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Video Surveillance - Ip Digital 5/6/2011 28 2310




DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 SECTION 28 2310 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 28 1300 – Access Control. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI/NECA/BICSI 568-2006 Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling. B. BICSI TCIM Telecommunications Cabling Installation Manual, latest edition. C. BICSI TDMM Telecommunication Distribution Methods Manual, latest edition. D. IEEE 802.3af Power Over Ethernet. E. IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g - Wireless LAN Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications - Higher-Speed Physical Layer Extensions. F. IEEE 802.11e, 802.11f, 802.11i 802.11x - Quality of service and Security Enhancements. G. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; 2005. H. NFPA 75 - Standard for Protection of Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment; 2003. I. NFPA 101 - Code for Safety to Life From Fire in Buildings and Structures; 2006. J. NFPA 780 - Standard for Installation of Lightning Protection Systems; 2008. K. TIA-569-B Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces; Rev B, 2004, and latest addenda (ANSI/TIA-569). L. TIA-758 - Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard; 2004. M. TIA/EIA-526-7 - OFSTP-7 - Measurement of Optical Power Loss of Installed Single-Mode Fiber Cable Plant; 2003. N. TIA/EIA-526-14 - OFSTP-14 - Optical Power Loss Measurements of Installed Multimode Fiber Cable Plant; Rev A, 1998(R2003). O. TIA/EIA-568-B.1 - Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard - Part 1: General Requirements; 2004. P. TIA/EIA-568-B.2 - Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard - Part 2: Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Components; 2005. Q. TIA/EIA-568-B.3 - Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard - Part 3: Optical Fiber Cabling Components Standard, and Addendum 1 - Additional Transmission Performance Specifications for 50/125 um Optical Fiber Cables; Rev B, 2000, Addendum 1. R. TIA/EIA-606-A - The Administration Standard for Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings; Rev A, 2002. S. TIA J-STD-607-A Commercial Building Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications; Rev A, 2002. T. UL (ECMD) - Electrical Construction Materials Directory; latest edition. U. UL 444 - Communications Cables; 2008. V. UL 497 - Standard for Protectors for Paired-Conductor Communications Circuits; 2001 (R2009). W. UL 514C - Standard for Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush Device Boxes, and Covers; 1996 (R2008). X. UL 1581 - Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables and Flexible Cords; 2001 (R2008). Y. UL 1863 - Standard for Communications-Circuit Accessories; 2004 (R2008). 1.03 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordinate work with other trades for scheduling, rough-in, and finishing work specified. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 1 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series B. COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 Owner will not be liable for additional costs due to missed dates or poor coordination of Contractor with other trades. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. See Section 01 3000 – Administrative Requirements, for submittal procedures. B. Submit six copies of complete submission to Architect-Engineer for review. Complete submissions shall include single consolidated document consisting of five major sections. 1. Index. a. Project title and address. b. Name of firm submitting proposal. c. Summary and chronological number of each page in submission. 2. Contractor information and experience. a. License number. b. Name of official Contractor contact. c. Copies of permits and permit costs required for installation of video surveillance system. d. Evidence that Contractor maintains fully staffed and equipped organization capable of performing work described. e. List of installations that demonstrate experience requirements set forth above. 1) Location of installation, contact name and telephone number. 2) Description of installation and comparison to this project. f. Construction schedule indicating construction phases and specific deadlines related to installation of video surveillance system. g. Description of testing procedures. 3. Product data. Products shall be UL listed as suitable for purpose intended. a. Include technical data sheet from manufacturer specific to product and not general to group of products with response for each product proposed. This data sheet shall include physical specifications as well as electrical and transmission characteristics. 4. Factory test, result. a. Submit factory test information. b. Proposed equivalent product(s) must show demonstrated and documented equivalence to product(s) specified and be listed as suitable for purpose intended. C. Guarantee. 1. Execute and deliver written guarantee prior to issue of final certificate. 2. Should any defect develop during guarantee period due to improper materials, workmanship, or arrangement, it shall, upon written notice, be made good to Owner without expense to Owner. Any work affected in correcting such defects shall also be made good. 3. Guarantee period: Two years. D. Contractor Closeout Submittals. 1. Factory set-up, operation and maintenance manuals for equipment and devices supplied as part of this work. 2. Operators manuals and troubleshooting guides for installed system configuration. 3. Submit ''as-built'' documentation in following format, at project completion. a. Drawings to include riser diagrams for video surveillance system and floor plan drawings with equipment locations and outlet locations labeled and marked in AutoCad .dwg format. Elevation drawings of racks/cabinets and wall mounted cabling/equipment for video surveillance system. b. Include on drawings location of new electrical circuiting done as part of this work and panel schedules for new electrical circuit sources. 1) Four complete blue line sets and electronic AutoCad .dwg format on CD. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 2 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series c. d. COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 Termination and labeling documentation. 1) Four sets of 8.5 inch by 11 inch printouts in white plastic binders, by building, floor, equipment location, rack, panel and outlet location and one electronic copy in .XLS format. See Architect-Engineer for sample spreadsheet. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, installation, and starting of product. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conform to requirements of NFPA 70. (Current Edition). B. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience and with service facilities within 100 miles of Project. C. Supplier Qualifications: Authorized distributor of specified manufacturer with minimum three years documented experience. D. Installer Qualifications: Authorized certified installers of specified manufacturer equipment with service facilities within 100 miles of Project. E. Contractor shall be licensed and bonded low-voltage contractor with demonstrated experience in installation of twisted-pair, coaxial and fiber optic cable, inside wiring, outside wiring, and supporting materials and equipment. F. Proof of technician training for products to be installed must be submitted prior to start of work. G. Changing of supervisor and technicians during work must be approved by Owner. New supervisors and technicians, prior to approval, must also present proof of training for products to be installed. H. Employ BICSI Registered Communication Distribution Designer (RCDD). I. Have installed video surveillance system in building similar in size and scope to this project. J. Employ BICSI Registered Cabling Installation Technicians (RIT) for work. K. Coordinate layout and installation of video surveillance cabling and equipment with Owner’s representative, LAN equipment and other trades on-site. L. Record agreements reached in meetings and distribute to other participants. M. Coordinate layout of equipment with Owner’s representative, LAN equipment and telephone equipment, other service suppliers and other trades on-site. N. Products: Furnish products listed and classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. as suitable for purpose specified and indicated. 1.06 OWNER'S OPTIONS A. Reference in Specifications to any article, device, product, material, fixture, form, or type of construction by name, make or catalog number shall be interpreted as establishing standard of quality and shall not be construed as limiting competition. B. However, unless agreement contains statement or statements designating otherwise, following provisions shall apply. 1. Where Specification mentions names, makes, types or styles, Contractor shall employ one of these subcontractors, fabricators or processes and shall furnish such make, type or style so specified, regardless of any reference to phrase "or other approved", or other words to that effect, which may appear in Specification. 2. Or other approved, shall be judged solely by Architect-Engineer. 1.07 INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS AND DRAWINGS A. Take necessary field measurements and otherwise verify dimensions shown on drawings, including Contractor's, subcontractors' and manufacturers' shop drawings. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 3 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 B. Specifications and drawings are intended to describe work and to furnish sufficient information to indicate what is necessary for construction of work, complete in details. C. Do not take advantage of any manifestly unintentional error, omission, or inconsistency, should such exist. D. Should error, omission, or inconsistency appear in Specifications or drawings, before proceeding with work, call same to Architect-Engineer's attention for proper determination. E. Do not proceed with work in uncertainty. 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. See Section 01 6000 – Product Requirements, for transportation, storage, and handling requirements. B. Store products in original packaging. Protect products from weather and construction traffic. Do not install damaged products, replace without cost to Owner. C. Coordinate delivery and storage with site Construction Manager. 1.09 WARRANTY A. Before final certificate is issued execute and deliver written warranty. B. Should any defect develop during warranty period due to improper materials, workmanship, or arrangement, same shall, upon written notice, be made good to Owner without expense to Owner. Any work affected in correcting such defects shall also be made good. C. Warranty period: Two years unless different period of time is expressly stated under any section of Specification. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SYSTEM A. Provide video communications between points of surveillance indicated on drawings and central monitoring station. B. Capacity. 1. Cameras: Quantity as shown on drawings. 2. Monitors: Existing. C. Distribution: IP Digital. 2.02 COMPONENTS A. New and UL listed for purpose. B. Manufacturers. 1. Arecont Vision: 2. Bosch Communication & Security Systems, Inc: 3. Panasonic: 4. Sony: 5. Sanyo: 6. Axis: 7. Pelco: 8. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. C. System Operations and Features. 1. Camera control functions should be accomplished by microprocessor-based digital control system having following features provided from video surveillance equipment located at control location. a. Full camera functions, including pan/tilt, zoom, focus, iris, camera on/off, and other auxiliary functions. User controlled functions to be on a single controller unit, making operation of system simple, fast, and efficient. b. Independent programming of sequence, alarming, and prepositioning for each monitor. Each monitor is independent of other monitoring stations. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 4 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 c. 2. 3. D. Call up of prepositioned scenes. Automatically calls-up prepositioned scene and adjusts pan/tilt, zoom, and focus functions. d. Interface to video verification capabilities of access control systems as described in Section 28 1300. e. Auto sequence stop and start. User controlled automatic or manual operation. f. Alarm sequencing. Automatically sequences cameras which are in an alarm condition. g. Alarm closure arm and clear. System can be programmed to either call up or bypass cameras in alarm condition. h. Call up camera to monitor. Specialized security needs can be monitored independently while other monitor points continue to sequence cameras. i. On screen camera ID and up to eight user selected alphanumerics for each camera. Multiple camera locations are easily defined, plus additional information can be customized for each camera. j. Built-in time and date generator. Additional time and date equipment is not needed if built in. k. Up to eight prepositioned scenes for each camera. Camera can automatically pan/tilt, zoom, and focus to its prepositioned locations. l. Automatic camera sequencing to monitors. Allows viewing at several locations. m. Camera firmware must be compatible with Genetec software. Transmit control functions to each respective camera by means of twisted pair of wires and/or fiber optic cable. Do not use individual multiconductor cables. Interlock control functions when opposing in direction, but provide simultaneous operation of pan, tilt, and zoom to allow rapid tracking of subject under surveillance. General Surveillance Cameras. 1. Suggested product: Arecont MegaVideo Series H.264, network enabled Dual Sensor color and day\night camera AV3130M. a. 3 Megapixel. b. Network interface via eight-pin RJ-45 connector, 10-Base-T /100-Base-TX Ethernet. c. Utilizes H.254 and MJPEG compression. d. Capable of supporting up to eight users in H.264 format or in MJPEG format simultaneously over network. e. Maximum frame rate capability over LAN: Up to 32 frames per second at 1280 X 1024 resolution. f. Capability of selecting either H.264 or MJPEG compression formats. 1) Compression levels 21. g. Provide user configurable port settings. h. Internal image memory size: 8 MB for alarm buffering. i. Capable of pre and post alarm buffering. j. Capable of specifying up to eight users inclusive of administrator, and allow each user to have one of four levels of access. k. Camera lens specifications. 1) Vari-focal 4mm to 10mm DC type auto iris lens, F=2.0. 2) Horizontal viewing angle: 94.8 degrees. 3) Minimum object distance: 200 mm. l. Video-electrical requirements. 1) Input power PoE802.3af. 2) Power connection by screw down mini-terminal connector. 3) Color camera requiring minimum scene illumination of: 0.2 lux at F1.4 and in day\night mode ) 0 Lux , IR sensitive. 4) Use Power Over Ethernet (PoE) 802.3af standard located in telecommunications rooms. 5) Power consumption: 3.2 watts maximum. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 5 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 m. Mechanical requirements. 1) Lens mount: CS type. n. Environmental requirements. 1) Operating temperature: 0 degree C to plus 50 degrees C. o. System requirements. 1) Operating system requirements: Genetec Video Software. p. Supplied accessories. 1) CD ROM containing user guide and setup program (one). 2) Installation manual (one). 3) Environmental Housing HSG1-O-W. 4) Warranty card. E. PTZ Dome Camera. 1. Suggested product: Arecont MegaDome, network enabled Dual Sensor color and day\night camera AV3155DN. a. 5 Megapixel. b. Network interface via eight-pin RJ-45 connector, 10-Base-T /100-Base-TX Ethernet. c. Utilizes H.254 and MJPEG compression. d. Capable of supporting up to four users in H.264 format or in MJPEG format simultaneously over network. e. Maximum frame rate capability over LAN: Up to 32 frames per second at 2592 X 1944 resolution. f. Capability of selecting either H.264 or MJPEG compression formats. 1) Compression levels 21. g. Minimum slow shutter setting: 1ms second, and maximum of 1/100,000 second. h. Provide user configurable port settings. i. Internal image memory size: 8 MB for alarm buffering. j. Capable of pre and post alarm buffering. k. Capable of specifying up to eight users inclusive of administrator, and allow each user to have one of four levels of access. l. Camera lens specifications. 1) Vari-focal 4.5 mm to 10mm DC type auto iris lens, F=1.8. 2) Minimum object distance: 200 mm. m. Video-electrical requirements. 1) Input power PoE802.3af. 2) Power connection by screw down mini-terminal connector. 3) Color camera requiring minimum scene illumination of: 0.3 lux at F1.4 and in day\night mode ) 0 Lux , IR sensitive. 4) Use Power Over Ethernet (PoE) 802.3af standard located in telecommunications rooms. 5) Power consumption: 5.0 watts maximum. n. Mechanical requirements. 1) Lens mount: CS type. o. Environmental requirements. 1) Operating temperature: 0 degree C to plus 50 degrees C. p. System requirements. 1) Operating system requirements: Genetec Video Software. q. Supplied accessories. 1) CD ROM containing user guide and setup program (one). 2) Installation manual (one). 3) Environmental Housing MD-WMT. 4) Warranty card. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 6 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 F. Panoramic Camera. 1. Suggested product: Arecont Panoramic, network enabled 360 degree view color camera AV8360. a. (4) X 2 Megapixel, 8 Megapixel total. b. Network interface via eight-pin RJ-45 connector, 10-Base-T /100-Base-TX Ethernet. c. Utilizes H.254 and MJPEG compression. d. Capable of supporting up to eight users in H.264 format or in MJPEG format simultaneously over network. e. Maximum frame rate capability over LAN: Up to 22 frames per second at 1600 X 1200 resolution. f. Capability of selecting either H.264 or MJPEG compression formats. 1) Compression levels user defined, unlimited. g. Minimum slow shutter setting: 1ms second, and maximum of 500 ms. h. Provide user configurable port settings. i. Internal image memory size: 8 MB for alarm buffering. j. Capable of pre and post alarm buffering. k. Capable of specifying up to eight users inclusive of administrator, and allow each user to have one of four levels of access. l. Camera lens specifications. 1) Vari-focal 4.0 mm DC type auto iris lens, F=2.0 2) Horizontal viewing angle: Static 360 degree Panoramic 3) Minimum object distance: 200 mm. m. Video-electrical requirements. 1) Input power PoE802.3af. 2) Power connection by screw down mini-terminal connector. 3) Color camera requiring minimum scene illumination of: 0.2 lux at F2.0 4) Use Power Over Ethernet (PoE) 802.3af standard located in telecommunications rooms. 5) Power consumption: 7.8 watts maximum. n. Mechanical requirements. 1) Lens mount: MS fixed. o. Environmental requirements. 1) Operating temperature: 0 degree C to plus 50 degrees C. p. System requirements. 1) Operating system requirements: Genetec Video Software. q. Supplied accessories. 1) CD ROM containing user guide and setup program (one). 2) Installation manual (one). 3) Enviormental Housing DOME6-I-C; Indoor 6 inch dome WMT. 4) Warranty card. G. Provide One Equipment Cabinet for loading dock area. (Coordinate with Architect-Engineer). 1. Description. a. Place where shown on Contract drawings. b. Nominal 19 inches by 48 inches high, wall mount cabinet with universal EIA hole spacing for mounting equipment and accessories. c. Material: 6061-T6 heavy-duty aluminum or equivalent. d. Finish: Powder black. e. Provide hardware for wall mounting and anchoring. f. Provide complete ground bar kit with required hardware and wire for each rack/cabinet. g. Provide one horizontal power plug strip for cabinet, with minimum of six surgeprotected outlets and 6-foot power cord. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 7 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series h. i. H. COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 Provide vertical cable management on both sides of rack/cabinet. Coordinate with Architect-Engineer. Provide one 120 VAC 20 Amp circuit for cabinet from nearest local power panel. Network Video Recorder (NVR). 1. Suggested Product: Intransa. 2. Format: Digital. 3. Intransa VDMR Technology. 4. Genentec software preload. 5. 12TB internal storage. 6. 1 GbE Network Interface. 7. Rack mount in existing security command center. 8. Web based remote access. 9. Smart search for archived video. 10. Hot Swap SATA-II, RAID 5,6 protected capacity. 11. Load NVS client software on customer designated workstations. 12. Support up to 70 Cameras. 13. Product: Intransa VA320 12TB. 14. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Fiber Optic Cable. 1. Multimode. Indoor/Outdoor. Laser Optimized. a. Cladding: 125 microns. b. Core: 50 microns. c. Construction: tight buffered, OFNR. d. Number of fibers: 6. e. Attenuation. 1) At 850 nm: 3.5 dB/km. 2) At 1300 nm: 1.5 dB/km f. Bandwidth. 1) At 850 nm: Minimum information transmission capacity for overfilled launch 1500 (MHz-km). Minimum information transmission capacity for laser launch 2000 (MHz-km). 2) At 1300 nm: Minimum information transmission capacity for overfilled launch 500 (MHz-km). g. Termination: ST using preterminated pigtails with fusion splices. h. Armored sheath for communications between communication closets. i. Acceptable manufacturers. 1) Berk-Tek. 2) Commscope. 3) SYSTIMAX. 4) Corning Cable Systems (Siecor). B. Home Run\Branch Video Cable. 1. Copper station cable. a. Category 5E. 1) Unshielded twisted pair. 2) Pairs: Four. 3) Conductor: Solid copper, 24 AWG. 4) Mutual capacitance: Less than 14 pF per foot. 5) Maximum attenuation (permanent link test) for 100 meters (328 feet): (a) At 1 MHz: 2.1 dB. (b) At 10 MHz: 6.2 dB. (c) At 16 MHz: 7.9 dB. (d) At 100 MHz: 21 dB. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 8 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 6) Next (near end crosstalk, permanent link test) for 100 meters (328 feet): (a) At 1 MHz: 60 dB worst pair to pair. (b) At 10 MHz: 54.8 dB worst pair to pair. (c) At 16 MHz: 50 dB worst pair to pair. (d) At 100 MHz: 32.3 dB worst pair to pair. 7) Impedance: 100 plus 15 ohms. 8) Shield: None. 9) Insulation: CM in conduit and CMP in plenums. 10) Jacket color: Blue. 11) Acceptable manufacturers. (a) Comscope. (b) Berk-Tek. (c) Belden. (d) Mohawk. (e) General. C. Patch Panels. 1. Provide Category 5e , 12 port patch panels wired in TIA/EIA 568B configuration in racks/cabinets at locations on Contract drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Cameras. 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, at locations on contract drawings and according to Specifications. 2. Obtain IP addresses for cameras and Analog Video to IP Encoders from Owner. Configure these devices with IP address information. 3. Assist with network configuration and help with network troubleshooting to ensure proper CCTV operation. B. Horizontal Cabling. 1. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, contract drawings and specifications. 2. Use Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Category 5e cable for horizontal circuits up to 300 feet. Provide manufacturer's preassembled patch cords from same manufacturer to connect cameras to faceplate. Coordinate lengths with Architect-Engineer. 3. Use Multimode 50/125 fiber optic cable and media converters for circuits over 300 feet. 4. Use Multimode 50/125 fiber optic cable and media converters for backbone and riser. 5. Install cable with care, using techniques which prevent kinks, sharp bends, scrapes, cuts, or deformation of jacket, or similar damage. Follow building lines, do not cut across spaces. 6. Materials with damage will not be accepted during inspection by Architect-Engineer. 7. Replace unacceptable cable without expense to Owner. 8. Route to avoid interference with other services or systems operations, and maintenance purposes e.g., access boxes, ventilation mixing boxes, access hatches to air filters, switch or electrical outlets, electrical panels, fire alarm equipment, clock systems, and lighting fixtures. 9. Provide adequate support, length, protection, and flexibility around movable devices, instruments, subpanels and similar components so cable is not damaged if equipment is moved. 10. Do not support or tie-wrap any cables to ductwork, plumbing lines, fire suppression, electrical conduits, mechanical systems, or ceiling system. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 9 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 11. Install sleeves at structure penetrations. Extend sleeves 3 inches beyond surface on both sides of structure penetration. Ream and bush sleeves. Contractor is responsible to place fireproofing materials during installation of cables to maintain required fire rating of structure penetrated. Label firestop locations on both sides within 12 inches of location. See EIA/TIA-606, latest revision. 12. Install CCTV cables in grounded cable tray or conduit as indicated on Contract drawings or "J" hooks in areas where there is no cable tray. Support cable every 4 feet minimum. Use velcro tie wraps for CCTV cabling. 13. Outlet locations: Single-gang box with 3/4 inch conduit stubbed 12 inches above ceiling with 6 inch radius and plastic bushing, 90 degree bend at top. Top pointed toward cable tray or pathway to cable distribution point. Inaccessible ceilings: Conduit through ceiling to cable tray or pathway to distribution point. 14. Cable shall not share raceway with electrical power wiring. 15. Label cables 3 inches from each end. a. Label format for backbone (BCT) or riser cables (RCT): "originating room number" "BCT" or "RCT" - "terminating room number" - "cable number ". Example 112-BCT110-10. Originating room 112 - BCT= Backbone CCTV - terminating room - 110 cable number 10. b. Label format for horizontal cables: "equipment room number" - "CT" - "outlet room number" - "outlet number in room". Example 101-CT-110-10. Equipment room 101 CT=CCTV - outlet room -110 - cable outlet 10. 16. Labels: Machine printed self-laminating wrap around type. 17. Follow cable manufacturer's bend radius limitations and pull tension limitations. 18. Follow raceway fill limitations of NFPA 70, National Electric Code. 19. Support riser cable at each floor with strain relief clamps. Use "D" clamps and velcro tie wraps on backboard if no other means of support is present. 20. Install same pattern of sleeve usage on each floor so riser cables run parallel from floor to floor, not in braided fashion. C. Cabinet. 1. Wall mount, 48 inches high, 24 inches wide, 30 inches deep. 2. Install engraved laminated, phenolic designation plate on each data/telecommunication rack or cabinet. Plate: 1 inch high by 4 inches wide, white with black letters. Helvetica letter heights: 3/4 inch on rack and cabinet plates. 3. Provide and install electrical circuit for cabinets and equipment. Minimum of one circuit per rack is required. See Contract drawings for each location. 4. Provide and install power distribution unit with six surge protected outlets and 6-foot cord. 5. Provide and install grounding kits for cabinet. a. Bond racks/cabinets to telecommunications ground bar (TGB) with No. 6 AWG green ground wire minimum. Refer to TIA/EIA J-STD-607, latest revision, for wire gauge sizes required based on distance from TGB. If TGB is not available, bond to known good building ground. Check resistance for building ground with true RMS multimeter to circuit ground in room. Ensure there is no more than 1 ohm resistance measured. D. Indoor Conduit/Sleeves. 1. 3/4 inches from outlet boxes. 2. 4 inches for floor to floor sleeves. 3. 4 inches for sleeves used at equipment or telecommunications rooms. 4. Provide and install wall sleeves to be sized for number of required cables plus 10 percent by National Electric Code fill ratio. 5. Extend sleeves 3 inches beyond penetrated surfaces on both sides and ream and bush on both ends. 6. Firestop sleeves to meet same requirements as structure penetrated. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 10 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series 7. E. COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 Label firestop locations within 12 inches of firestopped penetration, to meet EIA/TIA-606, latest revision. Termination Equipment. 1. Enclosures for optical fiber backbone/riser/station cables. a. Include termination panels for SC type connectors. b. Sufficient size and capacity with splice trays to terminate fiber count. c. See contract drawings for locations and types. d. Enclosures: Rack mounted. e. Couplings and connecting panels. 1) Retain six couplings per panel. 2) Acceptable manufacturers. (a) Panduit. (b) Commscope. (c) SYSTIMAX. (d) Corning Cable Systems (Siecor). f. Connectors and adapters. 1) Optical fiber connectors. (a) Type: SC. 2) Acceptable manufacturers. (a) Panduit. (b) Commscope. (c) SYSTIMAX. (d) Corning Cable Systems (Siecor). 3) Optical Fiber adapters. (a) Ceramic. Type: SC. 4) Acceptable manufacturers. (a) Panduit. (b) Commscope. (c) SYSTIMAX. (d) Corning Cables Systems (Siecor). g. Optical fiber patch cords. 1) To connect fiber to equipment. Coordinate connector types to match enclosures and terminating equipment. Coordinate with Architect-Engineer. 2) Acceptable manufacturers. (a) Provide manufacturer's preassembled patch cords. Manufactured by same company as fiber optic cable. Lengths and quantities to be supplied by Architect-Engineer. h. Label optical fiber cable at optical fiber termination enclosure units shown on contract drawings. 1) Provide and install labels on face of unit by fiber optic cable and strand. 2) Order strands consecutively from top to bottom of unit, left to right. i. Faceplates. 1) Terminate horizontal fiber optic cables at locations shown on Contract drawings. 2) Provide single-gang faceplates and SC connectors for termination. Coordinate faceplate color with Owner and Architect-Engineer. 3) Label faceplate, to match cable terminated at outlet, with machine printed label. 2. Install Category 5e, 48 port patch panels wired in TIA/EIA 568B configuration in racks/cabinets at locations on contract drawings. Terminate horizontal UTP cabling to IP camera outlets in patch panels. a. Provide two manufacturer's preassembled Blue Category 5e patch cords from same manufacturer as horizontal UTP cabling for each horizontal camera cable in telecommunications room. Coordinate lengths with Architect-Engineer. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 11 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series b. F. COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 Label patch panels with cabinet number they are in and patch panel number. Patch panels are numbered from top to bottom. Ensure patch panel ports are labeled left to right. CCTV Electronic Equipment. 1. Install CCTV electronic equipment as shown in Contract rack/cabinet elevation drawings. Provide shelves as shown in Contract drawings. 2. Provide patch cords with connectors on both ends. Coordinate connector types and patch cord lengths with Architect-Engineer. 3.02 INTERFACE WITH OTHER PRODUCTS A. Coordinate installation of video surveillance and interface with security access, intrusion detection, CCTV display, video recording and emergency power supply systems. Provide software, hardware and cabling to interface CCTV system with these systems. Coordinate with Architect-Engineer. 3.03 MANUFACTURER'S FIELD SERVICES A. Provide services of manufacturer's technical representative to prepare and start systems and supervise final wiring connections and system adjustments. Provide written statement from this representative assuring correct installation and operation. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Cabling Test. 1. Test fiber cable backbone and Unshielded Twisted Pair horizontal distribution cables after installation. Replace damaged sections by pulling new line without cost to Owner. 2. Visual Inspection. a. Inspect cable jackets for certification markings. b. Inspect cable terminations for color coded labels of proper type. c. Inspect outlet plates and patch panels for complete labels. d. Inspect electronic equipment and patch cords for complete labels. 3. Test Category CAT5E workstation data cable to meet TIA/EIA-568, latest revision specifications. a. Test from data patch panel to jacks using CAT5E test equipment. b. Perform tests in accordance with latest TIA/EIA-568, latest revision, testing parameters. c. Perform tests with connectors installed. d. Any outlet, cable or component not satisfactorily passing tests or failing to meet quality installation standards as described in specification, shall be repaired and/or replaced as directed by Architect-Engineer at Contractor's expense. e. Prepare complete cable test reports for installed cables for review and acceptance by Architect-Engineer prior to acceptance of CCTV cabling system. f. Conduct CCTV cable testing by experienced technician using Agilent Technologies WireScope 350, Fluke DTX 1800 or Architect-Engineer approved equal for certification testing. g. Calibrate cable tester to type of cable being tested prior to beginning cable certifications. h. Submit descriptions of proposed calibration procedure to Architect-Engineer for approval prior to beginning testing. i. CAT5E Horizontal Cable Certification report: Complete testing of Permanent Link and Channel, at frequency increments as indicated in TIA/EIA-568, latest revision. j. Provide copies of Cable Certification reports in both hard copy and native electronic media format. Provide copy of associated Cable Tester's Database management software with electronic copy test results. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 12 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series 4. B. COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 Test fiber to meet following criteria. a. Optical fiber cable. 1) Use Optical Time Domain Reflectometer equipped with: (a) Printer for data showing complete test trace and relevant scale settings in addition to summary information. (b) Interface (patch cord) to test individual fiber strands. 2) Before installation, test optical fiber cable on reel to ensure that it meets contract document's and manufacturer's specifications. 3) Attach printed data for each strand to each form. 4) Use same patch cord for each strand to keep readings consistent. 5) Buff fiber to abrasive level of 1 micron or less. 6) After installation, test each multimode fiber at both 850 and 1300 nm wavelengths and single mode fiber at 1310 and 1550 nm to meet TIA/EIA-526-7, latest revision, TIA/EIA-526-14, latest revision and TIA/EIA-568, latest revision. (a) Test riser cable at both ends. (b) Two test procedures using OTDR are acceptable. (c) Test riser strands in telecommunications rooms and then test strands from other room locations. b. When two people are performing test procedures, one shall remain in Telecommunications Room and record data for each strand, while other person will attach jumper cable with appropriate connectors on both ends to each outlet and progress from fiber to fiber. c. Acceptable connector loss for fiber: Not to exceed 0.4 dB for optical fiber cable. d. If loss is greater than 0.4 dB, check connector for proper buffing or contaminants before retesting. e. When loss is greater than 0.5 dB, replace fiber connector. f. If fractures, no matter how small, are detected during examination of fiber connector, replace fiber connector. g. Optical fiber system testing. 1) Test fiber (100 percent) using power meter, testing cables in both directions. 2) Provide test report and include as minimum beyond tester information for cables: (a) Fiber cable number. (b) Fiber length. (c) Tester make and Model No. (d) Tester calibration date. 3) Conduct cable testing by experienced technician using Agilent Wirescope 350, Fluke DTX 1800 or equivalent tester. CCTV System Testing. 1. Perform functional test of each camera by calling up each camera scene to verify that cameras are operating and clear image is being received. Check functions for proper operation including date/time generation. Conduct testing from camera control location (Security station, etc.). 2. Automatic camera call-up on alarm monitor (no more than 2 seconds) upon activation of intrusion detection system should be fast enough to observe intruder before he/she crosses camera field of view. Video recording system: Capable of recording and playing back camera scene showing intruder crossing camera zone. 3. Test PTZ cameras programming to ensure they position themselves to view area from which alarm was received. 4. Conduct "field-of-view testing" to ensure that at far point of camera field of view, image of intruder can be seen clearly. This shall verify inner perimeter is within camera field of view for every camera. 5. Check video recording systems for proper operation and playback in different modes. VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 13 DETROIT REGIONAL CONVENTION FACILITY AUTHORITY PHASE II b PROJECTS SDG PROJECT NUMBER:10105.60 KAHN PROJECT NUMBER: 02881-Series COBO CENTER 1 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI, 48226 6. If multiple monitors are used for continuous display, verify their function and sequencing (if sequencing is employed). 7. Conduct tests to check if any obstruction, lighting condition or shadow can prevent effective observation. 8. If special-application cameras are used (for example, very-low-light-level, video motion detection, or infrared), test their operation. 9. Conduct foregoing tests at day and at night to ensure that lighting is adequate and cameras can function properly in low-light conditions. Additionally, conduct functional test at sunrise or sunset to verify that positioning camera directly toward sun doesn't degrade camera functions. 10. Provide copies of test results in 8-1/2 by 11 binder. C. Special Considerations. 1. Integrate CCTV testing with related system testing, such as intrusion detection, automatic CCTV display, video recorders, emergency power supplies, access systems and other subsystems of site security system, when they exist, to ensure interfaces and programming are correct. 3.05 ADJUSTING A. Adjust manual lens irises in accordance with manufacturer's specifications to meet lighting conditions. B. Adjust camera positions for optimal coverage of area to be observed. Coordinate with Owner and Architect-Engineer. 3.06 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. Commissioning. 1. Conduct walking tour of project and briefly describe function, operation and maintenance of each component. 2. Verify cable plant documents indicate specified products installed. 3. Submit manufacturer's cut sheets (not generic product distribution sheets). 4. Verify cable and hardware match bid document submittals. 5. Conduct systems acceptance test on entire system as follows: a. Provide written statement that work is completed as indicated. b. Take physical Inventory of equipment installed and compare to equipment lists in contract documents. Provide documentation in spreadsheet and .XLS electronic file format of each equipment type, location, serial numbers, warranty length, service provider and contact phone number in 8-1/2 by 11 binder. c. Provide documentation of final settings, adjustments and connections for equipment in spreadsheet and .XLS electronic file format on CD. Include equipment type, location and serial number for each piece of equipment. d. Demonstrate operation of systems equipment and provide 4 hours of instruction each for three Owner designated personnel with manufacturer's training personnel. e. Final "as-built" drawings, manuals and other documentation shall be on hand. Deliver complete sets of these documents for review. Review to be completed prior to acceptance. f. In event further adjustment is required, or defective equipment must be repaired or replaced, test may be suspended or continued at later date at option of Owner. Update required documentation by Contractor prior to acceptance. g. Provide written documentation of demonstration procedure (date, who performed it, any comments, etc.). h. Observe on-site installation to ensure conformance to contract documents. 3.07 MAINTENANCE A. Furnish pricing for service and maintenance of video surveillance system for period of one year after warranty. END OF SECTION VIDEO SURVEILLANCE - IP DIGITAL 5/6/2011 ALBERT KAHN ASSOCIATES, INC. Controlled document is electronic file on Kahn server. Verify latest version. (c) 28 2310 - 14