, givtng a GO or NO- frequency, At the same time, System VSWR at a frequency of 1030 + 0.5 MHz. If the transponder VSm (Voltage Decoding and feeds this pulse- harmonic generator into the aircraft transponder and bracket Frequency inter- rf oscillator at a frequency of 85.833 Mm (meg~ertz), trmsponder, Sensitivity the CW (continuous wave) output of a crystti-controlled receiver Receiver mode of inter- rogation pdse pairs in the desired IFF mode, uses mdtiated Transponder of the trans- and may be used in a selected the test set generates them to mtidate a. in series with the Mne through the direction- If any of the test results does not meet the prescrihd standards, the TEST lamp will not light, indicating that the transponder NOTE If a Mode Enable switch on the control unit set is not operating properly. should be placed tn the TEST position whtle 3 - 5 . the RAD TEST/OUT/MON In the Monitor mode of operation, a G(I indica- tion is given when the trmsponder to a norm~ (externA) power, frequency, interrogation bracket switch is tn the MON position, the Mode Enable switch will properly replies take precedence and the reply the selected puke spacing, and antenna and a test will be made tn mode. VWR are within preset limits. 3 - 8 . 3 - 6 . As shown in the overall block diagram of 3 - 1 , the test set contains and for continuous transponder. circuits f i g u r e circuits for in-flight testing monitoring of the associated The power is also included. ~perat km (selected regulator needed Io the Test mock for these of by the Mode Enable switches on The test set requtres no standby power or warm- up time. The set is energtzed Mode Enable switches cm the control unit in the TEXT the RAD TEST/OUTMON energizing the monitoring circuits. al tests or checks Monitor Mode Control cm the transponder, Regulator Control line) or by p.king switch in the MON position, Monitor mode of operation, simultaneously either the one of the four position (grounding the appropriate the associated control unit) the test set makes sever- then sums up the combined results of these tests in a by selecting Test mode of operation by plactng In uelec~g a ground ta applted the to AIQ1, which tn turn actuates A104. Grounding one of the four 3 - 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 mode selecting lines into Test Modes Control AlQ2 puts an input into Regulator Control causes it to actuate lators in the AlQ4 which the Power Switch/Voltage A4 Regulator Assembly. This be applied to the Test Enable third and last required Gate A3U2A as the input. Regu- assembly 3 - 1 2 . With all three inputs present at the Test Enable supplies +5 and +12 volts for the test set circuits. Gate (read gate in reset condition, These voltages are developed from the +28 volts fed present, into the circuit. Test Enable Gate produces an output which actuates the Test Gate Generator 3 - 9 . When power is first applied, are supplied all test set circuits power, and the PRF Generator will start reply search gate and Power Shaper P3 output present) A3U3D/U3E to initiate Test Gate Generator is applied as one input to the Bracket oscillator will start free-running, the 20 MHz Timing inputs present simultaneously (decode Oscillator will start running, to their and all “flip-flop” cir- stable (low output) state. a 30 to 50 usec timing period. The output from the operating at a rate of 400 + 50 pps, the 85.833 MHz cuits will swjtch the Decode Gate A3U2B. With A2, Power Shaper A3U4 A3U3D/U3E) all three of its window from output, and test gate from the Bracket Decode Gate generates an output which triggers the Decode Delay and Timer 3 - 1 0 . When the first output pulse from the PRF Generator A3 U3 F/U5. The latter produces a O. 4psec negative A3Q1/Q2/Q3 (figure 3-1) is applied to the pulse, differentiated so as to produce Read Gate (A3Ul A/Ul B) the pulse resets it, causing ~sec) negative it to produce a high level output which is applied to psec positive pulse at the trailing the Test Enable Gate A3U2A as one of three inputs negative required 0.4 u sec delayed, to initiate repetition a reply evaluation. frequency) modulation The prf (pulse trigger is also routed to the select and timing circuitry pulse pair having the spacing The code generator test mode. pulse- modulate Evaluation for the selected input. output is employed to oscillator power amplifier chain. edge. The but the 0.07 psec wide positive pulse is passed on via Inverter the output of an 85.833 MHz crystal a narrow (O. 07 edge and a 0.07 pulse has no effect on the circuit, to initiate a required pulse at the leading A3 U3 F to the Composite Gate A3U2C as the delayed bracket decmde When inputs are also present from the frequency-checking checking circuits, circuits and from the VSWRthe evaluating circuits will pro- duce a GO output which will light the TEST lamp on the control unit. 3 - 1 1 . The pulsed rf output from the 85.833 MHz Oscillator A5A1Q1 is applied to a harmonic circuit in the Multiplier/Mixer selects the twelfth harmonic Cavity (1030 coupled Directional Coupler into the transponder The output level Cavity 3 - 1 3 . cuits, MHz). The 1030 MHz signal in the Multiplier/Mixer capacitively multiplier A5 Z1 which A5 Z1 is TEST MODE SWITCH CIRCUITS. Tkse cirlocated Al, consist on the Power and Control of Test Mode Control Test Control A1Q3, and Regulator to the SIG GEN probe in the working in conjunction Assembly, which A2U6/U7/U8 in Timing interrogation to be simulated feeds the signal as a simulated interrogation. (between -54 and -81 dbm) of the simulated interrogation signal connector 1J2 is determined testing the transponder at the TRANSPONDER by the modulation level Assembly A1Q2, Monitor/ Control Assembly Matrix A2, The mode is determined by which one lines (from the Mode Enable switches unit) is grounded. The set by the R-F OUT control on the Timing Assembly ground is applied (through one of the four isolating A2. If the diodes) to the base of Test Modes Control transponder receiver and decoding are correct, in the same mode frequency, the transponder as the interrogation. sensitivity, This reply NOTE (psec). (It will normally occur within 3,0 * O. 5psec because In order to obtain a TEST actuation of the transponder C a connection that the reply analyzing to the simulated circuits accept interrogation not to extraneous interrogation. activated gate The pulse Reply simultaneously the interrogation permits the Gate circuit is by means of a trigger from the 21psec output from the Pulse Selection Matrix Assembly A2. The output of the Reply Search Gate Generator pins T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X supplied by Altitude Encoder. ) A1Q2 provides outputs which are fed to both Monitor/ accept- less than 5psec after Search 9 and 10 of lJ1 on the (normally in mode must be made between Search Gate with the P3 (last) pulse of A2 U6/U7/U8 in the Timing applied only the replies in the test set along with each This ance only of replies occurring the ) To ensure from the test set and signals, a Test Reply pulse is generated interrogation. specification. A1Q2. will reply should occur within less than five microseconds design of for the purpose of of the four Mode Select on the control A1Q4 with Pulse Selection A3 U3B/U3C is to the Test Enable Gate A3U2A as the second Test Control AIQ3 (to enable Generator Control in Evaluator the Reply Search Assembly Al@ (to enable Regulator supplying regulated individual Gate A3) and Regulator Assembly A4, power to the test circuits, ) The mode selection lines are also connected into the Pulse Selection Matrix A2U6/U7/U6 to enabh the proper sections of the matrix to produce pulse pairs having the required for the desired interrogation spacing mode. of three required inputs; the first being the reset output of the Read Gate A3 UIA/Ul B. If an SIF reply of 3 - 1 4 . MONITOR sufficient located in Power within power is received the 5psec search period, first bracket Detector some portion of the pulse P1 will be detected by Power Level A3Q10/Ql 1, passed through Power Shaper A3U4 to produce 3 - 2 from the transponder a O. lpsec reference pulse, and will SWITCH CIRCUITS. and Control These circuits, Assembly Al, consist of Monitor Mode Control Al Q1, working in conjunction with Regulator Control A1Q4. When the Monitor Enable line, coming from the RAD TEST/OUT/MON switch on the control unit, is grounded, Monitor T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1848-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 F i g u r e 3 - 1 . Overall Functional Block Diagzam, TS-1843B/APX 3-3/(3-4 blank) T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Mde Control AIQI (normally tO gy into non-conduction, Re~lator Control cmcfucting), which in turn causes A1Q4 to conduct. Regulator hsembly A4 to become apply regulated 3 - 1 5 . sociated is caused This nominal causes energized in Test and is a transistor located Assembly Al which Lamp Switch A1Q5 The prf generator or Monitor mode of operation. evaluator circuitry; circuitry and defines in the latter switch in the 3 - 1 8 . Precision encoding and decoding timing is pro- source and by gating circuitry the transistor when non-conducting, is actuated rate at which monitor replies will be evaluated. unit. The switch it resets evaluator the maximum vided by a crystal-controlled closed switch; rate and resets cm the Power and Control acts as a solid-state conducting, appears as a it appears open. by the voltage coming from pin 15 cd the Evaluator lishing the pulse spacing on the line pulse spacing for the test mode selected and programs the performance reply Assembly A3. ‘This line will go low, causing AIQ5 to conduct, only bracket are contained spacing reference which aids in estab- evaluators evaluation). in the Timing These (including circuits Assembly A2. a The when all tests have been passed and a GO indication relative timing of test set functions is shown in (lit) 3 - 2 , is desired orI the control unit TEST lamp. The lamp. mode of operation, cm while the GO condition the monitoring two seconds, mode of operation, 3 - 1 9 . the lamp continues; and off while the GO condition A crystal-controlled lator with an accuracy in simulated continues. to accurately interrogation properly monitor are provided by a master trigger controlled 5 - 1 . pulse spacing reference which aids in establishing oscil- This degree of precision define the spacing of the pulse pairs for testing and to the reply bracket pulse spacing. The clock circuit consists of crystal-controlled amd timing generator, continuous-wave of better than O. 05’% (better and pulse spacing reference. is required and will cycle on ‘TIMING CIRCUITS. Synchronization circuitry t a b l e than 0.01 p sec in 20 psec) provides a precise timing it will go on for then will be turned off automatically, cm again after a few milliseconds, 3 - 1 6 . f i g u r e Sequence Chart. A list of test points at 28 volts cic to light the indicator IrI the testing will remain Timing showing the signals at each is given in Lamp Switch A1Q5 can supply a current up to 50 milliamperes at a In the former the basic test interrogation line from +28 volts to the TEST lamp on the control men operates rate of 400 h 50 pulses per second and is on it provides power to the test set circuits. LAMP SWITCH CIRCUITS. circuitry. MHz Oscillator a crystal A2Q1, Gated Amplifier source, and gating by- Four Counter the test mode A2 U3, and Time Base Generator 20 A2Q2, Divide- A2U2, Divide-by-Five Counter A2 U4/U5/UIA. ctie configuration and programs the performance 3 - 2 0 . evaluators. The cw output of 20 Mf-fz Oscillator into Gated Amplifier A2Q1 is fed A2Q2, which is gated on by Count 3 - 1 7 . The trigger (prf ) generation function is perform- Gate Generator ed by a stable unijunction count gate trigger signal from the Count Gate Trigger M A T R I X U 4 A - 1 3 G A T E I N P U T M O D E C (0 (A3Q2) and as- Table Inputs 3-1. to Pulse Select Matrix A2U1B when it is triggered on by a Required for Outputs * A N D P1 transistor P i n U4A-8 U4A-9 U4B-6 A A U4B-5 B B P i n P i n U 5 A - 8 U 5 A - 9 C R U 5 B - 6 U 5 B - 5 D D U1A-8 U1A-9 E E P i n P i n M - C 1 0 1 2 11(b) 11(a) 1 3 11(c) M - 3 M O D E 3 P 1 ( 1 3 µ s e c ) P i n P i n P i n P i n A2U6 5 3(a) 4 2 M O D E 2 P1 µsec) (16 A 2 U 7 A M O D E 1 PI µsec) (18 A 2 U 7 B F R E Q . G A T E P i n 9 B T E S T G A T E P i n µsec) A 2 U 6 A M O D E P i n P i n 1 3(b) M - 2 P i n P i n P i n P i n 3(a) 1 3(b) P i n P i n 5 4 P i n P i n Pin P i n P i n 9 1 2 10 1 3 11 2 M - 1 T E S T P i n P i n Pin P i n P i n A 2 U 8 A 5 2 4 1 3 A L L M O D E S P3 (21 µsec) P i n P i n P i n P i n A 2 U 8 B 9 1 0 1 3 1 2 (19 µsec) * Matrix inputs identified by Time Base Generator I output numbers and logic letters assigned. 3 - 5 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Select circuit in the Evaluator Assembly. The 20 MHz 3 - 2 4 . output of A2Q2 is divided by four in Divide-by-Four Mixer Counter A2U2A/U2B, MHz Counter A2U3 which Generator A2U1B. then by five in Divide-byis also gated The 1 MHz passed on to the Time Base where 0 µ 21 a series sec, µ 13 sec. µ sec, These Selection 16 µ 18 µsec, unit select 1), 5 µ sec 21 µ s e c (for mode C). (for mode 2), to simulate 19 µsec, mode 8 µ sec 3 µ sec pairs of (for mode correct Generator signals in the desired mode f i g u r e 3 - 3 ) . A2U9 which establishes the modulation Modulator pulse A2Q3/Q4 interrogation Generator width, which to for injection 1030 MHz into the transponder a direct transponder and its antenna, and incoming vides means A5. interrogation for sampling generated test coupler assembly link between in actuality probe, signals “probe” and the VSWR sections; from, a frequency signal) amplified in The main conductor of the directional Coupler are contained Assembly A7 which is placed the Evaluator Assembly coupier 3 - 2 6 . calibrated resistive signal coupler. this signal the signal Oscillator Probe forward-going off the antenna pulse-coded circuits, Power Level Detector Assembly. reflected ) At the signal and sensitivity capability 3 - 6 time the two probes in the A7. A sample output signal of the is picked and passed on to A6 (as well as to the A3Q10/Qll in the Evaluator same time, a sample of any coming back down the antenna is taken and filtered line to- off by the VSWR probe, in the Detector/Filter, fed into the VSWR Adjust Assembly The PWR voltage positive Gated and consisting Amplifier Multiplier/ and the and A6. This voltage network is is negative. By adding the two in the resistive or error voltage is produced to the ratio of the two voltages A high proportion power and the associated Voltage and Standing of reflected Wa\re to forward high standing of some impedance network, which is wave ratio mismatch or dis- continuity. of the 85.833 MHz 3 - 2 7 . by the modulating replies correctly markings to power level, the receiver are considered tuned to be correct, the decoding of the simulated will have checked out the decoding The acceptance A6R6 may is fed into the frequency, of the transponder. Ratio. fed into the comparison VSWR to the associated is indicative the line through the directional having precise interrogation precisely line by the PWR probe, demodulated over the channel for test purposes. When the transponder and at the same signal) Assembly in the Detector/Filterj demodulated is part of is used to simulate signal and pulse characteristics, frequency A5A1Q3, which (12th harmonic antenna of an adjustable, network for comparing transponder in Directional generator A5A1Q1, Amplifier from the timing transponder to define an acceptable and VSWR (reflected incidentally 1030 MHz signal E\raluation derived from the power (forward-going proportional include oscillator signal), pin 8, and through VSWR CIRCUITS. The VSWR Adjust Assembly circuits interrogation ier is fed into the it is applied as one of three A6 consists primarily RECEIVER/SIGNAL GENERATOR CIRCUITS. normal in Detector,/Amplif reply. algebraically Cavity A5z1, i-f it is passed through signal A3 through inputs required These Mixer is If the Buffer A3Q14 to the Composite 3 - 2 3 . A5A1Q2, Tuned and amplified The demodulated ward the transponder circuits. rod. MHz A5AlQ4/Q5/Q6. A5A1Q7. a difference of 85.833 input to the signal main casting; the probes and cjrcuits and conductor Amplifier the VSWR Adjust Assembly and filters into a channel which is an integral T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X is heterodyned 60 MHz i-f signal signal is of the proper frequency, and filtered a and feeds and power evaluator the in one; probe, (forward signal) probe (reflected detector/filter check modulation and the resulting Directional includes outputs to the VSWR assembled signal with a 1030 MHz signal resulting generator signal) a forward section which demodulates from the power of probe, and a test The assembly probe. Detector/Filter the signals of the Cavity A5 Z1 in Receiver/Signal in the Mixer Cavity voltages directional is three couplers a reverse power signal injection The the reply signals. It pro- the transmitter signals. it has three independent power A sample The 1090 MHz signal Gate A3U2C where both for outgoing passing through, and it permits the injection locally enter through the COUPLER. The Directional Assembly provides signals of an interrogator set. Assembly connector. Multiplier/Mixer coincident DIRECTIONAL Coupler TRANSPONDER transponder Coupler of the whirh is picked off by the SIG GEN probe and fed into the Frequency receiver. 3 - 2 2 . portion frequency a circuit The 1090 MHz signal from the transponder is demodulated passes the simulated pulse pair along to the Receiver/Signal pulse signals A5A1Q4 ‘Q5 ‘Q6, 60 Detector/Amplifier the narrow-passband 60 MHz Filter A5A1FL1, then then is applied A5 to be used in producing the receiver Generator The selected PUISC pair is passed through Code Duration simulates 3 - 2 5 . These pulse pairs will be used interrogation and replies by providing the Directional (for mode 3), and for testing the transponder receiver (see 3 - 2 1 . and gate lines the appropriate outputs to produce pulses spaced at consisting of Multlpller outputs at are all fed into Pulse Matrix A2U6/U7/U8 where from the control A5A1FL1, transponder A2U4/U5/UIA produces Filter circuit, A5Z1, Amplifier A5A1Q7 is used to check the signal of A2U3 is Generator sec, outputs on by Count Gate output of JK flip-flops Five The receiver Cavity internal threshold set by VSWR control be at any level b:)tween 6 and 12 db. (Dial are 6, 9, and 12 db. ) By means VSWR CAL control A6R2, VSWR control are precisely calibrated so that the settings output voltage are accurate (error signal) µ s e c within +1. 5 db. The Asseml]!:; The signal is passed through O. Delay Line A3DL1, of the at ~he factory from VSWR Adjust Assembly A6 is fed into the Evaluator through pin 13. of the the settings which delays A3 1 8 the signal T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1848-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 Figure 3 - 2 . Timing Sequence Chart 3-7/(3-8 blank) NAVAIR T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 3-3. 3-9 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 slightly to permit ensuing measurements at the center to be taken of each signal pulse for the best accura- cy. It is then applied to the VSWR Recognition circuit psec and provides a drive signal for the “ratio” “rate” the first succeeding ur The read gate is reset by reply evaluators. prf trigger. (A3Q12) which produces an output only if the signal is above the reject amplified the Composite three threshold level. by Amplifier/Inverter Evaluation coincident This output Note that if the transponder is A3Q13 and applied to Gate A3U2C as one of its The A3Q13 inputs. output remains continuously rogations, the read gate will be “on” almosl When each transponder correct replies repIy on a reply-by-reply least to more than 80(!, in response to reply evaluation Reply power, Reply basis includes: both bracket bracket spacing is provided comprise IN control preset threshold trigger and A3Q11 threshold which amplifier. will not be ampIified A3U4. R- F The below the sufficiently to power shaper are narrow pulses approximately 0 . 1 The first bracket evaluation precision clock system pulse initiates timing cycle of the ( p a r a g r a p h 3 - 4 2 ) . µ the initiating s e c , starting at approximately pulse input Bracket test gate, Decode the decode coincidence, 20.15 bracket Gate pulse). nominally 20.1 to 20.5 that µ A3U2B signifies adequate network, by Inverter Composite vide the balance A3U2C. Decode Gate output decode The input A5 is within and the narrow positive will be accepted, delayed producing output (A3U1A of the Read Gate inhibits output all signal for its duration of nominally 3 - 1 0 provides chain of operation (A3U6 enabled famp. the test integrator and A3CR5) and the monitor (the A3R27 and A3CR1O the sample-and-hold acts as a steering the m{mitor until tially 5 1(J 10 are re[’eived, state, enabling the required firing Swit(h A3Q9 via test A3R31, lamp to charge the sequen- to its A3R32, and A3CR13, as described above, (approximately As A3Q9 monitor fires, being transmitted, state 2 seconds) to the discharging sample-and-hold and if acceptable and This A3C1O via A3R31 and A3R34 it resets the multivibrator, are still binary to gate whereupon is toggled, the s:~r]lI)le-atld-h[jld level of A3Q9. A3C1O, and A3Q9) which provides drive to the lamp driver stage lighting (A3Q8 active. in one state step counter, cou”n(ing read Integrator toggling “read” integrator device, transponder the cycle binary replies will repeat. 3 - 2 9 . TIMING SEQUENCE. The Timing Chart in f i g u r e It also ass~mes 3 - 2 that a reply to the test set inte~ro- gation will be put out by the transponder the last other pulse of the Sequence is based on a mode 1 test operation. interrogation. 3 µ sec test modes and for monitor operation explained after Differences for will be later. 2500 3 - 3 0 . As shown in the Timing Sequence action starts with the application ground which turns on power to all circuits, actuating the Chart, the of an M-1 Mode the clock circuits, Signal 1 activates Generator the proper (A2U6/U7/U8) the PRF Generator, circuits. The choice Pulse Selection circuits to produce gation pulses spaced 3 JJ sec apart and of mode Matrix a pair of interro- (18 and 21 µ sec outputs) . decode an inverted is employed the Read Gate Binary multivibrator state evalua- acceptable trigger output from A3U2C, and identifying This inputs Enable receiver input will be high if the trigger to its “read” of A3U3F input will be high if VSWR is reply frequency reply. bracket signal of the inputs to the composite limits, correct s e c and reshaped The bracket Gate the frequency transponder µ and the VSWR channel output pro- tion gate; the VSWR acceptable, 2 0 . 3 as one input of the triple Evaluation output (frequency) A3Q6 A3U5, a differentiation A3U3F. as the delayed and is employed a bracket power and acceptable Delay Generator and is identified by the the reply bracket This output is delayed spacing limits. by the Active triple of triple sec. Thus the output of Bracket sec. s e c after A3U2B is enabled can occur, signifying µ J drive A3Q6 if an window, and the power shaper spacing is within the allowable limits of ±0.3 µ The During the possible interval A3U4 outputs. decode (start by tiveraging transistor In turn, is held for the time interval The clock system output is a decode “window” of approximately 0.4 exists. mode act as a storage Monitor of the a bracket spacing Enable goes high) allowing allowing The power Ievel to respond. Signals Power Shaper s e c in duration. Driver ratio This flip-flop outputs µ the are identified binary multi vibrator (A3Ul C/UID) to become or power level detection by A3Q1O set will conditions drive power to Lamp Switch A1Q5 and an energizing integrator establishes the minimum which the test input to Lamp Junction an adjustable to at and must indicate the ON time of the read gate and providing output is diso.blccl Antema system VSWR function These ceived. In the Monitor pulses Reply frequency The reply power analyzer ~~te reply the test set must voltage for the remote GO/NO-GO interrogations. The correct con- read a GO if correct replies are received acceptable responses at a rate of at 100 pps have been transmitted external the NO-GO if fewer than 50?, correct replies are re- that or, in the Monitor mode, that more than 5 correct mode least 80~, of the test interrogations basis, a determination are being receives of the test interrogations, Monitor When in the Test mode indicate functions of analyzing and, in the Test mode, making in the and test inter- tinuously. ciecision. EVALUATION CIRCUITS. The circuitry of this group has the principal correctly generated will be “on” for 2500 psec for each correct high if the VSWR is acceptable. 3 - 2 8 . is replying to the internally one to toggle A3U1A (UIB low). This state processing 3 - 3 1 . (18th The second significant pulse in 1 MHz clock event occurs at signal). modulation pulse, width-standardized The at 1 8 µ s e c mode 1 P! 0.8 sec µ (A5 rf output) by Duration Generator A2U9, is applied to Modulator A2Q3/Q4 which applies it tO t!le 1030 MHz Signal Generator, in the rf interrogation producing signal. the P1 pulse T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 3 - 3 2 . At the 19psecclockccmnt, Cheek Gate Generator the 19 K sec output the Frequency A3U12&@12B from the Pulse matrix output will be used (5 p sec before P3), in is activated Select by Matrix. The mode 3 the 13 ~ sec pulse (8 ~ sec before P3), and in Mode C, the “O” #see output (21 ~ sec before P3). Frequency Check Gate gates the signal generator on during the 2 psec period when the reply “stop” brack- 3 - 3 8 . et signal frequency is to be checked (by heterodyning the power circuits are actuated with 1030 Mfiz signal and passing through a 60 MHz Control filter. ) The 19 pst?e output and Monitor/Test Delay Generator also activates Window A2UI0 which puts out a delayed window trigger to Window Duration Generator When the Monitor mode of operation is used, AIQ1 rather operation, A2U11, the Control signals activated by the Time Base Generator Since the reply signals being analyzed introduced by A2U1O (figure 3-3). are in response provides a point to introduce vernier delay control in to external the decde to the test set, the, reply search gating function is window timing. interrogations having no time relationship discontinued 3 - 3 3 . The “stop” bracket from the “start” bracket pulse, spaced 20.3 @ec and shaped to 0.1 p sec and replies oscillator signal within the 30 to 50p sec Test Gate also applied to the time of receipt Decode Gate A3U2B. Bracket Decode Delay and Shaper Decode Gate pulse which triggers A3U3/U5. Decode on during the frequency so the modulator check period. as described above: Frequent y Check Trigger is generated and Shaper A3U3/U5 produces a 0.07 p sec pulse at point, and evaluation Sample/Hold pulse. (This From the first goes on as before. The Monitor A3 UIC and D, Clamp A3Q7, and centers the decode pulse cm the frequency and VSWR Monitor Integrator the TEST lamp on for a 2 second period, then off, and on again, At the 21P sec clock count, the P3 modulation pulse is prtiuced. It follows Generator A3U3B/U3C out- to initiate the 5psec Reply to Count Gate Generator 3 - 3 9 . DETAfLED 3 - 4 0 . A “start” bracket reply pulse nominally 0.45 POWER AND CONTROL ASSEMBLY Al. first clock puke (assuming a reply 3 psec after the 1% pulse) will be narrowed to O. 1 p sec by Power Shaper A3U4 and applied The The Test Gate will wply a pulse to Test Gate Generator A3U3D/U3E which will generate a test gate pulse 30 to 50p sec long, applying it to Bracket A3U2B. The test gate is also applied the! Pulse Selection Decode Gate to A2U8A in Matrix readying the 19 psec AND The 0.07 # sec pulse is fed into the Composite Evaluation as low as 17 volts. Power consumption 3 - 4 1 . filter actuates numkr At this time, htegrator/Affer A3U1/UIB Switch to up of AIR11, causes it to actuate &mp Driver Enable A3Q6 and Lamp Switch Ala, giving a GO indication. MWA, termhttig It is then passed through transient suppressor diode A1CR7, and past negative spike clipper A1CR8, after which part goes on out of the Al assembly to the Regulator Assembly A4 (through A4J1 pin 7) while is applied through A1R12 to the emitter A1Q5 (a PNP transistor). When the A1Q5 base is grounded through limiting resistor output stage, the transistor will conduct current through limiting resistor AIR15 light the TEST indicator Base lamp on the control unit. bias for A1Q5 is supplied by A1R13. AC bypass- ing is provided by Al C9 and A1C3. At the same time, 3 - 4 2 . disables Test Enable Gate testing, until the next prf pulse resetn the read gate d is applied TIMfNG ASSEMBLY A2. The basic timing element in the Timing Assembly (Figures 3-5 md 3-5A) is the FET (Field Effect Transistor) to Count Gate ‘Mgger Select A3 U6B causing it to start Count Gate A2Q1. The frequency Generator 20 MHz Crystal A2Y1, connected NUIB for the next interrogation sequence. of oscillation When tests are initiated in interrogation modes other than mode 1, the action is the same except the timing of the PI pulses: in mode for 2, the 16P sec by source and of . 05% or better. Power (+12v) for the oscillator transistor through Oscilktc: is determined between gate, which holds it to an accuracy 3 - 3 7 . by an RC A1C8, and A1C2. and out through pin 8 of the POWER connector lJ1 to A3Q4 A3Q5, and (if a sufficient of correct replies are occurring) Read Gate A3UIMUIB if is less than Incoming +28 volt power is filtered made A1R14 by the evaluator Gate A3?J2C, which puts out a pulse to reset the read gate. It will not be damaged the input should rise to as high as 30 volts or drop to of Lamp Switch Reti Gate A3 UI. This pulse causes 3 - 4 ) . pin 2. Input may vary from 21 to 29 volts without affecting the remainder Gate . 3 - 3 6 . grounded within the 5 ~ sec Reply Search Gate and is accepted. Enable to the test set 16 watts. to Test Enable 0.1 psec pulse falls voltage line is through the test set performance. p sec wide occurring at a point 24 psec after the A3U2A. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION. Primary power at +28 volts is applied The return Gate for as long as the correct replies continue. through pin 1 of POWER connector lJ1 ( f i g u r e A2 UIB to stop the clock pulse counting. interrogation repeating to drive as an input to Reply Search Gate Search Gate, and is applied 3 - 3 5 . A3Q8/Q9 are activated the same path to the rf output as the P1 pulse. The 21 p sec matrix put is also applied a at the 19p sec pdses . ) 3 - 3 4 . The a Test Gate and Reply Count Gate, the trailing edge of the 0.5p sec delay randomly. of a reply start @acket pulse, the test set functions pulse initiates Delay accepted during monitoring, is gated Bracket are test set signal generator is required to supply a local width, falls within the 0.40 p sec window period and A3U2B puts out an “accept” in so the Pulse Select Matrix is not &ctie delay of are generated which feeds the 0.40 psec window pulse to Bracket Gate A3U2B. The A1Q2 A1Q3. In this mode no interrogation T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X , through Monitor Mode. than Test Mode Control is supplied choke A2L1 and resistor A2R2, and is by- pilSSSd by A2CI. Resistor A2R1 and diode A2CR1 3 - 1 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 provide a bias source forthe oscillator signal is coupled gate of A2Q1. one gate (pin 3) of dual gate Oscillator A2Q2. A second permit input to be gated A2C2 to Gate Amplifier on the other gate (pin the transistor The through capacitor 2) will on. This second and Op sec (21 ~sec earlier) and C, res~ectivelv. Whichof for modes 1, 2, 3/A, the NAND gates (other than 2’1 p sic NAND Gate A2u8B) will put out a pulse will be determined by the application to one of the four Mode Gate of a gate signal input lines. For exampl input is a gate pulse from the Count Gate Generator when a mode 1 gate (A2J1 pin 16) is fed in (through A2 U1 B. The 20 MHz output pins 5 and 6 of Mode Gate Inverter of A2Q2 is coupled through A2VR3 to the input (pin 1) of the +4 Counter A2U2, which is enabled The two sections by the count gate from A2u1B. of integrated circuit A2U2 are con- Gate A2U7B (18~ see) in the Pulse Selection When inputs are present on pins The output (pin 13) of section A is fed into A2U4B-5, A2U4A-8, A2U1A-9, the input (pin 5) of section B so that the final output this AND gate will occur only when the 18th clock pulse in the series has entered or 5 MHz. represents 3 - 4 3 . The 5 MHz output of the i-4 Counter (pin 8) is fed into the biquinary integrated-circuit +5 Counter A2U3 which is an decade counter containing vide both a +-2 circuit application and a +-5 circuit, put at pin 1 will be divided input from the +4 Counter to a frequency of lMHz. to pro- The in- by 5 at pin 8. The 5 MHz output. (This This inverted output pulse mode 1 interrogation. passed on to input pin 4 of Duration It is Generator A2U9, which establishes the pulse width as approximately nominally an rf output pulse O. 8 ,u sec in duration. Control and adjust- ment of the pulse duration In this only the + 5 section is employed. the counter). P1 of the an inverted 0.95 ~sec, which will produce four binary counters and two gates interconnected produce and from respectively) at pin 8 is the 20 MHz input frequency divided by 4, will and Matrix. 9, 10, 12, and 13 of A2U7B (from the “O” input of A2U4A, nected so that each section acts as a binary (+2) counter. A2U12F) the gate is applied through diode A2CR9 to pin 11 of AND provided by means from O. 8 to 1.0 psec is of A2R33 and variable resistor A2R34. will now be divided down Counting NOTE occurs during the period of the count gate pulse fed from pin 5 of the Count Gate Generator +5 Counter “clock” or reference Base Generator which provides in time required simulated interrogation modes and for timing for spacing models (Serial No. 4999 and below) the modulation set by selecting signal, is fed into the Time (A2U4/U5/UIA) puts at the points In earlier A2U1B into pins 2 and 3 of the The 1 MHz output, used as a A2U3. pulse duration is a resistance value for A2R12 which will provide a P3 pulse out- the duration of O. 9 ~0. 5 #sec. (Refer pulse pairs in the various to parts listing and usable on codes for range and selection the reply pulse evaluation. of resistance values to be used. ) 3 - 4 4 . The Time Base Generator caded With an input (“clock”) pulses are applied With which are spaced each input pulse, a change various five-section points 3 - 4 7 . (flip-flops). signal frequency of high and low potentials from consists of a cas- series of five binary counters of lMHz, 1 ~sec apart. is made in the pattern on the ten output lines taken in the series of flip-flops. counter is automatically The reset by the 21 p sec gate output. During the same gating period, inputs are being applied to pins 9, 10, 12,. and 13 of NAND Gate A2U8B (21# see) from the “O” input, and from A2U4-9, A2U1A-9, and A2U5-9, respectively. only when the 21st clock This pulse has entered will occur the counter. The 21 p sec output is fed into the Duration Generator A2U9, then the A2U9 output is applied A2Q3 of the Modulator circuit. to Amplifier The 21 ~sec pulse serves as the P3 pulse and the 18 ~sec pulse (3 psec 3 - 4 5 . The ten outputs from the Time Base Generator, plus the 1 MHz input signal, are connected NAND gates of the Pulse Selection U8 in such a way that a certain into the six Matrix A2U6/U7/ NAND gate will give earlier) serves as the P1 pulse in the interrogation. The combined signal is sent out of the A2 assembly (through A2J1 pin 7) as the signai lation signal. The maximum level generator an output only at a point in the pulse counting sequence put is adjusted when the proper pattern of the modulation signal minimum level is determined its input lines. of high potentials exists on Thus, NAND Gate A2U6A will give an output only at the “O” time point, A2U6B at the 13 ~ sec point, A2U7A at the 16 ~ sec point, and A2U7B, by means settable modu- of the A2Q3 out- of A2R20. The output level is set by A2R21, while the The A2R20 and A2R22 adjustments by A2R22. calibrate the R-F OUT control A2R21. A2U8A, and A2U8B at the 18 psec, 19P see, and 21 ~ sec points, respectively. The outputs from Time Base Generator are shown graphically in 3 - 3 . T a b l e puts required 3 - 1 the f i g u r e shows the Pulse Selection Matrix in - to obtain the various outputs. 3 - 4 8 . Modulator A2Q3, fed by the interrogation from Duration Generator able output, permitting through Gated Amplifier generator 3 - 4 6 . The 21 psec output is used to develop the P3 pulse in all modes, while from the outputs occurring the P1 pulse is developed at 18 psec (3 ~sec earlier). 16 psec (5 psec earlier), 13P sec (8p sec earlier), 3 - 1 2 providing pulses A2U9, provides an ad] ust - controj of the rf signal level A5A1Q2 to the harmonic in Multiplier/Mixer Cavity A5Z1, and thus control of the test set rf output level. Modulator A2Q4, driven by the reply Frequent Check Generator A2U12A/U12B full supply potential y switches nearly the onto the Gated Amplifier A5A1Q2, T . O . N A V A I R 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 1 6 - 3 5 T S 1 8 4 8 - 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 3 - 4 . Power and Control Assembly Al and Regulator Assembly A4, Schematic Diagram 3-13/(3-14 blank) T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1848-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 F i g u r e 3 - 5 . Timing Assembly A2, Schematic Diagram (Ser. Nos. Below 5000) 3-15/(3-16 blank) T . O . N A V A I R 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 1 6 - 3 5 T S 1 8 4 8 - 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 3 - 6 . Timing Assembly A2, Schematic Diagram (Ser. Nos. 5000 and Higher) 3-17/(3-18 blank) T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 prducing muimum drive ad maximum rf output. marily by A3R3 and PRF Adjust potentiometer A3R2. The R-F OUT level control A2R21 has dial markings On assemblies (Serial No. 12,048 and higher) the indicating chargfng rate of A3C2 is prtmarily -55, accurately -65, and calibrated -75 dbm. The control is at these points bv means of the PRF adjust potentiometer A2mo anti MR22. the proper resistance 3 - 4 9 . negative determined by A3R2 and selection cd value from 68 Kohm to 100 Kohm for resistor A3R3. When the UJT f frets, a The m~e 2, 3/A, and C modulation pulse pairs are developed in a similar Mode Gate-bverter manner. In mode pulse is developed at base 2 @ 4) whfch is coupled through A3C4 to one input (pin 9) of the 2. A2U12E is used for the m&fe Read Gate A3UlA~UlB. The same pulse is coupled gate input, while in modes 3 I’A and C, Mode Gate through A3C3 to the emitter-follower hverters as an external A2U12D and A2U12C are used. The P1 pulse is prduced in mode 2 by the 16~ sec AND developed Gate A2U?A, while in modes 31A and C, the 13P sec nected directly AND Gate (NU6B) and the OP see AND Gate (A2U6A) Trigger Select circuit A3U6B. are used. A3Q3 for use sync signal. A positive pulse is also at base 1 (pin 2) of the UFT which is conto input pin 9 of the Count Gate In all modes the 21 Asec AND Gate A2U8B is used to prduce the I?3 pulse. 3 - 5 4 . The function of the gating transistor A3Q1 is to reset the timing cycle during the Test Gate interval 3 - 5 0 . During &e reply frequsmc y check, the output of in order to establish a fixed duration timing cycle the 19 p sec AND Gate UU8A is applied to the Window when the Test Set is in the monitor Delay Generator A3QI is gated on by the Test Gate, discharging Generator MUIO which drives Window A2UI 1 to prduce a Bracket Duration Decode witw dow gate pdse which is fed out of the assembly A2JI pin 2 to the Bracket Evaluator Assembly. able by Window Decode Gate A3U2B in the The delay of A2 U1O is adjust- Nlay Adjust A2R28, while duration is set by selecting cm assemblies Serial semblies through the A2U11 the proper A2R15 value No. 1 through using board Serial 4999. OrI as- No. 5000 and higher, the A2?JII wtidw duration is controlled ed by means of A2R35 and variable and adjust- forcing the charge timing the termination discharge mode of operation. of the Test Gate period. at As this mode is more thorough than the UJT emitter discharge, rapid partial recharge of the timing capacitor is provided via clamp diode A3CFtl. The test set may be sync-locked equipment to external test (operating at an equal or slightly higher prf) by the application of the external sync signal through A3TP1, A3R4, and A3C2 to the UJT emitter. resistor A2R36. The psec output of Frequency Check 3 - 5 5 . @nerator A2U1 W/Ul 2B is applied to Modula- able tor A2Q4 which puts it cm the output line of Modulator ing of two cross-coupled dual-input A2Q3 so that it also goes out cm the Signal Generator is switched Modulation put of the prf generator. line. The output A3C2, cycle to be reinitiated of the 21A sec AND Gate The Read Gate A3 UIA/B identifies an accept- reply evaluation. This is a binary unit consist- gate elements. It can be set to the “Read” A2U8B is put out through pin 3 of A2JI as the Reply state only by a trigger from the composite Search Gate, Trigger and Clock Count term ination. gate A3U2C, 3 - 5 1 . the absence of acceptable evaluation and will be reset by the next prf trigger. Note that the read gate may be “off” continuously EVALUATOR ASSEMBLY A3. This assembly contains the prf generator cm self synchronization circuitry which programs the test cycle, evaluation circuitry which defines the acceptability transponder replies, and control circuitry to enable the TEST lamp switch when a G(3 decision has been achieved. Trmsponder reply analysis reply power level, reply bracket frequency, and antenna system ever, it can remain Recurrence is based upon pulse spacing, reply off until the termination PRF Generator of a unijunction A3Q1/Q2/Q3 consists essentially transistor (UJT) relaxation oscillator A3Q2 with a reset (gating) transistor and an isolation amplifier which provides an output for synchronizing Generator external develops which determines amplifier equipment. The (prf) of the simulated interrogation PRF frequency signal (Pl and P3). It also resets the read gate and count gate circuits at the same rate. PEW’ Generator adjustable by The frequ?ncy of operation is nmninallv PRF Adjust Enable Gate A3U2A. cap&itor transistor A3Q4. switch higher (12 v) voltage Monitor integrator A3C2 is determined pro- levels used for the Test and 3 - 5 6 . Test evaluations are initiated the prf generator by an output of supplying a trigger, via A3U6 count gate trigger select, to the timing causing test interrogations to be generated assembly of the selected and routed A2, test mode to the transponder, as discussed under A2 and A7. the PWR probe of the directional levei. transistor systems. 3 - 5 7 . the triggering charging rate of capacitor The Gate of from the 5 volt logic system to the C-ontroi fires when the voltage A3C~ reach& of the Read of the ‘- The basic oscillator is the unijunction transistor A3Q2 which re~eatedlv The ON state 400 DIM (i 50 PPS), ‘A3R2. The OFF state is translated to a high output at the collector The Transponder modulated 3 - 5 3 . cycle. A3Q1 a synchronizing trigger signal the basic pulse repetition it is reset of the next of the Read Gate provides a high input to the Test vides a transition 3 - 5 2 . in replies; how- in the Read State for the Pulse successful test and evaluation switch VSWR. transponder Time (PRT) only, whereupon and remains of the It to the “off” state (A3TP3 high) by an out- across The pri- Reply signal is sampled and fed into the Evaluator via A3J1 pin 12, to the attenuator Power Level Detector Assembly network A3R46, A3R47. The R-F IN control ployed to adjust the pulse (positive) the by coupler A7, de- A3R46 A3, A3R45, is em- voltage level into A3Q1O and A3Q11. A3Q1O 3 - 1 9 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 is a pulse amplifier voltage biased beyond cut-off by the established emitter load by A3Q11 (O. 07 ~sec) shaped, across the common A3R49. This bias level derived. is adjustable (by the CAL ADJ control A3R51) to enable proper calibration A3u4. The exceed the bias threshold function of A3U4, one-shot multivibrator, an integrated is to standardize of all transponder an acceptable 3 - 5 9 . on the signal processing chain; is available alignment the circuit the width Note that code be processed but have no effect are the Reply Bracket the significant pulses Pulses. The shaped Reply Video at A3TP4 for reference and equipment by Test Enable Gate A3u2A and In the Test mode, precautions response to the internally This security is provided which delays urements A3J1 pin 13. The the signal to permit ensuing mess- to be taken at the center pulse for the best accuracy. VSWR Recognition circuit of each signal It is then applied the reject A3U2C as one of its three inputs. is available are taken to in- A3Q13 Evaluation Gate The VSWR signal at A3TP6. reply being analyzed generated is the test interrogation. by the 5 p sec Reply Search 3 - 6 0 . The reply frequency Signal Generator A3C21 to the Timing of the Reply Search the triple Assembly A2. The Gate and the Read Gate “off” at input Test Enable pulse of a reply (normally Gate 50 p sec Test Gate Generator 3 + O. 5 ~ sec trigger to the A2 clock a decode timing system via A3CR18, an enable check pulse and the bracket outputs), Gate A3U2B, an enable gate decode to the Bracket interrogations In the Monitor are not generated, Gate binary multivibrator via mode, internal hence The presence of three acceptable acceptable topped bracket test the Reply is continuously signals at the decode fixed-amplitude ( P a r a . 3 - 5 5 ) . input is a narrow, positive pulse. The acceptabl to the reply pulse. able VSWR level is indicated The acceptable approximately This pulse reply frequency 3 volts in amplitude frequency pulse). input is a pulse with a curved shape is the result of slight transponder (An unaccept- by a low-level Since the amplitude input pulse is most representative Read Gate inhibits reply signal processing to a rate less than that of the internal mode of operation, initiation prf generator. the timing sequence In either started by the transponder frequency, at the center the bracket of the decode of the input is delayed and narrowed so that it coincides center of the frequency pulse with the input pulse. of the Test Gate will result in a bracket decode window (as measured initiating of the in at the edges of the transmitted rf pulse. action top. variations frequency that the The flat- VSWR input is a high level pulse, corresponding interrogations. however, at Gate results in a trigger pulse enabled to allow random entry of replies to external Note, The required check pulse is available inputs of the Evaluation roughly in duration Decode and a reset gate to the PRF timer the base of A3Q1. A3Q14. Gate A3U2C as one of its three The frequency output which turns on the Read Gate start gate to the A2 pulse selection “19” ~sec tap (enabling the frequency Buffer A3TP5. 3 - 6 1 . to trigger the A3U3D/E. The Test outputs provide of Frequency permits the first positioned with respect to the test interrogation) Gate Generator presence base Assembly through capacitor output of A3Q14 is applied to pin 9 of the Composite inputs. of the check signal from Receiver/ A5 is fed into the Evaluator A3 through A3J1 pin 8 and coupled Evaluation from timing between assembly A2, 20.15 psec A3TP4 and A2TP4) transponder pulse (normally after the the first brack- et pulse). 3 - 6 2 . The single trigger pulse from the A3U2C Cum- posite Evaluation Gate, which triggered Gate A3Ul A/B (see able reply The triple-input bracket decode by the Test Gate, the Bracket the shaped reply video pulse is positioned gate A3U2B is enabled Decode Window, pulses. If the second within the limits and bracket of 20.10 to 20.50 p a r a . evaluation; replies are required multiple, must not result delay be triggered. than 10 correct A3U5 will performance test set requirement (The foregoing characteristic; is that bracket spacing the of 20.3 replies must be transmitted GO condition must have a duration seconds. functions not be accepted. Reild Gate switch A3Q4. one-shot multivibrator which generates nominally O. 5 p sec in duration. and inversion in A3C13, A3R42, A3U5, is a a gate pulse By differentiation and A3U3F, a narrow to In the 5 and no more at a rate of at least 20.3 + 0.3 vsec will be ) The active delay generator, at least 100 pps to give a GO indication, ~ejected, and spacings between these–limits mayor may +0.15 Usec will be accepted, replies must be re- in a GO indication. Monitor mode of operation, timer correct of the Test Lamp. and fewer than 5@ correct output will occur and the decode an optimum one accept- 8W0 of the test interrogations give a GO indication replies sequential for activation In the Test mode of operation ceived to at least the Read 3 - 5 5 ) identifies p sec, a useful decode 3 - 2 0 thresh- This output is inverted by Amplifier old level. Gate A3U3B/C, triggered by a pulse from the P3 cites to the (A3Q12) which produces high output only if the signal exceeds position Search Assembly through signal is passed through O. 18 psec Delay Line A3DLl Decode Gate A3U2B. sure that the transponder timing evalua- The voltage represent ing the VSWR is fed into Evaluator and applied to pin 11 of the Composite purposes, and is employed as one of the inputs required 3 - 5 8 . are reply pulses which power threshold. pulses will likewise Bracket vides one input ~o the triple in-put composite tion gate A3U2C. by A3Q1O and trigger the Power Shaper and amplitude meet decode pulse is at A3TP7 and pro- of the R-F IN control A3R46. Pulses which significantly amplified delayed bracket This pulse is displayed These integration are provided and the of at least 2 and Test lamp activation by the circuitry driven by the T . O . N A V A I R 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 1 6 - 3 5 T S 1 8 4 8 - 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 3 - 7 . Evaluator Assembly A3, Schematic Diagram 3-21/(3-22 blank) T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - I h either the Test cm Monitor mde of operation the Again, when the potential of A3C1O becomes suffi- A3@ switch output will be an mplified, ciently representation of the waveform at A3 TP3; that is, when the Read Gate is cm, the collector be h~h. When multiple waveform inverted evtiuations of A3Q4 will are occwring the nominaUy 2500 ~sec. The off portion will vary from nominally 45 p sec, with continuous to several multiples correct replies, of 2500p sec. In the Test mode, capacitive integrator A3R18/A3C5/UR19 /A3C6 at the emitter of buffer A3Q5 exceeds breakdmn vol@e though the of A3VRI, the drive current AIQ5 to b enabled, thus supplym 3 - 6 3 . VOLTAGE REGULATOR A4. The A P X Test Set will operate from a power source having a voltage by input voltages as low as 17 volts or as RAD TEST/OUT/MON position. TEST position or the cause Regulator Control integration is ac- 3 - 6 4 . The +28 volt input power is fed into Regulator basis. The selection through the collector-emitter of the Monitor a virtual ground from the catide ing the Monitor Sample/Hold function removes of A3CR1O, allow- binary multivibrator $imdtmeously, the output of buffer Sample/Hold vibrator acts as a steering device; binary multi- if pin 3 is high A3Q7 is cut off the collector A3R32 A3Q6. When is high and A3Q6 drive is and A3CR13. The A4J1 pin 7. Current flows junction in the 12 volt Regulation of the second Darlington pair volt output going through resistor A4R1 O and out through pin 2 of A4J1. Part of the 12-volt output is fed through the collector second transistor of clamp A3~ will be low and there will bs no input to the L-p hiver Enable transistor A4 through A4U1 which acts as a dropping regulator for the 12- via A3CR5 by the low state of invert- Monitor through 5 volts and 12 volts to the test set circuits. Assembly the collector A1Q4 to actuate Regulator Assembly A4 which supplies regulated current to the In the monitor mde of operation, er A3U6A. The 3 - 4 ) switch is placed in the MON complished on a counting rather than on an averaging A3Q5 is inhibited ( f i g u r e when my one of the four A ground provided by any one of these will indirectly TEST lamp. A3UI to function. T S - 1 8 4 3 B / ranging from 21 to 29 volts. It will not be damaged held in the spring-loaded to the kse of Lamp Driver Enable A3Q6 provided replies are being transmitted. Mode- Enable toggle switches on the control unit is is to drw and the F&W lamp switch transistor remote and allowing the cycle to transponder is turned on automatically A3RI0 -d A3CR7, causing the collector vol@e if acceptable high as 30 volts. Voltage Regulator A4 averages the read gate rate and when the aver~e prmided repeat at this point will be a ncms ymmetricd ;quare wave ~ with the duration 0% the *‘high** portion voltage positive A3Q9 will fire, resetting the Sample/ Hold binary multivibrator -emitter junction in the 5 volt Regulation of the Darlington pair A4U2 which drops and regulat :s it to a 5-volt level. The 5-volt output is fed out through pin 1 of A4J1. collector of A3W will be high, and current will flow into A3C 10 3 - 6 5 . through A3R25 and A3R23 via A3CR6 if the collector A4R8, A4R6, and A4R’7 (shunted by reference of AW4 is high, as it will be durtig a Read Gate on A4VR5) between the +12 volt line and ground, pro- perid. vides a reference A3CR6 prevents discharge of A3CI0 the off time of the Read Gate. The charging during The resistive voltage Regulation time diode A4VR4, above are required to raise the potential of the A3Q9 the reference emitter to the firing integration replies, noise, pair A4U2. The reference the 5 volt reference, prwides bias for the +12 volt regulator pair A4U1 . point. In order to avoid long of spurious etc. a slow discharge path is provided via A3R33, A3CR14, The 12-volt and A3R34$ thrmgh clamp turned on and off by means of Gn-Off Control of A3CI0 is sufficiently A3Q7. When the potential positive, current &rough buffer A3Q by diode action diode bias for the input base of the 5 Volt Darlington constant is such that 5 ta 10 Read Gate on periods term divider consisting of regulator (and thus the entire The power turn-on passed (the collector sequence supply) is A4Q1. is as follows: is low at this point] will trigger the Unijunction Switch When not monitoring (o~ testing), trmsistor from pin 3 of lJ1 on the Power and Control Assembly A3@, discharging A3C1O, and providing ground is removed a trigger pulse through inverter A3 U6C, to switch Al, so the AICR1 anode is ungrounded the Monitor tive voltage applied through A1R3 and AIR1 O causes Swple/Hold binary rnultivibrator. The collector of A3Q7 wU1 now be high, and Lamp Driver AICR1 Enable A3@ will be driven on through A3R31, A3R32 positive potential developed and A3CR13, enabling to the base of Monitor Mode Cent rol Al Q1 keeps it remote TEST lamp. the lamp switch A1Q5 and the Note that with the collector of through Charging current is now supplied A3R31 and A3R34, a relatively ance; hence the charging interval duration (greater than to A3C1O high resist- During ON. In order to minimize shunt loading A1R2 to ground. Control conducting, re- and The voltage NPN Regulator collector voltage of through A4R2 and A4R1 in the Regulator A4J1 pin 8, and back through A1R1O to the +28 volt line. When Al Q4 is not conducting, the base of PNP transistor is kept positive by the voltage trmsistor +28 volt line, and A4Q1 does follower. collector its positive operating provide the required firing current the coupling A3Q8 now ads as an emitter the condition A1Q4 is non-conducting. A1Q4 obtains The across A1R2 and applied Assembly A4, out again through this charging interval the TEST lamp enable circuitry mtins While A4JI pin 6 through is of extended 2 seconds). conducting. through of AIQ1 is low, under which A3@ low the step charging current to A3C1O is disabled. to conduct and the posi- A4Q1 from A4R1 tied to the not conduct. The 3 - 2 3 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 potential onthe base of the input transistor volt Regulator conduct, 3 - 6 6 . A4U1 is relatively and the regulator is applied Diode case switch on the of AICR1 (through lJ1 pin 3 AICR1 is back-biased RECEIVER/SIGNAL assembly in the MON position, a ground to the anode and AIR1). 3 - 7 0 . acts as an open switch. When the RAD TEST/OUT/MON control unit is placed of 12 low, it does not so that for rf shielding result, the AIQ1 Regulator collector Control conducting, voltage conducting. A1Q4 to conduct. When base of PNP transistor As a A1Q4 is set transmitter. to the Directional it is injected transponder line Cavity is in the A5 Probe Assembly A7, coupler into the for test purposes. This local oscillator ing the transponder those This signal by the directional antenna as the receiver A4Q1 which permits A4Q1 to It con- functions: which simulates 1030 MHz signal is also used in the for the A4Q1, in turn, acts as a path to the +28 conduct. section rf signal fed from the Multiplier/Mixer goes high, causing it acts as a ground connection generator an interrogator where stops and physical protection. provides a 1030 MHz assembly AIQ1 A5, The A5 The signal pulse-mcdulated relatively and GENERATOR ]s enclosed in an aluminum two different does not conduct, the base potent ial of AIQ1 goes negative 3-7) tains circuits which perform from it (figure T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X signal for heterodyn- reply signals down to the 60 MHz i-f. volt line (through A4R3) for the input base of 12 volt Regulation Darlington pair A4U1. A4U1 now conducts, providing a path for the power supply current. 3 - 7 1 . The 1090 MHz reply signal entering the receiver section through the directional or is picked 3 - 6 7 . Similarly, when in the Test mode of operation, a ground is supplied to the tarily placing switches TS-1843B/APX by momen- unit in the TEST Generator (heterodyned) one of the four Mode Enable toggle on the control the multiplier/Mixer Signal position. The signal from the signal diodes (A ICR1l through A1CR14) to the anode of frequency A1CR2 which normally ceeding is supplying a positive voltage ducting. Grounding the anode of A1CR2 it so that the A1Q2 base goes relatively voltage Regulator Control described before. A1Q4, causing frequency circuits, signal while signal is fed through capacitive of toroidal, Over-Current Protection Excessive transistor A4Q3 i-f signal. current through A4R1O will feedthrough A5C2 to the transformer section. A5A1T3 feeds the signal to the base of Amplifier The secondary amplifier for the effects FREQ DISC ADJ potentiometer cause NPN transistor mon emitter in effect shorting the base of the first NPN transistor 12 volt Regulation Darlington in the collector pair A4U1, and causing leg. it changes A5A1R23 in the com- The output of A5A1Q6 (across load resistor row ba]ldpass is very stable; of gain by means of the a larger positive potential to develop which will A4Q3 to conduct, to the input of temperature and it permits ready control of made up of A5A1Q5 This type of circuit compensates cause (60 The 60 MHz A5Al T3 in the receiver and A5A1Q6. drop across A4R1 O (through sum- by the suc- A5Al Q4. The output of A5A1Q4 is applied “senses” the voltage A4R9). is rejected broadband coupling of the emitter-coupled 3 - 6 8 . generating The from mixer diode A5CR2 in the cavity assembly primary as 1030 MHz section, products. as the low, stopping it to conduct it is mixed the difference-frequency is accepted back-biases is passed through A1CR5 to the base of A5Z1 in the Receiver/ A5, where generator (2120 MHz) MHz) signal The resulting rise in A1Q2 collector conduction. main conduct- with the crystal-controlled sum and difference A1CR3 to the base of A1Q2 to keep it con- Cavity Assembly ground is applied through one of the four coupling through coupler off by the SIG GEN probe. It is fed into filter A5A1R21) is fed into the nar- A5A1 FL1. This 60 MHz bandpass the regulator to go into lower conduction so that it filter consists of seven parallel-resonant sections does not overload. (high side capacitively an overall coupled) providing passband of 6.2 to 6.8 MHz at the 6 db-down points 3 - 6 9 . the Over-Voltage Protection transistor A4Q2 senses input voltage (through the positive input voltage down threshold Zener diode exceeds A4VR1). When causing This sharply skirted break- down-converted a transponder, the backward of A4VR1, it conducts, and less than 7.5 MHz at the 12 db-down points. Evaluation Gate is applied discrimination Protection sistor, transistor A4Q2. so the positive in effect shorting potential is an NPN tran- causes it to conduct, the base of the input transistor 12 Volt Regulation regulator A4Q2 Darlington A4C2 shunting (paragraph may be narrowed the the 3 - 7 2 . Generator present diodes a path to the constant 60 MHz the 60 MHz filter A5A1FL1. couples age which are above approximately 72 volts in Amplifier amplitude. Also, present A5AIQ7 serves to demodulate impedance path to ground for negative pulsations. 3 - 2 4 series diodes a low transient The termination final it across the base and emitter A5AIQ7. 60 MHz signal. the emitter for inductor in has a secondary winding which ground for positive transient spikes in the input volt- the which provides a high impedance Filter A5A1Q7 in A5 is a non-loading, relatively A4VR3 and A4VR2, in series, slightly A5A1R23. The output Detector/Amplifier Receiver/Signal gain-producing circuit element by transient voltage breakdown (Zener) This or broadened of the 1. F. Gain Adjust so that it cannot be actuated ) Backward to provide frequency detection. input to A4U1 serves to slow down the shut-off action pulsations. with the Composite 3-51) by amplitude on the range of the in pair A4U1, causing to turn off. (Capacitor characteristic by means frequency acts in conjunction positive potential to develop at the top of A4R4 which through A4R5 to the base of Over-Voltage filter section, centered acceptable of Detector,/ The base-to-emitter junction of the pulse-modulated Video is produced by “bootstrapping’ load, giving a useful output of 1 to 5 volts T . O . N A V A I R 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 1 6 - 3 5 T S 1 8 4 8 - 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 F i g u r e 3 - 8 . Remiver/Si@al Genemtor A5, VWRAdjwt Aswmb]y A6,and Dimctioml Coupler Aswmbly A7, Schematic Diadgram. 3-25/(3-26 blank) T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 of demddated delayed si~a. The output signal, which is approximately 0.2 psec with respect to the Adjust Assembly is used as one of the. inputs reverse breakdown diode, 1090 MM reply input, for the Composite Evaluation Gate A3 U2C after pass- ing through Frequency Buffer A3Q14. 3 - 7 7 . VSWR All?UST ASSEMBLY A6. The VSWR A6 contains five fixed resistors, and two variable As shown in the schematic diagram, resistive dividers, each with an adjustable 3 - 7 3 . The signal generator section of the A5 assembly consists of 85.833 MHz Oscillator bplifier Multiplier/Mixer Gatecf A5A1Q3, and Cavity A5 221. The crystal-control- led continuous-wave of better A5A1QI, A5AI Q2, Tuned Amplifier oscillator circuit has an accuracy than +0. 5 MHz. nected to a common output proportional the tap, and both con- line. The positive voltage to the forward reply signal (A6P1 pin 1) through the voltage A6VR1, VSWR potentiometer it exceeds The FET oscillator A5AIQI is free-i-unning; 3 - 8 , as two voltage entering through A6P1 pin 2 causes current to flow tcs ground divider made up of A6R6, and A6R7 (when the 4.3 volt breakdown threshold of A6VR1). The negative 3 - 7 4 . f i g u r e network may be considered voltage signal entering proportional to the reflected through A6P1 pin 4 causes current to its cw output is gated cm and off by the Gated flow to ground through the voltage divider made up Ampltiier is gatecf of signal movable arms of the two potentiometers A5AIQ2. ‘Me Gated Amplifier cm wd off by the pulses in the modulation from Timing oscillation Assembly A2. The frequency is determined A5AIY1, connected of between the transistor coil A5A1L1. (+12 volts) for the oscillator transistor A6R3, CAL connected gate and Power A6R2, and A6R1. The are each through a 2. 4K resistor (A6R4 and A6R8) for a given ratio of forward to reflected potentiometers is supplied through A5AILI and is decoupled by capacitor potentiometer to the common line on A6Pl pin 3. It is seen thqt by 85.833 MHz crystal the tap cm the source tuning a resistors. voltages A5A1C3. so that the tapped voltages junction, signal, the may be set for equal and opposite giving a zero cancel at the error signal, or they may be Resistor A5AIRI and diode A5AICRI provide a set to produce a desired output voltage for actuation ground return for the gate of A5A1 Q1. The drain is of the circuits to follow. returned A61i6 is an external to ground through A5A1 R2, bypassed by A5AIC6. The capacitor Gated oscillator signal is coupled through able A5AIC4 to one gate (pin 3] of dual-gate Amplifier gate (pin 2) will ~rmit the transistor to be gated on. ‘I’be second input is the mdulation Timing Assembly The pulse-modulated from A5A1Q2 is coupled A5AITI to the collector signal from the A2, fed into the A5 assembly through A5P1 pin 1. through toroidal base of hplifier load of rf amplifier output transformer output The and adjustment feed-through is provided gain of the rf amplifier capacitor A5C1. by slug-tuning is tberm~ly emitter circuit. A5AIRT1 Timing The identified. 9, and 12 db threshold is marked adjusts the small back bias applied to A5CR1. produced The CAL potentio- will be accurate to the next. in this circuit The is fed out of the A6 assembly through A6PI Pin 3 and into the Evacuation Assembly A3 through A3J1 pin 13. 3 - 7 8 . DIRECTIONAL COUPLER ASSEMBLY A7. The tained in Directional consists of parts t!on- Probe Assembly contained in the overall A7 and parts TS-1843B/APX for the directicmal housing. The coupler is a rod running the length of the unit in a special channel in the main casting, enclosed from the center ductor of the ANTENNA ccmnector The 1030 M& signal is fed into the Multiplier/ Mtier Cavity Assembly A5ZI through capacitive tbrough A5CI and harmonic generator feed- diode A5CR1. The cavity is tuned to the twelfth harmonic of 85.833 MIIz (approximately 1030 M~]. This signal is capacitively in the Directional 1030 MHz coupled to the SIG GEN probe Probe Assembly A’7 for injection into the transponder antenna line. This signal and “error” is also used as the 10CZI oscillator signal in the receiver section. 3 - 8 ) . RF gasketing end to prevent Directional is provided rf leakage con- at one end to the TRANSPONDER connector at the other end 3 - 7 5 . in the contrul so that the 6, settings from one unit main conductor load in the thermally specifically Direct ional Coupler Assembly adjusted by A5AIRT2, which shunts a degenerative A5AIQ3 of A5A1T2. dial from 6 to 12 db with the 6, 9, and 12 is used to calibrate agree used to set the accept- control by in the seccmd - ary (to 85.833 M&) by the series combination A5AIC13 meter voltage A5A1Q3 is provided A5A1T2, resonated db points will transformer A5A1Q3. of VSWR. The db increments A second input on the other A5AIQ2. level The VSWR potentiometer control ( f i g u r e in the channel at each around the connectors. The Probe Assembly A7 is on a rectangular plate which fits over the channel containing the rod, positioning the three coupler probes in proximity to the rod. The Directional Probe Assembly A7 con- tains (in addition to the three rf probes) the Detector Filter Assembly A7FL1, two detector diodes A7CR1 and A7CR2, and three temninat tng resistors A7R1, A7R2, and A7R3. The POWER probe is positioned so as to take a sample of the rf energy passing down 3 - 7 6 . When m~ing reply frequency checks, the 85. 833 MHz oscillatw Ampltiier ing the mticipated arrival (initiated Selection signal is gated through the Gatect A5A1Q2 for 2 ~sec at maximum level dur - period of second bracket pulse the line from the transponder to the antenna, the VSWR probe is positioned in the opposite so as to take a sample of the reflected while manner energy coming back down the line from the antenna to the transponder. by the 19 sec pulse from the Pulse Matrix A2U6/U7 r U8. ) 3-27 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 (The POWER probe is approximately has more than 20 db directivity, probe is approximately 33 db directivity. resistor 20 db down with more than ) Both probes are terminated A7FL1 at the other end. they The rf signal, A3. appear as an integral resistors into the A7 plate SIG GEN probe is positioned are The so as to take a sample reply signals. circuit Assembly receiver, transmitter in the Signal A5, and when testing it couples in the rf test from the signal generator. by out so that part of the assembly. the transponder into the test receiver Generator/Receiver signal rectified 26 db down with more than 20 db ) It couples the transponder A6 and the Evaluation The three terminating in shields soldered of the transponder 3 - 2 8 in a by the filter and passed to the VSWR Adjust Assembly Assembly signal diode (A7CR1 and A7CR2) to the diodes, is smoothed is approximately directivity. the VSWR (A7R2 and A7R3) at the end and coupled through a detector enclosed 20 db down and while (The SIG GEN probe 3 - 7 9 . When the TS-1843B/APX or not operating, the main Coupler Assembly the transponder of the assembly test set is operating rod of the Directional provides a direct and its antenna. link between The insertion 10SS is less than O. 5 db and it will increase the VSWR by no more than 1.1 to 1. T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 SECTION DESCRIPTION 4 - 1 . IV OF SYSTEM TIE-IN GENERAL. is controlled by Transponder 4 - 2 . This section describes the integration Test Set, Transponder Set operational TS-1843B/APX lFF/SIF transponder 1 8 4 3 B / A P X to be employed performance by the or of the T S - into the system will cause no more than 0.5 db insertion increase sets. Installation loss and no more than a 1. 1:1 the TS-1843B/APX within The ‘l%- 1843 13/APX is installed antenna connection IFF/SIF antenna when the TEST lamp on Set Control unit parameters spacing) or the antenna the predetermined is assumed 4 - 4 . The system is evaluated is lit. If one or of the transmitted reply signals (peak powe; , signal frequent TIE-IN. between the lit. of a transponder and the associated as shown in f i g u r e 4 - 1 . Its operation F i g u r e 4 - 1 . the (Monitor or on a GO/NO-GO basis. The more of the evaluated in VSWR. EQUIPMENT of the transponder Transponder C-6280( ) of the IFF mode for test interrogations. GO condition is indicated bracket 4 - 3 . TS-1843B/APX Test) and also permits selection T S - is intended primarily for use with Trans- transponder 1 8 4 3 B / A P X operational mode of the into an system. The ponder Sets AN/APX-64(V) and AN/APX-72 equivalent of the Set Control The control determines /APX (or equivalent). y, or line VSWR are not limits, a NO-GO condition on the basis of the TEST lamp not being The individual from the TS-1843B/APX signal and control lin~s to and are identified in figure 4 - 2 . System Installation Diagram 4 - 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 4-2. 4 - 2 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 S E C T I O N INTERMEDIATE 5 - 1 . 5 - 2 . GENERAL. mediate (field) level maintenance A P X . of the At this level of maintenance preset controls, to perform T S - 1 8 4 3 B / the technician adjustments simple adjustments of external of the internal c ireuitry. troubleshoot ing for locating faulty plug-in modules, and repair of parts or components will not require recalibration placen~ent or repair tion, the which of the unit. If the re - of a module TS-1843B/APX depot specializing section MAINTENANCE 5 - 3 . This secticm contains instructions for inter- will be required V requires recalibra- should be forwarded to the in this work. No repair of the rf should be attenlpted 5 - 4 . OPERATIONAL CHECKOUT. CHECKOUT PROCEDURE. the TS-1843B/APX. OUT control to maximum maximum the procedure external controls have been changed during the check- out, it will be necessary to reset them to the desired test points, and adjustments 5 - 2 and 5-3. test pcdnts applicable In t a b l e are shown 5 - 1 are listed the to this level of maintenance, along with a short functional description. limits, this is an indication ment. Proceed to isolate the fault to a specific ule or section by applying a logical 5-1. Intermediate Level (Bench) n~od- troubleshooting procedure such as that given in f i g u r e use of the schematic that there is rather than only a misadjust- 5 - 4 and making diagrams, parts location trations, and other aids provided Operation section. Figure p a r a g r a p h If correct indications cannot be obtained with actually a malfunction of the the faulty in- having been too stringent. When the settings of these the relaxed in f i g u r e s because dications may have been caused by the preset limits shooting is shown in The locations R-F level, and the R-F IN control to minimum level, and repeat The basic hnch test setup for checkout and trouble- assen~blies, reset the external level, the VSWR control to limits before returning to service (see at this level. 5 - 1 . bench check of If incorrect indications are ob- tained during the checkout, 5 - 1 1 ) . f i g u r e The following pro- cedure can be used for an operational illus- in the Theory of Test Setup 5 - 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NOTE Step 2. Set the controls on C-6280 (on AN/APM239) as listed in t a b l e For detailed operational 137, AN/UPM-98( proceties ), AN/APM-239, 362, refer to the applicable for AN/UPM- Step 3. Set C-6280 MASTER switch to NORM. and AN/APM- technical manuals Step 4. Hold C-6280 M-1 Mode Enable switch in TEW position. The TEST lamp should go on. for these equipments. Step 5. While holding the M-1 Mode Enable switch in the TEST Step 1. Connect the equipment shown in figure on the test bench as Figure position, disconnect 5 - 2 . 5-3. Assembly and External Adjustment Test Point and Internal the cable from the ANTENNA comector on the 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . 5-1. F i g u r e 5 - 2 5-2. Locations Adjustment T S . The TEST lamp should go out. Locations T . O . NAVAIR 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 16-35TS1843-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 Figure 5-4. Troul)leshm)tinc Chnrt 5-3/(5-4 blank) T . O . NAVAIR 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 T a b l e 5 - 1 . List of Test Points R e f e r e n c e N o r m a l Designation A 2 T P 1 Function 20 MHz A2Q2 A 2 T P 2 A 2 T P 4 A 2 T P 5 Oscillator 0utput Divide-by-5 Output A 2 T P 3 Gated R e a d i n g counter (Clock A2U3 20 +100 KHz Gated 1 MHz MHz Signal) Modulation Duration A2U9 Output Window Duration Bracket Decode Modulator Gated W a v e s h a p e Generator 0.8 +0.1 µsec p u l s e s A2U11 Output A2Q3/Q4 RF Pairs O u t p u t + 0 . 1 of 0.8 µ s e c p u l s e s A 3 T P 1 E A 3 T P 2 SYNC X T S Y OUT READ C I Output G e n e r a t o r A 3 T P 3 N N of (input) PRF A 3 Q l / Q 2 / Q 3 GATE Output 400 ± 50 pps p u l s e s of A 3 U 1 A 3 T P 4 S H A P E D Output A 3 T P 5 A 3 T P 6 A 3 T P 7 R E P L Y VSWR V I D E O A3U4 FREQUENCY Output Output of of A3Q12/Q13 D E L A Y E D B R A C K E T +12 Positioning v A3Q14 Recognition Amplifier of A 4 T P 1 of Timer O u t p u t A3U3 +12 v +0.5 v 5 - 5 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Table 5-1. List of R e f e r e n c e Test Points (Cont.) N o r m a l Designation Function A 4 T P 2 +5 A 6 T P 1 Reply Input A6 VSWR Output TP2 A 6 T P 3 R e a d i n g v + 5 Reflected for v W a v e s h a p e ± 0 . 2 5 v VSWR Voltage Input for Table VSWR 5-2. AN/APM-239A Control Settings P O S I T I O N C O N T R O L (C-6280) P O S I T I O N C O N T R O L M A S T E R N O R M MODE 1 M - 1 O N MODE 3/A M - 2 O N I D E N T / O U T / M I C O U T M - 3 / A O N M O D E O U T M - C O N A U D I O / O U T / L I G H T R A D Step 6. T E S T / O U T / M O N Release Step 7. Code Select 4 and Any Code Number Any Code Number O U T receiver ANTENNA cable. Successively Select O U T the M-1 Mode Enable switch reconnect Code hold the sensitivity limit. The TEST lamp should go out. M-2, M-3/A, and 5 - 5 . TROUBLESHOOTING. M-C Mode Enable switches in the TEST position. When each switch is held in the 5 - 6 . The troubleshooting chart given in TEST position, the TEST lamp should go designed on, then go off when the switch a faulty module or part within [he is released. to illustrate a systematic Place the control unit C-6280 RAD TEST/ Step 9. Set up radar test set to provide OUT/MON switch in the MON position. interrogation pulses output attenuator mode 1 at 1030 MHz. Adjust to provide an rf signal level of approximately -65 dbm for AN/ UPM-137 (-78 dbv for AN/UPM-98) transponder antenna connector. at TEST 5 - 6 an instruction which, when followed, will result in one of the conditions indicated By following by a line. the observed condition, the faulty module in some the line indicating the technician will be led to which should then be replaced, cases repaired. After the faulty or assembly has been repaired or replaced and all checks have b~en the technician should satisfactorily repeat completed, the adjustment procedures before the radar test set signal genera- 5 - 7 . it is return- Before starting the troubleshooting procedures, tor ,output until the rf signal level at the remove the top and bottom plates from the transponder A antenna is ed to use. lamp should light. Step 10. Decrease 5 - 4 of locating T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . Each block on the chart contains Step 8. f i g u r e method connector is below the P X T S - 1 8 4 3 B / for access to test points and connections. When T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 checking the plug-in assemblies A2, A3 and A4, they of t i h e ANTENNA connector at the opposite end taltdes may be extended out from the test set on extender into place. cards for access to components nector over end of rod so that center bow sides shown in of the bards. Connect f i g u r e 5 - 1 . Follow tistructions on the equipment as Wart reading the chart at the Mock at the top center restitant and connections at the line labeled Follow the line labeled the observed itiication to locate the next instruction four mounting TRANSPONDER TRANSPONDER con- conductor connector fits with screws. OF ASSEM- main board assembly Al, first remove assemblies A2 and A3 and unplug connectors A5P1 and A6P1 on Al, then remove bottom removing REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT Fasten h. To remove with box. 5 - 8 . into place. replace “start”. in the box amd observe the indications. Carefully eight screws. plate by Next unsolder two wires from A7 at bottom of Al board, noting the position of these connections. Remove six large and four small BLIES. mounting screws from bottom of Al, taking care not To remove the plug-in assemblies from the positions to lose flat washers and lockwashers, 5 - 9 . TS-1843B/APX refer to figure 5-2 and proceed as of screws. The Al board swung out on the remaining follows: necessary the ten Phillips head screws on the top connecting now be wires. If to remove the board entirely, the seven wires connected a.. Remove and noting may unsolder to Al, noting the position of each wire connection. cover ad remove the cover. To reinstall the assemblies and reassemble the i. b. Using a screwdriver or a similar tool, care- unit, reverse the above disassembly sequence. fully lift the board assemblies A2 and A3 to disengage them from the connector now can be removed pins on Al. The assemblies 5 - 1 0 . PRESETTING TS-1843B/APX by pulling them out of the unit by EXTERNAL CONTROLS. hti . 5 - 1 1 . c. ‘RJ remove the Regulator Assembly A4, loosen the four Phillips carefully head screws on the side of the unit, diseng~e the assembly from the Al GENERAL, 1 8 4 3 B / A P X mounted hinged connector pins, and lift out. Test Set, Transponder Set on one end of the unit and protected cover. OUT, VSWR, T S - has three calibrated adjustment controls These controls are and R-F IN. When by a designated installing R-F the TS- 1843 B/APX into a system, they should be preset for d. ‘1% gain access to the rf section of the A P X T S - 1 8 4 3 B / (assemblies A5, A6, and A’7), loosen the six parameters Phillips head screws (two each at both ends and the center) on the Receiver/Si@d A5 and lift up the assembly diseng~e waamf Generator A5 ad A6 assemblies to separate 5 - 1 2 . can now be the VSWR hssembly A6 from the mceiver/Simd unscrew the wo rematiing the end of the meembly PhiUips in the following as described paragraphs. R-F IN (A3R46). This control is set for the minimum peak power level of the rf reply signal emitted %&m out . e. If it is necessmy with the operational of the system components Assembly slightly, then carefully plugs A5PI and A6PI from the bottom Al. T& the specific values consistent Adjust Generator A5, by the t ranponder that will cause the T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X to give a GO indication on the associated Transponder Set Control TEST lamp. The marklnge in dbw on the R-F IN dtal are calibrated and 28 dbw with an accuracy between 20 of 22 db. head screws at To preset the R-F IN control for a specific vslue, close to the VSWR dial. loosen the Phillips head locking screw below the dial f. If it is necessary Prok &sembly to remove the DireetioMl A7 from the casting, unscrew the two recessed PhiMips head screws at the center the plate. hard The assembly A7 is connected M by two solder~ wires. unsolder these comections of the AT =sembly connections, the tittom access to the Mttom carefully side of the dial, then tighten the locking screw. to the main Do not break unless complete is requird. of and set the dial so that the desired number is facing the marker at the right-hand or removal To unsolder the plate must be removed for 5 - 1 3 . R-F OUT (A2R21). This control determines the peak level of the rf interrogation by the TS-1843B/APX signal generated in the Test mode of Opsration. The control dial is calibrated to provide an tf output at the TRANSPONDER connector of the of Al. T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X within *2 db of the preset level between -54 and -# g. To remove Direction~ the main cotiuctor Coupler Msembly, rod from remove four mounting screws from the ~~POmER connector and gently p~l connector outw=d so that it slips off the center eotiuctor which is an extension dbm (-67 to -94 dbl. To preset the R-F OUT control for a specified signal level, and tighten 5 - 1 4 . cknnel level from the locking screw. of the rod. Gently pull rod out of connector at the other end of the and remove value, loosen the locking screw below the dial, set the dial for the desired ctiel. Take care not to VSWR (A6R6). Th$s control determiaas the of antenna system VSWlt above disturb the rf gasket material at each end of the indication etinel. the rod from 6 to 12 db in 3-db dWiskww. The condmtor will provide a NO-GO tititiia ‘1% reassemble, carefdly insert into pl~e in the chmel so t~t the center will result. The control which a NO-GO dial is cdfbratd T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X when the antenna 5 - 7 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 system (including the transmission lines) reaches VSWR level value. preset within +1. 5 db of the preset the VSWR control, loosen a To the locking screw below the dial, set the dial for the desired value and match conditions purpose, lengths For the purpose of checking the A P X simple T S - 1 8 4 3 B / method of simulating impedance F i g u r e 5 - 8 mis - 5 - 5 . T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . expressed 5-5. length of RG- 58 cable, open-ended con- The result- an 11. 5-foot connected to 1J3 end, will be seen to give a VSWR of approximately RG-58 Cable Length vs VSWR meth- for this in db, is shown in For example, figure and open at the other reaction to antenna system VSWR, a This accurate consists of connecting ing VSWR, NOTE be used. of rf cable to the ANTENNA nector on the tighten the locking screw. may od, which is sufficiently 10 db, T . O . NAVAIR 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 S E C T I O N V I DEPOT MAINTENANCE 6 - 1 . GENERAL. includes calibration and internal alignment unit, as well as the repair and testing This section contains instructions for depot 6-2. Level maintenance of the level all maintenance to lower T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . found to be defective At this ance levels. work on the unit not assigned maintenance levels will be performed. Table 6-1. or sent in from lower mainten- The adjustment are listed in Table and alignment Adjustment and Alignment Controls R e f e r e n c e Adjustment F u n c t i o n Upper for range R-F Lower A 2 R 2 2 for range A 2 R 2 8 Window A 2 R 3 4 Pulse A 2 R 3 6 Window A 3 R 2 Internal preset adjustment control calibration OUT preset Delay adjustment control 6-24 A2R21 6-14 6-14 Adjustment Duration PRF 6-24 A2R21 Adjustment Duration Procedure Paragraph calibration OUT R-F controls 6-1. This D e s i g a t i o n A 2 R 2 0 of the of assemblies Adjustment generator rate 6-14 adjust- 6-25 m e n t A 3 R 5 1 Calibration A 5 Z 1 adjustment preset control Signal generator for R-F IN 6-25 A3R46 1030 MHz cavity 6-27 tuning. Frequency A 5 A 1 R 2 3 (60 MHz Signal A 5 A 1 T 2 A 6 R 2 6 - 3 . DEMEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY. 6 - 4 . For T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X Amplifier adjustment control adjustment of A5Q3 6-26 VSWR NOTE p a r a g r a p h For detailed operational procedures for AN/ UPM-137, ( ), AN/UPM-98 AN/APM-239, and AN/APM-362, refer to the applicable technical manuals for these equipments. CHECKOUT PROCEDURES. 6 - 7 . 6 - 6 . 6-2’7 tuning A6R6 of this manual. 6 - 5 . 6-2’7 level) disassembly, assembly removti, and reassembly procedures see 5 - 8 input Generator Calibration preset discriminator filter =~~L. For an overall Ch=kat$ the prmtium given in operational p a r a g r a p h 5 - 4 OVERALL CHECKOUT ‘USING AN/APM-362. To perform an overall T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X using a tmsn~n~r and Radar Test Set AN/UPM -137 AN/APM-362 (or m/~M-98 equipment ( ) ) may k used. An AN/APM-362 my be used toe~ti~~ the need for a tr~~~nder. as a transponder as shown in given in t a b l e functional checkout of the using Test Set, Transponder Test Set figure simulator, comect 6-1 and use procedure 6-2. 6 - 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure Equipment 6-1. Setup for Checkout of TS-1843B/APX Table 6-2. Overall C h e c k ou t Using Transponder U s i n g Test Set AN/APM-362. A N / A P M - 3 6 2 C I R C U I T STEP F U N C T I O N I N D I C A T I O N P R O C E D U R E N O . T E S T E D 1 Set 2 Place ing up equipment as AN/APM-362 in figure switches 6-1. in the follow- positions: R E P L Y F R E Q U E N C Y S E L E C T 1 0 9 0 M H z B R A C K E T S P A C I N G S E L E C T M I C R O 2 0 . 3 0 S E C O N D S P R F 4 0 0 S E L E C T I N T E R R O G A T I O N L E V E L B E A T - 6 5 D B M F R E Q U E N C Y O F F S E L E C T O P E R A T E / S T A N D B Y S T A N D B Y P O W E R O N R E P L Y light 1 1 5 V A C ON O N / O F F (Wait 90 sec delay) O P E R A T E / S T A N D B Y T S - 1 8 4 3 / A P X L I N E V O L T A G E S E L E C T MODE M O D E P O W E R C CIRCUIT TEST 2 8 O F F M O N I T O R S E L E C T L E V E L O P E R A T E A D J U S T +23 (To TO be +26 3 db DBV above T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X R-F 6 - 2 IN setting) F R E Q U E N C Y comes on R E A D Y T.O. 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 T a b l e 6 - 2 . Overall Checkout Using AN/APM-362 (Cont.) Cnlcurr STEP PROCEDURE FUNCTION INDICATION NO. t-3 TESTED Set the TS - 1843 B/APX controls as follows: ~f ter a delay of approximate- R-F IN 20 (ibw* urn on:GO and OPERATE VSWR -9 Cibil ndicators light. Test Set R-F OUT 65 dbm~ ; URRENT meter indicates y 60 seconds from power ‘ Or to alternate operational lpprox.320ma. STANDBY levels. ndicator 4 Move REPLY FREQUENCY SELECT MHz switch through all positions goes out. = indicator lights in all Leply frequency evaluator lracket evaluator ;witch positions. Return REPLY FREQUENCY SELECT MHz switch to 1090 position 5 Move BRACF&T SPACING SELECT MICRO = indicator SECONDS switch ;witch positions. 20.30, through -0.30. -0.15. lights for all spacing +0. 15. and +0.30 positions. Return BRACKET SPACING SELECT MICROSECONDS 6 switch to 20.30 position. Move PRF SELECT switch to 100/5 posi- IO indication teply rate evaluator given. tion. Move PRF SELECT switch to 100/10 X3 indicator position. light cycles m and off once every four Ieply rate evaluator (nlon- tor mode) ;econds and should be ighted approximately two ;econds of every cycle. 7 Place switches in the following MODE positions: 1 50(; PRF SELECT Move PRF SELECT switch to 80’-[ position. Repeat 50~ and 80% for modes teply percentage Xl indicator lights. X3 indicator lights. evaluator 2 and 3/A. Turn on MODE C CIRCUIT TEST switch ani repeat for mode C. CUIT TEST switch. switch to mode 8 Turn off MODE C CIRReturn MODE SELECq 1 and PRF SELECT to 50??.. Note TS-1843B,/APX R-F IN control setting ~eply Power evaluator Outpeak Adjust OUTPUT POWER control to the GO,INO-GO 9 Synchronize Out signal LEVEL ADJUST threshold. the oscilloscope with the Sync Meter Peak Power Level indicates TS-1843B/ 4PX R-F IN setting +2 dbw — )isplay adjust from A3TP2 on the TS-1843B/ APx. NOTE I Two interrogation pulses will be observed in steps 9 through 15. 6-3 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Table 6-2. Overall Checkout Using AN/APM-362 (Cont.) C I R C U I T STEP I N D I C A T I O N P R O C E D U R E F U N C T I O N N O . 10 T E S T E D Place in BEAT BEAT FREQUENCY position switch to Adjust BEAT to obtain Note SELECT switch OPERATE/STANDBY FREQUENCY zero the beat At zero beat TUNE indication on BEAT Interrogation Frequency Interrogation Level Mode spacing T U N E setting between control the F R E Q U E N C Y control STANDBY. oscilloscope 11 and -0.5 should and be +0.5 MHz. the display. R-F OUT control setting on the T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . Place in BEAT PULSE Adjust the trol that so FREQUENCY simulator INTERROGATION the is Repeat step setting 13 of P l a c e trol 11 -65 the amplitude from the LEVEL con- the the as the setting LEVEL OUT the TS-1843/APX. -65±2 S E L E C T Pulses are 11 apart; position to display of and control c o n - OPERATE/ the SELECT for a u con- interrogation switch Set MODE SELECT to switch Set MODE and hold in 1 7 the Set SELECT MODE position to ON 2. position input SELECT the to to CIRCUIT be u cay time position TEST sec Pulses 31A. C sec Pulses sec Pulses 0.1 switch Rise u sec 3.0 pulse is 0.8 time at be and 1 pulse characteristics ±0.1 should maximum. should ±0.1 width be De- 0.2 maximum. are spaced 5.0 ±0.1 Mode 2 pulse spacing spaced 8.0 ±0.1 Mode 3 pulse spacing spaced 21.0 Mode C pulse spacing apart. are apart. are sec ± apart. position. MODE Connect switch C should spaced amplitude sec. 0.1 u 1 6 OUT dbm. sec 50% OPERATE. controls u 1 5 setting R-F F R E Q U E N C Y be R-F dbm. on switch MODE ±2 should the an u Set as TS-1843B/APX. p u l s e s . 1 4 setting same for oscilloscope venient by dbm OFF STANDBY Adjust switch LEVEL generated same pulses B E A T in pulse the interrogation 1 2 SELECT position. switch to AN/UPM-137 Sync Out test position PRF point Meter 1. COUNTER A3TP2 on indicates 400 ± 50 Internal PRF p p s . the T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . N O T E 1 8 The prf the oscilloscope. Place PRF to Connect the the to VSWR ANTENNA the be measured 400 and with VSWR MODE MONITOR. TS-1843B/APX Note also SELECT SELECT to may as VSWR measuring connector shown control equipment 1J3 in on figure setting on the 6-1. the T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . Adjust VSWR Mismatch threshold l a m p s . 6 - 4 MX-9052/APM-362 corresponding of the reply to the status for GO/NO-GO indicator a At the should VSWR threshold be the VSWR TS-1843B/APX setting ±2db. evaluator T.O. NAVAIR 12P4-2APX-202 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - I 6 - 8 . OVEWLL CHECKOUT USING TRANSPONDER. To perform aA overall TS-1843B/APX up, see 6 - 9 . functional checkout of the using a transponder in the test set- p a r a g r a p h the NORM position, the RADTEST/OUT/MON switch to the MON position, and all other toggle switches to the OUT position. 5 - 4 . B~CKET D~CRI~ATION CHECK. Check the bracket pulse spacing discrimination Step 1. Comect the equipment Step 2. On the C-6280( ) set the MASTER switch to as follows: as shown in f i g u r e Step 3. On the AN/UPM-137 radar test s~t, place the MfXED VID SE L switch in the $IF 1 position (VARI OUTPUT on AN/UPM-98 ( ) SIF Coder). 6 - 2 . F i g u r e 6 - 2 . Bracket Discrimination Test Setup. 6 - 5 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Step +. On the AN/UPM-137 radar test set place the ulated SUBST PULSE SE L switch in the F2 position or equivalent signal using interrogation an AN/uPM-98( Test Set, proceed Radar ) as follows: (SP position on the AN/UPM-98), and set PRF controls for a prf of 350 to 450 pps. Connect euuiument as shown in Step 1, and conne& Step 5. Using the radar test set oscilloscope MONITOR and the 1.45 p sec crystal markers, vary the &cilloscope connector f i g u r e 5 - 1 probe to-VIDEO on the Transponder Set. SUBST PULSE POSN control so that the SIF reply bracket Step 2. pulses are spaced as described below. Check for the proper TEST light indication at each spacing. Apply power to equipment Step 3. Bracket Set controls on control unit as in 20.15 usec Go Step 4. On the C-6280( NO-GO 20.00 u sec GQ 20.60 u sec To check the Release frequency FREQUENCY the M-1 switch. test set to provide Step 6. attenuator control oscilloscope the AN/ UPM-98( ) wave- at 1030 MHz to an accuracy as shown in figure antenna 6-3. Set controls It should be within 6 - 1 2 . Turn on Radar Test Set and oscilloscope. CHECKOUT 6 - 1 3 . Adjust Radar Test Set for a mode wavemeter) imately 1 at 1030 MHz (checked at an rf output level Modular subassemblies approx- T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . using specially des - igned testing fixtures which simulate and signal testing of the intended for repair or replacement may be checked out individually with equal to the level of the interro- gation signal from the OF ASSEMBLIES. GENERAL. T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X interrogation on T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . on control unit as in table 5-2. Step 5. level at the transponder connector. 2 db of the R-F OUT control setting the Step 4. is equal to the refer- Taking cable losses into account, determine the rf signal Step 3. pulses observed on the display ence level noted in step 4. Step 7. Connect equipment the output of +0. 1 MHz. Step 2. radar so that the amplitude of the demodulated Spot - calibrate Set up the mode 1 interrogation. On the radar test set adjust follows : meter pulses display. of the TS-1843B/ APX simulated interrogation signal using an AN/ -. —---- / ) or other Ra~ar Tes< Set, pro;eed as UPM-Y6( Step 1. in NO-GO TEST SET INTERROGATION CHECK. of the demodulated observed on the oscilloscope Step 5. 6 - 1 0 . ) hold the M-1 switch the TEST position and note as a reference the amplitude 20.45 usec t a b l e 5 - 2 . Test Light Indication Spacing and allow to warm up. input and output equipment is not available, be checked out using a the normal power connections. If such special the assemblies may TS-1843B/APX known to be in propqr operating condition as part of the test bench Step 6. Place M-1 Mode Enable switch on the setup. For access to components control unit in the TEST position. assemblies Adjust the trigger delay on the Radar the assembly, perform the Test Set so that one pulse from the procedure given in assembly Step 7. T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X Radar on the display. On the Radar Test Set, rock the signal generator frequency control slowly around 1030 MHz until a zero beat indication is seen on the oscilloscope. Step 9. 6 - 1 4 . This is the at the zero beat point. TS-1843B/APX signal frequency. cards. To check the operation T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X Section CHECKOUT (pin OF TIMING ASSEMBLY and continuity measurements indicated, 10) and +5 volts (pin 9). Apply a simulated count gate trigger (a -3.5 to -5. Ovolt, negative-going, pulse) to pin 4. Step 1. Connect the oscilloscope Modulation Duration input probe to test point A2TP3. Step 2. Apply a ground (M-1 gate) check the display POWER CHECK. To c%ck the power level of the TS - 1843 B/APX sim- 6 - 6 then for ground (pin 1) +12 volts to pin 16 and for a pair of pu!ses (Pl and P3) spaced approximately TEST SET INTERROGATION A2. TO any resis- interrogation It should be 1030 + 0.5 MHz. 6 - 1 1 . of checkout V. A2 on the bench, make provide connections 8 microsecond Read the frequency of the Radar Test Set signal generator extender check assembly tance Step 8, on and one pulse from the Test Set are superimposed oscilloscope and connections A2, A3 and A4 make use of the special onds apart. Check 3 microsec- that the P3 pulse dura- tion can be adjusted by means of A2R34 from T.O. NAVAIR 12P4-2APX-202 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 8 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. 6-2 F i g u r e 0.8tol. 6 - 3 . Test Set Interrogation O microsecond. Frequency and Power Test Setup Set A2R34 for pairs spaced approximately a P3 pulse duration & O. 9 microsecond. 5 micro- seconds apart. NOTE Step 4. On earlier models (Serial No. 4999 and tilm] the mtiat~on set by select- pulse duration is a resistance Move the ground from pin 15 to pin 14 (M-3/A gate). Check for modulation pulse pairs spaced approximately value for microseconds 8 apart. A21U2 whkh will provide a P3 puke duration of 0.9 ~0. 5 wsec. (Refer to parts list Step 5. Move the ground from pin 14 to pin 13 and usable on codes for range and selec - (M-C gate). tion of resistance pulse pairs spaced approximately values to be used. ) Step 3. Move the ground from pin 16 to pin 15 (M-2 gate). Check for modulation Check 21 microseconds for modulation apart. pt@e 6-7 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Step 6. Connect oscilloscope Channel A input established probe to test point A2TP2. Adjust the oscilloscope delay so that the 50% point of the leading edge of the 20th clock pulse intersects a vertical line on the graticule. Step 8. Adjust in step 6 above. A2R36 for a bracket with a duration decode pulse of O. 37 microsecond at A2TP4. NOTE Step 7. Apply +5 volts dc to pin 5. Connect the oscilloscope input to test point A2TP4. models (Serial below) the bracket decode No. 4999 and pulse duration Check that the leading edge of the bracket is set by selecting decode pulse observed may be varied by A2R15 which will provide a pulse dura- means of A2R28 from less than O. 5 micro- second to more than 1 microsecond with respect to the 20th clock pulse position Figure 6 - 8 On earlier 6-4. Evaluator a resistance tion of O. 3710.03 Wsec. (Refer value for to parts listing and usable on codes for range and selection of resistance values to be used, ) Assembly & Test Setup T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 6 - 1 5 . C~CKOW TO check tice OF EVALUATOR and continuity measurements wset to test equipment indicated, then con- at A3TP2 for +10 volts am- plitude at 400 pps ~ 50 pps to determine not the PRF Generator in Wsitions shown in t a b l e Read Gate Generator whether or is working. Check that the circuit is functioning by obeerv - ing the 4 volt, 25 #see gate pulse at A3TP3. Turn cm ~wer to T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . Check b. If all circuits that wtmt at pin 15 of A3 assembly (lamp oscilloscope actiating Video) and channel line) goes to approximately Connect appear channel to be functioning, oseUlosc~e to ptn 5 of A3 assembly connect A to A3TP4 (shaped Reply B to pin 1 of Bracket Gate A3U2B and if necessary proceed +12 volts. step 2. are not normal, check Place f i g u r e step 2. sbp 1* a. If outputs the Sync Out signal of approximately 6 - 4 . as shm in mtrob on AN/APM-362 6 - 2 , ASSEMBLY A3. assembly A3 on the bench, make any resis- (1) In assemblies Decode as follows: using board Serial No. 3500 or and check that the Test Oate (50 # sec pulse) higher, replace A3R55 with a value between 6. 65K is present. and 24.3 Kohm which will center the A3TP4 pulse on the A3U3B pulse. Step 3. Move oscilloscope A3 assembly connection to pin 4 of and check that the Count Gate (2) In assemblies 3499 replace Tfig@r Signal is present. using board Serial No. 1 through A3R55 with a value between 4. 7K and 33 Kohm. &ep 4. Corm-t oscilloscow to pin 15 of A3 assembly. Note that the output at pin 15 is alterutely for approxi-te& step 5. On AN/APM-362, place REPLY (1094 =z). (1) In assemblies FRE- switch in +4 position The output at pin 15 should go to approtimtely the oscilloscope to A3TP5 (Frequency) ceed as follows: 2 seconds. Q~NCY SELECT c. Connect and A3TP7 (Delayed Bracket) and if necessary pro- htgh and low, staytng low +24 volts. Return the higher, replace using board Serial No. 3500 or A3R40 with a value between 6. 65K and 24.3 Kohm which will center the narrow A3TP7 pulse on the A3TP5 pulse. REPLY FREQ~NCY SELECT switch to 1090 MHz. The output at pin 15 should return to approximately +12 volts. (2) In assemblies through 3499 replace using board serial No. 1 A3R40 with a value between 4. 7K and 22 Kohm and repeat Step 6. T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . The voltage at pin 15 CM A3 assembly should go to approximately +24 volts. RWomect the TS-1843B/APX. the cable to IJ3 on The voltage shaM return to ap~otimtely at ptn 15 +12 volts. 6 - 1 6 . CHECKOUT OF REGULATOR To check assembly On the M/APM-362, move the BRACKET ASSEMBLY A4. A4 on the bench, make any resistance and continuity measurements then provide connections for ground (pin 4), and +26 volts (pin 7). Connect between Step 7. test above. Discmect the cable from 1J3 on the a 120 ohm 1 watt pins 7 and 8. Connect voltmeter indicated, resistor to pin 2 (+12 volt output) . SPA~G SE LECT stitch to -0.30 p sec. The WtWt at pin 15 should go to approxi-tely +24 volts. %tin Step 1. Apply simulated connection) the BRACKET SPA~G SELECT retch to 20.30 p sec. control input (ground to pin 6. Check for +12 volts at pin 2. The outwt at pin 15 sbouM return to a~rtimtely +12 volts. Step 2. Move voltmeter connection to pin 1. Check for +5 volts. If output is not 5 volts, &ep 8. While okemtig 9. A4R6 with value (205 ohms, 226 ohms, 249 ohms, or 274 ohms) which will to +0.30 give the proper voltage. #s*. The amt at ptn 15 should again go to aw-m~ly Step replace the a~t at pin 15, move the -C=T SPA~NG SE LECT switch +24 volts. Return tie BWC=T SFAmG SE LECT switch to 6 - 1 7 . 20. S0 #sec. The output at pin 15 should ASSEMBLY Al. To check return to a~mfi-teh +12 volts. bench, proceed Cmmect the o=i-om to test potnt A3TP4 cm the T S - l 8 4 3 B / A P X A3 assembly. Shaped reply ** Wmti-te& 0.1 v sec wide CHECKOUT OF POWER AND CONTROL Step 1. the Al assembly on the as follows: Check for continuity between the following points : lJ1 pill 2 and ChilSSiS ad +6 volts h amplitude should be present. 6 - 9 T.O. NAVAIR 12P4-2APX-202 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 6 - 1 8 . lJ1 pin 7 and pin lU CHECKOUT OF SIGNAL GENERATOR/ RECEIVER A2J1 pin 1 and pin 11 and chassis ASSEMBLY A5. To check bly on the bench, proceed the A5 assem as follows: A3J1 pin 1 and pin 11 and chassis Step 1. A5P1 pin 5 and chassis Check for the indicated measured between resistances ground and the following points on connector A5P1: A6P1 pin 1 and chassis A4J1 pin 1 and A2J1 pin 9- A5P1 pin 3 Pin 1 and A3JI pin 9 A4J1 pin 2 and A2J1 pin 10- A5P1 pin 4 800M0 ohms — Pin 2 800+40 — ohms Pin ohms and A3J1 pin 10 4 200+20 A6P1 pin 3 and A3J1 pin 13 Pin 5 Less than A6P1 pin 2 and A3J1 pin 12 A4J1 pin 4 and chassis Step 2. 1 ohm Connect a VTVM (with a 100 Kilohm, 1/4 watt resistor in series with the probe) A2J1 pin 5 and A3J1 pin 5 to pin 3 of A5A1Q1. Set the VTVM to the A2J1 pin 4 and A3J1 pin 4 negative voltage A2J1 pin 3 and A3J1 pin 3 scale and check that the negative is O. 75 volt or higher. A2J1 pin 2 and A3J1 pin 2 Step 2. Make the following resistance measure- 6 - 1 9 . CHECKOUT OF VSWR ADJUST ASSEMBLY A6. To check ments: lJ1 pin 4 to A2J1 pin 16 (47 ohms *5’%) lJ1 pin 5 to A2J1 pin 15 (47 ohms +5%) the A6 assembly on the bench, pro- ceed as follows: Step 10 Measure resistance from A6P1 pin 3 (brown wire) to wiper of A6R6 (white lJ1 pin 6 to A2J1 pin 14 (47 ohms +5%) wire). It should be 2. 4K+5%. lJ1 pin 9 to A2J1 pin 13 (47 ohms +5%) Step 2, Step 3. Connect ground to lJ1 pin 2 and +28 volts Temporarily between Step 5. wire). connect a 28 volt lamp Step 3. lJ1 pin 8 and ground. Ground A3J1 pin 15 (lamp Temporarily enable) . Note connect Step 4. Check for continuity between meter + lead to A4J1 pin 6, - lead to chassis. volt- 6 - 2 0 . CHECKOUT OF DIRECTIONAL PROBE ASSEMBLY A7. To check the A7 assembly on the as follows: Ground lJ1 pin 3 (Monitor Enable) and ground at A4J1 pin 6 drops. Step 1. at lJ1 pin 3. Voltage Apply ground to lJ1 pin 4. Voltage at Step 2. ground; chassis. drop. Remove ohmmeter Resistance 5 ohms. Reverse should be greater to lJ1 pin 5. Voltage at pin 6 should voltage Step 3. Step 10. Apply ground to IJ1 pin 6. Voltage at ground; Apply positive ohmmeter Step 11. Apply ground to lJ1 pin 9. Voltage d voltage drop. Remove should rise. chassis. iO. Resistance 5 ohms. Reverse should be greater should rise. A4J1 pin 6 should leads; resistance ground; should rise. A4J1 pin 6 should drop. Remove lead to should be 150 ohms than 50K ohms. input lead; negative voltage It should be 49.9 Apply positive ohmmeter lead to green +0. A4J1 from SIG GEN probe to chassis. input lead; negative should rise. Apply ground line ohms *o. 5 ohms. A4JI pin 6 should drop. Remove voltage Measure resistance input should rise. 6 - 1 0 A6P1 (blat k a 36K resistor be- A4J1 pin 6 and pin 8. Connect Remove Step 9. between A6P1 pin 4 wire) and A6 board ground bus. tween note that voltage Step 8. It should be 2. 4K+5%. Check for continuity bench, proceed Step ‘7. from A6P1 pin 3 (yellow wire) and high side of A6R2. that lamp goes on. Step 6. resistance (brown wire) to wiper of A6R2 (gray to lJ1 pin 1. Step 4. Measure ground; lead to yellow ohmmeter lead to should be 150 ohms leads; resistance than 50K ohms. T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-9 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 6 - 2 1 . TROUBLESHWT~G ASSEMBLIES. When PRF SELECT 400 OUTP~ POWER 20 dbw indication locati~ a specific faulty circuit and component in an assembly determined trotileshwt by mesns of standard the support idormation diagrams, Resistmee to be malfunctioning, theory LEVEL AflJUST techniques using provided in the schematic of o~ration, and continui~ tive; however, meter etc, in this manual. measurements may be ating best results will be obtained measurements volt~es tracing REPLY connected to the assembly. si~als, and logic circuits SELECT INTERROGATION by apply- -50 DBM LEVEL Assem- cards are available checked while connected into a 20.30 BFUICKET SPACING Signal ing the proper input grounds ad voltages. blies for which etiender 1090 from suitable input may be checked FREQUENCY SELECT taken with the normal oper- may be utilized by injecting PEAK PCRVER LEVEL taken thrcmgh circuits which are essentially resis- volt~e on OUTPUT BEAT FREQUENCY may be OFF SELECT T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X which is bow to be operating properly. TS-1843B/APX LINE 28 VOLTAGE 6 - 2 2 . CALIBRATION AND ALIGNMENT . Step 4. 6 - 2 3 . R-F IN CONTROL A3R46. The R-F IN con- trol A3R46, located on the rear end of the A P X , should be calibrated C-6280( )~APX when tr=sponder T S - 1 8 4 3 B / AN/APM-362, Set Control figure step 2. 20 and 28 dbw Step 5. TS-1843B/TPX of On the T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X set the R-F IN control A3R46 to 28 dbw. On the AN/APM-362 set the OUTPUT POWER as shown in 6-5. On the on tne the threshold indicator i amps. Step 6. the equipment just above the GO/NO-Co point of the reply status are received at the ANTENNA receptacle 1J2. To . . . . camma~e the A3R46 control proceed as follows: Connect set the CAL ADJ IFF reply signals within &2& of a preset level between step 1. T S - 1 6 4 3 B / A P X control A3R51 for a GO indication to provide a GO indica- tion by the TEST lamp of Transponder On the LEVEL ADJUST control for a 28dbw indication on the OUTPUT POWER meter. LEVEL PEAK set the R-F IN Step 7. control to 20 dbw. Check that the reply status GO lamp on the AN/APM -362 is lit. If it is not lit, Step 3. On the AN\APM -362 set the controls readjust A3R51 until it does light. as follows : Step 8. ON/OFF ON POWER ON MODE SELECT MONITOR OPE~TE/ OPERATE Repeat steps 2 through 7 until a GO/NOGO threshold is obtained at both the 20 dbw and 28 dbw preset levels. Step 9. Set the dial for the desired operational R-F IN threshold locking STANDBY F i g u r e 6 - 5 . level and tighten the screw. R-F IN Control Setup 6 - 1 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 6 - 2 4 . R-F OUT CONTROL A2R21. The R-F OUT control A2R21, located T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X , interrogation should be calibrated signal a preset level to provide IFF outputs in the selected of -65 dbm. To calibrate 6 - 2 5 . PRF AAIUSTMENT triggering on the rear end of the mode at the A2R21 rate of the A3R2. The internal T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X can be adjusted to a rate between 350 and 450 pulses per second by meams of the PRF ADJ control triggering A3R2. To adjust the rate. proceed as follows: control proceed as follows: Energize the Step 10 Step 1. Connect equipment as shown in f i g u r e with T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X in a system 6-5. Connect Sync Out test point A3TP2 on the Step 2, TS-1843B/APX to the “A” input connector Connect oscilloscope to J5 video out jack on on the counter. Adjust PRF ADJ control the AN/APM-362 and oscilloscope A3R2 for a prf of 400 pps, or any required probe to TP1 on A3 of TS-1843B/APX. Step 3. figure RF OUT control set at 65 dbm. Step 2. T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X setup as shown in 6 - 5 On the AN/APM-362 operational rate between 350 and 450 pps. set the controls as follows: 6 - 2 6 . VSWR CONTROL A6R6. The VSWK control A6R6. located on the transponder 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . ON/OFF ON POWER ON MODE SELECT MODE lamp on the transponder condition OPERATE/STANDBY STANDBY PRF SELECT 80%0 REPLY 1090 FREQUENCY control T S - to cause the TEST to indicate a NO-GO when the VSWR of the antenna system ex- ceeds the preset threshold 1 end of the should be calibrated by 2 db or more. level (between To calibrate 6 and 12db) the VSWR dial pro- ceed as follows: Step 1. Connect ments the equipment for VSWR nleasure - as shown in figure 6-1. SELECT BRACKET SPACING NOTE 20.30 SELECT BEAT The VSWR measuring FREQUENCY brated PULSE SELECT p a r a g r a p h 5 - 5 nical manual Step 4. While equipment is cali- according to the instructions in of the AN/APM-362 tech- (T.O. 33D7-8-81-1). observing the P1 and P3 Mode 3/A pulses, peak .45Z1 and A5A1T2 for max- Step 2. Remove cable from stub tuner and connect imum signal output and best wave shape. to J7 of the AN/APM-362. (Adjust A5A1T2 to the inner peak, which on the AN/APM-362 and the Set the controls allows the greatest portion of the tuning A P X slug to be inside the coil form. ) that the OUTPUT POWER T S - 1 8 4 3 B / as in steps 2 and 3 of T a b l e 6 - 2 LEVEL except ADJUST control is to be set for an output level of Step 5. Set R-F Out control A2R21 for -55 dbm. Step 6. Set AN/APM-362 INTERROGATION LEVEL 30 dbw. Step 3. Remove cable from J7 of the AN/APM-362 and reconnect DBM for -55 dbm. capacitance Step 7. to stub tuner. (10:1) Adjust A2R20 (M= RF Out Adj) so that the oscilloscope P1 and P3 interrogation point A6TP2 on the same amplitude pulses are the using a low probe, connect the input to the VSWR video test T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . as the -55 dbm reference Step 4. pulse. Adjust Mismatch MX-9052/APM-362 for an SWR of 9db. Step 8. Set the R-F Out Control A2R21 for -75 dbm. Step 9. Adjust the AN/APM-362 INTERROGATION set the slide LEVEL output between Step 5. DBM for -75 dbm. While observing the displayed Disconnect Step 10. same amplitude Step 6. pulses are the maximum video and minimum. the probe from A6TP2. a GO/NO-GO the locking Set the R-F Out Control A2R21 to -65 dbm and return the AN/APM-362 TION LEVEL iNTERROGA- if steps 5 thru 10 until desired results are obtained. step 7. A6R2 to Tighten nut on A6R2. Adiust the mismatch and displace control threshold. the slide for an SWR of 10.5 db assembly *1OO de~rees. At all positions the NO-GO lamp on ihe ANi DBM control to -65 dbm. Pulses should be the same amplitude, not, repeat Adjust the calibration obtain as the -75 dbm reference pulse. 6 - 1 2 video, Adjust A2R22 (Min RF Out Adj) so that the PI and P3 interrogation Step 11. VSWR assembly for an average APM-362 should be lit. T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Step 8. Step 2. ~wt the mbmtih for an SW? of 7. 5db and -e the elide assembly Adjust L1 for minimum inductance by turning the slug to the unwound end of the +100 de- coil form. -s. At all positbs the (30 lamp on the M/APM-962 sWd be Ut. Step 3. 6 - 2 7 . GE~W~WRECE~R mxmbly A5. The alignment cmsi~s d *O pties: b A5AI *sembly; (b) Ali-ent msembly tiwtd in a of the circuit directly connected of this (a) Prealignment inductance voltage case. -0.75 a. Pretiwent of *@$embly and ~wt the A5AI subassembly volts decrease. on the bench pro- the VTVM. The or higher. peak, Continue If the peak voltage - ~wer If the peak volts, continue Adjwhent. S@ 1. Set up -sembly as shown in f i g u r e on. Make certain VTVM is set to negative tuning ~ is -1.2 volts or less, the oscillator adjustment plete. @c~tior while observing should rise to a negative past the peak until the output just starts to A5AI. - To align Ced as fwms: 1. portion to it) and adjust the L1 tuning slug for an increased of of the complete TS1843B/APX Place the resistor -termimted VTVM probe on pin 3 of Q1 (or some convenient ~T~m AND ALIGNMENT OF SIGNAL 6 - 6 . voltage exceeds is com-1.2 tuning through the peak (in- creased inductance) creased by 10% of the peak output (e.g. until the output is de- reduce -2.0 volts to -1.8 volts. ) that the scale and that the NOTE 100K, 1/4 watt resistor is in series with the probe (this resistor is required to remove the probe capacitance and must be employd as the probe tip. ) F i g u r e 6 - 6 . Test Setup for Oscillator, DO not use anv other method for oscillator tuning or re~”rning Pulse Amplifier, other than the one given. ahd IF Gain Adjustment 6 - 1 3 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 2. Pulse Amplifier Pretuning. Step 2. Connect figure Step 1. Set up equipment as in f i g u r e 6 - 6 . the equipment as shown in 6-7. Place RF Test/fF Test switch in RF Test position. Step 3. Set the controls on the AN/APM -362 as follows : Step 2. Adjust the Receiver Signal Generator Mod- ulation input level to +8 volts and observe the demodulated POWER IN ON 85.833 MHz output of the test BEAT FREQUENCY detector. SELECT step 3. Adjust transformer A5A1T2 for the maximum detector PULSE INTERROGATION LEVEL -65 DBM output (tune to the “inner” peak, which allows the greatest portion of the tuning slug to be inside the coil form), OPERATE/STANDBY STANDBY PRF SELECT 8~ The peak output should be 0.6 volt minimum. REPLY FREQUENCY 3. 60 MHz Amplifier and Frequency SELECT Discriminator Adjustment. 1090 MHz BRACKET SPACING SELECT Step 1. Set up equipment as shown in figure 20.3 USEC 6-6. OUTPUT Place RF Test/IF Test switch im IF Test LEVEL position. POWER ADJUST 20 DBW TS-1843/APX LINE Step 2. Switch on power, disable or reduce the 60 VOLTAGE SELECT 28 MHz RF test level below -70 dbv and observe MODE the dc output level (oscilloscope baseline). It should be approximately +1.5 MODE 1 MODE C CIRCUIT TEST OFF volts (this is the “No Signal” level). POWER SWITCH (in Step 3. Set the gain potentiometer clockwise, attenuator Power and Control Sec - A5A1R23 fully tion of AN/APM-362) and adjust the signal generator to increase at 60 MHz to 1 volt greater than the No Signal level. should not be more The required than represents the receiver Step 4. ON the dc output level level Step 4. Observe the demodulated pulses on the channel setting the level of the receiver -32 dbv. (This interrogation A display. Note video. sensitivity). Step 5. Adjust A2R21 (RF out, -DBM) to 65 dbm. Step 6. Adjust A5Z1 and A5A1T2 for the maximum Set the gain control A5A1R23 fully counter clockwise and readjust the signal generator attenuator amplitude to obtain the 1 volt greater out- put specified in step 3 above. should be greater at the best wave shape. (Adjust A5A1T2 to the inner peak, The input which allows the greatest po~ ~icm of the tuning slug to than -35 dbv, be inside the coil form. ) Step 5. Adjust the gain control A5A1R23 to maximum Step 6. @vee~ gain. Mode Reauired). - Increase the in- Step 7. Set R-F Out control A2R21 for -55 dbm. Step 8. Set AN/APM-362 or calibrated oscilloscope 1 -volt amplitude curve. (The trace) LEVEL the Step 9. points on the response 6 db bandwidth is defined the difference INTERROGATION DBM for -55 dbm. put 6 ~b and note” (from frequency markers between these frequencies. Adjust A2R20 (Max RF Out Adj ) so that the TS-1843B/APX by P1 and P3 interrogation pulses are the same amplitude ) dbm reference The 6 db bandwidth would be a minimum as the -55 pulse. of 6.2 MHz. b. Alignment of complete Signal Generator/Receiv er Assembly A5. Step 10, Set the R-F Out Control A2R21 for -75 dbm Step 11. Adjust the AN/APM-362 INTERROGATION LE”VEL DBM for -75 dbm. Step 1. Install sembly 6 - 1 4 the signal generator/receiver as- (under test) in a TS-1843B/APX Step 12. Adjust A2R22 (Min RF Out Adj) so that the Test Set from which the signal generator/ P1 and P3 interrogation receiver amplitude assembly has been removed. pulses are the same as the -75 dbm reference pulse. T.O. 12 NAVAIR P4-2APX-202 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 F i g u r e Step 13. 6 - 7 . Signal Generator/Receiver Assembly Adjustment Set the R-F Out Control A2R21 to -65 dbm 6 - 3 0 . and return the AN/APM-362 CIRCUIT TICMJ LEVEL lNTERROGA- DBM control to -65 dbm. Pulses should be the same amplitude, not, repeat REPLACEMENT if steps 5 thru 10 until desired A2R21 to -65 dbm. Connect Chan B of oscilloscope MODE SELECT to MONITOR, PRF SELECT OPEWTE/STANDBY step 15. While obsemtig to TP5 of tube equipment will occur. However, care should be exercised is done. Avoid unsoldering Select if a shorted or in troubleshooting parts from damage the circuit boards just for the purpose of testing. to 400 and switch to OPERATE. the frequency pulse on the When soldering parts on printed circuit boards, use only a small pencil-type pulse amplitude. soldering iron with a power rating 40 watts or less. A heavier Step 16. it is be encountered, :he suspected circuits so that no additional channel B display, adjust A5A1 R23 for m=imum circuits unlikely that failures like those common to electron sxtreme place transistorized low operating voltages, burnt component should occasionally Adjust R-F Out Control A3 assembly, UF PARTS ON PRINTED Because require comparatively results are obtained. Step 14. BOARDS. Setup reply frequencies from 1086 MHz iron may damage of solderlng the boards or the to 1094 MHz by turning the REPLY FRE - small Q~NCY SELECT’ control to each posi - thin 60-40 rosin -core solder (such as tion. Adjust Kester No. 44). A5A1R23 to establish a mini- components on them. Use only mum output of 1.2 volts at 1087 or 1093 Mliz, whichever gives the lowest output. Because of the compactness of the equipment, the The IF output should not be less than 0.7 parts are mounted volt at 1094 and 1086 MHz} +1. 2 volts or very greater from the bottom of the board while gently lifting the at 1093 and 1087 MHz, and +3. O volts minimum short leads. on the printed circuit boards with To remove part with a suitable at 1090 MHz. small such parts, the area by scraping heat tool. Remove the heat source as soon as the part is released, 6 - 2 8 . REPAIR PROCEDURES. apply then clean off the old solder and brushing it away. Open up the mounting holes and insert a new 6 - 2 9 . GE~ML. rqtied for the NO specti repair procedures are T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X . Standard techniques for- the repro of solid-state electronic dticussd below. circuitry =e part in the same position as the removed part. Apply a small amount of solder to the connection points on the printed circuit side of the board and re-coat the heated area with moisture-resistant varnish. 6 - 1 5 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P x - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 The use of ultrasonic cleaning methods on printed circuit board assemblies When working on printed circuit is keep all soldering not recommended since it can be harmful copper foil to a minimum. to the transistors and integrated heat can loosen the copper mounted on them. Severe ultrasonic stresses at certain frequencies en or fracture transistors circuits the may weak- the small wires in the REPAIRING etched FOIL BREAKS. it on the boards. Such breaks can result exces - sive strain on the board. If the break is small and is close to a soldered repaired by cleaning some solder connection, a component, leave a longer lead on the new component and bend it to bridge the break, then apply solder to join both the lead and the foil. 6 - 1 6 Always is melted. are very closely or soldering spaced. When new components, sive deposits of solder. on the boards repairing breaks avoid leaving exces- Small particles of solder left sticking to the board may cause a short or an intermittent condition to occur. it can easily be the broken section and adding to close the break. If a break occurs while removing damage. In some areas the copper connections Occasionally from accidents during repair or from placing located cause the soldering iron tip as soon as the solder may become necessary to repair breaks in the copper circuits and Excessive strips from and IC’s or cause damage that may result in early failure. 6 - 3 1 . boards remove boards, operations on the 6 - 3 2 . MAINTENANCE For Ma=nce Allocation Chart, ALLOCATION (ARMY). Allocation and the Maintenance see Appendix A, T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 SECTION VII PARTS LIST 7 - 1 . INTRODUCTION. the part is applicable to all assemblies. Refer to the listing of the Usable On Codes given below. 7 - 2 . This Parts List lists, describes and illustrates the assemblies, subassemblies and detail comprise the Test Set, Transponder A P X Set parts that T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X manufactured by ASC Systems Corporation, Chicago, Illinois, udder contract Usable On Code number F33657-71- C-0175. 7 - 3 . GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST. 7-4. The Group Assembly Parts illustrations listing of parts in order of and columnar List consists of disassembly sequence, except of disassembly be maintained. cannot where such a sequence of the article view of the 103 and higher c 1 to 4999 D 5000 and higher E 1 to 7599 F 7600 and higher G 1 to 3499 : 3500 and higher K 1 to 12,047 L 12,048 and higher into further subassemblies presented on succeeding illustrations. 7 - 5 . 1 to 102 B 3500 to 4999 equipment to serve as a visual index to the group bre&down 7 - 6 . 7 - 7 . The parts listing is arranged in five columns NUMERICAL INDEX. The Numerical the parts listing, as follows: Number Column a. The SECTION AND INDEX NO. column lists the and the index number lists the Government standard part number or the manufacturer’ numkr of the Parts Listing cross referenced to the Provisioning 7 - 8 . NO. column s part Codes assigned by the Air Force 7 - 9 . PROVISIONING CODES. Policies, general for changing source tained in for each part listed. T . O . information modifiers necessary indicate the part. Each de- is properly indented to the relationship to its next higher assembly. For vendor parts, the vendor’ s code, in accordance with Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers H4- 1, is shown in this column enclosed in parentheses, lowed 0 0 - 2 5 - 1 9 5 . is the manu- facturer of Vendor’ of the part. For explanation s equipment was purchased. influenced by (a) maintenance ties, (d) actions, economic policies, (c) base facilities considerations. 7 - 1 0 . was (b) predicted and capabili- Definitions of below. AIR FORCE SOURCE CODES AND DEFINITIONS. 7 - 1 1 . “P” SERIES . pARTS PROC~ED AND UNDER INVENTORY STOCK CONTROL. a. Code “P’ identifies d. In the UNITS PER ASSY column are shown of the part used in that particular assembly. ~ABLE ON CODE column and parts to indicate contains coding specific usability consistent with the activity’ maintenance. gency) service considered practicable after confirmation APX e~ipment. sources. no Usable On Code appears, s authorized scope of or known. manufacture may be by any level of maintenance Code “P’ is applied of the listed parts by serial numbers of the TS-1843B/ mere parts which and installed usage is anticipated for assemblies were when this Assignment of codes these codes are as described requisitioned e. The codes herein should be made to the latest edition of Wdbk H4- 1. qu-tities repair level (see Source Code and Repair Code columns) maintenance are con- men a vendor’ s code is not listed, ASC ~stems Corporation Codes reference coding Generally, the source fol- by the ASC Systems Corp. part number also enclosed in parentheses. and procedures assigned by Air Force and Navy personnel and any additional to identify tail part cm subassembly information, and maintenance codes and maintenance c. The DE SCNPTION column lists the name of the part with applic~le follows parts shown in the Part of the parts shown in the illustration. b. The P~T Index, which immediately includes and Navy. section in the handbook, the figure number of the illustration, Serial No. A The first illustration of the parts list is an overall TS-1843B/APX MASTER USABLE ON CODING LIST T S - 1 8 4 3 B / to parts on which Restricted (emer- of code “P” items is but may be accomplished of non-availability only from supply 7 - 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 b. Code “PD” identifies depot -level by AF activities maintenance is considered authorized only. Code “PD” to parts on whit h usage is anticipated tricted (emergency) after confirmation is applied or known. Res - service manufacture practical b. Code parts which may be re- quisitioned and installed tenance only from supply “Ml” facilities requisitioned consistent parts which and installed may maintenance. Code “PI” is applied usage is anticipated manufacture is considered d. Code “PID” 1. Procurement 2. Their to parts on which service parts which may is not justified storage main- because and installation of low factors. are to be met by from the geographical manufacture field maintenance 3. Their equipment impractical. identifies be manu- and to which all of the following usage or peculiar level scope of or known, and which can AMA, SSM, AMA, or IM AMA. be by any maintenance with the activity’ s authorized which depot-level apply: requisitioning identifies parts authorized The need of base activities sources. c. Code “P1” identifies at activities conditions of code “PD” but may be accomplished of non-availability factured 7 - 1 3 . be is beyond activities manufacture not normally capabilities of as outlined above. does not require authorized tools or at all AMAs. “A” SERIES - ASSEMBLE, ASSEMBLE NOT PROCURED. requisitioned depot-level and installed maintenance by AF activities only. Code to parts on which usage is anticipated which service manufacture e. Code sistent with the activity’ require s authorized special tools, are very difficult, manufacture templates, impractical, require infrequent or other procurement to such parts as These usage, Code items are purchased b. Code “Al” scribed to by AF activities authorized maintenance is applied to parts as described to delayed procurement 7 - 1 4 . “M” a. Code “X” is applied to main structural only. This parts, repair. code items. identifies field maintenance following activities; conditions PARTS NOT usage or peculiar the manufacture the capabilities and to which and of all of the apply: 1. Procurement because and installation of low factors. Needs are to be met by local manufacture only as required. b. Code example, “X1” equipment manufacture not require tools, or skills not normally authorized at field maintenance level. 3. Does not require authorized does at field maintenance not normally to obtain inseparable suggest etc. ) applicable an assembly 4. Does not require 7 - 2 material not normally avail- for a part set; or a part of any assembly would suggest extensive assembly. In some an integral which has no anticipated was source-coded re- cases, detail code part usage and as “M” or “Ml”. Code “XID’ identifies parts which are described under the “Xl” code but which are applicable authorized d. Code “X2” depot-level identifies to any level of maintenance s authorized there is no anticipated parts which consistent are only. applicable with the scope of maintenance, for which usage, and which are imprac- for service manufacture. reclamation to AF maintenance This type of item not be stocked. Such parts shall be obtained able in AF inventory. s and f~r which it is from its assembly; of such at any with the activity’ part such as a welded “Xl” may be used to indicate c. to retire the next higher assembly; detail in a matched conditioning tical level. parts consistent scope of maintenance which, if required, activity’ test equipment section structure, identifies an integral activities 2. Their member would The need for a part or parts coded level of maintenance of an assembly is not justified storage de- from service. authorized parts, are within which, if required, spars, center the article which are segment of which can be depot-level “X’ SERIES - PARTS CONSIDERED IMPRAC- machined Code which authorized, should normally result in a recommendation parts PROCURED. a. assemblies TICAL FOR SERVICE MANUFACTURE. extensive under code “P2” and “M” SERIES - MANUFACTURE, installation identifies of service manufactured. only and is applied to assemblies more feasible 7 - ` 1 2 . of being and is applied under “A” code. or similar Delayed insurance-type which may be installed depot-level and/or at AF activities maintenance are not as a result of acci- occurrences. identifies capable jigs, and items are included under this code. “P2D” items to assemblies of two or more parts, the majority “X” (wing f. identifies at any level of maintenance or wearout but may replacement unexpected and/or “A” assembled or uneconomical by AF activities. subject to periodic placement dents con- scope of structural items of very limited a. Code assembled which spare by an AF activity This code is applied maintenance. are basically impractical. insurance-type can be installed is applied or known, and is considered ‘ ‘P2° identifies parts which authorized “PID” or, if not available from from this source, will T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 O 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 requisitioned through normal supply channel with supporttig justfiication ment and imm~tiiate iustify for cme-time use. Repeated together procure- reaue;ts tools, and technicai shall capability a ehage to a code “P~’ or “P2’; as applicable, f considered economical for overhaul of these items. to procure and store such $m’ts. of repair are procured applicable field e. Co$e ‘SX2D” identifies parts which are described to AF activities authortied depot-level Repeated requests for such parts shall justify a maintenance the design charac~eris[ considered economical by the degree if generation. If these and feasible to procure and FACT~ED, installation NOT PROCURED, OR STOCKED. drawtigs, field-service Code diagrams, drawing numbers, wise of supply significance, which cannot be procured “U’” to sheets, r:.~ parts not other- including obsolete parts, cm service manufactured. e. MAINTENANCE REPAIR LEVEL following are the maintenmce CODES. The repair level “s’ - NO REPAIR. value. When these items fail Code “S’ codes and identifies and have no reclamation they will be disposed ]f at user level as condemned m~terial. by the mobile “B” “B” identifies conditioned soldering - NO REPAIR; RECONDITION. Code assemblies or parts that will be re- at the user level broken not be returned connection, @tc. If these material. items can- to serviceable condition by such means No repair procured parts or tools for maintenance CODE “F” “’F” identifies AT FIELD will be done by organizational parts, procured tenance LEVEL. activities is established to applicable for repair for these servicing order data are No SRA If the condition of authorized the applicable CODE material. parts, Code paired only ‘“L’” identifies at designated items tenance activities of these items. will be turned g. CODE items nlain- external adjust- and for verifying serviceability are found unserviceable - fxwor DEPOT 10 wilich LEVEL repair Maintenance ACTIVITY. Code all conditions these items, they to the SRA. “LM’ of Code “L” t hiit repair will bt’ accomplished If MDA cannot whether inay be provided and field level for accomplishing If they ‘“LM” only to functional i]! to supply for shipment MOBILE apply except and provided equipment organizational be re- parts and Required activities. and beorh check will SRA. Repair tools for repair are procured these authorized MAINTENANCE that by MDA. they will determine these items should be condemned or sent to the SRA. 7 - 1 7 . NAVY SO1.JRCE CODES AND DEFINITIONS. 7 - 1 8 . P SERIES - PURCHASED ITEMS. to items which view of’ knovm or ant ivipated relatively sinlpl( are purchased in usage and which arc 10 n)anufacture within the Nilvy if neccssaryo due to unavail- instructions with request Hi- Valu or will be turned b. PI - Applied to items view of known or anticipated ciifficult, within impract which are purchased in usage and which are iral. or unecomnnical to manufacture the Navy. from the SSM/IM. CODE OVERHAUL. “l)” - LIMITED Code degree “D” FIELD REPAIR; identifies of repair maintenmce be done of “ F“ tools, or other capability, instructions. “F” coded into supply for disposition limited If repair Items, regardless of condition, applicable MDA they will determine - DEPOT LEVEL “I.” ONLY. a. P - Applied parts and tools, they will be SSM/IM will be so advised or disposition .3itical to condition by the field level maintenance coded items cannot W accomplished ability will be done If the of these items is such tlrat they cannot be returned activ~ with authorized (MDA). field level main- of these items. items. disposed of as wndemned identifies level maintenance. tools, and technical and provided serviceable code “DM”’ of code “D” apply the SRA. identifies Normal activities. to the whether these items should be condemned or sent to ONLY; items which will be repaired by the field level maintenmce Selected are specially of these items. - REPAIR to FIELD REPAIR; MO- Code activity these items, ment or calibration by adjusting, cleaning. they will be disposed of at user level as condemned level depot repair checfmut d. OVERHAUL. except that repair beyond field capability to applicable CODE of failure be returned to supply for shipment items to which all the conditions f. CODE frequency cannot - LIMITED “DIW’ DEPOT definitions: items which are nonreparable skills required test equipment, SRA. CODE BILE cannot 7 - 1 6 . on these MANU- is applied instruction of technical tools, special items they will be returned CODE “u’” - PARTS 7 - 1 5 . of serviceable condition with authorized parts and tools designated c. Because level M necessarily spare parts. and the predicted stak such parts. a. and provided to activities. items at the field maintenance determined parts, with the i~s :md ~qomplexity of repair, and the cost of special only. change to a “PID” or “P2J3° code, as applicable. b. maintenance the degree of repair which is authorized under the “X2” code but whic”h are applicable their A range of repair order data consistent Normal level. DEPOT on which can be accomplished activities. at organizational items a by field servicing will SRA is established 7 - 3 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 d. P3 - Applied purchased expectancy. rative to repair in limited parts items which quantity in accordance Items coded “P3” are normally in nature and may require special 7 - 2 1 are . ~SERIES - NOT STOCKED NORMALLY deterioa. storage N - Applied lished criteria conditions. available e. P4 - Applied for initial carried to items which are procured outfitting or for special only to items which do not meet estab- for stocking screws, washers, shims, purposes. rlosures, bead chains, b. N1 - Applied 7 - 1 9 . M SERIES - MANUFACTURED ITEMS WHICH ARE NOT PURCHASED OR STOCK NUMBERED. Supply a. MF - Applied to items manufactured coded “MF” have restrictive which within Fleet no anticipated installation are capable activities. factors. Code “MF” fleet locks. of Yards and Docks States items under fraction available activities, to (2) authorized within the continental in wholesale activities, pins protective at the retail level, (3) replenished by local purchase (4) carried cotter and cabinet (1) commercially United stocking knobs, System), adhesives, to Bureau code “A” which are: for local of Items usage, or possess or storage sources, i. e. , nuts, bolts, rivets, Office (“Y”) cognizance all continental being and which are readily from commercial (not included in the Navy Supply control and not in svstem stock for replenishment - WILL BE PURCHASED ON DEMAND= with life United States, stock only for overseas and (5) stock numbered and and published will not be applied to an item when the same item is in the Navy Stock List of the Yards and Docks Supply coded in the “P” series for other applications Office. item is carried in the Navy Supply System. respect to support equipment, function, With the naval manufacturing activity may later alter the design “MF” material for the and/or processes 7 - 2 2 . of Source Codes provided X SERIES - NOT PROCURED, NORMALLY IMPRACTICAL that fit, use and safety are not impaired. a. X - Applied b. MO - Applied to items being manufactured Items coded within which cally Government. of require or relatively installation will in the Navy Supply support equipment, and/or processes b. Xl - Applied the next larger System. With respect to activity the prime - from service. for which purchase of Source Coded in the “P” that fit, function, use and to items to be manufactured by point when required. to items or one time for use through purchase. such items will attempt Activities to obtain from salvage such items requiring them from salvage; or readily manu- shall be requisitioned normal supply channels Repeated which are not purchased but may be required if not obtainable overhaul/rework to items assembly X2 - Applied c. for stock, salvage are not impaired. MOA - Applied result in recoin of equipment series is justified. factured, c. would for an item, or the item is of Source Code “MO” material provided for retirement if damaged, The need or not be the naval manufacturing may alter the design which, repair. coded “X” will normaily mendation to an item when the same item is coded in the carried to items uneconomical or items more economi- Code “MO” “P” series for other applications safety capable overhaul/rework activities. factors or are manufactured by the applied are “MO” have no anticipated low usage, or possess restrictive storage FOR STOCKING , MAINTE- NANCE OR MANUFACTURE. requisitions with supporting through justification, shall justify a change to the “P” series code. 7 - 2 0 . A SERIES - ASSEMBLE - ASSEMBLY NOT 7 - 2 3 . U SERIES - U - APPLIED WHEN NOT OF SUPPLY OR MAINTENANCE PURCHASED. STOCKING SIGNIFI- CANCE. a. AF - Applied chased to assemblies which but which are to be assembled prior to installation. are not pur- within activities At least one of the items in the assembly must be a coded “P” item which carries individual part number and description. an 7 - 2 4 . MATERIAL ACCOUNTABILITY RECOVER- ABILITY CODES accountability, determined b. AO - Applied chased to assemblies which but which are to be assembled haul/rework activities prior which carries not pur- within over- to installation. one of the items in the assembly series item are reouired Codes provisioned recoverability are assigned to reflect and repair for an item of equipment for the maintenance, end article. which items the policy or material re~air or rework of an MARC codes are as-follows: At least must be a coded “P” an individual (MARC). only to aeronautical part number Code Application of Accountability /Recoverability Codes and description. R c. AOA - Applied to items to be assembled prime overhaul/rework point when required. 7 - 4 by the Code “R” shall end items economical be applied to reparable of support equipment) and practical items (except which to repair on a pro- are T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 grammed basis through a major rework It is inte~ti locally by using activities =tivities whenever commmd. maintenance the extent However, of required repair of the the decision that char~teristics military or commercial the governing After criteria initial or missing. After Officer capability the assigned maintenance using activity, maintenance rework activity shall be ou~fitting, pair. of the “R” supply system repair fleet levels Works to replace survey. and practical rework cannot tained “D” items will be main- on a custdial si~ature basis and shall such action. assistance including the cognizant regarding notified and will repair. service If repair be accomplished the Public 13UWEPSFLER- BUWEPSFLEREADREP activity. If repair from a major of Code locally The may authorize “E” items or through tomer service in time to meet operational CUS be surveyed when lost or missing or when be- tenance placement item may be requisitioned. The Code !? El! item requiting repair beyond Me capability repair. After initial outfitting, requirements, a ready-for-issue issue Code “D” end items without turn-in of the of the highest level of fleet maintenance replaced appropriately item. Code “D” items by fleet support activities, Works Departments, including when the extent repair fall within assigned sibility. Every shall be repaired time and type of Supply Officer respon- of isisue of the replacement screening item. 1 he item requiring repair will be screened by the cognizant prior to turning the item into the supply system PSFLEREADREP as non-RFI a major rework If repairs are required The who Jill provide for and disposition. items locally or through fleet support activities material. must be shall promptly notify the cognizant BUWEPSFLEREADREP to repair re- tagged and turned into supply at the Public maintenance effort s~l be made and authorized BU WE- for transfer to activity for repair or will be beyond local or fleet support maintenance designated for processing through normal capabilities, procedures for appropriate disposal act ion. Code “B” shall be applied to items which are the damaged or defective must be properly identified mediately material B consumable to repairable items (except end items of support equipment) are to be repaired assigned maintenmce Such items may contain outfitting, supply system precious metals, may be or may be certain high-cost items. y. Repair Code “C” shall be applied c will be scrapped when be ycmd local economical but require item for for issue after the initial outfitting. highly pilferable procured to support Code “L” items. Code “L” items initial which within their responsibility for expendable item exchange locally by using activities or the local fleet support activity parts are normally sw and return im- to the supporting supply department. Code “L” shall be applied - J main- yond economical the supply officer of the support activity will not L be set up by local or supporting repair through customer rework Coae shall of maintenance, Department, cognizant to repair on a schedtied basis through a major xtivity. of fleet to perform re- EADREP shall, be immediately to end items of support which aw economical procedures and to encourage the repl~ed item or when necessary equipment shall be requested cannot be accomplished when exchange procedures provide for turn-in of Code “D” shall be applied SUPPIY responsibility of the the next higher level Operating provide D the locally with sufficient flexibility to allow for local issues of Code “R” items shall be made only an item e~ended by approved outfitting If the repair of Code “E” items is beyond item. the at a major for assignment initial of the supporting activity will not issue Code “E” items without turn- in of the replaced of the item are such as to warrant repair programming code. basis wtien in use and will be surveyed when lost or fleet support falls within the maintenance local activity. that Code “R” items be repaired repair. to items consumed or expended in use and do not require an item for After item exchange. issues of Code “L” items shall be made only when exchange 7 - 2 5 . HOW TO USE THIS PARTS LIST. 7 - 2 6 . To find the part number if the major assembly procedures provide for turn-in of the replaced item or when necessary to replace an item ex- pended by approved survey. E Code “E” shall be applied equipment criterion which incorporating to end items of support are to be repaired for assignment using or fleet supporting activities’ maintenance locally by within their responsibility. items will be maintained The a. Locate the part and its corresponding number in the appropriate index illustration. of Code “E” is that the end item can be maintained/repaired assigned locally. that part is known: Code “E” b. Find the corresponding Parts Listing to determine index number the part number in the and description. on a custodial signature 7 - 5 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 7 - 6 7-1. T S - 1 8 4 3 B / A P X , Overall Assembly T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INDEX UNITS PART NO. DESCRIPTION No. 1234567 ON A6SY. CODE GD5382 TEST SET, TRANSPONDERSETTS-1843B/APX. . . . 1 526C640 . PLATE, IDENTIFICATION AF. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 526C649 . PLATE, IDENTIFICATION FAA.. . . . . . . . . . . 1 515 B2537 . COVER, TOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m1960-c4 . WASHER, m51957-15 . SCREW, 501B182 . SCREW, -3 GB5333 . PLATE, BOTTOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~24693-C2 . SCREW, MACHINE (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4 GC5434 . TIMING -5 GC5435 . EVALUATOR 7-1-1 -2 GB5500 . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MACHINE (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MACHINE (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6’ FLAT(AP). . ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-2 for breakdown). down) -6 . . . . . . ; . 1 Fig. 7-4 for break-. 1 ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-6 for break-. 1 ASSEMBLY@ee USABLE PER ~ REGULATOR down) W15795-W . WASHER, FLAT (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 W5338-135 . WASHER, LOCK 4 W351957-14 . SCREW, MACHINE -7 539B48 . INSULATOR, PLATE . . . ...’.... . . . ...*.. . . 2 -8 GD5483 . SIGNAL GENERATOR AND RECEIVER ASSEMBLY 1 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (See Fig. 7-7 for breakdown) m353s-134 . WA$HER, 622-750-C2-52 . SCREW, MACHINE LOCK (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...*. (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACHINE( AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 : 622-1000-C2-52 . SCREW, -9 GC5386-1 . KNOB, DIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -10 GC5386-2 . KNOB, DIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -11 GC5386-3 . KNOB, DIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m51021-1 . SCREW, SET, HEX SOCKET GD5497 . HOUSING SUBASSEMBLY -12 (AP). . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 (See Fig. 7-10 for break- 1 GB5381 MouNTING MT.3513/APx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 526C641 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 516D758 . PLATE PB3 1-2 MS20426A3-4 down) -13 PLATE, IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . FASTENER, TURNLOCK (72794) (501 C40- 13) . . . . 2 . RIVET 4 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 F i g u r e 7 - 2 . Timing Assembly A2 FIG. & UNITS INDEX PART NO. DESCRIPTION NO. 7-2-1 1234567 GC5434 TIMING GE5477 . ASSEMBLY TIMING (See Figure 7-1 for NHA). . . . . . BOARD ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-3 for . . . . ON ASSY . CODE REF 1 breakdown) -2 SKT- 14 TIP (98291) (586 C1O-24). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 C27-4 . RESISTOR, VARIABLE -4 515 B2539-1 . BRACKET, ANGLE 506 C3-15-7 -5 515 B2538 506 C1-13-1O2 -6 508B27 506C-1-1O2 -7 518C259-29 -8 502C117-8 506C1-1-1O2 7 - 8 JACK, -3 EYELET, METALLIC : CLIP, 2 1 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUBULAR(A~) SPRING RIVET, (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 TUBULAR (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANGLE : PIN, LOCATING RIVET, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : BRACKET, RIVET, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TENSION TUBULAR . FASTENER, SELF 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLINCHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . USABLE PER 1 2 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NAVAIR Figure 7-3. 7 - 9 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NAVAIR 7 - 1 0 Figure 7-3. T . O . l 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35-TS-1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 6 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 F i g u r e 7 - 3 . P/O Timing Assembly A2 (3 of 3), Parts Layout For Serial No. 1 thru 150 FIG. & INDEX UNITS PART NO. DESCRIPTION No. 7-3-1 1234567 GE5477 TIMING CSR1313E225KL . ELE -2 600A11 -3 600A8 -4 600A3 -5 600A5 -6 600A23 -7 60CIA19 -8 6QOA22 -9 3N128 -10 7717 -18NWHITE -11 593 A83-1 -12 2N2907 or 2N2907A . : FIXED, ELECTROLYTIC, DI- . . . . C%E REF 4 CTR.IC: Tantalum INTEGRATED Circuit INTEGRATED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CIRCUIT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CIRCUI’I’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTEGRATED INTEGRATED : ASSY. BOARD ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-2 for NHA). . CAPACITOR, USABLE PER INTEGRATED INTEGRATED : INTEGRATED TRANSISTOR CIRCUIT (14936) : PAD, TRANSISTOR TRANSISTOR : TRANSISTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (593A95) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (08289) (533 B385) (14936) (Selected . . . . . . . . . 3N140) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ; 1 2 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 2 7 - 1 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INDEX UNITS PART NO. DESCRIPTION NO. 7-3-13 1234567 CMO5CD1OOJP3 CAPACITOR, FIXED, MICA DIELECTRIC CERAMIC . . . . . . USABLE PER ON ASSY. CODI? 1 OR CMO5CD1OODP3 -14 CKO5BX1O2K CAPACITOR, FIXED, -15 CM05DD820GP3 CAPACITOR, FIXED, MfCA DIELECTRIC DIELECTRIC . . . 3 . . . . . . 1 OR CM05ED820GP3 -16 CKO5BX1O3K CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC DIELECTRIC . . . -17 CK05BX181K CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC DIELECTRIC . . . 1 -18 85929-8 CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL (00779) (588 A257-1). . 1 -19 DM5-470J CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELECTRIC: 1 MICA (72136) . 3 (565 A107-4) -20 MS18130-26 -21 CR-64/U -22 CK05BX470K CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMfC -23 CMO5DD1O1GP3 CAPACI’fOR, FIXED, MICA COIL, . RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CRYSTAL UNIT: 20 MHZ...... . . . . . . . . . . . DIELECTRIC DIELECTRIC 1 1 . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 OR CMO5FD1O1GP3 -24 RCR07G391JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -25 RCR07G473JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -26 1N3064 OR 1N4454 . SEMICONDUCTOR -27 RCR07G . . . JM . RESISTOR, ‘DEVICE, DIODE FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 G 1 H 1 G 1 H Selected Value from RCR07G272JM to RCR07G1 04JM RN55D.. .0F . RESISTOR, Selected -27A RCR07G . . . JM . FIXED, FILM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value from RN55D6651F to RN55D2432F RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . , . Selected Value from RCR07G272JM to RCR07G1 04JM RN55D . . ..F . RESISTOR, Selected 7 - 1 2 FIXED, FILM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value from RN55D3921F to RN55D3922F -28 RCR07G223JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . -29 RCR07G682JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -30 RTH22ES682K RESISTOR, THERMAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -31 RCR07G511JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION -32 575A68-1 . RESISTOR, VARIABLE -33 RCRO7G1O1JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -34 RCR07G122JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -35 RCR07G182JM RESISTOR, FLXED, -36 RCR07G472JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION -37 1N757A . . SEMICONDUCTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 COMPOSITION. DEVICE, 1 DIODE: Zener . . . . . 3 -38 RCR07G120JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -39 RCR07G471JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -40 RCRO7G1O3JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -41 RCR07GF202JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -42 RCRO7G1O2JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -42 RCR07G681JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -43 RCR07G272JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -44 3329 H-1-503 -45 532E1016 RESISTOR, . PRINTED VARIABLE WIRING (80294) (575A68-2) BOARD (Revision . . . . . . 1 H) . . . . . . . . 1 A B T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - l NAVAIR Figue 7-3A. 7 - 1 3 NAVAIR T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 1 4 Figure 7-3A. T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 UNITS PART NO. DESCRIPTION 1234567 GE5477 7-3A- TIMING BOARD ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-2 for NHA). (PC BOARD REVISION -1 CSR13BE225KL . CAPACITOR, ELECTRIC: FIXED, ON ASSY. CODE REF D H and high&) ELECTROLYTIC, DI- . . . { 3 Tantalum -2 600All . INTEGRATED CIRCIJIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -3 600A8 . INTEGRJiTED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : -4 600A3 . INTEGRATED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 6WA5 . INTEGRATED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -6 6WM3 . INTEGRATED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -7 6MA19 . INTEGRATE13 CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -8 6mM2 . INTEGRATED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -9 3N128 . TRANSISTOR -10 7717 -18WHITE . PAD, TRANSISTOR -11 593 A83-1 . TRANSISTOR (14936) @elected . . . . . . . i 1 -12 2~907 OR 2~907A . TRANSISTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -13 CMO5CD1OOJP3 . CAPACITOR, FIXED, 1 - USABLE PER (14936) (593A95j ; . ~ o ; ; ; . . . ; ; i 1 (06289) (533 B385) . . . . . . . . 2 MICA 3N140) DIELECTRIC . . . . . OR CMQ5CDIOODP3 -14 CK05BX102K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC -15 CM05DW20GP3 . CAPACITOR, FIXED, MICA DIELECTRIC . . 3 . . . . . 1 DIELECTRIC OR CM05E~2WP3 -16 CK05EM03K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC DIELECTRIC . . -17 CK05BX181K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC DIELECTRIC . . 1 -18 85929-8 . CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL (00779) (588 A257- 1). 1 -19 DM5-IW . CAPACITOR, (565 A107-5) FIXED, MICA ELECTRIC: (72136) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MS18130-26 . COIL, -21 CR-64/U . CRYSTAL -22 W05BX470K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC -23 CMO5DD51OGP3 . CAPACITOR, FIXED, MICA DIELECTRIC -20 3 UNIT: 20 MHZ 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . 1 DIELECTRIC OR CMO5FD1O1GP3 -24 RCRQ7G181 JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . -25 RCR07M73JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, . . . . . . . . . . -26 lN064 OR IN4454 . SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE , DIODE . . . . . . . . . , 10 -27 RCR07G123JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . 3 -28 RC~7W71JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . -29 RCR07G822JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . -30 KWIJ1 . RESISTOR, THERMAL -31 RCM7G511JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION -32 575A68-I . RESISTOR, VARIABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPOSITION (02606) (561 C28-3~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : RCR07G101JM RESISTOR, FIXED, RCM7G122JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . : -35 RCR07G182JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -36 RCR07M72JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION -37 1N757A DEVICE, . . . . . . . . . . . DIODE: Zener 1 . . . . . 2 . 1 -38 RCR07G120JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COIWOSITION . . . . . . . . . . -39 RCR07M81JM RESISTOR, FIXED, CWb@OSI’ITON . . . . . . . . . . 1 -40 RCR07GI03JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . 4 . -41 RCR07GF221W RESISTOR, FIXED, -42 RC~7G102JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMEWWTXON COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 2 -43 RCR07G201JM RESISTOR. FIXED. COMPOSITION. -44 3329 H-1-W3 RESISTOR; VARIABLE (80294) (575A68-2) -45 W18130-16 COIL, -46 532EI016 PRINTED WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOARD D 2 -34 COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . : . -33 SEMICONDUCTOR COMPOSITION : (REV G).. . . . . . . . . . : 1 1 7-15 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 Figure 7-4. Evaluator Assembly A3 FIG. & INDEX UNrrs PART NO. DESCRIPTION NO. 7-4-1 1234567 GC5435 EVALUATOR GE54’i’8 . ASSEMBLY EVALUATOR BOARD (See Fig. 7-1 for NHA). . . . ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-5 . . ON ASSY. CODE RE F 1 for breakdown) JACK, TIP (98291) SKT-14 -3 575 C27-5 : RESISTOR, VARIABLE 515 B2538 . BRACKET, ANGLE 506 C1-13-1O2 RIVET, TUBULAR -4 515 B2539-2 : BRACKET, 502 C117-8 . FASTENER, -5 508B27 . PIN, LOCATING 506 C1.3-102 . RIVET, 586C1O-24F . -6 7 - 1 6 (586 C1O-24). . . . . . . . . . . . . . -2 ANGLE SELF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUBULAR 6 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (ALP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLINCHING.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JACK TIP (98291 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . USABLE PER 2 1 1 1 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NAVAIR Figure 7-5. 7 - 1 7 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 1 8 Figure 7-5. T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 TM 11-6625-1646-24-1 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 Figure 7-5. 7 - 1 9 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INDEX UNrrs PART NO. DESCRIPTION NO. 7-5- 1234567 GE5478 EVALUATOR BOARD ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-4 for . . iKiixil PER ON ASSY. CODE REF NHA) -1 CMO5DD51OGP3 CAPACITOR, FIXED, MICA ELECTRIC. . . . . . . . 2 OR CMO5ED51OGP3 -2 MS18130-26 . COIL, -3 2N2222 . TRANSISTOR 7717 -18 NwHITE . PAD, TRANSISTKIR -4 CK06BX223K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC DIELECTRIC . . . 1 -5 CKO5BX1O3K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC DIELECTRIC . . . 8 -6 600A5 . INTEGRATED CIRCUIT -7 600A7 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -8 600A21 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -9 600A19 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1 -10 KA3302FK50K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, -11 2N491A . TRANSISTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -12 2N2907 OR 2N2907A -13 . 7717 -4 NWHITE RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAD, TRANSISTOR (08289) (533 B385) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 (533 B329) . . . . . . . . . 2 TRANSISTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CK06 BX104K CAPACITOR, FIXED, -14 CSR13E225KL CAPACITOR, FIXED, -15 CKO5BX1O2K -16 CSR13F685KL -17 CM05CD120KP3 OR . (13103) (565 C99.1). 12 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILM (05397) 1 10 CAPACITOR, FIXED, . CAPACITOR, FIXED. . CAPACITOR, FIXED, . DELAY CERAMIC DIELECTRIC ELECTROLYTIC: CERAMIC . . . Tantulum DIELECTRIC ELECTROLYTIC: 1 5 . . . 2 Tantulum 1 . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MICA DIELECTRIC CM05CD120JP3 -18 572 C36-3 -19 85929-8 -20 CM05CD050DP3 -21 -22 LINE CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL (00779) (588 A257-1). . CAPACITOR, FIXED, 593 A83-1 TRANSISTOR (Selected 1N3064 OR 1N4454 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE -23 1N751A SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE: -24 RCR07G471JM RESISTOR, FIXED, . MICA DIELECTRIC 3N140) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . Zener 1 1 1 22 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -25 332 OH1O2 . RESISTOR, VAR~BLE -26 RCR07G511JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . FIXED,’ COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . , . vAR~BLE (80294) (575A68-2) . . . . . . f (80294) (575 A68-1) . . . . . . 1 5 -27 RCR07G391JM -28 -28A RCRO7G1O2JM RCR07G152JM -29 3329 H-1 -503 RESISTOR, RESISTOR, REsISTOR, -30 RCR07G683JM RCR07G683JM RESISTOR. RESISTOR; FIXED. COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . FIXED; COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 K RCR07G ..: JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION 1 L -30A . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 1 Value Selected from RCR07G683JM to RCRO7G1O4JM RCRO7G1O3JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . RCRO7G1O1JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . -33 -34 RCR07G472JM RCR07G47CJM RESISTOR, RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . -35 RC R07G680JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . -36 RCR07G561JM RESISTOR. FIXED. COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . -37 -38 -39 RCR07G272JM RCR07G204JM -40 RCR07G821JM RCR07G681JM REsIsToR~ RESISTOR, RESISTOR, RESISTOR, FIXED: FIXED, FIXED, FIXED, cOMPOS~ION. . . COMPOSITION . . . COMPOSITION . . . COMPOSITION . . . -41 RCR07G202JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION -42 -43 RCR07G394JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . , . . , . . . . : RCR07G2R7JM -44 RCR07G302JM RESISTOR, RESISTOR. FIXED, FIXED. COMPOSITION COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : -45 -46 RCR07G331JM RCR07G . . . JM RESISTOR; FLXEf); CONIPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . Value Selected from RcRCt7G472JM to RCR07G223JM 1 RN55D . . ..F RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value Selected from RN55D6651F to RN55D2432F 1 RCR07G . . . JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . Value Selected from RCR07G472JM to RCR07G333JM 1 G RN55D . . . . F RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Value Selected from RN55D6651 F to RN55D2432F 1 J RESISTOR, RESISTOR, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 BQA&D 1 -46A -47 -48 -49 7 - 2 0 17 -31 -32 RCR07G152JM RCR07G822JM 332E101 ‘7 .__–.. FIXED, FIXED, L. ~=C~~(~t~l.T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2 c ; 2 1 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G 1 J T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NAVAIR Figure 7-6. 7 - 2 1 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INDEX UNITS PART NO. N O . DESCRIPTION 1234567 GB5500 REGULATOR - 1 GD5479 . REGULATOR - 2 U2T2006 . . INTEGRATED - 2 A U2T2023 . . INTEGRATED GB5509 . . HEAT SINK 7 - 6 - SCREW, MS24693-C3 - 3 ASSEMBLY BOARD 1 1 CIRC~T (12969) (593 A96-2) . . . . ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACHINE FP-10 . . PAD, TRANSISTOR : . 2N2222 - 6 RCR07G271JM . TRANSISTOR RESISTOR, . RESISTOR, (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (08289) COMPOSITION . FIXED, COMPOSITION . . 1N3064 OR 1N4454 : . SEMICONDUCTOR RCR07G751JM . . - 9 1N821 . . SEMICONDUCTOR - l 0 RN55D. . . . F . . RESISTOR, DEVICE, FIXED, DEVICE, FIXED, Value Selected . . RESISTOR, - 1 2 CKO5BX1O4K . . CAPACITOR, - 1 3 4034 - 1 4 CSR13E225KL CSR13F685KL . . CAPACITOR, 1 . . 2 . . . . . . . 2 . . . 1 DIODE . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . 1 RN55D2740F FIXED, FIXED, DIELECTRIC: - 1 5 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPOSITION (44655) . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1 (560A73- 1) . . . 1 CERAMIC WIREWOUND : CAPACITOR, . . RN55D2260F, FIXED, RESISTOR, . . . . COMPOSITION RN55D2490F, RN55D7500F . . from RN55D2050F, - 1 1 DIODE COMPOSITION . 1 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 8 : 4 (533 B320). . . . . . . . FIXED, 1 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 7 RESISTOR, RE F Fig. 7-1 for NHA). . . . (593 A96-1) . . . . TRANSISTOR RCR20G202JM CODE CIRCUIT (12969) :: - 5 ON ASSY. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2N2907 OR 2N2907A - 4 (See ASSEMBLY DIELECTRIC ELECTROLYTIC . . . 1 . . . 1 . . . . 2 . . . . . . . 1 . . . Tantulum FIXED, ELECTROLYTIC: . . Tantulum - 1 6 RCRO7G1O3.JM . . - 1 7 3-85929-7 . . RESISTOR, FIXED, CONNECTOR, COMPOSITION ELECTRICAL: . . (00779) . . . (588 A257-2) - 1 8 RCRO7G1O1JM . . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . - 1 9 RCR07G183JM . . FIXED, . . RESISTOR, COMPOSITION . . . . 1 . . . 2 - 2 0 1N974B . . SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE: Zener . . . 1 - 2 1 UZ5833 . . SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE: (12969). . . 2 - 2 2 532 D1034 . . PRINTED CIRCUIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (593A91) 7 - 2 2 BOARD USABLE PER T . O . 16-35T61843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NAVAIR Figure 7-7. 7 - 2 3 T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INDEX UNITS PART NO. DESCRIPTION NO. 7-7- 1 GD5483 23 4 5 67 SIGNAL GENERATOR (See -1 528B303 . TUNING -2 MS35338-136 . MS51957-28 -3 518B370 503 B1-91 ROD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACHINE SCREW, CODE RE F (AP) 1 1 LOCK (AP), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 FLAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MACHINE 2 :sPR.ING, :wAsHER, MS35650-314 ASSEMBLY. . ON ASSY, Fig. 7-l for NHA) WASHER, SCREW, MS51960-2 AND RECEIVER USABLE PER (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLAT(Ap) NUT, HEXAGON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -4 1N3064 : SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE . . . . . . . . . . -5 1N82AG . SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE, DIODE . . . . . . . . . -6 GB5495-2 . PLATE 515B2519 . . PLATE -7 2404-O02S2L0709D . . CAPACITOR, FEEDTHRU: (72982) (565C101-2), 1 -8 2404-O02-T2HO- . . CAPACITOR, FEEDTHRU: (72982) (565A106-2). 1 ASSEMBLY . 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470K -9 GE5480 MS35338-134 CIRCUIT SCREW, MS51957-3 -10 529B279 2 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCREW, MACHINE 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOcK(Ap) MACHINE DsPAcER MS51959-2 -11 CARD ASSY (See Fig. 7-8 for breakdown). lwAsHER, (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GB5481 : HOUSING ASSEMBLY 520C259 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A 1 A 1 HOUSING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 FE0440 NUT, 2 GD5496 1 VSWRADJUST . CLINCH: (46384) ASSEMBLY (502C117-8). (See Fig. . . . . . . . . 7-9for . . . . 1 breakdown) MS35338-136 . 7 - 2 4 WASHER, SCREW, MS51957-3 LOCK (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACHINE -12 RCR07G391JM lRESISTOR, -13 CS-26 . SETSCREW (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAXED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (O0141) (501C125-16) . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 1 1 B T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NAVAIR Figure 7-8. 7 - 2 5 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 NAVAIR 7-26 Figure 7-8. T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INDEX UNrrs PART NO. DESCRIPTION No. 7-8- 1234567 GE5480 CIRCUIT CARD ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-7 for NHA). . ON ASSY. CODE REF -1 RCR07G183JM RESISTOR, -2 CK05BX103K CAPACITOR, -3 lN3064 OR 1N4454 SEMICONDUCTOR -4 RCR07G301JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -5 RCR07G821JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -6 RCR07G152JM RESISTOR, FIXED, . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -7 593A83 TRANSISTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Iw-lo PAD, TRANSISTOR (08289) (533 B320) -8 RCR07G1WJM RESISTOR, COMPOSITION -9 573A86 COIL, -10 DMS- 100J CAPACITOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION FIXED, DEVICE, . . . . . . . . . . . 7 DIODE. . . . . . . . . . . 4 DIELECTRIC COMPOSITION (Selected FIXED, 1 . . . CERAMIC 3N140) . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIXED, USABLE PER MfCA DIELECTRIC: (72136) 1 MICA DIELECTRIC: (72136) 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (565 A107-5) -11 DM5-050D CAPACITOR, FIXED, (565 A107-1) -12 583A95 TRANSISTOR (Selected -13 CKO5?3X1O2K CAPACITOR, FIXED, 3N128) -14 RcRo’7G750Jh4 . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -15 RCR07G472JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -16 2N2481 . TRANSISTOR -17 RCRO7G1OOL?M . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . 1 -18 RCR07G471JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . 5 -19 RCRO’7G1O2JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . 1 -20 RCR07G681JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . -21 RCR07G242Jh4 RESISTOR, FIXED, 2 ~ -22 CSR13E225KL . CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELECTROLYTIC: -23 CK0513X470K . CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMfC -24 RCFW7G101JM . RESISTOR, -25 572 A48-2 . TRANSFORMER, -26 RCR07G391JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . -27 RCR07G473JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . -28 05-3700-12-1500 RESISTOR, FIXED, -29 RCR07G621JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, -30 1N754A . SEMICONDUCTOR -31 RCR07G182JM -32 05-3700-12-0360 -33 KB21J1 -34 -35 CERAMIC DIELECTRIC COMPOSITION . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPOSITION FIXED, 3 Tantalum. . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DIELECTRIC 1 RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FILM: (24546) (560A75-151J) COMPOSITION DEVICE, FIXED, COMPOSITION . RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM: (24546) . RESISTOR, THERMAL: RCR07G680JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, GC5502 . CONNECTORA 532 B1014 . . PRINTED 3-85929-6 . . (02606) WIRING 1 . 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Zener A75-360J) . 1 1 (560 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELECTRICAL: (00779) . . . . . . . B 1 (561 C28-3) . . . . . COMPOSITION SSEMBLY 1 . . . . . . . . . . . DIODE: RESISTOR, CONNECTOR, . . . . . . . . . . COMPOSITION 1 1 1 (588 A257-3) -36 572 A48-1 . TRANSFORMER, -37 DM5-470J . CAPACITOR, RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIXED. MICA DIELECTRIC: (72136) 1 1 (565 A107-4) -38 RCFW7G8R2JM . RESISTOR, -39 572A49 . TRANSFORMER, FIXED, -40 F1332JI . RESISTOR, THERMAL: (02606) (561 C28-4) . . . . . -41 3329 H-1-102 . RESISTOR, VARIABLE: (80294) (575 A68-1) -42 CR-56A/’U . CRYSTAL UNIT, 518B373 . CLIP, -43 5659065-3B . SUPPRESSOR, CRYSTAL -44 573A85 . FILTER, QUARTZ: PLATE 532 CI021 . CONTACT 527B939 . POST, SHOULDERED -46 515 B2547 . CONTACT -47 GB5447 -45 . . . . . . . . . . . 85.883 MHz . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PARASITIC: BANDPASS INSULATOR, 532 B108O COMPOSITION RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (02114) (573C79) . . . . 1 1 1 1. 1 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 STRIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 STRIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PRINTED WIRING BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1 1 7 - 2 7 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 2 8 Figure 7-9. T . O . NAVAIR 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INDEX JNITS PART NO. DF:S~:;RTPTION No. 1 2: 4 5G 7 —— ASSEMEi.Y (See Fig. corm VSWRADJUST -1 575 C27-5 . RESISTOR. -2 1N749A . SEMICONDUCTOR -3 RCR07G881JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION. . . . . . . . . . . 1 -4 RCR07G242JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION. . . . . . . . . . . 2 E -4A RCR07G302JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION. . . . . . . . . . . 1 F -5 RCR07G511JM . RESISTOR, FIXED. COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -6 RV6LAYSA501A . RESISTOR, -7 532 C103O . PRINTED MS51957-3 . SCREW, GC5501 . CONNECTOR 3-85929-5 . . 532B1015 . . PRINTED GB5443 . UL256-1 515C2540 -8 -9 i;ARIABLE MACHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEVICE, VARIAE3LE WIRING . . ON M3SY. GD5496 7-9- 7-7 forNHA) USABLE PER DIODE: Zener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3E F 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 BOARD SU13ASSEMBLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . BRACKET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -NUT, CLINCH: (4~~84) (502cl17-9). . . . . . . . . 2 . : BRACKET 1 CONNECTOR: (00779) (588 A257-4) WIRING BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 - 2 9 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 3 0 Figure 7-10. T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1846-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. & INlmx UNITS PART NO. No. DESCRIPTION 1234567 CODE HOUSING SUBASSEMBLY 588A262 . CONNECTOR, MS35338-135 . WASHER, MS51957-14 . SCREW, 588 J3230 . CONNECTOR, MS35338-135 . WASHER, W51957-14 . SCREW; 536B65 . GASKET, RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -3 528C305 . CENTER CONDUCTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -4 =3367-4 . STRAP, TIE DOWN -5 515=B2536 . COVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528B304 * SHAFT, 530B288 . GEAR, MS35338-135 . WASHER, MS51957-15 . SCREW, GC5426 . DIRECTIONAL MS51959-2 . SCREW. MACHINE -1 -2 -6 -7 (See Fiu. 7-l forNHA) . . . ON ASSY. GD5497 7-10- ELECTRiCAL LOCK(AP) MACHINE RE F 1 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ELECTRICAL LOCK(AP) 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACHINE(AP) . . : . . . . 0. . . . . . . 0. . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRAIGHT USABLE PER 1 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : PIIWON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOCK(AP) 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACHINE(AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 COUPLER ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . 2 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 B2548 . . PLATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -8 532 B1022 . . TERMINAL 1 -9 527 B933-2 . . CUP, RESISTOR MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . -10 527 B933-1 . . CUP, RESISTOR MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . -11 560A74 . . RESISTOR, -12 1145-SW-40 . . TERMINAL, SE-223 . . EYELET: (90030) (506C3-2-102) 505D1-11O . . WASHER, NONMETALLIC -13 515B2542 . . BAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -14 515B2541 . . BAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SEMICONDUCTOR BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIXED, COMPOSITION. FEEDTHRU: 2 : . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (97814) (510C31-1). . 2 Fig.7-11. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 DEVICE, -15 IN5711 . . -16 GE5476 . POWERANDCONTROL DIODE: (593A90). ASSEMBLY(See for breakdown) MS35338-134 . WASHER, LOCK(AP) 504C8-2O8-1O2 . WASHER, FLAT(AP) MS51957-3 . SCREW, 504C8-211-102 . ylASHER, FLAT(AP) M1335338-135 . WASHER, LOCK(AP) Ms51Q57-14 . SCREW, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MACHINE(AP) MACHINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 6 6 6 7 - 3 1 T . O . 16-35TS1843-2 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 7 - 3 2 Figure 7-11. T . O . 1 2 P 4 - 2 A P X - 2 0 2 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 T M - 1 1 - 6 6 2 5 - 1 6 4 6 - 2 4 - 1 FIG. i% UNITS INmx PART NO. DESCRIPTI@ No. 7-11- 1234567 GE5476 POWER AND CONTROL ASSEMBLY (See Fig. 7-10. . USABLE PER ON ASSY. CODE RE F for NHA) -1 RCR07H70~ -2 IN3064 OR 1N4454 -3 ~62AW822M -4 4s49 . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION SEMICONDUCTOR CAPACITOR, . RESISTOR, DEVICE, DIODE FIXED, CERAMfC FIXED, . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . 6 . . . . 1 DIELECTRIC COMPOSITION: (44655). COMPOSITION. . 0........ 1 . . . . . . . . . . 2 (560A73-2) -5 RCR20G220JM -6 1N3611 . RESISTOR, SEMICONDUCTOR FJXED, -7 C%WU3H225KL . CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELECTROLYTIC -7A =06 BX105K CAPACITOR, DEVICE, FIXED, DIODE CERAMIC . . . . . . . . DIELECTRIC 2 B 3 A -8 RCR07G183JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -9 RCRO7G1O3JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 -10 RCR20G5R1JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . -11 cKo6Bxlo4K CAPACITOR, FIXED, CERAMIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIELECTRIC . . . 1 1 1 -12 2m907A . TRANSISTOR -13 RCR32G121JM . RESISTOR, -14 ZW222 . TRANSISTOR 7717- lmnwiITE . PAD, TRANSISTOR . . . . . . . . 4 -15 RCR07~?2JM . RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -16 RCR07G273JM RESISTOR, FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . 3 -17 532 EI013 . PRINTED 86144-2 . 6015-27A 506C1-1-1O2 FIXED, COMPOSITION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (08289) (533 B385) 1 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 POST, ELECTRICAL: (00779) (515 B2549). . . . . . . 50 . CLIP, (91506) (139-2672-00). . RIVET, TUBULAR WIRING BOARD . . . . 1 (AP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ELECTRICAL: 7 - 3 3 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1848-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 Numerical Index I PART NUMBER AN960-C4 CKO5BX1O2K CKO5BX1O3K CK05BX181K CK05BX470K CK06BX223K CK62AW822tvl CM05CD050DP3 CMO5CD1OODP3 CMO5CD1OOJP3 CM05CD120JP3 CM05CD120KP3 CMO5DD1O1GP3 CM05DD510GP3 CM05DDS20GP3 CMO5ED51OGP3 CM05EDS20GP3 CMO5ED1OIGP3 CR-56A/U(65.833 MHz) CR-64/U(20 MHz) CS-26 CSR13E225KL cSR13F665KL CSR13H225KL DM5-050D DM5-1OOJ DM5-470J FIG. k INOEX No. 7.1-2 7.3.14 7-3A-14 1-5.15 7-8-13 ‘7.3-16 7-3A-16 7-5-5 7-8.2 7.3-17 7-3A-11 7-3-22 7-3A-22 7-8-23 7-5.13 7-6-12, 7-11-11 7-5-4 7-11-3 7-5-20 7-3-13 7-3A-13 7-3-13 7-3A-13 7-5-17 1-5-11 7-3-23 7-3A-23 1-5-1 7.3-15 7-3A-15 7-5-1 7-3-15 7-3A-15 7-3-23 7-3A-23 7-8-42 7-3-21 7-3A-21 7-7-13 7-3-1 7-3 A-1 7-5-14 7-6-14 7-8-22 7-5-16 7-6-15 7-11-7 7-8-11 7-3A-19 7-8-10 7-3-19 =“ 1 1 NS PIGEG PI PID NS PIGZG GE5478 PID NS PIDZD PIGZG P1 NS PIDZD PIGZG PID NS PIDZD P1 NS PIGZG P1 P1 P1 P1 NS NS NS NS PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PI NS PIGZG P1 P1 P1 P1 NS NS NS NS PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG P1 NS PIGZG P1 NS PIGZG GE5480 KA3302FK50K KB21J1 MS15795-804 MS18130-16 MS16130-26 MS20426A3-4 MS24693-C2 MS24693 - C3 MS3367.4 MS35338-134 MS35338-135 MS35338-136 MS35650-314 MS51021-1 MS51957-14 MS51957-15 MS51957-28 MS51957-3 PID P1 NS NS PIDZD PIGZG MS51959-2 P1 NS PIGZG P1 NS PIGZG PID PID NS NS PIDZD PIDZD PID NS PIDZD PID x2 PI NS PIDED NS PIGZG NS NS PF PIGZG PIGZG ADDDD XIDZD X2DZD ADDDD PIGG P1 P1 P1 PID P1 NS NS NS TL TD PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG NNGZG PIGGD PID TD PIGGD PID PID P1 xl PID NE NE TD PIDZD PIDXD PIDGD xlGG P 1 DDD MS51960-2 PB3 1-2 RCRO7G1OOJM RCRO7G1O1JM RCRO7G1O2JM RCRO7G1O3JM FB32J1 FE0446 FP-10 GB5333 GB5381 GB5443 GB5447 GB5481 GB5495-2 GB5500 GB5509 GC5366-1 GC5386-2 GC5386-3 GC5426 GC5434 GC5435 GC5501 GC5502 GD5362 GD5479 GD5483 GD5496 GD6497 GE5416 7-34 7-8-40 7-7-11 7.6-3 7-8-1 7-1-3 7-1-13 7-9-9 7-8-47 7-7-11 7-7-6 7-1-6 7-6‘7-6-2 7-1-9 7-1-10 7-1-11 7-10-7 1-1-4 7-2 7-1.5 7-57-9-8 7-8-35 7-1-1 7-6-1 7-1-8 7-77-7-11 7-9 7-1-12 7-1o7-10-16 7-11- P1 i: xl x2 Al P1 TL RCRO7G1O4JM RCR07G120JM RCR07G122JM RCR07G123JM RCR07G152JM RCR07G181JM RCR07G182JM RCR07G163JM RCR07G201JM RCR07G202JM RCR07G204JM RCR07G223JM RCR07G242JM RCR07G272JM RCRO’IG273JM RCR07G301JM RCR07G302JM X2DD x2 P1 PF PIGGG H ! GE5477 RCR07G331JM RC’R07G391JM I FIG. & INDEX NO. PART NuMBER 7.2-1 7.37 .3 A7-4-1 7-5. 7.7-9 7.5-10 7-3A.30 7.8-31 7.1-6 7-3A-45 7-3-20 7-5-2 7-1-13 7.1-3 7-6-2 7.10-4 7-1-8 7-7-9 7-10-16 7-1-6 7-10-1 7-10-2 7-10-6 7-10.16 7-7-2 7.7-3 7-1-11 1-1-6 7-10-1 7-10-2 7-10-16 7-1-2 7-10-6 7-7-2 7-7-9 7-9-7 7-10-16 7-7-1o 7-10-’I 7-7-3 7-1-13 7-6-17 7-3-33 7-3A-33 1-5-32 7-6-18 7-8-24 7-3-42 7-3A-42 7-5-28 7-8-19 7-3-40 7-3A-40 7-5-31 7-6-16 7-11-9 7-8-8 7-3-38 7-3A-36 7-3-34 7-3A-27 7-5-47 7-8-6 7-3A-24 7-3-35 7-8-31 7-6-19 7-6-1 7-11-8 7-3A-43 7-3-41 7-5-41 7-5-38 7-3-28 7-8-21 7-9-4 7-3-43 7-5-37 7-11-16 7-8-4 7-5-44 7-9-4A 7-5-45 7-3-24 7-5-27 “ X1 XIDDD xl XIDZD X2 P1 PID NS NS X2DD PIGZG PIDZD P1 P1 P1 NS NS NS PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG xl P1 P1 x2 PI NS XIGZG PIGZG P1G17G NNDZD PIGZG P1 NS PIGEG PID PID P1 P1 NS NS NS NS PIDZD PIDZD PIGZG PIGZG P1 NS PIGZG PID PID NS NS PIDZD PIDZD NS NS x2 PIDZD PID xl NS PIDZD xIGZG P1 NS PIGZG PID NS PIDZD P1 NS PIGZG PID P1 NS NS PIDZD PIGZG P1 P1 PI NS Ns NS PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PI PID Ns NS PIGZG PIDZD PI Ns PIGZG P1 PI NS NS PIGZG PIGZG P1 Ns PIGZG PIDZD PID Ns P1 Ns P1 PID PI Ns Ns Ns PIGZG PIDZD PIGZG P1 PID Ns NE PIGZG PIDZD T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR Numericdhkx (Cont.) PART Rmu#lm ~m=~a Rcm7wlw RC~7@71W Ra44J70413Jm Rcma13m 53CR07G311JM Rcm*61m R~07~21JM RCW7_M RCR07G6S1JM RmoTwwM RCR07W2JM WROIG?50JM RcIw7G751JM Rcm7M21JM RCR07GL3Z3JM RC~G2R7W R~07~RWM RCRMm2=M RCR2W5R1JM RCR=20UM R&mm2mJM R~22G121JM RN55m5wF RTH2~W~ RV6LATSA$OIA 2E-24 SXT-14 SKT-4F WL256-1 U2T30LM U2T2032 U25S33 05-3700-12-0366 05-3790-12-1500 1N3W4 1N3611 1N4464 1N5711 1N74SA 1N751A 1N754A 1NW7A 1N8UG ms21 1N974B 1145-W-40 12!3-2672-00 2w3222 2N2481 2N2W OR 2N2WA FIG. & D4m2x NO. 7-9-la 7-8-36 7-5-4a 7-5-34 1-11-1 7-3-3s I-3A-26 7-5-24 7-8-18 7-s-36 7-9A-36 7-s-33 7-8-15 ?-11-15 7-3-25 7-3A-$5 7-8.s7 7-3-31 I-9A-31 7-5-36 I-@-s ‘l-5-36 7-8-36 7-5-26 7-8-34 7-s-42 7-2A-39 7-5-40 7-$-30 ‘7-6-2 7-3-24 1-5-30 7-5-WA 7-8-14 7-6-0 7-5-39 7-8-5 I-5-48 7-5-4s 7-8-36 7-2A-24 7-11-10 7-6-5 7-11-5 7-11-19 7-8-11 7-2-30 7-9-6 7-10-12 7-2-2 I-4-2 I-4-6 7-9-9 7-6-2 7-6-3A 7-6-21 I-8-22 7-8-2S 7-3-26 I-3A-26 1-5-22 1-6-7 7-T-4 7-8-9 7-11-2 7-11-6 7-3-26 7-3A-26 7-5-22 7-6-7 7-s-3 7-11-2 7-1o-5 7-9-2 7-5-23 7-8-20 7-2-27 7-3A-27 7-7-5 7-6-s 7-6-20 7-10-12 7-11-17 7-5-3 7-6-4 7-11-14 7-8-16 7-3-12 AIR FORCE CWES PART HUMZZR NAVY CODE souRcE RzPAm 3N2P07 P1 PI NB Ns PIGZG PIGZG PI N6 PIGZG PID HZ PIDZl) PID Ns PIDZD PID P1 Ns Ns PIDZD 2N461A 24a4-oo2-TRo47x 2404-002ZZL0706D 3N1ZS sm40 3-85934-s 3-65636-6 3-8592S-7 W49H-1-102 PIGZG 3S29H-1-303 P1 IUD PID X6 Ns Ns PID Ns PIGZG PIDZD PIDZD PIGZG PIDZD 4024 4249 S41B163 S01C125-16 501C40-12 64ZC117-8 PIGZG PI PI NS Ns PIGZG PIGZG PID P1 PID Ns z P1 Ns PIDZD PIGZG PIDZD PIGZG PIGZG PID P1 PI P1 PI PI PI P1 PID xl P1 Ns Ns t4s Ns Ns Ns N3 NS Ns Ns PIDZD PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG PIDZL XIDZD PIGZG P1 PID P1 P1 P1 m Ns F&5 Ns NS PIGZG PIDZD PIGZG PIGZG PIGZG P1 Ns PIGZG P1 P1 Ns NS PIGZG PIGZG PID Ns PIDZD P1 PI D P1 NS N3 Ns PIGZG PIDZD PIGZG PID P1 P1 Xl x2 P1 NS Ns NS Ns PIDZD PIGZG PIGZG XIDZD NNGZG PIGZG PID P1 NS NS PIDZD PIGZG 302C117-9 503BI-91 504CS-3O8-1O2 50403-211-102 5G5D1-11O 6OSC1-1-1O2 3OSC1-13-1O2 5OSC1-3-1O2 504C3-15-7 5OSCZ-2-1O2 56SB27 51 OC31-1 515B2519 515 B2536 515B2537 515 B2538 515 B2539-1 515 L42539-2 515 B2541 515 B2542 515B3547 515 F3254S 515 B2549 515C2540 5160758 516B370 5tsB373 MSC259-29 520C259 526C640 526C641 526C649 527B933 -1 527 B933-2 527B939 526B303 52SR304 526C305 529B279 530B286 532B1014 532 BIO15 532 B1022 532 B108O 532C1021 S32CI030 532D1034 532 E1013 532 E1016 532 E101’7 533B320 533S329 16-35TS1848-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 PIG. & INDzx No. 7-5-12 7-6-3 7-11-12 7-s-11 7-’?-8 7-7-7 7-3-9 7-W-9 7-8-12 7-3-11 7-3A-11 7-5-21 7-8-? 7-9-o 7-8-35 7-6-17 7-s-34 7-6-41 7-9-44 7-SA-U 7-5-s4 7-6-12 7-11-4 7-1-2 7-7-12 7-1-13 7-2-8 7-4-4 7-7-11 7-9 7-7-9 7-10-16 7-10-16 7-10-12 7-2-6 7-2-7 7-2-S 7-4-3 7-4-s 7-2-5 7-1o 7-2-f3 7-+.6 7-10-12 1-7-6 7-lo-s 7-1-2 7-2-5 7-4-3 7-2-4 7-4-4 7-1o-4 7-10-12 7-6-46 7-1o-7 7-11-17 7-9-9 7-1-13 7-7-3 7-s-43 7-2-7 7-7-11 7-1-1 7-1-13 7-1-1 7-1o-1o 7-1o-9 7-6-45 7-7-1 7-10-5 7-1o-3 7-7-1o ;-lo-e 7-6-35 7-9-6 7-10-6 7-8-44 7-8-45 7-9-7 7-6-22 7-11-17 7-3-45 7-3A-45 7-5-49 7-6-3 1-6-7 7.5.11 AIR PORa CGDZS NAVY Couz sOuxcE RZPAJR P1 Ns PIGZG P1 PID PID PID X5 N6 Ns HZ PlGz4’i PIDZD PIDZD PID%D P1 Ns ?Imm PlOzG PID xl xl P1 PID Ns Nz P1 Hz PI m NS XIDZD X1D41D PIGZG P80ZG Plm3D PIGXG : PIGZG P1G23G NNGEG xl x3 XlG3iG NNDZD PID x2 NS PIDZD NNDZD x2 Xl x2 NNGZG X1D4D NNGZG x2 NNG2G x2 x2 xl P1 NNGZG NNGZG XIDZD PIGZG Ns Xl Ml Ml Ml Ml Xllwn MDWP MM)ZI> MDOZG Moozl) Ml Ml xl Xl %!1 xl P1 Ml xl x2 x2 x2 x2 PI xl P1 xl xl Ml x2 Ml PID MDDZD MDDZL) XIDZO xlDz13 M3N3ZD Xl DZD PICZG MDDZD XIGZG X21>7 !> xznz!~ NN(MG Xlllzv P 1( ;(;( ; XIGY(: P Ku, Xl DZD XIDZII MDDZD X2DZD MOGZG P.1 DZLI P1 xl xl xl Ml PID xl xl xl NS NS NS NS NS US PlG7.G XIDZD xlw.1~ Xlrwn hmwkl? Plum XIGZG XIGZG X11)7.1) xl PI NS Xllw.1) I. IGK,J P1 U PIC7G -. 7 - 3 5 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1848-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 Numericallwk?x PART NUMBZR PART NUMBER 7.3-1o 7-3A-1O 7-5-3 7-6-3 7-11-14 7-1o-2 1-1-7 7-6-13 7-11-4 7-10-11 7-8-26 7-6-32 7-3A-30 7-8-31 7-8-40 7-7-8 7-8-11 7-3-19 7-3A-19 7-8-1o 7-5-1o 7-6-43 7-6-36 7-8-25 7-6-39 7-5-18 7-6-44 7-8-9 7-8-43 7-3-32 7-5-25 7-6-41 7-3-44 7-5-29 ‘7-.2-3 7-4-3 1-9-1 7-2-2 7-4-2 7-4-6 7-3-18 7.3A-18 7-5-19 7-6-17 7-6-35 I-9-6 7-1o-1 7-10-2 7-3-11 7-3A-11 7-5-21 7-6-7 7-10-15 7-6-21 7-3-9 7-3 A-9 7-8-12 7-6-2 7-6-2A 7-3-2 7-3 A-2 7-3-7 7-3 A-7 7-5-9 7-5-8 7-3-8 7-3A-6 7-3-6 7-3 A-6 7-3.4 7-3 A-4 7-3.5 7-3 A-5 7-5-6 7-5-7 7-3-3 7-3 A-3 7-11-7 77-1-6 7-3-1o 7-3A-1O 7-5-3 7-5-11 7-6-3 7.11-14 7-3-18 7.3A-16 7.5.19 7.11-17 533B385 536B65 539B48 560A73-1 560A73-2 560A74 560A75-151J 560A75-360J 561 C26-3 561 C26-4 565A106 565A107-1 565A107-4 565A107-5 565 C99-1 5659065-3B 572A48-1 572A48-2 572A49 572C36-3 573A85 573A86 573 C79 575A68-1 575A66-2 575 C27-4 575 C27-5 566CI0-24 566C1O-24F 588A257-1 588A257-2 566A257-3 568A257-4 566A262 568B230 593 A83-1 593A90 593A91 w3A95 593 A96-1 593 A96-2 600AI I 600AI 9 600A21 600A22 600A23 600A3 600A5 600A7 600A8 6015-27A 622-1 OOO-C2-52 622-750 -C2-52 771/-lf7N WHITE 85929-8 86144-2 .— 7 - 3 6 (Cont.) PI NS PIGZG PID Ml P1 P1 xl NS PIDZD MIGZG PIGZG PIGZG XIDZD PID NS PIDZD PID PID PID PID PID NS NS NS NS NS PIDZD PIDZD PIDZD PIDZD PIDZD P1 PID PID PID PID P1 PID PID PID PID NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS PIGZG PIDZD PIDZD PIDZD PIDZD PIGZG PIDZD PIDZD P1D2D PIDZD PI NS PIGZG PI PID NS NS P1 NS PIGZG PIDZD PIGZG PIGZG P1 PID NS NS PIGZG PIDZD P1 xl xl PI P1 D P1 NS NS NS NS PIGZG XIDZD XIDZD PIGZG PIDZD PIDZD PID PID P1 PID NS NS NS PIDZD PIGZG PIDZD P1 P1 PID NS NS NS PIGZG PIGZG PIDZD PID NS PIDZD PID P1 D NS NS PIDZD PIDZD PID NS PIDZD PID NS PIDZD PID NS PIDZD PID PID NS NS PIDZD PIDZD x2 P1 P1 NS NS NNGZG PIGEG PIGZG PID NS PIDZD P1 NS PIGZG NS Ns T.O. NAVAIR 12P4-2APX-202 16-35TS1848-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 Reference Designations M mm IMca Iw22 kac4 Mcs A1c6 Mm Mm Mm AIC1O AICR1 &u A3CR6 AICR7 AICR8 AW3i9 thm A2CR14 AIQ1 AN32 AIQ2 Al@ A1Q3 AIRI AIRZ AIRS AiR4 Ail?5 Au?$ A1R7 A2 AZCI 1-117-11-2 7-11-7 7-11-3 7-11-2 1-11-3 7-ii-2 7-11-3 1-11-1 7-11-7 7-11-11 7-11-9 7-11-6 ?.11-0 7-11-2 7-11-3.4 7-11-i4 7-la-14 7-11-14 7-11-12 7-11-1 7-11-15 T-11-B6 ‘l-lI-l@ 7-11-16 7-11-15 7-11-1$ 7-11-1s 7-11-15 7-11-13 7-11-4 7-11-10 7-11-8 7.11.9 -7-11-5 1-11-1 “?-11-1 7-11-1 7-11-1 7.27-2-19 7.3A-13 A2C2 A2C2 A2C3 A2c4 A2c5 A2C!5 A2ct3 A2C6 Aac7 A2C!7 A2C8 7-3-14 7-3A-14 NOT USED ‘7-2-1 i-3-14 I-3A-14 7.3-M 7-3A-16 7.3-1 7-2A-1 7-3-23 A2C8 7-3A-23 7-3-15 7-3A-15 IA2c1L7 9-3-1s A2c1O 7-3A-IS AZ(7I2 .A2C14 7-3-14 7-2A-14 1.3.16 7-3A-ILI 7-3-22 ‘7-3A-22 7-3-17 ‘I-9A-IT 7-3-16 7-3A-16 7-2-1 7-3A- I 7-3-1 7-3A-1 7-3.26 7-3A-26 GE5476 cK@uws22M CSR13H225KL CK6tiW822M CK6UW822M CK6%W82~ CK6Um2ZM ~6WW822M CKO6BX1O5K CSR12R225KL CKWBX104K 1?42064 IN4454 H42tml 1242611 1243064 1N4464 2N2222 2P?2222 2NZ222 2N2222 2N2$07A 3tCR07G470JM RCR07G473JM RCROIG272JM RcR07G273JM RCR07G273JM Rmwlm RcRolG103J?A RCR07G412.7t4 RCR07G4TWM RCR32G12iSW 4349 580A73-2 RCR20G5R1M 14CR07G1E12JM RCRO7G1O3JM RcR20G23aJM RCROIG470JM RcRo7m70Jm RcRo7G4aoJM RCR07G4TOJM GC5434 cM5cDlwDm CM05CEMOOJP3 CM05CD100DP3 CMO5CD1OOJP2 CKO5BX1O2K CKO5BX1O2K C~13BE225= CKO534X1O2K CW5BX102K CKO5EIX1O3K CK05BXI03K CSRH4BE225KL C~13BEZ25KL cMo5rl13iolGP3 CMO5FD1O1GP3 cm5DmiwP3 CM05FDIOI GP3 C~5D~2=P3 CM05EM2MP3 CMMDD62W~ C~5EM2WP3 DM5-470J 565A107-4 DM5- 100J 565A107-5 CKO5BX1O2K C~5BX10ZK CKO533X1OSK CKO5BX1OSK C~5BX470K CK05BX4TOK cm5Bx181K CK0533X181K CKO5BX1O3K CKO5BX1O3K C!SR13BEZ25KL C=13BE225KL CSR13BE225KL CSR1324E225KL IN2004 n44464 1N3064 IN44M REFERENCE DESIGNATION FIGURE & INDEX NO. UJl 7-3-18 Mm 7-3A-18 k2Ll &lLl i3L2 L2Q1 1-3-20 7-3A-30 1-3A-45 --3-9 !2Q1 7-3A-9 43Q3 7-3-11 \2Q3 7-3A-11 42Q3 7-3-12 i2Q3 7-3A-12 k2Q4 7-3-12 k2Q4 7-3A-12 L2R1 Ii2Rl k2R2 7-3-25 T-3A-25 7-3-42 A2R2 k2R3 k2R3 A2R4 k2R4 &2R5 k2R6 &2R6 A2R7 A2R8 A3i?8 &2R9 A2R9 A2R1O A2R1O A2R11 7-3A-42 7-3.25 7.3A-25 7-3-40 ~-3A.25 7-3-31 7-3-34 7-3A.43 1.3-42 7-3-33 7-3A-32 7-3.40 7.3A-40 7.3.40 7.3A-40 1-3-41 A2R12 A2R12 A2R13 A2Ri3 A2R14 A2R14 ‘l-S-27A 7.3A-29 7-3-31 I-3A.21 7-3-3$ 1-3A-27 A2R15 A2R15 A2R16 A2R16 A2R11 A2R17 A2R18 A2R18 A2R19 A2Ri9 A2R30 A2R20 A2R21 A2R22 A2R22 A2R33 A2R33 A2R24 AZR24 A2R25 A2R25 A2R26 A2R26 A2R27 A2R28 7-3-27 7-2A-29 7-3-40 I-3A-40 7-3-34 7-3A-34 1-3-34 7-3A-34 1-3-38 7-3A-38 7-3-3a I-3A-32 7-2-3 7-3-32 1.3A-32 7-3-33 7-3A-24 7-3-38 7-3A-36 7-3-34 1-3A-34 7-3-35 7-3A-35 7-3-38 1-3-44 A2R28 7-3A-44 A2R29 AZR2S A2Ft30 A2R30 A2Et31 A2R32 7-3-3E3 7.3A-39 1-3-38 7-3A-29 7-3A-42 7-3A-40 PART NUMBER 85929-8 568A257-1 85939-8 588A257-1 MS18i30-26 MS18120-26 MS18130-i6 2N128 593A95 3N128 593A95 3N140 593A83-1 3N140 503A83-t 2N3807 3N2907A 2N2907 2N2907A 2N2807 3N2S07A 2N2907 2N22W7A RcRo7G4’13JM RCR07G473JM RCR07Gi02JM RCR070471JM RCR07G471JM RCRO’N3473JM RCR07G473JM RcRo7Gio3J&4 RCR07G473JM RCR07G511JM RCR07G391JM RCR07 OIJM RCR07 % 73JM RCRO7G1O1JM RCRO7G1O1JM RcRo7Gio3JM RcRo7Gio3JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07GI03JM RCR07G203JM RCR07G . . . ~ RN55D. . . . RCR07G323JM RcRo7G51iJM RCR07G511JM RCR07G223JM RCR07G123JM RCR07G . . .JM RN55D, . . . RCR07GS23JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G123JM RCR07Gi23JM RCR07G123JM RCR07Gi23.JM RCR07Cii2WM RCR07G12WM 575A68-1 575A88-I 575C27-4 575A88-1 575A88-1 RCRO7G1OIJM RCR07G181JM RCR07G473JM RCR07G472JM RCR07G123JM RCR07G122JM RCR07G182JM RCR07G182JM RCR07G682JM 3329H-1-503 575A68-2 3329R-1-503 575A68-2 RCR07G681J14 RCF407GS81JM RCR07G473JM RCR07G623JM RCR07GI03JM RCRO7G1O3JM PART NUMBER i2R33 i2R34 7-3A-27 7-3A-44 i2R35 i2R36 7-3A-27 7-3A-44 42R37 i2R38 42RT1 12RT2 7-3A-41 7-3A-42 7.3-30 7-3A-3o 42U1 \2ul 42u2 42u2 42u3 42u2 h2u4 42u4 k2u5 k2u5 A2u6 h2u6 A2U7 A2U7 A2u8 A2u8 A2U9 A2u9 A2U1O A2u1O A2u11 A2u11 A2u12 A2u12 A2vRi A2vRi A2VR2 A2VR2 A2vR3 A2Y1 7.3-3 7.3A-3 7-3-8 7.3 A-8 7-3.2 7-3 A-2 7-3-3 7-3 A-3 7-3A-3 7-3A-3 7-3-4 7-3A-4 7-3-4 7-3A-4 7-3-4 7-3A-4 7-3-5 7.3 A-5 7-3-8 7-3A-6 7-3-5 7.3 A-5 7-3-7 7-? A-7 7- -37 7-3A-37 7-3-37 7.3A-37 7-3-37 7-3-21 A2Y1 7-3A-21 A2 A3c1 A3C2 7-47-5-5 7-5-10 A3C3 A3C4 A3C5 A3C6 A3c7 A2C8 A3c9 A3c1O A3c11 A3C12 A3ci3 7-5-5 7-5-13 7-5-14 7-5-14 7-5-15 7-5-5 7-5-5 7-5-16 7-5-5 7-5-4 7-5-1 A3c14 7-5-17 A3C15 A3C16 A3C17 A2C18 7-5-15 7-5-5 ‘7-5-5 7-5-1 A3C19 A3C20 A3c21 A3C22 A3c23 A2CR1 tiuw A3cR22 A3DL1 A3J1 7-5-20 7-5-14 7-5-5 7-5-14 7-5-14 7-5-22 A3L1 A3Q1 A3Q2 A3Q3 7-5-2 7-5-3 7-5-11 7-5-i2 A3Q4 A3C35 A3Q5 7-5-3 7-5-3 7-5-3 7-5-18 7-5-19 RCR07Gi23JM 3329 H-1-503 575A68-2 RCR07G123JM 3329 H-1-503 575A6tl-2 RCR07G221JM RCRO7G1O2JM RTH22ES682K K1321J1 561 C28-3 600AS 600AS 800A22 600A22 600A11 600A11 600A8 600A8 600AS 600A8 600A3 600A3 600A3 500A3 SOOA3 601JA3 600A5 600A5 600A23 600A23 SOOA5 600,+5 600Ai9 600A19 iN757A 1N757A iN757A 1N757A 1N757A CR-841U (20 MRz) CR-64i U (20 MHz) GC5435 CKO5BX1O3K KA3302FK50K 565C99-1 CK05BXI03K CKO6UX1O4K cSRi3E225KL CSR13E225KL CKO5I3X1O2K CKO5BX1O3K CKO5BX1O3K cSRi3F665KL CK05BXI03K CK08BX223K CMO5IM351OGP3 CMO5ED61OGP3 CM05CD120KP3 CM05CD120JP3 CKO5BX1O2K CKO5BX1O3K CKO5BX1O3K CMO5OD51OGP3 CMO5ED51OGP3 CM05CD050DP3 CSR13E225KL CKO5!3X1O3K CSR13E225KL CSR13K225KL 1N3064 1N4454 572C36-3 85929-8 5S8A257-5 MS18130-26 2N2222 2N491A 2N2907 2N2907A 2N22Z2 2N2222 2N2222 -.. 7 - 3 7 T.0, 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1848-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 Reference Designations (Cont. ) PART NUMBER REFERENCE DESIGNATION ——l———— PART FIGURE & INDEX NO. NUMBER i4CR2 7-6-7 i4Jl 7-6-17 i4Ql 7-6-3 i4Q2 i4Q3 44R1 i4R2 \4R3 i4R4 44R5 i4R6 L4R7 i4R8 14R9 44R1O 7-6-4 1-6-4 7-6-19 7-6-19 7-6-5 7-6-16 7-6-16 7-6-10 7-6-11 7-6-6 7-6-18 7-6-13 i4Rll 44R12 14ul 7-6-6 7.6-6 7-6-2 \4u2 7.6-2A \4VRl i4vR2 1-6-20 7-6-21 14VR3 7-6-21 \4VR4 44VR5 !5 !5A1 45C1 7-6-9 7-6-9 7-77-87.7-6 i5c2 7-7-7 k5AlCl 7-6-11 i5AlC2 45A1C3 45A1C4 NOT USED 7-6-2 7-8-10 45A1C5 45A1C6 45A1c7 NOT USED 7-6-13 7-8-11 45A1C6 k5Alc9 A5A1C1O k5Aicll A5A1C12 A5A1C13 A5A1C14 A5A1C15 A5A1C16 A5A1C17 A5A1C18 A5A1C19 A5A1C20 A5A1C21 A5A1C22 A5A1CR1 thru A5A1CR4 A5A1FL1 A5A1L1 A5A1L2 7-6-22 7-6-2 7-6-2 7-6-2 7-8-37 7-8-22 7-6-2 NOT USED 7-6-23 7-8-2 7-8-2 7-6-23 7-6-23 7-8-22 7-8-23 7-6-3 A5A1Q1 7-6-12 A5A1Q2 A5A1Q3 thru A5A1Q7 A5A1P1 A5A1R1 A5A1R2 A5A1R3 7-6-7 7-6-16 A5A1R4 A5A1R5 7-8-29 7-8-6 FIGURE & WEX NO. I PART NUMBER I I k3Q7 A3QS k3Q9 A3Q1O A3Q11 &3Q12 I REFERENCE DESIGNATION 7-5-3 7-5-3 7-5-11 7-5-3 7-5-3 7-5-21 A3R1 k3R2 7-5-31 7-5-29 A3R3 7-5-30A KJR4 A3R5 A3R6 k3R7 h3R6 A3R9 A3R1O A3R11 A3R12 A3R13 A2R14 A3R15 A3R16 A3R17 A3R18 A3R19 A3R20 A3R21 A3R22 A3R23 A3R24 A3R25 A3R26 A3R27 A3R26 A3R29 A3R30 A3R31 A3R32 A3R33 A3R34 A3R35 A3R36 A3R37 A3R36 A3R39 7-5-47 7-5-34 7-5-31 7-5-33 I-5-36 7-5-35 7-5-33 7-5-32 7-5-26 7-5-31 7-5-31 7-5-31 7-5-39 7-5-40 7-5-33 7-5-33 NOT USED 7-5-33 7-5-31 7-5-26 7-5-31 7-5-41 7-5-31 7-5-31 7-5-37 7-5-37 7-5-31 7-5-39 7-5-31 7-5-30 7-5-42 7-5-38 7-5-40 7-5-34 7-5-31 7-5-31 A3R40 A3R41 A3R42 A3R43 A3R44 A3R45 A3R46 A3R47 A3R4S A3R49 A3R50 A3R51 7-5-46 I-5-26 7-5-48 7-5-26 7-5-31 7-5-24 7-4-3 7-5-27 7-5-24 I-5-28 I-5-28 7-5-25 A3R52 A3R53 A3R54 7-5-26 ‘,-5-32 7-5-31 A3R5!l A3R56 A3R57 A3R58 A3R5B A3R60 A3R61 A3R62 A2R63 A3vR1 A3u1 A3u2 A3u3 A3u4 A3u5 A3u6 A4 A4C1 A4C2 A4C3 A4CR1 7-5-46A 7-5-44 NOT USED 7-5-31 7-5-26 7-5-33 7-5-45 7-5-31 7-5-43 7-5-23 7-5-7 7-5-8 7-5-9 7-5-6 7-5-6 7-5-7 7-67-6-14 7-6-15 7-6-12 7-6-7 2N2222 2N2222 2N491A 2N2222 2N2222 3N140 593A83-1 RCRO7G1O3JM 3329 H-1-503 575A68-2 RCR07G683JM RCR07G . . . JM RCR07G152JM RCR07G470JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G472JM RCR07G561JM RCR07G680JM RCR07G472JM RCRO7G1O1JM RCRO7G1O2JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G821JM RCR07G681JM RCR07G472JM RCR07G472JM RCR07G472JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G511JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G202JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G272JM RCR07G272JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G821JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G663JM RCR07G394JM RCR07G204JM RCR07G681JM RCR07G470JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G . . . JM RN55D. . . . RCR07G511JM RCR07GS22JM RCR07G511JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G471JM 575 C27-5 RCR07G391JM RCR070471JM RCRO7G1O2JM RCRO7G1O2JM 332OH1O2 575A66-1 RCRO7G1O2JM RCRO7G1O1JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G . . . JM RN55D. . . RCR07G302JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G511JM RCR07G472JM RCR07G331JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCR07G2R7JM 1N751A 600A21 600A21 600A19 600A5 600A5 600A21 GB5500 CSR13E225KL CSR13F665KL CKO5BX1O4K 1N3064 1N4454 7-8-44 7-8-9 7-8-43 7-8-35 7-8-27 7-6-14 7-8-26 1N3064 1N4454 3-65929-7 566A257-2 2N2907 2N2907A 2N2222 2N2222 RCR07G163JM RCR07G183JM RCR20G202JM RCRO7G1O3JM RCRO7G1O3JM RN55D. RN55D7500F RCR07G751JM RCRO7G1O1JM 4034 560A73 -1 RCR07G271JM RCR07G271JM u2T2006 593A96- 1 u2T2006 593 A96-1 u2T2023 593 A96-2 1N974B uZ5833 593A91 uZ5633 593A91 1N821 1N821 GD5483 GE5480 2404 -002T2H0470K 565A106 2404 -002S2L 0709D 565 C101-1 DM5-050D 565 A107-1 CKO5BX1O3K DM5-1OOJ 565A107-5 CKO5BX1O2K DM5-050D 565A107-1 CSR13E225KL CKO5BX1O3K CKO5BX1O3K CKO5BX1O3K DM5-470J CSR13E225KL CKO5BX1O3K .5A1R6 5AlR’1 ,5A1R8 5A1R9 7-6-5 7-6-6 I-6-4 7-6-32 .5A1R1O .5A1R11 ,5A1R12 .5A1R13 .5A1R14 !5A1R15 ,5A1R16 .5A1R17 L5A1R18 ,5A1R19 .5A1R20 .5Alh21 ,5A1R22 L5A1R23 7-8-31 7-8-1 7-6-16 7-6-38 7-6-17 7-6-15 ?-6-26 7-6-18 7-8-21 7-8-16 7-8-18 7-6-19 7-8-1 7-8-41 L5A1R24 L5A1R25 L5A1R26 L5A1R27 ,5A1R28 L5A1R29 .5A1RT1 7-6-15 7-6-20 7-8-20 7-6-2’4 NOT USED 7-8-34 7-6-40 L5A1RT2 7-8-33 .5A1T1 L5A1T2 L5A1T3 L5A1VR1 L5A1Y1 7-8-36 7-8-39 7-8-25 7-8.30 7-6-42 L6 L6R 1 L6R2 ,6R3 ,6R4 L6R4 ,6R5 L6R6 ,6R7 L6R6 L6VR1 LI ,7CR1 ,7CR2 ~7Rl L7R2 h7R3 7-97-9-5 7-9-6 NOT USED 7-9-4 7-9-4A NOT USED 7-9-1 7-9-3 7-9-4 7-9-2 7-1o-7 7-10-15 7-10-15 7-10-11 1-10-11 7-10-11 RCR07G821JM RCR07G152JM RCR07G301JM 05-3700-12-0360 560A75-360J RCR07G182JM RCR07G821JM RCROIG471JM RCR07G6R2JM RCRO7G1OOJM RCR07G472JM RCR07G391JM RCR07G471JM RCR07G242JM RcRo7a71JM RCR07G471JM RCRO7G1O2JM RCR07G471JM 3329 R-1-102 575A66-1 RCR07G472JM RCR07G681JM RCR07G681JM RCRO7G1O1JM RCR07G680JM FB32J1 561 C26-4 KB21J1 561 C26-3 572A46-1 572A49 572A48-2 1N754A CR-56A/U (65.863 MHz) Gb5496 RCR07G511JM RV6LAYSA501A RCR07G242JM RCR07G302JM 575 C27-5 RCR07G661JM RCR07G242JM IN749A GC5426 1N5711 1N5711 560A74 560A74 560A74 CK05BX470K CKO5BX1O3K CKO5BX1O3K CK05BX470K CK05BX470K CSR13E225KL CK05BX470K 1N3064 1N4454 573A85 573A66 5659065-3B 573C19 3N128 593A95 593A63 2N2461 GC5502 RCR07G473JM RCR07G750JM 05-3700-12-150( 560A75-151J RCR07G621JM RCRO7G1O4JM —-J 7 - 3 8 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 APPENDIX A MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION A-1. General. This appendix provides a summary of the maintenance operations for the TS-1843B/APX. It authorizes categories of maintenance for specific maintenance functions on repairable items and components and the tools and equipment required to perform each function. This appendix may be used as an aid in planning maintenance operations. A-2. Maintenance Function. Maintenance functions will be limited to and defined as follows: a. Inspect. To determine the serviceability of an item by comparing its physical mechanical, and/or electrical characteristics with established standards through examination. b. Test. To verify serviceability and to detect incipient failure by measuring mechanical or electrical characteristics of an item and comparing those characteristics with prescribed standards. c. Service. Operations required periodically to keep an Item in proper operating condition, i.e., to clean, preserve, drain, paint, or to replenish fuel/lubricants/hydraulic fluids or compressed air supplies. d. Adjust. Maintain within prescribed limits by bringing into proper or exact position, or by setting the operating characteristics to the specified parameters. e. Align. To adjust specified variable elements of an item to about optimum or desired performance. f. Calibrate. To determine and cause corrections to be made or to be adjusted on instruments or test measuring end diagnostic equipment used in precision measurement. Consists of the comparison of two instruments, one of which is a certified standard of known accuracy, to detect and adjust any discrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument being compared. g. Install. The act of emplacing, seating, or fixing into position an item, part, module (component or assesmbly) in a manner to allow the proper functioning of the equipment/system. h. Replace The act of substituting a serviceable like-type part, subassembly, model (component or assembly) for an unserviceable counterpart. A-1 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 i. Repair. The application of maintenance services (inspect, test, service, adjust, align, calibrate, replace) or other maintenance actions (welding, grinding, riveting, straightening, facing, remachining, or resurfacing) to restore serviceability to an item by correcting specific damage, fault, malfunction, or failure in a part, subassembly, module/ component/assembly, end item or system. j. Overhaul. That periodic maintenance effort (service/action) necessary to restore an item to a completely serviceable/operational condition as prescribed by maintenance standards (e.g., DMWR) in appropriate technical publications. Overhaul is normally the highest degree of maintenance performed by the Army. Overhaul does not normally return an item to like-new condition. k. Rebuild. Consists of those services/actions necessary for the restoration of unserviceable equipment to a like-new condition in accordance with original manufacturing standards. Rebuild is the highest degree of materiel maintenance applied to Army equipment. The rebuild operation includes the act of returning to zero those age measurements (hours, miles, etc.) considered in classifying Army equipment/components. A-3. Maintenance Allocation Chart Column Entries. (Table A-1) a. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1 lists group numbers, the purpose of which is to identify components, assemblies, subassemblies and modules with the next higher assembly. b. Column 2, Component/Assembly. Column 2 contains the noun names of components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules for which maintenance is authorized. c. column 3, Maintenance Functions. Column 3 lists the functions to be performed on the item listed in column 2. d. Column 4, Maintenance Category. Column 4 specifies, by the listing of a "worktime" figure in the appropriate subcolumn (s), the lowest level of maintenance authorized to perform the function listed in column 3. This figure represents the active time required to perform that maintenance function at the indicated category of maintenance. If the number or complexity of the tasks within the listed maintenance function vary at different maintenance categories, appropriate “worktime” figures will be shown for each category. The number of man-hours specified by the “worktime” figure represents the average time required to restore an item (assembly, subassembly, component, modules, end item or system) to a serviceable condition under typical field operating conditions. This time includes preparation time, troubleshooting time and quality assurance/quality control time in addition to the time required to perform the specific tasks identified for the maintenance functions authorized in the maintenance allocation chart. Subcolumns of column 4 are as follows: CO F H D A-2 Operator/Crew Organizational Direct Support General Support Depot T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 e. Column 5, Tools and Equipment. Column 5 specifies by code, those common tool sets (not individual tools) and special tools, test, and support equipment required to perform the designated function. A-4. Tool and Test Equipment Requirements (Table A-2). a. Tool or Test Equipment Reference Code. The numbers in this column coincide with the numbers used in the tools and equipment column of the MAC. The numbers indicate the applicable tool or test equipment for the maintenance functions. b. Maintenance Category. The codes in this column indicate the maintenance category allocated the tool or test equipment. c. Nomenclature. This column lists the noun name and nomenclature of the tools and test equipment required to perform the maintenance functions. d. National/NATO Stock Number. This column lists the National/NATO stock number of the specific tool or test equipment. e. Tool Number. This column lists the manufacturer’s part number of the tool followed by the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers (5-digit) in parentheses. A-3 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-1 TABLE A-1. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR TRANSPONDER (2) (1) GROUP NUMBER COMPONENT> ’ASSEMBLY SET, TEST SET TS-1843B/APX (3) MAINTENANCE FUNCTION c 03 (1) A-4 TRANSPONDER SET, Operational test. TEST SET TS-1843B/AYX Inspect Testl Replace Repair (4) (5 ) MAINTENANCE C4TEGORY TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT o F H D 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.0 1 2 3-23 T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2 TM-11-6625-1646-24-l Ti4iiLE A-2. TOOL ~ TEST EQUIPMENT REQJIR-S FOR TRAHSFOWIER SE7 , TEST SET TS-1843B/APX (B3L OR TES EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CATEGORV NOMFZNCLATURE STOCK NilMBH! F? E?= Cairn c1 T2ST SST, ‘EfASSKISDKR AH/APM-123(V)l &M3M6*l o lUOL KIT, SLSCTFOHIC ll&-oo-06b 5178 D SSC%IVSR—~ m, SADIO RT-859/APX-72 D SIDTISD LIEIS, UAVJDWXDS WJIFWWT ‘m-lol/G &5-oG-D89-7179 IJ4-92( )/U D ISDICA70R, STASDRIG WAYS RATIO lM-175/U 625-00-892-5670 D TSST SET, ‘IRMSWSMR SET AS/AR4-239A 625-DG-802-7@5 D MuIOTrrams Au/m14-223 625-oo-999-7b65 D OSCIIJOSWPS M@4@31A D TCOL KIT, ELSC’WJKIC SQUIPM2#T D ‘TSST SET, RAMS AS/UEW98A i@-00-912-O$a D ‘lODL KIT, SLSC’IROSIC EQUIFWXT llt-100/G i180-00-@bO079 D TSST SST, S~ICOtJMICTOR 625-CO-1684994 D TSST SET, CRYRTAL UWIT, QUAR~ lS-2@S/iJ D ~L KIT IK-k( )/m-81(v) D RF TSRMIUATIOM D 3 DB ASD 6 DB PAM C&1285/U (HP-8491A) D ‘EST SET, MFOMISR ~T SET AS/AR4-362 (OIA236150) D CaJHdl Sms TtsmR (NICSOLAB N300A) 625-DC-2X)-2221 lX-105/G DSVICS lW836B/U M3O-W-61O-8177 625-00-669-1215 50 O* (GR 87k-w50B) D SIGBAL G-TOR (M.IL-G-WT) D FREQOmCT mums (MIL-c-9988A) 625-00-058-27W A-5 TM 11-662S-1646-24-1/NAVAIR 16-35TS1843-2/T.O. 12P4-2APX-202 By Order of the Secretaries of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force: Official: PAUL T. SMITH Major General, United States Army The Adjutant General Official: F.M. ROGERS, General, USAF Commander, Air Force Logistics Command BERNARD W. ROGERS General United States Army Chief of Staff JULIAN S. LAKE Rear Admiral, United States Navy Commander, Naval Electronic Systems Communal DAVID C. JONES, General USAF Chief of Staff Distribution: TO be distribution in accordance with DA Form 12-36, organizational maintenance requirements for AN/APX-72. *!IJ3 GOVIHMmr FUISmW omcs: m - 311-uI&eIm This fine document... Was brought to you by me: Liberated Manuals -- free army and government manuals Why do I do it? I am tired of sleazy CD-ROM sellers, who take publicly available information, slap “watermarks” and other junk on it, and sell it. Those masters of search engine manipulation make sure that their sites that sell free information, come up first in search engines. They did not create it... They did not even scan it... Why should they get your money? 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