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Track Sync On Sequence Playback




PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 1. Modes of operation 1.1. Mode Overview 1.2. Main Mode 1.3. Command Mode 1.4. Scale Mode 1.5. Setting Mode 1.1. Mode Overview Mode List / How to switch Modes Main Mode Steps and Keyboard for sketch Command Mode Mode Pads Press the Mode Pads to enter the corresponding mode. Press it again to return to Main Mode. Command Mode Pad Commands for edit (Copy, Paste, Clear, etc.) Scale Mode Selecting and building scales that appear on Keyboard Scale Mode Pad Setting Mode Sequencer settings (BPM, Step size, etc.) Setting Mode Pad PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 3 1.2. Main Mode Layout R1 R2 R3 R4 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 T1 Step Pads [S] S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 T2 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 T3 S25 S26 S27 S28 S29 S30 S31 S32 F0 K22 K23 K24 K25 K26 K27 K28 M1 F1 Keyboard Pads [K] K15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 K21 M2 F2 Mode Pads K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 M3 F3 These Pads are unlit in this mode. (Except in special circumstances.) K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 M4 F4 Basic Operations A particular Pad is shown by a sign above with “[ ]”. “[A] + [B]” means a operation that hold down [A] and then press [B]. STEPS [S] : Step Playback If a Note is in the Step, it is played back and a corresponding Keyboard Pad is lit in Amber. (Note: Step Playback is disabled during Sequence Playback.) [S] + [K(unlit)] : Putting a Note into the Step [S] blinks to indicate that it is ready for putting a Note. Then a Note on [K] is put into this Step. After that [S] is lit in Amber to indicate that a Note is in this Step. [S] + [K(Amber)] : Removing a Note from the Step A lit [K] turns unlit to indicate that a Note is removed. [S] + [M3] : Switching Step Status See the chapter “2.2 Step Status” for details. [S] + [S] : Selecting Steps Pads between both Pads are SELECTED and lit in Green. The SELECTED Steps become targets of a subsequent action. Press any [S] again to reset the selection. PRACQ To select ONE Step only: - [S] + [M1] or - [S](Held Down) and proceed to next action. SELECTED Steps -> [F2] / [F3] : Transpose Up / Down Note pitch in SELECTED Steps is transposed in semitones. SELECTED Steps (kept holding down the first [S]) + [K] : Putting a Long Note See the chapter “2.2. Step Status” for details. KEYBOARD [K] : Playing the Keyboard Here is a 28-key Keyboard. You can change Scale that appears on Keyboard Pads through Scale Mode. [F1] / [F4] : Keyboard Range Shift (Up / Down) Keyboard Pads range is shifted per row. REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 4 Basic Operations (Continued) TRANSPORT TRACKS [T1] : Sequence Playback Current played step is lit in Red as Playback Position. And if a Note exists in the Step, it is played and a corresponding Keyboard Pad is lit in Red. Press [T1] again to stop Playback. [R] : Track Selector [R1] to [R4] represent Track 1 to 4 respectively. Current Track is lit in Amber. See the chapter “2.1 Data Structure” for details about Tracks. [T2] + [T1] : Song Rewind and Sequence Playback [T2] + [S] : Moving Playback Position Playback Position (lit in Red) is moved to [S]. OTHERS [F] : Func Pad You can select function of Func Pad ([F1] to [F4]) from “Preference” -> “Func Pad” tab on the program. And [F0] is used for switching set of function assignment. See the chapter “3.1. Func Pad” for details. SELECTED Steps -> [T3] : Making a Loop Region [M1] + [F1] : Export a MIDI File SELECTED Steps, if any, change to Loop Current Track data is saved in the folder where Region. [T3] is lit in Amber to indicate that Loop Region is applied to Sequence Playback. the execution file is. [T3] (Without SELECTED Steps) : Reset a Loop Region [M1] + [F4] : Exit the Program Playback Note Indicators During playback, the following pads are lit depending on current playback Note. - Step Playback: Amber - Sequence Playback: Red ... K25 K26 K27 K28 M1 M2 Above Non-scale M3 K1 K2 K3 M4 ... Below On scale For example, in the case of C Major Scale... [M2] is lit in Green when Semitone Keyboard is enabled. Amber / Red: Long Note (TIE Status) Green (Step Playback): Muted (MUTE Status) Note) See the chapter “2.2. Step Status” for details about TIE/MUTE Status. Non-scale M2 M2 M2 M2 M4 M4 K1 K2 K3 Below PRACQ M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 K25 K26 K27 K28 M1 M1 On scale Above REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 5 Handling of Non-scale notes Scale notes are available from Keyboard pads, while Non-scale notes are available by the following methods. Semitone Keyboard [K] + [M2] : Enabling Semitone Keyboard [M2(Green)] : Disabling Semitone Keyboard Keyboard pads will be temporarily semitone (Chromatic) arrangement in which a note position of pressed [K] is kept. When Semitone Keyboard is enabled, [M2] is lit in Green. Semitone Keyboard will be automatically disabled when Keyboard Pads state is changed. Complementary Key [S] + [M2(Amber)] : Removing a Non-scale note from the Step [S] + [M2(unlit)] : Putting a Non-scale note into the Step [M2] is used as a kind of Keyboard pad that represent a Non-scale note played most recently. If Non-scale note hasn't played yet, this function won’t work. In addition, Notes played as Sequence Playback won’t be targets of this function. Scale Mode [M2(unlit)] : Moving to Scale Mode [M2] is used as a Scale Mode Pad. In the Scale Mode, you can select and build scales. See the chapter “1.4. Scale Mode” for details. Usage Examples (When C Major Scale is selected) 1. Initial state 2. Enabling Semitone Keyboard C Major Scale C C C C D D D D E E E E F F F F G G G G A A A A B B B B 3. Putting a Non-scale note into the Step HOLD DOWN Semitone HOLD Keyboard DOWN D D# E F F# G G# [M2] C Major Scale C C C C D# G G# A A# B C C# C C# D D# E F F# F F# G G# A A# B 4. Disabling Semitone Keyboard D D D D E E E E F F F F G G G G A A A A B B B B HOLD DOWN 5. A Non-scale note appears on [M2] Non-scale note (D#) PRACQ 6. Putting a Non-scale note played most recently into another Step HOLD DOWN REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 7. Moving to Scale Mode... D# 6 Tips: All about [T2] [R] T1 T2 ? T3 [S] HOLD DOWN [K] STEPS TRANSPORT [T2] + [T3(Amber)] : Display a Loop Region [T3] in Amber shows a Loop Region exists. In this case, a Loop Region will appear in Green. [T2] : Display Playback Position (Even if sequence playback is stopped.) KEYBOARD [T2] + [T1] : Song Rewind and Sequence Playback [T2] + [K] : Display Octaves For example, if you press [K] that means note G3, pads that means note G2 and G4 are lit in Green at the same time. (When Chromatic Scale is selected.) [T2] + [S] : Moving Playback Position TRACKS [T2] : Display Track Mute state [T2] + [R] : Track Mute (Toggle) HOLD DOWN G4 G3 Track 1 Red : Not muted Track 2 Unlit : Muted Track 3 Track 4 G2 HOLD DOWN PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 7 1.3. Command Mode Layout R1 R2 R3 R4 T1 Step Pads T3 Command Item Pads Up Down Execute T2 Work the Same as Main Mode. M1 C19 C10 C7 C4 C1 M2 Mode Pads C20 C11 C8 C2 M3 C21 C9 C3 M4 These Pads are lit like this in this mode. Command item list Clipboard Rearrangement [C1] : Copy , [C2] : Cut , [C4] : Paste Notes and Step Status are copied/cut/pasted. If steps to be pasted are longer than copied/cut steps, steps are repeated. [C10] : Reverse Step order is reversed. EX) 1,2,3,4 -> 4,3,2,1 NOTE) If an incomplete Long Note is selected, the result may be unexpected. [C3] : Clear Notes and Step Status are initialized. [C11] : Rotate Step order is rotated step by step. EX) 1,2,3,4 -> 2,3,4,1 Transpose [C7] : Transpose Note pitch is transposed in semitones. [C8] : Transpose (Octave) Note pitch is transposed in octaves. [C9] : Transpose (Circle) Note pitch is transposed by using Circle Pads. PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 8 Operations Check assignment of Command items 1. Initial state 2. Select a Command. “CP” (CoPy) 3. Nothing happens Selected item is displayed by 2 letters. ...because of no SELECTED Steps. Command items Execute a Command actually 1. First of all, select Steps you want to edit. HOLD DOWN One-Shot Commands 2. Select a Command. “CP” (CoPy) [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C10] Up/Down Commands 3. Execute a Command. These Pads are copied. Execute 2. Select a Command. “TP” (TransPose) [C7] [C8] [C11] SELECTED Steps (Green) 3. Change the value. 4. Exit a Command. “3” (3 semitones) These Pads are transposed. Up Down Note that Transpose commands won’t work when no target notes exist in SELECTED Steps. PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 9 Operations (Continued) Special Command [C9] : Transpose (Circle) 1. Transpose value circle will appear. 2. Select transpose value directly. -2 -1 0 +1 +2 -3 -2 -1 0 -11 -10 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 -4 -5 +6 +5 +4 3. Change the range. 4. New range will applied at next operation. -3 -3 +3 -9 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -4 -5 +6 +5 +4 0 to +11 -5 to +6 -11 to 0 +10 +11 0 +1 +2 +9 +3 +8 +7 +6 +5 +4 PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 10 1.4. Scale Mode Layout Work the Same as Main Mode. R1 R2 R3 R4 Chromatic Circle Pads [A] [B] [L] L7 A11 A12 A1 A2 A3 L1 T1 A10 B11 B12 B1 B2 B3 A4 L2 Keyboard Range [F1] : Up [F4] : Down B10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 B4 L3 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 L6 L4 K22 K23 K24 K25 K26 K27 K28 M1 F1 Keyboard Pads [K] K15 K16 K17 K18 K19 K20 K21 M2 Mode Pads K8 K9 K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 M3 These Pads are lit like this in this mode. K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 M4 F4 Overview In this mode, you can handle scales that appears on Keyboard Pads. If you just want to select scales, Setting Mode is also available. Chromatic Circle that contains 12 notes of an octave shows what notes the scale consists of. Example: C Minor Scale Root (Tonic) Chromatic Circle Pads A# B C C# D A D# G# G F# F E A# A 11 10 9 G# C B 12 1 C# 2 Chromatic Circle G 8 7 F# 6 3 4 5 D D# E F : Scale notes : Non-scale notes Keyboard Pads PRACQ C D D# F G G# A# C D D# F G G# A# C D D# F G G# A# C D D# F G G# A# REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 11 Settings SETTING MENU L1 L1 Scale Select L3 L3 Root (Tonic) Select L4 L4 Root (Tonic) Select with Total Transpose Scale Select 1. 2. [L1] [L7] : Next Scale [B10] : Previous Scale Select from the following list. [L7] [B10] “MJ” (MaJor) “MN” (Minor) Root (Tonic) Select 1. [A1] - [A12] 2. A# B C C# D A [L3] D# G# G F# F E “C” “D+” (D#) PRESET SCALES CR : Chromatic MJ : Major MN : Minor HM : Harmonic Minor MP : Major Pentatonic NP : Minor Pentatonic BL : Blues JP : Japanese FG : Freygish GS : Gypsy FM : Flamenco AT : Altered WL : Whole Tone HW : Half-Whole Diminished WH : Whole-Half Diminished SCALE BUILDER U1 : User Scale 1 (up to 10) <> : Scale Builder Bu er Root (Tonic) Select with Total Transpose The whole sequence data (in all Tracks, including Snapshot) will be transposed to fit to a selected root. (In Scale Mode, only this operation will a ect to sequence data.) 1. Transpose 2. -2 -1 0 +1 +2 C# D D# E F C F# B A# A G# G -3 +3 -4 -5 +6 +5 +4 [L4] “D+” (D#) “F+” (F#) PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 Transpose value range is same as Transpose (Circle) Command. 12 Scale Builder Chromatic Circle - Monitors - Scale Edit L2 L2 Scale Save Monitors In the following operations, corresponding pads are lit at the same time. [K] : Keyboard playing [B] : Chromatic Circle playing [L6] : Showing all Notes in the Track Sequence Playback C E G E E [L6] E E E E E E E Scale Edit [A] : Add/Remove note from the scale (Toggle) 1. Original scale B C 2. Add “A#” D A A# B C 3. Remove “B” F E C D G F E G F E C D E F G A B A# B C D E F G C D E F G A A# C D E F G A B B C D E F G A C D E F G A A# C D E F G A B C D E F G A A# C D E F G A A# C D E F G A B D E F G A A# B C D E F G A A# CURRENT SCALE MJ : Major PRACQ Note that Root (Tonic) [A1] can’t be removed. A A G A# D <> : Scale Builder Bu er Once original scale is edited, current scale will be switched to Scale Builder Bu er automatically. (An original scale itself won’t be edited.) REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 13 Scale Builder (Continued) Scale Save Edited Scale can be saved to one of User Scales. 1. Edited scale 2. [L2] : Scale Save [L2] is available only if current scale is [L2] Scale Builder Bu er. “U1” (User 1) <> : Scale Builder Bu er 3. Select a destination to save to [L7] : Next Scale [L7] [B10] : Previous Scale Select from User Scales. [B10] “U2” (User 2) [B11] Number of User Scales can be set at “Preferences” -> “Scales” tab on the program. <> : Scale Builder Bu er PRACQ 4. [B11] : Execute saving U2 : User 2 REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 14 1.5. Setting Mode Layout R1 R2 R3 R4 T1 Setting value will be shown here. Setting Item Pads Up Down Work the Same as Main Mode. M1 E19 E10 E7 E4 E1 M2 E20 E8 E2 M3 E9 E3 M4 Mode Pads These Pads are lit like this in this mode. Operation 1. Select a Setting Item 2. Change a value of selected item “BP” (BPm) “123” Setting item list SONG TRACK [E1] : BPM 1 - 399 [E7] : Step Size 1/1 <1>, 1/2 <2>, 1/4 <4>, 1/8 <8>, 1/16 <16>, 1/32 <32> [E2] : Scale on Keyboard Pads Chromatic , Major , Minor , etc. (If you want to edit Scales, use Scale Mode.) [E8] : Channel Volume 0 - 127 (First, set a MIDI channel.) [E3] : Root (Tonic) on Keyboard Pads C , C# , D , D# , ... , B [E9] : Note Velocity 0 - 127 [E4] : Step O set O set of MIDI Clock Output for Sync, 0 - 127 [E10] : MIDI Channel 1 - 16 PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 15 2. Sequence Data 2.1. Data Structure 2.2. Step Status 2.3. Track Sync 2.1. Data Structure Song Step 1 2 3 32 2 32 Track 1 Step 1 Track 2 Step Data Note Pitch Step Status OFF See the chapter “2.2. Step Status.” ON MUTE TIE Track Data 32 Steps Step Size MIDI Ch Playback Position See the chapter “2.3. Track Sync.” - Loop Region - Note Velocity - Track Mute Switch - Keyboard Pads Range - Snapshot Slots Song Data - Playback Switch - Song Mute Switch - BPM - Scale on Keyboard Pads - Key on Keyboard Pads - Clipboard (for Copy/Paste Step Data) PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 17 2.2. Step Status ON/OFF Status 1. At the beginning all the Step Pads are OFF Status. OFF 5. Press a lit Keyboard Pad to remove a Note from the Step Pad. 2. Put a Note into a Step by the abovementioned method. HOLD DOWN 3. This Step Pad turns from a OFF Status to a ON Status. ON 4. Hold down this Step Pad. HOLD DOWN 6. This Step Pad turns from a ON Status to a OFF Status. HOLD DOWN OFF MUTE Status 1. Hold down a Step Pad in a ON Status. HOLD DOWN ON 2. Press [M3] to mute the Step Pad. (Press it again to cancel a muting.) HOLD DOWN [M3] 3. This Step Pad turns from a ON Status to a MUTE Status. MUTE (Step Pad in a MUTE Status isn’t lit.) 4. Press a Step Pad to check its Status. [M3] [M3] is lit in Green to indicate a MUTE Status. PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 18 Long Note (TIE Status) 1. Select Steps by the above-mentioned method. 2. Release only the second pressed Pad. 3. Press a Keyboard Pad, and then release both Pads. 4. A Long Note is put. Long Note HOLD DOWN HOLD DOWN HOLD DOWN ON 5. Press the last Step of the Long Note to check its Status. 6. Hold down the last Step of the Long Note and then press [M3]. HOLD DOWN 7. This Long Note is shortened. TIE (Step Pads in a TIE Status aren’t lit.) 8. On the other hand, you can lengthen it, too. Shortened Long Note OFF ON HOLD DOWN TIE [M3] [M3] [M3] is lit in Amber to indicate a TIE Status. PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 19 Status List Status Indicators * [S] [K] [M3] OFF - - - TIE - - ON MUTE / / - - /- Is a Note in the Step? Descriptions No No Note will be played back. No If a Note in the previous Step is played back, the Note will be prolonged on this Step. Otherwise no Note will be played back. Yes A Note in this Step will be played back. Yes A Note in this Step will not be played back, though this Step contains a Note. * While [S] is lit always, [K] and [M3] are lit on Playback only. Two colors in a box apply to Step Playback / Sequence Playback respectively. Status Transition Press a following Pad while a Step Pad is held down (That is on Step Playback). ON Lit[K] The first Step [K] [M3] [K] All Status SELECTED Steps MUTE [K] TIE [M3] OFF + [K] The second and following Steps All Status Clear Command PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 20 2.3. Track Sync Track Sync on Sequence Playback Each Track has its own Playback Position, and is played back individually at the same time. In some cases, these Playback Positions may be out of sync. Some examples are shown below. [T1] : Start Sequence Playback STEPS TRACK 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TRACK 2 (SELECTED) 1 2 PLAYBACK POSITION [T1] : Stop 3 4 STEP SIZE : 1/8 : 1/4 [S] [T1] [T2] TIME [T2] + [T1] : Song Rewind [T2] + [S] : Moving Playback Position [T1] : Restart [S], PRESSED STEP Track Sync will be kept. Move to the top of the current Step. (Based on selected Track.) Track Sync will be kept. Move to the top of each Track. Track Sync will NOT be kept. Move to [S], pressed Step. (Apply to selected Track only.) [T2] + [T1] : Song Rewind Also, each Track has its own Loop Region. 1 2 3 LOOP REGION : 1 to 3 Track Sync will be kept again. PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 21 3. Functions 3.1. Func Pad 3.2. Snapshot 3.3. Programmable MIDI Controller 3.4. Sync with DAW 3.1. Func Pad On Main Mode, functions of Pad [F1] to [F4] are assignable. Layout / Menu Screen “Preference” -> “Func Pad” tab on the program F0 Func Pad Menu Main Menu Sub Menu F1 F2 F3 F4 - [F0] is used for switching set of function assignment. - You can not assign the same item for more than one box. Menu List Sequencer Mouse / PC Keyboard Keyboard Range Up / Down Keyboard Pads range is shifted per row. Emulate these operations. Chromatic Keyboard Scale on Keyboard Pads is switched to Chromatic Scale. Press it again to return to original Scale. Send MIDI Message (Hex) Inputted message is sent to INSTRUMENT OUT device. Alt. Step Pad (Proceed / Stay) These are equivalent to the last blinking Step Pad. Pressing “Proceed” Pad in succession makes blinking Step Pad proceed. Snapshot Enter/exit Snapshot View. Snapshot is a temporary memory for Pattern. See the chapter “Snapshot” for details. Song Mute / Panic ! “Note on” messages to INSTRUMENT OUT device are restrained. In addition, “All sound o ” message is issued on “Panic !”. Cmd: *** Some of the Command Mode items are available here, too. See the chapter “Command Mode” for details. PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 23 3.2. Snapshot Snapshot is a temporary memory for Pattern (Sequence data of 32 Steps). You can keep up to 7 Patterns and recall these quickly. Snapshot View is called by Func Pad mentioned above. Keep Current Pattern Recall Snapshots Kept Pattern 1 2 34 5 6 7 Layout (Snapshot View) Snapshot Slot 1 - 7 Slot 1: Current Pattern Slot 2: The latest Snapshot Slot 7: The earliest Snapshot Step Pads Available in Snapshot View, too. Slot Selector Pattern kept in selected Slot will be recalled. Func Pads L1 Slot Content L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 Unlit Slot is vacant or about to be deleted from Snapshot. Assign “Snapshot” to one of Func Pads to enter/exit Snapshot View. Usage Example To utilize Snapshot, repeat the following round. Round: Edit Pattern -> Enter Snapshot View -> Operate Snapshots -> Exit Snapshot View Note) Keep/Delete processing will be executed at a moment Snapshot View is exited. 1. 1st round Press a blinking [C1] to keep a current Pattern in Snapshot. 2. Next round Pattern A (kept at the last round) is in Slot 2. To recall it, press [L2]. Pattern A (Current) Pattern A (Recalled) Keep [C3] Delete Vacancy Vacancy Pattern A Pattern B Pattern C Pattern D Pattern E Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Pattern A Pattern B Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Pattern A PRACQ Recall Pattern C REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 Deleted automatically Vacancy Vacancy Vacancy Pattern A Pattern B Pattern D Pattern F [L2] [C1] 3. After a while 4. Next round Press [C3] to delete The remaining Pattern in Slot 3 Snapshots will gather from Snapshot. on the left side. Note that Overflowed Snapshot will be deleted automatically. 24 3.3. Programmable MIDI Controller You can use a Programmable MIDI Controller instead of a Novation Launchpad. MIDI Message Specification PRACQ Software Controller Settings - Output “90h, Pad#, Non-0" when a Pad is pressed. - Output “90h, Pad#, 0" when a Pad is released. Controller 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 0 1 CONTROLLER IN MIDI Connections 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 74 CONTROLLER OUT CONTROLLER TYPE Programmable MIDI Controller 2 3 4 5 6 7 72 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 73 - Turn a Pad “OFF” when “90h, Pad#, (*1)" is inputted. - Turn a Pad “RED” when “90h, Pad#, (*2)" is inputted. - Turn a Pad “GREEN” when “90h, Pad#, (*3)" is inputted. - Turn a Pad “AMBER” when “90h, Pad#, (*4)" is inputted. (*1 -*4: Set any values at “Preferences” -> ”Controller (2)” on the program.) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 75 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 76 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 77 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 78 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 79 Pad# Table Usage Examples: iPad with TouchOSC App Common Settings PRACQ CONTROLLER TYPE Programmable MIDI Controller “Preferences” -> ”Controller (2)” - Input (PRACQ -> Controller) Messages “OFF” “90h, Pad#, 5 ” “RED” “90h, Pad#, 0 ” “GREEN” “90h, Pad#, 1 ” “AMBER” “90h, Pad#, 6 ” www.pracq TouchOSC Layout File .com for PRACQ Download Windows PC / Mac TouchOSC Editor Load Layout via Wi-Fi iPad TouchOSC LAYOUT App PRACQ_Controller MIDI Connections CASE 1: Via Bluetooth MIDI Mac PRACQ CONTROLLER IN Bluetooth CONTROLLER OUT Bluetooth Audio MIDI Setup CONTROLLER OUT My Port @ iPad PRACQ Bluetooth MIDI Studio Bluetooth setting (Advertising) CASE 2: Via USB with midimux App Windows PC PRACQ CONTROLLER IN My Port @ iPad iPad midimux Server First of all, connect to Mac by using an App that has Bluetooth MIDI setting. iPad USB TouchOSC App CoreMIDI INPUTS My Mac Bluetooth CoreMIDI OUTPUTS My Mac Bluetooth TouchOSC App midimux App First of all, “add virtual midi port” and name it “My Port.” local port My Port REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 CoreMIDI INPUTS My Port CoreMIDI OUTPUTS My Port 25 3.4. Sync with DAW Overview PRACQ can act as a MIDI Clock Master. So you can let a DAW follow PRACQ’s transport (Start / Stop, etc.). PRACQ Software (MIDI Clock Master) DAW (MIDI Clock Slave) MIDI Connection (MIDI Clock Messages) SYNC (MIDI Clock) OUT MIDI Clock Input Transport Transport - Playback Start / Stop - Tempo (BPM) - Playback Position - Playback Start / Stop - Tempo (BPM) - Playback Position NOTE) MIDI Clock is output based on sequence of Track 1. Setup PRACQ Software 1. Check the “SYNC (MIDI Clock) Enable” checkbox. 2. Select a MIDI Device connected to an External Sequencer from “SYNC (MIDI Clock) OUT” menu. If no device is selected, a “INSTRUMENT OUT” device is used also for “SYNC (MIDI Clock) OUT”. Ableton Live : 1. Options menu -> Preferences -> MIDI, then make sure Launchpad is NOT used for Control Surface. 2. On the same tab 3. Control Bar DAW Unfortunately, it seems that there are not many DAW that can act as a MIDI Clock Slave adequately. Recommended DAW : - Ableton Live / Live Lite - Native Instruments Maschine - Propellerhead Reason / Reason Essentials Native Instruments Maschine : 1. File menu -> Audio and MIDI Settings -> MIDI -> Inputs, then turn on the device for MIDI Clock Input. 2. File menu -> Sync to External MIDI Clock Propellerhead Reason : 1. Edit menu -> Preferences -> Sync Set up your DAW as a MIDI Clock Slave. 2. Options menu -> Sync -> MIDI Clock PRACQ REFERENCE MANUAL Rev8 26