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Ue T "me R Ra'rlcta Statistical Report On The Operation Of




Of S rA'rLcTa GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 14 UE T "ME rr STATISTICAL REPORT ON THE OPERATION OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT MARCH - 1951 PUBLtCATION I :; - jt .. : : ;•J.¼ I; pc el Ono DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS Department of Trade and Commerce No. 3 Vol 10 STATISTICAL REPORT ON THE OPERATION OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT MARCH - 1951 (Compiled from material supplied by the Unemployment Insurance Comrnissiôn) Published by Authority of the Rt. 1-Ion. C. D. Howe Minister of Trade and Commerce Prepared in the Unemployment Insurance Section, Labour and Pikes Division. Dominiu.i Iureau of Statistics, Ottawa 1904010 1100.25-541 Price: 25 centascopy TALE O'' CONTEI1T3 Prie EXPLJNATORY TEXT................................... 7. LIST OF Ti3LS- Table 1. — E_,ftimatec of Insured flor. ........ .............. 2 Table A. — Nurber of Initial and Renea1 C1ais ?iled in the local Oflices in Each Province ..................... .. 3 T&- le T, — Persons on the Live tJner.plevment itoister on the Last Workino, Day of the Morth, by Type of O1W, ex and Province ........ . ... .....•.. e.S .............. 3 Table C. — Persons on the Live Unenipio',tcnt Rcrster (Feular and Supnlcrientary Bercft) by Number of Days Cont.nuously on the Rite', Sex an rovince., Ta'rle D. — Dinosition of Initial ani P.enerai Claims rind Claths Per -lln7 at thr End of the -nth.....,........, 5 Tarle E. — e -'ar and 3ur.nle'r"tary B'refit. ('nirc iisri1led ani Total Clatharts Dispa3.if1d in '.ach Province, with Ch 4 ef Reaor fo' Non-Er trent,. ...........6 Table 7. — Number of Persons Cor.r -.enc--rrr the Receint of Benefit on Initial and Renewal Clath, by Province ... ,....... 7 Table G. — Nunber of Days and /nour.t of Ernef it Paid by Province. . . , . . . • • • * • • • • • • • • • • , • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • , • • 7 Tahle H. — Number of Persons Re'eivir Bcrfit Number of 5nys and !tnourt of Befit Paid by Province, for week Containin the Day of the I'onth.... .................................... ....... • }1 P E N D I X 3upn1e:: tary Een. fit ............................... 9 EXPLANATORY 'lEXT initial and Renewal claims received at local offices of the Unemployment Insurance Commission during the month totalled 109,764. This is a very blight increase over the 109,709 claims recorded for February but represents a decline of about 8% from the 119,533 claims filed in March one year ago. Ordinary claimants on the live unemployment register on March 31 numbered 184,538 (150,878 male and 33,660 female), compared to 208,039 (169,626 male and 38,413 female) on February 28 and 263,382 (213,614 male and 51,768 female) on March 31, 1950. rhere was a total of 236,395 claimants signing the unemployment register on the last day of the month, of whom 41,932 were supplementary benefit claimants. Initial and renewal claims adjudicated during the month totalled 111,819, of which 68,001 were considered entitled to benefit and 43,818 were not entitled. In addition, there were 13,741 supplementary and revised claims not entitled to benefit. The main reason for nonentitlement was insufficient contributions on the part of regular claimants (34,906). Total disqualifications imposed on claimants numbered 15,791, in respect of which the chief reasons were : "voluntarily left employment without just cause", 5,817 cases; "not unemployed" 3,215 cases and "refused offer of work and neglected opportunity to work" 1,844 cases. A total of 68,445 persons commenced receiving benefit payments during the month, compared to 79,421 in February and 91,646 for March 1950. Benefit payments in respect of 4,192,575 compensated days of unemployment amounted to $10,467,167 during the month. During the month of February, $9,589,561 were paid as compensation for 3,853,024 days, while for March one year ago, payments amounted to $15,747,725 for 6,466,268 compensated days. For the week March 31 to April 6, a total of $2,184,959 were paid to 147,162 beneficiaries for 873,101 proven unemployed days, compared with $2,331,336 to 158,045 persons for 936,027 days covering the week February 24 to March 2, and $3,162,185, 219,711 persons and 1,297,370 days for the week March 25 - 31, 1950. -2- The average daily rate of benefit for the week larch 31 to April 6 was $2.50, compared to $2.49 for the week February 24 to March 2, and $2.44 for the week March 25 to 31, 1950. The average duration for all weeks under review was 5.9 days. JP1LTMtY BEFIT Since the period for which supplementary benefit was payable expired on Mprch 31, claims received on and after Mprch 22 (unless ante-dated) were not forwarded for consideration under the supplementary benefit provisions of the Act. Thus, of the 34,906 regular claims disillcwed during the month, only 34,353 were considered for supplementary benefit. In addition, renewal supplementary benefit claimants for the month totalled 1,329. Of the 36,089 claims adjudicated 27,154 were entitled to benefit. Claimants unable to qualify under any one of the four classes numbered 6,862. There were 4,297 claims still pending at the end of the month. Benefit payments amounted to $1,671,257. Table 1. - Estimates of the Insured Population under the - Unemployment Insurance Act. Beginning of the '1 o t a 1 Fp1oyed Claijnants Month of 1950 rebruary March April May June July August September October November Dec ember 2 ,659,000 2,644,000 2,715,000 2,659,000 2,690,000 2,733,000 2,735,000 2,763,000 2,811,000 2,838,000 2,910,000 2,361,800 2,357,800 2,449,600 2,449,100 2,543, 500 2,623,600 2,642,50 0 2,664,100 2,731,700 2,747,700 2,785,200 297,200 286,200 265,400 209,900 146,500 109,400 92, 500 98,900 79,300 90, 300 124,800 I :11,000 2,720,900 l9O,lOO 1951 - ,January February ( - 2I7,0OO 2,669,400 247,600' (1) - Ordinary claimants signing the live Unemployment register on the last working day of the preceding month. (2) - Includes supplementary benefit claimants. 'IaUe 1 A. - Nucnler of Initii1 PnC nenew1 Cl1rn 2 Filed in the L0cal OfficeL in Lvch rcvince. MErch-1951 March-1950 P r c V Ti c e 'i ot1 Initic.l ktenewal ict.1 InitiLl henewal N es'. feun cii anci 4,211. Prince Edward Island Nova hcctiu New Brunswick Quebec Onta rio Mani toba uktchewan Alter t British Columbia (i,) 833 6,394 5,825 39,343 (i,) 672 4,917 (46) 161 1477 1,230 4,595 30,356 3,355 39,031 39,124 6,197 2,893 6,370 13,320 1,393 657 1,241+ 2,698 4,632 9,828 5,276 15,991 5,036 8,984 6,395 15,961 /,057 5,450 839 (5,89) 623 6,100 130 6,163 27,831 831 (5,740) 507 4,637 3,546 08,76b 8 (159) 116 1,463 1,490 10,243 11,691 1,376 640 1,389 4,713 27,433 4,81 2,253 4,981 8,607 ]119,533 66,4 0 4 Table B. - Persons on the Live Unen'lcyment Iriurance Register on the Last Working Day of the Month, by lype of, hex ; Province. Uarc. -1950 Ma rch-1951 Prey. 0 r U I n . r y 0 t h e r 0 r u .L n . r y 0 t h e r - - ictEl M1e Female Total Male Female !lota.1. Mule Female 'lotd Mule Female - Nfld. (3,013) P. E.I. N. S. N. B. Que. Ont. Man. iat. E. C. 'ICtalT 21085 10,471 9,391 61,073 37,248 12,151 8,023 9558 26,619 - L! 4,454 (2,84) 1,777 8,899 8,026 54,252 28,173 9,2.8 0,671 2 1 113 21,265 150, e7 8 105 (169) 308 1,572 1,365 9,821 9,075 2,923 1,4 1 2 1,745 5,0 22!9_.. - (-) 1 1,51+7 57 2,427 1,765 38 46 2,212 1 1 232 - - (-) (-) 1 1,398 47 1,422 1,041 36 46 2,810 1 1 169 - 149 10 1,005 7214 2 - 2 63 956 969 (14,568) (14,234) 1,428 1,733 15,146 13,308 11,046 13,093 91,119 74933 73,003 57,432 11,745 15,954 9,205 7,455 13 1 677 8,555 34 2 483 26,756 13 (33) 305 1,38 2,047 16,186 15,571 4,205 1,750 2,122 7,727 - - (ii) 2 1,174 513 6,795 5,869 62 13 3,387 1,166 - (3) - 1,077 1+ 27 4,581 3,943 58 13 3,315 952 9,925 7,970 1,955 265,382213, 614 51 , 768 1011/+ , 6 (8) 2 97 26 2,214 1,926 4 72 Z14 4,555 1. - in this ond the fcllcwing tcble figures in parentheses are for unenp1oyrnent assistance in Newfcundlanu. These are net included in totals. 2. - In, revised claims received nintered 15,755. -4Table C, - Persons on the Live Unemployment Insurance Register (Regular and Supp1emntary Benefit) by Number of Days Continuously on the Roister, Sex and Province, as of March 31, 1951. 6 days Province ani Sex .- wfouni1and ( ITOTAL 6,109 Female 5,969 140 ale) (2,844) Prince E -har1 Island Hale Female (169) 2,349 2,009 and unier 1,207 1 1 178 I I 7 12 days 13 853 831 22 (93) (196) 339 326 29 (617) (26) 193 152 I 5 48 13 2/4 days Jda;s 2,448 2,410 38 (587) 583 510 73 (13) 155 480 412 24 304 273 31 68 i 1 73day ari ia;sover 339 923 326 898 13 25 (633) (41) (11) 131 72 (33) (718) (45) 634 531 340 41 Nova Scotia iiale Female 14457 12,678 2,179 2,617 2,207 410 1 1 200 1,013 187 1,965 1,705 260 3,172 2,735 437 2,690 New Brunswiek Male Female 12,242 10,304 1,938 2,318 2,103 215 1,265 1,129 136 1,681 1453 228 2,241 1,912 329 1,875 1,530 345 2,862 2,177 Quebec Male Female 81,934 68,363 13,571 14403 12,068 2,135 7,992 12,555 6,740 10,752 1,252 1,803 16,450 14,056 2,394 13461 10,997 2,264 17,473 13,750 3,723 Ontario Male Fenale 46,348 8,686 6,757 7,700 5,799 1,901 11,912 8,575 3,337 Manitoba Male Female 14,919 Sa latcheian Male 10,245 Female 2,318 372 103 3,213 2,700 513 665 3,681 2,724 957 4,176 1,359 8,634 6,369 2 1 265 1,842 1,331 917 690 227 1,578 1,107 471 2,751 2,039 712 3,012 2,321 691 4,819 3,616 1,003 1,011 840 1,79/4 171 515 417 98 1,013 826 187 2,138 1,724 414 2 1 262 1,842 420 3,306 2,602 504 A1h'rt.a We FeriaJe 14,381 12, 31/. 2,067 3 1 193 1,017 2,689 2,393 2 1 269 1,864 246 153 2,757 2,117 240 496 405 2,656 ,129 527 Jrtish ColnmUa Male oixia1e 33,011 26,266 6,745 4,705 3,780 925 2,691 2,322 4,160 6,560 5,109 1,2.51 6,213 3,294 866 4,776 1,437 8,682 6,985 1,697 236, 395 40,175 33,363 6,812 19,772 32,001 16,356 26,534 3,416 5,1,67 47,763 39,159 8,604 40,788 34,855 7,933 55,896 43,791 12,105 TOTAL FI'iALE 34,400 11948 11,3014 3,615 6,451 192,058 44,337 2,129 511 864 3 69 5,535 ia'ie . - isoi Lion o' lit ti:1 Ren'fui A I u Total 4'iit LF z , n , u..aims rendinrr at tne eni o 7 the I . c a t e Frov. :Doscd `,ntitlel to 3eerit. Iot ntitlei to Benefit of - - I rontri. TtiT 1JI Pendin a1 arch 1 951 3,277 9 1,126 24 Nf1-1 4,795 1,395 114 (1,911k 493) (40) (1,373) (8) (649) (19) 880 289 173 409 9 139 17 1,196 214 2,236 86 ' 2,669 1,.33 6,39/, ;: 2,426 86 1,317 268 ! 5,97 1,903 1,082 39,617 14,898 8,56 1 15,494 969 8 0 763 1,922 7,388 768 3,765 944 5,81 9,108 22,945 ) 2,114 174 776 333 5,566 2,144 1,134 506 102 1,636 60 3,633 1,343 594 1,837 106 1,856 231 5,596 2,458 1,195 4,344 390 1,981 660 i. 16,896 6,391 5,771 ) I.. ( 111,819 42,598 25,403 41,161 2,657 21,425 4,715 -- - 'r h 1L 0 289 2 468 450 149 10 3 (4,901) (3,I1) (117) (1,330) (3) (4,464) (78) 606 305 106 102 25 193 2 1,597 111 1,1149 263 6,124 3,076 1,340 1,101 26 1,307 267 N. B. 4,525 1,985 1,413 38,590 19,702 9,322 8 1 834 732 7,361 1 1 821 7,990 799 6,168 1,788 0rt, 39,783 20,137 13,857 1,689 146 1,231 299 6,307 3,188 1,284 448 88 3,011 1,507 611 855 38 1,297 82 1,869 263 5,944 3,177 1,388 2,698 288 2,319 1,039 13. C, 14,193 7,093 4,114 26,543 2,226 - 2422 5,856 30,445 - i } - In addition, 16,066 revised w.aims were disposed of. Of these, 1,085 were secia1 requestz rc r:nted d 1,24Z 'ier r c1uIiiants. hera tere 2,2.40 re.i.'eu idrn. pencLn, t the enu of te m'!th. _1 - Claims J.sa1]rc Re1.r en -S B fit C1aimant r05e -_-- 1ut Jc: r ãor!-int1t.ier1Pnt, pJrcrt.r:' 3eno. ii'r l9Sl rr Jth Chief Rc -u1r ar. -1rng 1 25f l5 i• 1 ui1fe1 in Each Province T[ ITILIIIIIP I iILNEJt J±iJ H 34,906 3,071(1262) 384 20,668 284 (77) 184 36 6,862 1,344 () 11 ,6E9 - (-) Not ui 15 15fl 3,215 2,913 83 (13) (1) 10 1 I tn nt r1110. for oi 1951 195fl 1,716 136 1 (47) (43) 13 Locr.r1ue 1951 tc a 1i inrtoi5 (' ePiisurr of 1951 JCk ar. HtcI 1950 303 954 98 -- 1,844 1,325 (-) 3 - (:)_ 3 - 1 - (ii) 7 3 (-) 1,978 2,226 1,356 1,025 13,390 7,309 5,488 1,756 1,357 1,452 5,323 689 1,526 1,019 3,635 2,122 362 149 370 807 1,939 1,183 330 202 690 594 372 88 406 2,285 54 309 115 91 81 30 1,108 725 862 251 123 170 1,392 114 106 412 250 57 111 15 700 211 458 375 76 55 35 51 43 -52-11 148 27 135 19 - - I - - -- 34 201+ 34 28 842 297 621+ 341 38 73 21 41 46 70 150 39 20 311 236 390 28 14 14 19 631 21 386 233 1,628 299 1,547 294 114 112 248 212 (7) 2 Voluntar7*J left em1oyinont v.thcit t cause 1951 l'5 5,817 4,035 104 6 (53) 24 15 228 150 77 2,426 1,131 Uther rer(r; 1951 2,174 1,269 58 .35) (507) 13 69 83 29 732 395 449 466 158 72 114 31 120 2,898 3,198 1,988 2,025 21,626 12,766 10,980 10,530 2,936 2,441 2,076 1,115 2,586 1951 1 05ri - 57,559 4,801(1421) 489 293(1359) 216 36,539 a: - Include5 4,806 revised claim& disqualified. ON 63 2 - 8 50 46 1951 722 JQr(90$ (so) 100 - Dchar "or onut 1(1)- 162 -. 3514 75 37 1,572 126 513 491 376 161+ 5,969 3,593 1nl1e F. - Number cf Percn crnmencin4 the heceipt of Ienefit on InittiJ. .rd Rene.&1 C1im, l:y Province. F'r-'v. NC1. P. b.I. N. F. N. B. Que. On t. M LaLk. 1ltn. I]. C. PA f, r C h - 1 9 5 1 Total On InitilI On hnewd C1rim I C1tini 2,255 (030) 621 10 ,76i. 22,11.9 151 (803) 482 •,119 2,o31 16,199 61 (27) 139 1,0.8 733 6,o 14,128 '81 2,311 9,528 4,630 2,939 942 3,147 7,531 899 4,312 / 1 1.873 046 11,43 438 M r r c h - 1950 intcl On ml LIE.1 On Renewal L1cirn 2J.8 (4,3) 232 (j,) 1.46 1,659 3,753 28,358 29,555 5,127 2,678 4,537 11,25 21,610 22,801. 3,615 (98) 98 906 2,539 1,076 4,045 2,182 3,560 1,082 496 977 6,751 2,996 9,329 ictv1- 68,41.5 49,043 19,402 91,646 73,500 21,146 lable G. - Nunher of DavE &no Amount cf Benefit I'ald, by Provibee. rch-1951 Prov. Nf10. P.i.I. N. F. N. fl. Que, rnt. Mart. Alta. P. C. 'ic'tal- Amount (in Do11i') 99,269 (57,019) 1+ 2,307 229,1.62 150,953 1,417,557 078 1 421 253,888 (141,216) 99,903 561,768 370,688 3,513,913 2 1 165,682 657,261 Marcb-1950 DayE 12,425 (346,289) 41,245 359,158 268,832 ;.,204,962 1,729,030 356,426 hmcunt (in Ddflr) 33,604 (860,540) 92,504 875,665 646,735 5,336,813 4,195,735 838,/,80 269,11.5 1)9,962 254,187 651,312 500,/,13 654,367 1,689,262 .79,139 974,376 691,781 2,454,833 4,192,575 10,/,67,147 6,1.66,268 15,747,725 2/40,675 581,575 -8- T&- 1e H. - Nunher of Persons Receivinc Benefit; Number of Days ani Amount of Benefit Paid by Province, for 1eek Containinr the Last Day of the Month, Week March 31 to April 6, Week March 25 - 31, 1 9 5 0. 1 9 5 1. Prov. Amount Person a y s Persons D a y $ I(in Dollars) 312 I clThrs) 5,956 2,343 16,856 43,491 (1,617) (13,285) (33,043) 1,731 10,529 24,801 1 1 126 6,667 14,999 10,995 63,280 154,714 io,006 58,799 143,855 6,025 35,580 87,014 8,164 47,755 114,960 45,110 274,675 683,835 72,734 438,138 1,061,870 Ont, 30,977 181,745 449,552 64,873 377,097 916,113 :an. 1O,62 61,527 150,543 12,635 74,079 174,469 3ask. 7,174 43,385 107,521 8,111 1+8,643 117,562 Alta. 10,623 59,163 155,001 9,536 54,233 134,250 9. r. 21,722 328,487 32,214 189,761 478,151 Nfld, D. Total- I 126,36 1 (10,726) 2,198 (71,459) (176,654) 147,162 873,101 2,184,959 219,711 1,297,370 3,162,185 Table A' - Initial Claims Considered for Supplentary Benefit and Renewal Supplementaryj P rovince Newfoundland Prince &iward Island Nova Scotia New Brunsvdck Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Total - Total. 3,057 394 2,046 2,268 13,749 5,550 1,814 1,476 1,498 3,830 35,682 March - 1 Initial 3,051 385 1,938 2,201 13,222 5,333 1,727 1,449 1,449 3,595 34,353 9 5 1 Renewal 3 9 108 67 527 217 87 27 49 235 Total 414 678 4,860 9,897 44,495 15,286 3,813 2,434 2,102 7,880 91,859 1,329 M a r c h - 1 9 initial 414 678 4,856 9,889 44,479 15,274 3,812 2,432 2,094 - 7,862 Claims Filed. 50 Renewal - 8 16 12 1 2 8 18 91,790(a) Table B' - Supplementary Benefit Claimants on the Live Unemployment Insurance Register on the Last Working Day of the Month, by sex and province. M a r c h - 1951 M a r c h - 1950 P r c v i n c e Female Male Male Female Total Total 1,550 Newfoundland 470 1 1,515 35 469 Prince Edward Island 231 263 32 638 81 557 Nova Scotia 2,381 4,412 2,839 511 3,901 458 New Brunswick 2,231 10,055 2,794 563 574 9,481 Quebec 12,689 41,869 15,434 38,606 2,745 3,263 On tario 5,186 2 ,149 12,940 7,335 10,671 2,269 Man! to ha 2,040 690 3,019 2,730 2,370 649 Saskatchewan 2,116 382 2,069 1,734 317 1,752 Alberta 1,711 1,391 320 1,671 1,411 260 British Columbia 5,160 3,812 1,486 1,348 4,923 6,409 Total 41,932 33,210 - 8,722 83,552 74,141 - 9,411 - I 1 (a) This figurer is additional to the 86,404 initial claims shown on Table A. Table D' - Disjiodtion of Initial and henewal urp1enentary Benefit ClairnE and bupplementary Benefit C1aim Pending at the end of the Month. Prow. Adudicated j Total Dipcsec i ri i t j a1 C 1 a 12 13. 4 M a r e h - 1 9 5 1 of to benefit Renewal Initial JJRenewal 660 322 1,159 990 5,628 3,022 1,208 1,169 962 2,610 836 51 419 679 4,069 1,004 196 142 201 494 - - 8 10 99 9 2 - - - - 2 8 94 62 482 184 80 28 44 221 1,469 46 416 477 3,014 1,447 416 262 462 805 - Aita. B. C. 2,967 427 2,103 2,223 13,339 5,690 1,912 1,603 1,675 4,150 Total- 36,089 17,730 8,091 128 - 1,205 8,814 121 -- Nfld. P.E.I. N. S. N. B. Que. Ont. Man. M a r c p en Not &itjtled Entitled to Benefit 7 5 47 24 10 2 6 20 Initial 447 23 216 348 2,130 345 126 56 129 288 I - 4,108 1 henewal 1 1 17 4 83 34 16 1 10 22 189 h - 1950 Total Initial 86 626 3 1 808 5 1 400 24,035 12,443 2,940 2,103 1,874 6,963 - Man. ba$k. Alta. B. C. 86 637 3,991 6,233 26,422 13,222 3,351 2,232 1,951 7,314 1 3 7 11 182 828 2,384 776 411 128 74 344 mt1_ 6.L39 60278 23 - 5,138 Nfld. P.E.I. N. s. N. B. Que. 0t. - 1 5 3 3 - - :1 328 41 866 3,661 18,060 2,055 461 201 146 555 - 26,374 46 3 3 13 9 1 1 5 11 0 11 ial:le F. - Numter cC Peron Ccmmercin6 the f.eceipt of bupp1ementry benefit cri initid cnd ftenewJ. C1inE, by Province. MLreh - 1950 M.rch- 1 95 1 On initiL l On ieneii. w On Initt1 On henev.1 Tctd Cl.Lm. O1im ¶1(t'1 Li1rn 1,19E 346 1,719 1,277 9,11 3,936 1,36 1 1 359 Nd C. 1.I. N. L. N. P. Que. Ot. n. Look. P. C. Total- 'lable G. - L 164 Fj K 15 :99 2,iJ, 1,957 12,998 7,985 i,8 1031 45 299 2,193 1,957 12,983 7,985 1 1 177 4,72 1477 7,21.5 7 1 0/ 1! 141 4,721 1 25,166 24,327 839 34,607 3/,590 17 48 1,123 1,Cf7 A1tL. 1, IV4 35 i,E'76 1,229 9,119 3,71 1,56 1,337 1rc V. 1 95 1 Mn. Alta. D. . 1 - 15 - - 1,331 Mrch Anount - - - 19O Amount (in Dc11ar) (n i)cl.Li';) . - Numler of DyLr1. ?cnUnt :f .upp1ementcy benefit Palu, 11 ivince March p..i. .. F. Quo. - 1.0 1 1L9 (1,L58 16,754 709,653 163,979 55,535 42,731 40,176 127,1.66 5,fl 1E,1.6j 1.11,437 67,77j 584,568 312,346 104,519 79,850 79,773 255,285 654 3,515 26,973 24406 204,282 97,439 24,964 16,409 14,025 (:1,987 78,i72 1,''1,,.57 1'74,248 1,338 50,568 45,92% 377,159 268,366 46,305 31,1/9 27,094 121,34 12 Table H' - Niber of Persons Receiving Supplementary Benefit, Number of Days and Amount of Supplementary Benefit Paid, by Province, for Week MARCH 31 - APRIL 6, 1 9 5 1, inclusive. Persons I D a y s I Province N ewfoundland Prince Edwaró IElLnd Neva Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columhi Total For Week N ewfoundlañd Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Quebec Ontario Mrnitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Total Amcunt (in Dollars) 757 7,366 15,210 546 3,246 3,324 1,973 12,848 20,046 5,453 36,241 7,094 2,541 1,902 1,780 5,016 12,205 81,C53 42,079 14,456 10,915 10,492 30,349 22,288 157,731 84,282 27,635 20,945 21,045 61,074 37,781 233,007 451,904 MARCH 25 to 31, 1 9 5 0, inclusive. 9 235 1,593 1,580 11,880 7,432 88 1,871 11,160 11,290 93,021 48,092 1,736 1,260 11,623 1,047 4,612 8,409 6,1+ 29 27,779 198 3,332 20,935 22,234 171,825 94,312 21,394 15,890 12,411 55,421 - I 31,384 219,762 417,952 GOUVERNEMENT DEJ CANADA RAPPORT STATISTIQUE SUR LAPPLICATION DE LA LOl SUR L'ASSURANCE-CHOMAGE MARS - 1951 I.66OSOIO 111111 IIiIII'IIIII 1111111 N) 3flOLViS 1 IHH kj9I1 VOVN S I1S1V1 S LiNE PUBLICATION cu See other side for Englrsh B.F.S. BUREAU FEDERAL DE LA STATISTIQUE Ministère du Commerce Vol.10 - No.3 - RAPPORT STATISTIQUE SUR L'APPLICATION DE LA 101 SUR L'ASSURANCE-CHOMAGE MARS - 1951 (D'aprês les renseignements fournis par la Commission d'assurance-chômage) Publié par ordre du très hon. C. D. Howe Ministre du Commerce Prépax6 par la section do 1'assurance.ch6mago, division du travail et des prix, Bureau fédiral de la statistique, Ottawa. 1904010 1100 2.5.51 Prix: 25 cents 1'.xemplaixe 1A]L E DE MA1I1iS Vage T E X T E E X P L I C A T I F . 1 LIETE DE TA13LAUXTe1'1ecu 1. - Norn1re de 1 pepuition a.cure .. 2 TL1esu A. - N0nftre cde rtclanl9ticnE mi i1e; et rencuve1es dpct ux 1.urer.ux IOCJUX ciens chnque province 3 lafl.e&u B. - Pexcnn.e:;cri te.. iu regiLtre Lctif dii ch&mage le derr.icr jour cuvrable du mois, e1cn le genre, le.exe et la province ...................... 3 Tab1eiu C. - Perconne: tncii.te ru registre actif du ch&rnage (pres t tLon s reguliereE et upp1mentaires) belon le ncmbre de jourE d'inEcription continue Lu rei.tre, le sexe et la province ............ 4 Tahiesu D. - rC1ernent des rc1matLcns initialeLi et rencuveiue; et rccLnint.ticn pendenteE la fin du motE ........................................ 5 Talleiu E. - ft6ciainoticn rejetteE (pre.ttLons oroinaires et Eupp1mentaireE) et ncmlre total des rc1arnants frspps do dchance dcn chaque province et principaleE x iscns oe 1'inamiibilite .... 6 Tnt1eu F. - Ncrn1re de peronnes gui commencent recevoir cc jrestctcn.ur iccirnatcn.. initi.ieb et rencuveice& ................................. 7 Tn11eu C. - Nomre de et montant des reEtaticn. prr province .................... p 7 7911eu H. - Nemre de preEttcLres, de ,iour: inemid.. et rnmtr't des jresta 1icn, par province, sernaine cc-tennt le dei°r icur dii rnoi ............ 8 t P 1' d N : I C d 1retL t1cn upp1nenLire. ................. 9 .TEXTE EXPLICATIF Lea rc1amationa initiales et renouvelees dépo&es aux bureaux beaux de la Commission d'assurance-chômage ae totalisent 'a 109,764 en mars et aunentent 1g'ernent an regard du total do 109,709 rc1amationE an fvrier; elba diminuent cependant d' environ 8 p. 100 an comparaison du chiffre do 119,533 an mars l'an dernier. Lee réclainanta ordinairea incrits auregistre actif do ch,mage au 31 mare so chiffrent par 184,538 (150,878 hoinmos et 33,660 fnnes), contre 208,039 (169,626 hommee et 38,413 fmnee) be 28 fvrier et 263,382 (213,614 hommos et 51,768 fiunos) le 31 mars 1950. Au dornier jour du mois, un total do 236,395 rc1unanta avalont aigné be registre do oh,mage, dont 41,932 dnandaient des prostations supplémentaires. Sur 108 111,819 reclamations initialea et renouveléee adjugées durant 18 mois, 68,001 sont considéréea coe eyant droit 'a la prestation at 43,818, comme n'y ayant pas droit. i n plus, 13,741 réclametions revisées et reclamations de preatations supplémentaires sont jugées inadmissiblea. La priricipale raison d'inadmissibilité 'a la prestation eat Itinsuffisance des contributions ver&ées par lea réclamanta réguliers (34,906 cas). Le total des reclamations frappéoa do déchéance atteint 15,791 et lea principales rascns sont: "mnploi quitté volontairement sans juste cause", 5,817 cas; "non en ch&mage", 3,215 cas; et tirefus d'une cffre do travail ou negligence do saisir une occasion do travaillor", 1,844 cas. Un total de 68,445 personnea coamencent 'a recevoir des prestations durant le mois, an comparai.son do 79,421 en février et 91,646 an mars 1950. Durant be xnois, los prost.ations versées pour 4,192,575 jours de chmage indemnisés se totalisent 'a $10,467,167, en comparaison de 3,853,024 jours de ch&mage indemnisés au montant de $9,589,561 en février et de 6,466,268 jours de chmage indemnisés au montant de $15,747,725 en mars 1950. Durant la semaine du 31 mars an 6 avril, $2,184,959 sont verses 'a 147,162 prestataires pour 873,101 jours de chmage établl, on comparaison do $2,331,336 verses 'a 158,045 personnes pour 936,027 joura de chmage Ctabli durant la samaine du 24 février an 2 mars et de $3,162,185 verses 'a 219,711 personnes pour 1,297,370 jours de ch&mage au cours de is senaine silent du 25 au 31 mars 1950. Le taux quotidien moyen do prestation est do $2.50 durant is semaine du 31 mars su 6 avril, ccntre $2.49 durant la sanaine du 24 février an 2 mars et $2.44 durant is sanaine du 25 au 31 mars 1950. La durée moyerine pour ces trois seinaines et de 5.9 jours. -2Pf&IATI0N SUPPLahNTAIRE Comme la priode, pendant laquelle la prestation supplementaire 4tait en vigueur, s' et termine le 31 mars, les réclsinations reçues is 22 mars cu apr'es cette date, ('a mcins qu'il y eat anti-date), n'ont pan fait itobjet d'une 3tude en vertu des dispcsitions relatives 'a la pres.tation suppl4mentaire darts in ici. Ainsi, sur len 34,906 rclmations rcgu1i'eren reetes durant is main, seulement 34,353 ont 4tg ei tudi4es en vue de la pretLcn supplementaire. En cutre, len rc1ations rencuvelées de prestation supplmentaire ne chiffrent par 1,329 durant le mom. Sur lea 36,089 reclamations juges, 27,154 ant admisen. Len reclamations qui n'ont pan ete jugCes admisibles 'a 1'urs des quatre categories s'elevaient 'a 6 1 862. A la fin du mom, 4,297 r6clamtions étaient encore 1 1 6tude. 'a Les prentations versees se totalinent 'a i,67l,257. Tableau I. - Population estimative assurée en vertu de ia loi sur l'assurance-ch2mage. Debut du mom de 1950 I 1 o t a 1 Avec emploi - iciamants- - F6vrier Mars Avril Mai Juillet Acjt Septembre Octobre Noveinbre Decembre 2,659,000 2,644,000 2,715,000 2,659,000 2,690,000 2,733,000 2,735,000 2,763,000 2,811,000 2,38,000 2,910,000 2,361,800 2,357,800 2,449,600 2,449,100 2,543,500 2,623,600 2,642,500 2,664,100 2,731,700 2,747,700 2,785,200 297,200 286,200 265,400 209,900 146,500 109,400 92,500 98,900 79,300 90,300 124,800 Janvier Fevrier 2,911,000 2,917,000 2,720,900 2,669,400 190,100( Julfl 1951 - (1) - Len rCclamants ordinairee qui signent is registre actif su dernier jour ouvrable du mom prCcCdent. (2) - Comprend lea rCclamsnts de prestation suppiementaires. 2417,600(2) ( Ta1eu1 A. - Rc1wnation initicle et rencuveles2 dpoes cux bureaux locaux dane chague province. Mar-i95O Mar-l95l Province hencuvelee Total Inittales Rencuvele 'lotol Initi1e 1 Terre-N euve lie du Prince 8dcurd Ncuvelle Ecosse Nouveau Brunwick QuKee Ontcrio Man i toho Saskatchew n A ftertn Colombio Brttannique lotal - 839 (5,899) 623 6,100 5,036 39,031 39,124 6,197 2 1 893 6,370 13,320 27,834 - 109,764 8 (159) 116 1,463 1,490 10,243 11,E91 1,376 640 1,389 4,713 831 (5,740) 507 4,637 3,546 28,788 27,433 4,821 2,253 4,981 8,607 119,533 86,404 33,129 TatLecu B. - Perwnnes tnEcrites cu regitre zctif de l'r&urance-ch&mage le dernier jour ouvrable (lu (flois, selori le genre de rclamticn, le nexe et In province. Mars-1951 i Mara-1950 Prcv Autr es 0rainajre Autres Orclinaires lotai Hommes Femmes Total Hommes Femme Total Hommes Femmes ictal. Homines Femmes T.-N. I.P.E. N. E. N. B. Que. Ont. Man. C-. Alta. . D. 1001- 1 105 4,454 4,559 (169) (3,013) (2,844) 308 2,085 1,777 10,471 1,572 8,899 8,026 1,365 9,391 9,821 54,252 64,073 9,075 28,173 37,248 9,228 12,151 2,923 1,412 8,083 6,671 9,858 8,113 1,745 26.619 21,265 5,334 1841 538150,878 33,6601 956 13 969 (14,568)(14,234) (33) (-) (-) (-) 1,428 1 1,733 1 305 1,838 11.9 1,547 1,398 15,146 13,306 2,047 10 47 13,093 11,046 57 16,166 91,119 74,933 2,427 1,422 1,005 15,571 73,003 57,432 1,765 1,04 1 724 4,209 11,745 2 38 36 15,954 1,750 9,205 46 7,455 46 2,122 10,677 2 2 1 812 2,810 8,555 7,727 34,483 26,756 63 1,232 1,169 9957 L970 1, )551265, 382213,61.451,768 - - - - - (8) (ii) (3) 2 2 1,174 1,077 97 26 487 513 6,795 4,581 ',214 5,669 3,943 1,926 58 1+ 62 13 13 3,387 3,315 72 1j66 952 141 51 Id, et aux tableaux suivents, les chiffres entre parenthes ont trait aux seccurs aux chheurs j'1erre-Neuve. Ceux-ci ne figurent pas ciaris les totaux. 2. - En plus, r€cluinations revlsSes reuec acnt cu ncmbre ue 15,755. Tttbleau C. - Province et Terre-Neuve Hommes Fnmes - 4Perscnnes incrites au registre actif du chrnage (prestations ri1ires et suppl4rnentaires) selon la nombre de jcurs d'incription contiiue au rogistre, le sexe et la province, au 31 mtrs 1951. 6 jour TOTAL et T7 12 13-24 sexe 4972 let 25-48 Jours urs jours jours p1us moths 6,109 1,207 339 2,448 923 339 853 5,969 1,178 326 898 326 831 2,410 140 29 13 22 38 25 13 - (2,844) (169) (617) (26) (93) (ii) (196) (13) (633) (41) (587) (33) (718) (45) 2,349 2,009 340 193 152 41 155 131 24 304 273 31 480 412 68 583 510 73 634 531 103 Ncuvelle Ecose Hommes Femmes 14,857 12,678 2,179 2,17 2,207 410 1,200 1,013 187 1,965 1,705 260 3,172 2,735 437 2,690 2,318 372 3,213 2,700 513 Nouveiu Bxiinswjck Hommes Femmes 12,242 10,304 1,938 2,318 2,103 215 1,265 1 1 129 136 1,681 1,453 228 2,241 1,912 329 1,875 1,530 345 2,862 2,177 685 Quhec 14,203 12,068 2,135 7,992 12,555 Homines Femmes 81,934 68063 13,571 10,752 1,252 1,803 16,450 14,056 2,394 13,261 10,997 2,264 17,473 13,750 3,723 Ontario Hcmmes Femmes 46,348 34,400 11,948 8,886 6,757 2,129 3,681 2,724 957 5,535 4,176 1,359 8,634 6,369 2,265 7,700 5,799 1,901 11,912 8,575 3,337 Manitoba Hommes Femmes 14,919 11,304 3,615 1,842 1,331 511 917 690 227 1,578 1,107 471 2,751 2,039 712 3,012 2,321 691 4,819 3,816 1,003 Saskatchewan Hommes Femmes 10,245 8,451 1,794 1,011 840 171 515 417 98 1,013 826 187 2,138 1,724 414 2,262 1,842 420 3,306 2,802 504 Albertn Hommes Femmes 14,381 12,314 2,067 3,193 2,947 21+6 1,017 864 153 2,357 2,117 240 2,889 2,393 496 2,269 1,864 405 2,656 2,129 527 Colombie flritanr.iue Homrnes Femmes 33,011 26,266 6,745 4,705 3,780 925 2,691 2,322 369 4,160 3,294 866 6,560 5,109 1,451 6,213 4,776 1,437 8,682 6,985 1,697 236,395 192,058 44,337 40,175 33,363 6,812 19,772 16,356 3,416 32,001 26,534 5,467 47,763 39,159 8,604 40,788 32,855 7,933 55,896 43,791 12,105 (Hommes) (Femnies) lie du Prince Edcuard Hommes Femmes TOTAL HOMMUS FENMES 6,740 1a11eEu D. - Rc1arnations initialec et rencuve1€as rg1es et r€c1amationc non r14es L la fin du mois. R & 1 é e Total dec Non re16e reclalnaN'ayant ps droit Ayant drcit i. Ia Prov. ticns prectation prectation régleo henouveldec Initiales henouvelées Initjales Irdtjales ltenouveldes M a r s -1951 1,126 24 3,277 T.-N. 4,795 1,395 9 114 (8) (40) (1,373) (1,914) (493) (649) (19) I.P.E. 880 17 173 409 139 289 9 H 86 N. E. 2,669 1,196 2,236 1,403 6,394 214 N. B. 86 1,082 2,426 1,317 268 5,497 1,903 Que. 8,256 8,763 1,922 39,617 969 14,898 15,494 Ont. 768 9,108 5,681 7,388 3,765 22,945 944 2,114 776 Man. 174 N 5,566 1,134 333 2,144 3ask. 60 506 102 3,633 1,636 1,343 594 Alta. 2,458 106 1,856 5,596 231 1,837 1,195 5,771 390 660 C. B. 4,344 1,981 16,896 6,391 21,425 111,819 41,161 Total1 2,657 4,715 25,403 42,598 - T.-N. N. E. N. B. Qua. Ont. Mart. Sack. Alta. C. P. Tctol- 450 (4,901) 606 6,124 4,525 38,590 39,783 6,307 3,011 5,944 14,193 119,533 149 (3 1 451) 305 3,076 1,985 19,702 20,137 3,188 1,507 3,177 7,093 60,319 Mars-1950 289 10 (1,330) (117) 106 193 1 ,340 1,597 1,101 1,413 9,322 8,834 10,857 7,990 1,689 1,284 611 855 1,388 1,297 4,114 2,698 30,445 26,543 2 (3) 2 111 26 732 799 146 38 82 288 2,226 1 468 (4,464) 102 1,149 1,307 7,361 6,168 1,231 448 1,869 2,319 3 (78) 25 263 267 1,821 1,788 299 88 263 1,039 22,422 556 1. - En plus, 16,066 reclamations revisees ont ete reglees, dont 1,085 étatent des demndesspecia1es rejetees, et 1,242 des appels de la part des réclnznants. Ii y avait 2,240 r4e1nations revisees non reglees 'a la fin du mois. Talleuu E. - e1&meticn. de pretation r6guliereE etupplimenteirc; rejet€e, nombre de rc1tijnant frapp€s de ckche&nce dnc chque province en MAFS 1951 - et 1950 et principa1e raiscn c inaUmisihi1it. hnI iircinie de Canacth i ,F - *-, I- i- i i tc, Rclnticn reet fégu1ire .upp1rnentire L T.-N. I1.1 N.E. N.ILI Qw. 151 34,906 3,071 (1,262) 384 1,978 2,226 13,390 284 (757) 184 1,356 1,025 7,309 1'? 5L) 20,668 151 6,862 1,344 (-) 36 362 370 1,939 1950 1 4,669 2,285 11 807 149 (-) - Ont. iMan. bask.j A1ta. 5,488 1,756 1,452 5,33 1,357 689 202 1,183 330 88 372 594 C. B. 1,526 1,019 406 54 3,635 2,122 690 309 170 106 412 250 51 43 162 100 h.c1nrnart frpp de cccL;r.ree 3,215 2,913 83 1 (13) (1) 10 1551 1,716 954 136 1 (47) (3) 13 3 1951 1950 303 98 1551 1550 1 1 i4 1 1 025 i;%1 L953 722 908 2 1 (7) (1) 1951 1950 5,817 4,035 104 6 (3) (50) 1. 5 51 Jon en c1omr;ce 1950 Incn1e e trvi her et 'on Perte ce trvt.dL duo i. u' i1frcnd cuvrier liefu-e une c1Tx' de travi1 t 1ji:e er une cccicn e trvi11er conci pour Lnccnduite Ep.Loi quitt& v1nrt' rc1ent cu,. rcJ'1e Au t r r - 81 30 1,108 725 862 1,392 251 204 123 114 57 34 111 15 700 211 375 458 76 55 35 34 11 148 27 135 19 - - 52 - - 1 - - 8 - - - - - 7 3 50 46 63 28 842 297 624 314 1 38 73 21 41 46 70 150 126 2 39 35 20 14 34]. 386 236 390 28 14 14 6 19 31 21 31 228 150 233 77 2,426 1,131 1,628 1,547 299 294 114 112 248 212 513 491 1551 21174 158 114 58 732 (35) 13 83 69 449 466 31 72 1)50 1,2(9 75 29 395 O7) 1951 57,559 4,0i çI,i.21) 489 2,898 3,198 21,626 10,980 2,936 2,076 1 953 36,539 293 (1,359) 216 1,988 2,025 12,766 1C,530 2,441 1,115 120 37 2,586 1,572 378 164 5,969 3,593 3 - - ft: (-) (_) - - 115 91 (4) (-) - - - 24 15 - - Comprennent 4,806 rc1Jnr.tion3 revie, frapp6e de dchance. - 0' 1a't1etu F. - Ncrrn'tre de rercnnec crni cornencent z recevoir dec prectationc uLte cie re1cinat10 iiLit1ec et rencuvele., pLr province. M k1CV 'Ictal L. r -1951 ur rcla- Eur rc1amLicnc mationc initir les rencuve1ec Mu . otL1 - c. p. 2,255 (o) 621 /,14.7 2,76/i 22,/4; 141128 ,881 2,311 4,046 11,843 2,194 (803) 482 3,119 2,031 l,159 9,528 2,939 1,873 3,147 7,531 lotal- 68,1414 5 49,043 '1.-N. N. . p. . Ont. Mnn. A1t. 61 (27) 179 1,028 733 6,250 /4 ,600 942 438 899 4,312 19,402 r 1950 ur rtc11ur rtc1umati=3 maticn inLtlE.lev rencuvel€es - 248 (/,,983) 544 4,659 7,615 28,358 29,555 5,127 2,678 4,537 12,325 232 (4,885) 41.6 3,753 2,539 21,610 22,&)4 4,045 2 1 182 3 1 560 9,329 91,646 70,500 16 (98) 98 906 1,076 6,748 6,751 1,082 496 977 2,996 Ir. 1,146 'Ial.leru G. - N'mhre de icurs et mentant de. precttion., par prcvince. Ma r& - 1 951 Mu r 1950 Pr. .Jour. 99,269 (57,019) 42,307 229,4.62 1501953 1,417,557 878,421 269,145 199,962 54,187 651,712 I.1'.. N. . N. F. Qu6. o.t. Men. 2ak. JltR. . J. L. ___ - 4,192,575 Montant (en dc11:rs) .Jours Mcntarit (en aollurc) L,689,26/ 12,425 (346,289) 41,245 359,158 268,832 2,204,962 1,729,030 356,426 2/40,675 279,139 974,376 33,604 (860,540) 92,504 875,665 646,735 5,336,813 4,195,735 838,L80 581,575 691,781 2454833 10,167,11.7 6,166,268 253,888 (141,216) 99,903 561,768 370,688 3,517,913 2,165,682 657,261 O0,!17 654,367 15,747,725 -8Talleau H. - Nombre de pretataire, de jcurc indernni6, et mont.ant des prettien, per prcvince, pour la Leidne qui renferme le ernier ,jcur du inci. Seinaine du 31 mare au Eemaine du 25 au 6 avril, 1951. 31 mars, 1950. Prov. Personnez Jcurs Montant Percnnes Jours Montnt (en ctc11r I (en do11rs) 2,343 16,856 43,491 (1 ) 617) (13,285) (33,01+3) 1,731 10,529 24,801 1 0,995 63,280 N. P. 6,025 Qua. T.-N. I I 312 (10,726) 2,198 5,956 (71,459) (176,654) 1,126 6,667 14,999 154,714 10,006 58,799 143,655 35,580 87,014 8,164 47,755 114,960 45,110 274,675 683,835 72,734 438,138 1,061,870 On t. 30,977 181,71,5 449,552 64,873 377,097 916,113 Man. 10,462 61,527 150,543 12,635 74,079 174,469 -ak. 7,171, 43,385 107,521 8,111 48,643 117,562 Alta. 10,623 59,163 155,001 9,536 54,233 134,250 . F. 21,722 126,361 328,487 32,214 189,761 478,151 I.P.E. To tel- 11+7,162 873,101 2,184,959 219,711 1,297,370 3,162,185 lableau At - k(c1ajnaticns initiales considérées en vue de la prestation supplémentaire et reclamations renouveléea de prestations supplCmentaires dCposées. Mars-1951 Mars-1950 P i rovne c 'lotal Initiales Renouvel6es 'iota]. Initiales ktenouvelees Terre-Neuve lie du Prince Edcua.rd Ncuvelle Ecosse Nouveau Brunswick Québec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta Colombia Britannique Total - 3,057 394 2,046 2,268 13,749 5,550 1,814 1,476 1,498 3,830 3,054 385 1,938 2,201 13,222 5,333 1,727 1,449 1,449 3,595 3 9 108 67 527 217 87 27 49 235 414 678 4,860 9,897 44,495 15,286 3,813 2,434 2,102 7,860 35,682 34,353 1,329 91,859 414 - - 678 4,856 9,889 44,479 15,274 3,812 2,432 2,094 7,862 91,790(a) - 4 8 16 12 1 2 8 18 69 NO Tableau B' - R6c1amant de prestations supp16mentaire macrita au registre actif d'aasurance-ch&mage le dernier jour cuvrable du mcis, par sexe et province. P r o v i n c e Terre-N euve lie du Prince Edouard Nouvelie Ecosse Nouveau Brunswick Québec Ontario Upnitoba aska tchewen Alberta Colcmbie I3ritannioue Total M a r a - 1951 Femmes hornm e a 1,550 263 2,839 2,794 15,434 7,335 2,730 2 1 116 1,711 5,160 35 1,515 32 231 2,381 458 2,231 563 12,689 2,745 5,166 2,149 690 2,040 1382 1,734 1,391 320 3,8121,348 Mar's Homines T tel 470 638 4,412 10,055 41,869 12,940 3,019 2,069 1,671 6,409 469 557 3,901 9,481 38,606 10,671 2,370 1,752 1,411 4,923 i 0 Femmes 1 81 511 574 3,263 2,269 649 317 260 1,486 Total - 41,932 33,210 8,722 83,552 74,141 9,411 (a) - Ce total eat additionel aux 86,404 reclamations initialee du tableau A. Tableau D' - itc1amationa initiales et rencuveles de pretations suppl4mentaires rg16es, et rc1wnations cie preatation& supp1eientaire non rg1e i la fin du mois. Prov. it 6 g 1 e TotJ. aes rcclamctionsrn ees Ayant droit a t 6 g o r 1 M Ont. Man. Eask. Alta. C. B. 2,967 427 2,103 2,223 13,339 5,690 1,912 1,603 1,675 4,150 1,159 990 5,628 3,022 1,208 1,169 962 2,610 836 51 419 679 4,069 1,004 196 142 201 494 Total- 36,089 17,730 8,091 T.-N. I.P.L. N. E. N. B. Qua. 660 322 N'ayant pa droit a la prestation la prestaticn T • ni t iaes 1 2 s henouvelées e s i henouvelées Initiales henouvelées 14 3 ars - 1951 2 - - 46 416 477 7 3,014 1,447 416 262 462 805 47 24 10 2 6 20 1,205 8,814 121 4,108 99 9 2 - - -- - - 8 10 - :r - 94 62 482 1814 80 28 414 221 8 128 - 1,469 147 23 216 348 2,130 345 126 56 9_288 129 - - M Initiales .. Non regloes 5 1 1 17 4 83 34 16 1 10 22 189 1950 Iotal de& initiales T.-N. I.P.E. N.. E. N. F. 86 637 3,991 Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. C. B. 6,233 26,42 2 13,222 3,351 2,232 1,951 7,314 Total- 65,1439 Que. 86 626 3,808 5,400 24,035 12,4143 2,940 2,103 1,874 b_ - 6,963 1 3 7 11 182 828 2,384 776 411 128 74 344 60,278 23 5,138 - 1 5 3 3 - - 328 41 866 3,661 18,060 2,055 461 201 116 555 3 3 13 9 1 1 5 11 - 26,374 46 - - 11 T1'1eu F - Nc&ie (C ceux qul ccrnrtencent in receveir des. pret&ticn :upp1meY1t&ire$ r.ur re1wuiticn inLti.i.leb et rencuvelées, r icvince, M A H 5 1 9 5 1. M I. v - 1951 ML r 1j50 ur re1ur ItClLU1 1'ULE ur rc1i1-'rov. lQti.1 lotc:1 mtjcn maticn. mtion5 mtiori Lnjtides renouve1es -lii tjc1e rercuve1es 1 ) 1::),. 2 45 1,5 348 31,5 3 259 299 i.P.. 1,7(; 43 2,194 1,719 2,193 N. E. 1,957 1,957 t. 1,277 1,229 i. 12,983 91; 322 9,/1 15 12,998 7,508 7,95 164 7,95 3,744 Qt. 1 ) 99 1,c99 1,5J(. 50 1,456 Mun. 1,7117 22 1,331 1,3:31 l,59 1,177 1 177 1,167 1,123 44 Alta. 1 4,721 1 4,722 1/1 3,134 3,21.5 C. B. - - - - . - - - - lotul- 25,166 839 24,327 'i11ecu U' - Ncm1re c;c jnuIL Dt ''it,nt ce L j , i p.r prcvince. M Prcv. '1.-N. IPE N Ont. rit. C. 11. ictd- - 1951 Jcui'. Aont&nt (en co11.r&) 28,574 13,1!i El,158 59,639 i6,ik 111,07 309,653 8/.,5E6 712, 7L6 104,519 1:3,579 55,535 42,331 1.3,176 66 1 676,1 72 79,850 79,773 34,607 17 34,59u tt1on Lupp1ementLire, M r u c u r 652 3,515 26,973 2/,0U6 204,262 97,439 24,964 16,409 - 1950 Montnt (en uo11.r) 1,338 6,263 50,568 377,159 188,366 46,005 31,149 27, 094 255,85 14,025 61,983 12-1,391+ 1 1 671,257 474,248 895,58 - 12 Tablecu H' - Nombre de penonnes recevant dec pretations supplrnentaire&, riombre de jcur indenniccc et rncntant des pretations upp1mentairec, par province, secnaine du 31 MAES au 6AVl.IL, 1 9 5 1, inclus. P r o v i n c e I Peronnec I J o u r s I Terre-N euve lie du Prince &icurcI Ncuvelle Ecce Ncuveu Bninick ec QU Ontario Mani.tobi Saka tchewan Alberta Colombie Britannique Total - Montant (en do1lar) 757 546 3,324 1,973 12,848 7 0 094 2,541 1,902 1,780 5,016 7066 3,246 20,016 12,205 81,853 42,079 14,456 10,915 10,492 30049 15,210 5,453 36,241 22,288 157,731 84,282 27,635 20,945 21,045 61,074 37,781 233,007 451,904 Snaine du 25 au 31 M A R S, 1 9 5 0, incluc. Terre-Neuve lie du Prince Edcwrd Nouvelle Ecosse Ncuveu ErunwLck Québec Ontario Manitoh3 Sakatchenn A1hert Colombie Britannique Tetal - 9 235 1 ,593 1,580 11,880 7,432 1,736 1,260 1,0/7 4,612 31, 384 88 1,871 11,160 11,290 93,021 48 ) 092 11,623 8,409 6,429 27,779 198 3032 20,935 22,234 171 5-825 94,312 21,394 15,890 12,411 55,421 219,762 417,952