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To See Our Seminars


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    July 2018
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SEMINARIER - Film & Musik Ny kunskap och nya idéer skapas i möten och samtal mellan människor. Seminarier - Film IVAL VE FILM FEST PEACE & LO Acting Master Class 30 Aug. Kl 13:00 New Orleans native Dana Gourrier worked with many of the industry’s elite directors and actors like Quentin Tarantino, Oprah Winfrey, Lee Daniels, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Renee Zellweger... Dana comes to P&LFF in Örebro sharing insights from her wealth of experience acting in both Theatre, TV and Film. (Film/Branschpass krävs) U nder festivaldagarna arrangeras ett trettiotal föreläsningar, paneler och speed meetings. Seminarierna är tänkta för artister som uppträder eller besöker Live at Heart, här finns en chans att träffa bransch och prata om sin musik och karriär, samt Dana Gourrier Full Metal Jacket 31 Aug. Kl 10:00 While screening the entire film - acclaimed editor Martin Hunter tells the many behind the scenes stories having worked 9 years with Kubrick whereof 3 as editor on Full Metal Jacket. A must see not only for all Stanley Kubrick fans! ’-Kubrick was a great director but also a very shrewed producer...’ (Film/Branschpass krävs) Martin Hunter Bio Roxy Lecture 2 Sep. kl 13:00 In Örebro the complement-cinema takes the shape of the magnificent theatre Bio Roxy, today more than a hundred year old yet fighting for its survival. Challenging the commercial climate has proved hard and även till representanter från den etablerade film- och musikindustrin. Boka din plats! Alla seminarier på Scandic Markurells kräver förbokning. Har man inte fått plats via förbokning kan man ändå ha en chans att komma in då vi släpper de bokningar som inte dykt upp 10 min innan seminariet startar. Seminarierna kan vara på svenska och engelska. Finns det personer i rummet som inte kan svenska kommer seminariet att hållas på engelska. Boka din plats genom att skicka ett mejl till: [email protected] *Ange vilket seminarium du vill boka + för och efternamn på de personer som bokningen avser. Skriv också om ni har branschpass, artistpass eller vanligt festivalband. Branschpass och artistpass har förtur. 30 will in the prolongation cause several problems. Bio Roxy works with broadening the range of films shown in Sweden based on quality apart from the general public opinion, importing films from different cultures to increase understanding and diversity and contribute to educate the society in a whole. We have invited different speakers to talk about different aspects of the complement-cinema such as society and democracy, the film market, solutions to the problem and the possibilities lying ahead in Örebro city. (Film/Branschpass krävs) Peter Greenaway Master Class 2 Sep. Kl 15:30 Peter Greenaway, an Artist who found his canvas on the silver screen became the most Renaissance and Baroque style filmmaker in the world. After almost 20 years of art short films making, his Love and jealousy, sense of humour, his expertise in art has finally taken shape in feature length film. He orchestrates the filmmaking or the art installation work to the extreme with light, colour, ink, calligraphy and naked bodies. The reconstruction of historical scenes or construction of storytelling are often grandiosely theatrical and the images are always extravagantly painting like, layered with Michael Nyman and Marco Robino’s music to an absolute experience. (Film/Branschpass krävs) I ST E F LM E C A E P Peter Greenaway F E V & LO SEMINARIER – Musik TORSDAG 11.00 Private investors in film and music – How does it works? What makes private investors interested in investing in film and music? A discussion between investors and music and film producers. Deltagare: Peter Possne, Maria Mörner & Peter Åstedt Plats: Scandic - Markurells 13.00 What is good music - Who decides that? Music journalism and the future. FREDAG 10.00 How to make money on lyrics Is it possible to make money out of your printed lyrics? Yes today it is possible if you do it right. Today many lyrics are on pirate sites but it’s changing to sites that pays. You can also increase your audience by translating your lyrics. More people will be added in the panel. Deltagare: Roberg Singerman Plats: Scandic - Markurells 11.00 Place your music in movies/commercials Sync your music. How does it happen. Meet an American Deltagare: Michael Corcoran, Janne Andersson, V Marc Fort & Marita Johansen Plats: Scandic - Cupole independent movie supervisor and people from the ad agencys. More people will be added in the panel. Deltagare: Drew Young & Richard Simon Plats: Scandic - Markurells 14.00 Can a city be to attractive? Austin in Texas is the live music capital of the world. But the more attractive the city becomes, the more expensive is it to live in. And soon the music and the arts moves out. Deltagare: Bijoy Goswami, Anna Iderot Bjelke & Roger Mogert Plats: Scandic - Cupole 15.00 Hur gör man Sveriges populäraste filmer? Vi har samlat tre av Sveriges framgångsrikaste film och musikproducenter för att ta reda på hur man skapar en succé. Deltagare: Peter Possne, Patrick Ryborn & Niclas Molinder Plats: Scandic - Cupole 16.00 Framtidens festivaler är jämställda och hållbara 32 Panelsamtal med bland annat Kristina Wicksell från organisationen Jämställd festival. Vi diskuterar utvecklingen av festivaler. Framtidens festivaler kommer att vara både jämställda och hållbara, men hur tar vi oss dit? Moderatorer: Johannes Nilsson & Fredrik Wilander Arrangör: Vänsterpartiet & Miljöpartiet Plats: Scandic - Cupole 12.00 How to collect money in a global world Idag så är världen ett arbetsfält det är inte alls säkert att din publik bara finns i Sverige. Hur fungerar det att få in pengar från andra länder? Speciellt USA där det finns tre ”collecting” företag. Vad skiljer sig där från Sverige? Deltagare: Mario Prins, Roger Östman Plats: Scandic - Markurells 13.00 How to do PR in new media landscape How to work in the new media landscape. How does it look right now. How to work new channels and old channels. More people will be added in the panel. Deltagare: Birgitta Haller & Ulrika Holmberg Plats: Scandic - Markurells 13.00 Presentation - STIM & SAMI Representanter för organisationerna finns på plats. Deltagare: Fredrik Holmgren & Max Törn Plats: Scandic - Cupole 33 SEMINARIER – Musik FREDAG 13.00 Pussy have the power - om film & stereotyper Tre av Sveriges mest nyskapande filmare pratar om hur det är att utmana invanda könsroller och stereotyper inom filmen. Deltagare: Lovisa Sirén, Lisabi Fridell & Siri Hjorton Wagner Plats: Scandic - Hjalmar Bergman 14.00 How to play on international showcases How do you get into showcasefestivals around the world? Can I just apply? How do they think? And what to do when you get accepted. More people will be added in the panel. Deltagare: Anders Damberg & Peter Åstedt Plats: Scandic - Markurells 14.00 Presentation Production for use, Austin Texas XpoNorth - Scotland’s Leading Creative Industries Festival, Inverness Deltagare: Amanda Millen & Ashland Viscosi Plats: Scandic - Cupole 15.00 How to book in UK How to book in UK. Here you can meet people with good knowledge of the UK scene and how it works. More people will be added in the panel Deltagare: Sara Martin, Jeff Bacon & Marcy Palejova Plats: Scandic - Markurells MAHDI HADE STENKOLL PÅ MARIA När det stod klart att Maria Larsson valts till ny landshövding gick NA direkt ut på stan och undersökte om örebroarna hade koll på Slottets nya inneboende. Mahdi Mohamud från Örebro hade stenkoll: ”Hon var väl KD-politiker och socialminister. Heter det så? Vad roligt att hon blir landshövding. Det tror jag blir bra.” 16.00 Can you make it as DIY artist? Nära dig – dygnet runt Deltagare: TBA Plats: Scandic - Markurells Foto: Sofie Isaksson. 34 35 SEMINARIER – Musik LÖRDAG 10.30 Behind the rockstars ass Rock biographies are selling like hot cakes even in supermarkets. These are stories about the superstars - the unvarnished scenes from tour life, from concerts, backstage, hotel rooms and buses. Live at Heart repeat the 2013 success with new storytellers and new stars in the leading roles. Deltagare: Bill Öhrström, Lennart Östlund & Gunnar Danielsson Moderator: Claes Olson Plats: Scandic - Markurells 13.00 Get on playlists, how to do it. Getting on playlists is the future but how to do it. Get advice and tip off from Ömer Akay who place over 17 million streams to just one of his artists. More people will be added in the panel. Deltagare: Ömer Akay Plats: Scandic - Markurells 14.00 Meet the new A&R:s Who are the new A&R:s? With new companies popping up. And how do they think? What do they expect from a new artist to sign? More people will be added in the panel. Deltagare: Malin Moessner & Ömer Akay Plats: Scandic - Markurells 15.00 Speedmeetings Här har du chansen att i 10 minuter träffa och prata med personer i musikindustrin. Få värdefulla tips och råd hur du ska ta din musik/karriär framåt. Deltagare: Roxanne Seeman, Attila Galaczi, Sara Martin, Drew Young mfl. Plats: Scandic - Markurells 36 37 SEMINARIER – Deltagare 38 AMANDA MILLEN Director, ScreenHI & XpoNorth Festival JEFF BACON Jeff has worked on many new cool music companies like Audio Boo, CI, Music Metric and is key player in the international music industry. ANDERS DAMBERG Grundare till Live at Heart. Kulturentreprenör och intimt förknippad med Örebros musikliv och skivbutiken Najz Prajz. JOHANNES NILSSON Grundare till Live at Heart. Politisk sekreterare för Vänsterpartiet i Örebro kommun. Tidigare rockmusikkonsulent på Scenit. ANNA IDEROT BJELKE Marketing Manager, Örebrokompaniet. KRISTINA WICKSELL Från organisationen Jämställd festival. ASHLAND VISCOSI Is a consulting partner at Production for Use, a film consultation firm for television and film projects. KAVE RAUFI Known for his work on Rivalerna (2003), Intrång (2004) and Notan (2004). He also directed some commercials for Barncancerfonden. ATTILA GALACZI A big profile inside the Swedish hip-hop scene. He started the very successful label JuJu records with Timbuktu during the 90:s. LISABI FRIDELL Lisabi Fridell är filmfotograf inom fiktion och dokumentärfilm sedan 2009. Hade A-foto på Någonting måste gå sönder. BIJOY GOSWAMI Entrepreneurial philosopher and promoter who studied at Stanford and Oxford. Founded Bootstrap Austin & Austin Equation. LOVISA SIRÉN Filmklippare och manusförfattare/regissör. Hennes film Pussy Have the Power vann pris på Göteborgs Filmfestival 2014. BIRGITTA HALLER Birgitta Haller has worked with PR on major labels in Sweden but now runs her own PR company Big is Promotion. MALIN MOESSNER Talent-coach and built up a international network. This year she started her own management company, MAMO music. DREW YOUNG Drew Young is the music supervisor for an American new movie. He has worked as supervisor at Lionsgate in the past. MARCY PALEJOVA Target driven creative consultant at 22D Music Group Marcy focus on enhance sync and various commercial partnership opportunities. FREDRIK WELANDER Politisk sekreterare för Miljöpartiet i Örebro. Arbetar med rådgivning kring PR, kommunikation samt idé- och affärsutveckling. MARIA MÖRNER Has many years of experience in film investment, and has been a part of many Swedish and international successes. JANNE ANDERSSON Swedish journalist with a background at Swedish TV4 and Aftonbladet. MARITA JOHANSEN Journalist och musikrecensent för dagstidningar, magasin och närradio i över 30 år. Kultur- och nöjeschef på NA 2008-2012. 39 SEMINARIER – Deltagare MARIO PRINS A native of Los Angeles . Worked in the Film/ TV licensing department at Universal Music Group before joining SESAC in 2009. ROXANNE SEEMAN American songwriter and lyricist. She is best known for her songs by Billie Hughes, The Jacksons, Bette Midler & Earth, Wind & Fire. MICHAEL CORCORAN Michael Corcoran has been a music critic in the U.S. since 1975. His work has also appeared in Rolling Stone, Spin & Texas Monthly. SARA MARTIN Based in London and works mainly in the Live Music Industry. Has been touring Europe as Project Manager in Performing Arts projects. NICLAS MOLINDER Skriver internationella hitlåtar och driver bolaget Auddly. SIRI HJORTON WAGNER Siri är skådespelare och producent. Siri har producerat Audition. Hon rollsatte även Någonting måste gå sönder. PATRICK RYBORN Har producerat film sedan 90-talet. Bland annat Underbar och älskad av alla, Kenny Begins, samt Sune i Grekland och Sune i fjällen. ULRIKA HOLMBERG Ulrika Holmberg is running Musichelp and is one of the few women who are CEO in a music inc company in Sweden. PETER POSSNE Har producerat mer än 70 svenska filmer bland andra Såsom i himlen, Hur många lingon finns det i världen, Jägarna 2, och Mig äger ingen. V MARC FORT Social Media Strategist / Music Business Consultant at the Texas Music Office PETER ÅSTEDT Peter started his record label at only fifteen years old and started several companies in the music industry and works today on Musichelp. ÖMER AKAY Is running Despotz Records. They launched a range of successful artists and are one of the top names to promote artists online. RICHARD SIMON Has worked a long time in the world of creating commercials with companies like House, Bsmart, Stereoscape and Getty Images. Är du vår nya samarbetspartner? ROBERT SINGERMAN Has worked over 40 years in the music industry. He has epresented artists like REM, Gipsy Kings, Richard Hell and James Brown. Live at Heart är en festival som växer sig större för varje år. Vi söker efter fler samarbetspartners och sponsorer. Bli en del av Örebros största musik- och filmhändelse. Kontakta oss inför Live at Heart 2016. ROGER MOGERT Vice Mayor for City Planning and Culture, City of Stockholm. 40 ROGER ÖSTMAN He has worked with several big publishing houses and also created his own Voiceman and GEM publishing. Jimmy Nivrén Olsson [email protected] 41