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Tunable Laser Reference Design For Designers With The Aduc832/adn8830/adn2830




AN-655 APPLICATION NOTE One Technology Way • P.O. Box 9106 • Norwood, MA 02062-9106 • Tel: 781/329-4700 • Fax: 781/326-8703 • Tunable Laser Reference Design for Designers with the ADuC832/ADN8830/ADN2830 by Nobuhiro Matsuzoe FEATURES Single Board Solution for Tunable Lasers 8-Channel Selectable Wavelength Control Wavelength Locking at 25 GHz/50 GHz Spacing AutoPower Control (APC) AutoTemperature Control (ATC) AutoFrequency Control (AFC) Laser Bias, Temperature Monitoring EEPROM-Based Autorestoring Serial Interfaces (SPI®/I2C®/RS-232) to Host System Wavelength Stability < 2 pm (typ) LD Temperature Stability < 0.01°C APPLICATIONS DWDM Transmission System Optical Instrumentation GENERAL DESCRIPTION This tunable laser reference design offers a single board solution with complete control requirements for DFB tunable laser subsystems. Designed to work from +3 V/–5 V power supplies, it provides a low cost, low power tunable laser solution designed for ease of use with standard serial control interfaces. A mixed-signal monolithic microprocessor, the ADuC832based wave locker feedback loop is designed to meet the requirements of ITU-T grid spacing in a 50 GHz/25 GHz system. An integrated 12-bit ADC with an 8-channel multiplexer allows users to monitor laser bias current and laser temperature via SPI, I2C, or RS-232C serial interfaces. The ADN2830 laser bias controller can sink up to 200 mA (single)/400 mA (dual) and its integrated feedback control loop can maintain output optical power constant over temperature changes during wave locking. The ADN8830 TEC controller enables excellent laser temperature stability and precise wavelength control with 1 pm resolution. A patented PWM/linear based TEC drive architecture enables high efficiency and minimizes external filtering components. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM MUX MICROCONVERTER GPIO 12-BIT DAC i8051 12-BIT DAC AUTO-ZERO OP AMP AD8628 ADuC832 AUTO-ZERO OP AMP TEC CONTROLLER 2.5V REFERENCE ADN8830 AD8628 ADR291 TEC ETALON FILTER WAVELENGTH MONITOR PD POWER MONITOR PD AD8565 REV. B 12-BIT SER ADC T/H THERMISTOR CW LASER 8 TUNABLE LASER CW LASER AVERAGE POWER CONTROLLER ADN2830 AN-655 TURNABLE LASER MODULE THERMISTOR TEC WAVE LOCKER POWER MONITOR LASER DIODE MODULATOR CONTINUOUS OPTICAL OUT TEC CONTROLLER ADN8830 I/V AD8628 DIGITAL I/O MICROPROCESSOR SERIAL PORT MODULATED OPTICAL OUT TRANSMIT DATA LASER CONTROLLER ADN2830 ANALOG I/O 2 2 I2C LINK TO HOST MICROCONVERTER ADuC832 Figure 1. Typical Block Diagram of Optical Transmitter with DFB Laser Module Free Spectral Range (FSR) cycle FS, is precalibrated by the manufacturer to align with the ITU grid spacing as shown in Figure 2b. Because the monitor signal has periodic cycles, the algorithm of wavelength locking requires two different tuning methods, coarse tuning, and fine tuning. During the first phase, the laser temperature must settle to the particular temperature corresponding to the target wavelength, where the wavelength is assumed within the capture range. In the case of Figure 2b, there are two locking points on both slopes, positive slope and negative slope, within a single FSR. Thus, the capture range must be half of the SFR. Feedforward control with a look-up table is used in this coarse tuning phase. After the wavelength settles within the capture range, the fine tuning phase acquires the wave length errors between the target wavelength and actual wavelength by monitoring the wave locker signal. Then the wavelength errors will be fed back to the temperature control circuit. The fine tuning phase maintains the wavelength within an allowable wavelength deviation range over ambient temperature changes. The ITU-T recommendation specifies wavelength stability as a frequency deviation in G.692. This deviation is defined as the difference between the nominal central frequency and the actual central frequency (Figure 2c). A maximum frequency deviation is given by WAVELENGTH TUNING Because an optical transmitter requires a small formfactor design, use of the refractive index of a semiconductor laser is commonly used to alter the wavelength. As the refractive index can be changed by both the temperature and the density of carriers, transmitter designers can choose from two different types of the wavelength-tunable laser modules—distributed feedback (DFB) lasers and distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) lasers. In general, the DBR laser is capable of a fast tuning speed and a wide tuning range. However, it requires multiple programmable current sources for wavelength control, which results in a complex system design. In contrast, the DFB lasers can be controlled by temperature of the laser chip, which results in a lower system cost and higher reliability since the DFB lasers are widely used today. The wavelength of the DFB laser is related to temperature with a typical temperature coefficient of 0.1 nm/K. By using a thermoelectric cooler (TEC) and a thermistor with a built-in module, the laser chip temperature can be adjusted, thus wavelength is controlled. Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of an optical transmitter designed with the DFB laser. The wavelength tuning range of the DFB laser is limited by an allowable operating temperature range. In fact, DFB lasers provide a tuning range of a couple of nanometers which is equivalent to 8 to 16 ITU-T grid channels depending on the channel-to-channel spacing of the wavelength. ∆f < (FS – 2.0B ) /4 where: FS is the frequency slot WAVELENGTH LOCKING The internal or external wavelength locker generates two monitor signals corresponding to the wavelength and optical output power respectively. The wavelength locker consists of the wavelength selective element and the photodetector diode as shown in Figure 2a. The builtin Fabry Perot etalon works as a wavelength filter which has a periodic characteristic similar to a comb filter. The peak-to-peak range of the etalon filter, referred to as the B is the bit rate. In 10 Gbps transmit applications with 50 GHz Grid spacing, the frequency deviation f must be less than 7.5 GHz which means wavelength deviation  must be less than 67 pm. The test result of the wavelength deviation taken by the reference design is shown in Figure 2d. –2– REV. B AN-655 OPTICAL INPUT POWER MPD TO µC I/V TO µC I/V DEMONSTRATION BOARD The tunable laser reference design board (demo board) demonstrates autopower control (APC), autotemperature control (ATC) and autofrequency control (AFC). Figure 3 shows simplified setup of the demo board. The demo board has a mount space for a tunable DFB laser module in a 14-lead butterfly package. The demo board also provides a power supply terminal, analog I/O ports, and a serial port. To mount laser modules, a power photodetector must be floating within the laser module package as seen in Figure 4. OPTICAL OUTPUT ETALON FILTER WAVELENGTH MPD WAVELENGTH LOCKER COMPUTER Figure 2a. Wavelength Locker Block Diagram POWER SUPPLY (+5V/–5V) RS-232C CABLE WAVELENGTH MONITOR PD MONITOR CURRENT (A) LOCK POINT POWER MONITOR PD FSR WAVELENGTH (nm) LASER MODULE Figure 2b. Wavelength Locker Characteristics FC-APC (PANDA FIBER) WAVELENGTH METER OPTICAL POWER (dB) TUNABLE RANGE = 3nm FS F Figure 3. Demo Board Setup 6 7 5 4 3 2 1 WAVELENGTH (THz) TEC Figure 2c. Frequency Slots and Allowable Frequency Deviation RTH PD1 PD2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Figure 4. Laser Module Pin Assignment (reference: Fujitsu Quantum Devices, FLD5F6CA Data Sheet) NOTES 1. 1-HOUR WAVELENGTH STABILITY AT 25C, WAVE LOCKER ENABLED, 2 SEC INTERVAL. 2. F: LOCK POINT 1.5pm MAX TO MIN: 3pm. 3. LASER: FLD5F15CA, FUJITSU QUANTUM DEVICES LTD. 4. THE WAVELENGTH STABILITY IS MEASURED IN 3pm ACCURACY. 5. AFC STABILITY IS AFFECTED BY ACCUMULATIVE ERRORS OF APC AND ATC CONTROL LOOP. Figure 2d. AFC Typical Performance REV. B –3– AN-655 GETTING STARTED To ensure proper operation, follow the steps below. 1) Calculate the target voltages of the wavelength lock point according to the following equation: [ ] VLOCKPOINT = VREF – (R 46 × Im2 ) V where: [ ] [ ] VREF = 2.50 V R 46 = 2490 Ω The photo current Im2 needs to be solved at each lock point, because the Im2 may differ from lock point to lock point, laser to laser. Table 1 is an example of the calculation result from the 8-channel wavelength tunable laser module. Table 1. Wavelength [nm] 2) Im2 VLOCKPOINT Lock Point ADC Code [THz] [mA] [V] [Dec] [Hex] 0 1582.439 189.4496 521.4 1.202 1969 07B1 1 1582.851 189.4003 573.4 1.072 1757 06DD 2 1583.265 189.3508 511.4 1.227 2010 07DA 3 1583.692 189.2997 563.4 1.097 1798 0706 4 1584.110 189.2498 527.4 1.187 1944 0798 5 1584.529 189.1997 556.8 1.114 1824 0720 6 1584.942 189.1504 524.3 1.194 1957 07A5 7 1585.365 189.1000 553.3 1.122 1839 072F Calculate the voltage setpoint for ADN8830 according to the following equation: [ ] VDAC = (G × TLASER ) – VOFFSET V where: TLASER is target temperature of the thermistor in Celsius. G = 0.0658 [ ] VOFFSET = –0.659 V Table 2 is an example of the calculation result from the 8-channel wavelength tunable laser module. Table 2. Wavelength [nm] RTH TLASER VDAC DAC Code [THz] [] [C] [V] [Dec] [Hex] Curve Slope 0 1582.439 189.4496 16810 12.191 0.144 236 00EC Positive 1 1582.851 189.4003 14370 15.941 0.390 639 027F Negative 2 1583.265 189.3508 12350 19.658 0.634 1040 0410 Positive 3 1583.692 189.2997 10630 23.433 0.883 1447 05A7 Negative 4 1584.110 189.2498 9220 27.106 1.125 1843 0733 Positive 5 1584.529 189.1997 8040 30.728 1.363 2233 08B9 Negative 6 1584.942 189.1504 7060 34.247 1.594 2612 0A34 Positive 7 1585.365 189.1000 6210 37.802 1.828 2996 0BB4 Negative –4– REV. B AN-655 3) Compile and download the software to the ADuC832. To select the download/debug mode, position the switch (S5) to DEBUG, and then press the reset button (S3).This sets the ADuC832 to download mode. To select the normal mode, position the switch (S5) to NORMAL and press the reset button (S3). ADuC832 executes downloaded program after reset. 4) Mount the laser module to the mount pads labeled U13. The ADN2830 is capable of sinking a current up to 200 mA. The maximum TEC voltage limit is set at 3.5 V ±5% by default. To change the TEC voltage limiter, change the value of R24 and R25 which is configured as a voltage divider to set the voltage to the VLIM pin of ADN8830. Maximum TEC voltage can be given by: [ ] Maximum TEC voltage = (1.5 V − VLIM ) × 4 V 5) Set JP1 and JP2. To protect the laser module from accidental damage, it is recommended to close JP1 and JP2 if the program has been changed. Shorting JP1 enables the ADN8830 to shut down mode regardless of control signals from the ADuC832. Shorting JP2 enables the ADN2830 to ALS (Automatic Laser Shutdown) mode regard less of control signals from ADuC832. 6) Apply +3 V and –5 V to the power supply terminal block (J1) located at the top of the demo board. 7) Leave JP2 open. ADN2830 starts to drive the laser diode. 8) Calibrate the optical output power by adjusting the multiturn potentiometer (R48). 9) Leave JP1 open. ADN8830 starts to control the laser temperature to the initial temperature setpoint selected by switch (S4). 10) Press S1 or S2 buttons to change the wavelength lock point. S1 increments and S2 decrements the wavelength point by 1. 11) To change the target wavelength lock point directly, configure the 3-bit DIP switch (S4) according to Table 3. This change is effective only when the ADuC832 is powered up or after reset. Table 3. Ch# S4(1) S4(2) S4(3) 0 OFF OFF OFF 1 ON OFF OFF 2 OFF ON OFF 3 ON ON OFF 4 OFF OFF ON 5 ON OFF ON 6 OFF ON ON 7 ON ON ON 12) 7-segment LED (DS1) displays the selected wavelength and DS1 blinks until the laser temperature is set. TEMPLOCK LED (D1) is lit when the laser temperature is settled within the capture range. WL_LOCK LED (D2) is lit when the wavelength is locked within ITU grid ±12pm. REV. B –5– AN-655 To maintain optimal linearity over the required temperature range, the value of the thermistor resistance should be calculated at the lowest and the highest operating temperature according to the following equation: INTERFACING WAVELENGTH MONITOR PD Figure 5 shows the current-to-voltage conversion circuit on the demo board. The conversion gain is set by R46. The input range of the wavelength monitor current Im2 is up to 1.0 mA by default. The wavelength monitor voltage, Vim2, is calculated by:   1 1   RTH = R25 × exp B  –    Tx T25   [ ] Vim2 = 2.5 – (2490 × Im2 ) V where: AVDO Im2 R25 is thermistor resistance at 25 °C. B is thermistor constant R46 249 T25 is temperature in K. DAC1 2.5V REF Typically, B = 3450 and R25 = 10K Vm2 R58 NOT POPULATED R1, R2, and R3 are given by: R57 0 R1 = Figure 5. I/V Conversion Circuit INTERFACING 12-BIT DAC AND ADN8830 By using the interface circuit shown in Figure 6, the laser temperature is controlled by DAC output voltage. This scales the DAC voltage range from 0 V to 2.5 V for temperature range from 10°C to 50°C. The interface circuit linearizes the thermistor transfer function. The TEMPSET pin of ADN8830 is fixed at 1.25 V. The THERMIN pin is connected to the resistor network which includes the thermistor. The characteristic of voltage-to-temperature is shown in Figure 7. R2 = R3 = ADN8830 THERMIN R3 RTH Figure 6. Application Circuit Using DAC Control Voltage 2.5 IDEAL CONTROL VOLTAGE (V) R mid R high + R mid R low – 2R high R low R high + R low – 2 R mid IMPLEMENTING THE WAVELENGTH LOCK As the first phase, the program executes the coarse tuning with the ADN8830 TEC controller. The program reads S4 switch position, then generates the fixed control voltage to let the ADN8830 settle the laser temperature corresponding to the selected wavelength set by S4. Because the ADN8830 has a local control loop for the temperature control, the program waits for the temperature locked signal from the ADN8830. After the laser temperature is settled within the capture range of the wavelength lock, the program starts the fine tuning. This phase uses the monitor signal from the wavelength locker. The program reads the actual wavelength and compares with the target wavelength being stored in the memory. Then the program adjusts the temperature control voltage, which corresponds to the error amount between the target wavelength and the monitored wavelength. Figure 8 shows the overview of the program flow including the course and fine tuning. Details of the course and fine tuning are shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10 respectively. TEMPSET DAC0 2R low ′ R high ′ R low ′ + R high ′ R low ′ = R low + R 3 R2 R1 R low ′ – R high ′ where: R high ′ = R high + R 3 2.5V ADuC832 2R low ′ R high ′ ACTUAL LINEARIZATION ERROR < 0.5% 0 10 50 THERMISTOR TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 7. V-to-Temperature Characteristic –6– REV. B AN-655 START START COARSE TUNE LOAD AND SET AN INITIAL TEMPERATURE NEGATE LASER AND TEC SHUTDOWN LASER TEMP IN CAPTURE RANGE OF WAVE LOCKER? NO YES START FINE TUNE YES TARGET CHANNEL CHANGED? NO START A/D CONVERSION UPDATE D/A CONVERTER TO INCREMENT LASER TEMP SET LOOP GAIN MOVING AVERAGE FILTERING COMPARE ACQUIRED DATA WITH TARGET DATA UPDATE D/A CONVERTER TO DECREMENT LASER TEMP SET LOOP GAIN Figure 8. Overview of Program Flow Chart REV. B –7– AN-655 START COARSE TUNE TURN OFF LASER/TEC LOAD TARGET DATA READ S4 SWITCH ADC GAIN/OFFSET CALIBRATION LOCK POINT CALIBRATION SET LOCKING SLOPE SET TARGET TEMPERATURE TURN ON LASER/TEC DELAY NO TEMPERATURE LOCKED? GO TO FINE TUNE Figure 9. Coarse Tuning Flow Chart –8– REV. B AN-655 START FINE TUNE BACK TO COARSE TUNE BACK TO COARSE TUNE POSITIVE SLOPE NEGATIVE SLOPE CHECK SLOPE POLARITY YES GRID CHANNEL CHANGED? YES GRID CHANNEL CHANGED? NO NO 8 A/D CONVERSIONS 8 A/D CONVERSIONS AVR. FILTERING AVR. FILTERING DELAY DELAY LOCKPOINT–ADC LP < ADC FLAG = 0 LOCKPOINT–ADC ELSE DECREMENT LASER TEMPERATURE LP > ADC FLAG = 1 INCREMENT LASER TEMPERATURE ELSE DECREMENT LASER TEMPERATURE INCREMENT LASER TEMPERATURE Figure 10. Fine Tuning Flow Chart ADuC832 SOFTWARE The demo software is written in i8051 assembly that uses 1.2 kB out of 62 kB on-chip EE/Flash and 80 bytes out of 256 bytes of on-chip RAM in ADuC832. The transaction time of the wavelength lock routine is approximately 0.3 ms at 4 MHz of the CPU core clock setting. The essential part of the program is listed below. The first control phase is labeled FF_Tune (Feed-Forward Tuning), and second control phase is labeled L_Lock (Lambda Lock). ORG 0060H ; MAIN PROGRAM MAIN: ; ===cpu configure=== REV. B SETB ALS ; Shutdown laser driver, ADN2830 (ACTIVE HIGH) CLR SD ; Shutdown TEC, ADN8830 (ACTIVE LOW) MOV ADCCON1, #11001100b ; Select Ext. Vref, single conversion MOV DACCON, #00011111b ; DAC0 On, 12bit, Asynchronous MOV DAC0H, #007h ; DAC0 to 4th WL, Set TEMP =28.033degC MOV DAC0L, #096h ; MOV PLLCON, #00000000b ; Set core clock to 16MHz SETB EA ; Enable Interrupt MOV P0, #00101000b ; Turn on 7SEG display with ‘8’ CLR LLOCK_LED ; Turn off WL Lock LED MOV CALN_L, #020h ; Lock point calib. value at neg. slope MOV CALN_H, #000h ; MOV CALP_L, #010h ; Lock point calib. value at pos. slope MOV CALP_H, #000h ; MOV CALDAC_L, #000h ; DAC initial value calib. low byte MOV CALDAC_H, #000h ; DAC initial value calib. high byte –9– AN-655 CALL DACDATA ; Load DAC data table to ram (30h to 3Fh) CALL LP_DATA ; Load lock point data table to ram (40h to 4Fh) CALL SW_DETECT ; Read 3-bit DIP SW position CALL ADCCAL ; ADC Gain and Offset calib. CALL AUTO_DEMO ; Enable Auto demo if S1/S2 pushed MOV ECON, #06H ; Erase all pages of data Flash/EE CALL REV_WRITE ; Write board and firm revision to Flash/EE FF_TUNE: ; ===Feed-forward tuning (coarse-tune)=== SETB ALS ; Turn off Laser, Active High CLR SD ; Turn off TEC, Active LOW CLR PBFLAG ; Clear PBFLAG CLR P3.6 ; Turn off Temp lock LED CALL CH_LOAD ; Load selected DAC initial value CALL LP_LOAD ; Load selected Lock point value CALL SLOPE_CHECK ; Check slope polarity MOV P0, WL_SEL ; display selected wavelength ch# on 7seg SETB LEDBI ; Turn on 7seg display SETB LEDLE ; 7seg Latch enabled CALL LP_CAL ; Lock point offset calibration CALL DAC_CAL ; DAC initial value calibration MOV DAC0H, DACINT_H ; Update DAC to target temp MOV DAC0L, DACINT_L ; Update DAC to target temp SETB SD ; Turn on TEC CLR ALS ; Turn on Laser CLR TMPLKFLAG ; Clear temp lock indicate flag MOV R0, #00H ; SET Page Pointer ADDRESS MOV R1, #03H ; SET Byte Location ADDRESS MOV R2, WL_SEL ; SET 1byte Value to write CALL EE_WRITE ; Call Flash/EE Write routine CALL TEMP_LOCK ; Sit here until FF_Tune completion L_LOCK: ; ===Lambda lock Loop (fine tune)=== SETB LEDBI ; Turn on 7seg display MOV A, #07h ; Set delay time, A*12.5msec CALL DELAY ; Call delay program, 100msec JNB SLOPEFLAG, LL_POS ; Check slope polarity, positive or negative LL_NEG: ; ==Lambda locking at Negative slope== CALL PB_DETECT ; Detect push-button sw JNB PBFLAG, LOOP_N ; Jump LOOP_N if PB is not pushed JMP FF_TUNE ; if PBFLAG=1(PB detected), back to FF_TUNE LOOP_N: MOV A, #40d ; Set delay time, A * 12.5msec –10– REV. B AN-655 CLR P2.7 ; Test signal for cpu transaction monitoring CALL DELAY ; Call delay program SETB P2.7 ; Test signal for cpu transaction monitoring CALL ADC ; Take 8 * samples CALL AVR ; Averaging CALL SUBTRACT ; Subtract (LOCKPOINT - ADCDATA) CALL LOCK_INDICATE ; Turn LED on if result is in lock range CALL GAIN_DECISION ; Check if error amount is <2LSB, <16LSB CALL ADJUST_N ; Call dac update routine CALL LD_BIAS_MONITOR ; Monitor Laser Bias on ADC1 CALL LD_TEMP_MONITOR ; Convert DAC0H/L code to temperature value CALL CPU_TEMP_MONITOR ; Monitor on-chip temp sensor JMP LL_NEG ; Back to loop top LL_POS: ; ==Lambda locking at Positive slope== CALL PB_DETECT ; Detect push-button sw JNB PBFLAG, LOOP_P ; Jump LOOP_P if PB is not pushed JMP FF_TUNE ; if PBFLAG=1(PB detected), back to FF_TUNE LOOP_P: MOV A, #40d ; Set delay time, A * 12.5msec CLR P2.7 ; Test signal for cpu transaction monitoring CALL DELAY ; Call delay program SETB P2.7 ; Test signal for cpu transaction monitoring CALL ADC ; Take 8 * samples CALL AVR ; Averaging CALL SUBTRACT ; Subtract (LOCKPOINT - ADCDATA) CALL LOCK_INDICATE ; Turn LED on if result is in lock range CALL GAIN_DECISION ; Check if error amount is <2LSB, <16LSB CALL ADJUST_P ; Call dac update routine CALL LD_BIAS_MONITOR ; Monitor Laser Bias on ADC1 CALL LD_TEMP_MONITOR ; Convert DAC0H/L code to temperature value CALL CPU_TEMP_MONITOR ; Monitor on-chip temp sensor JMP LL_POS ; Back to loop top ; END OF MAIN PROGRAM REV. B –11– AN-655 SOFTWARE MEMORY MAP Table 4. Internal RAM, Lower 128 Bytes Byte Address Byte Name Byte Description 00 to 1F – Reserved 20 Control Flags Detailed in Bit Memory Map 21 WL_SEL Wavelength select 22 CALDAC_L Offset calibration for DAC 23 CALDAC_H 24 CALP_H 25 CALP_L 26 CALN_H 27 CALN_L 28 DACINT_H 29 DACINT_L 2A LOCKPOINT_H 2B LOCKPOINT_L 2C RES_H 2D RES_L 2E DACNEW_L 2F DACNEW_H 30 to 4F – Not used 50 AVR_H Averaged wave locker output value 51 AVR_L 52 SUM_H 53 SUM_L 54 GAIN Temperature control gain 58 SMPL1_H ADC raw data #1 59 SMPL1_L 5A SMPL2_H 5B SMPL2_L 5C SMPL3_H 5D SMPL3_L 5E SMPL4_H 5F SMPL4_L 60 SMPL5_H 61 SMPL5_L 62 SMPL6_H 63 SMPL6_L 64 SMPL7_H 65 SMPL7_L 66 SMPL8_H 67 SMPL8_L Offset calibration for positive locking points Offset calibration for positive locking points DAC initial voltage Wave lock point being selected Errors between actual wavelength and target wavelength Updated DAC output data Accumulated wave locker output value ADC raw data #2 ADC raw data #3 ADC raw data #4 ADC raw data #5 ADC raw data #6 ADC raw data #7 ADC raw data #8 –12– REV. B AN-655 Table 5. Internal RAM, Upper 128 Bytes REV. B Byte Address Byte Name Byte description 80 MSB DAC initial data for channel 1 81 LSB 82 MSB 83 LSB 84 MSB 85 LSB 86 MSB 87 LSB 88 MSB 89 LSB 8A MSB 8B LSB 8C MSB 8D LSB 8E MSB 8F LSB 90 MSB 91 LSB 92 MSB 93 LSB 94 MSB 95 LSB 96 MSB 97 LSB 98 MSB 99 LSB 9A MSB 9B LSB 9C MSB 9D LSB 9E MSB 9F LSB DAC initial data for channel 2 DAC initial data for channel 3 DAC initial data for channel 4 DAC initial data for channel 5 DAC initial data for channel 6 DAC initial data for channel 7 DAC initial data for channel 8 Wave lock point data for channel 1 Wave lock point data for channel 2 Wave lock point data for channel 3 Wave lock point data for channel 4 Wave lock point data for channel 5 Wave lock point data for channel 6 Wave lock point data for channel 7 Wave lock point data for channel 8 –13– AN-655 Table 6. Internal RAM Bit Memory Map Byte Bit Address Bit Name Bit Value Description 20h 00h SLOPEFLAG 1 Negative Lock curve 0 Positive Lock curve 1 Lock Point < ADCDATA 0 Lock Point > ADCDATA 1 Laser Temperature locked 0 Laser Temperature not locked 1 Button is pushed 0 Button is not pushed 01h RESFLAG 02h TEMPLKFLAG 03h PBFLAG 04h – Not used 05h – Not used 06h – Not used 07h – Not used Table 7. Internal DATA Flash/EE ROM Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Page 000 Board rev Farm rev Wavelength Grid Page 001 Laser bias Laser bias Laser temp Page 002 CPU temp CPU temp Page 003 Not used Byte4 Laser temp : Page 3FF –14– REV. B DAC0 VREF 1BMON WLMON –15– Figure 11. Schematic–CPU 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 HEADER 4 SPI/I2C JP7 HEADER 4 UART 1 2 JP4 3 4 PVDD R37 1k SW-PB S3 C26 0.1F DAC1 AD8628ART U8 PVDD 1 5 AVDD C25 0.1F R44 0 ANALOG AUX I/O 1 2 3 JP3 4 5 6 7 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 7 8 9 10 15 1 2 3 4 11 12 13 14 AVDD ADuC834 XTAX2 XTAL1 ALE PSEN EA P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 C24 0.1F LLOCK P3.0/RxD P2.7/PWM1 P3.1/TxD P2.6/PWM0 P3.2/INT0 P2.5 P3.3/INT1/M1SO/PWM1 P2.4 P3.4/T0/PWMC/PWM0/EXTCLK P2.3 P3.5/T1/CONVST P2.2 P3.6/WR P2.1 P3.7/RD P2.0 SCLOCK SDATA/MOSI CREF VREF DAC0 DAC1 RESET ADC0/P1.0/T2 ADC1/P1.1/T2EX ADC2/P1.2 ADC3/P1.3 ADC4/P1.4 ADC5/P1.5/SS ADC6/P1.6 ADC7/P1.7 PVDD C21 0.1F C22 0.1F C23 0.1F 34 DVDD 20 DVDD 48 DVDD 5 AVDD 6 AGND 35 DGND 47 DGND 21 DGND 39 38 37 36 31 30 29 28 33 32 42 41 40 43 44 45 46 49 50 51 52 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k SW DIP-3 S4 3 2 1 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 4 5 6 16 2 1 U9 13 12 11 10 9 15 14 Y1 3 4 3 1 R39 1k R13 10k R12 10k SW-PB HEADER 2 PWM HEADER 2 ICE JP6 1 2 JP5 1 2 1 10 8 5 4 2 3 7 SW-PB S2 S1 287 287 287 287 287 287 287 200 ALS: ACTIVE HIGH SD: ACTIVE LOW TEMPLOCK SD ALS SW SPDT S5 2 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R47 PVDD C28 15pF CD4511BCWM SEG A SEG B SEG C SEG D SEG E SEG F SEG G 32.768kHz 8 R38 1k C27 15pF INA INB INC IND LE BI LT PVDD PVDD 7 1 2 6 5 4 3 PVDD VDD REV. B VSS PVDD d g b c dp 9 ccom 6 cdp DPY a PVDD PVDD DPY_7-SEG_DP a b c f d e e f g dp DS1 AN-655 APPENDIX [A-1] SCHEMATIC–CPU –16– VREF JP1 1 2 R2 10k AVDD SHORT JP1 SHUTDOWN TEC [SD: ACTIVE LOW] JUMPER SD PVDD TH DAC0 TEMPLOCK R21 10k 8 7 6 5 C5 0.1F R19 8.2k R18 24k R17 36.5k ADR291GRU U2 1 NC 2 NC VIN NC 3 NC VOUT 4 GND NC R25 1k R24 150k R20 10k 1% C1 0.1F R27 205k R28 100k C14 330pF C15 10F R26 1M C9 1F R22 14.7k PVDD U11 3 2 B 4 Y 1 A NC7S32 5 PVDD MM74HC123AM U1 A1 DVCC B1 RCEXT1 CLR1 CEXT1 Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 CEXT2 CLR2 RCEXT2 B2 DGND A2 C7 0.1F AVDD C10 10nF 18 17 9 10 11 19 22 21 29 28 27 26 25 24 C3 0.1F PVDD 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 31 PHASE 32 TEMPOUT SYNCOUT NC SOFTSTART 1 THERMFAULT FREQ 2 THERMIN SYNCIN 3 SD OSC 4 TEMPSET 5 TEMPLOCK OUTA 6 N1 NC 7 ADN8830 VREF P1 15 OUTB VLIM 16 VTEC N2 P2 12 TEMPCTL 13 COMPFB SWIN 14 COMPOUT SWOUT C2 0.1F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PVDD 20 PVDD 23 PGND 8 AVDD 30 AGND AVDD R23 150k 2 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 FDW2520C Q6 FDW2520C Q5 Q1 FDV301N D1 LED (G) R14 150 PVDD C12 2.2nF 1 C4 0.1F R1 10k PVDD 1 7 6 5 8 7 6 5 8 L1 C11 10nF PVDD 4.7F L1 C6 0.1F 4.7F PVDD Q2 FDV301N D2 LED (R) R15 150 LLOCK 2 32 1 PVDD C13 3.3nF TEC+ TEC– C8 22F CDE ESRD AN-655 APPENDIX [A-2] SCHEMATIC–TEC CONTROL Figure 12. Schematic–TBC Control REV. B ALS IBMON Figure 13. Schematic–Laser Control 1 R5 10k VSS 3 R34 10k C20 0.1F R36 1k VSS VSS SHORT JP2 TO SHUTDOWN LASER [ALS: ACTIVE HIGH] JP2 HEADER 2 2 1 VSS VSS R32 100k Q3 FDV301N VSS 2 3 R4 10k R31 100k Q7 FDV304P R33 3k PVDD 2 3 4 AD8565AKS VSS 5 U4 2 Q7 GATE HIGH: ALS ACTIVE Q7 GATE LOW: ALS DISABLE 1 R3 10k PVDD 1 AVDD R30 100k 1 R36 1k NC ADN2830 VSS Q4 FDV301N D3 LED (R) R16 150 VSS 2 32 1 19 FAIL 18 DEGRADE 13 9 PAVCAP 10 PAVCAP 20 ALS 17 MODE 6 IMPDMON 23 IBMON 24 IBMON 8 11 12 21 25 28 IBIAS 31 IBIAS ASET NC NC NC NC NC 2 16 15 3 32 26 5 IMPD 4 PSET VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC GND GND GND GND GND GND GND –17– 1 7 22 14 27 26 30 REV. B VSS R42 0 8 9 4 5 3 12 13 11 3 4 2 U7 5 R58 0 R57 0 AD8628ART 1 FLD5F15 AVDD R46 2.49k 0.1% 7 LD_C TEC– 6 LD_C TEC+ LD_A/GND 1 PD1_A TH 2 PD1_C TH 10 PD2_C NC 14 PD2_A NC U6 IMPDMON DISABLE: R42-SHORT, R43-OPEN, R41-SHORT IMPDMON ENABLE: R42-OPEN, R43-SHORT, R41-OPEN VSS C19 10nF AVDD R43 0 R48 5k VSS R45 1k R41 0 C18 10nF VSS C17 10nF R40 1.24k C16 10nF GND R29 100k TEC– DAC1 VREF WLMON TH TEC+ AN-655 APPENDIX [A-3] SCHEMATIC–LASER CONTROL AN-655 APPENDIX [A] SCHEMATIC–POWER SUPPLY PVDD J1 3 2 1 TERMINAL BLOCK R56 150 D4 LED (G) 1 1 2 2 L2 10F C29 100F L3 10F –5V 2 1 C30 100F AVDD 1 C31 22F 2 VSS 2 1 C32 22F Figure 14. Schematic–Power Supply APPENDIX [B] PCB LAYOUT Figure 15. Top Layer Figure 17. Bottom Layer Figure 16. AGND/PGND Planes Figure 18. AVDD/PVDD/VSS Planes –18– REV. B AN-655 APPENDIX [C] BILL OF MATERIALS Provided as a software copy. APPENDIX [D] SOFTWARE SOURCE CODE Provided as a software copy. REFERENCES Analog Devices, ADuC832 Data Sheet Analog Devices, ADN8830 Data Sheet Analog Devices, ADN2830 Data Sheet Fujitsu Quantum Devices, FLD5F6CA Data Sheet Fujitsu Quantum Devices, FLD5F15CA Data Sheet ITU-T G.692 Figure 19. Top Overlay REV. B –19– E03717–0–8/04(B) Purchase of licensed I2C components of Analog Devices or one of its sublicensed Associated Companies conveys a license for the purchaser under the Philips I2C Patent Rights to use these components in an I2C system, provided that the system conforms to the I2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips. © 2004 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. –20–