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ControlGombinedwith Easeof Front-Panel Quarlz-Phase-Locked Accuracy The ultimatein rotationalspeedaccuracybecausethe SL-5200directdrivesystemis quartz-phase-locked. The most rational,easiest to use controls-+ecause everythingis outside on the front panel,even the cueinglever.When you auditionthe SL-5200,you'll discoverit's straightout of the Technics'tradition.Everynew turntablewedevelopis basedon aclear policyof designand performancerequisites.These are: 1. Obtainthe best basicperformancepossible, so the turntablerotatesthe disc accuratelyand quietly. 2. Eliminateundesirableresonancecharacteristicsto assurepure phono reproductionwith no internallyor externallycausedinterference. 3. Aim for new and originalsolutionsthat enhanceconvenienceand operability. 4. Make it look as good as it sounds,so appearancereflectsperformance. The pursuitof thesegoals has resultedin some audio historymakingfirsts,includingthe SP-10 and SP-10MKII whichhave becomethe standardsof excellencefor professional broadcastingapplications.Eversince introducingthe world'sfirst hiJi directdrive turntablewe have gone on to makethe system more reliableand versatilewith highly sophisticatedelectroniccircuitdesign,as in the quartz-synthesizerserieswhichfeatures digital oitchreadoutand the remarkabledoubleisolated suspensiondesign.The SL-5200is a proud inheritorof these engineeringbreakthroughs. For even greaterresistanceto howling,newly develooedanti-resonantmaterial"TNRC" is employedfor both the turntablebase and main base.We've also put all controlson the front panel,completelyoutsidethe dust cover.You can even raise and lower the tonearm without ever exposingyour recordsto dust and dirt. Furthermorewe've incoroorateda orism illuminatorintothe strobelampsoyou can better see the recordgroovesfor more precisecueing operation.Needlessto say, rotationalaccuracy and signal{o-noiseratioare virtuallythe best obtainableat any price.Wow & flutterare a miniscule0.025% WRMS). Rumbleis an inaudible-78 dB (DlNB). Soeeddriftis a negligible+O.OOZY.. Direct Quartz-Phase-Locked FG DrivePlusFullCycle and Motor lntegralRotor-Platter The incrediblerotationalorecisionof the SL-5200 startswith Technics'originalintegral rotor-olatterdirectdrivemotorwhichassures extremelyhigh torquewith virtuallyno torque ripple.A full cycle detectiontype FG servo Block Diagram ory g'+IA j!! system enhances rotationalaccuracyof the motor.All the servo circuitryis packedintothree high densitylC's, contributingthe system'shigh performanceand reliability.One of the major differencesin oerformancebetweenthe Technicsquartz-lockedDD systemand the variationsand imitationsavailablefrom other manufacturersis in the hightorquegeneratedby our originalintegralrotor-platterbrushlessDC motor configuration.Torque is so high (1.0 itwouldtake lessthan0.7 reach the rated 33-1/3 rom. No speed fluctuationsare found up to 180 g of tracking force (thatwould be more than 90 tonearmswith 2 g trackingforce each)in the quartz-phaselockedcontrolmode. Anothersignificantdifferenceis our integral rotor/platter system. The rotor and turntable platterare a singleunit,while the statoris structurallyunifiedwith the turntablebase.With only one movingpart, and structuralunity,you are assuredof incomparablestabilityof performancethroughmany yearsof use. You can even adjustthe turntablespeed,and thereforethe pitchof disc playback,by up to +6y" by means of an easy to use controlon the front oanel. Even All FrontPanelControl Includes Cueing Operationalconvenienceis enhancedby putting all controls,even cueinglever,in-lineon the front panel, rightwhere they shouldhavebeen all arong. This designrequireshighlyelaborateprecision machiningtechniquebut pays off on more than also givesyour recordsadded protectionagainstdirt,dust,and accidents,since you neverhave to open the dust coverto get at the controls. Turntablebase (TNRC-2) Mainbase(TNRC-1) TNRCBaseMaterial Shields AgainstAcousticFeedback Any pickupsystem shouldbe protectedagainst you will hear undesirablevibrations.Othenarise all kindsof sonic garbagethat can seriously interferewith your listeningpleasure.That's why we developed"TNRC" (TechnicsNon-Resonant Compound),a uniqueblendof selectedmaterials and inorganiccompounds.TNRC attenuates vibrations much more effectivelythan conventional dampingmaterials.We haveemployed TNRC-1 (extra-heavy)in the main base and in the turntablebaseof TNRC-2 (precision-mold) the SL-5200to make it as acousticallydead as possible.So you get more protectionagainst acousticfeedbackeven at high volumelistening levels. Attenuation Characteristics of CabinetMaterials TNRC-1 TNRC.2 ABS end by pressingthe "stop" switch.This convenientsystempreventsneedlessendgroovewear on both the stylusand record.With the SL-5200you get just enoughautomationto enhanceturntableoperationwithoutinterfering with the freedomof manualcontrol. with Easierto UseStroboscope PrismStylusllluminator HighSensitivity, LowMass, Tonearm GimbalSuspension A tonearmis at leastas imoortantas a turntable in the complexprocessof obtainingaudioinformationfrom recordgrooves.In the SL-5200 tonearmyou'll discoverthe same engineering precisionand attentionto detailthatwe put into our incredibleturntabledrivesystem.The highly sensitivetonearmsusoensionfeaturesa genuinegimbalsuspension,the rotationalcenter of which clearlydefinedat one point.Bearings are finishedto a toleranceof +0.5 microns.This and extra-closenessof pivotcenterto bearings result in the minimumfrictionof 7 mg for both horizontalandverticalmovement.Add to thisthe low 12-grameffectivetonearmmass (including headshellwithoutcartridge)and you havea tonearmcompatiblewith the wide rangeof compliancesfound in today'scartridges.lf you choosea popularhighcomplianceMM cartridge, the low rangeresonancefrequencywillappearin the idealarea to avoidcartridgewarp frequencieswithoutenteringthe low end of the audio soectrum. This tonearmis orovidedwith a comouter designedlight-weighthigh-rigidityheadshell made of single-piecediecastaluminumto preventpartialvibrations.The universaldesign allows headshellinterchangeability. Contacts are gold-platedfor optimumcontact. When the lead-outgroovesare reached,the raoidmovementof the arm is sensedelectricallv. raiherthan mechanically.And when the arm is raisedeitherautomaticallyor with the cueing lever,a mutingcircuitis activatedto shut off outputfrom the cartridge.Thus, initatingshock noise is orevented. AutomaticTonearmReturn When the tonearmreachesthe end otthe record, it lifts off and smoothly returns to the arm rest. You can also triggertonearmreturnbeforethe Now it's easierthan ever to use the stroboscooe to determineplatterspeed correctness.The strobe lightitselfis a brightLED and its pulsationsare basedon the quartz reference frequency,not on the unreliableAC frequency like conventionalunits.The plattermarkingsare in three linesof dots with the middleline usedfor both33-1/3 and 45 rpm.The upperlinegivesyou +3.3% pitch adjustment;the lowerline is used tor -3.3"/" pitch adjustment.Thereforeyou know how fast the turntableis goingeven when you adjustthe pitch.The PrismStylusllluminatoris an innovationyou'll appreciateparticularlyif you use the turntablein a mountingrackor underlow castsa beamof brightlight rioht acrossthe surfaceof the recordso vou can s6e boththe area betweencutsandthe slylustip. This makes it much easierto lowerthe stylus exactlywhere you want it when cueing. OtherFineFeatures: oTechnicsexclusiveturntablesheet(rubber mat) has high internallossto soak up extraneousvibrationsand damp ringing.Wide surfacearea gripsplatterand discfor more stableoperation. .Anti-skating controlis fullyadjustablefor any styluspressure.Dialsystemand convenience when changingcartridges. oViscousdampedcueingin both directions. oHinged,detachabledust cover. Power and Soeed Selector in Both Directions PitchControl ON/OFFSwitch Stylusllluminator llluminator andStrobeLamp EPC-206C MMStereoPhonoCartridge HighPerformance The SL-5200comeswithTechnicsEPC-206C movingmagnetstereophonocartridge.The EPC-206Cfeatures"One-pointsuspension" magnet.usingsamariumwitha disc-shaped cobalt,the materialwiththe highestknown produced magneticenergyof all industrially magnets.The resultsare reducedeffective to impedance stylusmassand lessmechanical diamondand, Thestylusis an elliptical achievethe wide rangeof frequencyresponse. distortion. combinedwith low effectivemass armatureand Outputvoltageis a high3.5 mV thanksto the point,can powerfulmagnet.Excellentlinearityis obtained single,clearlydefinedsuspension fotlowthe recordgroovefaithfullywithvery light withthe one-pointsuspensionsystemof the armatureassembly,and laminatedcoredesign, trackingforce.Deteriorationin sounddue to poor cartridgehasa trackinghasbeenelrminated.The an importantcharacteristicfor wide rangeof f requencyresponse,superbchannelseparation, uniquestylusguardto protectthe stylusfrom damaqewhennot in use. accidental minimumharmonicand intermodulation TechnicalSpecifications 3.5 mV at 1 kHz, Output voltage TONEARM SECTION TURNTABLESECTION 5 cm/sec, zero to peak lateralvelocity Universal"S" shapedtubulararm, control Type Quartz-phase-locked Type (10 mV at 1 kHz,10 cm/sec,zeroto tyPe,with static-balanced directdrive peak45" velocity,DIN 45 500) anti-skatingforcecontroldevice, turntable semi-automatic .1 25 dB at kHz oil-dampedcueingdevicein both Channelseparation brushless Ultra-low-speed Motor Within2 dB at 1 kHz directions Channelbalance DC motor 12x10-6cmldyneat 100Hz 2 3 0 m m ( 9 - 1 / 6 " ) Compliance Aluminumdiecast Effectivelength Turntableolatter .l ') 1.25+ 0.25g trackingforce 5 mm (19/32") Recommended Overhang diameter30.4cm (12 47 kO-100 ko 7 mg (lateral,vertical) Load impedance 33-1/3 and 45 rPm Friction Turntablespeeds Elliptical diamond, +6% adjustmentrange Effectivemass headshell,Stylustip 12 g (including Pitch controls 0 . 3 x 0 . 7m i l ( 7 . 5 x1 8 p m ) but withoutcartridge) 1.0 kg cm (0.87lb in) Startingtorque 6g Cartridgeweight 0.7 sec (90' rotation)to Trackingerrorangle Build-uptime EPS-206ED +0'32' at the innergrooveof record Replacementstylus 33-1/3 rpm +2'32' atlhe outergrooveof record G E N E R A L Speed fluctuationdue to loadtorque AC 110-120/220-240V, 22" Power supply (at quartzposition) 0% within0.9 kg cm Offset angle 50/60H2 ( 0 . 7 8l b i n ) Adjustabletrackingforce 0-2.5 g 12W 6-9.5 g Powerconsumption (uPto 1B0 g trackingforce) Cartridgerange 3-6.5 g (withadditionof includedweight) D i m e n s i o n(sW x H x D ) Speed drift (at quartz position) 43.0x 13.0x 37.5cm 759 Within+0.002% H e a d s h e w ll eight ( 16-59/64" x 5-7/ 64" x 14-49/ 64" ) Wow and flutter O.O25%WRMS (JlS C5521) CARTBIDGESECTION 6 . 9 k g ( 1 5 . 2l b ) +0.035% peak(lEC9BAweighted) Type Movingmagnetstereocartridge Weight 20 to 25,000 Hz Bumble -56 dB DIN A (lEC 9BAunweighted)Frequencyresponse -78 dB DIN B (lEC9BAweighted) Technics Electric Matsushita SDBFOl5E Specrlcatons sublect to changewlthout notrce PrrnledIn Japan