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Wireless Data Gateway Application And Installation (adam




Wireless Data Gateway Application and Installation (ADAM-4570W/71W) Kuei.Chen IAG AE Technical Support Team What’s New ? ADAM-4570W/4571W Agenda • Some Spec. of module • Basic Network Architecture Ad-Hoc and infrastructure mode • How to configure ADAM via Utility • How to Map the virtual comport via Utility • Shared case or Trouble shooting Features • • • • • • • • • . Supports 802.11b standard - is the most widespread wireless LAN standard. (other newer standards such as 802.11a and 802.11g) . Supports Wireless LAN Ad-Hoc and Infrastructure modes . Supports high transmission speeds up to 230 kbps . Auto-reconnection . Remote download of firmware . Easily-managed Port Mapping Utility . Supports Windows 98/NT/2000/XP driver . Surge protection for RS-485 line and power supply . Automatic RS-485 data flow control • EDG devices do not support auto IP address configuration by DHCP server. Specifications • • • • • • • • • • • . Protocol: TCP/IP . Network: 802.11b . Ports: ADAM-4571W: 1 RS-232/422/485 port ADAM-4570W: 2 independent RS-232/422/485 ports . Connector: Serial: RJ-48 (RJ-48 to DB9 male cable provided) . Transmission Speeds: 50 bps ~ 230 kbps (Baud rate) . Parity Bits: Odd, even, none, space, mark . Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 . Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2 . Diagnostic LEDs: WLAN (Active, Quality), Serial (TX/RX) and System (Status, Power) . Surge Protection: 15 kVESD Ad-hoc Mode BSS RS-422/485 PLC Communicate with each other directly without going through AP RS-232 HMI Infrastructure Mode Router Internet Ethernet Host Access Point RS-232 Bar code Reader Electronic Scales BSS RS-422/485 ADAM-5000 PLC Switch Setting • Normal Mode: for normal use. • Diagnostic Mode: If your network connection is broken and you forgot your device setting, you can move the switch to re-build the setting and connection. And the parameter you set will be applied into Normal Mode. Diagnostic Mode of Default Setting Configuration Utility-Network • General tab(1) – TCP/IP What is SSID? Name of a wireless local area network (WLAN). • All wireless devices on a WLAN must employ the same SSID in order to communicate with each other. 1.1. Key-in Key-inFixed FixedIP IPaddress address 2. 2. Had Hadconnected connectedAP AP Configuration Utility-Network • General tab(2) – Wireless mode If customer uses NB with WLAN card, he can select “Ad-Hoc” mode. Configuration Utility-Network • General tab(3) – Data Rate Configuration Utility-Network • Authentication tab(1) – WEP Authentication Type WEP : (Wired Equivalent Privacy) It is a kind of standard to encrypt the data frame 1. Open system : No encryption for network communication. You can neglect the key setting on the right side. 2. WEP Share Key : Both communication devices use the same key as encryption. 3. Automatic : Detect the WEP situation of the access point automatically. ADAM-4570W/4571W will use the current key for encryption. Configuration Utility-Network • Authentication tab(3) – Key Index Configuration Utility-Network • Authentication tab(4) – Key Format Key Format (Key Length) • Set the key format. Below table shows the allowed characters and length of the different key index and key formats A1c2e A1B2C3D4e5f6g 01:02:03:0A:0B 01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0 A:0B:0C:0D Configuration Utility-Port • Port Setting 1.Select 1.SelectRS-232,RS-422,RS-485 RS-232,RS-422,RS-485&&Port Port 2.Select 2.Selectthe thevalues valuesatatrandom, random,because because“Parity,Flow “Parity,Flowcontrol…” control…” will willchange changeby byyour yourapplication application Configuration Utility-Port • Host Idle Timeout Port Mapping Utility-Port Mapping 1.Assign 1.Assignunused unusedhost hostPC’s PC’sCOMport COMporttotoADAMADAM4570W’s 4570W’sport port 2.Select 2.SelectADAM-4570W/4571W ADAM-4570W/4571W Port Mapping Utility-Port Mapping 1.Key-in 1.Key-inIP IPaddress addressofofspecific specificdevice device 2.Select 2.Selectport port 3.Click 3.Click“Add” “Add”button button Port Mapping Utility-Test 1.Select 1.Selectwhich whichport porttotobe betested tested 2.Click 2.Click“Test” “Test”button button Case Shared Case1. ESS (Extended Service Set) „ ESS (Extended Service Set) Æ Extended wireless converge with multiple APs „ SSIDs for all APs must be the same (ex: ESSAP) „ Configuration in ADAM-4570W „ Infrastructure mode „ SSID=ESSAP SSID=ESSAP SSID=ESSAP (Channel = 5) (Channel = 1) SSID=ESSAP (Channel = 11) SSID=ESSAP (Channel = 1) Case2. Re-connection • Host PC or Customer’s AP hang • LAN cable is broken or re-power on a Hub/switch • Re-power ADAM-4571W/70W • Serial port is broken Case3. Connect to a AP (enable WEP function) • If a AP (Access Point ) had enabled WEP function, how ADAM-4571W/70W (with default factory value) connect to the AP? 1. The factory value is no enable WEP function and ADAM4570W/71W can NOT know what key AP used. To use another Host PC to connect with ADAM-4570W/71W in Diagnostic Ad-hoc Mode. After detecting ADAM module via Utility, please enter the same key to ADAM-4571W/70W The second way, Disable AP’s WEP function in advance. 2. 3. 4. Thank you!!!