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Using Dledls To Import Media Files




Using DLEDLs to Import Media Files About This Document This document explains the use of DLEDLs in a workflow where you need to import multiple media files in a single pass. It describes the comments used in creating DLEDLs and provides examples of basic EDLs that you can use in your projects. DLEDL Structure Using DLEDLs in your post-production workflow allows you to automate the import of media files (video and audio) residing in different locations. Instead of performing media import for each file separately, you can create a DLEDL and import all media files in a single operation, which allows you to significantly save processing time. The DLEDL is an EDL file based on the CMX 3600 format supported by most digital non-linear editing systems. The following table lists the DLEDL flags used in creating an EDL file. Please note that the order of flags always remains the same: • Clip name (EDL comment) • Start TC • File path • Video file name • Audio 1 file name • Audio 2 file name • Audio 3 file name • Audio 4 file name 1 Using DLEDLs to Import Media Files DLEDL Flag Example Description DLEDL: START TC: 10;00;00;00 The start timecode of the clip that will be created from the media files imported into Autodesk Smoke®. This timecode can be different from the source start timecode of the EDL event. Both drop-frame (00:00:00:00) and non-drop-frame (00;00;00;00) timecodes are supported. DLEDL: PATH /CXFS1/PRODUCTION1/SHOW5 The location of the files on the filesystem. All the files for an event must be in the same directory. DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: INTRO .(010@240).dpx Name of the video file sequence to load. or Numbers in parenthesis refer to frames in the DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: (009@100).dpx sequence. In this example, the following files are referenced: INTRO.010.dpx, INTRO.011.dpx, ..., INTRO.240.dpx or 009.dpx, 010.dpx, ..., 100.dpx DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE-8TRK44KHZ.AIFF_CHANNEL_1.AIF Audio file name to import. The audio files can contain one file per track (_1), one file per stereo pair (_12), or one file per multiple tracks (_1234). Supported formats are wave (.WAV) or AIFF (.AIF). DLEDL: REEL: 12345678 123456781234556 The CMX EDL format limits the length of the tape name to eight characters (Smoke has the same limit). Some editing systems do not impose a tape name length limit. If the tape name exceeds eight characters, Smoke generates a short name to be used in the EDL and stores the original name in the Source Table list at the end of the EDL file (one Source Table per EDL). NOTE: File names, tape names, and clip names cannot contain spaces or special characters. For example, TAPE 1 should be set to TAPE_1 (no space) and CLIP$,12/2 to CLIP_12_2 (no special characters). 2 Using DLEDLs Examples ❚❘❘ Using DLEDLs Examples The following examples are given to facilitate the creation of edit decision lists for the automatic import of multiple media files into a project. You can simply copy and paste the suitable example into a text editor, modify it accordingly, save the file with an .edl extension, and import the resulting file into your application. Video-only EDL TITLE: SIMPLE EDL VIDEO ONLY FCM: DROP FRAME 001 TAPENAME V C 10:00:00:00 10:00:05:00 00:00:30:00 00:00:35:00 * FROM CLIP NAME: clip DLEDL: START TC: 10;00;00;00 DLEDL: PATH: /CXFS1/PRODUCTION1/SHOW5 DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: INTRO.(010@240).dpx DLEDL: REEL:TAPENAME TAPENAMEVERYLONG Simple Video and Audio (2 Tracks) EDL TITLE: SIMPLE EDL WITH VIDEO AND 2 AUDIO TRACKS (1 TRACK PER FILE) FCM: DROP FRAME 001 TAPENAME AA/V C 10:00:00:00 10:00:05:00 00:00:30:00 00:00:35:00 * FROM CLIP NAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF DLEDL: START TC: 10;00;00;00 DLEDL: PATH: /CXFS1/PRODUCTION1/SHOW5 DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: INTRO.(010@240).dpx DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF_CHANNEL_1.AIF DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF_CHANNEL_1.AIF DLEDL: REEL:TAPENAME TAPENAMEVERYLONG 3 Using DLEDLs to Import Media Files Simple Video and Audio (4 Tracks) EDL TITLE: SIMPLE EDL WITH VIDEO AND 4 AUDIO TRACKS (1 TRACK PER FILE) FCM: DROP FRAME 001 TAPENAME AA/V C 10:00:00:00 10:00:05:00 00:00:30:00 00:00:35:00 * FROM CLIP NAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF DLEDL: START TC: 10;00;00;00 DLEDL: PATH: /CXFS1/PRODUCTION1/SHOW5 DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: INTRO.(010@240).dpx DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF_CHANNEL_1.AIF DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF_CHANNEL_2.AIF DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF_CHANNEL_3.AIF DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF_CHANNEL_4.AIF AUD 3 4 DLEDL: REEL:TAPENAME TAPENAMEVERYLONG Simple Video and Audio (2 Tracks - Stereo) EDL TITLE: SIMPLE EDL WITH VIDEO AND 2 AUDIO TRACKS (2 TRACKS PER FILE) FCM: DROP FRAME 001 TAPENAME AA/V C 10:00:00:00 10:00:05:00 00:00:30:00 00:00:35:00 * FROM CLIP NAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF DLEDL: START TC: 10;00;00;00 DLEDL: PATH: /CXFS1/PRODUCTION1/SHOW5 DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: INTRO.(010@240).dpx DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE_12.AIF DLEDL: REEL:TAPENAME TAPENAMEVERYLONG 4 Using DLEDLs Examples ❚❘❘ Simple Video and Audio (4 Tracks - Stereo) EDL TITLE: SIMPLE EDL WITH VIDEO AND 4 AUDIO TRACKS (2 TRACKS PER FILE) FCM: DROP FRAME 001 TAPENAME AA/V C 10:00:00:00 10:00:05:00 00:00:30:00 00:00:35:00 * FROM CLIP NAME: TONE-8TRK-44KHZ.AIFF DLEDL: START TC: 10;00;00;00 DLEDL: PATH: /CXFS1/PRODUCTION1/SHOW5 DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: INTRO.(010@240).dpx DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE_12.AIF DLEDL: EDIT:0 FILENAME: TONE_34.AIF AUD 3 4 DLEDL: REEL:TAPENAME TAPENAMEVERYLONG 5 © 2006 Autodesk Canada Co./Autodesk, Inc. and/or its licensors All rights reserved. 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