TOUR.HAZER Dearcustomer,
wesincere|yhopethatyourfutureworkwithyouSMOKEFACToRYhazemachine and énjoyable.Thankyou once againfor your confidencein our *iff Oà.ré"rfll theoptimum pràJr.i pr"""" take youi timereadingthis manualcarefully,to obtain_ performancefromyourequipmentandtoensurethesafetyofyourselfandthose workingwith You. Safety measures A,fog machine is not a toYI Scaldinghazard
The TOUR-HAZERiets hot steam! Keepthe fog iets clear within a distance of 1,5ml Nothingshouidbe situatedwithinthe 1,5mlimit,especiallyno objects' persons,animais,plantsand non heat-resistant
Nevertouchthe nozzlewhilethe machineis in operating
Keepminimumof 60 cm to all flammableobjects
Duringoperationsmallamountsof hot fluièdrops may emerge-Therefore you shouldmakesurethat thesedo not becomea dangerto anyone'
oMakesurethatthevisibilityhasmorethan2minroomswherepeoplewa|k around. o
Fog may activatesmokedetectors.
produce Artificillymadefog can be producedin manyways.The methodusedhereto idô, *ti, " device-wtrichnÀrks accordingto the vaporizerprinciple,is the most harmlessone. No case has so far beenreportedin whicfra humanbeinghas been harmedbecause this can only be guaranteedif to produceartificialfog. Horrvever, ;ir;;;;d*ice tn" àiJte*"ional fog generatorsare used àccordingly,i.e. at the correctvaporization temieraturesas well with the conectymixedfog fluid' We however,recommend:Pepole with health problems or problems of lheinclination for allergies should avoid any contact with ià"piiàiià" i."roiwigr artificially madefog. Working with the TOUR-HAZER Only use the TOUR-HAZERwIthOriginal SMOKEFACTORY You will get this in $ltr. - or 2sltr.-cans.You can put the sltr.TOUR-AZER-FOG. can aireaty intothe flightcasè.screw the S.-ltr.-canlid with quick-connec{or-coupling pushthe ànioità tÉ. $ftr.-canîoUR-HAzER-Foc. Put the fluid bottleintothe case' is collar brass brasscouplingin to the brasscollaruntilyou will heara'clicK. The lockednow.
Choosing a good Position The place wtrere you positionthe fog machinemust be
. D r y o
Allowenoughfresh air suPPlY
Havea nonflammablesurface
Be vibrationand shock-free
rHaVeasurroundingtemperaturebetween+5.C(+41"63619n69;13p{+45oC (+113!F) .
Havea relativehumidityof lessthan 80oÂ
YoucanusetheTOUR-HAZERinverticalandhorizontalposition rararm up time will be connect the mainssupplyplugto a 2S}YtS}llzsocket.The approx.1 min. Control choices
to a dimmer or switchpack!This Neverconnect the TOUR-HAZER may destroy machine. Stand-alone-use You tn this use all dataior pumpand fan mustbe adjustedat the machinedirectly' can do this by usingthe Up- and Down-Button' You can choose between 1o/oând 99% for the pump and for the fan' power Fxx and Push the menu button to ctrangebetvræenpump power Pxx, fan DMX-addressOoil) (in DMX-mode). Up- & Down- Buttonto adjustthe wished porverof fan and pump' lf you have reachedthe vfiished povyerpush the entef butlon and the TOUR-HAZER In this modeyou alwayscan change ùif .t"* to "rrk. The Active.LED'isactive ncrurr. pushthe iÀà p"",", "t pumpând / or fan at the machine.To switchof the machine enteriutton.
Becauseofcoolingdown,thefanwillrunalthoughyoustoppedthemachineby pushingtheenter-button. the mainspovrersupplyplyOfrgmfhesocketthefanwillstop'But lf youdisconnect timeto cooldowntheTOUR-HA'ER. ËrËàr",àr." "ur" thatthere'wi*ue eàôr"bir Workingin DMX'mode to a DMXsource(usuallya DMXdesk)' ConnecttheTOUR-HAZER the up- & D-orrvnPushthe enterbuttonto get intothe DMXmode(/Jtx). By using savethe DMXbetween1 and511'To Luitonr"f'"o." tnewlsneJo[aX-address willkeep theaddressalthough "Jàià"" p"J theenterbuttonagain.Tfe-machine v"henyouremovethe mainssupplyplugfromsocket' BeawarethattheTOUR*|AZERwi|lcovertwosuccessiveDMXchanne|s. Thefirstchannelis for thepump,the secondonefor thefan' o| 10Â,i'î |t is on|ypossibleto contro|thefanwhenthepumpchanne|hasa minimum notthefanwillstoP.
Operationhints o OnlyuseSMOKEFACTORYTOUR-HAZER-FOG o Makesurethatthe fan-latticeis notclockedwithdust
rMakesurethatthepumpwi||notrundry.Controlthefluid-quantity it on 99%-output insidethe machine.(ffyôu usethe ToUR-HAZER will run up to seven hoursby one s-ltr'-can)
Hazemakerbasedon vaporizingfog
Procedure: machine
Powerrequirement 1600W230V/50H2
Weight(withoutfluid): 15,2 kg
Fluidbottlecapacity: 5ltr.
approx.1 min
control:Elec-tronically Temperature
fuse: Temperature
controlandthermostat temperature Electronically
5"Cto 45"C
o E{ appearson theLED-disPlaY: Pleasesendthe machineto us or yourlocaldealer
E4 appearson the LEDdisPlaY:
The machineis too hot.The heatingswitchesoff andthe machinewill thè machinefromthe mainsupplyfor a cooiOown.Solution:Disconnect it. momentandthenre-connect
The pumpis runningbut no hazeappearc: o Controlthefluid,is the bottleempty? .Checkifthebrasscol|arisconnectedproper|ywiththebrass coupling o Checkif the fluidfilterinsidethe bottleis blocked o Checkthe fluidtube
stops during use for longertime: The TOUR-HAZER protection deviceis activated . The overtemperature . Checkif thefan is blocked r ls thereenoughfreshairsupplied