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User Manual




i !: Home PlugAV mini Ethernet Bridge .rr,rJo"r,r-]l@!!@.!!ll!Wt|,lnnilil 123456789@@1 User Manual il rlti.Eft-dulrcuo'ng - --IE-E-- GE n-s asidil b h cdt?fim fr L ttt'r.G ftailhg rqddio0.:GE Larlq8g:fE EEC RollS Th.3 p.odud b RoHscompliant. olthe I HomePluo L3 PorwlitE HomePlug Predille b ar €GGIenl sdftn that can be used a saaf, ofhce building' to extend yflr ne{EL h & lE use HomePlug Eltelrel elga b l* mhiPle locations without lhe necd lo nr! Lq EEn.l cdlc Combined with a broadband DSUCable cunc6.L srcql roolll with electrical Casing Details Front Casing The front casing contains 3 status lights: Power, PLC Link, and Ethernet Link outlets will have eastr acceas to high-speed internet connection. With the HomePtrg AV speed of up to 200Mbps, this easy-tlsetup solutim can FoYitG f,ast streaming HD movies, online multiplayer gatE and ofiEr data intensive activities for today' s HO EntertainnEnlCenter demand. 1.'l lntroduction Each HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge allore you to connect one device that has an Ethernet po.t to a Powerline network. ln operation, the HomePlug AV Ethemet Btidge is completely transparent, and simply passes data between the Ethernet port and tire Powerline network. Any Ethernet-enabled device may be connecled to the HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge' s Ethernet port. . 1.2 System Diagram AV Ethernet Bridge. You can stream HD movies and music, play online multiplayer games and much more. @Ir."H.- a IE' Ll Note: HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge needs to pair with at least one other HomePlug AV compatible device such as this one in order to create a working system. nchtulhl &dtldubil Status Lights Add high-speed internet access to any room in Your home with this HomePlug llrelight MH Power On: This HomePlug Ethernet Bridge is receiving electrical power Off: Power off PLC Link The PLC (Powerline) Link lightwill indicatethe overail speed of your network with 3 colors: Red: Minimum connection indicates weak signal and slower network speed: less than 50Mbps Orange: Normal signal with standard network speed:50-lOOMbps Green: Excellent signal with optimal network speed: 100Mbps+ Off: No activity. This HomePlug Ethernet Bridge is not connected Ethernet Link Solid Green: 1 0/1 00Mbps port linked Blinking: 10/'l00Mbps port transmitting or receiving Off: Ethernet Link not active -3- Bottom Casing bottom ca-sin9 contains a rscessed Reset Button, a Security Connect the HomePlu0 AV Ethernet Bridge to a Computer or Modgm/Rout6r ihe Button, and an Ethernet port. ---l--T-I .E iI bsrBLnor Ell {EET-I ffi* 1. Plug one end of the Ethernet Cable into the Ethernet 2. the bottom of the HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge. Plug the HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge into a AC Wall Power Outlet near the device you want to connect ! hnryBuiloi 5. 6. Your HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges are now connected Buttons Securitv This button is designed to generate an individual HomePlug AV j network group under multiple nodes environment. Please refer to the 2 Reset This button is used to clear ALL data and restore ALL ssttings to the factory default values. 1.1 lnitial Setup to plug and play without any complox configuralion and settings- You can use HomePlug AV mini Ethernet Bridge lo mrect networkable devices like computers and game consoles atirEafly lo 6ach other You can also connect devices like a coilTUE a Blu-ray Disc 'u player to router or modem fof intemel accassHomePlug is a plug and pay device; User is able Bridge turns solid green. forming a HomePlug AV network. optional lndividual HomePlug AV Network Setup section below for more details. Note: The HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge must be plugged in to restore it to factory defaults. Using a small object like a paper clip, depress and hold the Reset button until the status lights begin to flash. The Resel button will need to be depressed for about 10 to 15 seconds for the reset lo occur- Powerline performance. For best performance, plug all HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges direcily into a wall ouuet. For connecting to a computer: Plug the other end of the Ethernet Cable into an OPEN Ethernet Port locatsd on your computer For connecting to a Modem or Router for lnternet access: plug the other end of the Ethernet Cable into an OPEN Ethernet Port on your Modem or Router. Make sure the PLC Link light on each Homeplug AV Ethernet 4. --ff_[_! on Warning: Do not plug this HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge into a powerstrip that has surge protection. Doing so will degrade 3. - port i i lndividual HomoPlug AV Network Satup {Optionall All HomePlug AV Ethsrnot Bridss ship with a default sscurity key so they will. automatically link to atl other Homeplug AV Ethernet Bridges sharing the same electrical lines. lf there are other HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges in the building (such as an office or apartment building), you may want to create your own individual HomePlug AV network group so other HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges cannot connect to your network. This section describes how to use lhe Security button for configuration in the following situations 2.1 Creating a new individual HomePlug Av network XrlmrtAEC (Network AB) Two unassociated Bridges (Bridge A and Bridge B) are forming a new network-Network AB ,Y -ffi; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Release it when the Power light flashes. The password to Bridge A has just been erased. lt must now be linked to your nelwork to adopt the new network security key. Press and hold the Security button on Bridge B for 10 seconds. Release it when the Power light flashes. The password to Bridge B has just been erased. lt must now be linked to your network to adopt the new network security kay. Currently, BridgeAand Bridge B are not networked Press and hold the Security button on Bridge A for 2 seconds then release. The Power lights on Bridge A starts to flash. Within 120 seconds after the Power light on Bridge A starts to flash, press and hold the Security button on Bridge B for 2 seconds then release. Both Bridge A and Bridge B are now networked together. 2.2 Adding Bridge C to existing Network AB (Network ABC) One unassociated Bridge C is added to an existing Network AB. -6- ffi *s; Netxroik AB The procedure is as follows: 'l . Press and hold the Security button on Bridge A for 1 0 seconds. "3"\ The procedure is as follows: 1. Press and hold the Security button on Bridge C for 10 secondsRelease it when the Power light flashed. The password to Bridge C has just been erased. lt must now be linked to your network to adopt the new network security key. 2. Press and hold the security button on Bridge A for 2 seconds. The Power lights on Bridge A starts to flash. 3. Within 120 seconds after the Power light on Bridge A starts to flash, press and hold the security button on Bridge C for 4. 2 seconds then release. Bridge A, Bridge B and Bridge C are now networked to each other. R.llmffipUAtuhM$C Jdn&.PbrBbMtr $if ---rh f,l's-7- The procedure is as followsi 1 . Press and hold the Security button on Bridge B for 1 0 seconds. Release it when the Power light flashes. The password to Bridge B has just been erased and removes itself from Bridge A & C. 2. Press and hold the Security button on Bridge D for 2 seconds. 3. Within I 20 seconds after the Power light on Bridge D starts to flash, press and hold the Security button on Bridge B for 2 seconds fuhUtFSJEEBSF then release. 4. Bridge B and Bridge D are now connected to each other, which in turn becomes part of Network BDE. 3 t Troubleshooting lf your Hom6Pl ug AV Ethernet Bridges have ditficulty communicating with each other, chock the following: . Try power cycling the unit by unplugging it from the wall fo|I O seconds and plugging it in again. a Use a pin and hold the Reset button down for 2 seconds on eaih unit you are trying to connect, The HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge's light will flash, the units wiil reset and attempt to link using default factory settings. t Try plugging the HomePtug AV Ethernet Bridge into an adjacent plug. l) HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge work better whan plugged direcfly into the wall outlet. Connecting thsse Ethernet Bridges to a power strip or surgs protector may degrads network performance or complet6ly stop nstwork signals. a This HomePlugAV Ethernet Bridge should not bo used on GFI protected outlets as some outlets will filter out Homeplug Powerline signal. a This HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridge should not be used in areas with excessive heat. a Certain floroscent or incandescent lights are noise sources on the electrical and can degrade performance. a lf your building has more than one circuit breaker box, your HomePlug AV Ethernet Bridges may not be able to connect betweon the difforent circuit breakor boxes. Connect Ethernet cable between each of the Homeplug AV Ethernet Bridges to link the different circuits together. This will allow the HomeFlug AV Ethernet Bridges from different circuit breaker boxes to connect. 8. I {HH iH, HE + *,+ H FCC + F ff 4'& &t{ U tF AFcc Parr I 5 class B F J(: (i) rtFff.F.*iEfra*+ft irt tl?Hitu6,&*i#.8fr fFEtrrri"', CE. +P ;i RoHS ffi A UTt6lE: *PffftARoHs#i)8. CE w.stw+ur. '. }8, ffi 6 I)JTE+*.i+ E €#THE*s#aiarHr Muk, 89/336/EEC )K 1 E' r)ltBiEEu tE Bi$,gi M XEDUP€, U tf 16 E ft in CE +t,II] E EJ + r1 r@ *.ln ffi E&. if, ffi +I BE +, 4 iJt B,q R ft E N) @tr t E fi 1.3 t Bt,tt H ir P,ft , d fr #,q.* fft lLm t .f' k $.m * BE''& € A ft * E] S 6I H B, frl," E. rE X M 4. lfr H lrF IE fr h,H {1 ii E + rE XIl Fl E, tk P il" 7. fr F. t lF z-r,tJ : Ethernet Link (ETH), PLC Link (PL), Power (PWR) ffi.ffi /-{{1,,A E'F, iF & rt + # fft EE Http://www.edup,cn FIiiH/} 1.t P E fr t{ n* ffi d tF. fl +, 6!,H,8 i! 6 { E, m T fl fi rE iH " i6,S &. rf 5 * A * EeM H< Dl&#ryeffi fi ++,4AilljH&rJ FJii: u\E F, ffi , iF F,. lE * A*, Pffi4'U, r*ffEE E lE m A*EP-P1C5506. LC5 4 1& s06ffi && E!] HIr * ll'1 B itr,fi E rt Fn +. *, ft, ffi ffi tl trJ &, E,f !] ffi U.t I{ 4 8. 4i * *.. tE A * rg & 3|],& ffr l+(fl. *a )Lh t+ di nI U t & it * !&. H tlEp - +rL sI E-+ fl t U € ^,'6 F4 4. B[ ffi B[ H, ffi td i] F. E tu ffi , fi.,] H &.1\ fr ; rt, E, iF,H iH S ; 16,q E &,'f+ ffi tr + FI H :t2 0 oMbps, fr EQos iI 16 k! E,f; ?4 fi 1S & fis H 4. tifr *, & & t+ fr?,'E 9\ &)< ffi 1i l+. x. ffi h *, l+ ffi ltl ffi & il,4tl:i14, r'TE tifr?,. F= r.2,fi,u, ll lrffi)o ll itffirLrUrD(tEEfiil + +r - + E .f F{4&.,eidut jt ^ ir'JEHiBU B, AE LIr*.* +*, nt lE ta tfi lnt I'i,l+& )\tirtfr,*,#F?NEg+8!ifi 41. itH: €lr a,t'{i *2+ (- 4AETEACi# x'J) t H\N tt +D)fr.)rrk+tffitrrN*. - PLC Unkugfi Elkd L'd !9h PowerlFiill. :+ ,.. $' li 16l ll !l ll o l\.'ll - I1*g LQhl tL___IJ__11 tT**:l[_ x n=,nll lln-T ll ll"--l ll#JL---i Il On:A%EE:d'fr off:f-4.1\.H l-*, PCL Link#Ell PLtE4i'ff A+Rffi E 4,€&rtE.Ezi=fr 4 FJ ff1ffi€: tt@,: W s*&.& li EtE, trtrlE, &SjEE'ift T5oMbps Etr : Fl 4E*trH,,|tffi BEsoMbps-looMbps W * IE&IFH if, 4€ffi :t,tr rt'f 6E: ti4tl{rEme*itHrS& frtr : Ethernet "d b1 *.: t ootrlups LinklBfr:ltI eEffi w**lifr is.6 i€* ffi : x.4.ffi W ts F4 6,#.: &H * * 4rfr in 6ff ff fi *qfi iA 6,+* ffi .'{t tr FfiHEififrJE Fff gmfl frf -+tus&fl I N JEtstr'E E'H GIi&) €, Ut E r6m##A-+Si,\fil++S$1, 4H- 4'h e, tF{Em#E*. fi Ra-&efi Etra d.{u.fi1 H afi se €n { e E, t ts i6 m (,[ - + A S *. # L H)' rg nI *s 0{ 6 rS ,l. Lffi Hh &N*, i{f+Et H! €, xj\ E EEI*6 6E+&411Affi W*. 2 fl -f tA i HilffiE&1*M- Df, EE DEl I I I I 6E r'r. AS r.1 €!e-+#Et+/\€, U/\FliEE#Flrf (ts,fAB) t EI ffi^*EXHEiffi*d*(Bridge A & Bridge B) Afi,-+ffiffJW* (Flt*AB) E RdEnm---€.1_ Net*lfkAB EE ,r B, B+&@E H *#* +ft F.q.&Ted-+ H, *N4 1H4Nt))ljF.*i*&&$fi. tE, B,]l,){ trAfit DtrllE* tr rt+&fft€tr*iFhrEA&dE+fr E A, Uf &8. it #.: *,P Fa,bfr4rE HtFn Tfr €tll fi f EtilE. H-+&*.+ Z+,J.,J. A! fi tr, && E.&BH Il,"'zrfI E iS r'Jf #. riffiEtfitl015AI,0tr'jiRU1i iEffi&8. 1.4 ilJfE'u'f* EEE{*E-+ BFffi BPH iq&, H P rtfr ffi. t. Ep EI'fE H.,& EJ U & ffi ft F fi 1+ & r|J & lE w419.&, tu qX4, iErtfl +. EP_PLC55O6H7: E F( €* 6t EE E UA fi & E, E ffi i+EEp-pLc5506€ r rx * E iER€tssil & t{ +,lr rjlt l. B E gt-ffi 4. 5. €r tlltEEm{sE* *,ffi .t Df,;kE:68**6tRJ45tr. €, && rt &sU €&}., r-ffi ffi D-rlt E EE**rB&$UModem/Et 6 {*: *& Fl9l fr-ffiiE& ModemiE6 d # t&'lEI -+RJ4s tr ffi Rffi A 4, h D)l\ E Em {S 6tPLc LinkrE' E6€, H H. l'. &#tffi 10f4 * Efr H.]Il € JF'II BridgeAffi i[# &fl :t rfariage.c.Ei & E ffi H k f , rr ffi ,E ,\4{ 4 E m #. ' l)^l *fi € fl#. tiEfnriage Bffi &Efi HkT, tu Etuz\9i$t El iil Bridee AflBridge B[i9j6* FI 3t. rf iEE#filRr45 tr. : A F!4-ffi f,a\ ffi ffi 6#rE#. ll H2 DLt E EEB,{*ffi Ar&ffi EiE*it6 6! trttrffi E-t # E : T*# *, h tjl t ru EFd**ffi EA €iF#tr A! ffi #t, ril+A E'ffi H, & ffi & FC. h 7 *.8 e.E l* EE, i€,+ H r til tr\ E rE m {S H &hfrfffi LffiE, 2. E 3. E €ffi d*Modem/EFrh i**WfrT: E lEEt ffisffitus. 3 4 6 Bridge AH, JH itl fr 16 lxl lF. Bri