INSTALLATION UND GEBRAUCH Der Mindestabstand zwischen dem Kochfeld und der unteren Kante der Dunstabzugshaube MUSS bei Elektroplatten 50 cm und bei Gas- oder kombinierten Herden 65 cm betragen. Überprüfen Sie vor der Installation auch die im Handbuch des Kochfeldes angegebenen Abstände. Die Installation der Abzugshaube muss von einer Fachkraft ausgeführt werden. Schließen Sie das Gerät erst nach seiner kompletten Installation an das Stromnetz an. WARNUNG: Aufgrund des schweren Gewichtes sind mindestens zwei oder noch mehr Personen zur Beförderung und Installation der Dunstabzugshaube erforderlich. Hinweise zu Installation und Gebrauch: Lesen Sie vor dem Gebrauch der Dunstabzugshaube die vorliegende Gebrauchsanweisung aufmerksam durch. Der Hersteller lehnt jede Haftung für Störungen, Schäden oder Feuer ab, die bei Missachtung der vorliegenden Gebrauchsanweisungen durch das Gerät entstehen sollten.
INSTALLATION AND USE The minimum distance between the support surface of the recipients on the cooking device and the lowest part of the hood MUST NOT BE less than 50 cm in the case of electric cookers and 65 cm for gas or combination cookers. Before installation, moreover, check the distances specified in the hob's user manual. Hood installation must be carried out by a qualified technician. Do not connect the appliance to the mains power supply until installation has been completed. WARNING: Very heavy product; hood handling and installation must be carried out by at least two persons. Note on installation and use: Read this manual carefully before installing or using the hood. The Manufacturer declines any liability for problems, fires or damage caused to the appliance due to non-compliance with the instructions given in this manual.
MONTAGE ET UTILISATION La distance minimum entre la surface de support des récipients sur le dispositif de cuisson et la partie la plus basse de la hotte NE DOIT PAS ÊTRE inférieure à 50 cm pour les cuisinières électriques et à 65 cm pour les cuisinières à gaz ou mixtes. Avant l’installation, il convient de vérifier les distances indiquées dans le manuel de la table de cuisson. L’installation de la hotte doit être confiée à un technicien qualifié. Ne branchez pas l’appareil tant que l’installation n’est pas terminée. AVERTISSEMENT : Appareil excessivement lourd ; la manutention et l’installation de la hotte doivent être effectuées par deux personnes ou plus. Remarque pour le montage et l’utilisation : Avant de monter ou d’utiliser la hotte, lisez attentivement ce manuel. Le fabricant décline toute responsabilité en cas d’inconvénients, dommages ou incendies provoqués par l’appareil et dus à la non-observation des instructions contenues dans cette notice.
INSTALLATIE EN GEBRUIK De minimale afstand tussen het steunoppervlak van de pannen op het kooktoestel en het laagste deel van de afzuigkap MAG NIET MINDER ZIJN dan 50 cm bij elektrische kooktoestellen en 65 cm bij kooktoestellen op gas of gemengd. Controleer bovendien de afstanden die in de handleiding van de kookplaat zijn vermeld, voordat u de kap installeert. De installatie van de afzuigkap moet worden uitgevoerd door een gekwalificeerd technicus. Sluit het apparaat niet op het elektriciteitsnet aan alvorens de installatie voltooid is. WAARSCHUWING: Aangezien dit apparaat zwaar is, dient het door minstens twee of meer personen verplaatst en geïnstalleerd te worden. Opmerking voor installatie en gebruik: Lees voordat u de afzuigkap installeert of gebruikt deze handleiding zorgvuldig door. De fabrikant aanvaardt geen enkele verantwoordelijkheid voor problemen, schade of brand die veroorzaakt is door het niet naleven van de instructies in deze handleiding.
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INSTALACIÓN Y UTILIZACIÓN La distancia mínima entre la superficie de apoyo de los recipientes en la placa de cocción y la parte más baja de la campana NO DEBE SER INFERIOR a 50 cm en caso de cocinas eléctricas y 65 cm en caso de cocinas a gas o mixtas. Antes de la instalación, verifique las distancias indicadas en el manual de la placa de cocción. La instalación de la campana debe ser realizada por un técnico especializado. No conecte el aparato a la red eléctrica antes de terminar totalmente la instalación. ADVERTENCIA: Producto con peso excesivo; la campana extractora ha de ser transportada e instalada por dos o más personas. Nota para la instalación y el uso: Antes de instalar o utilizar la campana, lea atentamente este manual. El fabricante declina toda responsabilidad por posibles inconvenientes, daños o incendio del aparato, derivados del incumplimiento de las instrucciones indicadas en este manual.
INSTALAÇÃO E UTILIZAÇÃO A distância mínima entre a superfície de suporte dos recipientes no dispositivo de cozedura e a parte mais baixa do exaustor do fogão DEVE SER SUPERIOR a 50 cm no caso de fogões eléctricos e de 65 cm no caso de fogões a gás ou mistos. Além disso, antes da instalação, verifique as distâncias indicadas no manual da placa. A instalação do exaustor deve ser efectuada por um técnico qualificado. Não ligue o aparelho à corrente eléctrica enquanto a instalação não estiver concluída. ADVERTÊNCIA: Produto com peso excessivo. A movimentação e a instalação do exaustor devem ser feitas por pelo menos duas ou mais pessoas. Nota de instalação e utilização: Antes de instalar ou utilizar o exaustor ler atentamente o manual de instruções. Declina-se toda e qualquer responsabilidade por eventuais inconvenientes, danos ou incêndios provocados pelo aparelho derivados do não seguimento das instruções que se encontram neste manual.
INSTALLAZIONE E USO La distanza minima fra la superficie di supporto dei recipienti sul dispositivo di cottura e la parte più bassa della cappa da cucina NON DEVE ESSERE INFERIORE a 50 cm in caso di cucine elettriche e a 65 cm in caso di cucine a gas o miste. Prima dell’installazione, inoltre, verificare le distanze indicate nel manuale del piano cottura. L’installazione della cappa deve essere effettuata da un tecnico specializzato. Non collegare l’apparecchio alla rete elettrica fino ad installazione ultimata. AVVERTENZA: Prodotto dal peso eccessivo, la movimentazione e installazione della cappa deve essere fatta da almeno due o più persone. Nota di installazione ed uso: Prima di installare o utilizzare la cappa leggere attentamente questo manuale. Si declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali inconvenienti, danni o incendi provocati all’apparecchio derivati dall’inosservanza delle istruzioni riportate in questo manuale.
ΕΓΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΧΡΗΣΗ Η ελάχιστη απόσταση ανάμεσα στην επιφάνεια στήριξης των σκευών στη συσκευή μαγειρέματος και στο χαμηλότερο σημείο του απορροφητήρα ΔΕΝ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΜΙΚΡΟΤΕΡΗ από 50 cm σε περίπτωση ηλεκτρικών εστιών και 65 cm σε περίπτωση εστιών αερίου ή μικτής λειτουργίας. Επίσης, πριν από την εγκατάσταση, ελέγξτε τις αποστάσεις που αναγράφονται στο εγχειρίδιο της μονάδας εστιών. Η εγκατάσταση του απορροφητήρα πρέπει να διεξάγεται από καταρτισμένο τεχνικό. Μη συνδέετε τη συσκευή στο ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα πριν από την ολοκλήρωση της εγκατάστασης. ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ: Προϊόν μεγάλου βάρους. Η μετακίνηση και η εγκατάσταση του απορροφητήρα πρέπει να γίνεται τουλάχιστον από δύο ή περισσότερα άτομα. Σημείωση για την εγκατάσταση και τη χρήση: Διαβάστε προσεκτικά αυτό το εγχειρίδιο πριν από την εγκατάσταση ή τη χρήση του απορροφητήρα. Ο κατασκευαστής δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη για ενδεχόμενες βλάβες, ζημιές ή πυρκαγιές που προκαλούνται από τη συσκευή και οφείλονται στη μη τήρηση των οδηγιών του παρόντος εγχειριδίου.
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INSTALLATION OCH ANVÄNDNING Avståndet mellan kokkärl och nedre delen av fläkten FÅR INTE VARA UNDER 50 cm för elektriska plattor, och minst 65 cm för gasplattor, eller blandade plattor. Innan du installerar apparaten skall du därför först verifera säkerhetsavstånden i spishällens instruktionsbok. Installation skall utföras av behörig fackman. Anslut inte apparaten till elnätet förrän installationen har avslutats helt. VARNING: Produkt med hög vikt. För flyttning och installation av fläktkåpan krävs minst två personer. Notering för installation och användning: Innan du installerar eller använder fläktkåpan, läs manualen noggrant. Tillverkaren kan inte ställas till svars för eventuella fel, skador eller bränder orskade på apparaten som uppstått på grund av underlåtenhet att iaktta anvisningarna i denna manual.
INSTALLASJON OG BRUK Minimumsavstanden mellom varmesonene på kokeapparatet og undersiden av kjøkkenventilatoren MÅ IKKE VÆRE MINDRE enn 50 cm for elektriske komfyrer og 65 cm for gasskomfyrer og kombinasjonskomfyrer. Før installasjon må man også kontrollere avstandene som er oppgitt i bruksanvisningen for platetoppen. Installasjon av ventilatoren skal utføres av en autorisert elektriker. Koble ikke apparatet til strømnettet før installasjonen er helt avsluttet. ADVARSEL: Dette produktet er svært tungt. Flytting og installasjon av kjøkkenventilatoren må derfor utføres av to eller flere personer. Anmerkning om installasjon og bruk: Før installasjon og bruk av ventilatoren må du lese denne bruksveiledningen nøye. Produsenten fraskriver seg ethvert ansvar for eventuelle problemer, skader eller brann på apparatet som skyldes at instruksene i denne bruksanvisningen ikke følges.
INSTALLATION OG BRUG Minimumafstanden mellem komfurets øverste del og emhættens nederste del SKAL VÆRE PÅ MINDST 50 cm for elkomfurer og 65 cm for gaskomfurer eller el-/gaskomfurer. Før installationen skal man desuden kontrollere de angivne afstande i vejledningen for komfuret. Installationen skal udføres af en elinstallatør. Apparatet må ikke sluttes til strømforsyningen, før installationen er fuldført. ADVARSEL: Da apparatet har meget stor vægt, skal flytning og montering af emhætten foretages af mindst to eller flere personer. Bemærk inden installation og brug: Læs denne vejledning inden installation og brug af emhætten. Producenten fralægger sig ethvert ansvar for eventuelle problemer, skader eller brande i apparatet, der skyldes manglende overholdelse af anvisningerne i denne håndbog.
ASENNUS JA KÄYTTÖ Minimietäisyys liedellä olevan keittoastioiden alustan ja liesituulettimen alareunan välillä EI SAA OLLA ALLE 50 cm kun kyseessä on sähköliesi ja 65 cm kun kyseessä on kaasu- tai sekaliesi. Ennen asennusta on myös tarkistettava keittotason käyttöohjeissa olevat mitat. Liesituulettimen asennus tulee antaa erikoiskoulutuksen saaneen asentajan suoritettavaksi. Älä kytke laitetta sähköverkkoon ennen kuin kaikki asennusvaiheet on suoritettu. VAROITUS: Liesituuletin on painava, ja sen siirtämisessä ja asennuksessa tarvitaan vähintään kaksi henkilöä. Asennusta ja käyttöä koskeva huomautus: Lue tämä käyttöopas huolellisesti ennen liesituulettimen asennusta ja käyttöä. Valmistaja ei vastaa yllä mainittujen ohjeiden noudattamisen laiminlyönnistä johtuneesta laitteen aiheuttamasta ongelmasta, vahingosta tai tulipalosta.
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INSTALACJA I UŻYTKOWANIE Minimalna odległość między powierzchnią gotowania kuchenki a dolną częścią okapu POWINNA WYNOSIĆ CO NAJMNIEJ 50 cm w przypadku kuchenek elektrycznych lub 65 cm w przypadku kuchenek gazowych hybrydowych. Ponadto, przed montażem należy sprawdzić odległości podane w instrukcji obsługi płyty kuchennej. Okap powinien zainstalować wykwalifikowany technik specjalista. Nie podłączać urządzenia do sieci zasilającej dopóki instalacja nie jest całkowicie zakończona. OSTRZEŻENIE: Urządzenie jest ciężkie. Przenoszenie i instalacja okapu powinny być wykonywane przez co najmniej dwie osoby. Uwaga dotycząca instalacji i eksploatacji: Przed przystąpieniem do instalowania lub eksploatacji okapu należy uważnie zapoznać się z niniejszą instrukcją. Wykonawca zrzeka się odpowiedzialności za wszelkie problemy, uszkodzenia lub pożar spowodowane przez urządzenie, a wynikające z nieprzestrzegania instrukcji.
INSTALACE A POUŽITÍ Minimální vzdálenost mezi plotýnkami nádob na sporáku a nejnižší částí kuchyňského odsavače NESMÍ BÝT MENŠÍ NEŽ 50 cm u elektrických sporáků a 65 cm u sporáků na plyn nebo kombinovaných sporáků. Před začátkem instalace zkontrolujte vzdálenosti uvedené v návodu k varné desce. Instalaci musí provést odborný technik. Spotřebič připojte k elektrické síti až po úplném dokončení instalace. UPOZORNĚNÍ: Vzhledem k tomu, že je odsavač par velmi těžký, musí jeho stěhování a instalaci provádět nejméně dvě osoby. Poznámka k instalaci a použití: před instalací nebo použitím odsavače si pozorně přečtěte tento návod. Výrobce odmítá jakoukoli odpovědnost za případné potíže, škody nebo požár způsobené spotřebičem a vzniklé nedodržením pokynů uvedených v této příručce.
INŠTALÁCIA A POUŽÍVANIE Minimálna vzdialenost’ medzi plochou varnej dosky a najnižšej časti odsávača pár NESMIE BYT’ MENŠIA ako 50 cm v prípade elektrickej varnej dosky a 65 cm v prípade plynovej alebo kombinovanej varnej doske. Pred inštaláciou, treba okrem iného, skontrolovat’ vzdialenosti uvedené v návode na použitie varnej dosky. Odsávač pár smie nainštalovat’ výhradne špecializovaný technik. Spotrebič nezapájajte k elektrickej sieti, kým nie je úplne ukončená jeho inštalácia. VAROVANIE: Výrobok má nadmernú hmotnost’, preto je nevyhnutné, aby ho prenášali a inštalovali aspoň dve alebo viac osôb. Poznámka pre inštaláciu a používanie: Pred inštaláciou alebo používaním odsávača si pozorne prečítajte tento návod. Odmieta sa akákoľvek zodpovednost’ za prípadné problémy, škody alebo požiare spôsobené spotrebičom, vyplývajúce z nedodržania pokynov uvedených v tomto návode.
ÜZEMBE HELYEZÉS ÉS HASZNÁLAT A konyhai elszívó legalacsonyabb része és a főzőberendezésen kialakított edényfelület közötti távolságnak elektromos tűzhely esetén legalább 50 cm, gáz- vagy vegyes tűzhely esetén pedig legalább 65 cm NAGYSÁGÚNAK KELL LENNIE. Az üzembe helyezés előtt ellenőrizze a főzőlap használati útmutatójában feltüntetett távolságokat is. A szagelszívó beépítését szakembernek kell végeznie. A készüléket csak akkor szabad áram alá helyezni, ha az üzembe helyezés már befejeződött. FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Nagy súlya miatt a készülék mozgatását és üzembe helyezését legalább két vagy több személynek kell végeznie. Megjegyzés a beépítéshez és a használathoz: A szagelszívó beépítése és használata előtt figyelmesen olvassa el a jelen kézikönyvet. A gyártó semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal a készülékben esetlegesen keletkező azon meghibásodásokért, sérülésekért vagy tüzekért, amelyeket a jelen füzetben foglalt utasítások be nem tartása okoz.
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УСТАНОВКА И ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ ВЫТЯЖКИ Расстояние между опорной поверхностью для посуды на плите и самой нижней частью вытяжки ДОЛЖНО СОСТАВЛЯТЬ НЕ МЕНЕЕ 50 cm в случае электрических плит и не менее 65 cm в случае газовых или комбинированных плит. Кроме того, перед установкой необходимо проверить соблюдение расстояний, указанных в инструкциях по эксплуатации варочной панели. Установка вытяжки должно выполняться квалифицированным специалистом. Не подключайте вытяжку к сети электропитания до окончательного завершения монтажа. ОСТОРОЖНО! Устройство отличается большим весом; для его переноски и установки требуется участие не менее двух человек. Замечание по установке и эксплуатации. Перед установкой и использованием вытяжки необходимо внимательно ознакомиться с данными инструкциями. Фирма8изготовитель снимает с себя всякую ответственность за любые неисправности, ущерб или пожар, возникшие в результате несоблюдения указаний, приведенных в настоящих инструкциях.
ИНСТАЛИРАНЕ И УПОТРЕБА Минималното разстояние между опорната повърхност на съдовете върху устройството за готвене и най8ниската част на кухненския аспиратор, НЕ ТРЯБВА ДА БЪДЕ по8малко от 50 cm за случая на електрически печки и 65 cm за печки на газ или комбинирани. Освен това, преди инсталирането, проверете разстоянията посочени в ръководството на плота за готвене. Инсталирането на аспиратора трябва да се извърши от специализиран техник. Не свързвайте уреда към електрическата мрежа, докато инсталирането не е завършено напълно. ВНИМАНИЕ: Уред с много голямо тегло 8 преместването и инсталирането на аспиратора трябва да се извършва от най8малко двама души. Бележка за инсталиране и употреба: Преди инсталиране или употреба на аспиратора, прочетете внимателно това ръководство. Производителят не носи отговорност за каквито и да било неудобства, повреди или запалвания, предизвикани от неспазване на инструкциите, посочени в това ръководство.
INSTALAREA ȘI UTILIZAREA Distanţa minimă între suprafaţa de sprijin a recipientelor de pe mașina de gătit și partea cea mai joasă a hotei de bucătărie NU TREBUIE SĂ FIE mai mică de 50 cm în cazul plitelor electrice și de 65 cm în cazul plitelor cu gaz sau mixte. În plus, înainte de instalare verificaţi distanţele indicate în manualul plitei. Instalarea hotei trebuie să fie efectuată de un tehnician specializat. Nu conectaţi aparatul la reţeaua electrică până când nu terminaţi definitiv operaţia de instalare. ATENŢIE: Produs cu greutate mare, deplasarea și instalarea hotei trebuie efectuate de cel puţin două sau mai multe persoane. Notă privind instalarea și utilizarea: Înainte de a instala sau de a utiliza hota, citiţi cu atenţie acest manual. Producătorul nu-și asumă nicio răspundere pentru eventualele inconveniente, pagube sau incendii provocate aparatului, rezultate din nerespectarea instrucţiunilor din acest manual.
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12. The appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities or without experience and knowledge of it, unless they are under the supervision of or instructed in its use by a person responsible for their safety. 13. Keep children away. 14. To reduce the risk of fire, only use a metal inlet duct. 15. Children must be supervised so that they do not play with the appliance. 16. The product must be disposed of in compliance with local regulations on waste disposal. 17. For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, contact the competent local office, the household waste collection service or the shop where you purchased the appliance. 18. Regular cleaning and maintenance is essential for correct hood operation and good performance. Frequently clean all encrustations from dirty surfaces to prevent the accumulation of grease. Regularly clean or replace filters. 19. Do not “flambé” food under the hood. Naked flames could cause a fire. 20. The room must have adequate ventilation when the hood is used at the same time as appliances operating on gas or other fuels. 21. The discharge air must not be eliminated in a duct used to remove fumes produced by appliances operating on gas or other fuels, but must have a separate outlet. All the national regulations on air discharge envisaged by art. 7.12.1 of CEI EN 60335-2-31 must be observed. 22. If the hood is used together with other appliances operating on gas or other fuels, the negative pressure in the room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10-5 bar). Therefore, make sure the room is adequately ventilated. 23. Do not leave pans unattended when frying, since the cooking oil could catch fire. 24. Make sure the lamps are cold before touching them. 25. The hood is not a shelf, therefore do not overload or place objects on it. 26. Do not use or leave the hood without its lamps correctly installed - risk of electric shock. 27. Wear work gloves for all installation and maintenance operations. 28. The product is not suitable for outdoor use. 29. The air sucked by the hood must not be eliminated through the same flue of the heating system or other appliances using gas or other fuels.
1. Packing Packing materials are 100% recyclable and are marked with the recycling symbol .Comply with the local regulations for disposal. The packing materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) are a potential source of danger and must be kept out of the reach of children. 2. Product This appliance is marked in compliance with European Directive 2002/96/EC, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring that this appliance is correctly scrapped, the user can help prevent potentially harmful consequences for the environment and the health of people. The symbol on the product or the accompanying documentation indicates that this product should not be treated as domestic waste but must be taken to a suitable collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Disposal must be carried out in compliance with local regulations on waste disposal. For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, contact the competent local office, the household waste collection service or the shop where you purchased the appliance.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of accidents, electric shock, injury or damage, when using the hood comply with the basic precautions, including the following. 1. Always disconnect the hood from the power supply before carrying out any installation or maintenance operation on the appliance. 2. Installation must be carried out by a specialised technician, in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions and local safety regulations. 3. Earthing of the appliance is compulsory. (Not possible for Class II hoods). 4. Never use multisockets and extension leads. 5. The electrical components must no longer be accessible to the user after installation. 6. Do not touch the hood with wet parts of the body or use it when barefoot. 7. Do not pull the appliance power cable to unplug it. 8. After-sales service – do not repair or replace any part of the hood unless specifically indicated in the manual. All other maintenance services must be carried out by a specialised technician. 9. When drilling the wall, make sure not to damage the electrical connections and/or pipes. 10. The ventilation ducts must always discharge to the outside. 11. The Manufacturer declines any liability for improper use or incorrect setting of the controls.
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Electrical connection
The mains voltage must match that given on the rating plate located inside the hood. If provided with a plug, connect the hood to a socket complying with the current regulations and located in an accessible area. If it does not have a plug (direct connection to the power supply) or if the plug is not in an accessible place, fit a suitable double-pole switch that ensures complete disconnection from the power supply in category III overvoltage conditions, complying with the installation rules. WARNING: Before reconnecting the hood circuit to the power supply and checking correct operation, always make sure the power cable is correctly fitted and that it was NOT crushed in its housing during installation. Make sure to have this operation carried out by a specialised technician.
Before calling the After-Sales Service 1. Check to see if you can fix the problem yourself (see “Troubleshooting Guide”). 2. Switch the appliance off and then on again to check if the problem has been eliminated. 3. If the problem persists, contact the After-Sales Service. Specify: • the type of fault, • the product model given on the dataplate inside the hood, visible on removing the grease filters, • your full address, • your telephone number and area code, • the Service code (the number under the word SERVICE on the dataplate inside the hood, behind the grease filter). If any repairs are necessary, contact an authorised Service Centre (to ensure the use of original spare parts and correct repair). Failure to comply with these instructions can compromise the safety and quality of the product.
Cleaning the hood WARNING: Failure to remove oil/grease (at least once a month) could result in fire. Use a soft cloth with a neutral detergent. Never use abrasive substances or alcohol.
Before using the hood
Please read these instructions carefully and keep them for future reference, in order to ensure best use of your hood. The packing materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) are a potential source of danger and must be kept out of the reach of children. Make sure the hood has not been damaged during transport.
Declaration of conformity
This product has been designed, manufactured and put on the market in conformity with: - safety objectives of the “Low Voltage” Directive 2006/95/EC (which replaces 73/23/EEC as amended) - protection requirements of “EMC” Directive 89/336/EEC amended by Directive 93/68/EEC.
Troubleshooting guide
If the hood does not work: • Is the plug properly inserted in the power socket? • Is there a power failure? If the hood is not extracting enough: • Is the right speed selected? • Do the filters need cleaning or replacing? • Are the air outlets blocked? If the lamp does not work: • Does the lamp need replacing? • Is the lamp correctly fitted?
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EXTRACTOR OR FILTERING HOOD INSTALLATION The hood is designed for use in “Extractor version” or in “Filter version”. Extractor version Fumes are extracted and expelled to the outside through an exhaust pipe (not supplied) fixed to the hood exhaust pipe connector B. Depending on the exhaust pipe purchased, provide for suitable fixing to the exhaust pipe connector. Important: If already installed, remove the carbon filter/s. Filter version Air is filtered through the carbon filter/s and recycled into the surrounding environment. Important: check that air recirculation is facilitated. Important: If the hood does not have a carbon filter/s, order one/them and fit it/them before use. The instructions below, to be performed in order as numbered, refer to the diagram with reference numbers found on the next page. Remove the grease filter/s and the carbon filter holder. 1. Mark a line on the wall right up to the ceiling, corresponding to the centre-line of the hood. 2. Apply the drilling template to the wall: Align the vertical centre-line on the drilling template with the centre-line drawn on the wall. The template's bottom edge represents the bottom edge of the hood. 3. Place the mounting bracket over the drilling template so that it matches the outlined rectangle, mark and drill the two external holes. Remove the drilling template, insert 2 wall plugs and fix the hood mounting bracket with 2 screws. 4. Hook the hood to the bracket. 5. Adjust the distance between the hood and the wall. 6. Adjust the hood horizontally. 7. From inside the hood, mark 2 holes for the final fixing of the hood. 8. Remove the hood from the bracket. 9. Drill (Ø 8 mm). 10. Insert 2 wall plugs. 11. Apply the flue support bracket G on the wall and against the ceiling (the small slot on the support must match the line previously drawn on the wall (step1). Drill 2 holes (Ø 8 mm) and insert 2 wall plugs. 12. Fix with 2 screws. 13. Hang the hood on the bottom mounting bracket. 14. Fix the hood securely to the wall with 2 screws. 15. Connect an exhaust pipe to the collar B; the fumes must be ducted to the outside (extractor version) or towards the deflector (filter version). Fit the deflector F to the flue support bracket G with 2 screws. 16. Make all necessary electrical connections. 17. Fit the flues and fix them with 2 screws (17a) to the flue support G (17b). 18. Slide the bottom section of the flue all the way over the extraction unit until it engages the seat above the hood. Refit the carbon filter holder and the grease filter/s and check correct hood operation.
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Description and use of hood
Speed timing Press button “2” for 2 seconds to enable speed timing; the hood switches off when the time has elapsed. Operation times are as follows: Speed 1 20 minutes (LED “L1” blinking) Speed 2 15 minutes (LED “L2” blinking) Speed 3 10 minutes (LED “L3” blinking) Intensive speed 5 minutes (LED “L4” blinking) During timed operation, press button “1” to switch off the hood; press button “2” to return to the set speed; press button “4” and the hood switches to “Cooking” mode.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Grease filter saturation indicator After 80 hours of operation, LEDs “L1” and “L2” blink. This indicates that the grease filter installed needs to be cleaned. To reset the indicator, keep button “1” pressed for 3 seconds”.
Control panel. Grease filters. Halogen lamps. Telescopic flue. Sensors.
Carbon filter saturation indicator After 320 hours of operation, LEDs “L2” and “L3” blink. This indicates that the carbon filter installed needs to be replaced. To reset the indicator, keep button “1” pressed for 3 seconds”.
Digital control panel with sensors
In the event both filters indicate saturation at the same time, LEDs “L1”, “L2” and “L3” blink. Reset by carrying out the above procedure twice. The first time resets the grease filter indicator; the second resets the carbon filter indicator. The carbon filter saturation indicator is not active in the standard mode. If using the hood in filter version, activate the carbon filter saturation indicator, as it is not activated automatically.
1. Motor ON/OFF Press the button and the hood starts at speed 1. Press the button during operation and the hood switches OFF. 2. Increase speed / Speed timing Press the button and the hood goes from OFF to speed 1. Press the button (hood ON) to increase the motor speed from speed 1 to intensive. The respective LED (green) lights up at each speed. Speed 1 LED “L1” Speed 2 LED “L2” Speed 3 LED “L3” Intensive speed LED “L4” (blinking) The Intensive speed is timed. The standard operating time is 5 minutes, after which the hood goes to speed 2. To deactivate the function before the time has elapsed, press button “2”, the hood will go to speed 1; press button 1 and the hood will switch off. 3. Light ON/OFF switch 4. Sensor ON/OFF switch 5. Operation status indicator
Activating the carbon filter saturation indicator: Switch the hood OFF and keep buttons “2” and “3” pressed at the same time for 3 seconds”. LEDs “L1” and “L2” will blink for 2 seconds”. Deactivating the carbon filter saturation indicator: Switch the hood OFF and keep buttons “2” and “3” pressed at the same time for 3 seconds”. LED “L1” will blink for 2 seconds”. Automatic operation The system default setting is manual mode; press button “4” to activate automatic mode”. The system provides for automatic operation in 2 modes: - COOKING mode, which guarantees correct extraction of fumes during cooking. - AIR QUALITY CONTROL mode, which is a monitoring system that guarantees a high air quality level. The 2 modes are activated cyclically by pressing button “4”. COOKING mode LED “L5” (amber) on. During cooking, the system promptly reacts to Steam/Gas increases and remains at the set speed for at least 1 minute, before returning to the lowest speed/switching off.
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Replacing the halogen bulbs:
At the end of cooking and when the ambient parameters have returned to the levels prior to cooking, the system switches off. If the parameters are close to the rest condition, the system forces hood switch-off after 30 minutes. AIR QUALITY CONTROL mode, LED “L5” (white) on. The system promptly reacts to Steam/Gas increases and remains at the set speed for at least 1 minute, before returning to the lowest speed/switching off. When the effect of the Steam/Gas has finished and the ambient parameters have returned to the levels prior to start, the system switches off. Press buttons “1”, “2” and “4” to exit this mode”. Sensor test This occurs continuously during automatic operation. In case of a failure, all the LEDs blink (contact the After Sales Service); in any case, the hood can be used in manual mode.
1. Disconnect the hood from the mains power supply. WARNING: Wear gloves. 2. Use a small screwdriver to gently prise the lamp cover off (at the points indicated in Fig. 3). 3. Remove the burnt-out lamp and fit a new one. WARNING: Replace using 20W max G4 halogen bulbs only. Close the lighting unit (snap-on).
Manual setting Switch the hood OFF and keep buttons “1” and “4” pressed at the same time for 3 seconds”. LED “L5” blinking.
Active carbon filter (filter hoods only): The carbon filter must be cleaned once a month in a dishwasher at the highest temperature, using a normal dishwasher detergent. Wash the filters on their own. After washing, reactivate the carbon filter by drying it in the oven at 100°C for 10 minutes. Change the carbon filter every 3 years.
It is advisable to carry out this operation when: • the hood is installed for the first time • the power supply has been disconnected for many hours or days • a sudden temperature changes occurs in the kitchen Cooking hob selection This operation optimises automatic hood operation; proceed as follows: Switch the hood OFF Keep buttons “1” and “3” pressed at the same time for 3 seconds until the cooking hob in use is displayed. LED “L1” on: Gas hob LED “L2” on: Induction hob LED “L3” on: Electric hob Press button “1” for cyclic selection of the hob” Confirmation of the selected hob is displayed by the corresponding LED blinking 3 times. After selecting the hob, wait 10 seconds for function confirmation”. The default setting is Gas hob.
Fitting the carbon filter: 1. Remove the grease filter. 2. Remove the filter holder by turning the knobs 90°. 3. Fit the carbon filter “i” in the filter holder “h”. Reverse the above procedure to re-fit the filter holder and grease filter.
Maintenance Grease filters: Metal grease filters have an unlimited life and should be washed once a month either by hand or in a dishwasher at a low temperature and with a short cycle. Washing in a dishwasher can cause grease filters to turn white, but this in no way affects efficiency. • Pull out the handle to remove the filter. Wash the filter and leave it to dry, proceeding in reverse order to refit it.
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