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Xi3-1 Bip Datasource Migration Wizard En




Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 Copyright © 2008 Business Objects, an SAP company. All rights reserved. Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered and licensed by Business Objects: 5,295,243; 5,339,390; 5,555,403; 5,590,250; 5,619,632; 5,632,009; 5,857,205; 5,880,742; 5,883,635; 6,085,202; 6,108,698; 6,247,008; 6,289,352; 6,300,957; 6,377,259; 6,490,593; 6,578,027; 6,581,068; 6,628,312; 6,654,761; 6,768,986; 6,772,409; 6,831,668; 6,882,998; 6,892,189; 6,901,555; 7,089,238; 7,107,266; 7,139,766; 7,178,099; 7,181,435; 7,181,440; 7,194,465; 7,222,130; 7,299,419; 7,320,122 and 7,356,779. Business Objects and its logos, BusinessObjects, Business Objects Crystal Vision, Business Process On Demand, BusinessQuery, Cartesis, Crystal Analysis, Crystal Applications, Crystal Decisions, Crystal Enterprise, Crystal Insider, Crystal Reports, Crystal Vision, Desktop Intelligence, Inxight and its logos , LinguistX, Star Tree, Table Lens, ThingFinder, Timewall, Let There Be Light, Metify, NSite, Rapid Marts, RapidMarts, the Spectrum Design, Web Intelligence, Workmail and Xcelsius are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and/or other countries of Business Objects and/or affiliated companies. SAP is the trademark or registered trademark of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners. Third-party Contributors Business Objects products in this release may contain redistributions of software licensed from third-party contributors. Some of these individual components may also be available under alternative licenses. A partial listing of third-party contributors that have requested or permitted acknowledgments, as well as required notices, can be found at: 2008-09-04 Contents Chapter 1 Welcome to the Data Source Migration Wizard 5 About this guide...........................................................................................6 What is the Data Source Migration Wizard?..........................................6 Chapter 2 Architecture and Requirements 7 Overview......................................................................................................8 Component architecture..............................................................................8 Source files.............................................................................................9 Migration wizard...................................................................................10 Target files............................................................................................10 Migration workflow.....................................................................................11 Chapter 3 Installation and Deployment Planning 13 Overview....................................................................................................14 Choosing the migration path......................................................................14 Migrate then move................................................................................14 Move then migrate................................................................................15 Deploying the migration wizard.................................................................15 For migrating the files first....................................................................16 For moving the files first.......................................................................18 Installation procedures...............................................................................18 Chapter 4 Report and Data Source Migration 23 Overview....................................................................................................24 Migrating reports and data sources...........................................................24 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 3 Contents Modifying the migration settings................................................................29 Migration options..................................................................................29 Locating your migrated files.......................................................................32 Migrated reports...................................................................................32 Migrated data sources..........................................................................33 Chapter 5 Post-Migration Practices 35 Overview....................................................................................................36 Checking the log file..................................................................................36 Testing the reports.....................................................................................36 Working with the migrated data sources....................................................37 Queries.................................................................................................37 Dictionaries and InfoViews...................................................................41 Publishing to BusinessObjects Enterprise.................................................42 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 45 Understanding the log file..........................................................................46 INFO messages...................................................................................47 ERROR messages...............................................................................48 WARNING messages...........................................................................53 Appendix A Get More Help Index 4 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 57 61 Welcome to the Data Source Migration Wizard 1 1 Welcome to the Data Source Migration Wizard About this guide About this guide This guide provides information about the administrative tasks that are involved when you use the Data Source Migration Wizard. Procedures are listed for common tasks, while conceptual information and technical details are given for all advanced topics. A section is included at the end of this guide for specific troubleshooting information. What is the Data Source Migration Wizard? The Data Source Migration Wizard allows you to migrate reports that are based on Crystal queries, dictionaries, and InfoViews to a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment. By migrating your reports, you can take advantage of the new features that are offered by BusinessObjects Enterprise while maintaining the functionality of the reports and data sources from your Info installation. 6 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Architecture and Requirements 2 2 Architecture and Requirements Overview This section provides information about the components that are involved when you use the Data Source Migration Wizard to migrate your files. It lists the requirements of each component, and then describes the interaction that occurs between the components during the migration process. Overview The Data Source Migration Wizard allows you to migrate reports that are based on Crystal queries, dictionaries, or InfoViews, to a BusinessObjects Enterprise deployment. You migrate two types of objects: reports and data sources. The wizard converts the data source of each report into an object that is usable in BusinessObjects Enterprise, and then resets the data source location of the report to point to the new object. The result is that you are able to make use of the new features of BusinessObjects Enterprise, while keeping the functionality of the reports and data sources from your Info installation. Component architecture The process of migrating your reports and your report data sources to BusinessObjects Enterprise involves three component groups: the source files, the migration wizard, and the target files. 8 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Architecture and Requirements Component architecture Source files Source files are the reports and the report data sources that you want to migrate to BusinessObjects Enterprise. They are objects that exist within your current system and are used in your Info deployment. Typically, each report has a corresponding data source object. When you choose to migrate a report, you select its data source for migration as well. The wizard migrates both files concurrently. Reports The reports are standard .rpt files that are based on Crystal queries, dictionaries, or InfoViews. By default, the wizard migrates only those reports that are based on these data sources; it bypasses any reports that are based on other sources. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 9 2 2 Architecture and Requirements Component architecture Data sources Three types of data sources act as source files for the migration wizard: queries, dictionaries, and InfoViews. The wizard converts these objects into data source types that can be used in BusinessObjects Enterprise. Source file requirements To migrate your source files, you need access to the reports and data sources that you want to migrate. Before you run the wizard, make sure that you have the necessary rights to access the locations where all of these objects are stored. Migration wizard Use the Data Source Migration Wizard to migrate your source files to BusinessObjects Enterprise. Note that the wizard does not overwrite your files; it creates copies of the original files, converts the copies, and saves the migrated copies in a new location. Target files Target files exist only after the migration is complete. Reports The migrated reports are copies of the reports that you selected as source files. They are essentially the same reports, but with one significant difference: their data source locations are now set to the converted data source objects in BusinessObjects Enterprise. 10 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Architecture and Requirements Migration workflow Data sources After the migration, the data sources that were included in your source files are transformed into objects that are usable in BusinessObjects Enterprise. Depending on the type of data source, the wizard creates one of two objects in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository: Crystal queries are converted into SQL Command objects, and dictionaries and InfoViews are converted into Business Views. Target file requirements To create the target reports, you must have write permissions for the location where you want to save the files. To create the target data source files, you must have write permissions for the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository where the converted objects will be stored. Migration workflow You begin the migration by selecting the source files that you want to migrate. These typically consist of pairings between a Crystal report and the query, dictionary, or InfoView that acts as the report's data source. After prompting you to specify the reports that you want to migrate, the wizard analyzes each file and determines the type of data source that is associated with each report. Depending on the type of data source, the migration wizard creates one of two objects in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository: Crystal queries become SQL Command objects, and dictionaries and InfoViews are converted into Business Views. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 11 2 2 Architecture and Requirements Migration workflow Note: New objects are created in the repository; that is, the wizard does not overwrite the original data sources during the migration. After the new data sources are created in the repository, the migration wizard makes copies of the reports and saves them to a specified location. The wizard then resets the data source locations of the report copies to point to the corresponding data source objects in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. For example, if you choose to migrate a report that is based on a query, the migration wizard first creates an SQL Command object in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. Then, it makes a copy of the report and saves it in a location that you specify. Afterwards, the wizard resets the data source location of that report to point to the SQL Command object in the repository. 12 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Installation and Deployment Planning 3 3 Installation and Deployment Planning Overview This section describes the two paths that you can follow to migrate your files. It offers deployment suggestions on how to optimize the migration process, and then provides instructions for installing the migration wizard on your system. Overview The Data Source Migration Wizard runs on any computer that has either Crystal Reports or BusinessObjects Enterprise installed. This arrangement allows a number of possible environments in which you can perform a migration. (For example, you can run the wizard directly on the BusinessObjects Enterprise server, or you can migrate your files from a computer on your network.) However, each deployment has its advantages, and an installation setup for one system may not necessarily facilitate the most efficient migration for another. Choosing the migration path When you migrate your files, two migration paths are available: • You can use the wizard to migrate your reports and data sources first, and then publish the reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise. • You can move your reports and data sources to BusinessObjects Enterprise first, and then use the wizard to migrate the files. Each migration path has a different application and set of advantages, which are described in the sections below. From the information that is provided, you can determine which path is most suited to your situation and your migration needs. Migrate then move Use the Data Source Migration Wizard to migrate your files before moving the reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise if you want to do the following: 14 • Migrate and test only a subset of reports and data sources at a time. • Change your security model or authentication provider. • Move to a new folder structure in BusinessObjects Enterprise. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Installation and Deployment Planning Deploying the migration wizard • Add previously unmanaged reports. If you choose this migration path, you may install the migration wizard on any computer that has Crystal Reports or BusinessObjects Enterprise installed locally. For information about the possible deployments to use in this migration path, see For migrating the files first on page 16. Move then migrate Use the Data Source Migration Wizard to migrate your files after moving the reports and data sources to BusinessObjects Enterprise if you want to do the following: • Include report instances in the migration. • Retain the folder settings and/or custom settings that were set on the reports from your Info system. If you choose this migration path, you must install the migration wizard on the BusinessObjects Enterprise server. As well, you must use the Import Wizard to move your reports and data sources to BusinessObjects Enterprise before you begin the migration. For more information about this deployment, see For moving the files first on page 18. For information about using the Import Wizard, see "Importing with the Import Wizard" in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide. Deploying the migration wizard After you determine which migration path to follow, you must install the migration wizard. You may install the Data Source Migration Wizard on any computer that has either Crystal Reports or BusinessObjects Enterprise installed locally; depending on the migration path that you choose, a number of deployments may be available for you to use. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 15 3 3 Installation and Deployment Planning Deploying the migration wizard For migrating the files first This section outlines the four deployments that you can use if you choose to migrate your files before publishing the reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise. On the target report location You can install and run the migration wizard on the computer where you plan to save the migrated reports. This deployment has these advantages: • The migration is fast, because the reports are processed and stored on the same computer that performs the migration. • The transfer of substantial amounts of data less demanding on your system (when compared to migrating your files through a separate computer in a network.) For the migration to work, the target report location must have Crystal Reports installed and have access to the BusinessObjects Enterprise server where you want to save the migrated data sources. On a computer within a network You can also install the migration wizard on a separate computer that has access to both the Crystal Enterprise server and your target report location. This deployment offers a different set of benefits: • Because the files are processed on a separate computer, resources on the Crystal Enterprise server and the target report location are not used. • The migration can be done on any computer, provided it has Crystal Reports installed. Among the four deployments, this arrangement is the most flexible; however, it has a disadvantage. Because the files need to be transferred through a network, the migration may be slow, and it can substantially increase the traffic in your system. 16 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Installation and Deployment Planning Deploying the migration wizard On the BusinessObjects Enterprise server You can also install and run the migration wizard on the BusinessObjects Enterprise server without having to import your files first. Because the BusinessObjects Enterprise repository is the target location of the migrated data sources, installing and running the migration wizard on the BusinessObjects Enterprise server provides a number of benefits: • The migration is fast because the data sources are converted and stored on the same computer that is performing the migration. • The transfer of substantial amounts of data has less impact on your system (when compared to migrating your files through a separate computer within a network). However, the migration wizard makes use of local memory. As a result, any other BusinessObjects Enterprise processes that are running may slow down during the migration. On the BusinessObjects Enterpriseserver and target report location Installing the migration wizard on the BusinessObjects Enterprise server and specifying the server to be the location where the target reports are saved is the optimal way to deploy this migration path. This setup offers the following benefits: • The migration is faster because both the reports and data sources are processed and stored on the same system that performs the migration. • The transfer of substantial amounts of data has little impact on your overall system (when compared to other deployments). This deployment requires you to have full access to the BusinessObjects Enterprise server. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 17 3 3 Installation and Deployment Planning Installation procedures For moving the files first Because you need to install and run the migration wizard on the BusinessObjects Enterprise server, the deployment for this migration path has all of the advantages that are described in On the BusinessObjects Enterprise server on page 17 and On the BusinessObjects Enterpriseserver and target report location on page 17. As a result, in terms of migration speed and efficiency, moving your reports and data sources to BusinessObjects Enterprise before migrating them offers the best deployment. However, because the files are processed on the BusinessObjects Enterprise server, other server processes may slow down during the migration. Installation procedures The Data Source Migration Wizard is distributed as a standard .zip file. Extract all of the contents of the file before you begin the installation. Note: The migration wizard needs to be installed on a computer that has the following programs installed: • Crystal Reports or BusinessObjects Enterprise. • The Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) version 1.4.2. You may download the platform from the Sun Microsystems developer's web site: To install the Data Source Migration Wizard 1. Double click setup.exe to launch the install application. 2. On the "Welcome" dialog box, click Next. The "Installation" dialog box appears. 18 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Installation and Deployment Planning Installation procedures This dialog box displays the path to the directory where the migration wizard will be installed. You cannot modify this location; the Data Source Migration Wizard needs to be installed within the specified directory. 3. Click Next. The "Ready to Install the Application" dialog box appears. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 19 3 3 Installation and Deployment Planning Installation procedures This dialog box confirms that the program is ready to be installed on your computer. 4. Click Install. The program installs the Data Source Migration Wizard on your computer. 20 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Installation and Deployment Planning Installation procedures 5. Click Finish. Note: If you are installing the migration wizard for the first time, you may be prompted to restart your computer before the new settings take effect. The Data Source Migration Wizard is now successfully installed on your computer. To launch the migration wizard, on your desktop, click Start > Programs > BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1> BusinessObjects Enterprise > Data Source Migration Wizard. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 21 3 3 Installation and Deployment Planning Installation procedures 22 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Report and Data Source Migration 4 4 Report and Data Source Migration Overview This section lists step-by-step instructions for migrating your reports and data sources through the Data Source Migration Wizard. It gives information about how to modify the migration settings, and then describes how to locate the migrated files. Overview By migrating your reports and data sources, you can take advantage of the new features and extended functionality offered by BusinessObjects Enterprise. As an integrated suite for reporting, analysis, and information delivery, BusinessObjects Enterprise provides a solution for increasing end-user productivity while reducing administrative costs. Migrating reports and data sources Before you migrate your files, you must make sure that you have fulfilled all of the requirements for the components that are involved in the migration. For more information about the migration components and their requirements, see Architecture and Requirements on page 7. Note: If you want to migrate query files that were created with the native driver for DB2, you must have the latest version of the DB2 Unicode driver installed on your system. If you attempt to migrate the files without the driver installed, the migration will fail. To obtain the driver, visit the Business Objects Download Center: Note: For additional information about special cases and particular issues that are involved when using the Data Source Migration Wizard, see the Release Notes, which are included in your product distribution. To migrate your reports and your report data sources 1. Launch the Data Source Migration Wizard. 2. On the "Welcome" dialog box, click Next. 24 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Report and Data Source Migration Migrating reports and data sources The "Log on to BusinessObjects Enterprise" dialog box appears. 3. Log on to your BusinessObjects Enterprise system by providing the following information: • System: the name of the BusinessObjects Enterprise system where you want your migrated data sources to appear. • User Name: your user name. • Password: your password. • Authentication: your authentication type. You need to have the appropriate rights to be able to migrate the data source files to the repository of your BusinessObjects Enterprise system. For more information about system rights, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide. 4. Click Next. The "Select a File" dialog box appears. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 25 4 4 Report and Data Source Migration Migrating reports and data sources 5. Choose the report files that you want to migrate: a. Click Add Files to select individual reports. b. Click Add Folder to select all of the reports that are contained within a specific folder. Tip: • • Use the CTRL key or SHIFT key to select multiple files within a folder. Select the Include Subfolders check box to include all of the reports that are contained in any of the subfolders within the specified folder. 6. Click Next. The "Specify the Target Location for the report files" dialog box appears. 26 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Report and Data Source Migration Migrating reports and data sources 7. Click the ... button to specify the location where you want the report files to appear after the migration. Note: The location that you specify must be able to access your BusinessObjects Enterprise system. Otherwise, the migration wizard will be unable to reset the data source location of the reports to point to the migrated data sources in BusinessObjects Enterprise. Tip: Select any of the check boxes to modify your migration settings. For more information about these options, see Modifying the migration settings on page 29. 8. Click Next. The "Specify the Target Location for the Business Views" dialog box appears. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 27 4 4 Report and Data Source Migration Migrating reports and data sources 9. Select the location in the BusinessObjects Enterprise repository where you want your migrated data sources to appear. Tip: The Repository Explorer's toolbar provides buttons with tool tips. Use these buttons to manage your folders and sort your items. • Change view settings Click this button to open the View Settings dialog box, which allows you to limit the type of repository items that are displayed in the repository. You may also select options to sort multiple items by name or by type. • Delete the item/folder Click this button to remove the selected item or folder from the repository. Note that the button is disabled when you select a repository folder that contains objects. • Insert a new folder Click this button to add a new folder to the repository. 28 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Report and Data Source Migration Modifying the migration settings 10. Click Next. The "Confirm migration" dialog box appears. 11. Check to make sure that you have selected all of the files that you want to migrate, then click Next. The "Migrating Objects" dialog box appears. The Data Source Migration Wizard migrates your files. 12. Click Next. The "Finish" dialog box appears. 13. Click Migrate Another to migrate more files, or click Finish to close the wizard. Tip: Select the "Show migration log" check box to view the log file of your migration. This .txt file contains information that is useful for troubleshooting potential errors in the migration process. Modifying the migration settings By default, the Data Source Migration Wizard migrates queries, dictionaries, and InfoViews, and only those reports that are based on these data sources. However, while migrating your files, the wizard offers a number of options that allow you to customize the migration. Migration options These options are enabled by selecting the check boxes in the migration wizard's "Specify the target location for the report files" dialog box. For more information, see To migrate your reports and your report data sources on page 24. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 29 4 4 Report and Data Source Migration Modifying the migration settings Copy all reports, including reports that are not based on queries, dictionaries, or infoviews By selecting this option, you enable the wizard to migrate other kinds of Crystal reports. As a result, the migration wizard also saves copies of reports that are not based on queries, dictionaries, or InfoViews to the new location. However, because the data sources of these reports are not migrated, you may need to reset their data source locations to point to different data sources manually. Examples of other Crystal report types include reports that are based on direct database connections and reports that are based on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Force report migration even when the infoview file is not found Select this option when you want to migrate an InfoView-based report that does not have its corresponding InfoView available. The migration wizard saves a copy of the report on the target location, and attempts to use the cached version of the InfoView to create a Business View in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. Note, however, that even if the wizard is successful in creating the Business View, all of the row restriction formulas that were defined in the original InfoView are lost. If this option is not selected, then reports with missing InfoView files are not migrated. Force report migration even when the query does not have SQL text This option allows you to migrate reports that are based on queries that do not contain SQL text. (Queries that were created in Query Builder do not contain SQL text.) If this option is selected, the migration wizard will create an SQL Command object in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository repository; however, like the original query, the Command will not contain SQL text. A report that is based on this Command will still work, but because the Command does not have SQL text, you will be unable to modify it in the future. 30 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Report and Data Source Migration Modifying the migration settings To add the appropriate SQL text to the Command object, see Working with the migrated data sources on page 37. For more information about SQL text, see "SQL text". SQL text Command objects typically consist of three parts: a data connection, a set of parameters, and SQL text. SQL text refers to the written SQL instructions that are submitted to the database server when you run a report that is based on a Command. The purpose of the SQL text is to optimize the data processing that is pushed down to the server by limiting the data set that the server returns. Below is an example of SQL text that can be found in a typical Command object: SELECT Customer.`Customer ID`, Customer.`Customer Name`, Customer.`Last Year's Sales`, Customer.`Country`, Orders.`Order Amount`, Orders.`Customer ID`, Orders.`Order Date` FROM Customer Customer INNER JOIN Orders Orders ON Customer.`Customer ID` = Orders.`Customer ID` WHERE (Customer.`Country` = 'USA' OR Customer.`Country` = 'Canada') AND Customer.`Last Year's Sales` < 10000. ORDER BY Customer.`Country` ASC When you migrate query files, the wizard attempts to create Command objects with the same SQL text as the corresponding queries. Keep saved data of dictionary/infoview reports Some reports may contain saved information from dictionaries or InfoViews that have been changed over time. If you want to migrate a report with its associated dictionary or InfoView and keep the information that is in the report, then you need to select this option. When you enable this feature, the migration wizard attempts to preserve the information that is in the report. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 31 4 4 Report and Data Source Migration Locating your migrated files As a result, when you view the migrated report, you will see the same information that was in the report before the migration. Locating your migrated files When you run the Data Source Migration Wizard, you are prompted to specify two locations: a location for the migrated reports and a location for the migrated data sources. Migrated reports After the migration, you can find the migrated reports in the folder that you selected in the "Specify the target location for the report files" dialog box. Note: For more information, see To migrate your reports and your report data sources on page 24. In this folder, the migration wizard creates directory paths, which are identical to the directory paths of the source reports, and saves the migrated reports correspondingly. For example, if you chose to migrate five reports from their original locations: • c:\Source_Directory\Report1.prt • c:\Source_Directory\Folder1\Report2.prt • c:\Source_Directory\Folder2\Report3.prt • c:\Source_Directory\Folder2\Folder_2A\Report4.prt • c:\Source_Directory\Folder2\Folder_2A\Report5.prt The migrated reports can be found in their new locations: 32 • c:\Target_Directory\Report1.prt • c:\Target_Directory\Folder1\Report2.prt • c:\Target_Directory\Folder2\Report3.prt • c:\Target_Directory\Folder2\Folder_2A\Report4.prt • c:\Target_Directory\Folder2\Folder_2A\Report5.prt Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Report and Data Source Migration Locating your migrated files Migrated data sources After the migration, you can find the migrated data sources in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository folder that you selected in the "Specify the Target Location for the Business Views" dialog box. Note: For more information, see To migrate your reports and your report data sources on page 24. In this folder, the migration wizard creates two subfolders: Commands and Business Views. Commands folder The Commands folder contains the SQL Command objects that were created from the original Crystal query files. Within this folder, the migration wizard creates directory paths, which are identical to the directory paths of the original query files, and saves the Command objects correspondingly. Note: The filename of the migrated data source object in the repository is the full name and path of the original data source from which it was converted. Business Views folder The Business Views folder contains the Business Views that were created from the original dictionary/InfoView files. In this folder, the migration wizard creates directory paths which are identical to the directory paths of the original dictionary/InfoView files, and saves the Business Views correspondingly. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 33 4 4 Report and Data Source Migration Locating your migrated files Note: • • 34 The filename of the migrated data source object in the repository is the full name and path of the original data source from which it was converted. The migration wizard also creates a separate folder called Connections, which contains the data connections that are used by all of the Business Views. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Post-Migration Practices 5 5 Post-Migration Practices Overview This section describes the tasks that administrators must do after they have finished migrating their files. It gives instructions for checking the migration log and for verifying the functionality of the migrated reports. The section also details some considerations about the migrated data sources, and briefly discusses report publication to BusinessObjects Enterprise. Overview After the migration, you can find the migrated files in their new locations: the reports are in the target folder that you specified, and the data sources are in their respective folders within the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. As the administrator, you need to perform a few tasks to ensure that the migration was successful. Checking the log file After migrating your reports and data sources, the wizard generates a log file, which contains information about the migration. You must check this file to determine whether or not all of the source files were migrated successfully. The wizard saves the log as a .txt file in the root of the folder that you specified for your target reports. For more information about using the log file to troubleshoot your migration, see Troubleshooting on page 45. Testing the reports As a best practice, you should also test the migrated reports. By testing the functionality of a few reports, you can further verify the overall success of a migration. To test the functionality of your migrated reports 1. In Crystal Reports, open one of the migrated reports. 2. When the report is open, click Refresh. 36 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Post-Migration Practices Working with the migrated data sources Note: If you are prompted, log on to the data source. The report should display the most up-to-date information from the data source in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. 3. Save the report and publish it to BusinessObjects Enterprise. Note: • • You can do this step only if you chose to migrate your files before publishing the reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise. If you imported the reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise and then performed the migration, the reports are already published. For information about publishing reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise, see Publishing to BusinessObjects Enterprise on page 42. 4. In BusinessObjects Enterprise, schedule the report. If the migration of both the report and its associated data source was successful, the scheduled report will run and display the correct information when you view it. Working with the migrated data sources While the Data Source Migration Wizard is designed to facilitate the migration of your files to BusinessObjects Enterprise, a few considerations need to be made for the migrated data sources. Because their formats are converted during the migration, you may be required to make adjustments to the objects to match or even augment some of the capabilities that they had before the migration. Queries The migration wizard creates SQL Command objects directly from the Crystal queries that you selected. As a result, the Command objects will have configurations that are identical to those of the original queries. (For example, the objects will have the same parameter values, the same prompting text, the same SQL text, and so on.) If the original query does not contain SQL text (Queries that were created in Query builder do not contain SQL text), then the resulting Command object Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 37 5 5 Post-Migration Practices Working with the migrated data sources will also not have SQL text, and you will be unable to modify it in the future. However, if you successfully migrated the report that was based on the query, you can use Crystal Reports to find and add the appropriate SQL text to the Command object. Note: For more information about SQL text, see "SQL text". To fix migrated queries (SQL Command objects) that do not have SQL text 1. Find the report that is based on the SQL Command object, and open it in Crystal Reports. 2. On the Database menu, click Show SQL Query. The "Connection Information" dialog box appears. 38 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Post-Migration Practices Working with the migrated data sources 3. Type your User ID and your Password, and select the Database that you want to access. 4. Click Finish to log on to your data source. The "Show SQL Query" dialog box appears. Note that the dialog box is empty. 5. Click OK. The main window in Crystal Reports appears. 6. On the Database menu, click Database Expert. The "Database Expert" dialog box appears. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 39 5 5 Post-Migration Practices Working with the migrated data sources 7. In the Selected Tables area, right-click the query, and, from the shortcut menu that appears, select View Command. The "View Command" dialog box appears. 8. In the Enter SQL query in the box below area, select and copy the SQL text. 9. Click OK. You are returned to the "Database Expert" dialog box. 10. In the Selected Tables area, right-click the query, and, from the shortcut menu that appears, select Disconnect from Repository. The "Connection Information" dialog box reappears. 11. Log on to the data source once again. When you click Finish, you return to the "Database Expert" dialog box. 12. In the Selected Tables area, right-click the query, and, from the shortcut menu that appears, select Edit Command. 40 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Post-Migration Practices Working with the migrated data sources The "Modify Command" dialog box appears. 13. In the Enter SQL query in the box below area, paste the SQL text, and click OK. The SQL Command on which the report is based now contains SQL text. Dictionaries and InfoViews The Data Source Migration Wizard migrates the formulas and filters from the original dictionaries/InfoViews to the new Business Views. However, the wizard does not migrate the column-level security definitions that were set in the original data sources. As a result, you may need to reset the security definitions in each of the Business Views to ensure that they have the same security capabilities as the data sources from which they were migrated. To set column-level security on a migrated data source object 1. On your desktop, click Start > Programs > BusinessObjectsXI 3.1 > BusinessObjects Enterprise > Business View Manager. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 41 5 5 Post-Migration Practices Publishing to BusinessObjects Enterprise Note: When you are prompted, log on to BusinessObjects Enterprise. 2. From the toolbar, click View > Repository Explorer. The "Repository Explorer" window appears. 3. Find the object for which you want to set security and right-click the object. On the shortcut menu that appears, click Edit Rights. The "Edit Rights" dialog box appears. 4. Set your security rights. For more information about setting rights for objects in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository, see the Business Views Administrator's Guide, which is included with your BusinessObjects Enterprise product distribution. Publishing to BusinessObjects Enterprise If you choose to migrate your files before you publish the reports, only the data sources are effectively saved to the BusinessObjects Enterprise system. To make use of the report-viewing and distribution capabilities of BusinessObjects Enterprise, you need to publish your reports. There are three ways to publish reports to BusinessObjects Enterprise. As the administrator, you need to determine which method best suits your situation and operating needs. Use the Publishing Wizard when you: • Have access to the locally installed application. • Are adding multiple objects or an entire directory. Use the Central Management Console (CMC) when you are: • Publishing a single object. • Taking care of other administrative tasks. • Performing tasks remotely. Save directly to your Enterprise folders when you are: • 42 Designing reports with Crystal Reports. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Post-Migration Practices Publishing to BusinessObjects Enterprise • Using the OLAP Intelligence Application Designer. Note: BusinessObjects Enterprise supports reports that are created in versions 6 through XI of Crystal Reports. However, once they are published to BusinessObjects Enterprise, the reports are saved, processed, and displayed in version XI format. For more information about publishing objects to BusinessObjects Enterprise, see the BusinessObjects Enterprise Administrator's Guide, which is included with your BusinessObjects Enterprise product distribution. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 43 5 5 Post-Migration Practices Publishing to BusinessObjects Enterprise 44 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Troubleshooting 6 6 Troubleshooting Understanding the log file This section provides information about issues that may occur during the migration. In particular, it focuses on specific situations that may result in failed migrations and gives tips for using the log file to resolve common problems. Understanding the log file To determine whether or not your source files migrated successfully, you must check the log file that is generated by the wizard after the migration. The log file contains information that is useful for identifying any errors that may have occurred in the course of the migration. It includes a list of every report and data source that was processed by the wizard, and a record of the actions that the wizard performed on each object. The messages in the log file typically follow this structure: [Message type] Message text Depending on the type of file that is processed, multiple messages may appear in the log file for each object. 46 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Troubleshooting Understanding the log file The wizard saves the log as a standard .txt file in the root of the folder that you specified for the target reports. INFO messages Log file messages that are preceded by the [INFO] tag indicate that the migration wizard is able to process the files successfully. Depending on the report file, the data source type, and the migration settings enabled, different messages may appear in the log. Message Explanation This message states that the original [INFO] " " converted to " " report and its associated dictionary/Inbased on Crystal Dictionary/In foView were successfully migrated foview " " now " " to their new locations. This message states that the original [INFO] " " converted to " " report and its associated Crystal based on Crystal Query " " now query were successfully migrated to " " their new locations. This message states that the report [INFO] " " already exists in was already migrated and can now the target location as " ". It be found in its new location. will not be re-migrated. It will not be migrated again. [INFO] Processing report " " () This message states that the report is being processed by the migration wizard. If the report has a title, it will be shown inside the parentheses. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 47 6 6 Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation [INFO] Migrating Crystal Dic tionary/Infoview " " This message states that the dictionary/InfoView file is being migrated by the wizard. This message states that the Crystal [INFO] Migrating Crystal Query query file is being migrated by the " " wizard. This message states that the cached copy of the dictionary/InfoView is being migrated. [INFO] Migrating cached Crys tal Dictionary/Infoview " " [INFO] Migrating cached Crys tal Query " " (This occurs if the original dictionary/InfoView file is missing, and the option to migrate the cached copy is enabled.) This message states that the cached copy of the Crystal query is being migrated. (This occurs if the original query file is missing, and the option to migrate the cached copy is enabled.) ERROR messages Log file messages that are preceded by the [ERROR] tag indicate that the migration wizard encountered a problem. When this happens, the wizard does not stop the migration process; it logs the error, bypasses the file, and continues to migrate the rest of your files. You must always check the log file to troubleshoot any errors that may have occurred during the migration. 48 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Error when converting when it tried to create a data connection for the Business View. connection " " The connection in the original dictionary/InfoView may contain an error. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Error when converting when it tried to create a table in the Business View's data foundation. table " " The table in the original dictionary/InfoView may contain an error. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to recreate the links be[ERROR] Error when converting tween the tables in the Business table link " " View's data foundation. The table links in the original dictionary/InfoView may contain errors. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Error when converting when it tried to recreate a formula in formula " ". The formula text the Business View. is replaced. The error is " " The formula in the original dictionary/InfoView may contain an error. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 49 6 6 Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Error when converting when it tried to create a Business Element in the Business View. logical table "" The logical table in the original dictionary/InfoView may contain an error. [ERROR] Error when saving Business View " " This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to save the Business View in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. The cause of the error may be in the original dictionary/InfoView or in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Error when saving the when it tried to save the Business View's data foundation. data foundation " " The original dictionary/InfoView may contain an error. [ERROR] Unable to create repository folder for " " This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to create a folder in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository for the Business View. The cause of the error is likely in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. 50 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation [ERROR] Unable to remove repository folder for " " This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to repair a partially migrated dictionary/InfoView. The repair process occurs if the dictionary/InfoView is not successfully converted to a Business View in a previous migration. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to create formulas and filters in the Business View to match [ERROR] Error when converting the row restriction formulas in the row restriction " " original dictionary/InfoView. The row restriction formulas in the original dictionary/InfoView may contain errors. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Unable to load dictio when it tried to open the dictionary/InfoView data source. nary/infoview " " The original dictionary/InfoView may contain an error. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Cannot convert " " when it tried to migrate a report that based on Crystal Dictionary/In is based on a dictionary/InfoView. foview " " The original report may contain an error. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 51 6 6 Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation [ERROR] Cannot convert " " based on Crystal Query " " This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to migrate a report that is based on a Crystal query. The original report may contain an error. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem [ERROR] Error when retrieving when it tried to convert an SQL text string handle to a standard string. string. The original Crystal query may contain an error. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to create the SQL Com[ERROR] Fail to create report mand in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. command. The cause of the error may be in the original query or in the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. 52 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to retrieve the SQL text from a query. [ERROR] Fail to get SQL query The original Crystal query may contain an error, or perhaps it did not from report. contain SQL text. For information on migrating queries without SQL text, see Force report migration even when the query does not have SQL text on page 30. [ERROR] Fail to set location to migrated Business View or Command. This message states that the migration wizard encountered a problem when it tried to reset the data source location of the migrated report to its corresponding migrated data source. This error occurs if the target report location cannot access the BusinessObjects Enterprise Repository. WARNING messages Log file messages that are preceded by the [WARNING] tag indicate that the migration wizard encountered situations that require the administrator's attention. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 53 6 6 Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation [WARNING] This dictionary/in foview file contains formula field links. These links are not migrated to the generated Business View. Please recreate them if necessary. This message states that the dictionary/InfoView that is being migrated contains formula fields with links. The migration wizard does not create these links in the Business View, so you may have to recreate them manually after the migration. [WARNING] The formula " " is broken in the converted data foundation. The formula text is replaced. This message states that the text in the formula is no longer be valid. This occurs if the logical fields names in the dictionary/InfoView are not the same as the physical field names. During the migration, the wizard replaces the invalid text with a dummy value, and comments out the original text in the formula. This message states that the original query may have contained date-time [WARNING] Report Command may strings that are mistakenly recogcontain date-time field that nized by the migrated report as string may be interpreted as a string fields in the new SQL Command obfield in the report. Please ject. To solve this inconsistency, you verify if the report is work must open the report in Crystal Reing. ports and verify the report's database. 54 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Troubleshooting Understanding the log file Message Explanation [WARNING] Query file " " not migrated because it does not contain SQL text. [WARNING] The row restrictions defined in the original Crys tal Infoview are not applied to any user. Please re-apply the corresponding Data Founda tion filters if necessary. This message states that the query does not contain any SQL text. As a result, both the query and any reports that are based on the query will not be migrated. This occurs when you try to migrate a query that does not contain SQL text, and the "Force report migration even when the query does not have SQL text" option is not enabled. This message states any row restrictions that were defined in the InfoView are not present in the Business View. The administrator must review the Business View's Data Foundation filters to re-apply the appropriate restrictions. This message warns that the query that is being migrated does not contain any SQL text. As a result, both [WARNING] The Crystal Query the report and the query will be midoes not contain any SQL text. grated, but if you try to edit the resultThe migrated report command ing SQL command object, you will will not have any SQL text but not see any SQL text. For information the reports will still run. about manually adding SQL text to a Command, see Working with the migrated data sources on page 37. Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 55 6 6 Troubleshooting Understanding the log file 56 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Get More Help A A Get More Help Online documentation library Business Objects offers a full documentation set covering all products and their deployment. The online documentation library has the most up-to-date version of the Business Objects product documentation. You can browse the library contents, do full-text searches, read guides on line, and download PDF versions. The library is updated regularly with new content as it becomes available. To access the online documentation library, visit and click Business Objects at the top of the page. Additional developer resources Online customer support The Business Objects Customer Support web site contains information about Customer Support programs and services. It also has links to a wide range of technical information including knowledgebase articles, downloads, and support forums. Looking for the best deployment solution for your company? Business Objects consultants can accompany you from the initial analysis stage to the delivery of your deployment project. Expertise is available in relational and multidimensional databases, in connectivities, database design tools, customized embedding technology, and more. For more information, contact your local sales office, or contact us at: Looking for training options? From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars, we can offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learning style. Find more information on the Business Objects Education web site: 58 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Get More Help Send us your feedback Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our documentation? Is there something you particularly like or have found useful? Drop us a line, and we will do our best to ensure that your suggestion is included in the next release of our documentation: mailto:[email protected] Note: If your issue concerns a Business Objects product and not the documentation, please contact our Customer Support experts. For information about Customer Support visit: Business Objects product information For information about the full range of Business Objects products, visit: Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 59 A A Get More Help 60 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Index A architecture, components 8 B Business Element 42 Business Views 11 Business Views folder 33 C CMC 42 column-level security 41 Command 11 object 11 without SQL text 37 Commands folder 33 component architecture 8 Crystal Analysis 42 Crystal Data Source Migration Wizard 6 Crystal Enterprise publishing 42 repository 11 server 17 solution 24 Crystal Management Console 42 Crystal Publishing Wizard 42 D data connection 42 data foundation 42 data sources 6 migrated 33 data sources (continued) source files 10 target files 11 date-time strings 42 definitions, security 41 deployment 15 on a computer within a network 16 on the Crystal Enterprise server 17 on the target report location 16, 17 dialog box 18 Confirm migration 24 Connection Information 38 Database Expert 38 Edit Rights 41 Finish 24 Installation 18 Log on to Crystal Enterprise 24 Migrating Objects 24 Modify Command 38 Ready to Install the Application 18 Select a File 24 Show SQL Query 38 Specify the Target Location for the Business Views 24 Specify the Target Location for the report files 24 View Command 38 Welcome 18, 24 dictionary 6 cached copy 42 object 6 E ERROR messages 48 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 61 Index errors 48 F files 8 locating 32 log 36 source 9 target 10 folder 32 Business Views 33 Commands 33 target 24 formula 42 I Info 6 INFO messages 47 InfoView 6 cached copy 30, 42 missing 30 object 6 installation 14 procedures 18 L links 42 formula fields 42 table 42 location 8 access 10 data source, resetting the 8 migrated files 32 target report 16 write permissions 11 log file 36 checking the 36 messages structure 46 62 log file (continued) understanding the 46 M messages 46 ERROR 48 INFO 47 log file 46 WARNING 53 migrated data sources 33 location 33 working with 37 migrated reports 32 migration 24 data sources 24 options 29 other Crystal report types 30 reports 24 requirements 8 saved data 31 settings, modifying the 29 when the infoview file is not found 30 when the query does not have SQL text 30 wizard 6, 10 workflow 11 missing InfoViews 30 P post-migration practices 36 publishing 42 Q query 6 cached copy 42 object 6 without SQL text 37 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide Index R reports 6 format 42 migrated 32 other kinds 30 publishing 42 source files 9 target files 10 testing 36 title 42 version 42 requirements 8 migration 8 source files 10 target files 11 S saved data 31 security definitions 41 security, column-level 41 source files 9 definition 9 requirements 10 SQL Commands 11 strings, date-time 42 T table 42 target files 10 definition 10 requirements 11 testing reports 36 troubleshooting 46 W WARNING messages 53 wizard, migration 6, 10 workflow, migration 11 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide 63 Index 64 Data Source Migration Wizard Administrator's Guide