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Vision Solutions Portal




Read This First Version 7.1 Service Pack MIMIX version includes all relevant changes to version and earlier levels of version 7.1. Prerequisites: If you are upgrading to MIMIX version 7.1, a MIMIX version 7.0 service pack ( or higher) must be installed first. This prerequisite does not apply if you are installing MIMIX as part of a migration from an OMS/ODS™ product. Supported installation processes This document can be used for either or both of the following: • Install or upgrade the product, its portal application, and Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) on its native IBM i operating system. This can be done using the MIMIX Installation wizard for IBM i (recommended) or a 5250 stream file (does not install VSP and requires the Using License Manager. book.) • Install or upgrade the product’s portal application and VSP on a system running a supported Windows operating system. This requires using the MIMIX Portal Application Wizard for Windows. To see requirements for using either wizard, click the More Info link from the wizard’s Welcome panel. Action required This document provides service pack installation instructions for all supported installation media. Document Section IBM i Windows “Before installing the service pack” on page 3 Required Check for special instructions “Installing the service pack on IBM Power Systems” on page 7 Required – “After installing the service pack instructions” on page 8 Required Check for special instructions “VSP 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows” on page 11 – Required Important changes You should be aware of the information in the following topics before you install this service pack: First time installing or upgrading to version 7.1 Long initial startup for 7.1 and options to minimize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Behavior change Portal connections no longer fail with both MIMIX and iOptimize instances . . . . . . . 14 VSP can be installed via INSVSISVR command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Enhancement New subscriptions added for MIMIX events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 MIMIX and Vision Solutions are registered trademarks and iOptimize, MIMIX Availability Manager, MIMIX Enterprise, MIMIX Global, and MIMIX Professional are trademarks of Vision Solutions, Inc. AIX, AS/400, DB2, eServer, i5/OS, IBM, iSeries, OS/ 400, Power, System i, and WebSphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 Read This First System manager backlog information added . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 VSP supports of SSL connection entry (Action required) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . Also check the Before Installing and After Installing sections for potential configuration changes. To see a list of fixes included with this service pack, see “Fixes included in service pack” on page 14. Superseded This service pack includes the contents of the following superseded service packs. If you do not already have the following service packs installed, their contents are also installed when you install service pack To see highlights and additional fixes for a superseded service pack, click on the link. - Highlights and fixes - Highlights and fixes - Highlights and fixes - Highlights and fixes - Highlights and fixes - Highlights and fixes - Highlights and fixes - Highlights and fixes MIMIX and Vision Solutions are registered trademarks and iOptimize, MIMIX Availability Manager, MIMIX Enterprise, MIMIX Global, and MIMIX Professional are trademarks of Vision Solutions, Inc. AIX, AS/400, DB2, eServer, i5/OS, IBM, iSeries, OS/ 400, Power, System i, and WebSphere are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 Installation Instructions Before installing the service pack Step 1 through Step 8 identify areas that may require modifications to your MIMIX environment before you install the service pack. 1. It is strongly recommended that you apply any IBM PTFs (or their supersedes) associated with IBM i releases as they pertain to your environment. Refer to the Recommended OS Fixes link on the Customer Care page in Support Central for a list of required and recommended IBM PTFs. 2. Move any user-created objects or programs in libraries LAKEVIEW, MIMIXQGPL, or VSI001LIB or in the IFS location /visionsolutions/http/vsisvr to a different library before installing this service pack. Any user-created objects or programs, including programs created as part of MIMIX Model Switch Framework, in these locations will be deleted during the installation process. Job descriptions, such as the job description used by the MIMIX Port job, can continue to be placed into the MIMIXQGPL library. 3. Ensure that only user-created objects or programs related to a product installation exist within the product’s installation library or a data library. Examples of related objects for MIMIX® Availability™ products include user created step programs, user exit programs, and programs created as part of a MIMIX Model Switch Framework implementation. 4. If you run other products that use the same journals on the same systems as MIMIX, such as Double-Take® Share™, iOptimize™, or MIMIX® Director™, there may be considerations for journal receiver management. For details, see "Interaction with other products that manage receivers" in the MIMIX Administrator Reference book. 5. Certain types of information must not be replicated. Check and change your configuration if necessary so that the following information is not replicated: Table 1.Data to exclude from MIMIX replication Data Category Type Do Not Replicate Application Environment Temporary objects or files You may not need to replicate temporary files, work files, and temporary objects, including DLOs and stream files. Evaluate how your applications use such files to determine if they need to be replicated. System Environment Libraries IBM-supplied libraries, files, and other objects for System i, which typically begin with the prefix Q. User profiles System user profiles, such as QSYSOPR and QSECOFR © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Before installing the service pack Table 1.Data to exclude from MIMIX replication (Continued) Data Category Type Do Not Replicate MIMIX Environment Libraries (and contents) LAKEVIEW MIMIXQGPL MIMIX product installation libraries MIMIX data libraries MXIWIZ* VSI001LIB Note: MIMIX is the default name for the MIMIX installation library -- the library in which MIMIX® Enterprise™ or MIMIX® Professional™ is installed. MIMIX data libraries are associated with a MIMIX installation library and have names in the format installationlibrary-name_x, where x is a letter or number. iOptimize Environment IFS directories /LakeviewTech /visionsolutions/http/vsisvr /VisionISOImages User profiles LAKEVIEW MIMIXOWN MIMIXCLU If iOptimize is installed on the same system or in the same partition as MIMIX, do not replicate the following: Libraries (and contents) IOPT71 IOPTSPLARC IOPTOBJARC Authorization lists IOAUTLST71 User profiles and corresponding message queues IOPTOWNER ITIDGUI VSI001LIB Device description VSINSVRT IFS directory VISIONSOLUTIONS © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 Before installing the service pack Table 1.Data to exclude from MIMIX replication (Continued) Data Category Type Do Not Replicate MIMIX Director™ Environment For MIMIX Director, 8n is the release level. For example, n=1 in release 8.1. If MIMIX Director is installed on the same system or in the same partition as MIMIX, do not replicate the following: Libraries (and contents) ITID8n IDSPLARC8n IDOBJARC8n Authorization lists IDAUTLST8n User profiles and corresponding message queues ITIDOWNER ITIDGUI VSI001LIB Device description VSINSVRT IFS directory VISIONSOLUTIONS 6. Library QTEMP cannot be in the system portion of the library list. Use this command to access options to display and change the list: WRKSYSVAL SYSVAL(QSYSLIBL) 7. Review Technical Alerts which can be found at Support Central in the Notifications section of the Customer Care page. From Support Central, choose My Product >Customer Care > Notifications. 8. If required, special instructions are listed below by service pack. Perform any actions necessary for your environment before installing. It is necessary to perform any special instructions provided for, as well as any listed special instructions for service packs that are not yet installed. (You can skip special instructions for service packs already installed on your systems.) Step 9 through Step 13 will end MIMIX products for an installation. If you are installing via the MIMIX Installation Wizard, wait until the wizard instructs you to end MIMIX. If you have multiple installations of MIMIX, the first installation updated will update License Manager. Because of this, you should end MIMIX on all installations before installing. 9. Use the following command on a management system to end replication processes, audits, and supporting processes for the MIMIX installation: installation-library/ENDMMX ENDOPT(*CNTRLD) Note: Based on your environment and the parameters you specified, it may take some time for the ENDMMX command to complete. Ensure that all your jobs are ended before continuing. For optimal availability, do not end the remote journal links as part of ending MIMIX. 10. Repeat Step 9 for each additional MIMIX installation. 11. If you are not using MIMIX to schedule audits, ensure that your scheduling mechanism does not start audits during the installation process. 12. If you are using Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) from an IBM i platform, end the VSP server on the system where it runs. This prevents object locking issues that can interfere with the install process when subscriptions are used or when VSP users are logged in. • If the VSP server runs on an IBM i platform, use the following command: VSI001LIB/ENDVSISVR © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 5 Before installing the service pack • If the VSP server runs on a Windows platform, from the Windows Start menu, select All Programs > Vision Solutions Portal > Stop Server and click Stop Server. 13. , Ensure that all MIMIX jobs are ended before preforming this step. Use the following command on all systems to end the MIMIX subsystem: ENDSBS SBS(MIMIXSBS)OPTION(*IMMED) © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 6 Installation Instructions Installing the service pack on IBM Power Systems MIMIX Installation Wizard strongly recommended: The MIMIX Installation Wizard provides a simple method for downloading, distributing, and installing version 7.1 products on a single IBM Power™ System or on multiple Power Systems simultaneously. The wizard also: • Easily and automatically obtains and applies license keys via Vision AutoValidate™. • Automatically installs the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) server and MIMIX portal application on the selected IBM Power™ Systems, or upgrades them if needed. If you skip the VSP shutdown step, updates to the server are not installed and MIMIX portal application updates are not deployed to the server. The server provides support for browser-based user interfaces to Vision Solutions products which provide portal applications. The MIMIX Installation Wizard does not support installing into a library located on an independent ASP. Support Central provides an executable (.exe) file for each product download, which contains the MIMIX Installation Wizard as well as the actual product update. Requirements for using the wizard are available from Support Central as well as from the More Info link on the wizard’s Welcome panel. Do the following: 1. If you haven’t already, download the MIMIX Installation Wizard for this service pack. 2. Run the wizard. Note: If you cannot use the MIMIX Installation Wizard in your environment, download the stream file for the service pack. The Using License Manager book includes the secondary install procedures and supporting information for installing via the 5250 emulator. This process will not install or upgrade Vision Solutions Portal; however, additional options for installing Vision Solutions Portal are addressed in the “After Installing” section of this document. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 7 Installation Instructions After installing the service pack instructions The following topics describe changes in this service pack that may require modifications to your MIMIX environment after you install. Special instructions are listed below by service pack. Perform any actions necessary for your environment after installing. It is necessary to perform any special instructions provided for, as well as any listed special instructions for service packs that were yet not installed when you started this process. (You can skip special instructions for service packs previously installed on your system.) Perform a controlled end and change data group to use immediate commit mode. .35 Change definition for preexisting data groups to use shared object send process . .36 Update automation that uses MXSYSDFN outfile if needed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Change policies to allow priority auditing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Deploy DG configuration before initial startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Change journal definitions for systems on which target inspection will run . . . . . . . .50 Evaluate programs for use of journal entry time stamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Change FEOPT parameter for lock member during apply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59 Optionally install VSP on a Windows system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Synchronize replicated *VLDL objects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 VSP Add IBM Flex System Event Log portlet to a custom page in VSP . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 Create group to share instance configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Set up INTRA configuration to be managed through VSP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Ensure prerequisites are met to use subscriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Update code for automation that changes DB apply threshold values . . . . . . . . . . .17 Update node configurations and related automation for node support in *NONCLU application groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Supported values can be specified for OBJONTGT policy if they were changed per technical alert TA_MX7.1_208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 The following steps must be performed after successfully installing on all systems: 1. Use the following command to start the MIMIX subsystem on all systems: STRSBS SBSD(MIMIXQGPL/MIMIXSBS) 2. Ensure that your communications servers are started on all systems. Use the command WRKACTJOB SBS(MIMXSBS) to confirm that jobs have been started by any autostart jobs. If necessary, start the servers. For example, use the following command for TCP: installation-library/STRSVR HOST(system) PORT(nnnnn) where system is the host name or address and nnnnn is the port number or alias defined in the transfer definition for the system on which you are running this command 3. On each installation, use the following command on the management system to start all system managers, journal managers, collector services, application groups, data groups, monitors including the master monitor, the MXAUDITSCD job, and the MXCOMMD job: installation-library/STRMMX © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 8 Installation Instructions 4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for each additional MIMIX installation. 5. As needed, do the following: a. Make any known configuration changes on any installation that was upgraded. Check the special instructions above for details. b. Update your Runbook. For more information about the Runbook, contact your certified MIMIX consultant. (The Runbook Capture Tool is not supported in V7.) 6. Check MIMIX status using the information provided in the MIMIX Operations book. 7. If you use or plan to use Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) from a system running Windows®, install the latest portal application. The VSP server will be installed or upgraded as needed. Go to “VSP 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows” on page 11. 8. If you use or plan to use Vision Solutions Portal from a system running IBM i, complete the following steps as needed for your environment. a. What process was used to install or upgrade MIMIX? MIMIX Installation Wizard VSP is installed at a level that is compatible with the latest portal application for the product. Did you accept defaults in the MIMIX Installation Wizard for restarting Vision Solutions Portal? Yes - Skip to Step e. No - Skip to Step d. Command line install process (5250 emulator) Command line install processes (found in the Using License Manager book) restore the latest portal application, but do not install or upgrade the VSP server, and do not make the server aware of the restored portal application. What type of product installation did you complete? New installation - Install VSP on a system running IBM i. Continue with Step b. Upgrade - Make the latest portal application available. Continue with Step c. b. Install VSP on a system using either of these methods: Recommended method Use the MIMIX Installation Wizard and select the option “MIMIX portal application only”. This will also install the VSP server as needed to support the portal application. Alternate method If you cannot use the wizard, use the VSP stream file installation method documented in the Using License Manager book. c. Make the portal application known to the server using the command: VSI001LIB/ADDVSIAPP APP(MIMIX) If the command fails with message VSE100A, you must upgrade the VSP server to a compatible level before you can use the latest portal application available. Choices for installing are identified in Step b. Or, you can continue with Step d using the version of the portal application that existed before you upgraded the product (you may not be able to access the latest features). d. Start the server using the command: VSI001LIB/STRVSISVR Note: The default port is 8410. Each instance of the server uses three consecutive ports. If you cannot use this port, change the port using instructions in the Getting Started with Vision © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 9 Installation Instructions Solutions Portal book. e. If the installation wizard is still open, click the link on the Summary panel to open a browser window. If not, use the following URL, specifying the IP address or host name where the VSP server is installed and the configured port. The default port is 8410. http://server:port f. Log in using your IBM i user ID and password. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 Installing on Windows VSP 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows These instructions are for the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows®. This wizard automatically installs the VSP server (version 2) and the portal application for the selected Vision Solutions® product onto a system running a supported release of the Windows® operating system. Support Central provides an executable (.exe) file which contains this wizard. Note: This wizard does not install the associated Vision Solutions product on any platform. You must still install the product updates in this service pack using the service pack installation instructions. For more information, see “Action required” on page 1. Before installing VSP 2.0 & Portal Application on Windows Before running the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows®, do the following: 1. Ensure that your client workstation meets the minimum requirements for using this wizard. Either Windows® 2008 R2 or Windows® 7 is required. The user who runs this wizard must have administrator privileges for the system on which it is run. For a complete list of wizard requirements, see the More Info link in the wizard’s Welcome panel or on the download page in Support Central. 2. To improve performance of the wizard, close other applications before starting the wizard. Installing VSP 2.0 & Portal Application on Windows Default options in the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows will shut down the VSP server if necessary. This affects access to all instances, including instances of other products’ portal applications, running on the server. Do the following: 1. If you haven’t already, download the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for this service pack. 2. Run the wizard. Installed Location: Vision Solutions Portal can be installed on a supported 64-bit or a 32-bit Windows® operating system. VSP server software and product portal application are stored on the system in either \Program Files\ or \Program Files (x86)\. If both folders exist on the system, the \Program Files (x86)\ folder is used. After installing VSP 2.0 & Portal Application on Windows Do the following: 1. If you did not use default options in the wizard to start the VSP server, start the server now. From Windows, click the Start menu and point to All Programs. Locate and point to Vision Solutions Portal, then Click Start. 2. Log in to VSP using your Windows user ID and password. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 11 After installing VSP 2.0 & Portal Application on Windows For additional information about using VSP on a Windows server, see the Getting Started with Vision Solutions Portal document. © Copyright 1999, 2012 Lakeview Technology Inc. All rights reserved. 12 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. VSP can be installed via INSVSISVR in a 5250 emulator Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) can now be installed from a stream file via the INSVSISVR command in a 5250 emulator. This method should only be used in environments that cannot use the MIMIX Installation Wizard. This installation process does not install product portal applications. Such portal applications are installed with their products. For more information, see the Using License Manager book. (MXHA-10811) System manager backlog information added Backlog information has been added for entries being processed by the system manager. This information is especially helpful for determining whether the system manger is stopped, behind, or processing as expected. Backlog information and related actions are available in VSP via the new System Manager Pairs window. This window is accessed by selecting the System Manager Pairs global action from the Nodes portlet on the Summary page. Actions from this window include starting or stopping system manager jobs. Related changes for a 5250 emulator include updates to the Work with System Pair Status (WRKSPSTS) panel and the Retrieve System Pair Status (RTVSPSTS) command prompt. (MXHA-10957) New subscriptions added for automatic monitoring of MIMIX events If you use MIMIX through Vision Solutions Portal (VSP), you now have more options for monitoring MIMIX when using subscriptions. The VSP online help for the Subscribed Events portlet includes a complete list of MIMIX events available for monitoring via subscriptions. New events that you can subscribe to include: • Application groups with switching status • Application groups with a stopped or partially stopped status • Audits with approaching out of compliance status • Audits with held recoveries • Audits with out of compliance status • Data groups started • Data groups with a stopped or partially stopped status © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 13 SP7.1.09.00 Highlights • Files and objects not journaled on target • Files and objects with an attention or in-progress status • Monitors with a stopped or partially stopped status • Node processes with a stopped or partially stopped status • Resource groups with a stopped or partially stopped status • Remote journal link with stopped status Also, partially stopped monitors are now included in the new "Monitors with a stopped or partially stopped status" event instead of the "Monitors with action required status" event. For additional details about subscriptions, see “VSP Subscription support” on page 27. (MXHA-11329) Portal connections no longer fail with both MIMIX and iOptimize instances Previously, portal connections failed when both MIMIX and iOptimize instances were configured within Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) and all of the following conditions were true: • Vision Solutions Portal is running version or later. • The iOptimize portal application is version or earlier. • The MIMIX portal application is version or later. After upgrading to MIMIX version, connecting to instances when both MIMIX and iOptimize are configured works correctly. Alternatively, upgrading the iOptimize portal application to version or VSP to version also resolves this problem. (MXHA-12197) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-11410 Files no longer go on *HLDERR following a duplicate key error when the data group is configured with CMTMODE *DLY. MXHA-11619 Installation library names are now correct after running CPYCFGDTA for a new installation. MXHA-11646 #FILDTA no longer reports *NOTRCVD when comparing materialized query tables. MXHA-11703 #FILATRMBR and #FILATR audits now correctly handle files when recovering missing members. MXHA-11865 MIMIX now keeps the journal status value in sync for file and IFS tracking entries for disabled data groups. MXHA-11933 CMPFILDTA and #FILDTA now handle when *CO is reported for files saved with storage freed STG(*FREE). © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 SP7.1.09.00 Highlights MXHA-11943 Shared audit reader job now checks more efficiently for additional started data groups to process. MXHA-12030 Controlled end of data groups now completes processing of all pending entries. MXHA-12139 DBAPY thresholds may not be properly displayed. For more information, see technical alert TA_MX7.1_209. MXHA-12162 Compare end is now correctly updated when audits do not support recovery or audit recovery is set to *DISABLED. MIMIX Portal Application MXHA-11888 The default description for a MIMIX instance now includes the product name for MIMIX Global. MXHA-11892 The Analysis tab of the Arrivals and Backlog portlet no longer results with an error when values exceed 2.1 billion. MXHA-11908 Portlets on the Application Groups, Audits, and Procedures pages now load faster. Vision Solutions Portal VSP supports SSL connection entry Vision Solutions Portal now supports using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for the connection between browsers and the VSP server. On all platforms where the VSP server is supported, the Change Vision Solutions Server (CHGVSISVR) command is changed to allow you to specify whether or not to use HTTPS (SSL) protocol for the port to which browsers connect. The default behavior to use HTTP protocol is unchanged. • On the IBM i platform, the new parameter is Use SSL (SSL), with values of *SAME. (default), *NO, and *YES. Also, you can now see the current values of the Port and Use SSL parameters by prompting (F4) this command. • On the Windows and AIX platforms, the new parameter and values on the CHGVSISVR command are: -t yes|no. The -t parameter has also been added to the Retrieve Vision Solutions Portal Server (RTVVSISVR) command on these platforms. The next time you use an installation wizard after VSP is installed, the links to VSP from the wizard's Summary panel will automatically recognize and connect using the appropriate protocol. Similar changes to recognize the protocol have been made on the Windows platform for the Start Server action available in the Start Menu. Action required: If you want to secure the connection to VSP, after this service pack is installed, use the commands for your platform to end the VSP server (ENDVSISVR command), then change the protocol used by the connecting port (CHGVSISVR command), and start the server (STRVSISVR). After this change, users must specify https://server:port to access VSP in their browser. If the browser warns you of an untrusted certificate, choose the option that allows you to continue. For more information, see the Getting Started with Vision Solutions Portal book. (STR-2933) © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 15 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Replication and target journal inspection processing changed for implicitly defined parent objects Target journal inspection is changed so that it now handles implicitly defined parent objects on the target system correctly. Also, MIMIX is changed to use the same rules when processing the implicitly identified parent objects associated with objects identified by data group IFS entries and data group DLO entries. For more information, see the Knowledgebase item, Technical description of MXHA-11927, on Support Central. Action required: If you changed the values specified for the Object only on target (OBJONTGT) policy due to Technical Alert TA_MX7.1_208, you can now specify any supported value. (MXHA-11927) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-11683 DB apply no longer results with escape message CPF6739 when running #MBRRCDCNT audit for a storage freed file. MXHA-11748 The installation wizard no longer results with error CPFA0A2 when a CHGOWN command is issued. MXHA-11776 System manager receive jobs (SR) no longer receive error message CPF5009 for files OMIFSXEP and OMOBJXEP. MXHA-11796 Entries are now added to enabled, related data groups when LODDGFE is run. MIMIX Portal Application MXHA-11049 Deleting notifications no longer results in message LVE38B2 or MCH1202. Vision Solutions Portal The enhancements included in service pack do not require additional action. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 16 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Replicate nodes supported in *NONCLU application groups Replicate nodes can now be used in application groups that are not configured for clustering (*NONCLU). The Add Node Entry (ADDNODE) and Change Node Entry (CHGNODE) commands no longer limit the use of *REPLICATE node role to cluster application groups. This change benefits environments that use *NONCLU application groups to perform data warehousing or queries, where one or more of the nodes simply receive data and are never intended to be the source for replication. These environments no longer have to remove a node entry from the recovery domain each time resource group entries within the application group are added or changed. A replicate node is defined as a node that is not a source for replication. During a switch a replicate node cannot become the primary node or a backup node for the application group. Action required: If you have the indicated environments, you can enable this functionality by doing the following: 1. End the application group using the ENDAG command. 2. For the node that you want to become a replicate node, change its node entry using the command: CHGNODE AGDFN(name) RSCGRP(resource-group-name) ROLE(*REPLICATE) 3. Ensure that all other nodes in the application group have configured node entries that match their current node role. For example, the current primary node should have its node entry configured as ROLE(*PRIMARY). Use the CHGNODE command as needed to change the node entries. 4. Start the application group, specifying STRAG ROLE(*CONFIG) Also, update any automation that addressed removing the node entry from the recovery domain so that it is no longer removed. (MXHA-10599) Larger DB apply threshold The database apply threshold value is changed to allow more entries to be queued for processing before a warning is issued and conditions are highlighted. This benefits environments processing thousands of transactions per hour. The value specified for this threshold now represents a multiple of one thousand entries instead of individual entries. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 17 Previous service packs (included) During the installation process, all existing data groups are changed to map to a value in the new range. If the previous threshold value was less than 1000, the value is set to the new minimum value of 1 (representing 1,000 entries). If the previous value was greater than 1,000, the new value is rounded up or down to the nearest thousand. For example, values from 100000 to 100499 would be set to 100 (thousand) and values from 100500 to 100999 would be set to 101 (thousand). The following changes have been made to the Threshold warning element of the Database apply processing (DBAPYPRC) parameter on the Create Data Group Definition (CRTDGDFN) command to support the larger values: • The specified value now represents a multiple of 1,000. Prompt text is changed to indicate "Threshold warning (thousands)." • The new default value is 100, representing 100,000 entries. • The new range of values is from 1 to 999999 thousand (representing actual values of 1,000 to 999,999,000 entries). In other 5250 interfaces for changing, displaying, or retrieving the data group definition and the WRKDGDFN outfile (MXDGDFN), the value displayed for the database apply threshold value also represents a multiple of 1,000. In Vision Solutions Portal, when a DB apply threshold condition exists, the actual number of entries (not a multiple of 1,000) for the threshold value and the number of entries exceeding the threshold appear in flyover text for the apply session in the Apply Details section of the DB Statistics tab in the Data Group Details and Activities portlet. Action required: If you have automation that changes the DB apply threshold value to avoid warnings during times of peak activity, you will need to update that code to reflect these changes. (MXHA-10959) Target journal inspection improvements The notifications sent by target journal inspection (TGTJRNINSP) better indicate where to view a list of the objects changed on the target node and what you need to do to address the notification. Also, the following changes to the MIMIX portal application improve the ability to access the list of changed objects: • The new Objects Changed on Target window displays the list of objects identified by target journal inspection as changed on the target node. You can filter this list by the the user or job which changed the object or by the ID assigned to the notification sent by target journal inspection. You can also view details about a specific object that was changed. This window can be accessed using the new Objects Changed On Target action that is added to the global menu on the Replicated Objects portlet on the Analysis page, the action menu for an individual notification sent by TGTJRNINSP in the Notifications portlet on the Summary page and the Notifications tab of the Audits, Recoveries, and Notifications portlet on the Data Groups page, as well as from the Notifications window. The list of objects displayed in the window is subsetted according to where is was accessed. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 18 Previous service packs (included) • Previously, the list of changed objects on the target node was accessed from a filter option on the Replicated Objects portlet. This filter option is now removed. • The Notification Details dialog now includes additional information about how to resolve and acknowledge the notification. An added action menu enables you to perform any action available directly from the notification. Fields for output file and job information are changed to a format that allows them to be more easily copied. (MXHA-9588) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-11413 The MXCFGJRN message queue is now created in the MIMIX installation library if required. MXHA-11476 Performance improvement when gathering statuses for DSPDGSTS, WRKDG, RTVDGSTS, and VSP data group history portlets results in decreased CPU usage by RCV_RQS job on the source system. MXHA-11497 Installation wizard now checks for and names the product install stream file in the same format that a user would download from the Vision Solutions website. MXHA-11534, MXHA-11698 CMPFILDTA, #FILDTA audit now support files saved with storage freed STG(*FREE). Vision Solutions Portal VSP log files available and consistent on all platforms VSP is changed so that log files which can be used for troubleshooting problems with starting or ending the VSP server are now available on all supported VSP platforms and have similar content across platforms. When the VSP server is running level or higher software on the IBM i platform, the new log files VSISVR_STDOUT.LOG and VSISVR_STDERR.LOG are used for both the STRVSISVR and ENDVSISVR commands. When the VSP server is running level or higher software on an AIX or Windows platform, log files vsisvr_stdout.log and vsisvr_stderr.log are now available. (STR-2584) Fixes for Vision Solutions Portal STR-3095 A password is now enforced for a primary portal connection of an instance in order to create a subscription. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 19 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Starting point changed for target journal inspection The initial starting point for target journal inspection processing is changed so that there are fewer false positive reports of objects changed on the target system. The previous behavior, which started at the first entry in the currently attached receiver, could cause false positive reports, particularly in environments migrating from OMS/ODS with large journal receivers. Now, the starting point is as follows: • Target journal inspection processes begin with the last sequence number in the currently attached journal receiver in the following cases: the first time a target journal inspection process is started, when starting after being ended and the last processed receiver is no longer available, and when starting after enabling target journal inspection in a journal definition where it was previously disabled. This new behavior may miss some entries for objects changed on the target system that would have previously been reported when target journal inspection was initially started. • When starting target journal inspection after it was previously ended, processing begins with the next sequence number after the last processed sequence number. This is unchanged. (MXHA-10954) Manual override no longer required to start or end data groups independent of AG Data groups that are part of an application group can now be started or ended independently of the application group without having to specify *YES for the Override if in data rsc. group (DTACRG) parameter on the Start Data Group (STRDG) or End Data Group (ENDDG) command. On both commands, the value *DFT is added and is the new default value for the DTACRG parameter. This change reduces the impact to automation when converting existing environments to application groups. When *DFT is specified, the default behavior allows the command to run when the data group is participating in a resource group with two nodes. The default behavior does not allow the command to run when the data group is participating in a resource group with three or more nodes. (A data resource group provides the association between one or more data groups and an application group.) Note: The preferred method of starting or ending data groups that are part of an application group is still to start or end the application group. The new default value for the DTACRG parameter helps to enforce this best practice in environments with three or more nodes, (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 20 Previous service packs (included) where it is particularly important to treat all members of an application group as one entity. For example, a configuration change that is made effective by starting and ending a single data group would not be propagated to the other data groups in the same resource group. However, the same change would be propagated to the other data groups if it is made effective by ending and starting the parent application group. This change is also reflected in the MIMIX portal application in dialogs that start or stop data group processes. The Override if in application group field now defaults to the value Default. If the selected data group is in an instance running software earlier than version, the value Default is the same as selecting No. The following dialogs are changed: • Start Data Group and Stop Data Group dialogs, accessed from the Data Groups portlet on the Summary page and the Home page. • Start Database Reader, Start Database Apply Processes, Start Database Source Processes, Stop Database Reader, Stop Database Apply Processes, and Stop Database Source Processes dialogs, accessed from the DB Statistics tab of the Data Group and Activities portlet on the Data Groups page. • Start Object Source Processes, Start Object Target Processes, Stop Object Source Processes, and Stop Object Target Processes dialogs, accessed from the Object Statistics tab of the Data Group and Activities portlet on the Data Groups page. (MXHA-10766) New T-CA entry with user field *PGP supported When an IFS object with a primary group of *NONE is created or its authorities are changed via QSHELL, IBM now identifies this scenario with a T-CA entry with the user field of *PGP. MIMIX can now replicate this new journal entry if the appropriate IBM PTFs have been applied. Action required: When installing this service pack, apply the appropriate IBM PTF to all systems in the installation. IBM PTFs to apply for replication of T-CA entry Operating system PTF IBM i V5R4 IBM i 6.1 IBM i 7.1 SI46712 SI46711 SI46713 (MXHA-10290) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-9591 When the DB apply is in threshold and the wait time is exceeded, ENDDG (*IMMED) no longer fails with LVE3D35 because it does not indicate DTACRG(*YES). MXHA-10958 Performance improvement for DPYDGCFG and the system manager job. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 21 Previous service packs (included) MXHA-11046 DPYDGCFG now issues a message to the MIMIX Message Log when it takes an exception. MXHA-11076 Data groups using a shared reader object send are now progressing when reading journal entries after switching. MXHA-11112 Object selection improved for #DLOATR priority audit. MXHA-11285 The data group object send job will no longer submit synchronization jobs for libraries, folders, or directories that were renamed and do not contain objects that are defined for MIMIX replication. MXHA-11352 IFS tracking database records now updated correctly on all systems. MXHA-11373 Performance issues corrected for the reconstruction data group when employing the MIMIX for IBM WebSphere MQ support in MIMIX V7.1. MXHA-11381 Journal cache LPP (Option 42) now checks for valid license keys. MXHA-11391 Possible missing OBJ tracking entries when the source system is replicating from iASP and the Deploy Data Group Configuration (DPYDGCFG) command is issued. For more information, see technical alert TA_MX7.1_206. MXHA-11629 The Deploy Data Group Configuration (DPYDGCFG) command now sets the ASP group for the job correctly based on the values for the data group being processed. For more information, see technical alert TA_MX7.1_207. MIMIX Portal Application STR-3136 Exit point program requirements that result in failed log in attempts now include error messages. STR-3148 MIMIX instances created prior to now support subscriptions and groups. Vision Solutions Portal Details action added to Instances portlet You can now select the Details action for an instance in the Instances portlet on the Home page. This action opens the Instance Details dialog to display the following: • The Details tab is always available and identifies the product with which the selected instance interacts, the compatibility of product and portal application software versions, the instance owner, as well as any associated group. • The Instance Domain tab is available when it is supported by the portal application for the product identified in the instance. When available, this tab identifies instance domain information that was defined when the instance and the portal connections it uses were configured. Typically, this tab identifies the nodes within the instance, the library or directory on the nodes where the product is installed, and the portal connections configured for the nodes. Additional information may be available depending on the portal application. This tab is supported by the MIMIX portal application. (STR-2820, MXHA-10633) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 22 Previous service packs (included) Learn about new VSP features from Welcome portlet Now you can access summaries of VSP features from the VSP Home page. The Welcome portlet includes a "Did you know?" area with a Learn More! link. Click the link to display a brief summary of the latest VSP features and how they could benefit you. The summary includes additional links to where you can find more detailed information within VSP online help. (STR-3110) Fixes for Vision Solutions Portal STR-3148 MIMIX instances created prior to are available for selection when creating subscriptions or sharing instances with a group. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 23 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Shared MIMIX instances in VSP If you use MIMIX through Vision Solutions Portal (VSP), you now have the ability to share instance configurations with users who belong to the same group. The MIMIX portal application can share instances using the group support available with version of VSP. “VSP Group and User profile support” on page 26 describes this support in more detail. Action required: To share instances, do the following after the service pack is installed: 1. The VSP server must have version of Vision Solutions Portal installed. The MIMIX product installation wizard will automatically update VSP to this level on an IBM i platform. However, if you installed the MIMIX service pack from a stream file, or if you use VSP from a Windows platform, you must ensure that you have taken the additional actions needed to update the VSP server as indicated in this Read Me document. 2. Log in using the VSP administrator user ID (vspadmin) and password. Then do the following: a. Verify that user profiles exist for potential group members. To add a user profile, select New from the Users portlet on the Administration page. b. Select New from the Groups portlet on the Administration page. Specify a group name, select users to become members, specify a group owner, and click OK. 3. Have the group owner log in and do the following: a. If necessary, create the instance to be shared. b. For the instance you want to share, select the Share action in the Instances portlet on the Home page. In the Share Instances dialog, select Share with group and select a group. Then click OK. For more information about groups and sharing instances, see the Getting Started with Vision Solutions Portal document. (MXHA-10386) MIMIX portal application supports INTRA configurations INTRA configurations of MIMIX can now be managed through VSP. The Instances portlet now displays multiple values in the Location column to identify the libraries for which the INTRA environment is configured. This support is available when the MIMIX portal application is at version or higher. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 24 Previous service packs (included) Action required: To manage an INTRA configuration from VSP, do the following after installing this service pack: 1. The VSP server must have version of Vision Solutions Portal installed. The MIMIX product installation wizard will automatically update VSP to this level on an IBM i platform. However, if you installed the MIMIX service pack from a stream file, or if you use VSP from a Windows platform, you must ensure that you have taken the additional actions needed to update the VSP server as indicated in this Read Me document. 2. From the Portal Connections portlet on the Home page, create a unique portal connection for each library on the node where the INTRA configuration is installed. 3. From the Instances portlet on the Home page, add an Instance that specifies the following: • In the Select Library step, select the name of the library where the INTRA configuration is installed. • In the Instance Domain step, specify the unique portal connections you created for each "node" in the instance. This ensures that you know from which INTRA installation library that data for the instance is obtained. (STR-2732, MXHA-9812) Automatic monitoring of MIMIX events via subscriptions If you use MIMIX through Vision Solutions Portal (VSP), you now have more flexibility in how you monitor MIMIX for potential problems. Now, if you configure subscriptions in VSP, you can have VSP automatically notify you via email when certain events occur within a MIMIX instance. For instances that are shared by a group, subscriptions can automatically notify some or all of the group members when monitored events occur. User action may be required to address the indicated event. A complete list of MIMIX events that you can subscribe to is available in VSP online help for the Subscribed Events portlet. Examples of events include: • Nodes are not communicating • Application groups with action required status • Procedures with action required status • Data group processes with action required status • Objects and files with held error or failed statuses • Audits with action required status For additional details about subscriptions, see “VSP Subscription support” on page 27. Action required: Several prerequisites must be met before you can create and use subscriptions. 1. The VSP server must have version of Vision Solutions Portal installed. The MIMIX product installation wizard will automatically update VSP to this level on an IBM i platform. However, if you installed the MIMIX service pack from a stream file, or if you use VSP from a Windows platform, you must ensure that you have taken the additional actions needed to update the VSP server as indicated in this Read Me document. 2. The administrator must be signed in using the VSP administrator user ID (vspadmin) and (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 25 Previous service packs (included) password. 3. Configure the email server and specify a sent from email address in the Policies portlet on the Administration page. 4. Users who will configure or be subscribed to subscriptions must have an email address in their VSP user profiles. This can be done by the VSP administrator on the Subscriptions portlet on the Subscriptions page or by users in the Users portlet on the Administration page. 5. For portal connections used by instances that will have subscriptions, go to the Portal Connections portlet on the Home page and select Specify for the Password options field and provide a password. This must be done once for every user who owns an instance for which subscriptions will be created. 6. Create a subscription by selecting New from the toolbar in the Subscriptions portlet on the Subscriptions page. For detailed instructions, see the Getting Started with Vision Solutions Portal document. (MXHA-9844) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-10885 Object replication and Target journal inspection now only select security journal entries of type T-ZC access code 50 (Set) when the object's replicated attributes have changed. MXHA-10915 System manager receive jobs no longer result in duplicate key error messages CPF5009 and CPF5034 when a key value already exists in MXIFSTRKP. MXHA-11047 Output file records for priority-based #FILDTA audits now include library and file names. MXHA-11066 Priority based audits for #IFSATR no longer fail with LVE0101 error number 3014. MXHA-11123 Configuration changes for data groups in multi-management environments no longer cause system manager jobs to loop when processing add, delete, or change operations. MXHA-11174 Running the ENDMMX command now ensures all MIMIX configuration files are closed when it completes which prevents upgrade failures due to locks on a product file. MXHA-11193 Deletion of system or data group definitions no longer results in excessive delete requests. Vision Solutions Portal VSP Group and User profile support Beginning with service pack, VSP includes new administrator portlets for managing VSP user IDs and groups. Once users and groups are defined to VSP, users of portal (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 26 Previous service packs (included) applications that implement group support can then share instances. Portal applications that currently support sharing instances with groups are: • MIMIX level and higher • iOptimize level and higher Support for configuring groups A VSP administrator can now configure groups of users from the Groups portlet on the Administration page in the Home folder. Once groups are defined to VSP, users of portal applications that implement group support can then share instances among members of a group. Group support allows shared instances to be automatically made available to sets of users who need to access the same VSP configuration resources, such as all operators or all administrators of a Vision Solutions product. Groups must be configured by the VSP administrator using the administrator user ID (vspadmin) and password. The VSP administrator creates the group, identifies its member users, and assigns one of the users as the group owner. Only the administrator can create, modify, or delete groups. Once a group is set up, the group owner can log in and can share any configured instances for portal applications that implemented group support in the Instances portlet with all of the group’s members. VSP shares the instance with the group members and creates equivalent portal connections, if necessary, for each member of the group. A group member may be prompted for a password when attempting to connect to the shared instance the first time. All members can use the shared instance, but only the group owner can change or remove it. Group support within VSP also greatly expands the capability provided by portal applications that implement subscriptions, another new VSP feature in this service pack. Support for managing VSP users A VSP administrator can now set up the VSP user profiles necessary for configuring groups as well as more easily manage users who no longer need to access VSP from the Users portlet on the Administration page in the Home folder. You must be logged in with the VSP administrator user ID (vspadmin) and password to access portlets on the Administration page. The Users portlet lists all Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) users and the status of their connection to VSP. The list includes users created by an administrator as well as those that were automatically created after successfully logging in to VSP. This portlet allows a VSP administrator to create a user, delete a user, and change the email address at which a user will receive emails from Vision Solutions Portal. An administrator can also view a list of groups to which the user belongs and a list of the private and shared instances a user is currently managing. When a user is deleted, any instances and subscriptions the user owns that are not shared are deleted, the user is removed as a member from any groups, and you can assign a new owner for any shared instances and subscriptions owned by the user. VSP Subscription support Beginning with service pack, VSP includes the Subscriptions page within the Home folder. Portlets on this page allow you to create and manage subscriptions, their subscribed events, and view history of VSP actions taken in response to events that occurred. A subscription can monitor events for any instance of a portal application that supports subscriptions. Currently, only the MIMIX level and higher supports subscriptions. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 27 Previous service packs (included) Each configured subscription identifies an instance to be monitored, the owner of the subscription, who to inform when a monitored event occurs, and what action VSP will take after the event occurs. The portal application provides a set of events that can occur and for which a VSP subscription can monitor. Once subscriptions are configured within VSP, they monitor the product instances without user interaction. When a monitored event occurs within an instance for which a subscription exists, VSP automatically performs the subscription action. For a subscription to function when its owner is not logged in, VSP allows the owner's user ID to hold an active session that monitors for subscribed events. The status of the user ID is available to the VSP administrator in the Users portlet. At times, you may not want to be notified by subscribed events, such as before performing a switch or performing system maintenance. You can disable a subscription to prevent it from performing actions when events defined to the subscription occur. The disabled subscription remains available and can be enabled when needed. Subscriptions portlet The Subscriptions portlet lists the subscriptions available to the logged in user. If you are logged in as the VSP administrator (using the vspadmin user ID), the list includes all subscriptions for all users, and you can create subscriptions for any instance regardless of its owner. If you are logged in as a user, the list includes only subscriptions for instances you own or can access. As a (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 28 Previous service packs (included) logged in user, you can create subscriptions for instances you own or can access, manage subscriptions you own, and view subscriptions to which you are a subscriber. The fields you can specify when creating a new subscription or change when displaying a subscription also vary. • General tab - identifies the monitored instance and its owner and the subscription owner. Only the VSP administrator can change the subscription owner. • Subscribers tab - identifies who is notified by the subscription. If the instance is shared by a group, the VSP administrator or a user who is the group owner can specify all members or a subset of members to be notified about an event. • Action tab - identifies the delay time that VSP waits after an event occurs before taking action and the action to take if the event still exists after the specified delay time has passed. If the event corrects itself before the delay ends, no action is taken. This value applies to all events for this subscription that specify to use the subscription value. An event can set a delay within its details that will override this value. Be aware that subscription actions which email users can include sensitive information about your environment, such as node names and other details. By creating subscriptions, you assume the risk associated with emailing this data. Subscribed Events portlet The Subscribed Events portlet lists the events checked by the subscription selected in the Subscriptions portlet. When created, each subscription automatically includes a default set of events that are considered best practice for maintaining the product instance. From this portlet you can: (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 29 Previous service packs (included) • View details that identify what triggers the event as well as its category and severity as assigned by the portal application. • Change the length of the delay between when the event occurs and when VSP takes the action identified in the subscription. • Optionally add any additional events to or remove events from a subscription. Subscription Activity portlet The Subscription Activity portlet identifies events that occurred within instances monitored by subscriptions and the resulting actions taken by VSP, such as sending an email to subscribed users. The list also includes failed attempts to send emails for events that occurred. The list includes activities for subscriptions that you own or to which you are subscribed. If you are logged in as the VSP administrator, the list includes activities for all subscriptions configured on the VSP server. You can sort and filter the list to view specific information and select additional columns of information to display from Edit mode. The listed items are retained for the number of days specified for subscription history retention in the Policies portlet on the Administration page. Changes to additional VSP user interfaces The following changes were made to support subscriptions: Policies portlet on the Administration page now supports multiple tabs. The VSP administrator can do the following: • Email Server tab - If you select Authentication required, you can choose whether to require a secure connection with the email server. You can also use the Send Test Email button to verify that emails can be sent from VSP to the specified user ID. • Subscriptions tab - Allows you to change the number of days that subscription activity history is retained before it is removed. Add Portal Connection dialog now supports specifying a password for the indicated user ID. A password is required to allow correct operation of subscriptions for instances you own when you are not logged in. Portal Connections portlet T he default portal connection created when you log in to VSP now has an enabled Action menu button and no longer displays a default description. (STR-2499) Fixes for Vision Solutions Portal STR-2954 VSP installation on a Windows 7 workstation in a Spanish language environment completes correctly. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 30 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-8870 DSPDGSTS now indicates threshold on the backlog counts for Object Replicator processes. MXHA-10819 RUNSQLSTM during install processing now runs from QSYS rather than using *LIBL. MXHA-10881 Object tracking entries are now being handled correctly after a configuration change and recycle of the data group. MXHA-10897 Clean up of internal replication tracking files no longer issues message LVE3A91 in job MXREPMGR or generates QSQSVCDMP spool file. MXHA-10914 Target Journal Inspection job for QAUDJRN no longer reports T-ZC Open journal entries as error when attributes cannot be determined. MXHA-10984 IFS objects replicated via the system journal which haven't changed are no longer compared by the priority-based #IFSATR audit. MXHA-11008 DG Lock Member During Apply feature improved to greatly reduce the times required for DG start up and shutdown. MXHA-11066 Priority based audits for #IFSATR no longer fail with LVE0101 error number 3014 due to incorrect path lengths. VCLU-1022 Data groups replicating data from static independent ASPs are now disabled correctly during SWTAG processing in a multi-management environment. MIMIX Portal Application MXHA-10687 The Arrivals and Backlog portlet no longer results with error "Not enough data to display. Either more time is needed to collect data or not enough data matches the filter criteria." when values exceed 2.1 billion. MXHA-10995 The Data Group Details and Activities portlet now shows blank (no feature) for systems that do not have the HA Journal Performance license program (option 42) installed. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 31 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Validation list entry (*VLDL) updates are now correctly replicated Action required: After installing the service pack, customers who replicate *VLDL objects must synchronize all replicated *VLDL objects. Use SYNCOBJ with an object type of *VLDL. (MXHA-10702) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-9123 RTVDGSTS now returns *NONE for LCLSYSROLE if the local system is neither the source or target system for the specified data group. MXHA-10174 IFS permissions changed through the QSHELL command, CHMOD, now replicates correctly. MXHA-10396 Message LVI3354 has been updated to better explain information. MXHA-10482 Processing time improved for DPYDGCFG command when run with either *ALL or *DGIFSE is specified for INCLUDE. MXHA-10558 MXREPMGR job improved to use less CPU when processing IFS exceptions. MXHA-10573 CRTJRNDFN for the target journal definition now works for names that are less than 6 characters. MXHA-10591 OBJATR audit recovery no longer deletes objects from the target system when they exist on the source system and the OBJONTGT policy is set to *DELETE. MXHA-10606 SETDGAUD *AUTOJRN now runs on target system for initial start of a data group. MXHA-10632 Message LVE0102 is no longer issued if IFS objects no longer exist when updating the tracking database. MXHA-10693 Target Journal Inspection no longer reports on entries prior to switches. MXHA-10696 CRTMMXDFN no longer fails with LVE3905 when a journal migrated from OMS has TGTSTATE(*STANDBY). (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 32 Previous service packs (included) MXHA-10703 In environments that replicate journaled IFS objects, newly created *STMF objects now have their target journaling status set to *YES and the *STMF data is replicated. MXHA-10774 MIMIX upgrade from V7.0 to V7.1 no longer fails with MCH3601 messages when converting IFS exception entries. MXHA-10804 SYNCIFS and #IFSATR no longer fail with LVE0101 due to incorrect IFS path length in installations with more than 2 nodes. MXHA-10820 Target Journal Inspection no longer reports F-OP (File Opened) and F-CL (File Closed) journal entries as unauthorized entries on Target. MXHA-10823 MXREPMGR job improved to use less CPU when processing object and DLO exceptions. MXHA-10832 Target Journal Inspection no longer reports valid entries as "unauthorized on target" after switching a DG of TYPE(*DB). MXHA-10864 Shared audit reader now does additional checks before determining if a data group should be added to its processing. MXHA-10866 Improved performance of MXIFCMGR which no longer writes unneeded history records for disabled data groups. MXHA-10872 Database apply no longer fails with MCH3601 when the record in OMIFSXEP is not found. Vision Solutions Portal IBM Flex System Event Log portlet A new portlet is available within Vision Solutions Portal that can display events for a specified IBM Flex System and resource group. The portlet also supports displaying events for a specified IBM Systems Director server and resource group. Examples of events include an operation that completes, a hardware component failure, or a processor threshold exceeded. The IBM Flex System Event Log portlet displays events that the management server receives from any resource to which you have authority to view. The portlet allows you to see events from multiple resources, their status, and details about the event. This portlet does not have a shipped location on any page within VSP. Instead, the portlet is available to be added to a custom page. Action required: To use this portlet, you must add it to a custom page. Configure the portlet in edit mode and specify the server address, a port for remote connection, and a resource group. (STR-2586) Fixes for Vision Solutions Portal STR-2834 The VSP server now starts correctly (STRVSISVR command) when a system has a version of Java other than 1.5 installed. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 33 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Updates for Data Group Details and Activities Portlet The Data Group Details and Activities portlet in the MIMIX portal application has the following changes: • On the DB statistics tab, the status of an RJ link monitor that is not configured is now displayed as Unknown . Previously, a blank was displayed. Also, the status shown in the instead of a dash Journal Cache and Journal State fields now displays as Unknown when the data group has not been started. • On the DB statistics tab and the Object Statistics tab, status for Target journal inspection processes is now always displayed when the data group is enabled and target journal inspection is configured. Also, the status Not active indicates that target journal inspection has not run because all data groups that use the journal definition as a target journal are either new or re-enabled and have not been started. • Several columns were added to the File Activity, IFS Tracking, and Object tracking tabs so that all errors are displayed for each listed entry. An overall status column added left of the listed entries identifies the most severe error. An Activity column shows the status of replication errors. The Not Journaled - Source and Not Journaled - Target columns indicate whether a journaling error exists. Previously, status identified only the most severe error. The same changes were also made to the Related Files window. • On the IFS Tracking and Object tracking tabs, the action Start Journaling has been added to the toolbar. You can use this action to start journaling for multiple selected entries. (MXHA-10421) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX MXHA-10560 Priority based #IFSATR audit now correctly chooses objects to compare on the remote side. Vision Solutions Portal STR-2774 CHGVSISVR command now successfully updates the port number when run from a job having a LANGID other than English or a CCSID other than 37. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 34 Highlights Version 7.1 Service Pack These icons indicate: A change that may require action. For example, you may need to modify automation programs or exit programs or perform other actions before or after installing the service pack. A change in behavior or a change to the user interface. You should be aware of the change, but no action may be required. New function or an enhancement in the indicated software. Immediate commit option for database apply Environments that use commitment control can now optionally configure data groups to immediately apply journal entries that are part of a commit transaction. Previously, the database apply process (DBAPY) always delayed processing entries that were part of a commit transaction until the journal entry indicating the commit completed was processed. For most users, the immediate commit mode provides a performance improvement for the database apply process. This can be significant in environments where long-running open commit cycles occur regularly. In immediate commit mode, it is possible that applied entries may be rolled back once all the journal entries in the commit cycle are applied. At any time while entries in the commit cycle are being processed, the target system may contain partial data or extra data that would not be available in delayed mode. This is a concern if you use data on the target system for reporting purposes. Configuration - The Commit mode element is added to the Database apply processing (DBAPYPRC) parameter on commands for creating and changing data group definitions (CRTDGDFN, CHGDGDFN). The specified value for Commit mode determines how the apply process will handle journal entries that are under commitment control. Its values are: • *DLY - This is the default value and preserves the behavior of previous releases. MIMIX delays applying journal entries that are part of a commit transaction until a C-CM journal entry (set of record changes committed) or C-RB (set of record changes rolled back) for the commit transaction is processed. This mode is preferred if a majority of commitment cycles will be rolled back. This mode will also prevent reports run on the target system from showing uncommitted data. • *IMMED - MIMIX immediately applies journal entries that are part of a commit transaction. This mode is preferred when the environment has long-running commitment cycles that are eventually committed. With this mode, audits can more accurately compare data while commit cycles are open because fewer transactions are held until the commit cycle closes. A similar change has been made to include the commit mode on the Display DG Definitions display (option 5 on the Work with Data Group Definitions display [WRKDGDFN command]). Status - The commit mode in use for a data group does have a noticeable effect on the information displayed in certain detailed status fields. • In a 5250 emulator, this can be seen when displaying detailed status for a data group using option 8 from the Work with Data Groups display. When immediate commit mode is used, the value of the Apply Point Sequence # on Database View 2, will be closer in value to that displayed for the Processed Sequence # on Database View 1. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 35 Previous service packs (included) • In Vision Solutions Portal, this can be seen in the DB Statistics tab in the Data Group Details and Activities portlet. When immediate commit mode is used and there is an open commit cycle, the last sequence number processed should be near the last sequence number applied. Also, the count of open commit entries will be lower in immediate commit mode than in delayed mode. Changes to starting data groups - The Start Data Group (STRDG) command and the corresponding dialog in Vision Solutions Portal are changed to prevent starting a data group following a change to the specified commit mode when a data group has open commit cycles. Message LVEC0B3 is issued to indicate that open commit cycles must be resolved before a start request can make the configuration change effective. Additional changes - The following additional changes were made to provide programmatic support for commit mode: • Added the DBCMTMODE parameter to the Retrieve DG Definition 2 (RTVDGDFN2) command. • Added the DBCMTMODE field to the MXDGDFN outfile for the WRKDGDFN command. Action required: No action is necessary if you want to continue using delayed commit mode, which preserves previous behavior of MIMIX. If you want to use immediate commit mode, do the following after upgrading to or installing version 7.1: 1. Perform a controlled end of the data group that you want to change. 2. When the controlled end completes, verify that there are no open commit cycles using DSPDGSTS DGDFN(name system1 system2) VIEW(*DBVIEW1). 3. Change the data group definition to specify *IMMED for the Commit mode element of the Database apply processing (DBAPYPRC). 4. Start the data group. (MXHA-62) Data groups use shared object send process The object send process reads journal entries from the system journal (QAUDJRN) on the source system. Environments with multiple data groups that perform system journal replication or any form of cooperative processing can benefit from a shared object send process. Sharing an object send job among data groups decreases the total number of jobs reading from the system journal (QAUDJRN), thereby reducing the CPU used by MIMIX on the source system. New data groups now default to using a shared job per system for the object send process (OBJSND). Also, now you can configure a data group to use a shared object send job that is limited to a specific subset of data groups. The option to use a dedicated object send process per data group, as in previous releases, is still available. Data groups that existed before upgrading to version 7.1 must be manually changed if you want to use this capability. Configuration - The Object send prefix element is added to the Object processing (OBJPRC) parameter on the Create Data Group Definition (CRTDGDFN) and Change Data Group Definition (CHGDGDFN) commands. The value specified for the Object send prefix determines whether the object send process uses a dedicated or shared job as well as the prefix used in the job name. Possible values are: (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 36 Previous service packs (included) • *SHARED This default value results in the data group using the shared default object send job on the source system. All data groups with the same source system that specify *SHARED use the same job for the object send process. The prefix MX$ is used in the job name, unless those characters are already used for a data group short name. In that case, the third character of the prefix is changed to create a unique prefix. • *DGDFN The object send job is unique to the data group and uses the data group short name for the job name prefix. The value *DGDFN preserves the behavior of previous releases. • name When you specify a three-character prefix, this data group and any other data groups on the same source system that specify the same prefix will share the object send job with this prefix. Note: A shared object send job can process journal entries for objects within SYSBAS or within only one independent ASP. In environments with independent ASPs, each system within the set of data groups sharing the same object send job must be identified consistently within those data groups in the appropriate ASP group parameter (ASPGRP1 or ASPGRP2). This is required regardless of whether a system is currently the source or target for the data groups. Status - Detailed status for a data group now indicates when the send process is shared. • In a 5250 emulator, this is identified below the object send process field on the merged view and right of the field on object views 1 and 2 of the Data Group Status display (option 8 from Work with Data Groups display or DSPDGSTS command). The value *SHARED indicates the default shared job for the system is used. A three-character prefix indicates the job is shared with a subset of data groups using the same prefix. • In the Vision Solutions Portal, this is identified in the Send and receive row within the Processes section of the Object Statistics tab of the Data Group Details and Activities portlet. The name "Instance" is appended to the process name when the default shared job for the system is used. When the data group uses a job shared with a subset of data groups, its three-character prefix is appended to the process name. These values are also included in flyover help for the process in this portlet as well as for the Source column in the Data Groups portlet. A prefix is not displayed in either interface when the data group has a dedicated object send job. Start and end behavior - When starting data groups that share an object send process, the first data group to start will start the shared job at that data group’s starting point in the system journal. As additional data groups start, each recognizes that the shared object send job is active. The object send job determines whether the starting point for that data group is earlier or later than the sequence number being read. If the data group’s starting point is later, replication will begin when the shared job reaches the data group's starting point. If the data group’s starting point is earlier, the shared job completes its current block of entries, then returns to the earliest point for any of the data groups being started. The shared job reads the earlier entries and routes the transactions to the data group being started. When the shared job reaches the last entry it read at the time of the STRDG request, it resumes routing transactions to all active data groups using the shared job. If the starting data group has a significant object send backlog, the other data groups sharing the job will not receive transactions to replicate while the backlog for the starting data group is being addressed. Therefore, when a backlog exists, it is recommended that you change the data group configuration to use a dedicated job, start the data group, and allow it to catch up to the current (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 37 Previous service packs (included) location of the shared job. Then end the data group, change its configuration to use the desired shared job, and restart the data group. When ending data groups that use a shared object send job, the job is ended by the last data group to end. Job restart behavior - When a object send job is shared by multiple data groups, the data group with the earliest configured job restart time (RSTARTTIME) in the data group definition is used to restart the shared job. Additional changes - The configuration and status changes are also reflected in the following: • Added OBJSNDPFX parameter to the Retrieve DG Definition 2 (RTVDGDFN2) and Retrieve Data Group Status (RTVDGSTS) commands • Added OBJSNDPFX field to the outfiles for WRKDGDFN command (MXDGDFN) and WRKDG command (MXDGSTS) command Action required: If you want to use a shared object send process for data groups that existed before the upgrade to version 7.1, do the following: 1. Ensure that data group does not have a significant backlog for its object send process. 2. End the data group. 3. Change the data group definition (CHGDGDFN) to specify either *SHARED or a prefix in the Object send prefix element of the Object processing (OBJPRC) parameter. 4. Start the data group. Determining the optimal number of data groups that can share an object send process in your environment may require adding small numbers of data groups into a shared object send process and monitoring the impact on performance and throughput. Factors include the number of data groups acted on together, the type of data replicated by the sharing data groups, and the existence or lack of persistent threshold conditions for the object send process. (MXHA-72, MXHA-8737) Arrivals and Backlog portlet The new Arrivals and Backlog portlet on the Analysis page charts recent history of the rate at which replication work arrived and the size of any replication backlogs. This portlet displays information for instances running MIMIX version 7.1 or higher. By charting historical arrival rates and backlogs together, it is easier to identify how trends and anomalies in arriving journal activity correlate to when and why replication backlogs occurred. Identification is key to reducing or eliminating the exposure that backlogs create. All displayed arrival and backlog data are calculated and graphed by intervals. The Chart tab graphs the calculated data and the Data tab identifies the numbers derived for each interval that were used in the graphs. Each tab has separate sections for database and object replication. You can expand or collapse each section or change settings in Edit mode to control which replication process is displayed. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 38 Previous service packs (included) For each type of replication, three key pieces of information are displayed: • Arrivals - the calculated number of transactions that have been arriving in journals on source nodes within the selected time. This is the potential amount of work to perform. The actual amount performed may have been filtered to smaller amounts. • Backlog - the sum of replication backlogs within the selected time. This indicates whether MIMIX processes kept pace with arrivals. For database replication, the chart and data tabs include the RJ backlog. The RJ backlog represents the transactions on the source that (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 39 Previous service packs (included) have not been transferred to the target. This is your exposure to data loss in the event of an outage on the source. • Process status - the worst of the tracked replication statuses within the selected time. This indicates whether replication processes were stopped or replication problems may have been the cause of a backlog. Initially, the portlet displays data for all data groups in the instance over the past two hours, calculated in five minute intervals. You can filter the data to specific node pairs or data groups, as well as change the length of time for the displayed data, which also changes the length of the intervals. Data displayed in the portlet is retrieved when the Analysis page is accessed or refreshed. Changing filtering criteria refreshes your view of the data but does not retrieve new data. (MXHA-1395, MXHA-8416) Default naming convention changed for remote journaling environments MIMIX changed the naming convention used for target journal definitions automatically created by the Create Data Group Definition (CRTDGDFN) command. In remote journaling environments, target journal definitions created by the CRTDGDFN command now use the convention that was previously recommended for multimanagement environments. This change provides a consistent convention between two-node environments and MIMIX Global environments. Any future transition from a two-node environment using this convention to a three-or-more node environment will be simpler. Also, MIMIX now assigns a two-character remote journal ID to each system in the installation. The ID is used in the target journal definition naming convention to ensure unique target journal and receiver names. IDs are assigned to existing system definitions during the upgrade to MIMIX 7.1 and to new system definitions when they are created. The ID can be displayed in the details of a system definition, but it cannot be changed. When target journal definitions are created by the CRTDGDFN command, they are created using the format sourcenn@R, where: • source is the first six characters from the journal name of the source journal definition. • nn is the two-character remote journal ID of the source system. • @R identifies the name as being for the remote (target) journal of a local-remote journal pair. If a journal definition name is already in use, the source is shortened to five characters and the sixth character will be assigned a numeric value. The nn@R suffix is also used in the names of the target libraries for the journal, receivers, and threshold message queue. Existing journal definitions are not changed. Journal definitions created by the Create Journal Definition (CRTJRNDFN) command or the Add Remote Journal Link (ADDRJLNK) command do not use this convention. However, any new data groups created after the upgrade will create target journal definitions using this naming convention. This convention is recommended if you manually create target journal definitions. Action required: You may need to update any automation that uses the MXSYSDFN outfile. A field is added to this outfile for the remote journal ID. If automation calls the WRKSYSDFN command specifying OUTMBR(*ADD), update your automation to account for the new field. (MXHA-5708) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 40 Previous service packs (included) Clarified time of next attempt for entries in delay/retry When an object activity entry is undergoing delay/retry processing, MIMIX now considers whether the retry attempt is pending when displaying the time of the next attempt to process the entry. The value *PENDING is now used to indicate the time of the next attempt has passed, and processing for the entry is waiting while object replication processes are busy processing other entries. This value appears in the following locations: • The Timestamp of next attempt field on the Display DG Activity Details display (accessed from option 5 on the Work with DG Activity Entries display) • The Next retry field within the Retry Information section of the Activity Entry Details dialog, (accessed from the Data Group Details and Activities portlet) The field is only displayed on the system of the process that is in delay/retry. The Next retry timestamp (NXTRTYTSP) field in the MXDGACTE outfile (WRKDGACTE command) returns an alternative timestamp when an entry is pending. For more information, see the MIMIX Administrator Reference book. (MXHA-5859) Changes to Work with Systems (WRKSYS) Several changes to the Work with Systems (WRKSYS) command and display now provide support for outfiles, status for additional system level processes, and better correlation of function to that provided in the Nodes portlet of the MIMIX portal application. The WRKSYS command now has standard parameters for specifying output files (OUTPUT, OUTFILE, OUTMBR) The output file created from the Vision-supplied model database file MXSYSSTS, found in the product library. The outfile returns status for all system definitions. The following changes were made to Work with Systems display: • The new Journal Inspect. column shows the current combined status of target journal inspection processes on the system. Inspection occurs on systems that are the target systems for replication. The inspection process uses one job for each target journal to be inspected on the system. • The new Collector Services column shows the status of collector services on the system. Collector services is necessary for the MIMIX portal application to function in Vision Solutions Portal. Keeping collector services active also allows historical statistics to keep being collected. • Option 7 has been renamed to 7=System manager status. Previously it was named 7=Display status. • Option 9=Start now includes all target inspection processes on the node. • Option 10=End now includes all target inspection processes on the node. You can optionally end collector services, and if the system is participating in a cluster, Cluster Services. • Option 11=Jrn inspection status has been added to access the Work with Journal Inspection Status display for the journal definitions of the selected system definition. Related changes to other commands • Parameters added to the Start MIMIX Manager (STRMMXMGR) and End MIMIX Manager (ENDMMXMGR) commands allow starting and ending Target journal inspection (TGTJRNINSP) and Collector services (COLSRV) on a system. Possible values for each (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 41 Previous service packs (included) parameter are *YES and *NO. – For the STRMMXMGR command, the default value for both parameters is *YES, which starts the process. When *YES is specified for TGTJRNINSP and the specified system is a target system for replication, a job is started for each journal that is configured for target journal inspection. – For the ENDMMXMGR command, the default value for TGTJRNINSP is *YES, which ends the journal inspection jobs on the system. The default value for COLSRV is *NO, which allows status to continue to be available in Vision Solutions Portal when other processes on the system are ended. • The Retrieve System Status (RTVSYSSTS) command added support to return values for journal inspection status and collector services status, and to provide support for use with the OPNMMXLST command. The following parameters have been added: LISTID, RTNSYSDFN, JRNINSPSTS, and COLSRVSTS. • The Open MIMIX List (OPNMMXLST) command now supports the value *SYSSTS for the Type of request (TYPE) parameter for use with the RTVSYSSTS command. (MXHA-5922) Priority-based auditing Version 7.1 introduces the concept of prioritized object auditing. Prioritized auditing can reduce the impact of auditing on resources and performance that some customers experienced with previous auditing capability (now called scheduled auditing). Prioritized object auditing benefits customers who cannot complete IFS audits, cannot audit every day, or do not audit at all because of time or resource issues. The biggest difference between prioritized object auditing and scheduled auditing is how objects are selected to be audited. The other significant difference is when each type of audit is allowed to run. • In prioritized object auditing, an audit run selects objects according to their internally assigned priority category and an auditing frequency assigned to the category. The result may be a subset of the objects replicated by the data group. Each time a prioritized audit runs, its subset of objects selected to check may be unique. MIMIX automatically runs a prioritized audit periodically within its specified time range every day. It may run approximately once per hour or more often during its time range. • In scheduled object auditing, an audit run selects all objects that are configured for the data group and within the class of objects checked by the audit. MIMIX automatically runs the audit according to its specified scheduling criteria. Each time a scheduled audit runs, all eligible objects are selected. A manually invoked audit is always a scheduled audit. The #DGFE audit is not eligible for prioritized auditing because it checks configuration data, not objects. When both scheduled and priority audits are allowed for the same rule and data group, MIMIX may not start a prioritized audit if the scheduled audit will start in the near future. MIMIX determines the auditing priority of each replicated object based on its most recent change, most recent audit, and the frequency specified for auditing priority categories. At any time, every replicated object falls within one of several predetermined categories. Objects that had differences in their most recent audit have the highest priority. Objects in this category are always selected, even if the differences were automatically resolved. Also, within all object selection (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 42 Previous service packs (included) categories for prioritized object auditing, the #FILDTA audit always selects all members of a file for which auditing is less than 100 percent complete. Policies determine how often replicated objects within other priority categories are eligible to be selected for auditing. Initially, the objects selected by a prioritized audit may be nearly the same as those selected by a scheduled audit. However, over time the number of objects selected by a prioritized audit stabilizes to a subset of those selected by a scheduled audit. Results of prioritized audit runs are reflected within auditing user interfaces. When MIMIX is used from the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) you can use additional functions, such as filtering the Replicated Objects portlet to the objects that had an audit status of not equal in their last audit. Policies determine whether an audit for a data group runs by priority, by schedule, or both. Policies also determine when prioritized audits are allowed to run every day and when scheduled audits run. New data groups default to using both prioritized and scheduled auditing. Data groups that existed before upgrading to MIMIX version 7.1 continue to use their existing values for scheduled audits. Action required: Customers who upgraded to version 7.1 and want to use prioritized object auditing must change policies. Each unique audit for a data group must be set separately. This is most easily done using the Policy Summary window in Vision Solutions Portal. It can also be accomplished using the Audit Schedule portlet or the Set MIMIX Policies (SETMMXPCY) command to specify values for the Priority audit (PTYAUD) parameter. Policies for prioritized object auditing Interfaces that allow setting or viewing policies used for auditing have changed to include prioritized object auditing. In VSP, the Audit Schedule portlet displays current policy values for scheduling the selected audit and data group. The Audit Schedule Details dialog allows you to select prioritized object auditing and to specify when priority audits can start and the frequency for each priority category. From a 5250 emulator, the Priority audit (PTYAUD) parameter added to the Set MIMIX Policies (SETMMXPCY) command provides the same capability. To change multiple audit schedules at the same time, use the Policy Summary window which can be accessed from global action menus throughout the MIMIX portal application. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 43 Previous service packs (included) The policy values are: Shipped default values for the Priority audit policy for new data groups. Field Default value Additional values Description Allowed to start (VSP) Start after, Start until (5250) 3 a.m to 8 a.m. Any time (*ANY), *NONE Specifies a time range, in 24-hour format during which prioritized audits are allowed to start. Deselecting the Prioritized object auditing checkbox in VSP or the value *NONE prevents prioritized auditing. New objects Daily Hourly A new object is one that has not been audited since it was created. Changed objects Daily Weekly, Monthly A changed object is one that has been modified since the last time it was audited. Unchanged objects Weekly Daily, Monthly, None An unchanged object is one that has not been modified since the last time it was audited. Audited with no differences Monthly Daily, Weekly, None An object with no differences is one that has not been modified since the last time it was audited and has been successfully audited with no changes on at least three consecutive audit runs. Objects remain in this category until a change occurs. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 44 Previous service packs (included) Also, the Audit Schedules tab on the Policy Summary window now includes these columns for prioritized auditing: Start After, Start Until, New Objects, Changed Objects, Unchanged Objects, Audited with no Differences. Preferences allow control over which of these fields are displayed. Changes to displayed auditing information The following information is added or changed in both user interfaces. Objects Audited (VSP) or Objects Selected (5250) - Identifies how objects were selected for auditing in the most recent run of the audit. The user interfaces use different labels, as indicated. • All (*ALL) - The audit run was a scheduled audit that was submitted either automatically by MIMIX or manually by user action. Scheduled audits select all objects that are configured for the data group and within the class of objects checked by the audit. • Prioritized (*PTY) - The audit run was a prioritized audit that was automatically submitted by MIMIX. Prioritized audits select only the subset of eligible objects within each auditing priority category. In VSP, Objects Audited appears in the following portlets: Audits, Audit Details, Audit History, and Audits tab in the Audits, Recoveries, and Notifications. In a 5250 emulator, Objects Selected appears on the initial view (Summary) of the Work with Audits display, the new summary results view of the Work with Audit History display, and when displaying audit details. Compliance - The definition of audit compliance changed. Compliance is an indication of whether the audit ran within the time frame of the compliance thresholds set in auditing policies. For audits configured for scheduled object auditing or both scheduled and prioritized object auditing, compliance status is based on the last run of a scheduled audit or a user-invoked audit. For audits configured for only prioritized object auditing, compliance status is based on the last run, which may have been a prioritized audit or a user-invoked audit. A user-invoked audit or a scheduled audit checked all objects that were configured for the data group and within the class of objects checked by the audit whereas a prioritized audit may have checked only a subset of those objects. In the 5250 emulator, compliance appears in the Compliance summary view of the Work with Audits display and when displaying audit details. In VSP, compliance appears in the following portlets: Audits, Audit Details, and Audits tab in the Audits, Recoveries, and Notifications. Object Differences - In a 5250 emulator, the title of this column is shortened to Object Diff. and the field will now display +++++ if more than 99,999 differences exist. In VSP, Edit mode for the Audit History portlet allows you to control whether the portlet lists all audit runs or hides prioritized audits when the objects selected for a priority audit is zero. Next Scheduled Run and Priority Start Time - The next scheduled run of an audit is specifically for scheduled auditing. Priority Start Time is added to identify when prioritized audits, if used, are allowed to start. In VSP, Edit mode preferences for the Audits portlet controls whether these columns are displayed. In a 5250 emulator, the Schedule summary view of the Work with Audits display now includes a third F11 view that shows settings for priority auditing. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 45 Previous service packs (included) Prioritized audit results in Replicated Objects portlet When selected in Edit mode for the Replicated Objects portlet, the portlet displays Last Audit Details columns. The last audit of the object may have been either scheduled or prioritized. The name of the last audit to include the object, the date it ran, the audit status, and a successful audit count are displayed. The Successful field displays the number of consecutive times the object was audited successfully by the indicated audit. A successful audit is when the object is considered equal on both nodes. Each successful audit increases the number by 1, except for the #FILDTA audit. An audit status considered unknown does not change the count. Any other audit status resets the number to 0. A dash (–) is displayed if the object has not been audited. MIMIX is changed to clarify what is considered a successful #FILDTA audit when the audit runs with the audit level policy set to 10 or 20. At those levels, the #FILDTA audit compares only a percentage of file data with each audit run. It takes multiple runs of the audit to check 100% of the data that exists when the first increment starts. MIMIX now tracks the percent complete and updates the Successful field in the Replicated Objects portlet and the Object Details dialog only after all file data that existed when the first increment started has been successfully checked. Also, the Progress Toward Next Successful Audit column was added to the Object Details dialog to indicate the percent of data successfully audited toward a complete audit. This column only appears for *FILE objects audited by the #FILDTA audit. A dash is displayed for all other audit types for this object. The percentage increases in 5% increments for each successful audit when the audit level is set to 10. The percent complete increases in 20% increments for each successful audit when the audit level is set to 20. A successful audit is when the object is considered equal on both nodes. An audit status considered unknown does not change the percent. Any other audit status resets the percent to 0 and hides the column. When the percentage reaches 100%, this column is hidden and the value of the Successful column increments by 1. For more information, see “Replicated Objects portlet” on page 58. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 46 Previous service packs (included) Related changes The Audit Details portlet now shows additional fields when the selected audit's status is Not run or Waiting to run. The Objects to audit field indicates whether all objects will be selected by the audit (a scheduled audit) or prioritized objects will be selected by the audit (a prioritized audit). The Run on node field identifies where the audit will run. Also, the Last attempt field is no longer displayed when the audit status is Not run. Commands that compare attributes now have a new report type available. The Compare File Attributes (CMPFILA), Compare Object Attributes (CMPOBJA), Compare IFS Attributes (CMPIFSA), and Compare DLO Attributes (CMPDLOA) commands now support the value *OPTIMIZED for the Report type (RPTTYPE) parameter. The value *OPTIMIZED creates a combined report that indicates at an object level when the objects are equal. For objects that are not equal, the individual attributes that are not equal are included in the report. Audits now use this report type to return results. Outfile changes: The Objects selected (OBJSEL) field has been added to the MXAUDHST outfile for the Work with Audit History (WRKAUDHST) command to identify how objects were selected for the audit run. The System 1 object type (SYS1OBJTYP) and System 2 object type (SYS2OBJTYP) fields have been added to the following outfiles to facilitate tracking audits for each object: • MXCMPIFSA outfile for the Compare IFS Attributes (CMPIFSA) command • MXCMPDLOA outfile for the Compare DLO Attributes (CMPDLOA) command (MXHA-5930, MXHA-8134, MXHA-9431) Changing audit scheduling policies for multiple audits Through Vision Solutions Portal, you can now change scheduling information for multiple audits at once. On the Audit Schedules tab on the MIMIX Policy Summary window, checkboxes next to the listed audits allow you to select one or more audits to be changed using the Change action on the toolbar. The Change action opens the Audit Schedule Details dialog. The Audit Schedule Details dialog is changed so that, when multiple audits are selected from the Policy Summary window, the Prioritized Object Auditing and Scheduled Object Auditing fields appear as dropdown lists with values of No Change (default), Enable, and Disable. When Enable is selected in either field, its associated subfields are displayed and also support a value of No Change. This allows you to change one scheduling attribute without changing other attributes for the selected audits. When the selected audits are all #DGFE, none of the prioritized object auditing fields are displayed. (MXHA-8913) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 47 Previous service packs (included) Changes to support enhanced environment analysis features Version 7.1 of MIMIX includes several significant enhancements for analyzing your replication environment. To support making those enhancements possible, the following changes were made. Changes to starting data groups and options for long initial startup New version 7.1 functions, such as prioritized object auditing and the Replicated Objects portlet within Vision Solutions Portal, use information within a new internal replicated objects database as input. This database is created during installation and configuration information identifying the set of objects to replicate must be deployed to prime the database before replication is started the first time on version 7.1. The deploy activity is necessary to ensure that MIMIX functions have access to the most up-to-date information.To support this, the following changes have been made: • MIMIX is changed so that requests that start a data group (STRDG command) automatically deploy data group configuration entries if MIMIX detects that the data group had a change to its replication scope (name space). This ensures that any configuration changes affecting the set of objects to replicate are deployed to the database. • The new Deploy Data Group Configuration (DPYDGCFG) command can be used to manually deploy data group configuration entries to the internal database. This command can be used before starting replication to reduce the time required for automatic deployment during the initial start of replication on version 7.1. After the configuration is deployed, MIMIX processes keep the database up-to-date as objects are deleted, moved in or out of the name space, or as other cooperative processing activities affecting the name space are performed. Action required: The first time that data groups are started after upgrading to MIMIX version 7.1 or after configuring a new installation may take an extended amount of time while all of the configuration is deployed. The amount of time varies depending on how many objects, files, and journaled IFS objects are identified for replication. For environments that replicate large quantities of IFS objects, this may be significant and may take several hours. Environments with three or more systems also require more time for the deploy to complete because the system manager sends the configuration information in the database to all systems in the configuration. The following options are available: New installations: For new installations, it is recommended that you run the DPYDGCFG command from the source system of each data group after you have completed adding configuration entries for the data group. Do this before starting the data groups the first time. Upgrades, option 1: After upgrading to version 7.1 and before starting replication, you can use the DPYDGCFG command from the source system of each data group to deploy the configuration. This may take several hours to complete and replication cannot be active during this time. Upgrades, option 2: Start MIMIX as normal following the upgrade. The configuration will be deployed to the database as data groups are started. This option allows replication to occur while the database is loaded. The amount of time needed depends on the number of objects on the (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 48 Previous service packs (included) system and may take several hours. Functions that rely on the system manager may be affected until processing completes. You may see the following: • On the Work with Data Groups display, data groups may be highlighted in yellow until the system manager catches up. • Correct status for file entries, IFS tracking entries, and object tracking entries that were in *HLDERR state may not be reflected. If synchronized, these entries would appear as *HLDSYNC until the system manager catches up. • Newly created objects (file, journaled IFS objects, journaled data areas and data queues) would be active and data would replicated, but their file entry or tracking entry may have a status of *HLDnnnn. • If audits run and you want to mark one as “mark as recovered”, sending of your change to the other system may be delayed. Improved performance for clear pending starts The Start Data Group (STRDG) command no longer needs to re-prime IFS tracking entries for journaled IFS objects when the start request specifies to clear pending entries (CLRPND(*YES)). In environments with large amounts of journaled IFS objects, this can be a significant time improvement, including when starting data groups following a switch. Improved start time for disabled data groups In resource groups that include active and disabled data groups, the disabled data groups are now kept current with changes that create or delete IFS tracking entries. As a result, the time required to enable and start a disabled data group is reduced. Deploy Data Group Configuration (DPYDGCFG) command The new Deploy Data Group Configuration (DPYDGCFG) command will deploy data group configuration entries to the internal replicated objects database. The DPYDGCFG command is invoked automatically as needed by the STRDG command. The command can also be used by customers and MIMIX service representatives to verify that a new or existing configuration will include all expected objects, or to potentially expedite the subsequent start data group (STRDG) request following configuration. The Include entries (INCLUDE) parameter determines which types of data group entries are deployed. The default value *ALL will deploy the full configuration for the specified data group. Other possible values include: *DGFE (file entries), *DGOBJE (object entries), *DGIFSE (IFS entries), *DGDLOE (DLO entries), and *DGDAE (data area entries). MXCFGJRN journal definitions and journal environments A journal and a journal definition named MXCFGJRN will now exist on each system within an installation. The MXCFGJRN journal definitions will appear on the Work with Journal Definitions display (WRKJRNDFN). However, these definitions and their associated journaling environments are for internal use by MIMIX and should not be used for other purposes or deleted. The MXCFGJRN journal is created on each system during the install or upgrade to MIMIX version 7.1. For existing environments, the upgrade process also creates the MXCFGJRN journal definitions for each system definition in the installation library. For new environments, (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 49 Previous service packs (included) when you create a system definition, the MXCFGJRN journal definition for that system is automatically created. The following changes were made to prevent this environment from being deleted, which would adversely affect your installation: • The Delete Journal Environment (DLTJRNENV) command is changed to prevent deleting the MXCFGJRN journal. • The Delete Journal Definition (DLTJRNDFN) command is changed to prevent deleting the MXCFGJRN definition. (MXHA-5933) Target journal inspection Version 7.1 of MIMIX includes the ability to automatically inspect journals on the target system for changes to replicated objects by users or programs other than MIMIX. Data integrity of replicated objects can be affected if they are changed on the target system. Also, changing replicated objects on the target system can cause repeated auditing activity for those objects. Target journal inspection consists of a set of processes that run on a system only when that system is the target system for replication. Each process reads a journal to check for users or programs other than MIMIX that have modified replicated objects. When target journal inspection is enabled in the configuration, the number of inspection processes depends on how many journals are used by data groups replicating to that system. There is one inspection process for the system journal (QAUDJRN) regardless of how many data groups use the system as a target system. Each user journal on the target system also has an inspection process. Note: – Target journal inspection does not occur for the journals identified in the following journal definitions: JRNMMX, MXCFGJRN, and those that identify the remote journal used in RJ configurations (whose names typically end with @R). – In environments that perform bi-directional replication, target journal inspection does not report a target object as changed by user when that object is also replicated by a different data group using that system as its source. – The first time that a target journal inspection process is started, it begins at the first entry of the currently attached journal receiver regardless of where replication from the journal is started. This can result in false target journal inspection notifications being reported. The starting location changed in See “Starting point changed for target journal inspection” on page 20. For new installations, shipped default values for journal definitions and data group definitions allow MIMIX to automatically perform target journal inspection. Action Required: Journal definitions that existed before upgrading to MIMIX version 7.1 do not automatically allow target journal inspection. Customers who have upgraded and want to use target journal inspection need to change journal definitions for systems on which target inspection will run. In switchable environments, change all journal definitions associated with the data group that can become a target journal to allow inspection to start on the opposite system following a switch. Also, data group definitions that perform user journal replication may need to be changed to allow (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 50 Previous service packs (included) journaling on the target system. For examples and detailed instructions, see topic "Performing target journal inspection" in the MIMIX Administrator Reference book. Viewing results Each target journal inspection process sends a notification once per day per user that changed objects on the target system. The notifications appear in the Notifications portlet in Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) and on the Work with Notifications display (WRKNFY command). The source of these notifications is identified as TGTJRNINSP. You can view the details of the notification from either user interface. Only the first object changed by the user is identified in the notification. However, each object changed by the user is logged in an internal database along with the notification ID. The notification ID is used by enhanced capabilities available only when using MIMIX in VSP. When using MIMIX through Vision Solutions Portal, the filter on the Replicated Objects portlet allows you to see a list of objects changed on the target system. You can further filter by a particular user, program, job, or notification ID. Also, when viewing details of a notification sent by target journal inspection, the notification ID is displayed in the Notification Details dialog. You can use this ID in the filter for the Replicated Objects portlet to see a list of objects changed by this user on the target node. These capabilities are only available through Vision Solutions Portal. Automatic correction of errors found by target journal inspection MIMIX supports automatic correction of objects identified by target journal inspection as "changed on target by user". The replication manager (MXREPMGR) is a new transient process that runs in the MIMIXSBS subsystem as needed. When target journal inspection identifies a problem with a target system object, the replication manager process starts and evaluates how to resolve the problem. The following types of problems are addressed: • Replicated object was modified on target system. The replication manager updates the internal priority for auditing the object so that the object becomes eligible for the next run of a priority object audit. The next run (either scheduled or priority-based) of an audit which checks the object type will correct the problem if the automatic audit recovery policy is enabled. • Object created on target system is within replication scope. The replication manager uses the current settings of the Object only on target (OBJONTGT) policy to determine whether to recover the object to the source system. If the policy permits, the object is synchronized to the source system. The policy can also be set to delete the object from the target system. • Replicated object was deleted on target system. The replication manager determines if the object still exists on the source system. If the source object exists and is still within the replication scope, it is synchronized to the target system by the next run of an audit which checks the object type. MIMIX tracks error conditions for three days. Once an error condition is corrected, the object will no longer be identified as being "changed on target by user" in the Replicated Objects portlet. Also, if it is not already started, the replication manager is started by the system manager to perform daily cleanup activities. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 51 Previous service packs (included) Changes to support inspection status Status for target journal inspection appears in several locations. The most useful place to start when checking status of target journal inspection is at the system level. • Summary of inspection status for a system - In VSP, the Nodes portlet includes a summary of all target journal inspection processes on a node (system) In detailed view, the Journal Inspection column is added under the group heading for Services. In summary view, inspection statuses are included in the roll up into Srv column. From a 5250 emulator, the processes for a system are summarized on the Work with Systems display (WRKSYS command). Details of these changes are described in “Changes to Work with Systems (WRKSYS)” on page 41. • Individual inspection process status - In VSP, the new Journal Inspection Status window displays a list of journal definitions and the status of the target journal inspection job for the journal associated with each journal definition. This window is accessed using the Journal Inspection Status action on the Nodes portlet and from several other locations. From a 5250 emulator, the Work with Journal Inspection Status display provides the same information. This display using option 11 on the Work with Systems display or the new Work with Journal Inspection (WRKJRNINSP) command. You can display details about the last entry inspected from either user interface. • Summarized with node status for an application group - In VSP, the Application Node column in the Application Groups portlet includes target journal inspection processes along with a summary of other system-level processes for all the systems in the application group. From a 5250 emulator, the App Node Status column on the Work with Application Groups display provides the same information. • Summarized with manager status for a node in an application group - In VSP, when the Recovery Domain portlet displays the recovery domain of an application group, the overall status of a node includes all target journal inspection processes on the node along with the status of other node-level processes. From a 5250 emulator, the same summarized systemlevel process status appears in the Manager Status column of the Work with Node Entries display. • Summarized for target journals of a data group - At the data group level, there can be at most two inspection processes with status. In VSP, the Data Groups portlet includes a summarized status of the target journal inspection processes associated with a data group. In the portlet's summary view, this is in the Target status values. In the details view, this is in the Tgt Jrn column. From a 5250 emulator, the Work with Data Groups display (WRKDG) includes a summary of the target journal inspection processes associated with a data group in the Target Mgr column. • Individual process statuses in data group details - When displaying detailed status of a data group, status is also available for the individual inspection processes associated with target journals for that data group. In VSP, this information is in the Data Group Details and Activities portlet. The portlet's DB Statistics tab includes as many as two separate rows in the Supporting Processes section, for the target user journal and system journal inspection processes. The Object Statistics tab has one possible row in the Supporting Processes section for the target system journal inspection process. From a 5250 emulator, the merged view of the Data Group Status display (DSPDGSTS command) includes target journal inspection status in the Sys Jrn Insp and User Jrn Insp fields within the Target Statistics section. In both user interfaces, inspection status is not displayed if target journal inspection is not configured or the data group has not been started. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 52 Previous service packs (included) Changes that support starting and ending inspection processes Target journal inspection processes are run only when the system is the target for replication. Inspection processes are started and ended at the system level; a single inspection process for a specific journal cannot be started or stopped independently of other inspection processes on the same system. • Starting MIMIX - The Start MIMIX dialog (in VSP) and the Start MIMIX (STRMMX) command include starting target journal inspection processes. • Ending MIMIX - The Stop MIMIX dialog (in VSP) and the End MIMIX (ENDMMX) command include stopping target journal inspection processes. Also, these interfaces have changes to how audits in various in-progress conditions are handled when MIMIX ends, which are described in help text. • Starting and ending MIMIX managers - Target journal inspection processes are started and ended along with system managers. This includes restarting daily when system manager restarts. In VSP, the Start Managers and Services dialog and the Stop Managers and Services dialog include target journal inspection. 5250 emulator changes to the Start MIMIX Managers (STRMMXMGR) and End MIMIX Managers (ENDMMXMGR) commands are described in “Changes to Work with Systems (WRKSYS)” on page 41. • Starting data groups - If target journal inspection is configured and not already started, starting data groups will automatically start target journal inspection processes on the target system. • In VSP, the new Start Target Journal Inspection and Stop Target Journal Inspection dialogs allow you to start or stop all inspection processes for journals being inspected on a node. These dialogs are accessed by the actions from the Target Journal Inspection window and from the Data Group Details and Activities portlet. Related changes to MIMIX portlets The following additional changes associated with target journal inspection were made to portlets in the MIMIX portal application. In the Data Group Details and Activities portlet, icons on DB Statistics and Object Statistics tabs now reflect status of disabled data groups and target journal inspection. In the Notifications portlet, checkboxes added to the headings for the New and Acknowledged lists allow you to take action on multiple notifications at once. In the Recovery Domain portlet, the resulting dialogs from these actions have changed: • The Start action now calls the Start Managers and Services Dialog instead of Start MIMIX Managers dialog. When called from this portlet, the dialog starting the master monitor is not possible and other managers and services can be started only on selected node. • The Stop action now calls the Stop Cluster Services dialog. This action from this portlet does not stop target journal inspection. In the Nodes portlet, the Start action now calls the Start Managers and Services dialog. Related changes to commands and displays The following additional changes associated with target journal inspection were made to the 5250 emulator user interface. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 53 Previous service packs (included) On the Work with Data Groups display (WRKDG command), the Mgr columns for source and target now report only the status of the managers associated with the data group on that system. Previously, these columns included a summary of all manager statuses for the system. The Create Journal Definition (CRTJRNDFN) command added the Target journal inspection (TGTJRNINSP) parameter. The default value, *YES, allows the specified journal to be inspected when the system specified in the journal definition name is the target system for replication. The value *NO prevents inspection of the journal. When *YES is specified, the value specified for Target journal state (TGTSTATE) must be *ACTIVE. The TGTJRNINSP parameter is also added to the Change Journal Definition command. Changes to the Work with Journal Definitions display include: • The Jrn Insp column identifies whether a journal definition will permit inspection when its system is a target system. (This is also available when option 5=Display is used.) • When option 13=Data group definitions is selected for a journal definition that identifies a user journal, this new option provides access to the subset of data group definitions that include the selected journal definition. The MIMIX Availability Status display (WRKMMXSTS) command includes problems with target journal inspection status in the Services row. Retrieve command changes: • The Retrieve Journal Definition (RTVJRNDFN) command added the TGTJRNINSP parameter to receive the indicator for whether journal inspection is performed for data groups that specify this journal definition as the target journal definition. • The Retrieve Journal Status (RTVJRNSTS) command has the following changes: – The JRNDFN parameter no longer allows the value *ALL for either the name or system of the journal definition. – Parameters JRN and JRNLIB are added to receive the journal name and library associated with the specified journal definition. – Several parameters are added to receive the status of the target journal inspection process for the journal definition (JRNINSPSTS), the name of the receiver (INSPJRNRCV) and library (INSPRCVLIB) of the last entry processed by journal inspection, as well as the sequence number (INSPSEQNBR), date (INSPDATE), and time (INSPTIME) of the last entry processed by journal inspection. • Changes to the Retrieve System Status (RTVSYSSTS) command are described in “Changes to Work with Systems (WRKSYS)” on page 41. Outfile changes: • The Work with Journal Definitions (WRKJRNDFN) command's MXJRNDFN outfile added the TGTJRNINSP field for whether target journal inspection is allowed. • The new Work with Journal Inspection (WRKJRNINSP) command supports the MXJRNINSP outfile for inspection process status. • Additions to the Work with Systems (WRKSYS) command's outfile are described in “Changes to Work with Systems (WRKSYS)” on page 41. (MXHA-5929, MXHA-5931, MXHA-10228) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 54 Previous service packs (included) Audits and Recoveries portlet renamed The Audits and Recoveries portlet has been renamed to the Audits, Recoveries, and Notifications portlet. With this change a new tab, Notifications, has been added which provides similar functionality as the Notifications portlet. (MXHA-7967) Message Log support in MIMIX portal application You can now access messages in the MIMIX message log from within a MIMIX instance in Vision Solutions Portal. The Message Log window displays messages in the message log according to the context from which the Message log action was selected. The displayed messages can be filtered by message attributes, sending process, originating node, job, and other criteria. The Message Log window also supports actions to display messages related by job number to a selected message, display details of a message, and delete messages. The Message Log action is added to the following interfaces: • Application Groups portlet • Data Groups portlet • Audits, Recoveries, and Notifications portlet • Audits portlet • Audit Details portlet • Audit Details dialog • Audit History portlet • Audit History Details dialog • Recoveries window • Recovery Details dialog • Notifications portlet • Notifications window • Procedures portlet • Step Status portlet • Model Switch Framework portlet When the action is used from a global action menu, the log displays all messages for the instance, or in some cases, the node and instance. When the action is used from an item action menu, the log is filtered to messages for the selected item or to messages for the job associated with the selected item. (MXHA-5957) Policy Summary window added The new MIMIX Policy Summary window makes it easy to view the current policy settings across all data groups in your environment and identify which data groups have overridden instancelevel policies. The window has multiple tabs – Replication, Audits, Audit Schedules, and Other – that correspond to tabs in the Instance Policies and Audit Schedule dialogs. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 55 Previous service packs (included) A Policy Summary action is added to the following locations to provide access to the MIMIX Policy window. The window opens to the tab appropriate for the location from which it was selected: • Data Groups portlet on the Summary page • Data Groups portlet on the Data Groups page • Audits portlet on the Audits page • Procedures portlet on the Procedures page • Model Switch Framework portlet on the Procedures page • Replicated Objects portlet on Analysis page The Replication tab and Audits tab display the instance-level settings in the first row, followed by a row for each data group. On these tabs, data group rows display any override values or use an icon to indicate that the instance value is used. Policies on the Audit Schedule tab can only be set at the data group level so there is no instance row. There are rows for every audit for each data group. You can use the Filter button to filter the list by data group or by audit type. This tab also displays the next scheduled run of the audit. Policies on the Other tab can only be set for the instance so there are no data group rows on the tab. From any tab, selecting the Details action from a row opens the corresponding dialog to use to change policies for the selected row. Preferences control how many rows of data groups are displayed per page. You can also use preferences to choose which columns to display on the Replication, Audits, and Audit Schedules tabs. All columns are displayed by default. (MXHA-5966) ENDDG performance improved when activity entries are in delay/retry MIMIX has changed the way in which requests to end data groups handle activity entries for which processing has been delayed. The following changes improve the performance of the End Data Group (ENDDG) command and any command or procedure which invokes it, such as ENDMMX, ENDAG, and switching steps that end data groups. An ENDDG request now does the following: • Checks for activity entries in object retrieval delay. Any entries currently in delay are immediately processed as if the delay had completed. The object retrieve processing for the activity entry must complete its attempt (either successful or failure). Then the ENDDG request continues as if there was no object retrieval delay in use. • Checks for activity entries in delay/retry cycles. If a controlled end (ENDOPT(*CNTRLD)) was requested, any delayed entry is retried without waiting for the first or second delay interval (specified in the data group definition) or the third delay interval (specified within policies). Either the entry is processed successfully and progresses to the next replication process, or it is marked as Failed. (MXHA-6169) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 56 Previous service packs (included) Journal at creation changes due to QDFTJRN retirement Journal at creation ensures that newly created objects are journaled and therefore can be replicated. Shipped defaults for data group definitions permit journal at creation (JRNATCRT parameter). Due to underlying changes by IBM, MIMIX changed the manner in which Journal at creation is supported. IBM announced the retirement of the QDFTJRN data area in the follow-on release to IBM i 7.1. Its replacement is the Start Journal Library (STRJRNLIB) command, introduced in IBM i 6.1. On systems running IBM i 6.1 or higher, MIMIX is changed to remove dependencies on the QDFTJRN data area and to use the support provided by the STRJRNLIB command. MIMIX removes the QDFTJRN data area from replicated libraries. Customers are advised not to recreate the QDFTJRN data area after upgrading to MIMIX version 7.1. On systems running IBM i 5.4, MIMIX continues to use the QDFTJRN data area for journal at creation. (MXHA-6294) Improved performance for DBRDR and DBSND The database reader (DBRDR) process and database send process (DBSND) have been changed to use a more efficient format for accessing journal data. The format now used does not expose the journal entry date field as an SAA format. The date field is converted as needed within MIMIX processing. Action required: Customers whose environments use database replication user exit programs need to evaluate the programs for any use of the journal entry time stamp. Contact your Vision Solutions representative for more information. (MXHA-6408) Improved display of member errors in File Activity Details window In the Data Group Details and Activities portlet, both the File Activity tab and the Object Activity tab support actions that display the other tab's activity details in secondary windows. Previously, data may not have been displayed in the secondary windows as expected. The File Activity Details Window now supports displaying multiple member information for the selected file that is experiencing replication problems. A field is added to identify the member name, and the status of each member is identified with an icon. A Filter button and controls for page navigation have also been added. The new Filter Activity Details dialog allows you to filter the File Activity Details window by file member in error and to set the maximum number of activities to display for the file. Page navigation controls have been added to the Object Activity Details Window. The default number for the maximum activities displayed is now 100. (MXHA-6631) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 57 Previous service packs (included) Replicated Objects portlet The Replicated Objects portlet displays objects that match objects configured for replication for all data groups within an instance. The objects displayed are those that are within the replication scope on the source system of the data groups. For instances running MIMIX version 7.1 or higher, this portlet also displays information about whether objects were changed on the target node outside of normal replication processes, last changed on source, and last audit information. The portlet has tabs for libraries, directories (IFS), and folders (DLO) as well as a content area where replicated objects are listed. A tree control on each tab provides navigation through the available data. The content area displays the replicated objects that are within the library, directory, or folder selected from the tree of the current tab. When auditing history has been retained, actions are available for displaying an object’s audit history and the audited objects within a selected library, directory, or folder. Robust filtering capability is available to limit the displayed objects to those changed on the source system within a selected length of time, by object type, by data group, or by application group. You can also filter the portlet by the status of the most recent audit of the objects or by attributes of information retained about changes to objects that occurred on the target node outside of MIMIX operations. For replicated IFS objects, directories (*DIR) are displayed regardless of their configured method of replication. However, only cooperatively processed stream files (*STMF) and symbolic links (*SYMLNK) can be displayed in the portlet. *STMF and *SYMLNK objects replicated entirely through the system journal cannot be displayed. A message indicates when a selected directory contains but cannot display these objects. For replicated files with members, each member can be audited by three different audits. The portlet displays only the most recent of these audits. Use the Details action for the object to view information about the most recent results from all three audit types. In environments with more than two nodes or that perform bi-directional replication, replicated objects may appear in the list multiple times, once for each data group that replicates the object. The three-part name of the data group and the direction of replication distinguish the objects. The three-part name is available in flyover text for the data group column and in the object details. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 58 Previous service packs (included) You can also filter by the three-part name. Objects in disabled data groups are not displayed by default. Normal replication and audit processes update the data available for display in the portlet. During initial configuration, configuration changes, and regular validation activities, a message at the top of the portlet indicates that some objects may not appear until MIMIX finishes collecting information about objects. (MXHA-7125) Improved performance when starting and ending data groups Performance is improved for all operations that start and end data groups which specify *YES for the Lock member during apply element of the File and tracking entry options (FEOPT) parameter in their data group definitions or data group file entries. This affects the STRMMX, STRAG, STRDG, ENDMMX, ENDAG, and ENDDG commands as well as the end data group request during a planned switch and all equivalent actions in Vision Solutions Portal/MIMIX portal application. Configurations that have a large number of files in one database apply session will benefit the most from this improvement. Note: The exception to this is the first time that replication is started for version 7.1. For details, see “Changes to support enhanced environment analysis features” on page 48. Action required: Locking members during database apply remains best practice for MIMIX. If you previously changed the configuration to specify *NO for Lock member during apply for performance reasons, Vision Solutions recommends that you change the FEOPT parameter to specify *YES for the Lock member during apply element. (MXHA-8072) Duration added to Audit Details, Audit History portlets The following portlets and dialogs were updated to include audit duration. Duration is the amount of time that the audit ran from start to completion. • The Audit Details portlet and Audit Details dialog now include the start time of the audit from the node on which the audit originated as well as its duration. • The Audit History portlet and Audit History Details dialog now include duration. In addition, the Status column in the Audit History portlet moved to the left of the Audit Start column. The Audit Start column was previously named Audit Run. (MXHA-8318) Improved compare of *DTACRC attributes by #OBJATR audit The #OBJATR audit and the Compare Object Attributes (CMPOBJA) command now perform a more thorough check of the *DTACRC attribute for query definition (*QRYDFN) and query management form (*QMFORM) object types. This check is always performed for *QMFORM objects. For *QRYDFN objects, the most thorough check is performed when the systems on which the compared objects exist are at the same release of IBM i. (MXHA-8619) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 59 Previous service packs (included) Audit History default changes Audit History has been changed to be turned on by default. Audit history provides historical information about audit results and the objects that were audited. You can choose the minimum number of days to retain audit history in the Set MIMIX Policies (SETMMXPCY) command. In Vision Solutions Portal, the Audit History Retention is set on the Audits tab of the Policy Summary window. Audit history will be automatically enabled for all new MIMIX version 7.1 installations. Installations that have upgraded to version 7.1 will retain their previous values for the audit history retention policy. The 7.1 shipped default values for audit history are: • Minimum days is 7 (unchanged) • Minimum runs per audit is 1 (unchanged) • Object details is now *YES (was *NO) • DLO and IFS details is now *YES (was *NO) (MXHA-8748) Status icon changes within MIMIX portal application Some of the icons that represent status values within the MIMIX portal application have changed. Procedure status icons shown in the Application Groups portlet now more clearly represent current status. Held recoveries require user action to resolve, so their held status is now represented by a red icon and rolled up into higher level status throughout the portal application. Queued statuses are considered active and are now represented by green icons. Additional changes were made to consistently represent statuses for similar concepts across portal applications for all Vision Solution products. (MXHA-8858) Data Group Details and Activities portlet The tabs in this portlet no longer display status icons when the selected data group is disabled. (MXHA-9485) On the DB Statistics tab, a dash ( - ) is now displayed in the Journal Cache and Journal State columns instead of no value when IBM i option 42 - High Availability Journal Performance, is not installed on this system. (MXHA-9585) New held recovery status for audits A new audit status indicates that a held recovery exists for an audit and requires user intervention before the audit can complete. (MXHA-9543, MXHA-9860) The following table summarizes icon changes. Status icons for MIMIX portal application Status Old Icon Held Was not represented New Icon Where Used Instance status in navigation area Instance in Enterprise Status portlet (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 60 Previous service packs (included) Status icons for MIMIX portal application Status Old Icon New Icon Recovery held None Audits portlet Audit Details portlet Audit Details dialog Audits tab on the Audits, Recoveries, and Notifications portlet Data Groups portlet, Audits column (summary view) and Audits Status column (detailed view) Replication column in Application Groups portlet Replication column in Resource Groups portlet Overall status in Data Groups portlet Held None Status column in Data Groups portlet Held Switching Where Used Recoveries, in recovery-specific locations Actual audit status. Actual compliance status. In Audit and Compliance columns in Data Groups portlet. (Audits and compliance do not switch.) In progress Switch in progress Sync in progress Model Switch Framework Active Recoveries, Procedures, Steps Ending Recoveries Queued Procedures Compare active Compare repair Compare release File activity Comparing Recovering Waiting to run Audits, all locations Completed with errors Procedures column in Applications Groups portlet Completed Procedures column in Applications Groups portlet Successful Audits column in Data Groups portlet Acknowledged Procedures Acknowledged Audits (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 61 Previous service packs (included) Status icons for MIMIX portal application Status Old Icon New Icon No procedure has run Procedures column in Applications Groups portlet No replication (data is on switchable hardware) New Where Used Dash (-) Blank Replication column in Application Groups portlet Procedure, Audit The following changes are for the Data Group Details and Activity portlet. Held Reorganize Held Promoter Held Rename Release File Activity tab File Activity Details window Related Files window Held Rename IFS Tracking tab No status Blank Object Tracking tab Held Reorganize Held Promoter Held Rename Release File Activity tab File Activity Details window Related Files window Held Rename IFS Tracking tab DPYDGCFG command no longer fails The DPYDGCFG command no longer fails when processing IFS entries whose path names do not match due to case sensitivity. For IFS directories replicated through the system journal, the replicated objects database now stores path names all in lower case which corrects the issue with case sensitivity. (MXHA-9091) Enhancements for Intra Environments Support has been added to allow multiple Intra configurations in one installation. Previously, only one intra configuration was allowed per installation. Now, multiple Intra configurations are allowed with the following considerations: • A unique name of INTRAnnn is now supported to represent the system definition (SYSDFN) used for an Intra environment. In the second part of the name, nnn is up to 3 valid system definition characters. Previously, an Intra environment could only be named “INTRA”. • Intra installation library names still must end in “I”. Configuration of the product library (PRDLIB) parameter in the system definition is now required for Intra environments. For example, a library named ABC would need to be named ABCI in order to be valid for an Intra configuration. Previously, this parameter was handled by default. With the support of multiple Intra configurations in one installation, you must manually specify this parameter. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 62 Previous service packs (included) • Remote journaling with both *SYSJRN and *USRJRN data groups is now compatible with Intra communications. For detailed information about configuring Intra communications, see the MIMIX Administrator Reference book. (MXHA-535, MXHA-9133) Support added for Windows network server user attributes MIMIX added support for replicating and auditing the Windows network server user attributes that are associated with replicated user profile objects (*USRPRF). These attributes can be set with the Change Network Server User Attributes (CHGNWSUSRA) command. If the attributes have been set, they can now be replicated and audited with their associated user profile. To support auditing these attributes, the Compare Object Attributes (CMPOBJA) command and the #OBJATR audit now support the value *NWSUSRA in the Attributes to compare (CMPATR) and the Attributes to omit (OMITATR) parameters. If the attributes have been set, the #OBJATR audit and the value *ALL for the command's CMPATR parameter will include them when comparing user profile objects. This support is implemented for all new installations or upgrades to service pack (MXHA-9151) #DLOATR audit compares data and supports multiple audit levels MIMIX is changed so that the #DLOATR audit can now compare data as well as attributes for objects of type *DOC and *STMF. Also, the #DLOATR audit now supports multiple audit levels. When the #DLOATR audit runs at *LEVEL10, the audit only compares attributes. When run at *LEVEL20 or *LEVEL30, a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is also performed on data for *DOC and *STMF objects. Previous releases were equivalent to *LEVEL10. All new and upgraded installations of version 7.1 will run the #DLOATR audit at *LEVEL30, which is best practice, unless the audit level policy is changed. Be aware that after installing version 7.1, the #DLOATR audit may take more time to complete, may affect performance, and may initially result in more problems reported because data was not previously compared. To support this functionality, the Compare DLO Attribute (CMPDLOA) command now supports *DATACRC as a possible value for the Attributes to compare (CMPATR) and Attributes to omit (OMITATR) parameters. When *DATACRC is specified for the CMPATR parameter, the comparison performs a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for object data for document (*DOC) and stream file (*STMF) objects. The comparison reads all document and stream file data, which can affect performance and take more time. (MXHA-9152) Choice of system for determining database file network relationships You now have the ability to specify which of the systems in the data group to use for determining database file network relationships when distributing files among database apply sessions. In previous releases, the target system of the data group was always used. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 63 Previous service packs (included) The System for DB file relations (DBRSYS) parameter has been added to the Start Data Group (STRDG) command and to the Start Data group dialog within the MIMIX portal application for VSP. The DBRSYS parameter determines which system is used to determine file network relationships. The specified system is used to assign data group file entries to apply sessions when the start request specifies to clear pending entries (CLRPND(*YES)) in all apply sessions (APYSSN(*ALL)). Valid values are: • *TGT - The target system is used to determine the file relationships. This is the default and preserves behavior of previous releases. • *SRC - The source system is used to determine the file relationships. (MXHA-9573) LODDTARGE command changes The Load Data Rsc. Grp. Ent. (LODDTARGE) command allows you to select the data groups to load into a resource group for an application group. The LODDTARGE command is changed to automatically create a unique resource group entry for all data groups. Data groups that have the same name for their three-part name will be assigned to the same data resource group. The name of each data resource group must be unique and will use the same name as its data groups. The following parameters have been removed from the command: Data group name space (NAMESPC) and Data resource group entry (DTARSCGRP). (MXHA-9577) MIMIX portal application performance improvements Several changes to the MIMIX portal application improve performance of retrieving the displayed information for an instance. This may be most noticeable for users who have added several portlets to custom pages in My Folder. Portlet data now loads faster when users select any of the following pages: Data Groups, Audits, and Procedures. Also, users of custom pages may also see performance improvements. Also, immediately after logging in and selecting an instance, users may see a message in portlets indicating that the instance may still be connecting or retrieving information. This is displayed while instance status is being retrieved. On a shipped page, this message will resolve itself. However, on a custom page, users must refresh the browser to see the retrieved information. (MXHA-9393, MXHA-9786) DBAPY performance improved when processing C-RB entries The database apply (DBAPY) process changed the way in which it processes C-RB (rollback) journal entries when data groups are configured for delayed commit mode processing. Environments that use commitment control and perform many commit rollback operations will see improved performance for the DBAPY process. Environments with a large number of apply jobs for one or more data groups using the same journal will see the most improvement. Performance may improve for the database reader (DBRDR) process as well. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 64 Previous service packs (included) Data groups configured for immediate commit mode processing handle C-RB entries differently and are not affected by this change. Immediate commit mode processing is new for MIMIX version 7.1 and is described in Immediate commit option for database apply. (MXHA-9651) Changes when installing from SAVF If you use 5250 emulator commands to install MIMIX instead of the MIMIX Installation Wizard, be aware of the following: • The Install MIMIX (INSMMX) tool available to download from Support Central has been renamed to Install Vision Product (INSPRD). • The downloadable INSPRD tool includes the Install Vision Product (INSPRD) command. • The INSPRD command is a generically named copy of the Install MIMIX (INSMMX) command in the LAKEVIEW library for License Manager. The Install Vision Product (INSPRD) tool for License Manager simplifies the install process for users who are installing from a streamfile (STMF). If you will be using 5250 emulator processes to create a new installation of a Vision product on a system where License Manager is not yet installed, you must download the INSPRD STMF from Support Central and transfer it to your system. For new installations of MIMIX on systems where License Manager is already installed, you can continue to use INSMMX command in places where the Using License Manager book refers to INSPRD. (SDE-2400) Portal Application Updates The Vision Solutions Portal will now update existing instances to reflect the updated portal application's changes, additions, and deletions on pages and portlets. Customers who have upgraded the product and portal application from a previous release or service pack can now access the new functions in their existing instances. However, users may lose their saved changes to portlet preferences for all portlets on all shipped (pinned) pages in the instance. Preferences for portlets that have been placed on custom pages in My Folder are not affected. Also, preferences for secondary windows are not affected. If a portlet that you have on a custom page is deleted from a pinned page, you will see a message on your custom page indicating that the portlet has been removed. Vision Solutions Portal Vision Solutions Portal version includes the following highlights: Supported product portal applications Version 2 of Vision Solutions Portal supports portal applications for the following Vision Solutions products: • MIMIX® Availability™ 7.1 or 7.0 (MIMIX Professional, MIMIX Enterprise, MIMIX Global) • iOptimize™ 7.1 or MIMIX® Director™ 8.1 • Double-Take® RecoverNow™ for AIX 4.0 (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 65 Previous service packs (included) The server platform on which VSP is installed may support a limited set of portal applications. Also, earlier versions of portal applications may not be able to be installed on some platforms. Enhanced Administrator support with administrator user ID log in This release adds administrator-level support within Vision Solutions Portal. An administrator can now use the administrator user ID to access the Administration page within the Home folder. From this page, the administrator can access portlets which set up common functions, such as email support, that the VSP server provides for one or more portal applications. Administrator user ID To access administrator functions on the Administration page requires logging in with the shipped administrator user ID and password which are both: vspadmin. When you log in as administrator, you can access only the portlets on the Administration page. No other pages in the Home folder or in any product instance are accessible. You will be prompted to change the password for the administrator user ID the first time you log in. Any time you need to, you can also change its password using the Change Password portlet. Email server support From the Policies portlet on the Administration page, you can provide the details needed to enable email support for portal applications. The portlet requires that you specify the SMTP email server and port, the user ID to use if authentication is needed, and the sending user ID. This information is used by any portal application that offers the ability to send email from a portlet. When a user in a product instance selects an action that emails, the user provides the recipient's address. Changes to Instances and Portal Connections portlets The following changes support using portal applications for products that run on platforms other than IBM i. Portal Connections All portal connections now identify the platform of the node with which they connect. The platform of the default portal connection is set to the platform on which the VSP server is running. Portal connections created prior to version 2.0 are defaulted to IBM i. The Platform field in the Add Portal Connection dialog identifies platforms for the available deployed portal applications. When creating a new portal connection, select the platform for the products that you intend to connect to with the portal connection. The Platform column in the Portal Connections portlet identifies the platform of the node in each configured portal connection. The Portal Connection Details dialog also displays the platform as well as any configured instances which use the portal connection. A portal connection's Host or IP address and Platform fields cannot be changed when the portal connection is used by an instance. Instances The Library column in the Instances portlet is renamed to Location. The column identifies the location on the node where the product is installed. When you add an instance, the Portal connection for discovery field in a product's instance configuration wizard will display only configured portal connections that match the platform type required by the portal application. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 66 Previous service packs (included) Support for installing VSP on Windows In addition to running on AIX® and IBM i operating system platforms, Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) can now be installed on a system running either a 64-bit or a 32-bit version of the following Windows® operating systems: • Windows Server® 2008 R2 • Windows® 7 This capability allows you to manage Vision Solutions products that run on different operating systems from one common platform, saving you time and simplifying operations by having standardized user interfaces. The server platform on which VSP is installed may support a limited set of portal applications on that platform. At this time, only MIMIX provides a portal application that can be installed on Windows. However, the portal application supports connecting to product instances that are at different versions. Recommended browsers Internet Explorer 7 or above, Firefox 3.5 or above, and Safari iPad (beta). Earlier versions are not supported. Installing VSP on Windows If a product provides a portal application that can run on a Windows platform, the portal application is installed by the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows®. When needed, the wizard automatically installs version 2.0 of the VSP server with each of the following portal application install choices: • Install the portal application • Upgrade the portal application • Re-install the portal application This wizard does not install the product associated with the portal application. For additional details about requirements for using this wizard, see the wizard's More Info document for Windows. The wizard also adds VSP to "All Programs" in the Windows Start menu. Options are available to start or stop the VSP server, view Read Me files associated with each installed product portal application, launch VSP in the default browser, and launch the VSP uninstall wizard. Logging into VSP on a Windows platform When logging into a VSP server that is installed on a Windows platform, you will be authenticated on the domain if one is specified. If you do not specify a domain, VSP will attempt to authenticate the user ID on the local system first, then will attempt to authenticate on your default domain depending on your network settings. The administrator for the PC can add users and provide a local user ID that can be used to log into VSP. When VSP runs on a Windows platform, a default portal connection is not created when users log in. Users need to add a portal connection to a node in the network on which the product they want to connect is installed. Note: Domain\myuserid and myuserid are unique log ins. Any instances you create when logged in with one ID are not visible when logged in with the other ID. Commands for administering VSP on a Windows platform A set of commands are provided that can be run from a command prompt to perform the following activities: • Start and end the VSP server (strvsisvr, endvsisvr) • Change the ports used by the VSP server (chgvsisvr) (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 67 Previous service packs (included) • Retrieve status of the VSP server (rtvvsisvr) • Manually add the VSP server service to Windows (vsiservice). This is normally done by the installation wizard. • Manually make a portal application available to VSP (addvsiapp). This is also normally done by the installation wizard. • Removing a portal application from the VSP server (rmvvsiapp) This command set uses the same names on Windows as those available on other operating system platforms where VSP can be installed. This is to provide parallel functions. For information about using these commands, see the Getting Started with Vision Solutions Portal book. Action required: To install VSP on a system running a supported version of Windows, you must use the Vision Solutions Portal (VSP) 2.0 & Portal Application Installation Wizard for Windows® that is available for the product. Use this wizard after you have installed or upgraded the product on its operating system platform. After VSP and the portal application are installed on Windows, start the VSP server if necessary. Default options in the wizard will start the server. To start the server manually use the Windows Start menu, select Vision Solutions Portal, then select Start. Users need to add a portal connection to a node in the network on which the product they want to connect is installed. (STR-1938) Additional instance status values in Enterprise Status portlet The following new icons representing overall instance status can be displayed in the navigation area for an instance as well as in the Enterprise Status portlet: Message waiting. A message requires a user response. Switching stopped. The flow of replication data is in the process of changing direction. However, a switching procedure stopped or other critical errors occurred during the switch that require user action. Held. An item is held and requires user intervention to release it. Undo in progress. A task is being performed that affects the entire instance and cannot be interrupted while in progress. Instances for more than one Vision Solutions product can be displayed in this portlet. Each product determines which status values it will use in this portlet. Some of these status values may not be used by every product. (STR-2393) Fixes included in service pack Changes included in service pack fix the following reported problems: MIMIX (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 68 Previous service packs (included) MXHA-3685 SYNCDGFE now uses a data group name on the SYNCOBJ command to synchronize authorities after synchronizing the file. MXHA-7846 The journal name for a new journal definition is now set correctly when using the CPYJRNDFN command. MXHA-9095 The SYNCDGFE command default for Allow object differences (ALWOBJDIF) parameter is now *ALL. MXHA-10299 The counts included in message LVI3354 now correctly represent actions taken by the Deploy Data Group Configuration (DPYDGCFG) command. MXHA-10338 MXIFCMGR now handles error MCH3402 when the data group definition is deleted while in use. MIMIX Portal Application MXHA-8624 Menu button for actions is now disabled when there are no actions available for a row in a portlet or window. MXHA-9122 Status icons have been changed to provide consistency between portlets and to enhance product status information. MXHA-9140 The Audit Details portlet now shows the correct date and time when a data group is re-enabled. MXHA-9292 The Nodes portlet will show the configured nodes for a MIMIX instance even if collector services is not active. MXHA-9316 Audited Objects and Data Group Audited Objects windows now correctly show object compare status values as CO (LOB), EQ (DATE), or EQ (OMIT). Vision Solutions Portal MXHA-9811 Accurate information is now displayed in VSP when reconnecting to a MIMIX instance. (Included with © Copyright 1999, 2012 Vision Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 69