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CUCINA PROFESSIONALE PROFESSIONAL COOKING IPROFI-KÜCHE NOSTRI FORNI ICUISSON NOSTRI FORNI PROFESSIONNELLE Robusti, di componentistica esclusivamente italiana e sotto stretto controllo qualitativo della casa madre, i forni Garbin si riconoscono per la loro estetica moderna, la cura nei dettagli e uno stile indiscutibilmente Made in Italy. Uno staff di tecnici specializzati con esperienza decennale nel campo dei forni a convezione è sempre impegnato nella ricerca di soluzioni innovative per anticipare le esigenze del mercato, perché un risultato di alta qualità nasce solo da un’attenta selezione di materiali. L’assemblaggio ed il collaudo dei forni Garbin sono effettuati nel sito produttivo di Monteviale, dove è presente anche un reparto per i test tecnici e di comparazione con i maggiori concorrenti del settore. Con una produzione annua che si aggira attorno le 12.000 unità ed una rete distributiva capillare, l’azienda ha penetrato i mercati Italiani e internazionali, affermandosi come marchio in grado di esportare il Made in Italy nel mondo. Robusti, di componentistica esclusivamente italianaausschließt e sotto stretto controllo dalla casa Die Robustheit Maschinen und exklusive Design, Made in Italyqualitativo Komponenten und madre, i forni Garbin sigemacht riconoscono per Mutterhaus, la loro estetica la cura nei dettagli unoIhren stile eine Qualitätsprüfung in der diemoderna, Öfen Garbin erkennen siche für indiscutibilmentedie Made in Italy. Modernästhetik, Liebe der Details und eine indiskutable Schick Made in Italy. Uno staff di tecnici Technischenstaff specializzati con mit esperienza decennale nel campo deiSektor forni ades convezione Eine spezialisierten jahrzehnteland Berufpraxis in der Kombiöfenè sempreimmer impegnato nella ricerca di soluzioni per anticipare le esigenze del mercato, sucht die erneuernden Lösungen, um innovative die Anforderungen vom Markt zu antizipieren, weil perchéguten un risultato di alta nasce solo da di materiali. einen Ergebnis vonqualità ein hoch Qualität nurun’attenta von einenselezione sorgfältige Auswahl der Materialien L’assemblaggio ed il collaudo dei forni Garbin sono effettuati nel sito produttivo di Monteviale, kommt. doveZusammenbau è presente anche persind i test e di comparazione con i maggiori Die undun diereparto Prüfung in tecnici der Herstellungplatz in Monteviale, wo esconcorrenti auch eine del settore. Labor für Technischentest gibt. Con eine una produzione annua che attorno 12.000 ed una rete distributiva capillare, Mit Jahresproduktion von sica.aggira 12.000 Teilenle und eineunità flächendeckenden Versorgungsnetz, l’azienda ha penetrato i mercati Italiani e internazionali, affermandosi come marchio in grado di hat die Firma Italienischen u.- Internationalmärkte gedrungen und exportieren der Marke Made esportare il “made Italy” nel mondo. in Italy in die ganzeinWelt. Robustness of the machines, a unique design, with entirely Made in Italy components and the perfect combination between quality and price. A team of R&D technical specialists with decades of experience in the field of convection ovens manufacture are always on the lookout for new solutions to anticipate market needs, their belief is that a high quality result is only obtained through a very careful selection of materials. Assembly and inspections of Garbin ovens take place in the new production site of Monteviale, where technical tests and comparisons with major competitors in the industry are also performed. With an annual production of over 12,000 units and a wide distribution network, the company has forced its way into the Italian and International markets, establishing itself as a brand that can export the Made in Italy concept around the world. Robusti, di faits componentistica esclusivamente italiana e sotto strettostricte controllo qualitativo dallapar casa Robustes, de composants exclusivement italiens et sous contrôle qualitatif la madre, imère, forni les Garbin riconoscono per la loro estetica cura nei par dettagli e uno stile maison fourssi Garbin se reconnaissent par leur moderna, esthétiquelamoderne, le soin de leurs indiscutibilmente Madeindiscutablement in Italy. détails et par un style Made in Italy. Une équipe de techniciens spécialisés avec Uno expérience staff di tecnici specializzati condomaine esperienza decennale nel campo dei forniengagée a convezione une décennale dans le des fours à convection et toujours dans laè sempre impegnato nellainnovantes ricerca dipour soluzioni innovative per anticipare le esigenze del mercato, recherche de solutions anticiper les exigences du marché, parce qu’un résultat perché risultato alta qualitàd’une nascesélection solo da un’attenta selezione di materiali. de hauteunqualité naitdiseulement attentive des matériaux. L’assemblaggioetedleil test collaudo nel sur sitoleproduttivo di Monteviale, L’assemblage final dei desforni foursGarbin Garbinsono sonteffettuati effectués site de production de dove è presente anche un aussi reparto i testpour tecnici e di comparazione concorrenti Monteviale, où l’on trouve unper atelier les tests techniques et con pouri maggiori la comparaison avec del concurrents settore. les les plus importants du secteur. Avec une production annuelle qui se situe autour Con una produzione annua che si aggira attorno le capillaire, 12.000 unità ed una rete distributiva des 12.000 unités et un réseau de distribution l’entreprise a pénétré les capillare, marchés l’aziendaetha penetrato i mercati e internazionali, affermandosi marchio in grado di italiens internationaux, et s’estItaliani affirmée comme marque en mesure come d’exporter le Made in Italy esportare il “made in Italy” nel mondo. dans le monde. GAMMA PRODOTTI PRODUCTS RANGE PRODUKTÜBERSICHT GAMME DE PRODUITS I forni Garbin sono strumenti al servizio della cottura. Nella loro doppia gamma per Pasticceria/ Panetteria e Gastronomia, si propongono come compagni di lavoro estremamente duttili e affidabili. I forni Garbin sono protagonisti indispensabili nelle attività medio-piccole dove soddisfano, da soli, l’intero ciclo produttivo della giornata e sono un valido supporto nelle grosse strutture in aiuto agli impianti industriali. La gamma di forni Garbin, esaustiva per completezza di modelli, si completa con un vasto assortimento di accessori dedicati. Con la sua rete di distributori e rivenditori in più di 50 paesi, Garbin Industries Srl è in grado di fornire supporto per la vendita, l’assistenza, l’installazione e il corretto utilizzo dei propri prodotti. Öfen der Firma Garbin sind perfekte Gerät in den Kochdienst. In Ihrer Doppelbereich für Konditorei/ Bäckerei und Gastronomie sind diese Oefen ein flexibel und zuverlässigen Partnerschaftlichen in der Kochen. Garbin Öfen sind unerlässichen Protagonist in der kleiner und mittleren Aktivitäten, wo im Alleingang die gesamte Tagesherstellungprozess befriedigen können und sind einen gültigen Hilfe in der große Strukturen auf Industrienanlagen. Das neue Sortiment von Garbin Öfen ist jetzt als komplette dank einer großen Auswahl an Zubehör. Mit seinem Netzwerk von Distributoren und Händlern in 50 verschiedenen Ländern durch Garbin Industries ist eine Auflage für Verkauf, Wartung, Installation und eine korrekte Benutzung der Produkten. Garbin ovens are the perfect appliance at the service of the cooking and baking industries. In their dual range for Pastry/Bakery and Gastronomy they are a perfect and an extremely flexible and reliable co-worker. Garbin ovens are a star in small-medium facilities where Chefs can cook and bake the entire daily production cycle with just one oven. They are also considered a great and a valuable asset as a support to huge industrial installations in large kitchen structures. The new range of Garbin ovens is now considered complete thanks to a wide assortment of accessories. With its network of distributors and dealers in more than 50 different countries, Garbin Industries is able to offer professional support for the sales, service, installation and correct use of its products. Les fours Garbin sont des instruments au service de la cuisson. Dans leur double gamme pour Pâtisserie/Produits boulangers et Produits de traiteurs, ils se proposent comme compagnons de travail extrêmement ductiles et fiables. Les fours Garbin sont les protagonistes indispensables dans les petites et moyennes entreprises où ils satisfont, à eux seuls, tout le cycle de production de la journée et sont un support valide dans les grosses structures aux côtés des installations industrielles. La gamme des fours Garbin, intégrale vu la variété de ses modèles, se complète d’un vaste assortiment d’accessoires dédiés. Avec son réseau de distributeurs et de revendeurs dans plus de 50 pays, Garbin Industries Srl est en mesure de fournir un support pour la vente, l’assistance, l’installation et l’utilisation correcte de ses propres produits. G|SUPREME G|SUPREME G|SUPREME FORNI COMBINATI Con la linea G|SUPREME cucinare non è mai stato così facile e veloce. Grande display touch screen da 7” con un’interfaccia grafica facile ed intuitiva, rende il forno G|SUPREME il più potente ed affidabile alleato in cucina. Infinite possibilità di cottura, dal ∆T alla cottura sottovuoto, motore a 5 velocità e sonda multipunto unitamente ad un sistema di autodiagnosi in grado di ricevere assistenza in remoto rendono il forno G|SUPREME il forno combinato dall’anima intelligente. COMBI OVENS With the G|SUPREME line cooking has never being so quick and easy. A large 7” touch screen display with an easy and intuitive graphic interface makes the G|SUPREME the most powerful and reliable tool in a professional kitchen. Endless cooking modes, from ∆T to sous vide, 5 speeds engine and multipoint core probe together with an auto diagnostic system able to receive remote assistance make the G|SUPREME the oven with an intelligent soul. KOMBIÖFEN Mit der Linie G|SUPREME Kochen war noch nie so einfach und schnell. Große Display touch screen von 7” mit einer einfachen und intuitiven Grafik macht die Backofen G|SUPREME die mächtigste und verlässlicher Verbündeter in der Küche. Mehreren Kochenmöglichkeiten von ∆T bis zu Vakuumverpacktkochen, 5 Fahrgescheindigkeit Motor und Multipunktesonde mit einen Autodiagnosesystem, die den Ofen G/Supreme mit inteligent Seele leisten. FOURS COMBINÉS Avec la ligne G|SUPREME, il n’a jamais été aussi facile et aussi rapide de cuisiner. Un grand écran tactile de 7” avec une interface graphique facile et intuitive fait du four G|SUPREME l’allié le plus puissant et le plus fiable en cuisine. Des possibilités de cuisson infinies, allant du ΔT à la cuisson sous vide, un moteur à 5 vitesses et une sonde multipoint, accompagnés d’un système d’autodiagnostic en mesure d’être assisté à distance, font du four G|SUPREME le four combiné à l’âme intelligente. 6 7 G|SUPREME G|SUPREME G|SUPREME CARATTERISTICHE Equipaggiato con 2 griglie/teglie Temperatura 0-280 °C 2 vaschette raccogligocce Motore tangenziale per raffreddamento Camino di sfiato vapore motorizzato Assenza di angoli taglienti a vista Bombatura anti deformazione Chiusura ermetica a bandiera Scorrigriglia in acciaio e vaschetta stampata a scomparsa CHARACTERISTICS 2 grids/trays included Temperature 0-280 °C 2 water drop trays Cooling fan in the electronics area Powered steam chimney vent No sharp edges and no sight of screws Special arched design to avoid deformity of cooking chamber Hermetic closure for side door opening Stainless steel side racks - hidden drip tray EIGENSCHAFTEN Inklusive 2 Rosten/Bleche Temperaturschalter 0-280 °C 2 Basis für Sammlungtropfen Tagentialmotor zum Kühlen Motosiert Schornstein für Dampf Fehler sharfen Kanten und fehler Anblick Schrauben Rundung Anti-Verformung Abstellung mit hermetischenflügeltür Tahlauflageschienen - versteckten tropfschale TRAITS Équipé avec 2 grilles/plaques Température 0-280 °C 2 bassins pour collection condensation Moteur tangentiel pour le refroidissement Cheminée sortie humidité motorisé Absence d’angles coupants apparents et vis non apparentes Bombage anti-déformation Fermeture hermétique de la porte en drapeau Glissières pour la grille en acier et bac moulé escamotable MOTORE A 5 VELOCITÀ SONDA MULTIPUNTO DI SERIE 5 SPEEDS MOTORFAN MULTIPOINT CORE PROBE INCLUDED 8 MOTOR MIT 5 SCHNELLKEITEN STANDARDMÄSSIG MEHRPUNKT-KERNTEMPERATURFÜHLER MOTEUR À CINQ VITESSES SONDE MULTIPOINT DE SÉRIE 9 TOUCH SCREEN 7” RICETTE PREIMPOSTATE IDENTIFICATE DA PITTOGRAMMI SET REZEPTE MIT PIKTOGRAMMEN SET RECIPES WITH PICTOGRAMS RECETTES PRÉPROGRAMMÉES IDENTIFIÉES PAR DES PICTOGRAMMES 10 G|SUPREME G|SUPREME G|SUPREME COTTURA A CONVEZIONE UMLUFTKOCHEN CONVECTION COOKING CUISSON À CONVECTION COTTURA A VAPORE KOCHDAMPF STEAM MODE COOKING CUISSON À VAPEUR COTTURA MISTA VAPORE-CONVEZIONE MISCHUNGDAMPFT-U. UMLUFTKOCHEN MIXED MODE COOKING CUISSON MIXTE VAPEUR-CONVECTION COTTURA IN ΔT KOCHEN ΔT ΔT COOKING CUISSON EN ΔT COTTURA SOTTOVUOTO (CON SONDA AD AGO OPTIONAL) VACUUM COOKING (WITH SOUS-VIDE CORE PROBE OPTIONAL) KOCHENVAKUUMVERPACK (MIT OPTIONAL NAGELSONDE) RIGENERAZIONE E MANTENIMENTO NEUBILDUNG UND BEIBEHALTUNG REGENERATION AND HOLDING RÉGÉNÉRATION ET MAINTIEN MULTITIMER PER OGNI RIPIANO MULTITIMER JEDEN FLÄCHEN MULTILEVEL TIMER MULTITIMER POUR CHAQUE ÉTAGÈRE CUISSON SOUS VIDE (AVEC SONDE À AIGUILLES OPTION) 11 LAVAGGIO AUTOMATICO DI SERIE STANDARDMÄSSIG AUTOMATISCH WASCHEN AUTOMATIC WASHING INCLUDED LAVAGE AUTOMATIQUE DE SÉRIE 12 G|SUPREME G|SUPREME G|SUPREME USB SCHEDA LAN PER RICEVERE ASSISTENZA DA REMOTO USB REMOTE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE USB REMOTEUNTERSTÜTZUNG USB CARTE LAN POUR RECEVOIR L’ASSISTANCE À DISTANCE 13 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|SUPREME SUPREME 7 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|SUPREME FOR GASTRONOMY SUPREME 12 NEW 2016 G|SUPREME G|SUPREME FOR GASTRONOMY NEW 2016 Set recipes with pictograms 7 grids Set recipes with pictograms 12 grids Auto diagnostic system Digital timer 0-10 h Auto diagnostic system Digital timer 0-10 h ΔT cooking Multipoint Core Probe ΔT cooking Multipoint Core Probe Remote technical assistance 5 speeds motorfan Remote technical assistance 5 speeds motorfan Usb 1000 Programs (6 cycles each program) Usb 1000 Programs (6 cycles each program) Automatic washing Automatic washing 1086 790 840 CODE: 7S 14 840 980 CODE: 12S 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 15 600 x 400 G|SUPREME FOR BAKERY SUPREME 10 NEW 2016 G|SUPREME G|SUPREME SUPREME 6 600 x 400 G|SUPREME FOR BAKERY NEW 2016 Set recipes with pictograms 6 trays Set recipes with pictograms 10 trays Auto diagnostic system Digital timer 0-10 h Auto diagnostic system Digital timer 0-10 h ΔT cooking Multipoint Core Probe ΔT cooking Multipoint Core Probe Remote technical assistance 5 speeds motorfan Remote technical assistance 5 speeds motorfan Usb 1000 Programs (6 cycles each program) Usb 1000 Programs (6 cycles each program) Automatic washing Automatic washing 1086 790 840 CODE: 6S 16 840 980 CODE: 10S 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 17 G|PRO ASSENZA DI ANGOLI TAGLIENTI E VITI NON A VISTA NO SHARP EDGES AND NO SIGHT OF SCREWS 18 FEHLER SHARFEN KANTEN UND FEHLER ANBLICK SCHRAUBEN ABSENCE D’ANGLES COUPANTS ET VIS NON APPARENTES BOMBATURA ANTIDEFORMAZIONE RUNDUNG ANTI-VERFORMUNG SPECIAL ARCHED DESIGN TO AVOID DEFORMITY OF COOKING CHAMBER BOMBAGE ANTI-DÉFORMATION 19 G|PRO CHIUSURA PORTA ERMETICA A BANDIERA ABSTELLUNG MIT HERMETISCHENFLÜGELTÜR SCORRIGRIGLIA IN ACCIAIO VASCHETTA STAMPATA A SCOMPARSA STAHLAUFLAGESCHIENEN VERSTECKTEN TROPFSCHALE HERMETIC CLOSURE FOR SIDE DOOR OPENING FERMETURE HERMÉTIQUE DE LA PORTE EN DRAPEAU STAINLESS STEEL SIDE RACKS HIDDEN DRIP TRAY GLISSIÈRES POUR LA GRILLE EN ACIER BAC MOULÉ ESCAMOTABLE 20 21 FORNI COMBINATI G|PRO GASTRONOMY La linea G|PRO soddisfa anche i clienti più esigenti. La cura nel dettaglio e una componentistica di elevata affidabilità rendono il forno G|PRO Gastronomia uno strumento al servizio dei professionisti della cottura. Compagno di lavoro estremamente funzionale ed affidabile, è protagonista nelle attività altamente professionali per soddisfare a pieno le richieste degli Chef più esigenti. Cottura a vapore e sonda al cuore per garantire il miglior risultato per ogni tipologia di prodotto, chiusura porta ermetica e due vaschette raccogli condensa sono alcune delle caratteristiche che rendono i forni della linea G|PRO Gastronomia indispensabili per il cuoco professionale. Dedicato a: grandi e piccoli ristoranti, mense, gastronomie, caffè con ristorazione. COMBI OVENS G|PRO Gastronomy convection ovens for your best cooking performance! The new range of gastronomy convection and steam ovens by Garbin have become one of the main appliances which Master Chefs look for when they enter a professional kitchen. With their new design detail and high reliability Made in Italy components, they are now a must in professional catering establishments. Steam cooking and core-temperature probe to obtain the best cooking performance for every kind of product, the hermetic door; a door drip-pan and a unit drip-pan are some of the standard characteristics that the G|PRO Gastronomy convection ovens are equipped with. Dedicated to: large and small restaurants, delis, canteens and cafeterias. KOMBIÖFEN Die Linie G|PRO befriedigt auch anspruchsvollsten Kunden. Die Liebe zum Detail und eine hohe Zuverlässigkeit des Komponentes machen G|PRO Gastronomie Ofen eines der wichtigsten Instrumente für professionellen Küche. Sehr funktional und zuverlässing-Arbeitkamerad ist der Hauptfigur in der Hochprofesionnelleaktivitäten, um völlig Umfang die Anforderungen der anspruchsvollsten Chefs nachzukommen. Dampfkochen und Kerntemperaturfühler garantieren die besten Ergebnis für jeden Produkttyp, hermetischen Tür und zwei Basis Sammlungstropfen sind einigen Charakteristik, die die Linie G|PRO Gastronomie für den profesionelle Köche unverzichtbar macht. Es ist ideal für groß und kleine Restauranten, Kantine, Gastronomie, Cafè mit Gaststättengewerbe. FOURS COMBINÉS La ligne G|PRO satisfait même les clients les plus exigeants. Le soin du détail et des composants de haute fiabilité fait du four G|PRO Gastronomia un instrument au service des professionnels de la cuisson. Compagnon de travail extrêmement fonctionnel et fiable, et protagoniste dans les activités hautement professionnelles pour satisfaire pleinement les demandes des Chefs les plus exigeants. Cuisson à vapeur et sonde au cœur pour garantir le résultat le meilleur pour chaque typologie de produit, fermeture de la porte hermétique et deux bacs de récupération de la condensation, voilà quelques-unes des caractéristiques qui rendent les fours de la ligne G|PRO Gastronomia indispensables pour le cuisinier professionnel. Dédié à: petits et grands restaurants, cantines, traiteurs, café avec restauration. 22 23 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY CARATTERISTICHE G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY Equipaggiato con 2 griglie Temperatura 0-280 °C 2 vaschette raccogligocce Motore tangenziale per raffreddamento Camino di sfiato vapore motorizzato Camino uscita umidità (solo 523) CHARACTERISTICS 2 grids included Temperature 0-280 °C 2 water drop trays Cooling fan in the electronics area Powered steam chimney vent 523 Humidity chimney vent (only 523) EIGENSCHAFTEN Inklusive 2 Rosten Temperaturschalter 0-280 °C 2 Basis für Sammlungtropfen Tagentialmotor zum Kühlen Motosiert Schornstein für Dampf Schornstein für Luftfeuchtigkeit (nur 523) TRAITS Équipé avec 2 grilles Température 0-280 °C 2 bassins pour collection condensation Moteur tangentiel pour le refroidissement Cheminée sortie humidité motorisé Cheminée sortie humidité (seulement 523) SONDA AL CUORE DI SERIE STANDARDMÄSSIGE KERNSOND STANDARD CORE TEMPERATURE PROBE INCLUDED SONDE AU COEUR DE SÉRIE 24 25 2/3 GN = 354 x 325 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 5 D G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 523 D 5 grids 5 grids Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h Standard core temperature probe Standard core temperature probe 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 695 620 840 745 CODE: 523D 26 635 CODE: 5D 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 1 motor with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 465 x 455 mm 54,5 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 81,5 kg 3.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50/60 Hz 7.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 27 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO 12 D G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 7 D 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY 7 grids 12 grids Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h Standard core temperature probe Standard core temperature probe 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) Optional Optional 1086 790 840 CODE: 7D 28 840 980 CODE: 12D 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 29 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 20 DC 20 grids Digital timer 0-10 h Standard core temperature probe 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 1865 940 CODE: 20DC 30 1036 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 210 kg 24.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 31 2/3 GN = 354 x 325 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 5 A G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 523 A 5 grids 5 grids Analogical timer 0-10 h Analogical timer 0-10 h Standard core temperature probe Standard core temperature probe 695 620 840 745 CODE: 523A 32 635 CODE: 5A 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 1 motor with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 465 x 455 mm 54,5 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 81,5 kg 3.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50/60 Hz 7.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 33 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO 12 A G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 7 A 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY 7 grids 12 grids Analogical timer 0-10 h Analogical timer 0-10 h Standard core temperature probe Standard core temperature probe 1086 790 840 CODE: 7A 34 840 980 CODE: 12A 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 35 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 20 AC 20 grids Analogical timer 0-10 h Standard core temperature probe 1865 940 CODE: 20AC 36 1036 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 210 kg 24.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 37 2/3 GN = 354 x 325 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 5 M G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 523 M 5 grids 5 grids Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min 695 620 840 745 CODE: 523M 38 635 CODE: 5M 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 1 motor with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 465 x 455 mm 54,5 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 81,5 kg 3.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50/60 Hz 7.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 39 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO 12 M G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 7 M 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GASTRONOMY 7 grids 12 grids Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min 1086 790 840 CODE: 7M 40 840 980 CODE: 12M 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 41 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 CONTROL PANEL G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO 20 MC G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY 20 grids Mechanical timer 0-60 min ON/OFF TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TIMER VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION 1865 940 CODE: 20MC 42 1036 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 210 kg 24.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz PROGRAMMA PROGRAM PROGRAMM PROGRAMME FASE COOKING CYCLE PHASENKOCH CYCLE DE CUISSON DECREMENTA DECREASE SINKT DIMINUE INCREMENTA INCREASE ERHÖHEN AUGMENTER SONDA AL CUORE seleziona la cottura con la sonda (ed esclude la funzione del timer) CORE PROBE selects probe cooking (excluding timer operation) KERNSONDE Man selektiert die Kochen mit der Sonde (und ausschließt die Zeitschterfunktion) AVEC SONDE AU COEUR Sélectionne la cuisson avec la sonde (et exclut la fonction de la minuterie) START PREDISPOSIZIONE PER IL LAVAGGIO PREDISPOSITION TO SELF-CLEANING VERBEREITUNG FÜR WASCH SYSTEM MISE À DISPOSITION POUR LE LAVAGE 43 G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY CONTROL PANEL G|PRO GASTRONOMY G|PRO GASTRONOMY CONTROL PANEL START TIMER TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TIMER VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION SONDA AL CUORE CORE PROBE KERNSONDE AVEC SONDE AU COEUR ON/OFF SONDA AL CUORE seleziona la cottura con la sonda (ed esclude la funzione del timer) CORE PROBE selects probe cooking (excluding timer operation) KERNSONDE Man selektiert die Kochen mit der Sonde (und ausschließt die Zeitschterfunktion) AVEC SONDE AU COEUR Sélectionne la cuisson avec la sonde (et exclut la fonction de la minuterie) 44 START APERTURA/CHIUSURA CAMINO DI SFIATO OPEN/CLOSE STEAM CHIMNEY SCHLOSS UND ÖFF DER ENTLÜFTERKAMINE OUVERTURE/FERMETURE CHEMIN DE DÉCHARGEMENT 45 G|PRO BAKERY FORNI COMBINATI La linea G|PRO soddisfa anche i clienti più esigenti. La cura nel dettaglio e una componentistica di elevata affidabilità rendono il forno G|PRO Pasticceria uno strumento al servizio dei professionisti della cottura. Compagno di lavoro estremamente funzionale ed affidabile, è protagonista nelle attività altamente professionali per soddisfare a pieno le richieste dei pasticceri più esigenti. Controllo automatico del grado dell’umidità/vapore all’interno della camera di cottura e ventola a due velocità per garantire il miglior risultato per ogni tipologia di prodotto, chiusura porta ermetica e due vaschette raccogli condensa sono alcune delle caratteristiche che rendono i forni della linea G|PRO Pasticceria indispensabili per il pasticcere professionale. COMBI OVENS The convection ovens of the G|PRO Bakery line satisfy even the most demanding customers! They have become the best kitchen appliance at the service of professional cooking thanks to great design detail and to the use of high reliability Made in Italy components. An extremely functional and reliable workmate for international bakers and chefs. Automatic control of humidity and/or steam in the cooking chamber and a double-speed fan to obtain the best baking result for every kind of product, the hermetic door; a door drip-pan and a unit drip-pan are some of the standard characteristics that the G|PRO Bakery convection ovens are equipped with. Dedicated to: both industrial and artisanal pastry shops and bakeries, supermarkets, franchise food chains, fast-foods, and pre-cooked frozen products. KOMBIÖFEN Die Linie G|PRO befriedigt auch auspruchsvollsten Kunden. Die Liebe zum Detail und eine hohe Zeverläsingkeit des Komponentes machen die Hofen G|PRO Bäckerei eines der wichtigsten Instrumente für profesionellen der Kuchen. Sehr funktional und zuverlässing -Arbeitkamerad ist der Hauptfigur in der Hochprofesionnelleaktivitäten, um völlig Umfang die Anforderungen der anspruchsvollsten Konditoren nachzukommen. Automatischeprüfung der Feuchtigkeit/Wasserdampf-grad in der Kochkammer, Doppelt-Schnellkeit Lüfterrad, um besten Ergebnis für jeden Produkttyp zu garantieren, hermetische Tür und zwei Basis für Sammlungtropfen sind einigen von den Charakteristiken, die diese Linie G|PRO Bäckerei für den profesionellen Konditor unverzichtbar macht. Es ist ideal sowohl handwerklich als auch industrielle Konditorei und Bäckerei, Iper-markten, Franchisingketten, Cafè mit Gaststättengewerbe und für vorgekocht Tiefgekühltprodukte. FOURS MIXTES La ligne G|PRO satisfait même les clients les plus exigeants. Le soin du détail et des composants de haute fiabilité font du four G|PRO Pasticceria un instrument au service des professionnels de la cuisson. Compagnon de travail extrêmement fonctionnel et fiable, et protagoniste dans les activités hautement professionnelles pour satisfaire pleinement les demandes des pâtissiers les plus exigeants. Contrôle automatique du degré d’humidité / vapeur à l’intérieur de la chambre de cuisson et ventilateur à deux vitesses pour garantir un meilleur résultat pour chaque typologie de produit, fermeture de la porte hermétique et deux bacs de récupération de la condensation, voilà quelques-unes des caractéristiques qui rendent les fours de la ligne G|PRO Pasticceria indispensables pour le pâtissier professionnel. Dédié à: pâtisseries et boulangeries aussi bien industrielles qu’artisanales, aux hypermarchés, chaînes en franchising, points chauds, produits précuits surgelés. 46 47 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO BAKERY Dedicato a: pasticcerie e panetterie sia industriali che artigianali, ipermercati, catene in franchising, punti caldi, prodotti precotti surgelati. G|PRO BAKERY CARATTERISTICHE G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO BAKERY Equipaggiato con 2 teglie Temperatura 0-280 °C 2 vaschette raccogligocce Motore tangenziale per raffreddamento Camino di sfiato vapore motorizzato CHARACTERISTICS 2 trays included Temperature 0-280 °C 2 water drop trays Cooling fan in the electronics area Powered steam chimney vent EIGENSCHAFTEN Inklusive 2 Bleche Temperaturschalter 0-280 °C 2 Basis für Sammlungtropfen Tagentialmotor zum Kühlen Motosiert Schornstein für Dampf TRAITS Équipé avec 2 plaques Température 0-280 °C 2 bassins pour collection condensation Moteur tangentiel pour le refroidissement Cheminée sortie humidité motorisé MOTORE A DOPPIA VELOCITÀ MOTOR MIT DOPPELTE GESCHWINDIGKEIT DOUBLE SPEED MOTORFAN MOTEUR À DEUX VITESSES 48 49 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 4 trays 6 trays Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h Double speed motorfan Double speed motorfan 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) Optional 790 620 840 840 CODE: 4D 50 980 CODE: 6D 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 81,5 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 7.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 51 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 6 D G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 4 D 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 10 trays 16 trays Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h Double speed motorfan Double speed motorfan 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) Optional 1086 1865 840 CODE: 10D 52 980 940 CODE: 16DC 1036 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 210 kg 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 24.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 53 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 16 DC G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 10 D 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 4 trays 6 trays Analogical timer 0-10 h Analogical timer 0-10 h Double speed motorfan Double speed motorfan 790 620 840 840 CODE: 4A 54 980 CODE: 6A 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 81,5 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 7.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 55 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 6 A G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 4 A 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 10 trays 16 trays Analogical timer 0-10 h Analogical timer 0-10 h Double speed motorfan Double speed motorfan 1086 1865 840 CODE: 10A 56 980 940 CODE: 16AC 1036 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 210 kg 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 24.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 57 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 16 AC G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 10 A 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 4 trays 6 trays Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min 790 620 840 840 CODE: 4M 58 980 CODE: 6M 980 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 81,5 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 92 kg 7.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 9.600 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 59 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 6 M G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 4 M 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY 10 trays 16 trays Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min 1086 1865 840 CODE: 10M 60 980 940 CODE: 16MC 1036 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 118 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 210 kg 14.100 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 24.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 61 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 16 MC G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO 10 M 600 x 400 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO BAKERY CONTROL PANEL G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO BAKERY CONTROL PANEL ON/OFF TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TIMER TIMER VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION PROGRAMMA PROGRAM PROGRAMM PROGRAMME FASE COOKING CYCLE PHASENKOCH CYCLE DE CUISSON DECREMENTA MINUS SINKT DIMINUE INCREMENTA INCREASE ERHÖHEN AUGMENTER MOTORE A DOPPIA VELOCITÀ DOUBLE SPEED MOTORFAN MOTOR MIT DOPPELTE GESCHWINDIGKEIT MOTEUR À DEUX VITESSES START ON/OFF PREDISPOSIZIONE PER IL LAVAGGIO PREDISPOSITION TO SELF-CLEANING VERBEREITUNG FÜR WASCH SYSTEM MISE À DISPOSITION POUR LE LAVAGE 62 VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION START MOTORE A DOPPIA VELOCITÀ DOUBLE SPEED MOTORFAN MOTOR MIT DOPPELTE GESCHWINDIGKEIT MOTEUR À DEUX VITESSES 63 G|PRO BAKERY G|PRO GAS G|PRO BAKERY CONTROL PANEL G|PRO GAS START TIMER TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION APERTURA/CHIUSURA CAMINO DI SFIATO OPEN/CLOSE STEAM CHIMNEY SCHLOSS UND ÖFF DER ENTLÜFTERKAMINE OUVERTURE/FERMETURE CHEMIN DE DÉCHARGEMENT 64 65 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO 12 D GAS G|PRO GAS G|PRO 7 D GAS 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY 7 grids 12 grids Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h 14.000 W 19.000 W Standard core temperature probe Standard core temperature probe 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 1130 1425 910 CODE: 7D GAS 66 970 910 CODE: 12D GAS 970 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 100 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 130 kg 350 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 67 G|PRO GAS G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO 20 DC GAS 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 6 D GAS 20 grids 6 trays Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h 35.000 W 14.000 W Standard core temperature probe Double speed motorfan 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 2210 1130 910 910 1030 CODE: 20DC GAS 68 970 CODE: 6D GAS Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 240 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 100 kg 760 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 350 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 69 G|PRO GAS G|PRO GAS NEW 2016 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 10 D GAS 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 16 DC GAS 10 trays 16 trays Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h 19.000 W 35.000 W Double speed motorfan Double speed motorfan 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 20 Programs (6 cycles each program) 1425 2210 910 CODE: 10D GAS 70 970 910 CODE: 16DC GAS 1030 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 130 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 240 kg 500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 760 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 71 G|PRO GAS G|PRO GAS NEW 2016 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO 7 A GAS 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO 12 A GAS Analogical timer 0-10 h Analogical timer 0-10 h 14.000 W 19.000 W Standard core temperature probe Standard core temperature probe G|PRO GAS 12 grids G|PRO GAS 7 grids 1130 1425 910 CODE: 7A GAS 72 970 910 CODE: 12A GAS 970 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 100 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 130 kg 350 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 73 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO 20 AC GAS 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 6 A GAS NEW 2016 Analogical timer 0-10 h Analogical timer 0-10 h 35.000 W 14.000 W Standard core temperature probe Double speed motorfan G|PRO GAS 6 trays G|PRO GAS 20 grids 2210 1130 910 CODE: 20AC GAS 74 1030 910 CODE: 6A GAS 970 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 240 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 100 kg 760 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 350 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 75 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 10 A GAS 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 16 AC GAS 10 trays 16 trays Analogical timer 0-10 h Analogical timer 0-10 h 19.000 W 35.000 W Double speed motorfan Double speed motorfan 1425 2210 910 CODE: 10A GAS 76 970 910 CODE: 16AC GAS 1030 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 130 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 240 kg 500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 760 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 77 G|PRO GAS G|PRO GAS NEW 2016 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO 7 M GAS 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO 12 M GAS Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min 14.000 W 19.000 W G|PRO GAS 12 grids G|PRO GAS 7 grids 1130 1425 910 CODE: 7M GAS 78 970 910 CODE: 12M GAS 970 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 100 kg 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 130 kg 350 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 79 1/1 GN = 530 x 325 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO 20 MC GAS 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 6 M GAS NEW 2016 Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min 35.000 W 14.000 W G|PRO GAS 6 trays G|PRO GAS 20 grids 2210 1130 910 CODE: 20MC GAS 80 1030 910 CODE: 6M GAS 970 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 70 mm 800 x 545 mm 240 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 100 kg 760 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 350 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 81 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 10 M GAS 600 x 400 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO 16 MC GAS NEW 2016 Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min 19.000 W 35.000 W G|PRO GAS 16 trays G|PRO GAS 10 trays 1425 2210 910 CODE: 10M GAS 82 970 910 CODE: 16MC GAS 1030 Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 3 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection Side-hinged door with hermetic closure 5 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 130 kg 80 mm 800 x 545 mm 240 kg 500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 760 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50 Hz 83 G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY CONTROL PANEL CONTROL PANEL ON/OFF G|PRO GAS G|PRO GAS TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TIMER TIMER VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION PROGRAMMA PROGRAM PROGRAMM PROGRAMME FASE COOKING CYCLE PHASENKOCH CYCLE DE CUISSON DECREMENTA MINUS SINKT DIMINUE INCREMENTA INCREASE ERHÖHEN AUGMENTER SONDA AL CUORE seleziona la cottura con la sonda (ed esclude la funzione del timer) CORE PROBE selects probe cooking (excluding timer operation) KERNSONDE Man selektiert die Kochen mit der Sonde (und ausschließt die Zeitschterfunktion) AVEC SONDE AU COEUR Sélectionne la cuisson avec la sonde (et exclut la fonction de la minuterie) 84 VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION SONDA AL CUORE CORE PROBE KERNSONDE AVEC SONDE AU COEUR START ON/OFF RESET GAS SONDA AL CUORE seleziona la cottura con la sonda (ed esclude la funzione del timer) CORE PROBE selects probe cooking (excluding timer operation) KERNSONDE Man selektiert die Kochen mit der Sonde (und ausschließt die Zeitschterfunktion) AVEC SONDE AU COEUR Sélectionne la cuisson avec la sonde (et exclut la fonction de la minuterie) START RESET GAS 85 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO GAS FOR GASTRONOMY CONTROL PANEL CONTROL PANEL START TIMER ON/OFF TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT G|PRO GAS G|PRO GAS TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TIMER VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION PROGRAMMA PROGRAM PROGRAMM PROGRAMME FASE COOKING CYCLE PHASENKOCH CYCLE DE CUISSON DECREMENTA MINUS SINKT DIMINUE INCREMENTA INCREASE ERHÖHEN AUGMENTER MOTORE A DOPPIA VELOCITÀ DOUBLE SPEED MOTORFAN MOTOR MIT DOPPELTE GESCHWINDIGKEIT MOTEUR À DEUX VITESSES RESET GAS 86 START RESET GAS 87 G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY G|PRO GAS FOR BAKERY CONTROL PANEL CONTROL PANEL START TIMER TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT TIMER VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION ON/OFF MOTORE A DOPPIA VELOCITÀ DOUBLE SPEED MOTORFAN MOTOR MIT DOPPELTE GESCHWINDIGKEIT MOTEUR À DEUX VITESSES 88 G|PRO GAS G|PRO GAS TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION START RESET GAS RESET GAS 89 G|STARTER FORNI CONVEZIONE I forni della linea G|STARTER sono la soluzione ideale per le strutture che necessitano di un prodotto professionale dalle dimensioni contenute. A differenza dei pari gamma presenti sul mercato i forni della linea G|Starter sono dotati di tutti quei componenti solitamente utilizzati nei forni professionali di grandi dimensioni. Guarnizione professionale altamente resistente all’usura, cella stampata che garantisce una cottura fragrante e uniforme, motore monodirezionale con ventola maggiorata dalle elevate prestazioni, resistenze altamente affidabili e componentistica certificata UL sono alcune delle caratteristiche che rendono i forni della linea G|STARTER un valido alleato per tutte quelle attività che vogliono un forno dal risultato professionale in dimensioni ridotte. Ottimi per prodotti da scaldare sono la scelta eccellente per la preparazione di snack, piatti veloci, piccola panetteria e prodotti precotti surgelati. CONVECTION OVENS The ovens of the G|STARTER line are the ideal solution for facilities that require a professional product with compact dimensions! Unlike equal range products found on the market, the G|STARTER convection ovens are equipped with all those components which are usually installed in larger professional ovens. Professional door and chamber seals which are highly resistant to wear and tear; a trough-shaped cooking chamber with rounded corners that guarantees a fragrant and uniform baking result and new motor version with a high-performance fan. The very reliable heating elements and UL certified components are some of the features that have made the G|STARTER line of convection ovens a valuable ally for all those little environments that want an oven with professional result in reduced dimensions. G|STARTER UMLUFTHERD Die Öfen der Linien G|STARTER sind ideallösung für die Strukturen, die eine profesionelle Produkten mit kleine Maßen benötigen. Im Gegensatz zu den gleichen Linie auf dem Markt sind die Backöfen der Linie G|STARTER von alle Komponenten gewöhnlich gebrauchte in der professionelle Öfen aber mit großen Maßen ausgestattet. Profesionelle hochverschleißfeste Hülle, gedruckten Kochkammer, um eine duftende und gleichmäßige Kochen zu garantieren, ein unidirektional Motor mit einen vollweib HochleistungsFlügelrad, zuverlässigresistenzen und Komponenten zertifiziert UL sind einigen der Charakteristiken, die die Linie G/Starter einen gültigen Anhänger für alle Aktivitäten machen, die eine Ofen mit einen profesionelle Ergebnis aber mit kleinen Abmessungen benötigen. Exzellente Produkte zu erwärmenden, die ausgezeichnete für die Herstellung von Snacks, kurzfristigplatten, kleine Backwaren und vorgekochte Tiefgekühltprodukte. FOURS À CONVECTION ACCESSORIES Les fours de la ligne G|STARTER sont la solution idéale pour les structures qui ont besoin d’un produit professionnel aux dimensions contenues. À la différence des mêmes gammes présentes sur le marché, les fours de la ligne G|STARTER sont équipés de tous les composants habituellement utilisés dans les fours professionnels de grandes dimensions. Garniture professionnelle hautement résistante à l’usure, cellule moulée qui garantit une cuisson parfumée et uniforme, moteur monodirectionnel avec ventilateur majoré aux hautes prestations, résistances hautement fiables et composants certifiés UL, voilà quelques-unes des caractéristiques qui font des fours de la ligne G|STARTER un allier valide pour toutes les activités qui veulent un four au résultat professionnel et aux dimensions réduites. Excellents pour produits à réchauffer, c’est le choix optimal pour la préparation d’en-cas, plats rapides, petits produits boulangers et produits précuits surgelés. 90 91 G|STARTER Excellent for warming food, these ovens are the perfect choice for the preparation of snacks, fast food, small bakery and frozen precooked products. G|STARTER G|STARTER G|STARTER GUAINA PROFESSIONALE PROFESSIONELLE MANTEL BOMBATURA ANTIDEFORMAZIONE RUNDUNG ANTI-VERFORMUNG PROFESSIONAL RUBBER SEAL GAINE PROFESSIONNELLE SPECIAL ARCHED DESIGN TO AVOID DEFORMITY OF COOKING CHAMBER BOMBAGE ANTI-DÉFORMATION 92 93 G|STARTER CARATTERISTICHE Equipaggiato con 2 griglie/teglie Temperatura 0-280 °C Camino uscita umidità Porta a ribalta Bombatura antideformazione CHARACTERISTICS G|STARTER G|STARTER 2 grids/trays included Temperature 0-280 °C Humidity chimney vent Flap door opening Special arched design to avoid deformity of cooking chamber EIGENSCHAFTEN Inklusive 2 Rosten/Bleche Temperaturschalter 0-280 °C Schornstein für Luftfeuchtigkeit Klapptür Rundung Anti-Verformung TRAITS Équipé avec 2 grilles/plaques 600 x 400 mm Température 0-280 °C Cheminée sortie humidité Porte basculante Bombage anti-déformation PORTA A RIBALTA KLAPPTÜR FLAP DOOR OPENING PORTE BASCULANTE 94 95 Piccolo D 1/2 GN = 325 x 265 Bravo D 2/3 GN / 460 x 330 G|STARTER 4 trays Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h Memorizes up to 99 programs Memorizes up to 99 programs G|STARTER 3 grids G|STARTER G|STARTER 510 590 585 CODE: PICCOLO D 96 585 450 Flap door opening 1 motor 80 mm 366 x 445 mm 2.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N CODE: BRAVO D 600 Flap door opening 1 motor Direct steam injection 31,5 kg 80 mm 516 x 445 mm 39,2 kg 50/60 Hz 2.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50/60 Hz 97 Delizioso D 1/1 GN / 600 x 400 Superiore D 1/1 GN / 600 x 400 G|STARTER 4 trays Digital timer 0-10 h Digital timer 0-10 h Memorizes up to 99 programs Memorizes up to 99 programs G|STARTER 3 trays G|STARTER G|STARTER 575 655 745 CODE: DELIZIOSO D 98 770 780 CODE: SUPERIORE D 780 Flap door opening 1 motor with reverse system Direct steam injection Flap door opening 2 motors with reverse system Direct steam injection 80 mm 685 x 520 mm 48,5 kg 80 mm 685 x 520 mm 62,5 kg 4.200 W 400 V ˜ 3N / 230 V ˜ 1N 50/60 Hz 7.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 99 Piccolo M 1/2 GN = 325 x 265 Bravo M 2/3 GN / 460 x 330 G|STARTER 4 trays Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min G|STARTER 3 grids G|STARTER G|STARTER 510 590 585 CODE: PICCOLO M 450 Flap door opening 1 motor 80 mm 366 x 445 mm 2.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 100 585 CODE: BRAVO M 600 Flap door opening 1 motor With humidification 31,5 kg 80 mm 516 x 445 mm 39,2 kg 50/60 Hz 2.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 50/60 Hz 101 Delizioso M 1/1 GN / 600 x 400 Superiore M 1/1 GN / 600 x 400 G|STARTER 4 trays Mechanical timer 0-60 min Mechanical timer 0-60 min G|STARTER 3 trays G|STARTER G|STARTER 575 655 745 CODE: DELIZIOSO M 770 780 CODE: SUPERIORE M 780 Flap door opening 1 motor with reverse system With humidification Flap door opening 2 motors with reverse system With humidification 80 mm 685 x 520 mm 48,5 kg 80 mm 685 x 520 mm 62,5 kg 4.200 W 400 V ˜ 3N / 230 V ˜ 1N 50/60 Hz 7.000 W 400 V ˜ 3N / upon request 230 V ˜ 3N 50/60 Hz 102 103 G|STARTER G|STARTER CONTROL PANEL 1 4 5 CONTROL PANEL 7 6 2 8 3 9 3 1 2 ON/OFF 5 TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT 6 INCREMENTA INCREASE ERHÖHEN AUGMENTER 8 FASE COOKING CYCLE PHASENKOCH CYCLE DE CUISSON 9 PROGRAMMA PROGRAM PROGRAMM PROGRAMME START 4 DECREMENTA DECREASE SINKT DIMINUE 7 VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION G|STARTER TIMER 1 START TIMER 2 VAPORIZZAZIONE STEAM VERDAMPFUNG VAPORISATION 3 TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT Esclusa nel modello Piccolo M Not included in the model Piccolo M Nicht in das Modell Piccolo M enthalten Non inclus dans le modèle Piccolo M G|STARTER 3 2 1 Esclusa nel modello Piccolo D Not included in the model Piccolo D Nicht in das Modell Piccolo D enthalten Non inclus dans le modèle Piccolo D 104 105 G|SNACKERY CARATTERISTICHE La linea G|SNACKERY, con la sua estrema praticità di utilizzo, è ottima per prodotti da scaldare e per cotture semplici e veloci, ma può essere un valido supporto anche in cucina. Le piastre ed i fry tops in vetroceramica infatti, possono cucinare sia panini e sandwich che carne o verdure, garantendo ottime cotture. I forni COKITO sono la soluzione ottimale per le strutture che necessitano di un prodotto di piccole dimensioni, in particolar modo per la cottura di prodotti surgelati come brioches e pane. Ideali per bar con punto caldo, autogrill, distributori di carburante e produttori di surgelati. Sono estremamente sicuri nell’utilizzo e facili e veloci da pulire. Ad un design compatto ed elegante si affiancano le inconfondibili doti di qualità e versatilità di utilizzo garantite da Garbin Professional Ovens. Come tutti i prodotti Garbin, tassativamente Made in Italy. CHARACTERISTICS The G|SNAKERY line, thanks to its simplicity, is perfect for warming food and for easy and quick baking, but could be also a valid support in a professional kitchen. Ceramic glass Grills and fry tops can cook sandwiches but also meet and vegetable, with great results. COKITO ovens are the best baking solution for all those facilities that require to bake frozen products in a compact dimensions. Excellent for warming food, fast-food, small bakery and frozen precooked products. Easy to clean and extremely reliable with compact and elegant design, together with high quality standards and like all Garbin Professional Ovens products full Made in Italy. G|SNACKERY Die Linie G|SNACKERY, mit Ihrer Handlichkeit, ist ideal für Produkte zu erwärmenden und einfachen und schnellen Kochen, aber er ist eine gültig Hilfe auch in der Küche. Die Glaskeramikplatten und Fly tops können sowohl die Brötschen als auch die Fleich oder Gemüse kochen, um ausgezeichneten Kochen zu garantieren. Die Backöfen COKITO ist die ausgezeichnten Lösung für die Strukturen, die eine Produkt mit kleiner Maße benötigen, besonders für Tiefgekühltesprodukte z.B. Brioches und Bröten. Man ist ideal für Bar mit Risto, Autogrill, Benzintankstelle und Frozenherstellern. Ein kompaktes und elegantes Design, neben den unverwechselbaren Gaben der Qualität und Vielseitigkeit von Garbin Professional Ovens garantiert. Wie alle Produkte Garbin, strikt Made in Italy. TRAITS La ligne G|SNACKERY, avec son extrême facilité d’utilisation, est optimale pour des produits à réchauffer et pour des cuissons simples et rapides, mais elle peut aussi être une aide valide en cuisine. Les plaques et plaques de cuisson en céramique de verre peuvent en effet cuisiner aussi bien des paninis et des sandwichs que de la viande ou des légumes, ce qui garantit des cuissons optimales. Les fours COKITO sont la solution optimale pour les structures qui nécessitent un produit de petites dimensions, notamment pour la cuisson de produits surgelés comme les brioches et le pain. Idéaux pour les bars avec point chaud, les selfs d’autoroute, les distributeurs de carburant et les producteurs de surgelés. Ils sont extrêmement sûrs dans l’utilisation et faciles et rapides à nettoyer. Un design compact et élégant côtoie les incomparables dotes de qualité et polyvalence d’utilisation garanties par Garbin Professional Ovens. Comme tous les produits Garbin, impérativement Made in Italy. 106 107 G|SNACKERY EIGENSCHAFTEN G|SNACKERY 433 x 345 G|SNACKERY COKITO 4 trays (2 trays included) Mechanical timer 0-60 min 1 1 START TIMER 2 2 TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY 560 595 CODE: COKITO 600 Flap door opening 1 motor 70 mm 36 kg 2.500 W 230 V ˜ 1N 108 50/60 Hz 109 G|SNACKERY 433 x 345 G|SNACKERY COKITO M 4 trays (2 trays included) Mechanical timer 0-60 min 1 1 START TIMER Luce camera Chamber light Lichtraum Lumière chambre de cuissonisson 2 2 TERMOSTATO THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTAT ON/OFF Resistenza cielo e suolo Upper and lower heating element Unter-und Ober Resistenz Résistance supérieure et inférieure Resistenza suolo Lower heating element Unter Resistenz Résistance inférieure 1.300 W Resistenza cielo Upper heating element Ober Resistenz Résistance supérieure 2.400 W 595 CODE: COKITO M 900 W Grill con ventilazione Grill with ventilation Grill mit der Lüftung Grill avec ventilation 600 Resistenza cielo e suolo con ventilazione Upper and lower heating element with ventilation Unter-und Ober Resistenz mit Ventilator Résistance supérieure et inférieure avec ventilation Resistenza circolare con ventilazione Circular heating element with ventilation Circular Resistenz mit Ventilator Résistance circulaire avec ventilation G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY 560 Grill Ventilazione Ventilation Lüftung Ventilation 2.500 W Flap door opening 1 motor 70 mm 36 kg 2.800 W 230 V ˜ 1N 110 50/60 Hz 111 G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY SALAMANDER 40 kg 3.000 W 515 530 CODE: 3SM 230 V ˜ 1N G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY 405 50 kg 4.500 W 515 530 CODE: 3SL 112 230 V ˜ 1N 575 113 G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY FRYTOP 8 kg 2.000 W 95 230 V ˜ 1N 650 CODE: 6FM G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY 390 17 kg 4.000 W 95 230 V ˜ 1N 650 CODE: 6FL 114 730 115 G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY GRILL 9 kg 1.000 W 140 230 V ˜ 1N 470 CODE: 2PL CODE: 2PR G|SNACKERY G|SNACKERY 310 19 kg 2.000 W 140 CODE: 4PL CODE: 4PR 116 230 V ˜ 1N 470 610 117 COMPLEMENTS COMPLEMENTS PROOFERS L8 8 trays 460 x 330 mm 2/3 GN L12 33,5 kg 49,6 kg 70 mm 70 mm 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 940 760 230 V ˜ 1N 636 L9 230 V ˜ 1N 740 580 CODE: L8 FOR MODELS: BRAVO 12 trays 600 x 400 mm 1/1 GN 1.500 W CODE: L12 FOR MODELS: G|SUPREME - G|PRO 980 1.500 W 8 trays 600 x 400 mm 1/1 GN 40,5 kg COMPLEMENTS COMPLEMENTS 70 mm 50/60 Hz 935 230 V ˜ 1N 695 CODE: L9 FOR MODELS: DELIZIOSO - SUPERIORE 118 1.500 W 776 119 COMPLEMENTS ACCESSORIES BLAST CHILLERS STANDS B5T 5 trays 100 kg 65 mm Capacità congelamento 9 kg Freezing capacity 9 kg Gefrierkapazität 9 kg Capacité de congélation 9 kg Capacità di abbattimento 15 kg Blast chilling capacity 15 kg Schnellkühlungkapazität 15 kg Capacité d’abattement 15 kg 50 Hz 850 230 V ˜ 1N 870 7 trays 695 CODE: B5TG (1/1 GN) CODE: B5TB (600 x 400) 800 889 W 870 575 600 B10T CODE: SUP022 7 trays CODE: SUP054 680 75 mm FOR MODELS: PICCOLO - BRAVO 80 mm 635 FOR MODELS: G|PRO 523 10 trays 130 kg Capacità congelamento 16 kg Freezing capacity 16 kg Gefrierkapazität 16 kg Capacité de congélation 16 kg Capacità di abbattimento 26 kg Blast chilling capacity 26 kg Schnellkühlungkapazität 26 kg Capacité d’abattement 26 kg 50 Hz 1625 230 V ˜ 1N 120 7 trays CODE: SUP023 745 6 trays CODE: SUP061 740 825 CODE: B10TG (1/1 GN) CODE: B10TB (600 x 400) 870 800 695 1.883 W 780 75 mm FOR MODELS: SUPERIORE - DELIZIOSO 980 75 mm FOR MODELS: G|SUPREME - G|PRO 121 ACCESSORIES COMPLEMENTS 67 mm ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES CASTOR KIT FOR STANDS HOODS IT-Cappa in acciaio dotata di filtro anticondensa e filtro a carboni attivi facilmente asportabili per una pulizia completa. Capacità di estrazione dell’aria: 370 m³/h. Motore elettrico: 230 V - 180 W - 50/60 Hz. EN-Stainless steel hood equipped with anti condensation filter and activated charcoal filter easily removable for better cleaning. Air extraction capacity: 370 m³/h. Electric motor: 230 V - 180 W - 50/60 Hz. DE-Stahlkappa mit Aktivkohle Filterantieindampfen kann leicht für eine gründliche Reinigung entfernt werden. Absaugleistung der Luft: 370 m³/h. Elektrischer Motor: 230 V - 180W - 50/60 Hz. FR-Hotte en acier équipée d’un filtre anti-condensation et d’un filtre à charbons actifs facilement extractibles pour un nettoyage complet. Intensité d’extraction: 370 m³/h. Moteur électrique: 230 V - 180W - 50/60 Hz. 2 ruote con freno 2 castors with brakes 2 Rollen mit Bremse 2 roues avec frein CODE: RUO004 CODE: RUO005 220 ACCESSORIES IT-Comodissimo accessorio, a richiesta, ideato per la pulizia interna dei forni. Il kit è composto dalla pistola ad acqua, un tubo di 1,5 m, un supporto per il posizionamento agevole della pistola nella zona di lavoro e un rubinetto per l’erogazione dell’acqua. EN-An extremely handy shower hose optional accessory for cleaning the oven cooking chamber. The kit has a water gun, a 1,5 m hose, a stand for easy positioning in the working area and a water supply tap. DE-Auf Anfrage, scheckers Zubehöre für die Innersauberkeit der Öfen. Kit mit Wasserpistole, einem Rohr 1,5 m Einen Träger für die einfache Positionierung der Pistole in den Arbeitszone und einem Wasserhahn. FR-Excellent accessoire, sur demande, pour le nettoyage interne des fours. Kit composé de douche, un tuyau de 1,5 m, un support pour un positionnement facile de la douche sur le four et un robinet approvisionnement en eau. CODE: DOC000 122 220 950 CODE: CAP006 HAND SHOWER KIT FOR MODELS: G|PRO 16 C - G|PRO 20 C 940 980 CODE: CAP009 1036 HANGING RACKS Destro, right, rechts, droit G|PRO 4 Sinistro, left, links, gauche G|PRO 4 CODE: SUP045 CODE: SUP046 Destro, right, rechts, droit G|PRO 5 Sinistro, left, links, gauche G|PRO 5 CODE: SUP118 CODE: SUP119 Destro, right, rechts, droit G|PRO 6 Sinistro, left, links, gauche G|PRO 6 CODE: SUP041 CODE: SUP042 Destro, right, rechts, droit G|PRO 7 Sinistro, left, links, gauche G|PRO 7 CODE: SUP116 CODE: SUP117 Destro, right, rechts, droit G|PRO 10 Sinistro, left, links, gauche G|PRO 10 CODE: SUP036 CODE: SUP037 Destro, right, rechts, droit G|PRO 12 Sinistro, left, links, gauche G|PRO 12 CODE: SUP087 CODE: SUP088 ACCESSORIES 2 ruote senza freno 2 castors without brakes 2 Rollen ohne Bremse 2 roues sans frein FOR MODELS: G|PRO 4 - G|PRO 5 - G|PRO 6 G|PRO 7 - G|PRO 10 - G|PRO 12 G|SUPREME 123 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES OVEN STACKING KIT AUTOMATIC WASH KIT Kit sovrapposizione forni Oven stacking kit Überlagerungsatz für Backöfen Kit superposition des fours CODE: KIT040 MULTIPOINT CORE PROBE Lavaggio automatico Self cleaning Wasch System Lavage CODE: LAV003 Sonda Multipunto Multipoint Core Probe Mehrpunkt-Kerntemperaturfühler Sonde Multipoint WATER SOFTENER CODE: SON012 124 Sonda ad ago Sous-vide core probe Nadelsonde Sonde à aiguille Addolcitore Water softener Enthärter Adoucisseur CODE: SON013 CODE: ADD000 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES SOUS-VIDE CORE PROBE 125 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES 1/2 GN G|CLEANER Detergente 10 kg Cleanser 10 kg Waschmittel 10 kg Produit détergent 10 kg Teglia 1/2 GN H20 Tray 1/2 GN H20 Blech 1/2 GN H20 Plaque 1/2 GN H20 Teglia 1/2 GN H40 forata Perforated tray 1/2 GN H40 Blech gelocht 1/2 GN H40 Plaque perforée 1/2 GN H40 CODE: TEG012 CODE: TEG020 Teglia 1/2 GN H40 Tray 1/2 GN H40 Blech 1/2 GN H40 Plaque 1/2 GN H40 Teglia 1/2 GN H65 forata Perforated tray 1/2 GN H65 Blech gelocht 1/2 GN H65 Plaque perforée 1/2 GN H65 CODE: TEG011 CODE: TEG021 Teglia 1/2 GN H65 Tray 1/2 GN H65 Blech 1/2 GN H65 Plaque 1/2 GN H65 Griglia inox 1/2 GN Stainless steel grid 1/2 GN Edelstahlrosten 1/2 GN Grille en acier inoxydable 1/2 GN CODE: TEG010 CODE: GRI008 Teglia 1/2 GN H20 forata Perforated tray 1/2 GN H20 Blech gelocht 1/2 GN H20 Plaque perforée 1/2 GN H20 Griglia cromata 1/2 GN Chromed grid 1/2 GN Verchromtrosten 1/2 GN Grille chromée 1/2 GN CODE: TEG019 CODE: GRI009 G|BRIGHT ACCESSORIES Brillantante 10 kg Brightener 10 kg Klarspüler 10 kg Produit pour faire briller 10 kg CODE: BRI012 126 ACCESSORIES CODE: DET000 127 ACCESSORIES TRAYS AND GRIDS ACCESSORIES TRAYS AND GRIDS 128 1/1 GN Teglia 2/3 GN H20 Tray 2/3 GN H20 Blech 2/3 GN H20 Plaque 2/3 GN H20 Teglia 2/3 GN H40 forata Perforated tray 2/3 GN H40 Blech gelocht 2/3 GN H40 Plaque perforée 2/3 GN H40 Teglia 1/1 GN H20 Tray 1/1 GN H20 Blech 1/1 GN H20 Plaque 1/1 GN H20 Teglia 1/1 GN H40 forata Perforated tray 1/1 GN H40 Blech gelocht 1/1 GN H40 Plaque perforée 1/1 GN H40 CODE: TEG009 CODE: TEG017 CODE: TEG005 CODE: TEG014 Teglia 2/3 GN H40 Tray 2/3 GN H40 Blech 2/3 GN H40 Plaque 2/3 GN H40 Teglia 2/3 GN H65 forata Perforated tray 2/3 GN H65 Blech gelocht 2/3 GN H65 Plaque perforée 2/3 GN H65 Teglia 1/1 GN H40 Tray 1/1 GN H40 Blech 1/1 GN H40 Plaque 1/1 GN H40 Teglia 1/1 GN H65 forata Perforated tray 1/1 GN H65 Blech gelocht 1/1 GN H65 Plaque perforée 1/1 GN H65 CODE: TEG004 CODE: TEG018 CODE: TEG007 CODE: TEG015 Teglia 2/3 GN H65 Tray 2/3 GN H65 Blech 2/3 GN H65 Plaque 2/3 GN H65 Griglia cromata 2/3 GN Chromed grid 2/3 GN Verchromtrosten 2/3 GN Grille chromée 2/3 GN Teglia 1/1 GN H65 Tray 1/1 GN H65 Blech 1/1 GN H65 Plaque 1/1 GN H65 Teglia 1/1 GN BBQ BBQ tray 1/1 GN Blech 1/1 GN BBQ Grille pour cuisson “grill” CODE: TEG008 CODE: GRI010 CODE: TEG006 CODE: TEG030 Teglia 2/3 GN H20 forata Perforated tray 2/3 GN H20 Blech gelocht 2/3 GN H20 Plaque perforée 2/3 GN H20 Griglia inox 2/3 GN Stainless steel grid 2/3 GN Edelstahlrosten 2/3 GN Grille en acier inoxydable 2/3 GN Teglia 1/1 GN H20 forata Perforated tray 1/1 GN H20 Blech gelocht 1/1 GN H20 Plaque perforée 1/1 GN H20 Griglia inox 1/1 GN Stainless steel grid 1/1 GN Edelstahlrosten 1/1 GN Grille en acier inoxydable 1/1 GN CODE: TEG016 CODE: GRI011 CODE: TEG013 CODE: GRI007 129 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORIES 2/3 GN ACCESSORIES TRAYS AND GRIDS ACCESSORIES TRAYS AND GRIDS BAKERY 600 X 400 mm CODE: GRI020 Griglia 1/1 GN per cottura grill Griddle grid 1/1 GN Grill für Grillkochen 1/1 GN Grille pour cuisson “grill” CODE: GRI021 Griglia cuocipollo 1/1 GN Chicken grid 1/1 GN Grill für Huhnkochen 1/1 GN Grille pour cuisson poulets 1/1 GN ACCESSORIES CODE: GRI023 130 BAKERY 460 X 330 mm Teglia alluminio 600 x 400 mm H20 Alluminium tray 600 x 400 mm H20 Alu-Blech 600 x 400 mm H20 Plaque en aluminium 600 x 400 mm H20 Teglia alluminio forata 600 x 400 mm Alluminium perforated baking tray 600 x 400 mm Alu-Blech gelocht 600 x 400 mm Plaque en aluminium perforée 600 x 400 mm CODE: TEG022 CODE: TEG003 Teglia alluminio 600 x 400 mm H40 Alluminium tray 600 x 400 mm H40 Alu-Blech 600 x 400 mm H40 Plaque en aluminium 600 x 400 mm H40 Griglia cromata 600 x 400 mm Chromed grid 600 x 400 mm Verchromtrosten 600 x 400 mm Grille chromée 600 x 400 mm CODE: TEG031 CODE: GRI013 Teglia teflonata 600 x 400 mm Teflon tray 600 x 400 mm Teflon Blech 600 x 400 mm Plaque en teflon 600 x 400 mm Griglia ondulata cromata 600 x 400 mm Chromed wavy grid 600 x 400 mm Gewellt Chrom-Grill 600 x 400 mm Grille chromée pour baguettes 600 x 400 mm CODE: TEG027 CODE: GRI015 Teglia 433 x 345 mm Tray 433 x 345 mm Blech 433 x 345 mm Plaque 433 x 345 mm Teglia alluminio forata ondulata 600 x 400 mm Alluminium perforated wavy baking tray 600 x 400 mm Gewellt und gelocht Alu-Blech 600 x 400 mm Plaque perforée en aluminium pour baguettes 600 x 400 mm Griglia 600 x 400 mm cromata a cestino Chromed deep frying grid 600 x 400 mm Chrom-Grill in den Warenkorb 600 x 400 mm Grille poubelle chromée 600 x 400 mm CODE: TEG023 CODE: TEG002 CODE: GRI019 Teglia 460 x 330 mm Tray 460 x 330 mm Blech 460 x 330 mm Plaque 460 x 330 mm CODE: TEG024 Griglia cromata 460 x 330 mm Chromed grid 460 x 330 mm Verchromtrosten 460 x 330 mm Grille chromée 460 x 330 mm CODE: GRI022 COKITO 433 X 345 mm ACCESSORIES Griglia 1/1 GN con piano rigato e liscio Grilling and roasting grid 1/1 GN Rösten mit Grill-und Glattfläche 1/1 GN Plaque fonte avec côté rainuré et lisse 1/1 GN 131 NOTES 132 NOTES 133