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Tube100usb -




T U B E100U SB TUBE microphone preamp with USB output Category: S o und S y s te ms » S ta ge G e a r Brand: PRO E L Product Code: T UB E 10 0 US B O v e rv ie w PROEL introduces in the STAGE GEAR family a Series of 8 new exciting models. The 100 Series includes a range of accessories and useful tools, ranging from D.I. Boxes and Headphone Amps to Signal Splitters, Tube Preamps and Power Supply Units, designed to complement audio systems in stage applications, recording studios and fixed installations. Hosted in a stylish extruded and stackable aluminum shells or in sturdy metal chassis, the 100 Series products are meant to deliver sound quality, versatility and stage-proof reliability in a very affordable package. T e c hnic a l S p e c ific a tio ns Mi cr op h on e I n p u t I mp edan ce S en s i ti vi ty Con n ector s I n s tr u men t I n p u t I mp edan ce S en s i ti vi ty Con n ector I n s er t I mp edan ce s en d I mp edan ce r etu r n N omi n al ou t L evel Con n ector s An al og Ou tp u t I mp edan ce N omi n al ou t l evel Maxi mu m ou t l evel Con n ector s U S B Ou tp u t Typ e Con ver ter S amp l i n g r ate S ys tem P er for man ce N oi s e Di s tor ti on ( TH D) F r equ en cy r es p on s e Gen er al Con tr ol s I n di cator s 2.5 Kohm from 0 to -60 dBu XLR-F (balanced) >1 Mohm from + 10 to -50 dBu 1/4" jack (unbalanced) 100 ohm 10 Kohm 0 dBu 1/4" jack (unbalanced) 60 ohm + 4 dBu + 21 dBu XLR-M and 1/4" jack (balanced) 12AX7 tube preamp section for adding warmth to microphones and instruments Built-in low-noise +48V phantom power PHASE reverse switch, adjustable LO-CUT filter, VOCAL EQ, built-in LIMITER circuit Input and output GAIN controls plus SATURATION function Accurate dual LEVEL METER Microphone (XLR-F) and instrument (¼” JACK) inputs XLR-M and ¼” JACK balanced outputs USB 1.1 compliant, compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7 and Mac OS 9.1 and newer Re la te d Pro duc ts DIRECT100A DIRECT100P PSU110 SPLIT100 USB 1.1 and 2.0 (type B) 16 bit 48 KHz < 95 dB unweighted 0.008 % (at 1 KHz + 4 dBu) 20 Hz - 20 KHz (-0.5 dB) MIC/INSTR selector, INPUT GAIN, 48V, PHASE REV, LOW CUT, LOW CUT FREQUENCY, VOCAL EQ, SATURATION, LIMIT, ENHANCE, OUT LEVEL, REC MUTE, ON/OFF switch INPUT VU-METER, 48V, VU METER, USB, MUTE HPAMP104 HPAMP106 PHANTOM100 Supply Mai n s S u p p l y Vol tage Con s u mp ti on Di men s i on s ( W x H x D) Wei gh t 18 VAC 1000 mA (adapter included) 100-120 VAC or 220-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz 32 W 200 x 56 x 140 mm 1,8 Kg D o wnlo a d 96MAN0074TUBE100USB_ENG_ITA_TED_FRA_SPA_AR.pdf User's Manual multilanguage Tech n i cal speci fi cati on s an d appearan ces are subj ect to ch an ge wi th out n oti ce an d accuracy i s n ot guaran teed. Al l tradem arke are th e property of th ei r respecti ve own ers. PR OE L accepts n o l i abi l i ty for an y l oss wh i ch m ay be suffered by an y person wh o rel i es ei th er wh ol l y or i n part upon an y descri pti on , ph otograph or statem en t con tai n ed h erei n . Col ors an d speci fi cati on s m ay vary from actual product. PR OE L products are sol d th rough auth ori zed ful l fi l l ers an d resel l ers on l y. Th i s m an ual i s copyri gh ter. No part of th i s m an ual m ay be reproduced or tran sm i tted i n an y form or by an y m ean s, el ectron i c or m ech an i cal , i n cl udi n g ph otocopyi n g an d recordi n g of an y ki n d, for an y purpose, wi th out th e express wri tten perm i ssi on of PR OE L - Vi a al l a R uen i a 37/43 - CAP 64027 - San t' Om ero (TE ) I TAL Y. For servi ce, support, or m ore i n form ati on con tact: Proel S. p. A. Vi a al l a R uen i a 37/43 CAP 64027 - San t' Om ero (TE ) I TAL Y