July 27,1943.
Filed Sept. 24, 1941
4 ‘Sheets-Sheet 1
?‘wwsgzmwj-wjéi ATTORNEYS,
July 27,‘ 1943.
Filed Sept. 24, 1941 442; _
5/6 4f 93 50
THE /05 '+_-V_-_1L¢—-¢—~.'
2i 5/ ___s.
99 98
—~ ————
44 r441:
4 Sheets-Sheet 2
July 27, 1943.
Filed Sept. 24, 1941
4 Sheets-Sheet 3
July 27, 1943-
Filed Sept. 24, 1941
4 Sheets-Sheet 4
M7127. .45. 44 /[3
t F
K me
Patented July 27,1943
PATENT . "name ‘
DRY‘SHAVER'CUTTER HEAD‘ " Thomas J.- Murphy,‘ Stamford, Conn. 3
Application September 24, 1941, Serial No. 412,055 . In Canada September 27, 194.0 Y
19 Claims: (o1. 20-543).- .
end of the, casing in which the cutter headlmay 7 ' be mounted andishowing how it‘ may bacon
This invention relates to dry shaving devices and has for an object to provide an improved dry shaver construction which will operate more e?ectively and e?iciently to rapidly cut the‘hairs close to the skin without injuring or, irritating‘; the
nected' to anio'perating motor, thev cutter head
shown being somewhat‘modi?ed'from the con-ff - struction shown in; Figs. 1, 2 and 3;
-‘ '
Fig. 22 is asect'ion 'taken‘at right angles to Fig. 23' is 7a ‘partialnside 'elevation'ahd partial
Withv the foregoing and other objects in ‘View ' I have devised an improved construction asillus
trated in the accompanying drawings forming a ,1 .
section, of a somewhat modi?ed constructionof
part of this speci?cation. _It is, however, .jto be, understood details shown‘ thatbutI am'not may vemploy limitedvarious to the changes‘ speci?c’
‘cutter head;
Fig. 241s 25 is aa top bottom planplan view view thereof; thereof » 4; ;‘
and modi?cations within the scope of the invenj f -
i Fig. 25 is an endelevation with a ‘portion bro-f >
In these drawings:
ken away to more ‘clearly show the construction; Fig._ 27' is’ a top plan View of_ one end portion j',
Fig. 1 is a partial side elevation an'd'a partial,
on a larger scale;
Fig. 28 is a top plan view ofjone 'end'rportion.
section of the cutter head on an enlarged scale; ‘
Fig. 2 is a top plan‘view. thereof; Fig. 3 is an end view with parts broken away’ I to more clearly show the construction;
of the inner’ or ‘movable cutter; ~ Fig. 29 is an-elevational view-lookingtowardf‘," the upper row“ of cutter ‘teeth: ,
'20 the free ends of
Fig. 4. is a bottomplan View of the cutter head;_
in' Fig. 28;
Fig. 5' is a side elevation oiuthe center. comb or guard removed from the head;
the construction;
Fig. 6 is an end view thereof ‘;'
v _ thejfree‘j '' Fig. 31 .is a detail view looking toward ends of the cutter teeth- at one end portion of the .1
Fig. 7 is a sideelevation of. a ‘filler block _ ployedintheheadp?
anbroken‘ end elevation'of the'cutter clearlyof‘.show Fig. 28Fig‘. with30is parts away to ‘more
head, the view being taken‘ substantially on line]
Fig. 8 15a. partial end view and partial section thereof;
Figs. Sand 10 "area.
longitudinal section. and
Fig. 32 is a transverse section orivvanenlarged "
scalethrough'the the side plates vforming upper the portion’ outerthrough or stationary one of ‘ "
end view‘respectively of a coverfmember for the '. inner end of, the actuating stud; I Fig. 11 is a top planview- ot one end showing? ' a few of the teeth of'the‘stationary guard on 'one' '
cutters ;
Fig. 33 is‘ a similar section" showing'a'slight -modi?cation;
Fig. 12 is a view looking toward thefbottoin. '_ Fig. 14 is a viewlsimilar
tolFigQll showing7av 40 ‘
slightly ‘different construction;
for holding the cutter head in the motor house" I‘. ing;
Fig. 37 is'a side elevation thereof;
“ I
Fig. 38 is a partial side elevation andpartial section‘of ‘the operative connecting‘ ineansfbeé _
Fig. 15 is. a partialendview'and a partia1'_sec-* tion of the inner or movable cutter;
and comb guard; '
Fig. 35 is anyend elevation; thereof ; ‘ . Fig. 36 is a top plan,‘ view of the securing spring 2
of Fig.13 Fig. 11;‘ is a transversesection _ _ substantially _ __. H on'_ line. I3'—l3 of Fig. 12; .
‘ Fig‘. 34 is a side elevation of the spacing-(block 1 _‘
side of the central comb or guard;
Fig. 16 isna top plan viewf'of one end portion " tween the ‘actuating motor and the movable c'ut-' ‘ 45 ter; thereof ;.
Fig. 17. is a view looking toward the. free'en-dsi
Fig. 39'is a top plan viewon [an enlarged scale
of the teeth of Fig. 16, the View being taken sub‘:
of a modi?ed construction ofthe outer stationary
stantially on the line H—I'I ‘of Fig; 16;
guard 'or cutter teeth;
Fig. 18‘ is a bottomplan'view of onejendof this‘ "
150 of these teeth on a still‘ larger scale;
movable cutter;
Fig. 19 is a view similarfto rigfiz showing
modi?ed construction;
Fig. 41 is avtransverse section substantiallyfonivl. line M—4|, on Fig. 39;,
Fig.2!) is a section. looking‘irornjthejright or?
Fig. 40 is a View looking towardthe free ends '
Fig. 421s a top plan view of the
which theconstruction of Figs. 39 tofljl "blank is made'_‘ from
Fig. 21 is a vertical central ‘section of‘the'head
showing‘ the e?cct secured by the'?'rst operation; '
‘an-edge View thereof looking toward
at the undersides of the teeth ‘I of the stationary guard. In the outer surfaces of the side walls the walls are cut away forming longitudinal chan nels i5 leaving longitudinal reduced bearing sur faces I'G against the side members 6 thus reduc ing the friction and permitting easier operation. It also facilitates ‘the oiling of the bearing sur
the bottom of Fig. 42. Fig. 44 is a partial side elevation of the head end of the casing and cutter head therein show ing a somewhat modi?ed construction; Fig. 45 is a transverse section thereof substan tially on line 45‘—45 of Fig. 44. 1 , g. 46 is a side elevation of the head of Fig. 44;
Also there are ground longitudinal chan
nels ornotches v13b at the outer ends of ‘the teeth or'outer'sidej corners or edges or‘ the .cutter leav
Fig. 47 i's‘a bottom view'thereof; ‘ ~ Fig. 48 is anend view thereof with parts broken ' away to more clearly show the construction; , n
ing‘ a space between the‘ inner cutter and the inner wall of the outer cutter 6 and providing Fig. 49 is a partial end view and partial sec-v ‘ sharp edges I30 at the opposite edges of this space tion of one of the side members or plates of the; 1tosprevent/aywedging action on cut hairs which housing; '‘ . Y ‘ mightuvvork into this space and prevent these Fig. 50 is a bottom view of on e ‘of the ‘spacing ' v‘hairs working-into the space between the inner blocks ofFigs;44 to 48; v > 1 _ 1 I. V . cutter teeth i3_and..the outer cutter teeth 7 to Fig. 51 is an end view thereof ;'
‘_ v l_Ithusgcauseéaiseparation of these teeth and inter
Fig. 52 is a side elevation of one form of COIVIT fere withv‘the proper shearing or cutting oper . necting drive from the motor or activator‘ to‘the ‘20: ational -It‘“~has been found that with the inner v
inneror movablecutter;
Figr53gis albottom viewYthereo?
cuttenf?tting the outer, with a rounded. corner cut‘cliairs ,will work‘ in. between the! movable and .
Fig.1'54lisa side View ofla .dig?e'rent’construcg .' can of connecting ., drive. from vthe.'rnolt'ori toLtheL=
stationaryteethnTThis cutout l3bwi1l‘als'o pref,‘ vent. .h’airs' workinginto the.‘ bearing surfaces. it. ' "The bottomIwalllIof thisv memberfhasa tapered '
cut‘t'er; I ‘ Fig. 55 56isisabottomviewithereof; a transverse .- I 3 ‘Q. 1 section'ofon'e ‘1.5;. ,. ; of 1 they
recess ‘ IT '(Fig. 1)' to receive-‘the tapered end f'l?,
spring-_.members oLFigs. 54 iandf55 taken sub- '
the. cutter ‘I 2,‘ this actuating stud/being operated
of anoperating pin ,or, stud. L9. for reciprocating
stantiallyon line 565-56 .oflFigr
.I :f. by: an electrical , actuator'as. will later be described;v Fig. 57 is a face view of one of the backing; 30 Hit‘ is preferred.‘ to place 'overgthe' free .end. IS a
up elements of Figs. ‘54 and 55, and. . .g I ' ' ;
‘substantially U -'shaped plate‘or cover‘!!! to prevent
Fig. 58 is a. similar, view of the other Tbacking upoelements “this construction.
; l
cut ‘hairs getting ' into}; the ‘bearing ' between’: the) _ stud‘andfthe reciprocating-.cutter.‘ The bottom‘
Th'is eppli‘catide I is .a-' continuation i fin partof... > of this‘co'ver'is ‘recessedas'shown at 2i to'seat ,
mylprior application Ser. INo...i5l,'§‘13, nied- July ' 35 r on the end of the stud andhuoa-ldxthe cover in 3, '1937, and which issued Decembe 2.111941,’ as. . place. , The. distance between ‘the, side walls ‘of Patent.No.-2,264,398.
Referring‘ ?rst toHFig's.
this coverl'are substantially‘the distance between’
to. 20 inclusive, this
members .6 are. held ‘in proper spaced . relationlby
the ‘sides’ of‘ the‘ 'cutteijflasfshown in Fig; 3, so that it is properly, positioned. in the‘, cutter and prevents the . nilt'ihairsi: gettineiinto; the bear‘- ; As indic ated ‘above’ the‘ ‘stationary cutter‘ teeth ,
two ‘intermediate ‘longitudinally ‘spaced. blocks: 8: -> at the opposite ends‘cf the head" andbetweenlthea
1. extend. inwardly fromihempper edges of the side members 6 toward’ eachgther, butjthelfreen
cutter head comprises two side/members 76‘ each
having» vatiiits @uppe'r. ' edgel‘inwardly' extending»
stationary guard and cutter'te‘eth ‘I. 'Tlfiesezfsidev
side members .6, therebeing transverse pins' 9 "
' ends are spaced fromeach other leavin‘gga' longi
extending throughwthe “side members mama.
tudinal slot 22. I- These teeth may "be of various
b1o'cks,.and the side- members being secured to, .
shaLp’esQthose shown in Figs; Zand'l'l' to libeing ,
the ‘blocks by soldering; " Eithern'lthe linner stir-[$11 faces .of the side. plates. 6. or .theopposite sidesv
of‘v substantially triangular shape as ‘shown,’ in ' Fig.' 12, the‘ angle‘ between ‘the adjacent inclined .
offthebleclérsl?. are rec'e'ssedlas indicatedllat 10,, . sidewallsindicated atZ,3. being preferablyabout' with. tapered. curvedi recesses Lto.~ receive 1 solder}. ,
"lqd‘lalthongh this ‘may, vary, and the ‘distance, 24 ’
ing'i'n'at‘erial H and insure carrying of the soldeii' '
betweenthe'centers o'flth‘e teeth being about'.022 ofan inch and leaving estate between the edges of‘the teeth/iofabout .012)inchjas'indicat'edat 25
tothecontacting surfacesbetween the side
1 bars vand the" blocks; "It will‘ be apparentQtha-It...
when once assembled this, makesagvfery strong
' "as. indicated-preferablyltapered I am,‘ n‘oti‘limited vslightly to these‘inwardly 'dimen; “ ' rig'id construction "whichalv-iays .Inaintains. the... V?but‘whic'h‘is side members .and theirguard.and'hrittér; teeth in ‘ ' sions‘but it has'been found from experiment thatv ‘
the same relative positions, inde?nitely, J Also; as
thesepermit,cuttinlgofythe hair close to the skin without'permitting the ‘skin to project/sufficiently bly proper necessary access is'gi'v'en' to allpar [ ‘pinto the space. betwecntthe teeth to‘ cause irri-' '
thesi'de members can‘ ‘be. finished beforeassem' _. -: of the guard and cutter teeth permitting proper ‘
tation' of the skin"byythemovable‘cutter. . It=will of course be ‘understood ‘that’. theftliinner the '
the'top extend'jonly andaccurateforming .Iilwiii'of‘bethesideniembers 'seenffromvFigs._§ part’lwa'ifroml andj?nishi'n‘X‘ the'?bottorn 1‘6 and leaving .theblo'cks' a'. substan.-, edges,’ f. a v. 31 , tially. rectangular passagaor. channel . between "
theftops“. offth‘ehlocik’s IBQLand the v.underside of‘,
the stationary’ guard and butter e'e'thh‘lt'g.,Moiint-v
teeth the less strength jorfngidity'. and therefore the depth of the notches 25‘ between the teeth
and the length'of the overhanging free portion
' 'ofrthe teeth will be limited.- However, the greater '
the'depthof thejnotches 25' the more readily the
hair will ‘enter between ‘the teeth to be cut off,’ edin'. this channel and reciprocable longitudinally ' bythe coactionof the'sharpsideedgesof the teeth therein is the innernof nicvablel'cutterjgilg. This‘ 70,‘! and the'side" edges of the vteeth l3,,of.the‘_ mov-V reciprocating.cutteris. 'vfesubstantial. .. rectangu: '
lar cross section'with inwardly extending cutter.‘v These,teeth teeth. |3.a_long shownin the upperedgés Figs‘. Band} dfthe 15 are side islighterr wan .‘ ‘ ‘
ablecutter.v __I have found as indicated
thatI may make alternate'n'otches betwee'nthe
teethdeeper as shown. at- zayor‘as shown'fin' Figsf24‘ and 27; without 'objectionably‘weakening -._.
1y ineimed-corrlespeedirgig-ihéie?ieeii >0l"x?ll
in> ‘reversing Tthe?-‘direetion doiemovem‘ent :tor- rock
the,.-ou_rte1!;edgesiithereof. .‘ ~As iindica'ted; however,
the-head! laterally somewhat} on ithe‘gsurface? err-5i .
Lam angular, notteeth;.~but limited tortheruse" as shown in'Eig. of substantially‘ .19 these iteeth
gaginglitheehin.""5This'cezitral guard» or. ‘comb 29>
indicated atjla, may-be substantiallyrectangular in;cross-~;see1_zion;givh1g ‘somewhat greater rigidity.
w ' rocking takes "placeifandiio permits“ the" rocking‘
actsqas’ia ol'z‘t of"guarpP-and"fulcrum-on which ‘this’
movement-‘without-’rernoving 'e'i‘therset of cutter teeth: from’ 'theésuifface lof! thefskinendh thereby!
Itsisutollbemnderstood. thatthe- side edges at the ,
lowergfsurifvaces-z of»; the teeth cooperate-‘with the
preventing proper shaving. '
edges .-.of .-.the teeth.- 13 uni-the; ‘movable! - cutter ‘to give’. ya. shearing»v effect -for, . cutting 1 the hair-the
, asshowniini Figs.‘ H2; 5 arid‘fi. "7 ‘Iii has-downward; .-in.the ?rst lfmfmeandz this-shearing ac-;
Iyh' extending»! endlfpoilftionsi 31!! and?- 32.1 “. The-"end .
tion-is irnpreyedihy:,slightlytapering themotches
portion‘i 3243 Split as shown at
betweenq-the teeth ~so~~that the side-op oat-ting edges».are ‘inclined. ..It#; will ‘be noted» that-‘win
and has’ a trans‘-v
'verse-‘openingY_34;_for5'one\ olf?the epinsilg passing transversely thron'ghfth‘e ‘sid‘e‘members‘ 6: an the»
neithersoasepraretrthe ,teethiliormed‘ in'th'e: side‘ -
members GUQleanEIipI-tsmthe; ends.» thereof, but. that
l'oiv'oted'hn’ this ‘pin, the block 8 havingila'fi
asubstantially. .?ahor, :plaini surface‘. 2 8 islet-t2 at
35 ‘extending ‘1 inwardly ? froinfii-ts *end ~ "in twhi‘ch?
eachs-endaand- thathitsis apreferably ‘somewhat
the“ portion 32‘lis' inserted‘. 5T0, git'ei a friction en. the-“sides of‘i tliiiswsl'ot'v to: m'aihtainr'the guafd'Pi'SEl
higher “than? the outertsunfaces. of. the ‘teeth I ‘I
or. lcfto formla, guiding surfaceagainst the sur faeeofuthe skin; andithus prevent :the teeth from‘ being? pushed toodeeply-intoqtheaskinrand. pre vent cutting or irritating the skin. Elie-teeth
I 3.- on.._the movable putter, mayshavesubstantially
the‘sl‘ot 351i't is broughtfbaickiihto ‘the planekof-lthe
stij'aighte sides;as;indieated_ in. Eigs.~.'16- and’ 17; or they‘ may. be .inclinedi-andifthese ‘teeth. can also‘
: mexhben ~placing'q‘the1 lug’ ?ilavunder-v tension,- so that! theeesmem action ~of< the; metal causes-4a pressnre on opposite sides of theslot 35, main
be lofpeonsiderable. .vertic'al ,.-thicknes_s Tito :g-ive
'greatenstnengthand rigidity. ‘Thain-‘spacing is
prefer‘ahlyJdi?Lerent from..that.of.-;the stationary. teeth] soth‘at their shear '
taining _ theiguard ‘in’ proper ‘position. ‘i The ' oppo- I
site-'"enmportion'?l ‘has al-n'otoh‘e?i to seat-over , 325 the-pin" ?-om'theeoppositelend of the head. "This
_ oti'oneatjthesame.,time -buttwi-11 do their
on ing in succession ‘,thus giving-easier-operation
‘being; operableQWith aless-powerful actuator.’
. not‘ohi isles: slightly~ "less widthlth'en. the "diameter . of-"this~pin“9 so‘ that‘ as it is forced-down over thein‘n Ithe lugsmr 63182011: the-opposite sid‘esbf Q
the slot are’Tfrorced laterally away from each other‘? greate'rllthanlthat. of the teeth ‘I. “I prefer-about 50 a "short - distance, {which aetionis' permitted ‘by the The; spacing ,ofUthesewte-eth:13 - is “preferably
half‘ "the. number_. of .Lteethhn the .movable cutter
out? Lll; thus.‘ placing [the lugs? tinder tension; end
‘that ,of-t'ne statiimaryit'eeth 'e'. in.eom~ bination Witha r.e1atively;._long-Inovement of-_ the innercu'tter, m. excessof thepitohofwthe teeth
the resilient" action be itheimetal' ifri'cti'onally "en;
- and _‘stil1l1‘fur'tlier preferably threevor ‘four. times
iIi'Figs.‘v 1= aiidi 2; these extensions‘ lo'eing' indicated]
of either. cutter; andipreierably .the-largerpitch,
gagest'the‘ipin 3to‘?holdiithe guard‘ 29' in. position. A1: itsgoppositeie?dslthe'gtial‘d’ZH is extended be yon'dP‘theends-o-f ‘the-"side members-16 as shown‘
this. pitch, or.‘ equalto or_ greater than some. mul
tiple"of.ft11e_.1iit<2h{.of eitherset ofrteethais .ini
edges andHorm-a-‘sort' of guide ‘and guard'cluring
portant in. securing. better: operation. ;Tl'1is . is es
the shaving operation and the lower shoulder 48
pecially‘ true wher'e?fthe 'dwe11:_vat eachextremaé.
provides-iat'i?ngen grip’ toIpermit' lifting of "the
offthej cutter’s movement‘ vis "short as [is , truein
the type of 'a‘ctivator shown’ in my. prior app1i__
endf’t? of ~the"guarcZ--"to'='s'wingithis end ‘about the oppositmbini?. as"a;piV0tl1;o‘fe oosevthe guard for
cation-Serial‘ No v359,349, '?lelcl' Jaimary 13., 1939.
cleaningz'andialsorpermit ‘cleaning of .the interior '
"There’m'ay also
providedin ‘the longitudinal
slot-'22 between‘the‘?fi'ee edges of the teeth
gitii'dinally‘extending-bomber "guard 29._'_jThis' is
O?'lthG cutteriand:ofl'therc'uttingete'eth. The‘ bot- _
tom-Mal}; 6! I‘ either. movable cutter ll 2 has‘ a; longin
tiidin'alnslot .452". attiea'c‘hr‘end' thstra-d'dle therp'or
of; a‘ thickness ‘less than the distance between the
free '~"ends~‘o'f- ‘the teeth so‘ that‘ its opposite ‘ sides
anduperrnitthe' longitudinal reciprocating m'o-v'ef I
arevv spaced fromlithese’teeth ‘i and‘; 03 as ‘shown
32"01“ .the‘tguar'd or'oomb me; her :29 ’
mentiof-i the cutter 42." The'dnn
slots‘. 62: are-inclined asiindicatedlya 43in prevent
i-tsiupper' free‘ edgetransvers'e teeth‘ 39 which are
accumulation of out hnir‘svzin‘ithe slot and-permit
in: Figsi’Z andl3, ‘and it-‘also preferably?
lprefe‘rablycin' 'alignmentwith' the: stationary‘ teeth
‘|-;and=.of about the same width ‘or thickness. The .
~. .'=It ."Willi be; seenfithatj rifromtihis arrangement
edges: of 51211858 rteeth;:._are~t preferably located; at _ ,
there isoprovideda shaver which'rwillibe equally e?eotivecimeach: of 'itstmovements in" opp o‘site "di
2,325,267: -
rections so the device-maybe,operated'by mov-1
It is preferredto use teeth‘on theTguard-ill but
ing. it back and ;forthiov_er the surface ,to bev shaved.‘ ‘The, two rows of teethon the opposite, sides of slot'22 forrngin effect two. opposed cutting
itimayibe used Iwithout‘teeth‘ ifvd'esired. " It is
devices extending or facing in opposite directions
also prefcrred-toextend the ends of the central guard or comb 544 ‘beyond theiouterf'end's'of por tionstt ‘and. round them‘as shown at “b as
and spaced from each other the widthofthe slot. -
these roundedv ends- of ~the'l-vgua‘rd prevent-the
22. Each of these'cutting devices-includes a set_ skin ‘contacting the ' sharp-‘corners 'jof ‘ the vouter of, guard orguide teethand a set of reciprocating ' cutt'erfeiements and1 eliminate the‘ necessity of or cutting teeth cooperating therewith, bothgsets ‘making Jpo'rtions 6_6 raised {'abov‘e’the outer sure o1’. movable: cutter teeth beingjon the reciprocat 10 faceof the ‘outer cutter'teeth. In assembling
ing cutter‘ I2. -_-Therefore as-these cutting devices
_ this head the two blocks Tare formed'in one-piece‘
are‘rhelcl against 1 the, surf ace-i of the skin and the head is moved overthe surface back-and forth
connected at ‘their-lower‘v edges‘ byra‘lstrip or tie barilit."v The side plates‘lll- ‘are clamped against the opposite sides of‘ this block-improper posi
in adirection transversely of the slot 22, ?rst one
cutting device'on'0ne, side loftheqslot operates
tion and soldered‘to the block-in-thefsame man ner'as described in connectioniwith'Figs. 1 to 4,
as ‘a shaving device, and thenwhen ‘it is moved , in'the other direction the other'cutting device‘ on‘ the opposite side of the slot‘voperatesas a
thé‘ODPOSlt-G sides'of the blocks or-inner-surfaces of the ‘side plates being formed with? tapered re
shaving device, and therefore as the vshaver is
cessesmcorresponding to the recesses l0 in'the
moved-back and 'forthover the skin surface there
?rstiform to hold- solder P49’ and from which it may run to-v the contacting surfaces ' between the , plates'ré'l and the blocks 45.‘?_'Afte1"i,the“plates
is always a shaving device .with the free ends of
its guard teeth moving forwardly, which is vthe proper movement and relation for shaving.» The space '01‘ slot 22 between thefree ends of the cut
ting-teethgive the proper space-to» permittree entrance of the hairs into the open slots or recess‘ “and 26 between-the teeth. ‘It will also be seen thatas one set oithe shaving-teeth on» one-side I
of the ‘slot is movingforwardly in; the. cutting direction the other-is moving ahead’ of it and
against- the surface of the skin, and’ therefore forms a guide to always maintainthe teeth which are doing the cutting at the proper angle with
relation to thesurface of the skin for thexbest, cutting effect, and prevents digging into the sln‘n, To secure this proper angle all the ‘userhas to do is to hold the outersurface of the cutter‘head squarely against-the surface of the skin: The
longitudinal passage ‘within’ the moving-cutter l2 collects- and conducts the. cut off hairs from the shaving teethsothey are kept ‘clear at all times.
connection or tie bar‘ Nils removed by sawing it across adjacen‘tfthe ‘inner ‘ends of'the blocks ~15, the lower edges of the 'plates'4_1 being provided withnotches'? to accommodate the saw. This leaves'space' for the operatingpm 50 from the
‘actuating motorto the innenrno'vablecutterv 5|. The blocks 8 "of Figs; ~1-‘gto 4 may>beassemp1éa in ‘the '_ same ‘manner, using ‘the connection‘ 46' to
hold them 'inilposition until assembled with the side plates 6 ‘and then'removing the connection 46 in the manner'described'.” This‘ manner, of ‘ assembling makes_ it‘ easien'to get‘ the spacing blocks‘ 8 and 45 moreac'curately and properly positioned,‘ and also msuresimp‘re accurate and proper assembly;
' 1'?“-
The inner cutter“ "is thesame 'as'the’cutter
l2 as shown in’FigsY'Pto {and 15 to '18 ‘except
that instead‘ of having anotch- mats lower wall 51a atiboth ends it has'iahotch_5lbrjat'onei end
To- secure the. cutting ie?ectrit is of course, necessary that the-cutter I! be reciprocated‘ in
only to'acco'rnmodatethe supporting ‘standard
a-directionlongitudinally-of-.the-slot 22-, or that is transversely, of the guard teeth ‘I, and imme
with this meansof mounting thewmbtrgua'rd
diately-back ,of-‘the guard‘ teeth and be held against thebackvt-of these teeth ‘for the proper
are assembled-and solderedVtov the 'blocks'~the
53 of the guard or comb 44', v; This has an .‘addi-‘
tional advantage or function in combination,
in that the‘inner ‘cutter sl‘easbe inserteddn‘
the head in one positiononlyfand this prevents‘ shearing effecti, ~The>amount of movement'of inner cutter being‘ reversed and placedv in the cutter .IZshould be ‘at least equal to the dis 50 the the‘hea'df wrong end topwith the possibiliti'of tance hetweentheteeth 1', or it may be. several the teeth ‘of the "inne’rfcutter 'not being in the times the amount; lit-desired. ‘TheJteeth'I-Of the proper relation to the teeth‘of thelouter cutter. movable cutter lzareiheld against the back of Theshape of thejteeth?l’a'of the outer guard they static-nary, teeth .1 by a, spring similar‘ to spring 9! acting onpin 50 as shown in Fig'21 55 or'stationary cutter 'is‘sorii'ewhat‘ di?e'rent, from ' I that of the cutter heau'mrigsii, to‘i3, .As shown pressing the‘operating pin I! against the mov more clearly‘ in Figs, 27,‘ 32 ‘and 33, ‘the freefends ' able cutter, i2. This-maintains the proper pres ‘ ‘sure between theteeth; and automatically takes up wear;
of- the teeth arelpr'ovided with'extrametalat
their tips‘ and itmay be ‘onf'the'louter skin en}
The modi?cations shown in Figs/21 to.58are 60 ' gaging vside as shown'atf52' ‘or, ‘on’ the iiimegpr underside, or divided'be'tweenthetwohTI'his is the same in principle,‘ but are somewhat differ.
several thousandths 'of'afn inch thicker than the ent from the construction ofFigs/l to 20in cer body of the tooth, and ‘during the finishing op; tain ‘details. In'these ?gures the'centra1 guard erations, of. bu?ing ‘andpolishi'ng some thou or‘ comb 44 corresponding‘to the guard or comb 29 of the. ?rst form instead of being pivotally 65 sandths are removedlvso that ,this extra lmetal presents a _ rounded‘ ‘blunt end to, the . skin a that mounted in the centralspacerblo-cks 45 is ‘rigidly does‘ not puncture or irritatejitinuse; vIt also attached to or formed integral with one of these‘ actsv asalcanopy over the sharp ends of: theine ‘blocks as‘shownimore clearly'in Fig. '34. 3 After the’device‘ is assembledthis comb or‘ guard is
ner moving teeth I3Jto prevent the skin from
thereforealways‘maintainedlin its original posif 70 contacting these teeth. This extra- ‘thickness tionandthere isnov danger of- its being shifted out of this position and not properlyreturned to it‘; This also assuresalignment of: the teeth?a c-f'this guard onfits outer‘edge» with the'teeth'
whilethe remainderof- the teeth remainsthin
ner gives an arrangement which will-permituse
of‘ a'wider slot between adjacent ‘teeth by'pi'e-v venting 'the tips of theiteeth of ‘the inner cutter "a oizthe stationary guard or outericutterY'teeth.‘ 75 , element fromx'contacting thee-‘skin .while shaving.
23532559269? .
sworn-1., It w'iILbe-seen ith‘atithere isla shortinot'oh S?c onsthe opposite-sided aptoothidfma from; the longesttnotch??mt "so; as to‘ strengthen and st‘i?en
The; iulltlin'e: thickness .I at: 53vindicates= the: shape of the. teethvaiter they buf?n'g andrp'ol-ishirtg. ‘T . The
body or rearrpc-rtionof the teetln‘indicatedat?
thiszztootluiifan'dzin fact-by this: arrangement of variousalengths ofateetheand: notchegr thetteetltzare
can have a thicknessofnGOZb-r .003’: inclt'to give
an extremely' :closevshave' The thickness: 51:01? the tip, may be about ‘.010 inchpbut asz vindicated above; bu?i-n'g ‘and: polishing >>wi11_ ‘remove’- some thousandth's and.I also round’ offthel corners ;.~leav~
ing an extremely- smooth-‘approach; "In" that-form of Fig. 321there ishalara-thervabrupt 'de‘pre‘ssie'nt?
bli'ng thezside. pl'atestot?the outer'scutten"v thatith'e
at the thin-portion. of the-teeth giving'a thicker
longer; notches! _ ‘on .lspacess'?‘?at ; bez. opposite » the
supportat the base 511'? This; howeverg-may'ibe omitted-‘as shcwn-in-Fig'. 38‘- so that-the thinner -
'shorte‘stlslots 681;; thusathezshortestkt'eeth are‘ on lposed to-the 'alon'gest teethisoxthat; ins-going ‘back
portion ofthe toctlican be carried‘-‘bacl€F-t6~~the
and forth-ion the‘sliinI the: 1on-gev:~teeth :or: cutting
maternally~ A‘ strengthened; -: and-x: sti?eneda as»- the metalicomesrup- afarther‘ on oneside thereo?thus '
ingtclos‘er‘ shaving; o. It ‘is, also» preferred rinnass'errr.
15 edge ion the» longer notches. will: cut »the5.1onger
hairsx-andyrthe:shorten:teetha’ornotches: wiilitcut the shorter; 1hairs';.. Ais'oi. the shorter: spaces; :or
body-of 1 The-dimensionsmf thevplate. > courseerhaywary/ 1 ‘ ' - - but'it'h‘e -'
f0l1owing',~by-"way of examplewhave been found very- satisfactory.v Thusyfoh example; the'piate 41- ma-ybe' about 10311’ "' in thickness and'thevlehgth
of the tooth‘ Ha indicated" at‘ 15B may-“be "about 1 .060". The thickness of the toot'lrr--'at*5§i,-'=as i-ndi-l '
' notchesalibeing- opposite. :.the\,- longer l~spaees=r-'=or notches? wiltitend toiprevent the skin iezrteringzthe . longer spaces i sufficiently itotcauseiirmtationrpari. '
ticularlyrwherei thiszarrang'ementsissusedwithout
‘cated~above;=~may¥be about’ £63?” adjanenttd-it's
a central guard or comb. Although this arrange-‘
free‘ end and tapers'slig-htly' to about" 1064"! 'at-lits
mentxfi's shown\iimFigs;.=24e an‘d12FE onlmit" is-“tov be understood? it'im'ay be iuse'di 'inr the‘i other=~ cutter
between the teeth-maybe‘ ab-out‘=>.035'”;‘and’the
_- "At‘the oppositeiren'ds‘ of the-cutter ahead-hare
width ' of the increased-thickness‘?! indicated‘; at
61 may be about" .O’IO’L‘ ‘Ther'widthoi’ theide'l
providetllsubstantially; wider-guard; andguide sure
pression 56‘ '~ Fig.‘ 32' ‘as ‘indicated-‘at’
faces 663 to] assist i in- preventingwthe-?teet‘m digging
‘may “be
about .035") They width or‘the slot‘v or‘spacing
between‘~ the‘ teeth-~‘is preferably"abGut?OIO’" ‘as
- into‘atheilskinmoirritaterit. .Asls'hownirin Fig. 3-1 tl‘iisue'xtends; beyond; the \ extremeimovements" 30f tIiE-‘en‘d \' tooth‘i" [311 not: thew-inner‘ ec'utter - 51‘. i As ' withi tlrei'type' 'of- ' actuatowdisclosede the strokeof
the inner; cuttez?may vary'withith load; being preferably‘ about ‘the 'same'as that‘ of the" sta tionary ‘cutter teeth-‘4m; :It‘‘ is also-iprefei‘r'ed
‘so-metvh‘a?o'shorter. forwheaviers load'sj-ifi the’ under
that the-free ‘ends; of the‘ outer or stationary'cut‘e ter teethl-Tu overhang the" endsf-of'ithe'inner cutter teeth i 3- somewhat'as'shown- at“ in Fig: ‘33 and also in;Fig:;26"to1insure'that these free ends of the‘ inner-teeth"doanot-‘ccntact and-irritate‘
a .l'evelzwith under sideiofithe teethiliin; .itxwiil'iib'e
sideyof-z this.extensionv were for :itsiiulls width: on evident that ibecaus‘eiofi >this'4variati0nzin:stroke ’
there.‘ would; eventually bezunev'en :wear-onsth'eun .ner: stxrfacwof portion; 68,. so that; onzzth'erlonger movementgcof -.,the;-. inner @cutter the-.1‘ outer: itooth
ta'gei vto»- haive‘lthe‘ outer‘‘teethv 41a somewhat‘ in"
shittz the'inner: cutteriteeth: .awayf'fronuthe: outer cutter-teeth andxinterfere Withthepropen .rcut‘e' 1
clined- downwardly ‘ and-j ba‘ckwardlygjin > opposite directions- fr‘omr-their free‘ ‘ endsras indicated- [in
yvfa'cbi ofilthe- extensiorrs??iisrrelieved o-mcutisback
' Ithas alsobeen-iounditobejamateriai advan=
Figs. 26,32 and 33-." The‘ outenskin-‘contacting
surfaces are preferably substantially ?at‘, ‘andarl
though thefang-le' of~iriclinatiorr maywary‘it-is preferred that's-his“ angle; ‘ indicatedhat ‘ ‘65,: be
tirigiofz? the haih:v ‘To \(ibViMiBi?hiSiithéi :un‘dei: ‘SULCJ- ' '
Bilato away‘fronnthwtoothdMasindicated aipoi-nt; oversialppingrztheuton-th 2x161 zltwiatthe inrFi’g'. ‘pointaotitsgextremeamovementieven omtheshont est strbkefo?‘ theiinnencuttenz. This-'insuresxthat
ab0ut'10 degrees; This‘ h'as‘been found-‘torperrrrit ;'
the :wear onrtheirinnersisurface :01: the-..und .de' Iofz. the-il-teeth‘i?d i and’: the: extension; B-Béfwhich I are‘
skin surfaceand'tdsort’of' draw ‘iti‘tofajuniform smooth condition and - permit it‘ to'enter‘ between thev teeth" justsu?iciently'to "give' ‘a; good‘fclose shave withoutirritating the skin:v 'It' also‘jfafcih tates entrancev of the" hairsto' proper‘ cuttingpo‘é
engagedtb'y the inner;movableeteethgarehall ‘sub; I
the cutter tomoveslrro'othlyand evenlyfover :the
Improved'operation'is' securedby‘ the-arrange‘
ject to the same amount of ‘wear, giving uniform ‘wear:ongallzcontactingasurfacesbetween theiteeth v ' otithemovable and ‘stationanwcuttersw Thussthe
teeth; of the twoicuttersfremaimim pro-per; relative positionseinde?nitelypu ‘ _
Inent shown‘i'n Fig. 14' by making-alternate-teeth in the stationary‘ guard‘of‘ diiferent-lengt-hsyor
outterza guard iteethi‘is shown-in: Eigssiigi toAB. ‘ These are-formed on 1151ates*.68!icorresp0nliingzto
‘putting'it another‘ way; making‘theialternate
?reside Jplates era-name ot-theqpreviousiform's, ‘and:arewhiounted ‘on-r't'h'e. ‘opposite ‘sides: ~ofathe ‘spa-{i "io‘cksi 8 and?‘ ll?iithe-same astinisthehpnee
notches or‘ spaces‘ between"- thei’tee'th-of different
lengths; This-adds strength‘totheteeth‘permiti ‘ting the useof' thinner'teeth'and securinjgfa closer
shave. shown 'in-"Fi'gsv24 This effect-is and:still‘irirther ‘27,'by‘making increased‘? adjacent teeth or" the notchesjbetween-‘adjacent teeth of different‘ lengths and; placing the sh‘orte'rvspaces
"viou-‘sf for'rhs. iAt i'the'fup'per or ioutevledge-ei’s- a ‘pertion? ‘ieXtending‘ii'a-terally' inward‘: o-vemne
spacin blocks the ‘same aslinithepreviousdorms,‘v ‘hislp'ortionr 6i? fare ifb‘rm‘ed the stationary cutte teeths "mil In this» fdrm,--»_however, 'these , -
or'notches adjacent-to or on‘theopposite‘side of Mu il-v‘svomewh'atl'différent shape than in 40 they are the tooth at oneside 0f- the longer notches." Thus :70 thel'iothu orins'. ~As»s-ho~wn'r 'ofils'ubs‘tantially- inverted T-‘shapel'in' crossiseoti'en, ‘as shown in-thes‘e'?guresthe notches are‘m'ade of three; di?erentleng'ths with a longerhnotchi?ta with l'thlelcross'bar ~72’ i5 separated} byith'eenotches- 12'
‘and-a shorter notch‘ next-to'it Gob-‘and ar’still
and with~the> cut-ting" vedges "Ti-iat- ‘the “opposite
‘shorter ' notch nex-t- tofthat-‘? 0c,‘ and‘ themancther
ed‘g'es} and
‘ '
' riwa-lls of}thes'ercrosse'barsrte 00'- '
long notch Mayan-“intermediatenotch £56‘ and $75 'operate-withi'ithe"teeth- >i‘13‘*'of-~' the-inner‘ movable
cutter 12.. The leg or rib 14.:ext'ends longitudi nally at the outer or skin'contacting side of the teeth and preferablyat substantiallythe'center 'of the tooth." These ribs add strength- and-stiff
spectiveledges of the inner and outer teeth the inner teeth must be widerthan the space between theouter‘teeth. ‘ A! tooth in the outer element
that would be-underspring tension against in. ner moving element could be madethroughout its length .002 or .G03'inch thickfwhich would give an extremely close and quick shave. It the teeth. and form themain skin con
tacting surface, preventing the skin entering. too far into the notches 12 between theteethto'be cut or‘ irritated by the .movable cutterteeth l3.
would, also reducefrictionrand‘wear between the
In'making this cutter. the portion 6911s substan
surfaces. of the inner and'outer teeth, .
tially. plain‘ asshown in dottedlines Fig. 43.‘ :.Be+ 10 ..One means ‘for mountingthecutter head in forehardening‘and while'still soft,zthe grooves" the motor housing and the operative connection 7.5; are milled or broached of properwidth and from the motor are shown in Figs. 21, 22, 36, spacing to form the rib .14.. Then :after the metal 37 and 38. The motor housing indicatedat 83 is hardenedand tempered the notches .12 ‘are ’ gisusually made of some molded plastic and in . groundinto the connecting Walls-15 at the bot: > two sections suitably connected together to en tom'of the groove between the ribs 14; andthen closea suitable operating motor 64. This may the surfaces are. all. buffed and‘polis‘ned, which .be _-of different types,-_but as indicated is ‘that
shown in my prior application Serial No425g0,349, ‘?led January 11, 1939, as anA. C, oscillating
rounds off the‘outer corners vof th?ql'ib Hand . body:.or cross bars ‘H as'well .as the freeends ' of the teeth and the ribsgiving a smooth con:
motor, having suitable-wiringandpole ‘meme
tact with the skinandtminimum irritation to the
. bers for oscillating “an armature-11101;.‘shown), . which through the yoke 85 oscillates the driving
. ‘The dimensions 1 of- course may varyebutithe
‘pin 50 connected to the yoke by the threaded stud 86.‘ In the arrangements shown2 the lower ‘end oi the-stud?i passes through the yokey85
_ following have been found to be very satisfactory.
The thickness of the ribs indicatedaty'll'rFig. 510 may;be about .0061’, the thicknessof the cross
baryindicatedat 18 about .003",l.the,width.ofr the
and. bar-8Q and isthreadediintoj the bar- t9. » It
. is held against loosening by, a lock nut 80." A
spring 9] reacting against this nut and dancollar 92 on the, pi'nl5il tends to-hold the'rounded‘ or,
cross bar indicated‘at.19,about;.;015f';the width
of the slot between the‘ teeth indicated at '80 about I .010",, and the‘ The depth of .the slot Hindi: 8|
.also about .010". cated at 82. is about .035’.’,toj.p040”..' The thick? _ness'.003" for the .bar ‘H and. the ..010".',,_f0r the ‘total thickness are substantially ‘uniform along
s'emi-ball'shapedend of this: pin in the recess .93
' in the bottom wall 5I_av ofv the inner movable cutter.‘
In iyass'emblingpqthe -,___drive . pin; 86. is Y
threaded and ;forced intoza formed hole in the
pin 50.? This will assure'a ‘perfecti?t 'in'the‘out
the entire length ofv the tooth,'th'eribs '14. giving -~
.er.;drive,pin'. A stiff ‘grease is packed around
su?icient strength and stiffness to; permit this.
"the threads to eliminate allinois‘ewand rattler
This While. permitsvéryfastor in the various :forms quickillustrated-shaving. ;an un
which the cutter’ head-‘is mounted. It is held in this groove by a ‘retaining. spring‘ ‘95. This is
' The housing 'hasa transverse groove 34‘ in
even number of teeth is shown on the inner c11t—. .~.ter in relation to the number . of .outer .cutter 4,0
teeth, an .even'or :like number. can be used.'_.. The ‘?rst arrangement causesthe. teethto- cut in suc
‘shown more ‘in ‘detail‘in Figs.l,3f6 and 37, as Well as in Fig} 21. 'It has a‘body portion 95 seating on the bottom of groove“ and has" an elongat
cession instead of .all atonce, thus reducing the
ed opening ‘91 through which the driving pin 50
‘ power required and greatly reducing, the‘: liability
projects.‘ . At the opposite ends‘ of this opening are inwardly “v projecting '1 retaining ‘ ?ngers v“98
;of,.s>talling;. It is preferred: because of the rela. ‘,tlVGlY long travel of the ,inner'icuttercelement adopted in thisparticular shaver, that :the width of the inner teeth be somewhat-inaexcess of the opening between the outer teeth. ; Thus for. ex: ampleit has been found satisfactoryto make the width of teeth‘ l3 as shown at 13a Fig...28~about
-.0,15" and the distancel3b between them about ~ ‘There. maybe ‘a slight differencenintheangles
“ ofithe her‘ and contacting outer cutter. surfacesof elements,the ,Thus teeth‘ forofexample the in? \
there may be a slight di?erence in the angle of inclination. of. the inner surface I 4 (Fig. 13) of the outer teethv and the angle of inclination of the outer surface I3a (Fig. 15) of the teeth [3 of the
inner. cutter element. Similarly in Fig. 32 there I' may be a slight di?erence in the angles of the inner._.surfaces 41a of the teeth l3 of the outer
Vcutterrand in Fig. 33 between the angles 'of the inner surface 64 of the outer teeth and the outer surface of teeth I In the ‘same Way in Fig. ‘41, there may be aslight difference-in the angles of‘ theinner surface of teeth ‘H and outer surface of teeth I3.‘ With the extremely thin outer teeth which it is possible 'tosecure With-{the present a construction these teeth would‘spring back under slight pressure as, they .are pressedyagainst the
.skinto conform ‘to the widerangles-on the teeth ‘ .of‘ thelinner cutter and beusvupported thereon. .So that no catching would occurbetween theprel- ._
which pass through the opening 95 in the‘bot tom wallof the groove in» the housing land; are folded'over, at their nee. ends’ lflll'yonto their) ‘ner surface of the wall‘ bf‘his housing to retain 'the' spring in the groove.“ The opposite ends‘ of the spring are bent downwardly and backward
ly to for-in loops l0|_ 'and'IHOZ andprovidespring ?ngers“ l.03'and. ‘I'M to'grip'the opposite ends of the‘ cutter head to retain it,‘ in the groove.“ The free/end portions ofthe'se ?ngers are reversely . bent at "its toseat in notches msv (Fig,_34)to retain the‘ head in‘the ‘groove. The shape lot the spring when free is vshown- in‘ Fig,.(3'l, ‘When applied :in the ' groove in ' the .housin'gfityis
straightened and'the'refd‘re ‘stressed as shown in
‘Fig. 215p that the'ear's will grip’ the ‘wall or‘ the housing. ‘One. end'?n‘gertsuch as ‘for example
?nger I03, is tightly closed against the endof the bodyportion 9:6 as shown {in Fig/231v and preferably is preloaded so that‘ when ‘the cutter
head is'slipped into position between‘this an; vgerand the ?nger I04, the ?nger'llld will yield to; clamp the head between v‘the’ ?ngers as, shown inFig. ,21. . This willri'ns‘urethat -.a_lthougli ‘the
head is tightly grippedby thespring ?ngersit is always‘ positioned, in ,the ‘same relative posi tion {in-‘the housing by-the‘?nger 0M3,’ Allv the forms of cutter heads shownlcan be; mounted the. housineby this-same gripping means. ‘it be
2,325,267. ‘
theiends oft the cutterwhead'; in; the- form show in Fig, 1 as.--well as-the o.theri_or1ns.=.v ‘
a- similarly 'shapedi recess ' 'I;3‘»I-“ in' the- bottomiwall ’
Eula-of ~the;cutte1.'. This pinhasareducedfpore
Somewhat; modi?ed-constructions_ are shown
~ tioni IZSarpassing through‘. two verticallyispaced
imFigs; 44-to,58.*;~ In: Figs. e‘lito 51-. the-spacing blocks IG‘I- are: made‘ from stampings; of; sheet
springs IS-Z'and I33; the springs havingtopene ings: I33d thereth'rough'to:v correspond withvthe
metal-instead of-pbeing-substantially solid blocks '
' diameter of 1 the _ reduced: portion. 6 This 1. forms‘ a
asxshown: in the I other, forms, ;. ,The development ises-hown lI’11~FlgS; 50" and-151;, in.-which as indi
> spacingsleeve- I 29b=embraoes the reduced portion
shoulder ‘I-t?iagainstawhich spring‘ I33 seats; A
cated the sidei'portionstI??iof: a plate. of proper I290.‘ andv the ‘two; springs are-clamped,‘ bylaa gauge orzthickness is; bent. laterally ‘into sub 110 screw I34; The :springs are stressed‘ so that stantially' parallelirelation to ‘form the sidewalls they; press; the end-of the pin: .Iiiizinr the‘. recess
I03; andva lugyIIll at>one=end is ‘bentylaterally im the same,- direotion-toifor-m the- end wall; H I. These ‘ blocks-i are; used the;,'sameras\. the blocks 8
and 45 of~Fig_s;_.1 to_8_:andi21=;toi25,;3¢i and 35, to‘ space- the side._plates-1-;I 1'2: having their ‘upper -
edge portionsginclined; inwardly towardv each other- and providing.’ stationary; cutter teeth -. i 53
corresponding to the-stationary cutter‘teeth in
I3]: and hold it therein, andalsohold the teeth E3 of the inner cutterti against the ‘under ‘sides
of the-teeth'l l3z'ofuthe outerrcutter. Theiouter ends ofthe springsl?t and" Ittfare bent: down wardly. toformlik-e portions‘ lttrand I37? respec tively clampedsbyfmeans-"of. a 'bOIti i381 between stiffener plates;- I39fand= I40; and-:alsotoi secure the- plates to. any'suitab-le: driving connection
the. other forms‘: In thisv arrangement the; re
Mléconnected to. the yoke tEsoi the-‘actuator or ‘
cesses II4 for holding; the-.solderxll'i: and sup plying it to the-,coniracting;.surfaces; betweenthe blocks and plates/are iormed- inv the. side plates
motor.v The platev I39. has-a sho-rty‘oacki'ngr-up
lliabyi pressingpa portion‘: ofxthewralls outward
, longer. lugsror extensions‘ M13‘ .engagingathe. leg
extension or; tongue ' I442: engaging, the - innerv side
or". the leg portion ldhqwhilerthe plates Idil have
ly as indicated at H6, and the side plates are 25 portion I3? of the spring. I33; these extensions
soldered :to --the sides of ' the.’ spacing, blocks it]
backing ‘up and. stiffening/1.01" supporting: the‘
the-same as.- in thes?rstiorin; This forming of
spring,v .The horizontal portion. of‘ the springs can be stiffened also-by providing themzw-ith a
the’. recesses'inythe-inneii surface of the. side plates-\ by pressingvouttheiwalls forms-ribs.‘ i-it >
v longitudinal offset-.rihlM-mressed into these por- '
on;» the outer. surfaces of the ‘side: plates which > may be'slid. into: grooves I I,I ‘i of corresponding
tions; [These driving connections of. Figs.rz52 and; 54 aretsimpler-than the ‘driving-pin connec-: tion Shown‘v in Figs. 2l-and 22sandithereiore are
shape‘and width. on theinner sides .of- the trans
verse groove 94~in the aportioniiwgof- the inc1os-' ' preferred. They :arezalso easier to‘ assemble, but '- ing- casing-.83;,-thus forming; a ‘convenient means they both act to yieldingly press teeth 13 onthe for locating} andholding the cutter head in prop 35 inner cutter-against the inne‘l'jsides ofgthes teeth er position withinthecasing; Theouter. sideslof of the outer cutter to secure the. propergpres the plates II2 mayebefprov-ided with cutsvor re. sure betweenithemand give the iproper'shearing cesses. H9, providing ashoulder IISa- to be en
gaged by the ends of spring.v grips orv other ioek~ ing;.-means,'not-r. showmto- prevent the head from Sliding out of: the-recess in the casing. The
» -The_ structures of‘ cutter ‘heads described. are
same inner- ormovablercutter: IE or ‘5i may he used as: inthe. otherrfornisr shown, and the in termediate guard. 44 may or'maynot lee-used dependingon the spacing vbetween the two rows ofteeth. Ifethe guardi?gis used it may he fas-v
ting or irritating the-skin“ Also. the; structure of the head comprising-.- thegspaeingblocks-and 1 separate side platesv secured thereto on- which
tened at one -»end .to'.- one :of; the- spacer blocks I 61 as Vindicatedyat I20; the-same as in the arrange ment shown in Fig. 21 andtheinner movable
cutting and ?nishing-these outer stationary teeth
cutter» 5.I\ will. be-slottedat- 5 lb . so : as‘ to embrace this-.connected-end as shown in Figs. 21 and 23, -
very eiTective in giving a clean rapid; shave and cutting the hair. close to, the’ skin.v without cut.
the stationary skin contacting guard and cutter teeth are formedgreatiy facilitates the manu facture, and particularlyfaeilitates accuracy in
to ‘secure proper; dimensions and'aiso proper ?t in relation to.’ the inner or gmovalaie?cutter teeth to insure effective cutting _ operations. and . will in‘
the‘other endgof the :guard MZbeing free the
sure that the accurate andiproper ?t will be
sameas in Figs. .21; ande23."
maintained inde?nitely.
Figs. 52 to = 581 show» somewhat different oper ative connections from-the activator or motor
to=the~~movable cutter».5I.- .Thus-in Figs. 52 and
531astud- I2>I=is threaded'into the bottomfwall 5lafof-tthe-cutterandhas a rounded or semi
Having thus setiforth the nature “of .my inven
tion,".whait I claim is
"1. In a‘hair cutt er,
a skin '1 contacting member
‘ adapted to pass'over, theskirij rereading hair
therefrom, said member being ‘provided with sets
of‘oppcsed teethfhavin'g vfree ends extending to ballyshaped'end I22.--seated in a similarly shaped reoess-vinra' spring-I231 formed byi-pressing lat 60 ward" but not reaching eaehjother'. andseparated erally-aportion I2d=of'this.spring. The spring
has an"! intermediate portion ~.I 25 :with one arm
I26 bent backwardlyi over it in: which there cessedportion. Theother free
by slots, certain recurring‘slots between the teeth being 'deepersthan other adjacent slots to provide longer ‘cutting’ edges; "a cutter provided-‘with
end-.portion‘ iTZT'may‘be connected by‘any suit
spaced-‘sets "of similarlyv opposed‘ teeth‘ ‘having free ends: extending» toward each: other-‘oper
able»meansl23= with thelmova-bleyoke 83 '(Figs.
ating adjacent ~the~=v member and cooperating
21,-and22) of1thexactuator or motor. Whenzas:
therewith to cut hair from the'skin- as the-cut’
sembled=thespringiisstressed so that it presses
upwardlyon pi-n I2:I toholdlth-e endof-this pin in the-recess in the spring and pressing .the- teeth. I 3
2. A cutter: head. of the character-described .comprising a pair ofilongiitudinally spaced-mount- _
on this movable cutter» against the under 1' sides
ing. blocks, members, secured. to the opposite sides
of, thetee-th' I I3-;of the- outer, or» vstationary I cut
of/the blocks'havingafreegedge: portionsLeXtendt-v . I
ter to=seouree>thefproperishearingeffect.-
ing-iaterally toward ‘eachether;'andiinolined out.
’ In: Figs.’ 54;‘110I3h8: driving. pin I29 2 has - a
wardly away- from the blocks aha, suf?ciently
rounded;.-or senii-‘bal‘lrshapediends IQ-Q-Seatedain ;'
small angle so that-their. outer; surfaces simul+
't‘an'eousl'y engage the skinsurfacasaid'free edge
tudinral slot‘le‘ading'fromfonelénd only to embraéé
portions each having arow ofr‘sta‘tionary cut
the attachediend-‘por-tion ‘of ‘the guard.
- '
her teeth with the free ends of the‘teeth in each '
17. A cutter head of the ‘character described
row “extending toward the other row and spaced fromthe free ends thereof to provide a longi tudinal slot between them, a‘ cutterimountedbea '
comprising mounting blocks; plate members’ se curedto-the opposite ‘sides of, the blocks andy'hav ing free ‘edge portions‘extending laterally‘ toward
tween 'said'members for longitudinal reciprocat
each ‘other, said ‘free-edge‘ portions each'having
ing? movement ‘and. provided ‘with two‘ longitudi nal spaced‘rows'of ‘cutter teeth at the inner ‘sur
ends‘of‘ each ‘row. extending ‘ toward; the other
a row-of‘ stationary ‘f‘cutter teeth with the=ifree
faces of the stationary teethrand movable trans; . $10
versely thereof and ‘means locatedibetween the blocks for connecting the cutter with‘ any actua tor for operating the cutter." "
3. In a hair cutting deviceof the character
row1 and‘ spac‘edifroin- the free ends thereof to provide a longitudinal vslot between them, a~‘sta-' tionary guard between‘v'said toothed edges and spaced therefrom, said gv'uar‘db'eing permanently attached to one block at oneiend' and-free‘I‘an‘d spaced ‘from the block'at its opposite end to per
described, 'a cutter head comprising‘ a body hav ing on one face two; spaced rows ‘of stationary 'mit insertion of a‘ movable cutter between-the teeth facing in opposite directions with their free guard and the'body,‘ and a ‘cutter vmounted be ends toward each other and‘ inclined‘ in- oppo tween said plate members for longitudinal recip site direct-ions. backwardly and away "from said rocating movementand providedwith twolongi ‘free ends, the free ends of ‘said teeth having addi- y= tudinal spaced ‘rows ‘of cutter teeth-at‘the inner tional metal making‘said free ends thicker than surfaces, of‘ the stationary teeth and movable the body‘of the teeth, a 'separatev'set of‘ cutter transversely thereof» andsaid cutter having a 1on4 teeth cooperatingfwith each row of, stationary gitudinal slot extendinglinwardly from one end
teeth, said two ‘sets-of cutter teeth being spaced
only to embrace the ‘attached en‘d‘p'or'tion of said
from each other with the free ends in each‘ set .
directed toward the otherlset,v and means." for
' 8. In a cutter head of the characterivdescribed‘, a body having a skin vcontacting surface with a
reciprocating the cutter teeth‘ in a direction transversely, of the stationary teeth.
series of transversely extending closely spaced
4. In av device of the character. described, a ’ stationary teeth‘arranged with'the‘ir free? ends cutter head comprising a body having a longi 30 at ‘one edge of-said surface, said‘free ends having tudinal passage adjacent one outer Wall with a additional metal on theouter'skin contacting
longitudinal slot in said wall communicating with
side to make ‘said free end portions of-gre‘ate‘r'
said passage, the opposite edges vof said slot c0m¢ ‘ ' thickness than-the‘body of the teeth, and a‘ mov- . prising closely spaced guard teeth’ extending able cutter having a series of spaced transversely '
transversely of the slot and with their free ends atvthe edges of ‘the slot, said free end portions
extending teeth at "the inner side ‘of ‘the station ary vteeth and movable transversely thereof to
having extra metal on the‘outer skin contacting cooperate ‘With-the‘ stationary teeth. " '~ sides so that the free ends are thicker than the 9. In a cutter head,‘ a'lmoun‘ting’block,'a'yplate _ body of the teeth, a cutter in said passage having member secured to oneside of the block, oneredge two rows of cutter teeth at the inner sides of the ~10 portion of the plate member extending beyond guard teeth to cooperate therewith, and means the block and inclined’ inwardly thereover, said for reciprocating the cutter in a direction longi inclined portion having a'serie's‘of closely spaced » tudinally of the slot.
stationary ‘teeth to engage the'skinl, thefree ends
'-5. ‘In a hair cutting ‘device‘of the character of said teeth‘having additional'metal to’ make described,‘ a cutter head- comprising a body'hav 45 said free end portions thicker‘than" the‘ body or ing vat one edge two spaced rows of stationary the teeth, and‘ a cutter havinga series of ‘spaced teeth facing in opposite directions with their free teethYat the inner sides of v‘ the stationary teeth
ends toward‘ each other, a'sepa'rate set of cutter
and‘movable‘transversely of the stationary 1teeth
teeth cooperating with each row of stationary
to cooperate‘therewith'.‘
teeth,'said two sets of- cutter teeth being spaced from each other with the free ends of the teeth in each set directed toward the other set, a cen
tral stationary guard between the free ends of the teeth and spaced therefrom,‘ said guard be ing permanently secured to the body at one end and detached and spaced therefrom at its oppo site end to permit insertion of the inner cutter between the guard and the body,>and,means for reciprocating the‘ inner cutter in ‘.a direction transversely of the stationaryl'teeth. '
6. In a cutter head, a body having a pair of
s'paced'toothed edges forming stationary; cutters
10. In a ‘cutting device of-the character 'de—' scribed, a motor casing having a transverse groove at one end to receive a cutter head, there being an opening in the bottom‘ of the groove for passage of an operative vconnection from the motor to the'head, a spring member? seated in' -
the bottom of said groove and; having ?ngers 'ex_ tending through said opening and overlapping the walls at the inner end oflsaid'opening to se cure said member in the groove, and-saidimerm
ber' including resilientv fingers at the opposite ends- thereof ha‘ving? holding means vto engage shoulders at the-ends of the cutter head to re
tain said'head in "the groove. 1 ~ and arranged with they free ends of the teeth fac '- 11. In a cutter head‘of the"-character-described, ing each other, a cutter in the body movable 65 a bodyhaving a- skin-contacting surface with a relatively thereto and having‘teeth cooperating series" of’ transversely ' extending closelyvspaced
with the teeth of saidedgesfor the cutting. of
hair, a stationary guardbetween saidtoothed
stationaryteetharranged with Itheir freei'ends
at one edgeof said‘ surface, widerv skin'engagi'ng guidi'ngportionsat the opposite ends-10f’ said -‘s'e' permanently secured to the body atone end and ries, admovable cutter havingla series of~trans .free and spaced therefrom at‘the other end to versely extending teeth engaging the inner sides permit insertion ofthe cutter between the guard j of the ‘stationary teeth andimovable transversely
edges and spaced therefrom, said, guard being,
and the body and positioned to prevent'the flesh of the stationary teeth to ‘cooperate therewith for of a‘ user entering ‘between the-spaced toothed the cutting operation, andlthe'under sides of-said edges of the body, and said cutter having‘ a longi 75 wider guiding portions being- relieved beyond and
9 2,325,267 comprising laterally spaced side members having at least up to the normal extreme movements free edge portions extending laterally toward
of the end teeth of the movable cutter .so that
each other, said free edge portions each having I a row of stationary cutter teeth with the free ments are spaced outwardly of the outer p01‘? (Ti ends of each row extending toward the other
the underside surfaces of said portions beyond the end teeth at their normal extreme move
row and spaced from the free ends thereof to‘ provide a longitudinal slot between them, a mov able cutter member mounted between said mem
tions of these movable teeth. 12. In a hair cutter, a skin contacting member adapted to pass over the skin for cutting hair
bers for longitudinal reciprocating movement therefrom, said member being provided with sets of opposed teeth having free ends extending to 10 and provided with two longitudinal spaced rows of cutter teeth at the inner surfaces of‘ the sta
ward but not reaching each other and separated by notches, certain recurring notches between the teeth being deeper than other adjacent notches to provide longer cutting edges, said sets
tionary teeth and movable transversely thereofv -
to cooperate with the stationary teeth to cut hair, the spacing or pitch of the ‘movable teeth being‘v
of teeth being arranged so that the shorter 15 different from that of the stationary teeth and not a multiple thereof so that they cut in suc notches in one set are opposite longer notches in cession, and means for shifting the movable cut-‘ the other set, and a movable cutter provided with ter eachstroke a distance in excess of the pitch. spaced sets of similarly opposed teeth having free of one set of teeth. ‘ ends extending toward each other operating at 17. _A cutter head of the character describedf the inner sides of‘ the other teeth and movable transversely thereof and cooperating therewith ‘
to cut hair from the skin as the member is passed thereover. 13. In a hair cutter, a skin contacting mem ber adapted to pass over the skin for cutting hair 25
comprising laterally spaced side members having free edge [portions extending laterally toward each other, saidv free edge portions each having
a row ‘of stationary cutterv teeth ‘with the freev
endsof each row extending toward the other
row and spaced from the free ends thereof to therefrom, said member being provided with two provide a longitudinal'slot between them, a mov~ sets of opposed teeth having free ends extending = able cutter member mounted between said mem toward but not reaching each other and'sepa bers for longitudinal ‘reciprocating movement rated by notches, the successive notches between teeth being of different lengths to provide cut 30 and provided with two longitudinal spaced rows of cutter teeth at the inner surfaces of the sta-' ting edges on adjacent teeth of different, lengths, tionary teeth and movable transversely thereof and a movable cutter provided with spaced sets to cooperate with the stationary teeth to out hair, ‘ Q of similarly opposed teeth having free ends ex the pitch of the movable teeth being different tending toward each other operating at the in-‘ ner sides of the other teeth and movable trans
versely thereof and cooperating therewith to out hair from- the skin as the member is passed thereover.
35 from that of the stationary teeth and different '
from a multiple thereof so that they cut in suc cession, and means for shifting the movable cut ter each stroke a distance at least equal to some
multiple of the pitch of one ‘set of teeth. 14. In a hair cutter, a ‘skin contacting mem 18. In a hair cutting device of the character ber adapted to pass over the skin for cutting hair 40 described, a cutter head comprising a body hav therefrom, said member being provided with two ing at one edge two spaced rows of stationary - sets of opposed teeth having free ends extend-_ ing toward but not reaching each other and sep-_ . teeth facing in opposite directions with their free ends toward each other, an inner cutter having arated by vnotches, the successive notches be-' tween teeth being of different lengths to provide 45 a separate set of cutter teeth cooperating with each row of stationary teeth, said_ two sets of cutting edges on adjacent teeth of di?erent cutter teeth being spaced from each other with lengths, said notches ‘being arranged in series the free ends of the teeth in each set directed with the longest notch, then a shorter notch and toward the other set, a central stationary guard a still shorter next to it, then the longest again, a shorter and a still shorter and so on, and a 60 extending longitudinally between the free ends of the teeth and spaced therefrom, the free edge ' movable cutter provided with spaced sets of simi of the guard being‘ provided with spaced trans larly opposed teeth having free ends extending verse teeth to prevent the flesh of the user en toward each other operating at the inner sides tering between the spaced rows of stationary of the other teeth and movable transversely thereof and cooperating therewith to cut hair 55 teeth, said guard extending at its opposite ends ' beyond the ends of the body and curved back from the Skin as the member is passed thereover. wardly to form a guide and guard during shav 15. In a hair cutter, a skin contacting member ing, and means for reciprocating the inner cutter, adapted to pass over the skin for cutting hair in a direction transversely of the stationary therefrom, said member being provided with two ~ sets, of opposed teeth having free ends extending 60 teeth.
toward but not reaching each other and sepa
19. A method of assembling a cutter head for
a hair cutter comprising forming two spaced mounting blocks in one piece connected at one edge by an integral'strip or tie‘ bar, clamping said sets of teeth being arranged‘ so that the, 65 against the opposite sides of these blocks a pair of members having free edge portions spaced shorter notches in one set are, opposite longer from the blocks extending laterally toward each notches in the other set, and a movable cutter other and each adapted to be providedwith a provided with spaced sets of similarly opposed row of stationary cutter teeth, soldering said teeth having free ends extending toward each other operating at the inner sides of the other 70 members to the blocks while so clamped, and then removing the strip or tie bar by cutting it teeth and movable transversely thereof and co across at the inner ends of the blocks. operating therewith to cut hair from the skin as the member is passed thereover. 16. A cutter head of the character described moms J. MURPHY." ,
rated by notches, the successive notches between teeth being of different lengths to provide cut ting edges on adjacent teeth of different lengths,