Polyphony: 54-voice
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outputs, digital outp ut (S/PDIF), headphones
Soundlab :tJ!!m!II!I by Norman Weinberg
DEtails, DEtails
Model: Yamaha DTXtreme lis List Price: $3 ,195 Pads: TP120SD, TP 100 (x4). PCY130, PCY130S, PCYI50S, RHHI30, KP55 Hardware: R150 rack, HS740 hi-hat stand, SS552 snare stand Extras: All necessary cables, 2-meter spiral tube (cable management). drum key Sounds: 2,171 drum and percussion, 128 General MIDI Polyphony: 54-voice
Fine-Tuned And
Readyto Roll
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Drum Kits: 130 (90 factory, 40 user) Songs: 133 (101 fact ory, 32 user) Chains: 32 (each w ith 32 steps) Tempo Range: 30-300 Resolution: 1/ 95 ppq Trigger Inputs: 15 (8 stereo , 4 dual-mono) MIDI: In, Out, Thru Computer Port: USB Other Inputs: footswit ch , aux in Audio Outputs: 5 assignab le individu al outputs, digital outp ut (S/PDIF), headphones
Effects : 4 (2 global 2 insertion) Sampling Memory : 8MB (94 seco nds mono) Storage : 3.3v SmartMedia Card More Brain Features : Tap tempo, groove check, 3D localizer effect, MIDI drivers. More Pad Features: Three-zone snare and tom s, three-zone ride, pad co ntroller knobs on snare and toms, output level adjustments on all pads.
Since rhe very early days of MIDI and elecrronic percussion, Yamaha has produced machines that consistently improve upon the feel, features, and fun factor that elecrronic drum sers can offer. Their newly-upgraded flagship DTXrreme IIs isn't a "from the ground up " rebuild, bur rhere are severa l significanr improvemenrs over the previous version . The IIs is a six-pie ce kir with hi hac and three cymbal s. The big news: all the drum and cym bal pads (includ ing the hi -hat) are newly designed. Th e lIs brain now feature s the abiliry ro creare sam ples, and a selec tio n of ph ysically m odeled voices from Yamaha's popular M orif produ ct line. The Pads. The kit 's pad s include : the TP 120SD 12" sna re pad with a floaring head surface and rwo distin ct rim rriggers ; four TP 100s (a 10" version of the rriple rrigger sn are pad ); and th e new KP65 kick . For cymbals: th e PCY130 and PCY130S are 13" single and double-rrigger pads that are design ed as crashes; th e PCY 150S is a 15" three-zone pad for the rid e; and th e RHH 130 is a 13" stereo hi-hac pad . The rom and snare pads feel a lircle softer th an previou s models, and the built-in pad canrroller knobs are a grear idea. Rather than reaching for the brain to adjust, you can contr ol
Yamaha gets even more Xtreme
cerra in mu sical param erers (like sna re ten sion and rom pirch) from th is kno b in real rime. Th e rwo di fferenr rim pads can select berween three different not e-on mode s, whi ch include: single (which will cur off a sound assigned to rhe head , perfect for cross-stick rim shots) , hold (used to star t o r srop loop s or any oth er voice), and wirhpad mode (fires --t
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is d own. Th e ins tant th e pad det ects the minimum
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ped al point , the
foot -closed vo ice fires. If th e ped al is th en released w ith in a ce rta in
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tim e, the spl ash voice fires, Thi s is one of those stic ky issue s that co u ld eit her be a prob lem o r a featu re dep en din g on how you loo k at it
foot -closed not e, on e sou nd ; splash, rwo so u nds at once.
Th e KP6 5 kick pad has an ad d itio na l input so that an other single tri gger pad ca n be co n nec ted via a ste reo cab le. Whil e the beat ing
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sur face is large e no ugh ro accommo d at e a d oubl e ped al, it's no t roo
bulk y. The pa d include s both a Velcro strip on t he botto m o f the p edal a nd a pa ir o f sp u rs for sta bility. T he enti re kit was resp onsi ve - t he kick pad was parti cu larly
impr essive . T he snar e and tom pad s are fast with ou t bei ng too hard o r roo soft, and the cym ba l pads have sligh tly less give th an th e ro m pad s.
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My favo rite was the rid e, whi ch felt very comf o rt able an d resp ond ed well ro my ro uc h. T he re wasn't any cross talk between t he pad s' hea d and rim tt iggers
Bird's eye view of the brain's panel
(even t he tripl e-trigg er pads ), b u t so me adj ust me nts had to be m ad e ro speci fic pa d reject io n sett ings w he n playing w it h a ve ry heavy han d . Som e vib rat io ns traveled thro ugh the rack betw een th e two mo unted ro ms an d betw een the tw O floo r rom s. T his was fixed w ith a simpl e