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Wimax Repeater - Telecom Namibia




telewave WiMAX Repeater February/March 2011 • No.19 April/May 2008 • No2 Providing broadband coverage to 'the last mile' Mega10 Unlimited connectivity ...up to 10Mbps Inbox / Outbox 6 Mbps Upload TELECOM TERRITORY 4 Mbps 3 Mbps 2 Mbps FA ST ER Download 8 Mbps SU PE RFA ST Superfast 1 Mbps 768 Kbps 384 K 512 Kbps 256 bps Kbp s Get connected today and experience the ST FA ultimate pleasure of unlimited superfast, reliable, always on internet. For more information please visit our nearest Teleshop, call us toll free on 1100 or sms mega10 to 060123. Editor’s corner WACS brings smartness and speed Forget the lesson of the tortoise and the hare: Slow and steady won’t win the race in the competition to harness the potential of high-speed Internet connections. Smart and speedy is the way to go. And it’s a philosophy that made Namibia to land the West Africa Cable System (WACS) on our shores at Swakopmund recently. The Internet has changed the way we live, changed the way we learn and changed the way we do business. Embracing broadband development will help drive growth and deliver benefits right across our society, as well as across every industrial sector. Today, broadband is the engine for creating new jobs, for enhancing skills for greater innovation, for spreading knowledge and for sustainable development through the provision of e-health, e-banking, m-banking, e-education, e-agriculture, and other e-applications on the horizon. So, just like transport, energy and water supply systems, we must look at broadband networks as basic national infrastructure. Those who build broadband networks now will have the ability to better manage health care for their ageing or isolated populations, deliver the best possible education to future generations, control and use energy supplies more efficiently and take better care of our planet. They'll also be able to meet the Millennium Development Goals more quickly. It's in the light of the above that Namibians should welcome WACS on our shores and its lifechanging potential for our country and all its people. Surihe Gaomas [email protected] Contents P2 WACS Finally here... P5 Magic Box Home, speed, home! P6 WiMAX Repeater Getting broadband to 'the last mile' P8 Customers Testify What’s your take on the newly launched SMS Directory Service? P12 Teletips The best of iway services P12 Who’s Who! Meet Patience Kangueehi-Kanalelo TN’s Head: Legal Services and Company Secretary Editor Surihe Gaomas Layout and Design Petrus Kalili Distribution PR Team Contact us for more suggestions and ideas Telecom Namibia Limited PO Box 297 Windhoek; Tel: (061) 201 2448 Fax: (061) 201 2074; [email protected] telewave • February / March 2011 1 WACS on, caps off for Namibia Telecom Namibia successfully connected the country to the West African Cable System (WACS), a consortium high speed submarine system linking Africa to Europe, which hopefully will lead to higher-bandwidth, cheaper data and voice services for all end-users. The USD600 million fibre-optic cable reached the shores of Namibia on 8 February 2011, whilst Telecom has already deployed infrastructure to link its landing station at Swakopmund to its domestic network. Commercial services are planned to be launched in early 2012. The project will give Namibia its first direct access to global submarine cable networks. Bringing it ashore… Pulling the WACS cable to shore are, from left, Telecom Namibia’s Managing Director, Frans Ndoroma, Namibia’s Minister of Information & Communication Technology, Joel Kaapanda, Botswana High Commissioner to Namibia Duke Lefoko, and Botswana’s Minister of Transport and Communications, Frank Ramsden. 2 telewave • February / March 2011 WACS finally here… The Swakopmund beach front, in the vicinity of the Sand Hotel was a buzz of activity with technical personnel from both Telecom Namibia and Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks, working to effect the landing of the West Africa Cable System (WACS). seconds. Namibia together with Botswana have invested U$75 million in the manufacturing and installation of the new WACS submarine cable system, which starts at Cape Town (South Africa), with landing points in Namibia, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Cape Verde as well as the Canary Islands, Portugal and the United Kingdom. The Ile de Brehat cable ship and the tug took up their positions in preparation for cable laying. Divers and other personnel were also active closer to shore, making preparations to lay and pull the cable into the beach manhole. An official ceremony was held close to the beach manhole on 8 February for the landing of the shore end cable which is touted to greatly improve the quality of the local service providers’ internet connection, and provide secure, high-speed broadband communications capacity for government, business and other users. The ceremony was attended by Minister of Information & Communication Technology, Joel Kaapanda, Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernard Esau, Botswana’s Minister of Transport and Communications, Frank Ramsden and Botswana High Commissioner to Namibia Duke Lefoko. Other officials included the Telecom Namibia’s Managing Director, Frans Ndoroma, Managing Director of Mobile Telecommunications (MTC), Miguel Geraldes, CEO of Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, Keabetswe Segole, and high ranking officials from both government and industry. The 14,000km long cable will allow for a transmission capacity of 10 Gbit/s and has an overall design capacity of up to 5.12 Tbit/s, equal to the download of 8 million MP3 files or over 8 thousand DVDs in 60 Upon commercialisation it will enable current services and future, next-generation services at the highest industry standards and at a competitive cost. It will dramatically improve telecommunications delivery and the delivery of communications services generally and thereby place the enormous potential of ICT within the grasp of every Namibian. “This project represents a major milestone in our company’s operational development as well as reason for all Namibia to celebrate. We look forward to working collaboratively with Government, the private sector, the regulatory agencies and indeed all stakeholders to exploit fully the opportunities that the WACS cable will provide,” said Telecom Namibia Managing Director Frans Ndoroma. telewave • February / March 2011 3 4 telewave • February / March 2011 Frequently Asked Questions Your Letters Home, Speed Home! our with Magic Box Special! Upgrade your internet fixed broadband home package from 256 to 384 kbps or apply for 384k home package and the Magic Box is yours for FREE What is a Magic Box”? The Magic Box is brand name for the 5113 Fritz!Box, a very powerful ADSL wireless router that gives you Internet access from multiple PCs. Fritz! enables fast, userfriendly ADSL access, easy networking, placing calls over your landline and versatile multimedia applications. Using USB host port, memory sticks, printers or hard drives can be connected to Fritz!Box and shared by all computers on network. Existing home customers with 5113 Fritz!Box (CPE) upgrading from 256k to 384k package as well as new customer applying for 384k will get a free Magic Box. Who can benefit from the Magic Box special? This special is for existing residential customers on 256k upgrading to 384k package and new residential customers applying for 384k package. What benefits can the Magic Box offer? • You can surf the net wirelessly with your Wi-Fi capable device, using either your laptop or mobile phone. • You can connect up to four computers at the same time and browse the internet simultaneously. • You can connect up to 3 analogue telephones, including fax and an ISDN phone. • USB port for connecting disk, printer and USB stick • Sharing information on disk and USB stick How much do you need to pay to get the Magic Box? The Magic Box and installation is provided free of charge. For existing customers the normal upgrade process will be followed, while new applicants will sign a contract. What is expected from you and where can you apply for the upgrade? You may apply at any nearest Teleshop by filling in and submitting the broadband application form. What will happen to my existing modem? Once the WIFI enable free Magic Box is installed, existing modems will be retrieved by an installation technician. “I am happy with Telecom Namibia’s ‘Our Gift to You.’ Thanks for the upgrade, now I can download more movies and surf the Internet much more efficiently on Namibia’s fastest, most reliable and most affordable internet.” (Tizz Mupupa) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** “Just recently my modem broke down and I called Telecom Namibia’s Customer Contact Centre for help. Even though it was after working hours, technicians George and Jerome came to our assistance. They were both absolutely professional, capable and handled my problem with technical ease and great emotional intelligence.  They organised to have the modem replaced with a FRITZ!Box. Thank you for dealing with my issue in the way you did.” (Colin Nott) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** “We would like to thank Telecom Namibia’s Warm-a-Heart charity campaign for really warming our hearts here at Baby Haven shelter in Grysblock, Katutura. The children will benefit greatly from the nutritious food, especially children living with HIV/AIDS. You remain STARS in our hearts. (Agnes Tom) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** "Thank you for the two prepaid shopping vouchers I received from Telecom Namibia. I have no words, but to say God is good. He knew my needs and you were instrumental in providing me with the vouchers from Spar." (M. J. Ryan, Senior Park, Pioneers Park) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** “I reported my faulty telephone one morning and talked to a very friendly Michael at Rehoboth who told me how to reset my telephone, which did not work. When I phoned again, I talked to an equally friendly gentlemen in Gobabis, who helped me to reset it another way. When this did not work, he promised to look into it. That same day the technician arrived and fixed it. I want to thank Telecom Namibia for their quick response.” (Margret Burger) telewave • February/ March 2011 5 WiMAX Repeater - cost and subject to a contract. Getting broadband to ‘the last mile’ A few farms, lodges and government offices/schools can’t get broadband simply because they’re outside the coverage area. What are the packages on offer? See below table. No more. There’s a solution from Telecom Namibia for “the last mile”. Our WiMAX repeater (booster), which is a device that takes the WiMax signal (presumably a weak signal), amplifies it and retransmits it in order to expand coverage of a base station up to 20 km and 50 km, depending on the device chosen. Or, if you’re within the coverage area but can’t get the WiMAX signal because you’re either behind obstructions like a mountain or a valley, the WiMAX repeater is the ideal solution. Who can use this service? Can the customer purchase or use his/ her own WiMAX repeater or solar panel? No, only Telecom Namibia offers a WiMAX repeater or solar panel as per bundles. Farmers in rural and most remote areas, lodges and remote Government offices like schools, local Government office, etc. Is a WiMAX Repeater equipped with back-up battery in case of power failure? Yes, only at the remote site and not at the customer premises. Customers are advised to purchase uninterrupted power supplier to protect the equipment at their premises, including the WiMAX repeater. What are customer requirements? Customer has to provide AC Power (electricity) or otherwise Telecom Namibia will provide solar power solution at additional How long will the battery last in case of power failure? Between 2-4 days, of course depending on the quality of the battery. Read below for more details about the WiMAX repeater. What are the benefits to customers? You will have access to fixed broadband services beyond the traditional WiMAX coverage area, with high speed and always on internet connection at a flat rate, as well as unlimited download. What are the installation charges? An amount of N$222 is charged for installation within minimum rental area (MRA) and N$333 outside the MRA. Prices of WiMAX Repeater Packages on offer 6 Packages /Payments options Cash Options Monthly Charge – 12 Months Monthly Charge – 24 Months Monthly Charge – 36 Months Wimax (20km) Repeater AC Powered N$ 14,832.18 N$ 1,307.44 N$ 687.86 N$ 482.08 Wimax (20km) Repeater Solar Powered N$ 20,099.18 N$ 1,771.71 N$ 932.12 N$ 653.27 Wimax (50km) Repeater AC Powered N$ 20,407.93 N$ 1,798.93 N$ 946.44 N$ 663.31 Wimax (50km) Repeater Solar Powered N$ 25,674.93 N$ 2,263.21 N$ 1,190.70 N$ 834.50 telewave • February / March 2011 Street Talk What does Telecom Namibia’s brand promise “Sharing your World” mean to you? “Sharing your world means to me that through products like Switch mobile I can make cheap international calls to relatives in South Africa and Canada.” go ugon am usy N “Sharing your world to me means connecting with friends and family where ever you may be and Telecom Namibia helps us to do just that.” Ligia Fa a Nkev “It is all about connecting people with each other through communication, whether it be through the telephone at home, mobile phone or through the internet with emails. In this way we are sharing the world.” Issy hi uape tu Kaua de Clau ukes a Be “In life one needs to communicate with people and Telecom Namibia offers us that opportunity to do so at affordable costs. I even bought a N$20 telecard to call my friends and family in Rwanda today.” Jean “Telecom Namibia shares my world by allowing me to call my loved ones in and outside Namibia at cheaper rates.” ss Vane “Well, the brand promise says it all. Telecom Namibia is definitely committed to allowing us to share the world through the latest ICT telecommunication services it offers.” us odem Nik Saki telewave • February / March 2011 7 Customers’ Testify What do customers say about Telecom Namibia’s Ultimate SMS Directory Service? undu Richard Kam “This is a good service because we can now search for telephone numbers on our mobile phone instead of having to page through the book itself.” ton Joszey Mou 8 telewave • February / March 2011 ondja n Pretorius Uusiku Mek aser Ndelidya Eli Lluwely “I think this service is great. I no longer have to manually look for telephone numbers in the book itself, but receive it at the tip of my fingers on my mobile.” “I am always looking for a phone directory and sometimes can’t find one because it’s either misplaced or is lost. So this service will make life much easier for me.” “For businesses this is a great offer because it increases your visibility and profits at the end of the day. I run a hair salon business and this is a service that sounds very good indeed.” “I am always using my cellphone for everything, so the Telecom Namibia SMS Directory Service will make life even more convenient.” “Yes it’s a great service and I would advise any business owner to go for it in order to enable them to find customers more quickly and efficiently.” ngo Janet Shilo nv e co le b a d r o aff accesib le SMS Directory The ultimate SMS Directory t n e is here!!! ni Subscribe to the SMS Directory and make your business more accessible for only N$70.00 per month SMS DIRECTORY 24/7 Benefits for Business: • Get your contact details 24/7 • Your business can have preferential listings under key words e.g. financial, plumbing, allowing customers to find you quicker - that means your service or details can be found under several key words • Data is available via all three networks (Switch, MTC, Leo) • Be visible and increase your bottom line SMS DIRECTORY Terms and conditions apply. SMS “Directory” to 060123 to get listed or contact your nearest Teleshop or call us now toll free on 1100 telewave • December 2010/ January 2011 9 Teletips The Best of iWAY Services! Are you contemplating on a new e-mail address and website? Then why not go with iWAY’s e-mail address and web hosting as it provides you reliability, confidentiality, stability and support. To help you decide here are 10 reasons why you should make the move to iWAY. registering for a newsletter etc. if you are using a free e-mail account. Choosing e-mail addresses and websites from iWAY means that there will always be someone physically or telephonically to assist you when you need assistance. There is NO technical support when things go wrong on free email addresses like Yahoo or Hotmail. ‘Free’ means there is nobody to call for assistance or help when you require it urgently. You will notice that free e-mail websites have a lot of advertisements when you enter your free e-mail box. This means the more you use your free e-mail, the more advertisement are directed to things you are normally interested in, like music or games or software, etc. Now how do they know what you’re interested in? They must simply monitor your e-mails and accordingly over time to track your interest. Not nice! The question is what else do they track and monitor? There are a lot of unscrupulous and dishonest people, who use Hotmail or Yahoo, etc to hide their identity and use the information they receive for reasons other than the original intention. Thus, too much fraud and SPAM are associated with 10 telewave • February / March 2011 Free e-mail addresses get lower deliverability priority on the Internet by most corporate servers. Thus e-mails can be delayed considerably. Some people receive so much SPAM e-mails with Hotmail or Yahoo addresses that they simple delete the e-mails with these addresses without viewing the content first. free e-mail accounts. When purchasing online the vast majority of merchants will simply refuse to accept online orders that originate from free email addresses. A majority of corporate spam filters also filter out e-mail addresses from hotmail. com or thus e-mail deliveries are blocked without any feedback to the sender. Most websites will not let you perform certain functions/tasks like voting or Most free e-mail accounts have limited features like attachments sizes etc. (If you want the full features then you need to pay for it.) An e-mail such as 89038paiipinge@ appears unprofessional and possibly untrustworthy to your clientele. It is also very difficult for your customers and contacts to remember. Finally, one FANTASTIC reason for having an iWAY domain for e-mails is that iWAY is here and anyone can come to our offices or call us for assistance! Giving Back to Society Telecom Warms the Hearts of Disadvantaged Children Over 400 orphans and vulnerable children from the Family of Hope Services in Hakahana and Baby Haven in Grysblock received donation of food stuffs, clothing and toys to the tune of N$34 000. This annual initiative is part of the company’s Warm-a-Heart Charity campaign where Telecom Namibia employees countrywide collectively raise cash and donate clothes, food stuffs and toys to charities. Telecom Namibia and employees warmed the hearts of 450 orphans and vulnerable children at Family of Hope Services in Okuryangava. The Telecom Namibia team donated numerous boxes of clothing, diapers, food and toys to Baby Haven in Grysblok. Telecom's Diana Katiti shares a loving moment with one month old baby girl Emily of Baby Haven.. Three-year old twins Gift and Nessy Munango from Family of Hope Services (FHS) were all smiles with their sweet goodies from Telecom Namibia. telewave • February / March 2011 11 Who's Who interview Patience takes legal affairs head on After only two months in a new position, Patience Kangueehi-Kanalelo has settled in well as Head of Legal Services and Company Secretary at Telecom Namibia. As telewave found out this vibrant, dynamic and ambitious young woman brings into the company a wealth of legal knowledge and experience. Telewave gets to know her better. Tell us briefly about yourself. I completed high school at Centaurus in Windhoek (1997), proceeded to UNAM for a BA Degree majoring in Social Science and Politics (1998) and thereafter obtained an LLB Honours degree from Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa (2002). What do you hope to bring into Telecom Namibia with regards to legal affairs? There’s a lot going on in the telecommunications industry and I hope to help the company make a smooth transition in terms of those changes. I also hope to make a difference by providing sound legal advice at all times. What is your secret to success? I endeavour to always put my best foot forward, be good and kind to others and to always grow and strive to learn more. What are your best work tips? Work hard, always give your best and manage your time well. 12 telewave • February / March 2011 How do you handle stress? I am sure my husband would answer “She takes it out on me.” On a serious note, I work quite well under pressure, I literally strive under pressure. I have learned to remain calm because that’s the only way you will get things done. When it gets too much, I have a massage, go to bed early, totally switch off and the next day I’m able to deal with things much better. What keeps you motivated? My 4 year old son Elijah, knowing that there is a person who looks up to me, needs and deserves me to take care of him makes me want to work harder; achieve more to always be able to provide for him. What do you do for leisure? I like dancing as it is also a good way of relieving stress and spending time with family and friends. What is the one thing that people do not know about you? I am in fact a very private person. Win two Switch phones compliments Telecom Namibia! Simply answer the question below and stand a chance to be lucky winner of two Switch mobile phones. Question: Is Telecom Namibia celebrating it's 19th anniversary this year? SMS YES or NO to 6000 The more you SMS, the more your chances of winning! Closing date: 20 March 2011 N$1.00 per SMS Terms and Conditions: Competition is open to Switch customers only, excluding Telecom employees. telewave • February / March 2011 13 New VSAT Broadband Access with BLAZING SPEED Wherever you are... Get connected, anywhere, anytime without the need for a physical line throughout Namibia. VSAT is an ideal solution for those that cannot get Internet Access via telephone lines, or that fall outside of the Telecom Namibia Broadband footprint. This powerful and dynamic solution for home and business user provides, FREE webspace, Free Fax to Email Number, Free on net voice minutes and Valid until 31 September 2010 Terms and conditions apply. For more information, please contact your nearest Teleshop or SMS VSAT to 060123.