Using the TL-SC3171G’ s I/O terminal connector for real motion detection As the motion detection of the TL-SC3171G camera tends more to be a detection of illumination variation within the surveyed area I tried to use the 4 pin I/O terminal connector on the camera’ s backside to plug a real motion sensor to as well as an alarm device to give a signal when the motion sensor detects a any motion. Unfortunately there is no concrete example with real devices showing their connections to the 4 pin plug neither their connection to the power lines. As I'm a total newbie on electricity I began to experiment with different motion detection sensors (PIR sensors) getting them to work and finally connected to the SC3171G. As well I tried to find a timer relay able to trigger 220V lights usually used to illuminate rooms. So I figured out the SE-10 PIR sensor and the HTRONIC timer relay HB629. Without many words I present the circuit layout I brought the stuff to work the way I wished. Perhaps there are better solutions, but this circuit could be the base for further experiments. Or totally different applications, e.g. heat detection. Test: After switching off the cameras motion detection, using only the PIR motion sensor the camera detects very reliably any motion, takes a picture, sends an alarm email and switches on the alarm lamp.
Voltage values triggered and untriggered
H-Tronic timer relais
Provisional motion detection unit
Complete installation (Camara, PIR-Sensor, Timer relais, cables)
The D input port (D+ , D-) is used to connect an external sensor to the camera. The potential supplied to the D port should not exceed 12 V. The camera triggers an event (picture, email, smtp action) ether with the rising or the falling edge of an of an the alteration of the potential at the DI- pin. Which edge the camera should react to you choose within the alarm input menu, where high means the rising, low the falling edge (note: the terms high and low lead to missinterpretation). To force the camera to trigger an event the potential difference at D- must be at least about 8 V.
Get the DIP input DI+/DI- to work by switching on Setting Alarm Input to ON and set the trigger appropriate (High/Low: rising edge/falling edge) (I choose High)
Timer relais
I/O terminal connector TL-SC3171G
SE-10 PIR motion detector
Connection plan
Get the DIP output COM/NO to work by switching on the Setting Alarm Output to ON and the trigger threshold appropriate (High/Low: 12V/5V).